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See also: وفق and و ق ف



Etymology 1

و ق ف (w q f)
9 terms

Pronunciation 1

  • IPA(key): /wa.qa.fa/
  • Audio:(file)



وَقَفَ (waqafa) I (non-past يَقِفُ (yaqifu), verbal noun وُقُوف (wuqūf))

  1. (intransitive) to come to a stop, to come to a standstill
  2. (intransitive) to stop
  3. (intransitive) to pause, to hesitate
  4. (intransitive) to stand
  5. (intransitive) to inquire, seek information, inform oneself (على about)
  6. to acquaint oneself (على with)



وَقَفَ (waqafa) I (non-past يَقِفُ (yaqifu), verbal noun وَقْف (waqf))

  1. (transitive) to stop (something), to bring to a stop
    • 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 6:30:
      وَلَوْ تَرَىٰ إِذْ وُقِفُوا عَلَىٰ رَبِّهِمْ
      walaw tarā ʔiḏ wuqifū ʕalā rabbihim
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. (transitive) to make stand, to set up

Pronunciation 2




وَقَّفَ (waqqafa) II (non-past يُوَقِّفُ (yuwaqqifu), verbal noun تَوْقِيف (tawqīf))

  1. to bring to a stop, to bring to a standstill
  2. to arrest, to halt, to stop
  3. to obstruct, to hamper
  4. to park (a car)
  5. to erect, to raise

Pronunciation 3




وَقْف (waqfm (plural أَوْقَاف (ʔawqāf))

  1. verbal noun of وَقَفَ (waqafa) (form I)
  2. stopping, halting
  3. discontinuation, suspension
  4. stay, standstill
  5. pausing, resting
  6. blocking
  7. impediment, obstacle
  8. discharge, dismissal, removal
  9. (Islam) a waqf, religious endowment, endowment fund
  10. inalienable property
  11. (linguistics) pausa
Derived terms

(via plural form أَوْقَاف (ʔawqāf))

Etymology 2


Borrowed from Ge'ez ወቅፍ (wäḳf, bracelet, armlet), also ውቅፍ (wəḳf), of obscure African origin.





وَقْف (waqfm (plural وُقُوف (wuqūf)) (obsolete)

  1. bracelet, armlet
  2. metal or horn edge of a shield



Hijazi Arabic

و ق ف
3 terms

Etymology 1


From Arabic وَقَفَ (waqafa).


  • IPA(key): /wa.ɡaf/, /wi.ɡif/



وَقَف or وِقِف (wagaf or wigif) I (non-past يِوْقَف (yiwgaf))

  1. to come to a stop, to come to a standstill
  2. to stop
  3. to stand
    Synonym: قام (gām)
Conjugation 1
    Conjugation of وقف (wagaf)
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m وقفت (wagaft) وقفت (wagaft) وقف (wagaf) وقفنا (wagafna) وقفتوا (wagaftu) وقفوا (wagafu)
f وقفتي (wagafti) وقفت (wagafat)
non-past m أوقف (ʔawgaf) توقف (tiwgaf) يوقف (yiwgaf) نوقف (niwgaf) توقفوا (tiwgafu) يوقفوا (yiwgafu)
f توقفي (tiwgafi) توقف (tiwgaf)
imperative m اوقف (awgaf) اوقفوا (awgafu)
f اوقفي (awgafi)
Conjugation 2
    Conjugation of وقف (wigif)
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m وقفت (wigift) وقفت (wigift) وقف (wigif) وقفنا (wigifna) وقفتوا (wigiftu) وقفوا (wigfu)
f وقفتي (wigifti) وقفت (wigfat)
non-past m أوقف (ʔawgaf) توقف (tiwgaf) يوقف (yiwgaf) نوقف (niwgaf) توقفوا (tiwgafu) يوقفوا (yiwgafu)
f توقفي (tiwgafi) توقف (tiwgaf)
imperative m اوقف (awgaf) اوقفوا (awgafu)
f اوقفي (awgafi)

Etymology 2


From Arabic وَقَّفَ (waqqafa).





وقف (waggaf) II (non-past يِوَقِّف (yiwaggif))

  1. to bring to a stop, to bring to a standstill
  2. to arrest, to halt, to stop
  3. to obstruct, to hamper
  4. to park (a car)
  5. to stand up
    Synonym: قام (gām)
Conjugation 2
    Conjugation of وقف (waggaf)
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m وقفت (waggaft) وقفت (waggaft) وقف (waggaf) وقفنا (waggafna) وقفتوا (waggaftu) وقفوا (waggafu)
f وقفتي (waggafti) وقفت (waggafat)
non-past m أوقف (ʔawaggif) توقف (tiwaggif) يوقف (yiwaggif) نوقف (niwaggif) توقفوا (tiwaggifu) يوقفوا (yiwaggifu)
f توقفي (tiwaggifi) توقف (tiwaggif)
imperative m وقف (waggif) وقفوا (waggifu)
f وقفي (waggifi)

Etymology 3


From Arabic وَقْف (waqf).





وقف (wagfm (plural أوقاف (ʔawgāf))

  1. a waqf, religious endowment, endowment fund
  2. inalienable property

Ottoman Turkish


Alternative forms




Borrowed from Arabic وَقْف (waqf).



وقف (vakf or vakıf) (definite accusative وقفی (vakfı), plural اوقاف (evkaf))

  1. pause, break, halt
  2. foundation
  3. (Islam) waqf, the donation of buildings, plots of land or other assets for pious causes

Derived terms




Further reading


South Levantine Arabic

و ق ف
3 terms

Etymology 1


From Arabic وَقَفَ (waqafa).





وقف (wiʔif) I (present بوقف (būʔaf), active participle واقف (wāʔef))

  1. to stand, to be standing
  2. (intransitive) to stop
    Conjugation of وقف (wiʔif)
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m وقفت (wʔift) وقفت (wʔift) وقف (wiʔif) وقفنا (wʔifna) وقفتو (wʔiftu) وقفو (wiʔfu)
f وقفتي (wʔifti) وقفت (wiʔfat)
present m بوقف (bawʔaf) بتوقف (btūʔaf) بيوقف (būʔaf) منوقف (mnūʔaf) بتوقفو (btūʔafu) بيوقفو (būʔafu)
f بتوقفي (btūʔafi) بتوقف (btūʔaf)
subjunctive m اوقف (awʔaf) توقف (tūʔaf) يوقف (yūʔaf) نوقف (nūʔaf) توقفو (tūʔafu) يوقفو (yūʔafu)
f توقفي (tūʔafi) توقف (tūʔaf)
imperative m اوقف (ūʔaf) اوقفو (ūʔafu)
f اوقفي (ūʔafi)

Etymology 2


From Arabic وَقَّفَ (waqqafa).


  • IPA(key): (Urban) /waʔ.ʔaf/, [ˈwɑʔ.ʔɑf]
  • IPA(key): (Bedouin) /waɡ.ɡaf/, [ˈwɑɡ.ɡɑf]
  • Audio (al-Lidd):(file)



وقّف (waʔʔaf) II (present بوقّف (biwaʔʔef))

  1. to stand, to be standing
    وقّفت كتير استنّاك بالشارع.
    waʔʔaft ktīr astannāk biš-šāreʕ.
    I stood for a long time waiting for you in the street.
    حكومة ايرلندا بتوقّف ضدّ نظام الاحتلال الإسرائيلي.
    ḥukūmet irlanda bitwaʔʔef ḍidd niẓām il-ʔiḥtilāl il-ʔisraʔīli.
    The Irish government stands in opposition to the Israeli occupation regime.
    Synonym: صفّ (ṣaff)
    هيّني وقّفت عالدور.
    hayyni waʔʔaft ʕad-dōr.
    I just got in line.
    (literally, “I just stood at the turn.”)
  2. to stand up, to get up
    Synonym: قام (ʔām)
    اللي بدّه ييجي معي لازم يوقّف هلا.
    illi biddo yīji maʕi lāzem ywaʔʔef halla.
    Whoever wants to come with me should get up now.
  3. to stand up for [with مع (maʕ) ‘for someone’]
    Synonym: وقّف في صفّ (waʔʔaf fi ṣaff)
    كان مفروض توقّف معي.
    kān mafrūḍ twaʔʔef maʕi.
    You were supposed to stand up for me.
  4. to stand up to [with ل (la-) ‘to someone’]
    Synonym: وقّف بوجه (waʔʔaf bi-wijh)
    إذا كانو يتنمّروك، ليش ما وقّفتلهم؟
    iza kānu yitnammarūk, lēš mā waʔʔaft-ilhom?
    If they were bullying you, why didn't you stand up to them?
  5. (intransitive) to stop, to pause
    ساعتي وقّفت.sāʕti waʔʔafat.My watch has stopped.
    كان يحكي عادي، بس لمّا فاتت عالغرفة وقّف بسرعة.
    kān yiḥki ʕādi, bas lamma fātat ʕal-ḡurfe waʔʔaf bsurʕa.
    He was speaking normally, but when she came into the room he quickly stopped.
  6. (transitive) to stop, to put an end to
    الشرطي وقّفني عشان ما كنت حاطط حزام الأمان.
    iš-šurṭi waʔʔafni ʕašān mā kunt ḥāṭeṭ ḥizām il-ʔamān.
    The policeman stopped me because I hadn't put my seatbelt on.
    المدير وقّف التدخين بالمكتب.
    il-mudīr waʔʔaf it-tadḵīn bil-maktab.
    The manager put an end to smoking in the office.
  7. (by extension) to lay off (from work)
    Synonyms: عزل (ʕazal), صرف (ṣaraf), فصل (faṣal)
    الشركة رح توقّف ميّة عامل عن الشغل في مصنعها الرئيسي.
    iš-širke raḥ twaʔʔef miyyet ʕāmel ʕan iš-šuḡl fi maṣnaʕha ir-raʔīsi.
    The company will lay off one hundred workers at its main factory.
  8. (by extension) to arrest, to detain, to hold
    Synonyms: عوّق (ʕawwaʔ), اعتقل (iʕtaʔal)
    وقّفوه لتحقيق.waʔʔafūh la-taḥʔīʔ.They held him for interrogation.
  9. (by extension) to park (a vehicle)
    Synonym: ركن (rakan)
    وقّف السيّارة قدّام العمارة.
    waʔʔaf is-sayyāra ʔuddām il-ʕamāra.
    He parked the car in front of the building.
    Conjugation of وقّف (waʔʔaf)
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m وقّفت (waʔʔaft) وقّفت (waʔʔaft) وقّف (waʔʔaf) وقّفنا (waʔʔafna) وقّفتو (waʔʔaftu) وقّفو (waʔʔafu)
f وقّفتي (waʔʔafti) وقّفت (waʔʔafat)
present m بوقّف (bawaʔʔef) بتوقّف (bitwaʔʔef) بوقّف (biwaʔʔef) منوقّف (minwaʔʔef) بتوقّفو (bitwaʔʔfu) بوقّفو (biwaʔʔfu)
f بتوقّفي (bitwaʔʔfi) بتوقّف (bitwaʔʔef)
subjunctive m اوقّف (awaʔʔef) توقّف (twaʔʔef) يوقّف (ywaʔʔef) نوقّف (nwaʔʔef) توقّفو (twaʔʔfu) يوقّفو (ywaʔʔfu)
f توقّفي (twaʔʔfi) توقّف (twaʔʔef)
imperative m وقّف (waʔʔef) وقّفو (waʔʔfu)
f وقّفي (waʔʔfi)
Derived terms





Borrowed from Classical Persian وقف (waqf), from Arabic وَقْف (waqf).





وَقْف (vaqf) (indeclinable, Hindi spelling वक़्फ़)

  1. devoted



وَقْف (vaqfm (Hindi spelling वक़्फ़)

  1. devotion; devotee
  2. charity, charitable endowment
  3. (literally) pause, stay, rest
  4. stop, stay
  5. legacy, trust
  6. (typography) punctuation mark
  7. (linguistics) pausa
  8. pausa (Qur'an)


    Declension of وقف
singular plural
direct وقف (vaqf) وقف (vaqf)
oblique وقف (vaqf) وقفوں (vaqfō̃)
vocative وقف (vaqf) وقفو (vaqfō)


  • وقف”, in اُردُو لُغَت (urdū luġat) (in Urdu), Ministry of Education: Government of Pakistan, 2017.
  • وقف”, in ریخْتَہ لُغَت (rexta luġat) - Rekhta Dictionary [Urdu dictionary with meanings in Hindi & English], Noida, India: Rekhta Foundation, 2024.