User:DTLHS/hu analysis

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Error type Title Language section Target
Unparseable element vall Hungarian #:
Required element not present győző Hungarian Definition text
Unparseable element -sz Hungarian #:*
Unparseable element -sz Hungarian #:*
Unparseable element osztályozás Hungarian  :#
Unparseable element osztályozás Hungarian  :#:
Unparseable element osztályozás Hungarian  :#

Definition section

Error type Title Language section Target
Unparseable element mi Hungarian <br clear="all"/>
Unparseable element -het Hungarian {{hu-d-hat}}
Unparseable element -nek Hungarian For more usage examples, see {{m|hu|-nak}}.
Unparseable element -hat Hungarian {{hu-d-hat}}
Unparseable element illj Hungarian {{U:hu:preferred-verbal-prefix|illik|bele|adv=also|more=y}}

Definition usage example

Error type Title Language section Target
Required element not present szabad Hungarian Usage example content

Headword line

Error type Title Language section Target
Unparseable element tyű Hungarian !
Unparseable element fi Hungarian {{gloss|the plural form is rare}}
Unparseable element sok szerencsét Hungarian !
Unparseable element gaz Hungarian {{gloss|its comparative and superlative forms are rare}}
Unparseable element idős Hungarian or somewhat archaic (''comparative'' '''[[idősb]]''', ''superlative'' '''[[legidősb]]''')
Unparseable element Hungarian !
Unparseable element média Hungarian (some do not use the plural version)
Unparseable element mi újság Hungarian ?
Unparseable element esni fog Hungarian ?
Unparseable element micsoda Hungarian ?
Unparseable element daru Hungarian ''depending on the meaning''
Unparseable element beszél angolul Hungarian ?
Unparseable element beszélsz angolul Hungarian ?
Unparseable element -talan Hungarian (''comparative'' '''-talanabb''', ''superlative'' '''leg- -talanabb''')
Unparseable element -telen Hungarian (''comparative'' '''-telenebb''', ''superlative'' '''leg- -telenebb''')
Unparseable element -tlen Hungarian (''comparative'' '''-tlenebb''', ''superlative'' '''leg- -tlenebb''')
Unparseable element -tlan Hungarian (''comparative'' '''-tlanabb''', ''superlative'' '''leg- -tlanabb''')
Unparseable element jó étvágyat Hungarian !
Unparseable element boldog születésnapot Hungarian !
Unparseable element képes Hungarian {{q|comparable only in the sense “able, capable”}}
Unparseable element -atlan Hungarian (''comparative'' '''-atlanabb''', ''superlative'' '''leg- -atlanabb''')
Unparseable element hogy vagy Hungarian ?
Unparseable element hogy érzi magát Hungarian ?
Unparseable element miféle Hungarian ?
Unparseable element hány Hungarian ?
Unparseable element mennyi Hungarian ?
Unparseable element vivát Hungarian !
Unparseable element -etlen Hungarian (''comparative'' '''-etlenebb''', ''superlative'' '''leg- -etlenebb''')
Unparseable element hogy van Hungarian ?
Unparseable element jó szerencsét Hungarian !
Unparseable element déli Hungarian {{q|comparable only in the sense “southern”}}
Unparseable element jó utat Hungarian !
Unparseable element gratulálok Hungarian !
Unparseable element gratulálunk Hungarian !
Unparseable element madarat lehetne fogatni Hungarian ({{hu-case|val}})
Unparseable element boldog karácsonyt Hungarian !
Unparseable element tyűha Hungarian !
Unparseable element hogy érzed magad Hungarian ?
Unparseable element muszáj Hungarian {{gloss|invariable in this sense}}
Unparseable element való Hungarian {{gloss|its comparative and superlative forms are uncommon; periphrastic forms may occur instead, using {{m|hu|jobban}} [{{m|hu|legjobban}}] or {{m|hu|inkább}} [{{m|hu|leginkább}}]}}
Unparseable element mennyibe kerül Hungarian ?
Unparseable element naná Hungarian !
Unparseable element spongyát rá Hungarian !
Unparseable element mennyi az idő Hungarian ?
Unparseable element kicsit Hungarian {{q|in the sense “to a little degree or extent”}}
Unparseable element ember a vízben Hungarian !
Unparseable element allergiás vagy valamilyen gyógyszerre Hungarian ?
Unparseable element párizsi Hungarian {{q|the former for the person; the latter for the sausage}}
Unparseable element internacionalizmus Hungarian {{q|countable only in the linguistic sense}}
Unparseable element lefordíthatatlan Hungarian (''or'' {{l|hu|'''[[kevésbé]]/[[legkevésbé]] [[lefordítható]]'''}})
Unparseable element hová megy Hungarian ?
Unparseable element van angol nyelvű étlapjuk Hungarian ?
Unparseable element a számlát, legyen szíves Hungarian !
Unparseable element szedsz valamilyen gyógyszert Hungarian ?
Unparseable element boldog új évet Hungarian !
Unparseable element kellemes húsvétot Hungarian !
Unparseable element kicsoda Hungarian ?
Unparseable element ácsi Hungarian !
Unparseable element hogyan jutok el a/az … Hungarian ?
Unparseable element hogyan jutok el az autóbusz-állomáshoz Hungarian ?
Unparseable element hol van itt egy szálloda Hungarian ?
Unparseable element van itt egy közért Hungarian ?
Unparseable element birok Hungarian {{q|plural not attested}}
Unparseable element kiféle Hungarian ?
Unparseable element kié Hungarian ?
Unparseable element dirr-durr Hungarian !
Unparseable element mi járatban vagy Hungarian ?
Unparseable element hűha Hungarian !
Unparseable element ejha Hungarian !
Unparseable element azta Hungarian !
Unparseable element azt a mindenit Hungarian !
Unparseable element a mindenit Hungarian !
Unparseable element a mindenségit Hungarian !
Unparseable element azt a mindenségit Hungarian !
Unparseable element aszta Hungarian !
Unparseable element ez igen Hungarian !
Unparseable element sárgája Hungarian {{q|the latter only informally, mainly in compound}}
Unparseable element az asztal alá iszik Hungarian {{m|hu|valakit}}
Unparseable element kiéi Hungarian ?

Language section

Error type Title Language section Target
Unparseable element fed Hungarian ====References==== <references/>
Unparseable element katana Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=katanák}} # {{l|en|katana}} {{gloss|a [[Japanese]] [[sword]] used by the [[samurai]] of ancient and feudal Japan}} ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|kataná|o}}{{hu-pos-tok| ...
Required element not present katana Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element stop Hungarian ===Punctuation=== {{head|hu|punctuation mark}} # [[#English|stop]] {{gloss|used to indicate the [[end]] of a [[sentence]] in a [[telegram]]}}
Unparseable element deka- Hungarian ===Derived terms=== * {{l|hu|dekagramm}}
Unparseable element haiku Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|k}} # {{l|en|haiku}} {{gloss|a Japanese form of poetry consisting of seventeen syllables: five for the first line, seven for the second, and five for the third}} ====Declensi ...
Required element not present haiku Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element maga Hungarian ===Pronoun 1=== {{head|hu|pronoun|plural|maguk}} # {{lb|hu|personal}} [[you]] {{gloss|formal, singular}} ====Usage notes==== There is some stylistic difference between ''maga'' and {{m|hu|ön}}, alt ...
Unparseable element maga Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|magá|o|n=sg}} ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|magáz}} ====See also==== * {{l|hu|ön}}, {{l|hu|te}} ===Pronoun 2=== {{hu-pron|reflexive}} # {{lb|hu|reflexive pronoun ...
Required element not present maga Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element halló Hungarian ====Participle==== {{head|hu|participle}} # {{participle of|hu|hall||pres}} ====Adjective==== {{hu-adj|-}} # [[auditory]] # hearing, non-deaf, of/with unimpaired hearing #: {{ant|hu|süket|siket|q1 ...
Unparseable element halló Hungarian ===Pronunciation=== * {{hu-IPA|haloː}} * {{hyphenation|hu|hal|ló}} ====Alternative forms==== * {{alter|hu|haló||rare, archaic}} ====Interjection==== {{head|hu|interjection}} # [[hello]] {{gloss|us ...
Unparseable element pina Hungarian ===Noun=== {{hu-noun|pl=pinák}} # {{lb|hu|vulgar|slang}} [[cunt]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|piná|o}}{{hu-pos-tok|piná}} ====Synonyms==== * {{l|hu|nuni}}, {{l|hu|picsa}}, {{l|hu|puna}}, {{l| ...
Unparseable element kapa Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{col2|hu|title=Expressions |ásó, kapa, nagyharang<!-- + válasszon el (optional) +egymástól (optional) + minket or bennünket or titeket or benneteket (optional) --> |néha még a ka ...
Unparseable element talál Hungarian ===Descendants=== {{desc|ro|hu|întâlni|bor=1}}
Unparseable element gulyás Hungarian ===See also=== * More about Goulash in [ ...
Unparseable element sárga Hungarian ====References==== <References/>
Unparseable element le- Hungarian ===See also=== * [[Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes]]
Unparseable element bele Hungarian ===Pronoun=== {{hu-pron|personal}} # [[in]]/[[into]] [[him]]/[[her]]/[[it]] #: {{ux|hu|Tegyél még '''bele''' egy kis cukrot.|Add more sugar '''to it'''.|inline=1}} #: {{ux|hu|Szerelmes '''bele'''.|H ...
Unparseable element varsa Hungarian ===Further reading=== * {{R:ErtSz}}
Unparseable element eben Hungarian ====Noun==== {{head|hu|noun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|eb||spe|s}}
Required element not present eben Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element hál Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{hu-verbpref|hál|sep=4|el|meg}} * {{l|hu|hálni jár belé a lélek}} Note: the derivative of this word, {{m|hu|háló#Hungarian-sleeping||sleeping}} is not to be confused with the unr ...
Unparseable element Bécs Hungarian ===Descendants=== * {{desc|ota|بچ|tr=beç|bor=1}} * {{desc|sh|Beč|bor=1}}
Unparseable element gyémánt Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ok}} # [[diamond]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|gyémánto|o}}{{hu-pos-otok|gyémánt|j|jai}} ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |gyémántos |gyémántoz }} {{col4|hu|title=Compou ...
Required element not present gyémánt Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element ibolya Hungarian ===See also=== * [[Appendix:Hungarian words with ly#I|Appendix:Hungarian words with ly]]
Unparseable element vezér Hungarian ====References==== <references/>
Unparseable element bástya Hungarian ====Descendants==== * {{desc|sh|башта|bor=1}}
Unparseable element héja Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=héják}} # {{senseid|hu|hawk}} one of certain kinds of [[hawk]]s (see below), [[goshawk]] ====Usage notes==== Unlike [[hawk]] in English, {{m|hu|héja}} is not used in Hunga ...
Unparseable element átok Hungarian ===Derived terms=== * {{l|hu|átkos}}
Unparseable element popsi Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|k}} # {{lb|hu|colloquial|jocular|childish}} [[bum]], [[tushie]], [[botty]] #: {{syn|hu|popó}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|popsi|o}}{{hu-pos-tok|popsi|ja}}
Required element not present popsi Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element -aj Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element sarok Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{der4|hu |sarkal |sarkall |sarki |sarkos |sarkú }} {{der4|hu|title=Compound words |cipősarok |sarokablak |sarokasztal |sarokcsont |saroképület |sarokház |sarokvas }} {{der3|hu|ti ...
Unparseable element neked Hungarian ===Synonyms=== * {{l|hu|néked}} {{q|folksy, literary}}
Unparseable element ú Hungarian ====Interjection==== {{head|hu|interjection}} # {{lb|hu|dialectal}} [[oh]]! [[ouch]]! [[ugh]]! [[gee]]! {{gloss|expression of pain or being horrified, occasionally expression of surprise}} #: {{syn| ...
Unparseable element -ente Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=adverb}}
Unparseable element szar Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{col4|hu |szarul }}
Unparseable element mögé Hungarian ===Pronoun=== {{hu-pron|personal}} # {{synonym of|hu|mögéje}}. #: {{uxi|hu|Valaki egy széket helyezett '''mögé'''.|Someone placed a chair '''behind him/her/it'''.}} ====Declension==== {{hu-apply-to ...
Unparseable element lehetséges Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{col2|hu|title=Expressions |amilyen hamar csak lehetséges }}
Unparseable element -end Hungarian ===Pronunciation=== * {{hu-IPA}}
Unparseable element -ány Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}} {{suffixsee|hu|pos=adjective}}
Unparseable element -leg Hungarian ====References==== * {{R:Zaicz 2006}}
Unparseable element küszöb Hungarian Of uncertain origin; perhaps an ancient borrowing from {{bor|hu|urj-prm-pro}}. Compare {{cog|kpv|tr=kosp|t=gap, interval}} and {{cog|udm|кусып|t=threshold}}, which are of Proto-Permic origin, preserve ...
Unparseable element küszöb Hungarian The suggestion of a split from {{cog|hu|közép||middle}} has phonetic difficulties; parsing as a compound is erroneous.
Unparseable element pletyka Hungarian ===Noun=== {{hu-noun|pl=pletykák}} # [[gossip]] {{gloss|[[idle]] [[talk]]}} ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|pletyká|o}}{{hu-pos-tok|pletyká}} ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |pletykál |pletykálko ...
Unparseable element pletyka Hungarian ===Noun=== {{hu-noun|-|pl=pletykák}} # [[spiderwort]] (a house plant, ''[[Tradescantia]]'', especially {{taxlink|Tradescantia fluminensis|species|noshow=1}}) ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|pletyk ...
Unparseable element -alom Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element vegetáriánus Hungarian ===Derived terms=== * {{l|hu|vegetarianizmus}} * {{l|hu|vegán}}
Unparseable element gorgó Hungarian ===Related terms=== * {{l|hu|Medusza}}
Unparseable element ebet Hungarian ====Noun==== {{head|hu|noun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|eb||acc|s}}
Required element not present ebet Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kultúra Hungarian === Usage notes=== The ⟨ú⟩ is often pronounced short in colloquial speech, as in the above recording.
Unparseable element tantusz Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{der4|hu|title=Expressions |leesik a tantusz }}
Unparseable element -elem Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element -ély Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element -nál Hungarian ===See also=== * [[Appendix:Hungarian suffixes]]
Unparseable element rája Hungarian ===Pronoun=== {{hu-pron|personal}} # {{lb|hu|folksy}} {{synonym of|hu|rá}}. ====See also==== * {{U:hu:adv-rá}}
Unparseable element bendzsó Hungarian ===Derived terms=== * {{l|hu|bendzsózik}}
Unparseable element -ár Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}} {{suffixsee|hu}}
Unparseable element -ály Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element -elék Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element takarít Hungarian ===Further reading=== * {{R:ErtSz}}
Unparseable element arachnofóbia Hungarian ===Synonyms=== * {{l|hu|pókiszony}} ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|arachnofóbiá|o}}{{hu-pos-tok|arachnofóbiá}}
Unparseable element -enként Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu}}
Unparseable element -anként Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu}}
Unparseable element -onként Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu}} ====Synonyms==== * {{l|hu|-onta}}
Unparseable element -önként Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu}}
Unparseable element értem Hungarian ===Pronoun=== {{head|hu|pronoun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|érte||1|s}} #: {{syn|hu|érettem|q1=literary}} #: {{ux|hu|Mindent megtenne '''értem'''.|He would do anything '''for me'''.|inline=1}} ==== ...
Unparseable element csomagtartó Hungarian ===Derived terms=== * {{l|hu|tetőcsomagtartó}}
Unparseable element Árpád-sáv Hungarian ====Noun==== {{head|hu|misspelling}} # {{misspelling of|hu|árpádsáv|t=Árpád stripe}} ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|Árpád-sávo|o}}{{hu-pos-otok|Árpád-sáv|j|jai}}
Required element not present Árpád-sáv Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element -alék Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element -ám Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element -ém Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element -adik Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu}} {{suffixsee|hu|pos=numeral}}
Unparseable element -dik Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu}}
Unparseable element -og Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=verb}} ====See also==== * [[Appendix:Hungarian suffixes]]
Unparseable element -ög Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=verb}} ====See also==== * [[Appendix:Hungarian suffixes]]
Unparseable element -ál Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=verb}} {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element -öl Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=verb}}
Unparseable element -ény Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}} {{suffixsee|hu|pos=adjective}}
Unparseable element álef Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{rhymes|hu|ɛf}} * {{hyphenation|hu|álef}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # [[aleph]] {{gloss|the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet}} ====Declension==== {{hu-in ...
Required element not present álef Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element dálet Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{rhymes|hu|ɛt}} * {{hyphenation|hu|dá|let}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # [[dalet]] {{gloss|the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet}} ====Declension==== {{hu ...
Required element not present dálet Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element -anta Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=adverb}}
Unparseable element -önte Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=adverb}}
Unparseable element -ej Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element -dék Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element -g Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=verb}} {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}} {{suffixsee|hu|pos=adjective}}
Unparseable element -ér Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element tőke Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=tőkék}} # [[stump]] {{gloss|of a tree, which remained after it is felled, used for fuel etc.}} #: {{syn|hu|tönk}} # {{lb|hu|botany|folksy}} ([[vine]] etc.) [[stock]] #: {{h ...
Unparseable element tőke Hungarian {{der4|hu|title=Compounds words |bontótőke |szőlőtőke |tőkegomba |tőkehal |vágótőke }}
Unparseable element -bb Hungarian ====Suffix==== {{head|hu|suffix}} # {{lb|hu|comparative suffix}} [[-er]], [[more]] #: {{m|hu|apró||tiny}} → {{m|hu|apróbb|apró'''bb'''|tini'''er'''}} ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:adj-bb}} ====Derive ...
Required element not present -bb Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element lesek Hungarian ===Verb=== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|les||1|s|indic|pres|indef}}
Unparseable element kiszolgáló Hungarian ===Derived terms=== * {{l|hu|önkiszolgáló}}
Unparseable element másfél Hungarian ====Numeral==== {{head|hu|numeral}} # [[one and a half]] =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|másfele|e|stem2=másfél|pos=numerals}}{{hu-pos-etek|másfel||ei}} ====Coordinate terms==== All its coordin ...
Required element not present másfél Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element talpas Hungarian ===Coordinate terms=== * {{list:adjectival derivatives of body parts/hu}}
Unparseable element fanatikus Hungarian ===See also=== * [[Appendix:Hungarian words ending in -ikus]]
Unparseable element apatit Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|apa|tit}} * {{rhymes|hu|it|s=3}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun}} # {{lb|hu|mineralogy}} [[apatite]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|apatito|o}}{{hu- ...
Required element not present apatit Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element érted Hungarian ===Pronoun=== {{head|hu|pronoun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|érte||2|s}} #: {{syn|hu|éretted|q1=literary}} #: {{uxi|hu|Mindent megtenne '''érted'''.|He would do anything '''for you'''.}} ====See als ...
Unparseable element értünk Hungarian ===Pronoun=== {{head|hu|pronoun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|érte||1|p}} #: {{syn|hu|érettünk|q1=literary}} #: {{uxi|hu|Mindent megtenne '''értünk'''.|He would do anything '''for us'''.}} ====See al ...
Unparseable element értetek Hungarian ===Pronoun=== {{head|hu|pronoun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|érte||2|p}} #: {{syn|hu|érettetek|q1=literary}} #: {{ux|hu|Mindent megtenne '''értetek'''.|He would do anything '''for you'''. (plural)|in ...
Unparseable element hozzátok Hungarian ===Pronoun=== {{head|hu|pronoun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|hozzá||2|p}} #: {{uxi|hu|Mikor mennek '''hozzátok'''?|When are they going '''to your place'''?}} ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|tihozzáto ...
Unparseable element bennünk Hungarian ===Usage notes=== {{U:hu:bennünket-benneteket}}
Unparseable element bennetek Hungarian ===Usage notes=== {{U:hu:bennünket-benneteket}}
Unparseable element kéró Hungarian ===Synonyms=== * {{l|hu|kecó}}, kégli, pecó
Unparseable element orsó Hungarian
Unparseable element orsó Hungarian
Unparseable element kondor Hungarian ===Noun=== {{hu-noun|ok}} # [[condor]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|kondoro|o|-}}{{hu-pos-otok|kondor||ai}} =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |kondorkeselyű }}
Unparseable element pör Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ök}} # {{lb|hu|dialectal}} {{nonstandard form of|hu|per||action, lawsuit}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|pörö|ö|-}}{{hu-pos-ötök|pör||ei}}
Required element not present pör Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element Hyundai Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA|hjundáj}} * {{rhymes|hu|aːj|s=2}} * {{hyphenation|hu|Hyun|dai}} ====Proper noun==== {{head|hu|proper noun}} # {{l|en|Hyundai}} {{gloss|a [[Korean]] car brand}} === ...
Required element not present Hyundai Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element élni Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|infinitive}} # {{inflection of|hu|él|id=to live||inf}}
Required element not present élni Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element -aték Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element szembe Hungarian ===Usage notes=== This form mostly occurs when the verbal prefix {{m|hu|szembe-}} is separated from its verb.
Unparseable element vídd Hungarian ===Usage notes=== {{U:hu:preferred-verbal-prefix|ví|ki|meg|adv=also|more=y}} For the definition of these terms, see {{m|hu|kivív}}, {{m|hu|megvív}}, {{m|hu|végigvív}}, and {{m|hu|visszavív}}.
Unparseable element kvartett Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{rhymes|hu|ɛtː}} * {{hyphenation|hu|kvar|tett}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # {{lb|hu|music}} [[quartet]] {{gloss|the set of four musicians who perform a piece ...
Required element not present kvartett Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element jóbarát Hungarian ===Usage notes=== The American television sitcom series ''Friends'' was titled "Jóbarátok" in Hungary. This spelling is considered wrong by the authors of the academic spelling dictionary of Hungaria ...
Unparseable element pléh Hungarian ===Derived terms=== * {{l|hu|pléhpofa}}
Unparseable element járok Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|jár||1|s|indic|pres|indef}}
Required element not present járok Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element Irisz Hungarian ===Usage notes=== As a given name, {{m|hu|Írisz}} is written with a long {{m|hu||í}}.
Unparseable element drágán Hungarian ====Adverb==== {{hu-adv|drágább|an}} # [[expensively]]
Required element not present drágán Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element bakó Hungarian ===Noun=== {{hu-noun|k}} # {{lb|hu|archaic}} [[executioner]], [[hangman]] {{gloss|person who carries out the execution}} ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|bakó|o}}{{hu-pos-tok|bakó}} ====Synonyms== ...
Unparseable element bakó Hungarian ===Noun=== {{hu-noun|k}} # {{lb|hu|dialectal}} [[haversack]] {{gloss|bag carried on the shoulder}} ====Declension==== Same as above. ====Synonyms==== * {{l|hu|tarisznya}}
Unparseable element másod Hungarian ===Ordinal number=== {{head|hu|numeral}} #
Unparseable element másod Hungarian {{lb|hu|obsolete}} [[second]] ====Usage notes==== Its modern form is {{m|hu|második}}. It is still used in compound words and inflected forms. ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |másodszor |másodlagos ...
Required element not present másod Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element vélem Hungarian ===Pronoun=== {{head|hu|pronoun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|véle||1|s}} #: {{syn|hu|velem}}
Unparseable element várta Hungarian ===Participle=== {{head|hu|participle}} # {{participle of|hu|vár||verbal}}
Unparseable element gondolunk Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|gondol||1|p|indic|pres|indef}}
Required element not present gondolunk Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element híve Hungarian ===Participle=== {{head|hu|participle}} # {{participle of|hu|hisz||adv}} ====Usage notes==== Due to the coincidence of this form with the noun sense above, it may be advisable to use the archaic va ...
Unparseable element mesélni Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|infinitive}} # {{inflection of|hu|mesél||inf}}
Required element not present mesélni Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element mondod Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|mond||2|s|indic|pres|def}}
Required element not present mondod Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kinyitod Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|kinyit||2|s|indic|pres|def}}
Required element not present kinyitod Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element becsukod Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|becsuk||2|s|indic|pres|def}}
Required element not present becsukod Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element feldobod Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|feldob||2|s|indic|pres|def}}
Required element not present feldobod Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element jelölték Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|jelöl||3|p|indic|past|def}}
Required element not present jelölték Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element plébános Hungarian ===Further reading=== * {{R:ErtSz}}
Unparseable element alapszik Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|intransitive}} to [[be]] [[founded]]/[[based]] upon something ({{hu-case|on}}) #: {{uxi|hu|Ez tények'''en alapszik'''.|This is '''based on''' facts.}} # {{lb|hu|in ...
Required element not present alapszik Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element sz. Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|-ok}} # {{abbreviation of|hu|század|t=century|dot=:}} {{l|en|cent}}. =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|sz.-o|o|v=d}}{{hu-pos-otok|sz.-||ai}}
Unparseable element sz. Hungarian ===Pronunciation=== * {{hu-IPA|szám}} * {{audio|hu|Hu-szám.ogg|Audio}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|-ok}} # {{abbreviation of|hu|szám|t=number|dot=:}} {{l|en|No.}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|sz. ...
Unparseable element bánt Hungarian ===Participle=== {{head|hu|participle}} # {{participle of|hu|bán||past}} ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|bánta|o}}
Unparseable element jársz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|jár||2|s|indic|pres|indef}}
Required element not present jársz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element meglátogatod Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|meglátogat||2|s|indic|pres|def}}
Required element not present meglátogatod Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element -dok Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element abbamarad Hungarian ===Conjugation=== {{hu-conj-ok|abbamar|a|d|intrans=y|past=t|future-participle-flag=y}} ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |abbamaradás }}
Unparseable element boksz Hungarian ===Usage notes=== ''Box'' with a letter ''x'' is not used in the Hungarian loanwords above (except informally sometimes), neither in derived terms like {{m|hu|bokszer}}, {{m|hu|bokszeralsó}}, {{m|hu| ...
Unparseable element kocsedó Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=kocsedók}} # [[brawl]], [[unrest]] # [[prison]] =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|kocsedó|o}}{{hu-pos-tok|kocsedó}}
Required element not present kocsedó Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element bevon Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive}} to [[coat]], to [[cover]] something (with something {{hu-case|val}}) #: {{ux|hu|bronzzal '''bevon'''|to bronze, to plate '''with''' bronze|inline=1}} ...
Required element not present bevon Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kitűz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive}} to [[set]], to [[fix]] (a goal) ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ök|kit|ű|z}} =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu |kitűzés |[[kitűző]] {{q|noun as well}} ...
Required element not present kitűz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element számnév Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=számnevek}} # {{lb|hu|grammar}} [[numeral]] #: {{hypo|hu|sorszámnév|tőszámnév}} #: {{cot|hu|főnév|melléknév}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|számneve|e|stem2=számnév}} ...
Required element not present számnév Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element csapos Hungarian ====Adjective==== {{hu-adj|-}} # furnished with a [[tap]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|csaposa|o}}
Unparseable element idióma Hungarian ===Related terms=== {{col4|hu |idiolektus |idiomatikus |idioszinkretikus |idioszinkratikus }}
Unparseable element photoshoppol Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive}} to [[photoshop]] {{gloss|digitally edit or alter a picture or photograph}} =====Conjugation===== {{hu-conj-ok|photoshopp|o|l}}
Required element not present photoshoppol Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element csaó Hungarian ====References==== <references/>
Unparseable element véled Hungarian ===Pronoun=== {{head|hu|pronoun form}} # {{lb|hu|folksy|literary}} {{inflection of|hu|véle||2|s}} #: {{syn|hu|veled}}
Unparseable element vélünk Hungarian ===Pronoun=== {{head|hu|pronoun form}} # {{lb|hu|folksy|literary}} {{inflection of|hu|véle||1|p}} #: {{syn|hu|velünk}}
Unparseable element elkel Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|intransitive}} to be {{l|en|sold}}, to {{l|en|sell}}, to {{l|en|go}} #: {{syn|hu|eladják}} #: {{uxi|hu|Minden jegy '''elkelt'''!|Sold out!|lit=Every ticket '''is / ...
Required element not present elkel Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element buldózer Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # [[bulldozer]] {{gloss|a tractor with an attached blade for pushing earth}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|buldózere|e|-}}{{hu-pos-etek|buldózer||ei}}
Required element not present buldózer Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element faggatás Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ok}} # [[interrogation]], [[questioning]] =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|faggatáso|o|-}}{{hu-pos-otok|faggatás||ai}}
Required element not present faggatás Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element tortúra Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=tortúrák}} # [[ordeal]], [[torment]] {{gloss|a painful or trying experience}} #: {{syn|hu|gyötrelem|kínszenvedés}} # {{lb|hu|archaic}} [[torture]] #: {{syn|hu|kínzás|kínval ...
Required element not present tortúra Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element abortálás Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ok}} # [[abortion]] {{gloss|the expulsion from the womb of a fetus or embryo}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|abortáláso|o|-}}{{hu-pos-otok|abortálás||ai}}
Required element not present abortálás Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element tűzvész Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # [[conflagration]], [[fire]] {{gloss|a large, ferocious, and destructive fire}} #: {{uxi|hu|A '''tűzvész'''ben minden ház odaveszett.|In the '''conflagration''', all the ...
Required element not present tűzvész Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element felőle Hungarian ===Related terms=== * {{l|hu|felé#Adverb}}
Unparseable element etnonim Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek|alt=etnonimok}} # {{alternative form of|hu|etnonima||[[ethnonym]]}}.
Unparseable element etnonim Hungarian =====Usage notes===== See at {{m|hu|etnonima}}. =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|etnonime|e|esm_sg=y}}{{hu-pos-etek|etnonim||ei|j=y}}
Unparseable element etnonim Hungarian or less commonly {{hu-infl-nom|etnonimo|o|esm_sg=y}}{{hu-pos-otok|etnonim|j|jai}}
Required element not present etnonim Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element elszív Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive}} to {{l|en|suck#Verb}} {{l|en|away}}, to {{l|en|remove}} or {{l|en|extract}} {{gloss|e.g. bad smell}} by sucking it away # {{lb|hu|transitive}} to {{l| ...
Required element not present elszív Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element megértet Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive}} {{causative of|hu|megért}}: to [[make]] someone [[understand]] (something) or make (something) understood, to [[clarify]], to [[illuminate]], to [[bri ...
Required element not present megértet Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element ebre Hungarian ====Noun==== {{head|hu|noun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|eb||sbl|s}}
Required element not present ebre Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element tanácsterem Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=tanácstermek}} # [[council]] [[chamber]] {{gloss|meeting room for councillors}} # [[boardroom]] {{gloss|meeting room for the governing board of an organization}} =====Decl ...
Required element not present tanácsterem Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element aratok Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|arat|||1|s|indic|pres|indef}}
Required element not present aratok Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element mentél Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|megy||2|s|ind|past|indef}}
Required element not present mentél Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kérdd Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{lb|hu|archaic|nocat=y}}
Unparseable element kérdd Hungarian {{inflection of|hu|kérd||2|s|subj|pres|def}} #: {{syn|hu|kérdezd}}
Required element not present kérdd Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element küldd Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|küld||2|s|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present küldd Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element küzdd Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|küzd||2|s|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present küzdd Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element oldd Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|old||2|s|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present oldd Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element hordd Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|hord||2|s|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present hordd Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kezdd Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|kezd||2|s|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present kezdd Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element toldd Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|told||2|s|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present toldd Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kérdezd Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|kérdez||2|s|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present kérdezd Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kérdezz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|kérdez||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present kérdezz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element késtek Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|késik||2|p|indic|pres|indef}} # {{inflection of|hu|késik||3|p|indic|past|indef}}
Required element not present késtek Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element késetek Hungarian ====Noun==== {{head|hu|noun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|kés||2|p|spos|poss}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|késeteke|e|n=sg|esm_sg=1}}
Required element not present késetek Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element késitek Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{lb|hu|rare|_|without a verbal prefix}} {{inflection of|hu|késik||2|p|indic|pres|def}} #: {{syn|hu|lekésitek}}
Required element not present késitek Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element késsük Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{lb|hu|rare|_|without a verbal prefix}} {{inflection of|hu|késik||1|p|indic|pres|def}} #: {{syn|hu|lekéssük}} # {{lb|hu|rare|_|without a verbal prefix}} {{infle ...
Required element not present késsük Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element késtetek Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|késik||2|p|indic|past|indef}}
Required element not present késtetek Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element késtünk Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|késik||1|p|indic|past|indef}}
Required element not present késtünk Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element késtél Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|késik||2|s|indic|past|indef}}
Required element not present késtél Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element késtem Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|késik||1|s|indic|past|indef}} # {{lb|hu|rare|_|without a verbal prefix}} {{inflection of|hu|késik||1|s|indic|past|def}} #: {{syn|hu|lekéstem}} ...
Required element not present késtem Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element késett Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|késik||3|s|indic|past|indef}}
Required element not present késett Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element halljátok Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|hall||2|p|indic|pres|def}} # {{inflection of|hu|hall||2|p|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present halljátok Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element hallják Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|hall||3|p|indic|pres|def}} # {{inflection of|hu|hall||3|p|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present hallják Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element tetteim Hungarian ====Noun==== {{head|hu|noun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|tett||1|s|mpos|poss}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|tetteime|e|n=isg|esm_sg=1}}
Required element not present tetteim Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element tetteid Hungarian ====Noun==== {{head|hu|noun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|tett||2|s|mpos|poss}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|tetteide|e|n=isg|esm_sg=1}}
Required element not present tetteid Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element tettei Hungarian ====Noun==== {{head|hu|noun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|tett||3|s|mpos|poss}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|tettei|e|n=isg|esm_sg=1}}
Required element not present tettei Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element tetteink Hungarian ====Noun==== {{head|hu|noun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|tett||1|p|mpos|poss}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|tetteinke|e|n=isg|esm_sg=1}}
Required element not present tetteink Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element tetteitek Hungarian ====Noun==== {{head|hu|noun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|tett||2|p|mpos|poss}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|tetteiteke|e|n=isg|esm_sg=1}}
Required element not present tetteitek Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element tetteik Hungarian ====Noun==== {{head|hu|noun form}} # {{inflection of|hu|tett||3|p|mpos|poss}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|tetteike|e|n=isg|esm_sg=1}}
Required element not present tetteik Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element bízva Hungarian ===Related terms=== * {{l|hu|bízvást}}
Unparseable element elszívó Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{der4|hu| |elszívócső |füstelszívó |nyálelszívó |páraelszívó |porelszívó |szagelszívó }}
Unparseable element nyeltek Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|nyel||2|p|indic|pres|indef}} # {{inflection of|hu|nyel||3|p|indic|past|indef}}
Required element not present nyeltek Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element nyomorú Hungarian ===Derived terms=== {{col4|hu |nyomor |nyomorúan |nyomorúság }}
Unparseable element pezsgőfürdő Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|k}} # [[hot tub]] =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|pezsgőfürdő|ö|esm_sg=1}}{{hu-pos-tök|pezsgőfürdő}}
Required element not present pezsgőfürdő Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element műpunci Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|k}} # {{lb|hu|vulgar}} [[fleshlight]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|műpunci|o}}{{hu-pos-tok|műpunci|ja}}
Required element not present műpunci Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element emodzsi Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|k}} # [[emoji]] {{gloss|a digital graphic icon used to represent a concept or object}} ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|emodzsi|o}}{{hu-pos-tok|emodzsi|ja}}
Required element not present emodzsi Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element méltányosság Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ok}} # [[fairness]], [[equality]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|méltányosságo|o}}{{hu-pos-otok|méltányosság||ai}}
Required element not present méltányosság Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element méltányos Hungarian ====Adjective==== {{hu-adj|abb}} # [[fair]], [[equal]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|méltányosa|o}} ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |méltányosság }} ====Related terms==== {{col4|hu |méltányol ...
Required element not present méltányos Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element megszentségtelenít Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive}} to [[desecrate]], to [[profane]], to make [[unholy]] ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ek|megszentségtelen|í|t}} ====Derived terms==== {{der4|hu |megsze ...
Required element not present megszentségtelenít Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element beosztás Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|be|osz|tás}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ok}} # [[scale]] {{gloss|unit of measuring}} # [[rota]], [[allocation]], [[management]], [[schedule]] {{glo ...
Required element not present beosztás Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element keménység Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|ke|mény|ség}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # [[hardness]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|keménysége|e|esm_sg=1}}{{hu-pos-etek|keménység||ei}} ...
Required element not present keménység Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element zsírkő Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|zsír|kő}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=zsírkövek}} # [[talc]], [[soapstone]] =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|zsírköve|ö|stem2=zsírkő|spe_sg_st ...
Required element not present zsírkő Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element gipsz Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|gipsz}} * {{rhymes|hu|ips}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # [[gypsum]], [[plaster]] # [[cast]] {{gloss|a supportive and immobilizing device used ...
Required element not present gipsz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element fluorit Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|flu|o|rit}} * {{rhymes|hu|it}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun}} # [[fluorite]] #: {{syn|hu|folypát}} ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|fluorito|o}}{{hu ...
Required element not present fluorit Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element holdkő Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|hold|kő}} * {{rhymes|hu|køː}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=holdkövek}} # [[moonstone]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|holdköve|ö|stem2=holdkő|s ...
Required element not present holdkő Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element megszentségtelenített Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|megszentségtelenít||3|s|ind|past|indef}}
Required element not present megszentségtelenített Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element naphal Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{rhymes|hu|ɒphɒl}} * {{hyphenation|hu|nap|hal}} * {{rhymes|hu|ɒl}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ak}} # [[pumpkinseed]], a North American [[sunfish]] ({{taxlink|Lepom ...
Required element not present naphal Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element őzike Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|őzi|ke}} * {{rhymes|hu|kɛ|s=3}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=őzikék}} # [[fawn]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|őziké|e}}{{hu-pos-tek|őziké}}
Required element not present őzike Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element csirkeszelet Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|csir|ke|sze|let}} * {{rhymes|hu|ɛt|s=4}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # [[slice]]/[[piece]] of [[chicken]], [[chicken]] [[cutlet]] =====Declens ...
Required element not present csirkeszelet Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element levéltetű Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{rhymes|hu|yː}} * {{hyphenation|hu|le|vél|te|tű}} * {{rhymes|hu|tyː}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|k|alt=levéltetvek}} # [[aphid]] {{gloss|[[sap]][[suck]]ing [[pest] ...
Required element not present levéltetű Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element legyél Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{alternative form of|hu|légy|id=be}}, {{inflection of|hu|van||2|s|subj|pres|indef}} # {{alternative form of|hu|légy|id=become}}, {{inflection of|hu|lesz||2|s|su ...
Required element not present legyél Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element Rolle-féle gyöktétel Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|head=[[Rolle]][[-féle]] [[gyöktétel]]}} # {{lb|hu|algebra}} [[rational root theorem]] ====Declension==== * For the noun, see {{m|hu|gyöktétel}}. * The rest of the expression ...
Required element not present Rolle-féle gyöktétel Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element gyöktétel Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|gyök|té|tel}} * {{rhymes|hu|ɛl}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # [[root theorem]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|gyöktétele|e|-}}{{hu-pos-etek ...
Required element not present gyöktétel Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element Pitagorasz-tétel Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|Pi|ta|go|rasz-|té|tel}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|head=[[Pitagorasz]]-[[tétel]]}} # {{lb|hu|mathematics}} [[Pythagorean theorem]] ====Declension= ...
Required element not present Pitagorasz-tétel Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element macskagyökér Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|macs|ka|gyö|kér}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=macskagyökerek}} # [[valerian]] {{gloss|any plant of the genus ''[[Valeriana]]''}} ====Declension= ...
Required element not present macskagyökér Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element macskamenta Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|macs|ka|men|ta}} * {{rhymes|hu|tɒ}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=macskamenták}} # [[catnip]], [[nepeta]] {{gloss|any plant of the [[genus]] ''[[Ne ...
Required element not present macskamenta Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element folyamatjelző sáv Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA|folyamat#jelző ˌsáv}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=[[folyamatjelző]] [[sávok]]}} # {{lb|hu|computing}} [[progress bar]] {{gloss|a graphical control element used to vis ...
Required element not present folyamatjelző sáv Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element bokszzsák Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|boksz|zsák}} * {{rhymes|hu|aːk|s=2}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ok}} # [[punching bag]] {{gloss|a device, consisting of a tough cloth bag over sand ...
Required element not present bokszzsák Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element izgatószer Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{hyphenation|hu|iz|ga|tó|szer}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # [[stimulant]] =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|izgatószere|e|-}}{{hu-pos-etek|izgatószer||ei}} ...
Required element not present izgatószer Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element fixpont Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{rhymes|hu|ont}} * {{hyphenation|hu|fix|pont}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ok}} # {{lb|hu|mathematics|computing}} [[fixed point]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom| ...
Required element not present fixpont Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element antihisztamin Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{rhymes|hu|in|s=5}} * {{hyphenation|hu|an|ti|hisz|ta|min}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # [[antihistamine]] {{gloss|a drug used to counteract the effects of [[h ...
Required element not present antihisztamin Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element értékesíthetőség Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{rhymes|hu|eːɡ}} * {{hyphenation|hu|ér|té|ke|sít|he|tő|ség}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # {{lb|hu|finance}} [[sellability]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom| ...
Required element not present értékesíthetőség Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kaptuk Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|kap||1|p|indic|past|def}}
Required element not present kaptuk Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kaptátok Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|kap||2|p|indic|past|def}}
Required element not present kaptátok Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kaptad Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|kap||2|s|indic|past|def}}
Required element not present kaptad Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kapjam Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|kap||1|s|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present kapjam Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kapd Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|kap||2|s|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present kapd Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kapjad Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{alternative form of|hu|kapd}}, {{inflection of|hu|kap||2|s|subj|pres|def}}.
Required element not present kapjad Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kuncsaft Hungarian ===Declension=== {{hu-infl-nom|kuncsafto|o}}{{hu-pos-otok|kuncsaft|j|jai}}
Unparseable element bocsájt Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive|slightly|folksy}} {{alternative form of|hu|bocsát}}. =====Conjugation===== {{hu-conj-ok|bocsá|j|t}} For the subjunctive, the corresponding forms of {{m ...
Required element not present bocsájt Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element elbocsájt Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive|folksy}} {{alternative form of|hu|elbocsát}}. =====Conjugation===== {{hu-conj-ok|elbocsá|j|t}} For the subjunctive, the corresponding forms of {{m|hu|e ...
Required element not present elbocsájt Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element megbocsájt Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive|folksy}} {{alternative form of|hu|megbocsát}}. =====Conjugation===== {{hu-conj-ok|megbocsá|j|t}} For the subjunctive, the corresponding forms of {{m|hu ...
Required element not present megbocsájt Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element manöken Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{rhymes|hu|ɛn}} * {{hyphenation|hu|ma|nö|ken}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ek}} # [[model]] {{gloss|a person, usually an attractive female, hired to show items or g ...
Required element not present manöken Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element fényrúd Hungarian ====Pronunciation==== * {{hu-IPA}} * {{rhymes|hu|uːd}} * {{hyphenation|hu|fény|rúd}} ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=fényrudak}} # [[glow stick]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|fényruda|o|stem2=fényrú ...
Required element not present fényrúd Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element közjó Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|pl=közjavak}} # the [[public good]], the [[common good]] =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|közjava|o|-|stem2=közjó}}{{hu-pos-atok|közjav||ai}}
Required element not present közjó Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element járta Hungarian ===Participle=== {{head|hu|participle}} # {{participle of|hu|jár||verbal}} ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|széljárta}}
Unparseable element reggelizz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|reggelizik||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present reggelizz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element hűts Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|hűt||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present hűts Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element fúlj Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|fúl||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present fúlj Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element fújj Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|fúj||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present fújj Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element fújd Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|fúj||2|s|subj|pres|def}}
Required element not present fújd Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element dühöngsz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|dühöng||2|s|indic|pres|indef}}
Required element not present dühöngsz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element szorongsz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|szorong||2|s|indic|pres|indef}}
Required element not present szorongsz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element merengsz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|mereng||2|s|indic|pres|indef}}
Required element not present merengsz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element lappangsz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|lappang||2|s|indic|pres|indef}}
Required element not present lappangsz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element rángsz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|ráng||2|s|indic|pres|indef}}
Required element not present rángsz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element szégyenl Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive}} {{archaic form of|hu|szégyell||t=to be ashamed of|nocat=y}}
Unparseable element szégyenl Hungarian #* '''1844''', {{w|Sándor Petőfi}}, ''{{w|János vitéz}}''<sup>[]</sup>, chapter 13, stanza 13, translated by John Ridland as ''John the Valiant'': #*: „Kukoric ...
Required element not present szégyenl Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element használod Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|használ||2|s|indic|pres|def}}
Required element not present használod Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element asz Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|ok}} # {{lb|hu|music}} [[A-flat]], [[A♭]] {{gloss|a tone one semitone lower than an A}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|aszo|o|-}}{{hu-pos-otok|asz||ai|j=y}} =====Derived ...
Required element not present asz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element termessz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|termeszt||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present termessz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element növessz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|növeszt||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present növessz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element ijessz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|ijeszt||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present ijessz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element ébressz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|ébreszt||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present ébressz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element fejlessz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|fejleszt||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present fejlessz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element függessz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|függeszt||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present függessz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element törlessz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|törleszt||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present törlessz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element szerkessz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|szerkeszt||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present szerkessz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element tévessz Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|téveszt||2|s|subj|pres|indef}}
Required element not present tévessz Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element elhitet Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive}} to [[make]] someone {{gloss|{{hu-case|val}}}} [[believe]] something, [[fool]] someone into believing, [[put across]] to someone {{gloss|convince by de ...
Required element not present elhitet Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kél Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|intransitive|mostly|archaic|dialectal}} {{alternative form of|hu|kel||to [[get up]], to [[rise]]}} =====Conjugation===== {{hu-conj-ek|k|é|l|intrans=y}} ====Deriv ...
Required element not present kél Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element dobban Hungarian ===Verb=== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|intransitive}} to [[thud]], [[boom]] {{gloss|to make a dull and deep sound}} # {{lb|hu|intransitive|of the heart}} to [[throb]], [[pound]] {{gloss|to give a strong [ ...
Unparseable element rémisztő Hungarian ====Participle==== {{head|hu|participle}} # {{participle of|hu|rémiszt||pres}} ====Adjective==== {{hu-adj|bb}} # [[scary]], [[frightening]], [[terrifying]] #: {{syn|hu|ijesztő|rémítő}} ====Declen ...
Required element not present rémisztő Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element nyűsz Hungarian ===Usage notes=== {{U:hu:preferred-verbal-prefix|nyű|el|adv=also|more=y}}
Unparseable element bíztátok Hungarian ===Usage notes=== {{U:hu:preferred-verbal-prefix|bíz|meg|rá|adv=also|more=y}}
Unparseable element eloszt Hungarian ===Conjugation=== {{hu-conj-ok|elo|sz|t}} ====Derived terms==== {{der4|hu |elosztó |elosztat }} ====Related terms==== * {{l|hu|eloszlik}}
Unparseable element írat Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive}} {{causative of|hu|ír|id=to write}}: to [[make]] or [[have]] someone [[write]] {{gloss|the agent marked with {{hu-case|val}}}} =====Conjugation===== { ...
Required element not present írat Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element görget Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive}} {{causative of|hu|görög|id=to roll}}: to [[roll]] {{gloss|to impel forward by causing to turn over and over on a supporting surface}} # {{lb|hu|ambitr ...
Required element not present görget Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element se/derived terms Hungarian {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |sebaj |sohase |úgyse }} {{col2|hu|title=Expressions |ahol a madár se jár |se füle, se farka |se híre, se hamva |se lát, se hall |se nem oszt, se nem szoroz }}
Required element not present se/derived terms Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element könnyelmű Hungarian ===Further reading=== * {{R:ErtSz}}
Unparseable element megfeledkezünk Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|megfeledkezik||1|p|ind|pres|indef}}
Required element not present megfeledkezünk Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element törődünk Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|törődik||1|p|ind|pres|indef}}
Required element not present törődünk Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element elfelejtjük Hungarian ====Verb==== {{head|hu|verb form}} # {{inflection of|hu|elfelejt||1|p|ind|pres|def}}
Required element not present elfelejtjük Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element szükségeltetik Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|intransitive|formal|or|dated}} to be [[necessary]] or [[required]] #: {{syn|hu|szükséges|q1=adjective}} =====Conjugation===== {{hu-conj-ek|szükségelt|e|t|intrans= ...
Required element not present szükségeltetik Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element húszan Hungarian ====Adverb==== {{hu-adv|-}} # the [[twenty]] of us/you/them
Required element not present húszan Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element építtet Hungarian ====Verb==== {{hu-verb}} # {{lb|hu|transitive}} {{causative of|hu|épít}}: to have (something) [[build|built]] (the one performing the action having {{hu-case|val}}) =====Conjugation===== {{hu-conj- ...
Required element not present építtet Hungarian Part of speech section

Numbered etymology section

Error type Title Language section Target
Unparseable element ring Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ok|r|i|ng|intrans=y}} or {{hu-conj-ok|ri|n|g|intrans=y}}
Unparseable element ring Hungarian =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|ringat}}
Unparseable element link Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{der4|hu |linkel |linkeskedik |linkóci |linkség }}
Unparseable element nem Hungarian ====Descendants==== * {{desc|ro|neam|bor=1}}
Unparseable element volt Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |voltos }} {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |voltmérő }}
Unparseable element Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-vok|s|í}} =====Derived terms===== {{der4|hu |sió |sikít |sikoly |sikolt |silány |síp |sivár |sivít |sivatag }} =====Related terms===== * {{l|hu|sír}}
Unparseable element sort Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|sorto|o}}{{hu-pos-otok|sort|j|jai}} =====Synonyms===== * {{l|hu|rövidnadrág}}
Unparseable element per Hungarian ====Related terms==== {{col4|hu |alperes |felperes |pereskedik }}
Unparseable element Hungarian ====Usage notes==== Examples for the {{m|hu||-i}} variant in standard usage: {{m|hu|[[jószerivel]] ''instead of'' [[jószerével]], [[töviről hegyire]] ''instead of'' [[tövéről]] [[hegyére]] ''(uncommo ...
Unparseable element hall Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:with-without-ik}} =====Conjugation===== {{hu-conj-ok|h|a|ll|long=y}} =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu |hallatszik |hallgat |hallható |hallomás }} {{hu-verbpref|hall|sep= ...
Unparseable element holt Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu<!--both for the adjective and the above sense of the noun--> |holtan }} {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |félholt |holtág |holtbiztos |holtfáradt |holtidő |holtpont |hol ...
Unparseable element mente Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|menti}} =====Related terms===== * {{l|hu|mentén}} {{q|along}} * {{l|hu|mentében}}
Unparseable element kelet Hungarian ====Coordinate terms==== {{list:compass_points/hu}} =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu |[[K#Hungarian|K]] {{q|abbreviation}} |keleti }} {{der4|hu|title=Compound words |dél-délkelet |délkelet |észak-é ...
Unparseable element -i Hungarian ====Synonyms==== * {{l|hu|-beli}}
Unparseable element -i Hungarian =====Derived terms===== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=adjective}} {{suffixsee|hu}}
Unparseable element észt Hungarian ====Usage notes==== It is currently more common than its alternative form {{m|hu|eszet}},
Unparseable element észt Hungarian especially in phrases like {{m|hu|osztja az észt||to act the smart aleck}}, {{m|hu|nem állt kétszer sorba, amikor az észt osztották||s/he didn’t stand in line twice when brains were dispensed}} or {{ ...
Unparseable element észt Hungarian See also the quotations at {{m|hu|eszet}}.
Unparseable element D Hungarian ====Coordinate terms==== {{list:compass_points/hu}}
Unparseable element K Hungarian ====Coordinate terms==== {{list:compass_points/hu}}
Unparseable element Ny Hungarian ====Coordinate terms==== {{list:compass_points/hu}}
Unparseable element amazon Hungarian ====Coordinate terms==== * {{l|hu|azon}} * {{l|hu|ezen}}, {{l|hu|emezen}}
Unparseable element kivi Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|kivis}} {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |kivigyümölcs |kivinövény |kivizöld }}
Unparseable element parti Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|partia|o|-}} =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |partifecske }} =====Related terms===== {{col4|hu|folyóparti|óceánparti|patakparti|tengerparti|t ...
Required element not present halló Hungarian Part of speech section
Required element not present halló Hungarian Part of speech section
Required element not present pina Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element kar Hungarian ====Usage notes==== These two nouns are almost completely homonymous except for the third person single-object possessive forms and all multiple-object possessive forms, the first one (with the sense ...
Unparseable element török Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{der4|hu|title=Compound words |oszmán-török |törökbúza |törökfürdő |töröknyereg |Törökország |törökszegfű |törökülés }}
Unparseable element méh Hungarian ====Declension==== {{U:hu:word-final h}} {{hu-infl-nom|méhe|e|v=v}} {{hu-pos-etek|méh||ei}} =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|méhecske}} * {{l|hu|méhész}} * {{l|hu|méhészet}} {{q|Compound words}}: * ...
Unparseable element méh Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|méhe|e|v=v}}{{hu-pos-etek|méh||ei}} ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|méhlepény}}
Unparseable element oszt Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ok|o|sz|t}} =====Derived terms===== {{der4|hu |osztag |osztalék |osztály |osztás |osztatlan |osztható |oszthatatlan |osztó |osztódik |osztogat |osztozik }} {{hu-verbpre ...
Unparseable element ősz Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:temporal adverbs}}
Unparseable element ősz Hungarian =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|őszö|ö|-}}{{hu-pos-ötök|ősz||ei}} =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu |őszi |őszies |őszönként }} {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |őszelő |őszközép |őszutó }}
Unparseable element szarvas Hungarian ====Coordinate terms==== * {{list:adjectival derivatives of body parts/hu}} =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|szarvasbogár}} * {{l|hu|szarvashiba}}
Unparseable element áll Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ok||á|ll|short=y}} =====Derived terms===== {{der4|hu |állam |állandó |állás |[[állat#Hungarian:_to_make_stand|állat]] |álldogál |állhatatlan |állhatatos |állít |állomán ...
Unparseable element tűz Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ök|t|ű|z}} =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|tűzőgép}} * {{l|hu|tűzőkapocs}} {{hu-verbpref|tűz|be|ki}} {{q|Expressions}}: * {{l|hu|műsorra tűz}}
Unparseable element olt Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ok|o|l|t}} ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |olthatatlan }} {{hu-verbpref|sep=4|olt|el|ki|le|meg}}
Unparseable element olt Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ok|o|l|t}} =====Derived terms===== {{col3|hu |oltakozik |oltható |oltás |oltat |oltogat |oltvány }} {{hu-verbpref|olt|sep=4|át|be|bele|meg|újra|végig}}
Required element not present bele Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element járom Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |járomcsont }}
Unparseable element róna Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |rónaság }}
Unparseable element sír Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |siralom |sirám |sírás |siránkozik |sirat |sírdogál }} {{col4|hu|title=With verbal prefixes |átsír |belesír |elsír |felsír |kisír |lesír |telesír |végigsír |visszasír ...
Unparseable element Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|hűe|ö|-}} =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu |hűen |hűség |hűtlen }} {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |alakhű |betűhű |élethű |hithű |királyhű |korhű |párthű }} =====R ...
Unparseable element vagy Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|dupla vagy semmi}}
Unparseable element karton Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |kartonál |kartonoz }} {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |gipszkarton |kartondoboz |kartonfedél |kartonkeret |kartonkészítés |kartonkötés |kartonlap |kartonlemez |kartonp ...
Unparseable element karton Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |kartonáru |kartongyár |kartonkötény |kartonnyomás |kartonruha |kartonszoknya |kartonvászon |szaténkarton }}
Unparseable element menti Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:unmarked possessive not written as solid}} ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|mentie|e|-}}
Unparseable element Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Required element not present héja Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element karom Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|karoma|o|n=sg|esm_sg=1}}
Unparseable element ing Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ok||i|ng|intrans=y}} or {{hu-conj-ok|i|n|g|intrans=y}}
Unparseable element ing Hungarian =====Synonyms===== * {{sense|wobble}} {{l|hu|inog}} =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu |ingat |ingatlan }} {{hu-verbpref|ing|meg}}
Unparseable element barit Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|barito|o}}{{hu-pos-otok|barit|j|jai}}
Unparseable element -ul Hungarian ====Usage notes==== * {{q|verb-forming suffix}} Harmonic variants: *: '''{{l|hu|-ul}}''' is added to back-vowel words. Final vowel is dropped. *:: {{suffixusex|hu|lassú|gloss1=slow|lassul|gloss2=to s ...
Unparseable element -ul Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:case-endings}} * {{q|adverb-forming suffix and case suffix}} Harmonic variants: *: '''{{l|hu|-ul}}''' is added to back-vowel words. Final ''-a'' changes to ''-á-''. *: '''{ ...
Unparseable element kend Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|kende|e|n=sg}} ====Related terms==== {{col4|hu |kegyelmed |kelmed |ked }}
Unparseable element nyúl Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|nyula|o|stem2=nyúl}}{{hu-pos-atok|nyul||ai}} =====Derived terms===== {{der4|hu |nyulacska |[[nyuszi]] {{q|diminutive}} |[[nyuszika]] {{q|diminutive}} }} {{der4|hu|ti ...
Required element not present mögé Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element hív Hungarian ====Usage notes==== In terms of introducing people, the verb’s '''indefinite''' form (e.g. {{m|hu|hívnak}} in present tense) is used to express when someone calls (literally “they call”) '''me''', '' ...
Unparseable element hív Hungarian ====Usage notes==== Normally it is only used with possessive suffixes: ''hívem, híved, híve,'' etc., see below in the box "Possessive forms of hív". ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|híve|e}}{{hu-pos ...
Unparseable element követ Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ek|köv|e|t}} =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu |követel |követés |követhető |következik |következtet |követő }} {{hu-verbpref|sep=4|követ|el|meg|végig|vissza}}
Unparseable element méret Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |méretes |méretű }} {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |betűméret |pontméret }}
Unparseable element méret Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ek|mér|e|t}}
Unparseable element korom Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|koroma|o|n=sg|esm_sg=1}}
Unparseable element Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=noun}}
Unparseable element fűz Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ök|f|ű|z}} =====Derived terms===== {{der4|hu |füzér |füzet |fűzés |fűző |fűződik }} {{hu-verbpref|sep=3|fűz|át|be|bele|egybe|el|fel|hozzá|ki|oda|össze|rá|végig}}
Unparseable element fűz Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|füze|ö|stem2=fűz}}{{hu-pos-etek|füz||ei}}
Unparseable element fűz Hungarian =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|fűzfa}}
Unparseable element -od Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=fractional number}}
Required element not present pletyka Hungarian Part of speech section
Required element not present pletyka Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element -ül Hungarian ====Usage notes==== * {{q|verb-forming suffix}} Harmonic variants: *: '''{{l|hu|-ul}}''' is added to back-vowel words. Final vowel is dropped. *: '''{{l|hu|-ül}}''' is added to front-vowel words. Fin ...
Unparseable element -ül Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:case-endings}} * {{q|adverb-forming suffix and case suffix}} Harmonic variants: *: '''{{l|hu|-ul}}''' is added to back-vowel words. Final ''-a'' changes to ''-á-''. *: '''{ ...
Unparseable element hány Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|hánya|o|n=sg}} =====Derived terms===== {{der4|hu |hányad |hányadán |hányadik |hányszor }} {{der4|hu|title=Compound words |ahány |akárhány |néhány |sehány |valahány | ...
Unparseable element árad Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ok|ár|a|d|intrans=y|past=t}} =====Derived terms===== {{der4|hu |áradás |áradat |áradmány |áradozik }} {{hu-verbpref|árad|sep=4|be|el|ki|meg|szét|túl}} =====Related ter ...
Unparseable element hálás Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |hálásan }}
Unparseable element sző Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-vök|sz|ő|shortens=ö}} =====Derived terms===== {{der4|hu |szőnyeg |szöveg |szövet |szövevény |szövő |szövődik }}
Unparseable element levet Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|összeszűri a levet}}
Unparseable element mész Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|mesze|e|stem2=mész}}{{hu-pos-etek|mesz||ei}} =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|meszel}} * {{l|hu|meszes}} {{qualifier|Compound words}}: * {{l|hu|mészkő}} {{qualifier| ...
Unparseable element női Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:disambig|possessive|nő|wife|nejei}} =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|női|e|n=isg|esm_sg=1}}
Unparseable element híja Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col2|hu|title=Expressions |egyik tizenkilenc, másik egy híján húsz }}
Unparseable element É Hungarian ====Coordinate terms==== {{list:compass_points/hu}}
Required element not present rája Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element -odik Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:verb-odik}} ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ok|-|o|d|m=y|intrans=y}} ====Derived terms==== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=verb}}
Unparseable element -odik Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:num-odik}} ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|-odiko|o}} or {{hu-infl-nom|-odika|o}} ====Derived terms==== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=numeral}}
Unparseable element -atok Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:pos-tok}}
Unparseable element -etek Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:conj-pres-indef}} {{U:hu:conj-tok}} {{U:hu:pos-tok}}
Unparseable element sóhajt Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ok|sóha|j|t}}
Unparseable element sóhajt Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{der4|hu |sóhaj <!-- back-formation --> |sóhajtás |sóhajtozik }} {{hu-verbpref|sep=4|sóhajt|bele|el|fel|vissza}}
Unparseable element betűz Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|betűzés}} {{hu-verbpref|sep=4|betűz|ki|le|végig}}
Required element not present értem Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element járat Hungarian ====Related terms==== {{col4|hu |jártat }}
Unparseable element -ödik Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ök|-|ö|d|m=y|intrans=y}} =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:verb-odik}} =====Derived terms===== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=verb}}
Unparseable element -ödik Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|-ödike|e}}{{hu-pos-etek|-ödik||ei|n=sg}} =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:num-odik}} =====Derived terms===== {{suffixsee|hu|pos=numeral}}
Unparseable element villányi Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|villányia|o|-}}
Unparseable element villányi Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|villányia|o|-}}
Unparseable element tőke Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|tőkés}} {{der4|hu|title=Compounds words with this term at the beginning |tőkeállomány |tőkeapport |tőkebefektetés |tőkebehozatal |tőkeberuházás |tőkeellátottság |tőkeér ...
Unparseable element tőke Hungarian {{der4|hu|title=Compounds words with this term at the end |alaptőke |állótőke |banktőke |finánctőke |forgótőke |kezdőtőke |magántőke |monopoltőke |nagytőke |pénztőke |reáltőke |többlettőke |törzstőke ...
Required element not present tőke Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element térképészetek Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|térképészeteke|e|n=sg|esm_sg=1}}
Required element not present lesek Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element tört Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|törtvonalú}}
Unparseable element vállal Hungarian ====Coordinate terms==== * {{list:verbal derivatives of body parts/hu}} =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|vállalat}} * {{l|hu|vállalkozik}} {{q|Expressions}}: * {{l|hu|felelősséget vállal}} or {{l|hu ...
Unparseable element formatál Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|formatála|o}}{{hu-pos-atok|formatál||ai}}
Unparseable element magán Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|magánkívül}}
Unparseable element szerviz Hungarian ====Usage notes==== Sometimes it is spelled with {{m|hu||-í-}}, but the endorsed form is with a short {{m|hu||-i-}}. =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|szervize|e|-}}{{hu-pos-etek|szerviz||ei}} === ...
Unparseable element menetel Hungarian ====Related terms==== {{col4|hu |férjhezmenetel |hátramenetel |kimenetel |mennybemenetel |tönkremenetel }}
Required element not present érted Hungarian Part of speech section
Required element not present értünk Hungarian Part of speech section
Required element not present értetek Hungarian Part of speech section
Required element not present hozzátok Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element vezetői Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|vezetőie|e|-}} =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|vezetői képesség}}
Required element not present kondor Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element főzet Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |főzetnyi }}
Unparseable element főzet Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{hu-verbpref|főzet|sep=4|át|be|bele|fel|ki|meg|össze|szét}}
Unparseable element termetek Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|termeteke|e|n=sg|esm_sg=1}}
Unparseable element inas Hungarian ====Coordinate terms==== * {{list:adjectival derivatives of body parts/hu}}
Unparseable element percen Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{hu-verbpref|percen|ki}} ====Related terms==== * {{l|hu|perceg}}
Unparseable element lábad Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ok|láb|a|d|intrans=y|past=t}} =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu|title=Expressions |könnybe lábad a szeme }}
Unparseable element mért Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|mérte|e}} =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|mérten}}
Unparseable element mindennek Hungarian ====Usage notes==== Not to be confused with {{m|hu|mindenek}}.
Required element not present bakó Hungarian Part of speech section
Required element not present bakó Hungarian Part of speech section
Required element not present vélem Hungarian Part of speech section
Required element not present híve Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element sírt Hungarian ====Related terms==== {{col4|hu |átsírt |elsírt<!-- "Néha persze, úgy estefelé, le-lehuppan a honvágy szürke törpéje a hálóterem ágyaira, elő is húzza zsebéből szürke számtanirkáját és szürke ceruzáj ...
Unparseable element elveszik Hungarian ====Usage notes==== * {{U:hu:with-without-ik}} ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ek|elv|e|sz|intrans=y}}
Required element not present sz. Hungarian Part of speech section
Required element not present sz. Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element elvet Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ek|elv|e|t|in-past=ett}} ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|elveti a sulykot}} * {{l|hu|a kocka el van vetve}}
Unparseable element töri Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|rosszban töri a fejét}} * {{l|hu|töri a fejét}}
Unparseable element vidéki Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:unmarked possessive not written as solid}}
Unparseable element árja Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:disambig|possessive|ár|price|ára}}
Unparseable element árja Hungarian =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|árjá|o|n=sg|esm_sg=1}}
Required element not present véled Hungarian Part of speech section
Required element not present vélünk Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element -tetek Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:conj-tatok}}
Unparseable element ereszt Hungarian ====Derived terms==== {{col4|hu |eresztet |eresztett |eresztget |eresztő }} {{hu-verbpref|ereszt|sep=4|alá|át|be|bele|el|fel|félre|hátra|haza|helyre|hozzá|ide|keresztül|ki|körül|közbe|külön|le|meg|me ...
Unparseable element teremé Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|teremé|e|n=sg|noposs=y}}
Unparseable element teremé Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|teremé|e|n=sg|noposs=y}}
Unparseable element vevé Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|vevé|e}}{{hu-pos-tek|vevé}}
Required element not present dobban Hungarian Part of speech section
Unparseable element bíztatok Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:preferred-verbal-prefix|bíz|meg|rá|adv=also}}
Unparseable element bíztatok Hungarian ====Usage notes==== {{U:hu:preferred-verbal-prefix|bízik|meg|adv=also}}
Unparseable element pöttyé Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|pöttyé|e|n=sg|noposs=y}}
Unparseable element flexel Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ek|flex|e|l|intrans=y}}
Unparseable element flexel Hungarian ====Conjugation==== {{hu-conj-ek|flex|e|l|intrans=y}}

Part of speech section

Error type Title Language section Target
Unparseable element Grenada Hungarian ====Declension==== * {{l|hu|grenadai}}
Unparseable element kara Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:disambig|possessive|kar|arm, lever|karja}}
Unparseable element ők Hungarian =====Derived terms===== Note that derived forms of ''ők'' use only {{m|hu|ő#Hungarian}} as the first component; it is only the ending that marks the plural form (e.g. ''őalattuk'' as opposed to ''őal ...
Unparseable element mari Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element komi Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element hete Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:possessive-time}}
Unparseable element privi Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|k}} # {{lb|hu|Internet slang}} {{l|en|[[private]] [[message]]}} ({{l|en|PM}}), {{l|en|[[direct]] [[message]]}} ({{l|en|DM}}) #: {{ux|hu|Ha érdekel, küldj egy '''privit'''!|If ...
Unparseable element lapp Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element mony Hungarian =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu| |monyos |monyú }} {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |tyúkmony |tikmony |lúdtyúkmony |galambtyúkmony }}
Unparseable element hanti Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element gyermek Hungarian =====Usage notes===== In everyday usage, the variant {{m|hu|gyerek}} tends to be more widespread, as it is considered stylistically neutral. ''Gyermek'' is typically reserved for official contexts, e ...
Unparseable element matrac Hungarian ====Declension==== {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |gumimatrac |matrachuzat |matrackészítő |matracvászon }}
Unparseable element Líbia Hungarian ====Declension==== * {{l|hu|líbiai}}
Unparseable element gyűjtő Hungarian ====Adjective==== {{hu-adj|-}} # [[gathering]], [[collecting]]
Unparseable element néni Hungarian =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu |nénike<!-- not only as a little "néni" but also as an aunt --> }} {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |nagynéni }}
Unparseable element pezseg Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|pezsgés}} {{hu-verbpref|pezseg|fel}}
Unparseable element tüske Hungarian =====Derived terms===== {{der4|hu |tüskés }} {{der4|hu|title=Compound words |tüskebokor |tüskesor }}
Unparseable element csoportosít Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|csoportosul}}
Unparseable element kegyelem Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|kegy}} * {{l|hu|kend}} (via {{m|hu|kegyelmed}})
Unparseable element K-ÉK Hungarian =====Coordinate terms===== {{list:compass_points/hu}}
Unparseable element kincs Hungarian =====Descendants===== * {{desc|sh|kȉnč|bor=1}} / {{l|sh|ки̏нч}} * {{desc|sl|kȋnč|bor=1}}
Unparseable element vonó Hungarian =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|tokkal-vonóval}}
Unparseable element szóköz Hungarian =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|nem törhető szóköz}}
Unparseable element tölte Hungarian ====Declension==== {{col4|hu |holdtölte }}
Unparseable element pajtás Hungarian =====Descendants===== * {{desc|sh|-|bor=1}} *: {{desc|sh|па̀јда̄ш|sclb=1}}, {{l|sh|па̀јта̄ш}} *: {{desc|sh|pàjdāš|sclb=1}}, {{l|sh|pàjtāš}} * {{desc|sl|pajdáš|bor=1}}
Unparseable element koncesszió Hungarian ====Declension==== {{col4|hu |koncessziójú |koncessziós }}
Unparseable element cseremisz Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element kráter Hungarian ====Declension==== {{col4|hu |kráteres |kráterszerű }} {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |bombakráter |meteoritkráter }}
Unparseable element krémes Hungarian ====Declension==== {{col4|hu |krémesen }}
Unparseable element udmurt Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element képzelhető Hungarian ====Declension==== {{hu-decl-k-front2|képzelhet|ő|pl2=e}}
Unparseable element figyelő Hungarian ====Derived terms==== * {{l|hu|figyelőlista}}
Unparseable element puttony Hungarian =====Descendants===== * {{desc|en|puttony|bor=1}}
Unparseable element törhető Hungarian =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|nem törhető szóköz}}
Unparseable element jóváír Hungarian =====Derived terms===== {{col4|hu |jóváírás }}
Unparseable element bocsáthat Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:preferred-verbal-prefix|bocsát|meg|adv=also|more=y}}
Unparseable element bőrápoló Hungarian ====Noun==== {{hu-noun|k}} # [[skincare]] [[lotion]]/[[product]] ====Declension==== {{hu-infl-nom|bőrápoló|o}}{{hu-pos-tok|bőrápoló}}
Unparseable element manysi Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element tenyésztő Hungarian ====Declension==== {{col4|hu|title=Compound words |állattenyésztő |baromfitenyésztő |juhtenyésztő |sertéstenyésztő }}
Unparseable element sorsdöntő Hungarian ====Declension==== * {{l|hu|sorsdöntően}}
Unparseable element zürjén Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element csíz Hungarian ====Interjection==== {{head|hu|interjection|head=csíz!}} # {{lb|hu|photography}} “[[cheese#Interjection|cheese]]” {{non-gloss definition|Said while being photographed, to give the impression of smil ...
Unparseable element szakadta Hungarian =====Declension===== {{hu-infl-nom|szakadtá|o|n=sg}} Its possessive forms other than the present 3rd-person singular are uncommon. {{hu-pos-otok|szakadt||ai|n=sg}} or {{hu-pos-atok|szakadt||ai|n=sg}}
Unparseable element szakadta Hungarian =====Derived terms===== * {{l|hu|torkaszakadtából}}
Unparseable element vogul Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element votják Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element jurák Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element számi Hungarian =====Usage notes===== {{U:hu:endo-exo}}
Unparseable element indusztrializál Hungarian ====Related terms==== {{rel4|hu |indusztria |indusztriális |indusztrializáció |indusztrializmus }}