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that; those; (one) another)
a period of time; for a short while; for a time
this; these
a period of time; for a short while; for a time
trad. (彼一時,此一時) 一時 一時
simp. (彼一时,此一时) 一时 一时



From Mencius (《孟子·公孫丑下》):

彼一時,此一時五百王者其間七百有餘 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
彼一时,此一时五百王者其间七百有余 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Mencius, c. 4th century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Bǐ yīshí, cǐ yīshí yě. Wǔbǎi nián bì yǒu wángzhě xīng, qíjiān bì yǒu míng shì zhě. Yóu Zhōu ér lái, qībǎi yǒuyú suì yǐ. Yǐ qí shù zé guò yǐ, yǐ qí shí kǎo zhī zé kě yǐ. [Pinyin]
That was one time, and this is another. It is a rule that a true royal sovereign should arise in the course of five hundred years, and that during that time there should be men illustrious in their generation. From the commencement of the Zhou dynasty till now, more than seven hundred years have elapsed. Judging numerically, the date is past. Examining the character of the present time, we might expect the rise of such individuals in it.






  1. that was then, this is now

