User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-h

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h {letter} /ɐ.ˈɣa/ :: letter
h {n} :: abbreviation of hora
h {n} :: Used to indicate time in relation to a 24-hour clock
h {n} :: Used to indicate any sequence of time in hours
H {letter} :: letter
{interj} :: huh!
há algo de podre no reino da Dinamarca {phrase} :: something is rotten in the state of Denmark (something is not right)
Haapsalu {prop} {f} :: Haapsalu (town)
Haarlem {prop} {f} :: Haarlem (city/and/capital)
Habacuc {prop} {m} [book of the bible] :: Habakkuk (book of the Bible)
Habacuque {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Habacuc
hábil {adj} :: skilled
hábil {adj} :: deft, skillful
habilidade {f} /ˈða.ðɨ/ :: ability
habilidoso {adj} :: skilled
habilíssimo {adj} :: very skilful; highly skilled
habilitação {f} :: qualification
habilitação {f} [Brazil, formal] :: short for carteira de habilitação
habilitador {m} :: enabler (someone or something that helps something happen)
habilitadora {f} :: female equivalent of habilitador
habilitando {v} :: gerund of habilitar
habilitar {v} /ˈta(ʁ)/ :: to enable, to allow
habilmente {adv} /ˌa.biw.ˈmẽ.te/ :: ably (with great ability)
habitabilidade {f} :: habitability
habitação {f} /ˌɐ.βi.tɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: habitation (the act of inhabitating)
habitação {f} :: dwelling, residence
habitacional {adj} :: Referrent to habitation; habitational
habitante {mf} /ˌɐ.bi.ˈtɐ̃.tɨ/ :: inhabitant (someone or thing who lives in a place)
habitar {vt} /ɐ.βi.ˈtaɾ/ :: to inhabit (to live or reside in some place)
habitat {m} [biology] :: habitat (natural conditions in which a plant or animal lives)
habitável {adj} :: habitable, inhabitable
hábito {m} /ˈa.βi.tu/ :: habit (an action done on a regular basis)
hábito {m} :: habit (clothing of priests and nuns)
habitual {adj} :: habitual (behaving in a regular manner, as a habit)
habitual {adj} :: habitual (recurring, or that is performed over and over again)
habitualmente {adv} :: habitually (occurring regularly or usually)
habituar {v} :: to accustom (get used to something)
hackear {vt} [computing] :: to hack
hacker {mf} [computing] /ˈʁa.keɾ/ :: hacker (one who is expert at programming and solving problems with a computer)
hacker {mf} [computing] :: hacker (one who uses a computer to gain unauthorised access to data)
Haddad {prop} {mf} /a.ˈdad͡ʒ/ :: surname
haddock {m} :: alternative form of hadoque
Hades {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hades (god of the underworld)
Hades {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Hades (the underworld, the domain of Hades)
hádice {m} [Islam] :: hadith (collected sayings and actions of Muhammad)
hadith {m} :: alternative form of hádice
hadiz {m} :: alternative form of hádice
hadj {m} :: alternative spelling of hajj
hadoque {m} :: haddock (marine fish)
hadrão {m} [particle, Portugal] :: hadron (strongly interacting particle)
hádron {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of hadrão
háfnio {m} :: hafnium (chemical element)
hagá {m} :: rare spelling of agá
Hagar {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Agar
haggis {m} :: haggis (Scottish dish made of minced offal and oatmeal)
Hagia Sofia {prop} {f} :: Hagia Sophia (a former basilica, now a museum in Turkey)
hagiografia {f} [religion] :: hagiography (the study of saints)
hagiografia {f} [religion] :: hagiography (a biography of a saint)
hagiógrafo {m} :: hagiographer (someone who writes the biography of a saint)
hagiónimo {m} [European orthography, onomastics] :: hagionym (the name of a saint)
hagiônimo {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of hagiónimo
hagiotopónimo {m} [European orthography, toponymy] :: hagiotoponym (place named after a saint)
hagiotopônimo {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of hagiotopónimo
haha {interj} :: haha (representation of laughter)
Haia {prop} {f} /ˈaj.ɐ/ :: Haia (provincial capital)
haiduque {m} [historical, rare] :: hajduk (outlaw, highwayman or freedom fighter in the Balkans)
haiku {m} [poetry] :: haiku (type of poem used in Japanese poetry)
Hainan {prop} {f} :: Hainan (island/and/province)
Haiti {prop} {m} /aj.ˈt͡ʃi/ :: Haiti (country)
haitiano {adj} :: Haitian (of, from or pertaining to Haiti)
haitiano {m} :: Haitian (person from Haiti)
haitiano {m} [uncountable, rare] :: Haitian Creole (French-based creole spoken in Haiti)
hajj {m} [Islam] :: hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)
Hakamada {prop} {mf} :: surname
hakka {mf} :: Hakka (a member of a Han ethnic group of southern China)
hakka {adj} :: Hakka (relating to the Hakka people)
halal {adj} [of food] :: halal (fit to eat according to Muslim religious customs)
haleto {m} [chemistry] :: halide
haliote {m} :: abalone (edible univalve mollusc)
halita {f} [mineral] :: halite
hálito {m} :: whiff (a waft; a brief, gentle breeze; a light gust of air)
halitose {f} [pathology] :: halitosis (condition of having foul-smelling breath)
hall {m} [architecture] /ˈʁɔw/ :: lobby; entrance hall (room in a building used for entry from the outside)
hall da fama {m} :: hall of fame (structure housing memorials to famous or illustrious individuals)
hallucinaçaõ {f} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of alucinação
hallucinação {f} :: obsolete spelling of alucinação
halo- {prefix} :: halo- (indicates salt)
halo {m} [astronomy] :: halo (atmospheric phenomenon)
halo {m} [religion, iconography] :: halo (luminous disc around the heads of saints)
halófilo {adj} [biology] :: halophilic (thriving in high-salinity environments)
halófilo {m} [biology] :: halophile (organism that thrives in high-salinity environments)
halogenação {f} [chemistry] :: halogenation
halogenar {v} [chemistry] :: to halogenate
halogeneto {m} [chemistry] :: halide
halogênio {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: halogen
halter {m} :: alternative form of haltere
haltere {m} :: dumbbell (a weight with two disks attached to a short bar)
halterofilia {f} :: weightlifting
halterofilismo {m} [sports] :: weightlifting
halterofilista {n} /aw.te.ɾˈlis.tɐ/ :: weightlifter
halucinaçaõ {f} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of alucinação
halucinação {f} :: obsolete spelling of alucinação
hálux {m} [anatomy] :: big toe (largest toes)
halvah {f} :: halva (confection made from sesame seeds and honey)
Hamada {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hamaguchi {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hamakawa {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hamamoto {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hamamura {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hamasaki {prop} {mf} :: surname
hamato {m} [skeleton] /a.ˈ :: hamate bone
Hamazaki {prop} {mf} :: surname
hamburger {m} /ɐ̃ˈburɡer/ :: hamburger
Hamburgo {prop} {m} :: Hamburgo (a <<state>> of <<c/Germany>> containing the city of the same name)
Hamburgo {prop} {f} :: Hamburgo (the second-largest <<city>> in <<c/Germany>>)
hambúrguer {m} :: hamburger
Hamlet {prop} {m} /ˈhɐm.let͡ʃ/ :: Hamlet (the main character of the play Hamlet)
hamster {m} :: hamster (small, short-tailed European rodent)
hámster {m} [uncommon] :: alternative form of hamster
hâmster {m} :: rare spelling of hamster
han {adj} :: Han Chinese (referring to the largest ethnic group indigenous to China)
han {m} :: Han Chinese (member of the largest ethnic group indigenous to China)
Hanako {prop} {f} :: given name
Hanayo {prop} {f} :: given name
handebol {m} [Brazil] /ˈʁẽd͡ʒ.bɔw/ :: handball
handebolista {mf} :: alternative spelling of andebolista
handicap {m} :: handicap, disadvantage
handicap {m} :: advantage
hangar {m} :: hangar (large structure where aircraft are kept)
hangul {m} /ɐ̃ˈɡul/ :: Hangeul (Korean phonetic script)
Haníbal {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Aníbal
Hanna {prop} {f} /ˈʁɐ.nɐ/ :: given name
Hannah {prop} {f} :: given name, alternative form of Hanna
Hannibal {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Aníbal
Hannukah {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Chanucá
Hanói {prop} {f} :: Hanói (capital city)
Hanôver {prop} {f} :: Hanôver (city/state capital)
Hanôver {prop} {mp} :: Hanover (British royal family)
hansa {f} [historical] :: Hanse (guild of merchants around the Baltic coast)
hanseníase {f} [disease] :: Hansen's disease; leprosy
Hanuca {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Chanucá
Hanucá {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Chanucá
Hanucah {prop} {m} [uncommon] :: alternative form of Chanucá
Hanuka {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Chanucá
Hanuká {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Chanucá
Hanukah {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Chanucá
Hanukká {prop} {m} :: rare spelling of Chanucá
Hanukkah {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Chanucá
Hanumã {prop} {m} :: rare spelling of Hanuman
Hanuman {prop} {m} [Hindu god] :: Hanuman (Hindu god)
Hanyu {prop} {mf} :: surname
Haora {prop} {f} :: Haora (city/and/district)
haplogrupo {m} [genetics] :: haplogroup (group of haplotypes)
haploide {adj} [cytology] :: haploid (having a single set of unpaired chromosomes)
haplóide {adj} :: obsolete spelling of haploide
haplótipo {m} [genetics] :: haplotype (group of alleles that are likely to be inherited together)
happy hour {m} /ˈhɛ.pi ˈaw.eʁ/ :: happy hour (period in the late afternoon or evening when pubs offer discounts)
há quanto tempo {phrase} :: long time no see (I haven’t seen you for a long time)
há quem diga que {adv} :: possibly according to some
Hara {prop} {mf} :: surname
Harada {prop} {mf} :: surname
hara-kiri {m} :: alternative spelling of haraquiri
harakiri {m} :: alternative spelling of haraquiri
haram {adj} [Islam] :: haram (forbidden by Islamic law)
haraquiri {m} :: hara-kiri (ceremonial Japanese suicide)
Harare {prop} {f} :: Harare (capital city)
haras {m} :: stud; haras (ranch where horses are kept for breeding)
hard rock {m} :: hard rock (subgenre of rock music)
hardware {m} [computing] :: hardware (parts of a computer that is fixed and cannot be altered without replacement or physical modification)
harém {m} :: harem (the private part of an Arab household)
harém {m} :: harem (group of women in a polygamous household)
harém {m} :: harem (group of female animals herded and controlled by a male)
Hargeisa {prop} {f} :: Hargeisa (capital city)
harmonia {f} [uncountable] /ˌɐɾ.mu.ˈni.ɐ/ :: harmony; agreement; accord
harmonia {f} :: harmony (pleasing arrangement of sounds)
Harmonia {prop} :: Harmonia (municipality)
harmonia vocálica {f} [linguistics] :: vowel harmony (phonological process that limits which vowels may be found near each other)
harmónica {f} [musical instruments] :: harmonica
harmónica de vidro {f} [European orthography, musical instrument] :: glass harmonica (musical instrument composed of a series of glass bowls)
harmônica de vidro {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of harmónica de vidro
harmonicamente {adv} :: harmonically
harmónico {adj} :: harmonic
harmônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of harmónico
harmoniosamente {adv} :: harmoniously
harmonioso {adj} /ɐɾ.mu.ˈnjo.zu/ :: harmonious
harmonização {f} :: harmonization
harmonizar {v} /ɐɾˈzaɾ/ :: to harmonize
harpa {f} /ˈaɾ.pɐ/ :: harp (musical instrument)
harpa de boca {f} :: Jew's harp (musical instrument)
harpão {m} :: alternative spelling of arpão
harpia {f} :: harpy
harpista {mf} :: harpist (musician who plays the harp)
Harry {prop} {m} :: given name
hartebeest {m} :: hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus, an African antelope)
Haruko {prop} {f} :: given name
Harvard {prop} {f} /ˈhaʁ.vaʁd͡ʒ/ :: Harvard (university in Cambridge)
Haryana {prop} {m} :: Haryana (state)
Hasegawa {prop} {mf} :: surname
hash {m} [computing] :: hash (key generated by a hash function)
Hashiguchi {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hashimoto {prop} {mf} :: surname
hashtag {f} {m} [Internet] :: hashtag (a tag with a hash sign)
h aspirado {m} [linguistics] :: aspirated h (in the French language usage of the letter h at the start of a word which does not allow liaison with a preceding consonant)
hássio {m} /ˈ :: hassium (chemical element with atomic number 108)
hasta {f} /ˈaʃ.tɐ/ :: spear
hasta {f} :: auction
haste {f} /ˈaʃtɨ/ :: pole
haste {f} [plant] :: stem, stalk
hasteando {v} :: gerund of hastear
hastear {vt} :: to hoist (to raise; to lift; to elevate)
Hata {prop} {mf} :: given name
Hata {prop} {mf} :: surname
há tempos {adj} :: since a long time
hater {mf} /ˈʁej.teɾ/ :: hater
hat-trick {m} [sports] :: hat trick (three achievements in a single game)
Hattusa {prop} {f} :: Hattusa (ancient capital)
Hattusas {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Hattusa
Hattushas {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Hattusa
Hatusa {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Hattusa
Hatusas {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Hattusa
Haufschild {prop} {mf} :: surname
há um chinelo velho para todo pé cansado {proverb} :: every Jack has his Jill (literally: There is an old slipper for every tired foot)
Hauschild {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hauschildt {prop} {mf} :: surname
Havai {prop} {m} [Portugal] /aˈvaj/ :: alternative form of Havaí
Havaí {prop} {m} [Brazil] /ˈi/ :: Havaí (archipelago)
Havaí {prop} {m} [Brazil] :: Havaí (island)
Havaí {prop} {m} [Brazil] :: Havaí (state)
havaiana {f} :: feminine noun of havaiano
havaiana {f} :: clipping of sandália havaiana
havaiano {adj} :: Hawaiian (of, from or relating to Hawaii)
havaiano {adj} :: Hawaiian (of, in or relating to the Hawaiian language)
havaiano {m} :: Hawaiian (person from Hawaii)
havaiano {m} [uncountable] :: Hawaiian (Polynesian language spoken in Hawaii)
Hávamál {prop} {m} [Nordic literature] :: Hávamál (second book of the Poetic Edda)
havana {m} :: Havana (type of cigar produced in Cuba)
Havana {prop} {f} :: Havana (capital city)
havendo {v} /ɐˈvẽdu/ :: gerund of haver
haver {v} /ɐ.ˈveɾ/ :: [de] shall; ought to; should (forms a future tense, with a modal sense of compromise)
haver {v} :: [auxiliary with a verb in the masculine singular past participle] have (forms the perfect aspect)
haver {v} :: [in the past tense] forms the past perfect
haver {v} :: [in the present tense, archaic] forms the present perfect
haver {vt} :: [formal, impersonal] there be; exist
haver {vt} :: [formal, impersonal] there be; to happen; to occur
haver {vt} :: [archaic] to have; to own; to possess
haver {v} :: to recover; to regain (to obtain something that had been lost)
haver {vp} :: to behave (to conduct oneself well, on in a given manner)
haver {vt} :: [impersonal] it has been ... since; ago (indicates the time since something occurred)
haver {m} :: outstanding debt
haver de {v} :: will; shall
haver de {v} :: to have to; must
Hawaí {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Havaí
Hawaií {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Havaí
haxe {m} :: hash; hashish (a recreational drug made from cannabis)
haxemita {adj} :: Hashemite
haxixe {m} :: hashish (dried leaves of the Indian hemp plant used as a narcotic)
Hayashi {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hayashida {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hayato {prop} {m} :: given name
Haydn {prop} {mf} :: surname
heap {mf} [computing] :: heap (tree-based data structure)
heavy metal {m} [music genre] /ˈhɛ.vi ˈmɛ.taw/ :: heavy metal (genre of rock music)
hebdomadário {m} :: weekly (publication that is published once a week)
Hebe {prop} {f} [Greek god] /ˈɛ.bi/ :: Hebe (goddess of youth)
Hebe {prop} {f} :: given name
Hebert {prop} {mf} :: surname
hebofilia {f} :: hebephilia
hebraico {adj} :: Hebrew (pertaining to the people)
hebraização {f} /e.ˌbɾˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: Hebraization; Hebraisation
hebreia {f} /i.ˈβɾɐj.ɐ/ :: feminine noun of hebreu
hebréia {f} :: obsolete spelling of hebreia
hebreu {m} /i.ˈβɾew/ :: Hebrew (person)
Hébridas {prop} {fp} :: Hébridas (archipelago)
Hebrom {prop} {f} /e.ˈbɾõ/ :: Hebrom (city)
Hebron {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Hebrom
Hébron {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Hebrom
Hécate {prop} {f} [Greek god] /ˈɛkɐtɨ/ :: Hecate (goddess of crossroads and witchcraft)
hecceidade {f} :: haecceity (essence of a particular thing)
heceidade {f} :: alternative form of hecceidade
hectare {m} :: hectare (unit of surface area)
hecto- {prefix} :: hecto- (hundred)
hectolitro {m} :: hectoliter, hectolitre
hectómetro {m} [European orthography] :: hectometre (100 metres)
hectômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of hectómetro
hediondo {adj} /ˌe.d͡ʒi.ˈõ.du/ :: heinous
Hedjaz {prop} {m} :: Hedjaz (traditional region)
hedonismo {m} [ethics] :: hedonism (belief that pleasure or happiness is the highest good in life)
Hefaísto {m} :: alternative form of Hefesto
Hefesto {m} [Greek god] :: Hephaestus (god of fire and smithing)
hegeliano {adj} [philosophy] :: Hegelian (relating to Hegel or his philosophical system)
hegemonia {f} :: hegemony (domination, influence, or authority over a nation or society)
hegemónico {adj} [European orthography] :: hegemonic (pertaining to or having hegemony)
hegemônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of hegemónico
hégira {f} [Islam] :: Hegira (emigration of Muhammad from Mecca to Meddina)
hehe {interj} :: hehe (sound of a giggle)
heim {interj} :: rare form of hein
hein {interj} [at the end of a sentence] /ˈẽj̃/ :: huh? (used as a reinforcement of a question)
hein {interj} [used by itself] :: what? (used when one didn’t hear or understand something)
hein {interj} :: response to a statement that is unexpected or idiotic
Heitor {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Hector (Trojan hero in the Iliad)
Heitor {prop} {m} :: given name
Hejaz {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Hedjaz
Hélade {prop} {f} /ˈɛ.la.d͡ʒi/ :: Hellas (Greek name for Greece, usually referring to ancient Greece)
Hélder {prop} {m} :: given name
heléboro {m} :: hellebore (any plant of the genus Helleborus)
Helena {prop} {f} /e.ˈle.nɐ/ :: given name
helénico {adj} [European orthography] :: Hellenic (of, from or relating to Greece, especially the ancient Greeks)
helênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of helénico
helenista {adj} :: Hellenistic (relating to Ancient Greek civilisation and language)
helenista {mf} :: Hellenist (person who studies Ancient Greek civilisation and language)
helenístico {adj} :: Hellenistic (relating to Ancient Greek civilisation and language)
helenizado {adj} :: Hellenized (having adopted Greek culture)
helenizado {m} :: Hellenist (person who adopted Greek culture)
helenizar {vt} :: to Hellenize (to make Greek in character)
heleno {adj} /iˈlɛnu/ :: Hellenic
Helesponto {prop} {m} :: Helesponto (strait)
Helga {prop} {f} :: given name
Helgoland {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Heligoland
Helgolândia {prop} {f} :: rare spelling of Heligoland
heliântemo {m} :: helianthemum (any plant of the genus Helianthemum)
helianto {m} :: sunflower (any plant of the genus Helianthus, characterised by their large, yellow floral head)
hélice {f} :: a rotating propeller, such as a ship’s screw or a helicopter’s rotor
hélice {m} :: alternative form of hélix
hélice alfa {f} :: alternative form of alfa-hélice
helicicultura {f} :: heliciculture (snail farming)
helicóptero {m} /ˈkɔpi.te.ɾu/ :: helicopter (an aircraft that is borne along by one or more sets of long rotating blades which allow it to hover)
Heligoland {prop} {f} :: Heligoland (island)
Heligolândia {prop} {f} [uncommon] :: alternative form of Heligoland
hélio {m} :: helium
Hélio {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Helios (god of the sun)
Hélio {prop} {m} :: given name
heliocêntrico {adj} /ˌɛ.ljo.ˈsẽ.tɾi.ku/ :: heliocentric
Heliodora {prop} :: Heliodora (municipality)
heliolatria {f} [theology] :: heliotheism; heliolatry (worship of the sun as a god)
heliómetro {m} [European orthography, astronomy] :: heliometer (instrument for measuring the diameter of the sun)
heliômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of heliómetro
Heliópolis {prop} :: Heliópolis (municipality)
heliotrópio {m} :: sunflower (any plant of the genus Helianthus, characterised by their large, yellow floral head)
heliotrópio {m} [botany] :: heliotrope (plant that turns so that it faces the sun)
heliporto {m} [aviation] :: heliport (surface or facility for the landing of helicopters)
hélix {m} [anatomy] :: helix (incurved rim of the external ear)
helmíntico {adj} :: helminthic
helmo {m} :: obsolete spelling of elmo
Heloísa {prop} {f} /ˌe.lo.ˈi.zɐ/ :: given name
Helsinke {prop} {f} [obsolete] :: rare spelling of Helsinque
Helsinki {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Helsinque
Helsínki {prop} {f} :: rare spelling of Helsinque
Helsinkia {prop} {f} [dated] :: rare form of Helsinque
Helsinque {prop} {f} [Brazil] :: Helsinque (capital city)
Helsinqui {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Helsinque
Helsínqui {prop} {f} [uncommon] :: alternative form of Helsinque
Helsinquia {prop} {f} :: obsolete form of Helsinque
Helsínquia {prop} {f} [Portugal] :: alternative form of Helsinque
hem {interj} :: rare form of hein
hemácia {f} :: blood cell (any of the cells normally found in the blood)
hematita {f} [mineral] :: hematite (an iron ore)
hematócito {m} /ˌˈtɔ :: hematocyte (blood cell)
hematoencefálico {adj} :: hematoencephalic
hematologia {f} [medicine] :: haematology (scientific study of blood and blood-producing organs)
hematológico {adj} :: hematologic (of or relating to hematology)
hematologista {mf} :: haematologist (scientist who specialises in haematology)
hematólogo {m} :: haematologist (scientist who specialises in haematology)
hematoma {m} [medicine] :: bruise (purple mark on the skin resulting from a blow)
hematúria {f} [pathology] :: hematuria
hemeródromo {m} :: hemerodrome (courier in Ancient Greece)
hemiciclo {m} :: semicircle, hemicycle
hemiciclo {m} [politics] :: floor (the part of the house assigned to the members of a parliament)
hemicrania {f} [pathology] :: hemicrania (a headache affecting one side of the head)
hemimorfita {f} [mineral] :: hemimorphite
hemíptero {m} :: hemipter (any insect of the order Hemiptera)
hemisfera {f} :: hemisphere
hemisfério {m} :: hemisphere
hemisfério norte {m} :: Northern Hemisphere (hemisphere to the north of its equator)
hemisfério sul {m} :: Southern Hemisphere (hemisphere to the south of its equator)
hemocianina {f} :: hemocyanin
hemocromatose {f} :: hemochromatosis (metabolic disorder)
hemodiálise {f} :: hemodialysis
hemodinâmico {adj} [medicine] :: hemodynamic (of or pertaining to the circulation of blood)
hemofilia {f} [pathology] :: haemophilia (hereditary illness that impairs the body’s ability to control bleeding)
hemoglobina {f} :: hemoglobin (the iron-containing substance in red blood cells that transports oxygen)
hemolinfa {f} [zoology] :: hemolymph (a circulating fluid in the bodies of some invertebrates)
hemólise {f} :: hemolysis
hemolisina {f} [medicine] :: hemolysin (any substance that damages the membranes of red blood cells)
hemolítico {adj} :: haemolytic
hemoperfusão {f} [medicine] :: hemoperfusion
hemorragia {f} /ˌˈʒi.a/ :: hemorrhage (release of blood; bleeding)
hemorrhagia {f} :: obsolete spelling of hemorragia
hemorroida {f} [usually, in the plural] :: hemorrhoid (perianal varicosity)
hemossiderina {f} :: hemosiderin
hemóstase {f} [medicine] :: hemostasis (keeping of blood inside a damaged vessel)
hemostasia {f} [medicine] :: hemostasis (keeping of blood inside a damaged vessel)
hemovanadina {f} :: hemovanadin
hena {f} :: henna (Lawsonia inermis, a shrub)
hena {f} :: henna (dye made from the leaves of the henna shrub)
hendecassílabo {adj} :: hendecasyllabic (having eleven syllables)
hendíade {f} :: alternative form of hendíadis
hendíadis {f} [rhetoric] :: hendiadys (a figure of speech used for emphasis)
Henrique {prop} {m} /ẽ.ˈʁi.kɨ/ :: given name
Henriques {prop} {mf} /ẽ.ˈʁi.kɨʃ/ :: surname
Henriqueta {prop} {f} /ˌẽ.ʁi.ˈke.tɐ/ :: given name
henry {m} :: henry (SI unit for electrical inductance)
hentai {m} :: hentai (a work of anime or manga — Japanese cartoon art, respectively animated and static — that contains pornography)
hepática {f} :: liverwort (bryophyte with a leafy stem)
hepático {adj} :: hepatic (relating to the liver)
hepatite {f} [diseases] :: hepatitis
hepatoma {m} [oncology] :: hepatoma (cancer originating in the liver)
heptaedro {m} [geometry] :: heptahedron (polyhedron with seven faces)
heptagonal {adj} :: heptagonal (having seven angles and sides)
heptágono {m} /ɛpˈtaɣunu/ :: heptagon
heptano {m} [organic compound] :: heptane (saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon: C7H16)
heptatlo {m} :: heptathlon
heptavalente {adj} [chemistry] :: heptavalent
heptil {m} [organic chemistry] :: heptyl
hera {f} /ˈɛ.ɾa/ :: ivy (plant)
Hera {f} [Greek god] :: Hera (goddess of marriage and birth)
Héracles {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Heracles (the son of Zeus, Hercules)
Heraclião {prop} {f} :: Heraclião (city/regional capital)
Heráclion {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Heraclião
Heráclito {prop} {m} :: Heraclitus (a pre-Socratic Ionian philosopher)
Heráclito {prop} {m} :: given name
heráldica {f} /e.ˈɾaw.d͡ʒi.ka/ :: heraldry (the profession of devising and blazoning arms)
heráldico {adj} /e.ˈɾaɫ.di.ku/ :: heraldic
heráldico {adj} :: armorial
herança {f} /i.ˈɾɐ̃.sɐ/ :: heritage, inheritance, legacy
hera-terrestre {f} :: ground-ivy (Glechoma hederacea, a plant native to Europe)
herbáceo {adj} [botany, of a plant] :: herbaceous (not having wood)
herbário {m} :: herbarium (collection of dried plants)
herbicida {m} :: herbicide (substance used to kill plants)
herbívoro {adj} :: herbivorous (feeding only on plants)
herbívoro {m} :: herbivore (plant-eating organism)
Herculândia {prop} :: Herculândia (municipality)
hercúleo {adj} :: Herculean (of extraordinary might, power, size, etc.)
hercúleo {adj} :: Herculean (requiring a huge amount of work)
Hércules {prop} {m} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] /ˈɛʁ.ku.lis/ :: Hercules (Greek demigod and hero)
Hércules {prop} {f} [constellation] :: Hercules (constellation)
herdança {f} [dialectal] :: alternative form of herança
herdar {v} /eɾ.ˈðaɾ/ :: to inherit (receive property or a title by legal succession etc.)
herdar {v} :: to inherit (receive a characteristic from one's ancestors by genetic transmission)
herdar {v} :: to inherit (derive from people or conditions previously in force)
herdeira {f} :: feminine noun of herdeiro; heiress
herdeiro {m} /iɾ.ˈðɐj.ɾu/ :: heir, inheritor
herdeiro {m} :: successor
hereditariedade {f} :: heredity
hereditário {adj} :: hereditary
herege {adj} :: heretical (of or pertaining to heresy or heretics)
herege {mf} :: heretic (someone whose beliefs are contrary to fundamental tenets)
heresia {f} /ˌe.ɾe.ˈzi.a/ :: heresy (dissension from religious dogma)
heresiarca {mf} :: heresiarch
herético {adj} :: heretical (of or pertaining to heresy or heretics)
herético {adj} [of ideas or views] :: heretical (contrary to mainstream or accepted opinion)
hermafrodita {adj} :: hermaphrodite (having both male and female gonads)
hermafrodita {mf} :: hermaphrodite (organism having both male and female gonads)
hermafroditismo {m} :: hermaphroditism (state of having both male and female sexual organs)
Hermafrodito {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hermaphroditus (Greek god)
hermano {m} [Brazil, colloquial, colloquial] :: Argentinian
Hermano {prop} {m} /eʁ.ˈmɐ.nu/ :: given name
hermão {m} :: obsolete form of irmão
hermatípico {adj} [marine biology, of a coral species] :: hermatypic (that builds reefs)
hermenêutica {f} :: hermeneutics (art and science of text interpretation)
hermenêutico {adj} :: hermeneutic
Hermes {m} [Greek god] :: Hermes (messenger of the gods)
Hermes {m} :: given name
hermeticamente {adv} :: hermetically
hermeticidade {f} :: airtightness (the quality of being airtight)
hermético {adj} :: hermetic
hermida {f} :: obsolete spelling of ermida
Hernane {prop} {m} :: given name. alternative form of Hernâni
Hernani {prop} {m} :: given name. alternative form of Hernâni
Hernâni {prop} {m} :: given name
hérnia {f} /ˈɛʁ.niɐ/ :: hernia
herniotomia {f} :: herniotomy
Herodes {prop} {m} :: Herod (king of Israel during Biblical times)
Heródoto {prop} {m} :: Herodotus (ancient Greek historian)
Heródoto {prop} {m} :: given name
heróe {m} :: archaic spelling of herói
herói {m} /eˈɾɔj/ :: hero
heroicamente {adv} :: heroically
heróico {adj} :: heroic
heroína {f} :: heroin
heroína {f} :: heroine
heroísmo {m} :: heroism (the qualities characteristic of a hero, the display of them)
herpes {morf} [medicine] :: herpes (viral disease)
herpes-zóster {m} [pathology] :: herpes zoster (acute viral inflammation)
herpetóloga {f} :: female equivalent of herpetólogo
herpetologia {f} :: herpetology (the branch of biology dealing with reptiles)
herpetólogo {m} :: herpetologist (one who studies reptiles)
hertz {m} /ˈhɛʁts/ :: hertz (unit of frequency)
herva {f} :: obsolete form of erva
Herval {prop} :: Herval (municipality)
Herval d'Oeste {prop} :: Herval d'Oeste (municipality)
Herveiras {prop} :: Herveiras (municipality)
Herzegovina {prop} {f} :: Herzegovina (traditional region)
Herzegovina {prop} {f} :: clipping of Bósnia e Herzegovina
Hesíodo {prop} {m} :: Hesiod (Greek poet)
hesitação {f} :: hesitation (act of hesitating)
hesitante {adj} /e.zi.ˈtɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ :: hesitant; hesitating
hesitar {v} :: to hesitate
Hespanha {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Espanha
hespanhol {n} :: obsolete spelling of espanhol
hespanhol {adj} :: obsolete spelling of espanhol
Hesse {prop} {m} :: Hesse (state)
Héssia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Hesse
Héstia {f} [Greek god] :: Hestia (goddess of the household)
hetero- {prefix} :: hetero- (other; different)
hétero {adj} /ˈɛ.te.ɾu/ :: hetero, straight (heterosexual)
hétero {mf} :: a heterosexual person
heterocíclico {adj} [organic chemistry, of a cyclic compound] :: heterocyclic (containing one or more atoms other than carbon)
heteróclito {adj} :: eclectic
heteróclito {adj} :: heteroclite
heterocromia {f} :: heterochromia (condition in which multiple pigmentations occur in the eyes, skin or hair)
heterodoxo {adj} :: heterodox, unorthodox
heterofóbico {adj} :: heterophobic
heterofóbico {m} :: heterophobe
heterófobo {adj} :: heterophobic
heterófobo {m} :: heterophobe
heterogamia {f} [cytology] :: heterogamy; anisogamy (sexual reproduction involving the union or fusion of two dissimilar gametes)
heterogeneidade {f} /ˌɛ.te.ɾo.ˌʒe.nej.ˈ :: heterogeneity (a composition of diverse parts)
heterogêneo {adj} /ˌɛ.te.ɾo.ˈʒ :: heterogeneous; diverse
heterogêneo {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: heterogeneous (having more than one phase)
heteroglossia {f} [linguistics] :: heteroglossia (the coexistence of distinct varieties within a single linguistic code)
heterológico {adj} [grammar, of an adjective] :: heterological (not describing itself)
heterónimo {m} [European orthography, linguistics] :: heteronym (word having the same spelling but different pronunciation)
heterónimo {m} [European orthography, literature] :: heteronym (fictitious character writing in a different style)
heterônimo {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of heterónimo
heteropoliácido {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: heteropoly acid
heterossexismo {m} :: heterosexism (discrimination in favour of heterosexuals)
heterossexual {adj} /ˌɛ.te.ɾˈaɫ/ :: heterosexual
heterossexual {mf} :: a heterosexual person
heterossexualidade {f} :: heterosexuality
heterozigoto {m} [genetics] :: heterozygote (a diploid individual that has different alleles at one or more genetic loci)
hétmã {m} :: hetman (a historical military commander in various Eastern European countries)
hétmane {m} :: alternative form of hétmã
heureca {interj} :: alternative spelling of eureca
heurística {f} :: heuristic (heuristic method)
heurística {f} [uncountable] :: heuristics (study of heuristic methods and principles)
heurístico {adj} :: heuristic (relating to general strategies or methods for solving problems)
heurístico {adj} [computing, of a method or algorithm] :: heuristic (that is not certain to arrive at an optimal solution)
hexa {m} [Brazil, sports] /ˈɛksa/ :: clipping of hexacampeonato
hexa {m} [computing] :: clipping of hexadecimal
hexa {adj} [Brazil, sports] :: clipping of hexacampeão
hexacampeão {m} :: six-time champion
hexacianoferrato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexacyanoferrate
hexacloreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexachloride
hexaclorobenzeno {m} [organic compound] :: hexachlorobenzene
hexadecano {m} [organic compound] :: hexadecane
hexadecimal {adj} [computing, of a number] :: hexadecimal (expressed in base 16)
hexadecimal {m} [computing] :: hexadecimal (number expressed in base 16)
hexaedro {m} :: hexahedron
hexafluoreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexafluoride
hexagonal {adj} [geometry] :: hexagonal (having six edges)
hexágono {m} /ɛˈza.ɣ :: hexagon
hexametilenodiamina {f} [organic compound] :: hexamethylenediamine
hexano {m} [organic compound] :: hexane (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C6H14)
hexavalente {adj} :: hexavalent
hexil {m} [organic chemistry] :: hexyl
hexoquinase {f} [enzyme] :: hexokinase
hexose {f} [carbohydrate] :: hexose (a sugar containing six carbon atoms)
hexóxido {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexoxide
Híades {prop} {fp} [Greek god] :: Hyades (daughters of Atlas)
Híades {prop} {fp} [astronomy] :: Hyades (an open cluster)
hialoplasma {m} [cytology] :: cytosol (the solution of a cell’s cytoplasm)
hiato {m} [phonology] /i.ˈa.tu/ :: hiatus (syllable break between two vowels)
hiato {m} [anatomy] :: hiatus (opening in an organ)
hiato {m} :: interruption; pause
hiatus {m} :: alternative form of hiato
hibakusha {mf} :: hibakusha (survivor of the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
hibernação {f} [biology] :: hibernation (state of inactivity during winter)
hibernal {adj} /i.βɨɾ.ˈnaɫ/ :: hibernal
hibernar {v} [biology] /i.βɨɾ.ˈnaɾ/ :: to hibernate (to spend winter time in hibernation)
hibernar {v} [computing] :: to hibernate (to enter a standby state)
hibisco {m} :: hibiscus (a flower of the genus Hibiscus)
hibridação {f} :: hybridization (act of hybridizing)
hibridismo {m} :: hybridism
hibridização {f} :: hybridization
hibridizando {v} :: gerund of hibridizar
hibridizar {v} :: to hybridize
híbrido {adj} :: hybrid (consisting of diverse components)
híbrido {m} [biology] :: hybrid (offspring resulting from crossbreeding)
híbrido {m} :: hybrid (something of mixed origin)
híbrido {m} :: hybrid (car that runs on both fuel and electricity)
hicória {f} [rare] :: hickory (tree of genus Carya or Annamocarya)
Hiderabade {prop} {f} :: Hiderabade (caplc)
hidra {f} [zoology] :: hydra (any of several small freshwater polyps of the genus Hydra)
Hidra {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Hydra (seven-headed serpent slain by Hercules)
Hidra {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Hydra (constellation)
Hidra {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Hydra (one of Pluto's moons)
hidrácido {m} [chemistry] :: hydracid
Hidra de Lerna {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Hydra (mythical serpent)
hidrante {m} :: fire hydrant (a device used by firefighters to obtain water from the main)
hidrargiria {f} :: alternative form of hidrargirismo
hidrargírico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: mercuric
hidrargírio {m} /ˌi.dɾaʁ.ˈʒi.ɾi.u/ :: hydrargyrum
hidrargirismo {m} :: mercurialism (mercury poisoning)
hidrargiro {m} :: alternative form of hidrargírio
hidraste {m} [plant] :: goldenseal (a herb, Hydrastis canadensis)
hidratação {f} :: hydration
hidratado {adj} :: hydrated
hidratado {adj} :: hydrous
hidratando {v} :: gerund of hidratar
hidratar {v} :: to hydrate
hidrato {m} [chemistry] :: hydrate
hidraulicamente {adv} :: hydraulically
hidráulico {adj} :: hydraulic
hidrazina {f} [inorganic compound] :: hydrazine
hidrelétrica {f} :: short for usina hidrelétrica
hidrelétrico {adj} /i.dɾe.ˈlɛ.tɾi.ku/ :: hydroelectric
hidreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydride
hidreto de lítio {m} [inorganic compound] :: lithium hydride
hídrico {adj} :: hydrous
hidro- {prefix} :: hydro- (pertaining to water)
hidroavião {m} [aircraft, nautical] :: seaplane (aircraft capable of taking off from water)
hidrobiologia {f} [biology] :: hydrobiology (study of water-dwelling creatures)
hidrocarboneto {m} [organic chemistry] /ˌi.dɾo.ˌkaɻ.bo.ˈ :: hydrocarbon (compound of carbon and hydrogen)
hidrocefalia {f} [medicine] :: hydrocephalus (fluid accumulation inside the brain)
hidrocefálico {adj} [medicine] :: hydrocephalous (afflicted with hydrocephalus)
hidrocéfalo {adj} [medicine] :: hydrocephalous (afflicted with hydrocephalus)
hidrocraqueamento {m} [organic chemistry] :: hydrocracking
hidrodesalquilação {f} [organic chemistry] :: hydrodealkylation
hidrodessulfurização {f} [chemistry] :: hydrodesulfurization
hidro-elétrico {adj} :: superseded spelling of hidroelétrico
hidroelétrico {adj} /i.dɾo.e.ˈlɛ.tɾi.ku/ :: alternative form of hidrelétrico
hidrofluoração {f} :: hydrofluoration, hydrofluorination
hidrofobia {f} [pathology] :: hydrophobia; rabies (disease that causes acute encephalitis)
hidrofobia {f} [pathology] :: hydrophobia (fear of water)
hidrofóbico {adj} :: hydrophobic
hidrofólio {m} [nautical] :: hydrofoil (wing on a ship’s hull that raises it out of the water)
hidrofólio {m} [nautical] :: hydrofoil (vessel with these wings)
hidrogenação {f} [chemistry] :: hydrogenation
hidrogenar {v} [chemistry] :: to hydrogenate
hidrogenase {f} [enzyme] :: hydrogenase
hidrogénio {m} /idɾɔˈʒɛniu/ :: hydrogen
hidrogênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of hidrogénio
hidroginástica {f} :: water aerobics (a form of aerobics done in water)
hidrografia {f} /i.dɾo.ɡɾa.ˈfi.a/ :: hydrography
hidrográfico {adj} :: hydrographic
hidrolase {f} [enzyme] :: hydrolase
hidrolisado {m} :: hydrolysate
hidrólise {f} :: hydrolysis
hidrologia {f} :: hydrology
hidrologicamente {adv} :: hydrologically
hidrológico {adj} :: hydrological
hidrologista {mf} :: hydrologist (person who studies hydrology)
hidrólogo {m} :: hydrologist (person who studies hydrology)
hidromassagem {f} :: hydromassage (massage using water)
hidromel {m} :: mead (alcoholic drink made from fermented honey)
hidrónimo {m} [European orthography, onomastics] :: hydronym (name of a body of water)
hidrônimo {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of hidrónimo
hidrônio {m} [chemistry] :: hydronium
hidropisia {f} [pathology] :: dropsy (abnormal accumulation of fluid)
hidroquinona {f} [organic compound] :: hydroquinone (the diphenol para-dihydroxy benzene)
hidrose {f} [physiology] :: hidrosis (the formation and excretion of sweat)
hidrossolúvel {adj} :: hydrosoluble
hidrostático {adj} [physics] :: hydrostatic (of or relating to hydrostatics)
hidroterapista {mf} :: hydrotherapist (therapist who performs hydrotherapy)
hidrótico {adj} [physiology] :: hidrotic (relating to hidrosis)
hidrovia {f} :: waterway (navigable body of water)
hidroxiapatita {f} [mineral] :: hydroxyapatite
hidróxido {m} [chemistry] :: hydroxide (univalent anion with one hydrogen and one oxygen atom)
hidroxila {f} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxyl
hidroxilbastnasita {f} [mineral] :: hydroxylbastnäsite
hiena {f} /je.nɐ/ :: hyena
hierarquia {f} :: hierarchy
hierárquico {adj} :: hierarchical
hierarquização {f} :: hierarchization (the process of making something hierarchical)
hieróglifo {m} :: hieroglyph
hieromonge {m} :: hieromonk (monk of the Eastern Church who is also a priest)
hierosolimita {adj} :: alternative form of hierosolimitano
hierosolimita {mf} :: alternative form of hierosolimitano
hierosolimitana {f} :: feminine noun of hierosolimitano
hierosolimitanas {f} :: feminine noun of hierosolimitano
hierosolimitano {adj} :: Jerusalemite
hierosolimitano {m} :: Jerusalemite
hifa {f} [mycology] :: hypha (filament that forms the mycelium of a fungus)
hífen {m} :: hyphen
hifenização {f} :: hyphenation
Higa {prop} {mf} :: surname
Higashi {prop} {mf} :: surname
Higeia {prop} {f} [Greek god] /i.ˈʒɛj.ɐ/ :: Hygiea (goddess of health, cleanliness, and sanitation)
Higéia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Higeia
Higia {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Hygiea (Greek goddess of health, cleanliness, and sanitation)
Hígia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Higeia
higidez {f} :: good health, the quality of being healthy
hígido {adj} :: healthy
higiene {f} /i.ˈʒjɛ.nɨ/ :: hygiene (conditions and practices that promote and preserve health)
higiénico {adj} [European orthography] :: alternative form of higiênico
higiênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: hygienic, sanitary
higienização {f} /ˌi.ʒˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: sanitation, cleaning
higrómetro {m} [European orthography, meteorology] :: hygrometer (instrument that measures humidity)
higrômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of higrómetro
higroscopicidade {f} :: hygroscopicity
higroscópico {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: hygroscopic (readily taking up and retaining water)
Higuchi {prop} {mf} :: surname
hijab {m} [countable] :: hijab (veil worn by Muslim women)
Hijaz {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Hedjaz
hilariante {adj} :: hilarious
hilariantemente {adv} :: hilariously (in a very amusing manner)
hilaridade {f} [uncountable] :: hilarity (the quality of being hilarious)
hilaridade {f} :: hilarity (something that is hilarious)
hilariedade {f} :: alternative form of hilaridade
hilário {adj} :: hilarious (very funny)
Hilda {prop} {f} /ˈiw.dɐ/ :: given name
Hildebrando {prop} {m} /ˌˈbɾɐ̃.du/ :: given name
hilo {m} [botany] :: hilum
Himachal Pradesh {prop} {m} :: Himachal Pradesh (state)
Himalaia {prop} {m} :: Himalaia (range)
himalaio {adj} :: Himalayan (of or relating to the Himalayas)
himalaio {m} :: Himalayan (inhabitant of the Himalayas)
himalaio {m} :: Himalayan (cat breed)
hímen {m} :: hymen (membrane which occludes the vagina)
Himeneu {prop} {m} [Greek god] /ˌˈnew/ :: Hymen (god of marriage)
hindi {m} /ĩ.ˈd͡ʒi/ :: Hindi (language)
híndi {m} :: alternative form of hindi
Hindia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Índia
hindu {adj} /ĩ.ˈdu/ :: Hindu
hindu {adj} :: Indian (of India)
hinduísmo {m} :: Hinduism (religion native to India)
hinduísta {mf} :: Hindu (adherent of Hinduism)
Hindukush {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Hindu Kush
Hindu Kush {prop} {m} :: Hindu Kush (range)
hindustani {adj} [dated] :: Hindustani (related to the Indian subcontinent)
hindustani {m} :: Hindustani (language encompassing Hindi and Urdu)
hino {m} /ˈ :: hymn (a song of praise or worship)
hino {m} :: anthem
hino {m} [Brazil, slang] :: a great song
hinverno {m} :: obsolete spelling of inverno
hioide {m} [skeleton] /i.ˈɔ :: hyoid bone
hióide {m} :: obsolete spelling of hioide
hipálage {f} [rhetoric, grammar] :: hypallage
hiper- {prefix} :: hyper-
hiperalbuminemia {f} [pathology] :: albuminosis (presence of more than the usual amount of albumin in the blood)
hiperalgesia {f} [medicine] :: hyperalgesia (an increased sensitivity to pain)
hipérbato {m} [grammar] :: hyperbaton (inversion of the usual order of words or phrases)
hipérbaton {m} :: alternative form of hipérbato
hipérbole {f} :: hyperbola
hipérbole {f} :: hyperbole
hiperbólico {adj} [rhetoric] :: hyperbolic (using hyperbole; exaggerated)
hiperbólico {adj} [mathematics] :: hyperbolic (pertaining to a hyperbola)
hiperbóreo {adj} :: hyperborean (pertaining to the extreme north of the Earth)
hiperbóreo {m} [Greek mythology] :: hyperborean (one a race of people living in the extreme north)
hipercalciúria {f} [pathology] :: hypercalciuria
hipercaliemia {f} [pathology] :: hypercalcemia
hipercinese {f} :: alternative form of hipercinesia
hipercinesia {f} [pathology] :: hyperkinesis (abnormally increased and sometimes uncontrollable activity or muscular movements)
hipercinético {adj} [pathology] :: hyperkinetic (of, relating to, or affected with hyperkinesis)
hipercolesterolemia {f} [pathology] :: hypercholesterolemia (an excess of cholesterol in the blood)
hipercubo {m} [geometry] :: hypercube (an analogue of a cube in four or more dimensions)
hiperespaço {m} [mathematics] :: hyperspace (Euclidian space with more than three dimensions)
hiperespaço {m} [science fiction] :: hyperspace (space that makes faster-than-light travel possible)
hiperglicemia {f} [Brazil] :: alternative form of hiperglicémia
hiperglicémia {f} [pathology] :: hyperglycemia
Hiperião {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Hipérion
hipericão {m} :: St John's wort (any plant of the genus Hypericum)
Hipérion {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hyperion (a titan)
Hipérion {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Hyperion (moon of Saturn)
hiperligação {f} :: hyperlink (link from one electronic document to another)
hiperlink {m} :: hyperlink (link from one electronic document to another)
hipermercado {m} :: hypermarket
hipermetropia {f} [ophthalmology] :: farsightedness; hyperopia; hypermetropia (the condition of being unable to focus on near objects)
hipernatremia {f} /ˌi.peɹ.ˌna.tɾe.ˈmi.a/ :: hypernatremia (abnormally high concentration of sodium in blood plasma)
hipernatrêmico {adj} [medicine] :: hypernatremic (having an abnormally high concentration of sodium in blood plasma)
hipernova {f} [astronomy] :: hypernova (gravitational collapse of a massive star to form a black hole)
hiperónimo {m} [European orthography, semantics] :: hypernym (superordinate term)
hiperônimo {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of hiperónimo
hiperpotassemia {f} [pathology] :: hyperpotassemia, hyperkalemia
hipersensibilidade {f} :: hypersensitivity
hipersónico {adj} [European orthography, of a speed, aviation] :: hypersonic (five times the speed of sound)
hipersônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of hipersónico
hipertensão {f} [pathology] :: hypertension
hipertensivo {adj} [medicine] :: hypertensive (relating to or suffering from hypertension)
hipertensivo {adj} [medicine] :: hypertensive (causing hypertension)
hipertensor {adj} [medicine] :: hypertensive (causing hypertension)
hipertensor {m} [medicine] :: hypertensor (agent that causes hypertension)
hipertermia {f} [pathology] :: hyperthermia (abnormally high body temperature)
hipertermófilo {adj} [biology] :: hyperthermophilic (thriving in an extremely hot environment)
hipertermófilo {m} [biology] :: hyperthermophile (organism that thrives in an extremely hot environment)
hipertexto {m} /ˌi.peɻ.ˈ :: hypertext (text for the Web)
hipertiroidismo {m} [pathology] :: hyperthyroidism
hipertrofia {f} :: hypertrophy (increase in the size of an organ)
hipertrofiar {v} [of a tissue or organ] :: to hypertrophy (to increase in size)
hip hip hurra {interj} :: hip hip hooray (an exclamation of congratulations)
hip hop {m} :: hip-hop (urban youth culture)
hip-hop {m} :: alternative spelling of hip hop
hipismo {m} :: horse racing
Hipnos {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hypnos (god of sleep)
hipnose {f} /ip.ˈnɔ.ze/ :: hypnosis (a trancelike state)
hipnoterapia {f} :: hypnotherapy (treatment of disease through hypnotism)
hipnótico {adj} :: hypnotic (relating to or causing hypnosis)
hipnótico {adj} [by extension] :: enthralling; mesmerising (very exiting)
hipnotismo {m} :: hypnotism (art of inducing hypnosis)
hipnotizador {m} :: hypnotist (person who uses hypnotism)
hipnotizar {v} :: to hypnotise (to induce somebody into a state of hypnosis)
hipo- {prefix} :: hypo- (bellow; underneath)
hipo- {prefix} :: hypo- (deficient; less than normal)
hipo- {prefix} :: hippo- (indicates horses)
hipoalergênico {adj} :: hypoallergenic
hipobromito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypobromite
hipocampal {adj} :: hippocampal (relating to the hippocampus)
hipocampo {m} [Greek mythology] :: hippocampus; hippocamp (creature that is half horse and half fish)
hipocampo {m} [anatomy] :: hippocampus (region of the brain that plays a role in memory and emotion)
hipocampo {m} :: sea horse (any of the various small marine fish of the genus Hippocampus)
hipocapnia {f} :: hypocapnia (reduced carbon dioxide in the blood)
hipoclorito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypochlorite
hipocloroso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypochlorous
hipocondria {f} /ˌi.po.kõ.ˈdɾi.a/ :: hypochondria, hypochondriasis (excessive fear of or preoccupation with a serious illness)
hipocondríaco {adj} :: hypochondriac (affected by hypochondria)
hipocondríaco {m} :: hypochondriac (person affected by hypochondria)
hipocorístico {adj} :: hypocoristic
hipocorístico {m} :: hypocorism (nickname indicating intimacy)
Hipócrates {prop} {m} :: historical given name
hipocresia {f} :: obsolete form of hipocrisia
hipocrisia {f} /ˌi.po.kɾi.ˈzi.a/ :: hypocrisy (claim, pretense, or false representation of holding beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not actually possess)
hipocrisía {f} :: obsolete spelling of hipocrisia
hipócrita {adj} :: hypocritical (characterised by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite)
hipócrita {mf} :: hypocrite (person practising hypocrisy)
hipocrómico {adj} :: hypochromic
hipódromo {m} /i.ˈpɔ.ðɾ :: hippodrome
hipódromo {m} :: racetrack
hipófise {f} [anatomy] :: pituitary gland; hypophysis (endocrine gland at the base of the brain)
hipoglicemia {f} [pathology] :: hypoglycemia (low level of blood glucose)
hipoglosso {m} :: halibut (fish of genus Hippoglossus)
hipoglosso {m} :: hypoglossal (nerve under the tongue)
hipoglosso {adj} :: hypoglossal (of or pertaining to the area under the tongue)
hipogrifo {m} /i.pɔ.ˈɣɾi.fu/ :: hippogriff
hipolipidêmico {adj} [Brazilian orthography, pharmacology] :: hypolipidemic (that reduces the concentration of lipid in blood serum)
hipónimo {m} [semantics, Portugal] :: hyponym (word with a more specific meaning)
hipônimo {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of hipónimo
hipopótamo {m} /i.pɔ.ˈpɔ.tɐ.mu/ :: hippopotamus
hipopotassemia {f} [pathology] :: hypopotassemia, hypokalemia
hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia {f} [humorous, nonce] :: hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
hipossulfito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyposulfite
hipossulfuroso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyposulfurous
hipotalâmico {adj} :: hypothalamic (pertaining to the hypothalamus)
hipotálamo {m} [anatomy] :: hypothalamus (a region of the brain, below the thalamus)
hipotaxe {f} [grammar] :: hypotaxis (syntactic subordination of a clause to another)
hipoteca {f} /ˌi.po.ˈtɛ.ka/ :: mortgage (special form of secured loan)
hipotecando {v} :: gerund of hipotecar
hipotecar {v} :: to mortgage
hipotecar {v} :: to hypothecate
hipotecário {adj} :: mortgage (attributive)
hipótenar {m} [anatomy] :: the hypothenar eminence
hipotensão {f} [pathology] /ˌhi.po.tẽ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: hypotension (abnormally low blood pressure)
hipotenusa {f} :: hypotenuse
hipótese {f} [science] /iˈpɔ.tə.z(ə)/ :: hypothesis (tentative conjecture in science)
hipótese {f} :: possibility; option
hipótese alternativa {f} [statistics] :: alternative hypothesis (rival hypothesis to the null hypothesis)
hipótese alternativa {f} :: See: pt hipótese alternativa
hipoteticamente {adv} :: hypothetically
hipotético {adj} :: hypothetical
hipotireoidismo {m} [pathology] :: hypothyroidism
hipotiroidismo {m} [pathology] :: hypothyroidism (insufficient production of thyroid hormone)
hipotrocoide {f} [geometry] :: hypotrochoid (a type of geometric curve)
hipotrocóide {f} :: obsolete spelling of hipotrocoide
hipoxia {f} :: alternative form of hipóxia
hipóxia {f} [pathology] :: hypoxia (condition in which tissues are deprived of oxygen)
hippie {mf} :: hippie (member of a nonconformist subculture of the 1960s)
hipsilo {m} :: upsilon (name of the letter 20th of Greek alphabet: Υ, υ)
hipster {mf} :: hipster (person interested in the latest trends)
hir {v} :: obsolete spelling of ir
hiragana {m} :: hiragana (Japanese syllabary)
Hirano {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hiranuma {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hirata {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hiratsuka {prop} {mf} :: surname
hirax {m} :: hyrax (mammal of the order Hyracoidea)
hírax {m} :: alternative form of hirax
Hircania {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Hircânia
Hircânia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Hircânia (historical region)
hircaniano {adj} :: alternative form of hircano
hircânio {adj} :: alternative form of hircano
hircano {adj} :: Hyrcanian (of, from or relating to Hyrcania)
hirmaõ {m} :: obsolete spelling of irmão
hirmão {m} :: obsolete spelling of irmão
Hiroko {prop} {f} :: given name
Hiroshima {prop} {f} :: Hiroshima (prefecture)
Hiroshima {prop} {f} :: Hiroshima (capital city)
Hirota {prop} {mf} :: surname
hirto {adj} /ˈiɾ.tu/ :: stiff, rigid
hirto {adj} :: erect
hirto {adj} :: still
Hisako {prop} {f} :: given name
Hisamatsu {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hispânia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Hispania (the Iberian Peninsula in ancient times)
hispânico {adj} /isˈpɐ.ni.ku/ :: Spanish (of or pertaining to the people or culture of Spain)
hispânico {adj} :: Hispanic (of, from or relating to the culture of Spanish-speaking countries)
hispânico {adj} [historical] :: Hispanian (of, from or relating to Hispania)
hispânico {m} :: Hispanic (someone from a Spanish-speaking country, or a descendant of such people)
hispânico {m} [historical] :: Hispanian (someone from Hispania)
Hispaniola {prop} {f} :: Hispaniola (island)
hispanismo {m} :: Hispanicism (a Spanish language item as it appears in another language)
hispanizar {vt} :: to Hispanicize (to make Spanish in character)
Hispano-América {prop} {f} :: Hispanic America (parts of the Americas which speak Spanish)
hissope {m} :: aspergillum (tool for sprinkling holy water)
hissopo {m} :: hyssop (any of several aromatic bushy herbs of the genus Hyssopus)
histamina {f} [neurotransmitter] :: histamine (an amine released during allergic reaction)
histerectomia {f} [surgery] :: hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus)
histerese {f} :: hysteresis (property of a system such that an output value is not a strict function of the corresponding input)
histeria {f} /ˌis.te.ˈɾi.ɐ/ :: hysteria (behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion)
histérico {adj} :: hysterical (arising from hysteria)
histérico {adj} :: hysterical (having hysterics)
histérico {m} :: hysteric (hysterical person)
histidina {f} [amino acid] :: histidine (an essential amino acid)
histologia {f} [biology] :: histology (the study of the microscopic structure of tissue)
histologicamente {adv} :: histologically
histológico {adj} :: histological (pertaining to histology)
histona {f} [biochemistry] :: histone (a water soluble protein)
histopatologia {f} [medicine] :: histopathology (study of diseased tissue)
historia {f} :: obsolete spelling of história
história {f} /iʃ.ˈtɔ.ɾjɐ/ :: history
história {f} :: story
história da carochinha {f} :: a folktale (a tale or story that is part of the oral tradition of a people or a place.)
história da carochinha {f} :: a cock-and-bull story (a far-fetched and fanciful story or tale of highly dubious validity)
história de quadrinhos {f} :: comic (cartoon story)
historiador {m} :: historian (scholar of history)
historiadora {f} :: female equivalent of historiador
história em quadrinhos {f} [Brazil] :: comics
historicamente {adv} /iʃˌtɔɾikɐˈmẽtɨ/ :: historically
histórico {adj} /iʃ.ˈtɔ.ɾi.ku/ :: historical (pertaining to history)
histórico {adj} :: historic (having significance in history)
histórico {m} :: history (aggregate of past events)
histórico {m} [computing] :: history (record of previous events)
historinha {f} :: comic (cartoon story)
historinha {f} :: diminutive of história
historiógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of historiógrafo
historiógrafo {m} :: historiographer (historiography scholar)
histriónico {adj} [European orthography, dramaturgy] :: histrionic (relating to acting)
histriónico {adj} [European orthography, by extension] :: histrionic (excessively dramatic)
histriônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of histriónico
hit {m} :: hit (success, especially in the entertainment industry)
hitita {adj} :: Hittite (of or relating to the Hittite people or kingdom)
hitita {adj} :: Hittite (in or relating to the Hittite language)
hitita {mf} :: Hittite (person from the Hittite kingdom)
hitita {m} :: Hittite (Indo-European language spoken in Bronze-Age Anatolia)
Hitler {prop} {m} /ˈ(h)itlɐɾ/ :: Hitler (Adolf Hitler, German dictator)
Hitler {m} [derogatory] :: Hitler (a dictatorial or excessively bossy person)
hitlerismo {m} :: Hitlerism (political philosophy of Hitler)
HIV {m} /a.ˈɡa i ˈve/ :: HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
HIV positivo {adj} :: HIV positive (infected by the HIV virus)
hj {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of hoje
hm {interj} :: erm (expression of uncertainty)
hm {interj} :: what?
hmm {interj} :: alternative form of hm
hmmm {interj} :: alternative form of hm
hmong {m} :: Hmong (one of a people native to the mountainous regions of China, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand)
hmong {m} [uncountable] :: Hmong (language spoken by these people)
h mudo {m} [linguistics] :: mute h (word-initial use of the letter h in the French language which allows liaison)
hobbesiano {adj} [political philosophy] :: Hobbesian (relating to Thomas Hobbes or his philosophical theories)
hobbit {mf} :: hobbit (fictional small humanoid creature)
hobby {m} /ˈhɔ.bi/ :: hobby (an activity that one enjoys doing in one’s spare time)
hobgoblin {m} :: hobgoblin (mischievous goblin)
Hochschild {prop} {mf} :: surname
hodiernamente {adv} /o.d(ʒ)i.eɾ.na.ˈmẽ.tʃi./ :: currently, nowadays, today
hodierno {adj} :: from or relative to today, nowaday, current, present
hodja {m} [Islam] :: hodja (a Muslim schoolmaster)
hodómetro {m} [European orthography] :: alternative spelling of odómetro
hodômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of odómetro
hoge {adv} :: obsolete spelling of hoje
hogshead {m} :: hogshead (an English measure of liquids)
hoi polloi {m} :: hoi polloi (the common people)
hoje {adv} /ˈo.ʒɨ/ :: today (in the current day)
hoje {adv} :: nowadays (in the current era)
hoje em dia {adv} /oʒẽj̃ˈdiɐ/ :: nowadays (at the present time)
Hojo {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hokkaido {prop} {f} :: Hokkaido (island/and/prefecture)
hokkien {m} :: Hokkien (Chinese dialect spoken in southeastern China)
holá {interj} :: obsolete form of olá
Holambra {prop} :: Holambra (municipality)
Holanda {prop} {f} /ɔ.ˈlɐ̃.dɐ/ :: Holanda (traditional region)
Holanda {prop} {f} :: Holanda (country)
Holanda {prop} {mf} :: surname
Holanda do Norte {prop} {f} :: Holanda do Norte (province)
Holanda do Sul {prop} {f} :: Holanda do Sul (province)
Holanda Meridional {prop} {f} :: Holanda Meridional (province)
Holanda Setentrional {prop} {f} :: Holanda Setentrional (province)
holandês {adj} /ɔ.lɐ̃.ˈdeʃ/ :: Dutch (of, from or relating to the Netherlands)
holandês {adj} [husbandry] :: relating to the Friesian breed of milk cows
holandês {m} :: Dutchman (person from the Netherlands)
holandês {m} [uncountable] :: Dutch (Germanic language spoken in the Netherlands, Flanders and former Dutch colonies)
holandês antigo {m} :: Old Dutch (Franconian language spoken in the Low Countries during the Early Middle Ages)
holandês médio {m} :: Middle Dutch (Franconian language spoken in the Low Countries during the Late Middle Ages)
Holandês Voador {prop} {m} [nautical folklore] :: Flying Dutchman (mythical ghostly ship)
holandez {adj} :: obsolete spelling of holandês
holandez {m} :: obsolete spelling of holandês
Holi {prop} {m} [Hinduism] :: Holi (a spring festival)
holismo {m} :: holism (belief that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts)
holista {adj} :: holistic (relating to holism)
holístico {adj} :: holistic (related to holism)
Hollywood {prop} {f} /ˌhɔ.li.ˈwud͡ʒ(i)/ :: Hollywood (neighbourhood)
Hollywood {prop} {f} :: Hollywood (the American motion picture industry)
hólmia {f} [inorganic compound] :: holmia
hólmio {m} :: holmium (chemical element)
holo- {prefix} :: holo- (whole)
holoblástico {adj} [biology, of an egg] :: holoblastic (cleaving and separating into separate blastomeres)
holocausto {m} :: holocaust (sacrifice to a god)
holocausto {m} :: holocaust (annihilation of a group of animals or people)
holocausto {m} :: holocaust (state-sponsored mass murder of an ethnic group)
Holocausto {prop} {m} /ˌo.lo.ˈkaws.tu/ :: Holocaust (the mass murder of 6 million Jews, or 11 million people as a whole, by Nazi Germany)
holoceno {adj} [geology] :: Holocene (relating to the epoch from about 11,000 years ago to the present)
Holoceno {prop} {m} [geology] :: Holocene (epoch from about 11,000 years ago to the present)
Holodomor {prop} {m} :: Holodomor (1932–33 famine in Ukraine)
holofote {m} /ɔ.lɔ.ˈfɔ.tɨ/ :: searchlight
holofote {m} :: spotlight
holofote {m} [in the plural, figurative] :: spotlight (center of attention)
holofotes {mp} :: spotlight (the centre of attention)
holografia {f} [uncountable] :: holography (the production of three-dimensional images in a three-dimensional environment)
holografia {f} :: hologram (an image created using holography)
holograma {m} :: hologram (an image created using holography)
holoprosencefalia {f} [teratology] :: holoprosencephaly (a congenital disorder involving insufficient division of the lobes of the brain)
hombridade {f} :: manliness (traits considered appropriate to men)
hombro {m} :: obsolete form of ombro
home {m} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of homem
homẽ {m} [obsolete] :: abbreviation of homem
home cinema {m} :: home cinema (theatre-quality film system at home)
homem {m} /ˈɔ.mẽj̃/ :: male (human of masculine gender)
homem {m} :: [specifically] man (adult male human)
homem {m} :: a person; a human being
homem {m} [uncountable, with definite article o] :: mankind (the human race in its entirety)
homem {m} :: [vocative, sentence-final] used to address a male, implying impatience or disappointment
homem {m} [colloquial, colloquial, with possessive pronoun] :: male lover
homem {m} :: [in compounds, fiction] a being who is half man and half creature, or a man with some characteristics of a creature
homem {adj} :: manly (displaying stereotypical characteristics of a male)
homem-bomba {m} :: suicide bomber
homem das cavernas {m} :: caveman
homem de negócios {m} :: businessman (man who works at a commercial institution)
Homem de Piltdown {prop} {m} :: Piltdown Man (forged bone fragments of an early human)
homem doente da Europa {m} [geopolitics] :: sick man of Europe (any European country undergoing economic difficulty)
homem do fogo {m} :: fireman
homem do mundo {m} :: man of the world (worldly man)
homem do mundo {m} :: See: pt homem do mundo
homem dos sete ofícios {m} [idiomatic] :: jack of all trades
homem-macaco {m} :: apeman (prehistoric man resembling an ape)
homem-rã {m} :: frogman (diver using a diving suit)
homem sanctvm {m} :: (Internet slang) legend (person), literally "holy man"
homem-sereia {m} :: synonym of sereio
homenageando {v} :: gerund of homenagear
homenagear {vt} :: to honor / honour
homenagear {vt} [euphemism, vulgar] :: to masturbate while thinking of (someone)
homenagem {f} [historical] /ɔ.mɨ.ˈna.ʒɐ̃j̃/ :: homage (in feudalism, the formal oath of a vassal to his or her lord)
homenagem {f} :: homage (demonstration of respect)
homenzarrão {m} :: augmentative of homem
homenzinho {m} :: little man
homenzinho {m} :: young man
homeo- {prefix} :: homeo-
homeomorfismo {m} :: alternative form of homomorfismo
homeopatia {f} :: homeopathy
homeopático {adj} :: homeopathic
homeostase {f} :: homeostasis
homeostático {adj} :: homeostatic (of or relating to homeostasis)
home page {f} :: home page (the main page of a web site)
home page {f} :: home page (the web page set to open when a web browser is loaded)
Homero {prop} {m} /o.ˈmɛ.ɾu/ :: Homer (ancient Greek poet)
Homero {prop} {m} :: given name
home theater {m} :: home cinema (theatre-quality film system at home)
hómi {m} :: eye dialect of homem
hômi {m} :: eye dialect of homem
homicida {mf} :: murderer; homicide (a person who kills another)
homicídio {m} /o.mi.ˈsi.dʒju/ :: homicide
homília {f} [Christianity] :: homily (sermon concerning a practical matter)
hominídeo {m} :: hominid
hominídio {m} :: alternative form of hominídeo
homo- {prefix} :: homo- (same; identical)
homo- {prefix} :: homo- (relating to homosexuals)
homo {adj} :: homosexual (involving or relating to homosexuals)
homoafetivo {adj} :: homosexual, gay or lesbian
homocisteína {f} [amino acid] :: homocysteine
homofobia {f} :: homophobia
homofóbico {adj} :: homophobic (hateful of homosexuals)
homofóbico {m} :: homophobe (person who hates homosexuals)
homófobo {adj} :: homophobic (hateful of homosexuals)
homófobo {m} :: homophobe (person who hates homosexuals)
homófono {m} :: homophone (word with the same pronunciation as another)
homogeneidade {f} :: homogeneity (quality of being homogeneous)
homogeneização {f} :: homogenization
homogeneizando {v} :: gerund of homogeneizar
homogeneizar {v} :: to homogenize
homogéneo {adj} [European orthography] :: homogeneous (of the same kind; alike, similar)
homogéneo {adj} [European orthography] :: homogeneous (of uniform make-up)
homogêneo {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of homogéneo
homogenia {f} :: homogeneity (quality of being homogeneous)
homógrafo {m} :: homograph (word with the same spelling but different meaning)
homologação {f} /ɡa.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: homologation, confirmation, ratification
homologando {v} :: gerund of homologar
homologar {v} [legal] :: to homologate (to confirm, ratify or approve, especially officially or legally)
homologia {f} :: homology (homologous relationship)
homologia {f} [topology] :: homology (system of quotient groups associated to a topological space)
homólogo {adj} :: homologous (showing a degree of correspondence or similarity)
homólogo {adj} [chemistry] :: homologous (belonging to a series of aliphatic organic compounds)
homólogo {adj} [genetics] :: homologous (having the same morphology as another chromosome)
homomorfismo {m} [algebra] :: homomorphism (structure-preserving map between two algebraic structures)
homomorfismo {m} [biology] :: homomorphism (similar appearance of two unrelated organisms or structures)
homónimo {adj} :: homonymous
homónimo {m} :: homonym
homônimo {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of homónimo
homossexual {adj} /ˈaɫ/ :: homosexual
homossexual {mf} :: homosexual
homossexualidade {f} :: homosexuality
homossexualismo {m} :: homosexualism
homotopia {f} [topology] :: homotopy (continuous deformation of one continuous function to another)
homozigótico {adj} [genetics] :: homozygotic
homozigoto {m} [genetics] :: homozygote (a diploid individual that has equal alleles at one or more genetic loci)
Homs {prop} {f} :: Homs (city)
homúnculo {m} :: diminutive of homem
homúnculo {m} [alchemy] :: homunculus (miniature of a person believed to reside inside sperm)
Honda {prop} {mf} :: a Japanese automotive manufacturer
Honda {prop} {mf} :: a brand of car manufactured by Honda, or a car of this brand
Honduras {prop} {f} :: Honduras (country)
hondurenho {adj} :: Honduran (of, from or relating to Honduras)
hondurenho {m} :: Honduran (person from Honduras)
honestamente {adv} :: honestly
honestidade {f} /unɛʃtiˈðaðɨ/ :: honesty
honesto {adj} /o.ˈnɛʃ.tu/ :: honest (scrupulous with regard to telling the truth)
honeypot {m} [computer security] :: honeypot (a trap set to detect or deflect attempts at unauthorised use of information systems)
Hongkong {prop} {f} :: dated spelling of Hong Kong, Hongkong (city/island/and/special administrative region)
Hong Kong {prop} {f} /ˌhõ ˈkõ/ :: Hong Kong (city/island/and/special administrative region)
hong-konguês {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Hong Kong, Hongkongese
hong-konguês {m} :: Someone from Hong Kong, Hong Konger
Honiara {prop} {f} :: Honiara (capital city)
Honolulu {prop} {f} :: Honolulu (city/state capital)
honorário {adj} :: honorary
honorário {adj} :: titular, honorific
honorável {adj} :: honorable, respectable
honorífico {adj} :: honorific
honra {f} /ˈõ.ʁɐ/ :: honor; respect
honra {f} :: honor (positive reputation)
honra {f} :: honor (objectification of praiseworthiness)
honra {f} :: honor; privilege
honra {f} :: chastity (of a woman)
honrado {adj} /õˈʁaðu/ :: honest, truthful
honrado {adj} :: honored
honrado {adj} :: honorable
honrando {v} :: gerund of honrar
honrar {v} /õˈɦa(ɻ)/ :: to honor
honroso {adj} /õ.ˈʁo.zu/ :: honourable
Honshu {prop} {f} :: Honshu (island)
hontem {adv} :: obsolete spelling of ontem
hooligan {mf} /ˈɡɐ̃/ :: a sports hooligan
hooliganismo {m} :: hooliganism (violence committed by sports fans)
hoplita {m} [military unit, Ancient Greece] /o.ˈpli.tɐ/ :: hoplite (heavily-armed spearman)
hóplon {m} /ˈɔ.plõ/ :: hoplon (shield)
hóquei {m} :: hockey
hóquei no gelo {m} :: ice hockey (form of hockey played on an ice rink)
hora {f} /ˈɔ.ɾɐ/ :: hour (period of sixty minutes)
hora {f} :: time (point in time)
Horácio {prop} {m} /o.ˈɾa.sju/ :: Horace (Roman poet)
Horácio {prop} {m} :: given name
hora do rush {f} :: rush hour (times of day when traffic jams are commonplace, principally due to commuting)
hora extra {f} :: overtime (working time outside of one’s regular hours)
hora extra {f} :: overtime (extra pay for work outside one’s regular hours)
hora H {f} [colloquial] :: H-hour; a decisive, crucial, exact or opportune moment
hora H {f} [euphemism] :: the moment of sex or (more specifically) the orgasm
horário {m} /ɔ.ˈɾa.ɾju/ :: timetable
horário {m} :: schedule
horário {m} :: hour (as in horário de pico and horário de almoço)
horário {adj} :: hourly
horário comercial {m} :: business hours (the hours and days when businesses generally operate)
horário de almoço {n} :: lunch hour
horário de atendimento {m} :: business hours (the hours and days when a given business is available to the public)
horário de funcionamento {m} :: business hours (the hours and days when a given business is available to the public)
horário de pico {m} :: rush hour (times of day when traffic jams are commonplace, principally due to commuting)
horário de pico {m} [by extension] :: any time of the day when there is the most activity or business in a particular location
horário de verão {m} :: daylight saving time (an adjustment of the official time during summer)
horário nobre {m} [television, radio] :: prime time (block of programming in the middle of the evening)
horário padrão {m} :: standard time (synchronised clock time in each graphical locations)
horda {f} :: horde
Horda Dourada {prop} {f} [historical] :: Golden Horde (northwestern part of the Mongol Empire)
hordéolo {m} [disease] :: stye (bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid)
horizontal {adj} :: horizontal
horizontalmente {adv} :: horizontally
horizonte {m} /ɔ.ɾi.ˈzõ.tɨ/ :: horizon (line that appears to separate Earth from the sky)
horizonte arqueológico {m} [archaeology] :: archaeological horizon (a common set of artefacts that identifies a culture)
horizonte artificial {m} [aviation] :: artificial horizon (an instrument indicating orientation)
horizonte de eventos {m} [astrophysics] :: event horizon
Horizontina {prop} :: Horizontina (municipality)
hormona {f} [Portugal, physiology, endocrinology] :: hormone (substance that produces physiological effects)
hormona antidiurética {f} [Portugal, hormone] :: antidiuretic hormone (a hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland)
hormonal {adj} :: hormonal
hormónio {m} [European orthography] :: alternative form of hormônio
hormônio {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of hormona
hormônio antidiurético {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of hormona antidiurética
horologia {f} :: horology (art, science and technology of timekeeping)
horoscopo {m} :: superseded spelling of horóscopo
horóscopo {m} :: horoscope (astrological forecast)
horrendo {adj} :: gruesome (repellently frightful and shocking)
horripilante {adj} :: ghastly; creepy (horrifyingly shocking)
horrível {adj} /ɔ.ˈʁi.vɛɫ/ :: cause of horror; horrible; terrible
horrivelmente {adv} :: horribly
horror {m} /ɔˈʁoɾ/ :: horror
horrores {adv} :: a lot (to a great extent)
horrorizando {v} :: gerund of horrorizar
horrorizar {vt} :: to horrify
horroroso {adj} :: horrible
horror vacui {m} :: horror vacui (tendency to dislike empty space)
horror vacui {m} [art] :: horror vacui (tendency of an artist to fill an entire surface with detail)
horta {f} /ˈɔɾ.tɐ/ :: kitchen garden (garden for growing fruit, vegetables and/or herbs)
Horta {prop} {f} /ˈɔɾtɐ/ :: Horta (municipality/and/city)
Horta {prop} {mf} :: surname
hortaliça {f} /oɾtɐˈʎisɐ/ :: vegetable (plant raised for leaves, roots, fruit or flowers)
hortaliceiro {m} :: greengrocer (person who sells fresh vegetables)
hortando {v} :: gerund of hortar
hortar {v} :: to grow a kitchen garden
hortazinha {f} :: diminutive of horta
hortejo {m} :: diminutive of horta
hortelã {f} /ɔɾ.tɨ.ˈlɐ̃/ :: feminine noun of hortelão
hortelã {f} :: mint (any of several aromatic plants of the family Lamiaceae)
hortelão {m} /ɔɾ.tɨ.ˈlɐ̃w̃/ :: someone who tends a kitchen garden
hortelã-pimenta {f} :: peppermint (hybrid herb of the mint family)
hortelã verde {f} :: spearmint (Mentha spicata, a herb)
horteleiro {m} :: someone who tends a kitchen garden
hortênsia {f} :: hydrangea (shrub of the genus Hydrangea)
horti- {prefix} :: relating to horticulture
horti- {prefix} :: relating to kitchen gardens
hortícula {adj} :: relating to horticulture
horticultor {m} :: one who cultivates vegetables
horticultura {f} :: horticulture (art or science of cultivating gardens)
horticultura {f} :: the cultivation of vegetables
hortifrúti {n} [Brazil] /oʁ.t͡ʃi.ˈfɾu.t͡ʃi/ :: place where farm products, such as vegetals and fruit are commercialized
hortifrúti {n} :: The products being sold in the aforementioned place
hortinha {f} :: diminutive of horta
horto {m} :: kitchen garden (garden for growing fruit, vegetables and/or herbs)
horto {m} :: a public ornamental garden
Hortolândia {prop} :: Hortolândia (municipality)
Hórus {prop} {m} [Egyptian mythology] /ˈɔ.ɾus/ :: Horus (god of the sun)
hosana {interj} :: hosanna (liturgical word)
Hoshina {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hosogawa {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hosokawa {prop} {mf} :: surname
hospedagem {f} /ɔʃ.pɨ.ˈða.ʒɐ̃j̃/ :: lodging
hospedagem {f} :: accommodation
hospedagem {f} :: hospitality
hospedagem {f} :: inn
hospedar {v} /ˈda(ʁ)/ :: to host (to perform the role of a host)
hóspede {mf} :: guest (person lodged in someone else’s house)
hospedeiro {m} :: host (person who receives a guest)
hospedeiro {m} [biology] :: host (cell or organism which harbours another organism)
hospedeiro {m} [Portugal] :: flight attendant, steward
hospício {m} /ɔʃ.ˈpi.sju/ :: hospice
hospício {m} :: asylum
hospital {m} /ɔʃ.piˈtaɫ/ :: hospital
hospitalar {adj} /ɔʃ.pi.tɐ.ˈlaɾ/ :: hospital (attributive)
hospital de campo {m} :: field hospital (mobile medical unit)
hospitaleiro {adj} /ɔʃ.pi.tɐ.ˈlɐj.ɾu/ :: hospitable (cordial and generous towards guests)
hospitaleiro {m} :: one in charge of or who owns a guesthouse
hospitalidade {f} /ɔʃ.pi.tɐ.li.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: hospitality
hospitalização {f} :: hospitalization (the act of committing someone to a hospital as a patient)
hospitalizando {v} :: gerund of hospitalizar
hospitalizar {v} /ɔʃ.pi.tɐ.li.ˈzaɾ/ :: to hospitalize
hospital psiquiátrico {m} :: mental hospital, psychiatric hospital
hospodar {m} :: hospodar (governor of Moldavia or Wallachia)
host {m} [networking] /ˈʁowst͡ʃ/ :: host (computer attached to a network)
hoste {f} /ˈɔʃ.tɨ/ :: host; army; military troop
hoste {f} :: herd (a mass of people)
hóstia {f} [Catholicism] /ˈɔʃtjɐ/ :: host (consecrated bread)
hostil {adj} /uʃˈtiɫ/ :: hostile (showing ill will and malevolence)
hostilidade {f} [uncountable] /os.t͡ʃˈ :: hostility (state of being hostile)
hostilidade {f} :: hostility (a hostile act, usually in plural)
hostilmente {adv} :: hostilely
hot dog {m} /ɔt(ɨ)ˈdɔɣɨ/ :: hot dog (frankfurter in a bun)
hotel {m} /ɔ.ˈtɛɫ/ :: hotel
hotelaria {f} :: the business of running hotels
house {m} :: house music, house
hovercraft {m} [Brazil] :: hovercraft (a vehicle supported on a cushion of air)
HQ {f} :: comic; graphic novel; initialism of história em quadrinhos
Hristoff {prop} {mf} :: surname
Hristov {prop} {mf} :: surname
hrs {n} [proscribed] :: abbreviation of hora
hryvnia {f} :: hryvnia (Ukrainian currency)
HTML {prop} {m} :: HTML
hũa {art} :: obsolete form of uma
Huang He {prop} {m} :: Huang He (river)
hub {m} [networking] :: hub (device for connecting multiple Ethernet devices such as they act as a single network segment)
hubnerita {f} [mineral] :: hübnerite
hübnerita {f} :: alternative spelling of hubnerita
húbris {mf} :: hubris (excessive pride or arrogance)
hue {interj} [Brazil, Internet slang] :: expressing laugh; hahaha
Hue {prop} {f} :: Hue (province/and/city)
Hué {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Hue
Huê {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Hue
huehue {interj} :: alternative form of hue
huehuehue {interj} :: alternative form of hue
Hugo {prop} {m} /ˈu.ɡu/ :: given name
hulha {f} /ˈu.ʎɐ/ :: coal (black rock formed from prehistoric plant remains, used as fuel)
Hulha Negra {prop} :: Hulha Negra (municipality)
hulheira {f} :: coal mine (a mine from which coal is mined)
hum {art} :: obsolete spelling of um
huma {art} :: obsolete spelling of uma
Humaitá {prop} :: Humaitá (municipality)
humanidade {f} /u.mɐ.ni.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: humanity; mankind (the human race as a whole)
humanidade {f} :: humanity (human condition or nature)
humanidade {f} :: humanity; benevolence
humanismo {m} [philosophy] /ˌu.mɐ.ˈ :: humanism (philosophical system emphasising the agency of human beings)
humanista {mf} :: humanist
humanitário {adj} /u.ˌmɐ.ni.ˈta.ɾju/ :: humanitarian (concerned with people’s welfare)
humanitário {m} :: humanitarian (a humanitarian person)
humanitarismo {m} :: humanitarianism; humanism (the philosophy of being concerned with people’s welfare)
humanização {f} :: humanization (act, process of making more human)
humanizar {vt} :: to humanize
humano {adj} /u.ˈmɐ.nu/ :: human (of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens)
humano {adj} :: humane
humano {m} :: a human being
humanoide {adj} :: humanoid (having the appearance or characteristics of a human)
humanoide {m} :: humanoid (creature with the appearance or characteristics of a human)
Humberto {prop} {m} :: given name
humedecer {v} :: to humidify
humedecer {v} :: to moisten
humedecido {adj} [Brazil] :: moistened, dampened
humidade {f} [European orthography] /u.mi.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: alternative form of umidade
humidecer {v} :: alternative form of humedecer
humidificador {m} [chiefly Portugal] :: humidifier (a device that is used to increase the humidity of the air)
humido {adj} :: obsolete spelling of úmido
húmido {adj} [European orthography] /ˈu.mi.ðu/ :: alternative form of úmido
humildade {f} /u.miɫ.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: humility
humildade {f} :: submission
humildade {f} :: inferiority
humilde {adj} /u.ˈmiɫ.dɨ/ :: humble
humildemente {adv} :: humbly (in a humble manner)
humilhação {f} /umiʎɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: humiliation
humilhante {adj} :: humiliating
humilhantemente {adv} :: humiliatingly
humilhar {vt} :: to humiliate, to injure dignity or self-respect
humílimo {adj} :: very humble
humo {m} /ˈ :: humus (natural organic compounds found in the soil)
humor {m} /u.ˈmoɾ/ :: mood (mental state)
humor {m} :: humour; bodily fluid
humor {m} [historical] :: humour (one of the four basic bodily fluids in humourism)
humor {m} :: humour (quality of being comical)
humorado {adj} :: moody
humorado {adj} :: (in combination) Having a specified mood (good or bad)
humor aquoso {m} [ophthalmology] :: aqueous humour (the fluid that fills the front of the eye)
humorista {mf} :: humourist (person who writes or performs humorous material)
humorístico {adj} :: jocular, humorous
humorístico {adj} :: humoristic
humor negro {m} :: black humor (comedy making light of taboo subjects)
humor vítreo {m} [anatomy] :: vitreous humour (clear gel that fills the eyeball)
húmus {m} /ˈu.muʃ/ :: alternative form of humo
húngara {f} :: feminine noun of húngaro
húngaro {adj} /ˈũ.ɡa.ɾu/ :: Hungarian (of, from or relating to Hungary)
húngaro {adj} :: Hungarian (relating to or made in the Hungarian language)
húngaro {m} :: Hungarian (person from Hungary)
húngaro {m} [uncountable] :: Hungarian (language spoken by the Hungarian people)
Hungria {prop} {f} /ũ.ˈɡɾi.ɐ/ :: Hungria (country)
huno {m} :: Hun (member of an ancient Turkic nomadic tribe)
huno {m} :: Hunnic (language of the Huns)
huno {adj} :: Hunnic (of or relating to the Huns)
hurra {interj} :: hurrah
husky siberiano {m} :: Siberian Husky (dog breed)
hussardo {m} [military unit] /u.ˈsaʁ.du/ :: hussar (light cavalry of any of several European armies)
hussita {mf} :: Hussite (follower of Christian reformer Jan Hus)
hutchinsonita {f} [mineral] :: hutchinsonite
Hyderabad {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Hiderabade
Hygeia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Higeia
Hygia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Higeia
Hymeneo {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Himeneu
Hymeneu {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Himeneu
hymno {m} :: archaic spelling of hino
hyoide {m} :: obsolete spelling of hioide
Hyperion {prop} {m} :: archaic spelling of Hipérion
Hypérion {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Hipérion
hypertexto {m} :: alternative spelling of hipertexto
hypnose {f} :: obsolete spelling of hipnose
hypochondria {f} :: obsolete spelling of hipocondria
hypocresia {f} :: obsolete form of hipocrisia
hypocrisia {f} :: obsolete spelling of hipocrisia
hypohemia {f} :: obsolete spelling of hipoemia
hypotensão {f} :: obsolete spelling of hipotensão
hypotheca {f} :: obsolete spelling of hipoteca
hypothese {f} :: obsolete spelling of hipótese
Hyrcania {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Hircânia
Hyrcânia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Hircânia
hyrmão {m} :: obsolete spelling of irmão