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to be at place
simp. and trad.
alternative forms


From 在許 (MC dzojX|dzojH xjoX) or 來許 (MC loj xjoX), where / underwent lenition and underwent an irregular evolution.



辣海 (Northern Wu)

  1. to be (somewhere), to be in, to exist
    辣海圖書館裡向 [Shanghainese, trad.]
    辣海图书馆里向 [Shanghainese, simp.]
    6ngu 8laq-he 6du-sy-kuoe 6li-shian [Wugniu]
    I am in the library.
  2. Used to indicate the continuous aspect.
    辣海啥人 [Shanghainese, trad.]
    辣海啥人 [Shanghainese, simp.]
    6non 8laq-he 5ten 5sa-gnin-a [Wugniu]
    Who are you waiting for?
    辣海浪費空氣浪費土地見氣浪費辰光豪𢜶滾開 [Shanghainese, trad.]
    辣海浪费空气浪费土地见气浪费辰光豪𢜶滚开 [Shanghainese, simp.]
    6non 8weq-laq-he-meq 6laon-fi 1khon-chi 5shi-theq-meq 6laon-fi 5thu-di 6ngu 6ne 7taq-non 5ci-chi 6gha 6zy 6laon-fi 6zen-kuaon 6ghau-sau 5kuen 1khe [Wugniu]
    You're a waste of air alive and waste of soil dead, me talking to you right now is a waste of time, now fuck off!
  3. (when placed at the end of a sentence) Used to indicate the perfective aspect.
    一家頭辣海嘸沒一個人閒話一直等到趟子撒哈拉沙漠故障大概事體 [Shanghainese, trad.]
    一家头辣海呒没一个人闲话一直等到趟子撒哈拉沙漠故障大概事体 [Shanghainese, simp.]
    6ngu 6zhieu 7iq-ka-deu 8weq-laq-he 6m-meq 7iq-gheq 6gnin 5hau 1kau 6ngu 5kaon-kaon 6ghe-gho 7iq-zeq 5ten-tau 6yeu 7iq-thaon-tsy 5sa-ha-la 1so-moq 6li 7tsheq-tsy 5ku-tsaon 6da-ke 6yeu 8loq-gni-gheq 6zy-thi [Wugniu]
    So I lived my life alone, without anyone that I could really talk to, until I had an accident with my plane in the Desert of Sahara, six years ago.

Usage notes[edit]

The spellings with are used in varieties where 許/许 are pronounced /he/ or similar, such as Suzhounese and Ningbonese. Lects such as Shanghainese and Hangzhounese do not use them.
