Wiktionary:Requested entries (Latin): difference between revisions

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** {{m|la|Iracanum}}: Example: "[Arab words] significare ventum '''Iracanum''', non improbabile est" at [https://books.google.com/books?id=4AbvAAAAMAAJ&q=%22Iracanum%22&dq=%22Iracanum%22 GB] - where "ventum Iracanum" could be the accusative of "ventus Iracanus" meaning "Iraqi wind".
** {{m|la|Iracanum}}: Example: "[Arab words] significare ventum '''Iracanum''', non improbabile est" at [https://books.google.com/books?id=4AbvAAAAMAAJ&q=%22Iracanum%22&dq=%22Iracanum%22 GB] - where "ventum Iracanum" could be the accusative of "ventus Iracanus" meaning "Iraqi wind".
** {{m|la|Iracana}}: Example: "Diwani carmina, ait, in diversa genera divisit, qualia sunt '''Iracana'''" in ''Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum. Tomus tertius'', 1842, p.259.
** {{m|la|Iracana}}: Example: "Diwani carmina, ait, in diversa genera divisit, qualia sunt '''Iracana'''" in ''Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum. Tomus tertius'', 1842, p.259.
* {{m|la|Iroquae}} (-arum, m.) or {{m|la|Iroqua}} (-ae, m.) (?), and {{m|la|Iroqui}} (-orum, m.) or {{m|la|Iroquus}} (-i, m.), and {{m|la|Iroquaei}} (-orum, m.) or {{m|la|Iroquaeus}} (-i, m.) or {{m|la|Iroquaeus}} (-a, -um; adj.) - Iroquois?
** "Singulare autem et atrox fuit apud Canadenses populos illius '''Iroquae''' dictum" (Jer. Jac. Oberlinus, ''Caius Cornelius Tacitus [...] Tomus quartus',' Paris, 1824, p. 303)
** "Americani Missionarii a sedibus '''Iroquorum''' daemones feliciter disturbant" (Annales ecclesiastici post cardinalem baronium [...] Tomus tertius'', Paris, 1666, in the index at the end of the book)
** "In ejusdem rei terimonium Anglo-Americani ab ingenioso satis auctore advocantur. Hi, ait, et colore corporis crinibusque, et faciei lineamentis mirum quantum Aboriginibus telluris jam accesserunt. Carolinae et Georgiae incolas paululum admodum a fulva '''Iroquorum''' cute distare refert." (''Disputatio inauguralis de generis humani varietate'', Edinburgh/Edinburg (in Latin Edinburgum), 1808, p. 73)
** "Radices Verborum '''Iroquaeorum''' / Radical words of the Mohawk language, with their derivatives" (book title, published in New-York in 1862), contains Latin text, English text and French translations of words. (The English title could implay that ''Iroquaeorum'' means Mohawk, but the titles aren't literal translation of each other, and as a Latin word for Mohawk could have been missing or uncommon, the author could have decided to use the more general term ''Iroquaeorum''.)
** "... sund Hurrones, Huttentoti, '''Iroquaei''', Laponii, aliique Africae, Americae, & Locorum polarium incolae." (''Summa philosophica ad mentem angelici doctoris [...] Tom. VI.'', 1788, p. 204)
** "In pago Ossernenon nationis '''Iroquaeae''' in boreali America" (''Acta apostolicae sedis'', 1943, www.vatican.va/archive/aas/documents/AAS-35-1943-ocr.pdf)
** "quos barbari Iroquaei", "quod victores Iroquaei", and "idioma Iroquaeum" (in Latin texts, but in google snippets of books with English titles)
* {{m|la|irvinensis}}
* {{m|la|irvinensis}}
* {{l|la|iu}} - an interjection of joy like io. If attestable. It's mentioned in older grammars, but isn't mentioned in younger dictionaries. As there are Latin io (i.e. iō) and Greek ἰώ, ἰού, there could be a Latin iu and may it be in older editions.<br /> In a Latin text, a translation of Aristophanes' work, though it could be New Latin and another term: "STREPSIADES. Io, io, gnate mi, iu, iu! ut laetor ..."
* {{l|la|iu}} - an interjection of joy like io. If attestable. It's mentioned in older grammars, but isn't mentioned in younger dictionaries. As there are Latin io (i.e. iō) and Greek ἰώ, ἰού, there could be a Latin iu and may it be in older editions.<br /> In a Latin text, a translation of Aristophanes' work, though it could be New Latin and another term: "STREPSIADES. Io, io, gnate mi, iu, iu! ut laetor ..."

Revision as of 22:14, 14 February 2017

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Note: This page may also be used to request botanical and zoological names that may not actually be Latin.

See also: Wiktionary:Requested entries:Latin/verbs, Category:Species entry using missing Latin specific epithet, Wiktionary:Requested entries:Latin/Lewis & Short










  • iam magis/*iam magis. Is this attested in Classical, or does it occur only in Vulgar Latin? — Ungoliant (Falai)
  • Iapetus (Japheth) — From the Ancient Greek Ἰᾰπετός (Iapetós). The link is blue because the page already has an entry for an English word of the same spelling.
  • identificatio (this may be missing some macra)
  • illustrissimus — superlative form of illustris (see [1])
  • incendiuntur form of incendio(?) (verb), from incendo
  • Incis: means Incas, inflected form of *Incus (-i, m.) or *Inca (-ae, m.)? Joannis Severinus Vaterus, "Linguarum totius orbis Index alphabeticus, quarum Grammaticae, Lexica, collectiones vocabulorum [...]", Berolini, MDCCCXV (1815) has "ab Incis"
  • infrafrenata
  • (deprecated template usage) in ictu oculi
  • (deprecated template usage) inerro, inerrare, inerravi, inerratus - 1 (Wander)
  • inquiam - defective verb
    • misspelling of inquam? (BTW: this request got added at 12th December 2010)
  • inreprehensa - blameless? (see Ovid Metamorphises 3:340)
  • inter vivos
  • *intoxicō, 'citable' in https://apps.atilf.fr/lecteurFEW/lire/40/771. Anything unattested that appears in a reputable etymological dictionary should be ok for an appendix. IMO. Renard Migrant (talk) 17:21, 3 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  • intraradices - as in Lua error in Module:parameters at line 797: Parameter "noshow" is not used by this template.
  • inventiuncula (diminutive of inventio)
  • Iracanus, Iracana, Iracanum, meaning Iraqi (adj.)? Etymology could be: Irac- (stem of Irac (indecl., f.), Iraca (-ae, f.), or maybe also Iracus (?), Iracum (?) meaning Iraq) + -anus.
    • Iracanus: Example: "[Arab name], medicus Iracanus, i.e. sine dubio Bagdadensis et interpres meritissimus, qui [...]" in Memoriam anniversariam dedicatae ante hos CCLXXXXVIII annos scholae regiae afranae, p.36, at GB - which could mean something like: '[Arab name], Iraqi physician/doctor, that is without doubt from Baghdad (or: Baghdadi, Baghdadian) and much deserved interpreter (or: explainer, translator)'. Another one, though this might also mean Iraqi (subst.): "Ego vero, inquit Emir, unde te norim, cum ego Damascenus sim, tu sis Iracanus?" in Institutiones Arabicae linguae. Adjecta est chrestomathia Arabica, 1770, p.528.
    • Iracani: Could mean Iraqis (subst). Example: "Persae, Iracani, Indi, ut Thomthom [...], et Euclides eius auctores habentur" quoted inside a German text at GB
    • Iracanum: Example: "[Arab words] significare ventum Iracanum, non improbabile est" at GB - where "ventum Iracanum" could be the accusative of "ventus Iracanus" meaning "Iraqi wind".
    • Iracana: Example: "Diwani carmina, ait, in diversa genera divisit, qualia sunt Iracana" in Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum. Tomus tertius, 1842, p.259.
  • Iroquae (-arum, m.) or Iroqua (-ae, m.) (?), and Iroqui (-orum, m.) or Iroquus (-i, m.), and Iroquaei (-orum, m.) or Iroquaeus (-i, m.) or Iroquaeus (-a, -um; adj.) - Iroquois?
    • "Singulare autem et atrox fuit apud Canadenses populos illius Iroquae dictum" (Jer. Jac. Oberlinus, Caius Cornelius Tacitus [...] Tomus quartus',' Paris, 1824, p. 303)
    • "Americani Missionarii a sedibus Iroquorum daemones feliciter disturbant" (Annales ecclesiastici post cardinalem baronium [...] Tomus tertius, Paris, 1666, in the index at the end of the book)
    • "In ejusdem rei terimonium Anglo-Americani ab ingenioso satis auctore advocantur. Hi, ait, et colore corporis crinibusque, et faciei lineamentis mirum quantum Aboriginibus telluris jam accesserunt. Carolinae et Georgiae incolas paululum admodum a fulva Iroquorum cute distare refert." (Disputatio inauguralis de generis humani varietate, Edinburgh/Edinburg (in Latin Edinburgum), 1808, p. 73)
    • "Radices Verborum Iroquaeorum / Radical words of the Mohawk language, with their derivatives" (book title, published in New-York in 1862), contains Latin text, English text and French translations of words. (The English title could implay that Iroquaeorum means Mohawk, but the titles aren't literal translation of each other, and as a Latin word for Mohawk could have been missing or uncommon, the author could have decided to use the more general term Iroquaeorum.)
    • "... sund Hurrones, Huttentoti, Iroquaei, Laponii, aliique Africae, Americae, & Locorum polarium incolae." (Summa philosophica ad mentem angelici doctoris [...] Tom. VI., 1788, p. 204)
    • "In pago Ossernenon nationis Iroquaeae in boreali America" (Acta apostolicae sedis, 1943, www.vatican.va/archive/aas/documents/AAS-35-1943-ocr.pdf)
    • "quos barbari Iroquaei", "quod victores Iroquaei", and "idioma Iroquaeum" (in Latin texts, but in google snippets of books with English titles)
  • irvinensis
  • iu - an interjection of joy like io. If attestable. It's mentioned in older grammars, but isn't mentioned in younger dictionaries. As there are Latin io (i.e. iō) and Greek ἰώ, ἰού, there could be a Latin iu and may it be in older editions.
    In a Latin text, a translation of Aristophanes' work, though it could be New Latin and another term: "STREPSIADES. Io, io, gnate mi, iu, iu! ut laetor ..."

J, K

  • Japones, "Totum contra est apud Chinenses et Japones" (books.google.de/books?id=Wn4-AAAAcAAJ&pg=PA259), should mean Japanese (persons)", singular could be "Japo", "Japon", "Japonis".





  • obticuit — used in Boethius
  • odōrātīvus (that has a pleasant smell”, Mediaeval “olfactory), post-Classical; from odōrō (I perfume)
  • olo -ere, same as oleo -ere [3] — blue-linked because of entries in Finnish and Sranan Tongo
  • omniam — The prevalence of scannos of omnium on Google Books makes examples difficult to find.
  • oppīlātiō (the action of stopping up) — from oppīlō (I block (stop up)); whence the English oppilation
  • opus est — grammatical phrase: it is necessary + dative + infinitive.
  • or — blue-linked because of entries for seventeen other languages
  • opstupefactus
  • oroma, atis, n.
  • oggero, give. Z.G.A. 12:47, 3 May 2016 (UTC)
  • oggerere give. Z.G.A. 12:47, 3 May 2016 (UTC)








X, Y, Z