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Etymology 1


Borrowed from Old Church Slavonic искоупити (iskupiti). By surface analysis, iz- +‎ kúpiti.


  • IPA(key): /iskǔːpiti/
  • Hyphenation: is‧ku‧pi‧ti



iskúpiti pf (Cyrillic spelling иску́пити)

  1. (transitive) to ransom, to buy out, to redeem
  2. (reflexive) to atone for something one has done, to redeem oneself
  3. (reflexive, Christianity) to receive forgiveness for one’s sins, to be redeemed


  • iskupiti” in Hrvatski jezični portal
  • Pero Budmani, editor (1887–1891), “iskúpiti”, in Rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika[1] (in Serbo-Croatian), volume 3, Zagreb: JAZU, page 905

Etymology 2


iz- +‎ kȕpiti.


  • IPA(key): /ǐskupiti/
  • Hyphenation: is‧ku‧pi‧ti



ìskupiti pf (Cyrillic spelling ѝскупити)

  1. (transitive) to gather, to collect [since the 16th century]
    • a. 1823, “Banović Strainja”, in Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, editor, Narodne srpske pjesme[2], volume 2, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, published 1823, page 120:
      Што је земље те облада царе,
      Сву је Турску силу подигао,
      У Косово поље искупио, […]
      Što je zemlje te oblada care,
      Svu je Tursku silu podigao,
      U Kosovo polje iskupio, […]
      As for the lands that the emperor has conquered,
      he raised their entire Turkish force,
      gathered them in Kosovo Field, […]
  2. (reflexive) to gather together, to assemble


  • iskupiti” in Hrvatski jezični portal
  • Pero Budmani, editor (1887–1891), “ìskupiti”, in Rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika[3] (in Serbo-Croatian), volume 3, Zagreb: JAZU, page 906