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sirds f

  1. heart


 sirds on Latvian Wikipedia
Sirds (4)
Sirds kalps (5)

Alternative forms


From older sirdis (attested in 17th-century texts), from (deprecated template usage) [etyl] Proto-Baltic *śirˀdís, from the zero grade *ḱr̥d- (with an extra -ey) of (deprecated template usage) [etyl] Proto-Indo-European *ḱerd-, *ḱērd-. Cognates include Lithuanian širdìs, Old Prussian seyr ([sēr]), Proto-Slavic *sьrdьko, *sьrdьce (Old Church Slavonic срьдьцє (srĭdĭce), Russian се́рдце (sérdce), Belarusian сэ́рца (sérca), Ukrainian се́рце (sérce), Bulgarian сърце́ (sǎrcé), Czech srdce, Polish serce), Proto-Germanic *hertô (Gothic 𐌷𐌰𐌹𐍂𐍄𐍉 (hairtō), German Herz, Old English heorte, English heart), Hittite 𒆠𒅕 (kir, ker, kard-), Sanskrit हृद् (hṛd) (< *źʰŕ̥d-), Ancient Greek καρδία (kardía), Latin cor, cordis.[1]


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sirds f (6th declension)

  1. (anatomy) heart (the central organ of the circulatory system which causes the blood to flow through the blood vessels by means of rhythmic muscular contractions)
    sirds pukstthe heart is beating
    sirds sitthe heart is jumping (lit. beating, i.e., heavily)
    sirds slimībasheart diseases
    sirds pārsitieniheart palpitations
    sirds mazspējaheart failure
    sirds trokšņicardiac murmur (lit. heart noises)
    sirds zālesheart medication
    sirds darbojas normālithe heart is working normally
    sirds ir mūsu galvenais orgānsthe heart is our most important organ
  2. heart (the center of the human psyche, including emotions, character, personality, and their expression and manifestation)
    laba, draudzīga sirdsa good, friendly heart
    līdzjūtīga sirdsa compassionate heart
    dedzīga, kvēla sirdsa fervent, fiery heart
    atsaucīga, godīga sirdsa receptive, honest heart
    gaiša, viegla sirdsa bright, light heart
    līksma sirdsa joyous heart
    smaga, grūta sirdsa severe, hard heart
    grūtsirdīga sirdsa melancholic heart
    ļauna sirdsan evil heart
    mātes, tēva sirdsa mother's, a father's heart
    sirds līksmothe heart rejoices
    aizkustināt sirdito touch (someone's) heart
    sirds noslēpumsa secret of the heart
    viņam nav sirdshe doesn't have a heart
    ai sirds! te maiga tu, te rāma, te nemierīga krūtīs tiecoh, heart! here you are, gentle, calm, becoming restless in the chest
    Līnai bija žēlīga un vāja sirds, kas spēja saslieties tikai liela izmisuma brīžosLinai had a weak, compassionate heart that could straighten up only in times of despair
  3. heart (main, central, most important part)
    galvaspilsēta ir zemes sirdsthe capital city is the heart of the land
    Ēvalds atvadījās no pilsētas centra, no diviem mēnešiem, kas bija aizvadīti šeit, pašā Rīgas sirdīĒvalds said farewell to the city center, to the two months that had been spent here, in the very heart of Riga
    mašīnbūvi dēvē par mūsu industrijas sirdimechanical engineering is known as the heart of our industry
    jūs abi bijāt pirmajā reisā un tagad esat komandas sirds un kodolsboth of you were in the first trip and are now the heart and core of the team
  4. heart (an object or drawing having the shape of a heart, typically stylized as a cardioid)
    piparkūku sirdsgingerbread heart
    reiz ar pirmo lāpstas dūrienu izdevās atrast unikālu akmens laikmetā veidotu tumšsarkana dzintara sirdialready with the first hit of the shovel they managed to find a unique Stone Age dark red amber heart
  5. (card games) hearts (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol )
    sirds kalpsthe jack of hearts
    sirds dūzisthe ace of hearts
    kapteinis sāka dalīt kārtis, un Vilks izklaidīgi ņēma tās pretī... tur bija viens kalps un trīs dāmas: krusta, kārava un sirdsthe captain started dealing the cards, and Vilks absent-mindedly took them... there were three queens: clubs, diamonds, and hearts


Derived terms

See also

Suits in Latvian · sugas (see also: kārts, spēļu kārts) (layout · text)
sirdis kāravi pīķi krusti, kreiči


  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “sirds”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN