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crass; place name fish 12th earthly branch; 9–11 p.m. hog; swine
trad. (魯魚亥豕)
simp. (鲁鱼亥豕)



Confusing the character with , and with in ancient scripts.

,「,」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
,「,」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Ge Hong, c. 4th century, Baopuzi (《抱朴子》)
Shū zì, rén zhī zhī, yóu shàng xiě zhī duō wù. Gù yàn yuē, “shū sān xiě, chéng , xū chéng hǔ,” cǐ zhī wèi yě. [Pinyin]
Written characters, they are widely known to people, yet errors abound in written texts. Referring to this, an idiom goes: "After many rounds of copying, a fish () gets foolhardy (), but the empty () one becomes a tiger ()."
:「。」子夏:「。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
:「。」子夏:「。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The School Sayings of Confucius, c. 206 BCE– 220 CE
Cháng fǎn Wèi, jiàn dú shǐ zhì zhě yún: “Jìn shī fá Qín, sān shǐ dù Hé.” Zǐ Xià yuē: “Fēi yě, Hài ěr.” [Pinyin]
Zi Xia, back in Wey, met someone reading historical annals aloud as such: "The armies of Jin attacked Qin; three pigs crossed the Yellow River." On hearing this, he said: "That's wrong. The text should read 'on the day of Ji-Hai' ."






  1. typographical errors caused by similar-looking characters

