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From Proto-Finnic *-udak, from Proto-Uralic *-w-. Cognates include Estonian -uma/-uda.


  • IPA(key): /-uɑˣ/, [-uɑ̝(ʔ)]



-ua (front vowel harmony variant -yä, stem -u-, linguistic notation -U- or -UA)

  1. Forms passive (including stative) or translative (including inchoative) intransitive verbs from transitive verbs.
    nähdä (to see) + ‎-ua → ‎näkyä (to be visible)
    kastaa (to dip, make wet) + ‎-ua → ‎kastua (to become wet)


Inflection of -ua (Kotus type 52/sanoa, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -un en -u 1st sing. olen -unut en ole -unut
2nd sing. -ut et -u 2nd sing. olet -unut et ole -unut
3rd sing. -uu ei -u 3rd sing. on -unut ei ole -unut
1st plur. -umme emme -u 1st plur. olemme -uneet emme ole -uneet
2nd plur. -utte ette -u 2nd plur. olette -uneet ette ole -uneet
3rd plur. -uvat eivät -u 3rd plur. ovat -uneet eivät ole -uneet
passive -utaan ei -uta passive on -uttu ei ole -uttu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -uin en -unut 1st sing. olin -unut en ollut -unut
2nd sing. -uit et -unut 2nd sing. olit -unut et ollut -unut
3rd sing. -ui ei -unut 3rd sing. oli -unut ei ollut -unut
1st plur. -uimme emme -uneet 1st plur. olimme -uneet emme olleet -uneet
2nd plur. -uitte ette -uneet 2nd plur. olitte -uneet ette olleet -uneet
3rd plur. -uivat eivät -uneet 3rd plur. olivat -uneet eivät olleet -uneet
passive -uttiin ei -uttu passive oli -uttu ei ollut -uttu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -uisin en -uisi 1st sing. olisin -unut en olisi -unut
2nd sing. -uisit et -uisi 2nd sing. olisit -unut et olisi -unut
3rd sing. -uisi ei -uisi 3rd sing. olisi -unut ei olisi -unut
1st plur. -uisimme emme -uisi 1st plur. olisimme -uneet emme olisi -uneet
2nd plur. -uisitte ette -uisi 2nd plur. olisitte -uneet ette olisi -uneet
3rd plur. -uisivat eivät -uisi 3rd plur. olisivat -uneet eivät olisi -uneet
passive -uttaisiin ei -uttaisi passive olisi -uttu ei olisi -uttu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. -u älä -u 2nd sing.
3rd sing. -ukoon älköön -uko 3rd sing. olkoon -unut älköön olko -unut
1st plur. -ukaamme älkäämme -uko 1st plur.
2nd plur. -ukaa älkää -uko 2nd plur.
3rd plur. -ukoot älkööt -uko 3rd plur. olkoot -uneet älkööt olko -uneet
passive -uttakoon älköön -uttako passive olkoon -uttu älköön olko -uttu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -unen en -une 1st sing. lienen -unut en liene -unut
2nd sing. -unet et -une 2nd sing. lienet -unut et liene -unut
3rd sing. -unee ei -une 3rd sing. lienee -unut ei liene -unut
1st plur. -unemme emme -une 1st plur. lienemme -uneet emme liene -uneet
2nd plur. -unette ette -une 2nd plur. lienette -uneet ette liene -uneet
3rd plur. -unevat eivät -une 3rd plur. lienevät -uneet eivät liene -uneet
passive -uttaneen ei -uttane passive lienee -uttu ei liene -uttu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st -ua present -uva -uttava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -uakseni -uaksemme
2nd -uaksesi -uaksenne
3rd -uakseen
past -unut -uttu
2nd inessive2 -uessa -uttaessa agent4 -uma
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -uessani -uessamme
2nd -uessasi -uessanne
3rd -uessaan
negative -umaton
instructive -uen 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).
4) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.

3rd inessive -umassa
elative -umasta
illative -umaan
adessive -umalla
abessive -umatta
instructive -uman -uttaman
4th3 verbal noun -uminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -umaisillani -umaisillamme
2nd -umaisillasi -umaisillanne
3rd -umaisillaan

Note that if the stem has gradation, it is (almost always) preserved.

Derived terms



  • Räisänen, Alpo. 1988. Suomen kielen u-johtimiset verbit. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. →ISBN







From Proto-Finnic *-udak. Cognates include Finnish -ua and Karelian -uo.





-ua (front vowel variant -yä)

  1. Used to form inchoative verbs.
    nähä (to see) + ‎-ua → ‎näkkyä (to be visible)

Usage notes

  • After verbs whose stems end in a long vowel, or after nominals, the allomorph -hua (-hyä) is used:
    kuivaa- (to dry) + ‎-ua → ‎kuivahua (to dry out).


Conjugation of -ua (type 1/ampua, no gradation)
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -un en -u 1st singular oon -unt, oon -unut en oo -unt, en oo -unut
2nd singular -ut et -u 2nd singular oot -unt, oot -unut et oo -unt, et oo -unut
3rd singular -uu ei -u 3rd singular ono -unt, ono -unut ei oo -unt, ei oo -unut
1st plural -umma emmä -u 1st plural oomma -uneet emmä oo -uneet
2nd plural -utta että -u 2nd plural ootta -uneet että oo -uneet
3rd plural -uut1), -uvat2), -utaa evät -u, ei -uta 3rd plural ovat -uneet evät oo -uneet, ei oo -uttu
impersonal -utaa ei -uta impersonal ono -uttu ei oo -uttu
Imperfekta Pluskvamperfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -uin en -unt, en -unut 1st singular olin -unt, olin -unut en olt -unt, en olt -unut
2nd singular -uit et -unt, et -unut 2nd singular olit -unt, olit -unut et olt -unt, et olt -unut
3rd singular -ui ei -unt, ei -unut 3rd singular oli -unt, oli -unut ei olt -unt, ei olt -unut
1st plural -uimma emmä -uneet 1st plural olimma -uneet emmä olleet -uneet
2nd plural -uitta että -uneet 2nd plural olitta -uneet että olleet -uneet
3rd plural -uit1), -uivat2), -uttii evät -uneet, ei -uttu 3rd plural olivat -uneet evät olleet -uneet, ei olt -uttu
impersonal -uttii ei -uttu impersonal oli -uttu ei olt -uttu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -uisin en -uis 1st singular olisin -unt, olisin -unut en olis -unt, en olis -unut
2nd singular -uisit, -uist1) et -uis 2nd singular olisit -unt, olisit -unut et olis -unt, et olis -unut
3rd singular -uis ei -uis 3rd singular olis -unt, olis -unut ei olis -unt, ei olis -unut
1st plural -uisimma emmä -uis 1st plural olisimma -uneet emmä olis -uneet
2nd plural -uisitta että -uis 2nd plural olisitta -uneet että olis -uneet
3rd plural -uisiit1), -uisivat2), -uttais evät -uis, ei -uttais 3rd plural olisivat -uneet evät olis -uneet, ei olis -uttu
impersonal -uttais ei -uttais impersonal olis -uttu ei olis -uttu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular 1st singular
2nd singular -u elä -u 2nd singular oo -unt, oo -unut elä oo -unt, elä oo -unut
3rd singular -ukoo elköö -uko 3rd singular olkoo -unt, olkoo -unut elköö olko -unt, elköö olko -unut
1st plural 1st plural
2nd plural -ukaa elkää -uko 2nd plural olkaa -uneet elkää olko -uneet
3rd plural -ukoot elkööt -uko, elköö -uttako 3rd plural olkoot -uneet elkööt olko -uneet, elköö olko -uttu
impersonal -uttakkoo elköö -uttako impersonal olkoo -uttu elköö olko -uttu
positive negative
1st singular -unen en -une
2nd singular -unet et -une
3rd singular -unoo ei -une
1st plural -unemma emmä -une
2nd plural -unetta että -une
3rd plural -unoot evät -une, ei -uttane
impersonal -uttannoo ei -uttane
Nominal forms
Infinitivat Partisipat
active passive
1st -ua present -uva -uttava
2nd inessive -ujees past -unt, -unut -uttu
instructive -uen 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect.
2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect.
*) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (-ukaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well.
**) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative
***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) or -kse to either the indicative or the potential
****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix -kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition.
3rd illative -umaa
inessive -umaas
elative -umast
abessive -umata
4th nominative -umiin
partitive -umista, -umist

Derived terms









  1. inflection of -uus:
    1. nominative/vocative feminine singular
    2. nominative/accusative/vocative neuter plural




  1. ablative feminine singular of -uus



Alternative forms

  • -aused for feminine nouns in the nominative and plural cases which do not end in a stressed vowel or diphthong



Inherited from Latin illa.





-ua f

  1. variant of -a
    the (definite article)

Usage notes

  • This form of the definite article is used for feminine nouns in the nominative and accusative cases which end in a stressed vowel or diphthong:
    basmaua, from basma, fem.
    cafeaua, from cafea, fem.
    steaua, from stea, fem.
  • Monosyllables ending in vowels also take this suffix:
    ziua, from zi, fem.





-ua (mid vowel harmony variant -oa)

  1. (nonproductive) conversive suffix; reverses the meaning of the verb
    -funga (to close) + ‎-ua → ‎-fungua (to open)
    -choma (to pierce) + ‎-oa → ‎-chomoa (to draw out)

Derived terms
