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  • heaven because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ar|سَمَاء|m|f|tr=samāʾ}} ({{t|ar|سَمَاوَات|tr=samawāt|p}})'
  • heavenly body because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|천체|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|天體|sc=Kore}})'
  • heave-to because: definition not recognised: '[[asettua#Finnish|asettua]] {{t+|fi|pii|alt=piihin}}'
  • heavy because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|northern dialect}} {{t|crh|avur}} '
  • heavy metal because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|중금속|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|重金屬|sc=Kore}})'
  • Hebrew because: definition not recognised: '([[thuộc]]) [[người]] [[Do Thái]]'
  • Hebrides because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|historic}} {{t-check|da|[[Suderœme]] or [[Syderœme]]}} <!-- was "[[Suderœme]] or [[Syderœme]]" - assumed sum-of-partsif an idiomremove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->'
  • hedge because: definition not recognised: '(thicket of bushes) {{t+|da|hæk|c}}'
  • Hedwig because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|Ядвига|f}} (yadviga)'
  • hee-haw because: definition not recognised: '[[aasi#Finnish|(aasin)]] {{t|fi|kiljunta}}'
  • heel because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|id|tumit}} {{t+|id|kaki}}'
  • hefty because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|tr|çam yarması}} {{l|tr|gibi}}'
  • hegemon because: definition not recognised: '[[អនុត្តរជន]] (ak nut tak rak jon)'
  • heifer because: definition not recognised: '[[kvie]] eller skældsord (fede ko) om en tyk kvinde'
  • Heisenberg uncertainty principle because: definition not recognised: '{{t|el|αρχή της αβεβαιότητας του Χάιζενμπεργκ|f}} (archí tis avevaiótitas tou cháizenmpergk)'
  • helicopter because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|kuljettaa}} {{t+|fi|helikopteri|alt=helikopterilla}}'
  • helicopter parent because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fi|hanhiemo}} (''mother'')"
  • heliox because: definition not recognised: '[[héliox]]<!--gender?--><!--source: Wikipedia article-->'
  • hell because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|지옥|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|地獄|sc=Kore}})'
  • Hellenism because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fi|kreikkalainen uskonto}} (''ancient'')"
  • hello because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ar|السلام عليكم|tr=al-salām ʿalaykum|sc=Arab}} {{qualifier|formal}} <!-- pronounced as "as-salāmu ʿalaykum" in classical Arabic but following Wiktionary conventions for the romanisation-->'
  • Helmholtz free energy because: definition not recognised: 'Helmholtzin [[vapaa#Finnish|vapaa]] {{t+|fi|energia}}'
  • help because: definition not recognised: '{{t|sq|ndihmes}} {{t+|sq|asistent}}'
  • help oneself because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|saada}} {{t+|fi|ottaa}}'
  • Help:Glosses because: line not recognised: ' * French: {{t+|fr|couper}}'
  • Help:How to create basic entries on other Wiktionaries because: line not recognised: ' *{{en}}: {{t|de|water}}'
  • he-man because: definition not recognised: '[[miehinen#Finnish|miehinen]] {{t+|fi|mies}}'
  • hemisphere because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|de|Halbkugel|f}} ( {{t|de|Erdhalbkugel|f}} \'\'"half the [[Earth]]"\'\')'
  • hemodynamics because: definition not recognised: '[[血流動力學]]'
  • hemorrhoid because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|치질|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|痔疾|sc=Kore}})'
  • hen because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ca|au}} [[femella]] {{g|f}}'
  • hence because: definition not recognised: '[[tästä]] [[eteenpäin]]'
  • henceforth because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|nl|vanaf}} {{t+|nl|nu}}'
  • henchman because: definition not recognised: '[[rikollisjengi|rikollisjengin]] {{t+|fi|jäsen}}'
  • henna because: definition not recognised: '[[ヘンナ]][[染料]] (へんなせんりょうhennasenryō)'
  • henpeck because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|emmerder}} (gross)'
  • henpecked because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ru|подкаблучник|tr=podkablúčnik}} (''noun'')"
  • Henry because: definition not recognised: '[[Henrik]] {{qualifier|historical persons}}'
  • hepatic because: definition not recognised: '[[肝臓]]にきく (かんぞうにきくkanzō ni kiku)'
  • hepatitis A because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|hepatiitti}} A'
  • hepatitis because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|간염|sc=Hang|tr=gan-yeom}} ({{t+|ko|肝炎|sc=Kore}})'
  • her because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|no|henne}} (to her)'
  • herald because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ja|告知者|tr={{l|ja|こうちしゃ}} {{l|ja|kōchisha}}}}'
  • heraldry because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|문장학|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|紋章學|sc=Kore}})'
  • herb because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|향초|tr=hyangcho}} ({{t|ko|香草|sc=Kore}})'
  • herbicide because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|제초제|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|除草劑|sc=Kore}})'
  • herd because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|samspecaj bestoj}}: {{t+|eo|grego}}'
  • here because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ms|di}} {{t|ms|sini}}'
  • here you are because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|пожа́луйста}} (read: požálusta)'
  • heritage because: definition not recognised: '(kulturelles) {{t+|de|Erbe|n}}'
  • hermaphrodite because: definition not recognised: '{{l|eo|hermafrodito}}'
  • hermaphroditic because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|♂}} {{t|vo|hihärmafroditanik}} {{qualifier|♀}} {{t|vo|jihärmafroditanik}}'
  • hero because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|영웅|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|英雄|sc=Hani}})'
  • heroize because: definition not recognised: '[[tehdä#Finnish|tehdä]] [[joku#Finnish|jostakin]] {{t+|fi|sankari}}'
  • heron because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|백로|tr=baengno}} ({{t+|ko|白鷺}})'
  • herpes because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|포진|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|疱疹|sc=Kore}})'
  • hertz because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|fr|hertz|m}} (''a preceding vowel is not elided''{{g|p}}: hertz)"
  • hesitate because: definition not recognised: '<!-- marked up badly and renders badly --> have/nære {{t-check|da|betænkelighed}}er'
  • heterodoxy because: definition not recognised: ''
  • hew because: definition not recognised: ''
  • hexadecimal because: line not recognised: "''The translations for the adjective and noun seem to have been mixed up. Put the translations in the appropriate table above.''"
  • hey because: definition not recognised: "''hey''"
  • heyday because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|лучший|лучшая}} {{l|ru|пора}} (lúčšaja porá){{g|f}}'
  • Hezbollah because: definition not recognised: '{{t|he|חִזְבַּאלְלָה|tr=hizballa}} <!--the spelling with yud gets far more google hits-->'
  • hi because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|da|hej}}!'
  • hiatus because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|el|παύση|f}} (p''áfsi'')"
  • hibakusha because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|피폭자|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|被爆者|sc=Hani}})'
  • hibiscus because: definition not recognised: '[[木槿]] (mùjǐn)'
  • hide because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ar|أخفى|tr=aḵfā}} imperfect: {{t|ar|يخفي|tr=yuḵfī}}'
  • hide one's light under a bushel because: line not recognised: '** bo nie jest światło by pod korcem stało (C.K.Norwid)'
  • hierophant because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|prêtre|m}}{{t|fr|pontif|m}}'
  • higgledy-piggledy because: definition not recognised: 'en {{t+|fr|désordre}}'
  • high because: definition not recognised: '{{t|gl|outo|m}} (archaism)'
  • high crime because: definition not recognised: 'haut crime {{g|m}}'
  • high five because: definition not recognised: '[[tehdä]] {{t|fi|yläfemma}}'
  • high priestess because: definition not recognised: "{{l|ja|女教皇}} ({{l|ja|じょきょうおう}}''[[jokyōō]]'')"
  • high tide because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|cs|doba|f}} {{t|cs|příliv|m|alt=přílivu}}'
  • high-class because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|고급|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|高級|sc=Kore}})'
  • high-level because: definition not recognised: '[[korkea#Finnish|korkean]] {{t+|fi|paikka|alt=paikan}} {{qualifier|genitive of a noun}}'
  • highlight because: definition not recognised: 'mettre en valeur'
  • hijack because: definition not recognised: '[[porywać]] / [[porwać]]'
  • hijacker because: definition not recognised: '{{t|es|aeropirata|m}} {{gloss|of aeroplanes}}'
  • hijacking because: definition not recognised: '(uçakgemivb.) {{t+|tr|kaçırmak}}'
  • hill because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|pt|morro|m}} (1)'
  • hilum because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|ворота}} ({{l|ru|орган|органа}}) (voróta (órgana)){{g|p}}'
  • him because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|after nasal sound}} {{t+check|pt|no}} (direct object)'
  • himself because: definition not recognised: '{{t|egy|ḏzf|sc=Egyp}}: <hiero>D:z:f</hiero>'
  • hin because: definition not recognised: 'en {{t+|sv|hin}}'
  • hind because: definition not recognised: '[[самка]] [[олень|оленя]] (sámka olénja) {{g|f}}'
  • hinder because: definition not recognised: '[[moeilijk]] {{t+|nl|maken}} {{qualifier|make difficult}}'
  • hindsight is 20/20 because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|jälkiviisaus}} {{t+|fi|on}} {{t|fi|helppoa}}'
  • hinge because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|μεντεσές|m}} (mentesés)'
  • hip because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|pl|owoc}} {{t+|pl|dzika róża|alt=dzikiej róży}}'
  • hippodrome because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|경마장|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|競馬場|sc=Kore}})'
  • hippopotamus because: definition not recognised: ''
  • hire because: definition not recognised: '[[wynajmować]] / [[wynająć]]'
  • Hiroshima because: line not recognised: '*: Cantonese {{t|yue|廣島|sc=Hani}}, {{t|yue|广岛|tr=gwong2dou2|sc=Hani}}'
  • his because: definition not recognised: '{{g|n}}'
  • hiss because: definition not recognised: '[[tıss]] (tss)'
  • historic because: definition not recognised: '{{t|te|చారిత్రక}} (chaaritraka)'
  • historical linguistics because: definition not recognised: '(lingvistică istorică)'
  • history because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|역사|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|歷史|sc=Kore}})'
  • histrionics because: definition not recognised: '[[theatralisch]]es [[Getue]] {{g|n}}'
  • hit and run because: definition not recognised: "''see also'' {{t|fi|liikennepako}}"
  • hit because: definition not recognised: '{{l|pl|hit|m}}'
  • hit on because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|neutral}} {{t+|ru|ухаживать|tr=uxáživat’|sc=Cyrl}} ({{l|ru|за|tr=za}} + [[instrumental case]])'
  • hit someone for six because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|привести}} {{l|ru|в}} {{l|ru|крайний|крайнее}} {{l|ru|изумление}} (privestí v krájneje izumlénije){{g|n}}'
  • hitch because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|fr|nœud|m}} d'accroche"
  • hitchhike because: definition not recognised: '[[autostop#Basque|autostop]] {{t|eu|egin}}'
  • hi-tech because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fi|korkean teknologian}} (''genitive of noun'')"
  • hither because: definition not recognised: 'de más aquí'
  • hitherto because: definition not recognised: '[[fin]] [[qui]]'
  • HIV because: definition not recognised: '{{t|sw|virus vinavyosababisha}} ({{t|sw|UKIMWI}})'
  • hmm because: definition not recognised: '{{t|es|hmm}} \'\'(can sometimes sound "huh")\'\''
  • hoard because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|es|tesoro|m}} ([[arqueológico]])'
  • hoarse because: definition not recognised: '[[käheä]] (1)'
  • hoax because: definition not recognised: 'dup-igo'
  • hogan because: definition not recognised: '[[jednopokojowe]] [[mieszkanie]] Indian [[Navajo]]'
  • Hokkaido because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|북해도|tr=Bukhaedo|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|北海道}})'
  • hold because: definition not recognised: '[[pitää#Finnish|pitää]] {{t+|fi|varattu|alt=varattuna}}'
  • hold cheap because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ru|ни в грош не ставить|tr=ni v gróš ne stávitʼ|sc=Cyrl}} '
  • hold one's horses because: definition not recognised: "{{t|es|apaciguar sus aguas}} {{gloss|to calm one's waters}}"
  • hold one's tongue because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ar|صمت}} (ʂámata)'
  • hold one's urine because: definition not recognised: '[[pidättää]] [[virtsa|virtsaa]]'
  • hold out because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|is|halda}} {{t+|is|út}} {{t|is|hendinni}}'
  • hold up because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ro|înfrunta}} (''cu curaj'')"
  • hold water because: definition not recognised: '[[kestää#Finnish|kestää]] {{t|fi|tarkastelu|alt=tarkastelua}}'
  • holding because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|судебный|судебное}} {{l|ru|решение}} (sudébnoje rešénije)'
  • holding company because: definition not recognised: 'also spelled: {{t|ja|持ち株会社|sc=Jpan}}'
  • holiday because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|휴일|sc=Hang}} ([[休日]])'
  • Holland because: definition not recognised: '(els) [[Països Baixos]] {{g|m-p}}'
  • holler because: definition not recognised: 'a {{t+|ro|urla}}'
  • hollow because: definition not recognised: '{{t|hi|खोखला}} (khokhlā)'
  • Holocaust because: definition not recognised: "''officially:'' {{t|de|Massenmord an den europäischen Juden|m}}"
  • holocaust because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ro|exterminare}} {{t+|ro|în}} {{t+|ro|masă|f}}'
  • holy because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|vi|thánh}} ({{t|vi|聖}})'
  • holy cross because: definition not recognised: '[[pyhä]] {{t+|fi|risti}}'
  • Holy Father because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|성부|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|聖父|sc=Kore}})'
  • Holy Land because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|성지|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|聖地|sc=Kore}})'
  • Holy See because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|성좌|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|聖座|sc=Kore}})'
  • Holy Spirit because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|성령|tr=seonglyeong|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|聖靈|sc=Hani}})'
  • holy water because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|성수|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|聖水|sc=Kore}})'
  • holystone because: definition not recognised: '{{t|cs|drhnout}} {{t+|cs|paluba|f|alt=palubu}}'
  • home away from home because: definition not recognised: '[[kodikas#Finnish|kodikas]] {{t+|fi|paikka}}'
  • home because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|고향|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|故鄕|sc=Kore}})'
  • home country because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|본국|tr=bonguk|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|本国|sc=Kore}})'
  • home inspection because: definition not recognised: '({{t+|fi|asunto|alt=asunnon}}) {{t|fi|kuntotarkastus}}'
  • home school because: definition not recognised: '[[opettaa#Finnish|opettaa]] {{t+|fi|kotona}} {{qualifier|to teach at home}}'
  • home stretch because: definition not recognised: 'ラストスパート'
  • home sweet home because: definition not recognised: '{{t|et|kodu armas kodu}} '
  • homeland because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|고국|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|故國|sc=Kore}})'
  • homeless because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|SDF}} ({{t+|fr|sans domicile fixe}})'
  • homer because: definition not recognised: '[[lyödä#Finnish|lyödä]] {{t|fi|kunnari}}'
  • homesick because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|тосковать|тоскующий}} {{l|ru|по}} {{l|ru|дом|дому}} (toskújuščij po dómu)'
  • hometown because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|고향|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|故鄕|sc=Hang}})'
  • homework because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|it|compito|m}} ([[compiti]] {{g|p}})'
  • homicide because: definition not recognised: "{{t|eo|murdo}} (''murder'')"
  • hominin because: definition not recognised: "<!--the singular form doesn't seem to be used often enough to meet CFI: {{t|de|Hominini}}-->{{t|de|Hominini|p}}"
  • homo- because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|ομο-|tr=omo-|sc=Grek}} & {{t+|el|ομό-|tr=omó-|sc=Grek}}'
  • Homocaust because: definition not recognised: '{{l|fr|homocaust|m}}'
  • homophone because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|sv|homofon|c}} (1)'
  • homosexual because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|동성애자|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|同性愛者|sc=Kore}})'
  • homosexuality because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|동성애|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|同性愛|sc=Hang}})'
  • Honduras because: line not recognised: '* Lithuanian {{t+|lt|Hondūras}}'
  • hone because: definition not recognised: '[[pierre]] à [[aiguiser]]'
  • honesty because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|정직|tr=jeong-jik|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|正直|sc=Kore}})'
  • honey because: definition not recognised: '({{t+|pl|kolor}}) {{t+|pl|miodowy}}'
  • honey bee because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|pl|pszczoła|f}} {{t|pl|miodny|alt=miodna}}'
  • Hong Kong because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|향항|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|香港|sc=Hani}})'
  • hongweibing because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|홍위병|tr=hongwibyeong|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|紅衛兵|sc=Hani}})'
  • honorific because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|경어|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|敬語|sc=Kore}})'
  • Honshu because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|혼슈|tr=Honsyu|sc=Hang}} ([[本州]])'
  • hood because: definition not recognised: '[[wijk]]-'
  • hood rat because: definition not recognised: '(Chile) [[chorro]]'
  • hoof because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|fi|sorkka}} (''hoof of artiodactyls'')"
  • hook because: definition not recognised: '[[kiinnittää#Finnish|kiinnittää]] {{t+|fi|koukku|alt=koukkuun}}'
  • hookah because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|수연통|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|水煙筒|sc=Kore}})'
  • Hooke's law because: definition not recognised: 'Hooken {{t+|fi|laki}}'
  • hooray because: definition not recognised: '[[hourra]]&nbsp'
  • hop because: definition not recognised: '[[sauter]] à [[cloche-pied]]'
  • hope because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|nl|hoop}} ''de''"
  • hopeful because: definition not recognised: '{{t|nl|hoopvol}} (feeling hope)'
  • hopeless because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|de|hoffnungslos}} (1-3)'
  • horizon because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ar|أفق|m|tr=ʾúfuq}} (plural: {{t|ar|آفاق|m-p|tr=ʾāfāq}})'
  • horn because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ro|corn|m}} {{g|p}}: corni'
  • hornless because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|комолый|tr=komólyj}} '
  • horny because: definition not recognised: 'um {{t+|pt|tesão}}'
  • horror movie because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|공포 영화|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|恐怖映畫|sc=Kore}})'
  • horse because: definition not recognised: "''arch.'' {{t+|nl|ros|n}}"
  • horseherd because: definition not recognised: '{{t|de|Rosshirtin|f}} ({{t|de|Rosshirt|m}}{{t|de|Rosshirte|m}}{{t|de|Rosshirtin|f}} {{qualifier|older spellings with [[Eszett]] - [[Roß]]}})'
  • horsepower because: definition not recognised: '([[mechanisch]]e) {{t+|nl|paardenkracht}}'
  • horseradish because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|de|Kren|m}} (South GermanAustrian)'
  • horseshoe crab because: definition not recognised: "[[カブトガニ]] [[甲蟹]] ''kabuto-gani''"
  • horticulturist because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ro|grădinar|m}}: (''often by'' [[vegetable garten]])"
  • Horus because: line not recognised: '*: {{t|egy|ḥr|sc=Egyp|m}}'
  • Hosea because: definition not recognised: "[[הושע| הוֹשֵׁעַ]] (hoshe'a)"
  • hosepipe because: definition not recognised: "[[tuyau]] [[d']][[arrosage]] {{g|m}}<!--sum of parts-->"
  • hospitable because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ka|სტუმართმოყვარე|sc=Geor}} {{t|ka|სტუმართმოყვარული|sc=Geor}}'
  • hospital because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|병원|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|病院|sc=Hani}})'
  • hospitality because: definition not recognised: '{{t|te|ఆతిథ్యం}} (aatithyam)'
  • hospitalization because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|입원|tr=ipwon|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|入院|sc=Kore}})'
  • hospitalize because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|sijoittaa}} {{t+|fi|sairaala|alt=sairaalaan}}'
  • host because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|amphitryon|m}} {{gloss|at a meal}}'
  • hostage because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|인질|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|人質}})'
  • hostler because: definition not recognised: "[[ремонтный слесарь]] (remóntny slésar')"
  • hot because: definition not recognised: '([[très]]) {{t+|fr|chaud}}'
  • hot pants because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|mini-short|m}} {{t+|fr|micro-short|m}}'
  • hot pot because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|훠궈|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|火鍋|sc=Hani}})'
  • hot potato because: definition not recognised: '[[kuuma#Finnish|kuuma]] {{t+|fi|peruna}}'
  • hotel because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|여관|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|旅館|sc=Kore}})'
  • hottie because: definition not recognised: "{{t|mk|пичка|f|tr=píčka}} {{qualifier|vulgar}} (''of females'')"
  • Houdini because: definition not recognised: '[[フーディーニ]] (fūdiini)<!--used in Wikipedia-->'
  • hour because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|시|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|時|sc=Kore}})'
  • hourly because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ga|in éadan}} {{l|ga|na}} {{l|ga|uair|huaire}}'
  • hourslong because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|tuntikausi|alt=tuntikausia}} {{t+|fi|kestävä}}'
  • house because: definition not recognised: "{{t|esu|ena}} ''([[absolutive case|absolutive]])''"
  • household name because: definition not recognised: '[[tunnettu#Finnish|tunnettu]] {{t|fi|tavaramerkki}}'
  • housekeeper because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|가정부|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|家政婦|sc=Kore}})'
  • housework because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|가사|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|家事|sc=Kore}})'
  • housing because: definition not recognised: '{{t|mk|здомување|n|tr=zdomúvanje}} (1)'
  • hover because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|kohdistaa}} {{t|fi|kursori}}'
  • how are you because: definition not recognised: '[[hoe gaan dit]]?'
  • how because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ja|何て|tr=nante}} {{t|ja|何と|tr=nanto}}'
  • how do I get to because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fi|miten pääsisin|alt=miten pääsisin... ? (''+illative'')}} {{t|fi|miten pääsen|alt=miten pääsen... ? (''+illative'')}}"
  • how do I get to the bus station because: definition not recognised: '{{t|hu|hogyan jutok el az autóbusz-állomáshoz}}?'
  • how do you English because: definition not recognised: '{{t|cs|jak se řekne... anglicky}}?'
  • how do you spell this word because: definition not recognised: '[[miten]] [[tämä]] [[sana]] {{t|fi|kirjoitetaan}}'
  • how long because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|kuinka}} {{t+|fi|pitkä}}'
  • how much because: definition not recognised: 'Mongolian: {{t|mn|хэд вэ?|sc=Cyrl}}'
  • how much does it cost because: definition not recognised: '[[quant és]]?'
  • how old are you because: definition not recognised: '{{t|sq|sa vjeç jeni}}?'
  • how's it going because: definition not recognised: '{{t|sv|hur är det}}?'
  • HQ because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|QG|m}} (for "quartier général")'
  • Hu because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|호|tr=Ho|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|胡|sc=Hani}})'
  • Huang He because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|황하|tr=Hwangha|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|黃河|sc=Kore}})'
  • Huaqiao because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|화교|tr=Hwagyo|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|華僑|sc=Hani}})'
  • Hubble constant because: definition not recognised: '[[哈勃定律]] (Hābó dìnglǜ)'
  • huckleberry because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fi|valemustikka}} (''Gaylussacia'')"
  • hue because: definition not recognised: "{{qualifier|of people}} {{t+|es|color|m}}<!-- Cortazar translation of Poe's ''Ligeia''--> {{t+|es|tono|m}} {{t|es|coloración|f}} {{qualifier|obsolete}}"
  • Hue because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|vi|Huế}} ({{t|vi|化}})'
  • hug because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|painautua}} {{t|fi|yhteen}}'
  • huh because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|3}} {{t+check|vi|a!}} <!-- was "[[a|a!]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spellingplease verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->'
  • Hui because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|후이족|tr=Hui-jok|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|回族|sc=Kore}})'
  • Huizhou because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ru|Хуэйчжоу|m|tr=Xuejčžóu}} <!--/hui/ /хуй/ is standard but replaced for esthetic reasonssee хуй -->'
  • hum because: definition not recognised: '{{t|mi|tāwara}} (of indistinct conversation)'
  • human because: definition not recognised: '[[mens]]-'
  • human being because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|인류|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|人類|sc=Hani}})'
  • human right because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|인권|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|人權|sc=Hani}})'
  • human rights because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|인권|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|人權|sc=Hani}})'
  • human trafficking because: definition not recognised: '{{t|he|סחר בבני אדם}} {{rftranslit|he}}'
  • humanism because: definition not recognised: '{{l|et|humanism}}'
  • humanity because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|인류|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|人類|sc=Kore}})'
  • humanoid because: line not recognised: '* Japanese {{t-check|ja|擬人化|tr=ぎじんか, gijinka}}'
  • humidifier because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|humidificateur|m}} (machine)'
  • Hummer because: definition not recognised: '[[悍馬汽車]]'
  • hummingbird because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|es|picaflor}} {{g|m}} {{qualifier|South America}}'
  • hump because: definition not recognised: '[[immu]] {{g|m}}'
  • humus because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|부식질|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|腐植土|sc=Kore}})'
  • hunch because: definition not recognised: '[[сутулый|сутулая]] [[поза]] {{g|f}}'
  • hundred because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|백|tr=bæk|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|百|sc=Hani}})'
  • hundred thousand because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|십만|tr=sip-man|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|十萬|sc=Hani}})'
  • hundred-first because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fr|cent unième}} (''abbreviation'' 101<sup>ème</sup>)"
  • hundreds and thousands because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|nl|hagelslag}} (usually made of [[chocolate]]) <!-- this is a very popular breadspread in the Netherlands -->'
  • hundredth because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|fr|centième}} (''abbreviation'' 100<sup>ème</sup>)"
  • Hungarian because: definition not recognised: "[[ungurește]] (''adv'')"
  • Hungary because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|Ουγγαρία|f|sc=Grek}} (Oungaría)'
  • hunger because: definition not recognised: 'tener [[fame]]'
  • hungry because: definition not recognised: '{{t|da|sulten}} (to be hungry: at være sulten)'
  • hunk because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|iso}} {{t+|fi|pala}}'
  • hunt because: definition not recognised: '[[caça]] {{qualifier|Algherese}}'
  • hunter because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|te|వేటగాడు}} (vETagaaDu)'
  • huqin because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|호금|tr=hogeum|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|胡琴|sc=Kore}})'
  • hurdle because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|3}} {{t+check|fr|haie|f}}<!-- (3)??? -->'
  • hurrah because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|만세|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|萬歲|sc=Hani}})'
  • hurry because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|no|press|n}} (soccer)'
  • hurry up because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|lisätä}} {{t+|fi|vauhti|alt=vauhtia}}'
  • husband because: definition not recognised: '(old Danish: {{t|da|husbond|c}})'
  • husk because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ru|шелуха́|f|tr=šeluxá}} ''dry''"
  • hustler because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|male prostitute}} {{t-check|no|[[mannlig]] [[prostituert]]}} <!-- was "[[mannlig]] [[prostituert]]" - assumed sum-of-partsif an idiomremove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->'
  • hutch because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|клетка}} ({{l|ru|для}} {{l|ru|кролик|кроликов}}) (klétka (dlja królikov)) {{g|f}}'
  • hwan because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|환|tr=hwan}} ({{t|ko|圜}})'
  • hydro because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|vesivoima}} '
  • hydrochloric acid because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|염산|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|鹽酸|sc=Kore}})'
  • hydrogen because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|vi|khinh khí}} (obsoleteusually refers to the gas)'
  • hydrogen peroxide because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|과산화수소|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|過酸化水素|sc=Hang}})'
  • hydromancy because: definition not recognised: '[[hydromantia]] {{qualifier|New Latin|Late Latin}}'
  • hydrophobia because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|[[veden]] [[pelko]]}} '
  • hydroplane because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|fi|joutua}} {{t+|fi|vesiliirto|alt=vesiliirtoon}} (''of a road vehicle'')"
  • hydrostatic pressure relief system because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|perustus|alt=perustuksen}} {{t|fi|kosteuseristys}}'
  • hyena because: definition not recognised: "[[fisi]] ''sg & pl (noun 9/10)''"
  • Hygieia because: definition not recognised: '{{t|la|Hygīa}} '
  • hymen because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|처녀막|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|處女膜|sc=Hani}})'
  • hymeneal because: definition not recognised: '[[häät|hää]]{{t+|fi|laulu}}'
  • hymn because: definition not recognised: 'Hymne<!-- really capitalised? -->'
  • hypallage because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|siirretty}} {{t|fi|epiteetti}}'
  • hype because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|sv|hajp}} or hype {{g|c}}'
  • hyperlink because: definition not recognised: 'lien {{t+|fr|hypertexte}}'
  • hypernymous because: definition not recognised: '[[hyperonymique]] {{g|m}} or {{g|f}}'
  • hypertext because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|document|m}} {{t+|fr|hypertexte|m}}'
  • hyphen because: definition not recognised: '{{gloss|joining compounds}} {{t+|fi|yhdysmerkki}}'
  • hyphenated because: definition not recognised: ''
  • hypnosis because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|최면|sc=Hang}} ([[催眠]])'
  • hypochondriac because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fi|ylävatsa|alt=ylävatsan}} (''genitive of noun'')"
  • hypocrisy because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|위선|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|僞善|sc=Hani}})'
  • hypocrite because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|위선자|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|僞善者|sc=Hani}})'
  • Hyundai because: definition not recognised: '({{t+|ko|現代|sc=Kore}})'
  • I because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|is|eg}} (archaicpoetic)'
  • I Ching because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|역경|tr=Yeokgyeong|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|易經|sc=Hani}})'
  • I could eat a horse because: definition not recognised: '{{t|el|πεινάω σαν λύκος|tr=peináo san lýkos}}<!-- \'\'"I\'m hungry as a wolf"\'\' -->'
  • I don't eat fish because: definition not recognised: '[[en#Finnish|en]] [[syö#Finnish|syö]] {{t+|fi|kala|alt=kalaa}}'
  • I don't eat meat because: definition not recognised: '[[en#Finnish|en]] [[syö#Finnish|syö]] {{t+|fi|liha|alt=lihaa}}'
  • I don't know because: definition not recognised: "''ik weenie'' (in modern spoken language)"
  • I don't speak English because: definition not recognised: "{{t|ja|私は英語は話せません|tr=watashi wa Eigo-wa hanasemasen}}<!-- (lit.: ''can't speak'') -->"
  • I hate you because: definition not recognised: "* {{t|ca|t'odie}}"
  • I have a cold because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ar|عندي رشح|tr=ʿíndī rašḥ|sc=Arab}} / {{t|ar|لدي رشح|tr=ladáy rašḥ|sc=Arab}}'
  • I have a question because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|politemale speaker}}'
  • I have AIDS because: definition not recognised: '[[minulla]] [[on#Finnish|on]] {{t+|fi|AIDS}}'
  • I have cancer because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|nl|ik}} {{t+|nl|heb}} {{t+|nl|kanker}}'
  • I haven't the foggiest because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fi|minulla ei ole harmainta aavistustakaan}} (I don't have the greyest idea)"
  • I know you are but what am I because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ru|от такого и слышу}} {{gloss|I hear it from such one}}'
  • I live in Melbourne because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|asun}} Melbourne[[-ssa|ssa]] {{qualifier|city name in the [[inessive case]]}}'
  • I lost my backpack because: definition not recognised: '[[olen#Finnish|olen]] [[hukannut#Finnish|hukannut]] {{t+|fi|reppu|alt=reppuni}}'
  • I lost my glasses because: definition not recognised: '[[hukata#Finnish|hukkasin]] {{t+|fi|silmälasit|alt=silmälasini}}'
  • I lost my handbag because: definition not recognised: '[[hukata#Finnish|hukkasin]] {{t|fi|käsilaukku|alt=käsilaukkuni}}'
  • I lost my keys because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|olen}} {{t|fi|hukannut}} {{t|fi|avaimeni}}'
  • I love you because: definition not recognised: '{{t|vi|bố thương con}} (father to child)'
  • I need a drink because: definition not recognised: 'necessito prendre {{t|ca|alguna cosa}}'
  • I need an interpreter because: definition not recognised: '{{t|hi|मुझे अनुवादक की ज़रुरत है|tr=mujhē anuvādak kī zarurat hai}} <!-- ज़रुरत (zarurat) is often misspelled as जरुरत (jarurat)without a dot on the first letterwithout any effect on the pronunciation -->'
  • I need your help because: definition not recognised: '[[tarvitsen#Finnish|tarvitsen]] {{t+|fi|apua}}'
  • I want my money back because: definition not recognised: '[[haluta#Finnish|haluan]] [[raha#Finnish|rahani]] {{t+|fi|takaisin}}'
  • I wish because: definition not recognised: "{{t|ar|تمنى|tr=tamánnaa}} (''a sentence in subjunctive mood follows'')"
  • Iberia because: definition not recognised: 'die {{t|de|Iberische Halbinsel}}'
  • ibid. because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|de|ebd.}}<!-- [[ebenda]] = at the same place -->'
  • -ible because: definition not recognised: 'various suffixes: {{t+check|nl|-ig}}'
  • ICAO because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|OACI|f}} (Organisation de l’aviation civile internationale)'
  • ICAO spelling alphabet because: definition not recognised: 'ICAO:n {{t|fi|radioaakkoset}}'
  • ICCL because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|EVVK}}<!--ei voisi vähempää kiinnostaa-->'
  • ice age because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|빙하기|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|氷河期|sc=Kore}})'
  • ice because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|vi|băng}} ({{t|vi|冰}})'
  • ice field because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|ледяной|ледяное}} {{l|ru|поле}} (ledjanóje póle) {{g|n}}'
  • iceberg because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|빙산|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|氷山|sc=Hani}})'
  • icebreaker because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|쇄빙선|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|碎氷船|sc=Hani}})'
  • iced because: definition not recognised: '[[jää#Finnish|jää]]- {{qualifier|in compounds}}'
  • Iceland because: definition not recognised: '{{t|vi|Băng Đảo}} ({{t|vi|冰島}})'
  • Icelandic because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|fo|íslendskt|n}} (''adjective'')"
  • ichthyology because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|어류학|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|魚類學|sc=Kore}})'
  • icing because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ro|glazură|f}} (''de zahăr'')"
  • iconify because: line not recognised: '{{tras-bottom}}'
  • iconoclast because: definition not recognised: '[[#Romanian|iconoclast]] {{g|m}}'
  • icy because: definition not recognised: 'cubierto de {{t+|es|hielo}}'
  • ideal because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|ideaali|alt=ideaali-}} {{t+|fi|optimaalinen}}'
  • ideally because: definition not recognised: '[[idealno]] / [[идеално]]'
  • identical because: definition not recognised: "when preceded by ''le''"
  • identify because: definition not recognised: '{{g|pf}}'
  • ideophone because: definition not recognised: "[[擬態語]] (ぎたいごgitaigo) (''for something not a sound'')"
  • idiosyncrasy because: definition not recognised: '{{zh-zh-p|特性|tèxìng}}'
  • idiot because: definition not recognised: "''plural:'' {{t|ar|أغبياء|m-p|tr=’aghbiyaa’}}"
  • idiot box because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|дебили́зор|m|tr=debilízor|sc=Cyrl}} \'\'(contamination of "деби́л"(retard) and "телеви́зор" (TV set))\'\''
  • idle because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|[[olla]] [[joutokäynnillä]]}} '
  • Ido because: definition not recognised: 'ido-{{t+|fi|kieli}}'
  • i.e. because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|l.}}<!-- [[eli]] -->'
  • if because: definition not recognised: '{{t|sco|gin}}<!-- (\'\'subjunctive\'\'\'\'i.e.\'\'"gin A war= If I were")-->'
  • if looks could kill because: definition not recognised: '{{t-needed|ja}}:'
  • if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle because: definition not recognised: '{{t|de|wenn das Wörtchen "wenn" nicht wärwär mein Vater Millionär}} {{gloss|if the word "if" didn\'t existmy father would be millionaire}}'
  • if only because: definition not recognised: "{{t|ar|تمنى|tr=tamánnaa}} (''a sentence in subjunctive mood follows'')"
  • if the mountain won't come to Muhammad because: definition not recognised: '{{l|fi|jos}} {{l|fi|vuori}} {{l|fi|ei}} {{l|fi|tulla|tule}} {{l|fi|Muhammed|Muhammedin}} {{t+|fi|luo}}'
  • if the shoe fits because: definition not recognised: '{{t-needed|ar}}:'
  • if you want a thing done well, do it yourself because: definition not recognised: '[[kun]] [[itse]] [[tekee]]'
  • igloo because: definition not recognised: '[[ᐄᔅᒌᒣᐅᑲᒥᒄ]] (iischiimeukamikw)'
  • ignis fatuus because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|призрачный|призрачная}} {{l|ru|надежда}} (prízračnaja nadéžda)'
  • ignition temperature because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|syttymislämpötila}}. {{t|fi|syttymispiste}}'
  • ignoramus because: definition not recognised: '({{t|ba|тома|sc=Cyrl}}) {{t|ba|наҙан|sc=Cyrl}}'
  • ignorant because: line not recognised: '----'
  • ignore because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fr|[[ne]] [[pas]] [[rendre]] [[compte]] [[de]]}}<!--note: "ignorer" is incorrectthis means "to be ignorant of"not "to ignore"-->'
  • iguana because: definition not recognised: '{{t|de|grüner Leguan|m}} ("der grüne Leguan")'
  • illative because: definition not recognised: '(rare) {{t+|fi|sisätulento}}'
  • illative case because: definition not recognised: '[[casus]] [[illativus]] {{g|m}}'
  • illegal because: definition not recognised: '[[säännöt#Finnish|sääntöjen]] {{t|fi|vastainen}}'
  • illegal immigrant because: definition not recognised: '[[laiton#Finnish|laiton]] {{t+|fi|maahanmuuttaja}}'
  • illiterate because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|αναλφάβητος|m}} (analfávitos)'
  • illness because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|질병|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|疾病|sc=Kore}})'
  • ill-treat because: definition not recognised: "[[虐待する]](ぎゃくたいする''gyakutai-suru'')"
  • illusion because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|환각|tr=hwangak|sc=Hang}} ([[幻覺]])'
  • I'm ... year(s) old because: line not recognised: '*: {{t|ar|عمري سنة|tr=ʿúmri sána}} {{qualifier|1 year old}}'
  • I'm a Buddhist because: definition not recognised: "(ben) {{t|tr|Budist'im}}"
  • I'm a Christian because: definition not recognised: "(ben) {{t|tr|Hristiyan'ım}}"
  • I'm a Muslim because: definition not recognised: "(ben) {{t|tr|Müslüman'ım}}"
  • I'm a vegetarian because: definition not recognised: '[[olen#Finnish|olen]] {{t+|fi|kasvissyöjä}}'
  • I'm allergic to pollen because: definition not recognised: '[[olen#Finnish|olen]] [[allerginen#Finnish|allerginen]] {{t|fi|siitepölylle}}'
  • I'm an atheist because: definition not recognised: '(ben) {{t|tr|ateistim}}'
  • I'm because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ar|أنا|tr='ána ...|alt=أنا ...|sc=Arab}} {{qualifier|verb {{t|ar|كان}} is not used in the present tense}}"
  • I'm blind because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|olen}} {{t+|fi|sokea}}'
  • I'm divorced because: definition not recognised: '[[jestem rozwiedziony]] (♂)'
  • I'm fine, thank you because: definition not recognised: "[[kiitoshyvää]] (in response to ''[[mitä kuuluu]]?'')"
  • I'm full because: definition not recognised: '[[olen#Finnish|olen]] {{t+|fi|täynnä}}'
  • I'm gay because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|male}} {{t+|fi|olen}} {{t+|fi|homo}}'
  • I'm hot because: definition not recognised: '[[minulla#Finnish|minulla]] [[on#Finnish|on]] {{t+|fi|kuuma}}'
  • I'm hungry because: definition not recognised: '{{t|th|ฉันหิว|tr=chăn hĭw}} {{qualifier|genericcolloquial}} (add particles: {{t+|th|ครับ|tr=kráp}} - male or {{t|th|ค่ะ|tr=kâ}} female for politeness)'
  • I'm illiterate because: definition not recognised: '[[osata#Finnish|en osaa]] [[lukea#Finnish|lukea]] [[enkä#Finnish|enkä]] {{t+|fi|kirjoittaa}}'
  • I'm Jewish because: definition not recognised: "(ben) {{t|tr|Yahudi'yim}}"
  • I'm married because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|olen}} {{t|fi|naimisissa}}'
  • I'm mute because: definition not recognised: '[[olla#Finnish|olen]] {{t+|fi|mykkä}}'
  • I'm straight because: definition not recognised: '{{t|bn|আমি স্ট্রেট|sc=Beng}} {{attention|bn|needs translit}}'
  • I'm thirsty because: definition not recognised: '{{t|th|ฉันหิวน้ำ|tr=chăn hĭw náam}} {{qualifier|genericcolloquial}} (add particles: {{t+|th|ครับ|tr=kráp}} - male or {{t|th|ค่ะ|tr=kâ}} female for politeness)'
  • I'm tired because: definition not recognised: '{{t|th|ฉันเหนื่อย|tr=chăn nèuay}} {{qualifier|genericcolloquial}} (add particles: {{t+|th|ครับ|tr=kráp}} - male or {{t|th|ค่ะ|tr=kâ}} female for politeness)'
  • I'm twenty years old because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ja|私は二十歳です|tr=わたしははたちですwatashi wa hatachi desu}} ([[二十歳]] \'\'is read\'\' "hatachi" \'\'- an exception\'\')'
  • imaginary number because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|φανταστικός αριθμός|m}} (fantastikós arithmós)'
  • imitate because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|sv|imitera}} (1)'
  • immediately because: definition not recognised: '(în mod) {{t+|ro|imediat}}'
  • immigrant because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|이민자}} ({{t|ko|移民者}})'
  • immigration because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|이주|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|移住|sc=Hani}})'
  • immortal because: definition not recognised: '[[不朽]]的 (bù xiǔ de)'
  • immortalise because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|tehdä}} {{t+|fi|kuolematon|alt=kuolemattomaksi}}'
  • immortality because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|бессмертность|f|tr=bessmértnost’}} (not common)'
  • immure because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|muurata}} ([[sisään#Finnish|sisään]])'
  • IMO because: definition not recognised: '{{t|de|meines Erachtens}} <m. E.>'
  • impair because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|de|schädigen}} {{gloss|reputation}}'
  • impanel because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|включать}} {{l|ru|в}} {{l|ru|список}} {{l|ru|присяжный|присяжных}} (vklučátʼ v spísok prisjážnyx)'
  • impasse because: definition not recognised: '(fig.) {{t|pt|impasse|m}}'
  • impeach because: definition not recognised: '[[syyttää#Finnish|syyttää]] {{t|fi|virkarikos|alt=virkarikoksesta}}'
  • impel because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|приводить}} {{l|ru|в}} {{l|ru|движение}} (privodítʹ v dvižénije)'
  • imperfectivization because: definition not recognised: "(''Roman spelling'') {{t|sh|imperfektivizacija|f}} (''Cyrillic spelling'') {{t|sh|имперфективизација|f|sc=Cyrl}}"
  • impersonate because: definition not recognised: '[[выдавать]] [[себя]] [[за]]'
  • impervious because: definition not recognised: ''
  • impinge because: definition not recognised: ''
  • implantation because: definition not recognised: '. {{t|fi|kiinnittyminen}}'
  • implementation because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|이행|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|履行|sc=Kore}})'
  • imply because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ru|намекнуть|tr=nameknút'}} (''[[pf.]]'')"
  • impolite because: definition not recognised: '{{l|fr|mal}} {{l|fr|poli}}'
  • import because: definition not recognised: '([[sisse]]) [[tooma]]'
  • important because: line not recognised: '*: {{t|egy|wr|sc=Egyp}}'
  • impose because: definition not recognised: '[[olla]] [[rasituksena]]'
  • imposition because: definition not recognised: '([[pålagt]]) {{t|no|byrde|m}}'
  • impossible because: definition not recognised: '{{t|hi|असंभव|tr=asambhav|sc=Deva}} or {{t|hi|असम्भव|tr=asambhav|sc=Deva}}'
  • impracticability because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|fi|epäkäytännöllinen}} ('' + nounsuch as'' [[esine]][[tavara]][[laite]][[juttu]][[asia]])"
  • impregnate because: definition not recognised: '(bir şeye) {{t+|tr|doyurmak}}'
  • impressed because: definition not recognised: '반한(banhan)'
  • imprisonment because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|투옥|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|投獄|sc=Kore}})'
  • improve because: definition not recognised: '[[izboljšati]] se'
  • impudence because: definition not recognised: ''
  • impugn because: definition not recognised: '[[подвергать]] [[сомнению]]'
  • impure because: definition not recognised: '[[不純]]的'
  • in a pinch because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|pt|em}} {{t+|pt|caso}} {{t+|pt|de}} {{t+|pt|emergência}}'
  • in addition because: definition not recognised: '[[en]] [[addition]]'
  • in because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|uk|у|tr=u}} (''before vowels / before consonants'')"
  • in bed with because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|fi|sänky|alt=sängyssä}} {{t+|fi|jonkun}} (''accusative'') {{t+|fi|kanssa}}"
  • in case because: definition not recognised: "{{t|hu|arra az esetreha}} ''(for the caseif...)''"
  • in charge because: definition not recognised: "''different grammatical structure is used"
  • in detail because: definition not recognised: '{{t-needed|ko}}:'
  • in favor of because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|в пользу|tr=v pólʹzu}} (+ [[genitive case]])'
  • in front because: line not recognised: '====Derived terms===='
  • in front of because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|it|davanti}} a'
  • in love because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ru|влюблённый|tr=vljubljónnyj|sc=Cyrl}} ('''with''': [[в]])"
  • in on because: definition not recognised: "{{t|no|med på}} (''part of'')"
  • in order that because: definition not recognised: '[[niin#Finnish|niin]] {{t+|fi|että}}'
  • in order to because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|fr|pour}} ''+ inf.''"
  • in other words because: definition not recognised: '([[mao]])'
  • in respect of because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ar|بالنسبة ل}} (bil-nisba li-)'
  • in spite of because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|suffix}} {{t+|ja|にもかかわらず|alt=〜にもかかわらず|tr=-nimo kakawarazu}} (〜[[にも関わらず]])'
  • in the dock because: definition not recognised: '[[под колпаком]]<!--under the cap-->'
  • in the doghouse because: definition not recognised: 'in [[Ungnade]]'
  • in the fast lane because: definition not recognised: "≈{{t+|fr|vie de patachon|f}} (a noun = ''life in the fast lane'')"
  • in the flesh because: definition not recognised: ''
  • in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king because: definition not recognised: 'In regione caecorum rex est luscus.'
  • in the long run because: definition not recognised: '{{l|gd|anns an ùine fhada}}'
  • in the making because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|pt|sendo}} {{t+|pt|feito}}'
  • in the mood because: definition not recognised: "''to be in the mood to"
  • in the nick of time because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|pt|no}} {{t+|pt|último}} {{t+|pt|instante}}'
  • in the red because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|miinuksen}} {{t+|fi|puolella}}'
  • in the teeth of because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|против}} ({{l|ru|ветер|ветра}}) (prótiv (vétra))'
  • in time because: definition not recognised: "[[вовремя]] (vóvr'em'a)"
  • in turn because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fi|vuorossa}} (''next'')"
  • in utero because: line not recognised: '* Swedish {{t-check|sv|I livmodern}}'
  • in your face because: definition not recognised: '(often preceded by "[[pan#fr|pan]]"!) {{t|fr|dans ta gueule}}'
  • inactive because: definition not recognised: '[[ei]] [[toiminta|toiminnassa]] [[oleva]]'
  • inadvertently because: definition not recognised: '({{t+|nl|abusievelijk}})'
  • inaudible because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ja|聞こえない|alt=耳に聞こえない|tr=mimi ni kikoenai}}<!--「耳"が"聞こえない」= deaf. 「耳"に"聞こえない」= inaudible.-->'
  • inaugurate because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|nimittää}}/{{t+|fi|asettaa}} {{t+|fi|virka|alt=virkaan}}'
  • inauguration because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|virkaan}} {{t|fi|astuminen}}'
  • incalculably because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ja|計算|alt=計算できない位に|tr=keisan dekinai kuraini}} {{t+|ja|箆棒|alt=箆棒に|tr=berabō ni}}'
  • incantation because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|заговор|m|tr=zagovór}} <!-- заговор (zágovor): "plot""scheme" -->'
  • incendiary because: definition not recognised: '[[放火的]]'
  • incense because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|da|virak|c}} ''(dated)''"
  • incessantly because: definition not recognised: '{{l|gd|an còmhnaidh}}'
  • inch because: definition not recognised: '[[edetä]] [[hitaasti]]'
  • Incheon because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|인천|tr=Incheon|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|仁川|sc=Hang}})'
  • inchmeal because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|дюйм}} {{l|ru|за}} {{l|ru|дюйм|дюймом}} (djúim za djújmom)'
  • incident because: definition not recognised: '[[#Dutch|incident]] {{g|n}}'
  • incipient because: definition not recognised: "{{t|la|incipiēns}} ''nominative''"
  • incircle because: definition not recognised: 'invändig {{t|sv|tangeringscirkel|c}}'
  • inclined plane because: definition not recognised: '[[kalteva]] [[taso]]'
  • inclusion because: definition not recognised: '[[mukaan]] [[ottaminen]]'
  • inclusive because: definition not recognised: '..tot en met ..'
  • income tax because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|소득세|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|所得稅|sc=Hani}})'
  • incomplete sentence because: definition not recognised: '[[epätäydellinen#Finnish|epätäydellinen]] {{t+|fi|lause}}'
  • inconceivable because: definition not recognised: '[[བསམ་ཡས]] (bsam yas)'
  • inconsistent because: definition not recognised: '[[wúcháng]] ({{zh-ts|無常|无常}})'
  • inconspicuous because: definition not recognised: '[[herättää huomiota|huomiota herättämätön]]'
  • incontinent because: definition not recognised: '[[óhófsamur]]'
  • inconvenience because: definition not recognised: '[[tuoda]] [[hankaluus|hankaluutta]] / [[vaiva|vaivaa]] [[joku|jollekulle]]'
  • incorporate because: definition not recognised: '{{l|sv|göra till}} en {{t+|sv|korporation}}'
  • increase because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|te|పెరుగు}} (perugu)'
  • incredibly because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|ei}} {{t|fi|uskottavasti}}'
  • incubate because: definition not recognised: '[[hautoa]] {{qualifier|figuratively}}'
  • inculcate because: definition not recognised: ''
  • inculpable because: definition not recognised: 'non {{t+|fr|coupable}}'
  • incumbent because: definition not recognised: '[[velvollisuus|velvollisuutena]] [[olla|oleva]]'
  • incunabulum because: definition not recognised: '[[inkunabel]] {{g|m}}'
  • incur because: definition not recognised: '[[saattaa]] [[itsensä]] [[altis|alttiiksi]]'
  • incurable romantic because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|parantumaton}} {{t|fi|romantikko}}'
  • indeed because: definition not recognised: "[[в самом деле]] (''v sámom déle'')"
  • indemnify because: definition not recognised: '(birinin zararına) {{t+|tr|kefil olmak}}'
  • independence because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|독립|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|獨立|sc=Hang}})'
  • Independence Day because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|Yhdysvaltain}} {{t+|fi|itsenäisyyspäivä}}'
  • indestructible because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ja|丈夫|alt=丈夫な|tr=jōbu na}} '
  • indetermination because: definition not recognised: '[1] {{t-check|nl|besluiteloosheid}}'
  • index because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|색인|tr=saek-in|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|索引|sc=Kore}})'
  • India because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|인도|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|印度|sc=Hang}})'
  • Indian because: definition not recognised: "[[intiaani-]] ''prefix''"
  • Indian Ocean because: definition not recognised: 'l-{{t|mt|Oċean Indjan}}'
  • Indian summer because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|été de la Saint-Martin|m}}<!--sic"la" refers to "la fête de Saint Martin"not to St Martin himself--> {{qualifier|in November}}'
  • Indianapolis because: definition not recognised: '[[Ινδιανάπολις]] (also [[Ινδιανάπολη]]) [in̪ðiaˈnapo̞ˌli(s)] {{g|f}}'
  • indicate because: definition not recognised: 'auf etwas [[deuten]]'
  • indication because: definition not recognised: '[[aanwijzing]] {{g|f}} (2)'
  • indicator because: definition not recognised: '{{t|no|retningsviser|n}} (old)'
  • indifference because: definition not recognised: '[[אדישות|אֲדִישׁוּת]] (adishot) {{g|f}}'
  • indigent because: definition not recognised: '[[köyhä#Noun|köyhä]]'
  • indignity because: line not recognised: '* {{ttbc|es}} [[indignidad]] {{g|f}}'
  • indigo because: definition not recognised: '[[indaco]] {{g|m}}/{{g|f}}'
  • indisputable because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|te|తిరుగులేని}} (tirugulEni)'
  • indisputably because: definition not recognised: '(în mod) {{t|ro|indisputabil}}'
  • indivisible because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ja|割れない|tr=warenai}} {{t+|ja|不可分|alt=不可分の|tr=fukabun no}}'
  • Indochina because: definition not recognised: '{{t|vi|bán đảo Trung Ấn}} ({{t|vi|半島中印}})'
  • Indo-Europeanist because: definition not recognised: '{{t|de|Indogermanistin|f}}<!-- traditionallythese studies are called "Indogermanistik" in Germany -->'
  • Indonesia because: definition not recognised: 'l-{{t|mt|Indonesja}}'
  • Indonesian because: definition not recognised: 'Indonesia'
  • indoor because: definition not recognised: '[[sisällä]] [[tapahtuva]]'
  • indoors because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|в}} {{l|ru|помещение|помещении}} (v pomeščénii)'
  • inductive because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|επαγωγικός|m}} (epagogikós)'
  • indulge because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|succomber}} (à la tentation)'
  • indulgence because: definition not recognised: '{{t|de|Gefälligkeit}} '
  • Industrial Revolution because: definition not recognised: '[[teollinen#Finnish|teollinen]] {{t|fi|vallankumous}}'
  • industrial strength because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|teollinen}} {{t+|fi|voima}}'
  • industry because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|산업|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|產業|sc=Kore}})'
  • inedible because: definition not recognised: '[[syötävä|syötäväksi]] [[kelpaamaton]]'
  • ineffable because: definition not recognised: '[[inefável]] (1)'
  • inequality because: definition not recognised: '{{t|it|disequazione|f}} {{t+|it|disuguaglianza|f}}'
  • inert gas because: line not recognised: '* {{ttbc|zh}}'
  • infant because: definition not recognised: '(грудной) {{t+|ru|ребёнок|m|tr=rebjónok|sc=Cyrl}}'
  • infantile because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|he|ילדותי}} (yalduti) {{g|m}}'
  • infantry because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|보병|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|步兵|sc=Kore}})'
  • infantryman because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|보병|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|步兵|sc=Kore}})'
  • infatuate because: definition not recognised: '[[вскружить]] [[голова|голову]]'
  • infatuation because: definition not recognised: ''
  • infection because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|감염|tr=gam-yeom|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|感染|sc=Kore}})'
  • infer because: definition not recognised: '[[päätellä]] (12)'
  • inferior because: definition not recognised: '[[下等]] (xiadeng)'
  • inferiority complex because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|열등감|tr={{lang|ko|劣等感}}yeoldeunggam|sc=Kore}}'
  • inferno because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|지옥|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|地獄|sc=Kore}})'
  • infertility because: definition not recognised: "{{qualifier|Vulgar and Modern Latin}} {{t-check|la|infertilitas}} ''nominative''"
  • infill because: definition not recognised: '{{t|mi|tiriwā}} '
  • infinitesimal because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t-check|nl|oneindig klein}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomaticput marked word in |alt=see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->'
  • infinitive because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|부정사|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|不定詞|sc=Kore}})'
  • infinity because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|무한|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|無限|sc=Hani}})'
  • infixation because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fr|infixation|f}} '
  • inflame because: definition not recognised: 'sich [[entzünden]]'
  • inflammation because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|염증|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|炎症|sc=Kore}})'
  • inflatable because: definition not recognised: "{{t|ro|inflaționabil|m|n}} (''prices'')"
  • inflated because: definition not recognised: '[[umple|umplut]] {{g|m|n}} (cu aer)'
  • inflation because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|φούσκωμα|n}} (foúskoma)'
  • inflect because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|muuttaa}} {{t|fi|äänensävyä}}'
  • inflict because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|tr|uğratmak}} '
  • influence because: definition not recognised: '[[영향]] {{qualifier|yeong-hyang}}'
  • influential because: definition not recognised: '[[утицајан#Serbian|утицајан]]'
  • influenza because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|감기|sc=Hang}} ([[感氣]])'
  • inform because: definition not recognised: '[[kond]] doen'
  • information because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|정보|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|情報|sc=Hani}})'
  • information technology because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|정보기술|tr=jeongbo gisul|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|情報技術|sc=Hani}})'
  • infrared because: definition not recognised: "{{l|ja|赤外線}} ({{l|ja|せきがいせん}}''[[sekigaisen]]'')"
  • infrasound because: definition not recognised: "[[超低周波音]] ([[ちょうていしゅうはおん]]''[[chōteishūhaon]]'')"
  • infrastructure because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|기반 시설|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|基盤施設|sc=Kore}})'
  • infuriate because: definition not recognised: '[[rendre]] [[furieux]]'
  • infusorian because: definition not recognised: '[[инфузория|инфузо́рия]] (infuzórija) {{g|f}}'
  • -ing because: definition not recognised: 'nominalization of the infinitive'
  • ingrained because: definition not recognised: '[[根深蒂固的]] (gēnshēndìgùde)'
  • ingratiate because: definition not recognised: '[[gratiam inire ab|grātiam inīre ab]]'
  • ingredient because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|성분|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|成分|sc=Kore}})'
  • Ingush because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ja|イングーシ人}} (Ingūshi-jin)'
  • inhabitable because: definition not recognised: '[[nadający]] [[się]] [[do]] [[zamieszkanie|zamieszkania]]'
  • inhale because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ca|aspirar}} {{t+|ca|inspirar}}'
  • inhere because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|kuulua}} ([[olennaisena]] [[osana#Finnish|osana]])'
  • inherent because: definition not recognised: '[[kadikit]]'
  • inherit because: definition not recognised: '[[繼承]]'
  • inheritance because: definition not recognised: '(vArasatvamu){{t+check|te|వారసత్వము}}'
  • inheritance tax because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ta|வரி}} (vari) (Thota vari)'
  • inhibit because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ja|抑制|tr=よくせいするyokusei-suru|alt=抑制する}} {{t+|ja|阻止|tr=そしするsoshi-suru|alt=阻止する}} {{t+|ja|制止|tr=せいしするseishi-isuru|alt=制止する}}'
  • inhibitor because: definition not recognised: '{{t|cs|inhibitor|m}} {{t|cs|zpomalovač|m}}'
  • inhomogeneity because: definition not recognised: '{{t|it|disomogeneità|f}} (12)'
  • initial because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|성모|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|聲母|sc=Kore}})'
  • initialization because: definition not recognised: '[[alkuarvo#Finnish|alkuarvon]] {{t+|fi|asettaminen}}'
  • initialize because: definition not recognised: '[[asettaa#Finnish|asettaa]] {{t|fi|alkuarvo}}'
  • initiate because: definition not recognised: '[[uusi]] [[jäsen]]'
  • inject because: definition not recognised: '[[spritzen]] {{qualifier|medicine}}'
  • injection because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|주사|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|注射|sc=Kore}})'
  • injure because: definition not recognised: '[[olla#Finnish|olla]] {{t|fi|epäoikeudenmukainen}}'
  • injurious because: definition not recognised: ''
  • injury because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|부상|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|負傷|sc=Kore}})'
  • Inland Sea because: definition not recognised: "[[瀬戸内海]](せとないかい''setonaikai'')"
  • -in-law because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|special words are used for common "-in-law" terms}} (родня́) {{t|ru|[[с|со]] [[сторона|стороны́]] [[муж|му́жа]]|sc=Cyrl}} {{qualifier|on husband\'s side}}'
  • in-law because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|special words are used for common "-in-law" terms}} (родня́) {{t|ru|[[с|со]] [[сторона|стороны́]] [[муж|му́жа]]|sc=Cyrl}} {{qualifier|on husband\'s side}}'
  • inlet because: definition not recognised: '{{g|n}}'
  • inn because: definition not recognised: '(Japanese style) {{t+|ja|旅館|tr=りょかんryokan}}'
  • Inner Mongolia because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|내몽고|tr=Naemonggo|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|內蒙古|sc=Hang}})'
  • innkeeper because: definition not recognised: '[[chủ]] [[quán trọ]]'
  • inpatient because: definition not recognised: '[[stationär|stationärer]] [[Patient]] {{g|m}}'
  • input because: definition not recognised: "(''process''): {{t+|ro|alimentare|f}}"
  • inquest because: definition not recognised: '[[kuolemansyy]]n [[selvittää|selvittämis]][[lautakunta]]'
  • inquire because: definition not recognised: 'a [[investiga]]'
  • inquiry because: definition not recognised: '[[kysely]] (1)'
  • insanity because: definition not recognised: '[[pagkasiraulo]]'
  • insect because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|곤충|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|昆蟲|sc=Kore}})'
  • insecure because: definition not recognised: '[[nicht]] [[sicher]]'
  • insert because: definition not recognised: '[[laittaa#Finnish|laittaa]] {{t+|fi|sisään}} {{qualifier|into}}'
  • insertion because: definition not recognised: "(''of coins'') {{t|da|indkast|n}}"
  • inside because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|내|tr=nae}} ({{t+|ko|內}})'
  • inside out because: definition not recognised: "[[på avigan]] (''of a garment'')"
  • insider because: definition not recognised: '[[sisällä#Finnish|sisällä]] {{t+|fi|oleva}}'
  • insolation because: definition not recognised: '[[auringonsäteily|auringonsäteilyn]] {{t|fi|voimakkuus}}'
  • insomnia because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|불면증|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|不眠症|sc=Hani}})'
  • insomniac because: definition not recognised: '[[unettomuudesta]] [[kärsivä]]'
  • inspect because: definition not recognised: '[[suorittaa]] [[tarkastus]]'
  • installment because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|fr|au fur et à mesure}} (''in'' installments)"
  • instant because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|da|øjeblik}}<!-- [[he]] [[died]] *[[instantly]] = {{t+|da|han}} {{t+|da|døde}} *{{t|da|øjeblikkeligt}}-->'
  • instantiate because: definition not recognised: '[[luoda]] [[ilmentymä]]'
  • instead because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|вместо|tr=vmésto}} (+ [[genitive case]])'
  • instead of because: definition not recognised: '{{t|la|pro}} (+ abl.)'
  • instinct because: definition not recognised: '[[pud]] {{g|m}} (1)'
  • institute because: definition not recognised: '{{zh-ts|學院|学院}} (xuéyuàn)'
  • instrument because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|악기|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|樂器}})'
  • instrumental because: definition not recognised: '[[eszközhatározó eset]] (using [[-vel|-val or -vel]] endings)'
  • instrumental case because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|hu|eszközhatározó eset}} (using [[-val]]/[[-vel]] ending)'
  • instrumentation because: definition not recognised: '[[strumentazione]] {{g|f}} (all)'
  • insufflation because: definition not recognised: '[[insufflazione]] (123)'
  • insulator because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fi|eristys}} (''heat and sound'')"
  • insulting because: definition not recognised: '[[अकीर्तिकर]] (akīrtikara)'
  • insurance because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|pt|seguro}} (1)'
  • insurmountable because: definition not recognised: '[[nie]] [[do]] [[pokonania]]'
  • integer because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|ακέραιος αριθμός|m}} (akéraios arithmós)'
  • integral because: definition not recognised: 'compounds with {{t+|sv|heltal}}'
  • integrating because: definition not recognised: '[[care integrează]]'
  • Intel because: definition not recognised: "{{t|ar|إنتل|m|tr='intal|sc=Arab}} or {{t|ar|Intel|m|sc=Latn}}"
  • intellectual property because: definition not recognised: '{{t|el|διανοητική ιδιοκτησία|f}} (dianoitikí idioktisía)'
  • intelligence agency because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|정보 기관|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|情報機關|sc=Hani}})'
  • intelligence because: definition not recognised: '[[intelligent]] {{t+|nl|wezen|n}}'
  • intelligence quotient because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|지능 지수|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|知能指數|sc=Kore}})'
  • intelligent because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|vi|thông minh}} ({{t|vi|聰明}})'
  • intendment because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|намерение|n}} ({{t+|ru|законодатель|alt=законодателя}})'
  • intent because: definition not recognised: '[[vakaasti]] [[päättää|päättänyt]]'
  • inter alia because: definition not recognised: '{{t|el|μεταξύ|sc=Grek}} {{t+|el|άλλος|alt=άλλων|sc=Grek}}'
  • interact because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|nl|elkaar}} {{t+|nl|beïnvloeden}}'
  • interactive fiction because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|interaktiivinen}} {{t+|fi|kirjallisuus}}'
  • interbeing because: definition not recognised: '[[Tiếp]] [[Hiện]]'
  • intercept because: definition not recognised: '[[leikkauspiste|leikkauspisteen]] [[koordinaatti]]'
  • interceptable because: definition not recognised: 'salakuunneltavissa'
  • intercessor because: definition not recognised: "{{t|he|שתדלן|m|tr=sh'tadlan}}{{attention|he|please check the translit}}"
  • interdependent because: definition not recognised: '[[keskenään]] [[riippuvainen|riippuvaiset]]'
  • interest because: definition not recognised: '(मराठी) [[व्याज]] (vyaaj)'
  • interface because: definition not recognised: '[[接口]] (jiēkǒu)'
  • interfere because: definition not recognised: '[[moeilijk]] {{t+|nl|maken}} {{qualifier|make difficult}}'
  • interior because: definition not recognised: '[[sisä-]] {{qualifier|in compounds}}'
  • interjacent because: definition not recognised: '[[välissä#Finnish|välissä]] {{t+|fi|oleva}}'
  • interject because: definition not recognised: '[[lisätä]] [[väli|väliin]]'
  • interjection because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|감탄사|tr=gamtansa}} ({{t+|ko|感歎詞|sc=Kore}})'
  • interlocutor because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|대화자|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|對話者|sc=Hani}})'
  • intermediate because: definition not recognised: '[[väli-]] (in compounds)'
  • intermittent because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|nl|met}} {{t|nl|tussenpoos|alt=tussenpozen}}'
  • internal combustion engine because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|내연 기관|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|內燃機關|sc=Hani}})'
  • international airport because: definition not recognised: '[[kansainvälinen#Finnish|kansainvälinen]] {{t+|fi|lentokenttä}}'
  • international because: definition not recognised: 'international'
  • international law because: definition not recognised: '[[internationaal]] [[recht]] {{g|n}}'
  • International Phonetic Alphabet because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|kansainvälinen}} {{t+|fi|foneettinen}} {{t+|fi|aakkosto}}'
  • International System of Units because: definition not recognised: "[[sistem|Sistemul]] [[international|Internațional]] [[de]] [[unitate|Unități]] {{g|n}} ''(de măsură)''"
  • International Telecommunication Union because: definition not recognised: '{{zh-ts|國際電信聯盟|国际电信联盟}} (guójì diànxìn liánméng)'
  • internationalization because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|интернационализация|f}} (internatsionalizátsiya)'
  • internecine because: definition not recognised: '{{l|no|gjensidig}} {{l|no|ødeleggende}}'
  • Internet because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|인터넷|sc=Hang}} (South Korea)'
  • interpolation because: line not recognised: '* Chinese'
  • interpose because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|laittaa}} {{t|fi|väliin}}'
  • interpreter because: definition not recognised: '([[устный]]) {{t+|ru|перево́дчик|m}}'
  • interrelated because: line not recognised: '* Chinese {{t+|cmn|互联的|sc=Hani}},{{t+|cmn|互相关联的|sc=Hani}}'
  • interrupt because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|διακόπτω}} (diakópto)'
  • intersect because: definition not recognised: 'sich [[schneiden]]'
  • intersection because: definition not recognised: '[[część]] [[wspólny|wspólna]] {{g|f}}'
  • intersexual because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|sukupuoli|alt=sukupuolten}} {{t+|fi|välinen}}'
  • interstice because: definition not recognised: '({{l|ru|временной}}) {{t+|ru|промежуток|m|tr=promežútok}}'
  • interview because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|면접|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|面接|sc=Kore}})'
  • interweave because: definition not recognised: '[[kutoa]] [[yhteen]]'
  • intimacy because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|친교|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|親交|sc=Kore}})'
  • into because: definition not recognised: '[[в]] {{qualifier|+ accusative case}}'
  • intonation because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|억양|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|抑揚|sc=Kore}})'
  • intoxicate because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fi|juovuttaa}} (''of alcohol'')"
  • intransitive verb because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|자동사|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|自動詞|sc=Kore}})'
  • intricate because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|복잡하다|tr=bokjap-hada|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|複雜|sc=Kore}} + {{t+|ko|하다|sc=Kore}})'
  • introduce because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|vi|giới thiệu}} ({{t|vi|介紹}})'
  • introduction because: definition not recognised: ''
  • introductory because: definition not recognised: '[[johdanto]]-'
  • introspective because: definition not recognised: '[[itse|itseään]] [[havainnoiva]]'
  • introvert because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|[[sisäänpäinsuuntautunut]] [[henkilö]]}} <!-- was "[[sisäänpäinsuuntautunut]] [[henkilö]]" - assumed sum-of-partsif an idiomuse {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->'
  • intuition because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|de|unmittelbare}} {{t+|de|Erkenntnis|f}}'
  • Inuk because: definition not recognised: '[[Inuk#German|Inuk]] {{g|m}} (1)'
  • inundate because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|наводнить|tr=navodnítʹ|sc=Cyrl}}v'
  • invariably because: definition not recognised: '{{t|nl|onveranderlijk}} {{t|nl|steevast}}'
  • invariant because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|tr|sabit}}´'
  • invasive because: definition not recognised: '[[di#Italian|di]] {{t|it|invasione}}'
  • invent because: definition not recognised: '[[изумети]] (1)'
  • invention because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|발명|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|發明|sc=Hani}})'
  • inventorize because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|nl|inventariseren}}\\'
  • inverse because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|käänteinen}} {{t+|fi|toimenpide}}'
  • inverse trigonometric function because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|trigonometrinen|alt=trigonometrisen}} {{t+|fi|funktio|alt=funktion}} {{t|fi|käänteisfunktio}}'
  • invert because: definition not recognised: '[[kääntää]] (ylösalaisin)'
  • invest because: definition not recognised: '{{t|vi|đầu tư}} ({{t|vi|投資|sc=Hani}})'
  • investigate because: definition not recognised: '[[prowadzić]] [[dochodzenie]]'
  • investiture because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|it|investitura|f}} (1)'
  • investment because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|투자|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|投資|sc=Hani}})'
  • investor because: definition not recognised: '[[inversionista]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Latin America}}'
  • invigorating because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ru|придающий}} {{t+|ru|сила|alt=сил}}'
  • invincible because: definition not recognised: "[[無敵]] ''([[muteki]])''"
  • invisibility because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ja|潜在|tr=senzai}} '
  • invisible because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ja|見えない|alt=目に見えない|tr=me ni mienai}}<!--「目"が"見えない」= blind. 「目"に"見えない」= invisible.-->'
  • invite because: definition not recognised: '[[esittää]] {{t+|fi|kutsu}}'
  • invoice because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ru|накладная|f|tr=nakladnája}} (''also: consignmentbill of ladingwaybill'')"
  • invoke because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|призывать}} ({{t+|ru|заклинание|n|alt=заклинанием}})'
  • inward because: definition not recognised: '[[sisäänpäin]] [[suuntautunut]]'
  • inwardness because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|истинный|истинная}} {{l|ru|природа}} (ístinnaja priróda){{g|f}}'
  • in-winter because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|pitää}} {{t+|fi|sisällä}}'
  • iodine because: definition not recognised: '[[раствор]] [[йод|йода]] {{g|m}}'
  • Ionian Islands because: definition not recognised: "les [[îles Ioniennes]] ''f plural''"
  • Ionian Sea because: definition not recognised: 'il-{{t|mt|Baħar Jonju}}'
  • ionosphere because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|전리층|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|電離層|sc=Kore}})'
  • Iran because: definition not recognised: 'l-{{t|mt|Iran}}'
  • Iranian because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|sv|iranier}} (the people)'
  • Iraq because: definition not recognised: 'l-{{t|mt|Iraq}}'
  • Iraqi because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ru|иракец|m|tr=irákec|sc=Cyrl}} (''no feminine form exists'')"
  • Ireland because: definition not recognised: 'l-{{t|mt|Irlanda}}'
  • Iriomote cat because: definition not recognised: '[[西表山猫]] Iriomote yamaneko'
  • Irish because: definition not recognised: '[[irlanda]] [[lingvo]]'
  • Irish coffee because: definition not recognised: "'''Irish coffee'''"
  • Iron Age because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|철기시대|tr={{t+|ko|鐵器時代|tr=-}}cheolgi sidae}}'
  • iron because: definition not recognised: 'de {{t|ca|ferro}}'
  • ironing because: definition not recognised: '{{t|sv|strykt}} {{t+|sv|tvätt|c}}'
  • irony because: definition not recognised: 'het [[ironische]] {{g|n}}'
  • Iroquois because: definition not recognised: '(slang) [[Iro]] {{g|m}}'
  • irrational number because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|άρρητος αριθμός|m}} (árritos arithmós)'
  • irregularity because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ja|不規則性|tr=fukisokusei}} '
  • irrelevant because: definition not recognised: '[[non]]-[[pertinent]]'
  • irreverent because: definition not recognised: '[[bez]] [[szacunek|szacunku]]'
  • irritate because: definition not recognised: '[[agacer]] (displeasure)'
  • is because: definition not recognised: "''zero copula in most cases"
  • is it going to rain because: definition not recognised: '[[zou het gaan regenen]]? [[gaat het regenen]]?'
  • is that so because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|правда?|tr=právda|sc=Cyrl}}?'
  • ISBN because: definition not recognised: '{{t|el|ΔΠΑΒ}} ({{t|el|Διεθνής Πρότυπος Αριθμός Βιβλίου}})'
  • Islam because: definition not recognised: 'Islam'
  • Islamic because: definition not recognised: '{{t|mk|исламски|m|tr=íslamski}} <!-- non-lemma {{t|mk|исламска|f|tr=íslamska}}{{t|mk|исламско|n|tr=íslamsko}} -->'
  • Islamize because: definition not recognised: '{{t|it|islamizzare}} (all)'
  • island because: definition not recognised: '(small islandor river-island) {{t|fo|hólmur|m}}'
  • island chain because: definition not recognised: "[[chaîne]] d'[[île]]s {{g|f}}"
  • island state because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|도국|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|島國|sc=Kore}})'
  • Isle of Man because: definition not recognised: "l'[[île de Man]] {{g|f}}"
  • Isles of Scilly because: definition not recognised: 'les {{t|fr|Sorlingues|f-p}}'
  • islet because: definition not recognised: '[[pieni]] [[saari]]'
  • -ism because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|vi|chủ nghĩa|alt=chủ nghĩa ...}} ({{t|vi|主義|alt=主義...}})'
  • isn't it so because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|[[eikö|Eikö]] [[totta]]}}?'
  • isolated because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|απομονωμένος|m}} (apomonoménos)'
  • isolationist because: definition not recognised: '[[isolazionista]] {{g|m|f}}'
  • ISP because: definition not recognised: '[[Providitor]] de [[Servicios]] de [[Interrete]]'
  • issue because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fr|émission|f}} ''(order from commanding officer)''"
  • -ist because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|주의자|alt=-주의자|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|主義者|alt=-主義者|sc=Hani}})'
  • Istanbul because: definition not recognised: '[[η]] [[πόλις|Πόλις]] (i Pólis) {{g|f}}'
  • it because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|usually not translated}}'
  • it doesn't matter because: definition not recognised: 'ní {{t|ga|miste}}'
  • it is what it is because: definition not recognised: '[[что]] [[есть]]'
  • it never rains but it pours because: definition not recognised: '{{t|gd|nuair a thig air duinethig air uile}} (\'\'"when it befalls oneit befalls all"\'\')'
  • it takes two to tango because: definition not recognised: "{{t|sv|det är inte ens fel om två träter}} ''(regarding conflicts)''"
  • it was delicious because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|se}} {{t+|fi|oli}} {{t|fi|herkullista}}'
  • Italian because: definition not recognised: '{{g|f}} {{t|eo|italino}}'
  • Italian grip because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|italialainen}} {{t+|fi|kahva}}'
  • Italianism because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|it|italianismo|m}} (all senses)'
  • Italo- because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|이|alt=이-|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|伊|alt=伊-|sc=Hani}})'
  • Italy because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|이태리|tr=Itaeri|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|伊太利|sc=Hani}})'
  • itch because: definition not recognised: '{{t|he|גירוד}} [girud]'
  • itchy trigger finger because: definition not recognised: '[[herkkä#Finnish|herkkä]] {{t|fi|liipaisinsormi}}'
  • item because: definition not recognised: "[[punkt]] ''u''"
  • ithyphallic because: definition not recognised: '{{l|no|med}} {{l|no|erigert}} {{l|no|penis}}'
  • itinerant worker because: definition not recognised: '[[kiertävä#Finnish|kiertävä]] {{t+|fi|työntekijä}}'
  • it's a small world because: definition not recognised: '[[maailma#Finnish|maailma]] [[on#Finnish|on]] {{t+|fi|pieni}}'
  • it's about time because: definition not recognised: '{{t|is|mikið var}}!'
  • it's all Greek to me because: definition not recognised: "{{t|cs|to je pro mě španělská vesnice}} {{gloss|it's a Spanish village to me}}"
  • it's because: definition not recognised: '[[ell]] {{t+|ca|és}}'
  • its because: definition not recognised: 'possessive concord + {{t|zu|khe|alt=-khe|c1}}'
  • it's too expensive because: definition not recognised: "[[se]] [[on]] [[liian]] [[kallis]] (''specific object'')"
  • itself because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ar|نفسه}} {{IPAchar|(nafsáhu)}} {{g|m}}'
  • Ivalo because: definition not recognised: 'Ivalo'
  • Ivanovich because: definition not recognised: 'Иванович'
  • Ivanovna because: definition not recognised: 'Ивановна'
  • -ive because: definition not recognised: '-ive {{g|f}}'
  • I've because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|de|ich}} {{t+|de|habe}}'
  • I've been raped because: definition not recognised: '[[minä#Finnish|minut]] [[olla#Finnish|on]] {{t+|fi|raiskata|alt=raiskattu}}'
  • I've been robbed because: definition not recognised: '[[minä#Finnish|minut]] [[olla#Finnish|on]] {{t+|fi|ryöstää|alt=ryöstetty}}'
  • ivory because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|상아|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|象牙|sc=Kore}})'
  • -ization because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|화|alt=-화|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|化|alt=-化|sc=Hani}})'
  • -ize because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ja|化|alt=-化する|tr=-かする-ka-suru}} ({{t+|ja|化|tr=-か-ka}} + {{t+|ja|する|tr=-suru}})'
  • jabberer because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|pejorative}} {{t|de|Schwatzmaul|n}} '
  • Jack because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ru|Ваня|m|tr=Vánja}} (''cognateshort for'': {{t+|ru|Иван|m|tr=Iván}})"
  • jack because: definition not recognised: '[[zot]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Flemish}}'
  • jack of all trades because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|literally: "nine trades"}}'
  • jack off because: definition not recognised: '[[runkata]] {{qualifier|vulgar}}'
  • jack shit because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|pl|ni chuja}} {{qualifier|vulgar}} '
  • jack up because: definition not recognised: '[[sollevare]] (con il cric)'
  • jackass because: definition not recognised: ''
  • jackdaw because: definition not recognised: '{{t|be|галка|f|tr=hálka|sc=Cyrl}} '
  • jacket because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|mallonga}}: {{t|eo|jaketo}}'
  • Jacob because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|he|יעקב|tr=ya'akov|sc=Hebr}} <!--add to the Hebreww article:[[קובי]] (Kobi)-->"
  • jacquerie because: definition not recognised: "''(in the history of France)'' {{t+|fi|jacquerie}}"
  • jade because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ru|нефрит|m|tr=nefrít}} (''nephrite'')"
  • jadeite because: definition not recognised: '[[翡翠]] fěicuì'
  • jaguar because: definition not recognised: "[[B'alam]]"
  • jaguarundi because: definition not recognised: '[[auje puma]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Peru}}'
  • jam because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|μποτιλιάρισμα|n}} (botiliárisma)'
  • jam jar because: definition not recognised: 'pot de confiture'
  • Jamaica because: line not recognised: '*: Cyrillic {{t|sh|Јамајка|f|sc=Cyrl}}'
  • Jamaican because: definition not recognised: '[[Jamaika|jamaika]][[-lainen|lainen]]'
  • jamboree because: definition not recognised: '"{{t+|it|allegra}} {{t+|it|riunione|f}}"'
  • James because: definition not recognised: 'հակոբ (Hakop or Hakob)'
  • jamo because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|자모|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|字母|sc=Hani}})'
  • janggi because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|장기|tr=janggi|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|將棋|sc=Kore}})'
  • January because: definition not recognised: 'miz genver'
  • Japan because: definition not recognised: 'le {{t+|fr|Japon|m}}'
  • Japan Socialist Party because: definition not recognised: "{{t|fr|parti socialiste japonais}} (''without capital letters'')"
  • Japanese because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|vi|Nhật}} ({{t+|vi|日|sc=Hani}})'
  • Japanification because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|일본화|tr=ilbon-hwa|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|日本化|sc=Hani}})'
  • Japanophile because: definition not recognised: "{{t|ja|哈日族|tr=hārīzū}} (''from Chinese'')"
  • Japanophilia because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ko|친일성|sc=Hang}} ([[親日性]])'
  • Japheth because: definition not recognised: '[[Japhet]] {{qualifier|Old Spanish}}'
  • jar because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|de|Glas|n}} {{gloss|glass jar only}}'
  • jarbua terapon because: definition not recognised: '[[細鱗鯻]]'
  • jargon because: definition not recognised: '[[黃鋯石]]'
  • jasmine because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|말리|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|茉莉|sc=Kore}})'
  • jasper because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|벽옥|tr=byeok-ok}} ({{t+|ko|碧玉}})'
  • jauntily because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|с}} {{l|ru|небрежный|небрежным}} {{l|ru|изящество|изяществом}} (s nebréžnym izjáščestvom)'
  • Java because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|жаба|f|alt=Жабажаба}} (\'\'"toad"slang\'\')'
  • jawbone because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|[[leuan]] [[luu]]}} '
  • jay because: definition not recognised: '[[látteguovssat]]'
  • jaywalker because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|неосторожный}} {{l|ru|пешеход}} (neostoróžnyj pešexód){{g|m}}'
  • jazz because: definition not recognised: '[[cała]] [[reszta]]'
  • jealous because: line not recognised: 'these are probably all, or mostly, the "envious" sense'
  • jealousy because: line not recognised: '* Tamil {{t-check|ta|எரச்சல்|tr=ericcal}}'
  • jeans because: definition not recognised: "{{t|pt|jeans|m-p}} ''or'' {{g|m}}"
  • jeer because: definition not recognised: '[[crito]] de [[derision]]'
  • Jehovah's Witnesses because: definition not recognised: "[[Testes Iehova]] ''nominative pl''"
  • Jeju-do because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|제주도|tr=Jeju-do|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|濟州島|sc=Kore}})'
  • jejunum because: definition not recognised: '[[jelito|jelito czcze]] {{g|n}}'
  • jellyfish because: definition not recognised: "[[pa-lit]] ''(small)''"
  • jeopardize because: line not recognised: '* Chinese'
  • jerk because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|kiihtyvyyden}} {{t+|fi|muutos}}'
  • Jersey because: definition not recognised: '[[vache]] [[jersaise]] {{g|f}}'
  • Jesse because: definition not recognised: '{{t|es|Isaí}} (Catholic versions) {{t|es|Jesé}} ([[w:Reina-Valera|Reina-Valera]] version)'
  • Jesuit's bark because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|kiinapuu|alt=kiinapuun}} {{t+|fi|kuori}}'
  • Jesus because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ja|イエス|tr=Iésu}} ({{t|ja|耶蘇|tr=いえすIésu}})'
  • jet because: definition not recognised: '[[черен]] [[кехлибар]] {{g|m}}'
  • jet lag because: definition not recognised: '[[desfase horario]] {{g|m}}'
  • jet machine because: definition not recognised: '[[høytrykkspyler]] (water)'
  • jetset because: definition not recognised: '[[jetset]]-'
  • jettison because: definition not recognised: 'выбрасывание груза за борт во время бедствия (vybrásyvanije grúza zá bort vo vrémja bédstvija) {{g|n}} {{qualifier|no exact term exists}}'
  • Jew because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ja|ユダヤ人|tr=Yudaya-jin}} ({{t|ja|猶太人|tr=Yudaya-jin}})'
  • jewel because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|fi|korukivi}} (''semiprecious'')"
  • jewel case because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|CD-levy|alt=CD-levyn}} {{t+|fi|kotelo}}'
  • jewellery because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|κοσμήματα|f-p}} (pl. of {{t+|el|κόσμημα|n|tr=kósmima}})'
  • Jew's harp because: line not recognised: '*: {{qualifier|Argentina|Chile}} {{t|es|torompe|m}}'
  • jiaozi because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|만두|sc=Hang}} ({{t+|ko|饅頭|sc=Hani}})'
  • jilt because: definition not recognised: '{{t|de|den Laufpass geben}} {{gloss|lover}}'
  • jinx because: definition not recognised: '[[fucú]] {{qualifier|Dominican Republic}}'
  • Joanna because: line not recognised: '* <!-- ??? --> {{ttbc|bg}}: Йоана Ioana, Yoana; [[Ivana|Ивана Ivana]]; [[Yana|Яна Yana]]'
  • job because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|tehdä}} {{t|fi|keikkatyö|alt=keikkatöitä}}'
  • Job because: definition not recognised: '[[איוב|אִיּוֹב]] (iyov)'
  • jockstrap because: definition not recognised: '[[munasuojat]] {{qualifier|slang}} {{g|p}}'
  • Joe Average because: definition not recognised: 'Jan met de pet {{g|m}}'
  • Joel because: definition not recognised: '[[יואל|יוֹאֵל]] (yoel)'
  • joey because: definition not recognised: '[[小袋鼠]] (xiǎo dàishǔ)'
  • jog because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|бегать|sc=Cyrl}} {{l|ru|трусца|трусцой}} (bégatʹ truscój)'
  • jogging because: definition not recognised: '([[muistin]]) [[virkistäminen]]'
  • Johannesburg because: definition not recognised: "{{t|xh|eRhawutini}} (''loc.'')"
  • John because: definition not recognised: '{{t|et|Johannese}} (evangeelium)'
  • John Doe because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|he|פלוני|m}} from Plony Almony - an unknown person in the biblical book of [[Ruth]].'
  • John Lennon glasses because: definition not recognised: 'John Lennon -{{t+|fi|rillit}}'
  • join because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|pl|łączyć}} / {{t+|pl|połączyć}}'
  • join the club because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|bienvenue au club}}<!--("welcome to the club")-->'
  • joint because: definition not recognised: '(de) {{t+|nl|bak|m}}'
  • joke because: definition not recognised: '[[battuta]] {{g|f}} [[scherzo]] {{g|m}} <!-- is this a phrase or two separate translations? -->'
  • joker because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|el|μπαλαντέρ|m}} (balantér)'
  • jolt because: definition not recognised: '[[schwer]] [[treffen]]'
  • Jonathan because: definition not recognised: "[[Հովնաթան]] (Hovnat'an)"
  • Jordan because: definition not recognised: 'il-{{t|mt|Ġurdan}}'
  • Joseph because: definition not recognised: '{{t|mt|Ġużeppi|m}}<!--add to the Maltese entry: [[Ġużi]] {{m}}[[Pinu]] {{m}}[[Ġużeppa]] {{f}}[[Ġużeppina]] {{f}}[[Ġuża]] {{f}}[[Pina]] {{f}}-->'
  • jostle because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|cs|tlačit}} se'
  • jot down because: line not recognised: 'Russian: {{t|ru|черкнуть||tr=|sc=Cyrl}}, {{t|ru|набросать||tr=|sc=Cyrl}}'
  • journalist because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|기자|tr=gija}} ({{t+|ko|記者}})'
  • journey because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|여행|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|旅行|sc=Kore}})'
  • jowl because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|sv|underkäke|c}} (mandible)'
  • joyless because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|es|triste}} {{gloss|when temporal}}'
  • joyous because: definition not recognised: ''
  • joystick because: definition not recognised: '(informal) [[ilotikku]]'
  • J-pop because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|japanilainen}} {{t+|fi|pop}}'
  • JSDF because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|자위대|tr=jawidae|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|自衛隊|sc=Kore}})'
  • jubilant because: definition not recognised: 'penuh [[bangga|kebanggaan]]'
  • jubilarian because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ka|იუბილარი}} (iubilari)'
  • Juchitán because: definition not recognised: '[[Juchitán#Spanish|Juchitán]]'
  • Judas because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ur|یہودا|m|tr=yahūdā}}j'
  • Jude because: definition not recognised: '(Épître de) {{t+|fr|Jude}}'
  • judge because: definition not recognised: '[[ein]] [[Urteil]] [[fällen]] [[über]]'
  • Judges because: definition not recognised: '[[שופטים|שׁוֹפְטִים]] (shoftim)'
  • judgment because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ca|esma|f}} (coloquial)'
  • judicature because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|tuomari|alt=tuomarin}} {{t+|fi|asema}}'
  • jug because: definition not recognised: "{{t+|ru|жбан|m}} ''with a lid''"
  • juggernaut because: definition not recognised: '[[kaikki|kaiken]] [[tie#Finnish|tieltään]] [[tuhoava]] [[voima]]'
  • juggle because: definition not recognised: '[[fazer]] [[malabarismo]] [[com]]'
  • juice because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|즙|tr=jeup}} ({{t+|ko|汁}})'
  • juicer because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ca|exprimidora|f}} {{gloss|reamer}}'
  • jujitsu because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|유술|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|柔術|sc=Hani}})'
  • juke because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|придорожный|придорожная}} {{l|ru|закусочная}} (pridoróžnaja zakúsočnaja)'
  • julienne because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|жюлье́н|m|sc=Cyrl}} / {{t+|ru|жулье́н|m|sc=Cyrl}}'
  • July because: definition not recognised: 'miz Gouere'
  • jump because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|прыгать}} (impf)'
  • jump down someone's throat because: definition not recognised: '[[hyökätä]] [[jonkun]] {{t|fi|kimppuun}}'
  • jump rope because: definition not recognised: '[anglicism] (rope)[[skipping]]/skippen'
  • jump the gun because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fr|faire}} un {{t+|fr|faux départ}}'
  • junction because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|nl|knooppunt|n}} {{t+|nl|verbindingspunt|n}}'
  • June because: definition not recognised: 'miz Mezheven'
  • junior because: line not recognised: '* Hungarian {{t+|hu|ifjabb}}'
  • junk because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|es|tiliche|m}} {{qualifier|Mexico}} {{qualifier|often used in pl}}'
  • junk food because: definition not recognised: '[[nezdravá]] [[strava]]'
  • junket because: definition not recognised: ''
  • Jupiter because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|목성|tr=mokseong}} ({{t+|ko|木星}})'
  • juror because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|de|Geschworener|m}} (law)'
  • jury-rig because: definition not recognised: '[[tehdä]] [[hätätakila]]'
  • jus cogens because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|императивный|императивная}} {{l|ru|норма}} (imperatívnaja nórma){{g|f}}'
  • just like that because: definition not recognised: "{{t|ru|взялда и}} + ''verb''"
  • just what the doctor ordered because: definition not recognised: '{{t|fi|[[mitä]] [[lääkäri]] [[määrää]]}} <!-- if an idiomremove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->'
  • justice because: definition not recognised: '(123) {{t+check|bg|справедливост|f}}'
  • Jutland because: definition not recognised: '[[日德蘭半島]]'
  • juvenile because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|he|ילדותי}} (yalduti) {{g|m}}'
  • juxtapose because: definition not recognised: '[[dan]] {{t+check|ku|berhev}}'
  • K2 because: definition not recognised: '[[K2 산]] (K2 san)'
  • kaboom because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ru|ба-бах|tr=ba-báx|sc=Cyrl}} / {{t+|ru|бабах|tr=babáx|sc=Cyrl}}'
  • kailan because: definition not recognised: '[[芥蘭]]'
  • kaki because: definition not recognised: '[[柿子]]'
  • Kali because: definition not recognised: '[[काली]] (Kālī)'
  • Kalmyk because: definition not recognised: 'idioma {{t+|es|calmuco|m}}'
  • Kamchatka because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|Камчатка|f}} (Kamčátka)'
  • kamikaze because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|камикадзе|tr=kamikádze}} '
  • Kan because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|간|tr=Gan|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|菅|sc=Hani}})'
  • kana because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|가나|sc=Hang}} ({{t|ko|假名|sc=Hani}})'
  • Kanazawa because: definition not recognised: '[[金澤]]'
  • kangaroo because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|♂♀ offspring}}'
  • kanji because: definition not recognised: '{{qualifier|any Chinese character}} {{t+|ko|한자|sc=Hang}} ([[漢字]])'
  • Kannada because: definition not recognised: 'idioma {{t|an|canarés}}'
  • kaoliang because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|고량주|sc=Kore}} ({{t|ko|高粱酒|sc=Kore}})'
  • kappa because: definition not recognised: '[[#Interlingua|kappa]]'
  • Karachi because: definition not recognised: 'Karachi'
  • karaoke because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ky|караоке}} '
  • Karelian because: definition not recognised: '[[карелий]] (karelij)'
  • Karkin because: definition not recognised: 'los {{t|es|carquines}}'
  • Kashgar because: definition not recognised: 'Kashgar'
  • Kassos because: definition not recognised: '{{t|el|Κασσος|n}} (Kassos)'
  • Katya because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ru|Катя}} (pet name only)'
  • Kazakhstan because: definition not recognised: 'il-{{t|mt|Każakistan}}'
  • Kazan because: definition not recognised: "(''in other orthographies:'') {{t|tt|Qazan|sc=Latn}}"
  • kazoo because: definition not recognised: '[[nhạc]] [[ống]] [[sáo]] [[ca-du]]'
  • keelhaul because: definition not recognised: 'vetää kölin alta'
  • keep because: definition not recognised: '{{t|ar|احتفظ|tr=iḥtáfaẓa}} imperfect: {{t|ar|يحتفظ|tr=yaḥtafiẓu}}'
  • keep someone in the dark because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|fi|pitää}} {{t+|fi|joku}} {{t+|fi|pimento|alt=pimennossa}}'
  • keep the change because: definition not recognised: '[[pitää#Finnish|pitäkää]] {{t|fi|vaihtorahat}}'
  • keep track because: definition not recognised: '[[llevar]] [[un]] [[registro]]'
  • keep up appearances because: definition not recognised: 'сохранять [[хорошая мина при плохой игре|хорошую мину при плохой игре]]'
  • Kefalovrision because: line not recognised: '*:: Katharevousa: [[Κεφαλοβρύσιον]] (Kefalovrysion or Kefalovrisi)'
  • Kefalovrission because: line not recognised: '*:: Katharevousa: [[Κεφαλοβρύσιον]] (Kefalovrysion or Kefalovrisi)'
  • keg because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ca|bóta|f}} (barril en anglès)'
  • kelvin because: definition not recognised: '[[kenvin]] []'
  • Kemi because: definition not recognised: '[[凯米]]'
  • kendo because: definition not recognised: '{{t+|ko|검도|sc=Kore}} ({{t+|ko|劍道|sc=Kore}})'
  • keratinization because: definition not recognised: '[[角質化]](かくしつか'
  • kerb because: definition not recognised: '[[jalkakäytävä]]n [[reuna]]'
  • kerf because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|ширина}} {{l|ru|развод|развода}} {{l|ru|зуб|зубьев}} {{l|ru|пила|пилы}} (širiná razvóda zúbʼev pilý)'
  • kerfing because: definition not recognised: '{{l|ru|контробечайка}} {{l|ru|с}} {{l|ru|пропил|пропилами}} (kóntrobečajka s propílami)'
  • kerosene because: definition not recognised: "''for airplanes:'' {{t+|de|Kerosin|n}}"
  • kestrel because: definition not recognised: '{{t|bg|керкенез}} (kerkenez)taer'
  • Ket because: definition not recognised: '[[愒語]]'
  • kettledrum because: definition not recognised: '{{t|is|páka|f}} (usually in plural form: [[pákur]])'
  • key because: definition not recognised: 'approxim. [[salelė]] {{g|f}}'
  • key performance indicator because: definition not recognised: '[[avain]][[tulos]]{{t+|fi|mittari}}'
  • keyboard because: definition not recognised: ''