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Orddannelse - Liste over affikser i det danske sprog

Nominal Affixes
Affix Funktion Examples Oprindelse N. Germ. cognates Notes (productive)
-en Gerund-like centaur nominals (kentaurnominaler) køben, løben, råben, banden, viden, skrigen, medvirken, rislen, bæven, hvislen, henstillen, mediteren, søgen North Germanic suffix [Term?], [Term?], spread under influence of German nominalised infinitives[1] ja
-else Verbal nouns: nomen actionis, some of which have since developed specific meanings følelse, forbløffelse, fristelse, forsendelse, ragelse, meddelelse, skrivelse, spøgelse, undtagelse, fordybelse, fornemmelse, værelse, forkølelse lavtysk -ilsi, -ilso (cite) -else nej
-ing Verbal nouns (nomen actionis):

1) process of an action 2) result or product of an action (sometimes undifferentiated)

deling, kåring, [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?] norrønt -ing, -ing Variant of -ning before many verb stems ending -l, -n, -r; combines with most verbs, sometimes rarer than equivalent in -else[2]
mening, forening, stilling, erfaring, ytring, forbedring, foræring, bevikling, hvævling, legering, opsparing, udmunding
Verbal nouns loaned or formed under influence of:

3) German, Low German; 4) English

ernæring, hindring, madding, næring, regering, [Term?],
camping, doping, dressing, marketing, smoking (c.f. Smoking), shipping
5) nouns referring to:

people inhabitants

arving, dronning, olding, høvding, hedning, galning, nidding, usling, [Term?]
6) animals fjæsing, ising, lemming
alsing (⇽ Als), falstring (⇽ Falster), skåning (⇽ Skåne), islænding (⇽ Island), færing (⇽ Færøerne), [Term?] (⇽ [Term?])
-ning 1) verbal nouns: nomen actionis, especially carrying out of an action ridning, regning, bygning, drejning, brydning, forskning, gerning, luftning, oplysning, amning, såning, klapning, malkning, nødning, skydning, holdning norrønt -ning, -ning Combines with most verbs, sometimes rarer than equivalent in -else[2]
2) composite nouns from verbs[3] lodtrækning, maskinskrivning Diderichsen, p33
3) nouns (rare) slægtning (⇽ slægt)
-ling 1) nouns denoting (esp. young) people; also siblings (twins, triplets, etc.) lærling, opkomling, svækling, særling, yndling, yngling, krøbling, pusling
tvilling, trilling, firling, femling, seksling, syvling
2) nouns denoting animal young, small animals grævling, gæsling, hvilling, hvilling, kutling, kylling, ælling, musling, killing
3) nouns loaned or formed under influence of German and Low German vælling, stikling (⇽ Stecklingstecken), syrling (⇽ syr, c.f. Säuerlingsauer), [Term?], [Term?] rare, unproductive
-ende 1) verbal nouns

2) nouns (rare, non productive)

foregivende, forehavende, udseende, velgående, tilgodehavende, jordtilliggende, sigende ? -ande især i nogle dialekter
tidende, tit, tiende, [Term?], søskende, [Term?]
-eri Verbal nouns: nomen actionis, usually an enterprise or vocation

but sometimes also an activity or result

vaskeri, tyveri, bryggeri, terperi, [Term?], [Term?] lavtysk -erîe, -erie or -erie (cite)
nouns from other nouns [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
Subject, vocation, enterprise (or place where such is practiced) bageri, røgeri, slagteri, trykkeri, bryggeri, fiskeri, byggeri, bogholderi, gæstgiveri, rederi, mejeri, raffinaderi, stenhuggeri, [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
mager-i trades skomageri, urmageri, pottemageri, buntmageri, [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
kurmageri, projektmageri, frasemageri, fidusmageri, bluffmageri, versemageri, [Term?]
a product or work area broderi, lingeri, maleri, [Term?], [Term?]
-er1 /ʌ/ nomen agentis:

1) animate agents from verbs 2) inanimate agents from verbs 3) agents from nouns

slagter, maler, lærer, murer, sanger, sejler, digter, dommer, jæger, klokker c.f. da: -er2, -ier, -ner
bagagebærer, øloplukker, fryser, damper, råber, viser, [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
skuespiller (⇽ skuespil), [Term?] (⇽ [Term?]), [Term?] (⇽ [Term?]), [Term?] (⇽ [Term?]), [Term?] (⇽ [Term?]), [Term?] (⇽ [Term?])
4) clippings designating places where a certain activity occurs bygger (⇽ byggelegeplads), børner (⇽ børnehave), døgner (⇽ døgnkiosk), fjerner (⇽ fjernsyn), fritter (⇽ fritidshjem), svømmer (⇽ svømmehal), vugger (⇽ vuggestue)
5) nouns designating an action of short duration griner, krammer, kigger, lytter, ommer, opstrammer, opfrisker, slapper, vasker, [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-er2 /ˈeˀɐ̯/ nomen agentis loaned or formed under influence of French, sometimes via other Germanic languages officer, musketer, juveler, kurer, grenader, brigader, barber, morter -ier, -ārius
-sel Verbal nouns færdsel, fødsel, fængsel, advarsel, [Term?], [Term?] related to da: -else
-ion Nouns (classical borrowings) legion, religion, opinion, union, region, [Term?]Category:Danish terms suffixed with -ion Relatively small number compared with -tion and variants
-tion Verbal nouns for classical borrowings aktion, diktion, lotion, motion, ration, stationCategory:Danish terms suffixed with -tion latin Often but not always the classical verb was also borrowed and so the word-forming processes can still be observed e.g. information (⇽ informere), abdikation (⇽ abdicere),
-ation (-tion) deklaration, evaporation, fermentation, gratulation, invitation, information, klassifikation, abdikation, modulation, notation, operation
-ition (-tion) kondition, position, [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-sion (-tion) eksplosion, refleksion, læsion, konversion, fusion, perversion
-ssion (-tion) diskussion, depression, kompression, aggression, digression, fission, session, mission, profession
-hed nouns from adjectives dumhed, [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-inde feminising suffix [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-isme abstract nouns from nouns, adjectives [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-ist [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-itet (-icitet, -ositet, -øsitet) nouns from adjectives intensitet, [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-me nouns from adjectives sødme, fedme, rødme, selvfedme, restsødme, [Term?]
Root derivation (rodafledning) drab (⇽ dræbe), [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
Adjectival Affixes
Affix Funktion Examples Oprindelse N. Germ. cognates Notes (productive)
-al gymnasial, verbal, nominal, normal, [Term?], [Term?]
'-agtig adjectives blåagtig, dameagtig, forårsagtig, hverdagsagtig, [Term?], [Term?] lavtysk -achtich, -hachtich stress on initial element
-'agtig barnagtig, grinagtig, nøjagtig, fejlagtig, fordelagtig, løgnagtig, pinagtig stress on suffix -ágtig
-bar [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-iv [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-lig [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-som [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-dom [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-dømme [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-vælde [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-asteni [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-ese [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-itis [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-lepsi [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-ose [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-en (chemistry) ≠ -an [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-en adjectives from verbs [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-ende 1) present participles

2) ordinal numbers

[Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
[Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
Verbal affixes
Affix Funktion Examples Oprindelse N. Germ. cognates Notes (productive)
-e [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-ere [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
-isere [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]
[Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?], [Term?]

Other derivation types

Other derivation types
Affix Funktion Examples Oprindelse N. Germ. cognates Notes (productive)
Root derivation (rodafledning) drab (⇽ dræbe), sang (⇽ synge), [Term?] (⇽ [Term?]), [Term?] (⇽ [Term?]), [Term?] (⇽ [Term?]), [Term?] (⇽ [Term?])
at + infinitive At infinitives can function as nominals





  • Diderichsen, Paul (1962) Elementær Dansk Grammatik, Third edition, Gyldendal

se også (norsk):

suffiks -ende:

Ruth Feil, Funktionsverber i det danske sprog (download:

Nachgestellte Worterweiterungen (Suffixe) heimischer Herkunft im Deutschen


Substantivierungssuffixe: -chen (wie in Stückchen) | -e (wie in Liebe) | -ei (wie in Bäckerei) | -el (wie in Ärmel) | -en (wie in Polen) | -er (wie in Berliner) | -heit (wie in Kindheit) | -ien (wie in Jordanien) | -iker (wie in Dramatiker) | -in (wie in Professorin) | -keit (wie in Sauberkeit) | -lein (wie in Männlein) | -ler (wie in Künstler) | -ling (wie in Frühling) | -nis (wie in Geheimnis) | -rich (wie in Fähnrich) | -sal (wie in Rinnsal) | -schaft (wie in Leidenschaft) | -sel (wie in Mitbringsel) | -tum (wie in Bürgertum) | -ung (wie in Erhebung)

Adjektivierungssuffixe: -bar (wie in fahrbar) | -en (wie in golden) | -erig (wie in pfefferig) | -ern (wie in steinern) | -fach (wie in einfach) | -frei (wie in bleifrei) | -haft (wie in scherzhaft) | -ig (wie in geschäftig) | -isch (wie in schwäbisch) | -lich (wie in häuslich) | -los (wie in freudlos) | -mäßig (wie in berufsmäßig) | -sam (wie in bedeutsam) | -sch (wie in pommersch)

Suffixe der Verbableitung: -el (wie in blödeln) | -er (wie in löchern) | -ig (wie in reinigen)

Andere Suffixe der deutschen Sprache: -ab | -end | -ens | -lei | -mal

Ortsnamen-Suffixe: -a; -ach; -atsch; -atz; -atzsch; -au; -aue; -bach; -beck; -bek; -berg; -borg; -broich; -born; -brunn; -brunnen; -burg; -brück; -brücke; -brügge; -busch; -by; -bü; -dal; -dorf; -dorp; -druf; -druff; -eck; -egge; -egk; -ei; -end; -ey; -feld; -felde; -fels; -ford; -forst; -fort; -furt; -furth; -förde; -gast; -hafen; -hagen; -hain; -hammer; -hart; -hausen; -haven; -heide; -heim; -hof; -hoff; -holm; -holt; -holz; -hoven; -horst; -husen; -hübel; -hütte; -in; -ing; -ingen; -itsch; -itz; -itzsch; -kerken; -kirch; -kirchen; -kloster; -land; -leben; -lohe; -mark; -markt; -mole; -molen; -möle; -mölen; -mühl; -mühle; -mühlen; -ow; -ov; -rich; -roda; -rode; -rose; -see; -stadt; -stedt; -stein; -städt; -stetten; -sund; -tal; -trop; -trup; -vörde; -wald; -walde; -wangen; -weiler; -wold; -wolde; -zell

Präfixe, Präfixoide, Partikel - vorangestellte Worterweiterungen, die heimischer Herkunft sind


ab- | achter- | affen- | aller- | Allerwelts- | Amateur- | an- | arsch- | Atom- | auf- | aus- | auseinander- | außen- | außer- | bären- | be- | bei- | bein- | bettel- | bier- | Bilderbuch- | Binnen- | bitter- | blitz- | blut- | bomben- | brand- | brüll- | brunz- | bullen- | Chef- | da- | dafür- | dagegen- | daher- | dahin- | dahinter- | daneben- | dar- | davon- | davor- | dazu- | Drecks- | durch- | Durchschnitts- | ein- | empor- | ent- | entgegen- | entlang- | entzwei- | er- | erz- | fehl- | Feld-Wald-und-Wiesen- | fern- | fort- | für- | ge- | gegen- | gegenüber- | general- | gold- | gotts- | granaten- | grotten- | grund- | haar- | hagel- | hammer- | hauch- | Haupt- | Heiden- | heil- | heim- | her- | herab- | heran- | herauf- | heraus- | herbei- | herein- | hernieder- | herüber- | herum- | herunter- | hervor- | hie- | himmel- | hin- | hinab- | hinan- | hinauf- | hinaus- | hindurch- | hinein- | hinter- | Hinterhof- | hinüber- | hinunter- | hinweg- | hinzu- | hoch- | Höllen- | horn- | hunde- | idioten- | ineinander- | innen- | inner- | irgend- | Jahrhundert- | kack- | Kaiser- | kern- | kerzen- | Killer- | klapper- | Klasse- | klatsch- | klitsch- | klimper- | knack- | knall- | knochen- | knüppel- | kotz- | krach- | kreuz- | Kult- | lamm- | letzt- | Lieblings- | los- | Mammut- | Marathon- | massen- | mause- | Meister- | miss- | mit- | mittel- | Möchtegern- | Monster- | mords- | Muster- | nach- | nagel- | narren- | neben- | nicht- | nieder- | Nobel- | Null- | Nullachtfünfzehn- | ober- | ochsen- | Operetten- | Parade- | patsch- | pech- | pfunds- | platsch- | Pracht- | Problem- | pudel- | puppen- | quatsch- | quietsch- | ran- | rappel- | rauf- | raus- | rein- | riesen- | rüber- | rück- | rum- | runter- | sau- | scheiß- | Schlüssel- | Schmalspur- | schwarz- | schweine- | schwer- | Sonder- | Sonntags- | Spitzen- | splitter- | spott- | staub- | stein- | sterbens- | stief- | stink- | stock- | stroh- | strunz- | Teufels- | tief- | tod- | traum- | über- | um- | umher- | un- | unter- | ur- | ver- | voll- | Vollblut- | vor- | voran- | vorauf- | voraus- | vorbei- | vorüber- | Wahnsinns- | weg- | Wegwerf- | weiter- | welt- | Westentaschen- | wider- | wieder- | wunder- | zer- | zu- | zurecht- | zurück- | zusammen- | zwischen-

Worterweiterungen fremder Herkunft im Deutschen




Vorangestellt: a-/an-/ana-/ar- | aer(o)- | all(o)- | amph(i)- | andr(o)- | anthropo- | ant(i)- | ap(o)-/aph- | arachno- | arch- | astr(o)- | aut(o)- | bar- | biblio- | bio- | brady- | chlor(o)- | chromato-/chromo- | chron(o)- | daktylo- | dem(o)- | dendr(o)- | dermat(o)-/derm(o)- | di-/dia-/diar- | dys- | ek-/ex- | ekto- | en-/endo-/em- | ep-/eph-/epi- | ergo- | erythr(o)- | eu-/ev- | exo- | gameto- | gastr(o)- | geo- | gluco-/gluko-/glyko- (glyc-, glyk-, glyz-) | graf(o)-/graph(o)- | gyn(o)-/gynäko- | hal(o)- | häm(o)-/hämat(o)- | heli(o)- | hemi- | heter(o)- | hipp(o)- | hom(o)- | homö(o)- | hydr(o)- | hygr(o)- | hyper- | hyp(o)- | ichthy(o)- | is(o)- | kardi(o)- | kat(a)- | kin- | kopr(o)- | kosm(o)- | kry(o)- | krypt(o)- | lept(o)- | log(o)- | makro- | meg(a)- | melan- | meso- | met(a)- | mikr(o)- | mim- | morph- | nekr(o)- | neo- | neur(o)- | nom(o)- | odont(o)- | öko- | olig(o)- | ophthalm(o)- | opt(o)- | orth(o)- | ot(o)- | päd(o)- | palä(o)- | pan- | par(a)- | peri- | pharma(ko)- | phil- | phon- | phos-/photo-/(foto-) | phys(io)- | phyt(o)- | plagio- | pneu- | polit- | poly- | pro- | prot(o)- | pseud(o)- | psych(o)- | pterido- | pyr(o)- | steno- | sy-/syl-/sym-/syn- | tacho-/tachy- | tel(e)- | thanat(o)- | theo- | therm(o)- | top(o)- | xeno- | zo(o)- | zykl(o)-/cycl(o)-

mon(o)-) | di- | tri- | tetr(a)- | pent(a)- | hex(a)- | hept(a)- | okt(a)- | ennea- | deka- | hekt(o)- | Kilo-

Nachgestellt: -algie | -arch(ie) | -ase | -ästhesie | -derm(ie) | -drom | -eder | -em | -erg(ie) | -fon(ie)/-phon(ie) | -gen | -gnosie | -gon(ie) | -gramm | -graph(ie)/-graf(ie) | -iater/-iatrie | -ik | -itis | -kardie | -krat(ie) | -lekt | -log/-loge/-logie | -lyse | -ma | -man(ie) | -mantie | -meter | -metrie | -morph | -nom(ie) | -nym | -ode | -o(id) | -om | -on | -ose | -pädie | -pathie | -phag(e/ie) | -phil(ie) | -phob(ie) | -phrenie | -phyt/-physe | -plast/-plasie | -polis | -skop(ie) | -som | -sophie | -thek | -therm | -thymie | -tomie | -ton(ie) | -top(ie) | -trop(ie) | -troph(ie) | -urg(ie)

Lateinisch (Romanisch)


Vorangestellt: ab- (a-, abs-) | ad- (ac-, af-, ag-, ak-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-) | amb(i)- | ante- | äqui- | de(s)- | dis- (di-, dif-) | ex- (e-, ef-) | extra- | in- (il-, im-, ir-) | infra- | inter- | intra- | intro- | juxta- | kon- (ko-, kol-, kom-, kor-) | konter- | kontra- | multi- | non- | ob- (oc-, of-, ok-, op-) | omni- | per- | post- | prä- | präter- | pro- | quasi- | re/(d)- | retro- | semi- | sub- (suf-, sug-, suk-, sup-, sur-) | super- | supra- | trans- (tra-, tran-) | ultra- | Vize- | zirkum- | zis-/cis-

uni- | bi(n)- | tri- | okt(o)-

Nachgestellt: -abel (-ibel) | -al | -and | -ant | -anz | -ar | -arium | -är | -at | -ent | -enz | -ese | -ion (-ation, -ition, -tion) | -ismus | -ist | -iter | -ment | -or | -tät | -zid



Nachgestellt: -ade | -age | -ell | -esk | -ette | -ie | -ier | -ität | -iv | -ös



[1] · [2] · [3]

Roots & Suffixes


This is a draft for an appendix which deals with the system of morphological analysis for the Russian language known as the single-stem system which was developed by Roman Jakobsen and built upon by Charles E. Townsend, Charles Gribble and others. For an overview based on the more traditional two-stem anlysis, see instead Appendix:Russian verbs.


Overview of mutations
Type Conjugation, verbal derivation; adjectival comparison Nom., adj. derivation Church


Subclass Velars Historic Velars
Consonant д т з с ст ск ц м б п в ф г к х л н р г к х ск ц к д т
Mutation ж ч ж ш щ щ ч мл' бл' пл' вл' фл' ж ч ш л' н' р' ж ч ш щ ч ц жд щ


Conjugation, Verbal Derivation; Comparison of Adjectives
1 2 Examples
Consonant Mutation: within paradigm Mutation: participles, deverbals Mutation: impf. derivation
погла́дить pf (pogláditʹ) погла́жу (poglážu, 1sg.) погла́жен m (poglážjen, past pass. part.) погла́живать impf (pogláživatʹ)
перегородить pf (peregoroditʹ) перегорожу (peregorožu, 1sg.) перегорожен m (peregorožjen, past pass. part.) преграждать impf (pregraždatʹ),
отве́тить pf (otvétitʹ) отвечу (otveču, 1sg.) отве́чен m (otvéčjen, past pass. part) отвеча́ть impf (otvečátʹ)
растра́тить растра́чу растра́чен растра́чивать
грузить гружу груженный выгружать
спроси́ть (sprosítʹ) спрошу́ (sprošú) спро́шен m (spróšjen, past pass. part.) спра́шивать impf (sprášivatʹ)
бро́сить бро́шу бро́шен
вы́чистить вы́чищу вы́чищен вычища́ть
плескать плещу


изумить изумлю изумлён изумлять
влюби́ть (vljubítʹ) влюблю (vljublju, 1sg) влю́блен m (vljúbljen, past pass. part.) влюблять
руби́ть (rubítʹ) рублю́ (rubl, 1sg) ру́блен m (bljen, past pass. part.)
купить (kupitʹ) куплю (kuplju)
ставить (stavitʹ) ставлю (stavlju)
графи́ть (grafítʹ) графлю
могут можешь
изжа́лить изжа́лю изжа́лен изжа́ливать
оцени́ть оценю́ оценён оце́нивать
говорить говорю говорён
спорить спорю

For some verbs this process can be hard to see because the consonant mutation only occurs across the word-family. Consonants г, к, х, ск and ц mutate before the verbal stems -и- and -е-, for example:

The motion verb pair таскать, таскаю, таскают vs. тащить, тащу, тащут (analysable as таск и -tʹ, таск-u, таск и -ut),[4] c.f. таскивать

Nominal & Adjectival Derivation
1 2 Consonant Mutation Notes
слуг m (slug, noun) слу́жба f (slúžba),
кни́га f (kníga, noun) кни́жный m (knížnyj, adjective)
друг m (drug, noun) дружо́к m (družók, noun), дру́жба f (drúžba, noun), дру́жеский m (drúžjeskij, adjective)
река́ f (reká) ре́чка f (čka), речно́й m (rečnój, adj.), речни́к m (rečník, noun)
вели́кий m (velíkij, adjective) вели́чие n (velíčije, noun), вели́чество n (velíčjestvo, noun), величина́ f (veličiná, noun)
знак m (znak, noun) значе́ние n (značjénije, noun), значо́к m (značók, noun), значи́тельный m (značítelʹnyj, adjective)
ти́хий m (xij, adjective) тишина́ f (tišiná, noun)
дух m (dux, noun) душа́ f (dušá, noun), ду́шный m (šnyj, adj.), душе́вный m (dušjévnyj, adj.), душево́й m (dušjevój, adj.)
чех m (čex, noun) че́шка f (čéška, noun), че́шский m (čéšskij, adj.)
ба́рский m (bárskij, adjective) ба́рщина f (bárščina, noun),
воск m (vosk, noun) вощи́на f (voščína, noun), воща́нка f (voščánka, noun)
оте́ц m (otéc) оте́ческий m (otéčjeskij, adjective),
купе́ц m (kupéc) купе́ческий m (kupéčjeskij, adjective),
ме́сяц m (mésjac, noun) ме́сячный m (mésjačnyj, adjective),
дура́к m (durák, noun) дура́цкий m (duráckij, adjective),
каза́к m (kazák, noun) каза́цкий m (kazáckij, adjective),

Restricted to a small number of verbs and certain noun - adjective pairings

Church Slavonic Mutations
1 2 Consonant Mutation: 1sg Mutation: past passive particple Mutation: imperfective derivation
принудить pf (prinuditʹ) принужу (prinužu, 1sg.)[Note 1] принуждён m (prinuždjon, past pass. part.) принуждать impf (prinuždatʹ),
преградить pf (pregraditʹ) прегражу (pregražu, 1sg.)[Note 1] преграждён m (pregraždjon, past pass. part.) преграждать impf (pregraždatʹ),
защитить pf (zaščititʹ) защищу (zaščišču, 1sg.) защищён m (zaščiščjon, past pass. part.) защищать impf (zaščiščatʹ)
отвратить pf (otvratitʹ) отвращу (otvrašču, 1sg.) отвращён m (otvraščjon, past pass. part.) отвращать impf (otvraščatʹ)
  1. 1.0 1.1 жд doesn't occur in 1sg.

Russian roots by their nature consonantal (that is, ending in a consonant) and may form words by combination with prefixes or suffixes (which include the various class of zero suffix) as well as the inflectional endings. Roots are theoretical forms, that is they never appear on their own (and any case where they do can be formally analysed as including a)

Stems on the other hand may be either consonantal or non-consonantal (ending in a vowel). Stems consist of a root which imparts the basic meaning and may be suffixed by a verbal stem. According to the single-stem system of analysis, almost all Russian verbs can be divided into two broad classes:

  • Nonsuffixed stems, which combine directly with the inflectional ending. They are all consonant stems and can be further classified according to final consonant type (obstruent, syllabic or non-syllabic resonant stems).
  • Suffixed stems, which contain one or more derivational suffixes between the root and the inflectional ending. These stems can be further divided into:
    • consonant stems (all with final suffixes ending in the palatal consonant -й);
    • vowel stems (this group also includes all suffixes forming verbs which would traditionally be described as belonging to the second conjugation: suffixes: И, Е and ЖА, with Ж representing any palatal consonant: Ш Ж Щ Ч as well as Й.

The basic form, from which the root can be clearly identified and all other forms including can be derived is for all consonant stems the third person plural, while for vowel stems the infinitive serves as the basic form. This is because of the truncation rules described above.

The exceptions number under thirty, the vast majority of which fit into one of the regular classes with only minor irregularities. The only two truly anomalous stems under this system: дад-ут (give) and ед-ят (eat), which nonetheless share many similarities with one another.

Type[vbtable 1] Model verb
Syllabic resonants
В жив-ут
Н ден-ут
Й[stems 1] дуй-ут
ОЙ мой-ут
ИЙ пий-ут
Nonsyllabic resonants
  1. ^ except types ОЙ, ИЙ




  1. 1.0 1.1 Becker-Christensen, Christian (2010) Nudansk ordbog med etymologi [Modern Danish Dictionary with Etymology], Politikens Forlagshus
  2. 2.0 2.1 Diderichsen, 1962, pp. 81-82
  3. ^ Diderichsen, 1962, p.33
  4. ^ Townsend, pp. 48-51
  • Gary, Browing, David K. Hart, Raisa Solovyova (2001) Leveraging Your Russian With Roots, Prefixes, And Suffixes, Bloomington, IN: Slavica, →ISBN
  • Channon, Robert (1975) “The Single-Stem Verb System Revisited”, in The Slavic and East European Journal, volume 19, number 1, →JSTOR, pages 112-122
  • Gribble, Charles (1982) Russian Root List With a Sketch of Word-Formation, Columbus, OH: Slavica, →ISBN
  • Jakobson, Roman (1948) “Russian Conjugation”, in WORD, volume 4, number 3, →DOI, pages 155-167
  • Tixonov, Aleksandr Nikolajevič (2014) Новый словообразовательный словарь, Moscow: АСТ, →ISBN
  • Townsend, Charles (1968) Russian Word Formation, Columbus, OH: Slavica, →ISBN

Notes: Litvish only has two genders, with inanimate objects being mostly assigned a feminine gender. Diminutives retain their base noun gender.




Affix Function Examples Notes
Affix Function Examples Notes
-∅ First person singular

Imperative singular

־סט (-st) Second person singular
־ט (-t) Third person singular

Second person plural Imperative plural

-ṇ ־ן (-n) Infinitive (regular verbs)

First person plural Third person plural

-ṇdik ־נדיק (-ndik)
ge- + umlaut + -ən ־ן (-n) + גע־ (ge-) Past participle (strong verbs) רײַסן (raysn)געריסן (gerisn)
ge- + umlaut + -t ־ט (-t) + גע־ (ge-) Past participle (weak verbs) מאַכן (makhn)געמאַכט (gemakht)
ge- גע־ (ge-) Derivational/fossilised historic prefixations (greykhṇ) greykhṇ גרייכן (greykhn)


Affix Function Examples Notes
~-s[1] ־ס (-s) Plural formation of nouns Most nouns with unstressed final -ə ־ע (-e), -m ־ם (-m), -əm ־עם (-em), -ṇ ־ן (-n), -en ־ען (-en). Words of foreign origin with unstressed, non-reduced final vowel (auto, radio, etc.) Nouns in -er ־ער (-er) not referring to humans[2]; in some contexts, also human agentives in -er ־ער (-er) Sometimes alternates with ־ן (-n), ־ען (-en), especially in journalistic and some formal usage; where both exist, the latter usually engenders a more abstract meaning.[3]
-ṇ ־ן (-n), ־ען (-en) Plural formation Some inherited Germanic vocabulary; Daytshmerisms; some non-diminutives in syllabic -ḷ ־ל (-l) Common in political terminology borrowed from German in the 19th century.[3]
-er ־ער (-er) Plural formation Many inherited Germanic words; a very small number of words of Semitic origin, e.g. pónəm פּנים (pnim)pénəmər פּנימער (pnimer). May or may not also involve vowel shift (umlaut)
∅ + umlaut Plural formation Many inherited Germanic words
Plural formation Nouns referring to humans in -er ־ער (-er) (with some exceptions); handful of nouns with various endings In some contexts, human agentives in -er ־ער (-er) pluralise instead with ־ס (-s)[4]
~-s[1] ־ס (-s),

~-əs[1] ־עס (-es)

Plural formation Family names ־עס (-es) after names ending in sibilants: ־ז, ־זש, ־סש, ־ס, ־צ, ־ש
~-əs[1] ־עס (-es) Plural formation Some nouns, mostly those of Slavic origin. Sometimes stem undergoes vowel changes
-im, -əm ־ים (-im) Plural formation 1) Some nouns of Semitic origin in unstressed ־א (-a), ־ה (-h), e.g. יום־טובֿ (yontev)יום־טובֿים (yontoyvem);

2) Small number of nouns of non-Semitic origin, e.g. דאָקטער (dokter)דאָקטוירים (doktoyrim); נאַר (nar)נאַראָנים (naronim); פּויער (poyer)פּויערים (poyerim);

Stress shifts to penultimate syllable; many stems undergo vowel changes[5]; Sometimes a syllable is added or changed between stem and suffix

Most nouns in -er ־ער (-er), -or ־אָר (-or) acquire a pejorative or sarcastic sense when pluralised this way

-əs ־ותֿ (-us) Plural formation Mostly nouns of Semitic origin (most in unstressed ־א (-a), ־ה (-h); some ending in a consonant); מעשׂה (mayse/manse)מעשׂיות (mayses/manses); אות (os)אותיות (oysyes); Stress shifts to penultimate syllable; many stems undergo vowel changes;[5] final ־ה (-h) is dropped; phonetically identical with ~-əs ־עס (-es)
-əkh, -akh ־עך (-ekh) Plural formation Nouns ending in syllabic -ḷ ־ל (-l) Mandatory for diminutives; some non-diminutives alternate with ־ען (-en)


Affix Function Examples Notes
er (-ṇ)? [Term?]
e [Term?]
en [Term?]
em [Term?]
s [Term?]
er [Term?]
et [Term?]
Affix Function Examples Notes
ge- גע־ (ge-) verbal (past tense & derivational/historic) & nominal? (collective)
גע־ (ge-)




Affix Function Examples Notes
-ke- [Term?]
-eve- [Term?]


Affix Function Examples Notes
-∅ Nominalisations from verbal stems Masculine; vowel often follows past participle[6]
-or ־אָר (-or) Forms masculine agentives
-íst ־יסט (-ist) Forms masculine agentives Stressed
-nik ־ניק (-nik) Forms masculine agentives See also: ־ניצע (-nitse)
-ént ־ענט (-ent) Forms masculine agentives Stressed
-éts ־עץ (-ets) Forms masculine agentives
-er ־ער (-er) Forms masculine agentives
-úk ־וק (-uk) Forms masculine agentives Pejorative; stressed[6]
-ák ־אַק (-ak)-yák ־יאַק (-yak) Forms masculine agentives Pejorative; stressed[6]
־א (-a) Unstressed final vowels generally feminine, except where semantic masculinity overrides[7]
־ה (-h) Unstressed final vowels generally feminine, except where semantic masculinity overrides[7]
־ע (-e) Unstressed final vowels generally feminine, except where semantic masculinity overrides[7]
-hayt ־הײַט (-hayt) Generally feminine[7]
-kayt ־קײַט (-kayt) Generally feminine[7]
-ung ־ונג (-ung) Generally feminine[7]
-úr ־ור (-ur) Generally feminine[7]
-əs ־ותֿ (-us) Generally feminine; occasionally neuter[7][8]
-ik ־יק (-ik) Generally feminine[7]
-ənish ־עניש (-enish) Generally feminine; occasionally neuter[7][8]
-énts [Term?] Generally feminine[7]
-ék ־עק (-ek) Generally feminine[7]
-əráy ־ערײַ (-eray) Generally feminine; occasionally neuter[7][8]
-shaft ־שאַפֿט (-shaft) Generally feminine[7]
-tə ־טע (-te) Forms feminine agentives Most frequent feminizing suffix for Semitic component agentives[9]
-tsə ־יצע (-itse) Forms feminine agentives
-in ־ין (-in) Forms feminine agentives
-kə ־קע (-ke) Forms feminine agentives
-∅ (+stem vowel ablaut) Nominalisations of adjectival stems קעלט (kelt, cold, noun) (c.f. קאַלט (kalt, cold, adj), קעלטער (kelter, colder, comparative degree)) Compare German Kälte f (cold, noun), kalt (cold, adj), kälter (colder, comparative degree). Unlike German, there is no final vowel.
syllabic -ḷ ־ל (-l) Diminutive: little Almost always neuter, except in very rare cases when semantic gender overrides[10]
-ḷe ־עלע (-ele) Diminutive, 2nd degree: very little Almost always neuter, except in very rare cases when semantic gender overrides[10]
gə- גע־ (ge-) Collective Generally neuter[11]
-varg ־וואַרג (-varg) "ware" Generally neuter[11]; Albright argues that this behaves more like a bound stem than a suffix[12]
-tum ־טום (-tum) Generally neuter[11]
-s ־ס (-s) Generally neuter[11]
-əkhts, -akhts ־עכֿץ (-ekhts) (־עכץ (-ekhts)) Generally neuter[11]
-∅ Nominalisations of: 1) infinitives; 2) adjectives ending in ־ע Neuter[13]
lekh/-elekh ־עלעך (-elekh)/־לעך (-lekh)
-lich (very rare)
ke [Term?]
-nost -nost ־נאָסט (-nost) פּאָטעפֿאַלנאָסט (potefalnost, audacity) < פּאָטעפֿאַלנע (potefalne, audacious); דאָוויערענאָסט (dovyerenost, power of attorney) < Russian доверенность (doverennostʹ) Extremely rare, only in Slavic loanwords
izm ־יזם (-izm)
-em ־עם (-em)
־עם (-em) syllabic
tshik ־טשיק (-tshik)
in [Term?]
te [Term?]
tel/-stel [Term?]
Affix Function Examples Notes
erheyt [Term?]
lekh ־לעך (-lekh)
ik ־יק (-ik), ־יִק (-ik); ־יג (-ig) (daytshmerish)



Affix Function Examples Notes
ant- אַנט־ (ant-)^ Unstressed prefix
ba- באַ־ (ba-)^ Unstressed prefix
der- דער־ (der-)^ Unstressed prefix
far- פֿאַר־ (far-)^ 'completeness of action; initiation of a change in circumstances; debasement of the value or success of the action' Unstressed prefix
ge- גע־ (ge-)^ Unstressed prefix
tse- צע־ (tse-)^ Unstressed prefix
oys- אויז־ (oyz-) [óys] Stressed prefix
uf- אויפֿ־ (oyf-) [úf] Stressed prefix
um- אומ־ (um-) [úm] Stressed prefix
unter- אונטער־ (unter-) Stressed prefix
iber- איבער (iber) Stressed prefix
ayn- אײַנ־ (ayn-) 'enter a new state; change of situation' Stressed prefix
on- אָנ־ (on-) Stressed prefix
op- אָפּ־ (op-) past tense: [óp] / [ó] Stressed prefix
bay- בײַ־ (bay-) Stressed prefix
for- פֿאָר־ (for-) Stressed prefix
tsu- צו־ (tsu-) Stressed prefix
(free stressed prefixes)
(a)dú(r)kh- אַדורכ־ (adurkh-)/דורכ־ (durkh-)
ahin- אַהינ־ (ahin-)
aher- אַהער (aher)
avek- אַװעק־ (avek-)
mit- מיט־ (mit-)
a(nt)kegen- (antkegṇ-)? אַנטקעגנ־ (antkegn-)/אַקעגענ־ (akegen-)
anider אַנידער־ (anider-)
arop- אַראָפּ־ (arop-)
aroys- אַרויס־ (aroys-)
arúf- אַרויפֿ־ (aroyf-)
arum- אַרומ־ (arum-)
arayn- אַרײַנ־ (arayn-)
arunter- אַרונטער־ (arunter-)
ariber- אַריבער־ (ariber-)
nokh- נאָכ־ (nokh-)
farbay- פֿאַרבײַ־ (farbay-)
faroys- פֿאַרויס־ (faroys-)
funander- פֿונאַנדער־ (funander-)
tsuzamen- צוזאַמענ־ (tsuzamen-)
tzunoyf- צונויפֿ־ (tsunoyf-)


Affix Function Examples Notes
a- [Term?]
am- [Term?]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The 's' is pronounced somewhere between /s/ and /z/
  2. ^ Katz, p.56
  3. 3.0 3.1 Katz, p.54
  4. ^ Katz, p.62
  5. 5.0 5.1 Katz, p.57
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Katz, p.49
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 Katz, p.49
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Katz, p.52
  9. ^ Katz, p.51
  10. 10.0 10.1 Katz, p.52
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Katz, p.52
  12. ^ Albright, p.7
  13. ^ Katz, p.53


  • Albright, Adam (2008) “Inflectional paradigms have bases too: Arguments from Yiddish”, in Asaf Bachrach and Andrew Nevins, editors, Inflectional identity[4], London: Oxford University Press, pages 271-312
  • Katz, Dovid (1987) Grammar of the Yiddish Language[5], London: Duckworth, →ISBN