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Appendix:Swadesh lists

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Swadesh lists were originally devised by the linguist Morris Swadesh. In the 1940s to 1950s, Swadesh developed word lists of body parts, verbs, natural phenomena, in order to compute the relationships of languages, and in particular their age, by a method called glottochronology. Swadesh's version of glottochronology is outdated because it used constant replacement rates. There are, of course, many attempts to achieve more realistic rates and thus more realistic results.

A Swadesh list may also be useful to achieve knowledge of some universal terms in other languages. This is because, for basic communication, knowledge of vocabulary is more important than knowledge of grammar and syntax. Sometimes it is even possible to achieve (very) basic communication skills with no knowledge of the target language syntax whatsoever.

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Assorted Swadesh lists

Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
(edit this template)

See more at or

Indo-European languages (Proto-Indo-European)


Other Eurasian languages

Caucasian languages
Uralic languages
Turkic languages

Northeast Asian


See also: Appendix:Vocabulary lists of North Eurasian languages

Japonic-Ryukyuan languages
Koreanic languages
Paleosiberian languages
Mongolic languages
Tungusic languages

Southeast Asian and Oceanic


See also: Appendix:Vocabulary lists of Southeast Asian languages and Appendix:Vocabulary lists of Indo-Pacific languages

Austroasiatic languages
Austronesian languages
Pama-Nyungan languages
Kra-Dai languages
Hmong-Mien languages
Sino-Tibetan languages
Language isolates

Amerindian languages

See also: Appendix:Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
See also: Appendix:Eskimo–Aleut basic vocabulary and Indigenous languages of the Americas
North American
Central American
South American

African languages


See also: Appendix:Vocabulary lists of African languages

Afroasiatic languages (Proto-Afroasiatic)

Khoisan languages

Niger-Congo languages

Creoles, pidgins


Constructed languages


Lists in need of expansion




For a basis to expand this list into other languages see the basic 207-word Swadesh template. See also this Swadesh template containing a comparative table for 8 different languages, and this Swadesh template with categories and parts-of-speech added. To visit a more extensive list of basic words in various languages (not a Swadesh list, though it includes and is cross-referenced to Swadesh words), see the Basic English word list.

Templates for Swadesh lists
Templates for boxes
Other templates

Swadesh list table of Germanic and Romance languages


The words from Swadesh's original 100-word list are designated by an asterisk (*). In the composite list on this page, there are actually 207 words, since seven of the words in the 100-word list (breast, fingernail, full, horn, knee, moon, round) were not in the original 200-word list.

No English French German Italian Spanish Dutch Swedish Latin
1 I * je ich io yo ik jag ego
2 you sing., thou tu, vous (formal) du, Sie (formal) tu, Lei (formal) , usted (formal) jij, je, u (formal) du tu
3 he il er lui, egli él hij han is
4 we * nous wir noi nosotros wij, we vi nos
5 you pl. vous ihr, Sie (formal) voi vosotros, ustedes (formal) jullie, u (formal) ni vos
6 they ils, elles sie loro, essi ellos, ellas zij, ze de ii
7 this * ceci dieses questo este deze, dit det här hic, is
8 that * cela jenes, das quello ese, aquel die, dat det där ille
9 here ici hier qui, qua aquí, acá hier här hic
10 there dort ahí, allí, allá daar där ibi
11 who * qui wer chi quien wie vem quis
12 what * quoi was che que wat vad quid
13 where wo dove donde waar var ubi
14 when quand wann quando cuando wanneer när quando
15 how comment wie come como hoe hur quam, quomodo
16 not * ne...pas nicht non no niet inte, ej non
17 all * tout alle tutto todo al, alle alla omnis
18 many * plusieurs viele molti muchos veel många multi
19 some quelques einige alcuni algunos, unos enkele, sommige några, vissa aliqui, aliquot
20 few peu wenige pochi poco weinig pauci
21 other autre andere altro otro ander annan alter, alius
22 one * un eins uno uno een ett unus
23 two * deux zwei due dos twee två duo
24 three trois drei tre tres drie tre tres
25 four quatre vier quattro cuatro vier fyra quattuor
26 five cinq fünf cinque cinco vijf fem quinque
27 big * grand groß grande grande groot stor magnus, grandis
28 long * long lang lungo largo lang lång longus
29 wide large breit, weit largo ancho breed, wijd bred, vid latus
30 thick épais dick spesso grueso dik tjock creber
31 heavy lourd schwer pesante pesado zwaar tung gravis
32 small * petit klein piccolo pequeño klein liten parvus
33 short court kurz corto corto kort kort brevis
34 narrow étroit eng stretto estrecho, angosto smal trång angustus
35 thin mince dünn sottile delgado, flaco dun tunn macer
36 woman * femme Frau donna mujer vrouw kvinna femina
37 man (adult male) homme Mann uomo hombre man man vir
38 man * (human being) homme Mensch uomo hombre mens människa homo
39 child enfant Kind bambino niño kind barn puer
40 wife femme, épouse Frau, Ehefrau moglie esposa, mujer vrouw, echtgenote hustru, maka, fru uxor, mulier
41 husband mari, époux Mann, Ehemann marito esposo, marido man, echtgenoot man, make maritus
42 mother mère Mutter madre madre moeder mamma, mor mater
43 father père Vater padre padre vader pappa, far pater
44 animal animal Tier animale animal dier djur animal
45 fish * poisson Fisch pesce pez, pescado vis fisk piscis
46 bird * oiseau Vogel uccello ave, pájaro vogel fågel avis
47 dog * chien Hund cane perro hond hund canis
48 louse * pou Laus pidocchio piojo luis lus pedis
49 snake serpent Schlange serpente serpiente, culebra slang orm serpens
50 worm ver Wurm verme gusano worm mask vermis
51 tree * arbre Baum albero árbol boom träd arbor
52 forest forêt Wald foresta bosque woud skog silva
53 stick bâton Stock bastone palo stok pinne fustis
54 fruit fruit Frucht frutta fruta fruit, vrucht frukt fructus
55 seed * graine Samen seme semilla zaad frö semen
56 leaf * feuille Blatt foglia hoja blad löv, blad folium
57 root * racine Wurzel radice raíz wortel rot radix
58 bark * (from tree) écorce Rinde corteccia corteza schors bark cortex
59 flower fleur Blume fiore flor bloem blomma flos
60 grass herbe Gras erba hierba, pasto gras gräs herba
61 rope corde Seil corda cuerda touw, koord rep funis
62 skin * peau Haut pelle piel huid hud cutis
63 meat viande Fleisch carne carne vlees kött caro
64 blood * sang Blut sangue sangre bloed blod sanguis
65 bone * os Knochen osso hueso been, bot ben os
66 fat * (n.) graisse Fett grasso grasa vet fett adeps
67 egg * œuf Ei uovo huevo ei ägg ovum
68 horn * corne Horn corno cuerno hoorn horn cornu
69 tail * queue Schwanz coda cola staart svans cauda
70 feather * plume Feder piuma pluma veer fjäder penna
71 hair * cheveu Haar capelli cabello, pelo haar hår capillus, coma, crinis
72 head * tête Kopf, Haupt testa cabeza hoofd, kop huvud caput
73 ear * oreille Ohr orecchio oreja oor öra auris
74 eye * œil Auge occhio ojo oog öga oculus
75 nose * nez Nase naso nariz neus näsa nasus
76 mouth * bouche Mund bocca boca mond mun os
77 tooth * dent Zahn dente diente tand tand dens
78 tongue * langue Zunge lingua lengua tong tunga lingua
79 fingernail ongle Fingernagel unghia uña vingernagel nagel unguis
80 foot * pied Fuß piede pie voet fot pes
81 leg jambe Bein gamba pierna been ben crus
82 knee * genou Knie ginocchio rodilla knie knä genu
83 hand * main Hand mano mano hand hand manus
84 wing aile Flügel ala ala vleugel vinge ala
85 belly * ventre Bauch pancia barriga, vientre, panza buik mage venter
86 guts entrailles Eingeweide, Innereien intestino entrañas, tripas ingewanden inälvor intestina
87 neck * cou Hals collo cuello nek hals, nacke collum, cervix
88 back dos Rücken schiena espalda rug rygg tergum
89 breast * sein, poitrine Brust petto pecho, seno borst bröst pectus, mamma
90 heart * cœur Herz cuore corazón hart hjärta cor
91 liver * foie Leber fegato hígado lever lever iecur
92 drink * boire trinken bere beber, tomar drinken dricka bibere
93 eat * manger essen mangiare comer eten äta edere
94 bite * mordre beißen mordere morder bijten bita mordere
95 suck sucer saugen succhiare chupar zuigen suga sugere
96 spit cracher spucken sputare escupir spuwen spotta sputare
97 vomit vomir erbrechen vomitare vomitar braken, overgeven kräkas, spy vomere
98 blow souffler blasen soffiare soplar blazen blåsa flare
99 breathe respirer atmen respirare respirar ademen andas spirare
100 laugh rire lachen ridere reír lachen skratta ridere
101 see * voir sehen vedere ver zien se videre
102 hear * entendre hören udire, sentire oír horen höra audire
103 know * (a fact) savoir wissen sapere saber weten veta scire
104 think penser denken pensare pensar denken tänka putare
105 smell sentir riechen odorare, annusare oler ruiken lukta olere
106 fear craindre, avoir peur fürchten temere temer vrezen, angst frukta, rädas timere
107 sleep * dormir schlafen dormire dormir slapen sova dormire
108 live vivre leben vivere vivir leven leva vivere
109 die * mourir sterben morire morir sterven mori
110 kill * tuer töten uccidere matar doden döda necare
111 fight se battre kämpfen combattere pelear vechten strida pugnare
112 hunt chasser jagen cacciare cazar jagen jaga venari
113 hit frapper schlagen colpire golpear slaan slå pellere
114 cut couper schneiden tagliare cortar snijden skära secare
115 split fendre spalten dividere, separare partir splijten dela, klyva scindere, partiri
116 stab poignarder stechen pugnalare apuñalar steken sticka traicere
117 scratch gratter kratzen graffiare arañar, rascar krabben klia radere
118 dig creuser graben scavare cavar graven gräva fodere
119 swim * nager schwimmen nuotare nadar zwemmen simma natare
120 fly * (v.) voler fliegen volare volar vliegen flyga volare
121 walk * marcher gehen camminare caminar lopen gradi
122 come * venir kommen venire venir komen komma venire
123 lie * s'étendre liegen distendersi echarse, acostarse, tenderse liggen ligga iacere
124 sit * s'asseoir sitzen sedere sentarse zitten sitta sedere
125 stand * se lever stehen stare in piedi estar de pie staan stå stare
126 turn tourner drehen girare voltear draaien svänga vertere
127 fall tomber fallen cadere caer vallen falla cadere
128 give * donner geben dare dar geven ge dare
129 hold tenir halten tenere sostener houden hålla tenere
130 squeeze serrer quetschen spremere apretar knijpen klämma premere
131 rub frotter reiben strofinare frotar, restregar wrijven gnida fricare
132 wash laver waschen lavare lavar wassen tvätta lavare
133 wipe essuyer wischen asciugare limpiar vegen rensa tergere
134 pull tirer ziehen tirare tirar trekken dra trahere
135 push pousser drücken spingere empujar duwen trycka pellere, urgere
136 throw jeter werfen tirare tirar werpen, gooien kasta iacere
137 tie lier binden legare atar knopen knyta, binda stringere, ligare
138 sew coudre nähen cucire coser naaien sy suere
139 count compter zählen contare contar tellen räkna numerare
140 say * dire sagen dire decir zeggen säga dicere
141 sing chanter singen cantare cantar zingen sjunga canere
142 play jouer spielen giocare jugar spelen leka, spela ludere
143 float flotter schweben galleggiare flotar zweven flyta fluctuare
144 flow couler fließen fluire fluir vloeien rinna fluere
145 freeze geler frieren gelare helar vriezen frysa gelare
146 swell gonfler schwellen gonfiare hincharse zwellen svälla inflare
147 sun * soleil Sonne sole sol zon sol sol
148 moon * lune Mond luna luna maan måne luna
149 star * étoile Stern stella estrella ster stjärna stella
150 water * eau Wasser acqua agua water vatten aqua
151 rain * pluie Regen pioggia lluvia regen regn pluvia
152 river rivière Fluß fiume río rivier flod fluvius
153 lake lac See lago lago meer sjö lacus
154 sea mer Meer, See mare mar zee hav mare
155 salt sel Salz sale sal zout salt sal
156 stone * pierre Stein pietra piedra steen sten lapis, petra
157 sand * sable Sand sabbia arena zand sand arena
158 dust poussière Staub polvere polvo stof damm pulvis
159 earth * terre Erde terra tierra aarde jord terra
160 cloud * nuage Wolke nuvola nube wolk moln nimbus, nubes
161 fog brouillard Nebel nebbia niebla mist, nevel dimma caligo, nebula
162 sky ciel Himmel cielo cielo lucht himmel caelum
163 wind vent Wind vento viento wind vind ventus
164 snow neige Schnee neve nieve sneeuw snö nix
165 ice glace Eis ghiaccio hielo ijs is glacies
166 smoke * fumée Rauch fumo humo rook rök fumus
167 fire * feu Feuer fuoco fuego vuur eld ignis
168 ashes * cendres Asche ceneri cenizas as aska cineres
169 burn * brûler brennen bruciare quemar branden brinna ardere
170 road * route Straße strada camino weg väg via
171 mountain * montagne Berg montagna montaña berg berg mons
172 red * rouge rot rosso rojo rood röd ruber
173 green * vert grün verde verde groen grön viridis
174 yellow * jaune gelb giallo amarillo geel gul flavus
175 white * blanc weiß bianco blanco wit vit albus, candidus
176 black * noir schwarz nero negro zwart svart niger, ater, fuscus
177 night * nuit Nacht notte noche nacht natt nox
178 day jour Tag giorno día dag dag dies
179 year an, année Jahr anno año jaar år annus
180 warm * chaud warm caldo cálido, tibio warm varm calidus
181 cold * froid kalt freddo frío koud kall frigidus
182 full * plein voll pieno lleno vol full plenus
183 new * nouveau neu nuovo nuevo nieuw ny novus
184 old vieux alt vecchio viejo oud gammal vetus
185 good * bon gut buono bueno goed bra bonus
186 bad mauvais schlecht cattivo malo slecht dålig malus
187 rotten pourri verrottet marcio podrido rot rutten puter, putridus
188 dirty sale schmutzig sporco sucio vies smutsig sordidus
189 straight droit gerade diritto recto recht rak rectus
190 round * rond rund rotondo redondo rond rund rotundus
191 sharp tranchant, pointu, aigu scharf aguzzo, affilato afilado scherp vass acer
192 dull émoussé stumpf noioso desafilado stomp, bot slö hebes
193 smooth lisse glatt liscio suave, liso glad len, slät levis
194 wet mouillé nass, feucht bagnato mojado nat våt, blöt umidus
195 dry * sec trocken asciutto, secco seco droog torr siccus
196 correct juste, correct richtig corretto correcto juist, correct rätt, riktig rectus
197 near proche nah, nahe vicino cerca dichtbij nära propinquus
198 far loin weit, fern lontano lejos ver långt bort, fjärran longinquus
199 right à droite rechts destra derecha rechts höger dexter
200 left à gauche links sinistra izquierda links vänster sinister
201 at à bei, an a a, en, ante aan, te, bij hos, vid ad
202 in dans in in en in i in
203 with avec mit con con met med cum
204 and et und e y en och et
205 if si wenn, falls, ob se si als, indien om si
206 because parce que weil perché porque omdat eftersom, ty quia, quoniam
207 name * nom Name nome nombre naam namn nomen

See also


World languages

World languages — other existing wikis

Regional languages