Appendix:Proto-Na-Dene reconstructions

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Proto-Na-Dene reconstructions from Nikolaev (2014)[1] (based on Proto-Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit reconstructions by Leer (1996)[2] and Nikolaev's own reconstructions):

Nikolaev (2014)

No. in Leer (1996) Proto-Na-Dene English gloss
1107 *ʒʷansʼʷV ‘plead, pray’
1108 *ʒʷängʷV ‘act with end of stick-like instrument’
1110 *ʒʷElV ‘hump, hill’
319 *ʒʷiwV ‘good, pleasant’
1113 *ʒʷisʼʷV ‘cup, receptacle, calyx’
32 *ʔəʒʷə ‘move the foot, step’
458 *łʼäʒʷV ‘hard, stiff’
824 *tʼäʒʷV ‘stiff, numb’
1002 *χʷiʒʷa ‘shoulder, upper arm’
76 *cʷa ‘change, distribute’
77 *cʷäŋa ‘see, look’
79 *cʷEgE ‘paired with, whole’
80 *cʷElE ‘hole’
84 *cʷEśʼV ‘extinguish’
819 *cʷExʼa ‘dry’
89 *cʷina ‘breechclout’
90 *cʷinłʼə ‘ashes’
91 *cʷińE ‘flee, run to safety’
87 *cʷiʒV ‘thin, loose (snow)’
69 *cʼʷAwa ‘crosspiece, crossbar’
71 *cʼʷEčʼE (?) ‘nape, occiput’
72 *cʼʷəxki, *cʷəxkʼi (?) ‘body, inside of skin’
882 *sEcʼʷE ‘belt’
479 *sʷəcʼʷV (?) ‘squeeze, mash (berries)’
825 *tʼEcʼʷə ‘thorny/stinging plant’
672 *sʷakʼʷa (?) ‘shell’
918 *sʷAgʷa ‘sand, gravel’
1109 *sʷEdE ‘fall (animate subj.)’
686 *sʷədE ‘extend, pull’
687 *sʷəsʼE ‘skin’
682 *sʷEtʼi (?) ‘sweep, scrape, rake’
683 *sʷEwłʼi ‘drool, snort’
685 *sʷExʼE ‘fall, move rapidly’
688 *sʷi ‘dusk, evening’
689 *sʷidE ‘draw, make furrow’
690 *sʷidV ‘ribs together with spine, comb’
155 *čʷEsʷa ‘edible root’
476 *łʼʷEsʷE ‘stone’
579 *ńäsʷE, *ńä(n)ʒʷE (?) ‘downriver, out to sea’
667 *sʼʷE[j]i (?) ‘straight, true’
898 *sʼʷindE ‘fall, sink, etc.’
38 *ʔisʼʷV ~ ń- (?) ‘call, summon’
224 *dimsʼʷE ‘cover (mouth, face, eyes), plug’
514 *ƛʼisʼʷa ‘trash, dirt’
470 *łʼisʼʷi ‘soak, rain, drink up’
643 *qʷEsʼʷə ‘enclosed/sticklike object moves’
817 *tʼAsʼʷa ‘cut’
837 *tʼisʼʷV ‘ice; freeze’
1030 *χʼEsʼʷi ‘round, round object’
1097 *ʒ́AmAłʼE ‘wart’
1098 *ʒ́EnE ‘muskrat’ [Ondatra zibethicus]
1099 *ʒ́Eʒ́kʼʷi (?) ‘owl’
1100 *ʒ́EχE ‘oddly, erroneously’
1102 *ʒ́əśV ‘thong, lace’
1101 *ʒ́əśV, *ʒ́əʒ́V (?) ‘skinny, exhausted’
1103 *ʒ́ikʼʷV ‘crosspiece, thwart; back’
1104 *ʒ́indE ‘round, oval, round object’
285 *ćiʒ́i ‘waterfowl, sandpiper’
337 *hEʒ́a ‘singe’
840 *wAʒ́EnxE ‘elk, caribou’
1079 *yaʒ́a, *yaśa (?) ‘small’
61 *ćA ‘beaver, hair seal’
62 *ćEkʼE ‘stick, pole’
63 *ćEmE ‘strong, hard’
64 *ćEχʼʷE ‘stake, dam up’
65 *ćəgV ‘push (with) sticklike object end forward’
1105 *ćiŋE (?) ‘bad, evil, difficult’
66 *ćʼićʼχʼʷE (?) ‘snail’
67 *ćićʼgʷE (?) ‘small songbird (generic)’
314 *gʷimVćʼV, *kʼʷ- (?) ‘a plant with edible roots’
646 *qʷäχćʼE ‘tickle’
946 *xʷićʼV ‘charred, rough wood’
1058 *χEmVćʼə (?) ‘egg, testicle’
658 *śAwni ‘good, normal’
661 *śEnχə ‘wet snow, rain coming down in long streaks’
662 *śə[j]i, *wəśə[j]i (?) ‘name’
659 *śEji ‘voice’
664 *śi[lw]V (?) ‘flowing water’
663 *śiwV ‘sleep’
183 *däśV ‘foam, (foamy) juice’
317 *gʷiśi ‘vagina’
862 *wəśV ‘dry, roast’
1036 *χʼimśE, *χʼimʒ́E (?) ‘sour, stinking’
179 *śʷa ‘south, summer’
920 *śʷ[a]na ‘old (person, animal)’
883 *śʷənE ‘cure shamanistically, medicine-man’
521 *lʷElʷə ‘hang’
533 *lʷExʷE ‘peel’
312 *gʷilʷi ‘frail, small’
576 *ńalʷE ‘old (man, animal)’
928 *xʷälʷa ‘fear, danger; monster’
494 *ƛʷa ‘stout, thick’
497 *ƛʷagʷa ‘old, long ago’
520 *ƛʷAqʼa ‘ferrule’
522 *ƛʷE ‘run away, to ruin’
523 *ƛʷəli ‘head’
525 *ƛʷiłʼV ‘pull along, slide’
526 *ƛʷimgʷE ‘grab, carry by hand’
527 *ƛʷixʼʷə, *ƛʷixʷə (?) ‘shove, pull’
528 *ƛʷʼakʼa ‘wet’
516 *ƛʼʷämgE ‘rot, disintegrate’
517 *ƛʼʷEłE, *ƛʷEłʼE (?) ‘milt; fat around large intestine’
518 *ƛʼʷimƛʼʷE ‘suck’
519 *ƛʼʷingE ‘finger’
46 *ʔnəƛʼʷV ‘soak, be wet’
436 *łEƛʼʷgE (?) ‘soft’
992 *χEƛʼʷE, *χEłʼʷE (?) ‘be afraid, startle’
485 *łʷa ‘mouth (interior)’
486 *łʷaqʼasgV ‘a kind of edible seaweed, dulse’ [Palmaria palmata]
483 *łʷAńa ‘tan(ned) skin’
482 *łʷAnxʷi ‘numb, nauseated, hungry’
487 *łʷEdE ‘glide, slide’
488 *łʷEmlE ‘hollow, hollow object, (plant with) hollow stem’
491 *łʷənχʼV, *łʷənχʼV (?) ‘sapwood, pitch’
182 *dałʷa ‘heavy’
265 *giłʷV, *giłʷV (?) ‘roast on stick’
419 *kʷiłʷi ‘fabric-like object (blanket, apron, breechclout, sack)’
1011 *χiłʷE ‘pus, semen, viscous matter, foam’
1094 *yiłʷV ‘a large bird’
475 *łʼʷənE ‘bone’
477 *łʼʷəwE ‘breast, nipple, suck’
472 *łʼʷiχV ‘strike, pound, stump’
480 *łʼʷiχʼʷE ‘move swiftly, spurt’
264 *gEłʼʷə ‘dried (skin, fish)’
418 *kʷEłʼʷE ‘take apart, shed feathers’
850 *wäłʼʷV ‘peel’
1035 *χʼiłʼʷV ‘slippery, boggy’
1133 *ǯʷAłʼʷa ‘tangled (rope, hair)’


  1. ^ Nikolaev, Sergei. 2014. Toward the reconstruction of Proto-Na-Dene. Journal of Language Relationship / Вопросы языкового родства vol. 11 (2014), pp. 103—123.
  2. ^ Leer, Jeffery. 1996. Comparative Athabaskan Lexicon. Item CA965L1996. Ms., Alaska Native Language Archive.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní