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Kanji in this term

Grade: 2


  • Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of "引く"
Source: Online Japanese Accent Dictionary
Stem forms
Terminal (終止形)
Attributive (連体形)
引く [hìkú]
Imperative (命令形) 引け [hìké]
Key constructions
Passive 引かれる かれる [hìkárérú]
Causative 引かせる かせる [hìkásérú]
Potential 引ける ける [hìkérú]
Volitional 引こう [hìkóꜜò]
Negative 引かない かない [hìkánáí]
Negative perfective 引かなかった かなかった [hìkánáꜜkàttà]
Formal 引きます きま [hìkímáꜜsù]
Perfective 引いた いた [hìítá]
Conjunctive 引いて いて [hìíté]
Hypothetical conditional 引けば [hìkéꜜbà]



() (hikutransitive or intransitive godan (stem () (hiki), past ()いた (hiita))

Japanese verb pair
active 引く
mediopassive 引ける
  1. (transitive) pull (something toward oneself)
  2. (transitive) pull (along); drag; drag along; bring along while going somewhere
  3. (transitive) bring (people) in; bring together
  4. (transitive) attract (someone's) attention
  5. (transitive) pull out; stretch; spread (something over a surface or a distance)
    sen o hiku
    to draw a line
  6. (transitive) subtract; take away
    Roku kara yon o hiku to ni ni naru.
    Subtract 4 from 6 and you get 2.
  7. (transitive) (of an illness) catch
    Kaze o hiichatta.
    I caught a cold.
  8. (transitive) page through (a dictionary) to look up; look up
    Shiranai tango wa jisho o te kudasai.
    Please look up words you don't know in a dictionary.
  9. (intransitive) pull out; pull back; withdraw; retreat
    itami ga hiku
    pain withdraws
  10. (intransitive) to draw away from a person; to find someone repulsive; to be turned off
    Synonym: なえる (naeru)
    Aitsu mitai na hito wa hiku wa.
    I'd totally stay far away from that kind of person.
    suki na hito ni hikareta
    got avoided by my crush





Derived terms


See also




() (hiku

  1. (mathematics) minus (subtraction)
    Jūni hiku roku wa roku da.
    12 minus 6 is 6.

Coordinate terms



  1. ^ Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN