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straight; vertical; frank
straight; vertical; frank; directly; straightly; upright
rule; order; regulations
rule; order; regulations; formula; journey; procedure; sequence; surname
trad. (直程)
simp. #(直程)
alternative forms 直情



Note: dissimilation of zet5 cen3.



直程 (Cantonese)

  1. directly; straightaway
    今日一陣直程搭車返屋企冷氣 [Cantonese, trad.]
    今日一阵直程搭车返屋企冷气 [Cantonese, simp.]
    gam1 jat6 jit6 dou3 gam2, jat1 zan6 ngo5 sik6 jyun4 aan3 zau6 zik6 cing4 daap3 ce1 faan1 uk1 kei2 loeng4 haa6 laang5 hei3. [Jyutping]
    Today is so hot. When I finish my lunch, I'll go home on the bus straightaway and enjoy the air conditioning.
  2. simply
    如果打電話直程cut [Cantonese, trad.]
    如果打电话直程cut线 [Cantonese, simp.]
    jyu4 gwo2 nei5 zoi3 daa2 din6 waa6-2 bei2 ngo5, ngo5 zik6 cing4 kat1 nei5 sin3 gaa3. [Jyutping]
    If you call me again, I'll simply hang up on you.
  3. definitely; truly; clearly; absolutely; straight up
    直程 [Cantonese, trad.]
    直程 [Cantonese, simp.]
    waa3, zik6 cing4 zeng3 dou3 bei3! [Jyutping]
    Wow, it's straight up awesome!

