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From out- +‎ look.


  • Noun:
    • IPA(key): /ˈaʊtˌlʊk/
    • Audio (US):(file)
  • Verb:


outlook (plural outlooks)

  1. A place from which something can be viewed.
    Synonyms: vantage point, overlook
    Perched on the edge of the cliff was a hidden outlook.
    • 1667, Edward Waterhouse, A Short Narrative of the Late Dreadful Fire in London, London: Richard Thrale et al., p. 97,[1]
      This fetched tears from the innocent eyes, those Casements and out-looks of the tender heart of our Lord Jesus, who beholding the City Ierusalem wept over it,
  2. The view from such a place.
  3. An attitude or point of view.
    Synonyms: attitude, opinion, perspective, point of view, vantage point, viewpoint
    He has a positive outlook on life.
  4. Expectation for the future.
    Synonyms: expectation, prognosis, prospect
    The outlook for temperature rises is worrying.



outlook (third-person singular simple present outlooks, present participle outlooking, simple past and past participle outlooked)

  1. (intransitive, archaic, literary) To face or look in an outward direction.
    Synonym: look out
    • 1577, Raphaell Holinshed, “Queene Elizabeth”, in The Laste Volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande [], volume II, London: [] for Iohn Hunne, →OCLC, page 1792, column 1:
      This old man with the ſythe, olde father Tyme they call, / And hir his daughter Trueth, which holdeth yonder Booke, / Whome he out of his rocke hath brought forth to vs all, / From whence this many yeares ſhe durſt not once out looke.
    • 1610, Gervase Markham, Markhams Maister-peece, or, What Doth a Horse-man Lack? London, Chapter 103 “Certaine speciall Notes to be obserued in buying of a horse,” pp. 204-205,[2]
      [...] marke his colour and his shape, that is to say, a comely well proportioned head, with an outlooking eye, good well raised shoulders, and a thicke large breast [...]
    • 1622, Samuel Purchas, The Kings Towre and Triumphant Arch of London, London, 1623, pp. 32-33,[3]
      A Towre [...] is, or ought to be [...] mounted with bulwarks, towred with turrets, battailed for out-looking artillerie, enclosed with ditches [...]
    • 1895, Henry van Dyke, “Alpenrosen and Goat’s Milk” in Little Rivers, New York: Scribner, p. 150,[4]
      [...] would we look at the rooms? Outlooking on the piazza, with a balcony from which we could observe the Festa of to-morrow.
    • 1932, William Faulkner, chapter 20, in Light in August, [New York, N.Y.]: Harrison Smith & Robert Haas, →OCLC; republished London: Chatto & Windus, 1933, →OCLC, page 460:
      The train stopped: the slow aisle, still interrupted with outlooking, then the descent among faces grave, decorous, and judicial: [...]
  2. (transitive, archaic) To look at (someone) so long or intently that they look away; to win or prevail over (someone or something).
    Synonyms: outstare, face down, browbeat, overcome
    • c. 1596 William Shakespeare, King John, Act V, Scene 2,[5]
      [...] I drew this gallant head of war,
      And cull’d these fiery spirits from the world,
      To outlook conquest and to win renown
      Even in the jaws of danger and of death.
    • c. 1611 George Chapman (translator), The Iliads of Homer, London: Nathaniell Butter, Book 11, p. 145,[6]
      There made they stand; there euerie eye, fixt on each other, stroue
      Who should outlooke his mate amaz’d:
    • 1645, Henry Hammond, XXXI Sermons Preached on Several Occasions, London: Richard Royston, 1684, Sermon 8, p. 519,[7]
      [...] the news of the judgment to come, in the Preachers mouth, will be under an heavy suspicion of fraud and cheat, and in fine, pass but for fictions [...] too weak to outlook a brave glittering temptation:
    • 1838, Thomas Miller, Royston Gower, London: W. Nicholson, Chapter 37, p. 329,[8]
      Once or twice he attempted to outlook the Saxon prisoner, but Hereward shrank not beneath his glance [...]
    • 1911, Henry Gilbert, King Arthur’s Knights: The Tales Retold for Boys & Girls, Edinburgh & London: T.C. & E.C. Jack, Chapter 11, p. 299,[9]
      The pain which the king suffered would have softened any ordinary heart; but the murderer was a hard and callous wretch, and his brazen eyes outlooked the king.
  3. (transitive, obsolete) To be more attractive than (someone or something).
    • 1731, Mary Delany, letter dated 4 October, 1731, in {{w|George Paston) (ed.), Mrs. Delany (Mary Granville): A Memoir, 1700-1788, London: Grant Richards, 1900, p. 64,[10]
      Nobody’s equipage outlooked ours except my Lord Lieutenant’s, but in every respect I must say Mrs. Clayton outshines her neighbours [...]
    • 1793, Hester Piozzi, letter dated 22 May, 1793, in Oswald G. Knapp (ed.), The Intimate Letters of Hester Piozzi and Penelope Pennington, 1788-1821, London: The Bodley Head, 1914, p. 89,[11]
      [...] Sally quite outlooked her sister by the bye, and was very finely drest.
    • 1862, B. F. Taylor, diary entry dated 5 November, 1862, in E. R. Hutchins (ed.), The War of the Sixties, New York: The Neale Publishing Company, 1912, p. 36,[12]
      Burnside, handsome, stately, outlooked his chief on horseback as on foot.
  4. (transitive, obsolete) To inspect throughly; to select.
    • 1689, Charles Cotton, “The Angler’s Ballad” in Poems on Several Occasions, London: Thomas Bassett et al., p. 76,[13]
      Away to the Brook,
      All your Tackle out look,
      Here’s a day that is worth a year’s wishing;
      See that all things be right,
      For ’tis a very spight
      To want tools when a man goes a fishing.
  5. (transitive, obsolete) To look beyond (something).
    • 1680, John Yalden, Compendium Politicum, or, The Distempers of Government, London: Robert Clavel, p. 54,[14]
      [...] to fit minds to so even a temper, that both should round the same circle, and never out-look the Horizon of their reciprocal Interest, is a work altogether impossible.

Derived terms
