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September 22, 2024

Word of the day
for September 22
mercurial adj
  1. (comparable) Having a lively or volatile character; animated, changeable, quick-witted.
  2. (not comparable, astrology) Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Mercury; having the characteristics of a person under such influence (see adjective sense 1).
  3. (not comparable, astronomy) Pertaining to the planet Mercury.
  4. (not comparable, chemistry) Of or pertaining to the element mercury or quicksilver; containing mercury.
  5. (not comparable, medicine) Caused by the action of mercury or a mercury compound.
  6. (not comparable, Roman mythology) Pertaining to Mercury, the Roman god of, among other things, commerce, financial gain, communication, and thieves and trickery; hence (comparable), money-making; crafty.

To mark the premiere of English composer Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite The Planets on 29 September 1918, we are featuring a series of words relating to the planets in the Solar System. One of the suite’s movements is Mercury, the Winged Messenger, which was composed in 1916.

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September 23, 2024

Word of the day
for September 23
venereal adj
  1. Of or relating to the genitals or sexual intercourse.
  2. Of a disease: sexually transmitted; of or relating to, or adapted to the cure of, a venereal disease.
  3. (astrology, obsolete) Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Venus; lascivious, lustful.
  4. (chemistry, obsolete) Of or relating to copper (formerly called Venus by alchemists).

To mark the premiere of English composer Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite The Planets on 29 September 1918, we are featuring a series of words relating to the planets in the Solar System. One of the suite’s movements is Venus, the Bringer of Peace, which was composed 110 years ago in 1914.

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September 24, 2024

Word of the day
for September 24
tellurian adj
  1. (formal or literary) Of or relating to the earth; (specifically, chiefly science fiction) inhabiting planet Earth as opposed to other planets.
  2. (mineralogy) Of a mineral: containing tellurium.

The September equinox occurs between 21 and 24 September, according to UTC.

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September 25, 2024

Word of the day
for September 25
martial adj
  1. (comparable) Of, relating to, or suggestive of war; warlike.
  2. (comparable) Connected with or relating to armed forces or the profession of arms or military life.
  3. (comparable) Characteristic of or befitting a warrior; having a military bearing; soldierly.
  4. (not comparable, astrology, obsolete) Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Mars.
  5. (not comparable, astronomy, obsolete) Of or relating to the planet Mars; Martian.
  6. (not comparable, chemistry, medicine, obsolete) Containing, or relating to, iron (which was symbolically associated with the planet Mars by alchemists); chalybeate, ferric, ferrous.

To mark the premiere of English composer Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite The Planets on 29 September 1918, we are featuring a series of words relating to the planets in the Solar System. One of the suite’s movements is Mars, the Bringer of War, which was composed 110 years ago in 1914.

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September 26, 2024

Word of the day
for September 26
jovial adj
  1. (comparable) Cheerful and good-humoured; jolly, merry.
  2. (not comparable, astrology, obsolete) Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Jupiter; having the characteristics of a person under such influence (see sense 1).

To mark the premiere of English composer Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite The Planets on 29 September 1918, we are featuring a series of words relating to the planets in the Solar System. One of the suite’s movements is Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity, which was composed 110 years ago in 1914.

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September 27, 2024

Word of the day
for September 27
saturnine adj
  1. (comparable) Of a person: having a tendency to be cold, bitter, gloomy, sarcastic, and slow to change and react.
  2. (comparable) Of a setting: depressing, dull, gloomy.
  3. (comparable, chemistry, archaic) Of, pertaining to, or containing lead (which was symbolically associated with the planet Saturn by alchemists).
  4. (not comparable, pathology) Of a disease: caused by lead poisoning (saturnism); of a person: affected by lead poisoning.
  5. (not comparable, astrology, obsolete) Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Saturn; having the characteristics of a person under such influence (see sense 1).

To mark the premiere of English composer Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite The Planets on 29 September 1918, we are featuring a series of words relating to the planets in the Solar System. One of the suite’s movements is Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age, which was composed in 1915.

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September 28, 2024

Word of the day
for September 28
Uranian adj
  1. (comparable, literary, poetic) Celestial, heavenly; uranic.
  2. (comparable, literary, archaic) Homosexual; (specifically) relating to a man's erotic love for adolescent boys; pederastic; also, of poetry: conveying appreciation for young men.
  3. (not comparable, Greek mythology, Roman mythology) Of Aphrodite Urania, the heavenly aspect of Greek goddess of beauty and love Aphrodite and her Roman counterpart Venus: heavenly, spiritual, as contrasted with the earthly aspect of Aphrodite Pandemos.
  4. (not comparable, Greek mythology, dated) Relating to Urania, the Muse of astronomy.
  5. (not comparable, by extension, historical, rare) Of or pertaining to astronomy; astronomical. [...]
  6. (not comparable, astronomy) Of or pertaining to the planet Uranus.

To mark the premiere of English composer Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite The Planets on 29 September 1918, we are featuring a series of words relating to the planets in the Solar System. One of the suite’s movements is Uranus, the Magician, which was composed in 1915.

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September 29, 2024

Word of the day
for September 29
Neptunian adj
  1. (Roman mythology) Of or pertaining to Neptune, the Roman god of fresh water and the sea, the counterpart of the Greek god Poseidon.
  2. (by extension, rare) Of or pertaining to water or the sea.
  3. (by extension, geology) Formed by the action of water.
  4. (by extension, geology, historical) Of, pertaining to, or supporting Neptunism (a discredited theory that rocks were formed from the crystallisation of minerals in the early Earth's oceans). [...]
  5. (astrology) Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Neptune.
  6. (astronomy) Of or pertaining to the planet Neptune.

To mark the premiere of English composer Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite The Planets on 29 September 1918, we are featuring a series of words relating to the planets in the Solar System. One of the suite’s movements is Neptune, the Mystic, which was composed in 1915.

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September 30, 2024

Word of the day
for September 30
Plutonian adj
  1. (Greek mythology, Roman mythology) Of or relating to Pluto, the Greek and Roman god of the underworld; demonic, infernal.
  2. (by extension) Of, relating to, or having characteristics associated with the underworld; dark, gloomy; mournful.
  3. (by extension, geology) Synonym of plutonic (of or pertaining to rocks formed deep in the Earth's crust, rather than by volcanoes at the surface of the Earth)
  4. (by extension, geology, historical) Synonym of plutonic (of, pertaining to, or supporting plutonism, the theory that the rocks of the Earth were formed in fire by volcanic activity, with a continuing gradual process of weathering and erosion, then deposited on the sea bed, re-formed into layers of sedimentary rock by heat and pressure, and raised again) [...]
  5. (astrology) Pertaining to the astrological influence of Pluto, formerly regarded as a planet.
  6. (astronomy) Of or relating to the dwarf planet Pluto.

To mark the premiere of English composer Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite The Planets on 29 September 1918, we are featuring a series of words relating to the planets in the Solar System. Although Pluto was discovered four years before Holst’s death, he never wrote a movement for what was then thought to be a new planet (Pluto is now regarded as a dwarf planet). However, Colin Matthews composed a movement called Pluto, the Renewer in 2000.

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October 1, 2024

Word of the day
for October 1
witch doctor n
  1. A person who is believed to ward off witchcraft and heal through magical powers; a shaman.

Today is the Independence Day of Nigeria, which commemorates the nation’s independence from the United Kingdom in 1960.

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October 2, 2024

Word of the day
for October 2
Gandhigiri proper n
  1. (India) The practice of Gandhism (the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, encompassing tenets such as non-violent activism), often expressed through unorthodox forms of activism such as depositing flowers or planting trees.

Today is Gandhi Jayanti, a national festival celebrated in India to mark the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi in 1869.

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October 3, 2024

Word of the day
for October 3
festschrift n
  1. A collection of articles, essays, etc., published together as a memorial or tribute to an academic or some other respected person.

Today is Tag der Deutschen Einheit (German Unity Day), which commemorates the anniversary of German Reunification in 1990.

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October 4, 2024

Word of the day
for October 4
orient v (chiefly US)
  1. (transitive) To build or place (something) so as to face eastward.
  2. (transitive, by extension) To align or place (a person or object) so that his, her, or its east side, north side, etc., is positioned toward the corresponding points of the compass; (specifically, surveying) to rotate (a map attached to a plane table) until the line of direction between any two of its points is parallel to the corresponding direction in nature.
  3. (transitive) To direct towards or point at a particular direction.
  4. (transitive, reflexive) To determine which direction one is facing.
  5. (transitive, often reflexive, figuratively) To familiarize (oneself or someone) with a circumstance or situation.
  6. (transitive, figuratively) To set the focus of (something) so as to appeal or relate to a certain group.
  7. (intransitive) To change direction to face a certain way.
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October 5, 2024

Word of the day
for October 5
wh-question n
  1. (chiefly linguistics) A question that is introduced by a wh-word (what, where, why, etc.) and cannot be answered by yes or no.

Today is recognized by the United Nations as World Teachers’ Day to highlight the rights and responsibilities of teachers around the world.

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October 6, 2024

Word of the day
for October 6
evert v
  1. (transitive, often biology, physiology) To turn inside out (like a pocket being emptied) or outwards.
  2. (transitive, obsolete) To move (someone or something) out of the way.
  3. (transitive, obsolete, also figuratively) To turn upside down; to overturn.
  4. (transitive, intransitive, obsolete, also figuratively) To disrupt; to overthrow.
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October 7, 2024

Word of the day
for October 7
machicolation n
  1. (architecture) An opening between corbels that support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, of a fortified building from which missiles can be shot or heated items dropped upon assailants attacking the base of the walls.
  2. (architecture) A projecting parapet with a series of such openings.

Today, the first Monday of October in 2019, is designated by the United Nations as World Habitat Day to encourage reflection on the state of towns and cities, and on people’s basic right to adequate shelter. It is also marked as World Architecture Day by the International Union of Architects.

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October 8, 2024

Word of the day
for October 8
dojo n
  1. (martial arts) A training facility, usually led by one or more sensei; a hall or room used for such training.
  2. (by extension) A room or other facility used for other activities, such as meditation or software development.
  3. (sumo) Synonym of dohyo (the ring in which a sumo wrestling match is held) [...]
  4. The dojo loach, Japanese weather loach, or pond loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus), a freshwater fish native to East Asia.

Today, the second Monday of October in 2019, is Health and Sports Day in Japan, a day on which to enjoy sports and cultivate a healthy mind and body.

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October 9, 2024

Word of the day
for October 9
style v
  1. (transitive) To call or give a name or title to.
  2. (transitive) To create for, or give to, someone a style, fashion, or image, particularly one which is regarded as attractive, tasteful, or trendy.
  3. (intransitive, US, informal) To act in a way which seeks to show that one possesses style.
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October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024

Word of the day
for October 11
oology n
  1. (ornithology) The study of birds' eggs.
  2. The hobby or practice of collecting birds' eggs, especially those of wild birds.

Today, the second Friday in October in 2019, is marked as World Egg Day by the International Egg Commission, an organization representing the egg industry.

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October 12, 2024

Word of the day
for October 12
mantilla n
  1. A lace veil of Spanish origin worn over a woman's hair and shoulders.
  2. A woman's light cloak or cape made of silk, velvet, lace, or other material.

Today is the Fiesta Nacional de España, the national day of Spain which celebrates Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas in 1492.

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  1. ^ If preparing the next email after 00:00 UTC on the day it is due, use this word instead.