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to seem; to appear; similar
to seem; to appear; similar; like; to resemble
really and truly; aim; clear
really and truly; aim; clear; (possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle); of
trad. (似的)
simp. #(似的)
alternative forms 是的






  1. seems as if; rather like
    不要孩子似的 [MSC, trad.]
    不要孩子似的 [MSC, simp.]
    Bùyào kū de xiàng ge háizi shìde. [Pinyin]
    Don't cry like a child!
    似的 [MSC, trad.]
    似的 [MSC, simp.]
    Tā zhēn gēn biàn le ge rén shìde. [Pinyin]
    It really seems like he's changed.
    什麼似的根本沒有說話 [MSC, trad.]
    什么似的根本没有说话 [MSC, simp.]
    Wǒ bèi tā qì de shénme shìde, tā gēnběn jiù méiyǒu zài tīng wǒ shuōhuà. [Pinyin]
    I am so indescribably livid with him - he isn't even listening to what I am saying. [literally: I am angered by him like whatever - he isn't at all listening to my speaking]



Derived terms
