Appendix:Proto-Pearic reconstructions

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The Proto-Pearic language, the reconstructed ancestor of the Pearic languages, has been reconstructed by Robert Headley (1985).[1] The 149 Proto-Pearic forms below are from Headley (1985).


Gloss Proto-Pearic
angry *peːm
three *pe(ː)ʔ
to weave *taːɲ
arrow *kam
to call *keːv
to eat *caː
louse *ciʔ
excrement *ʔic
here *ʔan
flower *Pa(ː)ŋ
to cut, hack *Poːt
to fear *Tɔːŋ
right (dexter) *Teːv
to hunt *Cak
to go *Ceːv
month *Kaːŋ
long(time) *Kɔːj
small *Kic
drunk *buːl
knife *beːt(?)
morning *baːŋ
must *dɔːn
to buy *deːv
water *daːk
vine *ɟuːm
soup *ɟeːv
sap *ɟɔːr
alcohol *graːɲ
to sit *gɨl
to winnow *guːm
hair *suk
to hear *saŋ
to dance *sɔːŋ
to bathe *huːm
not *hɔː
to fly *h(ɨː)r
breast *hjɔk
bat *hmɔːk
field *hmaːr
to stretch oneself *hnoːk
thatch *hŋɔːn
to hide *hrɔːk
banana *hlɔːŋ
salt *hluk
raw, uncooked *v(ɛː)ŋ
tiger *rəvaːj
scorpion *jaːv
to come *j(i)p
eye *m(a)t
mountain *nɔːŋ
year *nɨm
red *ŋ(əː)r
root *reːs
fly *rɔːj
ten *raːj
to ask *loːm
lightning *laːc
elder sibling *_liɲ
to break *Pac
dead *hoːc
dead *hoːc
to slap *pah
to spit *c(u)h
broken apart *tak
bran *lɨk
blood *-haːm
to cook *tɨm
child *k(eː)n
female *kɨn
deep *hlɨŋ
foot *ɟiɲ
to keep, put *ʔɔːɲ
to bury *Təp
to eat *h(ɔː)p
blue *veːt
skink *klaːv
elephant *knaːj
before *Tɔːj
sharp-edged *sɨl
to stand *taːl
to plant *coːl
fish *meːl
water leech *Peːr
to bark *Keːr
to blow *h(oː)r
kind of deer *Ceːs
kind of deer *loːs
hundred *coːs
old *cɨs
tail *pa(ː)s
dog *c(ɔ)ʔ
thin *rəgiʔ
day *tŋiʔ
dream *poʔ
earth *teˀ
mouth *(c)kaː
civet *(c)mɨː
wife *(c)ŋ(ɨ)n
ring *(c)rɛːŋ
thorn *ɟrəlaʔ
six *kdɔːŋ
ashamed *kleˀ
bone *klɔːŋ
smoke *kmaːs
cough *kmɔk
rain *gmaʔ
to flail *knɔːk
seven *gnuːl
to awaken *grɨk
star *ks(ɨ)m
to hook *kvak
kind of lizard *kjoŋ
turtle *gjaːŋ
eel *ml(ɔː)ŋ
fruit *pliː
thigh *bluː
basket *pnaːk
ugly *bnaːm
bee *(p)ŋaːm
Khmer *brɔːŋ
cotton thread *braːj
snake *psiː
wing *skɛːŋ
cramp *smaɲ
after *snɛːŋ
to know *sŋal
to ask *sriː
stone *tmoˀ
winnowing basket *tpɔʔ
wild cow *trɔːj
to get *ʔiːn
forest *briː
drum *kriɲ
red ant *ksuː
fire *bleːv
to slide *ləkheːt
to take *ʔoːc
sore, wound *Coːj
head *Toːs
tooth *koːj
younger sibling *(m)oːt
you *b(oː)
kind of lizard *koj
chicken *hlɛːk
left *Tɛːŋ
to laugh *bɛːk
lightning *tɛ(h)
long *gɔŋ
house *tɔŋ


  1. ^ Headley, Robert K. 1985. "Proto-Pearic and the classification of Pearic." In Suriya Ratanakult et al (eds.), Southeast Asian Linguistic Studies Presented to Andre-G. Haudricourt. Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University. pp. 428-478.
Vocabulary lists of Southeast Asian languages

p-Tibeto-Burman • Old Chinese (basic) • p-Southern Min • Macro-Bai • p-Tujia • p-Naish • p-Ersuic • Guiqiong • Horpa • p-Lolo-Burmese • p-Lalo • Lalo • Akha • Woni • Axi • Nesu • Yi (Mihei) • Kathu • Gong • p-Karenic • p-Luish • p-Bodo-Garo • Kuki-Chin • Suansu • Jejara • Mru • p-W. Tibetan • Tibetan (Lajiao) • Amdo Tibetan • Zakhring • Tshangla • Kho-Bwa • Mey • p-Puroik • p-Hrusish • Koro • Greater Siangic • Raji-Raute • Dhimalish • Baram-Thangmi • Bhujel • p-Kham • Dura • Bunan • (Nepal)


p-Austroasiatic (Swadesh) • p-Munda • p-Khasian • p-Palaungic • Quang Lam • p-Khmuic • p-Pakanic • p-Vietic • p-Katuic • p-Bahnaric • p-Pearic • p-Khmeric • p-Monic • p-Aslian • p-Nicobarese


p-Hmong-Mien • Hmong-Mien • p-Hmongic • Pa-Hng • Xong • Pana • She • p-Mienic • Mienic • Mien (Gongcheng) • Biao Min (Shikou)


p-Kra-Dai • p-Kra • Laha • Qabiao • Gelao • p-Kam-Sui • Kam-Sui (Hunan) • p-Lakkia • Biao • p-Tai • Zhuang (Tiandeng) • Bouyei • p-Be • Jizhao • p-Hlai • Jiamao

