Appendix:Alsea word list

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Alsea word list:[1]

Frachtenberg (1920)

English gloss Alsea
a as, is, s
abalone-shell sīʼqᵘ, xaūʼsxaū
abandon, to ʟx-
abandon hope, to hintsǃ- īs haiⁿᵋ, hīntsǃ- ... -aukˑ īs haiⁿᵋ
abdomen qalōʼna
abode ītsaīʼs
above qauʼx, qauʼxan
absent waᵋnaʼ
absent pīʽpaīʽ-
across the ocean xweʼnaya
across the river kˑaū, kˑū
action imīʼstis, hīlkwaīʼs, līʼqɬn
active xup-
address yᴇaīʼs
address, to yās-
admonish, to ɬkˑin-
advise, to ɬkˑin-
affirm, to wustǃin-
after yaiʼxtᴇx, aīs, mis, qōmaᵋts
afterwards īs ɬtōwaīʼ-slō, qwaᵋma
again qalp-
agree, to wustǃin-, tǃams-
ahead qauʼwīs, ʟinhaᵋts-slō
albeit lās
alder qalxāᵋtsitǃ
alder-berries tsāᵃʼmt
alive, to be sālsx-
all āʼmta, hamstīᵋ, silku-, qauwāᵋ
all over īs qauʼwaīʼ-slō, hauᵋ
allow, to kˑaʽ-
all right kˑeaiʽsa
almost haīⁿkˑ
alone tsaīʼskˑǃ, xamkˑǃ
alongside hakˑīⁿʼhī
already ailiʼkˑī, nāʽʼyᴇm
Alsea Wusīⁿʼ
also ītaᵋ
although lās, lāʼkˑᴇts, lāxs
always tǃaʼnūst, qāᵃʼltᴇ
ambush qalxaᵋyaīʼ-slō
American anᵋūⁿʼs
amount mᴇqamiʼntis
and ītaᵋ, axa, tem
anemone saʼnqukˑe
angry xaʼlxas
another qalpaīʼxat
answer, to wustǃin-
anus paʼhalyustǃ
anyway lˑōʼtsū
apart, to come xun-, ɫam-, ʟxūs-
apparently hataʼmᴇ, qaʼhalt, ɫlaʼ
appear, to uxu-, ōxu-
appearance haʼhain, hāʼldᴇmxus
approach aūʟ-, yūɫ-, tsqēw-, tsqūnku-
approximately xeʼīʟkˑe
April matsōʼkustxuskˑinkˑ, tskōʼltskō-, laūkˑinkˑ
armpits qaʼlqal
arrival wulīʼs
arrive, to wīl-
arrow tsīʼtsikˑǃ
arrow-maker ptsītskˑǃaᵋtʽ
arrow point qēᵋtǃ
arrow shaft mīʼkwa
as mis, lāɫta
as before halāʼtsī
as if hataʼmᴇ, taʼmᴇ, ʟlaʼ
as soon as xūts
ascend, to ʟōʽ-
ashamed qaml-
ashes pīyaᵋ
ask, to pxēltsūs-
assemble, to kˑexkˑ-
assembly kˑaʼxkˑetīs
assist, to saw-
at īs
at last maim-, muⁿʼhū, tem
at once hāʼaɫqa, nāʼmkˑitxū, qaitīʼ
at that time taʼmingˑinkˑ
attempt, to tsim-
audience ʟhaʼldit
August mᵋɫqaʼɫqautxuskˑinkˑ
aunt tomiʼʟa, kˑiʼmiɫ
autumn kāyūkˑinkˑ
avenge, to ɫōt-
away pīʽ-, paīʽ-
awful ʟpāʼlt
back xūʼnts
backwards yipaᵋts-slō
bad sāᵃʼnqat, qēʼnxst, ʟpāᵃʼlt, ɫpilt, ɫtaʼtanat
bad, to be sāᵃʼnqat, qēʼnxst, ʟpāᵃʼlt, ɫpilt, ɫtaʼhanat
bad quality sāʼnqatis
badly sāᵃʼnqa, ⁱʟtaʼhana
badly, to fare mᴇɫilkˑst- ... -ū īs haiⁿᵋ
badness sāʼnqatis
bag ʟkˑǃētǃ
bait kunīʼtsǃ
bait, to kūintsǃ-
bar yaʼka, yaᵋqa
bark ʟaʼqusin, ɫōʼxlōx
barrier ūʼyū
bashful, to be qaml-
basket, saʼyū, syaʼtxuwaū, kāʼwil, qōⁿʼtᴇmstˡ, ʟīʼqwayustˡ
basket maker mᴇpsaʼyūwaᵋtʽ
bat walaʼkˑis
bathe, to ɫtu-
be, to īts-
beach hakˑǃēʼtsāl, nᴇqāʼxamxtǃ
beach, to tilqu-
beads aᵋqayū, tsīl, kumtūiʼs
beam yaʼka, yaᵋqa
bear, cinnamon paʼwint
bear, grizzly sūɫn
bear, black kusūᵋtsī
beard kqiʼnts, kǃins
beat, to tsas-
beautiful aqāᵋt, maaiʽʼysit, mukwaʼ, ntsıt
beauty aqāᵋtis
beaver ʟxuʼmta
because lāʼɫtamis, lāʼɫtas
become, to ūtx-
bed tsinūʼstǃ, tskītǃ
beginning qamiʼn
behind, haxūʼts, kˑǃēts, qōᵋmats, qwaᵋma
believe, to kˑtsǃ- ... -aukˑ īs haiⁿᵋ
below qēʼxan
belt tǃaʼmxa
bend down, to tsk īⁿʽ-, tskūnt-
bend over something, to kˑǃim-, kˑǃam
berries pᴇnīʼkˑʟī
best, to hahaw, kǃū-
bet ʟqūʼxwa
bet, to ʟqūxu-
better saʼnxukˑe, xēʼɫtkwa
big aʼɫtuxt, haihayaᵋt
big yaʽ-
Big River Nāʼtkitsʟō
bind, to kink-, qinq-, kinku-
bird kakāʼyaᵋ
bite, to palhu-, ɫkums-
bitter qsīʼqsōut
black tskwīʼsist, ɫkwīʼntsinst, qēʼnxst
blackberries ɫaᵋqaᵋt
bladder piʼlkauxs, ɫit
blanket tsūʼlqu, qaupstǃ, qampstǃ
blind pxaʼstū
blood puʼstᴇx
blood-money, to pay pt-
blossom ɫaʼmxadō
blow, to (tr.) pūʽ-, pʽu-
blow, to (of wind) xūd-, xūxu-
blue pāʼqst, qōmūʼqut
blueberries qōn
bluish qōmūʼqwīm
board tqēⁿʼsa, ɫpāʼka
boat kwēᵋ
bob-tailed ɫqaʼmlōtsx
body hīt
boil, to tsiⁿs-, ʟāᵃɫ-ʟq-
boiling food Lqēʼs
bone qēʼkus
booty paʼmint
both sides, on hataʼhakˑ
bottle tsilāʼts
boulder kˑǃīl
bow mūʼkutsˡū
bow of canoe kutsīʼtsāl
bow-legged tshaīʼlixt
bow-string lāʼtū
box xōxʟǃ
box maker pxōʼxʟaᵋtʽ
boy maʼhats, tuteʼlɫi, qwān
bracelet spal
brain kwiʼtskuts
brass laʼlx ɫtsīʼyonalts
bread tsisīⁿʼʟī
break, to tk is-, xun-, ʟqai-
break wind, to piʟ-, xsu-
breakers tiyaʼkˑlīyū, tsauʼwīyū
breast ɫkwa᷇ⁿ
breath hāⁿs
bridle tsiʼpstxantǃ
bring, to spaīt-
broad ʟaʼxʟaxast
brother, elder hāᵋtǃ
brother, younger mūtsikˑ
brothers and sisters hulūiʼsūu
brother-in-law temaʼxt, quʼmhat
brush aside, to pᴇnhū-
bucket puūʼyaᵋ, ɫkwīʼɫkwinkaū
buckskin xaʼsil
build a fire, to tkᴇlɫtsǃ-
builder mᴇpītsaīsaᵋtʽ
bundle ɫkuʼnkutǃīs
bur tāʼpuxkˑin
burn, to (tr.) tkᴇlɫtsǃ-
burned, partly tkᴇlɫtsǃīᵋst
burst, to ɫtqu-
bury, to tsīn-
but teʼmɫta, ɫtāᵃ
butter pūʼstǃ
buttocks pilaʼtkwayū
buy, to taʽt-, qɫō-
buzz, to sīs-, xup-
buzzard yāⁿʼtsǃis
calf (of leg) taltsīʼs
call, to wahanʽ-, tqēlkˑ-
call by name, to tkˑin-
calm alkˑtū-
camas tsk ilaʼmxat
camp, to minst-
cane tiʼnᴇxtsū
canoe kwēᵋ
cap mayūʼs
cards (dice) tsaūʼtsūwaū
careful, to be simp-
carefully āʼqa, māʼalkˑsta, xeʼīʟkˑe, ʟāʼmxa
carpenter pxōʼxʟaᵋtʽ
carry, to t'īʟn-, spaīt-
carry, across shoulders ɫq, waaiɫ-
carry off, to ɫqam-
cascade īʼpstᴇx
cat wāʼsis
catch, to xiltˡ-, xunt-, ɫōqut-
cat’s-cradle game, to play pāʼpᴇsxau-
cat’s-cradle game ʟpāʼpᴇsxaūt
cattle mᴇk ēʼltsītū
caution, to ɫkˑin-
cedar wāɫ
cedar, red sīⁿʼkᴇm
cedar, white kwāʼlᴇm
ceiling tsīⁿʼkˑe
certainly kˑeʼa
chain qāʼt'qut'a
chair. pa'piltku£1! pāʼ'qut'a
challenge paʼpiltkūᵋtǃ, kaʼatkᴇta
change, to qwilts-
change of season ūtx-, taxt-
charcoal kusıldaīʼs
cheat, to k'ū-
cheek kwiʼlōʟ
cheer, to tsqaūs-
chew, to halkǃu-
chicken hawk. qoqozmus qoqōʼmūs
chief mᴇɫanaʼstīyū, kˑeuʼtsǃ
child, female piʼyats
child, male maʼhats, qwān
children ɫaʼmxadōo
chimney xwēⁿʼsīyustǃ
chisel tsauʼtᴇn, qōⁿʼtīyū
chisel, to qōⁿt-
chop wood, to pxu-
chunky kˑōlōʼkwıᵋst
circle around, to qalqu-
clams ʟqūʼma
clams, razor qayaⁿʼkwal
clamshell kwīᵋtīyū, xäʼlux
claw tāʼmtᴇm
clear across tsqāʼmtǃa
climb, to qt-, ʟōʽ-
close, to tims-, t'ams-, kˑims-
close, eyes, to tsqamʟ- ... -aukˑ
close by aūʟ, tsqūnkwaᵋts-slō
close here hūⁿts
clothes laʼkˑa
club kǃaiʼst'
coax, to tsūiⁿxu-
cohabit, to k'ū-
cold siʼlqust
cold, to be silqu-
cold season silqwīʼs
cold weather silōʼqwīyū
cold wind silōʼqwīyū
color timsaīʼs
Columbia Iliver Māʼʟōs
comb sāʼtīyū
comb hair, to st-
come, to wīl-, wul-
come back, to yāls-
come back, near, to tsqūnku-
come back, out, to ūxu-, kˑǃilʽ-
come back, together, to kˑexkˑ-
companion pɫūiʼs
complete, to kˑea-
completely āʼmta
consequently īsīʼmstᴇ
continually qāᵃʼltᴇ
contract, to sinptu-
contradict, to īʟ-
convene, to kˑexkˑ-
cook, to tsīⁿs-, tsǃis-, ʟāᵃɫ-
coon mᴇsūⁿʼqǃustxayaᵋtʽ
copulate, to tepɫ-
correctly tslaīʼqa
cougar mᴇqalpaᵋtʽ
cough, to txūtxū-
count, to qlīt-, qlaīt-
counting stick qoʼīɫ
country of the souls wīʼlīyū
cousin hīyaᵋ
cover, to tsin-, qalxu-
cover head, to hūnkˑǃ-
coyote mōʼlupstsinīʼsla
crab tkwaᵋlīʼsla
crabapple tskwaᵋkˑǃ
crack, to ɫqt..
crackle, to tskōl-
crane, to tskkaʼtina, mᴇkˑiʟaᵋtʽ
crane, sand hill pitskulīʼnīᵋ
crawfish mukwaʼɫtsitǃ
crawl, to tsūs-, tsǃūs-
crazy, to be qǃaīku-
creator tīʼwītǃ
creek nāʼtkˑau
crippled tsanaʼɫtikˑ
crooked tskailaʼt'ist, liʼxˑyaᵋtʽ
crooked, to be yulx-
cross, to haits-, ʟqǃ-
crosspiece yaʼka, yaᵋqa
crow āɫ
crown of head tuʼlau, lāpaʼtsi
cry, to ain-, tqaīʟ-
cup (for cup-and-pin game) tsīʼtsiqha- naū
cup-and-pin game ɫtsīʼtsiqhanaūt
cup-and-pin game, to play tsītsiqhan-
curly tsilaʼmɫtist
curve of a pot qalᴇmɫaīʼs
custom qēʼkˑīyū, līʼqɫn
customarily kˑᴇts, kˑis
cut, to simqu-, ɫqait'
cut, in two, to ʟam-
cut, in two ɫqayaʼtist
cut off, to tsīq- ... -ukᵘ, tsaīq- ... -ukᵘ, ɫqaıt-
cut off, open, to tkˑil-
cut off, up, to tsilp-
cyclone yᴇhaᵋmīyū
dance, to kūit-, kwīd-, kˑīlʽ-
dance the murder-dance, to qat-, mᴇtslax-
dance the war-dance, to qtū-
dangerous mᴇts'uʼlxust, qēʼnxst
dark qēⁿʼhist
dark, to be qamʟ-, qeʽ-, qēⁿʽ-
darkness qēʽs, qēⁿʽs, qēⁿhīʼyū
daub, to wusn-, tqēkˑ-
daughter pīʼyats
daughter-in-law maᵋtún
dawn qaī-, qē-
day pīʼtskum
day before yesterday akˑsqaʼskˑī
daybreak qaī-, qē-
daylight qaī-, qē
dead haʼskist
dead timber kǃūiʼ
deaf tkōʼust
December, pᴇsaʼxaukˑinkˑ, pāʼpᴇsxˑ, aūskˑınkˑ
decide, to tǃams-, kˑeaixts-
deed hīlkwaīʼs
deep hole ʟqwēʼ-slō
deep place ʟqwēʼ-slō
deer mahaʼlaītū, ʟahaiɛtǃ
defecate, to tswētɫ-
dentalia shells aɛqayū
depart, to kist-
deride, to hahaw-, tīmxum-, tsīqu-
descend, to qwenkˑs-, qxaīnkˑs-
desire, to tqaialt-, aiʽ ... -ū
despair, to hintsǃ- īs haiⁿᵋ, hīntsǃ-, aukˑ īs haiⁿᵋ, ʟqx- i᷇s haiⁿᵋ
dice tsaūʼtsūwaū
dice, to throw kump-
dice game ɫtsaūʼtsūʼtsūwaūt
die, to hask-, qan-
different ītsxaᵋst, yaīʼtsxaᵋst, yaīʼ- tsxaᵋt, tsāʼms, tsāʼmst, qahal-
different, to be ītsx-
different things, to do ītsx-
differently yaiʼtsxa, maʼlʽya
dig, to sp-, sp'-, sıptǃ-, kˑanxu-
dig fern-roots, to phūlhum-
dig fern-roots waūst'-
digging-stick qōn
dip, to tsku-
dirt hūʼpyū
dirty mᴇtsaʼntsinst
disappear, to yihu-, yūx-
disease. Lqalh/sxam ʟqalhīʼsxam, ʟqaldīyaīʼs
dish nauʼtsxamsɬa
dismember, to tsilp-
dispatch, to siʟxu-, sikˑ'xu-, qasū-
distant, nīskˑ
distinctly xeʼīʟke
distribute, to pīts-, tsīs-
diver yāʼɬqult'
divergent tsāʼmst
divide, to pīts-, pʽ-
do, to hīlku-
doctor, to mᴇtsimx-
dodge, to kˑim-
dog tsqax, tsqēⁿx
door pᴇnīʼkˑ, tūʼmsa
downstream halīʼyū
downward qxeʼnks
drag, to xqu-
dream sūⁿʼlhakˑ'īyū
dream, to sīlkˑ'ɑ-, sūⁿʼlhakˑǃ-
dreamer mᴇsilkˑǃūᵋtʽ
dress. la'ka. laqs laʼkˑa, laqs
drink, a qōⁿʼtǃᴇmxt
drink, to qōⁿtǃ-
drip, to tsqaīt-, tsqēt-
drop, to sūt-, spu-, sipu-, qaitu-, ʟxaut-, ʟxsū
dry ʟowaʼqat
dry, to ʟōq-, ʟaūq-, kūits-
duck kakāʼyaᵋ
dug place kūʼnʽwa
dump, to tspui-
dwell, to īts-
dweller ɫᴇyāʼtsit, ʟeyāʼtsit
dwelling ītsaīs
each hamstīᵋ
eagle mukwaʼltsīᵋt
ear tskwaīʼsalyustǃ
earth leʽwīʼ
earth-people klaʼmsʟᴇm, klaʼmtsʟᴇm
east kˑǃēts
east wind hakˑǃēʼtsǃīyū
eastern people kˑǃēʼtsit-s-hīʼtsʟᴇm
easy aʼīt
eat, to nūns-
eatables nūʼnsumxtᴇʟī
eaten up nūʼnsist
eater mᴇnūʼnsaᵋtʽ
eating-place pᴇnūnsaīʼtǃ
edge of sea hakˑ'ēʼtsal
eel meɬaʼtint, kaʼtsits
egg kˑiʼxwalaus
eight psinʟx, ɫaqaiʼst
eighty psinʟx ɫaqaiʼstkˑem, saūʼtist
elbow tkwᴇhīʼ
eleven saūʼtist, tem-axa, xamᵋ
elk nūns
emerge, to kˑǃilʽ-
encounter, to tinkˑ-, qōu-
end, to wul-, tsqamtǃ-
endeavor, to tsim-
enjoy, to ɫōt'-
enjoyable mᴇɫīʼūtst
enormous hamstīʼtǃ
enough tinhu-
enter, to sī-, qaa-, kˑilū-
enter (boat), to ku-, qu-
entirely āʼmta, hamstīᵋ
escape, to tskˑūit-, qalʽkˑ-
even lās, lāxs
even, to get ɫōt-
even if lāʼkˑᴇts
evening qamɫīʼs
every hamstīᵋ, qauwāᵋ
everywhere īs qauwaīʼ-slō, hauᵋ
exactly āᵃʼqa
examine, to īʟtǃ-, iɫtǃ-
examiner mᴇīʼʟtǃīᵋtʽ
exceedingly īī, yaīʼx-aukˑ īs haiⁿᵋ, tsāᵋhīʼsxa
exclusively taīkˑ
executioner mᴇtsīʼqtuwaᵋtʽ
expect, to hantǃ-
expert, to be ʟqētkˑ-
expose, to kˑim-
eye hayaʼnīyustǃ, kˑǃīkˑ
eyebrow xˑīʼtsū
eyelash tsauʼɫīt
face hainaīʼs
fail, to mᴇɫīkˑst- ... ū īs haiⁿᵋ, maᵋn-
fall, to yaix-, spu-
fall, to let sūt-
fall out (of hair), to hūiⁿqu-
fall over, to tspuu-
fancy, to kunt-
far nīskˑ
fast hāʼaɫqast, haᵋpist
fasten, to kˑimx-
fastened ʟīʼqxamtᴇʟī
fat, the pūstǃ
fat māʼkˑst, silaᵋst, kˑōlōʼkwiᵋst
father tāᵋ
fatigue qalhīʼs
fear, to tǃimūʽ- ... -aukˑ īs haiⁿᵋ, silu-
fearful mᴇtsǃuʼlxust
feather pᴇlūʼʽpᴇlū, kwīʼtsᴇx, ɫīqēʼs
feather (of tail) ʟīʼx(as)
February wāʼsakˑinkˑ, pᴇsaʼxaukˑinkˑ
feel, to ʽkˑǃ-, sūⁿqǃust-
feel of, to pk-, pkan-, xˑims-
feeling xˑāʼmsxasxam
female being mᴇshaʼlsla, mukwaᵋslī, mukwaᵋstᴇʟī
female beings maʼmkuslī, tsaʼsidū
female organ spaīʼ
fence ūʼyū
fernroots hūʼlhum
fetch, to spaīt-, ɫipt-
fetch water, to tsān-
few hīⁿskˑ
few, a xūs, xūʼsī, xūʟ, xūʼʟī
fifty sūtāᵃʼstkˑem saūʼtist
fight, to tsxūt-
fill, to puu-
finally maim-, muⁿʼhū, tem
find, to ʟu-
finger tsilaʼʽtalyustǃ
finger (small) qānts
finger-nail qwaʼnɫīyū
finger-ring nᴇhāʼtsītan
finish, to tsqamtǃ-, kˑea-, ʟx-
fir pōqᵘ, kˑēⁿʼhistǃ
fire tkᴇlɫtsǃīʼs, ʟkˑilīʼtǃa
fire-drill ɫōʼpʟpaū
fireplace ʟkˑilīʼt'ayustǃ
firmament lāᵋ
first qaaiʼtskˑit, qauʼwīs
first time hauwīʼist
fish tsūdaīʼs
fish in bay, to tspūitins-
fish, at low tide, to tspūitins-
fish, at night, to hūⁿsqus-
wish, with line, to tsitst-
fishline tsāʼtstīyū
fish-net tsaʼakˑtsikˑaū
fish-trap kˑeaⁿʼɫkˑelaū
fisher tǃaʼxwaīɫ, qɫʼnpayᴇmxt
fistful qwaʼnūʽ
fit, to kˑeaixts-, ʟaamx-
fitting xeʼʟkˑ
five sūdāᵃʼst
flame tkᴇlɫtsǃīʼs
flash, to haᵋyan-, hayaᵋn-
flea mıʼkˑiʟx, qǃuʼlsin
flesh hatsǃīʼlāl
flint tsilāʼts
float, to tspūit-, tspīdu-, ʟᴇait-
float up, to ūxu-
flounder hulōʼhulō, maʼlmī
flour tqēʼsa
flower hālēʼtxaū
fly, to īɫ-, yaɫ-, tp-
foam qwēʼnin
fog tsqamɫaīʼs
foggy, to be tsqamʟ-
follow, to ūst-, ūstit-, qūm-, ʟpūⁿkǃū-
food nūʼnsumxt, nūʼnsumxtᴇʟī
fool, to k'ū-
foot yūⁿʼsalyustǃ
for what reason is intskˑīʼs, īs īʼmstᴇ, īs lāᵃ, īs lāʼtᴇq, pāʼlᴇn
force tīyuʼxsīyū
force, to ʟxuu-
forehead tskōlēʼ
forest hatsiʼlkᵘ, muʼku᷄tsīyū
forget, to ɫōūl-
fork kˑileʼst
forsooth pqanīʼsᴇx
forty tsuʼnkˑxakˑem saūʼtist
forward yixaᵋts-slō
four tsūʼnkˑxatsuxt, tsūnkˑx-
fox pāʼyᴇm, qaʼlqus
fox, red t'aʼxwaīɫ
fresh saūʼɫt, sūɫta᷄ᵃʼst
friend hīyaᵋ, hīᵋyeʼsa
frighten, to iltu-
frog wulāʼtat
from across hakˑaūʼkˑ
from here hakˑīⁿʼkˑī
from outside hapᴇʼnk
full puūʼt, pūwīʼx
full, to be puu-
fun tǃanyaīʼs, ʟtǃawaʼīt
fun, to have tǃau-
fun, to make tīmxum-
gain tsāʼstuxs
gain, to tsas-, tǃiʟx-
gambler mīⁿʽtsǃaᵋtʽ
gambling-place ɫaʼtsxa
gambling-stick yāⁿʼhatsǃīyū
game tǃauyaīʼs, tsasaīʼs, ʟtǃawaʼīt
game of grace-sticks, to play xēʼxeltaū-
gather (roots), to pkõtsit-
gather, to kulᵋ-, kˑexkˑ-, ɫqam-
gathering kˑaʼxkˑetīs
ghost tsaᵋmaʼsīyū
gift pīʼtsust'
girl pīʼyats, xū
girl, after maturity tkˑaʼmkˑɫa
give, to īʽ-, pīts-, pt-
give up ʟx-
glad, to be auɫ- ... -auukˑ īs haiⁿᵋ
glad, to feel lāʼtᴇq
glance xˑilīʼdīs
glass hāhīʼnaū, ʟaʼha
glue, to mikˑǃ-
go, to ai-, aq-, mūatx-, yāx-, yaix-
go, after water ɫtsān-
go, ashore kˑliq-
go, back yip-
go, down to river ʟku-
go, downward qxenkˑs-
go, home yāᵃls-
go, in a certain direction pxˑilmīs-
go, out kˑǃilʽ-
go, out (of light) tsil-
go, through klūit-, qut-
go, toward pǃēx-
go, under something stinkˑ-
go, to, upstream qul-, qǃwēl-
go, to, west yikūku-
go and see phains-
goal xwaᵋyaīʼtǃ
gone yaiʼxtᴇx, yūʼxa, waᵋ, waᵋnaʼ
gone entirely āʼmtist
good aqāᵃᵋt
goodness aqāᵋtis
good quality aqāᵋtis
goose (wild) hahaʼlū, hāhāʼlō, qaʼiɫtǃ
grace-sticks, game of ʟxēʼxᴇɫtaūt
gradually māʼalkˑsta
grandparent tīt, tīᵋtā, tīʼkˑext
grandson kˑǃép, kˑēp, kˑep
grass sūʼlhaᵋkˑ
grasshopper tsimaᵋmaʼ
grave liʼkˑaīⁿs.
graveyard liʼkˑaisyaīʼtǃ
grease pūstǃ
great hamstītǃ
great deal mᴇqamīʼnta
green pāʼqst
greeting pīwīʼɫns
groins kuxēʼs
ground leʽwīʼ
grow (intr.), to hauq-
growl xāⁿxwa-
guardedly xēʼiɬkˑe
guardian spirit sūⁿʼlhak ǃīyū, ʟhayāʼ- nīyaīʼs
guess, to yaⁿʽts'-
guessing-game ʟᴇyānʼhats'īt
guessing-game, to play yaⁿʽts'-
(I) guess ʟuūʼ
gun tsīʼtskˑǃīyustǃ
habitually kˑis
hail tsīl
hair pelūʽʼpᴇlū, ʟōʼsin
half lamaʼt
half-burned tkᴇlɫtsǃīᵋst
half-emptied qūʼtǃist
half-torn tsxūiʼtist
halibut hulōʼhulō
hammer tkāʼkˑīyü
hand tāʼmtᴇm
handful qwaʼnūʽ
hang, to qal-
hang around neck, to kˑīltx-
hard pāʼʟkˑst
harm, to kǃū-, qaiⁿʼku-
harpoon qāʼtǃōu
hat tskaⁿʼka
hate, to tsīw-
have on, to kˑtsǃ-
hawk kˑeⁿʼhīʟa
hazelnut tkwīʼm
he qaʼtsᴇ, qaqaʼtsᴇ, qōtsᴇ, xaqaʼtsᴇ
he who ataʼs
head kusiʼntsi, ʟōkˑ
head-band mᴇqaᵋyātū
hear, to tsku-
heart sāʼlsxum, kˑaʼltsū
heat, to tǃīl-
heaven lāᵋ
heavy qsuūʼt
height haihayaᵋtis, qauʼxatıs
heirloom hīʼhīsxaū, kˑēʼkˑistxaū
help, to saw-
hcnce i᷄sīʼmstᴇ
here haʼıts, hakˑīⁿʼkˑī, haīʼts, hūⁿʼkˑi
here! tū, tūts
hew, to qōⁿt-
heyǃ ahīⁿʼ
hidden place qalxūiʼ-slō
hide, to ʽp-, mᴇɫant-, qalxu-
hiding-place qalxaᵋyaíʼ-slō
high haihayaᵋt, tsaʼkuɫant, qaux, qauʼxan
hill tskˑīⁿʼtsī
hind quarters pilaʼtkwayū
hit, to mᴇʽ-, mᴇʽ-, mᴇhīⁿ-, mᴇkˑǃīn-
hit on head kus-
hit with fist hils-
hit with knife tsʽ-
hit with rock mᴇkˑais-
hit with stick paxtǃ-, quxu-
hoarse, to be tsīk- ... ukᵘ
hold fast, to nᴇq-
hole sāʼptxus, kˑūʼnʽwa
hole, having a spaᵋt
holes, full of saʼptǃist
hook, to qtǃ-
hoop tskōʼltskōlaū
hop, to tsīs-, tsīⁿs-
horizon lāᵋ
horizontal position, to be in tskˑ-
horn tsiyaʼɫīyū, kˑayaʼsīyü
horse tawaᵋyū, tǃawaʼyū
hot tǃīl-
house ītsaīʼs
how? kwaᵋlaʽ, lāᵃ
however teʼmɫta
huckleberries ɫlaʼqǃ
huckleberries, red līʼkˑin
human being hīʼtslᴇm
hundred saūʼtistkˑem saūʼtist
hungry kˑīsˑkī- ... -ū, kˑai᷅skˑ- ... -ū
hunt, to pxamint-, tᴇxu-
hurriedly hāʼaɫqa
hurt, to tsxiɫt-, qaiⁿku-
husband sīᵋt
I qan, qaʼnhan, qaqaʼn, qwoʼnhan, xaqaʼn
ice ʟkˑıʼmīs
idea taʼmsa
if hakˑiʼms, hakˑiʼmsis, s, sis, kˑiʼmsis
ignorant, to be tkwam-
ill, to presage yeaʽ-
immediately nāʼmkˑitxū, qaitīʼ
in īs
in case, hakˑiʼms, hakˑiʼmsis, sis, kˑiʼmsis
in this manner īʼmstᴇ
in vain hāᵃʼtsᴇ
increase, to mᴇqamin-
indeed āʼa, kˑeʼa
Indian hīʼtslᴇm
indicate, to tᴇsin-
indignation ʟaʼīsxam
inhabitant ɫᴇyāʼtsit
inheritance kˑēʼkˑistwaū
inland kˑǃēts
in order that kˑaiʼī
inquire, to pxēltsūs-
inside ītsaīʼs, hatsiʼl, hatsiʼlkᵘ
inside, to be kˑilū-
insist, to tīxu-
intercourse, to have kʽū-
interjections anāʼ, ēē, hᴇn, hāʼānā, heheʼ, heⁿ, hē, hū
invite, to wahauʽ-, walts-
iron tskˑewīʼn
island tspīʼūtᴇsal
it qaʼtsᴇ, qaqaʼtsᴇ, xaqaʼtsᴇ
January kˑaʼkˑimkˑtaukˑinkˑ
jealous mᴇlaʼī
jeer, to tīmxum-
jerk, to xp-
jilt, to māqax-
join, to mikˑǃ-
journey ayaīʼs
journey, to ai-, xˑūʼlam-
jump, to tp-, tsīs-
July mᴇtsa᷅ʼmtxuskˑink
June mᴇhaʼlkˑatxuskˑinkˑ
just hīʼkˑe
just the same lˑōʼtsū
Kalapuya Indian kˑǃēʼtsit-s-hīʼtslᴇm
kettle ˑkalaʼxkala, kˑiluwīʼyustǃ
kick, to stqu-
kill, to wīl-, ʟxamn-
killing-tool ʟxamāʼnīyū
kind of hataʼmᴇ, mūⁿʼɫiī, taʼmᴇ
kindle, to tkᴇlɫts'-
kingfisher mᴇtsādāᵋtʽ
kinnikinnic berries mᴇkˑīʼlhūtī
knee haqāʼntǃxus, kˑiʼlaū
kneel, to tskˑi᷇ⁿʽ
knife kwiʼtū, kˑīʼyaī, qanīʼnal
knock senseless, to qantʽū-
knot (in hair) hūiⁿʼkūis
knot (in tree) t'ēx, qwaʼnaha
know, to mᴇɫān-, ʟqētkˑ-
ladder kˑaʼkˑuhat'
lair tskˑīʼtǃ
lake kˑhʼlaᵋpī, ʟqōʼtsᴇx
lame pitkwaiʼst, tsaʼntkaᵋst, likˑaʼyᴇst
lament, to milkˑīs-, ain-
land, to kˑǃiq-, xku-
land, close to shore tilqu-
land-otter kˑılūʼtǃin
1 landing kˑ'iqaīʼs
landing-place kˑǃiqaīʼs
large aʼɫtuxt, haihayaᵋt, tsaʼkuɫant
large haiʽ-
last possession taᵋyāl
last thing taᵋyāl
last year akˑsqaiʼsī
later on aīs, taʼmni
laugh, to tsīqu-
launch (canoe), to ku-, qu-
leader mᴇɫanaʼstīyū
leaf kˑ'ēʼpau
leak, to qaitu-
lean pxˑiʼnt, ʟxwalaʼst
leave, to haqu-, kˑist-
leave (canoe), to xku-
leave (shore) yikūku-
left side hakˑaīʼkˑ-slō
leg sīyaᵋ
legend qēʼkˑīyū
lest hūᵋtskˑ
let ʟāᵃs
liar mᴇkai᷄ʼkˑist
lick, to haltǃ-
lie, to tskˑ-, qal-
lie alongside, to simxu-
lie face downward pīⁿtq-
lie face up tqwaixkˑil- ... -aukˑ
lift, to tǃīʟn-
light qē, qēʼya, qēⁿs
light ɫkuʼxst
light, to get qaī-, qē-
light fire, to kimn-
lighten, to haᵋyan-, hayaᵋn-
lightning hayaᵋna
like hataʼmᴇ, mūⁿʼɫiī, taʼmᴇ, qahāʼns
like, to tqaialt-, kunt
likewise ītaᵋ, xunaʼhas
limb of tree tsīnaʼa
lip kxaiʼ, qaıᵋ
listen, to tsku-
little īlāᵋst, īlāᵋtst
little, a xūs, xūʼsī, xūʟ, xūʼLī
little while, a kˑaᵋ, kˑaⁿʼtsūs
live, to īts-
liver kˑiʼpil
load tsūlāʼqan, kˑilwīʼtū, qāʼam
lock of hair kwıʼkˑın
log paaʼwun, kōts
long afterwards īɫeɫīʼts, ɫtōwaīʼ-slō
long ago ailıʼkˑī, īɫeɫīʼts, qamīʼn
long time qāᵃʼtsᴇ, qāʼtsatis
look xˑilīʼdīs
look, to hān-, hain-, ɫn-
look for xˑilt-
look for food at low tide qaiku-
look in ilx-
look like xal-
look on halt-, ʟhald-
look upward tqu- ... -ukᵘ
looks haʼhain, hāʼldᴇmxus
looks like ɫɫaʼ, ʟlaʼ
loosen, to kˑikǃu-
lose, to milʽ-
lose hold of, to tslīku-
love, to laʼhī-
lower, to sūi-
luncli miʼɫax, miʟx
mad xaʼlxas
magic power sāʼlsxum
make, to tīūtǃhūn-
maker tīʼwītǃ
male being qāʼalt
mamma kōs
man qāʼalt
many mᴇqamiʼnt
maple tree ūʼlsin
March wāʼsakˑinkˑ, tāʼpskˑinkˑ, tskōʼ-, ltskōlaūkˑinkˑ
mark tsaʼmtsū
mark, to tᴇms-
marks yāʼtstǃ
May matsōʼkustxuskˑinkˑ
maybe hīⁿ, hīⁿhūⁿ, hūᵋtskˑ
me qwon
measure tsimaīʼs
measure, to tsim-
meat hatsīʼlāl
medicine-man pāʼlqa, tsǃōwiyaᵋtᴇʟī-slō
meet, to tinkˑ-, qōu-
meeting kˑaʼxkˑetīs
melt silxu-
menstruate, to tkˑaīɫ-
menstruation mᴇtsɫaīʼqast
mention, to tkˑin-
mention name of dead relative pālau-
mercy, to show ʟᴇilkˑ- ... -ū i᷅s haiⁿᵋ
merely taiᵋ
message ildīʼs
messenger qsaʼwa, ɫaīhīⁿʼsū
metal tǃīlīʼs
middle kūkᵘ, kˑūʼkᵘ
middle, in the hahaīʼkwaukˑ, kˑūkᵘ-, ... -aukˑ
middle, to be in haiku- ... -aukˑ, hīku- ... -aukˑ
mind haiⁿᵋ, kˑaʼltsū
mink paʼapǃ
mirror hāhīʼnaū
mischief, to do xamkˑinkˑ-
misfortune, to have mᴇɫīlkˑst- īs haiⁿᵋ
miss (mark), to hīl-
mist pilqǃ, pilaʼqǃ
moist kˑaᵋqst
mole mᴇkōtalyaᵋtʽ
money kumtūiʼs, kˑiʼnwī
monster akīⁿʼ
month ōʼxun
monthly courses mᴇtsɫaīʼqast
moon ōʼxun
more hīsx, saʼnxukˑe, kˑēʼtkˑē, kˑēʼkˑē
moreover ītaᵋ
morning ʟqēʼst, ʟqēʼtst
mosquito kwīyaīⁿʼtū
mother līᵋ
motion, to set in xētsu-
motionless āʼlikˑan
motionless, to be alkˑ-, alkˑtū-
mountain tskˑīⁿʼtsī, ʟowaʼhayū
mouse mᴇīʼldītū
mouth kxai, xamaʼɫīyū
mouth of river, halīʼyū, haluwīʼyū, haluwīʼkīʼkˑsīyū, kˑǃila/hayū
move, to yaix-, aq-, tsīⁿxu-, xˑilum-
move up and down, to hīɫ-
movement xˑiluʼmtxasxam
moving, to begin xētsu-
much mᴇqamiʼnt, qamiʼnt
muchly mᴇqamīʼnta
mud laʼɫa
mudcat qalxaīʼsla
multiply, to mᴇqamin-
munch, to ʟqopu-
murderer mᴇʟxamnīyaᵋtʽ, ʟxamnīʼyūt
murderous weapon ʟxamāʼnīyū
muskrat tsīⁿʼkᴇm
mussels haʼītō, ɫīʼwīs
my aʼsin, tᴇʼsin, sin, kuʼsin
myth qēʼkˑīyū
name ʟān, ɫaʼni
name, to tqēlkˑ-
narrate, to āl-
narrative qēʼkˑīyū
nasty mᴇtsaʼntsinst, tsilhūᵋna
navel kˑipl
near aūʟ
near yūL-, yūɫ
necessarily taʼāxtī, tsqwa
neck yāʼhal
needle yaᵋqayū
neighbor kˑināʼxaītǃ, kˑaū, kˑū, kˑūʼwāl
nephew tᴇmāʼmis
Nestucca River nʟǃhāʼltsū
net qāʼxatǃ
nevertheless teʼmɫta, lˑōʼtsū, ɫtāᵃ
new sūɫtāᵋst, saūʼɫt
next day aʼngˑī
next house kˑaū, kˑū
next year qaiʼsī
nice maaīʽtsit
niece tkōʼts, sīʼpxan
night qamɫīʼs, qēʽs, qēⁿʽs
night owl ʽwaʽwāᵋ
nine xamwaᵋ, xamwaᵋlaskˑ saūʼtist
ninety xamwaᵋlaskˑe saūʼtistkˑem saūʼ-tist
no ⁱʟīyaᵋ, waᵋ, waᵋnaʼ
no matter lāʼxs
noise īlīʼdīyū, pīʼūsxam
noise, to make pīwīsx-
noisy, to be pi᷄ūsx-, tsāt-
north kˑaʼkᵘ
north wind kˑamaʼsīyū
nose tᴇsiʼn, kusnūʼnhayustǃ
not waᵋnaʼ, ⁱʟīyaᵋ
nothing but taīkˑ
November kˑāʼtxuskˑinkˑ
now muⁿʼhū, xunaʼ, xūnāʼ, ɫīts
number mᴇqamiʼntis
oak pōʼɫa
object of work tīwīʼtǃʽwan
obtain, to tsi᷄s-, xunt-
occasionally īsʟxayaīʼ-slō, īs ʟxatowaīʼ-, -slō
ocean kūʼkᵘ, kōʼkᵘ, qaʼlōs
ochre qaʼskˑǃīm
October mᴇɫaʼlqǃatxuskˑinkˑ
odor qēⁿx, qēⁿxs, qēxs-, qēⁿʼxas
offer food, to tipx-
often hauwīʼi
old mᴇhaʼīt
old man mᴇhaʼīt
older qalaʼxstet
oldest qalaʼxstet
on īs
on his part xūtsāʼˑ
on my part xūtsāʼ
once qaaiʼtskˑit
once in a while amīʼtsǃī
once more qalp-
one qaaiʼtskˑit, xamᵋ
one-eyed tkaʼhītist
one side, on hataʼhakˑ
one-sided lixˑyaᵋtʽ
onlookers ʟhaʼldit
only taiᵋ
open, to waʽ-
open (of anus), to saʼxtǃel-
open (eyes), to hain- ... -ū
open (mouth), to ʽp-
open (play), to halq-
opinion, mahaīʼxasxam-aukˑ īs haiⁿᵋ
opposite kˑīʼku
orphan mᴇkˑaīʼnīkˑslaū, lᴇqaᵋlqaʼyaū
other yaīʼtsxast, qahal-
other end, at kˑīʼku
other side kˑīⁿʼhī
other side, on hakˑaūʼkˑ
ouch! ī, īī
our aʼɫin, tᴇɫiʼn, kuɫiʼn, ʽʟin, ɫin
our two (incl.) aʼstin, tᴇstin, stin, kūʼstin
our two (excl.) kuʼxan, xan
outdoors pᴇnīʼkˑ
outside pᴇnīʼkˑ
over sʽaiʼx
over, to go qt-
overpower, to kǃū-
overtake, to qūm-
over there kˑim, kˑīʼku
owl, day ɫaᵋmīʼsū, ʟaᵋmīʼsū
own yuxwīʼst
oysters kˑǃāʼwīxāl
pack tsūlāʼqan, qāʼam
pack, to ɫqwaaīɫ-
paddle xwēʼxwē, xwīʼxwī
paddle, to mᴇxai-
paint pūʼxtsū, timsaīʼs, kwaᵋs
paint, red qaʼskˑǃīm
paint, to tᴇms-, tǃims-
pair, a xeʼʟkˑtᴇmxt
palm of hand pīl, piʼlaukˑ
parent-in-law makɫ
part, to ikˑx-, īkˑx-
part of the body haʼnakˑāl
partially cut ɫqayaʼtist
particle expressing indignation and anger amiʼstīs
emphatic particle īʟ, īʟa, īʟta
particle denoting surprise and wonder ha, hā, haiʼait, hīʼtᴇ
ta, ta3 particle indicating surprise
nīʼtskˑxat, tsa3tī particle expressing anger, wonder, and astonishment
tsāʼmsʟī, qa3, qwā, xuts particle denoting uncertainty
parting of hair kˑiwaiʼsᴇmx
partisan, a tsqauʼwīs
partition tsᴇxaīʼ
pass by, to ʟīxq-
patch, a kˑūʼwatikˑ
path yāʼxalīᵋtǃ
peck at, to qalts-
peek in, to ilx-
pelican mᴇlxamnīyaᵋtʽ
penis kˑeɫīʼs
people hīʼtslᴇm, ɫᴇyāʼtsit
people below klaʼmsʟᴇm, klaʼmtslᴇm
perceive, to hain-, ʟᴇais-
perch, to tskuɫ-
perchance hūᵋtskˑ, kˑimᵋ, kˑimhaᵋkˑ, hīⁿ, hīⁿhūⁿʼ
perforation in ear yᴇkˑaīʼs
perform, to hīlku-
perhaps hīⁿ, hīⁿhūⁿʼ, hūᵋtskˑ, maʼaīʟī, kimᵋ, kˑimhaᵋkˑ
period qāʼtsatis
permit, to kˑaʽ-
perpendicular position, to be in qal-
person hīʼtsʟᴇm
pick, to pkūtsit-, ɫqam-
pick berries, to taᵋtskˑ-
pierce, to kɫūit-, qlītū-
pile, to tūʽ-
pile up, to kulᵋ-
pine tree mōlāʼxamīyū
pipe ɫkǃwaʼan
pitch ʟpāʼkˑstǃ, tqauɫīʼts'
pitchwood ʟpāʼkˑst
pity, to have ʟᴇikˑ- ... -ū īs haiⁿᵋ
place milhūdaīʼs, leʽwīʼ
place, to palL-, pkˑǃ-, sʽ-, kˑilū-
place between teeth, to ɫkums-
place in front, to qūis-
plan taʼmsa
plate (wooden) ʟīʼqwayustǃ
play, to tǃau-
plaything tǃawaʼyū
pleaseǃ ī, ait, hanhūʼu, Lāᵃs
plenty qamiʼnt
pluck, to tslōqut-, tslimkˑ-, ɫtsimx-
point out, to tᴇsin-
pole lāʼquns
poor puwaᵋt
pot kalaʼxkala
pouch ɫamīᵋts
pour, to tūʽ-, tspūtǃ-, qut-
power tīyuʼxsīyū
powerful pilskwīᵋst
prairie ʟxāʼyats
pray' ī, hanhūʼu, ʟās
prefer, to tqaialt-
pregnant mᴇqaʼaīt
prepare, to tīūt'hūn-, tsīⁿs-, ts'is-, qaīⁿʽ-
prepared, to be qaīⁿʽ-
a, present pīʼtsūstǃ
presently tsɫīts
pretend, to qaʼhalt
pretty aqāᵃᵋt, maaiʽʼtsit, māʼlūkst, mukwaʼntsint
probably hīⁿ, hīⁿhūⁿʼ
proper names:
property lāʼtᴇqɫāl
provisions nūʼnsumxt, nūʼnsumxtᴇʟī
pull, to txu-, tǃxu-
pull off, to tslōqut-
pull out, to tslimkˑ-
pulling tool tǃaʼxustǃ
pursue, to ūstit-
pursuer ʟaūʼstitūt
push tsīxut-, ʟxuu-
push aside, to pᴇnhū-
put, to sʽ-
put into play, to halq-
put on, to kˑtsǃ-
put together, to mikǃ-, mkˑǃ-
quahog kˑewaᵋpa
quake, to ɫqt-
quickly hāʼaɫqa, ʟūiʼkut
quiet āʼlikˑan
quiet, to be alkˑtū-, taᵋmuqwa
quiver tsīmīʼxɫa, qɫʼnpa
rabbit mᴇyaīʼtsxaut, mᴇtīʼyutxautǃī
raccoon mᴇtǃōlūᵋtʽ, qāʼtsū
race ʟkuʼkumkwaut
race track kumūʼkwalītǃ
rain ɫlaʼxus, ʟlaʼxus
rain, to ʟlxus-, ɫlxus-
raise, to halsn-
raise foot, to kaīkɫ-
raise up, to hat-
rat haⁿʼha
rather mūⁿʼhī, tahaʼ
raven qwulaʼxt, qūlaʼxt
raw, to be īʼpsin-
reach, to kul-
reach out, to tsilaʽt-
ready, to be kˑeaixts-, qaiⁿʽ-, qaīⁿʽ-
really mᴇɫāʼntᴇʟī
reason kwāɫn, kwāʟn
receive, to xunt-
recently hauwīʼi
receptacle tāʼlkustǃ
recognize, to tisl-
recover xunt-
red paʼhalt, pāʼhalt
refuse, to iʟ-, īʟ-
refuse (marriage), to māʼqax-
relative tkinaīʼs
relative (by marriage) hāʼkumxus
relative by marriage after death of person whose marriage established relationship tskwīts
remain, to past-, ɫᴇmūltǃ-
remnant pāʼstuuwīᵋtǃ
repeatedly kˑᴇts
resemble, to xal-
reside, to īts-
residence ītsaīʼs
resident ɫᴇyāʼtsit
rest, to haiʽ-
resting on posts mᴇhīʼlqtstǃᴇmxt
resting-place tskˑīʼt'
return yāʼxau
return, to yāls-, xam-
reveal, to kˑim-
revenge, to ɫōt-
revolver tsīʼtskˑ'īyust'
ride, to tskūiɫ-, tskūıkˑǃ-
ridge of mountains tsᴇnīʼsū
right away aūʼɫikˑ, nāʼʽyᴇm, nāʼmkˑ-, itxū, qaitīʼ
right side tsaiʼhin
ripe tsisīⁿʼt
river nāʼtkˑ
road yāʼxalīᵋtǃ, xˑūʼlamīt'
roast on spit, to tinūtx-, qaxt-
roasting stick qwīᵋmats
robin mᴇɫaʼhatū
rock kˑīl
roll, to qalp-
roll eyes, to sī-
roll up, to qaup-
roof tsīⁿʼkˑe
rooter tsqauʼwīs
roots ʟīʼqayū
roots (dug up) waūʼst'aūs
rope tǃaʼxustǃ, tsuwīʼx, qalīʼ, ʟimıʼlxwa
roseate saʼnqukˑe
rotten pᴇlāʼqt, piʼlqan
round ʟimīʼt
rub, to wusn-, taīʟ-, xaipu-, ɫpu-
rudder sʟīyāʼkˑīyū
run, to kumku-
run away, to yihū-, tskˑūit-, qalʽkˑ-
runner mᴇkumkūᵋtʽ, mukumkūʼkwal-, yaᵋtʽ
running ʟkuʼkumkwaut
sail sūwīʼtīyustǃ
salalberries ɫqaʼɫqaut
saliva tsakˑ
salmon tsūdaīʼs
salmon, calico hayᵋ
salmon, Chinook mᴇqauʼtsqauts
salmon, old ɫkeᵋyāᵋtīyū
salmon, silverside pᴇkūiʼs
salmon, steelhead hunk'ᵋ, hūⁿʼkǃ
salmon, trout qǃulīʼs
salmon berries haᵋliʼkˑa, matsōʼkus, kˑiʼpaīs
Salmon River sīʼsinqau
salmon-trap mᴇxūʼn
salt qaʼlōs
sand nᴇqāʼxamxt'
sand beach īnaīʼs
sapsucker kˑaⁿʼɫits'
satiated, to be tinhu-
satisfied, to be tinhu-
save, to saw-
saw ʟikaʼtīyū
say, to īlū-, īltist, īlst-, yās-, yāl-, mayᴇx-
scalp kwiʼkˑin
scare, to ıltu-
scoop, to qwanhut-
score, to hū-
scorn hahaw-
scratch, to kūɫ-
scream, to tsqwas-
screech-owl yipaᵋyūsla
s'death' pqanīʼsᴇx
sea qaʼlōs
sea-gull kǃaʼnans
sea-lion mehūiⁿʼkūistu, xaʼmnī
sea-otter mᴇkūmkᵘ, mālēʼtst
seal xaʼmnï
seal, fur kūiʼpūna
search, to xˑilt-
season qāʼtsatis
secluded spot qalxūiʼ-slō
second qalpaīʼxat, qōmaᵋts
secrete, to mᴇɫant-
see, to hain-, hān-, ʟᴇais-.
see! hāl
seemingly qaʼhalt, ɫɫaʼ
seize, to tsxul-, xiltǃ-, lōqut-
self yuʼxwīs, tsaīʼskˑ', xamkˑǃ
send, to siʟxu-, sikˑ'xu-, qasū-
separate, to īkˑx-
separately īʼkˑxa, xaʼmkˑe
September tāʼpskˑinkˑ
septum tǃaʼxus
set (of sun), to yikūku-
seven xeʼʟkˑɫaqaīʼst
seventy xeʼʟkˑɫaqaiʼstkˑem saūʼtist
sever, to tsīq- ... ukᵘ
sexual appetite, to have hitu- ... -ū
shadow tsaᵋmaʼsīyū
shake, to hīɫ-. tsīⁿxu-
shake head, to aitsˑ
sharp tǃᴇwaʼqt
she qaʼtsᴇ, qaqaʼtsᴇ, qōʼtsᴇ, xaqaʼtsᴇ
shell xaūʼsxaū
shinny ball pūʼpᴇnhaū, qaʼqalpaū
shinny ball, to play pūpᴇnhau-
shinny ball, club pāʼxtǃīyū
shinny ball, game pūpᴇnhaūyaīʼs, ʟpūʼpᴇnhaūt
shinny ball -player Lpūʼpᴇnhaut
shirt hatsǃīlīyū, qāʼqātǃ
shoot, to tskˑǃ-
shoot at target, to qatᵋ-
shoot at target with spears, to tsīʼtsikhanau-, tsīʼtsqau-
shooting (constant) tsitskˑǃaᵋyaīʼs
shore hakˑǃēʼtsāl, kūʼkᵘ
shore, away from kūʼkᵘ
shore, on kˑǃéts
short ɫkwīīʼntsinst, ɫqainūʼtsāᵃnt
short, to fall maᵋn-
shot tskˑǃīʼs, tskˑǃai᷄ʼs
should sis, s
shoulder ɫkwawīʼtᴇm
shoulder blade ʟpaʼxʟpax
shout, to haha-, ʽwalʽ-, tsqaūs-, qalx-
shouter tsqauʼwīs, tsqaūwīs
shouting ʽwalāʼ, ʽwaʼlhaītǃ, pīwīʼɫns, tsqauʼwīs, qalīʼx
show, to istikˑ-, ūxu-, ptu-, ptǃu-, tᴇsin-, tsin-, kˑim-, xat-, ɫōl-
shuffle xāt-
shut, to tims-, tǃams-, kˑims-
shut eyes, to tsqamʟ- ... -aukˑ
sick, to be ʟqalt-, ɫqad-
sickness ʟqalhīʼsxam, ʟqaldi᷄yaīʼs
sideways hilaᵋts-slō
sign tsaʼmtsū, yāʼtstǃ
signal tsaʼmtsū
Siletz River nāʼtkˑitsʟō
similar imstīʼt
similarly halāʼtsī, müⁿʼɫii᷄
since mis, lāʼɫta, lāʼɫtas
sinew hīⁿq'
sing, to tsilʽ-, kīlʽ-
singer mᴇtsilhaᵋtʽ
sink, to siʟ-, sikˑǃ-
sister hūᵋl
sister, elder sāᵋ
younger qāʼsint, qtīm
sister-in-law temaʼxt, temxt
sit, to pil-, piltku-
Siuslaw River Kwas
six ɫaqaīʼst
sixty ɫaqaiʼstkˑem saūʼtist
size haihayaᵋtis
skate hulōʼhulō
skin ʟaʼqusin
skin, to qɫnp-, ʟuu-
skirt laqs
skunk pāᵋlis, muxsūiⁿʼstū
skunk - cabbage qǃayūᵋl
sky qauʼxan, lāᵋ
slave psayāⁿʼsal
sleep, to atskˑ-, atskwīxu-, tsinsu-
sleepy, to feel ātskuyuxu- ... īs haiⁿᵋ
slide, to sipɫu-, sūw-, stilkˑ-
slime nūx
slink, to stinkˑ-
slip, to sūw-
slouch, to stinkˑ-
slow māʼlkˑst
slowly māʼlkˑsta, ʟāᵃʼmxa
small īlāᵋst, īlāᵋtst
small, to be īl-
smart (of eyes), to tsqais-
smell qēⁿʼxas, qēⁿx, qēⁿxs
smell, to ʽkˑǃ-
smelt tsalx
smoke, to (tr.) ɫkǃwān-
smoke, to (intr.) xwēⁿs-
smoke xwēⁿʼsīyü
smoke-hole xwēⁿʼsīyustǃ
smooth ʟāʼxalt
snag paaʼwun
snail paʼlkun, mᴇnüʼxstū
snake kˑināʼq
sniff, to haɫt-, hakˑǃt-
snipe tsāʼlōs, xulpaᵋtsitǃ
snore, to ɫunqǃu-
snow tǃiʼlxus
so tem
so that kˑaiʼī
soft ʟoōʼkust
sole hulōʼhulō
sole of foot yūⁿʼsalyustǃ
solely taīkˑ
some ʟxat
somebody ūʼkˑeai, ūkˑ, qaū
someone sqaʼtit, qāʼtit
something intskˑīʼs, taʼxtī, tᴇq, lāᵃ, lāʼtᴇq, nīʼi, nītskˑ
sometimes īs ɫtōwaīʼ-slo, īs ʟxayaīʼ-slō, īs ʟxatowaīʼ-slo᷅, ʟxā
somewhere nā, naᵋ
son qwām, kˑīlaʼ
son-in-law mūn
song tsilaʼha, tsilhaʼ, kˑilhīʼ
soon kˑiʼmɫī
sore, a miltqaīʼs
sore piʼlqan
sorry tǃamn- ... -aukˑ īs haiⁿᵋ
sound ildīʼs, īltīʼs, haiⁿᵋ, pīʼūsxam
sound, to pīūsx-
sound like metal, to tǃīlīs-
sour qsīʼqsōut
south kˑūʼkᵘ
south wind xᴇɫtuxs, xēʼʟtoxs
spatter tǃōl-
spawning-grounds waltǃ
speak, to āl-, mayᴇx-, ilu-, īlu-, īlt-, īlst-, īltist-, yᴇa-, yās-, yāl-, yōl-
spear pᴇsāʼx, la᷅ʼquns
spear, to mᴇkˑlīn-, ʟxwē, ʟxuī-
spearing-game ʟxwēʼʟxwīyaūt
speech ildīʼs, īltīʼs, īlīʼdīyū, yᴇaīʼs, yūl, yōl
spill, to tūʽ-, tspūtǃ-, tspui-, qut-
spin tops, to was-, ʟxāʼʟxauyaū
spinning top, a waʼsa, ʟxa᷅ʼʟxauyaū
spinning top, game of ʟowaʼsat, ʟxāʼs, ʟxaüyaūt
spirit sūⁿʼlhakˑlīyū
spit, to stustu-
split, to wuq-, tkˑil-, tsīɫ-, tsǃiɫ-, ʟam-, ɫam-
spoil, to qaīⁿku-
spoon qāʼwīyū, qauʼwīyū
spotted tᴇkwaʼnkust, tāʼkutist
spout, to xup-
spread, to pʽ-, ɫatsx-
spread, a ɫaʼtsxa
spruce kuxwaāʼtū
squirrel xaɫtǃ
stab, to tsʽ-
stagger, to tilqu-
stake tsāʼstuxs, xwaᵋyaīʼtǃ, ʟqūʼxwa
stake, to ɫqūxu-, ʟqūxu-
stand, to pɫu-, squl-
stand up, to tkˑ-
star laʼɫtǃ
start ayaīʼs, xatsuwīʼs
start, to xētsu-
starting-point qaīʼ
stay, to īts-
stay behind, to ɫᴇmūltǃ-
steal, to kˑinst-
stealthily ʟāʼmxa
steersman kwīⁿʼʽtsǃit
stick kōʼxᵘ, kūʼxᵘ, pōʼkˑpᴇkˑtǃ, tiʼnᴇxtsū
stick, to palʟ-
stick in, to tukɫnu-
stick out, to istikˑ-, īstikˑ-, ptu-, pt'u-, tsin-
stick up, to qūⁿx-
still teʼmɫta, yuʼxū
stilt walking tskwāʼtskwahalaūt
stilts tskwāʼtskwahalaūt
stomach qalōʼna
stone kˑlīl
stoop, to tskūnt-, kˑǃlim-
stop, to alkˑ-, wīl-, pɫu-, kˑea-
store tahaʼtalīᵋtǃ
storm, to sūslō-
story kˑāʼkˑᴇmatu, qēkˑīyū
stout māʼkˑst
straight āʼqa, tslaīʼqa, tslaīʼqast, yāʼqa
straighten out, to tslīq-, tslaīq-
stream nāʼtkˑ
strength pilskwīᵋstis, qalaᵋtis
strike, to mᴇʽ-, mᴇhīⁿ-
strike, with rock, to mᴇkˑais-
strike, with stick, to paxtǃ-
string tskˑexēʼyū, pāʼpᴇsxaū
strong pilskwīᵋst
sturgeon mᴇqaūʼt
submerge sl-, sʟ-, -uch, imstīʼt, hamstīʼtǃ
such a size! hamstīᵋtǃatis
such a thing īʼstᴇkwāl
suddenly amīʼtsǃī, hāʼaɫqa
suit, to ɫⁿamx-, ʟaamx-
suitable xeʼʟkˑ
summer pīʼtskumskˑ
sun pīʼtskum
supernatural power sūⁿʼlhakˑǃīyū
supply, to tsīs-
surely kˑeʼa
surf tiyaʼkˑlīyū, tsauʼwīyū
surface harnaīʼs
survive, to past-, sālsx-
survivor pāʼstuwīᵋtǃ
suspect, to paūkˑu-
suspended, to be qal-
swallow, to tku- ... -ukᵘ
swamp grass tsaaiʼts
swan (black) hahaʼlū, hāhāʼlō
swan (white) qōⁿʼqᵘ
sweat-house kūʼtupa, qāʼnū
sweat-lodge qāʼnū
swell, to pʽu-, qūnʽ-
swift haᵋpist, hāᵃʼɫqaᵋst
swiftness haᵋpistis
swim ʟpilsu-, ɫtu-, ʟtu-
swim (of fish), to xūp-
table pᴇnūʼnsaītǃ
tail (of fish) saʼqal, saʼqau
tail (of quadrupeds) tsāʼmtsū
take, to ɫipt-, ɫo᷆qut-
take along, to spaīt-, txan-, ɫqam-, ʟqam-
take care of, to halsn-
take off, to yux-, tūx-
take out, to halq-
take the lead, to ʟinʽ-
up a game qalm-
talk ildīʼs, īltīʼs, īlīʼdīyū, yᴇaīʼs, yūl, yōl
talk, to īld-, īlt-, yōl-, yūl-
tall aʼɫtuxt, tsaʼkuɫant
tally, to hū-
tame sᴇmīʼist
target qatᵋa
target for spears tsīʼtsqaū
terget shooting ʟqatᵋat
tear, to tsxūit-, ʟxumt-, ʟxūs-
tears kwilkwīᵋtǃ
teetotaller mᴇqūʼtǃisalīʼsla
telephone īlīʼdīyū
tell, to āl-, yᴇa-, yās-
ten saūʼtıst
terrible hamstītǃ, xalxsaᵋst
that is as, tas, kus, kwas
that much hīʼtᴇqɫns
that one ataʼs, antūʼu
that there antüʼu
the as, tas, s, is, kus, kwas
thee nīx
then muⁿʼhū, tem
there kˑim
there' hāl
therefore īsīʼmstᴇ
they silku-, qaʼtsiʟx, qōʼtsiʟx
they two qōʼtsaux, qaʼtsaux
thick mᴇɫāᵃʼnt
thigh wuʼlhaīs
thimbleberry-bush muūʼlqayᴇm
thin pxˑiʼnt, sılōʼkut, tsıluʼxti ıxwalaʼst
things lāʼtᴇqɫāl
think, to maʽ- ... -aukˑ īs haiⁿᵋ, tx- īs haiⁿᵋ, t'x- īs haiⁿᵋ
thirsty, to be kikau- ... -ū
thirty psiʼnkˑǃᴇxkˑem saūʼtist
this tas, kus
this here anhūʼu
this kind hamstīʼtǃ
this my aʼsin
this one anhūʼu, was
this our aʼɫin
this our two aʼstın
thou nīx, qanīʼx, xaqanīʼx
thought haiⁿᵋ, mahaīʼxasxam-aukˑ īs haiⁿᵋ, mahayaīʼs-auk is haiⁿᵋ
three psinʟx
throw, to pıltsǃ-, tsxˑip-, ʟxau-
tlirow grace-sticks, to xeld-
throw into fire, to tǃīʽ-
tlirowing the dice ɫtsaūʼtsūwaut
thunder yūʼltsuxs
thunderbird yūʼltsuxs
thus īʼmstᴇ
thy ham, xam, tᴇhaʼm, kuhaʼm, kuxaʼm
tie, to kink-, qinq-, kunkᵘ-
tie, hair in a knot hūiⁿku-
tie, to a string tsipstxan-
tide ʟōʼnʟin
tight, to be ʟīq-
tightly ɫīʼyᴇqa
timber muʼkutsīyū
timber, dead kǃūiʼ
tired, to be qalʽ-
tired feeling qalhīʼs
to īs
tobacco kˑīʼūⁿsa
tobacco-pouch kīyūⁿʼsalyust'
to-day tas ɫi᷄ts, tslīʼts
toe tsiʼlxastum
together kˑaʼxkˑe
toilet pkōʼsxatǃ
token tsaʼmtsü
to-morrow aʼngˑī, aīs aʼngˑī
tongue stilaʼkˑayustǃ
tools tsimīʼxayū
tooth tǃᴇliʼl
top qaux
top, to be on tskūiɫ-, tskūikˑǃ-
topple, to tspuu-
torchlight qēʼya
torn tsxūʼtit
touch, to yaq-, ʽkˑǃ-, pk-, pkˑǃ-, xˑims-, ɫtsımx-
tougli pāʼʟkˑst
tracks yaiʼxaīᵋt'
tradition kˑāʼkˑᴇmatū, qᵋ̄ʼkˑīyū
trail yāʼxalīᵋt'
trample, to yuʽwat'il-
trap tāʼtkˑaū, tᴇʼxwa
trap, to tᴇxu-
travel, to xˑūlam-
travel about, to yūku-
travel, in water tsqainu-
tree kōts, kōʼxᵘ
tremble, to tsīⁿxu-, tsaīⁿxu-
tribe milhūdaīʼs
tribesman tkinaīʼs, kˑināʼxaītǃ
trick, to k'ū
trip ayaīʼs
trousers sīyaᵋyustǃ
trout pᴇnīʼtsǃī
truth xeʟkˑīʼi
truth, to tell xeʼʟkˑ
truthful xeʼʟkˑ
try, to tsim-
tule reed inīʼyū
turn xunaʼ, xūnāʼ
turn, to tǃī-
turn back, to yip-, xam-
turn into, to ūtx-
turn over, to kīʽks-, ɫīkxu-, kˑǃilxu-
turn over on back, to qaxtǃ-
turns, to take taxt-
twelve saū´tıst, tem-axa, xeʼʟkˑ
twenty tsūm, saūʼtist
twice tsum, tsǃum, tsūm
twins xe´ʟkˑtᴇmxt
twist, to yulx-
two xeʼʟkˑ
uglv mᴇtsa´ntsinst, sāᵃ´nqa, sāᵃ´nqat, qē´nxst
ugly, to be sānq-
ulna, lower end of kˑı̄wā´pā
Umpqua Tqulmaᵋkˑ
uncle, maternal tǃāᵃtsa, tāts
uncle, paternal sı̄pkˑ
uncover, to halq-
under qēʼxan
underneath qēʼxan
understand, to tsku-, ʟqētkˑ-, ɫqētkˑ
underworld wīʼlīyū
unfasten, to kˑıkǃu-
universe leʽwīʼ
unleash, to kˑikǃu-
untie, to
up qaux, qauʼxan
upon īs
uptight position, to be in pɫu-, squl-
upset, to tspui-
upside down kˑīⁿʼhī
upstream hatōʼqwīyū, tōʼqwīs
urge, to tsǔⁿxu-
urinate, to plōs-
urine pkōs, pkūs, ɫōʼqwa
usually kˑᴇts, kˑıs
utensils tsimīʼxayū
vainly hāᵃʼtsᴇ
valuable mᴇayaiʼst
various ītsxaᵋst, yaiʼtsxaᵋst, yaīʼtsxaᵋt
variously yaīʼtsxa
velocity haᵋpistis
very tsaᵋ, tsāᵃʼmᴇ
very much yaīʼx-aukˑ is̄ haiⁿᵋ, tsāʼmᴇ, tsaᵋ, tsa᷄ᵋhi᷅ʼsxa
very well kˑeiʼsa
village tahaʼtalīᵋtǃ, ɫᴇyāʼtsit
vine maple tkˑǃēʼlyᴇm
vision Lhayāʼnīyaīʼs
visit, to p'ēx-
vomit, to xwas-
vulture mīʼqǃu
vulva spaīʼ, xaʼlxas
wade, to kiɫ-, kˑiʟ-
wagon hūⁿʼqutxayū
wail, to ain-, ʽwalʽ-, milkˑīs-
wailing ʽwalāʼ, ʽwaʽlhaītᵋ
wait, to hantǃ-, mānt-
wake suddenly tsaīⁿxt-
wake up, to ʟqu, ʟqōu-
walk ahead, to ʟınʽ-
walk around tskwahal-, qwulʽ-
walk behind ʟpūⁿk'ü
walk on stilts tskwahal-
walk in a circle walkqu-
walk to and from ɫimku-
walk upstream qōlʽ-
wall leʽwīʼyustǃ
war nᴇkaʼxus
warfare nᴇkaʼxus
warm, to be pīɫu-, tqulkˑ-
watch, to halt-, psankˑtsū-, tai, pqait-, xan-
water kˑiʼlū
water receptacle kˑiluwīʼyustǃ
waterfall īʼpstᴇx
waves kwīxaʼlīyū
we qaʼnhaʽʟ, qaʼnhaɫ, qwoʼnhaʽʟ, qwoʼnhaɫ
we two (incl.) qwoʼnhast, qaʼnhast
we two (excl.) qaʼnxan, qwoʼnxan, xan
wear, to tˑtsǃ-
weasel sūʼstᴇmxt
wedge kˑiɫaᵋ, kˑiʟaᵋ
weep, to ain-, tqaīʟ-
weiglit kˑilwīʼtū, qsūⁿʼwīs
well āᵃqa, xeʼiʟkˑe, xeʼʟkˑ
well, to be aq-
west kūʼkᵘ, kōʼkᵘ
west wind hakōʼkwīyū
wet kˑaᵋqst
whale maʼlkuts, maʼlkwits, xaʼmnī
what nītskˑ
what? intskˑīʼs, tᴇq, taʼxtī, nīʼi, nīʼtskˑᴇ, lāᵃ, lāʼtᴇq
whatǃ hauāʼ
what kind iltqaᵋt
what manner iltqaᵋt.
wheel tskōʼltskōlau.
when aīs, mis, nāmkˑ
whence qaikˑ, hakˑnīʼkˑeai, hanīʼkˑeai
whenever nāmkˑ
where nakˑ, nākˑ, nāʼkˑeai, nā, naᵋ, nikˑ, naʼkˑeai
while, a qāᵃʼtsᴇ
whine, to hyaᵋq-
whip yīʼptsīyū
whip tops, to ʟxāʼʟxaūyaū-
whirl, to ʟim-
whisper, to hīw-, hyu-, xais-
white kwaʼxalt
white pahal-, ʟpāal-
white man anᵋūⁿʼs
who ūʼkˑeai, ūkˑ, was, qaū, qaūʼkˑeai,
whole hamstīᵋ, qauwāᵋ
wholly āʼmta
why pāʼlᴇn, qailāᵃʼ
wife mukwaᵋslī, ɫāʼqs
wild xalxsaᵋst
wildcat yaⁿʼqu
willow tsqalīʼm
win, to tsas-
wind sūwīʼt, xūʼdīyū
windfall kulᵋaīʼs, kǃūiʼ
window hāhīʼnaū
wings tāʼps
winnings tsāʼstuxs
winter silqwīʼs, qalaʼmskˑinkˑ, qalaʼ-minskˑinkˑ
wish, to aiʽ- ... -ū, hūkˑts-, psūɫ- psūkˑǃ-, tqaialt-
with īs
without yūʼxa
without cause mukǃwāʼɫnīsla
witness, to halt-
wobble, to ɫᵋalal-
wolf mᴇpxamintxēᵋtʽ, qatsīʼlīᵋ
woman mᴇshaʼlsla, mukwaᵋslī, muk-waᵋstᴇʟī
woman in the woods ʟxalwaᵋna
women maʼmkuslī, tsaʼsidū
wood ko᷅ʼxᵘ, kūʼxᵘ
wood-chopper pxūʼyaᵋtʽ
woodpecker kˑaⁿᵋkˑ
woods muʼkutsīyū
word ildīʼs, īltīʼs, yūl, yōl
work tīwīʼtʽwan
work, to tīūt'hūn-, tsimx-
world leʽwīʼ
would kˑᴇts, kˑis
wound miltqaīʼs, tāʼnxtsīyū
wound, to miltq-, tsxiɫt-
wrap, to qaup-
wren kusūʼsaū
wrestling tsxwāʼtsxwataut
wrist tokɫinaīʼs
writhe, to tslnp-
wrong ɫtaʼhanat
wrongly ᶠʟtaʼhana, ɫtaʼhana
Yahate yāʼxaikˑ
Yakwina yaqōʼn
yard tsimaīʼs
ye nīʼxapst, qanīʼxapst
year wulīʼs
yell qalīʼx
yell, to tsqaūs-, qalx-
yellow pūkwaʼlt
yellow-jacket laᵋwus
yes āʼa
yesterday akˑsaʼngˑī
yet yuʼxū
you nīʼxap, qanīʼxap
young hauwīʼit
younger mᴇnaʼtet
youngest mᴇnaʼtem, xumaʼtsit
your two pstin, tᴇʼpstin, kuʼpstin
yours pin, tᴇpiʼn, kuʼpin


  1. ^ Frachtenberg, Leo Joachim (1920) Alsea texts and myths[1], Washington: Govt. Printing Office, retrieved 13 January 2020
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní