User:Embryomystic/to-do list (Ido)
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[edit]- bendeto (io) - shred
- bosketo (io) - grove, coppice
- briketo (io) - briquette, briquet
- buleto (io) - pellet
[edit]- datizar (io) - (transitive) to date (a letter, etc.)
- digizar (io) - (transitive) to dyke, dam (up)
- diplomizar (io) - (transitive) to confer a diploma on (someone)
[edit]- emfazar (io) - (transitive) to emphasize, stress
- employar (io) - (transitive) to employ (someone)
- erektigar (io) - (transitive) to stick up
- erorar (io) - (intransitive) to err, be mistaken, make a mistake
- erorigar (io) - (transitive) to cause to err
- espruvigar (io) - (transitive) to put to the test
- eterigar (io) - (transitive) to etherealise, etherise, convert into ether
- eternigar (io) - to eternalize, eternize
- eventigar (io) - to make happen
- evolucionigar (io) - (transitive) to cause to evolve
- expektar (io) - (transitive) to expect, be in anticipation of, wait
[edit]- faketo (io) - cell
- faliar (io) - (transitive) to fail, miss (an aim); (intransitive) to become insolvent
- faligar (io) - (transitive) to drop
- faliigar (io) - (transitive) to disappoint, cause to fail, frustrate, pluck, baffle, balk, bankrupt, disconcert, foil
- falsigar (io) - (transitive) to adulterate
- familieto (io) - nuclear family
- fasketo (io) - bunch
- favorizar (io) - (transitive) to favor
- febligar (io) - (transitive) to weaken
- fendar (io) - (transitive) to split (lengthwise), slit, cleave, rive; to rend (the heart)
- fendetar (io) - (transitive) to crack
- fenigar (io) - (transitive) to toss, turn
- ferizar (io) - to put iron on
- fermentacigar (io) - (transitive) to ferment
- figurizar (io) - (transitive) to typify, configure
- filialigar (io) - (transitive) to affiliate
- filizar (io) - (transitive) to thread (a needle)
- finigar (io) - (transitive) to finish, terminate, put an end to
- fitigar (io) - (transitive) to make (something) fit
- flagizar (io) - (transitive) to dress, deck (a ship)
- flarar (io) - (transitive) to smell, scent (an odour, an object)
- flecheto (io) - dart
- flegar (io) - (transitive) to nurse, care for
- flexar (io) - (transitive) to flex, bend, bow; (intransitive) to bend, bow
- flotacar (io) - (intransitive) to float, be afloat (on the surface of a liquid)
- flotacigar (io) - (transitive) to buoy, waft
- fluktuar (io) - (intransitive) to fluctuate, move to and fro, waver
- formizar (io) - (transitive) to shape, form
- fortigar (io) - (transitive) to strengthen
- foseto (io) - dimple
- fracionigar (io) - (transitive) to divide into fractions
- fragmenteto (io) - snatch, scrap, morsel, shred
- fricionar (io) - (transitive) to rub
- frondagar (io) - to sling
- fugigar (io) - to drive (away, off), discomfit
- furetagar (io) - (intransitive) to hunt with a ferret
- fusilagar (io) - (transitive) to shoot (down)
- fuzar (io) - (transitive) to melt, fuse, smelt
[edit]- garterizar (io) - (transitive) to garter
- gloriizar (io) - (transitive) to glorify, lionize
- gluizar (io) - (transitive) to cover with glue
- glutinar (io) - (transitive) to stick, paste, glue (together), fasten; (intransitive) to stick, paste, glue (together), fasten, be fastened by adhesion
- gradizar (io) - (transitive) to graduate
- graviizar (io) - (transitive) to gravel
- grelagar (io) - (transitive) to devastate by hail
- gudrizar (io) - (transitive) to tar
- guvernar (io) - (transitive) to govern, rule directly
[edit]- halteragar (io) - to halter
- harmoniigar (io) - (transitive) to harmonize
- hastigar (io) - (transitive) to hasten, press (an attack), hurry, go forward, rush, expediate
- hemigar (io) - to make a home for
- herisar (io) - (intransitive) to bristle
- herisigar (io) - (transitive) to make the hair bristle
- hezitigar (io) - (transitive) to falter, cause (someone) to hesitate
- honorizar (io) - (transitive) to honor
- hororigar (io) - (transitive) to horrify
- humidigar (io) - (transitive) to moisten
- humiligar (io) - (transitive) to humble, humiliate
- hungrigar (io) - (transitive) to make hungry
- hungro (io) - hunger
[edit]- indutar (io) - (transitive) to coat (with paint, plaster, etc.), paint (a wall, etc.)
- interestizar (io) - (transitive) to interest
- interfoliizar (io) - (transitive) to interleave
- iraco (io) - anger, ire, wrangle
[edit]- kadastrizar (io) - (transitive) to register, survey (enter in the land register)
- kalkular (io) - (transitive) to calculate
- kalorizar (io) - (transitive) to stoke
- kanaleto (io) - duct
- kanaligar (io) - (transitive) to canalize
- kanalizar (io) - (transitive) to canalize, channel
- kanapeeto (io) - small canapé
- kandiigar (io) - (transitive) to candy
- kandiizar (io) - (transitive) to candy
- kanonagar (io) - (transitive) to cannonade
- kanonizar (io) - (transitive) to canonize
- kansono (io) - song
- kantetar (io) - (transitive) to hum (a tune)
- kapabligar (io) - (transitive) to capacitate, enable, qualify
- kapitaligar (io) - (transitive) to capitalize
- kapitalizar (io) - (transitive) to capitalize
- karakterizar (io) - (transitive) to characterize
- karear (io) - (transitive) to manage without, dispense with
- karmezinizar (io) - (transitive) to crimson
- katalogizar (io) - (transitive) to tabulate
- kataplasmizar (io) - (transitive) to put on a poultice
- katareto (io) - cold
- kaucionizar (io) - (transitive) to surety, bail
- kauterizar (io) - (transitive) to cauterize
- kazaketo (io) - (woman's) short jacket
- kerneto (io) - pip
- kernigar (io) - (transitive) to infiltrate
- kesteto (io) - box
- klakigar (io) - (transitive) to snap
- klarigar (io) - (transitive) to explain, lighten, illuminate
- klientizar (io) - (transitive) to supply with clientele
- kliktetar (io) - (intransitive) to tinkle, jingle
- kliktigar (io) - (transitive) to clatter, clank
- klinkagar (io) - (transitive) to latch
- klisterizar (io) - (transitive) to give an enema
- kloko (io) - (of time) o'clock, hour on the clock
- klovizar (io) - (transitive) to nail, stud with nails
- koaguligar (io) - (transitive) to coagulate
- koaktar (io) - (transitive) to compel, force, coerce
- koherar (io) - (intransitive) to cohere
- koliar (io) - (transitive) to pluck
- kolorizar (io) - (transitive) to paint, stain, tint
- kombatonavo (io) - ship of the line
- komendar (io) - (transitive) to order (goods, etc.)
- komerconavo (io) - merchant ship
- komforto (io) - comfort
- kompaktigar (io) - (transitive) to compact
- komparar (io) - (transitive) to compare
- kompatar (io) - (transitive) to pity, commiserate (with), have compassion (for)
- kompozar (io) - (transitive) to put together, compound, compose
- kompresar (io) - (transitive) to squeeze, compress
- komunikigar (io) - (transitive) to put into communication
- koncernar (io) - (transitive) to concern, relate, or belong to
- kondiciono (io) - condition
- kondutar (io) - (intransitive) to behave (in some manner), conduct oneself
- konferigar (io) - (transitive) to join up
- konfundar (io) - (transitive) to confuse (things in one's mind), muddle (one thing with another in one's mind), confound (fail to distinguish)
- konfundigar (io) - (transitive) to make (someone) confuse one thing with another
- koniagar (io) - (transitive) to prop up, put a wedge under
- konkordar (io) - (intransitive) to agree, be in agreement, be concordant, go along
- konsentar (io) - (intransitive) to consent, consent to (a proposal or proposition)
- konsiderar (io) - (transitive) to consider, think carefully about
- konsolacar (io) - (transitive) to console, solace
- konstitucar (io) - (transitive) to constitute, form
- konsultar (io) - (transitive) to consult
- konsumar (io) - (transitive) to consume, use up, wear out, expend
- kontar (io) - (transitive) to count, add up, tally
- kontrastigar (io) - (transitive) to (put in) contrast
- kontre (io) - against, contrary to, versus, opposed to
- konturizar (io) - (transitive) to outline
- konvenar (io) - (intransitive) to suit, be fitting; to be appropriate
- konversar (io) - (intransitive) to converse
- konversetar (io) - (intransitive) to chat
- konvoynavo (io) - convoy ship
- konvulsigar (io) - (transitive) to convulse
- kopiar (io) - (transitive) to copy, make a copy of
- kordio (io) - heart
- kordizar (io) - (transitive) to rope (up), cord, bind
- kornagar (io) - (transitive) to horn, gore
- korneto (io) - cornet (musical instrument)
- kornizar (io) - (transitive) to horn
- korsaronavo (io) - privateer
- korsetizar (io) - (transitive) to corset
- korveto (io) - corvette
- kovrar (io) - (transitive) to cover
- kramponagar (io) - (transitive) to cramp
- kravatizar (io) - (transitive) to put on a cravat
- kreskar (io) - (intransitive) to grow (up)
- kreskeskar (io) - (intransitive) to begin to grow, sprout up, spring up
- kreskigar (io) - (transitive) to raise, grow
- kribleto (io) - sieve
- kripleskar (io) - (intransitive) to maim
- kripligar (io) - (transitive) to cripple, disable, maim
- kromizar (io) - (transitive) to chromeplate
- krucagar (io) - (transitive) to crucify
- krucigar (io) - (transitive) to make a cross of, place crosswise
- krucizar (io) - (transitive) to mark with a cross
- krustizar (io) - (transitive) to scab over
- kubigar (io) - (transitive) to cube
- kugleto (io) - shot (pellet)
- kukombreto (io) - gherkin
- kulbutigar (io) - (transitive) to turn upside down, turn topsy-turvy, capsize
- kuliereto (io) - teaspoon
- kulpeto (io) - (petty) fault, slip, failing, peccadillo, shortcoming
- kunvenar (io) - (intransitive) to meet, come together
- kupelo (io) - cupel
- kuprizar (io) - (transitive) to coat with copper
- kuracar (io) - (transitive) to treat (medically)
- kurasizar (io) - (transitive) to armor
- kurasonavo (io) - battleship, ironclad
- kuretagar (io) - (transitive) to curette, clean out
- kurieronavo (io) - mailboat
- kurtenizar (io) - (transitive) to curtain
- kurtigar (io) - (transitive) to shorten, cut short, bring nearer, abridge, detruncate, bob
- kurvigar (io) - (transitive) to curve, crook, bend
- kuseneto (io) - pad
- kusenizar (io) - (transitive) to cushion
- kushar (io) - (transitive) to lay down to rest, put to bed
- kushigar (io) - (transitive) to make to lie down
- kustar (io) - (transitive) to cost, be bought for
- kustumigar (io) - (transitive) to habituate, accustom, familiarize
[edit]- lacizar (io) - to lace
- lakizar (io) - to lacquer
- lakrimo (io) - tear
- lanjizar (io) - to wrap, bind, swaddle
- latizar (io) - to lath
- lazagar (io) - to lasso
- liko (io) - leak
- lignizar (io) - to cover with timber
- limitizar (io) - to stint, confine, crib, bound, confine, restrict, set bounds/limits to
- lojar (io) - to lodge, live (at a stated place), house, quarter
- lokizar (io) - to put in place, locate, localize, stow
- lonchizar - to slice
- lutizar - to lute
[edit]- maestreskar (io) - (intransitive) to become a maestro
- magazinigar (io) - (transitive) to take inventory
- magneteskar (io) - (intransitive) to become magnetized
- magnetigar (io) - (transitive) to magnetize
- magreskar (io) - (intransitive) to thin, fall away, waste away
- magrigar (io) - (transitive) to emaciate
- makulizar (io) - (transitive) to stain, blotch, blot
- manivelagar (io) - (transitive) to turn the crank
- mankar (io) - (intransitive) to be lacking, be missing
- manotizar (io) - (transitive) to handcuff, manacle
- mariajar (io) - (transitive) to unite in wedlock, marry (others)
- marinigar (io) - (transitive) to marinate, pickle
- markizar (io) - (transitive) to mark, stamp, score, blaze, peg
- marmorizar (io) - (transitive) to cover with marble
- mashizar (io) - (transitive) to loop
- masticizar (io) - (transitive) to putty
- matureskar (io) - (intransitive) to mature, ripen, come to a head
- maturigar (io) - (transitive) to mature, ripen
- memoreskar (io) - (intransitive) to put in mind of
- memorigar (io) - (transitive) to commemorate, call to mind
- mezurar (io) - (transitive) to measure; to survey
- mingravigar (io) - (transitive) to extenuate
- mitenizar (io) - (transitive) to put on mittens
- modernigar (io) - (transitive) to modernize
- moldeskar (io) - (intransitive) to become moldy
- moldigar (io) - (transitive) to make moldy
- moleskar (io) - (intransitive) to mollify, relax, tenderize itself
- moligar (io) - (transitive) to tenderize, supple
- morteskar (io) - (intransitive) to sink, be dying
- mortezizar (io) - (transitive) to mortise
- mortigar (io) - (transitive) to kill
- motorizar (io) - (transitive) to motorize
- moveskar (io) - (intransitive) to start to move, bestir
- movigar (io) - (transitive) to move
- mueligar (io) - (transitive) to grind
- mueskar (io) - (intransitive) to moult
- multigar (io) - (transitive) to increase X-fold
- mutigar (io) - (transitive) to strike dumb
- muzikigar (io) - (transitive) to set to music
[edit]- naciono (io) - nation
- naraco (io) - narration
- nepotenta - weak, impotent, powerless, inefficient
- nepovanta - impotent, inefficient, powerless, unable
- nesevera (io) - lenient, light, charitable, lax, harmless
- nigrizar (io) - (transitive) to put black on, smut; to dye black
- nikelizar (io) - (transitive) to nickel
- nivelizar (io) - to level
- nocar (io) - (transitive) to harm, injure
- nochizar (io) - (transitive) to notch, nick
- normizar (io) - (transitive) to normalize
- notizar (io) - (transitive) to annotate, enter, write in
[edit]- oblivieskar (io) - to fall into a lapse of memory
- obliviigar (io) - to make forget
- obskura (io) - obscure, dark, gloomy, dim, overcast, somber; dark (of colour); not easily understood; unknown, inconspicuous, murky
- obskureskar (io) - to obscure, dim, bedim, blot, overshadow, darken, overcast
- obskurigar (io) - to obscure, dim, bedim, blot, overshadow, darken, overcast
- obsoleteskar (io) - to fall into abeyance, superannuate
- ocidar (io) - to slay, kill with violence
- ociligar (io) - to oscillate, wag
- odorar (io) - to smell (have a smell/scent)
- oficala (io) - official
- okaziono (io) - occasion, opportunity
- oldigar (io) - to age
- oleizar (io) - to oil
- ondizar (io) - to undulate
- opinionar (io) - to opine, hold an opinion
- opozar (io) - to put someone or something in opposition, set opposite, antagonize, oppose
- opozigar (io) - to cause to antagonize
- orientizar (io) - to orient, orientate
- orizar (io) - to cover with gold
- ornamentizar (io) - to embellish
- oxidigar (io) - to oxidate, oxidize
- oxizar (io) - to oxygenate, oxygenize
[edit]- paceskar (io) - (intransitive) to make peace (with), allay, cool down, placate, propitiate
- pacigar (io) - (transitive) to pacify, allay, placate, propitiate
- padizar (io) - (transitive) to [[
- padlokizar (io) - (transitive) to padlock
- pafar (io) - (transitive, intransitive) to shoot (a bullet with a firearm)
- pagayagar (io) - (transitive) to paddle
- paginigar (io) - (transitive) to make up
- paginizar (io) - (transitive) to make up into a page (pages)
- paligar (io) - (transitive) to blanch
- palisadizar (io) - (transitive) to stockade, stake, impale
- palisizar (io) - (transitive) to mark out, mark with stakes
- palpebragar (io) - (intransitive) to wink, blink
- pakigar (io) - (transitive) to pack, packet out
- paleskar (io) - (intransitive) to turn white/pale, blanch
- panelizar (io) - (transitive) to panel, wainscot
- panikeskar (io) - (intransitive) to begin to panic
- papavereto (io) - corn poppy, red poppy
- papleskar (io) - (intransitive) to become pulp
- papligar (io) - (transitive) to make pulp
- parafizar (io) - (transitive) to initial
- paralizeskar (io) - (intransitive) to become paralyzed
- parenteskar (io) - (intransitive) to become a parent
- parentezizar (io) - (transitive) to be enclosed in parentheses
- parentigar (io) - (transitive) to be related
- parfumizar (io) - (transitive) to perfume, scent
- parigar (io) - (transitive) to pair, couple, mate
- parkigar (io) - (transitive) to [[
- paroleskar (io) - (intransitive) to begin to speak
- paroligar (io) - to [[
- parquetizar (io) - (transitive) to lay parquet in, lay a parquet floor in, parquet, inlay
- partigar (io) - (transitive) to share, part, divide up into parts, split up
- partiseto (io) - faction, coterie
- parturar (io) - (transitive) to bear, give birth to
- pasabla (io) - passable, fair, middling, mediocre, pretty good, tolerable, so-so
- pastigar (io) - to [[
- pasturigar (io) - (transitive) to graze
- patentizar (io) - (transitive) to patent
- patreto (io) - daddy
- pauzar (io) - (intransitive) to pause
- pauzigar (io) - (transitive) to pause
- pavizar (io) - (transitive) to pave, flag
- pavoreskar (io) - (intransitive) to take fright
- pavorigar (io) - (transitive) to affright
- pavoro (io) - fear
- pazetar (io) - to trip along, take short steps
- pazeto (io) - a short step
- peceskar (io) - to fall to pieces
- pechizar (io) - (transitive) to [[
- penacheto (io) - tassel, plume
- pendigar (io) - to suspend, hang
- penetrigar (io) - (transitive) to penetrate
- penigar (io) - (transitive) to [[
- peniseto (io) - pee-pee (penis)
- percheskar (io) - (intransitive) to go to roost
- perchigar (io) - (transitive) to settle, alight
- perfekteskar (io) - (intransitive) to become perfect
- perfektigar (io) - (transitive) to perfect, finish
- perisigar (io) - (transitive) to perish
- permanar (io) - (intransitive) to be permanent, exist indefinitely
- permisar (io) - (transitive) to permit, allow
- perpetuigar (io) - (transitive) to perpetuate
- perplexeskar (io) - (intransitive) to perplex, bewilder, puzzle
- perplexigar (io) - (transitive) to perplex, baffle, bewilder, puzzle
- perukizar (io) - (transitive) to [[
- peskar (io) - (transitive) to fish, angle; to take out
- petardeto (io) - firecracker, cracker, squib
- petreskar (io) - (intransitive) to petrify
- petrigar (io) - (transitive) to petrify, turn to stone
- petrizar (io) - (transitive) to do stonework
- pezar (io) - (intransitive) to weigh, have a certain weight
- piktar (io) - (transitive) to paint (pictures)
- pilizar (io) - (transitive) to [[
- piloriagar (io) - to pillory
- pinceto (io) - tweezers; forceps
- piochagar (io) - to dig
- piprizar (io) - (transitive) to pepper
- pistoleto (io) - [[
- pladeto (io) - saucer
- plakizar (io) - (transitive) to plate, veneer
- planigar (io) - (transitive) to make level, make smooth
- planketo (io) - small board; palette
- plankizar (io) - (transitive) to plank, board, sheathe, floor
- plantacar (io) - (transitive) to plant
- plantizar (io) - (transitive) to [[
- plateskar (io) - (intransitive) to flatten
- platigar (io) - (transitive) to flatten
- plaudetar (io) - (intransitive) to lap (splash)
- plaudeto (io) - lapping of water against a surface
- plenigar (io) - (transitive) to fill
- plezar (io) - (transitive, intransitive) to please, be pleasing, be agreeable
- ploreskar (io) - (intransitive) to burst into tears
- ploretar (io) - (intransitive) to snivel, whimper
- plubeligar (io) - (transitive) to adorn, embellish
- plubonigar (io) - (transitive) to ameliorate, emend (a book), improve, make better, touch up, benefit
- plucherigar (io) - (transitive) to make dear, enhance
- plufaciligar (io) - (transitive) to facilitate
- plufermigar (io) - (transitive) to consolidate, thicken, stabilize, firm
- plufortigar (io) - (transitive) to reinforce
- pluledeskar (io) - (intransitive) to uglify
- pluledigar (io) - (transitive) to disfigure
- plulongeskar (io) - (intransitive) to lengthen (grow longer)
- plulongigar (io) - (transitive) to lengthen, prolong, extend (time), elongate, protract
- plumultigar (io) - (transitive) to multiply
- plunjar (io) - (intransitive) to dive, plunge
- plunjigar (io) - (transitive) to plunge, dip, douse
- plusa (io) - additional, extra, plus, more
- plustretigar (io) - [[
- pluveskar (io) - (intransitive) to start to rain
- pluvetar (io) - (intransitive) to shower, sprinkle, drizzle
- pluveto (io) - shower, sprinkle, drizzle
- pluvigar (io) - to make it rain
- polarigar (io) - (transitive) to to polarize
- polsterizar (io) - (transitive) to stuff, pad, upholster
- polveskar (io) - (intransitive) to fall in powder, crumble, molder
- polvigar (io) - (transitive) to dust, pulverize, crumble
- polvizar (io) - (transitive) to dust
- pomadizar (io) - (transitive) to pomade
- poniardagar (io) - (transitive) to stab with poniard
- ponteto (io) - footbridge, culvert, gangway
- porcionigar (io) - (transitive) to ration out
- porcionizar (io) - (transitive) to put on a ration, put on (short) allowance
- posedeskar (io) - to acquire, obtain
- posibligar (io) - to make possible
- postulatigar (io) - to postulate
- praktikar (io) - (transitive) to practise, practice, put into practice, exercise; to observe
- precizar (io) - (transitive) to [[
- prefacizar (io) - (transitive) to preface
- preferar (io) - (transitive) to prefer, like better
- prefixagar (io) - to [[
- prefixigar (io) - to prefix
- prefixizar (io) - (transitive) to prefix
- presetar (io) - to [[
- preseto (io) - [[
- presigar (io) - to [[
- preventar (io) - (transitive) to avert, prevent, deter, obviate, forestall, preclude
- privilejizar (io) - (transitive) to grant a privilege to
- problemeto (io) - puzzle
- produkteskar (io) - to start to make, fabricate
- profesiono (io) - profession
- prokuracizar (io) - (transitive) to [[
- prokurar (io) - (transitive) to procure, get (something for someone)
- promenigar (io) - to take someone out for a walk
- promiso (io) - promise
- pronteskar (io) - (intransitive) to [[
- prontigar (io) - (transitive) to get ready
- propozar (io) - (transitive) to propose; to propound; to move
- proprigar (io) - to appropriate
- prosternigar (io) - (transitive) to [[
- prostraceskar (io) - to give way
- proverbeskar (io) - (intransitive) to become a proverb
- proximeskar (io) - (intransitive) to go near, approximate
- proximigar (io) - (transitive) to bring near, approximate
- pruineskar (io) - to [[
- pruinizar (io) - to rime
- pruvar (io) - (transitive) to prove
- publikigar (io) - to advertise
- pudrizar (io) - (transitive) to powder
- pulverigar (io) - (transitive) to pulverize
- pumicagar (io) - to pounce
- punsar (io) - (transitive) to pounce
- purigar (io) - to cleanse
[edit]- rabotagar (io) - (transitive) to plane (down)
- ranceskar (io) - (intransitive) to go rancid
- raukeskar (io) - (intransitive) to grow hoarse
- realeskar (io) - to realize
- recenta (io) - recent
- recevar (io) - (transitive) to receive
- reflektar (io) - (transitive, intransitive) to reflect
- refuzar (io) - (transitive) to refuse, decline
- registragar (io) - to register, write in
- regretar (io) - (transitive) to regret, be sorry about
- respektar (io) - (transitive) to respect
- retenar (io) - (transitive) to keep (back), retain, withhold; (arithmetic) to carry
- rezolvar (io) - (transitive) to resolve, decide
- rigideskar (io) - (intransitive) to get stiff, stiffen
- riglagar (io) - (transitive) to bolt
- risaneskar (io) - (intransitive) to get cured
- riskar (io) - (transitive) to risk, hazard, venture, take a chance
- rudeskar (io) - (intransitive) to roughen
- rusteskar (io) - (intransitive) to rust
[edit]- saketo (io) - small bag, pocket
- saltetar (io) - (intransitive) to hop
- salteto (io) - hop
- sanigar (io) - (transitive) to make healthy
- saponagar (io) - to soap
- saporar (io) - (intransitive) to taste, have a certain taste, have a flavor
- satisfacar (io) - (transitive) to fulfil, satisfy (a duty, expectation, promise); to discharge (an obligation)
- saveskar (io) - (intransitive) to learn, become informed
- savigar (io) - (transitive) to inform
- seglonavo (io) - keelboat
- sekar (io) - (transitive) to make a cut in, cut partially through; to section (divide into sections)
- selektar (io) - (transitive) to choose, select
- senkapigar (io) - (transitive) to behead
- senkernigar (io) - (transitive) to stone
- senkurajeskar (io) - (intransitive) to faint, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, daunt, chill, quail
- senkurajigar (io) - (transitive) to discourage, deter, unnerve, dishearten, unman, become chill, daunt, dispirit, damp the spirits
- senostigar (io) - to bone
- serpeto (io) - billhook, pruning knife, garden knife
- sidigar (io) - (transitive) to sit
- sikeskar (io) - (intransitive) to desiccate, parch
- sikigar (io) - (transitive) to press, dry up, parch
- siklagar (io) - to cut with a sickle
- similigar (io) - (transitive) to make similar
- sinioro (io) - Eminence, Excellency; lord
- sinkar (io) - (transitive) to (cause to) sink, settle, subside; (intransitive) to sink, settle, subside
- sintonigar (io) - (transitive) to tune
- sistemigar (io) - to systematize
- sioro (io) - sir, Mr.; madam, Ms.
- situeso (io) - situation, site
- sivagar (io) - to strain, bolt
- skiagar (io) - to ski
- sklavagar (io) - to be enslaved
- sklavigar (io) - to reduce to slavery
- smerilagar (io) - to polish with emery
- sociseto (io) - thin sausage
- solidarigar (io) - to make jointly liable; to unite the interests of
- solidigar (io) - (transitive) to solidify, freeze
- solitara (io) - (of a place or person) solitary, (of a place) desolate, deserted, (of a person) isolated from others
- somito (io) - summit
- sonigar (io) - (transitive) to blow (of wind instruments)
- sordideskar (io) - to soil, smirch
- sordidigar (io) - to soil, foul, make filthy
- sorgar (io) - (transitive) to take care of, look after
- sovaja (io) - wild, savage, untamed; fierce
- specigar (io) - (transitive) to specify
- spliteskar (io) - (intransitive) to splinter, sliver
- splitigar (io) - (transitive) to splinter, sliver
- squatigar (io) - to squat
- staciono (io) - transit station
- stabileskar (io) - (intransitive) to stabilize, become stable
- stabiligar (io) - (transitive) to stabilize
- steriligar (io) - (transitive) to sterilize
- sternutigar (io) - (transitive) to cause to sneeze
- stofo (io) - fabric, cloth, stuff
- stranja (io) - strange, odd
- striglagar (io) - (transitive) to curry (a horse)
- strikar (io) - (intransitive) to (go on) strike
- stumpigar (io) - to truncate
- stupidigar (io) - to stun
- sturmo (io) - storm (with thunder and lightning)
- submersonavo (io) - submarine
- sucesar (io) - (intransitive) to succeed, be successful
- suficar (io) - (transitive) to suffice, be sufficient
- sumigar (io) - (transitive) to sum up, total
- supozar (io) - (transitive) to suppose, assume
[edit]- tedar (io) - (transitive) to bore; (figuratively) to weary
- tekto (io) - roof; top (of car or carriage)
- traktar (io) - (transitive) to deal with, behave toward, treat, handle (a person or subject)
- transportonavo (io) - transport-ship, storeship
- trompar (io) - (transitive) to deceive, spoof
- trublar (io) - (transitive) to disturb, trouble
[edit]- vaciletar (io) - (intransitive) to flicker
- vafleto (io) - wafer
- vanitato (io) - vanity (conceit)
- vaporonavo (io) - steamboat, steamship
- varonavo (io) - storeship, merchant ship
- varsar (io) - to pour (out); to spill; to shed (blood, etc.)
- veleto (io) - small veil; lady's veil
- vizar (io) - (transitive) to aim at
- voyeto (io) - path
- vundar (io) - (transitive) to wound