Wiktionary:Requested entries (Low German)

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    — Note also that such requests, like the information requested, belong on the base form of a word, not on inflected forms.

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Requested-entry pages for other languages: Category:Requested entries.


  • ark - etymon of ark, possibly Middle Low German (thus maybe belonging here)
  • arkener - etymon of ark, possibly Middle Low German (thus maybe belonging here)
  • ahnen (to suspect, guess)




  • dermen or Dermen or Därmen - Middle or New Low German? As in: "Hermen, sla dermen, | sla pipen, sla trummen, | de kaiser wil kummen | met hamer un stangen | wil Hermen uphangen." It occurs in several variants, e.g. sometimes it's with regular German capitalisation, with ^ over long vowels or with å (in sla/slå). It's said to be a popular Westphalian folk rhyme, and seems to have been discovered in the 19th century (1830s).
  • dorlik
  • drāt - see Estonian traat












  • jiu - you (pl., dat./acc.) = NHG euch. Does it also mean ye/you (pl., nom.) = ihr (2nd ps. pl., nom.), or is it an error in "Dät könn jiu us nit verweern" and "Maket jiu mänt, dät de Türk mot laupen" (from Das Bauerntum des Delbrücker Landes, a High German book with Low German sayings etc.)? Long i developed into ui and long u into iu (Umlaut ui) in Delbrückisch, e.g.: diu = NHG du, dui = dir/dich, mui = mir/mich, wui = wir, Tuit = Zeit, Huisken = Häuschen; thus expected forms would rather be *jui = ihr and jiu = euch...
  • Junge, South- or Southeastwestphalian with request for inflection ({{rfinfl|nds|noun}}, cp. this page's talk page) - boy






  • meestendeels
  • Middelpunkt
  • Míjämeken, Míjäntel - ant. Gender? (Just a guess: The former neuter like words with diminutive suffix -ken and mîjämeken & mîghainken in Woeste's dictionary; the later maybe feminine like mîgénte & mîgampelte in Woeste's dictionary?)
  • muffen, muffe - both likely etymons of English muffin


  • peel und deel (or peel, deel) - from "Evangelisch-Lutherisches Gemeinde-Blatt. Organ der Ev.-Luth. Synoden von Wisconsin und Minnesota. Redigirt von einer Comittee. 11. Jahrg. No. 3. Milwaukee, Wis., den 1. October 1875. Lauf. No. 276." and "Haus und Herd. Ein Familien-Magazin für Jung und Alt. Redigirt von H. Liebhart. Vierter Jahrgang." (USA, 1876, p. 495); both sources have almost the same text but with some spelling differences like Mode vs. Mood
  • puddig (inflated) - see Danish pude


  • quassen (from the following derivation of English "quaff" (v.) "to gulp, etc.": "...perhaps imitative, or perhaps from Low German quassen "to overindulge (in food and drink)," with -ss- (-ſſ-) misread as -ff-...)









