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{{zh-der|母校:[[alma mater]]|酵母|母獅子|丁母憂|丈母|丈母娘|世母|主母|九子母|乳母|亡母|介母|代母|令母|伯母|伯祖母|保母|修母畫荻|傅母|先母|兒母|公分母|公母倆|公筷母匙|再生父母|分母|前母|升堂拜母|半母音|叔母|叔祖母|召父杜母|同母|單韻母|嗣父母|四郎探母|國母|國音字母|壽母|外母|外祖母|大母|天上聖母|天仙聖母|太師母|太母|妗母|姏母|姑母|姨母|姻母|娘母子|嫡母|嫫母|嬸母|孀母|子母印|子母扣兒|子母相權|子母船|字母|孟母|孟母三遷|孟母擇鄰|孟母斷織|季母|學而名母|官話字母|宜母子|家母|家祖母|寄母|寡母|岳母|工作母機|希臘字母|師母|床母|庶母|後母|徐母罵曹|從母|恩同父母|慈母|戀母情結|手指字母|拉丁字母|拜母|拼音字母|捲舌韻母|文母|曾母投杼|曾母暗沙|曾祖母|木母|歐母畫荻|母以子貴|母儀|母儀天下|母儀足式|母兄|母兒|母匙|母后|母哈赤|母喪|母國|母夜叉|母大蟲|母女|母姊會|母子|母帶|母弟|母性|母性愛|母愛|母慈子孝|母教|母斑|母本|母機|母權|母法|母範|母系|母系制度|母老子幼|母老虎|母舅|母艦|母親|母親節|母語|母財|母錢|母難日|母音|母體|母黨|氣母|水母|水母目蝦|海月水母|海蛇水母|漂母|漂母進食|漂母進飯|濁母|濁聲母|父天母地|父母|父母之命|父母之邦|父母國|父母子女|父母官|父母恩勤|父母雙亡|父母骨肉|父精母血|王母|王母娘娘|王母蟠桃|珍珠母|珠母|瑤池金母|生母|異母|異母兄弟|病母|白雲母|益母草|目蓮救母|祖母|祖母綠|禍母|結合韻母|繼母|續母|羅馬字母|義母|老母|老母雞|聖母|聖母像|聖母峰|聲母|胡母敬|舅母|航空母艦|蓐母|薄母|薑母鴨|螺母|螺絲母|衣食父母|複合韻母|複韻母|褓母|西王母|親家母|親母|親生父母|誼母|貝母|賢妻良母|酒母|酵母菌|重生父母|金母|金雲母|阿母|雞母珠|離母|雲母|零聲母|電母|革命之母|韻母|颶母|食母|養母|養身父母|驪山老母|高祖母|鬼母|鴇母|鴾母|黑雲母|鼻韻母}}
{{zh-der|母校:[[alma mater]]|酵母|母獅子|丁母憂|丈母|丈母娘|世母|主母|九子母|乳母|亡母|介母|代母|令母|伯母|伯祖母|保母|修母畫荻|傅母|先母|兒母|公分母|公母倆|公筷母匙|再生父母|分母|前母|升堂拜母|半母音|叔母|叔祖母|召父杜母|同母|單韻母|嗣父母|四郎探母|國母|國音字母|壽母|外母|外祖母|大母|天上聖母|天仙聖母|太師母|太母|妗母|姏母|姑母|姨母|姻母|娘母子|嫡母|嫫母|嬸母|孀母|子母印|子母扣兒|子母相權|子母船|字母|孟母|孟母三遷|孟母擇鄰|孟母斷織|季母|學而名母|官話字母|宜母子|家母|家祖母|寄母|寡母|岳母|工作母機|希臘字母|師母|床母|庶母|後母|徐母罵曹|從母|恩同父母|慈母|戀母情結|手指字母|拉丁字母|拜母|拼音字母|捲舌韻母|文母|曾母投杼|曾母暗沙|曾祖母|木母|歐母畫荻|母以子貴|母儀|母儀天下|母儀足式|母兄|母兒|母匙|母后|母哈赤|母喪|母國|母夜叉|母大蟲|母女|母姊會|母子|母帶|母弟|母性|母性愛|母愛|母慈子孝|母教|母斑|母本|母機|母權|母法|母範|母系|母系制度|母老子幼|母老虎|母舅|母艦|母親|母親節|母語|母財|母錢|母難日|母音|母體|母黨|氣母|水母|水母目蝦|海月水母|海蛇水母|漂母|漂母進食|漂母進飯|濁母|濁聲母|父天母地|父母|父母之命|父母之邦|父母國|父母子女|父母官|父母恩勤|父母雙亡|父母骨肉|父精母血|王母|王母娘娘|王母蟠桃|珍珠母|珠母|瑤池金母|生母|異母|異母兄弟|病母|白雲母|益母草|目蓮救母|祖母|祖母綠|禍母|結合韻母|繼母|續母|羅馬字母|義母|老母|老母雞|聖母|聖母像|聖母峰|聲母|胡母敬|舅母|航空母艦|蓐母|薄母|薑母鴨|螺母|螺絲母|衣食父母|複合韻母|複韻母|褓母|西王母|親家母|親母|親生父母|誼母|貝母|賢妻良母|酒母|酵母菌|重生父母|金母|金雲母|阿母|雞母珠|離母|雲母|零聲母|電母|革命之母|韻母|颶母|食母|養母|養身父母|驪山老母|高祖母|鬼母|鴇母|鴾母|黑雲母|鼻韻母}}



Revision as of 04:29, 27 May 2017

Template:character info/new

See also:


Stroke order

Han character

(Kangxi radical 80, +1, 5 strokes, cangjie input 田卜戈 (WYI), four-corner 77500)

Derived characters


See also


  • Kangxi Dictionary: page 588, character 25
  • Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 16723
  • Dae Jaweon: page 980, character 32
  • Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 4, page 2380, character 3
  • Unihan data for U+6BCD


simp. and trad.

Glyph origin

Historical forms of the character
Shang Western Zhou Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) Liushutong (compiled in Ming)
Oracle bone script Bronze inscriptions Small seal script Transcribed ancient scripts

Pictogram (象形) : a woman with breasts with nipples kneeling or standing. In modern form turned on left side. Compare (OC *naʔ, *nas, “woman”), which has developed similarly, but does not include dots for nipples and has lost one breast in the modern form.


From Proto-Sino-Tibetan *mow.


Lua error in Module:wuu-pron at line 162: Incorrect tone notation "3" for sh. See WT:AZH/Wu.


(deprecated template usage)

  1. mother
  2. female (animal)
      ―  niú  ―  cow



Lua error in Module:zh/templates at line 32: This template has been deprecated. Please use Template:col3 instead.

(deprecated template usage)



(Second grade kyōiku kanji)



Usage notes

In isolation, the character has 5 strokes in modern Japanese – it is not simplified. In shinjitai compound characters, such as or , it is simplified to 4 strokes, as , but this simplification is not used in isolation. In hyōgaiji characters such as , however, the component is not simplified.

Alternative forms

Etymology 1

Kanji in this term
Grade: 2

Old Japanese. /haha/: */papa//fafa//fawa//fafa//haha/

Medial /-f/ [ɸ] regularly changes to /w/ [ɰᵝ], resulting in /fawa//hawa/, the expected final form; see hawa below. This form first appears in the Heian period. However, likely due to spelling influence or reduplication associations, the earlier /fafa/ resurfaced in the late 16th century towards the end of the Muromachi period, with both forms seen until recent times, when hawa falls into disuse.[1] Initial /f-/ [ɸ] regularly becomes [h], resulting in modern [ha̠ha̠].


Lua error in Module:parameters at line 806: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template.


(はは) (haha

  1. (humble) mother
    • 938, Minamoto no Shitagō, Wamyō Ruijushō, volume 1, page 116:
      母 尔雅云、母爲妣、卑履反、去聲之重、和名波々、日本紀私記云、以路波
    • 1603–1604, Nippo Jisho, page 196:
      Fafa. l, faua. ハハ. または、ハワ(母) 母.
Usage notes

Only ever used to refer to one's own mother when speaking to someone else. Still widely used in modern Japanese.

Derived terms

Etymology 2

Kanji in this term
Grade: 2

From Old Japanese. See etymology for haha above for details.


Lua error in Module:parameters at line 806: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template.


(はわ) (hawa

  1. (humble) mother
    • 1603–1604, Nippo Jisho, page 213:
      Faua. ハワ (母) 母親.
    • 1603–1604, Nippo Jisho, page 196:
      Fafa. l, faua. ハハ. または、ハワ(母) 母.
    • 1603–1604, Nippo Jisho, page 71:
      Caca. カカ (かか) Faua (母)に同じ. 母. これは子供の言葉である. また、尊敬すべき婦人、あるいは、年長で一家の主婦のような婦人の意に取られる.
    • 1603–1604, Nippo Jisho, page 60:
      Bogui. ボギ (母儀) Faua (母)に同じ. 母.
Usage notes

Obsolete in mainstream Japanese. May persist in dialects.

Etymology 3

Kanji in this term

Grade: 2

Old Japanese. Possibly an abbreviation of haha, or possibly the original form.


Lua error in Module:parameters at line 806: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template.


() (ha

  1. (obsolete) mother
Usage notes

Not found in isolation, only found in compounds. Obsolete and unused in modern Japanese.

Derived terms

Etymology 4

Kanji in this term
Grade: 2

From Old Japanese. Obsolete and unused in modern Japanese. Already falling into disuse by the writing of the Man'yōshū in 759, where it is only found in pieces written in eastern dialects.[1] Possibly cognate with Korean 엄마 (eomma, mother), 어머니 (eomeoni, mother).


Lua error in Module:parameters at line 806: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template.


(あも) (amo

  1. (obsolete) mother
    • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 20, poem 4376:
      多妣由岐尓 由久等之良受弖 阿母志々尓 己等麻乎佐受弖 伊麻叙久夜之氣
    • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 20, poem 4377:
      阿母刀自母 多麻尓母賀母夜 伊多太伎弖 美都良乃奈可尓 阿敝麻可麻久母
    • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 20, poem 4378:
      都久比夜波 須具波由氣等毛 阿母志々可 多麻乃須我多波 和須例西奈布母
    • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 20, poem 4383:
      都乃久尓乃 宇美能奈伎佐尓 布奈餘曽比 多志埿毛等伎尓 阿母我米母我母
Derived terms

Etymology 5

Kanji in this term
Grade: 2

From Old Japanese. Obsolete and unused in modern Japanese. Appears to be an alteration from amo above.


Lua error in Module:parameters at line 806: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template.


(おも) (omo

  1. (obsolete) mother
    • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 20, poem 4386:
      和加々都乃 以都母等夜奈枳 以都母々々々 於母加古比須々 奈理麻之都之母
    • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 20, poem 4401:
      可良己呂武 須宗尓等里都伎 奈苦古良乎 意伎弖曽伎怒也 意母奈之尓志弖
    • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 20, poem 4402:
      知波夜布留 賀美乃美佐賀尓 奴佐麻都里 伊波布伊能知波 意毛知々我多米
  2. a woman who breastfeeds and raises a child in place of a parent: a wet nurse
Derived terms
  • (wet nurse): 乳母 (うば, ​uba)

Etymology 6

Kanji in this term
Grade: 2

Lua error in Module:parameters at line 806: Parameter "lang" is not used by this template.. One theory holds that this is a corrupted and abbreviated form of 御方様 (okatasama), a term to refer to or address someone else's wife (now extremely formal, but much more everyday in the Edo period), possibly influenced by children's speech:



Lua error in Module:parameters at line 806: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template.


(かか) (kaka

  1. (childish) mommy, mummy
    • 1603–1604, Nippo Jisho, page 71:
      Caca. カカ (かか) Faua (母)に同じ. 母. これは子供の言葉である. また、尊敬すべき婦人、あるいは、年長で一家の主婦のような婦人の意に取られる.
  2. (obsolete) wife
    Seen in the Edo period among the lower socioeconomic classes. Used to refer both to one's own wife when talking to others, and to refer to someone else's wife.[1]
Derived terms

Etymology 7

Kanji in this term
Grade: 2

Alteration of kaka[1]: /kaka//-kka//kaː/


Lua error in Module:parameters at line 806: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template.


(かあ) (

  1. mother
Usage notes

Almost never seen in isolation. Most commonly seen with honorific prefix o- and honorific suffix -san, as お母さん (​okāsan).

Derived terms


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Shōgaku Tosho (1988) 国語大辞典(新装版) [Unabridged Dictionary of Japanese (Revised Edition)] (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN




  • Eumhun:
    • Sound (hangeul): (revised: mo, McCune–Reischauer: mo, Yale: mo)
    • Name (hangeul): 어미Lua error in Module:debug at line 160: Please migrate to the syntax described at Template:ko-hanja/new
      (revised: eomi, McCune–Reischauer: ŏmi, Yale: emi)
  1. (deprecated template usage) (deprecated use of |lang= parameter) This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.


Han character

(deprecated template usage) (mẫu, mẹ)

  1. (deprecated template usage) (deprecated use of |lang= parameter) This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.