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Inherited from Sanskrit सह (sahá), through Old Marathi 𑘭𑘮 (saha). Doublet of सुद्धा (suddhā).



सह (sah)

  1. with, along with, together with



सह (sah)

  1. with, along with, together with
    • 2017 November 2, “भूतानचे राजे सहपरिवार पंतप्रधान मोदींच्या भेटीला! [bhūtānce rāje sahaprivār pantapradhān modīñcyā bheṭīlā!]”, in ABP Majha[1], New Delhi, archived from the original on 22 November 2017:
      भूतानचे राजे सहपरिवार पंतप्रधान मोदींच्या भेटीला!
      bhūtānce rāje sahparivār pantapradhān modīñcyā bheṭīlā!
      Bhutan's King at Prime Minister Modi's meeting with [his] family!


  • Berntsen, Maxine (1982–1983) “सह”, in A Basic Marathi-English Dictionary, New Delhi: American Institute of Indian Studies
  • Molesworth, James Thomas (1857) “सह”, in A dictionary, Marathi and English, Bombay: Printed for government at the Bombay Education Society's Press
  • Shankar Gopal Tulpule, Anne Feldhaus (1999) “सह”, in A Dictionary of Old Marathi, Mumbai: Popular Prakashan



Alternative forms




सह (saha)

  1. Devanagari script form of saha (“together with”)
    • c. 500 AD, Kaccāyana, Pālivyākaraṇaṃ [Pali Grammar]‎[2] (overall work in Pali), page 12; republished as Satish Chandra Acharyya Vidyabhusana, editor, Kaccayana's Pali Grammar (edited in Devanagari character and translated into English), Calcutta, Bengal: Mahabodhi Society, 1901:
      सहग्गहणेन धकारस्स हकारादेसो होति;
      Casahaggahaṇena dhakārassa hakārādeso hoti;
      By taking it together with 'ca', one gets a change of 'dh' to 'h';



Alternative forms




Etymology 1


(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)



सह (sahá) stemm

  1. the month मार्गशीर्ष (mārgaśīrṣa)
  2. a particular fire
  3. a species of plant (not known which plant)
  4. name of a son of manu
  5. name of a son of प्राण (prā-ṇa) and ऊर्जस्वती (ūrjasvatī)
  6. name of a son of धृतराष्ट्र (dhṛtarāṣṭra)
  7. name of a son of Krishna and Madri
  8. (with Buddhists) name of a division of the world
  9. (Can we clean up(+) this sense?) name of various plants (unclear which plants)
  10. Unguis odoratus
Masculine a-stem declension of सह
Nom. sg. सहः (sahaḥ)
Gen. sg. सहस्य (sahasya)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative सहः (sahaḥ) सहौ (sahau) सहाः (sahāḥ)
Vocative सह (saha) सहौ (sahau) सहाः (sahāḥ)
Accusative सहम् (saham) सहौ (sahau) सहान् (sahān)
Instrumental सहेन (sahena) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहैः (sahaiḥ)
Dative सहाय (sahāya) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहेभ्यः (sahebhyaḥ)
Ablative सहात् (sahāt) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहेभ्यः (sahebhyaḥ)
Genitive सहस्य (sahasya) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहानाम् (sahānām)
Locative सहे (sahe) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहेषु (saheṣu)

Etymology 2


From Proto-Indo-European *seǵʰ- (to hold, posess, overcome, overpower). Cognate with Ancient Greek ἔχω (ékhō, have, possess, hold), σχῆμᾰ (skhêmă, form, shape, figure), σχολή (skholḗ, leisure, free time; philosophy) whence Latin schola (leisure time for learning, schooltime, school); Latin sēverus (severe, strict, harsh). See also सहस् (sahas).



सह (sahá)

  1. powerful, mighty
  2. overcoming, vanquishing
  3. bearing, enduring, withstanding, defying, equal to, a match for (+ genitive or compound)
  4. causing, effecting, stimulating, exerting
  5. able to, capable of (infinitive or compound)
Masculine a-stem declension of सह
Nom. sg. सहः (sahaḥ)
Gen. sg. सहस्य (sahasya)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative सहः (sahaḥ) सहौ (sahau) सहाः (sahāḥ)
Vocative सह (saha) सहौ (sahau) सहाः (sahāḥ)
Accusative सहम् (saham) सहौ (sahau) सहान् (sahān)
Instrumental सहेन (sahena) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहैः (sahaiḥ)
Dative सहाय (sahāya) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहेभ्यः (sahebhyaḥ)
Ablative सहात् (sahāt) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहेभ्यः (sahebhyaḥ)
Genitive सहस्य (sahasya) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहानाम् (sahānām)
Locative सहे (sahe) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहेषु (saheṣu)
Feminine ā-stem declension of सह
Nom. sg. सहा (sahā)
Gen. sg. सहायाः (sahāyāḥ)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative सहा (sahā) सहे (sahe) सहाः (sahāḥ)
Vocative सहे (sahe) सहे (sahe) सहाः (sahāḥ)
Accusative सहाम् (sahām) सहे (sahe) सहाः (sahāḥ)
Instrumental सहया (sahayā) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहाभिः (sahābhiḥ)
Dative सहायै (sahāyai) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहाभ्यः (sahābhyaḥ)
Ablative सहायाः (sahāyāḥ) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहाभ्यः (sahābhyaḥ)
Genitive सहायाः (sahāyāḥ) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहानाम् (sahānām)
Locative सहायाम् (sahāyām) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहासु (sahāsu)
Neuter a-stem declension of सह
Nom. sg. सहम् (saham)
Gen. sg. सहस्य (sahasya)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative सहम् (saham) सहे (sahe) सहानि (sahāni)
Vocative सह (saha) सहे (sahe) सहानि (sahāni)
Accusative सहम् (saham) सहे (sahe) सहानि (sahāni)
Instrumental सहेन (sahena) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहैः (sahaiḥ)
Dative सहाय (sahāya) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहेभ्यः (sahebhyaḥ)
Ablative सहात् (sahāt) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहेभ्यः (sahebhyaḥ)
Genitive सहस्य (sahasya) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहानाम् (sahānām)
Locative सहे (sahe) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहेषु (saheṣu)

Etymology 3


(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)



सह (sahá) stemn

  1. (Can we clean up(+) this sense?) = बल (bala)
  2. kind of salt
Neuter a-stem declension of सह
Nom. sg. सहम् (saham)
Gen. sg. सहस्य (sahasya)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative सहम् (saham) सहे (sahe) सहानि (sahāni)
Vocative सह (saha) सहे (sahe) सहानि (sahāni)
Accusative सहम् (saham) सहे (sahe) सहानि (sahāni)
Instrumental सहेन (sahena) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहैः (sahaiḥ)
Dative सहाय (sahāya) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहेभ्यः (sahebhyaḥ)
Ablative सहात् (sahāt) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहेभ्यः (sahebhyaḥ)
Genitive सहस्य (sahasya) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहानाम् (sahānām)
Locative सहे (sahe) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहेषु (saheṣu)

Etymology 4


From Proto-Indo-European *sm̥-gʰé ~ *sm̥-gʰó-, from *sm̥- (whole, all, together (with)) + *gʰé (indeed, at any rate, discourse/emphatic particle). The first element is equivalent to स- (sa-); the second element is equivalent to (ha) and also found in नहि (nahi) (< *ne-gʰí); see also हि (hi), (gha). Cognate with Latin singulus, Albanian gjithë.



सह (sahá)

  1. together with, along with, with
    with √grah and ā-√dā — to take with one
    with √dā — to give to take away with one
    (with कृत्वा (kṛtvā) and accusative) taking with one; in the company of
  2. often as a preposition governing instrumental case, but generally placed after the governed word
    तेन सह (tena saha)along with him
    1. (exceptionally with ablative)
    ऐश्वर्यात् सह (aiśvaryāt saha)with sovereignty
  3. in common, in company, jointly, conjointly, in concert
  4. often used as a prefix in compounds, expressing "community of action"
    सहाध्ययन (sahā-dhyayana)studying together, companionship in study
  5. forming adjectives expressing "the companion of an action"
    सहचर (saha-cara)going with, accompanying, associating with
  6. (prefixed to adverbs of time) at the same time or simultaneously with
    सहपूर्वाह्णम् (saha-pūrvā-hṇam)simultaneously with the beginning of forenoon
  7. (rarely at the end of a compound)
    वैनतेयसह (vainateya-saha)with vainateya

Etymology 5


From the preposition, probably etymologically "one who is with (another person)".



सह (sahá) stemm

  1. companion
Masculine a-stem declension of सह
Nom. sg. सहः (sahaḥ)
Gen. sg. सहस्य (sahasya)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative सहः (sahaḥ) सहौ (sahau) सहाः (sahāḥ)
Vocative सह (saha) सहौ (sahau) सहाः (sahāḥ)
Accusative सहम् (saham) सहौ (sahau) सहान् (sahān)
Instrumental सहेन (sahena) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहैः (sahaiḥ)
Dative सहाय (sahāya) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहेभ्यः (sahebhyaḥ)
Ablative सहात् (sahāt) सहाभ्याम् (sahābhyām) सहेभ्यः (sahebhyaḥ)
Genitive सहस्य (sahasya) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहानाम् (sahānām)
Locative सहे (sahe) सहयोः (sahayoḥ) सहेषु (saheṣu)
  • Romani: -ça
  • Old Javanese: saha
  • Pali: saha
  • Marathi: सह (sah)

