Wiktionary:About Old Ruthenian

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Old Ruthenian is defined in Wiktionary as being between the mid-15th century (c. 1450) to the late 18th century (c. 1800).

Spelling normalization



Letters for entries in Old Ruthenian in Wiktionary
а б в г кг ґ * д е ж з ї и й к л м н о ѡ * п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь ѣ є ю ѧ
a b v h g d e ž z i j k l m n o o ô p r s t u f x c č š šč ʺ y ʹ ě je ju ja

* Use these letters for alternative forms.[1]

See also WT:Old Ruthenian transliteration

Concerining spelling, the following practices are followed:

  • For /e/ use е instead of є or Middle Belarusian э.
    • Use є instead of е to show initial iotation or in a position after vowels.[2]
      • The letter е at the beginning of a word is used only in borrowings where there is no iotation.[3]
  • For /o/ use о instead of ѻ, , etc.
    • Use ѡ only in alternative forms to represent Middle Ukrainian /ô/ in the position after consonants.[4]
  • For /u/ use у instead of оу, or ѫ.
  • For /y/ use ы instead of .
  • For /i/ use и instead of і or ѵ.
    • Always use ї to represent /i/ before vowels and iotations.[5]
  • For /j/ use й avoiding и.[6]
  • For /je/ use є instead of е or ѥ.
  • For /ju/ use ю instead of ѭ.
  • For /ja/ use and ѧ instead of я or ѩ.
    • Use and ѧ as etymologically expected.[7]
      • Use where /ja/ originated from /a/ or any other sound.[8]
      • Use ѧ in Polish borrowings with a nasal /ę/.[9]
  • There should always be ъ at the end if the word ends in a consonant.[10]
    • The letter ъ is also used to separate consonants from subsequent iotated vowels.[11]
    • Don't use ъ (the same applies to ь) inside a word between consonants, in the position of Old East Slavic reduced ъ /ŭ/ and ь /ĭ/ if they were lost.[12]
  • Always use ѣ as etymologically expected.[13]
    • It is permissible to replace ѣ with и in entries of alternative Middle Ukrainian forms.[14]
  • For /g/ use кг for main entries and ґ in alternative form.
  • For /z/ use з instead of ѕ, , etc.
  • For /šč/ use щ instead of Middle Belarusian шч.
  • For /ks/ preferably use кс instead of ѯ.
  • For /ps/ preferably use пс instead of ѱ.
  • For /f/ preferably use ф instead of ѳ.

Word forms


Give preference to these forms of words:

  1. ^ E.g. кгрунтъ (grunt) and alternative spelling form ґрунтъ (grunt); or бобъ (bob) and alternative Middle Ukrainian form бѡбъ (bôb).
  2. ^ E.g. єжъ (jež), за́єцъ (zájecʹ), etc.
  3. ^ E.g. ерро́ръ (errór) < Latin error, ехо (exo) < Old Polish echo, etc.
  4. ^ E.g. ра́рѡгъ (rárôh), дѡмъ (dôm), вѡлъ (vôl), пѡ́знїй (pốznij), etc.
  5. ^ E.g. гїє́на (hijéna), мело́дїꙗ (melódija), си́нїй (sínij), кї́євскїй (kíjevskij), правосла́вїє (pravoslávije), etc.
  6. ^ E.g., ру́скїй (rúskij) or голубы́й (holubýj) is correct, but ру́скии (rúskii) or голубы́и (holubýi) is incorrect.
  7. ^ E.g. ꙗгнѧ́ (jahnjá) < Proto-Slavic *(j)àgnę, во́лꙗ (vólja) < Proto-Slavic *voľà, зїꙗ́ти (zijáti) < Proto-Slavic *zijàti, ѧзы́къ (jazýk) < Proto-Slavic *(j)ęzỳkъ, etc.
  8. ^ E.g. цыбу́лꙗ (cybúlja) < Old Polish cebula, Россї́ꙗ (Rossíja) < Byzantine Greek Ῥωσσία (Rhōssía), ола́дьꙗ (oládʹja) < Ancient Greek ἐλάδιον (eládion), ꙗли́на (jalína) < єли́на (jelína), etc.
  9. ^ E.g. дѧ́ковати (djákovati) < Old Polish dziękować, etc.
  10. ^ E.g., оди́нъ (odín) or сынъ (syn) is correct, but оди́н (odín) or сын (syn) is incorrect.
  11. ^ E.g. въѣ́здъ (vʺjě́zd), обезъꙗ́на (obezʺjána), въю́нъ (vʺjún), etc.
  12. ^ E.g. гри́вна (hrívna) < Proto-Slavic *grìvьna is correct, but гри́вьна (hrívʹna), гри́въна (hrívna) is incorrect.
  13. ^ E.g. ѣ́сти (jě́sti) < Proto-Slavic *ě̀sti is correct, but є́сти (jésti), е́сти (ésti) is incorrect.
  14. ^ E.g. звѣръ (zvěr) and звиръ (zvir), etc.
  15. ^ E.g. вовкъ (vovk), мо́ва (móva), жо́втый (žóvtyj), from earlier волкъ (volk), мо́лва (mólva), жо́лтый (žóltyj), etc.
  16. ^ E.g. украи́нецъ (ukraínecʹ), сма́лецъ (smálecʹ), селе́децъ (selédecʹ), etc.
  17. ^ E.g. вовчи́ца (vovčíca), комони́ца (komoníca), вѣ́верица (vě́verica), etc.
  18. ^ E.g. нарѣ́чьє (narě́čʹje), воло́сьє (volósʹje), правосла́вїє (pravoslávije), etc.
  19. ^ E.g. чоты́ри (čotýri), чоловѣ́къ (čolově́k), бчола́ (bčolá), жо́нка (žónka), etc.

Typical layout

==Old Ruthenian==

===Alternative forms===
* {{alt|zle-ort|}}

{{inh+|zle-ort|orv|}}, from {{inh|zle-ort|sla-pro|*}}{{dercat|zle-ort|ine-bsl-pro|ine-pro|inh=1}}{{root|zle-ort|ine-pro|*-}}. {{surf|zle-ort||}}.
{{bor+|zle-ort|zlw-mpl|}}. {{etydate|c|early/mid/late 1500s/16th century, and later exactly from 1555}}
From {{af|zle-ort|}}. Compare {{cog|pl|}}.


# {{lb|zle-ort|}} [[]] {{gl|}}
#: {{syn|zle-ort|}}

====Derived terms====

====Related terms====

* {{desc|be|}}
* {{desc|rue|}}
* {{desc|uk||;|<g:><qq:dialectal>}}
* {{desc|zle-mru||bor=1|unc=1}}
** {{desc|ru|}}


===Further reading===
* {{R:zle-obe:HSBM||||}}
* {{R:zle-ouk:SUM-28|||}}
* {{R:zle-ouk:ISUJa||}}
* {{R:zle-ouk:SSUM|||}}
* {{R:zle-ouk:MSPKUM|||}}
* {{R:zle-ouk:UK||}}
* {{R:zle-ouk:Dezső:1996||}}



Reference template Work Notes
Main Old Ruthenian dictionaries
{{R:zle-obe:HSBM||||}} Zhurawski, A. I., Bulyka, A. M., editor (1982–2017), Гістарычны слоўнік беларускай мовы [Historical Dictionary of the Belarusian Language] (in Belarusian), numbers 1–37 (А – ящыкъ), Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka |1= Entry name (e.g. слово)
|2= Page (e.g. 429)
|3= Issue (e.g. 31)
|4= URL code from https://verbum.by/hsbm/ (e.g. slovo)
{{R:zle-ouk:SUM-28|||}} Hrynchyshyn, D. H., Voitiv, H. V., Chikalo, M. I., editor (1994–2022), Словник української мови XVI – 1-ї пол. XVII ст.: у 28-ми вип. [Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language of 16ᵗʰ – 1ˢᵗ half of 17ᵗʰ c.: in 28ᵗʰ issue] (in Ukrainian), numbers 1–18 (А – мѧтка), Lviv: Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, →ISBN |1= Entry name (e.g. звѣръ)
|2= Page (e.g. 139)
|3= Issue (e.g. 11)
{{R:zle-ouk:ISUJa||}} Tymchenko, E. K., editor (1930–1932), Історичний словник українського язика [Historical Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language] (in Ukrainian), volume 1, numbers 1–2 (А – жяловати), Kharkiv, Kyiv: State Publishing House of Ukraine; Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia |1= Entry name (e.g. жена)
|2= Page (e.g. 917)
{{R:zle-ouk:SSUM|||}} Hrynchyshyn, D. H., editor (1977–1978), Словник староукраїнської мови XIV–XV ст. [Dictionary of the Old Ukrainian Language of the 14ᵗʰ–15ᵗʰ cc.] (in Ukrainian), volumes 1–2 (А – Ѳ), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka |1= Entry name (e.g. дяковати)
|2= Page (e.g. 342)
|3= Volume (e.g. 1)
Additional Old Ruthenian dictionaries
{{R:zle-ouk:MSPKUM|||}} Tymchenko, E. K. (2002–2003) Nimchuk, V. V., editor, Матеріали до словника писемної та книжної української мови XV–XVIII ст.: у 2-х кн. [Materials for the Dictionary of the Written and Book Ukrainian Language of 15ᵗʰ–18ᵗʰ cc.: in 2 bks.] (in Ukrainian), volumes 1–2 (А – Я), Kyiv, New York: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S., →ISBN |1= Entry name (e.g. рука)
|2= Page (e.g. 299)
|3= Volume (e.g. 2)
{{R:zle-ouk:UK||}} Dydyk-Meush, H. M., Slobodzianyk, O. Z. (2015) Українські краєвиди XVI–XVIII ст. [Ukrainian landscapes of 16ᵗʰ–18ᵗʰ cc.] (in Ukrainian), Lviv: Kolo, →ISBN |1= Entry name (e.g. степъ)
|2= Page (e.g. 312)
{{R:zle-ouk:KomSUM||}} Dydyk-Meush, H. M. (2018) Комбінаторний словник української мови XVI–XVIII ст. (А – Б) [Combinatorial Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language of the 16ᵗʰ–18ᵗʰ cc. (A – B)] (in Ukrainian), Lviv: Kolo, →ISBN, pages 503–687 |1= Entry name (e.g. блядивый)
|2= Page (e.g. 581)
{{R:zle-ouk:Dezső:1996||}} Dezső, László (1996) Деловая письменность русинов в XVII–XVIII вв. [Rusyn Business Writing in the 17ᵗʰ–18ᵗʰ c.] (in Russian), Nyíregyháza: Bessenyei György Tanárképző Főiskola; Ukrán és Ruszin Filológiai Tanszék |1= Entry name (e.g. ширый)
|2= Page (e.g. 182)
{{R:zle-obe:SBL|}} Pryhodzič, M. R., Civanova, H. K., editors (1997), Старабеларускі лексікон [Old Belarusian Lexicon] (in Belarusian), Minsk: Society “Chata”, →ISBN |1= Entry name (e.g. хортъ)
Other sources of Old Ruthenian words
{{R:orv:S.Rus||}} Stryzhak, O. S., editor (1985), Етимологічний словник літописних географічних назв Південної Русі [Etymological Dictionary of Chronicle Geographical Names of Southern Rus'] (in Ukrainian), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka |1= Entry name (e.g. Чьрнобыль)
|2= Page (e.g. 174)
{{R:uk:EDUL|||}} Rudnyc'kyj, Ja.-B. (1962–1982) An Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language, volumes 1–2 (А – Ь), numbers 1–22, Winnipeg, Ottawa: Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences; Ukrainian Mohylo-Mazepian Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian Language Association, →LCCN |1= Entry name (e.g. вода́)
|2= Page (e.g. 458)
|3= Volume (e.g. 2)
{{R:zle-ouk:Dezső:1965||}} Dezső, László (1965) Материалы к словарю закарпатской литературы XVI–XVII вв. [Materials for the Dictionary of Transcarpathian Literature of the 16ᵗʰ–17ᵗʰ cc.] (in Russian), microfilm, Budapest |1= Entry name
|2= Page
{{R:zle-ouk:ULM16||}} Ohienko, Ivan (1930) Українська літературна мова XVI-го ст. і Крехівський Апостол 1560-х р. [Ukrainian Literary Language of the 16ᵗʰ с. & the Krekhiv Apostle of 1560s] (in Ukrainian), volume 2, Warsaw: Synodal Printing House |1= Entry name (e.g. Тимоѳей)
|2= Page (e.g. 129)
{{R:zle-ouk:URS17||}} Ohienko, Ivan (1951) Українсько-російський словник початку XVII-го віку [An early 17ᵗʰ c. Ukrainian-Russian Dictionary] (Slavistica; 11) (in Ukrainian), Winnipeg: Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences |1= Entry name (e.g. доскона́лы)
|2= Page (e.g. 29)
{{R:zle-ort:Lexis||||}} Zizanij, Lavrentij (1596) Лєксис – Си́рѣчъ рече́нїѧ, въкра́тъцѣ събра́нⸯны и иꙁ Словенскаго ꙗꙁы́ка, на про́стыⸯ Рꙋ́скій діѧ́лектъ истолⸯкова́ны [Lexis – Words briefly collected and interpreted from the Slavonic language into a simple Rusian dialect] (overall work in Old Church Slavonic and Old Ruthenian), Vilnius: Vilna Brother Printing House |1= Entry name (e.g. та̑то)
|2= Page (e.g. 239)
|3= Column (e.g. 2)
|4= Line (e.g. 17)