Wiktionary:Word of the day/Archive/2024/September

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Word of the day
for September 1
extinct adj
  1. (dated) Of fire, etc.: no longer alight; of a light, etc.: no longer shining; extinguished, quenched.
  2. (figurative)
    1. Of feelings, a person's spirit, a state of affairs, etc.: put out, as if like a fire; quenched, suppressed.
    2. Of customs, ideas, laws and legal rights, offices, organizations, etc.: no longer existing or in use; defunct, discontinued, obsolete; specifically, of a title of nobility: no longer having any person qualified to hold it.
    3. (chiefly biology) Of an animal or plant species, a class of people, a family, etc.: having died out completely; no longer in existence.
    4. (geology) Of a geological feature: no longer active; specifically, of a volcano: no longer erupting.
    5. (nuclear physics) Of a radioisotope: no longer occurring primordially due to having decayed away completely, because it has a relatively short half-life.
    6. (obsolete) Of a person: dead; also, permanently separated from others. [...]

Martha, thought to be the last passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius), died on this day 110 years ago in 1914 at the Cincinnati Zoo in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. The eradication of this species, chiefly through habitat destruction and hunting, is a striking example of extinction caused by humans.

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Word of the day
for September 2
yem n
  1. (clothing) A Vietnamese bodice with a halterneck and a V-shaped bottom worn by women on the torso, originally as an underbodice and now also as an outer garment.

Today is Vietnam’s National Day. It commemorates the date in 1945 when the country was declared to be an independent republic.

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Word of the day
for September 3
trapan v (transitive)
  1. To catch or entrap (a person or animal) in a snare or trap; to ensnare, to trap.
  2. (figurative) To trap or trick (someone), especially by using some stratagem, into doing something that benefits the perpetrator but harms the victim; to defraud, to ensnare, to entrap, to swindle.

trapan n

  1. An act of entrapping or tricking; an entrapment; also, a thing which entraps or tricks; a snare or trap; a stratagem or trick.
  2. (probably originally thieves' cant, archaic or obsolete) A person (or occasionally an animal) that traps or tricks another into doing something that benefits them but harms the victim; a fraudster, a swindler, a trickster. [...]
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Word of the day
for September 4
heartstrings n (normally plural)
  1. (anatomy)
    1. (historical) The tendons or other structures resembling cords once thought to be attached to, or to brace, the heart; especially the aorta, pulmonary artery, and other large arteries connected to them; also, the diaphragm.
    2. (by extension) Synonym of chordae tendineae (the cord-like tendons that connect the papillary muscles to the tricuspid valve and the mitral valve in the heart)
  2. (figurative)
    1. The source of one's deepest emotions or inner feelings, especially compassion or love.
    2. (archaic) The essential or vital part of something; the core, the essence, the heart.

Today is the eve of the International Day of Charity, which is recognized by the United Nations to emphasize the importance of charity and philanthropy. The Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun Mother Teresa, known for her charitable works in India, died on 5 September 1997.

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Word of the day
for September 5
pitch-perfect adj
  1. Of a person: able to exactly reproduce a musical note or tune, manner of speaking, etc.
  2. (figurative)
    1. Extremely accurate.
    2. Utterly flawless and suitable with respect to appearance, atmosphere or tone, expression, or other characteristics.

The gold medal matches for the boccia pair and team events at the 2024 Summer Paralympics take place today in Paris, France.

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Word of the day
for September 6
realize v (American and Oxford British spelling)
  1. (transitive)
    1. (originally chiefly Canada, US)
      1. To become aware of or understand (a fact or situation, especially something which has been true for some time).
      2. To sense (something) strongly or vividly as if real.
    2. To cause (something) to seem real; to make realistic; specifically, to present (something) clearly to the mind, a person, (archaic) oneself, etc., so that it seems real.
    3. (chiefly passive voice, slightly formal) To convert (something imaginary or planned, as a goal or idea) into reality; to bring into real existence, to make real.
    4. (reflexive) To achieve (one's) potential.
    5. (business, finance)
      1. To convert (an asset or property, especially investments such as bonds, shares, etc.) into a more easily usable form such as money, especially by selling the asset or property.
      2. To acquire (money, a profit, etc.) by selling an asset or property, through trade, etc.; also (followed by on), to make (money or a profit) on an investment, a venture, etc.
      3. Of an asset or property: to generate (a specific amount of money or interest) when invested or sold.
    6. (linguistics) To turn (an abstract linguistic object, especially a phoneme) into a speech sound actually used in a language.
    7. (mathematics) To obtain an entity from (an abstract group or structure).
    8. (music)
      1. To arrange (a musical work written for a single performer) to be performed by an orchestra; to orchestrate.
      2. To complete (a musical work which is incomplete or not fully notated).
      3. Chiefly in Baroque music: to play an accompaniment, harmonies, etc., based on (a figured bass).
    9. (obsolete, US) To have an actual or real experience of (something).
  2. (intransitive)
    1. To become aware of or understand a fact or situation.
    2. To cause to seem real; to make realistic.
    3. (business, finance)
      1. To convert an asset or property into a more easily usable form such as money.
      2. Followed by on or upon: to acquire money or a profit from the sale of an asset or property.
      3. (obsolete) With an adverb like badly or well: of an asset or property being sold: to generate little or a lot of money.
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Word of the day
for September 7
split-second n
  1. (chiefly attributive) A stopwatch with two second hands, each of which may be stopped separately to time the intervals of a race by a sportsperson, or to time more than one sportsperson.
  2. A fraction of a second; hence (figurative, also attributive) a very short time period; an instant, a moment.

The finals of several men’s and women’s backstroke, butterfly, freestyle, and medley para-swimming events of the 2024 Summer Paralympics take place today in Paris, France.

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Word of the day
for September 8
go for the gold v
  1. (intransitive, idiomatic, originally sports) To attempt to achieve the maximum result or reward in an endeavour.

The closing ceremony of the 2024 Summer Paralympics takes place today in Paris, France.

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Word of the day
for September 9
silver-tongued adj
  1. (idiomatic, informal) Articulate and charming in speech; eloquent; also, having a pleasant-sounding voice or way of speaking.

Yesterday was International Literacy Day, which is recognized by UNESCO to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities, and societies.

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Word of the day
for September 10
business end n (originally US)
  1. The part of a day, event, or place (such as a city or district) used for business activities.
  2. (idiomatic)
    1. The part of an object (chiefly a tool or weapon) that is physically used for its operation, rather than some other part such as the part by which it is held.
    2. (by extension) The part of an activity, period of time, etc., which is most important and that produces the significant result.
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Word of the day
for September 11
demur v
  1. (intransitive)
    1. Chiefly followed by to, and sometimes by at or on: to object or be reluctant; to balk, to take exception.
    2. (law) To submit a demurrer (motion by a party to a legal action for the immediate or summary judgment of the court on the question of whether, assuming the truth of the matter alleged by the opposite party, it is sufficient in law to sustain the action or defence, and hence whether the party bringing the motion is required to answer or proceed further).
    3. (obsolete) To endure, to last.
    4. (obsolete) To linger, to tarry.
    5. (obsolete) To remain, to stay.
    6. (obsolete) To suspend judgment or proceedings because of a difficulty or doubt; to put off the conclusion or determination of a matter; to delay, to hesitate, to pause.
    7. (obsolete, rare) To have doubts; to be doubtful.
    8. (obsolete, figurative) Followed by upon: to be captivated or fixated; to dwell on, to linger.
  2. (transitive)
    1. (rare) To object or take exception to (something).
    2. (obsolete) To cause delay to (someone or something); to put off.
    3. (obsolete) To have doubts or hesitate about (something).

demur n

  1. An act of objecting or taking exception; a scruple; also, an exception taken or objection to something.
  2. (obsolete)
    1. An act of continuing; a continuance.
    2. An act of lingering or tarrying.
    3. An act of remaining or staying; a residence, a stay.
    4. A state of having doubts; a hesitation, a pause.
    5. (law) Synonym of demurrer (a motion by a party to a legal action for the immediate or summary judgment of the court on the question of whether, assuming the truth of the matter alleged by the opposite party, it is sufficient in law to sustain the action or defence, and hence whether the party bringing the motion is required to answer or proceed further)
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Word of the day
for September 13
twit v
  1. (transitive)
    1. To blame or reproach (someone), especially in a good-natured or teasing manner; also, to ridicule or tease (someone).
    2. (archaic) To criticize or disapprove of (something), especially in a good-natured or teasing manner.
    3. (computing) To ignore or kill file (a user on a bulletin board system).
    4. (obsolete) Followed by it: to speak or write (something) in a taunting or teasing manner.
  2. (intransitive)
    1. To blame or reproach, especially in a good-natured or teasing manner.
    2. (obsolete except British, dialectal) To be indiscreet; to gossip.

twit n

  1. A jibe, reproach, or taunt, especially one made in a good-natured or teasing manner.
  2. (informal) An annoying or foolish person.
  3. (British, dialectal, archaic) A person who chatters or gossips inanely; a chatterer, a gossip or gossiper; also, a person who divulges private information about others or is indiscreet; a tattletale. [...]

The British author Roald Dahl, who wrote the children’s novel The Twits (1980), was born on this day in 1916.

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Word of the day
for September 14
set out one's stall v (UK, idiomatic, intransitive)
  1. To make publicly clear one's position with reference to a particular idea or philosophy, or what one can do.
  2. To decide to do something.
  3. To do something which creates a favourable impression.
  4. (sports, originally cricket) To (decide to) play (especially to defend) in a determined manner.
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Word of the day
for September 15
deoligarchization n (American spelling, Oxford British English)
  1. (politics) The act or process of reversing oligarchization, that is, the act or process of democratization by lessening the political power of oligarchs or removing them from influential positions.

Today is the International Day of Democracy, which is recognized by the United Nations to promote and uphold the principles of democracy.

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Word of the day
for September 17
spavin n
  1. (farriery, veterinary medicine)
    1. (countable) A bony swelling which develops in a horse's leg where the shank and splint bone meet, caused by inflammation of the cartilage connecting those bones; also, a similar swelling caused by inflammation of the hock bones.
    2. (uncountable) A disease of horses caused by this bony swelling (sense 1.1).
  2. (by extension, uncountable) A similar disease causing a person's leg to be lame.

spavin v (transitive, rare)

  1. (farriery, veterinary medicine) To cause (a horse or its leg) to have spavin (noun sense 1.2).
  2. (figurative) To impair or injure (someone or something). [...]
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Word of the day
for September 18
cryptomnesia n
  1. (chiefly psychology, uncountable) The phenomenon of the reappearance of a long-forgotten memory as if it were a new experience; (countable) an instance of this.
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Word of the day
for September 19
avast interj (nautical)
  1. Hold fast!; cease!; stop!
  2. (slang) In imitation of pirates: listen!; pay attention!

Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, a parodic holiday invented in 1995 by John Baur (“Ol’ Chumbucket”) and Mark Summers (“Cap’n Slappy”), of Albany, Oregon, USA.

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Word of the day
for September 20
foliate adj
  1. Of or relating to leaves.
  2. Shaped like or otherwise resembling a leaf; leaflike.
    1. (geometry) Of a curve: having two infinite branches with a common asymptote, and a leaf-shaped loop.
  3. (botany)
    1. Of a plant: having leaves.
    2. Of a leaf: having a (certain number of) leaflets.
  4. (geology) Synonym of foliated (of a rock: having a structure of thin layers)
  5. (obsolete) In the form of a foil or thin sheet.

foliate v

  1. (transitive)
    1. To add numbers to (a folio or leaf, or all the folios or leaves, of a book); also, to add numbers to the folios or leaves of (a book); to folio, to page, to paginate.
    2. To spread (glass) with a thin coat of mercury and tin, or other substances forming a foil, to create a mirror; to foil, to silver.
    3. (architecture) To decorate (an architectural feature, as an arch or window) with foils (small arcs in the traceries of arches, windows, etc.).
    4. (obsolete) To beat (metal) into a foil or thin sheet.
  2. (intransitive)
    1. To split into layers or leaves.
    2. (botany) Of a plant: to produce leaves.
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Word of the day
for September 21
repose n
  1. (uncountable) Temporary cessation from activity to rest and recover, especially in the form of sleep; rest; (countable) an instance of this; a break, a rest; a sleep.
    1. (by extension, Christianity)
      1. (uncountable) Of the Virgin Mary: death; also assumption into heaven.
      2. (countable, Eastern Orthodoxy) The festival honouring the assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven, celebrated on August 15.
  2. (uncountable) The state of being peacefully inactive or relaxed, or being free from disturbances or worries; calmness, ease, peace, quietness.
  3. (uncountable) Calmness of the mind or temperament; composure.
  4. (uncountable) Of the face, a muscle, etc.: the state of being relaxed and not in tension.
  5. (uncountable) The state of lying still and unmoving; calmness, tranquillity; (countable) an instance of this.
  6. (uncountable, archaic) Relief or respite from something exhausting or unpleasant; (countable) an instance of this.
  7. (uncountable, archaic) Confidence, faith, or trust in something.
  8. (uncountable, architecture, art) The arrangement of elements of an artwork, a building, etc., that is restful and soothing to a viewer; harmony.
  9. (uncountable, chiefly chemistry) The state of leaving something alone or untouched; (countable) an instance of this.
  10. (uncountable, engineering, physics) Chiefly in the form point of repose, position of repose, etc.: absence of motion; equilibrium; (countable) a position where an object is not moving and at rest.
  11. (uncountable, chiefly geology) Of a natural phenomenon, especially the eruption of a volcano: the state of temporary cessation of activity; dormancy, quiescence.
  12. (obsolete)
    1. (countable) A piece of furniture on which one can rest, especially a couch or sofa.
    2. (countable) A place of rest.
    3. (painting, uncountable) The technique of including in a painting an area or areas which are dark, indistinct, or soft in tone so that other areas are more prominent, or so that a viewer can rest they eyes when looking at them; (countable) such an area of a painting. [...]

Today is designated by the United Nations as the International Day of Peace, which is dedicated to world peace.

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Word of the day
for September 22
abjure v (formal)
  1. (transitive)
    1. To solemnly reject (someone or something); to abandon (someone or something) forever; to disavow, to disclaim, to repudiate.
    2. (historical) To renounce (something) upon oath; to forswear; specifically, to recant or retract (a heresy or some other opinion); to withdraw.
    3. (historical) To cause (someone) to recant or retract (a heresy or some other opinion).
    4. (chiefly law, historical)
      1. Especially in abjure the realm: to swear an oath to leave (a place) forever.
      2. (obsolete, rare) To cause or compel (someone) to leave a place forever; to banish.
  2. (intransitive)
    1. To solemnly reject; to abandon forever.
    2. (historical) To recant or retract a heresy on oath.
    3. (chiefly law, historical) To swear an oath to leave a place forever.
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Word of the day
for September 23
Nintendocore n
  1. (music, video games) An aggressive genre of modern rock music influenced by chiptunes (music that samples or emulates the audio capabilities of older sound chips) and video game music.

The Japanese multinational video game company Nintendo was founded on this day 135 years ago in 1889.

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Word of the day
for September 25
lapsus oculi n
  1. (formal, rare) An error that results from looking in the wrong place, especially one that occurs while copying or translating a body of text.
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Word of the day
for September 26
any port in a storm proverb
  1. (idiomatic) One should accept any passable option when time is of the essence in an adverse situation.

Today, the last Thursday of September in 2024, is World Maritime Day, which is recognized by the United Nations to highlight the work of the International Maritime Organization and emphasize the importance of shipping and other maritime activities.

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Word of the day
for September 27
busman's holiday n
  1. (idiomatic) A holiday or vacation during which one does something similar to what one does as work.

Today is World Tourism Day, which is recognized by the United Nations to raise awareness about tourism’s role in the international community and to demonstrate how it affects cultural, political, social, and economic values worldwide. The statutes of UN Tourism were adopted on this day in 1970.

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Word of the day
for September 28
punched tape n
  1. (computing, historical) Synonym of paper tape (an early sequential digital storage medium originally used with teletype machines, consisting of a long roll of paper, each character being encoded as a pattern of punched holes)

Today is the International Day for Universal Access to Information, which is recognized by the United Nations to emphasize the importance of public access to information. The day was declared as Right to Know Day during a civil society conference held in Sofia, Bulgaria, from 26 to 28 September 2012.

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Word of the day
for September 30
grimdark adj
  1. (fandom slang) Of a film, television programme, video game, written work, etc.: having a gloomy, dystopian atmosphere.

grimdark n

  1. (literature) The literary genre of speculative fiction that is amoral, dystopian, or violent.

The first edition of the rulebook for the tabletop strategy game Warhammer 40,000, from which the word is derived, was published this month in 1987.

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