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See also: tw, TW, tw., t.w., and ṯw




English Wikipedia has an article on:

. + ISO 3166-1 country code for Republic of China, tw.




  1. The ccTLD for Republic of China (Taiwan) as assigned by the IANA.

Country code top-level domains
Active:  .ac  .ad  .ae  .af  .ag  .ai  .al  .am  .ao  .aq  .ar  .as  .at  .au  .aw  .ax  .az  .ba  .bb  .bd  .be  .bf  .bg  .bh  .bi  .bj  .bm  .bn  .bo  .br  .bs  .bt  .bw  .by  .bz  .ca  .cc  .cd  .cf  .cg  .ch  .ci  .ck  .cl  .cm  .cn  .co  .cr  .cu  .cv  .cw  .cx  .cy  .cz  .de  .dj  .dk  .dm  .do  .dz  .ec  .ee  .eg  .es  .et  .eu  .fi  .fj  .fk  .fm  .fo  .fr  .ga  .gd  .ge  .gf  .gg  .gh  .gi  .gl  .gm  .gn  .gp  .gq  .gr  .gs  .gt  .gu  .gw  .gy  .hk  .hm  .hn  .hr  .ht  .hu  .id  .ie  .il  .im  .in  .io  .iq  .ir  .is  .it  .je  .jm  .jo  .jp  .ke  .kg  .kh  .ki  .km  .kn  .kp  .kr  .kw  .ky  .kz  .la  .lb  .lc  .li  .lk  .lr  .ls  .lt  .lu  .lv  .ly  .ma  .mc  .md  .me  .mg  .mh  .mk  .ml  .mm  .mn  .mo  .mp  .mq  .mr  .ms  .mt  .mu  .mv  .mw  .mx  .my  .mz  .na  .nc  .ne  .nf  .ng  .ni  .nl  .no  .np  .nr  .nu  .nz  .om  .pa  .pe  .pf  .pg  .ph  .pk  .pl  .pm  .pn  .pr  .ps  .pt  .pw  .py  .qa  .re  .ro  .rs  .ru  .rw  .sa  .sb  .sc  .sd  .se  .sg  .sh  .si  .sk  .sl  .sm  .sn  .sr  .ss  .st  .sv  .sx  .sy  .sz  .tc  .td  .tf  .tg  .th  .tj  .tk  .tl  .tm  .tn  .to  .tr  .tt  .tv  .tw  .tz  .ua  .ug  .uk  .us  .uy  .uz  .va  .vc  .ve  .vg  .vi  .vn  .vu  .wf  .ws  .ye  .yt  .za  .zm  .zw

Reserved/unassigned:  .bl  .bq  .eh  .er  .mf  .um       Allocated/unused:  .bv  .gb  .sj  .so       Phaseout: .su  .tp       Deleted/retired:  .an  .bu  .cs  .dd  .zr  .yu

See also: Generic top-level domains







impersonal suffix pronoun

  1. (Middle Egyptian, Late Egyptian) used as the impersonal subject of an adverbial predicate or verb form; one, someone or something unspecified
  2. used as a substitute for noun phrases referring to the king [since the New Kingdom]

Usage notes


In the sense referring to the king, this pronoun is conventionally translated as capitalized “One”.

Alternative forms


Derived terms



  1. (Middle Egyptian, Late Egyptian) forms the passive of most verb forms

Alternative forms


See under the pronoun above.



 sg 2. stative ending ;


 f sg 3. stative ending ; (later)


 c stative ending

  1. (Late Egyptian, Neo-Middle Egyptian, attached to a stative verb form) Alternative form of .tj (you, she, her)
  2. (Late Egyptian, attached to a stative verb form) the general (unmarked) stative ending, used with all genders and numbers

Usage notes


By the end of the 20th Dynasty, all stative endings were levelled to this single form, .tw, or (interchangeably) simply not written at all. After that time all the written forms of the traditional stative endings no longer represented separate morphemes in the spoken language but were mere allographs of .tw or ∅.




  • James P[eter] Allen (2010) Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs, 2nd edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, pages 181, 206, 232.
  • Junge, Friedrich (2005) Late Egyptian Grammar: An Introduction, second English edition, Oxford: Griffith Institute, pages 81–82, 101–102