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Eastern Khanty




Cognates include Northern Khanty вот (wot) and Northern Mansi во̄т (vōt).





вот (wot) (Surgut)

  1. wind


  • Elena Skribnik, editor (2016), Ob-Ugric Database: analysed text corpora and dictionaries for less described Ob-Ugric dialects[1], University of Munich
  • Volkova, A. N., Solovar, V. N. (2018) “вот”, in Хантыйско-русский тематический словарь (сургутский диалект) [Khanty-Russian Thematic Dictionary (Surgut dialect)]‎[2] (in Russian), Saint Petersburg: РГПУ имени А.И. Герцена, →ISBN, page 182

Northern Khanty




Cognates include Eastern Khanty вот (wot) and Northern Mansi во̄т (vōt).





вот (wot) (Kazym)

  1. wind


  • Elena Skribnik, editor (2016), Ob-Ugric Database: analysed text corpora and dictionaries for less described Ob-Ugric dialects[3], University of Munich
  • Solovar, V. N. (2014) “вот”, in Хантыйско-русский Словарь (казымский диалект) [Khanty-Russian Dictionary (Kazym Dialect)]‎[4], Khanty-Mansiysk: ООО «ФОРМАТ», →ISBN, page 40



Alternative forms




Inherited from Old East Slavic ото (oto) or вото (voto), compare with Polish oto and ot, Ukrainian от (ot) and ото (oto).


  • IPA(key): [vət]
  • IPA(key): [vɐt] (before a stressed syllable)
  • IPA(key): [vot] (when stressed)
  • Audio:(file)
  • Homophone: вод (vod) (when stressed)
  • Rhymes: -ot (when stressed)



вот (vot)

  1. Used in place of a pronoun to direct attention towards something; this (is), here (is), that (is), there (is)
    Вот мой дом.Vot moj dom.This/here is my house.
    Во́т где.Vót gde.This is/here's where.
    Во́т в чём вопро́с.Vót v čom voprós.That is the question.
    Вот и всё.Vot i vsjo.That's all.
  2. Used before; both before and after; or (less commonly) after a pronoun or adverb to direct attention towards a particular thing being shown, pointed to, indicated, etc.
    Взве́сьте мне вот э́той ветчины́, пожа́луйста.Vzvésʹte mne vot étoj vetčiný, požálujsta.Weigh me this ham, please.
    Вот так обы́чно вы́глядят общежи́тия.Vot tak obýčno výgljadjat obščežítija.That's how dormitories usually look.
    Я ду́маю, что вот э́то вот о́чень краси́вое.Ja dúmaju, što vot éto vot óčenʹ krasívoje.I think this one is really pretty.
    Вы вот та́к вот позво́лите ему́ уйти́?Vy vot ták vot pozvólite jemú ujtí?You're just going to let him walk away like that?
    Ита́к, э́ти вот я́блоки...Iták, éti vot jábloki...So, these apples...
  3. Used before a full sentence to describe a scene unfolding before one's eyes.
    Вот он бежи́т, подпры́гнул, приземли́лся.Vot on bežít, podprýgnul, prizemlílsja.He's now running, he jumps, he lands.
  4. Used as a lead-in, often when introducing an example; so, now
    Вот наприме́р...Vot naprimér...So for instance...
    Вот е́сли..Vot jésli..Now, if...
    Вот ска́жем...Vot skážem...So let's say...
  5. (often with и (i)) Used before a statement to draw attention to a conclusion or result; so, that's why
    Synonyms: вот почему́ (vot počemú), поэ́тому (poétomu)
    Я слы́шал об э́том, вот и интересу́юсь.Ja slýšal ob étom, vot i interesújusʹ.I heard about that, that's why I'm interested.
    Вчера́ э́той фу́нкцией злоупотребля́ли, вот и запрети́ли.Včerá étoj fúnkcijej zloupotrebljáli, vot i zapretíli.They abused that function yesterday, so it was banned.
  6. Used in set phrases.
    Вот тебе́/вам и...Vot tebé/vam i...So much for...
    Во́т как?Vót kak?Oh really? (with a tone of irony or distrust)
    Вот тебе́ раз!Vot tebé raz!There you are!
  7. (colloquial) Used to express emphasis or strong emotion; what a, such a
    Во́т челове́к!Vót čelovék!What a man!
  8. (colloquial) Used as a filler word, usually between statements.
    Вот... / Так во́т...Vot... / Tak vót...(depending on the context) So yeah... / So... / Now... / Right... / Anyway...
    Ну во́т, ...Nu vót, ...(depending on the context) Well then, ... / Well, anyway...

Derived terms



  • Ingrian: vot



вот (vot)

  1. here, look
    Synonyms: смотри́ (smotrí), гляди́ (gljadí); (informal) глянь (gljanʹ)
  2. (casual) take it! (when offering something)
    Synonym: (very casual) на (na)