Wiktionary:Easter Competition 2010/Daniel.

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My opus is the Harry Potter book series. --Daniel. 19:17, 1 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Terms from Harry Potter














Terms taken from other opuses







Rising Sun's:




  • Total points: 4152
  • Top single entries: a 41, estava 25, para 25
  • All words listed are in Portuguese, except Translingual punctuation and random languages from opuses of other players.
  • The Portuguese word pelo was defined as a contraction of "por o" translated as "for the". I've added a new definition, which is also a contraction of "por o", with a different translation. So I'm claiming 5 points for the new definition.
  • The Portuguese word seu was generically defined as a "third-person singular possessive pronoun". I've added a more detailed subdefinition and didn't claim points for it. Similarly, anytime when I subdivide definitions, I don't claim points for them. Another example is sujo, which was defined as dirty but may mean more precisely either "unclean" or "obscene".


  • I believe the "microenvironments" quote you "stole" from me violates the rules. I can't score using the same quote for two forms of the same word, so it doesn't seem right that anyone else could either. --EncycloPetey 04:36, 8 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]
    Hmm, right! Thanks for pointing this rule violation; I should not get points from that quote indeed. Since I edited the list to remove them, I believe the problem is solved. --Daniel. 04:54, 8 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • I've removed the quote for the sake of this dictionary's integrity, but you can still claim the points ;p --Rising Sun talk? contributions 10:06, 12 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]
    I would not add that quote to the English entry the if I considered it harmful to Wiktionary's integrity. "the party" displays well the meaning of a definite article, so I don't actually see a reason to remove it other than your opinion of a "poor choice". But I don't see many other choosable quotes at that entry. --Daniel. 10:21, 12 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]