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far corners of the world; distant lands
to seem; like; as
to seem; like; as; if
neighbor; vicinage
trad. (天涯若比鄰/天涯若比隣) 天涯 比鄰/比隣
simp. (天涯若比邻) 天涯 比邻



Literally: the far ends of heaven are like next door.

城闕三秦風煙五津離別海內知己天涯比鄰無為歧路兒女 [MSC, trad.]
城阙三秦风烟五津离别海内知己天涯比邻无为歧路儿女 [MSC, simp.]
From: c. 647 – 675: Wang Bo, 《送杜少府之任蜀州》 (Seeing off Vice-prefect Du on the occasion of his appointment to the state of Shu)
Chéngquè fǔ sānqín, fēngyān wàng wǔjīn. Yǔ jūn líbié yì, tóng shì huàn yóu rén. Hǎinèi cún zhījǐ, tiānyá ruò bǐlín. Wúwèi zài qílù, érnǚ gòng zhān jīn. [Pinyin]
The watch towers are protected by the three Qin states, I can make out the land of the five crossings in the distance. My mood (is somber) as I part from you, We are both officials traveling (far from home). When one has a close friend in this world, the far ends of heaven are like next door. (Therefore, when we reach the) fork in the road (where we must part), let us not exchange kerchiefs moistened (with tears like) women and children.






  1. to feel a closeness to a friend or loved one despite being separated by a great distance

Usage notes


This phrase is often used when talking about the Internet, long-distance phones etc.

Derived terms
