Appendix:Zakhring word list

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The following word list of the Zakhring language (Zha language) is from Li & Jiang (2001: 73-75). The English glosses, not originally in Li & Jiang (2001), are translations.


Chinese gloss English gloss Zha Page number
(天地) sky nu⁵⁵ 73
太阳 sun miʔ⁵³ 73
月亮 moon a³¹wu⁵⁵ⁿda¹³wa⁵⁵ 73
星星 star ker³⁵ma⁵⁵ 73
cloud tʂin⁵⁵ 73
wind loŋ³⁵ʐɿ⁵⁵ 73
rain a³¹raŋ⁵⁵ 73
snow ap³¹sa⁵⁵ 73
(流水) water a³¹di⁵⁵ 73
ice tɕʰe¹³riŋ⁵⁵ 73
fog mu¹³pa⁵⁵ 73
(天地) ground a³¹la⁵⁵ 73
river a³¹di⁵⁵ 73
sea tɕim⁵⁵tsʰu⁵⁵ 73
lake tsʰu⁵⁵ 73
mountain ʐɿ¹³ⁿdzu⁵⁵ 73
石头 stone a³¹loŋ⁵⁵ 73
沙子 sand tɕi¹³ma⁵⁵ 73
(山洞) cave doŋ⁵⁵ 74
copper ro³⁵ke⁵⁵ 74
fire mi⁵⁵ 74
() smoke (of fire) mi⁵⁵kʰe⁵³ 74
ashes tʰɛ⁵⁵ka⁵⁵ 74
后面 behind ⁿdʑa¹³ma⁵³ 74
左边 left je³⁵la⁵⁵ 74
右边 right zo³⁵la⁵⁵ 74
year lu⁵⁵ 74
白天 day ȵi¹³goŋ⁵⁵ 74
黄牛 cattle tɕe⁵⁵ 74
horse pʰə³¹raŋ⁵⁵ 74
pig laʔ⁵⁵/lak⁵⁵ 74
(总称) sheep ra⁵⁵ 74
dog ke³¹wi⁵⁵ 74
野兽 wild animal tɕiɛn⁵⁵ʐɿ⁵³ 74
老虎 tiger a³¹wu⁵⁵da⁵³ 74
狗熊 bear gom⁵⁵ 74
猴子 monkey a⁵⁵mu⁵³ 74
鹿 deer ɕi¹³wa⁵⁵ 74
chicken krai⁵⁵ 74
(总称) bird a³¹wa⁵⁵ 74
fish nə³¹ŋa⁵⁵ 74
snake ʐei⁵⁵ 74
虱子 louse ɕi⁵⁵ 74
(总称) insect bu⁵⁵e³¹lou⁵⁵ 74
(鸡蛋) egg kre³⁵ⁿdiŋ⁵⁵ 74
翅膀 wing ⁿde⁵⁵ma⁵⁵ 74
羽毛 feather ᵐbei⁵⁵ 74
claw tə³¹se⁵⁵ 74
(牛角) horn ʐɿ³⁵tɕiu⁵⁵ 74
尾巴 tail ⁿdʑoŋ³⁵ma⁵⁵ 74
(总称) tree a³¹siŋ⁵⁵ 74
森林 forest tɕi³¹na⁵⁵ 74
竹子 bamboo liɛ³¹ɕiŋ⁵⁵ 74
(麻绳) hemp tɕe³¹ki⁵⁵ 74
水果 fruit ɕiŋ⁵⁵ʐe⁵⁵ 74
(野草) grass ɕa³¹lu⁵⁵ 74
种子 seed tsap⁵⁵li⁵⁵ 74
(树根) root ap³¹tʂa⁵⁵ 74
叶子(树叶) leaf a³¹liɛp⁵³ 74
(开花) flower pe³¹doʔ⁵³ 74
thorn ke⁵⁵tʰu⁵³ 74
head a³¹ke⁵⁵ 74
头发 hair sam³⁵ 74
face ŋai⁵⁵ 74
眼睛 eye miʔ⁵⁵ 74
鼻子 nose na¹³ 74
耳朵 ear ap³¹tɕiŋ⁵⁵ 74
mouth tɕʰi⁵⁵pʰre⁵⁵ 74
牙齿 tooth sɿ⁵⁵ 74
舌头 tongue ᵐbla⁵⁵ 74
脖子 neck ke¹³ɕiŋ⁵⁵ 74
肩膀 shoulder poŋ⁵⁵pa⁵⁵ 74
hand rouk⁵³ 74
手指 finger ⁿdʐɿ⁵³bre⁵⁵ 74
胸脯 chest prai³⁵kaŋ⁵⁵ 74
乳房 breast no³⁵lo⁵⁵ 74
肚子 belly li⁵⁵ 74
foot tu¹³pra⁵⁵ 74
小腿 calf ko³⁵doŋ⁵⁵ 74
膝盖 knee ŋer⁵⁵doŋ⁵⁵ 74
皮肤 skin pa¹³pa⁵⁵ 74
肌肉 muscle tɕiaŋ³⁵pa⁵⁵ 74
骨头 bone tɕʰou⁵⁵ri⁵⁵ 74
blood a³¹wi⁵⁵ 74
肠子 intestines ap³¹li⁵⁵ 74
心脏 heart niŋ⁵⁵ȵiŋ⁵⁵ 74
liver tɕʰɛn⁵⁵ba⁵⁵ 74
lung loŋ³⁵kʰa⁵⁵ 74
feces kʰʐɿ⁵⁵ 74
尿 urine tɕʰau⁵⁵ 74
person, human kə³¹zaŋ⁵⁵ 74
男人 man, male kə³¹tɕʰi⁵⁵ 74
女人 woman, female me⁵⁵sa⁵⁵ 74
儿童 child nə³¹ŋɛ⁵⁵ 74
父亲 father a⁵⁵pa⁵⁵ 74
母亲 mother a⁵⁵ma⁵⁵ 74
丈夫 husband wu⁵⁵sa⁵⁵ 74
妻子 wife kə³¹me⁵⁵ 74
房屋 house nam³⁵ 74
脂油 fat, grease tɕʰu¹³ɕue⁵⁵ 74
salt kə³¹miŋ⁵⁵ 74
liquor a³⁵do⁵⁵ 74
knife kə³¹nu⁵⁵ 74
needle tə³¹kʰap⁵³ 74
绳子 rope tʰa⁵⁵pa⁵⁵ 74
棍子 stick bei⁵⁵ka³⁵ 74
bowl pʰu³¹ru⁵⁵ 74
名字 name miŋ⁵⁵ 74
dream mə³¹lam⁵⁵ 74
看见 see ŋaŋ⁵⁵koŋ⁵⁵ 74
listen ŋgɛ⁵⁵ 74
() eat tsa⁵⁵ 74
() drink tʰoŋ⁵⁵ 74
() breathe (air) puk⁵³tiŋ⁵⁵ 74
suck ᵐbi³⁵ 74
(口水) spit (saliva) leʔ⁵³ 74
呕吐 vomit pʰei⁵⁵ 74
() blow (fire) pʰu⁵⁵tʰe⁵⁵ 74
() speak, say ke¹³tɕʰa⁵⁵ 74
() smell (vt.) ᵐbʐɿ⁵⁵nam⁵³ 74
take la⁵⁵ 74
() throw (away) ŋgai⁵⁵ 74
pull tiŋ⁵⁵ 74
() push (away) ⁿdu⁵⁵ 74
stand laŋ¹³ 74
go mu⁵⁵ 74
sit lup⁵³ 74
live tsu⁵⁵ 74
sleep ŋeːi⁵³ 74
lie down tiŋ⁵⁵ 75
() dig kʰro³ 75
() sew tʂup⁵⁵ 75
(东西) count tsɿ⁵⁵ 75
(桌子) wipe tɕa⁵⁵ 75
() burn (wood) ruʔ⁵³ 75
() cook (rice) ru⁵⁵ 75
() kill (chicken) sat⁵³ 75
() cut (meat) ⁿdoʔ⁵³ 75
wash ri⁵⁵ 75
() tie tam³⁵ 75
(石头) press piɛ⁵⁵ 75
玩耍 play kə³¹ri⁵³ 75
() sing tʰiɛ⁵⁵ 75
打猎 hunt ŋun⁵⁵ 75
打架(打架) fight tɕʰom⁵⁵ 75
(棍子) hit (with stick) ban³⁵ 75
逃走 escape, run away kʰa⁵⁵tʰa⁵⁵ 75
laugh krei⁵⁵ 75
cry ŋei⁵⁵ 75
知道 know χa³⁵gu⁵³ 75
(思考) think tʂan⁵⁵ 75
come kə³¹tʰa⁵³ 75
游泳 swim ⁿdʑoi⁵⁵ 75
at, in tsou⁵⁵ 75
落下(太阳) fall, set (of sun) ŋap⁵³ 75
(水流) flow jel³⁵ 75
float tʂam⁵⁵ 75
裂开 split ka⁵⁵ 75
(小孩) give birth (child) ⁿdʑoŋ⁵⁵ 75
swell tʂaŋ⁵⁵ 75
die si⁵⁵ 75
() alive sɛn⁵⁵pɛ⁵⁵ 75
fly pir⁵⁵ 75
hatch pop⁵⁵ 75
cooked, well-done ŋu³⁵riʔ⁵³ 75
rotten ram³⁵ 75
big kə³¹tuai⁵⁵ 75
small tə³¹jak⁵⁵sa³¹ 75
round ku¹³kur⁵⁵ 75
long kriŋ⁵⁵lu⁵³ 75
short dok³¹tɕi⁵⁵ 75
thick duk¹³tɕiɛn⁵⁵ 75
thin spa⁵⁵ 75
wide pa³⁵pa⁵⁵ 75
narrow tə³¹ja⁵⁵sa³¹ 75
far tʰa¹³riŋ⁵⁵ 75
near ker³¹tsa⁵⁵ 75
many joŋ⁵⁵di⁵⁵ 75
few tʂɿ⁵⁵pi⁵⁵ 75
straight tʰiɛ³¹kʰa⁵⁵ 75
crooked ŋgoŋ³⁵kou⁵⁵ 75
heavy ke³¹lin⁵⁵di⁵⁵ 75
red kep⁵⁵ɕɛ⁵⁵ 75
yellow sɿ¹³sir⁵⁵ 75
white kə³¹tʂhu⁵⁵ 75
black na¹³na⁵⁵ 75
绿 green ŋu¹³ŋu⁵⁵ 75
full priŋ⁵⁵ 75
dirty tso¹³pa⁵⁵ 75
good kə³¹si⁵⁵ 75
bad ɕa⁵³ke³¹ja⁵⁵ 75
dry ɕel⁵⁵(e⁵⁵) 75
湿 wet ⁿdʑɛn³⁵pa⁵⁵ 75
new ser³⁵pa⁵⁵ 75
old niŋ⁵⁵pa⁵⁵ 75
光滑 smooth ⁿdʑim³⁵di⁵³ 75
hot tsʰe⁵⁵me⁵⁵ 75
cold a³¹tsaŋ⁵⁵ 75
sweet tɕim⁵⁵di⁵³ 75
bitter kʰo⁵⁵ 75
painful ⁿdem⁵⁵ 75
愚蠢 silly, stupid kə³¹rɿ⁵⁵wa⁵⁵ 75
one kə³¹mo⁵⁵ 75
two kə³¹ȵiŋ⁵⁵/kə³¹niŋ⁵⁵ 75
three kə³¹som⁵⁵ 75
four ʑi³⁵ 75
five ŋa⁵⁵ 75
six tʂou⁵³ 75
seven ⁿden⁵⁵ 75
eight ⁿdʑet⁵⁵ 75
nine ŋge⁵⁵ 75
ten tɕe⁵⁵ 75
I ka³⁵ 75
我们 we ki³⁵ 75
you (singular) na³⁵ 75
he wu⁵⁵ 75
他们 they wu⁵⁵i⁵⁵ 75
this iŋ⁵⁵a⁵⁵ 75
这里 here iŋ⁵⁵li⁵³ 75
that mɛŋ⁵⁵a⁵⁵ 75
那里 there mɛŋ⁵⁵li⁵³ 75
who a³¹na⁵⁵ 75
什么 what sik⁵³miɛ⁵⁵ 75
哪里 where a⁵⁵ne⁵⁵li⁵³ 75
怎样 how ko³¹siŋ⁵⁵ 75


  • Li Daqin [李大勤] & Jiang Huo [江获]. 2001. "A sketch of Zha" [扎话概况]. Minzu Yuwen 民族语文 2001(6): 61-75.
Vocabulary lists of Southeast Asian languages

p-Tibeto-Burman • Old Chinese (basic) • p-Southern Min • Macro-Bai • p-Tujia • p-Naish • p-Ersuic • Guiqiong • Horpa • p-Lolo-Burmese • p-Lalo • Lalo • Akha • Woni • Axi • Nesu • Yi (Mihei) • Kathu • Gong • p-Karenic • p-Luish • p-Bodo-Garo • Kuki-Chin • Suansu • Jejara • Mru • p-W. Tibetan • Tibetan (Lajiao) • Amdo Tibetan • Zakhring • Tshangla • Kho-Bwa • Mey • p-Puroik • p-Hrusish • Koro • Greater Siangic • Raji-Raute • Dhimalish • Baram-Thangmi • Bhujel • p-Kham • Dura • Bunan • (Nepal)


p-Austroasiatic (Swadesh) • p-Munda • p-Khasian • p-Palaungic • Quang Lam • p-Khmuic • p-Pakanic • p-Vietic • p-Katuic • p-Bahnaric • p-Pearic • p-Khmeric • p-Monic • p-Aslian • p-Nicobarese


p-Hmong-Mien • Hmong-Mien • p-Hmongic • Pa-Hng • Xong • Pana • She • p-Mienic • Mienic • Mien (Gongcheng) • Biao Min (Shikou)


p-Kra-Dai • p-Kra • Laha • Qabiao • Gelao • p-Kam-Sui • Kam-Sui (Hunan) • p-Lakkia • Biao • p-Tai • Zhuang (Tiandeng) • Bouyei • p-Be • Jizhao • p-Hlai • Jiamao

