[edit]Alternative forms
[edit]From Proto-Slavic *dȍmъ (“house; home”).
[edit]дом • (dom) m inan (genitive до́му, uncountable)
- home, house, abode (a dwelling)
- 1938 [1848], Charles Dickens, anonymous translator, Домбі і сын, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Dombey and Son, page 576:
- Калі развіднела, ён зноў замкнуўся ў сваім пакоі. Ён хацеў паехаць сёння. Але чапляўся за гэтыя сувязі, што прывязвалі яго да дому — апошняе і адзінае, што асталася ў яго. Ён паедзе заўтра.
- Kali razvidnjela, jon znoŭ zamknuŭsja ŭ svaim pakói. Jon xacjeŭ pajexacʹ sjónnja. Alje čapljaŭsja za hetyja suvjazi, što pryvjazvali jahó da dómu — apóšnjaje i adzinaje, što astalasja ŭ jahó. Jon pajedzje zaŭtra.
- [original: When the day broke he was shut up in his rooms again. He had meant to go away to-day, but clung to this tie in the house as the last and only thing left to him. He would go to-morrow.]
- home (one’s native land; the place or country in which one dwells; the place where one’s ancestors dwell or dwelt)
- Synonym: радзі́ма (radzíma)
- Дзе ж мой дом, дзе мой люд? ― Dzje ž moj dom, dzje moj ljud? ― Where is my home, where are my people?
- 1913, А. Новіч, Амэрыканец, Пецярбург: Загляне сонцэ і ў нашэ ваконцэ, page 12:
- — Ну, штож? добра жыць у Амэрыцэ, а ўсёж такі да дому захацелася? Рад, што вярнуўся да хаты?
- — Nu, štož? dóbra žycʹ u Ameryce, a ŭsjož taki da dómu zaxacjelasja? Rad, što vjarnuŭsja da xaty?
- "Well, howdy? It's good to live in America, but you still missed your homeland after all, didn't you? Are you glad to be back home?"
- 1938 [1883], Robert Louis Stevenson, anonymous translator, Востраў скарбаў, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Treasure Island, page 50:
- Да гэтага часу я думаў толькі аб прыгодах, якія чакаюць мяне наперадзе, а не аб доме, які я пакідаю.
- Da hetaha času ja dumaŭ tólʹki ab pryhódax, jakija čakajucʹ mjanje napjeradzje, a nje ab dómje, jaki ja pakidaju.
- [original: I had thought up to that moment of the adventures before me, not at all of the home that I was leaving;]
[edit]дом • (dom) m inan (genitive до́ма, nominative plural дамы́, genitive plural дамо́ў)
- building (a closed structure with walls and a roof)
- Synonym: буды́нак (budýnak)
- 1938 [1848], Charles Dickens, anonymous translator, Домбі і сын, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Dombey and Son, page 284:
- Вакол усяго дома, ад фундамента пад самы дах, падымаўся лабірынт рыштаванняў.
- Vakól usjahó dóma, ad fundamjenta pad samy dax, padymaŭsja labirynt ryštavannjaŭ.
- [original: There was a labyrinth of scaffolding raised all round the house, from the basement to the roof.]
- 1938 [1848], Charles Dickens, anonymous translator, Домбі і сын, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Dombey and Son, page 330:
- Зірнем на два дамы; яны не стаяць адзін каля другога, але раздзелены вялікай адлегласцю, хоць абодва знаходзяцца недалёка ад вялікай сталіцы — Лондана.
- [Зірне́м на два дамы́; яны́ не стая́ць адзі́н каля́ друго́га, але́ раздзе́лены вялі́кай адле́гласцю, хоць або́два знахо́дзяцца недалёка ад вялі́кай сталі́цы — Лондана.]
- Zirnjém na dva damý; janý nje stajácʹ adzín kaljá druhóha, aljé razdzjéljeny vjalíkaj adljéhlascju, xocʹ abódva znaxódzjacca njedaljóka ad vjalíkaj stalícy — Lóndana.
- [original: Turn we our eyes upon two homes; not lying side by side, but wide apart, though both within easy range and reach of the great city of London.]
[edit]- “дом”, in Skarnik's Belarusian dictionary (in Belarusian), based on Kandrat Krapiva's Explanatory Dictionary of the Belarusian Language (1977-1984)
- “дом” in Belarusian–Russian dictionaries and Belarusian dictionaries at slounik.org
[edit]Inherited from Old Church Slavonic домъ (domŭ), from Proto-Slavic *dȍmъ (“house; home”).
[edit]дом • (dom) m
[edit]- “дом”, in Речник на българския език [Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language] (in Bulgarian), Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2014
- “дом”, in Речник на българския език [Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language] (in Bulgarian), Chitanka, 2010
[edit]Inherited from Proto-Slavic *dȍmъ (“house; home”).
[edit]дом • (dom) m (plural до́мови, relational adjective до́машен, diminutive до́мче)[1]
- home, house (a residential building)
- Synonym: ку́ќа (kúḱa)
- О́ва е мо́јот дом. ― Óva e mójot dom. ― This is my home.
- family
- home, house (as part of a name of an establishment)
- сту́дентски дом ― stúdentski dom ― student dorms / dorm / dormitory
- (figurative) homeland
- chamber, house (one of the two bodies that make up the congregation in some countries)
[edit]singular | plural | |
indefinite | дом (dom) | домови (domovi) |
definite unspecified | домот (domot) | домовите (domovite) |
definite proximal | домов (domov) | домовиве (domovive) |
definite distal | домон (domon) | домовине (domovine) |
vocative | дому (domu) | домови (domovi) |
count form | — | дома (doma) |
Derived terms
[edit]- бездомен (bezdomen)
- бездомник m (bezdomnik)
- бездомничка f (bezdomnička)
- бездомништво n (bezdomništvo)
- вдоми (vdomi)
- вдомува (vdomuva)
- дома (doma)
- домазет m (domazet)
- домазетство n (domazetstvo)
- домар m (domar)
- домаси (domasi)
- домаќин m (domaḱin)
- домаќинка f (domaḱinka)
- домаќинлак m (domaḱinlak)
- домаќински (domaḱinski)
- домаќинство n (domaḱinstvo)
- домашар m (domašar)
- домашарка f (domašarka)
- домашен (domašen)
- домашна f (domašna)
- домашно n (domašno)
- домороден (domoroden)
- домородец m (domorodec)
- домува (domuva)
- задоми (zadomi)
- задомува (zadomuva)
- недомаќин m (nedomaḱin)
- недомаќинка f (nedomaḱinka)
- недомаќински (nedomaḱinski)
- одомаши (odomaši)
- раздоми (razdomi)
- раздомува (razdomuva)
[edit]- ^ Tolovski, Dime, Illich-Svitych, Vladislav M. (1963) Македонско-руски речник / Македонско-русский словарь [Macedonian-Russian Dictionary][1] (in Russian), Soviet Union, Moscow: State Publishing House of Foreign and Ethnicity Dictionaries, page 96: “дом ― dom”
2. “дом” in Дигитален речник на македонскиот јазик (Digitalen rečnik na makedonskiot jazik) [Digital dictionary of the Macedonian language] − drmj.eu
[edit]Alternative forms
[edit]- домъ (dom) — Pre-reform orthography (1918)
[edit]Inherited from Old East Slavic домъ (domŭ, “house; home”), from Proto-Slavic *dȍmъ (“house; home”), from Proto-Balto-Slavic *damús, from Proto-Indo-European *dṓm (“home; house”)
[edit]дом • (dom) m inan (genitive до́ма, nominative plural дома́ or до́мы*, genitive plural домо́в, relational adjective дома́шний or домово́й or домо́вый, diminutive до́мик, augmentative доми́ще or доми́на, pejorative доми́шко)
- house, building (a residential building)
- Synonym: (building in general) зда́ние (zdánije)
- обы́скивать дом за до́мом ― obýskivatʹ dom za dómom ― to search house by house
- кварти́рный дом ― kvartírnyj dom ― apartment building; block of flats
- 1842, Николай Гоголь [Nikolai Gogol], “Том I, Глава VI”, in Мёртвые души; English translation from Constance Garnett, transl., Dead Souls—A Poem, London: Chatto & Windus, 1922:
- Сде́лав оди́н и́ли два поворо́та, геро́й наш очути́лся наконе́ц пе́ред са́мым до́мом, кото́рый показа́лся тепе́рь ещё печа́льнее.
- Sdélav odín íli dva povoróta, gerój naš očutílsja nakonéc péred sámym dómom, kotóryj pokazálsja tepérʹ ješčó pečálʹneje.
- After turning round two or three corners, our hero found himself at last in front of the house, which looked even gloomier at close quarters.
- house, home (as part of a name of an establishment)
- изда́тельский дом ― izdátelʹskij dom ― publishing house
- сумасше́дший дом ― sumasšédšij dom ― insane asylum; madhouse
- дом о́тдыха ― dom ótdyxa ― holiday resort
- дом престаре́лых ― dom prestarélyx ― retirement home
- plot (in some street addresses: a group of buildings sharing the same street number)
- Моско́вское шоссе́, дом 123, ко́рпус 2, кварти́ра 10 ― Moskóvskoje šossé, dom 123, kórpus 2, kvartíra 10 ― 123 Moskovskoye highway, building 2, apartment 10
- home
- родно́й дом ― rodnój dom ― native home
- Дом англича́нина — его́ кре́пость. ― Dom angličánina — jevó krépostʹ. ― An Englishman's home is his castle.
- dynasty, noble house
- дом Рома́новых ― dom Románovyx ― the Romanov dynasty
- чума́ на о́ба ва́ши до́ма ― čumá na óba váši dóma ― a plague on both your houses
Usage notes
[edit]- The nominative-accusative plural до́мы (dómy), largely unused now, was in earlier Russian (as late as 19th century) sometimes restricted to the accusative case and distinguished from a nominative plural дома́ (domá). Compare the nominative plural домовє (domove), accusative plural домꙑ (domy) of Old Church Slavonic домъ (domŭ).
[edit]singular | plural | |
nominative | до́м dóm |
дома́△, до́мы* domá△, dómy* |
genitive | до́ма dóma |
домо́в domóv |
dative | до́му dómu |
дома́м domám |
accusative | до́м dóm |
дома́△, до́мы* domá△, dómy* |
instrumental | до́мом dómom |
дома́ми domámi |
prepositional | до́ме dóme |
дома́х domáx |
partitive | до́му dómu |
locative | дому́ domú |
△ Irregular.
* Archaic or nonstandard.
Derived terms
[edit]- -до́мный (-dómnyj)
- бездо́мный (bezdómnyj)
- двудо́мный (dvudómnyj)
- многодо́мный (mnogodómnyj)
- надо́мный (nadómnyj)
- однодо́мный (odnodómnyj)
- до́ма (dóma)
- дома́шний (domášnij)
- дома́шнее зада́ние n (domášneje zadánije), дома́шняя рабо́та f (domášnjaja rabóta)
- дома́шка f (domáška)
- дома́шние pl anim (domášnije)
- одома́шнить pf (odomášnitʹ), одома́шнивать impf (odomášnivatʹ)
- одома́шненный (odomášnennyj)
- одома́шнивание n (odomášnivanije)
- дома́шнее зада́ние n (domášneje zadánije), дома́шняя рабо́та f (domášnjaja rabóta)
- домови́на f (domovína)
- домови́тый (domovítyj)
- домово́й (domovój)
- домовёнок m anim (domovjónok)
- придомово́й (pridomovój)
- домо́й (domój)
- домовладе́лец m anim (domovladélec)
- доморо́щенный (domoróščennyj)
- домосе́д m anim (domoséd)
- домотка́ный (domotkányj)
- домохозя́йка f anim (domoxozjájka)
- домоча́дец m anim (domočádec)
- дому́шник m anim (domúšnik)
[edit]Inherited from Proto-Slavic *dȍmъ (“house; home”).
[edit]до̏м m (Latin spelling dȍm)
[edit]- Belarusian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Belarusian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Belarusian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Belarusian terms with audio pronunciation
- Belarusian lemmas
- Belarusian nouns
- Belarusian uncountable nouns
- Belarusian masculine nouns
- Belarusian inanimate nouns
- Belarusian terms with quotations
- Belarusian terms with usage examples
- Belarusian hard masculine-form nouns
- Belarusian hard masculine-form accent-c nouns
- Belarusian nouns with accent pattern c
- be:Buildings
- Bulgarian terms inherited from Old Church Slavonic
- Bulgarian terms derived from Old Church Slavonic
- Bulgarian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Bulgarian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Bulgarian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Bulgarian terms with audio pronunciation
- Bulgarian lemmas
- Bulgarian nouns
- Bulgarian masculine nouns
- bg:Buildings
- bg:Home
- bg:Housing
- bg:Family
- Macedonian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Macedonian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Macedonian 1-syllable words
- Macedonian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Macedonian oxytone terms
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- Macedonian lemmas
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- Macedonian masculine nouns
- mk:Buildings
- mk:Home
- Macedonian terms with usage examples
- Macedonian masculine nouns with plurals in -ови
- Russian terms inherited from Old East Slavic
- Russian terms derived from Old East Slavic
- Russian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Russian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Russian terms inherited from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Russian terms derived from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Russian terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Russian 1-syllable words
- Russian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Russian terms with audio pronunciation
- Rhymes:Russian/om
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- Russian lemmas
- Russian nouns
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- Russian hard-stem masculine-form nouns
- Russian hard-stem masculine-form accent-c nouns
- Russian nouns with accent pattern c
- Russian nouns ending in a consonant with plural -а
- Russian hard-stem masculine-form accent-e nouns
- Russian nouns with accent pattern e
- Russian nouns with multiple accent patterns
- Russian irregular nouns
- Russian nouns with irregular nominative plural
- Russian nouns with partitive singular
- Russian nouns with locative singular
- ru:Buildings
- ru:Home
- ru:Housing
- Serbo-Croatian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Serbo-Croatian lemmas
- Serbo-Croatian nouns
- Serbo-Croatian masculine nouns
- sh:Buildings
- sh:Home