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inside; inner; internal
inside; inner; internal; within; interior
ox; cow; bull one's whole face
trad. (內牛滿面) 滿面
simp. (内牛满面) 满面
Literally: “inner cows all over one's face”.


The idiom 淚流滿面泪流满面 (lèiliúmǎnmiàn, “tears flowing all over one's face”) as spoken by someone speaking a Chinese dialect with n-l initial merger.




  1. (neologism, slang, humorous) to be so moved or excited that there are tears streaming down one's face
    小時候一直不懂週歲虛歲剛才朋友:「週歲媽媽身體出來時間虛歲爸爸身體出來時間。。」頓時內牛滿面。。 [MSC, trad.]
    小时候一直不懂周岁虚岁刚才朋友:「周岁妈妈身体出来时间虚岁爸爸身体出来时间。。」顿时内牛满面。。 [MSC, simp.]
    Xiǎoshíhòu yīzhí gǎo bùdǒng zhōusuì hé xūsuì. Gāngcái péngyou shuō: “Zhōusuì shì cóng māma shēntǐ lǐ chūlái de shíjiān, xūsuì shì cóng bàba shēntǐ lǐ chūlái de shíjiān..” Wǒ dùnshí nèiniúmǎnmiàn de dǒng le.. [Pinyin]
    I have been confused by western age and nominal age [in East Asian culture, where newborns start at the age of one year] since I was young. Just then a friend said: “Western age is when you exit mom's body, and nominal age is when you exit dad's body.” With tears streaming down my face, I suddenly understood everything.