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Alternative forms




From Proto-Slavic *dȍmъ (house; home).


  • IPA(key): [dom]
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дом (domm inan (genitive до́му, uncountable)

  1. home, house, abode (a dwelling)
    Synonyms: жыллё (žylljó), жытло́ (žytló)
    • 1938 [1848], Charles Dickens, anonymous translator, Домбі і сын, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Dombey and Son, page 576:
      Калі развіднела, ён зноў замкнуўся ў сваім пакоі. Ён хацеў паехаць сёння. Але чапляўся за гэтыя сувязі, што прывязвалі яго да дому — апошняе і адзінае, што асталася ў яго. Ён паедзе заўтра.
      Kali razvidnjela, jon znoŭ zamknuŭsja ŭ svaim pakói. Jon xacjeŭ pajexacʹ sjónnja. Alje čapljaŭsja za hetyja suvjazi, što pryvjazvali jahó da dómu — apóšnjaje i adzinaje, što astalasja ŭ jahó. Jon pajedzje zaŭtra.
      [original: When the day broke he was shut up in his rooms again. He had meant to go away to-day, but clung to this tie in the house as the last and only thing left to him. He would go to-morrow.]
  2. home (one’s native land; the place or country in which one dwells; the place where one’s ancestors dwell or dwelt)
    Synonym: радзі́ма (radzíma)
    Дзе ж мой дом, дзе мой люд?Dzje ž moj dom, dzje moj ljud?Where is my home, where are my people?
    • 1913, А. Новіч, Амэрыканец, Пецярбург: Загляне сонцэ і ў нашэ ваконцэ, page 12:
      — Ну, штож? добра жыць у Амэрыцэ, а ўсёж такі да дому захацелася? Рад, што вярнуўся да хаты?
      — Nu, štož? dóbra žycʹ u Ameryce, a ŭsjož taki da dómu zaxacjelasja? Rad, što vjarnuŭsja da xaty?
      "Well, howdy? It's good to live in America, but you still missed your homeland after all, didn't you? Are you glad to be back home?"
    • 1938 [1883], Robert Louis Stevenson, anonymous translator, Востраў скарбаў, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Treasure Island, page 50:
      Да гэтага часу я думаў толькі аб прыгодах, якія чакаюць мяне наперадзе, а не аб доме, які я пакідаю.
      Da hetaha času ja dumaŭ tólʹki ab pryhódax, jakija čakajucʹ mjanje napjeradzje, a nje ab dómje, jaki ja pakidaju.
      [original: I had thought up to that moment of the adventures before me, not at all of the home that I was leaving;]





дом (domm inan (genitive до́ма, nominative plural дамы́, genitive plural дамо́ў)

  1. building (a closed structure with walls and a roof)
    Synonym: буды́нак (budýnak)




  • дом”, in Skarnik's Belarusian dictionary (in Belarusian), based on Kandrat Krapiva's Explanatory Dictionary of the Belarusian Language (1977-1984)
  • дом” in Belarusian–Russian dictionaries and Belarusian dictionaries at slounik.org


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Inherited from Old Church Slavonic домъ (domŭ), from Proto-Slavic *dȍmъ (house; home).





дом (domm

  1. residential building, home, house
    Synonym: къ́ща (kǎ́šta)
  2. family
  3. native place




  • дом”, in Речник на българския език [Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language] (in Bulgarian), Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2014
  • дом”, in Речник на българския език [Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language] (in Bulgarian), Chitanka, 2010





Inherited from Proto-Slavic *dȍmъ (house; home).





дом (domm (plural до́мови, relational adjective до́машен, diminutive до́мче)[1]

  1. home, house (a residential building)
    Synonym: ку́ќа (kúḱa)
    О́ва е мо́јот дом.Óva e mójot dom.This is my home.
  2. family
  3. home, house (as part of a name of an establishment)
    сту́дентски домstúdentski domstudent dorms / dorm / dormitory
  4. (figurative) homeland
  5. chamber, house (one of the two bodies that make up the congregation in some countries)


Declension of дом
singular plural
indefinite дом (dom) домови (domovi)
definite unspecified домот (domot) домовите (domovite)
definite proximal домов (domov) домовиве (domovive)
definite distal домон (domon) домовине (domovine)
vocative дому (domu) домови (domovi)
count form дома (doma)

Derived terms



  1. ^ Tolovski, Dime, Illich-Svitych, Vladislav M. (1963) Македонско-руски речник / Македонско-русский словарь [Macedonian-Russian Dictionary]‎[1] (in Russian), Soviet Union, Moscow: State Publishing House of Foreign and Ethnicity Dictionaries, page 96:домdom

2. “дом” in Дигитален речник на македонскиот јазик (Digitalen rečnik na makedonskiot jazik) [Digital dictionary of the Macedonian language] − drmj.eu



Alternative forms




Inherited from Old East Slavic домъ (domŭ, house; home), from Proto-Slavic *dȍmъ (house; home), from Proto-Balto-Slavic *damús, from Proto-Indo-European *dṓm (home; house)





дом (domm inan (genitive до́ма, nominative plural дома́ or до́мы*, genitive plural домо́в, relational adjective дома́шний or домово́й or домо́вый, diminutive до́мик, augmentative доми́ще or доми́на, pejorative доми́шко)

  1. house, building (a residential building)
    Synonym: (building in general) зда́ние (zdánije)
    обы́скивать дом за до́момobýskivatʹ dom za dómomto search house by house
    кварти́рный домkvartírnyj domapartment building; block of flats
    • 1842, Николай Гоголь [Nikolai Gogol], “Том I, Глава VI”, in Мёртвые души; English translation from Constance Garnett, transl., Dead Souls—A Poem, London: Chatto & Windus, 1922:
      Сде́лав оди́н и́ли два поворо́та, геро́й наш очути́лся наконе́ц пе́ред са́мым до́мом, кото́рый показа́лся тепе́рь ещё печа́льнее.
      Sdélav odín íli dva povoróta, gerój naš očutílsja nakonéc péred sámym dómom, kotóryj pokazálsja tepérʹ ješčó pečálʹneje.
      After turning round two or three corners, our hero found himself at last in front of the house, which looked even gloomier at close quarters.
  2. house, home (as part of a name of an establishment)
    изда́тельский домizdátelʹskij dompublishing house
    сумасше́дший домsumasšédšij dominsane asylum; madhouse
    дом о́тдыхаdom ótdyxaholiday resort
    дом престаре́лыхdom prestarélyxretirement home
  3. plot (in some street addresses: a group of buildings sharing the same street number)
    Моско́вское шоссе́, дом 123, ко́рпус 2, кварти́ра 10Moskóvskoje šossé, dom 123, kórpus 2, kvartíra 10123 Moskovskoye highway, building 2, apartment 10
  4. home
    родно́й домrodnój domnative home
    Дом англича́нинаего́ кре́пость.Dom angličánina — jevó krépostʹ.An Englishman's home is his castle.
  5. dynasty, noble house
    дом Рома́новыхdom Románovyxthe Romanov dynasty
    чума́ на о́ба ва́ши до́маčumá na óba váši dómaa plague on both your houses

Usage notes

  • The nominative-accusative plural до́мы (dómy), largely unused now, was in earlier Russian (as late as 19th century) sometimes restricted to the accusative case and distinguished from a nominative plural дома́ (domá). Compare the nominative plural домовє (domove), accusative plural домꙑ (domy) of Old Church Slavonic домъ (domŭ).



Derived terms






Inherited from Proto-Slavic *dȍmъ (house; home).





до̏м m (Latin spelling dȍm)

  1. home, house

