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U+263D, ☽

Miscellaneous Symbols
An 18th-century astronomical pillar in Scotland. The moons of Jupiter and Saturn are designated 1☽, 2☽, 3☽ &c. (leftmost column).
The 1833 US Nautical Almanac uses ☽ for both the first quarter moon phase (left column) and as a generic symbol for the moon of any phase (right column). Elsewhere in the almanac, ☾ is used as the generic symbol for the moon.



Alternative forms

  • (for all senses but [4] and [6]), rarely 🌙



The lunar crescent is an ancient symbol for the moon.[1] Its orientation varies between increscent and decrescent.



  1. nighttime.
  2. (astronomy, astrology) the Moon.
    a subscript to variables in mathematical equations, such as π (lunar parallax)
    • 1803, Robert Patterson, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, volume 40 (in English), Princeton University Press, published 2013, page 71:
      Suppose the apparent angular distance of the sun & moon's nearest limbs [...] to be 110°.2′.30″ the app. alt of ☉'s lower limb measuring 20°.40′ and that of 's lower limb 35°.24′
  3. (astronomy, rare) a natural satellite (see image at right).
  4. (astronomy, astrology, rare) the first quarter of the Moon.
    Synonym: 🌓︎
  5. (alchemy) silver.
    Synonym: 🜛
  6. (alchemy, rare) quicksilver, contrasting with for silver.
  7. (rare) Monday
    Refers to the Latin phrase dies Lunae, which literally means "Moon's day".

Derived terms

Planetary symbols
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  1. ^ Jones, Alexander (1999) Astronomical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus, →ISBN, pages 62–63





  1. moon
    • 1652, Elias Ashmole, Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, page 451:
      Witneſſe their power in Plants, Herbes, Corne, and what is Vegitable, whoſe Seeds diverſly proſper, or decay, according to the ſtate of the with the ☉ at the time of their ſowing.



Alternative forms

See also: ☽tum



 f (genitive ☽nae); first declension

  1. (alchemy) Abbreviation of luna (moon).
    • 1701, Johann Christoph Sommerhoff, Lexicon pharmaceutico-chymicum latino-germanicum & germanico-latinum [Pharmaceutico-Chemical Lexicon, Latin-German and German-Latin], page 5:
      Eſt quaſi medium inter ☉ & ☽tum, inter ☉lem & ☽nam
      It is like the middle between gold and silver, between the sun and the moon
    • 1701, Johann Christoph Sommerhoff, Lexicon pharmaceutico-chymicum latino-germanicum & germanico-latinum [Pharmaceutico-Chemical Lexicon, Latin–German and German–Latin], page 399:
      Arte ſivè Chymice parata: ut Vitriolum ♃vis, ☽næ, ♂tis, ☉lis, ♀ris
      Those prepared by art or chemically: as vitriol of Jupiter, of the Moon, of Mars, of the Sun, of Venus



First-declension noun.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative ☽nae
Genitive ☽nae ☽nārum
Dative ☽nae ☽nīs
Accusative ☽nam ☽nās
Ablative ☽nā ☽nīs
Vocative ☽na ☽nae