Big Mac

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See also: Big Mäc


English Wikipedia has an article on:
Big Mac



big and the patronymic Mac (from the Mc in McDonald's).





Big Mac (plural Big Macs)

  1. A hamburger from the fast food company McDonald's, served on a three-part bun with various condiments.
    • 1980, Tom Lorenz, Guys Like Us, Viking Press, page 1:
      On his thirtieth birthday Buddy Barnes received a reindeer sweater and a ten-dollar bill from his mom, as well as the following gifts from the Sticks: two Big Mac certificates, a package of ribbed prophylactics, three pairs of toe socks, a bottle of Wild Turkey, [...].
    • 2001, Bjørn Lomborg, The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World, Cambridge University Press, page 73:
      In a light-hearted vein, the weekly news magazine The Economist has tested the PPP index by producing its own Big Mac index. This shows how much a standardized product such as a Big Mac costs in different countries and the result is actually surprisingly close to the PPP index.
    • 2003, Arthur Agatston, The South Beach Diet: The Delicious, Doctor-Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Management, Rodale, page 144:
      I've heard my patients talk about exercising to "burn off the Big Mac" they ate for lunch or for that key lime pie they demolished last night. However, this type of reasoning isn't all that compelling if you sit down and work out the math. You must walk more than 6 miles—well over an hour—to burn off a Big Mac.
    • 2006, Dr. Calvin Miller, The Dogs of Snoqualmie, Broadman & Holman Publishers, page 12:
      But when he comes back, he'll come home from work with a poisoned Big Mac and try to do me in.







Borrowed from English Big Mac.



Big Mac c (singular definite Big Macen, plural indefinite Big Macer)

  1. Big Mac





Borrowed from English Big Mac.





Big Mac m (plural Big Macs, diminutive Big Macje n)

  1. Big Mac





Unadapted borrowing from English Big Mac.


  • IPA(key): /ˈbiɡ ˈmæk/, [ˈbiɡ ˈmæk]



Big Mac

  1. Big Mac


Inflection of Big Mac (Kotus type 5/risti, no gradation)
nominative Big Mac Big Macit
genitive Big Macin Big Macien
partitive Big Maciä Big Macejä
illative Big Maciin Big Maceihin
singular plural
nominative Big Mac Big Macit
accusative nom. Big Mac Big Macit
gen. Big Macin
genitive Big Macin Big Macien
partitive Big Maciä Big Macejä
inessive Big Macissä Big Maceissä
elative Big Macistä Big Maceistä
illative Big Maciin Big Maceihin
adessive Big Macillä Big Maceillä
ablative Big Maciltä Big Maceiltä
allative Big Macille Big Maceille
essive Big Macinä Big Maceinä
translative Big Maciksi Big Maceiksi
abessive Big Macittä Big Maceittä
instructive Big Macein
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of Big Mac (Kotus type 5/risti, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative Big Macini Big Macini
accusative nom. Big Macini Big Macini
gen. Big Macini
genitive Big Macini Big Macieni
partitive Big Maciäni Big Macejäni
inessive Big Macissäni Big Maceissäni
elative Big Macistäni Big Maceistäni
illative Big Maciini Big Maceihini
adessive Big Macilläni Big Maceilläni
ablative Big Maciltäni Big Maceiltäni
allative Big Macilleni Big Maceilleni
essive Big Macinäni Big Maceinäni
translative Big Macikseni Big Maceikseni
abessive Big Macittäni Big Maceittäni
comitative Big Maceineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative Big Macisi Big Macisi
accusative nom. Big Macisi Big Macisi
gen. Big Macisi
genitive Big Macisi Big Maciesi
partitive Big Maciäsi Big Macejäsi
inessive Big Macissäsi Big Maceissäsi
elative Big Macistäsi Big Maceistäsi
illative Big Maciisi Big Maceihisi
adessive Big Macilläsi Big Maceilläsi
ablative Big Maciltäsi Big Maceiltäsi
allative Big Macillesi Big Maceillesi
essive Big Macinäsi Big Maceinäsi
translative Big Maciksesi Big Maceiksesi
abessive Big Macittäsi Big Maceittäsi
comitative Big Maceinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative Big Macimme Big Macimme
accusative nom. Big Macimme Big Macimme
gen. Big Macimme
genitive Big Macimme Big Maciemme
partitive Big Maciämme Big Macejämme
inessive Big Macissämme Big Maceissämme
elative Big Macistämme Big Maceistämme
illative Big Maciimme Big Maceihimme
adessive Big Macillämme Big Maceillämme
ablative Big Maciltämme Big Maceiltämme
allative Big Macillemme Big Maceillemme
essive Big Macinämme Big Maceinämme
translative Big Maciksemme Big Maceiksemme
abessive Big Macittämme Big Maceittämme
comitative Big Maceinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative Big Macinne Big Macinne
accusative nom. Big Macinne Big Macinne
gen. Big Macinne
genitive Big Macinne Big Macienne
partitive Big Maciänne Big Macejänne
inessive Big Macissänne Big Maceissänne
elative Big Macistänne Big Maceistänne
illative Big Maciinne Big Maceihinne
adessive Big Macillänne Big Maceillänne
ablative Big Maciltänne Big Maceiltänne
allative Big Macillenne Big Maceillenne
essive Big Macinänne Big Maceinänne
translative Big Maciksenne Big Maceiksenne
abessive Big Macittänne Big Maceittänne
comitative Big Maceinenne
third-person possessor
singular plural
nominative Big Macinsä Big Macinsä
accusative nom. Big Macinsä Big Macinsä
gen. Big Macinsä
genitive Big Macinsä Big Maciensä
partitive Big Maciään
Big Maciänsä
Big Macejään
Big Macejänsä
inessive Big Macissään
Big Macissänsä
Big Maceissään
Big Maceissänsä
elative Big Macistään
Big Macistänsä
Big Maceistään
Big Maceistänsä
illative Big Maciinsä Big Maceihinsä
adessive Big Macillään
Big Macillänsä
Big Maceillään
Big Maceillänsä
ablative Big Maciltään
Big Maciltänsä
Big Maceiltään
Big Maceiltänsä
allative Big Macilleen
Big Macillensä
Big Maceilleen
Big Maceillensä
essive Big Macinään
Big Macinänsä
Big Maceinään
Big Maceinänsä
translative Big Macikseen
Big Maciksensä
Big Maceikseen
Big Maceiksensä
abessive Big Macittään
Big Macittänsä
Big Maceittään
Big Maceittänsä
comitative Big Maceineen
Big Maceinensä







Borrowed from English Big Mac.





Big Mac m (plural Big Mac or Big Macs)

  1. Big Mac





Big Mac m (strong, genitive Big Mac or Big Macs, plural Big Macs)

  1. Alternative form of Big Mäc







Borrowed from English Big Mac.





Big Mac (plural Big Macek)

  1. Big Mac


Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony)
singular plural
nominative Big Mac Big Macek
accusative Big Macet Big Maceket
dative Big Macnek Big Maceknek
instrumental Big Mackel Big Macekkel
causal-final Big Macért Big Macekért
translative Big Macké Big Macekké
terminative Big Macig Big Macekig
essive-formal Big Macként Big Macekként
inessive Big Macben Big Macekben
superessive Big Macen Big Maceken
adessive Big Macnél Big Maceknél
illative Big Macbe Big Macekbe
sublative Big Macre Big Macekre
allative Big Machez Big Macekhez
elative Big Macből Big Macekből
delative Big Macről Big Macekről
ablative Big Mactől Big Macektől
possessive - singular
Big Macé Big Maceké
possessive - plural
Big Macéi Big Macekéi
Possessive forms of Big Mac
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. Big Macem Big Macjeim
2nd person sing. Big Maced Big Macjeid
3rd person sing. Big Macje Big Macjei
1st person plural Big Macünk Big Macjeink
2nd person plural Big Macetek Big Macjeitek
3rd person plural Big Macjük Big Macjeik





Unadapted borrowing from English Big Mac.



Big Mac m (plural Big Macs)

  1. Big Mac
  2. plural of Big Mac

Usage notes

  • The plural may either be Big Mac or Big Macs depending on whether it is treated as an invariable noun or not.





Borrowed from English Big Mac.



Big Mac (plural Big-Big Mac, informal 1st possessive Big Macku, 2nd possessive Big Macmu, 3rd possessive Big Macnya)

  1. Big Mac


Polish Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia pl



Unadapted borrowing from American English Big Mac.





Big Mac m animal

  1. Big Mac (hamburger from the fast food company McDonald's, served on a three-part bun with various condiments)
    Hypernyms: burger, hamburger



Further reading

  • Big Mac in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • Big Mac in Polish dictionaries at PWN





Unadapted borrowing from English Big Mac.



Big Mac m (plural Big Macs)

  1. Big Mac





Borrowed from English Big Mac.


  • IPA(key): /ˌbiɡ ˈmak/ [ˌbiɣ̞ ˈmak]
  • Syllabification: Big Mac



Big Mac m or f by sense (plural Big Macs)

  1. Big Mac


Swedish Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia sv



Unadapted borrowing from English Big Mac.



Big Mac c

  1. Big Mac
    • 2014 September 5, Jacob Gudiol, “”Riskerna med sötningsmedel är överdrivna” ["The risks of sweeteners are exaggerated."]”, in Svenska Dagbladet:
      Den enda formen av studier där man sett ett samband mellan drycker sötade med sötningsmedel och högre vikt är så kallad epidemiologi. Det du har där är ett exempel på besökaren som beställer två Big Mac med stor pommes och sen tar en lightläsk till det. Det är alltså en association.
      The only type of study where a connection has been observed between drinks sweetened with artificial sweeteners and higher weight is so-called epidemiology. What you have there is an example of a visitor ordering two Big Macs with large fries and then having a diet soda with it. It's therefore an association.
    • 2020 September 15, Fredrik Andersson, Sven Bertil Liljegren, “Världens bäst betalda: Messis monsterlön - 39 Big Mac i minuten [The world's highest paid: Messi's monstrous salary - 39 Big Macs per minute]”, in[1]:
      Skulle det till exempel kurra i magen kan Lionel Messi unna sig och sina 38 bästa vänner en Big Mac i minuten, varje minut, dygnet runt - 365 dagar om året.
      If, for example, Lionel Messi's stomach were to rumble, he could treat himself and his 38 best friends to a Big Mac per minute, every minute, around the clock - 365 days a year.
    • 2023 October 11, Henrik Ekblom Ystén, “När Stephen King ringde Hans-Åke [When Stephen King called Hans-Åke]”, in Vi:
      Han har inte alltid själv gjort så mycket för att nyansera bilden – förr brukade han säga att han var litteraturens motsvarighet till Big Mac & Co – men på senare år har han faktiskt börjat avlägsna sig mer från skräcken.
      He hasn't always done much to nuance the image himself – before he used to say he was the literary equivalent of Big Mac meal – but in recent years, he has actually started to distance himself more from horror.


Declension of Big Mac 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative Big Mac Big Macen Big Macs -
Genitive Big Macs Big Macens Big Macs -

Derived terms


See also
