Appendix:Proto-Central Oti-Volta reconstructions
(Redirected from Appendix:List of Proto-Central Oti-Volta reconstructions)
The following list of Proto-Central Oti-Volta reconstructions is from Manessy (1979: 101-104).
Note: French glosses are directly from the original source. English glosses, not in the source, are translations in progress.
[edit]French gloss | English gloss | Proto-Central Oti-Volta | Branch |
camarade | comrade | *do, *don | |
appeler | call | *yi | |
arc | bow | *to, *ta, *tom, *tam | |
atteindre | reach | *ta | |
balayer | sweep | *ŋas | |
baobab | baobab | *te, *to, *tu | |
barbe, menton | beard, chin | *tam | |
blanc | white | *po, *pon, *peɗ, *puɗ | |
bœuf | beef | *na, *nag | |
boire | drink | *ño | |
bois | wood | *da | |
bon | good | *ŋan | |
bouche | mouth | *nan, *no | |
chanter | sing | *ɗe | |
chèvre | goat | *bu | |
chien | dog | *ɓa | |
corne | horn | *ŋiɗ | |
couper | cut | *ko | |
danser | dance | *so, *sa | |
écorce | bark | *po, *pog | |
demander | request | *bos | |
dire | say | *bu | |
donner | give | *pa, *pan | |
dormir | sleep | *do, *de | |
enfant | child | *bi | |
entrer | enter | *ɗyi, *ɗyu | |
excrément | excrement | *bɪn | |
feuille | leaf | *va, *van, *vo, *von | |
fleur | flower | *fi | |
genou | knee | *dum, *dun | |
hippopotame | hippopotamus | *ŋim | |
insulter | insult | *tu | |
kola | kola | *gu, *go | |
se lever | stand up | *ŋi | |
manger | eat | *di | |
mordre | bite | *dum | |
moudre | grind | *nam, *nem | |
mouton | sheep | *pes, *pe | |
mûrir | mature | *bɪ | |
noir | black | *bid, *bin | |
nouveau | new | *faɗ, *fɪɗ | |
nuit | night | *ñen | |
os | bone | *ʔob, *ʔo | |
parler | say, speak | *wo, *woɗ | |
père | father | *ca | |
pleuvoir | rain (verb) | *ni | |
quatre | four | *na | |
queue | tail | *ɗyuɗ | |
scorpion | scorpion | *nom, *nam | |
sécher | to dry | *ko, *ku | |
sein, lait | breast milk | *ŋɪɗ | |
soif | thirst | *ñon | |
souffler | blow | *fu | |
suivre | follow | *dab | |
talon | heel | *kud | |
travail | job | *tum | |
trou | hole | *bon | |
tuer | kill | *ku | |
venir | come | *ba | |
viande | meat | *naɪn, *nem | |
vieux | old | *kpem | |
visage | face | *yi | |
abeille | bee | *tu | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
attendre | expect | *da | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
beurre, graisse | butter, fat | *nu | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
bouc | goat | *tuɗ | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
caïlcédrat | Khaya senegalensis | *pi | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
cendre | ash | *tom | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
ciel | sky | *do | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
cinq | five | *nom | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
côte | side | *sa | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
cultiver | cultivate | *vad | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
dent | tooth | *ye | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
dix | ten | *fi | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
éléphant | elephant | *ti | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
essorer | to dry out | *ʔam | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
femme | women | *ʔan | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
flèche | arrow | *çam | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
homme, mâle | man, male | *bad | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
langue | tongue | *deɗm | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
laver | wash | *sam | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
maison | house | *dan | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
mourir | die | *sɪb | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
moustique | mosquito | *bon | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
oreille | ear | *dɪng | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
peau | skin | *ton | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
phacochère | warthog | *to | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
pintade | guinea fowl | *su | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
poisson | fish | *ñɪn | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
prendre | take | *ɟan | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
rire | laugh | *mo | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
rouge | red | *som | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
salive | saliva | *ta | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
semer | sow | *di | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
serpent | snake | *ɗum | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
soumbala | sumbala | *co | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
tête | head | *ñu | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
tisser | weave | *so, *son | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
tomber | fall | *cuɗ | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
un | one | *do, *du | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
voir | see | *na | Gurunsi, Kurumfe |
se baigner | swim | *wu | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
battre, frapper | beat, hit | *po, *pom | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
briser | break | *wog | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
deux | two | *yi | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
étoile | star | *ŋmad | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
être fort | to be strong | *kpan | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
grenier | attic | *bo, *bon | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
mâcher | chew | *ŋmo | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
néré | African locust bean (Parkia biglobosa) | *do | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
piler | pound | *to | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
sang | blood | *ñam, *ñim | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
singe | monkey | *wam, *wom | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
tortue | turtle, tortoise | *kud | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
trois | three | *ta, *tan | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
urine | urine | *ñem | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
vivre | live | *vi | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
sauter | jump | *yug | Oti-Volta, Kurumfe |
aller | go | *to, *ta | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
âne | donkey | *bon | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
animal | animal | *dun | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
année | year | *bɪn | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
arbre | tree | *tɪ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
attacher | attach | *bo, *bob | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
aujourd'hui | today | *dyɪn | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
babouin, singe | baboon, monkey | *kpad | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
bras, épaule | arm, shoulder | *ɓa, *ɓan | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
brûler | burn | *so, *se; *ñog | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
cacher | hide | *so, *sog | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
calebasse, courge | calabash, squash | *yi | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
casser | break | *ko, *ka | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
chanter | sing | *yɪ, *yɪn | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
charbon | coal | *ca | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
chauve-souris, oiseau | bat, bird | *ɗyam, *ɗyɪm, *ɗyum | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
chemin | path | *ço | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
cheveu, poil | hair | *ʔyu | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
chose | thing | *bun; *won | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
cinq | five | *nu | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
co-épouse | co-wife | *yon | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
construire, modeler | build, model | *ma | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
corde | rope | *ŋme | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
coude | elbow | *to | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
coudre | sew | *ŋa | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
couper | cut | *se | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
courber | bend | *go, *goɗ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
couteau | knife | *sɪ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
cracher | spit | *tu | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
creux | hollow | *ɗu | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
crinière | mane | *gbe | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
crocodile | crocodile | *ña, *ñi, *ño | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
cultiver | cultivate | *ko | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
danser | dance | *wa | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
être debout | stand (intr.) | *jɪ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
déféquer | defecate | *ñɪ, *nɪ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
délier | untie | *booɗ; ñɪn, ñɪɗ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
descendre | go down | *cu (*çu ?) | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
deux | two | *ɗe | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
eau | water | *ni, *ne; *nã | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
éclair | lightning | *ñag, *ñig | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
écorce | bark | *po | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
emplir | fill | *su | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
enterrer | bury | *ŋu | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
esclave | slave | *yom | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
faire | make | *ŋa | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
frère cadet | youngest brother | *ña, *ñan | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
foie | liver | *co | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
froid | cold | *wa | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
fromager | cheesemaker | *gum, *gom | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
front | forehead | *ti, *tu | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
fumée | smoke | *ño, *ñi | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
gombo | okra | *man | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
gorge | throat | *ɗo | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
hache | chopped | *ɗad | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
huit | eight | *nan | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
interroger | to question | *bo, *bos | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
joue | play | *kpa | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
lance | spear | *kpan | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
langue | tongue | *dyuɗm | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
se laver | wash oneself | *so | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
lion, léopard | lion leopard | *gbɪn | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
maison | house | *dɪ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
malt | malt | *kpa | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
marché | market | *yab, *yag | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
mère | mother | *na; *ma | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
mil | mil | *ña | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
monter | ascend | *di, *de | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
morve | glanders | *me | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
mouche | fly (insect) | *ɟo | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
nez | nose | *me | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
nom | name | *yɪɗ, *yɪd | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
œuf | egg | *çe | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
parler | speak | *bu | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
peau | skin | *gbe, *gbo | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
personne | nobody | *nɪ, *nu, *non | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
pied, jambe | foot, leg | *na, *nan; *ta | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
pleurer | cry | *wi | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
pois | peas | *sim | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
poitrine | chest | *ben | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
porc-épic | porcupine | *sam | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
porter | carry | *jɪ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
possesseur | possessor | *tɪ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
poule | hen | *ko, *kol | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
poumon | lung | *fu | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
prendre, attraper | take, catch | *mo | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
quatre | four | *naasɪ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
rat | rat | *yu | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
refuser, interdire | refuse, forbid | *kis | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
remède | remedy | *tɪ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
riz | rice | *mu, *mid | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
rond | round | *giɗ, *gud; *kiɗ, *kuɗ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
rosée | dew | *meɗ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
savoir | know | *ɗyam | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
sel | salt | *ya, *yas | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
siffler | whistle | *fooɗ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
silure, poisson | catfish, fish | *ɟam | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
singe | monkey | *ŋmam | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
tas | pile, heap | *puɗ | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
terre | earth | *tan, *tɪn | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
tête | head | *ʔyu | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
tirer (à l'arc) | shoot (with a bow) | *to, *ta | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
tuer | kill | *kpu | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
vendre | sell | *ta | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
vulve | vulva | *men (*man ?) | Oti-Volta, Gurunsi |
[edit]- Manessy, Gabriel. 1979. Contribution à la Classification Généalogique des Langues Voltaïques. (Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale, 37.) Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. 107pp.