Appendix:Proto-Siouan reconstructions

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Proto-Siouan reconstructions:[1]

Rankin et al. (2015)

Gloss Proto-Siouan
1st inclusive actor prefix *wąk- ~ *wą·k-
1st inclusive actor prefix *ų-
1st singular actor prefix (underlying) *wa-
1st singular actor, syncope product (allomorph) *w-
1st singular disjunctive *wí·-*ʔe· ~ *wį́·-*ʔe·
1st singular patient (1) *wą
1st singular patient (2) (clitic) *wį·
1st singular possessor *wą (?)
1st singular possessor, inalienable *wi· ~ *wį·
2nd singular actor prefix *ya·-, *ya-, < *aya- (?)
2nd singular actor, syncope product (allomorph) *š-
2nd singular disjunctive pronoun *yi·-ʔe· ~ *yį́·-ʔe·
2nd singular patient clitic *yi· ~ *yį·
2nd singular possessor *yi·- ~ *yį·-
above *á(·)ka
absolutive *wa-
ache *Ré-ʔE
acorn *ú·te
across > over, beyond, above *ake
adverbializer *-ha·
again (2) *ši
ahead (1) *(i-)htą́·(-rį)
ahead (2) *-hto
alive *i-rį́·
all, intact [old reconstruction only]
ancestor, chief, elder, relative *hų́·ka
anus, buttocks, vagina, passage *(i-)ų́·še
apportative, + or - vertitive *rhi-o- + verb of motion(?)
arise (2) > get up *ki-rahÉ
arise (3) *kitá(-re) {or} *kiktá(-re)
arm *á·(-re)
armpit *Roksí
arrive here *re-hí·
arrive here vertitive *ki-rhí·
arrive there *hí·
arrive there vertitive *ki-hí
artichoke, edible root *hpą́·xi
ask *wų́xE
augmentative (1) *-xti
augmentative (2) *xtE
aunt, father’s sister *i-htų́·wį
autumn *wahtą́·(-re)
axe *-sepe
back *i-rą́·he
bad (1) *(i-)ší·(-ke)
bad (2) *xí·(-ke)
badger *xó·ka
bag, sack, container *hpą́·he
ball *htá·pe
bare *šra
base, root, stump *hú·tE
bathe *hi·-rá
be *rį
bear > black bear (2) *wi-hų́te, *wa-hų́te
bear > grizzly *wąthó
beaver *wi-yá·pe
bed *o-wų́ke, *o-ʔų́ke
beg *Ráhe
behind, in back *RásE
belly *i-hté·si
belt, sash *i-hpi(·)-ra
bend (3) *š(V)kópE
bend (4) *-SókE
bend (6) *kšé·kE
bend (7) *SiSi-
bend (8) *-šohe
bend (9) *kšą
bend > fold, curl *ke-ší-šE
bend > limp, be lame *škó·
berry, grape *há·sE ~ *há·s-hu
beyond > other, across (1) *ko·
big (1) *ihtą́·(-re)
bile (2) *wa·sí·(-re)
bird (1) *awą́·-xe
bird (5) *sí·ka
bird > game bird, turkey *awą́·-re
bison *wi-hté·
bitter *hpá·(-re)
black (1) *isá·pE
black > dark (1) *isé·pE
black > dark (2) *išé·pE
blade, edged tool *wą́·hį
blanket (1), shawl, robe *wa-ʔį́-he
blanket (2) *ąši
blizzard *húhi
blood *(wa-)ʔí·(-re)
blow (1) *pex
blow (2) *puxą́he
blow (3) *Sį́·kE
blue, green *(i-)htó·he
boat *Wá·te (?)
body *i-xú·ha
boil, cook *(o-)hą́
bone *wa-hú·(-re)
botch, fail, miss *ką-
brain (1) *rąt-
brain (2) *(rą·-)sú
brave (2) *sihe
break (1) *xóke
break (2) *še
break brittle things > smash, crush *-xúxE
break cord *-psákE
break cord > break apart *-páxe
break cord > break long things *-ksakE
break long things *-šíšE
break off (1) *-ksá
break off (2) *-ksE
break off pieces (2) špé
break off pieces (3) *-špí
break to small pieces *-ptúxE
breast (female) *á·si
breathe *rį́·-ha(-he)
brother (1) mBrel [old reconstruction only]
brother (2) mBrel *i-ʔVka (?)
brother (3) wBrel [old reconstruction only]
brother (5) BrYo *(i-)sų́·(-ka)
brother-in-law (1) mWiBr, mSiHu *i-htá·hą
brother-in-law (2) wHuBr, wSiHu *(i-)ší·kʔe
bulrush, cane (plant) *wasá
bungle *šrą́-he
burn (1) *aRé·
burn (2), prairie fire *rą́
burn (3) *xú·-re
burn (4) *wirá·
bury *xé
butcher *hpátE
buttocks (1) *rį́te
buttocks (2) *i-šį́tE
buy *wį́he
buzzard (1) *hé·-
buzzard (2) *hé·-ka
buzzard (3) *hé·-x(-ka)
cache *ó-xe
calf of leg *yá·se
call, shout *pą́he
call someone by name, to name *ra·tE
call to, invite *ki-(ki-)ó·he
carry > pack on back *kʔį́(-re)
chase *rųxé
chert, flint *wą́·he
chest, breast *awą́·ke {or} *i-wą́·ke
chew *ra-thé (?)
child > youth *ší-ka
chin *í·h-hku
choke *-tkÉ
clavicle *wás- (?)
clear [old reconstruction only]
climb *aRí·
cloud [old reconstruction only]
coals (1) *xrį́
cold *sarį́-he
collective suffix *-sa
comb *-xwé
comb > ravel out *swé (?)
come *hú·(-re)
come vertitive *kihú·
contrastive *ha
cook *-htáke
cord, sinew, vein (1) *i-hką́
cord, string (2) *ąka
cottonwood, poplar *wawá·xE
cough [old reconstruction only]
count *ra-wé
cover (1) *Sųhe
cover (2) *-he
cranberry *(wa-)hó·h-rąh-ka
crane *ahpé·-(rhą)
cross *pte
crow > blackbird *wą
crow > raven *hká·xi
crush (1) *pú·SE (?)
crush (2) *Sú·SE
cry *xa·kE
cut (1) *-ká (?)
cut (2) *-kipE
cut (3) *-ką́
cut strips > chop, tear *-sá·(-re)
dance *ri·h-ší
darkness (1) *hą́·
darkness (2) *kpa·
darkness (3) *si(-he)
daughter *i-yų́·ke
day *hą́·pe
deer, ruminant *wi-htá·
defecate, dung (1) *-yé ~ *-ré
defecate, dung (2) *(wa-)į́-ki-ye ~ -re
demonstrative (1) *ha
demonstrative (2) *ʔa
demonstrative, locative (1) *-ši
demonstrative > that, the aforesaid *ʔe·
demonstrative > that, this *he ~ *he·
dew *(wa-)yú
die *tʔé·(-re)
different *i-r-hą́-he
dig > scratch *kʔé(-re)
directional locative *í·-
dog *wašų́ke, *wi-šų́·ke
do, make *ʔų́·
do, make, work; to cause *hi_E
door (2) *wiyé(-pe) ~ *wiyé(-he)
dove, pigeon *wayú·tka ~ *warú·tka
dream *hąwre, *ihą́wre
dress, skirt, etc. *rhé
drink [old reconstruction only]
drink, inhale smoke *hį·
drip (2) *xʔéhe
drip (3) *šʔehe
dry (1) *ú·sE
dry (3) *šéka
duck, waterfowl *wį́·xa
dwell, dwelling, house *ahtí·
eagle (1) *xurá·
ear (1) *rą́·tpa
ear (2), external opening *rąxu·-
earth, ground, land *awą́·-
eat *rú·tE
egg *itká
elbow (1) *išpá
elbow (2), forearm *istó
elk *ų́·phą
elm *pʔé < *wa-ʔé·
emphatic, contrastive, but *-šV
emphatic topic *ya
end, finish > last (1) *há·ka
end, point, tip (1) *-tpE
enter (1) *-kpE
enter (3) *o-phÉ
erect *sį́he
even (1) *tkú·sE
even (2) *tkúxE
exist > born *htų
eye *ištá
face *í·te
fall (2) *-šípe
fall > lie down *xapÉ
fart *píhe, *pį́he
father (1) (referential) *-á·ti
father (2) (vocative) *tá·ti
fat, stout *yépE
fat, tallow *šį·(-re)
feather *(wą·)šų́
female, woman *wi-he {or} *wįhe
fight *-hki·-
find by seeking *ire
fire *(wa-)hpé·te
firm (1) *tį́he
fish *wi-hó·
five (1) *kiSų́·
five (2) *isá·ptą
flesh *i-yó·
float (1) *ha
float (2) *pixi
flower (1) *xyéhe
flower (2) *xyá
foam, boil *púxE, *pí·xE
focus marker *ri
fog (1) *awąší·
fog (2) > smoke *pʔohe
fold > wrap *pe-rhą́
food *ʔé
foot *i-sí
foot, instrumental *rą·-
force, instrumental *raka-
ford, wade *yo_phe
forehead (1) *i-hté
four *tó·pa
fox *ahtóx-ka
frog (2) *(w)ahpeSka
frog (3) *wašą́·ka, *wi-šą́·ka
frost (1) *waxo·
frost (2) *waxé·(re)
frozen *atá·he
full *-hpi
future (1) *ktE
gamble *hkiʔų
gather (1), pick up *pahí-he
gather (3) *ru·wE
general deictic (1) *i-
general deictic (2) *o·
ghost *wa-rą́·xi
give *kʔu(-re)
give away *ka-hi_E
glance off *-khį́tE
go *re·(he)
good (1) *ihpí·
good (2) *Sté
good (3) *tą́
good (4), heal *ki-sí
goose *wį́·-
gourd > rattle *Vhpé·xe
gourd > squash *ahkó·(re)
go vertitive *ki-ré·(he)
grandfather (1) *i-htúką
grandmother *i-hkų́·
grasp *-šihe
grasp > hold, take *rú·sE
grass (1) [old reconstruction only]
grass (3) *xą́·he
grass (4) *xá·tE
grave *awą́·xE
gray (1) *xó·tE < **axó·tE
gray (2) *šó·tE < **ašó·tE
grease (1) *sará·
grease (2) *i·kri
grind *-htó·pe
grind, pound *pVhé·
groove *-skí·tE
grouse *-hpú·ska
growl, bellow *tá·xe
growl > grunt (1) *xrą́
growl > grunt (2) *xrį́
growl > snore, snort *xró-
guts, intestines *(i-)ší·pe
hail *-Wá·su
hail > freeze *aRá·-hkara {or} *aRá·-hkarą
hair, fur, feathers *i-hį́· ~ *i-hį́
hair of head *rą·tų́
hand (1) *rąpé > *i-rąpe
hand (2) *ų́·ke (?)
hand > claws, nails *i-šá·ke
hand, instrumental *ru-
handle, stem *(i-)hú·pa
hang down (1) *sese
hang down (2) *xehe
hard (1) *sá·ki
hard (2) *suki
hard > cane, walking stick (*i-) *sakE (*hi_E)
hard > strong, ripe *suta (?)
have *a-_rį́
hawk (1), falcon *kye-tą́he ~ *kye-tų́he
hawk (2), Buteo *kyąSká
hawthorn, black *wa-wóha {or} *wa-wúha
hazy, bluish, cloudy *(a)só·tE
head, back of, hair *rą-išú·
head, nose (1), front end *ahpá
hear *rąx-ʔų́
heart *i-yą́·te ~ *i-rą́·te
heat *aRá·-są
heat/cold, instrumental aRá·-
heavy *tké {or} *tiké
here, now *ko·
heron, crane *ó·xka
hickory nut *hpą́· {or} *hpį́· (?)
hide, skin, cloth *roxpe
hill *-hé·
hiss (2) *siríhe
hiss (3) *širíhe
hit, pound *aphá
hole, dig *ho·pi
hole, hollow *xʔote
hollow, empty (1) *xaró(·)S- (?)
hollow sound > stamp, stomp *rą-hkó·kE
horn *ahé
horn, spoon, shell *ą·šé
hot, warm *ahká·tE ~ *aRá·-hkatE
hot weather *wąšte
how *ta·ska
howl *wohé
hunt, seek *-_Ré·
husband *kirą·
husk, pull off (1), flay *-xáhe
I (agt.) on You (pat.) contraction *wa + *yi
ice *(wa)rų·xe
indefinite/interrogative (1) *ha
indefinite/interrogative (2) *-pa
in, locative *o-
interrogative (1) *to·
interrogative (3) *-wa
interrogative (4) *we·
interrogative, indefinite > something, what *ta·
island *wíte
itch (1) *xa-
jaw *ré·pa
juice, liquid *hų́pV
jump *psí-kE
juniper, red cedar *xąte
kernel, seed *sú·
kettle *yeSE
kill (1) *kité
kill (2) *tʔé·-hi_E
knee, lap, thigh *ši-(r)-ą́te ~ *ši-(r)-ų́te
knife *sąhi (?)
knock (1) *táxE
knock (2) *htášE
knock over, lean *(a)khą
know (1) *ų-spé·
know (2), recognize *i-hų
lake, water *waRé· ~ *ye·
laugh *-xahe ~ *-xehe
lay *ʔų́pE
leaf (1) *á·pe
left (side or hand) *(i-)rátka
leggings *hų́·si
leg, thigh *yeka
let’s see, well, um *hį-
lick *srípE
lid, cover *i-ha
lie, be lying, positional *wų́·kE
lightning, forked (?) *-karí-
lightning, sheet (?) *ąpV
lip *išti
lip (upper), snout *ahpú·ti
little, young, child *yį́kE
liver *ahpí·
locative (4) *ro
locative (5) *rą
locative (6) *-ta
locative (7) *-ti
long (1) *srétE
long (2) *hą́skE
long ago, far away *hte·-hą
long, extended in time or space > distant, then *hą
look at (1) *-xát-
loose, knock loose *-hó·
lost *xapÉ
louse *(w-)hé· < **(wa-)hé·
lungs *yá·xu
make hole *ko·pE
make marks > mark, scratch *ká·xE
male *waro·(-ka), *wi-ró·(-ka)
man, person (1) *wą́·ke
many, much *ahu· ~ *ahų·
marked > spotted, striped (1) *kré·sE
marked > spotted, striped (2) *kré·xE
marked > spotted, striped (3) *kré·šE
mark, scratch > score, mark *xohe
marrow *yu·pe ~ *yu·pa
mean, intend *kahÉ
medicine *wą·hką
meet *ki-hi·(-hpa)
melt (1) *sire (?)
melt (2) *ską
metal, copper, iron *awą́·se
middle *rą́ta
middle; inside *yó·ka ~ *ró·ka
mire (1) *SatakE
mire (2) *satá·
mix (2) *-hihe
moccasin (1) *hų·pE
moist (1), soft, wet *Ró·(-he)(-ka)
moist (2) *takį́ (?)
moist, thaw, soft *xpą́he
moon, sun, orb *wí·rą
mortar *ho·
mosquito [old reconstruction only]
mother (1) (referential) *i-hų́·
mother (2) (vocative) *i-rą́
mouth *ʔí·he
mouth, instrumental *ra-
muskrat, prairie dog (1) *sįtpe
name *yá·še
narrow, small *kisú·ke
navel *i-ré·tpa
near *á·ška
neck (1), nape *i-htá·-hu
neck (2), side of neck (?) *i-htá·-še
neck (3) *ą́·pe
necklace *wa(-r-)ą́·pe-ʔį
negative (1), dubitative *ku
negative (2) *aši
negative (3) *rį
nephew (1), male’s sister’s son *i-htų́·-
nephew (2), female’s brother’s son *i-htó·S- (?)
new (1) *rą́·-ka
niece (1), male’s sister’s daughter *i-htų́·-
niece (2), female’s brother’s daughter [old reconstruction only]
nine [old reconstruction only]
none, be/have, lack *-į́kE
nose (2), end, point, tip (2) *hpa-sú·
nudge *rihe
oak (2) *ú·te-hu·
oak (3) *
old *xʔó·he
old man *įšʔá·ke
old, mature *rų́·
old, mysterious(?) *xʔihe
one (1) *rų·-sa
onion *šį́·
on, locative *á·-
open *ru-šé-
open > break open *-paSE
open up *-xotE
order > control *ší
outside *htą·-
owl (1), moth *(wa-)ąhpó·ka
paddle, swim *i-wą́he
past (suffix or post clitic) *-rą < *ʔų (?)
peek *-sʔį́·
peel (1) *-sku(he)
peel (2) *-šku
peel (3) *-sápE
peel (4) > skin *-šá-pE
peel (5) > skin *-xapE
peel (6) *raka-xipE
penis *i-yé
pinch (1) *-skápE
pinch (2) *-wįS
pine tree *Wa·si
play (1) *warį́xE
plum *aką́te
point at *sohe
porcupine *ahpá·hį
portative, comitative, have *ʔa-
possessive root *hta(-we)
potato, ground nut *waRó·, *wiRó·
pound *-ški
press *-šípE
price, wages *wa-iši
pull, push (2) *ru-tí
push (2) *htą́·
push instrumental *pa-
push (pull) *-tą́·
put *k-rą́(-kE)
put in, fill, plant *ó·-šu
quantifier (1) *-rą
quantifier (2) *wi
rabbit *wąšetįka (?)
raccoon *wi-he(-ka)
rain (2) *xo·he
rattle (1a) *sawúhe
rattle (1b) *šawúhe
rattle (1c) *xawúhe
rattle (2a) *surą́he
rattle (2b) *širą́he
rattle (2c) *xirehe
rattle, rumble *kʔó·he
raw *sá·he(-ka)
red (1a) *se
red (1b), red hawthorn *šE
red (2) *ašú·te
rib *i-rú·te ~ *i-rú·ta
rib; back, lower *ru·hi
rice, wild, Zizania aquatica *wa-sį́
right (side) *rati(-ke) {or} *Rati(-ke)
rim, bottom of kettle *(i-)ré·te
rip (1) *parásE (?)
rip (3) *-paráxE
ripe, cooked *aRú·tE
river *awá·tahi (?)
road (1), path *yą́·ku
roast (1) *yó·-kʔį
rock (1) *(wa-)ʔį́·(-re)
rock (3) *rį́·sV
rock (4), pebble *į́-xʔe
roll *-rąhe
rough (1) *xá·
rough (3) *xá·ka
rough (4) *xá·pE
round (2) *wró·
round (3) *poska
run (2) *wa-htą́he
run (3), get out *hątá
sacred (1a) *xópE
sacred (1b) *xopE-rį
sacred (2a), snake *wa·hką́
sand (1) *hpú·sahe
sand (2) *hpu·xáh-kE
say *e-_he·(-re)
scar (2) *širá· (?)
scatter (2) *sirihe
scrape (1) *-sképE
scrape (2) *-tké
scrape (3) *-kʔóxE
scrape (4) *tká
scrape clean > scrape up, scrape off, clear off *-xąhe
scrape clean > wipe clean, clear off *-Suhe
scrape > dig, scratch *kʔá(-re)
scrape > peel *-xikE (?)
scrape > scratch, grate, rake *kʔéxE
scrape > scratching noise, scraping noise, sweep *kʔá·xE
scrape > smooth, shave (1) *kʔésE
scrape > smooth, shave (2) *-kʔósE
scratch *-xrátE
scratch > dig, dig out *-škE
see (1) *arą́wE(-he) (?)
see (2) *atá·(-re)
separate (1) *sąhe
separate (2) *-wesE
separate (3) *xa·-
separate (4) *-xąhe
separate > forked *šąh + ka < *šą́he
set upright *-hsa
seven (1) *ša·kú·pa
sew *-hta·
shadow, soul *rą́·xi
shake (3) *-tahe
shake (4) *yąyą́·he, *rąrą́·he
shake > move (1) *xaką́·he
shallow *xé·pE
sharp (1) *pusa
sharp (2) *hpá·hi
shin *i-rą́-kpe
shine (1) *ré·xE
shine (2) *xą·
shine (4) *šą·
shoot *rį́ʔ
shoulder *(a)-į-xkéte
shout *srekE
show *owį́he
side (1) *są́·he
similar *se
similitive *ska
sinew *-sų́he
sink > drown *sipE
sister (1) mSiEl *wį́he
sister (2) mSiEl i-htą́·ke
sister (3) mSiYo *i-htą́-
sister (4) wSiEl *i-yų́·(-ʔi)
sister (5) wSiYo *i-htą́·ke-aka
sister (6) *(i-)rų́(-rį)
sister-in-law (1) mWiSi, mBrWi *i-hą́ka
sister-in-law (2) wHuSi, wBrWi *i-šíkhą
sitting, be; sitting positional *rą́·-kE < **wų́·-ke
six *aká·we
skim (1) *-se(-re)
skim (3) *-xe·(re)
skinny, thin *xaráhe
skunk *awąka
sky *wą́·xi
sleep *hiyą́·(-re)
slide (2) *-xro
slide (3) *šrókE
slide (4) *siróhe
slip (3) *-srútE
slip (5) *-šrútE
slip (6) *-šutE
smoke tobacco, pipe *ų·pa
smooth (2) *xó·he
snow (1) *(wa-)wá·
snow (3) *(wa-)wá·-hu(-re)
soft (1) *tapą́·-he
soft (3) *šró
son *i-yį́ke
song *wųhé
son-in-law (1) *i-htų́te
son-in-law (1) *i-hta-ų́te (?)
son-in-law (2) *-Róhą
son, third or younger *i-há·ka
so, thus *kų
south *ákʔa
speak, talk *i-(r)ʔe
spider *-kox-
spill *waxų́-he
spine (1) *rą́xa-hu
spine (2) *rą-hú·(-re)
spit (1) *šó·
spit (2), foam *htá·Se
split (1) [old reconstruction only]
split (4) *-sa·tE
split (7) *-šakE
split (8) *šátE
split (9) *ša
spotted (1) *(a-)pų́·sE
spotted (2) *pų́·xE
spotted > striped *pų́·šE
spouse *i-rarą {or} *i-rarį
spread (3) *pa·rí(-he), *pa·rį́(-he)
spread > flat (1) *parás-ka
spread > flat (2) *pará·sE
spread > flat (3) *pará·xE
spread > flat (5) *pará·šE
spread out *-xá·
spring (season) *(wa-)wé·he ~ *(wa-)wé·h-ʔų
squeeze (1) *-šką́·tE
squeeze (2) *-sképE
squeeze (3) *-šképE
squeeze (4) *-skíkE ~ *-skį́kE
squeeze (5) *-xkíkE ~ *-xkį́kE
squeeze (6) *-škíkE ~ *-škį́kE
squeeze (7) *ru-ški
squeeze (8) *srí
squirrel > flying squirrel *šíka
stab (1) *yá·phe
stab (2) *póxE
standing, continue, standing positional *hą́(-kE)
standing, inanim. classifier *rahÉ
star (1) *įtka
star (3) *Ske (?)
steal (1) *wa-_rų́·
stick (1) *skapE
stick (4) *a-rakE
stink (2) *(i)xu-
stink (3) *yą́ɣe
stomach, paunch *a-į́·xe
stop (1) *stąhe
stretch (1) *-ra·
stretch (3) *šį́he
strike (3) *-satá·
strike (4) *-xtákE
strike (5) *-šta·
strike (6) *-htÉ
stuff *xíhe
suck (1) *-xoke
suck (2) *ra-xópE
summer *waRó·ke
sun *(wa-)wi·rą
surround, head off, intercept *(a-)ąSE
swallow (bird) *awą́·-šo(-kE)
sweet (1) *sikú·-e
sweet (2) *šikú·-e
swell (1) -pá·he
swell (2) *phó
swell (3) *poh
swell (4) *pox-
sycamore ? (birch, maple) *(wa)-yą́· są
tail (1) *(i-)sį́·te
tail (2) > bird tail *í·pi (?)
tear *-kásE
teen formative *ake
tell *(o-)_rá·ke
ten (1) [old reconstruction only]
ten (2) *piraka (?)
testicle (1) *ašų́·t-ka
testicle (2) *i-šų́·te
thank you *hahó
that (1) *ka·
that (2) > demonstrative, reference marker, relative *ko
that (3) *še·
the *-kį
thick *šó·kE
thigh *ų·te ~ *ą·te
thin *waréhe
think (1) *e_yehe
think (2) *(ru-)ki-yą́
think (3) *-ʔį
this, here, now (1) *hi
this, here, now (2) *Re·-
this, here, now (3) *re
this side (1) *ro·
three *rá·wrį
throat *i-Ró·te
throw away *ʔų́·-re
throw dart *hkú·te
thunder (1) *-krų·
thunder (2) *tú·ha
tie (1) *-šké
tie (3) *xtE
time reference *sʔi
tobacco [old reconstruction only]
tongue *i-ré·ši
tooth (1), edge, point *i-hí·
tooth (2) *í·h-Sa (?)
touch *-htą́·
towards (1) *-kta·
town (2) wį́·t- (?)
trap *kų
travel *-ši
tree, bone, leg, stalk, stem, trunk *-hú·(-re)
tree, wood *wiyą́·
turn (1) > roll *parą́(-he) (?)
turnip, Psoralea (1) *wa-ąhe
turn over (1), roll (1) *ptą·(-he)
turn over (4) *kxų́he
turtle (1) *wa-hké, *wi-hké
turtle (2) *wa-hkí·-(se)
twin, pair *rųSka
twist (1) *pe + *wrį
twist (2) *ru-rį́·
twist (3) *wirį́, *wí·rį
twist > curly (1) *wrį́sE
twist > curly (2) *wrį́xE
twist > curly (3) *wrį́šE
twist > wrap, fold *ape·
two *rų́·pa
uncle, mother’s brother *i-Ré·ki
up, upwards, upper *wą·-
urine (2), urinate (2) *-Ré·xE
urine (2), urinate (2) *haréˑxe
use, do with *i-ʔų́
vagina, vulva *šą́·-re
vermin (1) *-puS-
vermin (2) *wa-krúS-ka
vermin (3) *-kreSka
vermin (4) *karą́škV
vermin (5) *wakrí·
vine *-tuhu
visible *ahtá·ʔį(-he)
voice (1) *hó·(-he)
vomit karé·
vomit *karé·(-pE)
walk (1) *rį·(-re)
walk (2) *wą́·
want (1) *ʔi·he
want (2) *kų́·he
warm (1) *štákE
war, warpath *(wa-)Ró·ta
wash *rušá·(-re)
water *yo
water, liquid *wa-rį́·
wear about the shoulders *ʔį·he
wear around the neck *(-r-)ą́·pe-ʔį
weave (1) *-sų́-tE
weave (2) *sų ~ *šų
what size *(r)ą
whistle (1), chirp *so·
whistle (2) *šo·
whistle (3) *só·-pE
white (1) *asą́·(-hą)
white (2) [old reconstruction only]
who *pe·
wife *ųhe
willow, Salix sp. *ayú·xi ~ *arú·xi (?)
wind (1) [old reconstruction only]
wind (2) *se ~ *xe
wind (3) *xųwe
wing (1) *xupa ~ *xųpa
winter *wá·rą·
wipe > rub, sweep *kįSE
wise, smart, mature *ksá·-pE
with, instrument *í-
woodpecker *htó·ska
worm *htáwą
wound *(ó-)ʔo
wrinkle (1), ruffle *xi
wrinkle (2) *xʔį (?)
wrinkle (3) *xí·pE
yawn *ʔí·- -ra·
yellow *sí·(-re)
yellow > brown *xí·(-re)
yellow > tawny *ší·(-re)
yes (1), to be so *ahą́·
yes (2) *é·
yesterday (1) *sitó· (?)


  1. ^ Rankin, Robert L. & Carter, Richard T. & Jones, A. Wesley & Koontz, John E. & Rood, David S. & Hartmann, Iren (eds.) 2015. Comparative Siouan Dictionary. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní