Category:CJKV simplified characters which already existed as traditional characters

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In those languages that use "Chinese characters", simplifications have been made. First by Japan in 1947, then by the People's Republic of China in 1956, 1964, and 1986. In each case there were instances where a traditional character's new simplified form coincided with a pre-existing traditional form. This means that one writing system might see two variants of one character where another writing system sees two distinct characters.



was simplified in Japanese to , but to in Chinese. However, was already a character.

Chinese view


and were two characters with distinct meanings before simplification. Both are now after simplification. is probably unrecognizable.

Japanese view


and are old and new variants of the same character. is a distinct character.

Pages in category "CJKV simplified characters which already existed as traditional characters"

The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.

