Appendix:English prefixes by semantic category

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Main category: English prefixes

English has many prefixes that are used to construct words, particularly in scientific and medical language. For a list of suffixes, see Appendix:English suffixes.

This page is an alternate sorting of the content in Appendix:English prefixes, which sorts prefixes by semantic categories rather than alphabetically.



Category description: Prefixes used to indicate direction, movement, position, temporal relation, etc. Subcategories:

  1. Influences: Prefixes used to indicate reciprocal vs one-way relationships, controlling/resulting
  2. Normality: Prefixes used to indicate normal/abnormal, ordinary/extraordinary, regular/irregular
  3. Similarity: Prefixes used to indicate same/different, variety/uniformity
Prefixes categorized as Abstract.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
a-02 a-02 (non-productive) Forming verbs with the sense of intensified action. e.g. abide, amaze Abstract Similarity
a-07 a-07 (archaic, dialectal) In the act or process of. Used in some dialects before a present participle. Abstract Completion
a-10 a-10 (non-productive) Forming words with the sense of wholly, or utterly out. e.g. abash Abstract Completion
a-11 a-11 Not, without, opposite of. e.g. amoral, asymmetry, atheism, asexual, acyclic, atypical Abstract Negation
a-12 a-12 (non-productive) Towards; Used to indicate direction, reduction to, increase to, change into, or motion. e.g. ascend, aspire, amass, abandon, avenue Abstract Completion
a-16 a-16 (Chester) Used as a prefix to verbs in the sense of remaining in the same condition.[1] Actively doing something. e.g. a-be, Let that choilt a-be Abstract Influences Change =
abro-2[2] abro-2[2] Dainty, unstable, not fixed. e.g. abrosexual Abstract Equality Change Increasing?
acro-04 acr-04, acro-04, akro-04 Beginning, initial. e.g. acrophony, acronym, acrography Abstract Completion
actino-2 actin-2, actino-2 (biology) Radial geometry, radial symmetry. e.g. actinogonidial, actinostele, actinomorphic Abstract Basis
ad-1 ad-1 (no longer productive) Doing, enacting, forming a verb. e.g. accouple, admarginate, admixture, attune Abstract Completion
ad-4 ad-4 (no longer productive) Intensifying, additionally. e.g. acclaim, adsignification, adspection Abstract Intensity
ad-7 ad-7 Modifying. e.g. adnominal, adverb, assoil Abstract Influences Change
after-4 after-4 With prepositional effect, forming compound words denoting follows and is a result of the second element of the compound. examples from [3]: afterbirth, afterlife, afternoon Abstract Influences Consequent
allo-05 allo-05 (genetics) Hybridization of multiple species. e.g. allohaploid, allopolyploid, allohexaploid Abstract Parenthood
allo-06 allo-06 (chemistry) Isomeric; especially, of amino acids having two chiral centres, the second diastereoisomer to be discovered or synthesized. e.g. allolactose, allocholane, allobetulin Abstract Routing
allo-07 allo-07 Different, distinct, or other with respect to the root. e.g. allosome, allonym, allocolonial Abstract Similarity ! Different
allo-09 allo-09 Unconventional, unusual, or unexpected. e.g. allophone, alloparent, allophane Abstract Normality
allo-10 allo-10 Changed or modified. e.g. allohistorical, alloplasm, allobar Abstract Influences Change
allo-13 allo-13 (linguistics) Alternative, variant in form. e.g. allophony, allocher, allograph Abstract Similarity ! Different
alt- alt- Alternative. Abstract Similarity ! Different
an- a-3, an- Not. e.g. anacidic, anhedral Abstract Similarity ! Different
ana-7 ana-7 To grow or change in place; functionally similar. e.g. anabranch, anagenesis, anagen Abstract Equality Change > Semi-similar
anti-2 ant-2, anti-2 Counteracting, neutralizing. e.g. antiaircraft, antifreeze, antibacterial Abstract Negation
anti-3 ant-3, anti-3 The opposite of what is typically expected. e.g. antihero, anticlimax, antichess Abstract Normality Abnormal
anti-5 ant-5, anti-5 A rival or counterpart to. e.g. antipope, Antichrist Abstract Similarity
aplano-[2] aplano-[2] Non-mobile, fixed[2]. e.g. aplanospore Abstract Motion
apo-07 ap-07, aph-07[2], apo-07 Disjoint, separate. e.g. apocarpous, aposepalous, apopetalous Abstract Influences
apo-08 ap-08, aph-08[2], apo-08 Different, distinct. e.g. apomedication, apomorph Abstract Similarity ! Different
apo-11 ap-11, aph-11[2], apo-11 (organic chemisty) Derived from, or related to. e.g. apoharmine, apocodeine, apomorphine Abstract Parenthood
apo-15 ap-15, aph-15[2], apo-15 To carry forth, to do. e.g. approportionate, apoplexy, apotheosis Abstract Completion
arch-3 arch-3, archa-3[2], arche-3[2], archi-3, archo-3 (augmentative) Intensely, extremely, or exceptionally. e.g. archfool, archracist, archnationalist Abstract Normality Augmentative
atelo- atel-, atelo- Incomplete; unfinished; defective. (a- + telo-). example(s) from [4]: atelocardia Abstract Completion Sufficiency < Incomplete
axi- axi- Relating to the axis. e.g. axi-symmetric Abstract Basis
baro- bar-, baro-, bary- Pressure, heaviness. Abstract Mass
basi- bas-[4], basi-, baso- Base, basis. example(s) from[4]: basolateral Abstract Basis
be-3 be-3 (non-productive) About, regarding, concerning, over. e.g. bewrite, betalk, betell, belie, bemoan, bemourn, bewail, beknow, besing, bespeak Abstract Regarding
be-4 be-4 (non-productive) On, upon, at, to, in contact with something. e.g. beclothe, becall, besee, behold, befall, bedo, beshine, besmile, betone Abstract Influences Touch
be-6 be-6 (non-productive) As an intensifier; i.e. thoroughly, excessively; completely; utterly. e.g. bebreak, begladden, belabour, behate, bedazzle Abstract Normality Intensifying
be-7 be-7 (non-productive) All around; about; abundantly; all over. e.g. belave, belick, bescatter, bekiss Abstract Completion
be-8 be-8 (non-productive) Forming verbs derived from nouns or adjectives, usually with the sense of "to make, become, or cause to be". e.g. becalm, bedark, befree, befriend, bedim, beken, benight, benothing, bewet, besmooth, bestrange Abstract Completion
be-9 be-9 (archaic or informal) Used to intensify adjectives meaning "adorned with something", often those with the root -ed. e.g. besequined, befeathered, beclawed, bewebbed, betasseled, beloved Abstract Openness Possession Uncovered? < Covering
bi-04 bi-04, bin-04, bis-04 Being different in two ways with respect to the root. e.g. biadjoint, biaffine, biclonal Abstract Influences Different
choro- choro- Place. Abstract Basis
clado- clado- A branch, or branching. Abstract Routing
claustro- claustro- Enclosed space. Abstract Openness Uncovered? . Covered
co-01 co-01 Jointly: the root is done in coordination between multiple actors or entities. e.g. coadoption, coadapt, coanalysis Abstract Influences Actors? Together
co-03 co-03 Mutually: the root is done in a way that is reciprocal and bidirectional. e.g. coadherence, coattraction, coannihilate Abstract Influences Actors? = Mutual
co-06 co-06 In conjunction: the root needs another entity to take effect, or there is a one-way interaction between them. e.g. coantioxidant, codepletion, comedication Abstract Influences Actors? < One-way
co-09 co-09 Having commonality, similarity with respect to the root. e.g. coaxial, cobelligerent, coaltitude Abstract Similarity = = Similar
co-11 co-11 Indicating a family relationship that indicates a common rank made through three degrees of separation, the middle of which is by marriage. e.g. co-sister, co-parent-in-law Abstract Parenthood
co-13 co-13 (mathematics) Homomorphic with respect to the root. e.g. cocharacter, cofree, cohyponormal Abstract Similarity = = Similar
co-15 co-15 (mathematics) Dual or complement. e.g. coaltitude, colatitude, cocategory, coarea Abstract Negation
co-16 co-16 Having multiple targets or effects; the root affects or involves multiple subjects. e.g. coaccused, coaccumulation, coadsorption Abstract Scope >
co-20 co-20 (chemistry) Deriving from multiple sources. e.g. copolymer, cointercalation, coconformation Abstract Parenthood Internal Multiple
coelo-1 cele-1, celo-1, coel-1, coelo-1, cœlo-1 Hollow, cavity. Abstract Landmarks
coen- coen-, coeno-, cœn-, cœno- Common. Abstract Normality Normal
con-02 col-02, com-02, con-02, cor-02 Together: the root entity is done together. e.g. conarticular, conjubilant, consubsistence Abstract Influences Together
con-03 col-03, com-03, con-03, cor-03 Having commonality, having the same property indicated by the root. e.g. confocal, consimilar, conterminant Abstract Similarity = = Similar
con-07 col-07, com-07, con-07, cor-07 To do the root. e.g. convivify, confix, constrict Abstract Completion
con-08 col-08, com-08, con-08, cor-08 Intensifying the root. e.g. congenial, connatural, convicinity Abstract Normality Intensifying
con-11 col-11, com-11, con-11, cor-11 When one entity is put into another, or one entity affects the other. e.g. conplastic, converb Abstract Influences < One-way
con-12 col-12, com-12, con-12, cor-12 Mutuality, indicating a reciprocal relationship or influence. e.g. confraternization, confated, connascence Abstract Influences = Mutual
cross-08 cross-08 More than one, often in indicating applicability to several domains that are usually separate. e.g.crosslingual, cross-browser, crossfunctional, cross-cultural Abstract Influences > Multiple
cross-10 cross-10 Comparing two sources of information, often to verify their contents. e.g. crossdate, crossvalidated, crosscovariance Abstract Influences Change Fixing
cross-12 cross-12 Mutual exchange or influence, where both entities are affected in the same way. Mutuality. e.g. crosstalk, crossrepression, crosscalibration, cross-progress Abstract Influences = Mutual
cross-13 cross-13 One entity affecting a similar entity, such as to transfer of one property from one entity to the other. e.g. crossregulation, crossfeed, crossprotection Abstract Influences One-way
cross-14 cross-14 Alternate, different. e.g. cross-tune, cross-birth, cross-live Abstract Similarity ! Different
crypto- crypt-, crypto- Hidden, secret. example(s) from[5]: cryptography Abstract Openness Secret Uncovered? . Covered
dasy-2 dasy-2 Dense. Abstract Mass Dense
de-3 de-3 Intensifying. e.g. defraud, denumerate, depauperize Abstract Intensity
dif-[4] dif-[4] Apart, separation[4]. example(s) from[4]: different Abstract Similarity
dino-3 dino-3 (medicine) Whirling; rotation or dizziness. e.g. dinic, scotodinia Abstract Motion
dis-1 di-5, dis-1 Not, the reverse of. (Especially forming words with a negative connotation). e.g. disagree, disconnect, dissatisfied, disinterested, dishonour Abstract Negation
dis-3 di-5, dis-3 Used as an intensifier. e.g. disembowel, disannul Abstract Normality Intensifying
doppel- doppel- Indicating remarkable similarity to, or duplication of, the referenced person or object. Abstract Similarity = = Similar
dromo- dromo- Movement. example(s) from[4]: dromotropic, syndrome Abstract Basis
dys-07 dis-4, dys-07 abnormal. e.g. dysgnathic, dysafferentation, dysesthesia Abstract Normality Abnormal
dys-08 dis-4, dys-08 To fail. e.g. dysautoregulation Abstract Completion
dys-11 dis-4, dys-11 not. e.g. dysfluent Abstract Negation
eigen- eigen- (mathematics) Remaining unchanged by linear transformations; eigenvector, eigenvalues, etc. Abstract Influences Change = = Unchanged
en-3 el-3[5], em-3[5], en-3 covered by. e.g. enclothe, embalm, enseam Abstract Openness Uncovered? . Covered
en-4 el-4[5], em-4[5], en-4 To become. e.g. enslave, embetter, engloom Abstract Completion
en-5 el-5[5], em-5[5], en-5 Provide with. e.g. empower Abstract Influences Transferal
en-6 el-6[5], em-6[5], en-6 An intensifier. e.g. entangle, enwisen Abstract Normality Intensifying
enantio- enantio- Opposite. Abstract Similarity ! Different
enter-1 enter-1 (non-productive) In the process of, in between. e.g. entermewer, enterclose Abstract Completion
epi-04 epi-04 Secondary: a consequence, by-product, additional, or lesser version. e.g. epilanguage, epiphenomenon, epitoxoid Abstract Influences Consequent
epi-17 epi-17 Covering: the root is covered. e.g. epiglottis, epispore, episcope Abstract Openness Uncovered? . Covered
epi-20 epi-20 Mapping onto, passing along, resolving to. e.g. epimorphism, episememe Abstract Influences Transferal
epi-26 epi-26 Similar, in the same form of, resembling. e.g. epimorphic, epiascidiate, epicalyx Abstract Similarity = = Similar
etio- aetio-, eti-, etio- Cause, causation. Abstract Basis
even-3 even-3 (no longer productive) Prefix meaning equally, similarly, same. e.g. evennight, evenmete, evenold Abstract Similarity = = Similar
fistulo- fistulo- Connection, passage, hollow. Abstract Landmarks
fix-1 fix-1 To repair, fix. Abstract Completion
flexo- flexo- To bend, flexion, flexure. Abstract Motion
for-02 for-02, fore-19 (non-productive) Exhausting: prefixed to verbs with the sense of wearing or exhausting one's self. e.g. forsing, forwander, fortravel Abstract Completion
for-03 for-03, fore-19 (non-productive) Destructively: prefixed to verbs with the sense of destruction or pain. e.g. forhang, forthink, fordo Abstract Completion
for-06 for-06 (non-productive) Very: intensifying adjectives. e.g. forblack, forswollen Abstract Normality
for-07 for-07 (non-productive) Making: prefixed to verbs to indicate the subject takes the character of the verb. e.g. fordote, forguilt Abstract Influences
for-08 for-08 (non-productive) Excessively: prefixed to verbs with the sense of doing so in excessive or overwhelm. e.g. forwax, forgrow, forhare Abstract Normality
for-10 for-10 (non-productive) Intensively. e.g. forbeat, fordread, forlay Abstract Normality
fore-18 for-13, fore-18 Ancestor, ancestral. e.g. forebear, forefather, fore-elder Abstract Parenthood
god- god- Godfamily relations. Abstract Parenthood
grand- grand- Family relation that is one generation removed from original noun (e.g. grandfather). Abstract Parenthood
gravi- gravi- Weight. Abstract Mass
great- great- Family relation that is one generation removed from original noun (e.g. great-uncle). Abstract Parenthood
gymno- gymno- Naked. Abstract Openness Uncovered? Naked
haplo-5 aplo-5, haplo-5 (soil science) Haplic: soil that is typical of its kind. e.g. haploperox, haploxeralf, haploxeroll Abstract Normality Normal
hapto-2 hapto-2 Touch, touching. Abstract Influences Touch
hetero-04 heter-04[4], hetero-04 Across, spanning multiple distinct kinds of the root, different. e.g. heterochrome, heterocladic, heteroexchange, heterocoordination Abstract Linking
hetero-08 heter-08[4], hetero-08 (transplantation) Outside, xeno-. e.g. heterogenetic, heterocephaly, heterodiegetic Abstract Influences
hetero-10 heter-10[4], hetero-10 Inconsistent, irregular, or intermittent. e.g. heterochylia, heterodynamic, heterochronic Abstract Normality
horo- horo- Time. Abstract Basis
hyper-4 hyper-4 Augmentative: intensely, extremely, or exceptional. example(s) from[5]: hyperthermia Abstract Normality Augmentative
hyper-5 hyper-5 (mathematics) Existing in more than three spatial dimensions. e.g. hyperspace Abstract Basis
hyper-6 hyper-6 (computing) Linked non-sequentially. e.g. hypertext Abstract Routing
hypho- hypho- (chemistry) A relatively open boron structure. Abstract Openness Chemical Uncovered? > Open
in-4 il-4, im-4, in-4, ir4 Doing, forming verbs. e.g. inblind, incloister Abstract Completion
in-6 ig-6, il-6, im-6, in-6, ir6 (non-productive) Added to adjectives to mean not. e.g. inedible Abstract Negation
inter-08 inter-08 Mutually: the root verb or property has a symmetric and bidirectional relationship between the relevant parties. e.g. interlegible, interattraction, intercalibrate Abstract Influences = Mutual
inter-11 inter-11 Internally: the root verb is done in between or among relevant entities; also formining nouns and adjectives derived from the verb form. e.g. intershine, interdistinguish, interreflection Abstract Linking
inter-13 inter-13 Intersocially: the root verb is done between or among social entities; also forming nouns and adjectives derived from the verb form. e.g. interact, intermarry, intergern Abstract Influences Together
inter-15 inter-15 Transferable: the root entity is or can be transferred between multiple locales. e.g. interavailable, intermural Abstract Influences Transferal
inter-19 inter-19 Cooperating: to connect multiple social entities of the type indicated by the root. e.g. interlaboratory, interservice, interliner Abstract Influences Joining
inter-21 inter-21 Involving multiple of the root. e.g. interdisciplinary, intermodal, intergenetic Abstract Scope >
inter-23 inter-23 Universal or independent of the root social groups or time periods. e.g. intermicronational, international, intercurrent Abstract Influences Independent
inter-24 inter-24 Communal: a kind of the root which is shared among people. e.g. interlanguage, interexperience, interownership Abstract Influences Shared
intra-06 intra-06 Indicating that the root entry is internal in nature. e.g. intramarry, intranet Abstract Linking
intra-07 intra-07 Between two or more similar entities that are within a larger entity. The root indicates the commonality between the entities. e.g. intrachiral, intraploidy, intra-allelic Abstract Influences
intra-12 intra-12 In alignment or synchronous with the root entity. e.g. intrametric, intradirective Abstract Similarity Aligned? = = Similar
isthmo- isthm-, isthmo- Having or involving an isthmus. Abstract Routing
kine- kine-, kinesio-, kineto- Movement, motion. example(s) from[4]: akinetopsia, kinesthesia Abstract Basis
kinesi- kinesi- Movement, especially the movement of human body parts. Abstract Basis
klado- klado- (chemisty) A very open boron structure. Abstract Openness Chemical Uncovered? >> Open
lamino- lamino- A thin layer. Abstract Layers
levi- levi- To lighten, to make less heavy. Abstract Mass
libre- libre- Free, particularly open source. Abstract Openness Restriction Uncovered? Free
like- like- Similar. Abstract Similarity = = Similar
loc- loc- Place, location. Abstract Basis
macro-4 macr-4, macro-4 (augmentative) intensely, extremely, or exceptional. Abstract Normality Intensifying
meso-08 mes-08, meso-08 Normal, average, or typical. e.g. mesochronic, mesocrystal, mesokurtosis Abstract Normality Normal
meso-11 mes-11, meso-11 Quasi or partial. e.g. mesocarnivore, mesobilirubin, mesoparasite Abstract Similarity
meta-05 met-05, meta-05 (organic chemistry) In isomeric benzene derivatives, having the two substituents in alternate (1,3) positions; From 1833. Abstract Chemical structures
meta-09 met-09, meta-09 Having analogies with metaphysics. Abstract Conceptual
meta-11 met-11, meta-11 (pathology) Consequent on. Abstract Influences Consequent
migra- migra- Migration, wandering. Abstract Motion
mis-2 mis-2 To fail or failure. e.g. miscarriage, misacknowledge Abstract Completion
mis-3 mis-3 Unintentionally, accidentally, mistakenly. e.g. misdeleted, mishap, mischance Abstract Intention Intention
mono-2 mon-2, mono-2 Single, alone, limited. e.g. monochrome, monopsony, monocity Abstract Similarity
morpho- morph-, morpho- Shape, form, morphology. example(s) from[4]: morphology Abstract Basis
muta- muta- Mutation, change. Abstract Equality Change ! Change
nega- nega- Negative. Abstract Negation
non-1 non-1 Not. e.g. nonaboriginal, nonabrasive, nonabstract Abstract Negation
non-2 non-2 Absence, lack of. e.g. nonaccountability, nonacceleration, nonaction Abstract Completion Possession <
non-3 non-3 Avoiding. e.g. nonabiding, nonacceptance, nonaccumulative Abstract Routing
nor- nor- (chemistry) Organic compound that is the parent of another. Abstract Parenthood
norm- norm-, normo-2 (medicine) Normal[4]. example(s) from[4]: normocapnia Abstract Normality Normal
nudi- nudi- Naked. Abstract Openness Uncovered? Naked
ob-1 ob-1, os-1 Inverse, reverse, particularly in shape. e.g. obclavate, obconic, obcordate Abstract Negation
ob-6 ob-6, os-6 Not quite, almost. e.g. obdormition, obrotund Abstract Similarity
ortho-03 orth-03, ortho-03 To correct or fix. e.g. orthophotography, orthoptics, orthodontics Abstract Influences Fixing
ortho-04 orth-04, ortho-04 Same, from the same. e.g. orthocousin, cross-cousin, orthogamy Abstract Similarity = = Similar
ortho-05 orth-05, ortho-05 Normal, ordinary. e.g. orthocclusion, orthodromic, orthogravitropism Abstract Normality Normal
ortho-10 orth-10, ortho-10 Independent, separate. e.g. orthogonal, orthopair, orthogonal Abstract Influences
other- other- Different, other, alternative. Abstract Similarity ! Different
out-6 out-6 Completely. e.g. outfit, outwork Abstract Completion
over-4 over-4 Surrounding or covering. e.g. overcoat, overpaint Abstract Openness Uncovered? < Covering
over-5 over-5 Augmentative: exceptional; extremely or intensely. example(s) from[5]: overreact, overact, overbearing Abstract Normality Augmentative
palpiot- palpit-, palpito- Flutter, throb. Abstract Motion
palpo- palp-, palpo- To gently touch. Abstract Influences Touch
pan-01 pan-01, pano-01 All, referring to all, of all. e.g. panenteroviral, Panhellenic, panneural, panphilia Abstract Scope
pan-02 pan-02, pano-02 Every member of a countable set. e.g. pancarditis, panophthalmitis, panplegia Abstract Completion
pan-06 pan-06, pano-06 Universal, everything, all that can be imagined. e.g. pangeometry, panphobia, theopanism Abstract Influences
pan-10 pan-10, pano-10 Representing or covering a given social group. e.g. Pan-Asian, pan-Palestinian, Pan-Anglican Abstract Influences
pan-11 pan-11, pano-11 Ubiquitous, widespread. The root indicates what is widespread rather than the area in which it is widespread. e.g. panallergen, pannecrosis Abstract Normality
para-05 par-05, para-05 Covering. e.g. paracolpitis Abstract Openness Uncovered? < Covering
para-12 par-12, para-12 Abnormal. e.g. paralgesia Abstract Normality Abnormal
para-14 par-14, para-14 Resembling. e.g. paramilitary, paramylum Abstract Similarity = = Similar
para-16 par-16, para-16 Avoiding or avoidant. e.g. parenteral, paraconsistent Abstract Routing
pene- pen-[5], pene- Almost. e.g. peninsula, penultimate, penumbra Abstract Similarity
per-2 per-2 (non-productive) In verbs: denoting the sense "thoroughly". e.g. perfect Abstract Completion
per-4 per-4 (non-productive) In adjectives and adverbs: denoting the sense "extremely". e.g. perfervid Abstract Normality Intensifying
per-6 per-6 (chemistry) Added to the name of an element in a polyatomic ion to denote the number of atoms of that element (usually four). Abstract Chemical structures
per-7 per-7 (non-productive) Denoting the sense "by" or par from French. e.g. perchance, perhaps Abstract Influences
pheno-1 phaeno-, phen-1, pheno-1, phæno- Displaying, showing. Abstract Openness Visible Uncovered? > Open
piezo- piezo- Pressure. Abstract Mass
plas- plas-, plaso- Formation, development, structure. Abstract Basis
polymorpho- polymorpho- (medicine) Polymorphous. Abstract Similarity
porta- porta- Portable, movable. Abstract Motion
posito- posito- Placement, arrangement, positioning. Abstract Basis
pro-2 pro-2 substituting for. Abstract Influences Transferal
proto-1 prot-1, proto-1 Primitive, early, undeveloped. e.g. protophysics, protometal, protoword Abstract Completion
proto-5 prot-5, proto-5 (linguistics) Most recent common ancestor (often hypothetical) of. e.g. Proto-Indo-European, Proto-Germanic Abstract Parenthood
puls- puls-, pulsato-, pulso- To beat, to pulse. Abstract Motion
pur-2 pur-2 Completion or completeness. e.g. purchase, purblind Abstract Completion
pycno- pycno-, pykno- Dense, compact. example(s) from[4]: pyknosis Abstract Mass
qual- qual- Quality. Abstract Basis
quant- quant- Quantity. Abstract Basis
quasi- quasi- Like, similar. example(s) from[5]: quasi-religious Abstract Similarity = = Similar
quer- quer-, ques- Seek, ask. Abstract Intention Intention
radio-4 radi-4, radio-4 (mathematics) Radius. e.g. radiosymmetrical Abstract Basis
re-2 re-2 Completion; updated, anew. example(s) from[6]: reletter, relead, rebronze Abstract Completion
regio- regio- Region, regional geography. Abstract Basis
reticulo- reticul-[4], reticulo- Reticulated, network, mesh. example(s) from[4]: reticulocyte Abstract Routing
rheo- rheo- Current, flow. Abstract Motion
roto- roto- Rotation, turn. Abstract Motion
same- same- Same, similar. Abstract Similarity = = Similar
sch- sch-, sh- Used to intensify a word, especially for comedic effect. Abstract Intensity
schm- schm-, shm- Used to intensify a word, especially for comedic effect. Abstract Intensity
semi-2 semi-2 partial, incomplete. Abstract Completion Sufficiency
semi-3 semi-3 somewhat, rather, quasi-. Abstract Similarity
sequ-1 sequ-1 A sequence. Abstract Routing
simul- simul- Resembling, likeness. Abstract Similarity = = Similar
spatio- spatio- Spatial. space. Abstract Basis
stat- stat- State, control. Abstract Influences Control
stego- stego- Covered, hidden. Abstract Openness Secret Uncovered? < Covering
steno-1 sten-1[4], steno-1 Restricted, few, narrow in range (antonym: eury-). e.g. stenobiomic, stenophagy, stenotherm Abstract Similarity
step- step- Related via marriage of parent. example(s) from[5]: stepbrother, stepmother, stepfather, stepsister Abstract Parenthood
stereo-1 stereo-1 Three-dimensional. e.g. stereophonic Abstract Basis
sticho- sticho- Rows. Abstract Basis
stigmato- stigmato- Mark, point. Abstract Landmarks
strati- strati- Layer. Abstract Layers
strato-1 strato-1 Strata. Abstract Layers Layer
sub-3 sub-3, sur-3 Almost, nearly. e.g. subconical, subequatorial Abstract Similarity = = Similar
super-8 super-8 Augmentative: intensely, extremely, or exceptional. e.g. superblizzard, superbright, supersharp Abstract Normality Augmentative
supra-3 supra-3 Augmentative: intensely, extremely, or exceptional. e.g. suprahuman, supramassive Abstract Normality Augmentative
syn-1 sy-1[4], syl-1, sym-1, syn-1, sys-1[4] Identical. e.g. synonym Abstract Similarity Identical?
systol- systol- Contraction. Abstract Motion
tauto- taut-, tauto- The same, identical. Abstract Similarity Identical? = = Similar
taxo-1 tax-1, taxi-1, taxo-1 A system of classification, order, arrangement. Abstract Basis
teleo- teleo- Purpose, design, intent. e.g. teleology, teleophobia, teleocracy Abstract Intention Intention
term- term- To limit, end. Abstract Completion
tetan-[4] tetan-[4] (medicine) Rigid, tense[4]. example(s) from[4]: tetanus Abstract Motion
th- th- (obsolete) The. Abstract Specificity
thigmo- thigmo- (biology) Related to touching, usually a plant. e.g. thigmokinesis, thigmotaxis Abstract Influences Touch
thorough-2 thorough-2 Fully, completely. e.g. thoroughgoingly, thoroughbreed, thoroughpaced Abstract Completion
thre- thre-, threo- (chemistry) Pertaining to general organic structures with adjacent chiral centers. Abstract Chemical structures
to-02 to-02 (non-productive) To do excessively. e.g. tobeat, topinch, toquake, toruffle Abstract Normality Intensifying
to-03 to-03 (non-productive) Completely. e.g. tobruise, toreave, torob, toshend Abstract Completion
to-04 to-04 (non-productive) Moving. e.g. tolug, towind Abstract Motion
topo- top-[4], topo- Place, area or region. example(s) from[4]: w:Topical anesthetic Abstract Basis
tor- tor-, tors-, tort-, torti-[4] To twist. Twisted[4]. example(s) from[4]: w:Torticollis, w:Testicular torsion Abstract Motion
uber- uber-, über- Augmentative: super; really; mega-. e.g. uberdork, ubergeek Abstract Normality Augmentative
ultra-4 ultra-4 Augmentative: intensely, extremely, or exceptional. Excessively, to an extreme. example(s) from[5]: ultramicroscopic, ultra-careful Abstract Normality Augmentative
un-1 un-1 Not. e.g. uneducated, unknown, unklocked Abstract Negation
un-3 un-3 Contrary to traditional norms, unconventional. e.g. unschooling, unconference Abstract Similarity ! Different
under-2 under-2 To progress along a path (metaphorical). e.g. understand, undergo, underbear, undertake Abstract Completion
up-1 up-1 Increase. e.g. uprate Abstract Equality Change Increasing? > Increase
vibro- vibro- Vibration, oscillation, shaking. Abstract Motion
visco- visco- Viscous. Abstract Mass
volt- volt- Circular tread, sudden movement. Abstract Motion
where- where- Which, what, whom. Abstract Interrogation
with-2 with-2 Back, in reverse. example(s) from[5]: withstand, withhold Abstract Negation
xeno- xen-1, xeno- Foreign. example(s) from[4]: xenograft Abstract Similarity ! Different
zono- zono- Zone; zonal. Abstract Basis

Abstract: Correctness

Prefixes categorized as Abstract: Correctness.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
abro-1[2] abro-1[2] (biology) Delicate, graceful.[2], pretty. Abstract: Correctness Correctness Beauty = = Beautiful
aletho- aletho- True, truth. e.g. alethonym, alethophobia Abstract: Correctness Correctness Truth = = True
allo-08 allo-08 (pathology) Abnormal, defective with respect to the root. e.g. allolalia, allochromasia, allorhythmia Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness ! Bad
allo-11 allo-11 (chemistry) Synthetic, artificial. e.g. alloprotein, allopurinol Abstract: Correctness Correctness Origin Natural? ! Artificial
allo-14 allo-14 (chemistry, mineralogy) Impure in composition. e.g. allochromatic, allochromatic, allostratigraphy Abstract: Correctness Correctness Uniformity Purity ! Impure
ana-4 ana-4 Thoroughly. e.g. anatomy, analysis Abstract: Correctness Goodness Sufficiency Enough? =
apo-01 ap-01, aph-01[2], apo-01 Lacking, without, scant. e.g. aponeurosis, apomeiosis, apogamy Abstract: Correctness Goodness Sufficiency Enough? <
arch-2 arch-2, archa-2[2], arche-2[2], archi-2, archo-2 Leading, foremost, primary, or principal; best at. e.g. archantagonist, archmodernist, archcompetitor Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness > > Best
bene- bene- Good, well. Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness = = Good
caco- caco- Bad. Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness ! Bad
calli- calli- Beautiful. Abstract: Correctness Correctness Beauty = = Good
con-15 col-15, com-15, con-15, cor-15 constructed, artificial, hypothetical, fictional. e.g. conlang, conworld, conculture Abstract: Correctness Correctness Origin Natural? ! Artificial
dys-01 dis-4, dys-01 difficult. e.g. dyschezia, dysacusis, dysbasia, dyslexia, dyscopia Abstract: Correctness Ability Restriction Easy? < Difficult
dys-02 dis-4, dys-02 bad. e.g. dysphoria, dystopia Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness ! Bad
dys-05 dis-4, dys-05 incorrect. e.g. dysbalanced, dyschloremia, dysdifferentiation Abstract: Correctness Correctness Truth ! False
dys-06 dis-4, dys-06 poor, deficient. e.g. dysgraphia, dysphasia, dysoxic Abstract: Correctness Goodness Sufficiency Enough? <
dys-09 dis-4, dys-09 inability, unable. e.g. dyscontrol, dysmetria Abstract: Correctness Ability Restriction Easy? . Unable
eu-1 eu-1 Good, well. Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness = = Good
eu-2 eu-2 Easily. true. Abstract: Correctness Correctness Truth = = True
flexi- flex-, flexi- Flexible. Abstract: Correctness Ability Restriction Easy? > Easy
for-04 for-04, fore-19 (non-productive) Wrongly: prefixed to verbs with the sense of wrongly, amorally. e.g. forteach, forswear, forworship, forlead, forlive Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness ! Bad
for-05 for-05, fore-19 (non-productive) Neglectfully: prefixed to verbs with the sense of abstaining from or neglecting. e.g. forslip, forslack Abstract: Correctness Goodness Sufficiency Enough? <
franken- Franken-, franken- Indicating artificiality or a combination of disparate elements, often terrifying or unattractive; often denoting a GMO ("genetically modified organism") product. Abstract: Correctness Correctness Origin Natural? ! Artificial
hypo-2 hyp-2, hypo-2 (medicine) Deficient; less than normal. e.g. hypogonadism, hypothermia, hypoventilation Abstract: Correctness Goodness Sufficiency Enough? < Deficient
ill- ill- Bad, wrong. Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness ! Bad
isch-[4] isch-[4] Insufficiency. (medicine) Restriction, holding back[4]. example(s) from[4]: ischemia Abstract: Correctness Goodness Sufficiency Enough? <
mal- mal-, male-2 Bad, faulty. not. abnormal. inadequate. example(s) from[5]: malnourish, maladjusted Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness ! Bad
megalo-2 meg-21, mega-21, megal-2, megalo-2 Grand, great. e.g. megalography, megalomania Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness = = Good
mis-1 mis-1 Bad or wrong, badly or wrongly. e.g. misbehave, misaccumulation Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness ! Bad
mis-4 mis-4 False, falsely. e.g. misaccusation Abstract: Correctness Correctness Truth ! False
ortho-02 orth-02, ortho-02 Proper, righteous. e.g. orthorexia, orthotaxon, orthology Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness = = Good
ortho-17 orth-17, ortho-17 Pure. e.g. orthoquartzite Abstract: Correctness Correctness Uniformity Purity = = Pure
para-13 par-13, para-13 Incorrect, false. e.g. paradiorthosis Abstract: Correctness Correctness Truth ! False
para-15 par-15, para-15 Unrecognized, unauthorized, or unsanctioned. e.g. parastate, parabaptism Abstract: Correctness Correctness Goodness ! Bad
pseudo-1 pseud-1, pseudo-1 Not true, but appears like it is true. e.g. pseudoallergy, pseudoallelism, pseudobenevolent Abstract: Correctness Correctness Truth ! False
tenso- tenso- Stretched, strained. Abstract: Correctness Ability <
tru- tru- (slang) True, Natural?. Abstract: Correctness Correctness Natural? = = True
un-2 un-2 Lack of. e.g. unconformity, unemployed Abstract: Correctness Goodness Sufficiency Enough? <
under-4 under-4 Deficient. e.g. underapply, underbill, underawe Abstract: Correctness Goodness Sufficiency Enough? <
ver- ver- Truth, correct. Abstract: Correctness Correctness Truth = = True
wan- wan- Bad, lacking. Abstract: Correctness Correctness Sufficiency Goodness ! Bad

Abstract: Metaphorical

Prefixes categorized as Abstract: Metaphorical.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
a-14 a-14 (non-productive) Of, from. e.g. anew, afresh Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Internal To? < From
again-2 again-2 (non-productive) Against. e.g. againsaw, againsay, againstand Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? Opposition
allo-01 allo-01 (biology) Nonself; nonself but of the same species. e.g. allogeneous, allorecognition, alloimmunity Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Self Self? Is not
alter- alter- Other, different, changed. Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Equality ! Different
ana-5 ana-5 Against. e.g. anachronism, anamodernism, anatoxin Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? Opposition
anti-1 ant-1, anti-1 Against, opposed to. e.g. antiabortion, antiracism Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? Opposition
apo-04 ap-04, aph-04[2], apo-04 Not, opposite. e.g. apotracheal, apogeotropic Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? Oppposition
apo-10 ap-10, aph-10[2], apo-10 From, coming from. e.g. apology, apocrypha, apodeme Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Internal To? < From
auto-1 aut-1, auto-1 Regarding oneself. example(s) from [4]: autoimmune, autograph, autobiography Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Self Self? = Is
con-10 col-10, com-10, con-10, cor-10 From, coming from the root. e.g. consequence, convicine, connatal Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Internal To? < From
contra- contra-, contre-[7], contro- Against. example(s) from[5]: contradict, contraindication Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? Opposition
counter- counter- In opposition to. example(s) from[5]: counteract, counterpart Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? Opposition
cross-06 cross-06 Moving or acting against, opposing, contrary. e.g. crossflow, cross-beat, cross-vote Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? Opposition
de-1 de-1 Reversal, undoing. e.g. decouple, de-ice, dehumidify Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence
de-4 de-4 From, off, derived from. e.g. deverbal, deadjectival Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Internal To? < From
ego-1 ego-1 Self. Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Self Self? = Is
epi-12 epi-12 Beyond, meta, transcending. e.g. epimuscular, epilanguage, epitheory Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence Bound? < Beyond
ex-1 ex-1 out of. e.g. extract, expel, except, expression, exclusion Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Internal To? < From
gain- gain- Against, contrary to. example(s) from[5]: gainsay Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? Opposition
hetero-06 heter-06[4], hetero-06 Other, by another, not auto-. e.g. heteroadministered, heterobiography, heterocentric, heteroencapsidation Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Self Self? = Is
hyper-2 hyper-2 Beyond. e.g. hypersonic Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence Bound? < Beyond
idio- idio- Personal, own. example(s) from[5]: idiolect, idiopathic Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Self Self? = Is
inter-01 inter-01 A position which is in between two (or more) of the kind indicated by the root. e.g. interblog, intercausal, interexperiential Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Near? = Between
intra-04 intra-04 Behaviour of a single individual. e.g. intrajudge, intradoctor, intraparticipant Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Self Self? = Is
macro-3 macr-3, macro-3 inclusive. e.g. macroinstruction Abstract: Metaphorical Size, metaphorical Inclusion Inclusion? In
macro-5 macr-5, macro-5 Great in scope or scale, to analyse at a high level, or existing in such a frame of reference. e.g. macrosociology, macroanatomy, macrobenthos Abstract: Metaphorical Size, metaphorical Scope Macro? > Macro
meso-02 mes-02, meso-02 Between a macro- scale and micro- scale in scope or analysis. e.g. mesoeconomics, mesoevolution, mesometeorology Abstract: Metaphorical Size, metaphorical Macro? = Meso
meta-07 met-07, meta-07 Transcending, encompassing. Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence Bound? < Beyond
meta-08 met-08, meta-08 Pertaining to a level above or beyond; reflexive or recursive; about itself or about other things of the same type. For example, metadata is data that describes data, metalanguage is language that describes language, etc. Abstract: Metaphorical Size, metaphorical Inclusion Inclusion? Out
micro-3 micr-3, micro-3 Small in scope. e.g. microsociology, micrometeorology, microeconomics Abstract: Metaphorical Size, metaphorical Macro? < Micro
neutro- neutro- Neutral, neither. Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? . Neutrality
non-4 non-4 Neutral. e.g. nonaccent, nonacrocentric, nonaccent Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? . Neutrality
ob-2 ob-2, os-2 Against. e.g. object, oblatration Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? Opposition
onto- onto- Existence, being. Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence =
out-5 out-5 Beyond. (synonyms: trans-, para-, preter-). e.g. outgrew Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence Bound? < Beyond
para-06 par-06, para-06 Adjacent, next to. e.g. paracentral, paracaval Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Near? > Near
para-11 par-11, para-11 Beyond. e.g. paradox, paranormal, paraclival Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence Bound? < Beyond
preter- praeter-, preter-, præter- Exceeding, beyond expectations. e.g. preterlegal, preternature, preternormal Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence Bound? < Beyond
pro-1 pro-1 agreeing with; supporting; favouring. e.g. pro-choice, prodifferentiation, probiotic Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? = Support
self- self- Self, ones own. example(s) from[5]: self-sufficient, self-explanatory Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Self Self? = Is
sui- sui- Self, personal. Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Self Self? = Is
super-2 super-2 A more inclusive category. e.g. supercategory, superfamily, superculture Abstract: Metaphorical Size, metaphorical Inclusion Inclusion? In
super-3 super-3 Beyond, over, or upon. e.g. supernatural, superhuman, supersonic Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence Bound? < Beyond
supra-2 supra-2 Greater than, transcending. e.g. supralocal, supracultural, supracontext Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence Bound? < Beyond
thorough-1 thorough-1 Through, via. e.g. thoroughfare, thoroughgo, thoroughlane Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical To?
to-08 to-08 Of, as characteristic of the root time period. Forming adverbs and adjectives. e.g. today, together Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Internal To? < From
trans-2 trans-2 To or on the other side of, beyond; outside of. e.g. transalpine, transuranic Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence Bound? < Beyond
ulter- ulter- Beyond, farther. Abstract: Metaphorical Position, metaphorical Transcendence Bound? < Beyond
with-1 with-1 Against, in opposition to. e.g. withstand, withsay, withspeak Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? Opposition
wither- wither- Against. Abstract: Metaphorical Direction, metaphorical Polarity To? Opposition

Abstract: Quantity

Prefixes categorized as Abstract: Quantity.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
aniso-1 aniso-1 Unequal. example(s) from [4]: anisocytosis, anisotropic Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? ≠ Unequal
apeiro- apeiro- Infinite. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal Infinite
arti-[2] arti-[2], artio-[2] (biology) Even quantities [2]. Abstract: Quantity Parity Symmetry Balanced? = Even
atto- atto- 10−18. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10−18
bi-01 bi-01, bin-01, bis-01 Two in number. e.g. biarticular, biaxial Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 2
bi-05 bi-05, bin-05, bis-05 Forked, divided by two, halved; (chemistry, proscribed) half. e.g. bifurcate, bicapitate, bicarinate Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 0.5
bi-06 bi-06, bin-06, bis-06 Double, twofold. e.g. bialgebroid, bifarious, biarticulated Abstract: Quantity Numbers Multiplier 2
bi-09 bi-09, bin-09, bis-09 Twice. e.g. biannual, biannual, biconjugate Abstract: Quantity Numbers Multiplier 2
bi-10 bi-10, bin-10, bis-10 Every two. e.g. biannual, bicentennial Abstract: Quantity Numbers Multiplier 0.5
centi- cent-, centi- Hundred, one-hundredth. 10-2. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-2
chilia- chilia- Thousand. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 103
co-12 co-12 Equally, equal with respect to the root. e.g. cointense, codominant, coextension Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? = = Equal
deca- dec-, deca-, decakis-, deka- Ten. 10. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 10
deci- deci- Tenth part. 10-1. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-1
demi-1 demi-1 Half. example(s) from[5]: demigod Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 0.5
deutero- deuter-, deutero- Second (in the sense of next after the first). example(s) from[5]: deuteragonist, deuterogamy Abstract: Quantity Numbers Ordinal 2
di-1 di-1 Two. e.g. diacetate, dialkene, diarchy, diactinal Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 2
di-2 di-2 Double, twice the quantity. e.g. diglossia, dicatalectic, dichoree Abstract: Quantity Numbers Multiplier 2
diphy- diphy- Double, twofold. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Multiplier 2
diplo- dipl-, diplo- Double. example(s) from[4]: diploid, diplosis Abstract: Quantity Numbers Multiplier 2
docosa- docosa- Twenty-two. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 22
dodeca- dodec-, dodeca-, duodeca- Twelve. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 12
duo- du-[5], duo- Two. e.g. dual, duet Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 2
duplicato- duplicato- (biology) Doubly. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Multiplier 2
duplo- duplo- (chemistry) Double, twofold. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Multiplier 2
dwi- dwi- (chemistry) A designation prefix for undiscovered chemical elements lying two periods under a known element in the periodic table. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Ordinal 2
eka- eka- One. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 1
ennea- ennea- Nine. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 9
enneadeca- enneadeca- Nineteen. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 19
epi-11 epi-11 More, above a usual quantity, additional in quantity. e.g. epicadmium, epidemic, epimenorrhagia Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? > > More
equ- equ- Equal; balanced; identical. Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? = = Equal
equi- aequi-[2], equi-, æqui- Equal, equally. Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? = = Equal
even-1 even-1 Even in number, not odd. e.g. even-toed, even-numbered, w:Even-even nucleus Abstract: Quantity Parity Symmetry Balanced? = Even
exa- exa- Quintillion. 1018. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 1018
exbi- exbi- 260 = 1,0246. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 260
femto- femto- 10-15. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-15
gibi- gibi- 230. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 230
giga- giga- Billion, 109. (computing) 230. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 109
half- half- Half. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 0.5
haplo-2 aplo-2, haplo-2 Un-duplicating: where there was two identical copies, deleting the redundant copy. Analogy to haploid in genetics. e.g. haplography, haplology, haplosegment Abstract: Quantity Numbers Multiplier 0.5
hecto- hecato-, hect-, hecto- Hundred. 100. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 100
hectokilo- hectokilo- (obsolete) In the metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 100,000. Symbol. hk. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 105
hella- hella- (informal) A very large quantity. Abstract: Quantity Absolute Much? > > Much
hemi- hemi- Half. example(s) from[5]: hemimorphic, hemisphere Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 0.5
hendeca- hendeca- Eleven. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 11
hepta- epta-, hept-, hepta-, heptakis- Seven. seven atoms, seven groups. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 7
heptadeca- heptadeca- 17. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 17
hexa- hex-, hexa-, hexakis- Six. six atoms, six groups. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 6
hexadeca- hexadeca- 16. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 16
hyper-3 hyper-3 Excessive. e.g. hyperactive Abstract: Quantity Absolute Sufficiency Much? >> >> Too much
hypo-3 hyp-3, hypo-3 (chemistry) Designating oxoacid and oxyanions with a low amount of oxygen. Antonym: per-. e.g. hyposulphate Abstract: Quantity Absolute Much? < < Not much
ichno- ichn-, ichno- Trace or trace amounts of something. Abstract: Quantity Absolute Much? < < Not much
icosa- eicosa-, icosa-, icosi- 20. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 20
kibi- kibi- 210. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 210.
kilo- kilo- Thousand. 1,000. (computing) 210. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 103
macro-6 macr-6, macro-6 Large in quantity. e.g. macronutrient, macrodose Abstract: Quantity Absolute Much? > > Much
mani- mani-, many- Many, multiple. Abstract: Quantity Absolute Much? > > Much
mebi- mebi- 220. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 220
mega-2 meg-2, mega-2 Million, 106. (computing) 220. (computing, marketing) 210 * 103. great, large. e.g. megagram, megaton Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 106
meio- meio- Less, fewer, reduction. e.g. meiobenthos Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? < < Less
meso-12 mes-12, meso-12 Moderate, medium in quantity. e.g. mesoendemic, mesoeutrophic, mesohaline Abstract: Quantity Absolute Much? = = Medium
meta-04 met-04, meta-04 (chemistry) Having fewer molecules of water than the ortho- equivalent. Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? < < Less
micro-2 micr-2, micro-2 10-6. e.g. microgram, micrometre Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-6
micromicro- micromicro- (obsolete) Pico- (in the names of SI units). Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-12
milli- milli- 10-3. thousand. example(s) from[4]: milliliter Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-3
millimicro- millimicro- (obsolete) Nano- (in the names of SI units). Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-9
millimilli- millimilli- (obsolete) Micro- (in the names of SI units). Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-6
mono-1 mon-1, mono-1 One. example(s) from[5]: monogamy, monotone, monosyllabic, monomial, monobrow Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 1
multi- multi- Many. example(s) from[5]: multicultural, multi-storey, multitude Abstract: Quantity Absolute Much? > > Much
myria- my-1, myri-[4], myria-, myrio- Ten thousand. 10,000. example(s) from[4]: myriad Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 104
nano-1 nan-1[4], nano-1 10-9. example(s) from[4]: nanogram, nanosecond Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-9
nil- nil- Zero. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 0
nona- non-5, nona- Nine. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 9
nonadeca- nonadeca- 19. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 19
nulli- nulli- Null. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 0
octa- oct-, octa-, octakis-, octo- Eight. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 8
octadeca- octadeca- Eighteen. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 18
olig- olig-, oligo- Few. example(s) from[4]: oligotrophy Abstract: Quantity Absolute Much? < < Not much
over-3 over-3 Excessive, excessively. e.g. overkind, overloud, overstate Abstract: Quantity Absolute Sufficency Much? >> >> Too much
pan-03 pan-03, pano-03 Most, nearly all, effectively all in quantity. e.g. panallergenic, panbacterial, panhypopituitarism Abstract: Quantity Relative Composition More? >> Most
pari-1 pari-1 Equal. e.g. parity Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? = = Equal
pari-2 pari-2 (anatomy) Even in quantity. e.g. paridigitate, paripinnate Abstract: Quantity Parity Symmetry Balanced? = Even
pauci- pauci- (biology) Having or involving few. e.g. paucisymptomatic, paucispiral Abstract: Quantity Absolute Much? < < Not much
pebi- pebi- 250. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 250
penta- pent-, penta-, pentakis-, penti- Five. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 5
pentadeca- pentadeca- Fifteen. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 15
per-5 per-5 (chemistry) Forming nouns and adjectives denoting the maximum proportion of one element in a compound. e.g. peroxide Abstract: Quantity Absolute Proportion More? >> Most
peta- peta- (United States of America) quadrillion, 1015. (Great Britain) septillion, 1024. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 1015
pico- pico- 10-12. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-12
pleo- pleio-, pleo- More. example(s) from[5]: pleonasm, pleroma Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? > > More
pluri- pluri- Several. Abstract: Quantity Absolute Much? > > Much
plusquam- plusquam- (chiefly forming nonce words) more than; beyond (in degree). Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? > > More
poly-1 poly-1 many. e.g. polydactyl, polyglot, polyvalent Abstract: Quantity Absolute Much? > > Much
proto-3 prot-3, proto-3 First in order. e.g. protogynous, protandrous Abstract: Quantity Numbers Ordinal 1
proto-6 prot-6, proto-6 (chemistry) A minimal proportion of a particular substance when in a combination. e.g. protoxide, protosulfide, protiodide Abstract: Quantity Absolute Proportion More? . . Least
quad- quad- Involving four elements. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 4
quadri- quadr-, quadri-, quadro-, quadru- Four. example(s) from[5]: quadrilateral, quadrinomial Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 4
quarter-1 quarter-1 Fourth part. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Ordinal 4
quarter-2 quarter-2 1/4. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 0.25
quecto- quecto- 10-30. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-30
quetta- quecca-, quetta- 1030. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 1030
quin- quin-, quinqu-, quinque- Five. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 5
race- rac-, race- (chemistry) Denoting a racemic mix or racemate of enantiomers; equal quantities of. Abstract: Quantity Parity Symmetry Balanced? =
ronna- ronna- 1027. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 1027
ronto- ronto- 10−27. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-27
sec- sec- (chemistry) secondary-form of a functional group, a branched functional group. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Ordinal 2
semi-1 semi-1 half. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 0.5
sept- sept-, septa-, septem-, septi-, septua- Seven. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 7
sesqui- sesqui- 3/2. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 1.5
sexa- sex-, sexa- Six. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 6
spano- spano- Scarce. Abstract: Quantity Absolute Sufficiency Much? < < Not much
super-4 super-4 Greater than in quantity. e.g. superwavelength, supersynchronous, superrotation Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? > > More
super-5 super-5 Excessive; exceptionally large in quantity. e.g. superphosphate, superhydration Abstract: Quantity Absolute Sufficiency Much? >> >> Too much
supra-4 supra-4 More than. e.g. supramillion, supracritical Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? > > More
sur-2 sur-2 More than, additional. e.g. surpass, surabundant, surexpression Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? > > More
tebi- tebi- 240. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 240
ter- ter- Three. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 3
tera- tera- Trillion, 1012. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 1012
tert- tert- (chemistry) Tertiary form. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Ordinal 3
tetra- tessara-, tetr-, tetra-, tetrakis- Four. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 4
tetracosa- tetracosa- Twenty-four. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 24
tetradeca- tetradeca-, tetrakaideca-, tetrakaideka- Fourteen. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 14
tri- tri- Three. example(s) from[5]: tricycle, tripartite, triangle, tricolor, trinomial Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 3
trideca- trideca-, triskaideca-, triskaideka- Thirteen. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 13
tris- tris- (chemistry) A variant of tri-, used for substitutions of three complex rather than simple units. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Ordinal 3
trito- trit-, trito- Third. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Ordinal 3
twi-1 twi-1 Two, having two. e.g. twi-headed, twi-coloured, twifaced Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 2
twi-2 twi-2 Second. e.g. twilight, twichild, twifallow Abstract: Quantity Numbers Ordinal 2
ultra-1 ultra-1 Greater than normal quantity or importance. e.g. ultrasecret Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? > > More
undeca- undeca- Eleven. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 11
under-3 under-3 Less than, beneath in quantity. e.g. underadditive, underage, underbound Abstract: Quantity Relative Equality More? < < Less
uni- uni- One, single. example(s) from[5]: unicycle, universal Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 1
vigen- vigen-, viginti- Twenty. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Cardinal 20
yobi- yobi- 280 = 1,0248. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 280
yocto- yocto- ×10-24. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-24
yotta- yotta- ×1024. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 1024
zebi- zebi- 270 = 1,0247. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 270
zepto- zepto- ×10-21. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 10-21
zetta- zetta- ×1021. Abstract: Quantity Numbers Factors 1021

Abstract: Ranking

Prefixes categorized as Abstract: Ranking.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
after-1 after-1 (non-productive) With contrary, subordinate, or remote effect; denoting hindrance, setback, inferiority, etc. e.g. afterdeal, aftertale Abstract: Ranking Ranking
alder- alder- Of all, having the greatest degree of something. Abstract: Ranking Ranking
arch-1 arch-1, archa-1[2], arche-1[2], archi-1, archo-1 A title in a hierarchy which indicates a higher degree of rank than its root. e.g. archeparch, archmarshal, archdiocese Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy >
arch-4 arch-4, archa-4[2], arche-4[2], archi-4, archo-4 Powerful, potent. e.g. archmage, archwife, archvillain Abstract: Ranking Potency >
aristo-3 aristo-3 The best, superior, ideal. e.g. aristophagist, aristophrenic, aristotype Abstract: Ranking Ranking Absolute
by-2 by-2, bye-2 Secondary, incidental, or parallel to. e.g. by-product, byform, by-path Abstract: Ranking Ranking <
co-10 co-10 Coequal, equal in rank. e.g. coadministrator, coassessor, cocaptain Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy Relative =
co-17 co-17 Secondary or auxiliary in rank or priority. e.g. copilot, coabuser, cofeature, coname Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy <
con-06 col-06, com-06, con-06, cor-06 A fellow kind of the root. e.g. concitizen, condisciple, concelebrant Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy Relative =
epi-15 epi-15 Outranked, above in rank. e.g. epifamily, epiphyletic, eparchy Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy >
even-4 even-4 (rare, dialectal or no longer productive) Prefix occurring mostly in older terms, bearing the meaning of equal in rank, joint, co-, fellow-. e.g. even-bishop, even-christian, even-servant Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy Relative =
fore-14 fore-14 Previous or earlier in order or sequence. e.g. foredescribed, forebook, forebelief Abstract: Ranking Ranking
fore-15 fore-15 First in order or sequence. e.g. forebell, forefinger, foredeal Abstract: Ranking Ranking
fore-16 fore-16 Greater in rank, superior. e.g. forehand, forechoice, forby Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy >
fore-17 fore-17 Prominent, most important, foremost or greatest in rank. e.g. forecolour, forehand, foreground Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy
forti- forti- Strong. Abstract: Ranking Potency >
in-8 ig-8, il-8, im-8, in-8, ir8 Cannot. e.g. incredulity Abstract: Ranking Potency
inter-28 inter-28 An intermediator or middleman between multiple social entities. The root indicates the kind of intermediator rather than the social entities. e.g. intermediatrix Abstract: Ranking Ranking =
over-2 over-2 Superior. e.g. overlord Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy >
prim-2 prim-2, prime-2 Foremost, chief, principal, prime, eminent. e.g. primly Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy
proto-4 prot-4, proto-4 Primary. e.g. protoderm, protocneme Abstract: Ranking Ranking
sous-2 sous-2 Subordinate. e.g. sous-chef, sous-lieutenant Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy Relative >
stheno-[4] stheno-[4] Strength, force, power[4]. e.g. sthenolagnia, sthenic Abstract: Ranking Potency >
sub-2 sub-2, sur-3 Subsidiary, secondary. e.g. subplot Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy Relative >
super-6 super-6 Superior in title or status. example(s) from[5]: supervisor, superintendent Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy Relative <
super-7 super-7 Superior in power or potency. e.g. supervolcano, supercow, superantigen Abstract: Ranking Potency >
under-5 under-5 Subordinate to. e.g. undersecretary, underling Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy Relative >
vice- vic-, vice- Replacement, deputy, assistant. example(s) from[5]: vice-president, vice-principal, vice-admiral Abstract: Ranking Hierarchy Absolute >

Abstract: Sets

Prefixes categorized as Abstract: Sets.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
a-03 a-03 (non-productive) In, on, at; used to show a state, condition, or manner. Also passing into sense 2. e.g. apace, afire, aboil, a-bling Abstract: Sets State Possession Have? > With
aeolo- aeolo- In continuous change. e.g. aeolotropy Abstract: Sets Homogeneity Equality Uniform? ! Variety
agglutin-[8] agglutin-[8], agglutino-[8] (medicine) Adhere or clump[8]. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
all- al-, all- Complete, general. e.g. all-knowing, all-important Abstract: Sets Composition Whole
allo-03 allo-03 An arbitrary a member of a heterogenous-but-interrelated group. e.g. alloalbumin, allomorph, alloidentical Abstract: Sets Composition
allo-12 allo-12 Variety, heterogeneity. e.g. allopelagic, allochronic, allocentric Abstract: Sets Homogeneity Uniform? ! Variety
ambi-1 ambi-1, ambo-1[8] Either, both. e.g. ambidirectional, ambipolar, ambispective, ambifix Abstract: Sets Combination Transcendence Both? <
ambi-3 ambi-3, ambo-3[8] Intermediate between two categories. e.g. ambisense, ambivert, ambisyllabicity Abstract: Sets State Intermediate Both? = Intermediate
amphi-2 amph-2[2], amphi-2, ampho-2 Either, both; having two distinct properties and able to function as either. e.g. amphinucleolus, amphiphobic, amphithallic Abstract: Sets Combination Transcendence Both? <
amphi-3 amph-3[2], amphi-3, ampho-3 Merging two forms, and/or the fusion or inheritance that results from the combination. e.g. amphimixis, amphidiploid, amphisome Abstract: Sets Composition Hybrid
amphi-5 amph-5[2], amphi-5, ampho-5 Intermediate between two properties or characteristics. e.g. amphiarthrosis, amphilogy, amphigamous Abstract: Sets State Intermediate Both? = Intermediate
aniso-2 aniso-2 Asymmetric. Abstract: Sets Composition Symmetry Balanced? = ! Asymmetric
ankylo-2 anchyl-2[2], anchylo-2[2], ancyl-2[4], ancylo-2[2], ankyl-2, ankylo-2 Fused, fusion. e.g. ankylothecodont, ankylose, ankylurethria, ankyloblepharon Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
apo-02 ap-02, aph-02[2], apo-02 (biochemistry) An apoenzyme: an enzyme without its cofactor; associated apoproteins. e.g. aporeceptor, apoflavoprotein, apomucin Abstract: Sets Composition
apo-06 ap-06, aph-06[2], apo-06 Removal, amputation. e.g. apotemnophobia, apotemnophilia, apophallation Abstract: Sets Composition
bi-02 bi-02, bin-02, bis-02 Having or possessing two of the root quality. e.g. biangular, biantheriferous, bicardial Abstract: Sets Composition
bi-03 bi-03, bin-03, bis-03 Both: referring to two as a set. e.g. biacetabular, biallelic, bicaval Abstract: Sets Composition
bi-11 bi-11, bin-11, bis-11 A pair of; composed of two. e.g. bibrow, bicomplex Abstract: Sets Composition 2
co-02 co-02 Along with: the root is done along with or in addition to others. e.g. coassemble, coadhesion, coadsorb Abstract: Sets Composition
co-08 co-08 Gender-mixed; having men and women together for the root activity or location. e.g. co-corrections, co-educate Abstract: Sets Composition
combi- combi- (rare) Combination. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
con-01 col-01, com-01, con-01, cor-01 Unite: to unite into a collection indicated by the root. e.g. concorporate, conglobulate, conglutination Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
con-04 col-04, com-04, con-04, cor-04 Belonging to the same group indicated by the root. e.g. confamilial, contypic, conspecific Abstract: Sets Composition Among
con-14 col-14, com-14, con-14, cor-14 Uniform, or made to be the same as. e.g. concolorate Abstract: Sets Homogeneity Uniform? = = Uniform
cross-04 cross-04 (figurative) Moving from one track or state to another. e.g. crossfeed, crossfader, cross-link Abstract: Sets State Intermediate Both? = Intermediate
cross-11 cross-11 To combine two entities to create a hybrid. e.g. crossbreed, cross-pollinate, crosslinear Abstract: Sets Composition Hybrid
de-2 de-2 Removing, to remove from. e.g. debenzylate, dearterialization, deallocate, detrain Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
demi-2 demi-2 One that partly belongs to. example(s) from[5]: demigod Abstract: Sets Composition Part
des- des- (chemistry) Removal of a group from a molecule. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
desmo- desmo- Bond, chain. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
di-3 di-3 A pair. e.g. diblock, dimeson, dijet Abstract: Sets Composition 2
di-4 di-4 Both, possessing two distinct (possibly opposing) qualities. e.g. dikinetic, dialetheism, dianalytic Abstract: Sets Composition
dicho- dicho- In two parts, paired. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
dis-2 di-5, dis-2 Expressing separation or removal. e.g. discard, disbar, disfranchise Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
e-1 e-1 Used to form adjectives with the sense of something being lacking or removed. e.g. eluviation, edentulous, elenge Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
ec- ec- Out of, exclude. example(s) from[4]: ectopia, w:ectopic pregnancy Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
epi-23 epi-23 Entirety, a system being referred to as a whole. e.g. epichaperome, epiorganism, epicrisis Abstract: Sets Composition Whole
erem-2 erem-2 (biology) Solitary. Abstract: Sets Composition . Not joined
eury- eury- A wide variety or range. e.g. eurybathic, eurytherm, euryvalent Abstract: Sets Homogeneity Uniform? ! Variety
even-2 even-2 (no longer productive) Uniform, evenly in quantity. e.g. even-down, even-tempered, even-toned Abstract: Sets Placeholder Change Increasing? =
ex-4 ex-4 (biology) Lacking, not possessing. e.g. excaudate, exstipulate Abstract: Sets State Possession Have? < Without
filtro- filtro- To filter, strain. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
fix-2 fix-2 To attach. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
for-09 for-09, fore-19 (non-productive) Excluding: prefixed to verbs to give the sense of prohibition or exclusion. e.g. forjudge, forshut, forbar Abstract: Sets Composition
frac- frac- To break, cleave. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
full- ful-, full- Fully, completely, in full. Abstract: Sets Composition Whole
gamo-3 gamo-3 (biology) United, fused, merged. e.g. gamopetalous, gamosepalous, gamophyllous Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
germ- germ- Basic part. Abstract: Sets Composition Part
haplo-3 aplo-3, haplo-3 Simple. e.g. haploceratid, haplodont, haplostele Abstract: Sets Size, sets Difficulty Cardinality? < Simple
haplo-4 aplo-4, haplo-4 Single. e.g. haploscope, haploid, haplometrosis Abstract: Sets Composition
hapto-1 hapto-1 Binding. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
hetero-01 heter-01[4], hetero-01 Varied, heterogeneous; a set that has variety with respect to the root. e.g. heterogamous, heterochromatic, heterogender, heteroglossia Abstract: Sets Homogeneity Symmetry Balanced? ! Variety
hetero-02 heter-02[4], hetero-02 (organic chemistry) Heterocyclic: a cyclic compound with multiple elements in its ring. The non-carbon atoms are known as heteroatoms. e.g. heteroalkene, heteroaddition, heterofullerene, heteroaromatic Abstract: Sets Composition
hetero-03 heter-03[4], hetero-03 (chemistry) A heterogeneous mixture. e.g. heterofunctionalization, heterofibril, heterodimeric Abstract: Sets Complexity
hetero-09 heter-09[4], hetero-09 Asymmetric in shape. e.g. heterogangliate, heteracanth, heterocercal Abstract: Sets Composition Symmetry Balanced? ! Asymmetric
holo- hol-, holo- Whole, complete, total. Abstract: Sets Composition Whole
homeo- home-, homeo-, homoe-, homoeo-, homoi-, homoio-, homœ-, homœo- Similar. e.g. homeostasis, homeomorphy, heomeomorphy Abstract: Sets Homogeneity Uniform? = = Uniformity
homo-1 homo-1 Same, similar, alike, identical. example(s) from[5]: homogeneous, homogenize, homologous, homophone, homozygous Abstract: Sets Homogeneity Uniform? = = Uniformity
in-2 i-2, il-2, in-2 Within. e.g. inbreed, inburning, incircle Abstract: Sets Composition Among
in-5 il-5, im-5, in-5, ir5 Having, possessing. e.g. imbannered, inaureole, incarnate Abstract: Sets State Possession Have? > With
in-7 ig-7, il-7, im-7, in-7, ir7 Added to nouns to mean lacking or without. e.g. inaccurate Abstract: Sets State Possession Have? < Without
inter-03 inter-03 A social position which is in between two (or more) of the kind of social group indicated by the root. e.g. interarmy, interobserver, interparental Abstract: Sets Composition
inter-09 inter-09 Combining together: the root verb is done together, generally uniting or merging multiple objects. e.g. interfuse, interknit, interreact Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
inter-10 inter-10 Hybrid: combining two or more of the root together to produce a hybrid. e.g. interculture, interhalogen, interprime Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
inter-17 inter-17 Link: to connect multiple kinds of the root. e.g. intercellular, interneuron, internetwork Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
inter-25 inter-25 Intermediate between multiple of the type indicated by the root. e.g. intergenotype Abstract: Sets State Intermediate Both? = Intermediate
inter-29 inter-29 Inserting between multiple entities of the kind indicated by the root. e.g. internym, interdental, interlinear Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
intra-01 intra-01 Within a group or concept. e.g. intraclade, intracoalition, intracorporate Abstract: Sets Composition Among
intra-11 intra-11 A part of the root entity. e.g. intramountain, intradiegetic Abstract: Sets Composition Part
iso- is-, iso- Equal, homogeneous, uniform. (chemistry) Isomer. For or from different individuals of the same species. example(s) from[5]: isochromatic, isotherm Abstract: Sets Homogeneity Uniform? = = Uniformity
kern- kern- Kernel, smaller but central part of an entity. e.g. kernicterus, kernelization, kernelless Abstract: Sets Composition Part
koilo-2 koil-2[4], koilo-2 Hollow, empty. example(s) from[4]: koilocyte2 Abstract: Sets Fullness Full? . Empty
ligato- ligato- To bind, tie. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
lyo- ly-, lyo- Dispersion, dissolution. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
lyso- lys-[4], lyso- Disintegration, breakdown. example(s) from[4]: lysosome Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
mero-[4] mer-3, mero-[4] Partly, partial. (anatomy) Part, component. example(s) from[4]: merocrine, meroblastic Abstract: Sets Composition Part
meso-05 mes-05, meso-05 Intermediate between two properties or characteristics. e.g. mesocratic, mesognathous, mesohydrophyte Abstract: Sets State Intermediate Both? = Intermediate
micto- micto- Mixed. Abstract: Sets Composition > Hybrid
mid-3 mid-3 Intermediate. e.g. mid-key Abstract: Sets State Intermediate Both? = Intermediate
mid-4 mid-4 Amid. Abstract: Sets Composition Among
notho- notho- Used to indicate a hybrid taxonomic element. Abstract: Sets Composition > Hybrid
omni- omni- All, universal. example(s) from[5]: omnipotent, omnipresent, omnivore Abstract: Sets Composition Whole
or-2 or-2 (non-productive) Without, does not have. e.g. orped Abstract: Sets State Possession Have? < Without
pan-04 pan-04, pano-04 Encompassing, including all, or involving all. e.g. pancaspase, pangender, panlingual Abstract: Sets Composition Whole
panto- pant-, panta-, panto- Indicating the whole, entirety. Abstract: Sets Composition Whole
per-3 per-3 (non-productive) In verbs: denoting the sense "to destruction". e.g. pervert Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
phragmo- phragmo- Divided due to obstruction or barrier. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
phylo- phylo- Group, grouping. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
poikilo-1 poecilo-1, poikilo-1, pœcilo-1 Variable. e.g. poikilocapnic, poikilochlorophyllous, poikilothermic Abstract: Sets Homogeneity Uniform? ! Variety
pro-5 pro-5 rudimentary. Abstract: Sets Size, sets Difficulty Cardinality? < Simple
pseudo-2 pseud-2, pseudo-2 Substitute, simulation. e.g. pseudoangle, pseudarthrosis; example(s) from[5]: pseudonym Abstract: Sets Composition Substitution
rupt- rupt- To break. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
schizo-1 schist-[4]1, schisto-1, schiz-1 , schizo-1 Split, cleft, splittable. e.g.schizodactyly, schizogony, schizoid, schizophasia Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
se-2 se-2 (non-productive) Without. e.g. secure Abstract: Sets State Possession Have? < Without
septo- septo- Partition. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
symmetro- symmetro- Combining form of symmetry. Abstract: Sets Composition Symmetry Balanced? = = Symmetric
syn-2 sy-2[4], syl-2, sym-2, syn-2, sys-2[4] With, together. example(s) from[5]: syllable, symbol, synthesis, system Abstract: Sets Composition Among
systemo- system-, systemo- System. Abstract: Sets Composition Whole
to-01 to-01 (non-productive) Parting: forming verbs that involve cleaving, breaking, or sundering. e.g. tocrack, togrind, torend Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
to-10 to-10 Adding, additional in quantity. e.g. to-bread, to-name Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining
tomo- tomo- To cut. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? < Un-joining
tropo- tropo- Change, turn, difference. e.g. tropophobia, tropomorphic, troposphere Abstract: Sets Homogeneity Equality Uniform? ! Variety
vac- vac- Empty. Abstract: Sets Fullness Full? . Empty
vari- vari- Various, variety. e.g. variform, varigauge, varihued Abstract: Sets Homogeneity Uniform? ! Variety
with-4 with-4 With, along with, together with. example(s) from[5]: withstand, withhold Abstract: Sets Composition Among
zygo- zyg-, zygo- Joining or pairing; union, pair. Abstract: Sets Union Joined? > Joining

Abstract: Spatial

Prefixes categorized as Abstract: Spatial.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
a-01 a-01 (non-productive) Forming verbs with the sense away, up, on, out. e.g. arise, await Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? < Outward
a-04 a-04 (non-productive) In, into. Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? > Inward
a-05 a-05 In the direction of, or toward. e.g. astern, abeam Abstract: Spatial Direction Proximal Toward? > Toward
a-13 a-13 (non-productive) Away from. e.g. avert, aperient, abridge, assoil Abstract: Spatial Direction Proximal Toward? < Away
ab- ab-, abs- Away from, without. example(s) from [4]: abduction, abdomen Abstract: Spatial Direction Proximal Toward? < Away
ac- ac- To, toward, near. Abstract: Spatial Direction Proximal Toward? > Toward
accelero- accelero- Acceleration. Abstract: Spatial Direction Change Fast? Accelerating
acro-02 acr-02, acro-02, akro-02 Located or positioned at a tip or tips of an object or body. e.g. acrocentric, acropleurogenous, acrocarpous Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? < Outer
acro-03 acr-03, acro-03, akro-03 Located or positioned at the top; uppermost. e.g. acrodendrophile, acropleustophyte, acrotrophic Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? Top
acro-06 acr-06, acro-06, akro-06 Heights, high in location. e.g. acrophilia, acrophilia, acrophobe Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical High? > High
acro-08 acr-08, acro-08, akro-08 Upper. e.g. acrophyll, acrolect, acrodactylum Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Superior? > Upper
acro-09 acr-09, acro-09, akro-09 High in altitude, montane. e.g. acrophyte, acrophile Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical High? > High
ad-2 ad-2 Near, close to, adjacent. e.g. adaxonal, addental, admedial Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
ad-3 ad-3 Towards in direction or movement. (anatomy) Towards the midline of the body. e.g. adapical, adfluvial, adgerminal Abstract: Spatial Direction Proximal Toward? > Toward
ad-5 ad-5 Along, alongside. e.g. admarginal, adnervular, adstratum Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
ad-6 ad-6 Appending and/or prepending. Adding from either side. e.g. adfix, adposition, affix Abstract: Spatial Direction Horizontal Forward? Bilateral
ad-8 ad-8 Atop or above in position. e.g. adatom, adcumulate, aggrade Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? > Above
af- af- Away, from, off. Abstract: Spatial Direction Proximal Toward? < Away
aft- aft- Positioned at or near the back. Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Front? < Back
after-2 after-2 With adverbial or adjectival effect, forming compound words indicating something that comes afterwards in spatial position. examples from [6]: after-limb, after-ship, afterdeck Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal In front of? < Behind
ag- ag- To, towards. Abstract: Spatial Direction Proximal Toward? > Toward
ali- ali- (anatomy) Lateral expansion. Abstract: Spatial Direction Lateral Forward? Side
allo-04 allo-04 External, outside, or from a separate location. e.g. allonomous, allochory, allogenic Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? . Outside
ambi-2 ambi-2, ambo-2[8] On both sides. e.g. ambifix, ambilateral, ambilineal Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? . Bilateral
ambly- ambly-, amblyo- Dull, blunt, obtuse. Abstract: Spatial Angles Obtuse? > Obtuse
amphi-1 amph-1[2], amphi-1, ampho-1 Located on the opposite side of, or referring to two distinct sides or ends of a region or object. e.g. amphicontinental, amphitropical, amphicrania Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? Contralateral
amphi-4 amph-4[2], amphi-4, ampho-4 Surrounding, around, encircling. e.g. amphicribral, amphigynous, amphiphyte Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? < Surrounding
ampl-[2] ampl-[2] (taxonomy) Large, ample[2]. Abstract: Spatial Size Big? > Big
amplexi-1[2] amplexi-1[2] Surrounded, encircled, entwined. Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? < Surrounding
ana-1 ana-1 Up, above. e.g. anaglyph, anafront, anagogy Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? > Above
ana-3 ana-3 Backward in direction. e.g. anagram, anaplasia, anaphase Abstract: Spatial Direction Horizontal Forward? < Backward
ana-6 ana-6 On the distal face of. e.g. anaporate, anatreme, anacolpate Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? < Distal
ankylo-1 anchyl-1[2], anchylo-1[2], ancyl-1[4], ancylo-1[2], ankyl-1, ankylo-1 Crooked. e.g. ankylosaurus, ankylosis Abstract: Spatial Angles Correct Obtuse? . Bent
ante-2 ante-2 In front of in space. example(s) from [4]: antepartum Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal In front of? > In front of
ante-3 ante-3 (anatomy) Anterior in location/direction. example(s) from [4]: anteorbital Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Anterior? > Anterior
antero- anter-[2], anterio-, antero- (anatomy) Nearer the front of the body. Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Anterior? > Anterior
anti-4 ant-4, anti-4 Physically opposite, reverse in position or direction. e.g. anticlockwise, Antarctic Abstract: Spatial Direction Spatial ? Opposite
apico-2 apic-2, apici-2[2], apico-2 (anatomy) The side of a body part (or organism) that is further away from the substrate it is attached to. e.g. apicocardiac, apicolateral, apicomedial Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? < Far
apo-05 ap-05, aph-05[2], apo-05 Away from, outward, or apart in direction. e.g. apocentromeric, apheliotropic, apophlegmatic, apopyle, apophysis Abstract: Spatial Direction Proximal Toward? < Away
apo-09 ap-09, aph-09[2], apo-09 Exterior, outside of. e.g. aposematism, apoplast Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? . Outside
apo-12 ap-12, aph-12[2], apo-12 Distant, far from, or apart in position. e.g. apophyte, apomecometry Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? < Far
apo-13 ap-13, aph-13[2], apo-13 Furthest in position. e.g. apocentric, apocenter, apastron Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? . Furthest
apo-14 ap-14, aph-14[2], apo-14 (astronomy) Apoapsis: the point of a body's elliptical orbit about the system's centre of mass where the distance between the body and the centre of mass is at its maximum. e.g. apoposeidion, apouranion, apocytherion Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? . Furthest
arc- arc- (mathematics) Used to form the names of inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, and also the symbols for these functions. e.g. arcsin, arctan Abstract: Spatial Angles
arct-1[2] arct-1[2], arcto-1[2] North, northern, arctic[2]. Abstract: Spatial Position Cardinal North? Cardinal
as- as- Away from. Abstract: Spatial Direction Proximal Toward? < Away
at- at- At, close to, away, off. Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
austro- austral-[2], australo-[2], austro- South, southern. Abstract: Spatial Position Cardinal North? Cardinal
auxo- aux-[4], auxo- Growth, increase. example(s) from [4]: Auxocardia: enlargement of the heart, auxology Abstract: Spatial Size Change Increasing? >
back- back- Behind an object/structure (locative/directional). example(s) from[5]: backhoe, backfire Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal In front of? < Behind
bathy-1 batho-1, bathy-1 Deep. Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical High? < Deep
be-1 be-1 (non-productive) By, near, next to, around, close to. e.g. beleaguer, bestand, beset, besit Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
be-2 be-2 (non-productive) Around; about. e.g. begather, belay, belook, bestir, belive, besmell, bewrap Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? . Around
be-5 be-5 (non-productive) Off, away, over, across. e.g. becut, bedeal, betake, bego, behead, belimb, benim, bereave, besleeve, betrunk Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Toward? < Away
bi-08 bi-08, bin-08, bis-08 (anatomy) Bilateral, on both sides of the body. e.g. biconcave, biballism Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? . Bilateral
boreo- boreo- Northern. Abstract: Spatial Position Cardinal North? Cardinal
brachy-1 brachy-1 Short, brief. example(s) from[4]: brachycephalic Abstract: Spatial Size Lateral Long? < Short
brachy-2 brachy-2 Short, small. example(s) from[4]: brachycephalic Abstract: Spatial Size Vertical Tall? < Short
brady- brady- Slowness. e.g. bradycardia, bradygastria, bradyseism Abstract: Spatial Direction Change Fast? < Slow
brevi- brevi- (anatomy) Short. Abstract: Spatial Size Vertical Tall? < Short
by-1 by-1, bye-1 Nearness or roundaboutness. e.g. bystander, bypass Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
cata- cat-, cata-, kata- Downwards movement, backwards, reverse. example(s) from[4]: catabolism, catacombs, cataract Abstract: Spatial Direction Vertical Upward? < Downward
caudo-3 caudo-3 In the direction of or proximity to a tail. Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Cranial? < Caudal
centro- centr-, centri-, centro- Centre, especially of mass nouns. Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Right? = Middle
circum- circum- Around. example(s) from[5]: circumlocution, circumnavigate, circumference Abstract: Spatial Direction Spatial Inward? . Around
cis-1 cis-1 (geography) On this side of. e.g. cisalpine, cisrhenane, Ciscaucasia Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? = Ipsilateral
cis-2 cis-2 (chemistry) Forming names of chemical compounds in which two atoms or groups are situated on the same side of some plane of symmetry passing through the compound. e.g. cis-diazene Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? = Ipsilateral
citra-[7] citra-[7] On this side of; hither[7]. Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? = Ipsilateral
clino- clino- Inclined. Abstract: Spatial Angles
co-05 co-05 Spatially located or positioned together, co-located. e.g. cocirculate, coarctate, coattend Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? Colocated
co-07 co-07 Moving or oriented in the same direction; co-directional. e.g. coflowing, cocurrent, coalign Abstract: Spatial Direction Spatial ? = Same
con-09 col-09, com-09, con-09, cor-09 Found with. What is found with the root. e.g. consalazinic acid, conphaseolin, connegative Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Near? Colocated
con-13 col-13, com-13, con-13, cor-13 To surround or adorn with. e.g. constrict, constellate Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? < Surrounding
cross-02 cross-02 Perpendicular in angle; transverse. e.g. crossbedding, crossband, crossmember Abstract: Spatial Angles Obtuse? = Perpendicular
cross-03 cross-03 Moving from one side to the other; across. Often diagonal. e.g. crossfield, cross-city, crossbelt, crosscourt Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? Across
cross-05 cross-05 On the opposite side of. e.g. crosstown, cross-cousin, cross-ratio Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? Contralateral
cross-07 cross-07 Located in between. Often, but not necessarily, forming an H-shaped structure. e.g. cross-passage, cross-tunnel, crossfire Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? = Between
cyph-[4] cyph-[4], cypho-[4] Bent, crooked[4]. example(s) from[4]: cyphosis Abstract: Spatial Angles Correct Obtuse? . Bent
cyrto- cyrto- Curved, convex. e.g. cyrtometer, cyrtostyle Abstract: Spatial Angles Obtuse? < Convex
deorsum- deorsum- In a downwards direction. Abstract: Spatial Direction Vertical Upward? < Downward
dextro- dex-, dextr-[4], dextro- On the right. example(s) from[4]: dextrocardia Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Right? > Right
dia- di-6, dia- Through, across. example(s) from[5]: dialysis, diameter Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? Across
dino-1 dino-1 (biology) Large, dangerous. Abstract: Spatial Size Scary Big? > Big
disto- disti-, disto- Distal; remote, far from a reference/attachment point. Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? < Far
dolicho- dolich-, dolicho- Long. Abstract: Spatial Size Horizontal Long? > Long
dorso- dors-, dorsi-, dorso- The back of an organism. example(s) from[4]: dorsal, dorsocephalad Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Ventral? < Dorsal
down- down- Down, downwards. example(s) from[5]: download, downright, downbeat Abstract: Spatial Direction Vertical Upward? < Downward
ecto- ect-[4], ecto- Outside, external. example(s) from[4]: ectoblast, ectoderm, ectoplasm Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? . Outside
en-1 el-1[5], em-1[5], en-1 in, into. e.g. embathe, enquire, enlist Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? > Inward
en-2 el-2[5], em-2[5], en-2 on, onto. e.g. embark, enplane, enthrone Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? > Inward
end- end-, endo-, ent-, ento- Inside, within. taking in. example(s) from[4]: endocrinology, endospore, endoskeleton Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? Inside
epi-01 epi-01 Above in location or position. e.g. epilittoral, epinasal, epinecral Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? > Above
epi-02 epi-02 Upon, atop, directly on top of in terms of position. e.g. epibenthos, epipetric, epispinal Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? >. Atop
epi-05 epi-05 A part or segment that is located on the upper part of an object. e.g. epikarst, epiphase, episternum Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Superior? > Upper
epi-06 epi-06 A part or location that is outer, particularly an outer layer. e.g. epidermis, epipleuron, epitrochlea Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? < Outer
epi-08 epi-08 Located on the surface. e.g. epifascial, epilimnion, epixylous Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? < Outer
epi-10 epi-10 Outward in direction or projection. e.g. epignathous, epinasty, epipod Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? < Outward
epi-14 epi-14 Near in position. e.g. epicellular, epistellar, epituberculosis Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
epi-16 epi-16 Surrounding in position: the edges of the root. e.g. epifascicular, epimacular, epiperimetric Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? < Surrounding
epi-19 epi-19 Overlapping in position. e.g. epilobous, epipharynx, epipole Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? Overlapping
epi-21 epi-21 Top: a part that is positioned at the uppermost of multiple levels. e.g. epipelagic, epiplankton, epivalve Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? Top
epi-22 epi-22 Front or anterior in position. e.g. epicnemial, epiplastron, episternum Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Anterior? > Anterior
epi-24 epi-24 Outside of in position. e.g. epicycloid, epidural, episkeletal Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? . Outside
epi-25 epi-25 Shallow in depth. e.g. epithermal, epicortex, epigeous Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical High? < Shallow
epi-27 epi-27 Upwards in direction or growth. e.g. epiphallus, epifilm, epigrowth Abstract: Spatial Direction Vertical Upward? > Upward
eso-[9] eso-[9] Within, inner[9]. Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? > Inner
ex-2 ex-2 outside. e.g. ex-directory Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? . Outside
exo- exo- Outside, external, outer. turning out. example(s) from[4]: exophthalmos, exoskeleton, exoplanet Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? . Outside
extero-[9] extero-[9] Outside[9]. Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? . Outside
extra- extra- Outside, beyond. Outward[9]. example(s) from[5]: extracurricular Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? . Outside
extro- extro- Outwards. Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? < Outward
for-01 for-01 (non-productive) Forth: prefixed to verbs to indicate a direction of 'away', 'off', 'forth'. e.g. forsteal, forloppin, forban, fordrive, fortake, forthrow, forshake, forhow Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Toward? < Away
for-11 for-11 (non-productive) Thoroughly: prefixed to verbs with the sense of thoroughly, all over. e.g. forgrow, forbathe, forseek, forwrap Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? Throughout
for-12 for-12, fore-20 (rare) Outside, out, exterior. e.g. foreclose, forcatch, forfeit Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? . Outside
fore-04 for-13, fore-04 Positioned at or near the front. e.g. forebooth, foregear, forehew Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Front? > Front
fore-05 fore-05 (nautical) The fore of a ship. e.g. forecabin, forebridge, foreboom Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Front? > Fore
fore-06 fore-06 Anterior: the frontal part of a body. e.g. forebrain, forehoof, foregear Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Anterior? > Anterior
fore-07 fore-07 Outer: the leading, outward portion of a wave or effort; or a distal part of a body. e.g. forebeam, forefront, forebreast, forearm Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Inner? < Outer
fore-08 fore-08 Forepart: the front part of an object or area. e.g. forebody, forecourt, forehand Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Front? > Front
fore-09 fore-09 Near, close to, adjacent in position. e.g. foredune, foreland, forby Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
fore-10 fore-10 Nearest: the part of the root which is nearest/closest. e.g. forebeach, forefield, forend Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? Nearest
fore-12 for-13, fore-12 Forward in spatial direction. e.g. forehearth, forebite, foregaze Abstract: Spatial Direction Horizontal Forward? > Forward
fore-13 for-13, fore-13 Outward in spatial direction. e.g. forecry, forehand, foreleader Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? < Outward
forth- forth- Forth, forward, away. Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Toward? < Away
fronto- front-[4], fronto- The frontal part of an object. example(s) from[4]: frontonasal Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Front? > Front
giganto- giganto- Gigantic, enormous. Abstract: Spatial Size Big? >> Big
gonio- gonio- Angle. Abstract: Spatial Angles
hetero-07 heter-07[4], hetero-07 Opposite in direction or position. e.g. heterodromous, heterofacial, heterodirectional, heterochiral Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? Contralateral
hinder- hind-, hinder- Positioned toward the rear, back. example(s) from[5]: hindsight, hindquarters Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Front? < Back
hyper-1 hyper-1 Over, above. example(s) from[5]: hyperthermia Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? > Above
hypo-1 hyp-1, hypo-1 (anatomy) Below, beneath, under. e.g. hypodermic, hypothalamus Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? < Beneath
hypo-4 hyp-4, hypo-4 (music) Having a range which extends from a perfect fourth below the tonic to a perfect fifth above. examples from [10]: hypolydian, hypodorian, hypomixolydian Abstract: Spatial Size Vertical > Upward
hypso-1 hyps-1, hypsi-1, hypso-1 Tall, high in size. e.g. hypsarrhythmia, hypsodont, hypsicephalic Abstract: Spatial Size Vertical Tall? > Tall
hypso-2 hyps-2, hypsi-2, hypso-2 High in location or position. e.g. hypsophobia, hypsophyll, hypsophonous Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical High? > High
hypso-3 hyps-3, hypsi-3, hypso-3 Upwards in movement or direction. e.g. hypsochromic, w:Hypsibema Abstract: Spatial Direction Vertical Upward? > Upward
hypso-4 hyps-4, hypsi-4, hypso-4 Altitude or elevation; aloft, from on high. e.g. hypsography, hypsometer, hypsometry Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical High? > High
in-1 i-1, il-1, in-1 Inward. e.g. inbeat, inbend, incave Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? > Inward
in-3 il-3, in-3 Into. e.g. imband, imbar, imbarn Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? > Inward
infero- infero- Inferior, further below/lower on the body. Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Superior? < Inferior
infra- infra- Below, underneath, beneath. example(s) from[5]: infrared Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? < Beneath
insta- insta- (informal) Instant, fast, speedy. Abstract: Spatial Direction Change Fast? > Fast
integro- integro- (mathematics) Integration. Abstract: Spatial Direction Change Fast? . Antiderivative
inter-02 inter-02 A spatial position which is in between two (or more) of the kind of landmark indicated by the root. e.g. interangular, interbarb, interbronchial Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? = Between
inter-06 inter-06 A spatial position which is in between two adjacent landmarks of the kind indicated by the root. e.g. interlexical, intercarinal, intercarbon Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? = Between
inter-07 inter-07 A spatial position between the root landmark and an unspecified reference point. e.g. interhippocampal, intermercurial, interelectrolyte Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? = Between
inter-12 inter-12 Interspatially: the root verb is done between or among spatial entities; also forming nouns and adjectives derived from the verb form. e.g. interfriction, interflow, intermesh, interlay Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? = Between
inter-18 inter-18 Abutment: to connect multiple spatial regions of the type indicated by the root. e.g. interoceanic, intersesamoidian, interregional Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? = Connector
inter-20 inter-20 Overlapping: the overlap of multiple kinds of the root. e.g. interartistic, intercausative, intersectional Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? Overlap
inter-26 inter-26 Midsection: an object which is positioned spatially between multiple of the root. e.g. interbasin, interfascicle, intershell Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Right? = Middle
inter-27 inter-27 Connector: an object of the type of the root has a spatial position which is in between. e.g. interjoist, interarea Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? = Connector
intero-[9] intero-[9] From inside[9]. Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? Inside
intra-02 intra-02 Inside or with, in terms of location or position. e.g. intrabone, intracardiac, intracolic Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? Inside
intra-05 intra-05 A direction that is inward or into the location indicated by the root. e.g. intracavitary, intracloacal, intracistern Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? > Inward
intra-08 intra-08 Spatially located in between two points within the region indicated by the root entity. e.g. intramedian, intragalactic, intramolecular Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Right? = Middle
intra-09 intra-09 Spatially located in between the root entity and a reference point. e.g. intramercurial, intrapetiolar, intraaxillary Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Right? = Middle
intra-10 intra-10 The interior of the region indicated by the root. e.g. intracalvarium, intracranium Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? > Interior
intro- intro- Into, inwards. Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? > Inward
ipsi- ipsi- Same, on the same side of. example(s) from[4]: ipsilateral Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? = Ipsilateral
ithy- ithy- Erect, straightened. Abstract: Spatial Angles Vertical Obtuse? Straight
juxta- juxta- Near to. example(s) from[4]: w:juxtaglomerular apparatus Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
koilo-1 koil-1[4], koilo-1 Concave. e.g. koilonychia, koilosternia Abstract: Spatial Angles Obtuse? > Concave
kyph-[4] kyph-[4], kypho- Bent, humped, hunchbacked. example(s) from[4]: kyphoscoliosis Abstract: Spatial Angles Correct Obtuse? . Bent
latero- latero- To one side. example(s) from[4]: w:lateral pectoral nerve Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? Unilateral
lepto- lept-, lepto- Narrow, thin. example(s) from[4]: leptomeningeal Abstract: Spatial Size Lateral Wide? < Narrow
levo- laevo-, lev-, levo-, lævo- On or to the left. Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Right? < Left
macro-1 macr-1, macro-1 large. e.g. macronucleus Abstract: Spatial Size Big? > Big
macro-2 macr-2, macro-2 long. e.g. macrobiotics Abstract: Spatial Size Horizontal Long? > Long
magni- magni- Large, big. Abstract: Spatial Size Big? > Big
maxi- maxi- Larger than usual. example(s) from[5]: maxi-skirt, maximum Abstract: Spatial Size Normality Big? > Bigger - relative!
meco- meco- Length or distance. Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near?
medio- medio-, mesio- Middle. Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Right? = Middle
megalo-1 meg-11, mega-11, megal-1, megalo-1 Large in size, enormous. e.g. megalocardia, megalophobia, megalopolis Abstract: Spatial Size Big? >> Big
meso-01 mes-01, meso-01 Middle or centre in location/position. e.g. Mesoamerica, mesohepatectomy, mesoscaphe Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Right? = Middle
meso-03 mes-03, meso-03 Medium in size. e.g. mesobrowser, mesocavern, mesohabitat Abstract: Spatial Size Big? = Medium
meso-04 mes-04, meso-04 Between. e.g. mesochannel, mesoclitic, mesolayer Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? = Between
meso-07 mes-07, meso-07 (anatomy) Mesial in location, position, or direction: towards the midline of the body. e.g. mesoanterior, mesomedial, meson Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Right? = Mesial
meso-09 mes-09, meso-09 (dentistry) The forward side of a tooth. e.g. mesocone, mesoflexus, mesoloph Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Anterior? > Anterior
meta-01 met-01, meta-01 (anatomy and zoology) Behind. Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal In front of? < Behind
meta-03 met-03, meta-03 (obsolete, architecture and zoology) Situated between two segments. Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? = Between
micro-1 micr-1, micro-1 Very small. example(s) from[5]: microbacillus, microscope Abstract: Spatial Size Big? . Small
mid-2 mid-2 Occupying a middle position. e.g. mid-shoulder Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Right? = Middle
midi- midi- Medium sized. example(s) from[5]: midi-length, Midibus Abstract: Spatial Size Big? = Medium
mini- mini- Small. example(s) from[5]: minimarket, mini-room, minivan Abstract: Spatial Size Big? < Small
mydro- mydro- Wide. Abstract: Spatial Size Lateral Wide? > Wide
nano-3 nan-3[4], nano-3 Very small, nanoscale. e.g. nanoparticle, nanoplankton Abstract: Spatial Size Big? . Small
nether- nether- Low, lower, below, under, beneath. Inferior. Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical High? < Low
noto-1 noto-1 South, southern. Abstract: Spatial Position Cardinal North? Cardinal
ob-3 ob-3, os-3 To place before, go up to. e.g. obtend, obverse, obreption Abstract: Spatial Direction Horizontal Toward? > Toward
off- off- Away from, off. example(s) from[5]: off-color, offish, offset Abstract: Spatial Direction Spatial Toward? < Away
on- on- On, toward, forward. example(s) from[5]: onset, onlook, ongoing, oncoming Abstract: Spatial Direction Spatial Toward? > Toward
opistho- opistho- Back, behind, rear. example(s) from[4]: opisthotonus Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Front? < Back
or-1 or-1 (non-productive) Out, outwards, laid out. e.g. ordeal, orlay Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? < Outward
ortho-01 orth-01, ortho-01 Right angle, perpendicular. e.g. orthogon, orthocentric, orthoclastic Abstract: Spatial Angles Obtuse? = Right
ortho-08 orth-08, ortho-08 (organic chemistry) In isomeric benzene derivatives, having the two substituents in adjacent (1,2) positions (compare meta- and para-). e.g. orthophenylene, orthosubstitution, orthocleavage Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Adjacent
ortho-15 orth-15, ortho-15 Vertical or upright in movement. e.g. orthotropic, orthostasis, orthograde Abstract: Spatial Direction Vertical Upward? > Upward
out-1 out-1 External to, on the outside of. e.g. outback, outhouse Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? . Outside
out-2 out-2 Toward the outside of, away from. e.g. outcast, outlead, outflee Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? < Outward
over-1 over-1 Above, higher. e.g. overbar, overlook Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? > Above
pachy- pachy- Thick. example(s) from[4]: pachyderma, pachyderm Abstract: Spatial Size Lateral Thick? > Thick
pan-05 pan-05, pano-05 Entire, whole, the entirety of the root object or category. e.g. pancolonoscopy, pangastritis, pangenomic Abstract: Spatial Size Internal
pan-08 pan-08, pano-08 Spanning the entirety of a set which may not be countable, its members may not be clearly distinguished from each other. e.g. pancontinental, pan-Covid, pancultural Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? Across
pan-09 pan-09, pano-09 Throughout an area indicated by the root. e.g. panarctic, pancolitis, panfandom Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? Throughout
para-01 par-01, para-01 Beside, alongside. e.g. parasite, parallel, paracapsular Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Inward? . Around
para-02 par-02, para-02 Parallel. e.g. paraconformity, paraxial Abstract: Spatial Angles Obtuse? Parallel
para-03 par-03, para-03 Between. e.g. paracellular, paraconule, paradiploid Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? = Between
para-04 par-04, para-04 Around, surrounding. e.g. paracortex, paradiapophysis Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? < Surrounding
para-07 par-07, para-07 Near. e.g. paranal, parepididymis, parethmoid Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
para-08 par-08, para-08 On the opposite side of. e.g. paracavernous Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? Contralateral
para-09 par-09, para-09 Above, over. e.g. paraductal, paracoronoid, paracondylar Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? > Above
para-10 par-10, para-10 Across, through, throughout. e.g. paracotylar, paraesophageal, paracloacal, paracostal Abstract: Spatial Direction Spatial Inward? Across
para-17 par-17, para-17 (chemistry) In isomeric benzene derivatives, having the two substituents in opposite (1,4) positions. Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? Contralateral
parvo- parvo- Small. example(s) from[4]: w:Parvovirus Abstract: Spatial Size Big? < Small
peloro- peloro- (taxonomy) A morpheme term pertaining to monsters, in the popular sense of "something huge". Abstract: Spatial Size Scary Big? > Big
pend- pend- To hang down. Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical High? < Low
per-1 per-1 (non-productive) In verbs: denoting the sense "through". e.g. perforate Abstract: Spatial Direction Spatial Inward? Across
peri-1 peri-1 around or surrounding. e.g. perimeter, meter Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Interior? < Surrounding
peri-2 peri-2 Near. e.g. perihelion, helion Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
plagio- plagio- Oblique angle. Abstract: Spatial Angles Obtuse? Oblique
plani- plani-, plano- Level, flat. Abstract: Spatial Angles Vertical Obtuse? Straight
platy- platy- Level, flat. Abstract: Spatial Angles Vertical Obtuse? Straight
plesio- plesio- Close, near. Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
pleuro-2 pleur-2[4], pleuro-2 To the side, lateral. e.g. pleurocentrum, pleurocoel Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? Unilateral
post-2 post-2 (anatomy) behind. Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Anterior? < Posterior
postero- posterio-, postero- The posterior; opposite of anterior. Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Anterior? < Posterior
pre-1 prae-1, pre-1, præ-1 Before; physically in front of; (anatomy) anterior. example(s) from[5]: prefix Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Anterior? > Anterior
pro-3 pro-3 Forward movement. e.g. procede, propel, progress Abstract: Spatial Direction Horizontal Forward? > Forward
pro-6 pro-6 in front of. Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal In front of? > In front of
proso- pros-[5], proso- Towards, forward. e.g. prosthesis, prostrate, prose Abstract: Spatial Direction Horizontal Forward? > Forward
proto-8 prot-8, proto-8 (anatomy) Anterior. e.g. prototroch, protoconid, protoconule Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Anterior? > Anterior
proximo- proxi-, proxim-, proximo- Nearby, close to. Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
pur-1 pur-1 Forwards, movement. e.g. pursue, purport Abstract: Spatial Direction Horizontal Forward? > Forward
re-3 re-3 Back, backward. e.g. reject, reply, resist Abstract: Spatial Direction Horizontal Forward? < Backward
recti- recti- Straight. Abstract: Spatial Angles Vertical Obtuse? Straight
recto-2 recto-2 In the direction of the rectum. e.g. rectoabdominal Abstract: Spatial Direction Horizontal Forward? < Backward
retro- retro- Backwards, behind. example(s) from[5]: retrograde Abstract: Spatial Direction Horizontal Forward? < Backward
rostro- rostro- Rostrum; the oral or nasal region of an organism. Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Cranial? > Rostral
scolio- scoli-, scolio- Crooked, bent. example(s) from[4]: scoliosis Abstract: Spatial Angles Correct Obtuse? . Bent
se-1 se-1 (non-productive) Apart, away from. e.g. secede, seclude, segregate Abstract: Spatial Direction Spatial Toward? < Away
sidero-2 sidero-2 (astronomy) Sidereal. Abstract: Spatial Position Fixed? = Sidereal
sinistro- sinistr-[4], sinistro- Leftwards, to the left. example(s) from[4]: sinistrocardia Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Right? < Left
sous-1 sous-1 Under, underneath. e.g. sousveillance, souterrain, sous-vide Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? < Beneath
stato- stato- Balance, equilibrium, rest. Abstract: Spatial Direction Change Fast? Rest
sub-1 sub-1, sur-3 Under, beneath. e.g. subterranean, submarine, subcutaneous Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? < Beneath
super-1 super-1 Located above. e.g. superoccipital, superlabial, supergastric Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Superior? > Above
supero- supero- (anatomy) Situated above. Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Superior? > Above
supra-1 supra-1 Above, over, on top. (anatomy) Superior. e.g. supralimbic, supraduction, supracaudal Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Superior? > Above
sur-1 sur-1 Above, on top of. e.g. suranal, surtop, surangular Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? > Above
sursum- sursum- In an upwards direction. Abstract: Spatial Direction Vertical Upward? > Upward
tachy- tachi-, tacho-, tachy- Fast, rapid, speed. example(s) from[4]: tachycardia, tachypnea Abstract: Spatial Direction Change Fast? > Fast
tele-1 tele-1 Over a distance. example(s) from[5]: telegraph, telephone, telescope, television Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? < Far
titano-2 titano-2 Huge, very large, enormous. Abstract: Spatial Size Big? >> Big
to-11 to-11 Toward in direction or location. e.g. to-draw, tofall, together Abstract: Spatial Direction Spatial Toward? > Toward
trans-1 trans-1 Extending across, through, or over. e.g. transnational, transregional, transamerican Abstract: Spatial Direction Spatial Inward? Across
trans-3 trans-3 (chemistry) A compound in which two atoms or groups are situated on opposite sides of some plane of symmetry passing through the compound. e.g. transacetylase, tranexamic acid, transaldolase Abstract: Spatial Position Lateral Sides? Contralateral
turbo-2 turbo-2 To accelerate. Abstract: Spatial Direction Change Fast? Accelerating
ultra-2 ultra-2 Beyond, on the far side of. e.g. ultraviolet Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? . Furthest
ultra-3 ultra-3 Beyond, outside of. e.g. ultrasonic Abstract: Spatial Position Internal Inner? . Outside
um- um-, umb-, umbe- Around, about, approximately. example(s) from[5]: umbestound Abstract: Spatial Position Proximal Near? > Near
under-1 under-1 Beneath, under. e.g. underpass, underground, underneath Abstract: Spatial Position Vertical Above? < Beneath
up-2 up-2 Upwards; used to indicate higher position or direction, literally or figuratively. example(s) from[5]: upgrade, uplift, upright Abstract: Spatial Direction Vertical Upward? > Upward
ventri- ventr-, ventri-, ventro- (anatomy) The ventral (belly) side of the body. example(s) from[4]: ventrodorsal Abstract: Spatial Position Horizontal Ventral? > Ventral
versi- versi-, verso-, vert-, verti- Turn, change. Abstract: Spatial Direction Any ? Change
volvo- volvo- Turn about, roll. Abstract: Spatial Direction Spatial Forward? . Turning
with-3 with-3 Off, out, away, from. example(s) from[5]: withstand, withhold Abstract: Spatial Direction Internal Toward? < Away

Abstract: Temporal

Prefixes categorized as Abstract: Temporal.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
a-06 a-06 (archaic, dialectal) At such a time. Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? At
a-08 a-08 General indicator of a participle, often a past particple. e.g. aware, alike Abstract: Temporal Order Past < ⏪ Earlier
a-09 a-09 (Devon) Used to form the past participle of a verb. e.g. a-gone, a-seen Abstract: Temporal Order Past < ⏪ Earlier
acro-07 acr-07, acro-07, akro-07 The peak of a wave or cycle; accented. e.g. acrophase, acrostatic Abstract: Temporal Dynamics
acu-3 acu-3 Sudden. Abstract: Temporal Dynamics Temporary
afore- afore- Previously, before. Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? < ⏪ Earlier
after-3 after-3 With prepositional effect, forming compound words denoting something which follows the second element of the compound, and is less intense or significant. examples from [3]: afterglow, aftershock, afterthought Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? > ⏩ Following
again-1 again-1 (non-productive) Once more, again. e.g. againrising Abstract: Temporal Dynamics Again? 🔁
ambi-4 ambi-4, ambo-4[8] Alternating between two categories. e.g. ambilocal, ambivalent, ambiquitous Abstract: Temporal Dynamics Balanced? 🔀
amphi-6 amph-6[2], amphi-6, ampho-6 Happening in two stages. e.g. amphibiotic, amphidromous Abstract: Temporal Dynamics > Multi-stage
ana-2 ana-2 Again. e.g. anabaptist, anataxis, anastatic Abstract: Temporal Dynamics Again? 🔁
anci-[7] anci-[7] Ancient[7]. Abstract: Temporal Age New? < ⏪ Old
ante-1 ante-1 Prior to in time. example(s) from [4]: antebellum Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? < ⏪ Earlier
antico- antico- Old, antiquated. Abstract: Temporal Age New? < ⏪ Old
après- après- (informal) Used to describe an event, phenomenon, etc. that occurs after a specified activity; after-. Abstract: Temporal Order Stage > ⏩ Following
arch-5 arch-5, archa-5[2], arche-5[2], archi-5, archo-5 First; original. e.g. archangel, archdevil, archsin Abstract: Temporal Order Oldest? . ⏮ Earliest
archaeo- archae-, archaeo-, archaio-, archeo-, archæ-, archæo- Ancient; antediluvian; archaic; old; prehistoric; primitive. e.g. Simple Abstract: Temporal Age New? < ⏪ Old
cen- cen- Most recent common (e.g. most recent common ancestor). Abstract: Temporal Age Commonality Older? > ⏩ Recent
ceno- ceno- New, recent. Abstract: Temporal Age New? > ⏩ New
co-04 co-04 Simultaneously, done or able to do at the same time. e.g. cobirthing, cosexual, cocluster, coagglutination Abstract: Temporal Dynamics =
co-14 co-14 During the same time period as the root. e.g. coseasonal, coseismic, cotemporality Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? = = During
con-05 col-05, com-05, con-05, cor-05 Synchronous or simultaneous with the root. e.g. connascent, concreate, congeneration Abstract: Temporal Dynamics =
cross-09 cross-09 Involving two or more at the same time; coincident. e.g. crossbreak, crosspost, crosscurrent Abstract: Temporal Dynamics =
cycl-2 cycl-2, cyclo-2 Cycle, cyclical. example(s) from[4]: cyclosis, cyclops, tricycle Abstract: Temporal Dynamics 🔁 Cyclical
ed-1 ed-1 (non-productive) Again. e.g. regrowth Abstract: Temporal Dynamics Again? 🔁
eo- eo- Earliest, ancient. Abstract: Temporal Order Old? . ⏮ Earliest
epi-18 epi-18 After in time. e.g. epiclassical, epigenesis, Epipaleolithic Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? > ⏩ Following
eteo- eteo- (linguistics) An ancient or ancestral language (or form of a language), dating from a time before it came into contact with another language; particularly one which had considerable influence, or which later displaced it entirely. e.g. Eteocretan, Eteocypriot Abstract: Temporal Age Influence Older? < ⏪ Old
ever- ever- Always. Abstract: Temporal Dynamics Permanent
ex-3 ex-3 former. e.g. ex-husband, ex-president, ex-wife Abstract: Temporal Order Former < ⏪ Earlier
fore-01 fore-01 Before: the root is happening earlier in time. e.g. forebusy, forehear, forechosen Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? < ⏪ Earlier
fore-02 fore-02 The early stage of the root time period. e.g. foredawn, foreday, foreyear Abstract: Temporal Order Stage < ⏪ Earlier
fore-03 fore-03 Directly or immediately preceding in time. e.g. forebirth, foreking, forehammer Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? << ⏪ Earlier
fore-11 fore-11 Forward in temporal direction, anticipating. e.g. foredawn, foreglimpse, forecast Abstract: Temporal Order Past > ⏩ Forward
hetero-11 heter-11[4], hetero-11 Alternating. e.g. heterogamous, heteroclitic Abstract: Temporal Dynamics 🔀
inter-04 inter-04 A temporal position which is in between two (or more) of the kind of event indicated by the root. e.g. interlitter, intermonth, interoccurrence Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? = = Between
inter-05 inter-05 A temporal position which is in between two successive events of the kind indicated by the root. e.g. interday, interdiastolic, interpausal Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? = = Between
inter-14 inter-14 Intermittently: the root verb is done between or among temporal entities; also forming nouns and adjectives derived from the verb form. e.g. intermention Abstract: Temporal Dynamics 🔀
inter-16 inter-16 Alternating: a sequence of alternating kinds of the root. e.g. interlaminate, interplant, interbed Abstract: Temporal Dynamics 🔀
inter-22 inter-22 Spanning across multiple time periods indicated by the root. e.g. intergenerational, intersecular Abstract: Temporal Age Long? < ⏪ Older
inter-30 inter-30 Interlude: a time period or event which is intermediate between other time periods. The root indicates what the intermediate event is and not the surrounding periods. e.g. interpause, interact, intercadence Abstract: Temporal Order Stage = = During
inter-31 inter-31 Intermediate in time, between time periods indicated by the root. e.g. interlocution, interact, intercycle Abstract: Temporal Age New? = ⏺ Intermediate
intra-03 intra-03 During, within a time period. e.g. intraoperational, intradiurnal, intradecadal Abstract: Temporal Order Stage = = During
meso-10 mes-10, meso-10 The middle of a time period, or medium in duration. e.g. mesocenozoic, mesocratic, Mesolithic Abstract: Temporal Order Between = = Between
meta-02 met-02, meta-02 (botany and zoology) Later or subsequent. Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? > ⏩ Following
mid-1 mid-1 Denoting the middle part. e.g. mid-1930s, mid-30s, midlife Abstract: Temporal Order Stage = = During
mid-5 mid-5 During, in the middle of doing something. e.g. mid-jump Abstract: Temporal Order Stage = = During
neo- neo- New, recent. example(s) from[5]: neolithic, neoether Abstract: Temporal Age New? > ⏩ New
new- new- New, recent. Abstract: Temporal Age New? > ⏩ New
ob-5 ob-5, os-5 Before. e.g. obvention, observant Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? < ⏪ Earlier
or-3 or-3 (non-productive) From the outset; original. e.g. ort, orgulous Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? . ⏮ Earliest
ortho-11 orth-11, ortho-11 Original, primary. e.g. orthonasal Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? . ⏮ Earliest
oxysm- oxysm-, oxysmo- Sudden. e.g. paroxysm Abstract: Temporal Dynamics Temporary
paleo- palae-, palaeo-, pale-, paleo-, palæ-, palæo- Very old, prehistoric, ancient. very early, primitive, archaic. example(s) from[5]: paleolithic Abstract: Temporal Age New? < ⏪ Old
palin- pali-, palin- Again, repeated, recur. Abstract: Temporal Dynamics Again? 🔁 Repeat
peri-3 peri-3 during. e.g. peri-apocalyptic, apocalyptic, perinatal, natal Abstract: Temporal Order Stage = = During
perma- perma- Permanent. Abstract: Temporal Dynamics Permanent
post-1 post-1 after, later. example(s) from[5]: postfix, postpone, postscript Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? > ⏩ Following
pre-2 prae-2, pre-2, præ-2 Before; earlier in time; beforehand. example(s) from[5]: predict, prepare, preview, preschool, prewrite Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? < ⏪ Earlier
prepro- prepo-, prepro- Denoting a precursor. Abstract: Temporal Order Former < ⏪ Earlier
presby- presby-, presbyo- Elder, old. example(s) from[4]: presbyopia, presbycusis[11] Abstract: Temporal Age New? < ⏪ Old
prim-1 prim-1, prime-1 First, earliest. example(s) from[4]: primary Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? . ⏮ Earliest
pro-4 pro-4 earlier; prior. Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? < ⏪ Earlier
protero- protero- First, earliest, early. Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? . ⏮ Earliest
proto-2 prot-2, proto-2 Original, older. e.g. protograph, protolacteal, prototype, protoplasm Abstract: Temporal Age New? < ⏪ Old
re-1 re-1 Again. e.g. renew, recommit, reheat Abstract: Temporal Dynamics Again? 🔁
semper- semper- Always, unvarying. e.g. semperannual, sempergreen, semperjuvenescent Abstract: Temporal Dynamics Permanent
sen- sen- Old. Abstract: Temporal Age New? < ⏪ Old
syn-3 sy-3[4], syl-3, sym-3, syn-3, sys-3[4] Concomitant, at the same time. e.g. synesthesia Abstract: Temporal Dynamics =
synchro- synchro- At the same time, synchronous. Abstract: Temporal Dynamics = Synchronous
telo- telo- End, complete. Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? ⏭ Final
tempo- tempo- Tempo, time. Abstract: Temporal Dynamics
to-05 to-05 Current, the current form of the root time. Forming nouns. e.g. today, tonight, tosol Abstract: Temporal Order = ⏺ Current
to-06 to-06 On (this) time, which is a fixed point in time. Forming adverbs. e.g. today, tomorrow, tomorn Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? At
to-07 to-07 During the root time. Forming adverbs. e.g. today, tonight, toyear Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? = = During
to-09 to-09 At, at the root time. Forming an unfixed point in time, rather than a duration. e.g. tomorrow, tofall, together Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? At
ultima- ultima- Last, final. Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? ⏭ Final
ur- ur- Original, primitive, earliest. e.g. ur-ancestor, urlanguage Abstract: Temporal Order Age . ⏮ Earliest
y- a-08, i-1, y- Obsolete prefix used to form past participles. example(s) from[5]: yclad, yclept (both archaic words) Abstract: Temporal Order Past ⏪ Earlier
yester- yester- Yesterday, previous. Abstract: Temporal Order Sequential After? < ⏪ Earlier

Academic disciplines


Category description: Prefixes used to evoke or refer to an academic discipline either as a social institution (e.g. the scientific community) or as as set of methodological approaches (e.g. scientific methodologies). Subcategories:

  1. Health sciences: Prefixes used for the health sciences.
  2. Linguistics: Prefixes used for components and divisions of linguistics.
  3. Mathematical: Prefixes used for academic fields structured around formal logic and mathematical methodologies.
  4. Natural: Prefixes used for the natural sciences.
  5. Societal: Prefixes used for the social sciences and humanities, other than linguistics.
Prefixes categorized as Academic disciplines.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
anatomico- anatomico-, anatomo- Anatomy. Academic disciplines Health sciences
anthropo-2 anthro-2, anthrop-2, anthropo-2 Anthropology. e.g. anthropolinguistics, anthroposociological Academic disciplines Societal
arithmo- arithmo- Pertaining to numbers, arithmetic. Academic disciplines Mathematical
bio- bi-12, bio- Life. example(s) from[5]: biology, biotic Academic disciplines Natural
chemo- chem-, chemi-, chemico-, chemo- Chemicals, chemistry. example(s) from[4]: chemical, chemistry, chemotherapy Academic disciplines Natural
chrono- chron-, chrono- Time. Academic disciplines Natural
demo-2 demo-2 Population. e.g. demogenetics, demography, demology Academic disciplines Natural
demo-3 demo-3 Demography. e.g. demographer, demolinguistic, demoeconomic Academic disciplines Societal
digi-2 digi-2, digit-2[4] Digits: numbers. e.g. digitize Academic disciplines Mathematical
eco-1 eco-1 Habitat or environment. example(s) from[5]: ecosystem Academic disciplines Natural
eco-2 eco-2 Ecology. Academic disciplines Natural
econo- econo- Economics; economy. Academic disciplines Societal
enviro-1 enviro-1 Environment, environmental. Academic disciplines Natural
epi-03 epi-03 (biology) Relating to epigenetics. e.g. epichromosomal, epiclone, epigenome Academic disciplines Health sciences
epi-13 epi-13 (biology) Epidemiology. e.g. epizootic, epornitic Academic disciplines Health sciences
ethno- ethn-, ethno- Race, people, cultural group. Academic disciplines Societal
etho- etho- Ethics. Essential character and behaviour patterns. Academic disciplines Societal
geno-1 gen-1, geno-1 Genetics. e.g. genome Academic disciplines Health sciences
geo-2 geo-2 Geography. e.g. geopolitical, geolocation Academic disciplines Natural
grammatico- grammatico- Grammar. Academic disciplines Linguistics
historico- historico-, historio-, historios- History, historiography. Academic disciplines Societal
ideo- ideo- Idea, concept. example(s) from[5]: ideograph, ideology Academic disciplines Linguistics
info- info- Information. Academic disciplines Mathematical
lexi- lexi- Word, lexeme. Academic disciplines Linguistics
lexico- lexico- Words, speech. Academic disciplines Linguistics
linguo-2 ling-[4]2, lingua-[4]2, linguo-2 Language, linguistics. e.g. linguocultural, lingueme, linguonym Academic disciplines Societal
logico- logico- Logic. e.g. logico-linguistic, logicomathematical Academic disciplines Mathematical
logo- log-[4], logo- Words. e.g. logogram, logopathy, logorrhea Academic disciplines Linguistics
mathematico- mathematico- Mathematics, mathematical. Academic disciplines Mathematical
mechano- mechano- Mechanical. e.g. mechanostability, mechanosensation, mechanofusion Academic disciplines Natural
medico- medico- Medicine (“profession”); medical. Academic disciplines Health sciences
melo- melo- Melody. Academic disciplines Linguistics
metro-3 metr-3, metro-3 Measurement, the study of measurement. e.g. metrology, metromania Academic disciplines Mathematical
metro-4 metr-4, metro-4 (poetry) Meter. Academic disciplines Linguistics
nomen- nomen- Name. Academic disciplines Linguistics
nomino- nomino- (linguistics) The nominative case. Academic disciplines Linguistics
nomo-2 nom-2, nomo-2 Names. Academic disciplines Linguistics
numero- numero- Number, numbers. Academic disciplines Mathematical
nutri- nutri- Nutrition. Academic disciplines Health sciences
onomato- onomato- Name; word. Academic disciplines Linguistics
organo-2 organo-2 Organic. (chemistry) Organic chemistry. Academic disciplines Natural
ortho-14 orth-14, ortho-14 (medicine) Orthopaedics. e.g. orthogeriatrics, orthosurgeon, orthoroentgenography Academic disciplines Health sciences
pharmaco- pharma-, pharmac-[4], pharmaco- Pertaining to pharmaceuticals or pharmacology. e.g. pharmacokinetic, pharmacoenhancer Academic disciplines Health sciences
physi- phys-, physi- Nature; physical. Academic disciplines Natural
physico- physico- Physical, physics. Academic disciplines Natural
physio- physio- Nature, natural, physical. Physiology, physiotherapy. Academic disciplines Natural
politico- politico- Political, politics, political science. Academic disciplines Societal
psycho- psych-, psycho- Mind, brain, psychology. e.g. psychostimulant, psychoacoustics, psychosocial Academic disciplines Health sciences
racio- racio- Study of race/racism. e.g. raciolinguistics, raciology Academic disciplines Societal
scientifico- scientifico- Science; scientific. Academic disciplines Natural
semanto- semanto- Semantic. Academic disciplines Linguistics
semio- semio- Sign, symbol, signifier. Academic disciplines Linguistics
sexuo- sexuo- (rare) Of or concerning sexuality. e.g. sexuoerotic, sexuo-economic Academic disciplines Societal
socio- soci-, socio- Social, society, sociological. example(s) from[5]: sociopath Academic disciplines Societal
techno- techno- Pertaining to technology. Skill, craft. Academic disciplines Societal
tono-2 ton-2[4], tono-2 (linguistics) Relating to tone in linguistics. e.g. tonogenesis, tonomorpheme, tonomorphology Academic disciplines Linguistics

Body parts


Category description: Body parts, both macro (e.g. skeleto-) and micro (e.g. karyo-). Includes body parts of non-humans (e.g. gills). Includes bodily fluids such as blood. Note: anatomical terms of direction/location/movement are categorized under Abstract. Subcategories:

  1. Anatomical regions: Anatomical terms for areas of the body that are not a specific organ, muscle, etc. For example, appendages (e.g. wings, limbs, talis) are anatomical regions.
  2. Bodily fluids: Prefixes used to indicate bodily fluids in a healthy body. Fluids such as pus will be found under Pathological.
  3. Bones: Prefixes used to indicate bones. Not limited to human bones.
  4. Brain: Parts of brains.
  5. Cavities: Names for different kinds of cavities and depressions in organs and other parts of the body, such as chambers of the heart.
  6. Cellular: Prefixes for the parts of cells, such as cilia or organelles.
  7. Connective tissues: Names of connective tissues in bodies.
  8. Ears: Parts of ears
  9. Eyes: Parts of ears.
  10. Gametes: Prefixes for gametes (eggs, sperm).
  11. Integument: Prefixes for the integumentary system: skin, hair, scales, feathers, hooves, nails, etc.
  12. Intestines: Prefixes for divisions of the intestines. Alt-Sort: orders from duodenum (2) to rectum (8).
  13. Joints: Prefixes for joints (the connections between bones).
  14. Membranes: Prefixes for membranes of the body.
  15. Muscles: Prefixes for muscles.
  16. Nerves: Prefixes for nerves.
  17. Organ systems: Prefixes for organ systems, e.g. gastrointestinal system.
  18. Organs: Prefixes for organs, interpeted broadly (includes glands).
  19. Orifices: Prefixes for orifices.
  20. Teeth: Prefixes for teeth and their connections to the mouth.
  21. Tubes and ducts: Prefixes for tubes and ducts of bodies, including blood vessels.
Prefixes categorized as Body parts.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
abdomin- abdomin-, abdomino- The abdomen. example(s) from [4]: abdomen, abdominal Body parts Anatomical regions
acro-01 acr-01, acro-01, akro-01 The extremities: limbs, head, fingers, toes, etc. e.g. acroarthritis, acroasphyxia, acrodysplasia Body parts Anatomical regions
acromio- acromio- (anatomy) Acromion; the outermost point of the shoulder blade. Body parts Bones
adeno- aden-, adeno- Gland, or pertaining to the adenoid. example(s) from [4]: adenocarcinoma, adenology, adenotome, adenotyphus Body parts Organs
adipo- adip-, adipo- Adipose; fat. example(s) from [4]: adipocyte Body parts Connective tissues
adreno- adren-[4], adrenal-[2], adreno- Relating to the adrenal gland. example(s) from [4]: adrenal artery Body parts Organs
aedoe- aedoe- Genitalia. Body parts Organs
allanto-2 allant-2, allanto-2 Relating to allantois. Body parts Membranes
alveolo- alveol-, alveolo- Alveolar. Body parts Cavities
amelo- amelo- (anatomy) Involving tooth enamel. Body parts Teeth
amnio- amnio- The amnion around a foetus. example(s) from [4]: amniocentesis Body parts Membranes
amygdalo- amygdal-, amygdalo- Amygdala. Body parts Brain
angio- angi-, angio- Blood vessels, lymph vessels. example(s) from [4]: angiogram, angioplasty Body parts Tubes and ducts
ano- ano- (anatomy) Pertaining to the anus. Body parts Orifices
aorto- aort-, aortico-, aorto- The aorta. Body parts Tubes and ducts
apico-4 apic-4, apici-4[2], apico-4 (dentistry) Related to the root of a tooth. e.g. apicocoronal, apicoectomy Body parts Teeth
appendico- append-, appendic-, appendico- Appendix. Body parts Tubes and ducts
arteri- arteri-, arterio- (medicine) Artery. example(s) from [4]: arteriole, artery Body parts Tubes and ducts
arteriolo- arteriol-[2], arteriolo- Arteriole, small artery. Body parts Tubes and ducts
arthr-1 arthr-1, arthro-1 (biology) Joint. e.g. arthritis, arthroplasty, arthropod Body parts Joints
articul-[4] articul-[4] (anatomy) Joint[4]. example(s) from [4]: Articulation Body parts Joints
asco-[2] asc-[2], asci-[2], asco-[2] (biology) Ascus sac produced by ascomycete fungi[2]. Body parts Gametes
astragalo- astragalo- (anatomy) Pertaining to the astragalus, the anklebone. Body parts Bones
atlanto- atlant-, atlanto-, atlo- Atlas. The uppermost vertebra of the cervical spine. Body parts Bones
atrio- atri-[4], atrio- Atrium of the heart. example(s) from [4]: atrioventricular Body parts Cavities
aur- aur-, auro- (medicine) Ear. example(s) from [4]: Aural Body parts Organs
auriculo- auricu-[2], auriculo- The auricle of the heart, or the external ear. Body parts Ears
axillo-[4] axill-[4], axillo-[2] (anatomy) Armpit [4]. example(s) from [4]: Axilla Body parts Anatomical regions
axo- ax-[2], axio-, axo- Axis or axon. Body parts Nerves
balano- balan-[4], balano- The glans (penis or clitoris). example(s) from[4]: balanitis Body parts Organs
bili- bili-, bilio- Bile. example(s) from[4]: Cholemiacholaemia (UK) / cholemia (US), cholecystitis Body parts Bodily fluids
blenno- blenno- Mucus. Body parts Bodily fluids
blepharo- blephar-[4], blepharo- Eyelids. example(s) from[4]: blepharoplasty Body parts Integument
brachio- brachi-[4], brachio- Arms, branches. e.g. brachioplasty, brachiopod, brachiocephalic Body parts Anatomical regions
branchio- branchio- Gills. Body parts Organs
broncho- bronch-, bronchi-, bronchio-, broncho- (medicine) Bronchus, trachea, airways to the lungs. example(s) from[4]: bronchitis, bronchiolitis obliterans Body parts Tubes and ducts
bucco- bucc-[4], bucco- Cheeks. example(s) from[4]: buccolabial Body parts Anatomical regions
caeco- caeco-, ceco- (medicine) Cecum. Body parts Intestines
calcaneo- calcaneo- (anatomy) Calcaneus. Body parts Bones
canaliculo- canaliculo- (anatomy) Canaliculus (small passageway). Body parts Tubes and ducts
cantho- cantho- Canthus; corner of the eye. Body parts Eyes
capit- capit- Head. example(s) from[4]: capitation, decapitation Body parts Anatomical regions
cardi- cardi-, cardio- Heart. example(s) from[4]: cardiology Body parts Organs
carn- carn- Flesh. Body parts Connective tissues
carotico- carotico- (anatomy) Of or relating to the carotid artery. Body parts Tubes and ducts
carpo- carp-, carpo- Area around human wrist. example(s) from[4]: carpal, carpopedal spasm, metacarpal Body parts Anatomical regions
caudo-1 caudo-1 The tail. Body parts Anatomical regions
cephalo- cephal-, cephalo- (biology) Brain or head. example(s) from[4]: cephalalgy, hydrocephalus Body parts Anatomical regions
cerato- cerat-[4], cerato-[4], kerato- (medicine) Horned, horn-like. example(s) from[4]: Ceratoidceratoid Body parts Integument
cerebello- cerebell-[4], cerebello- Cerebellum. example(s) from[4]: cerebellum Body parts Brain
cerebro- cerebro- The brain. example(s) from[4]: cerebrology Body parts Brain
cervico- cervic-[4], cervici-, cervico- The cervix; neck. example(s) from[4]: cervical vertebrae, cervicodorsal Body parts Anatomical regions
chaeto- chaeto- Hair. Body parts Integument
cheilo- cheil-[4], cheilo- Lips. example(s) from[4]: angular cheilitis Body parts Anatomical regions
cheli- cheli- Claws. Body parts Integument
chiro-1 cheir-1, cheiro-1, chir-1, chiro-1 Hand. e.g. chiralgia, chiropatagium Body parts Anatomical regions
chlamydo- chlamydo- (biology) Denoting an outer covering (cortex) such as a rigid cell wall, or a frilled neck. e.g. chlamydia, chlamydospore, Chlamydosaurus, Chlamydoselachus Body parts Integument
cholangio- cholangio- (anatomy) Bile duct. Body parts Tubes and ducts
chole- chol-, chole- (medicine) Pertaining to bile or its production. Body parts Bodily fluids
cholecysto- cholecyst-[4], cholecysto- (medicine) Relating to the gall bladder. example(s) from[4]: cholecystectomy Body parts Organs
choledocho- choledoch-, choledocho- Common bile duct. Body parts Tubes and ducts
chondro-2 chondrio-2[4], chondro-2 (medicine) Cartilage. e.g. chondrodynia, chondroinductive, chondroprotein Body parts Connective tissues
chorio- chorio- The chorion. Body parts Membranes
chylo- chylo- (medicine) Chyle. Body parts Bodily fluids
cili-[4] cili-[4], cilio- (biology) Cilium. e.g. ciliogenesis, ciliopathy Body parts Cellular
cingulo- cingulo- (anatomy) Cingulum. Body parts Brain
cleido- cleido- Clavicle. Body parts Bones
cochleo- cochleo- Cochlea. Body parts Ears
coelo-2 cele-2, celo-2, coel-2, coelo-2, cœlo-2 (medicine) Abdominal cavity. Body parts Cavities
colliculo- colliculo- Pertaining to the inferior colliculus or superior colliculus. Body parts Brain
colo- colo-, colono-[4] The colon. Body parts Intestines
colp-[4] colp-[4], colpo- Vagina. example(s) from[4]: colposcopy Body parts Organs
condylo- condylo- (anatomy) Condyle. Body parts Bones
coraco- coraco- (anatomy) Coracoid process. Body parts Bones
cordi-[4] cord-[4], cordi-[4] (anatomy) Heart. [4]. example(s) from[4]: commotio cordis, Body parts Organs
coreo- coreo- Pupil of the eye. Body parts Eyes
corneo- corneo- (anatomy) Cornea. Body parts Eyes
corporo- corporo- Body. Body parts Anatomical regions
cortico- cortic-[4], cortico- Cortex, usually the adrenal cortex or the cerebral cortex. example(s) from[4]: corticosteroid Body parts Brain
cost- cost-, costo- Ribs. example(s) from[4]: costochondral Body parts Bones
cox-[4] cox-[4] (anatomy) The hips, hip joint[4]. example(s) from[4]: coxopodite Body parts Anatomical regions
cranio- crani-[4], cranio- Cranium. example(s) from[4]: craniology Body parts Brain
crico- crico- (anatomy) Of or pertaining to the cricoid cartilage. Body parts Connective tissues
cruro- cruro- (anatomy) Relating to a limb or a hiatus. Body parts Anatomical regions
cubito- cubito- Elbow. Body parts Anatomical regions
culdo- culdo- Cul-de-sac of Douglas, rectouterine pouch. Body parts Cavities
cutane- cutane- Skin. example(s) from[4]: Subcutaneous tissuesubcutaneous Body parts Integument
cysto- cyst-[4], cysti-[4], cysto- The bladder. example(s) from[4]: cystotomy Body parts Organs
cyto- cyt-, cyto- (biology) Cell. example(s) from[4]: cytokine, leukocyte, cytoplasm Body parts Cellular
dactyl- dactyl-, dactylo- Fingers or toes. Body parts Anatomical regions
dasy-1 dasy-1 Hairy. e.g. dasypygal Body parts Integument
dento- dent-[4], denti-, dento- Tooth or teeth. example(s) from[4]: dentifrice, dentist, dentition, dental Body parts Teeth
dermo- derm-, derma-, dermat-, dermato-, dermo- The skin. example(s) from[4]: dermatology, epidermis, hypodermic, xeroderma Body parts Integument
digi-1 digi-1, digit-1[4] Digits: fingers, toes. e.g. digitigrade, digitate Body parts Anatomical regions
ducto- ducto- (anatomy) Duct (any exocrine glandular duct); most often the mammary duct, bile duct, or tear duct. Body parts Tubes and ducts
duodeno- duoden-, duodeno- The duodenum. example(s) from[4]: duodenal atresia, duodenum Body parts Intestines
encephalo- encephal-, encephalo- The brain. example(s) from[4]: encephalogram Body parts Brain
endothelio- endothelio- Combining form of endothelium. Body parts Membranes
entero- enter-2, entero- Intestines. e.g. enterally, enterobacterial, enterogenesis Body parts Organs
epidermo- epidermo- Epidermal. epidermis; also, broadly, skin. Body parts Integument
epididymo- epididymo- Epididymis. Body parts Tubes and ducts
episio- episi-[4], episio- (medicine) Refers to the vulvar or perineal area in relation to the surgical procedures episiotomy, episiorrhaphy, or episioplasty. example(s) from[4]: episiotomy Body parts Anatomical regions
epithelio- epithelio- Epithelium, skin. Body parts Integument
esophago- esophag-, esophago-, oesophag-, oesophago- Esophagus. e.g. esophagogastroduodenoscopy, esophagobronchial Body parts Organs
ethmo- ethmo- Ethmoid bone. e.g. ethmocephaly, ethmoturbinate, ethmoidectomy Body parts Bones
facio- faci-, facio- The face. example(s) from[4]: facioplegic, facial Body parts Anatomical regions
fascio- fascio- (anatomy) Fascia. e.g. fasciocutaneous, fasciotomy Body parts Connective tissues
femoro- femoro- The femur. Body parts Bones
folliculo- folliculo- Follicule. Body parts Cavities
fovea- fovea- Small pit or depression in an organ; Fovea centralis. Body parts Cavities
galacto- galact-[4], galacto- Milk. example(s) from[4]: galactorrhea, galaxy Body parts Bodily fluids
gameto- gameto- Gametes (eggs and sperm). Body parts Gametes
gamo-2 gamo-2 Gametes. e.g. gamodeme, gamogenesis, gamophyte Body parts Gametes
ganglio- ganglio- Ganglion. Body parts Nerves
gastro-1 gastr-1, gastro-1 Stomach, gastric. example(s) from[4]: gastroenterology, gastropod Body parts Organs
genio- genio- Chin. Body parts Anatomical regions
genito- genito- Genitals. Body parts Organs
genu-[4] genu-[4] (anatomy) The knee[4]. example(s) from[4]: w:genu valgum Body parts Anatomical regions
gingivo- gingiv-[4], gingivo- The gums. example(s) from[4]: gingivitis Body parts Teeth
glio- gli-, glio- Glia. Body parts Nerves
glomerulo- glomerulo- (anatomy) Glomerulus. Body parts Tubes and ducts
glosso-1 gloss-1, glosso-2, glott-2, glotto-2 The tongue. e.g. glossopharyngeal, glossodynia Body parts Organs
gluteo- gluteo- The gluteus, buttocks. Body parts Muscles
gnatho- gnath-[4], gnatho- The jaw. example(s) from[4]: gnathodynamometer Body parts Anatomical regions
gon-2 gon-2, gono-2 Seed, semen[4]. e.g. gonocyst, gonarcus Body parts Gametes
gon-3 gon-3, gono-3 Knee. e.g. gonarthritis Body parts Anatomical regions
gonado- gonado- The gonads. Body parts Organs
haemangio- haemangio-, hemangi-[4], hemangio- Blood vessels. example(s) from[4]: hemangioma Body parts Tubes and ducts
haemo- haem-, haema-, haemat-, haemato-, haemo-, hem-, hema-[4], hemat-, hemato-, hemo-, hæm-, hæmat-, hæmato-, hæmo- Blood. example(s) from[4]: hematology, older form haematology Body parts Bodily fluids
hepato- hepat-, hepatic[4], hepatico-, hepato- The liver. example(s) from[4]: hepatology, hepatitis Body parts Organs
histo- hist-, histi-, histio-, histo- (biology) Tissue. example(s) from[4]: histology Body parts Cellular
hopl-2 hopl-2, hoplo-2 Hoof, hooves, hooved. Body parts Integument
humero- humer-[4], humero- (anatomy) Humerus. e.g. humerodorsal, humerocubital Body parts Bones
hyo- hyo- (anatomy) Hyoid bone. Body parts Bones
hypothalamo- hypothalamo- (anatomy) Hypothalamus. Body parts Brain
hystero- hyster-, hystero- The uterus. example(s) from[4]: hysterectomy, hysteria Body parts Organs
ile- ile-, ileo-, ilio- The ileum. example(s) from[4]: w:ileocecal valve Body parts Intestines
immuno- immuno- Immune system. Body parts Organ systems
incudo- incudo- (anatomy) Incus bone. Body parts Bones
inguino- inguino- The groin. Body parts Anatomical regions
intestino- intestino- Intestines. Body parts Organs
irid- iri-, irid-, irido-, iris-, irrido- The iris. example(s) from[4]: iridectomy Body parts Eyes
ischio- ischio- The ischium. example(s) from[4]: w:ischioanal fossa Body parts Bones
jejuno- jejuno- (medicine) The jejunum. Body parts Intestines
jugulo- jugulo- Jugular vein. Body parts Tubes and ducts
karyo- kary-, karyo- (biology) The nucleus. e.g. karyotype, karyomiton, karyoplasm Body parts Cellular
kerato- kerat-, kerato- (anatomy) Cornea.<[12]. example(s) from[4]: keratoscope Body parts Eyes
labio- labi-, labio- The lips. example(s) from[4]: labiodental Body parts Anatomical regions
lacto- lact-, lacti-[4], lacto- Milk. example(s) from[4]: lactation, lactose Body parts Bodily fluids
laparo- lapar-[4], laparo- The abdominal wall; operations through it. example(s) from[4]: laparotomy Body parts Muscles
laryngo- laryng-, laryngo- The larynx. e.g. laryngitis, laryngectomy Body parts Organs
leicitho- leicitho- Egg yolk. Body parts Membranes
lieno- lien-, lieno- The spleen. Body parts Organs
lign- lign-, ligno- Made of wood, wooden. e.g. lignivorous, lignification, lignicolous Body parts Integument
linguo-1 ling-[4]1, lingua-[4]1, linguo-1 Tongue. e.g. linguobuccal, linguodistal Body parts Organs
lipo- lip-, lipo- Fat. example(s) from[4]: liposuction Body parts Connective tissues
lobo- lobo- Lobe (brain or lungs). Body parts Anatomical regions
lumbo- lumb-[4], lumba-[4], lumbo- Lower back. example(s) from[4]: w:lumbar vertebrae Body parts Anatomical regions
luteo- luteo- (medicine) Corpus luteum. Body parts Organs
lympho- lymph-, lympho- Lymph. example(s) from[4]: lymphedema Body parts Bodily fluids
mammillo- mammill-[4], mammillo-[4] (anatomy) Nipple[4]. example(s) from[4]: mammillaplasty, mammillitis Body parts Orifices
mammo- mamm-, mammo- Breasts. example(s) from[4]: mammogram Body parts Anatomical regions
mandibulo- mandibulo- Mandible. Body parts Bones
manu-[4] manu-[4] (anatomy) Hand[4]. example(s) from[4]: manufacture Body parts Anatomical regions
mast-1 mast-1, masto-1 Breasts, nipples, udders, teats. example(s) from[4]: mastectomy Body parts Orifices
maxillo- maxillo- The jaw. Body parts Anatomical regions
meato- meato- (medicine) Meatus (opening). Body parts Orifices
membrano- membrano- Membrane. Body parts Membranes
meningo- mening-[4], meningo- The meninges. example(s) from[4]: meninges, meningitis Body parts Membranes
mento- mento- The chin. Body parts Anatomical regions
meso-06 mes-06, meso-06 (anatomy) Referring to the mesentery. e.g. mesoappendix, mesoduodenum, mesogastrium Body parts Membranes
metacarpo- metacarp-, metacarpo- Metacarpals. Body parts Bones
metatarso- metatars-, metatarso- Metatarsals. Body parts Bones
metro-2 metr-2, metro-2 (medicine) The uterus. example(s) from[4]: metrorrhagia Body parts Organs
muco- muci-, muco- Mucus. Body parts Bodily fluids
mucoso- mucoso- (medicine) Mucosal. referring to a mucosa (i.e., a mucous membrane). Body parts Membranes
musculo- muscul-[4], musculo- Muscle. example(s) from[4]: w:musculoskeletal system Body parts Muscles
myel- myel-, myelo- Bone marrow, spinal cord. example(s) from[4]: w:myelin sheath, myeloblast Body parts Bones
mylo- mylo- (anatomy) Of or pertaining to the molars. example(s) from[4]: w:mylohyoid nerve Body parts Teeth
myo- my-2, myo- Muscle. example(s) from[4]: myoblast Body parts Muscles
myringo- myring-, myringo- Eardrum. example(s) from[4]: myringotomy Body parts Membranes
myxo- myx-[4], myxo- Mucus. example(s) from[4]: myxoma Body parts Bodily fluids
naso- nas-[4], naso- The nose. example(s) from[4]: nasal Body parts Organs
nephro- nephr-, nephro- The kidneys. example(s) from[4]: nephrology Body parts Organs
nervo- nerv-[4], nervo- Nerve. example(s) from[4]: nerve, w:nervous system Body parts Nerves
neuro-1 neur-1, neuri-1[12], neuro-1 Nerves, nervous tissue, or the nervous system. e.g. neuropathy, neurospinal, neurodynamics Body parts Organ systems
noo- noo- The mind. Body parts Brain
occipito- occipit-, occipito- The occipital bone. Body parts Bones
oculo- ocul-[4], oculo- The eyes. example(s) from[4]: w:Oculist Body parts Organs
odonto- odont-[4], odonto- Teeth. example(s) from[4]: orthodontist Body parts Teeth
olivo- olivo- (anatomy) Olivary body. Body parts Brain
omento- omento- Omentum. Body parts Membranes
omo- om-[4], omo- The shoulder. example(s) from[4]: omoplate Body parts Anatomical regions
omphalo- omphal-, omphalo- The navel. example(s) from[4]: omphalotomy Body parts Anatomical regions
onych- onych-, onycho- Nails, claws. example(s) from[4]: onychophagy Body parts Integument
oo- oo-, oö- Egg. example(s) from[4]: oogenesis Body parts Gametes
oophor- oophor-, oophoro-[4] Ovary. The ovaries. example(s) from[4]: oophorectomy Body parts Organs
ophryo- ophry-, ophryo- The eyebrow. Body parts Anatomical regions
opthalmo- ophthalmo-, opthalm-[4] Of or relating to eyes. example(s) from[4]: ophthalmology Body parts Organs
orbito- orbito- (anatomy) Orbit. Body parts Cavities
orchi- orch-, orchi-, orchid-[4], orchido-, orchio-[4], orcho-[4] Testicles. example(s) from[4]: orchiectomy, orchidectomy Body parts Organs
organo-1 organo-1 (biology) Organs. Body parts Organs
oro-1 oro-1 The mouth. example(s) from[4]: oral Body parts Orifices
oscheo- oscheo- The scrotum. Body parts Anatomical regions
ossiculo- ossiculo- Ossicule. Body parts Bones
osteo- osse-[4], osseo-, ossi-, ost-[4], oste-[4], osteo- Bone, bones. example(s) from[4]: w:peripheral ossifying fibroma, osseous Body parts Bones
oto- ot-, oto- Ear. example(s) from[4]: otology Body parts Organs
ovario- ovari-[4], ovario- Ovaries. example(s) from[4]: ovariectomy Body parts Organs
ovo- ov-, ovi-, ovo-, ovulo- Egg. ovum. example(s) from[4]: ovogenesis Body parts Gametes
palato- palat-, palato- Palate, roof of mouth. Body parts Anatomical regions
palpebro- palpebr-[4], palpebro- Eyelid. example(s) from[4]: palpebra Body parts Integument
palyno- palyno- Pollen; palynology. Body parts Gametes
pancreato- pancreat-, pancreatico-, pancreato- Pancreas. Body parts Organs
papillo- papill-[4], papillo- Papilla, nipple. example(s) from[4]: papillitis Body parts Orifices
para-18 par-18, para-18 Affecting or concerning the lower body. e.g. paranesthesia, paraballism Body parts Anatomical regions
parieto- parieto- Pareital bone. Body parts Bones
patello- patello- Patella. Body parts Bones
pectoro- pector-, pectoro- Chest. example(s) from[4]: pectoralgia, pectoriloquy, pectorophony Body parts Anatomical regions
pedi- ped-[5], pedi- Foot, feet. e.g. pedal, pedestrian Body parts Anatomical regions
pedo-1 paedo-1', pedo-1', pædo-1' Feet. Body parts Anatomical regions
pelvi- pelv-[4], pelvi-, pelvo-[4] Pelvis. e.g. pelviureteric, pelviperineal, pelviperitonitis Body parts Anatomical regions
peno- peno- (anatomy) Penis. Body parts Organs
peo-[4] peo-[4] (medicine) Penis[4]. example(s) from[4]: w:Peotomy Body parts Organs
perineo- perineo-, peritone- Perineum. Body parts Anatomical regions
perone- perone- Fibula. Body parts Bones
phallo- phall-[4], phallo- Penis. example(s) from[4]: w:Aphallia Body parts Organs
pharyngo- pharyng-[4], pharyngo- Pharynx. example(s) from[4]: pharyngitis, pharyngoscopy Body parts Tubes and ducts
phimo- phimo- Muzzle. Body parts Anatomical regions
phlebo- phleb-[4], phlebo- Veins. example(s) from[4]: phlebography, phlebotomy Body parts Tubes and ducts
phreno-1 phren-1, phreni-1, phrenic-1[4], phrenico-1, phreno-1 Mind. e.g. phrenology, aphrenia, phrenopathy Body parts Brain
phreno-2 phren-2, phreni-2, phrenic-2[4], phrenico-2, phreno-2 Diaphragm. e.g. phrenocostal, phrenoplegia, phrenospasm Body parts Muscles
phyllo- phyllo- Leaves. example(s) from[4]: w:phyllodes tumour, phyllotaxis Body parts Organs
physo- physo- Air, gas, particularly in an organism (e.g. air sac). e.g. physograde, physogastry, physometra Body parts Bodily fluids
pilo- pilo- Hair. Body parts Integument
pinealo- pineal-, pinealo- Pineal gland. Body parts Brain
pinni-1 pinni-1 Wings. Body parts Anatomical regions
pinni-2 pinni-2 Feathers. Body parts Integument
pituitaro- pituitaro- Pituitary gland. Body parts Brain
placento- placento- Placenta. Body parts Organs
planto- planto- Sole of the foot. Body parts Anatomical regions
plasto-1 plasto-1 Plastid. Body parts Cellular
pleuro-1 pleur-1[4], pleuro-1 (anatomy) The pleurae. e.g. pleurogenic, pleuropericarditis Body parts Membranes
pneumo-1[4] pne-1[4], pneum-1, pneumo-1, pneumon-1, pneumono-1 Lungs. example(s) from[4]: apnea, pneumatology, pneumonocyte, pneumonia Body parts Organs
podo- pod-, podo- Feet. example(s) from[5]: podiatrist Body parts Anatomical regions
pogono- pogono- Beard. Body parts Integument
polio-2 poli-2, polio-2 Grey matter of the nervous system. example(s) from[4]: poliomyelitis Body parts Organ systems
poro- por-[4], poro- Pores. e.g. porocalyx, porotaxy, poroscopy Body parts Cavities
porto- porto- Portal vein. Body parts Tubes and ducts
procto- proct-, procto- Rectum. example(s) from[4]: proctology Body parts Intestines
prosopo- prosop-, prosopo- The face. example(s) from[4]: prosopagnosia Body parts Anatomical regions
ptero-1 pter-1, ptero-1, ptery-1[4] Wing. e.g. Pterosaur, pterophorid, pterochorous Body parts Anatomical regions
ptero-2 pter-2, ptero-2, ptery-2[4] Feather. e.g. pterography, pterophyte Body parts Integument
pterygo-1 pteryg-1, pterygo-1 Relating to the wing, or fin. e.g. pterygoblast, pterygobranchiate Body parts Anatomical regions
pterygo-3 pteryg-3, pterygo-3 Pterygoid. Of, pertaining to or lying in the region of the inferior part of the sphenoid bone of the vertebrate skull. e.g. pterygomalar Body parts Bones
ptilo-1 ptilo-1 Feather, down. Body parts Integument
ptyalo- ptyalo- Saliva. Body parts Bodily fluids
pubo- pubo- Pubis. Body parts Bones
pulmo-[4] pulmo-[4], pulmon-, pulmono- Lungs. example(s) from[4]: pulmonary Body parts Organs
pyelo- pyel-[4], pyelo- (anatomy) Renal pelvis. example(s) from[4]: pyelonephritis Body parts Tubes and ducts
pygo- pygo- Buttocks. Body parts Anatomical regions
pyloro- pylor-[4], pyloro- Pylorus. Gate[4]. example(s) from[4]: w:pyloric sphincter Body parts Orifices
rachi- rachi-, rhachi-[4], rhachio-[4] The spine. example(s) from[4]: rachial, rachialgia, rachidian, rachiopathy Body parts Bones
radiculo- radic-[4], radiculo- The root of a nerve. example(s) from[4]: radiculopathy Body parts Nerves
radio-3 radi-3, radio-3 (anatomy) Radius (bone). e.g. radiobicipital, radioneuritis Body parts Bones
recto- rect-, recto- The rectum. e.g. rectoabdominal, rectosacral, rectophobia Body parts Intestines
reno- ren-[4], reni-, reno- The kidneys. Body parts Organs
retino- retino- The retina. Body parts Eyes
rhino- rhin-, rhino- The nose. example(s) from[4]: rhinoceros, rhinoplasty Body parts Organs
rhizo- rhiz-, rhizo- Roots. Body parts Organs
rhyncho- rhyncho- Beak, snout. Body parts Anatomical regions
rubr-[4] rubr-[4], rubro- (medicine) The red nucleus of the brain[4]. example(s) from[4]: rubrospinal Body parts Brain
sacculo- sacculo- (anatomy) Sacculus. e.g. sacculocochlear, sacculoutricular, sacculolagenar Body parts Ears
sacro- sacr-, sacro- Sacrum. Body parts Bones
salpingo- salping-, salpingo- Fallopian tubes. example(s) from[4]: salpingectomy, w:salpingopharyngeus muscle Body parts Organs
sangui- sangui-, sanguine-[4] Blood. e.g. sanguivorous, sanguify Body parts Bodily fluids
sarco- sarc-, sarco- Flesh. example(s) from[4]: sarcoma, sarcoidosis Body parts Connective tissues
scapulo- scapul-[4], scapula-, scapulo- (anatomy) Scapula. example(s) from[4]: scapulothoracic, w:facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy Body parts Bones
sclero-2 scler-[4]2, sclero-2 (anatomy) Sclera. e.g. scleroplasty, scleromalacia Body parts Eyes
scroto- scroto- Relating to the scrotum. Body parts Anatomical regions
sebo- sebace-, sebo- Sebum. Body parts Bodily fluids
semin- semin- Semen, seed. Body parts Gametes
sero- sero- Serum; presence in blood. Body parts Bodily fluids
sialo- sial-, sialo- Saliva. example(s) from[4]: sialagogue Body parts Bodily fluids
sigmoido- sigmoid-, sigmoido- Sigmoid colon. example(s) from[4]: w:sigmoid colon Body parts Intestines
sinuso- sino-, sinus-[4], sinuso- Sinus. example(s) from[4]: sinusitis Body parts Cavities
skeleto- skeleto- Skeleton. Body parts Bones
somato- somat-[4], somatico-[4], somato- The body. Bodily[4]. example(s) from[4]: somatic Body parts Anatomical regions
spermato- sperma-[4], spermato-, spermo- Sperm, semen. example(s) from[4]: spermatogenesis Body parts Gametes
sphinctero- sphinctero- Sphincter. Body parts Muscles
spino- spino- Spine, vertebra. Body parts Bones
splanchno- splanchn-[4], splanchni-[4], splanchno- The viscera. example(s) from[4]: splanchnology Body parts Organs
spleno- splen-[4], spleno- Spleen. example(s) from[4]: splenectomy Body parts Organs
spondylo- spondyl-, spondylo- The spine. example(s) from[4]: spondylitis Body parts Bones
sporo- spor-, spori-, sporo- Spores. Body parts Gametes
staped- staped- Stapes in ear. Body parts Ears
staphylo-2 staphylo-2 The uvula. Body parts Organs
steato- steato- Fat. Body parts Connective tissues
sterno- stern-, sterno- Sternum. Body parts Bones
stetho- steth-, stetho- The chest. example(s) from[4]: stethoscope Body parts Anatomical regions
stomato- stom-[4], stomat-[4], stomato- Mouth; opening. example(s) from[4]: stomatogastric, w:stomatognathic system Body parts Orifices
striato- striato- (anatomy) Striatum. Body parts Brain
stylo-2 stylo-2 (medicine) Styloid process. Body parts Bones
sudo- sudo- Sweat. Body parts Bodily fluids
sympatho- sympatho- (anatomy) Sympathetic nervous system. Body parts Organ systems
synapto-1 synapto-1 (anatomy) Synapse. Body parts Nerves
syndesmo- syndesmo- Connective tissue. Body parts Connective tissues
synovo- synovo- Synovia. Body parts Bodily fluids
talo- talo- (anatomy) Talus. Body parts Bones
tars- tars- (anatomy) Of or relating to the tarsus. Body parts Bones
tarso- tarso- Ankle, foot. Body parts Anatomical regions
temporo- temporo- (anatomy) Temporal; temples . Body parts Brain
teno- tendo-, teno- Tendon. Body parts Connective tissues
testiculo- testiculo- Testicle. Body parts Organs
testo- testo- The testes. Body parts Organs
thalamo- thalamo-, thalmo- (anatomy) Thalamus. Body parts Brain
thel-[4] thel-[4] (medicine) Nipple, teat[4]. example(s) from[4]: w:Theleplasty, thelarche Body parts Orifices
thoraco- thora-, thorac-[4], thoraci-[4], thoracico-[4], thoraco-, thorato- The thorax. Chest. example(s) from[4]: thoracic spine, thorax Body parts Anatomical regions
thymo- thymo- (medicine) The thymus. Body parts Organs
thyro- thyr-, thyreo-, thyro- Thyroid. e.g. thyroblast, thyrotomy, thyropharyngeal Body parts Organs
tibio- tibio- Tibia. Body parts Bones
tonsillo- tonsillo- Tonsil. Body parts Organs
trachelo- trachel-, trachelo- The neck. example(s) from[4]: Tracheloplasty Body parts Anatomical regions
tracheo- trache-[4], trachea-[4], tracheo- The trachea. example(s) from[4]: w:Tracheotomy Body parts Tubes and ducts
tricho-1 trich-1[4], trich-1[4], trichi-1[4], trichia-1[4], tricho-1 Hair. example(s) from[4]: w:Trichocyst Body parts Integument
tympano- tympan-, tympano- The eardrum. example(s) from[4]: w:Tympanocentesis, w:Tensor tympani Body parts Ears
ulno- ulno- The ulna bone. Body parts Bones
ulvu- ulvu- Uvula. Body parts Organs
umbilic- umbilic-, umbilico- Umbilical cord, navel. e.g. umbilicoplacental, umbilicoplasty Body parts Anatomical regions
ungui-[4] ungui-[4], unguo- Nail, claw. example(s) from[4]: unguiform, ungual Body parts Integument
urano-2 urano-2 (anatomy) Palate. Body parts Anatomical regions
uretero- uretero-, ureto- (anatomy) Ureter. Body parts Tubes and ducts
urethr- urethr-, urethro- (anatomy) Urethra. Body parts Orifices
urino- ur-, urin-[4], urino-, uro-1 Pertaining to urine and the urinary system. example(s) from[4]: antidiuretic, diuresis, diuretic, dysuria, enuresis, polyurea, polyuria, uraemia/uremia, uremic, ureter, urethra, urology Body parts Organ systems
uro-2 uro- Tail. Body parts Anatomical regions
utero- uter-[4], utero- (anatomy) Uterus. e.g. uteroabdominal, uteralgia Body parts Organs
utriculo- utriculo- (anatomy) utricle. Body parts Ears
uveo- uveo- Uvea, the middle layer of the eye. Body parts Eyes
uvul- uvul-, uvulo- Uvula. Body parts Organs
vagino- vagin-, vagino- Pertaining to the vagina. example(s) from[4]: w:vaginal epithelium Body parts Organs
vago- vago- (medicine) Pertaining to the vagus nerve. Body parts Nerves
varico- varic-, varico- (medicine) Varicose vein. example(s) from[4]: varicose, w:esophageal varices Body parts Tubes and ducts
vas- vas- Vas deferens. Body parts Tubes and ducts
vasculo- vasculo- Vessels, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels. e.g. vasculometabolic, vasculopathy Body parts Tubes and ducts
vaso- vaso- Vessel; (medicine) blood vessels, blood pressure. example(s) from[4]: vasoconstriction Body parts Tubes and ducts
velo-2 velo-2 (anatomy) Velum. Body parts Brain
ven- ven-, veni-, veno- (medicine) Vein. example(s) from[4]: venule, venospasm Body parts Tubes and ducts
ventriculo- ventricul-[4], ventriculo- (medicine) Ventricle. example(s) from[4]: w:cardiac ventriculography, w:atrioventricular node Body parts Cavities
vertebro- vertebro- Vertebra. Body parts Bones
vesico- vesic-[4], vesico- (medicine) Bladder. example(s) from[4]: w:vesical arteries Body parts Organs
vestibulo- vestibulo- The ear, balance, vestibular system. Body parts Organ systems
viscero- viscer-[4], viscero- (medicine) The viscera, organs. example(s) from[4]: viscera Body parts Organs
vitello- vitello- Egg yolk. Body parts Membranes
vitro-2 vitreo-2 (anatomy) Vitreous body of the eye. e.g. vitreopapillary, vitreoretinopathy Body parts Eyes
vulvo- vulvo- Pertaining to the vulva. Body parts Anatomical regions
zygomatico- zygomatico- (anatomy) Zygomatic. Body parts Bones

Body processes


Category description: The dynamics of bodies: e.g. sleep, pregnancy, olfaction. Sensory information (e.g. colour, temperature) are categorized under "Colours, shapes and textures" and "Physical properties". Entries here must be applicable to species other than humans. Bodily processes that are human-specific go under "Human acitvities". Subcategories:

  1. Bodily needs and functions: Basic physiological needs and functions, such as sleep and eating.
  2. Cellular processes: Cellular processes, such as mitosis and meiosis.
  3. Emotion: Affective states brought on by neurophysiological changes in the body.
  4. Pathological: Terms that involve pathologies (e.g. emeto for vomit, emesis).
  5. Reproduction: Prefixes concerning reproduction in a physiological sense; human sexual behaviour (e.g. sado-) is under Human Activities.
  6. Sensory: Prefixes concerning the neurophysiological element of sensory perception. Sensory information such as specific colours are under "Colours, shapes and textures" and "Physical properties".
Prefixes categorized as Body processes.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
abio- abio- Without life. e.g. abiotrophy, abiogenesis, abiosis Body processes Pathological
acou- acou-[4], acous-[2], acouso-[2], acoust-[2], acousto- Sound. example(s) from [4]: acoumeter, acoustician, hyperacusis Body processes Sensory
aculo-[2] acule-[2], aculo-[2], acumin-[2], acuti-[2], acuto-[2] (biology) Sting, stinging; thorn, spike[2]. Body processes Sensory
aesthesio- aesthesi-[2], aesthesio-, esthesi-, esthesio- Pertaining to sensation or perception. example(s) from [4]: esthesioneuroblastoma, esthesia Body processes Sensory
algo-[2] alg-[2], alge-[4], alges-[2], algesi-[4], algesio-[8], algi-[2], algio-[2], algo- Pain. Nociception[2]. example(s) from [4]: analgesic Body processes Sensory
allo-02 allo-02 (immunology) Alloimmunity; transplantation of cells or tissues from one person to another. e.g. alloresponse, alloreaction, alloresponsive Body processes Cellular processes
allo-15 allo-15 (ethology) Alloparenting: parenting behaviours between animals who are biologically parent and child. e.g. allosuck, allocare, allofather Body processes Reproduction
amor- amor- Love, liking. Body processes Emotion
amplexi-2[2] amplexi-2[2] (biology) Amplexus mating. Body processes Reproduction
ankylo-3 anchyl-3[2], anchylo-3[2], ancyl-3[4], ancylo-3[2], ankyl-3, ankylo-3 Stiff in movement. e.g. ankylotic, ankyloglossia Body processes Pathological
anti-7 ant-7, anti-7 (immunology) Reacting with immunoglobins found in the specified animal. e.g. antirabbit, antihorse Body processes Cellular processes
anxio- anxio- Anxiety. Body processes Emotion
astheno- asthen-[2], astheno- (anatomy) Asthenia; weakness. Body processes Pathological
athero- ather-, athero- (medicine) Arterial conditions that are characterised by gruel-like lesions. example(s) from [4]: atherosclerosis Body processes Pathological
aud- aud- Hearing, listening. Body processes Sensory
audio- audio- Pertaining to sound, audio. Body processes Sensory
blasto- blast-, blasto- Bud, budding, germination. example(s) from[4]: blastomere Body processes Reproduction
burs-[4] burs-[4], burso-[4] (medicine) bursa [4]. example(s) from[4]: w:Synovial bursabursa, bursitis Body processes Pathological
carcin-[4] carcin-[4], carcino- Cancer. example(s) from[4]: carcinoma Body processes Pathological
carcinomato- carcinomato- Carcinoma. Body processes Pathological
cario- cario- Dental caries. Body processes Pathological
coagulo- coagulo- Blood coagulation. Body processes Pathological
copr- copr-, copro- Excrement, dung. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
cryo-2 cry-2[4], cryo-2 The perception of cold. e.g. cryalgesia Body processes Sensory
dipso- dipso- Thirst. Body processes Sensory
dolor- dolor-, doloro- Pain. Body processes Sensory
dys-03 dis-4, dys-03 unhealthy, harmful. e.g. dysaemia, dyscognitive Body processes Pathological
dys-04 dis-4, dys-04 painful. e.g. dysejaculation, dysuria Body processes Pathological
dys-10 dis-4, dys-10 (pathology) malady, disease. e.g. dysendocrinism, dysexecutive, dysautonomia, dysbarism Body processes Pathological
echo- echo- Sonic, sound. Body processes Sensory
edemato- edem-, edemato- Edema, swelling. Body processes Pathological
embolo- embol-, embolo- Embolism. Body processes Pathological
emeto- emeto- Vomit; emesis. Body processes Pathological
eroto- eroto- Sexual desire. e.g. erotogenic, erotophobe, erotopathy Body processes Emotion
erythemato- erythemato- Erythema. Body processes Pathological
estro- estr-1, estro- Estrus (oestrus). Body processes Reproduction
excito- excito- Excitation of a stimulus. e.g. excitosecretory, excitoreflex, excitorepellent Body processes Bodily needs and functions
febri- febri- Fever. Body processes Pathological
fibromato- fibromato- (medicine) Fibroma. Body processes Pathological
flato- flato- Flatulence. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
gesto- gestero-, gesto- Pregnancy. Body processes Reproduction
gon-1 gon-1, gono-1 Sexual reproduction. e.g. gonochoric Body processes Reproduction
granulomato- granulomato- (medicine) Granuloma. Body processes Pathological
gravid- gravid-, gravido- Pregnancy. Body processes Reproduction
halluc-[4] halluc-[4] To wander in the mind[4]. example(s) from[4]: hallucinosis, hallucination Body processes Pathological
hernio- hernio- Hernia. Body processes Pathological
herpet-2 herpet-2, herpeto-2 Herpes. Body processes Pathological
hypno- hypn-, hypno- Sleep. hypnosis. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
ichthyo-2 ichthy-2, ichthyo-2 (medicine) Scaly, dry skin. Body processes Pathological
ictero- ictero- Jaundice. Body processes Pathological
lepro- lepro- Leprosy. Body processes Pathological
malario- malario- Malaria. Body processes Pathological
meno-2 men-[4]2, meno-2 Menses, menstruation. example(s) from[4]: menopause, menorrhagia Body processes Reproduction
meta-06 met-06, meta-06 (biochemistry) Relating to metabolism. Body processes Cellular processes
miso- miso- Hatred. Body processes Emotion
mito-2 mit-2, mito-2 (biology) Mitosis. Body processes Cellular processes
mnemo- mnemo- Memory. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
moto-2 moto-2 (biology) Motor; movement. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
narco-1 narc-1[4], narco-1 Stupor, sleep. example(s) from[4]: narcolepsy Body processes Bodily needs and functions
nevo- nevo- (medicine) Nevus skin lesion. Body processes Pathological
noci- noci- Pain, harm. example(s) from[4]: nociception Body processes Sensory
noso- noso- Disease. Body processes Pathological
obstetro- obstetro- Obstetrics; pregnancy and birth. Body processes Reproduction
odyno- odyn-[4], odyno- Pain. example(s) from[4]: stomatodynia Body processes Pathological
olfacto- olfacto- Smell. Body processes Sensory
onco- onco- Tumour, cancer. example(s) from[4]: oncology Body processes Pathological
oneiro- oneir-, oneiro- Dreaming. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
optic- optic-, optico-[4] Vision. example(s) from[4]: opticochemical Body processes Sensory
opto- opto- Optical. Body processes Sensory
osmo- osmo- Osmosis. Body processes Cellular processes
osphresio- osphresio- Olfaction, to smell. Body processes Sensory
papulo- papul-[4], papulo- Papule. example(s) from[4]: papulation Body processes Pathological
parasito- parasito- Parasite. Body processes Pathological
parthen- parthen-, partheno- Parthenogenesis, without fertilization. Body processes Reproduction
patho- path-, patho- Disease, pathology. example(s) from[4]: w:Pathology Body processes Pathological
pero- pero- Congenital absence of a body part. Body processes Pathological
phago- phagist-[4], phago- Eating, feeding, consuming. e.g. phagocytosis, phagophobia, phagokinesis Body processes Bodily needs and functions
phil- phil-, philo- Liking, loving. e.g. philathletic, phillumeny, philhippic Body processes Emotion
phob- phob-, phobo- Fear. Body processes Emotion
phono- phon-, phono- Sound. example(s) from[4]: phonograph, symphony Body processes Sensory
polypo- polypo- Polyp. Body processes Pathological
prurito- prurito- Itching. Body processes Pathological
psor-[4] psor-[4] (medicine) Itching[4]. example(s) from[4]: psoriasis Body processes Pathological
psychoto- psychoto- Psychosis. Body processes Pathological
psychro-1 psychro-1 The perception of cold. e.g. psychrophobia, psychrotolerance, psychrotherapy Body processes Sensory
punct- punct- Puncturing, pricking points. e.g. punctiform, pyropuncture, acupuncture Body processes Pathological
pyo- py-, pyo- Pus. example(s) from[4]: pyometra Body processes Pathological
pyreto- pyr-2, pyreto-, pyrexo-, pyro-2 Fever. e.g. pyrotherapy, pyrogen Body processes Pathological
rage- rage- (slang) Anger, angering. Body processes Emotion
rept- rept- Crawl, creep (as a form of locomotion). Body processes Bodily needs and functions
respiro- respiro- Breathing. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
rheumato- rheumato- Watery flow. Body processes Pathological
sapro- sapr-, sapro- Putrid, rotten matter. example(s) from[4]: saprogenic Body processes Pathological
scato- scato- Excrement, feces. e.g. scatophagy Body processes Bodily needs and functions
schizo-2 schiz-2 , schizo-2 Schizophrenia. e.g. schizoaffective, schizosexual Body processes Pathological
somno- somn-, somn-[4], somni-, somno- Sleep. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
sono-2 sono-2 The perception of sound. e.g. sonophobia, sonosensitizer, sonotaxis Body processes Sensory
spasmo- spasmo- Spasm. example(s) from[4]: w:Spasmodic dysphonia Body processes Pathological
spec- spec- Look, see. Body processes Sensory
sphygm- sphygm-, sphygmo- (medicine) Pulse, pulsation (of blood delivered by the beating heart). Body processes Bodily needs and functions
spiro-2 spiro-2 (medicine) Breathing. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
stereo-2 stereo-2 Relating to the binocular contribution to three-dimensional vision. e.g. stereopsis, stereoblind Body processes Sensory
syphilo- syphilo- Syphilis. Body processes Pathological
syringo-2 syringo-2 (medicine) Fistula. Body processes Pathological
terato- terato- Monstrous, abnormal, deformed. example(s) from[4]: teratoma, teratogen Body processes Pathological
thrombo- thromb-, thrombo- Blood clotting. example(s) from[4]: thrombus, thrombocytopenia Body processes Pathological
thym-[4] thym-[4] (medicine) Emotions[4]. example(s) from[4]: dysthymia Body processes Sensory
toco- toco-, toko- Childbirth, reproduction. example(s) from[4]: tocolytic, dystocia Body processes Reproduction
tono-1 ton-1[4], tono-1 (medicine) Tonus: muscle tone, or tension in an organ. e.g. tonography, myotonometer, hypotonia Body processes Bodily needs and functions
tono-3 ton-3[4], tono-3 Acoustic pitch or musical tone. e.g. tonoscope, tonotopic, tonotopy Body processes Sensory
toxi- tox-, toxi-, toxic-[4], toxico-, toxo- Toxic, poison. example(s) from[4]: w:Toxoplasmosis, w:Toxidrome Body processes Pathological
tropho- tropho- Nutrients, food. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
typhl- typhl-, typhlo- Blindness. Body processes Pathological
ulcero- ulcero- Ulcer. Body processes Pathological
ulo- ulo- Scar. Body processes Pathological
uric- uric- Urinary condition. Body processes Pathological
venero- venero- Sexual contact, venereal. Body processes Pathological
ventilo- ventilo- To aerate, oxygenate. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
vesiculo- vesiculo- Blister. Body processes Pathological
viri- viri-, viro- Virus. Body processes Pathological
visuo- visuo- Vision, sight. Body processes Sensory
vivi- vivi-, vivo- Living, alive. e.g. vivisection Body processes Bodily needs and functions
vol- vol- Will, volition. Body processes Bodily needs and functions
ze-[4] ze-[4] (medicine) Boil[4]. example(s) from[4]: eczema Body processes Pathological

Celestial bodies and their rotations


Category description: Names of specific bodies in our solar system, celestial bodies generally, and periods of time (which are generally based on celestial movement). Subcategories:

  1. General: Terms for generalized celestial bodies, such as stars.
  2. Solar system: Members of our solar system. Alt-Sort: order from the Sun (0) to Kuiper Belt (9).
  3. Time periods: Prefixes used to indicate a time period, generally based on the movement of the Earth relative to other celestial bodies (sun, moon, etc). Alt-Sort: approximate number of days in each time period.
Prefixes categorized as Celestial bodies and their rotations.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
annu- ann-, annu- Annual, yearly. Celestial bodies and their rotations Time periods
areo- areo- The planet Mars. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
aster-1 aster- Stars. Celestial bodies and their rotations General
astro- astr-, astro- Star. celestial body. example(s) from[5]: astrobiology, astrology, astronomy Celestial bodies and their rotations General
cosmo- cosmo- The universe, cosmos, world. Celestial bodies and their rotations General
crono- crono- The planet Saturn. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
cythero- cythero- (astronomy) Relating to Venus. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
geo-1 geo-1 Earth. example(s) from[5]: geography, geology, geometry Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
hadeo- hadeo- (astronomy) Pluto. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
helio- heli-, helio- Sun. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
hemero-[9] hemero-[9] Day[9]. Celestial bodies and their rotations Time periods
hermeo- hermeo-, hermo- (astronomy) Mercury. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
jovi- jovi- Relating to the planet Jupiter. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
luni- luni- Moon. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
meno-1 men-[4]1, meno-1 Month, monthly. e.g. menology Celestial bodies and their rotations Time periods
mercuri- mercuri- Relating to the planet Mercury. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
neptuni- neptuni- Relating to the planet Neptune. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
noct- noct- The night. Celestial bodies and their rotations Time periods
nyct-1 nyct-1, nycto-1 The night. Celestial bodies and their rotations Time periods
planeto- planeto- Used to form astronomical terms related to planets. Celestial bodies and their rotations General
poseido- poseido- Neptune. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
quarter-3 quarter-3 Three-month term. Celestial bodies and their rotations Time periods
selen- selen-, seleno-1 The Moon. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
sidero-1 sidero-1 Of stars and constellations. Celestial bodies and their rotations General
stello- stello- Star. celestial body. Celestial bodies and their rotations General
telluro-1 telluro-1 Earth. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
urano-1 urano-1 Uranus. Also used for the heavens more broadly. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system
zeno- zeno- Jupiter. Celestial bodies and their rotations Solar system

Chemical substances


Category description: Names for chemical elements, compounds, and mixtures. Includes biochemical and pharmacological substances. Note: chemical prefixes for quantity (e.g. tri-) and composition (e.g. trans-) are categorized as Abstract. Does not include atomic-level or subatomic-level particles (e.g. electrons). Subcategories:

  1. Acids: Prefixes for acids.
  2. Biochemistry: Prefixes used to indicate biochemical substances or biochemical reactions.
  3. Compounds: Prefixes not otherwise categorized that are used to indicate common chemical compounds.
  4. Derivatives: Prefixes used to indicate chemical derivatives.
  5. Elements: Prefixes for the elements of the periodic table. Alt-Sort: atomic number.
  6. Foods: Prefixes not otherwise categorized that are used for food chemistry.
  7. Forms: Prefixes used to indicate composition in forming chemical names.
  8. Functional groups: Prefixes for functional groups.
  9. Materials: Prefixes for materials such as glass, plastic, etc. Note that materials made out specific body parts of living organisms, such as wood or leaves, will be categorized under Body Parts.
  10. Pharmacological: Prefixes used to indicate pharmacological moieties, derivatives, etc.
  11. Radicals: Prefixes for free radicals in organic chemistry. Unbound (non-free) radicals are subcategorized as Functional Groups.
  12. Substituents: Prefixes used to indicate a chemical substitution.
Prefixes categorized as Chemical substances.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
aceto- acet-, aceto- Methyl group bonded to a carboxyl group. Chemical substances Radicals
aci-[2] aci-[2] (chemistry) The acid of a tautomeric compound[2]. Chemical substances Acids
acrylo- acrylo- Acrylic. e.g. e.g acrylonitrile, acryloyl Chemical substances Materials
alco- alco- Alcohol. Chemical substances Functional groups
aldo- aldo- Aldehyde. Chemical substances Functional groups
aleuro- aleuro- Wheat flour. e.g. aleurometer, aleurone Chemical substances Foods
alk- alk- (chemistry) Used to form classification names for classes of organic compounds which contain a carbon skeleton but no aromatic rings. See e.g. alkyl, alkane. Chemical substances Forms
alkal-[2] alkal-[2], alkali-[2] (chemistry) Alkali, alkaline[2]. Chemical substances Functional groups
alumino- aluminio-, alumino- Aluminum. e.g. aluminography, aluminosilicate Chemical substances Elements
amid-[2] amid-[2], amido-[2], (chemistry) Containing an amino group -NH2)[2],. Chemical substances Functional groups
amino- amin-[2], amino- Amines. Chemical substances Functional groups
ammonio- ammonio- Ammonium. Chemical substances Compounds
amylo- amyl-, amylo- Starch. example(s) from [4]: amylase, amylophagia Chemical substances Biochemistry
anhydro- anhydro- (chemistry) Having had water removed. Chemical substances Derivatives
anteiso- anteiso- (chemistry) (of an aliphatic compound, especially a fatty acid) Having a branch on the antepenultimate carbon atom of a chain. Chemical substances Acids
anthra- anthra- (chemistry) Derivatives of anthracene. Chemical substances Derivatives
anthraco- anthrac-, anthraco- Coal, charcoal. Chemical substances Materials
apo-03 ap-03, aph-03[2], apo-03 (biochemistry) Lacking a metallic unit. e.g. apoglobin, apomyoglobin, apometalloprotein Chemical substances Forms
aqua- aqua-, aque-, aqui- Water. Chemical substances Compounds
ar- ar- (chemistry) organic compounds that contain a carbon skeleton and one or more aromatic rings. Chemical substances Forms
arabino- arabino- Derived from arabinose. Chemical substances Derivatives
arabo-[2] arab-[2], arabo-[2] (biology) Gum arabic[2]. Chemical substances Biochemistry
argento- argento- Silver. e.g. argentic, argentiferous Chemical substances Elements
argo- argo- Argon. e.g. argonium, argoxonium Chemical substances Elements
argyr- argyr-, argyro- Silver. e.g. argyrose, argyric Chemical substances Elements
arseno- arseno- Arsenic. e.g. arsenous, arsonium Chemical substances Elements
arte- arte- (pharmacology) Used to form names of artemisinin-related compounds used as antimalarial agents. Chemical substances Pharmacological
astat- astat- Astatine. e.g. astatane, astatide Chemical substances Elements
atrop- atrop-, atropo- (chemistry) Atropisomer. Chemical substances Forms
auri- aur-, auri-, auro- Gold. e.g. aurous, aurochloride Chemical substances Elements
aza- aza- (chemistry) Used to form names of organic compounds where an atom is replaced by a nitrogen atom. Chemical substances Substituents
azido- azido- (chemistry) Having an azide group (N-=N+=N-)as a substituent. Based on an azo compound (-N=N-). Chemical substances Substituents
azo- az-, azo-, azoto-[4] (chemistry) Nitrogen. e.g. azobenzene, azophilic Chemical substances Elements
bario- bario- (mineralology) Used to form the names of minerals in which an element has been replaced by barium. Chemical substances Substituents
baryto-1 baryto-1 Containing baryta. Chemical substances Derivatives
baryto-2 baryto-2 Relating to barium. e.g. barytocalcite Chemical substances Elements
benoz- benz-, benzo- (chemistry) Benzene, six-carbon aromatic ring. Chemical substances Functional groups
beryl- beryl- Beryllium. e.g. beryllide, beryllocene Chemical substances Elements
bismuto- bismuto- (mineralology) Used to name minerals in which an element of another mineral is replaced by bismuth. Chemical substances Elements
bora- bora- (chemistry) Describing any compound in which a carbon atom (or a >CH group) has been replaced by one of boron. Chemical substances Substituents
boro- boro- Boron. Chemical substances Elements
bromo- brom-, bromo- (chemistry) Bromine. Chemical substances Elements
but- but- (chemistry) Denotes the presence of four carbon atoms in the parent chain when forming names of organic compounds. Chemical substances Forms
butyro- butyro- (chemistry) Butyric substance. Chemical substances Derivatives
cadmi- cadmi- Cadmium. e.g. cadmic, cadmiferous Chemical substances Elements
calci- calc-, calci-, calcio-, calco- Calcium. Chemical substances Elements
capno-1 capno-1 Carbon dioxide. Chemical substances Compounds
carbo- carb-, carbo- (chemistry) Carbon. Chemical substances Elements
cef- cef- (pharmacology) Used to form names of cefalosporanic acid derivative used as antibiotics. Chemical substances Pharmacological
cer- cer- Cerium. e.g. cerate, cerous Chemical substances Elements
cero- cero- Wax. e.g. cerotype, ceroma, ceraceous Chemical substances Materials
chalco- chalco- Copper, brass. ore. Chemical substances Elements
chloro-2 chlor-2, chloro-2 (chemistry) Chlorine. e.g. chloracetamide, chlorocalcite Chemical substances Elements
chloroformyl- chloroformyl- (chemistry) Molecule containing a chloroformyl group which consists of a formyl group (-CO-H, also called aldehyde), in which the hydrogen is substituted by a chlorine atom (-CO-Cl). Also called acyl chloride. Chemical substances Substituents
chondro-1 chondrio-1[4], chondro-1 Grains. e.g. chondrometer Chemical substances Foods
chromo-2 chromo-2 Chromium. Chemical substances Elements
co-18 co-18 (biochemistry) Referring to coenzymes. e.g. coglucosidase, coprotease, codehydrogenase Chemical substances Biochemistry
co-19 co-19 (organic chemistry) Referring to copolymers. e.g. codimer, copolypeptide, comonomer Chemical substances Forms
cobalti- cobalti- (chemistry) Cobaltic. Chemical substances Elements
cobalto- cobalto- (chemistry) Cobaltous. Chemical substances Elements
cort- cort- (pharmacology) Used to form names of corticosteroids except prednisolone derivatives. Chemical substances Pharmacological
crystallo- crystallo- Crystal. e.g. crystallogeny, crystallometry Chemical substances Materials
cupro- cupr-, cupro- Copper. Chemical substances Elements
cyan-2 cyan-2, cyano-2 (chemistry) Derived from cyanogen, cyanide. e.g. cyanamide, cyanic acid Chemical substances Derivatives
cycl-3 cycl-23, cyclo-3 (chemistry) Cyclic compound. example(s) from[4]: cyclosis, cyclops, tricycle Chemical substances Forms
dehydro- dehydro- (chemistry) Used to form the names of compounds that have lost one or more hydrogen atoms, especially those that have lost even numbers of hydrogen atoms to form double bonds. Chemical substances Forms
deoxy- deoxy-, desoxy- (chemistry) Compounds that are formally derived from others by the replacement of a hydroxy group by a hydrogen atom. Chemical substances Derivatives
diamido- diamido- (chemistry) Diamine. Chemical substances Forms
dichloro- dichlor-, dichloro- (chemistry) Two chlorine atoms. Chemical substances Forms
dihydro- dihydro- (chemistry) Two hydrogen atoms. Chemical substances Forms
dil- dil- (pharmacology) Used to form names of vasodilators. Chemical substances Pharmacological
dilitha- dilitha- Having two lithium atoms replace hydrogen atoms in an organic compound. Chemical substances Substituents
dilithio- dilithio- (chemistry) Having two lithium atoms replace hydrogen atoms in an organic compound. Chemical substances Substituents
dimethylimidazol- dimethylimidazol- (chemistry) Dimethylimidazole, within a larger chemical formula. Chemical substances Substituents
dinitro- dinitro- (chemistry) Two nitro groups (-NO2). Chemical substances Forms
eleo-1 eleo-1 Oil. Chemical substances Biochemistry
epi-07 epi-07 (chemistry) Denotes an epimeric form. e.g. epicedrol, epicholesterol, epitestosterone Chemical substances Forms
epoxy- epoxy- (chemistry) Based on an epoxide. Chemical substances Functional groups
es- es- (pharmacology) Used to form names of drugs with a chiral center in the S configuration. Chemical substances Pharmacological
estr-2 estr-2 (pharmacology) Used to form names of estrogens. Chemical substances Pharmacological
eth- eth- (chemistry) Two carbon atoms. Chemical substances Forms
europ- europ- Europium. e.g. europian, europoan Chemical substances Elements
ferro- ferr-, ferri-, ferro-, ferroso- Iron (element). (chemistry) ferrous. Chemical substances Elements
fibrino- fibrino- Fibrin. Chemical substances Biochemistry
fibro- fibr-[4], fibro- Fibre. example(s) from[4]: fibril, fibrin, w:fibrinous pericarditis, fibroblast, fibrosis Chemical substances Biochemistry
fluoro- fluo-, fluor-, fluori-, fluoro- Fluorine. Fluorescence. Chemical substances Elements
formo- form-, formo- Formic acid. Chemical substances Acids
fos- fos- Phosphorous. Chemical substances Elements
fructo- fructo- Fructose. Chemical substances Biochemistry
gab- gab- (pharmacology) Gabamimetic agent. Chemical substances Pharmacological
gall- gall- Gallium. e.g. gallane, gallylene Chemical substances Elements
gelatino- gelatino- Gelatine. Chemical substances Biochemistry
german- german- Germanium. e.g. germanol, germylene Chemical substances Elements
gest- gest- (pharmacology) Steroid, progestrogen. Chemical substances Pharmacological
glucurono- glucurono- (chemistry) Relating to glucuronic acid. Chemical substances Acids
gluta- gluta-, glutar- Glutamic acid. Chemical substances Acids
gly- gly- (pharmacology) Antihyperglycemic. Chemical substances Pharmacological
glycero- glycero- Glycerol. Chemical substances Biochemistry
glyco- glyc-[4], glyco- Sugar. example(s) from[4]: glycolysis Chemical substances Biochemistry
guan- guan- (pharmacology) Guanidine. Chemical substances Pharmacological
hafn- hafn- Hafnium. e.g. hafnian, hafnocene dichloride Chemical substances Elements
halo-2 halo-2 (chemistry) Halogens. Chemical substances Elements
heli-2 heli-2 Helium. e.g. disodium helide Chemical substances Elements
hormono- hormono- Hormones. Chemical substances Biochemistry
hydro-1 hydr-1, hydro-1 Water. e.g. hydrate, hydroelectricity Chemical substances Compounds
hydro-2 hydr-2, hydro-2 (chemistry) Hydrogen. e.g. hydrocarbon, hydrazide Chemical substances Elements
hydroxy- hydroxy- (chemistry) Hydroxyl. Chemical substances Derivatives
igneo-1 igneo-1 (geology) Igneous. e.g. ignimbrite, ignimbritic, tectono-igneous cycle Chemical substances Materials
imido- imid-, imido- (chemistry) Imide. Chemical substances Functional groups
indi- indi- Indium. e.g. indic, indite Chemical substances Elements
io- io-, iod-, iodo- Iodine. Chemical substances Elements
iridico- iridico- (chemistry) Iridic. Chemical substances Elements
iridio- iridio- (chemistry) Iridium. Chemical substances Elements
isoindol- isoindol- (chemistry) Isoindole derivative. Chemical substances Derivatives
kal-[4] kal-[4] Potassium[4]. example(s) from[4]: hyperkalemia Chemical substances Elements
keto- keto- Ketone. Chemical substances Functional groups
krypto- krypto- Krypton. e.g. kryptonate Chemical substances Elements
litha- litha- (chemistry) Having a lithium atom replace hydrogen in an organic compound. Chemical substances Substituents
lithio- lithio- Lithium. Chemical substances Elements
magnesio- magnesio- Pertaining to magnesium. Chemical substances Elements
malto- malto- (chemistry) Maltose. Chemical substances Biochemistry
mangan- mangan-, mangano-1 Manganese. Chemical substances Elements
mangani- mangani- Manganic. Chemical substances Elements
mangano-2 mangano-2 Manganous. Chemical substances Elements
manno- manno- Mannose. Chemical substances Biochemistry
mar- mar- (metallurgy) Relating to the production of martensite grains in steel. Chemical substances Materials
mercapto- mercapto- An organosulfur compound that contains a carbon-bonded sulfhydryl or sulphydryl. Chemical substances Radicals
mercurico-1 mercurico-1 Mercury. Chemical substances Elements
mercurico-2 mercurico-2 (chemistry) Mercuric. Chemical substances Elements
meso-13 mes-13, meso-13 (chemistry) Designating an achiral member of a group of diastereoisomers that has at least one chiral member. e.g. mesotartaric acid, mesolytic Chemical substances Forms
meta-10 met-10, meta-10 (geology) Modified by metamorphosis; analogies and derivatives of metamorphism. Chemical substances Materials
metho- meth-, metho- (chemistry) Methyl. Chemical substances Functional groups
methoxy- methoxy- (chemistry) The univalent radical CH3-O- derived from methanol. Chemical substances Derivatives
methyl- methyl- (chemistry) Used to form terms describing the attachment of a methyl group. Chemical substances Substituents
mito-3 mit-3, mito-3 (pharmacology) Used to form names of nucleotoxic agents used as antineoplastics. Chemical substances Pharmacological
molyb- molyb- Molybdenum. e.g. molybdenite, molybdian Chemical substances Elements
nab- nab- (pharmacology) Cannabinoid receptor agonist. Chemical substances Pharmacological
nal- nal- (pharmacology) Opiod receptor agonist. Chemical substances Pharmacological
naphtho- naphtho- (chemistry) Napthalene. Chemical substances Compounds
narco-2 narc-2[4], narco-2 Narcotics. e.g. narcotherapy, narcoterrorism Chemical substances Pharmacological
natro- natr-, natro- Sodium. Chemical substances Elements
nifur- nifur- (pharmacology) 5-nitrofuran. Chemical substances Pharmacological
niob- niob- Niobium, Columbium. e.g. niobic, niobous Chemical substances Elements
nitro- nitr-, nitro- Nitrogen. Chemical substances Elements
oeno- eno-, oeno-, œno- Wine. e.g. oenochemistry, oenometer, oenocyte Chemical substances Foods
oleo-1 oleo-1 Oil. Chemical substances Biochemistry
opsono- opsono- Opsonin. Chemical substances Biochemistry
ortho-09 orth-09, ortho-09 (chemistry) Having an extra proportion of water. e.g. orthophosphate, orthosilicate, orthoferrite Chemical substances Substituents
ortho-16 orth-16, ortho-16 (geology) Igneous. e.g. orthogneiss, paragneiss, orthocumulate Chemical substances Materials
osmio- osmio- (chemistry) Osmium. Chemical substances Elements
oxa- oxa- (chemistry) Used to name compounds in which a carbon atom (typically a methylene group) has been replaced by one of oxygen. Chemical substances Substituents
oxalo- oxal-, oxalo- (chemistry) Derived from, or related to oxalic acid. Containing the radical -CO-COOH derived from oxalic acid by removal of a hydroxyl. Chemical substances Derivatives
oxaza- oxaza- (chemistry) Used to name compounds in which two carbon atoms have been replaced by one of oxygen and one of nitrogen. Chemical substances Substituents
oxo-1 ox-1, oxi-, oxo-1, oxy-2 Oxygen. e.g. oxophilic, oxofluoride, oxygenated Chemical substances Elements
oxo-2 ox-2, oxo-2 (chemistry) Having a methylene group replaced by a carbonyl group. example(s) from[4]: Chemical substances Substituents
pallado- palladio-, pallado- (chemistry) Palladium. Chemical substances Elements
peg- peg- (biochemistry) Used to form names of PEGylated molecules. Chemical substances Forms
perfluoro- perfluoro- (chemistry) Used to describe any compound or group in which every hydrogen atom has been replaced by fluorine. Chemical substances Substituents
peroxy- peroxy- (chemistry) Used to name compounds containing the divalent peroxy -O-O- radical. Chemical substances Radicals
petro- petro- Rocks. Petrol, fossil fuels. Chemical substances Materials
pheno-2 phen-2, pheno-1 Benzene. Chemical substances Functional groups
phospha- phospha- (chemistry) Indicating that phosphorus substitutes for another atom in the molecule name it prefixes. Chemical substances Substituents
phospho- phosph-, phospho-, phosphoro- Phosphorous. Chemical substances Elements
plasto-2 plasto-2 Plastic. Chemical substances Materials
platini- platini-, platino- (chemistry) Platinic, Platinum. Chemical substances Elements
platinoso- platinoso- (chemistry) Platinous. Chemical substances Elements
plumbo- plumb-, plumbo- Lead. Chemical substances Elements
pluto-2 pluto-2 Plutonium. Chemical substances Elements
pol- pol- Polonium. e.g. polane, polonide Chemical substances Elements
poly-2 poly-2 polymer. e.g. polyacetal, polyethene, polyether Chemical substances Forms
polydeoxy- polydeoxy- Various polymers of deoxynucleotides and their derivatives. Chemical substances Derivatives
polydeoxyribo- polydeoxyribo- Used to form various polymers of deoxyribonucleotides and their derivatives. Chemical substances Derivatives
polyribo- polyribo- Forming the names of polyribonucleotides and derived words. Chemical substances Derivatives
potassio- potassio- Potassium. Chemical substances Elements
pred- pred- (pharmacology) Prednisolone. Chemical substances Pharmacological
pristanoyl- pristanoyl- (chemistry) Pristanic acid. Chemical substances Acids
prop- prop- (chemistry) Three carbon atoms. Chemical substances Forms
proteo- proteo- Protein. Chemical substances Biochemistry
pyro-3 pyr-3, pyro-3 (chemistry) Orthoacid. e.g. pyrocarbonate Chemical substances Acids
pyrrolidino- pyrrolidino- (chemistry) Containing a pyrrolidine ring. Chemical substances Radicals
rhamno- rhamno- Rhamnose. Chemical substances Biochemistry
rhod-2 rhod-2 Rhodium. e.g. rhodate, rhodocene Chemical substances Elements
ribo- ribo- Set of 3 CHOH molecules, ribose. Chemical substances Forms
rifa- rifa- (pharmacology) Used to form names of rifamycin derivatives used as antibiotics. Chemical substances Pharmacological
rubid- rubid- Rubidium. e.g. rubidic, rubidide Chemical substances Elements
ruthenio- ruthenio-, rutheno- Ruthenium. Chemical substances Elements
saccharo- saccharo- Sugar. Chemical substances Biochemistry
sal- sal- (pharmacology) Salicylic acid. Chemical substances Pharmacological
salazo- salazo- (pharmacology) Phenylazosalicylic acid. Chemical substances Pharmacological
sapo- sapo-, sapon- Soap. Chemical substances Materials
scandio- scandio-, scando- Scandium. e.g. scandiobabingtonite, scandocene Chemical substances Elements
schisto-2 schist-[4]2, schisto-2 (geology) Schist, shale. e.g. schistous, schistaceous Chemical substances Materials
scopol- scopol- (pharmacology) Indicating elements obtained from Scopolia japonica. Chemical substances Pharmacological
selenio- selenio-, seleno-2 Selenium. Chemical substances Elements
sidero-3 sidero-3 Iron. Chemical substances Elements
silici- silici- Silex; silica. Chemical substances Materials
silico- silico- Silicon. Chemical substances Elements
sito- sito- Food, especially grain. e.g. sitosterol, sitosterone; example(s) from[4]: sitophobia Chemical substances Foods
sodio- sodio- (chemistry) Compound of sodium. Chemical substances Elements
stanno- stann-, stanno- Tin. Chemical substances Elements
stannoso- stannoso- (chemistry) Denoting relation to, or connection with, certain stannous compounds. Chemical substances Derivatives
stibo- stib-, stibio-, stibo- (chemistry) Antimony. Chemical substances Elements
stronti- stronti- Strontium. e.g. strontianite, strontiofluorite Chemical substances Elements
succin- succin- Relating to or derived from succinic acid. Chemical substances Derivatives
succo- succo- Juice. e.g. succose, succotash Chemical substances Foods
sucr- sucr-, sucro- Sugar. Chemical substances Biochemistry
sulfa- sulfa-, sulpha- (pharmacology) Used to form names of sulfonamides used as antiinfectives. Chemical substances Pharmacological
sulfo-1 sulf-1, sulfo-1, sulph-1, sulpho-1 Sulfur. Chemical substances Elements
sulfo-2 sulf-2, sulfo-2, sulph-1, sulpho-1 Sulfonic acid. Chemical substances Acids
sulfonio- sulfonio-, sulphonio- (chemistry) Sulfur onium. Chemical substances Compounds
sulphureo- sulphureo- (obsolete) Used as a combining form to indicate sulphureous and some other property. Chemical substances Forms
tanta- tanta- Tantalum. e.g. tantalate, tantalous Chemical substances Elements
tartro- tartro- (chemistry) Tartar. Chemical substances Compounds
technet- technet- Technetium. e.g. technetic, pertechnetate Chemical substances Elements
tellur- tellur-, telluri-, telluro-2 Tellurium. Chemical substances Elements
terb- terb- Terbium. e.g. terbia, terbic Chemical substances Elements
thall- thall- Thallium. e.g. thallane, thallous Chemical substances Elements
thia- thia- Used to form the names of chemical compounds containing sulfur, especially where a sulfur atom replaces an oxygen atom in an analogous compound. Chemical substances Substituents
thio- thi-, thio- Sulfur. Containing sulfur. Chemical substances Elements
thori- thori- Thorium. e.g. thorian, thoric Chemical substances Elements
titano-1 titano-1 Titanium. e.g. titanomagnetite, titanosilicate Chemical substances Elements
trihydro- trihydro- (chemistry) Three hydrogen atoms. Chemical substances Forms
trop- trop- (pharmacology) Used to form names of atropine derivatives. Chemical substances Pharmacological
tungsto- tungsto- Tungsten. Chemical substances Elements
tyro- tyro- Cheese. e.g. tyrosine, tyrotoxin, tyromancy Chemical substances Foods
uran- uran- (chemistry) Uranite. e.g. uranite, uranitic Chemical substances Elements
uranoso- uranoso- (chemistry) Uranous. Chemical substances Elements
ureido- ureido- (chemistry) Ureylene. Containing the univalent radical NH2CONH–. Chemical substances Radicals
ureo- ure-, ureo- Urea. Chemical substances Biochemistry
vanad- vanad- Vanadium. e.g. vanadocene, vanadyl Chemical substances Elements
vin- vin- (pharmacology) Vinca alkaloids. Chemical substances Pharmacological
vitreo-1 vitreo-1 Glass. e.g. vitreography, vitrine Chemical substances Materials
xen-2 xen-2 Xenon. e.g. xenic acid, xenonium Chemical substances Elements
xylo- xyl-, xylo- Wood, wooden. e.g. xylophone, xylohexaose Chemical substances Materials
yttro- yttro- Yttrium. Chemical substances Elements
zinco- zinco- Pertaining to zinc. Chemical substances Elements
zirco- zirco- Zirconium. Chemical substances Elements
zym- zym-, zymo- Enzymes, fermentation. example(s) from[4]: enzyme, lysozyme Chemical substances Biochemistry

Colours, shapes, and textures


Category description: Prefixes used for specific colours, shapes, textures, and sounds. These are forms of sensory information that have a stronger psychocultural element to them than those in the category "Physical properties". For example, while there are wavelengths that correspond to certain colours, some colours (e.g. magenta) do not have associated wavelengths as they are created neuropsychologically. The sensory processes of colour vision, haptic information, etc is under Body Processes. Subcategories:

  1. Shapes: Prefixes used to describe various geometric shapes. Primarily used for naming organisms.
    1. Boxy: Prefixes for shapes that are boxy - like a cube, square, prism, rectangle, rhombus, etc.
    2. Conical: Prefixes for shapes that are roughly conical, or bowl-shaped.
    3. Cross: Prefixes for shapes like a cross or X; linear with a cross-beam.
    4. Curly: Prefixes for shapes that are spirals, twisted, coiled, helical, etc.
    5. Filiform: Prefixes that are like a hair or string.
    6. Round: Prefixes for shapes that are like spheres, circles, disks, rings, etc.
    7. Spiky: Prefixes for shapes that star-like or otherwise spiky.
    8. Cylindrical: Prefixes for shapes that are cylindrical, tubular, rod-like, or phallic.
    9. Yonic: Prefixes for shapes that have an elliptic shape, but have tapering on the ends (e.g. fusiform), so are not properly Round.
    10. Branching: Prefixes for shapes that have a branching structure, like a feather or leaf.
    11. Bumpy: Prefixes for shapes that have rounded bumps rather than sharp spikes (see: Spiky).
  2. Sounds: Prefixes for specific sounds (e.g. a thud), rather than the concept of sound, acoustics, or the auditory sensory system.
  3. Textures: Prefixes for textures.
Prefixes categorized as Colours, shapes, and textures.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
a-15 a-15 Empty syllable added to songs, poetry, verse and other speech. e.g. A-tisket a-tasket Colours, shapes, and textures Sounds
acanth- acanth-, acantho- With thorns, spikes. example(s) from [4]: acanthion, acanthocyte, acanthoma, acanthulus Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Spiky
acicul-[2] acicul-[2] Needle, needlelike[2]. Needle-shaped. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical
acro-05 acr-05, acro-05, akro-05 Pointed in shape. e.g. acrocephalic, Acronicta, acrocranial Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Conical
actino-1 actin-1, actino-1 (biology) Ray, ray-shaped. e.g. actinolite, actinomycete Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical
acu-1 acu-1 Sharp. Colours, shapes, and textures Textures Sharp
albo- alb-, alba-, albi-[2], albin-[8], albino-, albo-, albu-[2] White. example(s) from [4]: albino, tunica albica Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 1 - White
allanto-1 allant-1, allanto-1 Sausage-shaped. (anatomy). Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical
amethyst-[2] amethyst-[2] (biology) Lavender, purple[2]. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 9 - Purple
amphor-[2] amphor-[2] (biology) Shaped like an urn[2]. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Round
ampulla-[2] ampulla-[2] (biology) Bladder, flask[2]. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Round
annulo- annulo- (anatomy) Relating to an annulus (ring). Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Round
antiprismo- antiprismo- (chemistry) Eight atoms bound into a rectangular antiprism. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Boxy
apico-1 apic-1, apici-1[2], apico-1 Having a shape that has a tip, point, or apex; apical, pointy. e.g. apicoplast, w:Apicophilicity, w:Homophoberia apicosa Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Spiky
aster-2 aster- Star-shaped. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Spiky
capill-1[4] capill-1[4] Shaped like hair. example(s) from[4]: capillus Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Filiform
caudo-2 caudo-2 Tail-shaped. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical
chloro-1 chlor-1, chloro-1 Green. e.g. chlorosis, chlorophyll, chlorella Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 4 - Green
choano- choan-, choano- Funnel. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Conical
chrys- chrys-, chryso- Yellow. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 3 - Yellow
cirrh-[4] cirrh-[4], cirrho- Orange. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 2 - Orange
cirro- cirro- A tuft, curl, or tendril. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Curly
clostr-[4] clostr-[4] (anatomy) Spindle, spindle-shaped[4]. example(s) from[4]: Clostridium Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Yonic
conico- conico- Somewhat resembling a cone. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Conical
cono- cono- Of or pertaining to a cone. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Conical
cornu-[4] cornu-[4] (anatomy) Horn-shaped, horn-like[4]. example(s) from[4]: greater cornu Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Curly
coron- coron-, corona-, corono- Crown, crown-shaped. example(s) from[4]: coronary heart disease Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Spiky
cross-01 cross-01 Shaped like a cross or X; crossing lines. e.g. crossbody, crossbuck, cross-stitch Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cross
cteno- cteno- Comb, comb-shaped. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Branching
cyan-1 cyan-1, cyano-1 Dark blue-green in color. example(s) from[4]: cyanopsia, cyanosis Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 5 - Teal
cycl-1 cycl-1, cyclo-1 Circle. example(s) from[4]: cyclosis, cyclops, tricycle Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Round
disco- disco-, disko- Disc-shaped. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Round
dura-[4] dura-[4] Hard[4]. example(s) from[4]: dura mater Colours, shapes, and textures Textures 4 - Hard
echino- echino- Spiny. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Spiky
eosin- eosin-, eosino- Red. example(s) from[4]: w:eosinophil granulocyte Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 1 - Red
erythro- erythr-, erythro- Red. example(s) from[4]: erythrocyte Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 1 - Red
fil-[4] fil-[4] (anatomy) Fine, hair-like[4]. example(s) from[4]: filament, filum terminale Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Filiform
flavo- flavo- Yellow. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 3 - Yellow
glauco- glauc-[4], glauco- Grey, silver. example(s) from[4]: glaucoma Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 2 - Grey
gyro- gyro- Circle, circular, spinning, rotating. example(s) from[5]: gyrocopter, gyroscope, gyrosphere Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Round
helico- helico- Helix, spiral. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Curly
hexahedro- hexahedro- (chemistry) Eight atoms bound into a hexahedron (cube). Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Boxy
hyalo- hyalo- Transparent. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 0 - Transparent
igneo-2 igneo-2 The colour of fire, red. e.g. w:Igneoplaca, w:Madascincus igneocaudatus, w:Igneocumulus Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 1 - Red
infundibulo- infundibulo- (anatomy) Infundibulum. Funnel-shaped cavity or organ. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Conical
jaundo- jaundo- Yellow, jaundiced. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 3 - Yellow
ker- ka-, ker- Onomatopoeic term for a thud. Colours, shapes, and textures Sounds Onomatopoeia
kymo- kymo- Wave, waveform. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Curly
leio- lei-[4], leio- Smooth. example(s) from[4]: leiomyoma Colours, shapes, and textures Textures 1 - Smooth
lepido- lepido- Scaly, particularly scaly skin. e.g. lepidote, Lepidoptera Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Bumpy
leuko- leuc-, leuco-, leuk-, leuko- White. (medicine) Colourless[12]. example(s) from[4]: leukocyte Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 1 - White
liss-[4] liss-[4], lissos-[4] (medicine) Smooth. example(s) from[4]: lissencephaly Colours, shapes, and textures Textures 1 - Smooth
lopho-1 lopho-1 Crest, ridge. e.g. lophodont deeth Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Bumpy
lopho-2 lopho-2 Tuft. Multiple flagella. e.g. lophotrichous, lophophore Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Branching
lumino- lumino- Light, illumination. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 1 - White
malaco- malaco- Soft. Colours, shapes, and textures Textures 0 - Soft
mela- mela- Black; dark. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 4 - Black
melano- melan-[4], melano- Black. example(s) from[4]: melanin Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 4 - Black
mito-1 mit-1, mito-1 Thread, string. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Filiform
negro- negro-, nigro- Black. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 4 - Black
nemat- nemat-, nemato- Filiform structure, thread. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Filiform
nido- nido- Nest. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Conical
nodo- nodo- Lumpy, nodular[13]. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Bumpy
nyct-2 nyct-2, nycto-2 Darkness. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 3 - Dark
ortho-06 orth-06, ortho-06 Straight in form. e.g. orthoconic, orthodentin, orthognathous Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Linear
ortho-07 orth-07, ortho-07 (crystallography) Orthohrombic crystal structure. e.g. orthochrysotile, orthopyroxene, orthohexagonal Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Boxy
ortho-12 orth-12, ortho-12 Parallel lines or columns. e.g. orthostyle, ortholinear, orthographic Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Branching
oxy-1 oxy-1 Sharp, keen, pointed, acute. e.g. oxygon, oxymoron Colours, shapes, and textures Textures Sharp
pentaprismo- pentaprismo- (chemistry) Compounds having ten atoms bound into a pentagonal prism. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Boxy
phaco- phaco-, phako- Lens. example(s) from[4]: phacolysis, phacometer, phacoscotoma Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Yonic
phanero- phanero- Visible. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades ! - Visible
pheo- phaeo-, pheo- Grey or dark in colour. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 3 - Dark
piri- piri- Pear-shaped[4]. example(s) from[4]: w:Piriformis muscle Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Round
placo- placo- Plate-shaped. Typically used for scales of animal skins. e.g. Placodermi, Placodontia Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Bumpy
poikilo-2 poecilo-2, poikilo-2, pœcilo-2 Variegated. e.g. poikiloblast, poikiloderma, poecilosclerid Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues
polio-1 poli-1, polio-1 Grey. example(s) from[4]: poliomyelitis Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 2 - Grey
porphyr-[4] porphyr-[4] Purple[4]. example(s) from[4]: porphyroblast Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 9 - Purple
praseo- praseo- Green. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 4 - Green
psilo- psilo- Bare, smooth. Colours, shapes, and textures Textures 1 - Smooth
ptero-3 pter-3, ptero-3, ptery-3[4] Wing-like. example(s) from[4]: w:lateral pterygoid plate3 Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Branching
pterygo-2 pteryg-2, pterygo-2 Wing-shaped. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Branching
ptilo-2 ptilo-2 Feather-shaped. e.g. ptilolite Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Branching
purpureo- purpureo- Purple. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 9 - Purple
pyrrh- pyrrh- Red. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 1 - Red
rhabdo- rhabd-, rhabdo- Rod, rod-like. example(s) from[4]: rhabdomyolysis Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical
rhodo- rhod-1[4], rhodo- Rosy, reddish pink. example(s) from[4]: rhodophyte Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 0 - Pink
rhombi- rhombi- (geometry) Having four-sided faces. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Boxy
roseo- roseo- Rosy, reddish pink. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 0 - Pink
rufo- rufo- Reddish. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 1 - Red
scapho- scapho- Shaped like a boat. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Yonic
sclero-1 scirrho-, scler-[4]1, sclero-1 Hard. e.g. scleroatrophy, sclerous, sclerosponge Colours, shapes, and textures Textures 4 - Hard
scoto- scot-[12], scoto-, skoto- Darkness. example(s) from[4]: w:scotopic vision Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 3 - Dark
siphono- siphono- Siphon. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Curly
skia-[9]' skia-[9] Lack of colour[9]. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades ! - Colourless
soleno- soleno- Having a tube, a duct or a pipe; Having a cavity by which something can pass, like venom. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical
spheno- sphen-, spheno- Wedge-shaped. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Yonic
sphero- spher-, spherico-, sphero- Spherical. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Round
spiro-1 spiro-1 Spiral, coiled. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Curly
squamo- squamo-, squamos-[4], squamoso-[4] Made of scales, scaly. example(s) from[4]: w:squamous cell Colours, shapes, and textures Textures Scaly
stauro- stauro- Cross; cross-shaped. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cross
stereo-3 stereo-3 Solid, hard. e.g. stereotype plate Colours, shapes, and textures Textures 4 - Hard
strepto- strepto- Twisted. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Curly
syringo-1 syringo-1 Tube, tuboid structure. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical
tephro-2 tephro-2 (medicine) Gray or ashen. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 2 - Grey
thec-[4] thec-[4] (medicine) Case, sheath[4]. example(s) from[4]: intrathecal Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical
trocho- trocho- Wheel. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Round
tubo- tubo- Tube. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical
tubul- tubul-, tubulo- Tubules, microtubules. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical
umbra- umbra- Shadow. Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Shades 3 - Dark
valv- valv-, valvo-, valvul-, valvulo- Valve. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical
xantho- xanth-, xantho- Yellow. example(s) from[4]: xanthopathy Colours, shapes, and textures Colours Hues 3 - Yellow
xipho- xiph-[4], xipho- In the shape of a sword. example(s) from[4]: xiphisternum, xiphoid, xiphoidalgia Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cross
xyr- xyr-, xyro- Razor, razor-like. Colours, shapes, and textures Shapes Cylindrical

Human activities


Category description: Prefixes for things that individual humans /do/ (i.e. verbs), perhaps in groups. Entries must be considered human-specific. Bodily activities that are not human-specific will be found under Body Processes (e.g. eating). Subcategories:

  1. Healing: Prefixes for human activities that are primarily associated with healing.
  2. Language: Prefixes for the process of creating language. Does not include linguistic units like phonemes.
  3. Other human activities: Prefixes for human activities that did not fit into any of the other subcategories; themes include feasting and warring.
  4. Types of media: Prefixes for forms of artistic expression by medium or genre.
Prefixes categorized as Human activities.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
acro-10 acr-10, acro-10, akro-10 Etching or engraving. e.g. acrography, acrography Human activities Types of media
acro-11 acr-11, acro-11, akro-11 Acrobatics. e.g. acrobalance, Acroyoga Human activities Other human activities
agri- agr-, agri-, agrio-[2], agro- Agriculture. e.g. acroecology, agrochemical, agrophotovoltaics Human activities Other human activities
apico-3 apic-3, apici-3[2], apico-3 Articulated with the tip of the tongue. e.g. apicoalveolar, apicodental, apicopalatal Human activities Language
arthr-2 arthr-2, arthro-2 Articulation (speech). e.g. dysarthrophonia Human activities Language
balneo- balneo- Bath, bathing. e.g. balneotherapeutics Human activities Healing
bellig- bellig- War, fighting. Human activities Other human activities
chiro-2 cheir-2, cheiro-2, chir-2, chiro-2 Sign language. e.g. chireme, chirogram, chirology Human activities Language
choreo- choreo- Dance, dancing. Human activities Types of media
cine- cine- Pertaining to film, movies, cinema. Human activities Types of media
deipno- deipno- Dinner, banquet. Human activities Other human activities
ergo- ergo- Work. Human activities Other human activities
gastro-2 gastr-2, gastro-2 Cooking. e.g. gastronomy, gastroporn Human activities Other human activities
glosso-2 gloss-2, glosso-1, glott-1, glotto-1 Speech. e.g. glossolalia, glossophilia Human activities Language
gnos- gnos- To know, particularly in a religious sense. e.g. gnostic Human activities Other human activities
grapho- grapho- Writing, drawing. Human activities Language
heort- heort- (religious) Feast. Human activities Other human activities
klepto- klepto- Stealing. Human activities Other human activities
lalo-[9] lalo-[9] Speech, speaking[9]. Human activities Language
ludo- ludo- Games, especially video games. Human activities Types of media
masso- masso- Massage. Human activities Healing
musico- musico- Music. Human activities Types of media
mytho- mytho- Mythology. Human activities Types of media
ochlo- ochlo- Crowd of people, crowding, to form a crowd of people. Human activities Other human activities
palliato- palliato- To relieve, soothe. Palliative. Human activities Healing
pict- pict- Paint, draw, visualize, show. e.g. pictograph, pictorial Human activities Language
porn- porn-, porno- Pornography. Human activities Types of media
resuscito- resuscito- Resuscitation. Human activities Healing
sado- sado- Sadism, desire to inflict pain. Human activities Other human activities
tapho- tapho- Grave; burial. Human activities Other human activities
therap- therap- Therapeutic, healing. example(s) from[4]: hydrotherapy, therapeutic Human activities Healing
trib- trib- To pay. Human activities Other human activities
war- war- Relating to gaining access to network resources, such as Wi-Fi, by locating and exploiting unprotected access addresses. Human activities Other human activities

Landforms and ecosystems


Category description: Prefixes for macro-scale types of land, terrain, ecosystems, biomes, etc. Subcategories:

  1. Ecosystems: Prefixes for types of natural ecosystems and biomes that are not landforms. Human-made ecosystems, such as cities, will be found under Social Facts.
  2. Landforms: Prefixes for physical landforms.
  3. Oceanic: Prefixes that are used specifically for oceanic ecosystems. Note other terms such as "hydro" (for water) also get used for marine ecosystems and will be found under chemical substances. Lakes and rivers will be found under Landforms.
Prefixes categorized as Landforms and ecosystems.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
bathy-2 batho-2, bathy-2 Deep sea. Landforms and ecosystems Oceanic
eleo-2 eleo-2 (botany) Marsh, bog. Landforms and ecosystems Ecosystems
erem-1 erem-1 Desert. Landforms and ecosystems Ecosystems
fluvio- fluvio- River. Landforms and ecosystems Landforms
glacio- glaci-, glacio- Glaciers. Landforms and ecosystems Landforms
halo-1 halo-1 The sea, sea water. Landforms and ecosystems Oceanic
hylo- hyl-, hylo- Forests, wood. Landforms and ecosystems Ecosystems
limno- limn-, limno- Body of fresh water. Landforms and ecosystems Landforms
mer-1 mer-1 Sea; marine. Landforms and ecosystems Oceanic
oro-2 oro-2 Mountains. e.g. orogeny Landforms and ecosystems Landforms
potamo- potam-, potamo- River. Landforms and ecosystems Landforms
speleo- speleo- Cave. Landforms and ecosystems Landforms
tectono- tecto-, tectono- Plate tectonics. e.g. tectonomagmatic, tectonomorphological, tectonostratigraphy Landforms and ecosystems Landforms
thalasso- thalass-, thalasso- The sea. Landforms and ecosystems Oceanic
volcan- volcan- Volcanoes. Landforms and ecosystems Landforms

Life stages


Category description: Ways of grouping organisms (human or non-human) other than by species, such as by life stages (e.g. gero- for the elderly) and gender roles (e.g. gyne- for female). Entries in this category must be applicable to individuals, and they must be applicable to non-humans. Subcategories:

  1. Genders: Prefixes for an organism's gender, sex, or mating type.
  2. Life cycle: Stages of a typical (anthropocentric) life cycle. Alt-Sort: 1 for birth to 9 for death.
Prefixes categorized as Life stages.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
andro-2 andr-2, andro-2 Man, male. example(s) from [4]: Android (robot)android, andrology, androgen Life stages Genders
brepho- brepho- (rare) Baby. Life stages Life cycle
embryo- embryo- Embryos. Life stages Life cycle
epi-09 epi-09 (zoology) Epibiotic: an organism that lives on another organism. e.g. epiparasitism, episymbiont, episymbiotic Life stages Life cycle
ergato- ergat-, ergato- Worker, labourer. Used in biology to note worker organisms. e.g. ergatoid, ergatomorphic, ergatocracy Life stages Genders
fem- fem- Femininity, women. Life stages Genders
feto- feto-, foeto- Fetus. Life stages Life cycle
geronto- gero-, geronto- Senescence, the elderly. Life stages Life cycle
gyne- gyn-, gynaeco-, gyne-, gyneco-, gyno-, gynæc-, gynæco- Women. Female reproductive system. Gynecology. example(s) from[4]: gynaecology, gynecomastia, gynoecium Life stages Genders
haplo-1 aplo-1, haplo-1 (genetics) Haploid: having a single set of unpaired chromosomes. e.g. haplodepletion, haplodiploid, haplosis Life stages Life cycle
he- he- Male animal. Life stages Genders
hebe- hebe- Youth. e.g. hebephile Life stages Life cycle
juven- juven- Young. Life stages Life cycle
male-1 male-1 Male, men. Life stages Genders
matri- materno-, matr-, matri- Mother, motherhood. Life stages Life cycle
mort- mort- Death. Life stages Life cycle
nat- nat-, nati-, nato-[4] Birth. example(s) from[4]: neonatology Life stages Life cycle
necro- necr-, necro- Death. example(s) from[4]: necrosis, w:necrotizing fasciitis Life stages Life cycle
nympho- nympho- Nymph. Adolescent girl. Life stages Life cycle
pater- pater- Father, patriarch. Life stages Life cycle
patro- patr-, patri- Father, fatherhood. Life stages Life cycle
pedo-3 paedo-3', pedo-3', pædo-3' Children. Life stages Life cycle
she- she- A female, usually an animal. Life stages Genders
tecn- tecn-, tecno-, tekn- Child. Life stages Life cycle
teleio- teleio- Fully grown; adult. Life stages Life cycle
thanato- thanato- Death. e.g. thanatochemistry, thanatography, thanatomania Life stages Life cycle
thely-[4] thely-[4] (medicine) Pertaining to women; feminine[4]. example(s) from[4]: w:Thelygenous Life stages Genders



Category description: Names of species, genera, families, or other groupings of living organisms. E.g. api- for bees. Subcategories:

  1. Animals: Names of species, genera, families, etc within the animal kingdom.
  2. Bacteria: Names of species, genera, families, etc within the bacterial kingdom.
  3. Fungi: Names of species, genera, families, etc within Kingdom Fungi.
  4. Plants: Names of species, genera, families, etc within Kingdom Plantae.
  5. Protists: Names of species, genera, families, etc within the protist kingdom.
Prefixes categorized as Lifeforms.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
acaro- acar-, acari-[2], acario-[2], acaro- Mites, ticks. Lifeforms Animals
accipitr-[2] accipitr-[2] Hawk, bird of prey[2]. Lifeforms Animals
acipenser-[2] acipenser-[2] (biology) Sturgeon[2]. Lifeforms Animals
acrid-[2] acrid-[2], acrido-[2] (biology) Grasshopper[2]. Lifeforms Animals
ailuro- aeluro-, ailur-, ailuro- Cat. Lifeforms Animals
alli-[2] alli-[2] (biology) Garlic, aliums[2]. Lifeforms Plants
amoebo- ameb-, amebo-, amoeb-, amoebo-, amœb-, amœbo- Amoeba. Lifeforms Protists
ampel-[2] ampel-[2], ampelo- Vine or grape. Lifeforms Plants
andro-1 andr-1, andro-1 Human. example(s) from [4]: Android (robot)android, andrology, androgen Lifeforms Animals
antho- anth-[2], antho- (botany) Pertaining to flowers. Lifeforms Plants
anthropo-1 anthro-1, anthrop-1, anthropo-1 Man, human. e.g.: anthropology, anthrophilia, anthrosylvan, anthropocentric Lifeforms Animals
api-[2] api-[2] (biology) Bee, bees[2]. Lifeforms Animals
arachno- arach-, arachn-, arachno- Arachnids, spiders. Lifeforms Animals
arbori- arbor-, arbori- Trees. Lifeforms Plants
arct-2[2] arct-2[2], arcto-2[2] (biology) Bears[2]. Lifeforms Animals
ascar- ascar- (medicine) Parasitic nematodal helminths of family Ascarididae. Lifeforms Animals
aspergillo- aspergill-, aspergillo- (biology) aspergillus. Lifeforms Fungi
avi- avi- Birds, avians; flight. Lifeforms Animals
bacillo- bacillo- Bacillus. Lifeforms Bacteria
bacterio- bacter-, bacteri-, bacterio- Bacteria, bacterial things, bacteriology. example(s) from[4]: bacteriophage, bactericide Lifeforms Bacteria
basidio- basidio- Basidium. Lifeforms Fungi
bryo- bry-, bryo- (botany) Pertaining to mosses. Lifeforms Plants
cedr- cedr- (chemistry) Cedar. Lifeforms Plants
ceta- ceta- Whales. Lifeforms Animals
chiroptero- chiroptero- Relating to bats (the flying mammal). Lifeforms Animals
cran- cran- Cranberry. Lifeforms Plants
cyn- cyn-, cyno- Pertaining to dogs. Lifeforms Animals
dendr- dendr-, dendro- Trees. Lifeforms Plants
dino-2 dino-2 Dinosaurs. Lifeforms Animals
dino-4 dino-4 Dinoflagellates. Lifeforms Protists
ego-2 ego-2 Goats. Lifeforms Animals
entomo- entomo- Insects. Lifeforms Animals
flori- flori- Flowers. Lifeforms Plants
fructi- fructi-, fructo- Fruit. Lifeforms Plants
fungi- fungi- Fungi. Lifeforms Fungi
herpet-1 herpet-1, herpeto-1 Reptile. Lifeforms Animals
hippo- hipp-, hippo- Horses. Lifeforms Animals
hydro-3 hydr-3, hydro-3 (zoology) Hydrozoa. e.g. Hydrozoa Lifeforms Animals
ichthyo-1 ichthy-1, ichthyo-1 Fish. Lifeforms Animals
ixod- ixod- Ticks. Lifeforms Animals
lyco- lyc-, lyco- Wolf. Lifeforms Animals
mer-2 mer-2 Applied to animals that are fully or partly sea-creatures. e.g. mercow, mersnake, mereswine Lifeforms Animals
myco- myc-, myco- Fungus, mushroom. example(s) from[4]: onychomycosis Lifeforms Fungi
myrmeco- myrmeco- Ants. Lifeforms Animals
ophio- ophid-, ophio- Snakes. Lifeforms Animals
ornitho- ornith-, ornitho- Birds. Lifeforms Animals
ostreo- ostreo- Forms terms related to oysters. Lifeforms Animals
phyco- phyco- Seaweeds, algae. Lifeforms Plants
phyto- phyto- Plants. Lifeforms Plants
pisci- pisci- Fish. Lifeforms Animals
pitheco- pitheco- Ape. Lifeforms Animals
pterido- pterid-, pterido- Ferns. Lifeforms Plants
sauro- sauro- Lizard. Lifeforms Animals
simio- simio- Related to simians. Lifeforms Animals
spongo- spongio-, spongo- (zoology) Sponge. Lifeforms Animals
staphylo-1 staphylo-1 Pertaining to a microorganism cluster with a grape-like arrangement. Lifeforms Bacteria
tauro- tauro- (biology) Bull. Lifeforms Animals
therio- theri-, therio-, thero- Animal, beast. Lifeforms Animals
trypano- trypano- Trypanosome. Lifeforms Bacteria
vacci- vacci- Cow, cows. Lifeforms Animals
valero- valero- Valerian. Lifeforms Plants
vegeto- vegeto- Vegetable, vegetal. e.g. vegeto-mineral, vegetoanimal Lifeforms Plants
vermi- vermi- Worm-shaped, worms. Lifeforms Animals
zoo- zo-, zoo-, zoö- Animal. example(s) from[4]: zoology Lifeforms Animals



Category description: Prefixes used to indicate atomic-level and subatomic particles in physics and chemistry. Subcategories:

  1. Particles: Prefixes used to indicate atomic-level and subatomic particles in physics and chemistry.
Prefixes categorized as Particles.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
baryo- baryo- (physics) Baryon. Particles Particles
electro-2 electr-2, electro-2 Electrons. example(s) from[5]: electro-analysis, electromagnetic Particles Particles
hadro- hadro- (physics) Hadron, hadronic. Particles Particles
iono- iono- Ions. Particles Particles
nucleo- nucleo- Nuclear, a nucleus. Particles Particles
proto-7 prot-7, proto-7 (chemistry) Relating to protons and/or positive charge. e.g. protophilic, protolysis Particles Particles

Physical properties


Category description: Properties that matter and energy can have (e.g elastic, acidic). Excludes colour, shapes, textures, and specific sounds (e.g. a thud), which all have strong psychological and cultural aspects to their sensory perception by humans, and hence have a category of their own. Subcategories:

  1. Climactic conditions: Qualities of a climate: its humidity and its temperature. These terms are also used in contexts outside of describing climate.
  2. Other physical properties: Chemicophysical properties that are not tastable, not about dryness or temperature, not a state of matter, not a colour, not a shape, and not a texture.
  3. States of matter: States of matter: liquid, gas, etc. Alt-Sort: 1: solid to 4: plasma.
  4. Tasteable properties: Chemicophysical properties that correspond to what the human gustatory system can taste.
Prefixes categorized as Physical properties.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
acer- acer- Bitter, sour, sharp. Physical properties Tasteable properties
acido- acido- Acidic. Physical properties Tasteable properties
actino-3 actin-3, actino-3 (physics) Actinic; actinic radiation. e.g. actinometer, actinochemistry, actinotherapy Physical properties Other physical properties
anti-6 ant-6, anti-6 (particle physics) Composed of antimatter. e.g. antielectron, antigalaxy Physical properties Other physical properties
atmo- atmo- Air, gas, steam. e.g. atmosphere, atmometry, atmolysis Physical properties States of matter
calor- calor- Heat. e.g. calorimetry, calorific Physical properties Climactic conditions
chromato- chromat-, chromato-, chromo-1 Colour. example(s) from[4]: hemochromatosis Physical properties Other physical properties
climo- climo- Climate; weather patterns. Physical properties Climactic conditions
cryo-1 cry-1[4], cryo-1 Cold, freezing. e.g. cryopedology, cryovolcano, cryopulverization Physical properties Climactic conditions
elasto- elasto- Elastic. Physical properties Other physical properties
electro-1 electr-1, electro-1 Electricity, electric. example(s) from[5]: electro-analysis, electromagnetic Physical properties Other physical properties
frig- frig- Cold. e.g. frigorism, frigostabile, frigolabile Physical properties Climactic conditions
galvano- galvano- Electricity, electric. Physical properties Other physical properties
gluco- gluco- Sweet. example(s) from[4]: glucocorticoid, glucose Physical properties Tasteable properties
gravito- gravito-, gravo- Acted upon by gravity. e.g. gravitomagnetic, gravitoturbulent, gravitoinertial Physical properties Other physical properties
hydro-4 hydr-4, hydro-4 Liquid. e.g. hydrodynamics Physical properties States of matter
hygro- hygr-, hygro- Humidity. Physical properties Climactic conditions
magnet- fmagnet-, mag-, magneto- Magnet, magnetism. Physical properties Other physical properties
metallo- metallo- Metal, metallic. Physical properties Other physical properties
oleo-2 oleo-2 Oily. Physical properties Tasteable properties
ortho-13 orth-13, ortho-13 (physics) Of any molecule of the form X2 in which the two nuclei have parallel spin. e.g. orthopositronium, orthohelium, orthoquarkonium Physical properties Other physical properties
phos-[4] phos-[4] (medicine) Light and its chemical properties. example(s) from[4]: phosphene Physical properties Other physical properties
photo- phot-, photo- Light, electromagnetic radiation, radiant energy. photograph. example(s) from[5]: photoelectric, photography, photosynthesis Physical properties Other physical properties
picro- picro- Bitter. Physical properties Tasteable properties
pimelo- pimelo- Fatty. Physical properties Tasteable properties
plasmo- plasmo- Plasma. Physical properties States of matter
pneumato- pne-2[4], pneum-2, pneumat-, pneumato-, pneumo-2, pneumon-2, pneumono-2 Air; gas. e.g. pneumatic, pneumotactile, pneumatometer, pneumothorax Physical properties States of matter
psychro-2 psychro-2 Cold. e.g. psychroplanet, psychroxerophytic, psychrometer Physical properties Climactic conditions
pyro-1 pyr-1, pyro-1 Fire, heat. example(s) from[5]: pyrokinetic, pyrotechnic Physical properties Climactic conditions
radio-1 radi-1, radio-1 Radiation, radioactive. e.g. radiotherapy, radioactinium, radiolucent Physical properties Other physical properties
scint- scint-, scinti- Scintillating. Physical properties Other physical properties
sono-1 sono-1 Sonic, sound. Used particularly for technologies that use sound. e.g. sonomicrometry, sonobuoy, sonochemistry Physical properties Other physical properties
spectro- spectro- Optical spectra. e.g. spectrometer, spectromicroscopy, spectrospatial Physical properties Other physical properties
stereo-4 stereo-4 Solid. Physical properties States of matter
stygo- stygo- Dark and damp, like the Underworld. Physical properties Climactic conditions
super-9 super-9 (physics) Described using supersymmetry. e.g. superparticle, superpartner, superWIMP Physical properties Other physical properties
techni- techni- (physics) Described using the technicolor model. e.g. technibaryon, technilepton Physical properties Other physical properties
thermo- therm-, thermo- Heat. example(s) from[4]: hypothermia, thermoregulation Physical properties Climactic conditions
tono-4 ton-4[4], tono-4 Tension, tense, or stretched. e.g. tonofibril, tonoplast Physical properties Other physical properties
tribo- tribo- Friction. Physical properties Other physical properties
udi- udi- (soil science) Udic. Physical properties Climactic conditions
xeri- xeri- Dry, arid, particularly of a physical environment. e.g. xeriscape, xeric Physical properties Climactic conditions
xero- xer-, xero- Dry, dryness. example(s) from[4]: xerostomia, xeroderma Physical properties Climactic conditions

Proper nouns


Category description: Capitalized prefixes for proper nouns, such as for countries, languages, and ethnic groups. Subcategorized in the following order: Subcategories:

  1. Extant countries: Prefixes for contemporary countries. (Autonomous regions within contemporary countries may be found under Historical Nations.)
  2. Historical countries: Prefixes used for former kingdoms, countries, nations, etc.
  3. Languages: Prefixes used for the proper names of specific human languages. Because Extant Countries is subcategorized first, many languages will be found there as well.
  4. Personal names: Prefixes used to construct names of people.
  5. Popular culture: Prefixes used to refer to the popular culture of a given country, or popular franchises.
  6. Regions: Supranational geographical regions based around notable physical geographic features e.g. mountain ranges, large deserts, etc. Alt-Sort: is it a Continent or Body of water?
  7. Religions/philosophies: Prefixes used for the proper names of specific religious and philosophical movements.
Prefixes categorized as Proper nouns.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
Abkhazo- Abkhazo- Abkhazia, Abkhaz. Proper nouns Extant countries
Aegeo- Aegeo- The Aegean Sea. Proper nouns Regions
Afghano- Afghano- Afghanistan, Afghan, Afghanistani. Proper nouns Extant countries
Afro- Afro- African. e.g. Afrocentric, Afropop Proper nouns Regions
Akkado- Akkado- Akkad, Akkadia, Akkadian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Albano- Albano- Albanian, Albania. Proper nouns Extant countries
Americo- Americo-, Amero- America. Proper nouns Extant countries
Anglo- Anglo-, anglo- England, English. Anglo-Saxon. e.g. Anglophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Arabo- Arabo- Arabic. e.g. Arabophone Proper nouns Languages
Aragono- Aragono- Aragon, Aragonese. Proper nouns Languages
Aralo- Aralo- The Aral Sea, or pertaining to it. Proper nouns Regions
Arameo- Arameo- Aram, Arameans. Proper nouns Historical countries
Arcado- Arcado- Arcadia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Arcto- Arcto- Of or relating to the Arctic. Proper nouns Regions
Aretino- Aretino- Arezzo. Proper nouns Historical countries
Armeno- Armen-, Armeno- Armenian, Armenia. Proper nouns Extant countries
Aryo- Aryo- Aryan. Proper nouns Historical countries
Assyro- Assyro- Assyria. Proper nouns Languages
Astur- Astur- Asturias, Asturian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Australo- Australo- Australia. Proper nouns Extant countries
Austro- Austro- Austria. e.g. Austrophile, Austro-Hungarian Proper nouns Extant countries
Azero- Azero- Azerbaijani, Azerbaijan. Proper nouns Extant countries
Balkano- Balkano- Pertaining to the Balkans. Proper nouns Regions
Balto- Balto- Baltic. Proper nouns Regions
Bangla- Bangla- Bangladesh, Bangladeshi. e.g. Banglaphone. Proper nouns Extant countries
Bastulo- Bastulo- Bastetani. Proper nouns Historical countries
Bat- Bat-, bat- (media) Belonging to or associated with Batman. Proper nouns Popular culture
Batavo- Batavo- Relating to the Netherlands and Dutch culture. e.g. Batavaphone Proper nouns Extant countries
Bavaro- Bavaro- Bavarian, Bavaria. Proper nouns Historical countries
Belaruso- Belaruso- Belarus, Belarussian. e.g. Belarusophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Belgo- Belgo- Belgian; of or pertaining to Belgium or its people. Proper nouns Extant countries
Berbero- Berbero- Berber. e.g. Berberophone Proper nouns Languages
Berkeleio- Berkeleio- Berkeleian. Proper nouns Religions/philosophies
Betico- Betico- Andalusia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Bosno- Bosno- Pertaining to Bosnia, Bosnians or the Bosnian lect. Proper nouns Extant countries
Brit- Brit-, Britanno-, Brito- Britain, Britannia, British. Breton language. e.g. Brittophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Bulgaro- Bulgaro- Pertaining to Bulgaria, Bulgarians or the Bulgarian language. e.g. Bulgarophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Burmo- Burmo- Burma, Burmese. Proper nouns Extant countries
C- C- (media) Chinese; used to denote nouns relating to the (popular) culture of China. Proper nouns Popular culture
Cambro- Cambro- Wales, Welsh. e.g. Cambrophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Canaano- Canaano- Canaan. Proper nouns Historical countries
Canado- Canado- Canadian, Canada. Proper nouns Extant countries
Cantabro- Cantabro- Cantabrian, Cantabria, Cantabri. Proper nouns Historical countries
Carpatho- Carpatho- Carpathia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Catalano- Catalano- Catalonia; relating to Catalan culture, Catalan people or the Catalan language. Proper nouns Languages
Celto- Celto- Celtic. Proper nouns Languages
Chado- Chado- Chadian, Chad. Proper nouns Extant countries
Checheno- Checheno- Chechen. Proper nouns Languages
Christo- Christiano-, Christo- Christian, Christ. Proper nouns Religions/philosophies
Chukotko- Chukotko- Chukchi, Chukotka. Proper nouns Historical countries
Colombo- Colombo- Colombia. Proper nouns Extant countries
Congo- Congo- Congo region/countries. Proper nouns Extant countries
Copto- Copto- Coptic. Proper nouns Languages
Cornu- Cornu- Cornwall. Proper nouns Historical countries
Corso- Corso- Corsica, Corsican. Proper nouns Historical countries
Crimeo- Crimeo- Crimea, Crimean. Proper nouns Historical countries
Croato- Croato- Croatia, Croatian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Cymro- Cymro- Wales, Welsh. e.g. Cymrophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Cypro- Cypro- Cyprus; Cypriot. Proper nouns Extant countries
Czecho- Czecho- Czech Republic.; Czech.; (obsolete) Czechoslovakia. e.g. Czechophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Daco- Daco- Dacian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Dalmato- Dalmato- Pertaining to Dalmatia or Dalmatian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Dano- Dano- Pertaining to Denmark, Danish or the Danes. e.g. Danophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Dravido- Dravido- Dravidia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Egypto- Egypto-, Ægypto- Egypt. Proper nouns Extant countries
Elamo- Elamo- Elam. Proper nouns Historical countries
Emilio- Emilio- Emilia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Eritreo- Eritreo- Eritrean, Eritrea. Proper nouns Extant countries
Esto- Esto- Estonia, Estonian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Ethio- Ethio- Ethiopian, Ethiopia. Proper nouns Extant countries
Etrusco- Etrusco- Etruria, Etruscans. Proper nouns Historical countries
Euro- Eur-, eur-, Euro- Europe, especially as a political entity. example(s) from[5]: Eurocentric Proper nouns Regions
Fil- Fil- The Fillipines, Fillipino. Proper nouns Extant countries
Finno- Fenno-, Finno- Finland, Finnish. Proper nouns Extant countries
Fitz- Fitz- (used in English surnames) Son of; especially used for the illegitimate sons of royalty. Proper nouns Personal names
Franco- Franco-, franco- French. e.g. Francophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Gaelo- Gaelo- Gaelic. e.g. Gaelophone Proper nouns Languages
Galaico- Galaico- Galicia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Gallo- Gallo- French. e.g. Gallophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Georgio- Georgio- Georgian, Georgia. Proper nouns Extant countries
Germano- Germano-, germano- Germany. e.g. Germanophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Gotho- Gotho- Goths. Proper nouns Historical countries
Greco- Graeco-, Greco-, Græco- Greek. e.g. Grecophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Guiano- Guiano- Guiana, Guianan. Proper nouns Extant countries
Guineo- Guineo- Guinean, Guinea. Proper nouns Extant countries
Hebra- Hebra- Hebrew. Proper nouns Languages
Helleno- Hellen-, Helleno- Greek, pertaining to Greece (Hellas). e.g. Hellenophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Helveto- Helveto- Swiss, Switzerland. Proper nouns Extant countries
Herzego- Hercego-, Herzego- Herzegovina, Herzegovinan. Proper nouns Extant countries
Hetto- Hetto- Hattians. Proper nouns Historical countries
Hiberno- Hiberno- Ireland. Proper nouns Extant countries
Himalo- Himalo- The Himalayas. Proper nouns Regions
Hindi- Hindi- Hindi. e.g. Hindiphone Proper nouns Languages
Hispano- Hispano-, hispano- Spanish. e.g. Hispanophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Hitto- Hittito-, Hitto- Hittites. Proper nouns Historical countries
Hungaro- Hungaro- Hungary, Hungarian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Hurro- Hurro- Pertaining to Hurrian or the Hurrians. Proper nouns Historical countries
i- i- Indicates products associated with Apple. e.g. iPhone, iMac Proper nouns Popular culture
Ibero- Ibero- Iberian (Spain and Portugual). Proper nouns Regions
Illyro- Illyro- Pertaining to Illyria or Illyrian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Indo- Indo- India. East Indies. Indo-European. example(s) from[5]: Indo-European Proper nouns Extant countries
Indonesio- Indonesio- Indonesia, Indonesian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Inver- Inver- Mouth of a river. Proper nouns Regions
Irano- Irano- Iran, Iranian. e.g. Iranophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Islamo- Islamo- Islam, Muslims. Proper nouns Religions/philosophies
Istro- Istro- Denoting Istrian origin or character, or a variety of [the prefixed element] associated with or pertaining to Istria. Proper nouns Historical countries
Italo- Italo-, italo- Italian. e.g. Italophone Proper nouns Extant countries
J- J- (media) Used to denote nouns for things originating in Japan. Proper nouns Popular culture
Japano- Japano- Japan, Japanese. e.g. Japanophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Jordano- Jordano- Jordan, Jordanian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Judeo- Judaeo-, Judeo-, Judæo- Judaism. Proper nouns Religions/philosophies
Jugo- Jugo- Yugoslavia, Yugoslavian. Proper nouns Historical countries
K- K- (media) Korean; used to denote nouns relating to the (popular) culture of South Korea. Proper nouns Popular culture
Kabardino- Kabardino- Kabardians. Proper nouns Historical countries
Karelo- Karelo- Karelia; Karelian. Proper nouns Languages
Kartvelo- Karto-, Kartvelo- Georgia, Georgian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Kazaco- Kazaco- Kazakhstan, Kazakh. Proper nouns Extant countries
Kenio- Kenio- Kenya, Kenyan. Proper nouns Extant countries
Khmero- Khmer-, Khmero- Cambodia, Cambodian, Khmer. Proper nouns Extant countries
Koreo- Koreo- Korea, Korean. Proper nouns Extant countries
Kurdo- Kurdo- Kurdish. e.g. Kurdophone Proper nouns Languages
Kyrgyzo- Kyrgyzo- Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz. e.g. Kyrgyzophone Proper nouns Extant countries
La- La- (US, African-American Vernacular, anthroponymy) Used in African-American female given names. Proper nouns Personal names
Lacono- Lacono- Sparta. Proper nouns Historical countries
Latino- Latino- Latin, Latin America. Proper nouns Regions
Lebano- Lebano- Lebanon, Lebanese. Proper nouns Extant countries
Lechito- Lechito- Lechia, Lechite. Proper nouns Historical countries
Lemko- Lemko- Lemko. Proper nouns Historical countries
Letto- Letto- Latvian, Latvia. e.g. Lettophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Libyco- Libyco- Libya, Libyan. Proper nouns Extant countries
Liguro- Liguro- Liguria, Ligurian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Litto- Litto- Lithuanian, Lithuania. Proper nouns Extant countries
Luso- Lusitano-, Luso-, luso- Portuguese, Portugal. e.g. Lusophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Mac- Mac- A patronymic used to form common Irish and Scottish names, similar to the English -son. Proper nouns Personal names
Macedo- Macedo- Macedonia. Proper nouns Extant countries
Magyaro- Magyaro- Hungary, Hungarian, Magyar. Proper nouns Extant countries
Malayo- Malayo-, Malaysio- Malaysia, Malaysian. e.g. Malayophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Manju- Manju- Manchuria. Proper nouns Historical countries
Marathi- Marathi- Marathi. e.g. Marathiphone Proper nouns Languages
Marchigiano- Marchigiano- Marche. Proper nouns Historical countries
Marcho- Marcho- Altmark. Proper nouns Historical countries
Mc- Mc- A patronymic used to form common Irish and Scottish names, similar to the English -son. (informal) Used to create mock names. Proper nouns Personal names
Mc- Mc- Indicates products associated with McDonalds. (derogatory) Indicates products that are low-end, cheap, or mass-produced. e.g. McMuffin, McCar Proper nouns Popular culture
Medo- Medo- Pertaining to Media, Median or the Medes. Proper nouns Historical countries
Megleno- Megleno- Almopia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Messapo- Messapo- Messapii. Proper nouns Historical countries
Mexico- Mexico- Mexico, Mexican. Proper nouns Extant countries
Moeso- Moeso- Moesia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Mongolo- Mongolo- Mongolia, Mongols, Mongolian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Moravo- Moravo- Moravia; Moravian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Myso- Myso- Mysia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Navarro- Navarro- Navarre, Navarrese. Proper nouns Historical countries
Nepalo- Nepalo- Nepal, Nepali. Proper nouns Extant countries
Nigerio- Nigerio- Nigerian, Nigeria. Proper nouns Extant countries
Nilo- Nilo-, Niloto- The Nile river. Proper nouns Regions
Nippo- Nippo- Japanese, Japan. Proper nouns Extant countries
Normanno- Normanno- Normandy, the Normans, or the Norman language. Proper nouns Historical countries
Norvego- Norvego- Norwegian, Norway. Proper nouns Extant countries
noto-2 noto-2 (paleontology) South America. Proper nouns Regions
Occitano- Occitano- Occitania, Occitan. e.g. Occitanophone Proper nouns Languages
Omano- Omano- Oman, Omani. Proper nouns Extant countries
Oromo- Oromo- Oromo. Proper nouns Historical countries
Osco- Osco- Oscan. Proper nouns Historical countries
Oto- Oto- Otomi. Proper nouns Historical countries
Pako- Pak-, Pako- Relating to Pakistani, Pakistan. Proper nouns Extant countries
Papuo- Papuo- Papua, Papuan. Proper nouns Languages
Perso- Perso- Persia, Persian, Iran, Iranian. e.g. Persophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Phoenico- Phoenico- Phoenicia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Phrygio- Phrygio- Relating to Phrygia, the Phrygians or the Phrygian language. Proper nouns Historical countries
Picto- Picto- A combining form relating to Pictland (prehistoric northern and eastern Scotland) or Pictish people (Picts). Proper nouns Historical countries
Pisano- Pisano- Pisa. Proper nouns Historical countries
Poké- Poké- Pertaining to the Pokémon media franchise. Proper nouns Popular culture
Polono- Polono- Polish. of or pertaining to Poland. e.g. Polonophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Provenço- Provenço- Provence, Provençal. Proper nouns Languages
Prusso- Prusso- Prussia, Prussian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Punico- Punico- Carthage. Proper nouns Historical countries
Qurano- Qurano- The Quran. Proper nouns Religions/philosophies
Rhaeto- Rhaeto-, Rhæto- Rhaetia; Rhaetian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Romano-1 Romano-1 Romani. Proper nouns Languages
Romano-2 Romano-2 Romania, Romanian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Romano-3 Romano-3 Rome, Roman. Proper nouns Historical countries
Ruando- Ruando-, Rwando- Rwanda, Rwandan. e.g. Rwandophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Russo- Russo- Russian. e.g. Russophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Rutheno- Rutheno- Ruthenia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Saharo- Saharo- The Sahara. Proper nouns Regions
Sahelo- Sahelo- The Sahel. Proper nouns Regions
Sardo- Sardo- Sardinia. Proper nouns Historical countries
Sarmato- Sarmato- Sarmatians. Proper nouns Historical countries
Saxo- Saxo- Saxons, Saxony. Proper nouns Historical countries
Scando- Scando- Pertaining to Scandinavia. Proper nouns Regions
Scoto- Scoto-, Scotto- Scottish, Scotland, or the historical Scotti people. Proper nouns Extant countries
Scytho- Scytho- Pertaining to Scythia, Scythian or the Scythians. Proper nouns Historical countries
Semito- Semito- Semites. Proper nouns Languages
Serbo- Serbo- Serbian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Siamo- Siamo- Pertaining to Thailand or to Thai(s). Proper nouns Extant countries
Sibero- Sibero- Siberia, Siberian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Siculo- Siculo- Sicily, Sicilian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Sino- Sino- China. e.g. Sinophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Slavo- Slavo- Slavic. e.g. Slavophone Proper nouns Languages
Slovako- Slovako- Pertaining to Slovakia or Slovakian. e.g. Slovakophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Sloveno- Sloveno- Pertaining to Slovenia. Proper nouns Extant countries
Somali- Somali- Somalia, Somalian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Sovieto- Sovieto- Soviet Union. Proper nouns Historical countries
Sudano- Sudano- Sudan. Proper nouns Extant countries
Sueco- Sueco-, Swedo- Pertaining to Sweden or Swedish. e.g. Swedophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Sumero- Sumero- Sumerian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Swahili- Swahili- Swahili. Proper nouns Languages
Syro- Syro- Syria. Proper nouns Extant countries
T- T- (media) Thai; used to denote nouns relating to the (popular) culture of Thailand. Proper nouns Popular culture
Tagalo- Tagalo- Tagalog. Proper nouns Languages
Tajiko- Tajiko- Tajikistaan, Tajik. Proper nouns Extant countries
Tanza- Tanza- Tanzania, Tanzanian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Tataro- Tataro- Tatarstan, Tatar. Proper nouns Historical countries
Teuto- Teuto-, Teutono- The Teutons, historical Germanic people, or present-day Germans. e.g. Teutophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Thessalo- Thessalo- Thessaly. Proper nouns Historical countries
Thraco- Thraco- Thracian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Tibeto- Tibeto- Of or pertaining to Tibet. Proper nouns Historical countries
Tocharo- Tocharo- Tocharans. Proper nouns Historical countries
Tosco- Tosco- Tuscany. Proper nouns Historical countries
Tuniso- Tuniso- Tunisia, Tunisian. Proper nouns Extant countries
Turco- Turco-, Turko- Turkish, Turkey. e.g. Turkophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Turdetano- Turdetano- Turdetani, Turdetania. Proper nouns Historical countries
Turkmeno- Turkmeno- Turkmen, Turkmenistan. Proper nouns Extant countries
Tyrrheno- Tyrrheno- Tyrrhenia (Etruria). Proper nouns Historical countries
Ugando- Ugando- Uganda. Proper nouns Extant countries
Ugro- Ugro- Ugric, Ugrian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Ukraino- Ukraino-, Ukro- Ukranian. e.g. Ukrainophone Proper nouns Extant countries
Umbro- Umbro- Pertaining to Umbria or Umbrian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Uralo- Uralo- Uralic languages. Proper nouns Languages
Urdu- Urdu- Urdu. e.g. Urduphone Proper nouns Languages
Uto- Uto- Ute languages. Proper nouns Languages
Uzbeco- Uzbeco- Uzbek, Uzbekistan. Proper nouns Extant countries
V- V- (media) Vietnamese; used to denote nouns relating to the (popular) culture of Vietnam. Proper nouns Popular culture
Vasco- Basco-, Vasco- Basque, Basque Country. e.g. Bascophone Proper nouns Languages
Vivaro- Vivaro- Vivarais (France). Proper nouns Historical countries
Yugo- Yugo- Yugoslavia, Yugoslavian. Proper nouns Historical countries
Zarma- Zarma- Zarma languages. e.g. Zarmaphone Proper nouns Languages

Social facts


Category description: Social facts in the Durkheimian sense: ideas, norms, values, etc that transcend the individual. Includes social institutions, social ranks, political movements, and mythological concepts. Unlike the category "Human acivities", which is verb-oriented, this category is noun-oriented. Subcategories:

  1. Political and social movements: Social movements (e.g. the LGBTQ+ community), political movements (e.g. anarchism), and political philosophies (e.g. anarchy).
  2. Religion & mythology: Prefixes for concepts and entities from religion and mythology.
  3. Social institutions: Prefixes for sociocultural institutions, interpreted broadly. Can refer to the groups in an institution, the institution itself, or a generalized conception of the institution.
Prefixes categorized as Social facts.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
agor-[8] agor-[8], agora-[8] (medicine) Marketplace. Social facts Social institutions
allo-16 allo-16 (LGBT) Not asexual; attracted to others. e.g. alloromantic, alloerotic, allonormativity Social facts Political and social movements
anarcha- anarcha-, anarcho- Anarchism, anarchy. Social facts Social and political movements
aristo-1 aristo-1 Upper class, nobility. e.g. aristocide, aristocracy Social facts Social institutions
aristo-2 aristo-2 Aristocracy. e.g. aristocratic, aristodemocracy, aristomonarchy Social facts Social and political movements
bi-07 bi-07, bin-07, bis-07 (LGBT) Bisexual, relating to bisexuality. e.g. bicentric, biphobia, biromantic Social facts Political and social movements
cis-3 cis-3 (gender) Being, or pertaining to being, cisgender or cissexual. e.g. cisgender, cissexism, cisnormativity Social facts Political and social movements
clinico- clinico- (medicine) Clinic; clinical. Social facts Social institutions
demo-1 demo-1 People, the public. e.g. democracy, demolatry, demonym Social facts Social institutions
demono- demono- Demon, demons. Social facts Religion & mythology
ecclesio- ecclesio- Church. Social facts Social institutions
eco-3 eco-3 Environmentalism, ecological sustainability. Social facts Social and political movements
enviro-2 enviro-2 Environmetalism. Social facts Social and political movements
gamo-1 gamo-1 Marriage. e.g. gamomania, gamophobia Social facts Social institutions
geno-2 gen-2, geno-2 Family, tribe, race, offspring. e.g. genocide, genophilia, genophobe Social facts Social institutions
hagio-1 hagi-1, hagio-1 Pertaining to saints. e.g. hagiolatry, hagiology, hagiomania Social facts Religion & mythology
hagio-2 hagi-2, hagio-2 holiness, holy people or objects. e.g. hagiarchy, hagiotherapy, hagioscope Social facts Religion & mythology
hetero-05 heter-05[4], hetero-05 (LGBT) Straight, heterosexual. e.g. heterocentric, heteroamorous, heterofemale Social facts Social and political movements
hiero-1 hiero-1 Holy, sacred. Social facts Religion & mythology
hiero-2 hiero-2 (Eastern Orthodoxy) Denoting a man of a title such as a monk who is also a clergyman. e.g. hieromonk, hierodeacon, hieromartyr Social facts Religion & mythology
homo-2 homo-2 The gay community. e.g. homonationalism, homonormativity Social facts Social and political movements
i-3 i-3 (Jamaica) Used to transform English words into words used by Rastafarians with a special meaning. e.g. Itesquake, Inity, Itinually Social facts Religion & mythology
iatro- iatr-[4], iatro- Pertaining to medical treatment. example(s) from[4]: iatrochemistry, iatrogenesis Social facts Social institutions
inter-33 inter-33 (LGBT) Intersex: relating to intersex people. e.g. intersexual, intergender Social facts Political and social movements
juridico- juridico- Jurisprudence, the law, legal infrastructure. Social facts Social institutions
leg- leg- Law, legal. Social facts Social institutions
lesbo- lesbo- Lesbian. e.g. lesbophobe, lesbophilia, lesbosexual Social facts Political and social movements
magico- magico- Magic, magical. Social facts Religion & mythology
mer-3 mer-3 (fantasy) Mermaids, mermen. Social facts Religion & mythology
metro-1 metr-1, metro-1 Metropolitan, city. e.g. metropolis, metro-link Social facts Social institutions
neuro-2 neur-2, neuri-2[12], neuro-2 Neurodivergent or neurodiversity. e.g. neuroqueer, neurospicy Social facts Political and social movements
nomo-1 nom-1, nomo-1 Law. Social facts Social institutions
normo-1 normo-1 Rule, order, norms. Social facts Social institutions
ochl- ochl- Mob, mob-rule. e.g. ochlagogue, ochlocracy, ochlocrat Social facts Social and political movements
Of- Of- (UK) A regulatory body for a specified industry. Social facts Social institutions
pan-07 pan-07, pano-07 Unification of a social group, the political movement to unify said group. e.g. Pan-Africanism, pan-Indianism, pan-nationalism Social facts Political and social movements
pan-12 pan-12, pano-12 (LGBT) Pansexual or pansexuality. e.g. pancurious, panphobia Social facts Political and social movements
papa- papa- Of or pertaining to the pope or the papacy. Social facts Social institutions
pluto-1 pluto-1 Wealth or money. Social facts Social institutions
poly-3 poly-3 polyamory. e.g. polycule, polyphobia, polyfamily Social facts Social and political movements
pseph- pseph-, psepho- Pebble, stone. Voting, election, ballot box. Social facts Social institutions
religio- religio- Religion. Social facts Social institutions
saint- saint- Saint. Social facts Religion & mythology
super-10 super-10 Regarding superheroes. Social facts Religion & mythology
thaumato- thaumat-, thaumato- Miracle, wonder, marvel. Social facts Religion & mythology
theo- the-, theo- Religion, gods, deities. Social facts Religion & mythology
trans-4 trans-4 Transgender or transsexual, or pertaining to those who are transgender or transsexual. e.g. transmasculine, transfeminist, transphobia Social facts Political and social movements
tyranno- tyranno-, tyrrano- Tyranny; tyrannical. Social facts Social and political movements
val- val-, valu- Worth, value. Social facts Social institutions
were- were- Lycanthrope, werewolf. Social facts Religion & mythology



Category description: Regarding human-made objects that are produced from technical knowledge. Subcategories:

  1. Communication technologies: Prefixes used to indicate a mode of communication or information storage, e.g. biblio- for book.
  2. Tools and machine components: Prefixes for mechanical components.
  3. Transportation: Prefixes used to indicate a mode of transportation, e.g. heli- for helicopter.
  4. Types of technologies: Prefixes used to indicate the nature, rather than domain, of technologies.
  5. Warfare: Prefixes for technologies used for warfare
Prefixes categorized as Technologies.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
acu-2 acu-2 Needle. Technologies Tools and machine components
aer-1 aer-1, aero-1, aër-1, aëro-1 Aircraft. example(s) from [4]: aerosinusitis, aerodynamics Technologies Transportation
auto-2 aut-2, auto-2 Automatic technology. e.g. autofocus, autowalk Technologies Types of technologies
auto-3 aut-3, auto-3 Car, driving. e.g. autocross, autophile Technologies Transportation
biblio- biblio- Book. Technologies Communication technologies
bur- bur- Fortification; used as a prefix for fortified locations. Technologies Warfare
carto- carto- Forms terms relating to maps. Technologies Communication technologies
cryo-3 cry-3[4], cryo-3 Cryonics. e.g. cryonicist Technologies Types of technologies
cuneo- cuneo- Cuneate; cuniform. Technologies Communication technologies
cyber- cyber- Computer. cyberspace. Technologies Communication technologies
digi-3 digi-3, digit-3[4] Digital technologies. e.g. digicam Technologies Communication technologies
e-2 e-2 In an electronic form, especially computerized and digital; often in association with the Internet. e.g. email, ethlete, e-alert Technologies Communication technologies
e-3 e-3 A component in a mechanical system used for emergency purposes. e.g. e-stop, e-brake Technologies Tools and machine components
e-4 e-4 Electric technology. (marketing) Used to prefix product names, to indicate an electrified or all-electric variant of the product, particularly cars. e.g. e-bike, e-stim, e-cigarette Technologies Types of technologies
e-5 e-5 Used to prefix items that are embedded into devices, instead of being discrete or removable elements. e.g. eMMC, eSIM Technologies Communication technologies
heli-1 heli-1 Helicopter. Technologies Transportation
hopl-1 hopl-1, hoplo-1 Weapon, arms, armed. Technologies Warfare
i-4 i-4 Alluding to the internet. e.g. BBC's iPlayer, iCarly Technologies Communication technologies
i-5 i-5 Alluding to digital devices and computer programs, especially those that are cutting-edge or fashionable, and those from Apple. e.g. iPad, iPhone, iMac Technologies Communication technologies
icono- icono- Image, icon. Technologies Communication technologies
inter-32 inter-32 (technology) Internet: relating to the internet or computer networking. e.g. internetted, interblag Technologies Communication technologies
libro- libro- Book. Technologies Communication technologies
moto-1 moto-1 Motorcycle. Technologies Transportation
nano-2 nan-2[4], nano-2 Nanotechnology. e.g. nanobiology Technologies Types of technologies
odo- hodo-, odo- Relating to roads. Technologies Transportation
papyro- papyro- Papyrus. Also used for paperwork. Technologies Communication technologies
qu- qu- Quantum computing. Technologies Types of technologies
radio-2 radi-2, radio-2 Radio waves, radio broadcasting. e.g. radiotelemetry, radioacoustics, radiotelegraph Technologies Communication technologies
robo- robo- Robot. Technologies Types of technologies
stylo-1 stylo-1 Style, stylus. Technologies Communication technologies
tele-2 tele-2 Technologies that operate over a distance: television, telegraph, telephone, etc. e.g. telethon, telecast, telesale Technologies Types of technologies
turbo-1 turbo-1 A turbine. e.g. turboprop, turboalternator, turboshaft Technologies Tools and machine components
typo- typ-, typo- Print, writing, typography. e.g. typolithography, typometer, typophile Technologies Communication technologies
velo-1 velo-1 Bicycle, cycling. Technologies Transportation
vexillo- vexillo- Flags. Technologies Communication technologies
video- video- Moving images, especially television. Technologies Communication technologies

Weather and natural disasters


Category description: Prefixes for atmospheric and seismic conditions that cause weather and natural disasters. Subcategories:

  1. Seismic: Prefixes for seismic conditions.
  2. Weather: Prefixes for forms of atmospheric conditions that cause weather.
Prefixes categorized as Weather and natural disasters.
Prefix All forms Definition Example Category Subcat Crosscat Coord Sort Alt-Sort
alto- alto- (meteorology) Relating to clouds of middle étage. Weather and natural disasters Weather
anemo- anem-[2], anemo- Wind. Weather and natural disasters Weather
bronto- bronto- Thunder. Weather and natural disasters Weather
cerauno- cerauno- Thunderbolt, thunder, lightning. Weather and natural disasters Weather
chion- chion- Snow. Weather and natural disasters Weather
hyeto- hyeto- Rain, rainfall. Weather and natural disasters Weather
kerauno- kerauno- Thunderbolt, thunder, lightning. Weather and natural disasters Weather
meteoro- meteoro- Related to weather. Weather and natural disasters Weather
nepho- nepho- Clouds. Weather and natural disasters Weather
ombro- ombro- Rain. Weather and natural disasters Weather
pluvio- pluvio- Rain; rainfall. Weather and natural disasters Weather
seismo- seismo- Earthquakes. Weather and natural disasters Seismic
strato-2 strato-2 Stratus clouds. Weather and natural disasters Weather


  1. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Holland
  2. 2.000 2.001 2.002 2.003 2.004 2.005 2.006 2.007 2.008 2.009 2.010 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.017 2.018 2.019 2.020 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.024 2.025 2.026 2.027 2.028 2.029 2.030 2.031 2.032 2.033 2.034 2.035 2.036 2.037 2.038 2.039 2.040 2.041 2.042 2.043 2.044 2.045 2.046 2.047 2.048 2.049 2.050 2.051 2.052 2.053 2.054 2.055 2.056 2.057 2.058 2.059 2.060 2.061 2.062 2.063 2.064 2.065 2.066 2.067 2.068 2.069 2.070 2.071 2.072 2.073 2.074 2.075 2.076 2.077 2.078 2.079 2.080 2.081 2.082 2.083 2.084 2.085 2.086 2.087 2.088 2.089 2.090 2.091 2.092 2.093 2.094 2.095 2.096 2.097 2.098 2.099 2.100 2.101 2.102 2.103 2.104 2.105 2.106 2.107 2.108 2.109 2.110 2.111 2.112 2.113 2.114 2.115 2.116 2.117 2.118 2.119 2.120 2.121 2.122 2.123 2.124 2.125 2.126 2.127 2.128 2.129 2.130 2.131 2.132 2.133 2.134 2.135 2.136 2.137 2.138 2.139 2.140 2.141 2.142 2.143 2.144 2.145 2.146 2.147 2.148 2.149 2.150 2.151 2.152 2.153 2.154 2.155 McCarthy, E. M. 2013. root-Prefix Dictionary. Retrieved 2024-02-17.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Dictionary, s.v. “after,” accessed March 13, 2024,
  4. 4.000 4.001 4.002 4.003 4.004 4.005 4.006 4.007 4.008 4.009 4.010 4.011 4.012 4.013 4.014 4.015 4.016 4.017 4.018 4.019 4.020 4.021 4.022 4.023 4.024 4.025 4.026 4.027 4.028 4.029 4.030 4.031 4.032 4.033 4.034 4.035 4.036 4.037 4.038 4.039 4.040 4.041 4.042 4.043 4.044 4.045 4.046 4.047 4.048 4.049 4.050 4.051 4.052 4.053 4.054 4.055 4.056 4.057 4.058 4.059 4.060 4.061 4.062 4.063 4.064 4.065 4.066 4.067 4.068 4.069 4.070 4.071 4.072 4.073 4.074 4.075 4.076 4.077 4.078 4.079 4.080 4.081 4.082 4.083 4.084 4.085 4.086 4.087 4.088 4.089 4.090 4.091 4.092 4.093 4.094 4.095 4.096 4.097 4.098 4.099 4.100 4.101 4.102 4.103 4.104 4.105 4.106 4.107 4.108 4.109 4.110 4.111 4.112 4.113 4.114 4.115 4.116 4.117 4.118 4.119 4.120 4.121 4.122 4.123 4.124 4.125 4.126 4.127 4.128 4.129 4.130 4.131 4.132 4.133 4.134 4.135 4.136 4.137 4.138 4.139 4.140 4.141 4.142 4.143 4.144 4.145 4.146 4.147 4.148 4.149 4.150 4.151 4.152 4.153 4.154 4.155 4.156 4.157 4.158 4.159 4.160 4.161 4.162 4.163 4.164 4.165 4.166 4.167 4.168 4.169 4.170 4.171 4.172 4.173 4.174 4.175 4.176 4.177 4.178 4.179 4.180 4.181 4.182 4.183 4.184 4.185 4.186 4.187 4.188 4.189 4.190 4.191 4.192 4.193 4.194 4.195 4.196 4.197 4.198 4.199 4.200 4.201 4.202 4.203 4.204 4.205 4.206 4.207 4.208 4.209 4.210 4.211 4.212 4.213 4.214 4.215 4.216 4.217 4.218 4.219 4.220 4.221 4.222 4.223 4.224 4.225 4.226 4.227 4.228 4.229 4.230 4.231 4.232 4.233 4.234 4.235 4.236 4.237 4.238 4.239 4.240 4.241 4.242 4.243 4.244 4.245 4.246 4.247 4.248 4.249 4.250 4.251 4.252 4.253 4.254 4.255 4.256 4.257 4.258 4.259 4.260 4.261 4.262 4.263 4.264 4.265 4.266 4.267 4.268 4.269 4.270 4.271 4.272 4.273 4.274 4.275 4.276 4.277 4.278 4.279 4.280 4.281 4.282 4.283 4.284 4.285 4.286 4.287 4.288 4.289 4.290 4.291 4.292 4.293 4.294 4.295 4.296 4.297 4.298 4.299 4.300 4.301 4.302 4.303 4.304 4.305 4.306 4.307 4.308 4.309 4.310 4.311 4.312 4.313 4.314 4.315 4.316 4.317 4.318 4.319 4.320 4.321 4.322 4.323 4.324 4.325 4.326 4.327 4.328 4.329 4.330 4.331 4.332 4.333 4.334 4.335 4.336 4.337 4.338 4.339 4.340 4.341 4.342 4.343 4.344 4.345 4.346 4.347 4.348 4.349 4.350 4.351 4.352 4.353 4.354 4.355 4.356 4.357 4.358 4.359 4.360 4.361 4.362 4.363 4.364 4.365 4.366 4.367 4.368 4.369 4.370 4.371 4.372 4.373 4.374 4.375 4.376 4.377 4.378 4.379 4.380 4.381 4.382 4.383 4.384 4.385 4.386 4.387 4.388 4.389 4.390 4.391 4.392 4.393 4.394 4.395 4.396 4.397 4.398 4.399 4.400 4.401 4.402 4.403 4.404 4.405 4.406 4.407 4.408 4.409 4.410 4.411 4.412 4.413 4.414 4.415 4.416 4.417 4.418 4.419 4.420 4.421 4.422 4.423 4.424 4.425 4.426 4.427 4.428 4.429 4.430 4.431 4.432 4.433 4.434 4.435 4.436 4.437 4.438 4.439 4.440 4.441 4.442 4.443 4.444 4.445 4.446 4.447 4.448 4.449 4.450 4.451 4.452 4.453 4.454 4.455 4.456 4.457 4.458 4.459 4.460 4.461 4.462 4.463 4.464 4.465 4.466 4.467 4.468 4.469 4.470 4.471 4.472 4.473 4.474 4.475 4.476 4.477 4.478 4.479 4.480 4.481 4.482 4.483 4.484 4.485 4.486 4.487 4.488 4.489 4.490 4.491 4.492 4.493 4.494 4.495 4.496 4.497 4.498 4.499 4.500 4.501 4.502 4.503 4.504 4.505 4.506 4.507 4.508 4.509 4.510 4.511 4.512 4.513 4.514 4.515 4.516 4.517 4.518 4.519 4.520 4.521 4.522 4.523 4.524 4.525 4.526 4.527 4.528 4.529 4.530 4.531 4.532 4.533 4.534 4.535 4.536 4.537 4.538 4.539 4.540 4.541 4.542 4.543 4.544 4.545 4.546 4.547 4.548 4.549 4.550 4.551 4.552 4.553 4.554 4.555 4.556 4.557 4.558 4.559 4.560 4.561 4.562 4.563 4.564 4.565 4.566 4.567 4.568 4.569 Wikipedia contributors. (2024, February 17). List of medical roots, rootes and prefixes. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 09:05, February 17, 2024, from,_rootes_and_prefixes&oldid=1208358797
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