Template:list:Latin script letters/ktz

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(Latin-script letters) B b, P p, Bh bh, Ph ph, D d, T t, Dh dh, Th th, G g, K k, Gh gh, Kh kh, Ts ts, Dsh dsh, Tsh, tsh, Ds ds, Tz tz, Tc tc, Dch dch, Tch tch, Dc dc, Tj tj, Kx kx, Dx dx, Tx tx, Tk tk, Dzx dzx, Tsx tsx, Djx djx, Tcx tcx, Z z, S s, J j, C c, X x, H h, R r, M m, N n, Ng ng, Mq mq, Mh mh, Y y, W w,  , ǀ, Gǀh gǀh, ǀH ǀh, ǀʼ, ǀʼH ǀʼh,  , Nǀh nǀh, Gǀx gǀx, ǀX ǀx, Gǀk gǀk, ǀK ǀk,  , ǃ, Gǃh gǃh, ǃH ǃh, ǃʼ, ǃʼH ǃʼh,  , Nǃh nǃh, Gǃx gǃx, ǃX ǃx, Gǃk gǃk, ǃK ǃk,  , ǂ, Gǂh gǂh, ǂH ǂh, ǂʼ, ǂʼH ǂʼh,  , Nǂh nǂh, Gǂx gǂx, ǂX ǂx, Gǂk gǂk, ǂK ǂk,  , ǁ, Gǁh gǁh, ǁH ǁh, ǁʼ, ǁʼH ǁʼh,  , Nǁh nǁh, Gǁx gǁx, ǁX ǁx, Gǁk gǁk, ǁK ǁk, I i, E e, A a, O o, U u, Ih ih, Eh eh, Ah ah, Oh oh, Uh uh, Aq aq, Oq oq, In in, An an, On on, Un un, Ihn ihn, Ahn ahn, Ohn ohn, Uhn uhn, Aqn aqn, Oqn oqn,  ,  ,  ,  ,  

The following documentation is automatically transcluded by the template {{list doc}}.

This is a list of Latin script letters in the Juǀ'hoan language.


* {{list:Latin script letters/ktz}}

This list in all languages and scripts
