Unsupported titles/`num`

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#︎ #️
Text style is forced with ⟨︎⟩ and emoji style with ⟨️⟩.
also #
# U+0023, #
Basic Latin $


A # used on a telephone keypad



# (English symbol name number sign or hash or pound sign or octothorpe)

  1. (computing) The hash character.
  2. (Internet) A hashtag, which is a metadata tag for use in microblogging and social network services, used to label and search content.
  3. (cartography) Used to denote a village.
  4. (chess notation) Used to denote checkmate.
    Synonym: ++
  5. (medicine, shorthand) Used to denote a bone fracture.
    #NOFfractured neck of femur
  6. (mathematics, computer science) Used to indicate string concatenation.
  7. (mathematics) Apartness, a binary relation such that if a#b, then any other element c is apart from at least one of a,b. See apartness relation.
  8. (mathematics) Primorial.
  9. (set theory) The cardinality of a set.
    Synonyms: card, | |
  10. (linguistics) Used to indicate that a sentence is grammatical but semantically strange.
    #Jane is a great hostess and John is too.
    #I slept a wink last night.
    #Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
  11. (phonology) Used to indicate a word boundary.
    d → t / _#/d/ devoices to [t] before a word boundary
  12. (sign language linguistics) Used to indicate a lexicalized sign.
  13. (Usenet) Used to pad the left side of a quotation from a manual or official source.
    Coordinate term: >
  14. Alternative form of .
  15. Alternative form of (key available on telephone keypads).
  16. (music) Alternative form of (sharp).

Derived terms






Derived from the abbreviation lb for Latin libra (pound), via the medieval convention of indicating abbreviations with a bar, .



# (plural # or #s)

  1. (US, food packaging) Pound (unit of weight).
    3#three pounds
  2. (attributive, precedes a numeral) Number.
    Synonym: no.
    #3number three
  3. (Internet slang, text messaging) Number.
    • 1986 December 14, Ben Robbins, “Operator Denies Request For Gay Phone #”, in Gay Community News, volume 14, number 22, page 2:
    • 1997 June 17, RYankowski [username], “Why collect new U.S.?”, in rec.collecting.stamps[1] (Usenet):
      I have collected U.S. Stamps since I was a boy back in the 1950's. At that time there was a low # being printed and it was affordable.
  4. (Scrabble) In English-language Scrabble, indicates that a word is only found in the British accepted word list and not the North American list.

Further reading




Alternative forms

  • (superscript) #






  1. (Mainland China) Alternative form of (number), used after a numeral.