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not; no
get; obtain; gain
get; obtain; gain; proper; suitable; proud; contented; allow; permit; ready; finished; a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect; degree or possibility; to have to; must; ought to; to need to
his; her; its
his; her; its; theirs; that; such; it (refers to sth preceding it)
to die; impassable; uncrossable
to die; impassable; uncrossable; inflexible; rigid
trad. (不得其死)
simp. #(不得其死)



From the Analects, Book 11 (《論語·先進》):

閔子;子路,;冉有、子貢,侃侃。「不得其死。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
闵子;子路,;冉有、子贡,侃侃。「不得其死。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Analects of Confucius, c. 475 – 221 BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Mǐn Zǐ shì cè, yínyín rú yě; Zǐlù, xíngxíng rú yě; Rǎn Yǒu, Zǐgòng, kǎnkǎn rú yě. Zǐ lè. “ruò Yóu yě, bù dé qí sǐ rán.” [Pinyin]
The disciple Min was standing by his side, looking bland and precise; Zilu, looking bold and soldierly; Ran You and Zigong, with a free and straightforward manner. The Master was pleased. He said, "You there - he will not die a natural death."

Also from Tao Te Ching, Chapter 42:

不得其死以為 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
不得其死以为 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Tao Te Ching, 4th century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Qiáng liáng zhě bù dé qí sǐ, wú jiāng yǐwéi jiào fù. [Pinyin]
The violent and strong do not die their natural death. I will make this the basis of my teaching.






  1. (colloquial) to die suddenly for no reason at all


Sino-Xenic (不得其死):
  • Vietnamese: bất đắc kì tử (不得其死)


chữ Hán Nôm in this term




  1. chữ Hán form of bất đắc kì tử (suddenly).