Appendix:Kutenai word list

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Kutenai word list from Boas (1918):[1]

Boas (1918)

English gloss Kutenai notes
aboard, he went back ɫaoˑqox̣ax̣a´ʼmneˑ
about, probably upIn-, naqan- pr.
about three naqanqa´ɫsa
above ata-; na´ₐta pr.
across aɫqan- pr.
across (over a high object) watǃ- pr.
he climbed across the water nuˑɫqankaˑqoqǃᵘnu´neˑ
he kicked him across watǃmꜝ`teˑkꜝ´nˑeˑ
he went across qanaɫwatǃa´x̣eˑ
act, to -ɩ̇teˑk
to act foolish sꜝɫskꜝnˑkuˑ´tsteˑk
he wants to act his own way sɩnˑakpa´meˑk
afraid, to be -onꜝɫ-, -pꜝtsqa-
he is afraid pɪtsqaɫwe´yneˑ
again ɫa-, ɫaps-, ɫapsiɫ- pr.
again there is nothing ɬaɬo´ᵤse´
aim, to -nuɫkǃo-
alike uˑunmana´mu
all, to be -oˑkᵤ(eˑ)-
all (before independent verbs) qǃapɩ̇ɫ-
all (before suffixes) -qǃap-, qǃa´peˑ
almost tu´x̣ᵤa
along s-, qa-, qaha- pr.
along there qan- pr.
he went along qaˑna´x̣eˑ
it is right along there qaˑ`kꜝɫhaqa´ₐneˑ
they play along qanaɫwa´tsǃneˑ
alongside of qas- pr.
also ɫa- pr.
always -ɫatᵢyɩ̇ɫ- pr.
he was always eating nʼupsɫa`tɩ̇yɩ̇ɫʼɩ´kᵢneˑ
at once he was always rolling about nʼo`kǃᵘꜝnɫa`ₐtɩ̇yɩ`ɫtsha`qaɩ̇yꜝɫmo`x̣ona`tɩ̇tmo´ɫne
American (=Boston) pɔ´stɩn
and -ts
angry, he is still sa`kꜝɫsaˑnꜝɫwe´yneˑ
animal, small tuqǃtsqa´mna
ankle aₐʽkwɩ̇´tsaˑk
ant tsǃax̣u´na
antelope nɩ´ɫtukǃᵘp
antlers aₐʽqǃa´ɫeˑ
anus -kǃalax̣ekp, aₐʽkǃaɫa´x̣ɩkp
anvil a´ₐʽqₐnuk
apart paˑts- pr.
Apocynum cannabinum aₐʽqola´qpeˑs
approaches, he nutsa´x̣eˑ
Aralia nudicaulis aₐʽko´uˑk C
arise, to -uwokᵤ-
arm a´ₐʽk.ɫaˑtǃ, -ɫatǃ
he moved his arm wanɫa´tǃneˑ
arm above elbow aₐʽkɩnɫu´mɩn
armpit aₐʽqax̣apk.ɬa´tǃnaˑm
around qǃunlka-, akamɪn-, qaɬ- pr.
arrive, to w- pr.
he arrived at water ɬax̣a´qoˑɬ
he arrived there qaox̣a´x̣eˑ
he arrives wa´x̣eˑ
arrow -ka-, aₐʽkǃ
he has an arrow nakaₐ´neˑ
he had two arrows nʼaimaka´ₐneˑ
arrow point aₐʽkɪnqǃa´qa
arrow point of metal nɪɬko´ᵤtsǃap
arrow wood a´ₐʽkǃwoˑk
Artemisia discolor, frigida aₐ`kɪnuk.ɬux̣ona´ka C
Artemisia discolor, frigida, used for headache aₐʽkuˑoˑk.ɬai-
Artemisia discolor, frigida, medicine made of aₐʽkɪnuuk.ɬux̣okona´ₐka auʊ´mo C
ashamed, to be -haɬnukp-
ashes aₐʽkuqmoˑ´koˑ, aₐʽkuqǃmü´koˑ, -oko
ashore up- pr.
asleep, sound kᵤw´ɬˑeˑts
he lay asleep skɪk.ɬe´ᵢtsneˑ
two were asleep nʼaskik.ɬe´ᵢtseˑ
assembled, they were (qa)haqowu´mʼneˑ
autumn tsǃupʼna´kot
away hosan- (hesan-), tsǃɪn- pr.
he ran away noˑsanox̣unqa´ₐneˑ
awl ɬo´u
awoke, he naqǃmaɬe´ᵢtsneˑ
ax aₐʽqu´taˑɬ, -qutaˑɬ
back tuw-, man-, -ɬaˑ- pr.
he fell back tuwunꜝinmux̣u´nˑeˑ
he lay on his back tuwuɬʼɪtx̣o´ᵤmeˑk
he looks back ɬamanwɪtskikɪ´ɬneˑ
back a´ₐʽk.ɬak, -kǃaɬakak, ₐʽkoᵤklaɬa´ₐknaˑm
with back -x̣o-
backside aₐʽqǃu´ɬukp, aₐʽkɪ´kpukǃ, -kpukǃ
bad, to be -sahan-
it is bad saha´nˑeˑ
it is a bad place sa`hanɬeɪ´tneˑ
badger na´ɬmeˑtǃ
bag aₐʽtsuˑ´ɬa, tsuɬa, aₐʽkaˑɬ, aₐʽkuɬa´koˑ (?) C
ball, he plays - with bat -qaix̣o´ktseˑk
bark of tree aₐʽkɪ´tsǃqaˑɬ, -tsǃqaₐɬ
I tear off bark huɬutsǃqaɬx̣o´ᵤneˑ
bark for canoe a´ₐʽkwoˑk, a´ₐʽkȧˑm C
Barnard, B.C. aₐʽkuˑ´noˑk C
basket, birch-bark na´ʼheˑk
spruce-bark aₐʽqu´qǃwuk
bat a´ₐʽk.ɬoˑmʼ
bathe, to na´qtseˑk
be, to -qa-, -ha-, -ɪn-
there are many yunaqa´ₐneˑ
beak aₐʽkǃu´nkaˑk, -kǃunkak
bear, black, one year old a´qtoˑ
beard aₐʽkuqloˑɬax̣a´naˑm
beaver sꜝ´nˑaˑ
young beaver mo´qǃᵤneˑ
beaver dam aₐʽqǃanki´tsqa
beaver holes in water, beaver's house aₐʽqo´kǃaˑm, -qokǃam
because o´kǃqᵤna
become, to -ɪnqa´pteˑk
bed ɬa´x̣a, aₐʽqanlɪknatɪtx̣ai´yam
behind antsu-, il- pr.
beholdǃ qeˑ´na
belly a´ₐʽkwum, -wum
belly swells up -hutkawumako-
his belly is big wɪlwu´mneˑ see -wum
below um(eˑ), ya´wo pr.
belt a´ₐʽkaˑmt, -kaˑmt-
bend in river aₐʽkɪkqlalanmi´tuk
berry aₐʽkuqǃɬe´et see also service berry, strawberry, etc.
partridge berry tsa´qa
berries of Philadelphus Lewisii aₐ`kunoˑ´kyoˑk C
berry, a, sp. (?) ma´x̣a
berry cake aₐʽkɪtslaqǃo´ʼna
berry patch -kǃalax̣apak-
there is a large berry patch skɪ`kɪlʼwɪlkǃalax̣apa´kseˑ
bet, to -ɪtetɪ´l(ˑk) see -ıt-
beyond ɬu´ʼnˑo
big, large -wɪl(qa-), wɪɬwu´mneˑ
his belly is large wɪɬwu´mneˑ
Bigelovia graveolens aₐʽkɪnuk.lux̣ona´ka C
bill, beak -kǃunkak
birch aₐʽkowa´lwoˑk
bird tuqǃtsqa´mna
a small bird, yellow at tip of feathers, with tip on head wɪ´sukǃᵘ
a bird, yellow breast and gray wings
a small, gray bird, living on lake shore ka´tskaˑts
a small, gray bird wɪtsweˑts
a small, gray bird aₐʽkikakuˑkwi´et
a medium-sized, gray bird aₐʽkɪnukota´teˑk C
a black bird with white spots, size of a robin
a bird, sp. wa´kuks
biscuit aₐʽkɪno`mukma´na C
bite -ɪtǃ(x̣)-
he bit a piece off qa´sx̣ₐneˑ see -qas-
black, to be -oqoqǃu´koˑɬ-
black kamqoqǃo´kuɬ see -qoqǃokuɬ-
it is black namqokǃoko´ᵤɬneˑ
Blackfoot Indians katikakɪ´ɬsaqǃ
bladder aₐʽkuktsɪ´keˑn, -(u)ktsꜝken
bladder of fish aₐʽku´kmat C
blanket se´ᵢtǃ, -ɬa(maɬ)
white blanket aₐʽqǃu´naˑq
it is a blanket sɬama´ɬneˑ
bleed from mouth, to -haɬnukux̣ᵤ-
blood wa´ʼnmo
curdled blood ya´tǃaps
to be bloody -hakumaɬ-, -kumaɬ-
it is not bloody ɬꜝtkuma´ɬneˑ see lꜝt-
blow, to -hɪɬkupx̣oᵤ-
wind blows naɬumɪ´nˑeˑ
wind blows a certain way qanawɪtso´ʼmeˑ saa -ha-
bluejay qoqu´skeˑ
board aₐʽkɪnuqǃᵘɬaˑkǃa´ₐkoˑ
body -uɬaks, aₐʽkɪ´ɬx̣oˑ, aₐʽku´ɬak
with body -x̣o- suff.
boil, to -hanmuko-, -huko- see -hanux̣o-
to boil something -nmukᵤ-
bone -maɬak, maˑkǃ
burnt bone aₐʽkꜝɬqǃanˑotsa´ko maₐkǃ
rotten bone ho´qǃka
remains of broken bones aₐʽqǃa´naˑk
Bonner's Ferry aₐʽkukpanmitu´kx̣oˑ C
bonnet, war -yukᵘa, aₐʽkᵢyu´kwa
border, square pieces forming of root basket aₐʽk.ɬa´ɬx̣oˑ C
small ornamental pieces on border of root kettle aₐʽkutskakiɬukpo´x̣al C
born, to be -haqa´ₐneˑ (see -ha-)
both x̣atsɪn- pr.
both ears x̣atsɪnqawa´tǃneˑ (see x̣atsın-)
he took both x̣a`tsɪnɪɬtsukᵘa´teˑ
bottle aₐʽko´qᵤwitǃ
boughs, green -uɬaˑɬ, aₐʽku´ɬaˑɬ
bow -woˑ
made a ... for himself nʼɪtʼwukᵘnɪ´ɬeᵢk (see -woˑ)
bow stave, his aₐʽk.ɬakwo´ᵤteˑs (see -woˑ)
bow and arrows aₐʽqǃox̣ᵤmaɬe´et
bowstring tǃa`wu´mka (see -tǃa-)
braces aₐʽkiɬu`kᵘatspu´knaˑm
brain aɬqa
branch (of tree) -aₐʽkɪtskǃa´ɬaˑk, -(ɪ)tskǃaɬaˑk, -tskǃaɬak,
he chops off a branch pɪtstskǃaɬakx̣o´ᵤneˑ
break, to -qǃa-, -umɪts-, -aqts-, -yaqǃ-, -noqǃᵘm-
break a stick -yaq-
brack camp -huqna(meˑk)
break to pieces -qas-
break wind -atskup-
break with teeth tsɪ´kǃx̣ₐneˑ
she broke it -hanˑu`qo.iˑx̣o´ᵘ(neˑ)
it is broken qǃax̣o´ᵤneˑ
breast tsu´u
breast of bird aₐʽkɪ´nhas C
breast pieces of game aₐʽkx̣a´skaˑk
breath, he was out of qǃawaˑtsǃɪ´nmeˑk
bridge aₐʽkoˑ´koˑ C
I shall make a bridge hutsɪtkokopkɪnˑeˑ
birdle aₐʽkokǃᵘatska´lma
birght red sukᵘnohu´seˑ, yawo´ᵤnekǃ
brings, he-it waɬkɪ´nˑeˑ
brook aₐʽkɪnux̣o´ᵤnuk
brother (said by sister) aɬɪ´tskeᵢɬ
brother, elder tatǃ
brother, younger tsaˑ, tsiya
brother's daughter paˑ
brother's wife a´tseˑ
brother-in-law (all kinds), intermediate relative dead ɬuna´tǃeˑ
bubble tsu´m(oˑkᵘ)
buck wa´maˑtǃ
two-year-old buck kianqǃaɬ(na´na)
bucket a´tso
buckle of belt aₐʽwɪ´tskoˑ C
bud aₐʽqu´paˑtǃ
buffalo iya´mu
buffalo bull nɪ´ɬseˑk
buffalo calf aₐʽkɪnku´maˑɬ
yearling buffalo calf qayaₐqa´ɬaˑm
buffalo cow ɬu´kpuˑ
buffalo drive aₐʽkuqɬa´ɬaₐkˑ
bublebee kianuqǃu´ɬupq, kianuqɬoˑqǃu´ɬoˑkp
burden of song heheha
burning, it is naqǃₐko´ᵤnˑeˑ
burning food -aɬikwa.ɪ´ti(neˑ)
it is burnt on top yuˑhaɬhaqǃaku´nˑeˑ
it burnt quickly tsǃɪɬqǃanku´pseˑ
he was burnt entirely qǃapku´ᵤneˑ
everything is burnt qǃapku´pseˑ
burst, to -paqǃₐmeˑ-, -hakqǃmeˑ
to burst by heat -tǃanoko´ᵤ(neˑ)
bury, to -ɪtetɪɬ
bush, a - with white berries, not edible mꜝtsqo`koˑɬɪ´ɬnaˑ
a little bush tǃa`pɪs(wukna´na)
its bushes aₐʽkwakᵘa(ɪ´seˑs)
but at, mɪ´ksaʼn, ma, paˑɬ weak disjunctive
butcher, to -ɪtkǃan-
butt, to -hako-
butt end of branch C
butterfly koˑdli´dlus
calf of leg aₐʽkuqɬɪkǃa´ɬnaˑm, aₐʽqoˑɬ
call, to -haqan(ke)-
to call guardian spirit -akme-
camas x̣a´peᵢ
camp, to, over night -ɪkᵢyɪksɪ´leˑk
can taɬ- pr.
Canadian kɪndzcrdz King George
can not qataɬ- pr.
he can not speak qataɬtsx̣a´nˑeˑ
canoe yaqso´ʼmiɬ
canoe calking aₐʽquɬ (?)
canoe, longitudinal stripss on sides and bottom of aₐʽkɪ´kɬuk C
canoe, side strips on top of, bent aₐʽkoˑ´kyu C
canoe, binding strips at pointed ends of aₐʽkunwoˑk C
Carex scoparia aₐʽkɪ´nskwaɬ
caribou na´x̣ₐneˑ
carry, to -nma-
to carry meat -haqǃawu-, -waqǃₐwu-
to carry torches -haɬnuqᵘ-
to carry water -haɬkoᵤ-
he carried him naɬx̣o´ᵤneˑ
he carried two ɬa.aimax̣o´ᵤneˑ
he carried it back into ɬatnaɬkɪ´nˑeˑ
one who carried it back k.ɬaɬax̣a´ɬkin
one who carried three qaɬsanma´x̣oˑ
he carries in hand naɬkɪ´nˑeˑ
cascade aₐʽkax̣a´pqɬeˑ
catch, to -tsɪn-, -ɪktsɪk-
he catches it tsɪnkɪ´nˑeˑ
cattle iya´mu
hoof of aₐʽkɪtsqaǃaɬu´ptaˑk.
cause -tseᵢteˑ suff.
cave -ilala (?)
cave under water aₐʽkɪɬaɬaqu´noˑk
cedar ɪ´tsǃnaˑtǃ
red cedar aₐʽkokǃupɬoˑ´laɬ
charr to´hoɬ
cheat -ay-
cheek aₐʽkǃma´maˑɬ
cherry aₐʽkɪ´ɬmaˑkǃ, -eˑlmaˑkǃ
Cherry Creek aₐʽkiɬkanoskowoˑk C
chickadee mɪtsǃqa´qas
chicken ɪ´nɬaˑk
chief naso´ᵤkᵘeˑn
child (qaɬt), x̣a´ɬ(eˑ), ɬka´mˑu
O child! x̣aɬe´ᵢneˑ
she had two children nʼasqa´ɬteˑ
he has three children qaɬsaqa´ɬteˑ
chin aₐʽkɪnkamtsɪnkaˑ´k(naˑ)m C
Chinaman knu´qǃɬamʼ long haired one
chipmunk qǃu´tsaₐts
a species of chipmunk na´mɬatǃ
choked, he - while eating ɬaɬaqǃaqa´neˑ
chopped, he - along qaₐnkitsx̣o´ᵤneˑ
he chopped it off close to edge nʼɪntakitsx̣o´ᵤneˑ
he chopped with it qǃax̣omu´nˑeˑ
he chops off pɪtsx̣o´ᵤneˑ
he chops off a branch pɪtstskǃaɬakx̣o´ᵤneˑ
cinch aₐʽkokǃᵘa´tswum
claw -ukp, aₐʽkukp, kiaptǃaha´nɬukp
clay, white kɪ´tᵢmukǃ
cliff -nmokǃ, -nu´mˑokǃ, aₐʽknu´mˑoˑkǃ, aₐʽkuqǃyu´mukǃ
climb, to -qǃnu-, -wɪtsqǃnu(neˑ)
he climbed across the water nuˑɬqankaˑqoqǃᵘnu´neˑ
he climbed up waˑqǃₐnu´nˑeˑ
clothing -uqɬaʼnt, aₐʽku´qɬaʼnt, -litꜝt
good clothing suk.ɬitɪ´tᵢneˑ
your clothing aₐʽk.ɬitɪ´tᵢneˑs
cloud a´ₐʽqaɬ
coal aₐʽkɪtsǃka´kiˑɬ, -tsǃkakɪl-
there is much coal yuˑnatsǃkakꜝ´ɬneˑ
coat aₐʽqatwu´mɬat
coax -hawɪ´tsnoˑt-
cold -ɪtǃkǃo-
color terms ham- prefix
comb, to tsuk(ɬaʼma´neˑ)
come! ɬa´nˑa, qo´ᵤkaˑnʼ
to come (?) -ꜝl(kɪn)-
to come back to life -ɪtqǃaʼnx̣am-
he came back there coughing ɬaqa` ox̣aɬkɪkqǃowasx̣oneyikɪ´meˑk
he comes back quickly wa`sɪlˑax̣a´x̣eˑ
to come from a place -qaˑts-
to come together -ɪtǃqao(x̣a)-
he comes to his own tracks qawakalꜝ´kᵢneˑ
coming, motion towards speaker -k pr.
feathers coming off k.ɬunqowa´ʼxoˑ
complete, to -ɬax̣-
cone of pine, larch, spruce aₐʽqu´pal, -qupal
contact qun- pr.
to come into contact -yax̣-
continuative -sɪɬ- pr.
continue, to -naˑɬ-
cook, to -keᵢk-
cooked, to boil -huko-
cooking-basket yɪ´tskeˑ
corpse aₐʽkuqǃɬayɪ´tǃin
corral -kamaɬ, aₐʽka´mal
my corrals kaqǃaka´maˑɬt
there are two corrals skɪkɪska´maˑl
cottonwood aₐʽk.ɬu´maˑk
cough, to -kqǃowas(x̣o)-, -hakqǃᵤwasx̣o´ᵤmeˑk
he came back there coughing ɬaqa`ox̣alkɪkqǃowasx̣oneyikɪ´meˑk
country amˑaˑk, -le.ɪt
coup, to count -hɪkǃlɪst-
cover, to -man-
to cover head with blanket -ɪlɪnkǃoma´teˑk
he covers it with his hand mane´ᵢneˑ
(tent) is covered tukǃx̣o(lneˑ)
coyota skɪ´nˑkuˑts
cracker aₐʽkɪno´mukna´na C
cradle aₐʽkɪnkǃu´maˑɬ
crane qaspɪ´ɬʼoˑkᵘ
crawl, to -qₐnuks-
crazy, to be -uktman(qa)-, -hupü(qa)-
creek, a - is somewhere -qaˑnox̣unuk-
cricket tǃaptslɪ´nwaˑs
crosswise -maqan-
crown of head aₐ`kɪnqanu´qɬaˑm
cry, to -ila-
he cried thus qaɬo´ᵤkᵤneˑ
cut, to -haqǃɬɪsak-
to cut tobacco -qǃawuka-
he cut himself to pieces qasnɪnqa´meˑk
cut, to
his leg is cut off ɬusaqǃqa´ɬneˑ
it was cut off ɬuˑqᵘaɬɪ´sneˑ
quickly he cut off the nose ɬuqkupqsaɬa´ₐteˑ
cyclone aₐ`kɪlɪ´nqan
dance, to -haqwil-
dance squatting, to -hawɪskǃakana´naˑm
sun dance -hanqux̣ol-
danger, to be in -ɪɬqǃokᵘ-, (-lqǃokᵘ-)
dangerous, to be -hukuya(kateᵢ)-
dark, to be -tsɪl-
it is dark -tamoxu(nˑeˑ)
daughter swɪn
day -nmiyɪt, -miyɪt
day(light), it is -hukǃukyɪtᵢ-
dead -ip-
deep, to be -uɬu-, -wɪtǃ-
deer hoof aₐ`kɪtsqǃaɬu´ptaˑk
bunch of dew hoofs of deer aₐ`kɪɬqǃa´ɬukp
defecate, to (nʼ)ux̣teˑk
desire, to -ute-
destroy, to -tsɪkǃ-
die, to -up-
different akǃɬa(n)
a different way (k)tsǃakǃɬana´keˑ
digging-stick kiyu´kmul
diorite tuwukx̣o´naɬ
dip, to qsakǃo´ᵤneˑ
to dip water -tsǃɪnyax̣akǃo-
dirty, to be -mats, -qǃoˑmaɬ
he lay (there) dirty skɪkqǃᵤma´ɬneˑ
disappointed, to be -qasɬʼoqǃwek
discuss, to -hakqǃyɪt-
dish of pottery a´tso
disliked, he - it saˑnɬɪkpakta´pseˑ
disposed, to be (-okpak[te])
distance, some - back ɪɬqa- pr.
dive, to -watsǃ-
divide, to -aɬas-
divination, used for sa`kɪɬk.ɬu´kmul
divine -k.ɬuk-
do, to -uɬa-, -ɪt-
to do something on purpose -qoqu´n(teˑ)
to do with a point (i.e., kill with arrow) -ɪtkǃoᵤ-
doe niɬo´ᵤqᵘat
dog x̣a´ₐɬtsin
done, cooked, to boil -huko-
don't! maₐts
door ɬaqǃanx̣o´ᵤnaˑɬ
there is a door sɪnkǃaɬaˑx̣wiɪ´tsneˑ
doorway aₐ`kuqǃyukǃaɬax̣we´et
down (away from speaker) un- pr.
towards speaker uk- pr.
down, bir's aₐ`qǃok.ɬu´pqa
drag, to -hanokᵘeᵢ(teˑ)
they dragged them tsǃɪnawɪsʼnokᵘe´ᵢteˑ
dragon fly aₐʽkɪnka´maˑk
dream aₐʽk.ɬetsate´yam
drinking-place aₐʽkǃaku´x̣a
drive, to -hoyɪtǃt-
to drive game -haɬaqₐniɬ-
drown, to -upuqᵤ-
drum, to tǃamux̣o-
dry, to be -mas(eᵢ)-, -hɪluk-, -humas-
to dry meat -ɪtwas(kǃo)-
dried meat wa´tskₐna
a piece of dried meat aₐʽkɪnx̣amulu´laˑk
dual -kɪs-
duck kia´qlɬa, ɬa´tuqǃ
dust storm aₐʽkɪlɪ´nqan
eagle, bald-headed aₐʽkɪnuqlo´laˑm
eagle, golden nalaqlɪ´lɪk
ear aₐʽku´qwaˑtǃ, aₐʽqu´qwatl, -qᵤwat
both ears x̣atsɪnqawa´tǃneˑ
ear ornament aₐʽkokǃᵘatskǃa´kǃoˑ, aₐʽku´kǃpmaˑkǃ
early wɪ´lnaˑm
eat, to -ɪk-
he was always eating nʼupsla´tᵢylʼɪ´kᵢneˑ
he eats while going pɪtsekɪ´meᵢk
he ate all qǃa´px̣ₐneˑ
he ate himself entirely qǃapx̣a´meˑk
edge ɪ´nta, aqǃas, aₐʽqǃasak
eel aₐʽko´laˑm C
egg aₐʽkma´qǃaˑn, -maqǃan
eight wux̣a´ₐtsa
elbow -uptaptseˑkǃ, -taptseˑk, aₐʽkwi´tsaˑk, aₐʽkɪnuqtaptsɪ´kᵢnaˑnɪ
elder brother tatǃ
elk, bull kɪlqǃa´ɬeˑ
fawn nu´k.ɬoᵤkᵘ
female ɬa´wo
emerges, he - again ɬaˑawaˑkmewɪsu´kᵤneˑ
it emerges nʼawakǃmosu´qᵤneˑ
empty, it is ɬɪtqawu´mnˑ
endeavor, to -aɬsɪn(t)-
enemy ɪne´nɪkǃ
Englishman soya´pe
entered, suddenly he nukᵘhaqǃmaˑkɪkqa´ₐneˑ
entire (before independent verbs) qǃapil-
entire (before suffixes) -qǃap-
he was burnt entirely qǃapku´ᵤneˑ
he ate himself entirely qǃapx̣a´meˑk
entirely yɪs-keˑ
the whole night yɪsɪnwunmiyɪ´keˑ
world, the yɪsleɪ´tke, yɪsle.ɪ´tske
entrails a´ₐʽquqt
Epilobium angustdfolium, fireweed aₐʽkankome´ᵢka C
even mɪ´ka
evening tsɪlmi´yɪt, waɬkwa.ɪyɪtneˑ
evidence, there is - of someone having been present -halikinoₐtɪ´tᵢ(neˑ)
evidently ɬ- pr.
(exclamations) sak, ha´phohe´ha, hao´mˑ, haˑ´ksa, kaá, heyâ, hyaˑ, halˑyaˑ, hê
excrement aₐʽqǃu´leˑ
excrescence on surface, there is an -qǃanɬupx̣amako-
extinguish fire, to -hugǃutsko-
eye aₐʽkaqlɪ´naˑm, -qlɪl
his eyes were like sɪlqa`psqakɪsqlɪ´lneˑ
of needle aₐʽkaɬme´et C
of potato aₐʽkilala´qai C
eyebrow aₐʽqwatqǃalɪka´knaˑm
eyebrows aₐʽqǃalɪka´knaˑm, -qǃalˑɪkak-
eyelashes aₐʽkumaqlɪ´lnaˑm
face aₐʽka´qǃneˑ
fail, to - to obtain -yukǃkᵘaka(teˑ)
faint, to -haɬa´ₐ(neˑ)
fall, to -ka(x̣u)-, -huqax̣o-, takx̣ax̣o´ᵤ(neˑ), -hamax̣u´kᵘeˑ.(?)
he fell back tuwunɪnmux̣u´nˑeˑ
it fell down nʼoˑnilkax̣uˑnˑe
to fall into -mox̣unˑeˑ
he fell into the water nonaqu´nˑeˑ
act of falling aₐʽknenmo´x̣o
snow falls from trees -hupumak(neˑ)
far away ɬu´nˑo
far side ɬu-, luqᵘa-
not far qawuɬeɪ´tᵢneˑ
farthest, to be -yaptǃa-
father (of girl) su
father (of male) tɪ´tu
father's brother x̣a
father's sister (said by woman) tɪ´lteˑtǃ
father-in-law nawa´spal
fat -sɪk-, aₐʽqǃu´taˑɬ, aqa
fat on top of tail of bighorn sheep aₐʽkɪ´nqaˑt
fawn aₐʽkɪnqǃu´tsˑak
feather aₐʽkɪnqoˑ´wa, -nqowa
quill end of feather aₐʽku´kpleˑ C
small feathers aₐʽqǃ´pqa
feathers coming off k.lunqowa´ʼx̣oˑ
feel, to -ɪlx̣o, -ukpak-, -ɪkpak-
female stǃu´kᵘal
fence post aₐʽkɪlqǃaku´pkǃoˑ, aₐʽkolu´x̣peˑ C
field aₐʽkanakalmu´koˑ C
fifth, the - day kyeᵢkoᵤnmiˑ´yɪt
fifty yeᵢku´nwo
fight, to -k.laqₐnan-
figure grass - representing deer tsa´ₐtsa
fill pipe, to -hulnakǃo-
find, to -wukᵘqₐ-
finger aₐʽkɪtsqǃahe´ynaˑm, -tsqǃahey
little finger kiaptǃaha`nɪtsqǃahai´naˑm
finger nail a´ₐʽkukp
finger ring aₐʽkǃwatsqǃa´ynaˑm, aₐʽkokǃᵘatsɪtsqǃa´ynaˑm
finish, to -hu-
to finish eating -huɬʼeˑk-
to finish something -hukᵘɪn-
Finlay Creek aₐʽka´kǃoˑs C
fir loᵘ
fire aₐʽkɪnqǃu´koˑ, -hanqǃoˑko-
to be on fire -aqǃakoᵤ-, -haqǃa-koˑ-, -haqǃaɬkwaɪtᵢ(neˑ)
to extinguish fire -huqǃutsko-
to make a fire -ɪlko-
into fire x̣un- pr.
he was thrown into fire x̣unakinɪ´lneˑ
to start a fire -tsukᵘ-
firebrand aₐʽkukǃpax̣ma´koˑ
fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) aₐʽkankome´ᵢka
firewood aₐʽkox̣ni´yam
first (to be) -hupa-, -us-
fish kia´kx̣oˑ
a species of fish (?) aₐʽkamoˑkin C
a species of fish qǃu´me
a fish with large head and thin tail klɪ´kǃoᵤmʼ
to fish -uqlawoˑ-
fisher wu´qtǃeˑ
the real fisher tsEma`kǃɪlwu´qtǃleˑ
fish hawk tsǃo´ᵤtsǃoˑ
fish line aₐʽkuqla´wo
fieli trap aₐʽkɪ´tsqa, -kɪtsqa, ya´qa
fish weir, wicker aₐʽkwu´kx̣oˑ C
fist aₐʽkɪnuqo´ykaˑk
five, to be -ye´ᵢku-
flapping of wings aₐʽkɪkɪnqowax̣oniyi´eˑs, aₐʽkɪkqapx̣oniyi´eˑs
flat -qǃan-, -tsɬa- pr.
a flat object is still there -skɪkil-
flat stones aₐʽkɪnuqǃla´ₐnuk, aₐʽkɪtsǃla´noᵤk
a flat object is somewhere -skɪk-
flat country (prairie) skɪktsǃɬa´nuqɬe´ɪt
flesh aₐʽkax̣mala´naˑm, -ulaks, -x̣ma
he also had no flesh on legs ɬa´ɬɪtqǃo´x̣ᵤmasa´qǃₐneˑ
fleshy -qǃux̣ma
flicker ma´ₐka
flint aₐʽqa´tskoˑ
float -ɪlqawɪsqokᵤ- (?)
it floats wɪsqu´leˑk
flooded, it is skɪkqǃano´ᵤkᵤneˑ
flower aₐʽkɪnu´qǃyuk Kel.
fluid -uk, -ku suff.
yellow fluid aₐʽkma´kǃtsuk
fly, to -nux̣u, -hanux̣o-
he flew into it qanaltsEqanʼmɪ`nx̣oᵤqa´ₐneˑ
it came flaying out qakalʼakanox̣onu´kᵤneˑ
flying squirrel yaqa´nɬaˑɬt
foam aₐʽkqoᵤqǃɬɪ´ɬup
fog aₐʽqunkǃa´laˑk
food -pɪts, aₐʽkpɪ´tsnaˑm, kwɪ´seˑ
fool, to -aqnɪts-
fool hen kia´waˑts
foolish, to be -upɪ(qa)-, -uktman(qa)-
to act foolishly sɪlskɪnˑkuˑ´tsteˑk
foot -ɬɪk, aₐʽk.ɬɪ´knam
with foot -ɪkɪn suff.
foot of mountain aₐʽkukǃpɬe´ɪt
forearm -taptseˑk, aₐʽktaptse´ᵢknaˑm
forehead aₐʽkɪnqaˑ´ɬnaˑm
forest -haqǃanqotsǃlaeˑn
there is a forset qa`ₐkilhaqǃa`nquˑtsǃɬa´in
forget, to -qǃakpa(meˑk)
forgotten, it is qǃakpayotɪ´lneˑ
four, to be -x̣a´ₐtsa-
four days kx̣aˑtsaˑnmi´yɪt
fox naˑ´kǃₐyo
freeze -hutǃ-
Prenchman nuˑlʼa´qₐna
fresh meat qa´tsuk
friend (used by women to designate a woman friend) -ala
friend (used by man to designate male friend) swu
friends swu´tᵢmo
fringed -haqokaʼm-
fringes aₐʽqu´kam
frog wa´taˑk
from land towards water hul- pr.
from water to land up- up- pr.
frost aₐʽkumle´ɪt, aₐʽkunle´et C
fruit aₐʽkuqǃle´et
fruit of Vibumus opulus aₐʽko´moˑ
full, to be -ɪtǃ(qa)-
fur aₐʽqo´wat
future ts-, tsx̣al- pr.
gamble, to -halwatsǃ
gambler, bad ksaₐna´ₐkiˑn
gambling-bone wu´neˑ
game iya´mu
game, dancing in circle -henehe-
generations yaₐqanakɪlhakwu´mkeˑ
get, to -yax̣-
to get (milk) -hakoˑl-
to get out -(nokǃᵘɪn)-
ghost ka´ₐlka
giant eˑ´ka
gills (of fish) aₐʽkoqᵘatse´qa C
girl na.u´teˑ
give, to -tska(kɪn)-, -hamat-
to give food -hɪs-
glances, a blow - off from head wɪtǃqkupqoˑqlamˑakɪ´nˑeˑ
gloves a´ₐʽqǃaˑɬ
gnaw, to -kɪtsǃx̣ₐ-
go, to -ax̣eˑ, -qsa-, -akɪk- dual
he goes about -qqa´ₐtseˑ
he goes along skax̣eˑ
go ahead yuˑ´wa
to go away -halonɪs-
go on! ho´ya
go go out -anax̣aʼm-
go along, to qaˑna´x̣eˑ
they two went out nʼanakɪsx̣a´mneˑ
to go together qsama´ɬneˑ
to go up -nuqka-
he went up on high yuˑwaˑkmnuqka´nˑeˑ
to go and get -hayax̣ₐ-
to go to get -latɪqkat(kɪn)-
he went to get one nʼukǃɬatɪqkatkɪ´nˑeˑ
to go to get back -tsǃɪnyax̣ₐ-
to go to war -wanaqₐna-, -anax̣aka-
going at night (=moon) ktsɪlmetɪlnu´qka
going into tɪn- pr.
he went accross qanaɬwatǃa´x̣eˑ
he went back aboard ɬaoˑqox̣ax̣a´ʼmneˑ
they went in tᵢnaqanx̣a´ʼmneˑ
he went out of himself (n)uqo`kx̣amu´meˑk
he went way around nʼɪtkɪkqlaˑ`laɬqaˑ´tseˑ
he went around in a circle qaɬqa´ₐtseˑ
goat kianu´kx̣o
good, to be -soᵤk-
it has good hair sukqᵤwa´ₐteˑ
it is a good place suk.ɬeɪ´tᵢneˑ
he took a good seat sukᵘx̣o´ᵤmeˑk
goose kax̣u´loˑk
white goose oˑu
gopher ɪnɪ´tska
young gopher na´ʼka
granddaughter (of woman) tɪ´teˑ
grandfather pa´pa
his grandfathers atsǃmɪɬqǃaɬukǃpuka´mʼ.eˑs
great-grandfather atsǃmil
grandmother (said by male) pa´pa
grandmother (said by male) (of girl) tɪ´teˑ
grandson pa´pa
grasp, to - with beak -huqǃyuʼkǃoᵤˑ
grass tsa´haɬ, -al suff.
grass figure representing deer tsa´ₐtsa
grave aₐʽqǃuɬu´mkoˑ
graveyard aₐʽkǃawatsǃe´ᵢkoˑ
gray (-qux̣ma-)
grease tǃɪna´mu
green -haqɬoyɪt(qa)-
grizzly bear k.ɬa´wɬa,
grouse (?) kia´waˑts, inu´tǃkeˑ
grown, to be full -huɬˑak.ɬeˑ-, -hunmeᵢlak.ɬeˑ
gum -ɪ´ɬwaˑ
gum tree aₐʽkɪtsɬak.ɬu´ɬaɬ C
gun tǃa´wo
gunpowder aₐʽkenɪ´ɬx̣aɬ C
hair aₐʽqo´wat, aₐʽku´qlaˑʼm, aₐʽkuqǃɬaˑʼm (?)
hair of head aₐʽkoɬamka´k(naˑm) C
it has good hair sukqᵤwa´ₐteˑ
long-haired one (Chinaman) knu´qǃɬamʼ
half qayaqa´wo
halter aₐʽkokǃᵘatska´lma
hammer po´po
hand aₐʽkey, -hey-
his hand aₐʽke´ᵢeˑs
be put his hand back ɬaʼntaqahe´ᵢneˑ
he covers with his hand mane´ᵢneˑ
with hand -kɪn suff.
to make with hand -ɪtkɪn-
handle a´ₐʽqǃaˑn
handle (of tin pail) aₐʽkolu´qᵘats C
handle (of tin cup) aₐʽkɪnqai kax̣lukᵘa´tseˑs C
hang, to qǃan-, -qǃaha-
it hangs saqǃa´nˑeˑ
Hanson's Creek a´ₐʽǃneˑs aₐʽkɪnux̣o´ᵤnuk C
Hanson's Lake a´ₐʽkǃneˑs aₐʽku´qǃnuk C
happens, something tsɪnmal(qaǃₐneˑ
hard tsǃEma´kǃ-
hare (?) tɪɬna´ako
Hare Lip (a name) kakǃa´ₐkitǃ
hat aₐʽkǃayukwa´ₐnaˑm, kǃayu´kᵘa
hated, he - him saˑnɬɪkpakta´pseˑ, sa´hanɬukpa´kteˑ
have, to -ha-, -haqa´ₐneˑ, -hateˑ
I have it huna´ₐteˑ
he has an arrow naka´ₐneˑ
he had two arrows nʼaimaka´ₐneˑ
he has a bow swu´ᵤteˑ
you have big eyes hɪnwɪɬkɪsqlɪ´lneˑ
to have clear eyes -haqtsǃɪqlɪl-
hawk, a species of (?) kiakqa´loᵤk
a small hawk aₐʽkɪnoqǃota´tit
head a´ₐʽk.ɬaˑʼm, -laˑʼm
head of tent apkoˑkǃᵘ
hear, to -huɬpaɬ(neˑ)-
heart aₐʽkɪɬwey, -ɬwey, -(ɪ)ɬwey-
heavy, to be -anɪkleˑ-
it is heavy ɬɪtx̣ₐmaqa´ₐneˑ
heel aₐʽku´kǃpaˑk
helps, he (nʼ)unˑaqaɬoˑqniya´x̣ᵤneˑ
helpful, to be -utspatǃ-
hide, to -ɪt.ɬatsu-
hill aₐʽkwitsle´et (?) C
hill aₐʽqanqǃᵢyumɪ´nˑa
Hillside (a place name) aₐʽqanqǃyumɪ´nˑa
hips aₐʽkǃa´ₐkpoˑkǃ C
hit, to -mox̣unˑeˑ
he hit it there qaox̣alteˑ
he hits it wukǃo´ᵤneˑ
hoe (?) aₐʽk.ɬiɬkaku´pkoˑ C
hold, to -tsɪn-
it holds it by the tail nawɪtsqatkɪ´nˑeˑ
hole (?) -kǃaₐk, -kǃa(meˑ), aₐʽkǃa´ₐmeˑ
he made a hole nʼɪtkkǃame´ᵢneˑ
hole in ice, water hole nʼɪtkǃame´ᵢneˑ
where there is a hole in a mountain hankǃamᵢnakeˑ
hollow place in groun aₐʽkɪkqɬa´ɬaɬe´ɪt
hollow place in mountain side aₐʽkɪkla´lawuqle´ʽt
hollow place with dry timber aₐʽkɪkqla´lakǃaqlu´nuk
hoof of deer or cattle aₐʽkɪtsqǃalu´ptaˑk
hook aₐʽkuqla´wo, tsu´wakǃ
hoop aₐʽkǃa´ₐlmoˑk, -kǃaₐɬmoˑk
horn aₐʽku´qleˑ, -qleˑ
hornet aₐʽkapmateˑs yuˑʼwatǃ C
horse x̣a´ₐɬtsin, kqǃa´lax̣a´ₐɬtsin elk dog
horsefly ɪne´siˑn
hot, it was really tsEma´kǃeˑɬʼutᵢmɪˑle.ɪ´tᵢneˑ
Hot Springs, Ainsworth, B.C. aₐʽkɪnux̣le´etna´na C
house, tent -t.ɬa, (ɪ)
to make a house, tent -ɪtɪt.ɬa-
there is a house, tent saˑnɪt.ɬa´mneˑ
housefly aₐʽqoku´wum
however at
howl, to -hakwa-, -kik-
she ran out howling nʼanmuqkupnox̣oˑ`neˑlkɪkwakɪ´meˑk
huckleberries lawiˑ´yaˑɬ
hummingbird nuktsa´qleᵢɬ
hundred ɪtǃᵤwu´nmo
hungry, to be -huwas-
hunt, to -anax̣eˑ
he goes hunting naɬʼana´x̣eˑ
when they had been hunting ya´ₐkɪlʼana´mkeˑ
hurried, he wasaqₐna´ₐneˑ
hurt, to -ɪseˑ-, -tǃaqts-
he hurt his hand tǃaqtseyx̣o´ᵤmeˑk
husband nuˑlʼa´qₐna
husband's brother atsaˑ´watsǃ
I ka´min
ice aₐʽkwiˑtǃ
if na´pit
in oqo- pr.
in water -qᵘ, -uq suff.
increase, to -ɪtelx̣o-
indicative forms of all verbs beginning with an h n-
indicative forms of all verbs beginning with a vowel nʼ-
infant (until the time when it is taken off the cradle board) aₐʽqoka´pmaˑl
initiate, to -kᵢyukpuktse(teˑ)
innermost part aₐʽkɪ´lwey
inside o´qoᵤks, a´qla
inside of water ya´wo
inside of quills aₐʽqoᵤqǃlɪɬupɪnqo´wa
interrogative and participle, of verbs beginning with h, w, y k-
interrogative and participle of verbs beginnig with vowel kǃ.-
interrogative and participle of monosyllabic verbs kǃ-
intestines aₐʽku´qtnaˑm
into t-
into (away from speaker) tɪn- pr.
into (towards speaker) tɪk- pr.
into (a pile of things) tsaqan- pr.
into fire x̣un- pr.
into water x̣un-qᵘ
into woods aqǃan-, naqǃan- pr.
invite to a feast, to tsukǃna´ₐ(neˑ)
iron nɪ´lko
island aₐʽqǃa´nkmeˑ
jaw, lower aₐʽkamtsɪnkaˑ´k(naˑm) C
joint aₐʽqatskana´mkeˑ
Joseph's Prairie, at cranbrook, B.C. aₐʽkɪskak.ɬe´et C
jump, to -mɪnx̣oˑqa-, -qumɬas(x̣o)-
he might jump to the head of the tent ɬʼapkoˑkǃᵤna´mʼteˑx̣a
he jumped sideways naqa´nkikqa´meˑk
he jumped a little to the other side loa`qǃmawɪsqa´ₐne
the two jumped to the back of the tent ɬa`nta ox̣akɪsɪnkǃa´teˑk
juniper aₐʽkak.ɬu´laɬ, aₐʽ´lal C
just qa´ₐɬɪn
kettle of pottery a´tso
kicked, he - him across watǃmɪ`teˑkɪ´nˑeˑ
he icked it qanaqlɪ´kx̣ₐneˑ
Kicking Horse River aₐʽkɪnu´k.ɬuk C
kill, to -upɪl-
kill by striking -qǃakpa(kit)
kingfisher qǃa´pqaˑl
kiss, to -haɬqokǃaɬmax̣ₐ-
knee aₐʽqǃa´naˑk, aₐʽkǃana´kₐnaˑm
Knee-Cap (a name) yuˑwɪsqǃa´naˑk
knife aₐʽktsa´maɬ, -tsamaɬ
with knife -q(a) suff.
knock, to -tǃa-
knock at door tǃax̣o´ᵤneˑ
knot in tree aₐʽkukpɪtskǃa´ɬaˑk C
know, to -upx̣a-, -oho-
I know how to get it hunʼonyilnu´kǃᵤneˑ
I know a place hunʼoᵤɬitɪ´tᵢneˑ
one who knows mind kǃupx̣alwi´yteˑ
knuckle aₐʽkwi´tsaˑk
Kootenay River aₐʽkǃale´et
Kootenay River, Lower aₐʽ´x̣aɬ C
Kutenai ktuna´x̣a
Kutenai of Pend d'oreille and St. Ignace aₐʽkiye´nɪkǃ
lacings aₐʽkuk.ɬuka´tsɬoˑ C
lair of a deer -kǃaₐk
lake -haqǃnuk-, aₐʽku´qǃnuk, -qǃnuk
a big lake kwɪ´ɬqǃnok
it must be a lake k.ɬsa´kqǃnuk
lake on other side k.ɬuha´kqǃnuk
little lakes nʼaˑqa`naɬhoqǃnukna´na
land amˑaˑk
larch aₐʽqo´pal, kǃu´stiˑtǃ
large -wɪl(qa)
last, to be -yaptǃa-
last oneˑk
later on ma´qak, ta´x̣ta
laugh, to -kqǃu-, -umats-
he laughed aloud wɪɬkɪkqǃu´nˑeˑ
he laughed thus qakqǃu´nˑeˑ
law, to make a -ɪtnumoˑts(te)-
lay down, to -ɪtqǃan(kɪk)-
lay out place for tent, to -ɪkᵢnatɪt-
leaf aₐʽqoᵤɬa´qpɪk
leaf of pine aₐʽku´ɬaˑɬ
leaves of tobacco plant papa´ɬaˑʼm
lean, to be -tunak-
leave, to -mateˑ
left-handed kuɬwiya´tǃneˑ
leg a´ₐʽksaqǃ, -saqǃ-, aₐʽksa´qǃnaˑm
leg is cut off ɬusaqǃa´ɬneˑ
long leg wu´saqǃ
leg part of skin aₐʽkǃa´ₐqǃyu
length of his legs, the yɪsɪnwosa´qǃkeˑ
leggings aₐʽqa`tik.ɬu´kᵘa
lehal -haɬqǃahaɬt-
lengthwise, to be -hutsqan-
striped lengthwise kutsqa´nqǃɬeˑɬ
let go, to -pɪs-
let me go onǃ ho´ya
he let it go with hand pɪsɪkɪ´nˑeˑ
level place (on a hill), where there is a haqǃanˑuqɬeˑɪ´tkeˑ
lick off, to -ɪlta(x̣a)-
lie, to (to recline) -saq-,
it lies here sakqa´ₐneˑ
to lie down saq(qaₐ)-, -ɪtx̣o´ᵤmeˑk
he lay on his back tuwulʼɪtx̣o´ᵤmeˑk
he lay (there) dirty skɪkqǃᵤma´ɬneˑ
it lay there wet skɪkqoqᵘtsǃaɬa´ᵢneˑ
he lay down there quietly qa`ox̣aɬʼɪtqǃankɪkqa´ₐneˑ
he lay down the other way luqᵘalitx̣o´ᵘmeˑk
lie, to (speak untruth) -huts-
light (not heavy) -x̣ₐma-
light (?) aₐʽkǃaɬmokᵘa´et, -kǃaɬmukwa´eˑt
a little light (shining) through a hole tsaₐkǃaₐlmi`yitna´na
light a pipe, to tsuku´px̣ₐneˑ
lightly -qǃma-
he touched it lightly wu`qǃmax̣o´ᵤneˑ
lightning aₐʽkanɬix̣una´eˑt C
like, to -tsɬakeᵢɬ-
he likes it suk.ɬukpa´kteˑ
like -qaps- pr.
it is like (it) qapsqaqa´ₐneˑ
his eyes were like sɪlqa`psqakɪsqlɪ´ɬneˑ
limb aₐʽqonakɪ´ɬmakǃ
limping -haqǃankǃoˑ´(teˑk)
line, those who are in -ɪnaɬaqa´aₐkeˑ
lip, lower aₐʽkomu´naˑm C
lip, upper aₐʽkokaˑyukǃaɬmE(naˑm), aₐʽkokwíyokǃaɬEma C
listen, to -kǃapal-, -huɬpaɬ(neˑ)
he listened kǃapaɬtɪ´leˑk
little, it struck out a sqǃmaˑ`witslɪnqǃaˑ´ʼntseˑ
a little while woˑqǃᵘmaₐneˑkɪ´tᵢneˑ
locust aₐʽkuk.ɬako´wum
lodge, tent, house -(ɪ)t.ɬa
old lodge aₐʽkaɬat.ɬa´tnaˑm C
lonesome huk.ɬukpa(meˑk)
long, to be -wu(qa)-
long ago pɪ´kǃaˑks
long objects -ma-
long-haired one (Chinaman) knu´qǃɬamʼ
Longwater Bay yaₐkwu´ɬaˑk
look, to -kat(eˑ), -wɪtskɪk-
to look for or at something -ɪtskɪl-
how do I look? koaˑ`qaka´teˑ
to look secretly -hak.ɬatsulwɪtskɪl-
to look terrible -ɪseˑ
it looks terrible nʼɪseˑkate´ᵢneˑ
he looked around tseˑkaɬitɪ´tᵢneˑ
he looked up waˑwɪtskɪ´kᵢneˑ
he looks back lamanwɪtskikɪ´ɬneˑ
it looks nice tsɪnla(kate´ᵢneˑ)
it looks yellowish namakǃtsa`ₐkat.ɬeˑtɪtᵢneˑ´neˑ
loon nuqlu´kǃᵘeˑn
lose, to -ɪskax̣ₐmete-
lump aₐʽqǃanɬupx̣ₐma´koˑ
there is a lump, excrescence, on surface -qǃanlupx̣amako-
lungs aₐʽkmülu´puˑq
lynx kǃu´qᵤneˑ
magpie a´nʼan
a small magpie (?) eˑgoˑɬ
make, to -ɪt-
I shall make a bridge hutsɪtkokopkɪ´nˑeˑ
to make a fire -ɪlko-
he made a fire qǃoᵤkox̣a´meˑk
to make a house, tent -ɪtɪt.ɬa-
he made a tent for himself nʼɪtɪ´ₐteˑk
to make a law -ɪtnumoˑts(te)-
to make with hand -ɪtkɪn-
he made a bow for himself nʼɪtʼwukᵘnɪ´ɬeᵢk
he made a hole nʼɪtkǃame´ᵢneˑ
just there he made it qoox̣alʼɪtkɪ´nˑeˑ
he made a mark in the center qayaₐqawaₐqǃanqǃɬɪ´ɬneˑ
he made it nothing ɬu´ʼnteˑ
male qa´skǃo
mallard duck kanqǃusqwe´ᵢkak
man tɪ´tqaˑtǃ
manitou nüpɪ´kǃa
to send a boy to get manitou power -kᵢyukpuktse(teˑ)
many, to be -yuna(qa)-
there are many yunaqa´ₐneˑ
mark -qǃɬeᵢɬ
he made a mark in the center qayaₐqawaₐqǃanqǃlɪ´ɬneˑ
marrow aₐʽkɪnu´ɬmaˑk, -nuɬmak
marry, to -haɬitɪt-, -saɬitɪt-
married, to be -halalitɪ´tᵢ(neˑ)
master na´ksaq
may -ɬɪn pr.
may be ɪɬɪn- pr.
mean, to -iɬɪkt
he did not mean it tsɪns(ke´ᵢneˑ)
means, by - of -mu suff.
meat -ulaks, aₐʽku´lak
to dry meat -ɪtwas(kǃo)-
dried meat wa´tskₐna
a piece of dried meat aₐʽkɪnx̣amulu´laˑk
fresh meat qa´tsuk
medicine made of Artemisia discolor aₐʽkɪnuk.ɬux̣ona´ₐka awu´mo
melt, to ɬuqᵘɪnˑko-
it melted strongly by heat tsEma`kǃiɬˑoqᵘɪnkᵤ´pseˑ
it melts -hoqǃkoˑ-
middle qayaqa´wo
milk tsu´u
Milky Way (= dog's trail) aₐʽkma´eˑs x̣a´ₐɬtsɪn
milt of fish aₐʽqǃa´nɬup
mind aₐʽkɪɬwey, -(ɪ)ɬwey-, -ɬwey
mind, to -ɪntse-
miss, to -yukǃkᵘaka(teˑ)
Missoula, a place about 4m. from Sand Point, Idaho aₐʽkanu´k.ɬeˑɬ C
mistake, he makes a (nʼ)umnaqaɬpaɬne´ᵢx̣oˑ-, -tsɪkǃmaɬɪn(kɪ´nˑeˑ)
mittens pa´ɬʼya
moccasin ɬaˑnʼ
money nɪ´ɬko
monster, giant eˑ´ka
moon nata´neˑkǃ
moon (=the one going up at night) ktsɪlme`tilnu´qka
moose nɪtsna´pku
bull moose kaqǃa´ɬeˑ
more aːn- pr.
one more ɬaoˑkǃᵘe.ɪ´seˑ
moss aₐʽkoɬa´ₐnak, aɬˑa, aₐʽkoɬawite´yaɬ C
mother ma
mother-in law tɪ´teˑ
mother's brother ha´tsa, x̣a´tsa
mother's sister koˑkt
motion towards speaker k- pr.
mountain -uqǃyu(ɬeet), aₐʽkuwuk.ɬe´ɪt, aₐʽkqǃyuɬe´et
end of mountain wa`kaqǃyuɬe.ɪ´tkeˑ
foot of mountain aₐʽkukǃpɬe´ɪt
there is a mountain yɪsɬe.ɪ´t.seˑ, sakqǃyuɬeɪ´t.sˑ
mouse ɪ´ntsukǃ
mouth a´ₐkǃalma´naˑm, (-kǃa)ɬma
in mouth -aqtuqᵘ-
with mouth -x̣a- suff.
move, to -wan-, -qsa-
he moved his arm wanɬa´tǃneˑ
he moved it in the water wanuqkɪ´nˑe
to move camp -uqᵤna(meˑk)
much -yuna(qa)-
much coal, there is yuˑnatsǃkakɪ´ɬneˑ
mule (=his big-ears) kᵤwɪ`ɬqᵤwa´tǃeˑʼs
muskrat ha´nqǃo
must be ɬ-
must be a lake, it k.ɬsa´kqǃnuk
mutually -tᵢmo suff.
my ka- pr.
myth aₐʽqalqǃanox̣wa´teˑ
name aₐʽkɪk.ɬe´yam, -(ɪ)k.ɬey -k.ɬeˑ
he was named thus -qa´k.ɬɪk-
name, to -at-
(names of culture heroes) ya.ukᵘe´ᵢkaˑm, nalmü´qtseˑ
(name of a dog) tsoᵤt
name (of Coyote's daughter) mɪsquɬo´ᵤwoˑm
name (of a man) aₐʽkaɬa`ɬaa´aɬ C
name (of place near Nelson) aₐʽqeya´mɬapskak.ɬe.ɪ´tskeˑ
(place name) aₐqoˑɬa´ₐkaˑ, aₐʽko´qᵤwitǃ
name (of region inhabited by Lower Kutenai aₐʽkakoˑ´woˑk C
name (of region of a camping place on the trail of the Lower Kutenai) aₐʽkakoɬmite´yuk C
name (of region of Forth Steele and St. Eugène Mission) a´ₐʽkǃam C
name (of St. Mary's Lake) a´ₐʽkǃam aₐʽku´qǃnuk C
name (of St. Mary's River) a´ₐʽkǃam aₐʽkɪnmi´tuk C
Wild Horse Creek aₐʽktsa´k.ɬeˑ C
Skukum Chuck, below Finlay Creek aₐʽkaumaʽksoˑk C
navel aₐʽkǃaɬaka´knaˑm, -kǃaɬakak
neck aₐʽko´ᵤkaˑk
nape of neck aₐʽkukǃpɬa`ʼmkaˑ´knaˑm
necklace aˑ´na
Nelson aₐʽkya´mɬuˑp C
nephew patǃ
nephew (sister's child, said by woman) x̣aɬna`ɬeᵢɬ
nest aₐʽkuqǃno´kᵘat, aʽqoˑ´qᵘat, -qoqᵘat
fish-hawk nest tsǃoᵤtsǃu´qǃᵘa
nevertheless paˑmɪk
new, to be -wup-
news -tuqǃts-
to tell news tuqǃtsqake´ᵢneˑ
niece (sister's child, said by woman) x̣aɬna`leᵢɬ
niece (brother's daughter) paˑ
sister's daughter (said by woman) swina´ɬeˑɬ
night hawk pǃeˑqǃs
nine, to be -qa.ikɪtǃᵤwo-, qa.ɪkɪ´tǃᵤwo
noǃ wahaˑ´, uwa´ha
there is no water ɬɪtu´kᵘneˑ
nock of arrow aₐʽqǃa´nqǃak C
nod, to -haqǃaˑnaqǃneᵢ-, -ɪsqaqǃanaqǃneˑʼnɪl-
noise aₐʽk.ɬuk.ɬe´et, aₐʽkɪk.ɬite´yam, -hak.ɬeɪt-, -halukme-
to make noise -hɪlkeˑ-, -tǃaɬo´ᵤkᵘ(neˑ), -kik-
he made noise inside qaˑatskɪk.ɬɪknatɪ´tᵢneˑ
he made big noise wɪɬka`nilpaɬnex̣u´nˑeˑ
without noise of stones ɬɪtkɪkᵢnokᵘɪ´ɬneˑ
noose (on rope) aₐʽkankaɬtsɪ´ka C
nose aₐʽkǃu´nkaˑk, -kǃunkakˑ, -kǃon, aₐʽkuqsaɬa´naˑm, -qsaɬa
nostril -kǃasɬa´ₐkak, aₐʽkǃasɬaka´knaˑm (?)
not qa-
not far qawuɬeɪ´tᵢneˑ
nothing ɬu-, ɬu´nˑeˑ
he made it nothing ɬu´ʼnteˑ
again there is nothing ɬaɬo´ᵤseˑ
number yɪsa´skeˑ
object -ɬ- suff.
off, a little ways aqatǃ- pr.
oh e, aˑ
ohǃ hê, haɬˑyaˑ, hai, háˑ
oh ifǃ taₐq
oil, to -tsǃaqₐ-
old man nu´ʼɬa
old woman tɪ´ɬna, tɪɬna´mu
once, at okǃᵘɪɬ-, okǃᵘɪnɬ-, ukǃᵘnɪl- pr.
one, to be -okǃᵘ(eˑ)
the one (nʼ)aoˑ´kǃᵘcˑ
one hundred ɪtǃᵤwu´nwo
onion aₐʽkoˑ´waɬ
only tsǃɪn
open, to -maɬɪn-, -ukǃu(n)-, -(nokǃᵘɪn)-
to open (rock) -tsunokǃoᵤ-
to be open -hukǃᵘeˑn- (?)
he opened his mouth maɬɪnkǃaɬma´nˑeˑ
opening, hole -kǃa(meˑ)
orbit aₐʽkɪnɪɬˑaɬax̣apa´knaˑm, aₐʽkax̣apa´knaˑm
ornamental pieces on border of root kettle, small aₐʽkutskakiɬukpo´x̣aɬ C
orphan na´ʼnka
orphan adopted by me kanaʼnkaˑ´qaɬ
other, the (nʼ)aoˑ´kǃᵘeˑ
the other one naoˑ´kǃᵘeˑ
the other side ɬa´tsᵢneˑ
on the other side ɬe´ᵢneˑ
other side ɬu-, ɬuqᵘa-
lake on the other side k.ɬuha´kqǃnuk
he lay down the other way ɬuqᵘaɬitx̣oᵘmeˑk
otter aₐʽqa´ox̣aɬ
ought x̣ma
our kamina´ɬa
out of a- pr.
out of (away from speaker) an- pr.
out of (towards speaker) ak- pr.
out of woods tunwa- pr.
his two legs stuck out tunwakakɪswiˑtsˑa´qǃneˑ
out of the top of something -eˑɬeᵢk-
outer side of tent, at bottom, all around ɬa´ʼnta
outside ɬa´a, ɬa´ɬaˑk
they were outside k.ɬaɬaha´qᵤwom
over ɪtǃna- pr.
overtake, to -x̣anx̣o, -aʼnx̣o- (?)
owl ku´peᵢ
own, to -ɪs-
own way, he wants to act his sɪnˑakpa´meˑk
paddle ɬɪ´seˑ
paint, red namɪ´tˑa
painting aₐʽku´qǃɬiˑɬ
palate aₐʽkoɬa´naˑm C
palm of hand aₐʽkuk.ɬa´ᵢ(naˑm) C
pant, to -haɬkɪkwas-, (n)hakwase´kmeˑk
panther swaʼ
parents akᵢnekǃ, aₐʽkɪnɪ´kǃnaˑm
parents and children aɬaˑqaɬtɪ´tᵢmo
parflèche aₐʽqu´ɬum
(participle and itnterrogative pr.) k-
parting of hair aₐʽkawu´kǃoˑ
partridge tǃa´nˑquˑts
pass (?), to (qa)hakǃoᵤ-
passer-by aₐʽqǃutsa´neˑk not used in modern speech
passive -ɬ- suff.
past man- pr.
he went past manqǃankɪ´meˑk
pay, to (-ɪnmak), -ɪtɪnmak-
peel, apple aₐʽkoˑ´nak C
pemmican kɪɬku´ɬka
penis aₐʽku´ɬats
pepper aₐʽkukpɬu´ɬaɬ C
perspire -haqǃa-koˑ-, -aqǃakoᵤ-
Philadelphus Lewisii, berries of aₐʽkunoˑ´kyoˑk C
pick berries, to -haɬqǃatǃeᵢ-
pick up, to -itqana(qa)-
piece he bit off, a qa´sx̣ₐneˑ
to break to pieces -qas-
he cut himself to pieces qasnɪnqa´meˑk
Piegan sa´nɬa
pierce, to tsu(kǃo´ᵤneˑ)
pile, to -nmu(x̣o)-
he had a pile samoɬkɪ´nˑeˑ
to pile up sanmux̣o´meˑk
pin, to -apakǃɪn-
pine he´mˑo
white pine a´aʽkaˑm C
pipe koˑʼs
to fill pipe -huɬnakǃo-
pipe stem aₐʽko´ɬa, -uɬa
pipe-stem wood (Alnus incana) aₐʽkula´woˑk
pit aₐʽkla´ₐmeˑ
pit for cooking aₐʽk.ɬa´x̣weˑkǃ
pitchwood -nuqa´koᵤ, aₐʽkɪnoqᵘa´ₐko, -oqᵘaₐko
pitfall aₐʽkɪnu´kweᵢt
pitied, he - it kǃumna`nɬukpakitmu´ɬneˑ
place ha-keˑ
place for drying meat aₐʽkowa´skǃoˑ
place with thick trees aₐʽqlanqatsǃɬa´eˑn, -haqǃanqotsǃɬaeˑn
thickly-wooded place aₐʽqǃanqutsǃɬa´eˑn
place with dry trees aₐʽkǃak.ɬu´nuk
place with scattered trees aₐʽkɪnusu´kǃpoˑn, -nusu´kǃpoˑn
it is a bad place sa`hanɬeɪ´tneˑ
it is a good place suk.ɬei´tᵢneˑ
it is a well-hidden place -hatsɬeɪt-
to place -x̣a-
plain aₐʽkɪtsɬa´ₐmeˑ
plank aₐʽkɪnuqǃᵘɬaˑkǃa´ₐkoˑ
"plant standing up," used for arrowshafts aₐʽqǃox̣ᵤmaɬɪ´et
play, to -k.ɬɪnqǃo-, -watsǃ-
they play along qanaɬwa´tsǃneˑ
he plays ball with bat -qaix̣o´ktseˑk
pleased with something, to be -yɪɬnaʼnts(teˑ)
plenty sukᵘakate´ᵢneˑ, ksukᵘaka´teˑ
plural -kɪl-, -qǃa-, -qan-
pocket aₐʽkuɬa´ko (?) C
point, to -nkǃun-
point -nqǃa-
with point -kǃo- suff.
(pointed eye) kǃuktsa´qɬeᵢɬ
he pointed at them hither qakaˑnkǃonɪ´ɬneˑ
he pointed at them thither ɬaqa`nankǃonɪ´ɬneˑ
it was pointed that way qa`nanqǃkunɪ´ɬneˑ
points of bark canoe a´ₐʽkoˑ C
poked him, he qunatsa´ₐx̣ₐneˑ
poor, to be -kǃumna-
he is poor kǃumnaqaqa´ₐneˑ
porcupine nɪ´ɬksaq
post aˑma´ɬeˑt
pot yɪtsǃkeˑ´meˑ
pouch aₐʽkuɬa´ko (?) C
powder flask aₐʽkoɬe´kam C
prairie aₐʽkɪnuqɬe´et
there was a flat prairie qaˑqǃa`nmoqtsǃɪnu´kᵤneˑ
prairie on side of hill aₐʽqǃanuk.ɬe´et
prairie chicken ktsǃɪ´qǃɬa
probably naqan- pr.
property aₐʽk.ɬe´ᵢteˑt
propose a plan, to -ɪt.ɬɪkᵢnatɪt-
proud, to be -halˑax̣wat(eˑk)
puff, to -kik-
pull, to hakunkɪ´n(ˑeˑ)
he pulled it in tɪkᵢmɪ´tx̣ₐneˑ
pup (of dog) tsɪtǃ(na´na)
purple ke´ᵢkoˑp
pursue, to -mɪtyax̣ₐ-, -nut-
he came pursuing her qaknu´teˑ
push in, to (?) -yaptsa(kɪn)-
put, to -x̣a-
he put his hand back ɬaʼntaqahe´ᵢneˑ
to put in -haqtuqᵘa-
to put into water -hɪɬeˑkx̣aqkɪn-
to put on back -aɬax̣oᵤ-
to put on with hand -aɬakɪn-
to put together -ɪtǃqao(x̣a)-
to put up -eya(kɪn)-
he had something to put in (tsʼ)ɪnaɬqana´ʼnteˑ
he put it into it nʼoqox̣aku´nˑeˑ
put, to -x̣a-
put me offǃ pɪsx̣o´ᵤnu
he was put off pɪsx̣o´lneˑ
quarrel, to -ɪtkɪl-
question, to -ak.ɬeɬ-
quickly -qkup-, was- pr.
quickly he cut off the nose ɬuqkupqsaɬa´ₐteˑ
he comes back quickly wa`sɪlˑax̣a´x̣eˑ
it burnt quickly tsǃɪlqanku´pseˑ
he stretched his leg out quickly qaɬʼɪtǃnạqkupqǃaɬsa´qǃneˑ
quietly he lay down there qa`ox̣alʼɪtqǃankɪkqa´ₐneˑ
quill end of feather aₐʽku´kpleˑ C
quills, insides of aₐʽqoᵤqǃɬɪɬupɪnqo´wa
rabbit kianuqlu´mna
race, a kaɬnux̣u´knaˑm
rail aₐʽkɪlqǃaku´pkǃoˑ
raining, it is waloqǃkᵘku´tᵢ(neˑ)
raise, to -hukᵤnu-
rapids aₐʽkax̣a´pqleˑ
raspberry aₐʽqǃu´koˑ
rattle aₐʽko´qᵘmaˑɬ
bunch of dew hoofs of deer aₐʽkɪlqǃa´lukp
rattlesnake wɪ´lmaˑɬ
Rattling-Claws (a name) kaˑkiyax̣a´kukp
rattling noise, there is a skɪᵢnotx̣onɪ´leˑk
raven qo´kᵘeˑn
raw -kup-, ke´ᵢkoˑp
reach, to -x̣a(x̣eˑ), -aʼnx̣o-, -yax̣-
one who reached the top kyuˑx̣a´x̣aˑm
they reached there qaox̣ax̣a´ʼmne
ready kuɬatɪ´qna
to get ready -ɪtaqna-
he is ready to go wanakate´ᵢ(neˑ)
he stood ready to spear (nʼ)upsawɪtsaₐkɪnx̣a´ₐneˑ
rear part of the tent, back of fire ɬa´ʼnta
rectum wɪɬma´peˑs
red -(nohos)-, nos-, -(ha)nohos
bright red suᵏunohu´seˑ, yawo´ᵤnekǃ
red-hot -huko-
reed (?) ta´naɬ
reflexive ending of verbs in -neˑ, -meˑk
suffix of transitive verbs in -teˑ, -teˑk
refuse, to -tsakɪɬ-
relation between sister's husband and wife's brother skat
relation, reciprocal, between parents-in-law and children-in-law, intermediate relative dead x̣atkax̣ʼniyatu´maɬ
relation, reciprocal, between brother and sister aɬɪ´tskeᵢɬ
relative (ɪ)kǃna´mu
relatives akᵢnekǃ
remains of broken bones aₐʽqǃa´naˑk
rhubarb, wild wu´mʼaˑɬ
rib -noˑkak, aₐʽknoka´knaˑm
ribbon, hair, worn in front aₐʽkokǃᵘatsɪ´nkoˑ
rice aₐʽku´qǃᵘaˑɬ
rime aₐʽkunɬe´et C
rind aₐʽkoˑ´nak C
ring, netted tǃaqu´moˑ
finger ring aₐʽkokǃᵘatsɪtsqǃa´ynaˑm
hair rings made of brass spiralls aₐʽkɪkne´laˑm
rise, to -nuqka-, -uknu-
water rises nutsu´kᵘneˑ
river -nmituk, aₐʽkɪnmi´tuk
a wide river kǃalmanmi´tuk
rivers are long wuqanmitu´kᵤneˑ
largest rivers aₐʽkǃale´et, -kǃaleet
roast, to -ɬukǃmo-
he roasted it ɬukǃmox̣a´meˑk
rock, it is aₐʽknukx̣u´meˑk
roll, to -haqai-, -(ha)qay-
he will roll himself tsx̣aɬhaqayeqa´meˑk
at once he was always rolling about nʼo`kǃᵘɪnla`ₐtᵢyɪ`ltsha`qaiyɪlmo`x̣ona`titmo´ɬne.
root -kǃpu´kam, aₐʽkukǃpu´kaˑm, -(u)kǃpukaˑm
an edible root (?) aₐʽkuqle´et
a root found in swamps aₐʽkɪtsqǃa´kam
rope, bark aₐʽqoˑ´qoɬ
rose hip waqǃoˑ´peˑs, qǃu´ɬwaₐ
round -haqǃanqoqᵘat(qa)-, -qǃanquqwat-
it is round naqǃanquawatqa´ₐneˑ
rub, to -tsǃaqₐ-
rub (with), to -ɪx̣tone(mu)-
he rubs it on -yuhakɪ´neˑ
run, to -haɬnukup(qa)-, -hanɬup(qa)-, -ɪkɪ(meˑk), -tsǃɪnak-
to run away -nux̣u-
he ran away noˑsanox̣unqa´ɹne
she ran out howling nʼanmuqkupnox̣oˑ`neˑɬkɪkwakɪ´meˑk
he runs moqkupnox̣unqa´meˑk
rushes (?) ta´naɬ
sack-cloth aₐ`kaɬa`ɬaa´aɬ C
saddle aₐʽkǃo´neᵢs
my saddles kaqǃakǃoˑ´nɪst
saddlebag aₐʽqok.ɬaˑ´kǃo
saliva aₐʽqǃuk.ɬu´mnaˑm
Salix desertorum aₐʽqoᵤɬa´kpeˑkna´na
salmon swa´qǃₐmo
sand aₐʽkɪnko´koˑɬ C
Sand Creek aₐʽka´tak C
save, to -x̣at(kɪnukᵘ)-
to be saved -yukǃkᵤakatɪl-
he saved himself x̣atkɪ´nˑeˑ
he was saved x̣atknu´kᵤneˑ
he saves him x̣atkᵢnukᵘɪ´nˑeˑ
saw, with -x̣aɬ suff.
say, to -keᵢ-, -(ɪɬ)keˑ
he said so qake´ᵢneˑ
he said thus qake´ᵢneˑ
he said to him qakɪ´ɬneˑ
to say "yes" -lehɪ´(teˑ)
scalp aₐʽqaɬa´ʼmɬa
scare, to -haqǃmax̣o-, -oyɪtǃax̣wa(t)-
he scared them qakilaqǃmax̣oka´ₐneˑ
scatter, to paˑtsɪnmɪ´t-
scold, to -ɪlkɪl-
scrape, to -qǃawuka-
scratch, to -ɪksɪa(t)
screw aₐʽkwɪ´tskoˑ C
seam aₐʽkilaktsumuˑ´in
season aₐʽkɪlkǃaku´koˑt, -mayɪt, -(u)kot
two seasons tǃuk.ɬunˑmaku´tᵢneˑ
seat aₐʽkmox̣o´naˑm
where he was seated yaˑqaha`nqameˑ´keˑ
secretly ats- pr.
to look secretly -hak.ɬatsuɬwɪtskɪl-
see, to -wukᵘ(at)-, -upx̣a-
to see at a distance indistinctly -ukᵘnak-
he sees tseᵢka´teˑ
he sees it tseᵢ(ka´teˑ)
seeds, tobacco aₐʽkɪnu´qǃyuk ya´qǃeˑt
self -ɪsɪn, -ɪsnɪ- pr.
send for some one, to -neyax̣-
service berry sqǃu´mˑoˑ
service-berry wood a´ₐʽkǃwoˑk
sets, where the sun yaqa`naɬwatǃmEnuqka´skeˑ
seven wɪstǃaˑ´ɬa
several na´qsa- pr.
several days naqsanmi´yɪt
shade nɪ´ɬeˑ
shadow aₐʽk.lo´ᵤkǃwa
shake hands, to tsx̣aˑmaɬktsaɬa´mneˑ
shook his blanket, he nʼanux̣oˑʼnɬatᵢmo´meˑk
sharp -ɪse(qa)-
sharp (stones) -kǃa(no´ᵤkoˑ)
sharpen, to -eˑtax̣-
sheep, bighorn kwɪ´lqleˑ
mountain sheep nɪ´ɬyaˑp
shell kǃu´ʼmtsak(s)
shield qa´snaɬ
shin aₐʽko´knaˑm C
shine, to -hoqǃukᵢyɪt-
shirt -qaˑtwumɬaₐt
shoe lacing aₐʽkuɬuqa´tsɬum C
shoot, to -ɪs(kǃo)-, -ɪlwa-, mɪtx̣a-, -haqǃax̣o´ᵤx̣ᵤ(neˑ)
he shot upward waˑmɪtakǃo´ᵤneˑ
shooting with it kmɪtx̣a´mˑu
shore aₐʽkǃa´ɬak
short -oᵤqa-
shoulder aₐʽkɪnqu´mʼyu, aₐʽkwɪtǃ, -wɪtǃ
shout, to -haɬuk.ɬitᵢya´x̣ₐ(neˑ)
to shout for joy -awut-
shrew tsɪ´nɬa, ka´ltaˑt
shut, to -tsǃupna-
side aₐʽkwi´yatǃ
side of body aₐʽqaɬwi´yatǃ, -wiyatǃ-
side aₐʽkwi´yatǃ
on each side ya- pr.
on one side tsɪkǃeˑn- pr.
on the other side ɬe´ᵢneˑ
the other side ɬa´tsᵢneˑ
sideways upɪn-, mal(u)- pr.
striped sideways maɬu´qǃɬiɬ
sinew aₐʽkɪnqǃa´lqa
sing, to -hawasx̣o-
he sings going around qǃuntkalhawasx̣o´meˑk
sink, to -ɪktsɪn(uq)-
sister (said by brother) alɪ´tskeᵢl
sister (of girl) tsu
younger sister (of girl) na´na
sisters nana´ ₐtᵢmo
sister-in-law (all kinds), intermediate relative dead ɬuna´tǃeˑ
sister's child xlna`leᵢl
sister's daughter (said by woman) swina´ɬeˑɬ
sit down, to -ɪsakᵢnu-, -hanaq-, -hanqa-
they two sat down -ɪnˑaˑkeˑsɪnqame´ᵢkeˑ
he sat down on top noqoᵤsaqǃmax̣o´ᵤmeˑk
he always sat with back to fire sɬaˑ`tᵢyiɬˑa`nˑtaqanaqna´kseˑ
not sitting down a long time qa.eˑtx̣a`meˑnqa´meˑk
sitting there sana´kseˑ
six, to be -ɪnˑmɪsa-
size yɪ´skeˑ
skillful qastsuʼmqaqa´ₐneˑ
skin, to -qla(teˑ), -hunuqǃmeˑ-
skin aₐʽku´qɬa
dried skin aₐʽkwo´qǃɬa
tan skin, to -ɪtqǃanx̣o-
white (skin) aqtsǃɪ(x̣maɬa)-
skull aₐʽk.ɬamˑaɬaˑk
skunk x̣a´x̣as
sky aₐʽkɪɬmi´yɪt, aₐʽkɪl.mi´yɪt
blackish sky hamqoqǃukuˑɬakat.ɬeˑtɪtᵢneˑ-
slap, to -maqǃneˑ(x̣o)-
slave tsukᵤatu´maɬ
sleep, to -qǃuʼmneˑ-, -ɬeᵢts-
sleepy, to be -hatsǃaɬa(qa)-
slide on snow, to -haˑmɪluqkatɪ´ɬeˑk
slim, to be -ukts(qa)-
sluice box aₐʽkuˑ´noˑk C
small, to be -tsa-
small ktsaqu´na, -nana
I have a small house (or tent) hutsat.ɬanana´neˑ
a place is small tsaɬeˑɪtᵢnana´neˑ
smell, to -hanɪmsɪqqₐ-
to smell of -hakumsɪkeᵢ(teˑ)
it smells of -snɪmsik(qaₐ)-
to smell bead -uktuk-
smoke, to -nuqᵤ-
to smoke a pipe (=eat smoke) -ɪknoqukᵤ-
smoke yamˑu
smoke hole -kǃanqoˑt, aₐʽkǃa´nqoˑ(t)
snail nɪɬx̣amyuˑ´watǃ
snake aₐʽkɪnu´ɬaˑm
snipe nuktsnaqǃa´ʼnkaˑm
snort, to -tǃanukqlo´ᵤkᵘ(neˑ)
snow -ɬu, a´ₐʽkˑɬu, a´ₐʽk.ɬoˑ
snow falls from trees -hupumak(neˑ)
it is snowing -waɬɪnkǃaɬaɬu´neˑ
snowshoes -kǃaqayt, aₐʽkǃa´qayt
snowstorm -wa´milniɬkɪt-
so, he thought qaɬwi´yneˑ
socks, aₐʽkaɬˑɪ´knaˑm C
soft, to be -tspuqǃᵘeᵢ-
sole of foot aₐʽkuk.lak.ɬɪ´k(naˑm) C
some one na´qa
some one (indefinite object) -ka suff.
some one (indefinite subject) -nam suff.
somebody qa´ɬa
something qa´psin
son-in-law nawa´spaɬ
song aₐʽkɪlqǃa´nil
soup na´qpoᵘk, wo´qǃkaˑ
source of river tsₐqa´haks
sow, to -ɪtmo(kǃo)-
sparrow hawk kiaqǃaku´tats
speak the truth, to tsEma´kǃke´ᵢneˑ
he can not speak qataɬtsx̣a´nˑeˑ
spear (k)tsquna´ₐkɪnx̣a´mˑu, tsukǃoti´yaɬ
fish spear aₐʽk.ɬa´x̣a C
three-pointed fish spear aₐʽko´ᵤnaɬ, aₐʽkɪnu´kmak C
spilled, to be -yɪkǃta-
spirit (?), a tsa´kap
spits it out, he matqɬax̣wa´ₐteˑ
split with hand, to tsɪkǃkɪ´nˑeˑ
spoon pɪ´tsaˑk
spread out -qǃan-
spring of year, springtime ɬuma´yɪt
spruce ktsɪ´tsqaˑɬ
squeezes him, it tsɪnx̣u´nˑeˑ
squirrel taˑkǃaˑts
stab, to -nuɬkǃo-, -akoᵤ-
he stabbed him with it qunaˑkɪnx̣amu´nˑeˑ
stake in gambling, to -stɪɬ(eˑk)
stalk aₐʽkuk.ɬu´kᵘa C
stand, to -wɪs-
he stands hawɪsqa´ₐneˑ
he stands thus qaˑwɪsqa´ₐneˑ
we stand hunakɪɬwɪsqawaɬa´ₐneˑ
there stands -swɪts-, -sɪn-
it stands in it nakɪɬwɪtsqa´ₐneˑ
he stands biting nawɪ´tsx̣aneˑ
standing biting kawɪ´tsx̣a
to stand holding -ɪsqawɪts-
he stands holding -hawɪtskɪ´nˑeˑ
stand, to -wɪs-
he stood ready to pound nawɪtsnulx̣o´ᵤneˑ
he stood still nʼɪtswɪsqa´ₐneˑ
star -(ɪ)lno´hos, -lnohoᵤs
how many stars? kǃaqsaˑlno´hoˑs
start, to tsǃɪna´x̣eˑ, -hutsɪn-
to start away from speaker tsǃɪn- pr.
to start towards speaker tsǃɪk- pr.
to start a fire -tsukᵘ-
fire started qanaqǃmak.ɬɪnqǃoku´pseˑ
he started running noˑtsɪnqkupekɪ´meˑk
he started up river tsǃɪnaɬtsaqana´x̣eˑ
starve, to -yanx̣u-
he is starving -saknoˑ´ktseˑk
starving, although having a fish trap ksanoˑ`ktsᵢyɪnkɪ´tsqa
stay, to -ɪtwɪs(qa)-, -ɪtwɪts-
to stay over night -yɪksɪ´lˑk, -hakup(malna´mneˑ)
he stayed qaosaqa´ₐneˑ
he stayed there sa.osaqa´ₐneˑ, qaosaqa´ₐneˑ
steal, to -ay-
stealthily ats- pr.
steam aₐʽkalnolatakoˑ´koˑ C
steep, to be -yaq(le´et)-
stem of tobacco plant aₐʽkɪ´nqoˑl
stick aₐʽkɪnqǃa´woˑk, aₐʽkanka´wok, a´ₐʽkɪts
stick into, to -apakǃɪn-
to stick on -tǃapts-
he stuck it on tǃaptsǃakɪ´nˑeˑ
legs stick out tunwakakɪswɪtsˑa´qǃₐneˑ
his two legs stuck out tunwakakɪswiˑtsˑa´qǃneˑ
it stuck out a little sqǃmaˑ`wiˑtslinqǃaˑ´ʼntseˑ
still upskil-, sakɪl- pr.
he is still angry sa`kɪɬsaˑnɪlwe´yneˑ
stingy -upᵢyɪtleᵢ-
stock of gun aₐʽkukǃpwu C
stockings aₐʽkalɪ´knaˑm C
stomach -wum
stomach of partridge aₐʽkoa´pla C
stone -nukᵘ-
flat stone aₐʽkɪktsǃla´nuk
gray stone aₐʽqux̣ma´nuk
rough, sharp stone aₐʽkǃanu´ɬeˑk
white stone aₐʽkmɪnuqɬu´nuk
burnt stones aₐʽqǃono´ᵤkoˑ no´ᵤkᵤey
flat stones aₐʽkɪnuqǃlaᵤnuk
sharp stones aₐʽkǃano´ᵤkoˑ, -kǃa(no´ᵤkoˑ)
sharp, flat stones aₐʽkɪnuqǃɬaˑnu´kǃᵘeˑn
stop (intransitive), to ɪtwɪs(qa)-, -ɪtwɪts-, -ɪtqa-, -qaqas
he stops qaqaskɪ´nˑeˑ
stopped, noise qǃaɬuk.ɬe.ɪ´tᵢneˑ
stout -aɬ-
straight, to be -apɪs-
straight upward qaɬa´kʼneˑs
strange, to be -aₐqa-
strap, rawhide aₐʽktsǃɪ´ka
strawberry aₐʽqǃu´koˑ, aₐʽku´qǃoˑ
stretch out, to -ɪtǃna-, -qǃaɬ-
he stretched his leg out quickly qalʼɪtǃnaqkupqǃaɬsa´qǃneˑ
he stretched it out nʼa`kaqǃalkɪ´nˑeˑ
he stretched his hand into it tsaqaˑnatsqǃahe´ᵢneˑ
strike, to -ɬaɬ(teˑ)
he struck it qanɬa´ɬteˑ
will strike from each side tsx̣alyaqx̣aˑ`lalta´pseˑ
he struck again from underneath ɬaoˑ`niɬˑa`qx̣aqku`plaltɪ´lneˑ
he struck him suddenly tsǃɪnha`qǃmakǃax̣ne´kseˑ
by striking -x̣o- suff.
strike-a-light aₐʽkete´ᵢmo
string, moccasin aₐʽkuk.ɬuka´tsɬoˑ C
strings for typing up parflèhe aₐʽkilkax̣nilko´lom C
stripe -qǃɬeᵢɬ, aₐʽku´qǃɬiˑɬ
middle stripe kqayaqa`wuha´qǃlil
striped sideways malu´qǃlil
strong, he is tsEmakǃqa´ₐneˑ
strongly -tsEmaˑkǃ-
stump -quɬukǃpko, aₐʽqulu´kǃpkoˑ
suck, to -tsutil-
suddenly, to do -haqǃma-
suddenly he entered nukᵘhaqǃmaˑkɪkqa´ₐneˑ
summer aₐʽqsu`kǃᵘitna´mu
sun nuta´neˑkǃ
sun dance -haqux̣ol-
surround, to -halqoˑmaˑt-
suspenders aₐʽkuk.ɬu`kᵘatskpu´k(naˑm), aₐʽkilu`kᵘatspu´knaˑm C
swallow, to -uʼmqol-, -ɪʼmqol-, -hanuqǃᵘyaʼₐteˑ
he swallowed him kǃunuqǃᵘwiya´ₐteˑ
swamp aₐʽkǃaqɬa´haˑɬ, -kǃaqlahal, -haqanakǃaqla´haˑɬ
swan qu´qoᵤq
sweat in swat lodge, to -wɪs(eˑk)
sweat lodge wɪsi´al
swells up, belly -hutkawumako-
swift kalnuku´pqa
swim, to -naq-, -haqₐ-, -huɬuqᵘ-
swing, to -hawɪskax̣u´ktseˑ
switch for stringing fish ɬaˑmʼ
tail -qat, a´ₐʽqat
bird's tail aₐʽkɪnuqǃma´ₐna
fish tail aₐʽkɪnqǃa´qaˑt
he put the tail up quickly qalyuwaˑkaqǃalqa´tᵢneˑ
take, to tsukᵘ(a´teˑ), -ka-
to take away (?) -wa-
to take one's own -ups(t)-
to take with hand tsukokᵘɪ´nˑeˑ
to take with hand out of water tsukuqkᵘɪ´nˑeˑ
it was taken ashore la.u`pkaqkᵢnɪ´ɬneˑ
his wiffe is taken away from him wakaltɪ´ɬneˑ
it is taken from him wakᵢnɪ´lneˑ
take, to tsukᵘ(a´teˑ), -ka-
what he had taken out of water kǃupka´ₐnqoˑl
he took a good seat sukᵘx̣o´ᵤmeˑk
he took both xa´tsɪnɪltsukᵘa´teˑ
he took it out of fire ɬaˑupkakǃo´ᵤneˑ
he takes it nʼatskaɬkɪ´nˑeˑ
tale, historical aₐʽqaɬpaɬne´yam
talk, to -tsx̣a(nˑeˑ), -haqalpalneᵢ-, -hakqǃyɪt-
he talks naqaɬpalneˑ´neˑ
they talk together tǃaqtaˑɬa´mneˑ
they talked nakqǃeyɪ´tᵢneˑ
talking aₐʽkɪqǃyeˑt
talons of birds aₐʽkɪtsqǃaekama´lak
taste, to -ax̣neˑ
it tastes good sukᵘax̣ₐne´ᵢseˑ
tear off bark huɬutsǃaɬx̣o´ᵤneˑ
teeth, with -x̣a-
molar and canine teeth inɪ´stin
tell news, to tuqǃtsqake´ᵢneˑ
she told some one tsx̣anatka´ₐneˑ
ten, to be -ɪtǃᵤwoˑ-
tent -t.tɬa, -(ɪ), aₐʽkɪt.ɬa´naˑm
part of tent near door ɬa´qǃa
he made a tent for himself nʼɪtɪt.ɬa´ₐteˑk
(tent) is covered -tukǃx̣o(ɬneˑ)
tent cover aₐʽka´wu
tent frame -nqoˑ, aₐʽkɪ´nqoˑ
outer side of tent, at bottom, all around ɬa´ʼnta
rear part of tent, back of fire ɬa´ʼnta
tent pole aₐʽkɪtsˑ, aₐʽma´ɬeˑtˑ, -kits, -[ɪ]ts
tent site ko´o
terrible, it looks nʼɪseˑ(kate)ᵢ
testicle -maqǃan, aₐʽkma´qǃaˑn
that qoˑ
that one neˑ
then ta´x̣a
there (demonstrative) sao-, saw-, -saqx̣aɬ-, qao-, qaw-, qoˑ pr.
along there qan- pr.
it is right along there qaˑ`kɪɬhaqa´ₐneˑ
he arrived there qaox̣a´x̣eˑ
he stayed there saˑusaqa´ₐneˑ, qaosaqa´ₐneˑ
just there he made it qaox̣aɬʼɪtkɪ´nˑeˑ
there stands -swɪts-, -sɪn-
there is a hill swɪtsɬeˑɪ´tᵢneˑ
there is a stone swɪtsnu´kᵘneˑ
therefore aqa(ɬ)- pr.
thick, to be -waq(e´ᵢneˑ)
thick -aɬ-
thicket -kɪɬhaqǃanqotsǃɬa´eˑn, aqǃa
thigh aₐʽkɪnɪ´kǃnaˑm, aₐʽqǃoˑ´wukǃ
thigh (of bird) aₐʽke´nuk C
thin, to be -paqts-
thine nɪ´nko
think about something, to -kn(ɪɬwiy)-
he is thinking about it siɬkᵢniɬwiyteya´ₐtˑe, kinelwi´ylik
he thought thus or so qaɬwe´yneˑ
thirsty -huqǃnuqǃluma
this na
thorn bush (?) kaɬa´woˑk
thou nɪ´nko
thread aₐʽkiɬa´ktsu C
three, to be -qaɬsa-
he has three children qaɬsaqa´ɬteˑ
throat aₐʽk.ɬuma´naˑm, aₐʽqǃa´nqǃmeˑwaeˑk
through qayaqa- pr.
throw, to -mɪt-
to throw many things -nmu(x̣o)-
he was thrown into fire x̣unakinɪ´ɬneˑ
thumb tu´tsǃaˑkǃ
thunder nu´mˑa
thus qa-
he said thus qake´ᵢneˑ
he cried thus qaɬo´ᵤkᵤneˑ
he is thus qaqa´ₐneˑ
tickle, to -qǃutse´ᵢ(teˑ)
tie, to -itukǃsa-
to tie hair in know (?) -hutoˑqsa-
to tie up (for shamanistic performance) -qǃax̣-
some one who is tied up kqǃax̣na´mnam
something tied together (?) kiakx̣a´x̣aˑɬ
time -yɪt- suff.
tired -huk.ɬuk-
to be tired -saʼn(qa)-
tired walking ksakɪ´meˑk
toad ko´ukoˑ
tobacco qa´qǃeᵢt, wasa´qₐnaˑn, aₐʽkmoqǃoˑ´maˑɬ
plug tobacco kqǃawu´ᵤkaˑɬ
stem of tobacco plant aₐʽkɪ´nqoˑɬ
tobacco seeds aₐʽkɪnu´qǃyuk ya´qǃeˑt
Tobacco River aₐʽkanu´x̣oˑ C
to cut tobacco -qǃawuka-
today hosanmiyɪ´tkeˑ
toe aₐʽkɪtsqǃa´knaˑm, aₐʽkɪnkǃa´ₐɬik
big toe kǃa`ɬeˑmatsqakEma´ak
together -maɬ suff.
together with -tᵢmo suff.
tomahawk aₐʽkɪnu´qɬeˑ
tongue waɬuˑ´nak
tooth aₐʽqǃu´naˑnʼ
top aₐʽkɪ´nqaˑn (aₐʽkɪ´nqǃaˑn), -qǃyu- ?
to be on top of water -mu(wɪsu´q)-
torch aₐʽkɪnoqᵘa´ₐko
touch, to -qunyax̣ₐneˑ
he touched him roughly wuqkupx̣o´ᵤneˑ
he touched it qunya´x̣ₐneˑ
he touched it lightly wu`qǃmax̣o´ᵤneˑ
towards -huts- pr.
motion towards speaker k- pr.
towards speaker and out of ak- pr.
towards speaker and into tɪk-
town aₐʽkɪk.ɬu´naˑm, -k.ɬu
those in the town haₐk.lo´ᵤkᵘe
toy -k.ɬɪnqǃo-
tracks aₐʽk.ɬɪ´knam
tracks (in snow) aₐʽkǃalu´kᵘiɬ
his tracks aₐʽk.ɬɪ´kǃeˑs
trail aₐʽkma´naˑm, -ma
it is a long trail wumana´mneˑ
it is a long trail (in snow) aₐʽkǃaɬu´ko
trail is wide nʼalmama´ₐneˑ (?)
tramp on something, to -tǃatsǃaaneˑ(ɪkɪ´nˑe)
trap aₐʽka´kǃoˑ
fish trap aₐʽkɪ´tsqa, -kɪtsqa, ya´qa
my traps kaqǃoka´koː
travel by canoe, to -haqul-
travois aₐʽqǃᵤka´maˑɬ
tree -tsǃɬaeˑn, -(ɪ)tsǃɬa´eˑn, aₐʽkɪtsǃɬa´eˑn
young tree -qɬupin, aₐʽkuqlu´peˑn
different kind of tree (?) kǃa`kǃɬanˑaqǃo`x̣ᵤmaɬe´et
tree on other side k.ɬohanɪtsǃɬa´eˑn
dry trees -hakǃak.ɬonuk-
trembled for fear, he nʼuptǃɪnmɪtɪɬwe´yx̣omeˑk
tripe aₐʽk.ɬaqpɪ´sqap
trout qu´stɪtǃ
try, to -akoᵤkᵘɪn-
to try hand -aɬsɪn(t)-
turn, in -ɬaˑ-
turnip aₐʽk.ɬEmaɬa´k(naˑm) C
turtle ka´x̣ax̣
twig laˑmʼ
little twig aₐʽqǃutskǃa´ɬakna´na
two -as, -ai->-as+n
to be two -as-
two children ɬkamukᵘɪ´steˑk
she had two children nʼasqa´lteˑ
two seasons tǃuk.ɬunˑmaku´tᵢneˑ
uncle (father's brother) x̣a
uncle (mother's brother) x̣a´tsa, ha´tsa
under blanket, under cover aqsa- pr.
uneasy, to feel -huko´yɪlx̣oneᵢ-
untie, to -aqte-
up -ɪktɪk-, ɪtkɪk-, yuˑ-, waˑ- pr.
up river tsaqan- pr.
use, to -hu--teˑ
to use a spoon -haɬuqkᵢnɪlx̣neˑᵢmu(nˑeˑ)
uvula tǃa´tka
valley aₐʽkamɪ´nˑa, -kǃaˑmɪna, aₐʽk.ɬa´x̣weˑ
vein aₐʽqǃu´ɬka
verbal stem -a-, -ala-
very -tsEmaˑkǃ, -ɪseˑɬ pr.
vessel, pottery a´tso, yɪtske´ᵢmeˑ
vest, embroidered aₐʽkɪnoˑmalnokoˑ´knaˑm
Viburnus opulus, fruit of aₐʽko´moˑ
village -k.ɬu, aₐʽkɪk.ɬu´naˑm
visits, he qoˑna´x̣eˑ
vomit, to (?) -waɬne-
wad of gun aₐʽkukwatɪ´lil C
wait, to -kpa(meˑk)
they waited naniɬwokᵘɪnx̣a´ɬne
he was waited for nawɪtskpayatɪ´ɬneˑ
walk, to -omo-
I who walk about kuqa ̌ ha´ₐɬkqaₐts
to walk along shore (?) -ɪtsaqawaˑqaˑ(ɬ)-
he walks about (nʼ)ukǃen(ax̣eˑ)
want, to -ute-
you may want it hɪnɬɪnʼo´ᵤteˑ
he wants to act his own way -sɪnˑakpa´meˑk
he wants to eat more tsɪmneˑx̣a´ₐmeˑk
war, to go to -wanaqₐna-, -anax̣aka-
war cry, to utter -haɬɪnqǃoyɬoˑkᵘa´ₐ(meˑk)
warm, to be -utᵢmeˑ-, -oˑya-
Warren Creek aₐʽka´tak C
wart aₐʽqǃanɬupxₐma´koˑ
Wasa a´ₐʽkǃneˑs
wash, to -ɪktuqo-
he washes his body na´qtseˑk
watch, to ɪlwɪtsk-
to watch for something -wɪtskil-
water -ku, wu´u
water is warm nʼutᵢme´ᵢkᵤneˑ
there is no water ɬɪtu´kᵘneˑ
he arrived at water ɬax̣oqoˑɬ
deep water aₐʽqǃa´nuk
there is water nɪ´ʼnhaˑks
it was thrown into water x̣unmɪtqu´ɬneˑ
he throws it into water x̣unmɪtqu´ɬneˑ
where there is red water yaˑknoso´ᵤkᵘeˑ
water fowl, a small (long, slender neck, white belly, dark back) mɪ´tsuˑk
water hole a´ₐʽkaˑk
water monster yawo´ᵤnekǃ
water ousel tsɪ´tsqoˑm
wave aₐʽqayɪ´nmeˑk
we kamina´ɬa
weasel ma´yoˑk
weather -ɬe.ɪt
it is bad weather sahanɬe.ɪ´tᵢneˑ
weir, fish aₐʽkwu´kx̣oˑ C
well! ho´ya
well, he sees sukᵘɪlʼupx̣ₐneˑ
wet, it lay there skɪkqoqᵘtsǃaɬa´ᵢneˑ
whaat qa´psin
wheat aₐʽkɪnku´ɬaˑɬ, aₐʽkɪnkowa´ɬaˑɬ C
where kaₐ
where there is (verbal noun) ya--keˑ
where there is a hole in a mountain hankǃamᵢnakeˑ
where there is a level place (on a hill) hakǃanˑuqɬeˑɪ´tkeˑ
whetstone aₐʽkte´ᵢmoˑ
while he was away ksaₐkmu´x̣oˑ
whirlpool aₐʽkɪnɬqa´ykaˑk
whisper, to -halatsukᵘiya´m(neˑ)
whistle ku´stoˑɬ
whistle to -haɬukwax̣niyam
white -nuqlum-
whitefish ma´teᵢtǃ, oˑpaˑtǃ
who? qa´ɬa
whoever qa´ɬaˑnˑ
whole night, the yɪsnwunmiyɪ´tkeˑ
wide -aɬ-
widow, widower ɬax̣ɬoˑ´maɬ
wife tɪ´ɬna
wild -okoy(qa)-
to be wild -hukᵘeᵢ(qapqa)-
willow aₐʽqǃuma´ₐwoˑk
win, to -hoq-
wind aₐʽku´meˑ
wind blows nalumɪ´nˑeˑ
wind blows a certain way qanawɪtso´ʼmeˑ
window aₐʽkanka`nuk.ɬuɬmukna´eˑt C
windpipe aₐʽqǃᵤwa´eˑk
wing -(ɪ)nqowa, aₐʽkɪnqoˑ´wa, -wɪtǃ, a´ₐʽkwɪtǃ
winter wanu(yɪtna´mˑo)
it is winter time wanuyɪ´tᵢne
wise -ɪɬkɪɬwey-
he is wise qastsuʼmqaqa´ₐneˑ
wish, to -hak.ɬuqǃᵘwiyax̣ₐ-
to wish for something -yɪɬnaʼnts(teˑ)
witchcraft, to practice -antsa-
with, suff. -maɬ suff.
shooting with it kmɪtx̣a´mˑu
with body or back -x̣o-
with foot -ɪkɪn suff.
with hand -kɪn suff.
with knife -q(a) suff.
with mouth, with teeth -x̣a- suff.
with point -kǃo- suff.
with saw -xaɬ- suff.
without ɬɪt- pr.
wolf ka´ₐkeˑn
wolverine atsǃpo
woman pa´ɬkeᵢ
wood loᵤkǃᵘ, woᵤkᵘ
woodchuck kianɬɪ´kǃx̣oˑ, kianɬɪ´kx̣oˑ
woodpecker, black ku´poˑkǃ
red-headed woodpecker yama´kpaˑɬ
a small woodpecker naɬmux̣na´yiˑt
work, to -ɪɬwatǃ-
world yɪsɬeɪ´tkeˑ, yɪsɬe.´tskeˑ (?)
wound aₐʽk.ɬuktsumˑo´ɪn
to wound -ɪseˑ-
Wounded Knee qǃoˑmaɬqǃa´nˑkoˑ
wrist aₐʽqo´ytkaˑk, aₐʽkwi´tsaˑk, aₐʽkɪnkataptsɪ´kᵢnaˑm
writing aₐʽku´qǃɬiˑɬ
year -nmakut
yellow fluid aₐʽkma´kǃtsuk
yellowish, it looks namakǃtsa`ₐkat.ɬeˑtɪtᵢneˑ´neˑ
yellow-jacket yuˑ´ʼwatǃ
yes heᵢ
yesterday wa´ɬkwa
youth nɪtsta´haɬ
youth about to marry nɪtsta`haɬqǃɬikǃa´maˑɬ


  1. ^ Boas, Franz. 1918. Kutenai Tales. (Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin, 59.) Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní