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6th heavenly stem; self actually; place; (nominalization prefix) not; no
desire; longing; appetite
desire; longing; appetite; wish
do not
distribute (alms); to do; to execute
distribute (alms); to do; to execute; to carry out
in; at; to
in; at; to; from; by; than; out of; surname
man; person; people
trad. (己所不欲,勿施於人)
simp. (己所不欲,勿施于人)



From the Analects, Book 12 (《論語·顏淵》):

仲弓子曰:「出門使己所不欲,勿施於人。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
仲弓子曰:「出门使己所不欲,勿施于人。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Analects of Confucius, c. 475 – 221 BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Zhònggōng wèn rén. Zǐyuē: “Chūmén rú jiàn dà bīn, shǐ mín rú chéng dà jì. Jǐ suǒ bù yù, wù shī yú rén. Zài bāng wú yuàn, zài jiā wú yuàn.” [Pinyin]
Zhonggong asked about perfect virtue. The Master said, "It is, when you go abroad, to behave to every one as if you were receiving a great guest; to employ the people as if you were assisting at a great sacrifice; not to do to others as you would not wish done to yourself; to have no murmuring against you in the country, and none in the family."






  1. Do not do unto others what you would not like others to do unto yourself.

