Appendix:Latin third declension

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Latin nouns of the third declension have genitive singular forms in -is. The nominative and vocative singular forms are identical to each other, and are often quite different from other cases: thus it is common to refer to third-declension nouns using two citation forms, the nominative singular and genitive singular, separated by a comma, e.g. rādīx, rādīcis f (root). This declension includes nouns of all three genders.

The third declension includes both nouns that originally had a stem ending in a consonant, and nouns that originally had a stem ending in the vowel i (as seen for example in the neuter genitive plural animalium). By Classical Latin, these two etymologically distinct categories had become confused, and in a number of cases, conflated: as a result, in addition to 'pure' consonant-stem and i-stem inflection, many third-declension nouns display 'mixed' patterns of declension.

Words borrowed from Greek's third declension are inflected with a varying mixture of Greek and Latin case endings.

General endings

Third declension endings
Case Singular Plural
m./f. n. m./f. n.
nominative -s / -ēs / -is -∅
-ēs -a
genitive -is -um
dative -ibus
accusative -em
ablative -e
vocative -s / -ēs / -is -∅
-ēs -a
locative -ī (-e) -ibus
  • Students of Latin are typically taught to memorize the nominative singular form of a third-declension noun as a stem of its own. Non-neuter nouns normally end in -s in the nominative singular, but this suffix frequently causes additional changes in form, as when it combines with a preceding -c- /k/ or -g- /ɡ/ to form -x /ks/ (as in vōx, vōcis or rēx, rēgis). Other endings can also be seen, such as in non-neuter n-stem nouns (e.g. homō, hominis).
  • Certain endings have consonant-stem and i-stem variants. I-stem nouns regularly have a nominative/accusative neuter plural in -ia and a genitive plural in -ium. Masculine and feminine i-stem nouns commonly formed their accusative plural in -īs up through Classical Latin, but it eventually became common in later Latin to replace this with the variant form -ēs. The ablative singular in is found in i-stem neuter nouns and a relatively small number of "pure" i-stem masculine or feminine nouns. The accusative singular in -im is also a feature of "pure" non-neuter i-stems. Most non-neuter i-stem nouns instead display a 'mixed' declension pattern with singular forms like those of a consonant stem (an ablative singular in -e and an accusative singular in -em) alongside i-stem plural forms.

Parisyllables and Imparisyllables


Nouns are called "parisyllabic" if they have the same number of syllables in the nominative and genitive singular (e.g. the nom. civis and gen. civis both have two syllables). Nouns are called "imparisyllabic" if they have different numbers of syllables in the nominative and genitive singular (e.g. the nom. consul and gen. consulis have two and three syllables, respectively).

  • Non-neuter parisyllabic nouns tend to show i-stem plural endings, whereas non-neuter imparisyllabic nouns tend to show consonant-stem plural endings, but there are a number of exceptions. In some "imparisyllabic" nouns, the genitive plural nonetheless ends in "-ium": lis, litis; dos, dotis; mus, muris; etc.
  • Certain parisyllabic nouns show 'pure' i-stem inflection with an accusative singular in "-im" and an ablative singular in "-i": turris,-is; puppis, -is; sitis, -is; vis, -is; tussis, -is; securis, -is; febris, -is.

Neuter nouns follow a different rule. Rather than counting the syllables, neuter third-declension nouns tend to be pure i-stem if the nominative singular ends either in -e, or in -al or -ar with a genitive singular in -ālis/-āris. (Historically, these nominative singular forms in -al or -ar developed from shortening of original -āle or -āre.) Otherwise, neuter third-declension nouns tend to be pure consonant-stems.

  • For example, "animal, -is" and "calcar,-is" inflect with i-stem endings.



Imparisyllabic consonant stem


Citation form: homō, hominis m

Case Singular Plural
nominative homō homin·ēs
genitive homin·is homin·um
dative homin·ī homin·ibus
accusative homin·em homin·ēs
ablative homin·e homin·ibus
vocative homō homin·ēs

Neuter consonant stem


Citation form: nōmen, nōminis n

Case Singular Plural
nominative nōmen nōmin·a
genitive nōmin·is nōmin·um
dative nōmin·ī nōmin·ibus
accusative nōmen nōmin·a
ablative nōmin·e nōmin·ibus
vocative nōmen nōmin·a

Parisyllabic i-stem


Citation form: turris, turris f

Case Singular Plural
nominative turris turrēs
genitive turris turrium
dative turrī turribus
accusative turrem (-im) turrēs (-īs)
ablative turre (-ī) turribus
vocative turris turrēs

Neuter i-stem


Citation form: animal, animālis n

Case Singular Plural
nominative animal animālia
genitive animālis animālium
dative animālī animālibus
accusative animal animālia
ablative animālī animālibus
vocative animal animālia

Mixed declension (mixed i-stem)


Citation form: nox, noctis f

Case Singular Plural
nominative nox noctēs
genitive noctis noctium
dative noctī noctibus
accusative noctem noctēs
ablative nocte noctibus
vocative nox noctēs

Greek declensions


Declension general


Citation form: āēr, āeris m, sometimes f

Case Singular Plural
nominative āēr āer·ēs
genitive āer·is / āer·os āer·um
dative āer·ī āer·ibus
accusative āer·a / āer·em āer·ēs
ablative āer·e āer·ibus
vocative āēr āer·ēs

Citation form: tigris, tigridis m and f

Case Singular Plural
nominative tigris tigr·ēs / tigrid·ēs
genitive tigrid·is / tigr·is / tigrid·os tigr·ium
dative tigrid·ī / tigr·ī tigr·ibus
accusative tigr·im / tigr·in tigr·is / tigrid·as
ablative tigrid·e / tigr·ī tigr·ibus
vocative tigris tigr·ēs / tigrid·ēs

Similiar to i-stem declension:

Case Singular Plural
nominative -is -es
genitive -is; -os; -eos -ium; -eon
dative -i -ibus
accusative -im; -in -is, -es; -eis
ablative -i -ibus
vocative -is -es


For feminine proper nouns from Greek in with genitive in -ūs, see Appendix:Latin fourth declension § Feminine -ō form (from Greek).

Five types of third-declension Greek nouns


Excluding proper nouns, there seem to be around 4-5 types of declensions of Greek nouns as part of Latin's 3rd declension:

1. in -ō, like ēchō, -ūs, f.
  • Genitive singular -ūs, all other singular cases -ō. Unlike Latin third-declension nouns, which eventually came to have short -ŏ the nominative/vocative singular, the -ō in Greek nouns was always long.
  • Not used in the plural.
  • echo is said to be in 3rd declension - not in 4 as it's here at Wiktionary.
  • Georges mentions acc. sg as -ōn for êchô.
  • It might also be -ōnis, -ōnī, -ōnem, -ōne (gen., dat., acc., abl. sg.), like the proper noun Dīdō, which was sometimes adapted and inflected like a native Latin third-declension word with a genitive singular in -ōnis.
2. chaos, epos, melos - n.
  • It's commonly said that some cases are missing or were missing in antique times.
Case n.
Nom. -os
Gen. -i; -us
Dat. -o; -i
Acc. -os
Abl. -o
Voc. -os
Nom. -ē (-ea)
Gen. -um
Dat. -ibus
Abl. -ibus

There are 3 declension variants: 1. more like Greek declension; 2. influenced by Latin's second declension and 3. changed to masculine words like Latin's second declension (e.g. cētus, -i, m. from cētos, -us, n. = (τό) κῆτος).

3. chelys (f.)
  • It is similar to the variant that is similar to i-stem declension (see below), but often without i, e.g.: as -n instead of -in added to chely-, or as -yn instead of -in added to chel-.
  • Instead of e.g. -ibus in dat.&abl. pl. it might also be chelybus (Lewis Marcus).
  • Somewhere forms like chelin instead of chelyn were mentioned.
4. Like i-declension
Case m./f.
Nom. -is
Gen. -is; -eos, -ios
Acc. -im; -in
Voc. -is (-i)
Case Plural
Nom. -ēs
Gen. -ium; -eōn
Dat. -ibus
Acc. -īs, -ēs
Abl. -ibus
Voc. -ēs
  • Vowel lengths: Gen. sg.: In older English works (A&G, L&S) it is -eōs instead of -eos. Allen & Greenough and Lewis & Short have -eōs; Lewis Marcus, Georges, Pons have -eos. As Georges and Pons are newer than A&G and L&S, it seems more reliable (cf. stēlla, as opposed to stella).
  • Examples: haeresis, basis (acc. pl. also -e͡is and accourding to Lewis Marcus with other irregular forms), tigris (gen. sg. -is), poēsis (poësis)
5. Like consonantic declension
Cases m./f. or ys, m./f. n.
Nom. ~(s)/~(ēr)/~(n) ~(ys) -a
Gen. -is; -os ‡¹
Dat. -ī; (-i)
Acc. -em; -a -a
Abl. -e
Voc. ~(s)/~(ēr)/~(n) (~ys), -y -a
Kasus Plural
Nom. -ēs; -es -a
Gen. -um -um & -orum
Dat. -ibus; ‡² -ibus & -is
Acc. -ēs; -as (-es) ‡³ -a
Abl. -ibus; ‡² -ibus & -is
Voc. -ēs; -es -a
  • ‡¹ (especially) by words with gen. sg. in dis it is also dos
  • ‡² a) Accourding to Lewis Marcus some words have the ending is resp. -isi and -ibus, e.g. heroisi from heros. b) Weyh writes that dat. pl. can be -si and -sin (example: ethesi), and Georges and Lewis & Short have abl. pl. ethesin of ēthos. "herosi" can be found, it's e.g. in Prisciani Caesariensis Grammatici Opera ("non herosi [...] herosi"). c) ἥρως is like herosi[n] in dat. pl. Thus -si[n] in dat. and abl. pl. makes sense, but heroisi seems wrong. -- Maybe pure Greek declensions (in singular and plural) + (old) transcription into Latin should be added, so one can see what might be possible. (?)
  • ‡³ (at least) some words have -es and -ēs/-as
  • Words of neuter gender have forms of the 3rd and of the 2nd declension in plural. Well, poēma/poëma has those forms, but that could also be an exception.


  • hērōs, adamās (also adamāns), lebēs (Greek-like acc. pl. with -es and -as)
  • lampas (Greek-like acc. pl. with -es and -as), tigris (-idis; having the forms of tigris, -is in gen. sg. and nom., gen., dat. and abl. pl.), delphīn (also delphīs)
  • pēlamys, chlamys
  • crāter, āēr
  • poēma (poëma), n.



The use of the locative case in Latin is highly restricted: it is used for city names, some island names, and a handful of common nouns, but is not used for the vast majority of common nouns. As in all declensions, plural nouns that can be used in the locative (chiefly consisting of plurale tantum proper nouns) take the same endings as the plural dative/ablative: thus, for Trallēs the form Trallibus is used as a locative.

Singular third-declension nouns that can be used in the locative may take the ending , as in rūrī from rūs or Carthāginī from Carthāgō, but ablative singular forms in -e, such as Carthāgine, can also be found used with the same sense.





Latin nouns of the third declension comprise consonant stems and i-stems. The consonant stems include the comparative form of adjectives. This declension is divided into three subcategories: adjectives of one termination (which includes present participles), adjectives of two terminations (one for m and f, and one for n), and adjectives of three terminations (which are generally -er m, -ris f and -re n).



One-termination consonant stem


Citation form: vetus, -eris

Case m f singular n singular m f plural n plural
nominative vetus vetus veter·ēs veter·a
genitive veter·is veter·is veter·um veter·um
dative veter·ī veter·ī veter·ibus veter·ibus
accusative veter·em vetus veter·ēs veter·a
ablative veter·e veter·e veter·ibus veter·ibus
vocative vetus vetus veter·ēs veter·a

One-termination i-stem


Citation form: atrōx, -ōcis

Case m f singular n singular m f plural n plural
nominative atrōx atrōx atrōc·ēs atrōc·ia
genitive atrōc·is atrōc·is atrōc·ium atrōc·ium
dative atrōc·ī atrōc·ī atrōc·ibus atrōc·ibus
accusative atrōc·em atrōx atrōc·ēs, ·īs atrōc·ia
ablative atrōc·ī atrōc·ī atrōc·ibus atrōc·ibus
vocative atrōx atrōx atrōc·ēs atrōc·ia

Two-termination consonant stem (comparatives)


Citation form: melior, -us

Case m f singular n singular m f plural n plural
nominative melior melius meliōr·ēs meliōr·a
genitive meliōr·is meliōr·is meliōr·um meliōr·um
dative meliōr·ī meliōr·ī meliōr·ibus meliōr·ibus
accusative meliōr·em melius meliōr·ēs meliōr·a
ablative meliōr·e meliōr·e meliōr·ibus meliōr·ibus
vocative melior melius meliōr·ēs meliōr·a

Two-termination i-stem


Citation form: tristis, -e

Case m f singular n singular m f plural n plural
nominative trist·is trist·e trist·ēs trist·ia
genitive trist·is trist·is trist·ium trist·ium
dative trist·ī trist·ī trist·ibus trist·ibus
accusative trist·em trist·e trist·ēs, -īs trist·ia
ablative trist·ī trist·ī trist·ibus trist·ibus
vocative trist·is trist·e trist·ēs trist·ia

See also
