User:JeffDoozan/lists/section order/unexpected child

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Unexpected child section


7145 items

& Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
'a Mbyá Guaraní:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
'a Mbyá Guaraní:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
'a regua Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
'cihcin Malecite-Passamaquoddy:Dependent noun
'n Dutch:Notes
'temisol Malecite-Passamaquoddy:Dependent noun
Mbyá Guaraní:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
-BAAL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-BAʼ Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-BAʼ Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-BÉÉZH Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-BĄ́Ą́Z Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHA Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHIIʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHIŁ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHOZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHÍÍL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHĄĄʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHĄ́Ą́ʼ Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-CHĄ́Ą́ʼ Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-CHĮĮD Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-CHĮĮD Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-CHĮ́ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHʼI Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHʼIIZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHʼIL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHʼÍÍʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHʼĄH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHʼĄĄʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHʼĄ́Ą́L Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-CHʼĮ́Į́D Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-CHʼĮ́Į́D Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-CHʼĮ́Į́DÍ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DIZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DLOOZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DLOʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DLÉÉZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DLĄ́Ą́ʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DO Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DOII Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DON Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DZAʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DZID Navajo:Etymology 2:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DZID Navajo:Etymology 1:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DZIL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DZÍÍʼ Navajo:Stem set
-DZĮ́Į́Z Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DÁ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DÁÁZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DÉÉL Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-DÉÉL Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-DÍÍN Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DĄĄD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DĮĮD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-DǪǪD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-GAII Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-GAN Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-GEED Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-GHAAL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-GHAAZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-GHAZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-GHÁÁZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-GHĄ́Ą́ʼ Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-GHĄ́Ą́ʼ Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-GIZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-GIZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-GOʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-GĄĄZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-HAI Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-JID Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-JIŁ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-JOOL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-JÉÉʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KAAD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KAAL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KAL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KID Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KWI Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KÁÁL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KÉÉZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KĄĄD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KĘ́Ę́Z Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KǪʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KʼAAZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KʼAII Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KʼĄĄD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-KʼĮH Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-KʼĮH Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-KʼǪSH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-LID Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-LIZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-LOʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-LÁÁʼ Navajo:Etymology 2:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-LÁÁʼ Navajo:Etymology 1:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-LÓÓZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-LĄĄD Navajo:Etymology 2:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-LĄĄD Navajo:Etymology 1:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-LĮ́ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-LĮ́Į́ʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-MAL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-MÁÁZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-NAʼ Navajo:Etymology 3:Stem set
-NAʼ Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-NAʼ Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-NIID Navajo:Etymology 5:Stem set
-NIID Navajo:Etymology 3:Stem set
-NIID Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-NIID Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-NIID Navajo:Etymology 4:Stem set
-NIIʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-NISH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-NÁ Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-NÁ Navajo:Etymology 3:Stem set
-NÁ Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-NÁÁŁ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-NÍÍD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-SǪS Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TAAZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TEEL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TIH Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-TIH Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-TSAII Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSAʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSEII Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSIZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSOH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSOII Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSOOZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSĄĄD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSĄ́ Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-TSĄ́ Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-TSĄ́Ą́ʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSʼEEʼ Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-TSʼEEʼ Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-TSʼIL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSʼÍLÍ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSʼÍÍSÍ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSʼÓÓZÍ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSʼĮĮD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSʼĮĮL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSʼǪ́Ǫ́D Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TSʼǪ́Ǫ́Z Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TÁÁL Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-TÁÁL Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-TĄ́ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TŁAH Navajo:Etymology 3:Stem set
-TŁAH Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-TŁAH Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-TŁIIZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TŁIZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TŁÉÉʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TŁʼIIZH Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-TŁʼIIZH Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-TŁʼIN Navajo:Etymology 2:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TŁʼIN Navajo:Etymology 1:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TŁʼIN Navajo:Etymology 3:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TŁʼIN Navajo:Etymology 4:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TŁʼIS Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TŁʼÁ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TŁʼÍÍD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TŁʼǪ́ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TʼAʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TʼEʼ Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-TʼEʼ Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-TʼIʼ Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-TʼIʼ Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-TʼOD Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-TʼOH Navajo:Etymology 2:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TʼOH Navajo:Etymology 3:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TʼÉ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TʼÉÉZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-TʼÓÓD Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-TʼÓÓD Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-TʼĮ́Į́H Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-WOD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-WOZH Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-WOZH Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-YAA Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-YEʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-YIZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-YOOD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-YÉÉL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-YÉÉʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-YĄĄD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-YĄ́ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-YĄ́Ą́ʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-YĮ́Į́ʼ Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-YĮ́Į́ʼ Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-ZEEZ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZHIIZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZHIZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZHIʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZHÓÓD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZHĮ́ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZHĮ́Į́ʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZID Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZIID Navajo:Etymology 2:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZIID Navajo:Etymology 1:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZIIL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZO Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZÉÍ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZĄ́Ą́ʼ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZĮĮD Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ZǪ́Ǫ́Z Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ares Catalan:Egymology
-a’ Mohawk:Notes
-ere Latin:Etymology 4:Usage Notes
-fish Albanian:Morpheme
-ha’ Mohawk:Notes
-i- Old Irish:Simulfix
-ina Indonesian:Suffix has unexpected child Notes
-isti Latin:Derived Terms
-si Albanian:Suffix has unexpected child Usage examples
-skô Slovincian:Head
-uyo Ido:Suffix has unexpected child Paronyms
-zet Albanian:Notes
-às Catalan:Etymology 2:Usage Notes
-ʼAAL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ʼEEZH Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ʼÉÉL Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ʼĄ́ Navajo:Root has unexpected child Stem set
-ʼĮĮD Navajo:Etymology 2:Stem set
-ʼĮĮD Navajo:Etymology 1:Stem set
-τέος Ancient Greek:Suffix has unexpected child Usage examples
-аж Russian:Accentological notes
-கட்டி Irula:Verbal Suffix
-ဟာ Burmese:Dependent noun
-አ Ge'ez:Enclitic particle
-አ Ge'ez:Notes
0 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
1 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
2 Tagalog:Iteration mark
2 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
2 Indonesian:Iteration mark
2 Malay:Iteration mark
3 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
4 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
5 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
6 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
7 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
8 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
9 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
9-3 French:Note
A Translingual:Gallery
A. Latin:Abbreviations
APEX English:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Derived tersm
Abelard English:Paronyms
Abney English:Proper noun has unexpected child Derived tersm
Abélard French:Paronyms
Acca Old English:External links
Adelard English:Paronyms
Adelard Catalan:Paronyms
Adelard German:Paronyms
Adelard Dutch:Paronyms
Adelardo Spanish:Proper noun has unexpected child Paronyms
Adelardo Italian:Paronyms
Adélard French:Paronyms
Aeron Welsh:Derived Names
Aigéan Antartach Irish:Proper noun has unexpected child Mutation
Aigéan Artach Irish:Proper noun has unexpected child Mutation
Aigéan Atlantach Irish:Proper noun has unexpected child Mutation
Aigéan Ciúin Irish:Proper noun has unexpected child Mutation
Aigéan Indiach Irish:Proper noun has unexpected child Mutation
Alapadupẹ Yoruba:Proper noun has unexpected child Notes
Aldmann Old English:Alternate Forms
Almancı Turkish:Proper noun has unexpected child External links
Amerika Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
Amin French:Paronyms
Amine French:Paronyms
Amouroux French:Paronyms
Amrou French:Paronyms
Andrée-Anne French:Variant spellings
Anggalis Tausug:Alyernatige terms
Anglicanize English:Verb has unexpected child Related words
Antigone Italian:Proper name
Ardwine Old English:Alternate Forms
Armentières French:Paronyms
Arpajon Occitan:Paronyms
Arpajon French:Paronyms
Arpaon Old Occitan:Paronyms
Arpavon Occitan:Paronyms
Arpavon French:Paronyms
Arsène French:Paronyms
Ascou French:Paronyms
Ascoux French:Paronyms
Ayọbamikalẹ Yoruba:Proper noun has unexpected child Similar names
Aínsa Spanish:Proper noun has unexpected child Derive terms
B Translingual:Gallery
Babba Old English:External links
Badu Old English:Alternate Forms
Badufriþ Old English:Alternate Forms
Baduwine Old English:Alternate Forms
Balangay Kankanaey:Proper Noun
Balduc French:Paronyms
Bar-le-Duc French:Paronyms
Baraduc French:Paronyms
Beadufriþ Old English:Alternate Forms
Beagnoþ Old English:External links
Beccari English:Paronyms
Beccari Italian:Paronyms
Beifahrersitz German:Noun has unexpected child Hyponym
Belanda Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
Beorhtwine Old English:External links
Berht Old English:Alternate Forms
Birette French:Paronyms
Blæcca Old English:External links
Blümchen German:Noun has unexpected child Hypünyms
Boia Old English:External links
Bokhara English:Proper noun has unexpected child Deried terms
Botwine Old English:External links
Bourges English:Proper noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
Bregowine Old English:External links
Breitenbach French:Paronyms
Brogniart French:Paronyms
Brongniart French:Paronyms
Bucca Old English:External links
Burhsige Old English:Alternate Forms
Burtståg Bavarian:Alternative
Bynna Old English:External links
Bérengère French:Paronyms
C Translingual:Gallery
California stop English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
Camenzind English:Paronyms
Camenzind French:Paronyms
Camezind French:Paronyms
Camezind English:Paronyms
Cana Old English:External links
Candilis French:Paronyms
Canté French:Paronyms
Ceadda Old English:External links
Cena Old English:External links
Central Time English:Gallery
Ceolmær Old English:External links
ChaF-qiH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Chabon French:Paronyms
Chapon French:Paronyms
Chartres French:Paronyms
Chauvin French:Paronyms
Chavin French:Paronyms
ChiF-kliqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
ChiF-tykaqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Châtres French:Paronyms
Cikrt Czech:Proper noun has unexpected child =Declension
Cina Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
Ciotaden French:Paronyms
Clermont French:Paronyms
Clément French:Paronyms
Clémont French:Paronyms
Coats English:Proper noun has unexpected child Deriedterms
Cobée French:Paronyms
Coelophrys Translingual:Proper noun has unexpected child Gallery
Colombier French:Paronyms
Colomiers French:Paronyms
Comps Dutch:Abbreviation
Confederate English:Gallery
Coppée French:Paronyms
Cotta Old English:External links
Creoda Old English:External links
Cucuron French:Paronyms
Cucuron Occitan:Paronyms
Cuguron French:Paronyms
Cuguron Occitan:Paronyms
Cuqueron Occitan:Paronyms
Cuqueron French:Paronyms
Cuþred Old English:Alternate Forms
Cúil Aodha Irish:Proper name
D Translingual:Gallery
DEBATIK Albanian:Acronym
Delors French:Paronyms
Demon English:External Links
Deorlaf Old English:External links
Disneyland English:Proper noun has unexpected child Gallery
Dodda Old English:External links
Dufaur French:Paronyms
Dufaur English:Paronyms
Dufour French:Paronyms
Dunna Old English:External links
Duta Tagalog:Further Reading
E Translingual:Gallery
Eada Old English:External links
Ealda Old English:External links
Eata Old English:External links
Ecgred Old English:Alternate Forms
Eleatic English:Adjective has unexpected child Near-synonyms
Elphick English:External links
Entmilitarisierer German:Noun has unexpected child Entclension
Eosterwine Old English:Alternate Forms
Epiphany English:Notes
F Translingual:Gallery
Fauch French:Paronyms
Fauchier French:Paronyms
Faugier French:Paronyms
Faugières French:Paronyms
Fermi French:Paronyms
Firmi French:Paronyms
Flavius English:Proper noun has unexpected child External links
Floc'h French:Paronyms
Floß German:Noun has unexpected child Hyponym
Foch French:Paronyms
Fogiel French:Paronyms
Fouad French:Paronyms
Frasne French:Paronyms
Frasne English:Paronyms
Friday English:Noun has unexpected child Symbols
Friþuwine Old English:External links
G Translingual:Gallery
Gabarre French:Paronyms
Gabarret French:Paronyms
Gabas French:Paronyms
Gabès French:Paronyms
Gadès French:Paronyms
Gaillet French:Paronyms
Galatie French:Paronyms
Galicie French:Paronyms
Gangwon English:Alternatives
Garmund Old English:External links
Garwald Old English:Alternate Forms
Gaëlle French:Paronyms
Geothermobacter Translingual:Proper noun has unexpected child Hypomyms
Germany English:Proper noun has unexpected child Gallery
Gieldwine Old English:External links
Gillem Basque:Variants
Godgifu Old English:External links
Golda Old English:External links
Guillard French:Paronyms
Guillard English:Paronyms
Guillet French:Paronyms
Guillouard French:Paronyms
Gunter's line English:Notes
Gunter's scale English:Notes
Gyeongsang English:Alternatives
H Translingual:Gallery
Hacène French:Paronyms
Hansard English:Notes
Harpagon French:Paronyms
Henjunaha English:Alternative names
Hindenbug English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
Hocca Old English:External links
Hroc Old English:External links
Hroþwine Old English:External links
Hub English:Eytmology 1
Hwita Old English:External links
Hypatie French:Paronyms
Höhle German:Paronyms
Hölle German:Paronyms
I Translingual:Gallery
Ifa Old English:External links
Inga Old English:External links
Inggeris Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
Iyami Oṣoronga Yoruba:Proper noun has unexpected child Notes
J Translingual:Gallery
JaA-ktonqI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
JaA-yuI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
JaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Jack Frost English:Notes
James English:External Links
Jawi Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
Jeolla English:Alternatives
Jepun Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
Jiasian English:Gallery
Joly French:Paronyms
Jouly French:Paronyms
Julie-Anne French:Spelling variants
JweA-saK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Adjective has unexpected child Example sentences
JwiH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
K Translingual:Gallery
K Swedish:Abbreviations
KKC Turkish:Noun has unexpected child Üst kavramlar
KKC Turkish:Noun has unexpected child Benzer kelimeler
KaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Kakyen English:Alternative names
Kalga English:Paronyms
Kaluga English:Paronyms
Kaouther French:Paronyms
KchaA-kjoqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KchiqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KeC-mboqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KeC-xtyiE-ktaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Keayn Sheealtagh Manx:Proper noun has unexpected child Mutation
Kimiya English:Paronyms
Kimya English:Paronyms
Kinallaub Kankanaey:Proper Noun
KleK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Klobučar Serbo-Croatian:Notes and references
KnoqC-ndawiK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Kondýlis French:Paronyms
Kristian Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
KsiK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KsiqF-lwaH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KtaF-ykaE San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KtsiqF xuA San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KtsiqF-kaJ-skwaJ San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Kugelkette German:Gallery
KwanH-n'yaJ San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KweC-ntaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KweC-ntuK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KweqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KwiE San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Resources
KwnaE-ntyiqJ San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KxaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KxuK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
KyoA-keI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
L Translingual:Gallery
L'yuI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
LASER English:Noun has unexpected child Etymology
LaTeX English:Notes
Lach Polish:Noun has unexpected child Derived nouns
Lafleur English:Paronyms
Laoi Irish:Proper name
Laureston English:Paronyms
Lauretsen English:Paronyms
Lauretson English:Paronyms
Lauristen English:Paronyms
Lauriston English:Paronyms
Lauritsen English:Paronyms
Lauritson English:Paronyms
Lavallois French:Paronyms
Le Tellier French:Paronyms
Lee English:Etymology 2:Proper name
Lefler English:Paronyms
Leofa Old English:External links
Letellier French:Paronyms
Levallois French:Paronyms
Lhotellier French:Paronyms
Lhôtellier French:Paronyms
LiqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Llandudno Welsh:Proper noun has unexpected child Mutation
LoA-keI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
LoA-kiqI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
LoA-ntenI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
LoA-ykwaqI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Loeffler English:Paronyms
Loffler English:Paronyms
Lofler English:Paronyms
Longages French:Paronyms
Lorne English:Etymololgy
Louhansk French:Alternative
LuqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Lustwine Old English:External links
LyaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
LyiqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Lyman English:Etymology 2:External links
Löwenbergers German:PSchwarper noun
Löwenburgers German:PSchwarper noun
Löwensteiners German:PSchwarper noun
M Translingual:Gallery
MABBIM Indonesian:Pronounciation
MBSR English:External links
MFW English:Phrase has unexpected child Related forms
ML Finnish:Initialism
MaA-ndaJ San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Maas East Central German:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Derived
Macassar Portuguese:Alternative form
Magi English:Notes
Malaury French:Paronyms
Malaysia Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
Malet French:Paronyms
Mamère French:Paronyms
Manlleu Catalan:Proper noun has unexpected child Derive terms
Manoukian French:Paronyms
Maraval French:Paronyms
Marilou French:Paronyms
Marval French:Paronyms
Mary-bud English:Alternative
Marylou French:Paronyms
Mauzé French:Paronyms
Megwine Old English:Alternate Forms
Melayu Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
Meluḫḫa Akkadian:Other Citations
Mevagissey English:Paronyms
MiH-nyiqJ San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Miraval French:Paronyms
Mireval French:Paronyms
Mirval French:Paronyms
Missillac French:Paronyms
Molet French:Paronyms
Mollet French:Paronyms
Monday English:Noun has unexpected child Symbols
Montard French:Paronyms
Monthieu French:Paronyms
Monthieux French:Paronyms
Montreal steak spice English:External links
Mooir Antarctagh Manx:Proper noun has unexpected child Mutation
Mooir Arctagh Manx:Proper noun has unexpected child Mutation
Muret French:Paronyms
Muslim Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
N Translingual:Gallery
NaF-jniJ San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Nagupak Kankanaey:Proper Noun
Nasrani Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
NchanqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NdaA klaA skwaqG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NdleK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Neptunian English:Notes
NeqA-jaJ San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NeqA-tanI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NeqA-xqanK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NeqC-t'yuI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NgwanH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Niederösterreich German:Notes
Nin English:Etymology 2:Proper name
NkonB-keK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NkonB-siK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NkonB-xuK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NoA-qanE-lyuq0A San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NoA-xweI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NtsiK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NtswiqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Nusantara Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
NyaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
NyoK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Kiowa:User notes
O Translingual:Gallery
Oberösterreich German:Notes
Ofa Old English:External links
Ogg English:Proper noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
Oleshky English:External links
Orikhiv English:External links
P Translingual:Gallery
P'o-suwae-geh Owingeh Tewa:Proper Noun
Palearctic English:Proper noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
Palladian English:Notes
Panathenaea English:Notes
Parrau French:Paronyms
Parraut French:Paronyms
París Spanish:Paronyms
Pellicier French:Paronyms
Pellissier French:Paronyms
Perneau French:Paronyms
Perneau English:Paronyms
Perrau French:Paronyms
Perraut French:Paronyms
Perret French:Paronyms
Perrineau French:Paronyms
Perrineau English:Paronyms
Perrot French:Paronyms
Philippon French:Paronyms
Philippot French:Paronyms
Philippou French:Paronyms
Philopon French:Paronyms
PiH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Pieiller French:Paronyms
Plegwine Old English:External links
Politorium Latin:Derived words
Pomme French:Proper noun has unexpected child Notes
Pompey French:Paronyms
Pompilius Latin:Paronyms
Pompilla Latin:Paronyms
Pompillus Latin:Paronyms
Pomptilla Latin:Paronyms
Pompylus Latin:Paronyms
Pompée French:Paronyms
Pompéi French:Paronyms
Ponce French:Paronyms
Poppée French:Paronyms
Progrom German:Misspelling
Putta Old English:External links
PyaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
PyonK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Pélissier French:Paronyms
Péret French:Paronyms
Q Translingual:Gallery
QanA-kiqI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
QenH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
QneA-joqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Quanca Catalan:Paronyms
R Translingual:Gallery
RORO English:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
Ramla English:Alternate forms
Raymonde French:Paronyms
Rebbe German:Noun has unexpected child Hyperynms
Reichenbach French:Paronyms
Rián Irish:Notes
Romi English:Proper noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
Royan French:Paronyms
Ruan French:Paronyms
Rædwulf Old English:External links
S Translingual:Gallery
SaA-laK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SaA-naK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SaA-skaqG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SaH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Saint-Julien English:Paronyms
Saint-Junien French:Paronyms
Saint-Prest French:Paronyms
Saint-Priest French:Paronyms
Saint-Priest English:Paronyms
Salvaniacum Latin:Paronyms
Salviniacum Latin:Paronyms
Samuel English:External links
Sancho English:Related terms=
Sardaigne French:Paronyms
Saturday English:Noun has unexpected child Symbols
Sauvagnac French:Paronyms
Sauvignac French:Paronyms
Schwarzenburgers German:PSchwarper noun
SeK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SenG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Sentaurens French:Paronyms
Serani Malay:Proper noun has unexpected child Affixations
Sihanoukism English:Noun has unexpected child Coordiante terms
Sisteron French:Paronyms
SkaA-sqenI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SkaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SkaqG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SkwaG keG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SkwaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Proper noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SkwanG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SkwaqG-jeqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Slavi English:Notes
SlyiK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
SnaK San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Soom Limburgish:Noun has unexpected child Usage terms
Southern Kurdish English:Dialects
Spiu East Central German:Referenzes
SqenI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Sunday English:Noun has unexpected child Symbols
Swegen Old English:External links
Sẹlọmẹ Gun:Proper noun has unexpected child Similar names
T Translingual:Gallery
TESCREAL English:Pronuciation
Talahon German:External links
TanG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Tautou French:Paronyms
Telesphoros English:Other names
TeqA-qaI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Teulières French:Paronyms
Thursday English:Noun has unexpected child Symbols
Tighearna Scottish Gaelic:Prounciation
Tila Old English:External links
TjeqA-xyanqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TjoE-tykaqI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TlyaG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TonG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Toulouges French:Paronyms
Toulouse French:Paronyms
Tournai French:Paronyms
TqaG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TqaG-laH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TqaG-xinG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TqwaA-tqanH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TuC-xkaqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TuF-sqanJ San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Tuesday English:Noun has unexpected child Symbols
TyjiG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TyjyanG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TykuE-tyinqJ San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Proper noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TyqaA-sneqI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
TyqanH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Täschner German:Nouns
U Translingual:Gallery
Uan Dhè Scottish Gaelic:Proper noun has unexpected child Mutation
Uffa Old English:External links
Union English:Gallery
Uranian English:Notes
V Translingual:Gallery
Valois French:Paronyms
Vaneau French:Paronyms
Vauchier French:Paronyms
Vaugier French:Paronyms
Vauguier French:Paronyms
Vauquier French:Paronyms
Vialatte French:Paronyms
Violette French:Paronyms
Vironum Latin:Paronyms
Virunum Latin:Paronyms
Vitu Sicilian:Proper noun has unexpected child Coordinated terms
Vuhledar English:External links
W Translingual:Gallery
Waloi French:Paronyms
Warrick English:Paronyms
Warwick English:Paronyms
Wednesday English:Noun has unexpected child Symbols
Weißensteiners German:PSchwarper noun
Wiga Old English:External links
Wilkinson English:Note
Wine Old English:External links
Wintra Old English:External links
X Translingual:Gallery
XaF-l'yuI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
XaF-lwiH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Xanthippe English:Notes
Xemark Basque:Bibliography
Xemartin Basque:Bibliography
XeqG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
XlyaG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Xoane Basque:Bibliography
Xobür Basque:Bibliography
XqaH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
XqeH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
XtyonH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
XwaG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
XyanG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Y Translingual:Gallery
Y French:Letter has unexpected child Pronunciation
YanG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Yaëlle French:Paronyms
Yerusalem Malay:External links
YjaA-ntqanI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
YjoG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
YkaA-luqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
YkaA-lwiqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
YkaA-ntyaI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
YkaA-tqwaI San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
YkaA-yneG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
YneG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Yokohama English:Proper noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
YquH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
YqweG San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
YuA-nkqaH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Proper noun has unexpected child Example sentences
YweqH San Juan Quiahije Chatino:Noun has unexpected child Example sentences
Z Translingual:Gallery
Zwerchfell German:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
a Translingual:Gallery
a Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
a Welsh:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Mutation
a i. Slovak:Abbreviations
a pod. Slovak:Abbreviations
a'yxy Mbyá Guaraní:Possessed forms
a'yĩ Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
aO English:Multiple parts of speech
aach Vilamovian:Alternative Forms
aasgutú Tlingit:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
aazhawigwaashkwani-anang Ojibwe:Literally
abacus English:Notes
abir Simalungun Batak:=Noun
abjad Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
acaminar Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
acampar Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
acarreau Fala:Past participle
acarreaus Fala:Past participle
accentus circumflexus Latin:Noun has unexpected child Descendant terms
accerchiellato Italian:Gallery
aceră Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
acetoin English:Noun has unexpected child Etymology
achaenocarp English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
achįʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
achʼiish Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
acroposthion English:Alternative spelling
ad Mokilese:External links
ad Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
adaptasi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
adat Ambonese Malay:Lemma
adi Ambonese Malay:Lemma
adichʼą́ą́h Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
adikaʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Stem set
adlą́ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
ado Ambonese Malay:Lemma
adres Ambonese Malay:Lemma
adret English:Notes
adverse French:Paronyms
aether English:Alternative Pronunciation
afjȳr Vilamovian:External Links
afuad Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
afuad Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived Hyponyms
agast Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
agenolhar Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
agl Vilamovian:Alternative Forms
agrelha Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
agresif Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
agreu Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
ague Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
ahaʼdeetʼaah Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
ahd Pohnpeian:External links
ahta Vilamovian:Alternative Forms
aicha Cimbrian:Alternative Forms
aigrette French:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
ai̯tenă Polabian:Notes
ajao ajọsọn Yoruba:Noun has unexpected child Notes
ajao didu Yoruba:Noun has unexpected child Notes
ajoelhou tem que rezar Portuguese:Altenative forms
ajuda Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
akroposthion English:Alternative spelling
aksi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
aktif Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
akã Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
akʼeʼełchí Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
al Mokilese:External links
al English:Etymology 2:Multiple parts of speech
alafè Istriot:Exclamation
alagad Cebuano:Pronunciation 1:Verb Root
alagad Cebuano:Pronunciation 2:Verb Root
albicante Portuguese:Futher reading
aleng Ambonese Malay:Lemma
algebra Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
allan Welsh:Verb has unexpected child Mutation
allan Welsh:Adverb has unexpected child Mutation
almue Danish:Cognates
alsoddeg Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
alteast West Frisian:Reference
altāris Latvian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
alumar Franco-Provençal:Further information
alzhish Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
amar Franco-Provençal:Further information
amato Pali:Adjective form
ambang Indonesian:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
ami Franco-Provençal:Further information
amia Franco-Provençal:Further information
amoureux French:Paronyms
amplo Franco-Provençal:Further information
amuga Yoruba:Noun has unexpected child Notes
amymino Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
amâr Franco-Provençal:Further information
an Fula:Etymology 2:Dialectal variants
ancessor Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
ancyréen French:Paronyms
andma Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
aned Welsh:Verb has unexpected child Mutation
angel's trumpet English:Gallery
annuel French:Paronyms
ante Ido:Preposition has unexpected child Paronyms
antes Asturian:Adverb has unexpected child Related
antiquus Latin:Adjective has unexpected child Descendant notes
anus Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (vulgar or slang)
aochta Vilamovian:Alternative Forms
aochta Vilamovian:External Links
apa Malay:Conjunction has unexpected child Affixations
aparelhar Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
apathie French:Paronyms
apekũ Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
apelar Franco-Provençal:Further information
apiapi Maori:Adjective has unexpected child External links
apogée French:Paronyms
appendre French:Verb has unexpected child Paronyms
apprendre French:Verb has unexpected child Paronyms
aprèp Occitan:Adverb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
aptr Old Norse:Adverb has unexpected child Notes
ara Yoruba:Etymology 1:Notes
arabophobe French:Paronyms
arabophone French:Paronyms
aragne Franco-Provençal:Further information
arcazón Spanish:Notes
arietiform English:Notes
arrowroot English:Notes
asen Danish:Derived Terms
asid ethanöig Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Hyponym
asimilasi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
asin Yoruba:Noun has unexpected child Notes
asli Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
asparagus fern English:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
assizor English:=References
assumido Portuguese:Adjectivo
asugol Fula:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
asumispalvelu Finnish:Additional reading
athanor English:Notes
attrapeur French:Paronyms
atłʼó Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
au Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
auld lang syne English:Notes
aurore French:Paronyms
autoinjector English:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
ava Mbyá Guaraní:Realted terms
avan Ido:Preposition has unexpected child Paronyms
avant-hier French:Paronyms
averse French:Paronyms
avogllo Franco-Provençal:Further information
awet Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
aya Yoruba:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Notes
ayah Malay:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
ayo Cebuano:Verb Root
ayuk-ayutan Malay:Further readings
ayą́ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
aĩ'y Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
aʼaał Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
b Translingual:Gallery
baabu Ambonese Malay:Lemma
baafata Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
babbitt English:Notes
babes Grenadian Creole English:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
bagai Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
bahagia Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
bahas Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
bahasa Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
bakal Malay:Preposition has unexpected child Affixations
baku Malay:Etymology 1:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
baleia Portuguese:Further rading
baling Malay:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
baling Malay:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
ballast English:Gallery
balloon back English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
balyér Franco-Provençal:Further information
bandage English:Verb has unexpected child Deritedterms
bangsa Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
bank Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
bankrap Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
banti Swazi:Relative
banzi Zulu:Relative
banzi Xhosa:Relative
banzi Southern Ndebele:Relative
bapa Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
bar Crimean Tatar:Etymology 1:Predicative
bara brith Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
barat Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
bardhë Albanian:See more
barometz English:Notes
barracks emperor English:Notes
bashkërendoj Albanian:External links
bastard toadflax English:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
batakagan Kankanaey:Proper Noun
batsi Sotho:Relative
bayta' Tausug:Pronounciation
bdóte Dakota:Citations
bear English:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Coordinate terms terms
bedwos Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
bee Fula:Particle has unexpected child Dialectal variants
beflugged Middle English:History
behated English:Notes
behemothic English:Adjective has unexpected child Alternate spellings
ben Translingual:Ek okumalar
bendahara Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
beneolentia Latin:Paronyms
benevolentia Latin:Paronyms
benteng Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
benua Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
beo Indonesian:Notes
berat Indonesian:Affixed terms
berserk English:Notes
berserker English:Notes
betulla Latin:Noun has unexpected child Notes
bezpieczny Silesian:Adjective has unexpected child Conjugation/Declension
bhar Pali:Root has unexpected child Derivatives
bhetele Xhosa:Relative
bhunubhunu Southern Ndebele:Relative
bhutyubhutyu Xhosa:Relative
biadab Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
bifi Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
bignone French:Paronyms
binearrenerepare Port Sorell:Notes
biological time English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
bipenné French:Paronyms
bisa Malay:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
bisa Malay:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
bisa Malay:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
blacmêl Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
blertë Albanian:See more
blowu Xhosa:Relative
blues and twos English:Alternative spelling
blât Franco-Provençal:Further information
boclla Franco-Provençal:Further information
bocllar Franco-Provençal:Further information
bodha Scottish Gaelic:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
bogey English:Notes
boleh Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
bomvu Northern Ndebele:Relative
bomvu Xhosa:Relative
bomvu Southern Ndebele:Relative
bomvu Zulu:Relative
bontât Franco-Provençal:Further information
book bag English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
book debt English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
book number English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
book stamp English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
book table English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
bookend English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
bookholder English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
bookmatch English:Verb has unexpected child Alternate forms
borgno Franco-Provençal:Further information
bosiga Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
bosse Franco-Provençal:Further information
botgros Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
botroș Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
boulangère French:Paronyms
bovu Phuthi:Relative
bovu Swazi:Etymology 1:Relative
bovèt Franco-Provençal:Further information
brawl English:Notes
bread flake English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
bread mold English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
bread-fleigh English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
brede-stitch English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
bridewort English:Gallery
briweg Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Non-derived hyponyms
briweg Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
briweg Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
bruma Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
budisi Southern Ndebele:Relative
buhlungu Southern Ndebele:Relative
buhlungu Zulu:Relative
buhlungu Xhosa:Relative
buhlungu Swazi:Etymology 2:Relative
bukhali Phuthi:Relative
bukhali Zulu:Relative
bukhali Xhosa:Relative
bukhali Swazi:Etymology 2:Relative
bulat Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
bulenda Southern Ndebele:Relative
bullal Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
bullwort English:Gallery
bulîla Phuthi:Relative
bumini Xhosa:Relative
burlingue French:Paronyms
burnout English:External links
butfukutfuku Swazi:Relative
buthuntu Zulu:Relative
buthuntu Xhosa:Relative
bãi Vietnamese:Etymology 2:Compound part
bôf Franco-Provençal:Further information
bùthaidh Scottish Gaelic:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
bəs Azerbaijani:Predicative
c Translingual:Gallery
cabaret French:Paronyms
cabel Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
cabo Asturian:Preposition has unexpected child Derivated terms
cabra d'avet Catalan:Noun has unexpected child Hyponym
cabəca Azerbaijani:Predicative
cachectique French:Paronyms
cachexia English:Notes
caddy English:Notes
cagak Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
cagne Franco-Provençal:Further information
caldrist Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
call to the bar English:Verb has unexpected child Alternate forms
calligramme French:Paronyms
camba Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
cambuk Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
can English:Etymology 1:Pronunciation notes
canale Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
candu Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
canis Latin:Etymology 1:Notes
cantik Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
capap Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
capèl Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
car English:Gallery
carabiniér Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
caravel English:Notes
cardon Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
cardsharp English:Notes
carmalal Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
carped Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
carpo- Romanian:Prefix has unexpected child Paronyms
carrairon Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
carrairòu Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
carriage bolt English:Gallery
carta Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
carw Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
carw Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
cascabelle French:Alternative spelling
cascabelle French:Paronyms
cascatelle French:Paronyms
casse Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
cassette English:Gallery
castèl Occitan:Dialectal variants
castèu Occitan:Dialectal variants
cat Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
cataire French:Paronyms
catar Portuguese:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Notes
catedrala Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
categorially English:Adverb has unexpected child Paronyms
catenary English:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
catsa Swazi:Relative
catéchétique French:Paronyms
causida Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
cautère French:Paronyms
cavala Franco-Provençal:Further information
cedrwydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
cegid fraith Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Notes
ceiar Portuguese:Misspelling
celana Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
centumplex Latin:Adjective has unexpected child Notes
ceramah Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
ceretà Catalan:Paronyms
cerība Latvian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
cha Pacoh:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
chain cable English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
chamba Franco-Provençal:Further information
chance Franco-Provençal:Further information
chancellor English:Notes
chandêla Franco-Provençal:Further information
chang Romani:Refrences
changiér Franco-Provençal:Further information
chapél Franco-Provençal:Further information
charfar Franco-Provençal:Further information
chargeship English:Alternative
charlotte russe English:Notes
charogne Franco-Provençal:Further information
chastelan Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
chatelaine English:Notes
chausida Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
chausir Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
cheatline English:Gallery
chemenar Franco-Provençal:Further information
chemin Franco-Provençal:Further information
chena Franco-Provençal:Further information
cherub English:Notes
chevâl Franco-Provençal:Further information
chiliarchus Latin:Sources
chin Franco-Provençal:Further information
chocolâ Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
chos Jamaican Creole:Alternative spelling
chouazi Franco-Provençal:Verb has unexpected child Notes
chouazì Franco-Provençal:Verb has unexpected child Notes
chouozi Franco-Provençal:Verb has unexpected child Notes
chousa Franco-Provençal:Further information
chouà Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
chowtime English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
chros Jamaican Creole:Alternative spelling
chuzi Franco-Provençal:Verb has unexpected child Notes
chwantus Welsh:References=
ch·ocolât Franco-Provençal:Further information
ch·ouèsir Franco-Provençal:Further information
ch·ouèx Franco-Provençal:Further information
châtagne Franco-Provençal:Further information
châtrar Franco-Provençal:Further information
châtél Franco-Provençal:Further information
chèrchiér Franco-Provençal:Further information
chèrn Franco-Provençal:Further information
chêre Franco-Provençal:Further information
chôd Franco-Provençal:Further information
chôd-temps Franco-Provençal:Further information
chŭm Bahnar:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
chʼéjeeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼéldlóósh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼéldóóh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼélyeed Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼétłíísh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼéʼeeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼéʼnééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼíízǫ́ǫ́s Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼííłjiid Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼííłmáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼííłtsʼǫǫd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼííłtʼood Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼííłtʼááh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼííłtʼééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chʼííłʼeeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
chủ nghĩa duy vật Vietnamese:Noun has unexpected child Derivatives
cigar box English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
cindra Franco-Provençal:Further information
cindrox Franco-Provençal:Further information
cinu Old English:Noun has unexpected child Descendants=
ciosg Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
ciotaden French:Paronyms
citadin French:Paronyms
citrusy English:Alternative spelling
cièl Franco-Provençal:Further information
clairvoyant English:External links
clarièra Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
claviform English:Notes
client English:External links
clinker-built English:Notes
cllartât Franco-Provençal:Further information
clloche Franco-Provençal:Further information
cllâf Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
cllâf Franco-Provençal:Further information
cllâr Franco-Provençal:Further information
cllèya Franco-Provençal:Further information
cllôre Franco-Provençal:Further information
cloquer French:Paronyms
cnwp-fwsogl Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
cnwp-fwsogl Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
cobée French:Paronyms
cochwydd Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
cochwydd Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
cockshut time English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
codra Latin:Notes
codre Franco-Provençal:Further information
coenotic English:Adj
coesyn rhychog Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
coesyn rhychog Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
cognetre Franco-Provençal:Further information
colar Franco-Provençal:Further information
collaari Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
comenciér Franco-Provençal:Further information
comme Middle French:Conjunctiom
commercialiser French:Verb has unexpected child Descendants=
complex Latin:Adjective has unexpected child Notes
confllar Franco-Provençal:Further information
conselyér Franco-Provençal:Further information
consèly Franco-Provençal:Further information
contohnya Indonesian:Preposisition
cornupeta Latin:Etymology 1:Notes
coronation English:Notes
corpo Portuguese:Noun has unexpected child Related tems
corre Franco-Provençal:Further information
corâjo Franco-Provençal:Further information
cotema Franco-Provençal:Further information
cotfo Swazi:Relative
couac French:Paronyms
couic French:Paronyms
could'n Jamaican Creole:Alternative spelling
couére Franco-Provençal:Further information
crachin French:Paronyms
cranson French:Paronyms
crew English:Gallery
criar Franco-Provençal:Further information
criminologie French:Paronyms
criminologue French:Paronyms
cringe English:Notes
critical dissonance English:External links
crossbeam English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
crêre Franco-Provençal:Further information
crêtre Franco-Provençal:Further information
cukai Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
cumhdach Irish:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
cummerbund English:Notes
cunh Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
cuti Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
cutoff time English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
cutél Franco-Provençal:Further information
cuvèrcllo Franco-Provençal:Further information
cwningar Welsh:Notes
cynegetic English:Notes
cypreswydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
cypreswydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
cán Vietnamese:Etymology 3:Compound part
câblogramme French:Paronyms
cânchon Norman:Alternatives
còser Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
côp Franco-Provençal:Further information
côr Franco-Provençal:Further information
côrna Franco-Provençal:Further information
côrt Franco-Provençal:Further information
côtar Franco-Provençal:Further information
Pacoh:Pronoun has unexpected child Affixed forms
d Slovene:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Symbol
d Translingual:Gallery
d Slovene:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Noun
daatsaah Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
dada Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
daftar Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
daftar Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
daging Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
dajal Malay:Noun has unexpected child Phrases
daklar Mokilese:External links
dakwa Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
dakwah Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
dala Phuthi:Relative
dalang Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
dam Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
damai Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
damar Indonesian:Etymology 1:Affixed terms
damo Esperanto:Gallery
damâjo Franco-Provençal:Further information
dance card English:Notes
dannaajo Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
dansa Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
daot Cebuano:Pronunciation 1:Verb Root
daotdaot Cebuano:Verb Root
dapah Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
dapat Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
daxil Azerbaijani:Predicative
de Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
de Welsh:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
deanonymize English:Verb has unexpected child Alternate forms
debar Ido:Verb has unexpected child Paronyms
debat Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
debat Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
debauchery English:Noun has unexpected child Examples of debauchery in a Sentence
debit Indonesian:Etymology 2:Affixed terms
definisi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
dei Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
dei Welsh:Verb has unexpected child Mutation
dekilahr Pohnpeian:External links
deklarasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
delegasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
deli Welsh:Verb has unexpected child Mutation
delir Welsh:Verb has unexpected child Mutation
delor Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
dem so sein German:Further Reading
dem so sein German:Verb has unexpected child Usage Notes
demagnetizer English:Alternative spelling
demimonde English:Notes
deponent Danish:Adjective has unexpected child Examples
derma Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
derma Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
derogatory English:Adjective has unexpected child Parasynonyms
desafiar Portuguese:Referenes
desceller French:Paronyms
desert fruit cake English:Noun has unexpected child Additional notes
deskripsi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
deteksi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
devar Ido:Verb has unexpected child Paronyms
dey Cameroon Pidgin:Etymology 1:Predicative
dia Malay:Pronoun has unexpected child Affixations
diaphragm English:Gallery
didik Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
dighaał Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
dihdi Pohnpeian:External links
diimáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
dijeeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
dikidiki Xhosa:Relative
dikit Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
dikte Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
dikóóh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
dildlóósh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
dildzííł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
diltłʼééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
dilyeed Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
dilʼéés Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
dimáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
dingo fish English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
disert French:Paronyms
disiplin Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
diskusi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
dispersi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
diteeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
ditsʼǫǫd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
ditłíísh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
diâblo Franco-Provençal:Further information
diʼnééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
doblo Franco-Provençal:Further information
dol Mokilese:External links
dompt English:Notes
don Bambara:Etymology 3:Predicative
donar Franco-Provençal:Further information
donnich German:Contraction has unexpected child Usage Notes
dorëshkrim Albanian:External links
dossier French:Gallery
douzeper English:Notes
dragoon English:Notes
drama Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
drawbar English:Gallery
drawbridge English:Gallery
drejtshkrim Albanian:External links
drugfree English:Adjective has unexpected child Alternate forms
druskininkas Lithuanian:Noun has unexpected child Declensions
dryw Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
dryw Welsh:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
dryw Welsh:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
du Breton:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
du Breton:Adjective has unexpected child Mutation
du Breton:Verb has unexpected child Mutation
ducis Latvian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
duegredyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
duegredyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
dugo Cebuano:Verb Root
dukung Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
dulcis Latin:Notes
dum interim Latin:Adverb has unexpected child Notes
duma Zulu:Etymology 1:Relative
duma Southern Ndebele:Relative
dunc Latin:Adverb has unexpected child Notes
dunia Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
duopoly English:Noun has unexpected child Alternative spellings
duquessa Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
duru Xhosa:Relative
dvuma Swazi:Etymology 2:Relative
dwanaście Old Polish:Footnotes
dyamaunt Middle English:Noun has unexpected child Borrowings
dyə̌ Ghomala':Derived forms
dząągee Western Apache:Locative
dâly Franco-Provençal:Further information
dän Swedish:Adverb has unexpected child Pronunciation
däu Gutnish:Pronoun has unexpected child Pronunciation
dæmonic English:Adjective has unexpected child Derived tersm
déceler French:Paronyms
désert French:Paronyms
désertion French:Paronyms
détersion French:Paronyms
dêgt Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
dòn Eastern Maninkakan:Noun has unexpected child Alternative scripts
døn Danish:Cognates
dơ̆ng Bahnar:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
dɛ̀mɛn Eastern Maninkakan:Verb has unexpected child Alternative scripts
dɛ̀nkɛnɛya Eastern Maninkakan:Verb has unexpected child Alternative scripts
dɛ́bɛ Eastern Maninkakan:Noun has unexpected child Alternative scripts
e Translingual:Gallery
e Welsh:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Mutation
eakuã Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
edit Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
egnon Franco-Provençal:Further information
eich Hunsrik:Etymology 2:Adjective has unexpected child Declination
eichne Hunsrik:Declination
eichnem Hunsrik:Declination
eichner Hunsrik:Declination
eichnes Hunsrik:Declination
eider Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
einleiten German:Verb has unexpected child Usage
eiretar Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
eiretièr Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
eithin Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
eithin Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
eithin Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
eko Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
eksklusif Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
eksport Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
ekstrak Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
ekstraksi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
ekstrem Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
elephant trap English:Notes
em contrapartida Portuguese:Conjuntion
embe Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
embireko Mbyá Guaraní:Possessed forms
embonilh Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
embrace English:Notes
emimbo'e Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
emosi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
emperor Franco-Provençal:Further information
employment tribunal English:Notes
enantes Asturian:Adverb has unexpected child Related
end of watch English:Abbreviations
endemoniar Portuguese:Pronounce
enfança Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
entozoon Slovak:External links
entregens French:Notes
enxaguaus Fala:Past participle
enxaguás Fala:Past participle
epicene English:Notes
episcopus Latin:Alternative Forms
erti Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
ery Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
escadrille French:Paronyms
escaire Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
escriure Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
escudièr Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
escuma Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
escut Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
escàder Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
escàser Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
eskadro Ido:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
eskadrono Ido:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
espadrille French:Paronyms
esquado Ido:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
esquelleria Catalan:Noun has unexpected child Hyponym
essayer French:Paronyms
essuyer French:Paronyms
estacade French:Paronyms
estar hasta la verga Spanish:Also
estocade French:Paronyms
estolha Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
etarista Portuguese:Ertmology
etarã ae'i Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
etyma Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
eudicots Translingual:Bibliography
ev English:Multiple parts of speech
evening newspaper English:Noun has unexpected child Related Term
eventise English:Citations
evo English:See lso
expat English:Noun has unexpected child Hyponym
exploser French:Paronyms
exposer French:Paronyms
eɓe Fula:Pronoun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
f Translingual:Gallery
faa- Woleaian:Etymology 1:Numeral Prefix
faham Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
faham Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
faire frais French:Paronyms
faire les frais French:Paronyms
fakultetas Lithuanian:Noun has unexpected child Declensions
famelye Franco-Provençal:Further information
famine resistant English:Pronunciaiton
fardu Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
farga Occitan:Dialectal variants
farmacolog Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
farmacologă Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
fasilitas Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
fat Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
fatberg English:Notes
fauç Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
favomancy English:Noun has unexpected child External links
femèla Franco-Provençal:Further information
fenaande Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
fender English:Gallery
fendre Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
fenétra Franco-Provençal:Further information
ferfelend West Frisian:Refe 8
ferrule English:Notes
ffawydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
ffawydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
fi Turkish:Notes
fichu English:Notes
fifth wheel English:Notes
fii honɗum Fula:Adverb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
film Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
finale French:Etymology 3:Orthographic variants
firmament English:Notes
first-passage time English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
fitta Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (formal)
fitta Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (colloquial or slang)
fitta Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (childish)
fiévra Franco-Provençal:Further information
fiŝo Esperanto:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
fjäderbricka Swedish:Gallery
fjädring Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (vehicle suspension)
flagon English:Notes
flagrans Latin:Paronyms
flamingo Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
flexi-leave English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
fllama Franco-Provençal:Further information
fllanc Franco-Provençal:Further information
fllor Franco-Provençal:Further information
floriography English:Notes
flößen German:Alternative Forms
focaccia Dutch:Pronuncation
fodendo Portuguese:Etymology 2:Intensifier
foil English:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Translation
folx Franco-Provençal:Further information
fom Franco-Provençal:Further information
fore- English:Etymology 3:Derived words
fore- English:Etymology 2:Derived words
fork found in kitchen English:Phrase has unexpected child External links
forlorn hope English:Notes
forn Franco-Provençal:Further information
forn Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
forum weapon English:Noun has unexpected child External links
forêt Franco-Provençal:Further information
forþclipian Old English:Verb has unexpected child Descenndants
fothofotho Xhosa:Relative
foundress English:Notes
fragrans Latin:Paronyms
freedom ride English:Notes
froide French:Paronyms
froides French:Paronyms
fromâjo Franco-Provençal:Further information
frâre Franco-Provençal:Further information
full Swedish:Adjective has unexpected child Synonyms (colloquial or slang)
fusta Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
fuzzball English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
fuè Franco-Provençal:Further information
fy fan Swedish:Alternative forms (euphemistic)
fågel Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (childish)
fèbre Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
fèu Occitan:Etymology 1:Dialectal variants
fèu Occitan:Etymology 2:Dialectal variants
féta Franco-Provençal:Further information
fétar Franco-Provençal:Further information
fêblo Franco-Provençal:Further information
fífl Icelandic:Noun has unexpected child Variants
fôlye Franco-Provençal:Further information
g Translingual:Gallery
g English:Multiple parts of speech
gaillet French:Paronyms
gajah Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
gala Kilivila:Particle has unexpected child Idioms
gallize English:Notes
gampang Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
garw Welsh:Etymology 1:Adjective has unexpected child Mutation
garw Welsh:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
gaə́ Ghomala':Derived forms
gembala Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
genibre Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
genius Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
genolh Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
genoly Franco-Provençal:Further information
genro Ido:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
gentlemen's club English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
geodha Scottish Gaelic:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
gereja Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
gergaji Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
gerigi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
gerinda Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
gesmino Italian:Pronuncia
gesti Lithuanian:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
gift Danish:Synonym
giftbag English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
giggol Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
gigi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
gigi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
gigot English:Notes
giiɗe Fula:Dialectal variants
gila Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
gila Malay:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
gilet English:Notes
gjelbër Albanian:See more
glabrous English:Notes
glaive English:Notes
glamme Danish:Cognates
gliniadur Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
gliniaduron Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
gllace Franco-Provençal:Further information
gllaciér Franco-Provençal:Further information
glo Welsh:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
glo Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
gloas Manx:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
gloas Manx:Verb has unexpected child Mutation
gojat Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
gojata Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
gondola English:Gallery
gonèla Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
goodfella English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
gorge English:Notes
gorze Old Polish:Intjerection
gorå Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Decelnsion
goso Xhosa:Relative
gouardar Franco-Provençal:Further information
gqinsi Zulu:Relative
gramatis Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
grand- French:Prefix has unexpected child Related vocabulary
grange Franco-Provençal:Further information
granë Albanian:See more
grasshopper mouse English:Noun has unexpected child Deriedterms
graulhétois French:Paronyms
grenader French:Paronyms
grimoire English:Notes
grognon French:Paronyms
grogram English:Notes
groomer English:Noun has unexpected child Usages notes
gros tas French:Paronyms
gros temps French:Paronyms
gros thym French:Paronyms
grouille-toi French:Paronyms
groundnut English:Gallery
grug Welsh:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
grugos Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
grupelė Lithuanian:Noun has unexpected child Declensions
grâlye Franco-Provençal:Further information
grâs Franco-Provençal:Further information
guillotine English:Notes
guirmean Scottish Gaelic:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
guirmean Innseanach Scottish Gaelic:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
gula Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
gundik Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
guttle English:Notes
guèine Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
gvt English:Multiple parts of speech
gwar Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
gwegil Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
gwest Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
gwest Welsh:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Mutation
gwm Welsh:Etymology 2:Noun form
gwm Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
g·ènèracion Franco-Provençal:Further information
gâvur Turkish:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
gâvur Turkish:Adjective has unexpected child Idioms
gâvur Turkish:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
gôcho Franco-Provençal:Further information
gĩthũũri Kikuyu:Noun has unexpected child Notes
gərək Azerbaijani:Predicative
h Translingual:Gallery
haa Fula:Adverb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
haajeeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haaldlóósh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haaldóóh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haaltłʼééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haalyeed Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haateeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haatsʼǫǫd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haatłíísh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haaʼeeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haaʼnééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haichʼiid Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haidiłbin Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haigééd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haikʼę́ę́h Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haishóóh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haisííd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haizǫ́ǫ́s Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłbąąs Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłgééd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłgéésh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłhaał Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłjiid Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłkaał Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłmáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłtsʼǫǫd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłtʼeʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłtʼood Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłtʼééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
haiłʼeeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
hakim Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
hakim Malay:Noun has unexpected child Phrases
halang Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
hanaster English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
hand bridge English:Gallery
hanner call Welsh:Adjectival phrase
harpagon French:Paronyms
hasch Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (slang)
hasta la madre Spanish:Also
hasta la verga Spanish:Also
havane French:Paronyms
hawa Malay:Etymology 1:Affixed terms
hawa Indonesian:Etymology 2:Affixed terms
hawa Indonesian:Etymology 1:Affixed terms
head English:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
heads or tails English:Attestations
hej Swedish:Interjection has unexpected child See also (farewells)
hej Swedish:Interjection has unexpected child See also (greetings)
heliophilous English:Paronyms
heliotrope English:Notes
helophilous English:Paronyms
helyg Welsh:Pronunciation notes
heroin Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (slang)
herox Franco-Provençal:Further information
heréjo Franco-Provençal:Further information
heyf Azerbaijani:Predicative
hihi Chinese:External links
hiljada Serbo-Croatian:Footnotes
himo Fula:Pronoun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
hippobrome French:Paronyms
hippodrome French:Paronyms
hirtë Albanian:See more
hisap Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
hiɓe Fula:Pronoun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
hlaha Sotho:Relative
hlaza Southern Ndebele:Relative
hocys Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
holocaust English:Notes
hommbo Fula:Pronoun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
homo Aristophaneus English:Notes
honto Fula:Pronoun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
hoorre Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
hopuònck Narragansett:Noun has unexpected child Notes
hortatif French:Paronyms
host Czech:Noun has unexpected child Usage
hour English:Noun has unexpected child Symbols
hoț Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Expressions
hukum Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
hukum Malay:Noun has unexpected child Related words
hum Akan:Predicate
humoro Ido:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
humuro Ido:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
hun Welsh:Etymology 1:Personal forms
huna Welsh:Verb has unexpected child Mutation
hunan Welsh:Pronoun has unexpected child Personal forms
huống Vietnamese:Compound part
hypogée French:Paronyms
hypso- English:Derived words
hästkapplöpning Swedish:Noun has unexpected child See also (types)
håll käften Swedish:Interjection has unexpected child Synonyms (milder)
héliophile French:Paronyms
hélophile French:Paronyms
hìwkwíalto Taos:Citation
hôt Franco-Provençal:Adjective has unexpected child Notes
i Welsh:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Mutation
i Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
i Translingual:Gallery
ia Malay:Etymology 2:Interjection has unexpected child Affixations
ia Malay:Etymology 1:Pronoun has unexpected child Affixations
icazəli Azerbaijani:Predicative
icetime English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
ide Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
ideal Indonesian:Affixed terms
iidlóóh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iijeeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iildlóósh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiltłʼééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iilyeed Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iimáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiteeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iitsʼǫǫd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iitłíísh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iitʼááh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iizǫ́ǫ́s Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiłbąąs Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiłdóóh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiłjiid Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiłkeed Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiłmáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiłtsʼǫǫd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiłtʼeʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiłtʼood Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiłtʼááh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiłtʼééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiłʼeeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiʼeeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
iiʼnééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
ikhtisar Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
iklim Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
ila Franco-Provençal:Further information
ilmu Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
imla Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
immaculate English:Notes
implementasi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
implikasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
import Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
importar Ido:Verb has unexpected child Paronyms
imw Woleaian:External links
in the stratosphere English:Phrase has unexpected child Alternate forms
ina Kott:Alternative spelling
inb4 English:Conjuction
industri Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
inkstas Lithuanian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
inovasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
inquantum Latin:Adverb has unexpected child Descendants=
insa Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
intan Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
internet brigade English:Abbreviations
interpretasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
introduire Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
introit English:Notes
invandrare Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (derogatory terms used by some people critical of Swedish immigration policy)
irong Mokilese:External links
islaw Welsh:Notes
issu French:Verb has unexpected child Notes
itho Pyemmairre:Notes
ithyphallic English:Notes
j Translingual:Gallery
jackfruit English:Gallery
jacu Portuguese:Noun has unexpected child Relate terms
jagama Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
jaid Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
jaksa Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
jal Franco-Provençal:Further information
jalur Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
jamah Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
jangid Mokilese:External links
japi Mokilese:External links
jar English:Notes
jasmani Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
jati Malay:Etymology 1:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
jawlike English:Adjective has unexpected child Alternate forms
jelata Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
jemen jamah Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
jendela Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
jerk English:Etymology 2:=Derived terms
jerky English:Etymology 2:=Derived terms
jezero Serbo-Croatian:Footnotes
jinawi Javanese:Romanizations
jinayah Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
jorn Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
jorn Franco-Provençal:Further information
jornâ Franco-Provençal:Further information
jornâ Franco-Provençal:Verb has unexpected child Notes
jottem Dutch:External links
joueur-animateur en direct French:Noun has unexpected child Notes
jowi Mokilese:External links
judaïté French:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
jument Franco-Provençal:Further information
juru Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
justifikasi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
juzuk Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
juè Franco-Provençal:Further information
jużci Polish:Head
Eastern Maninkakan:Noun has unexpected child Alternative scripts
jánwu Tlingit:Dialectal variants
jénérachoùn Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
jénérachòn Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
jénérassyon Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
júnher Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
k Translingual:Gallery
kaaba Yoruba:Interjection has unexpected child Corresponding terms
kacang Indonesian:Etymology 2:Affixed terms
kacang Indonesian:Etymology 1:Affixed terms
kaffir bread English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
kafir Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
kahetsema Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compounds verbs
kajama Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
kajap Mokilese:External links
kakao Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kalottimaa Finnish:External links
kaltër Albanian:See more
kalė Lithuanian:Pronunciation 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
kammu Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
kamuflase Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kamuoti Lithuanian:Verb has unexpected child Usages notes
kan Dakota:Citations
kanah Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
kanca Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kansel Indonesian:Root has unexpected child Affixed terms
kanselir Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kančia Lithuanian:Noun has unexpected child Declensions
kapitalnie Polish:Avderb
kar Breton:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
kar Breton:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
karang Malay:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
karang Malay:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
karang Malay:Etymology 3:Adverb has unexpected child Affixations
karier Indonesian:Etymology 1:Affixed terms
karita' Tausug:Pronounciafion
karya Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
karịgbị Yoruba:Pronoun has unexpected child Related times
kaso Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
kasta Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kategori Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
kavanoz Albanian:Nonu
kaveling Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kawan Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kaya Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
kayas Hindi:Meaning
kaŋko Fula:Pronoun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
kedai Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kedut Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
kejaksaan Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kelahi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kelaunikui Celtiberian:Word
kelengkeng Malay:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
keluarga Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kemeja Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kempa Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kencang Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
kerak Uzbek:Predicative
kereta api Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kerguh Northern Kurdish:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
kertas Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
kerumunan Indonesian:Noum
ketogenic English:Adjective has unexpected child Derived t erms
kevjal Northern Kurdish:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
kghopo Phuthi:Relative
kgopo Sotho:Relative
khalwat Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
khanda English:Noun has unexpected child Notes
khombonqa Xhosa:Relative
khotbah Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
khs. Albanian:Verb form
khán Vietnamese:Compound part
kibble English:Paronyms
kigurumi English:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
kijoori Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
kil Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
killi Breton:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
killi Breton:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
kipple English:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
klar wie Kloßbrühe German:Simile
klaster Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
klaxon English:Notes
kleepima Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
klobuk Serbo-Croatian:Notes and references
knall- Swedish:Notes
knowhatimean English:Interj
knulla Swedish:Verb has unexpected child Synonyms (chiefly of animals)
koadok Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
koalo Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
kode Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kokain Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (slang)
koleksi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kolektif Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
kompak Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
komponen Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
komunitas Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kono Fula:Conjunction has unexpected child Dialectal variants
kontaminasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kontribusi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kontrol Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kooho Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
koordinasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
koreksi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
korsku Ingrian:Noun has unexpected child Delcension
korup Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
koyngal Fula:Dialectal variants
kraapima Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
kraapima Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound nouns
krakra Xhosa:Relative
kramkram Xhosa:Relative
krancukrancu Xhosa:Relative
kranyukranyu Xhosa:Relative
krauklis Latvian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
kredietkaart Dutch:Noun has unexpected child Alternative spellings
kredit Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
krelekrele Xhosa:Relative
kremlinologie French:Paronyms
kremlinologue French:Paronyms
kriminal Indonesian:Affixed terms
kriminalas Lithuanian:Noun has unexpected child Declensions
kronis Latvian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
krwada Xhosa:Relative
krwala Xhosa:Relative
kuang Malay:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
kubur Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kubus Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kuda Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
kuk Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (formal)
kuk Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (everyday speech)
kuk Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (colloquial or slang)
kumur Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
kunci Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
kurang Indonesian:Affixed terms
kurmi Lithuanian:Word
kurmio Lithuanian:Word
kusyen Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
kuuk Tausug:Pronounciation
kwerenda Polish:Noun has unexpected child Derived verbs
kyngien Vilamovian:External Links
kyngien Vilamovian:Alternative Forms
käsittää Finnish:References=
käärima Estonian:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
käärima Estonian:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Compound nouns
Eastern Maninkakan:Verb has unexpected child Alternative scripts
köösner Estonian:References reading
kütma Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
kɔ́rɔndi Eastern Maninkakan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
kʼéldlóósh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
l Translingual:Gallery
la Kilivila:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
laborandum Latin:Gerund
lady-in-waiting English:Notes
lafulafu Xhosa:Relative
laga Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
laideron French:Paronyms
laiteron French:Paronyms
laiteta Finnish:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
laiškai Lithuanian:Noun form
lakkuma Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
lakkuma Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound nouns
landak Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Compound terms
lanyard English:Notes
lapor Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
largage French:Paronyms
laskma Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
laskma Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound nouns
launch time English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
laus Latin:Notes
law Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
lawa Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
lawod Cebuano:Verb Root
lazım Azerbaijani:Predicative
laŭ Esperanto:Preposition has unexpected child Related vocabulary
leatherette English:Notes
ledger English:Notes
legitimasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
leister English:Notes
lekas Malay:Adverb has unexpected child Affixations
lemari Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
lembaga Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
lemon English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
lena Franco-Provençal:Further information
lendena Franco-Provençal:Further information
lengoua Franco-Provençal:Further information
lengâjo Franco-Provençal:Further information
lenso Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
lentyl Welsh:Note
lerai Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
lerai Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
lesen Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
lestari Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
libat Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
likhuni Southern Ndebele:Relative
limau Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
limbo English:Notes
lime juice English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
lin Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
line English:Gallery
linngii Fula:Dialectal variants
liphuzi Zulu:Relative
lipota Serbo-Croatian:Footnotes
lishumi Xhosa:Relative
lishumi Phuthi:Relative
liter Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
lithanga Northern Ndebele:Relative
lithoba Xhosa:Relative
litterbug English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
liyér Franco-Provençal:Further information
liévra Franco-Provençal:Further information
llawredyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
llawredyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
llugwe Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
llysiau'r ysgyfaint Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
llysywen Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
llysywen Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
llysywen Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
lo Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
long con English:Future reading
long home English:External links
lonydd Welsh:Adjective has unexpected child Mutation
lonydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
lop Franco-Provençal:Further information
lor Franco-Provençal:Pronoun has unexpected child Notes
loutra Franco-Provençal:Further information
lubhelu Xhosa:Relative
luchdaich a-nìos Scottish Gaelic:Verb has unexpected child Use notes
lucinya Xhosa:Relative
ludwayi Xhosa:Relative
luen Franco-Provençal:Further information
luggage rack English:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
luhlata Swazi:Relative
luhlaza Northern Ndebele:Relative
luhlaza Xhosa:Relative
luhlaza Zulu:Relative
lujiko Xhosa:Relative
lukhuni Swazi:Etymology 2:Relative
lukhuni Zulu:Relative
lukhuni Xhosa:Relative
lula Xhosa:Relative
lula Zulu:Relative
lula Swazi:Relative
lula Southern Ndebele:Etymology 2:Relative
lunama Zulu:Relative
lunello Italian:Gallery
luqhiza Xhosa:Relative
luqotho Xhosa:Relative
lusali Xhosa:Relative
lushica Xhosa:Relative
lutfutfuva Swazi:Relative
luthuthuva Zulu:Relative
luthuzula Xhosa:Relative
lutin French:Paronyms
lutra Latin:Noun has unexpected child Descendant notes
lutra Latin:Notes
lutrin French:Paronyms
luyo Cebuano:Verb Root
luzizi Xhosa:Relative
luè Franco-Provençal:Further information
luỹ Vietnamese:Etymology 2:Compound part
lwasulwasu Xhosa:Relative
lylc Albanian:See more
lyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
Vietnamese:Etymology 3:Notes
lâm Vietnamese:Compound part
lârjo Franco-Provençal:Adjective has unexpected child Notes
lâvra Franco-Provençal:Further information
lèc Franco-Provençal:Further information
lèdo Franco-Provençal:Further information
léopard French:Paronyms
lévro Franco-Provençal:Further information
löje Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms for obsolete senses
lūri Tausug:Pronlunciation
Vietnamese:Etymology 2:Compound part
lợn Vietnamese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs and idioms
m Translingual:Gallery
maaf Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
maaf Malay:Noun has unexpected child Phrases
mabuk Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixed forms
mabuk Malay:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
macha English:Pronounciation
maconini Xhosa:Relative
madla Phuthi:Relative
maelstrom English:Notes
mafehlefehle Xhosa:Relative
mafulufulu Southern Ndebele:Relative
magazana Xhosa:Relative
magidiva Xhosa:Relative
magnet Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
magnetooptic English:Adjective has unexpected child =Derived terms
magot French:Paronyms
magqagala Xhosa:Relative
magqagqa Xhosa:Relative
magwashu Xhosa:Relative
magxwala Xhosa:Relative
mahi Hawaiian:Pronnunciation
mahkamah Malay:Noun has unexpected child Related words
mahn Mokilese:External links
mahout English:Notes
maias Estonian:Adjective has unexpected child Associated terms
maj Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
maj Mokilese:External links
majajana Xhosa:Relative
majikojiko Xhosa:Relative
makam Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
makghwakghwa Southern Ndebele:Relative
makhaza Southern Ndebele:Relative
makhaza Zulu:Relative
makhindilili Xhosa:Relative
makhwezikhwezi Xhosa:Relative
makrifat Malay:Pronounciation
makuahine Hawaiian:Pronunciaiton
malik Azerbaijani:Predicative
malva Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
malwangu Xhosa:Relative
mammaire French:Paronyms
mammite French:Paronyms
mampan Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
mampu Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
man in the moon English:Notes
mandla Xhosa:Relative
mandla Swazi:Relative
mandra Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
mandundu Xhosa:Relative
mangxangxa Xhosa:Relative
manik Indonesian:Etymology 1:Affixed terms
manjadoira Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
mannite French:Paronyms
manqumnqezi Xhosa:Relative
manti Swazi:Relative
mantshiyane Xhosa:Relative
many is the time English:Adverb has unexpected child Alternate forms
manyonywana Xhosa:Relative
manyukunyuku Xhosa:Relative
manyumnyezi Xhosa:Relative
manzanita English:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
manzi Zulu:Relative
manzi Xhosa:Relative
maoïsme French:Paronyms
maphikana Xhosa:Relative
maqali Xhosa:Relative
maqaqawuli Xhosa:Relative
maqhinga Xhosa:Relative
maqhonga Xhosa:Relative
maqhubu Xhosa:Relative
marchiér Franco-Provençal:Further information
marchiê Franco-Provençal:Further information
marchredyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
marchredyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
margue Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
marijuana Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (slang)
marking gauge English:Gallery
marmite French:Paronyms
marrêna Franco-Provençal:Further information
mashiyi Xhosa:Relative
masikizi Xhosa:Relative
mastalgie French:Paronyms
master Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
mastite French:Paronyms
mata-mata Portuguese:Pronounce
matula Latin:Noun has unexpected child Gender
matye Xhosa:Relative
maxhonti Xhosa:Relative
may Pacoh:Pronoun has unexpected child Affixed forms
mbalwa Zulu:Relative
mbalwa Xhosa:Relative
mbalwa Swazi:Relative
mbaroodi Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
mbhoshonqa Xhosa:Relative
mboshololo Xhosa:Relative
mbratë Albanian:Notes
mbuba Xhosa:Relative
mbumbulu Xhosa:Relative
mbumbulu Zulu:Relative
mbuna Xhosa:Relative
mcangalabe Xhosa:Relative
mdaka Zulu:Relative
mdaka Xhosa:Relative
mdzaka Swazi:Relative
meady English:Etymology 2:Alternative spelling
mebi etnek Meyah:Noun has unexpected child Notes
medenî hâl Turkish:Kaynaklar
medio-passivization English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
men Fula:Pronoun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
menar Franco-Provençal:Further information
mene Mokilese:Demonstrative
menen Mokilese:Demonstrative
menen Fula:Pronoun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
mengiér Franco-Provençal:Further information
meno Mokilese:Demonstrative
menteri Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
menuta Franco-Provençal:Further information
merci Dutch:Interjection has unexpected child Variants
mercon Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Notes
mercurial English:Notes
mercusuar Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
merlon English:Notes
mesolha Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
mesra Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
mesra Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
mestê Macanese:Predicative
metapode English:Noun has unexpected child Comeronyms
meteorolog Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
meteorologă Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
meterai Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
metrolog Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
metrologă Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
meška Lithuanian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
meɗen Fula:Pronoun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
mfaca Xhosa:Relative
mfakamfaka Xhosa:Relative
mfakaxa Xhosa:Relative
mfaxa Xhosa:Relative
mfebhemfebhe Xhosa:Relative
mfetyemfetye Xhosa:Relative
mfingimfingi Xhosa:Relative
mfumanga Xhosa:Relative
mfungumfungu Xhosa:Relative
mfusa Xhosa:Relative
mfuxumfuxu Xhosa:Relative
mgama Xhosa:Relative
mgobongqo Xhosa:Relative
mgqubagqubane Xhosa:Relative
mgwaxube Xhosa:Relative
mhati Phuthi:Relative
mhlophe Northern Ndebele:Relative
mhlophe Xhosa:Relative
mhlophe Southern Ndebele:Relative
mhlophe Zulu:Relative
mhlophe Swazi:Relative
mhloshana Zulu:Relative
micak Albanian:Nuon
mielx Franco-Provençal:Adverb has unexpected child Notes
mignonne French:Paronyms
miin Fula:Dialectal variants
mikadatwan Old Sundanese:Source
miktinig Tagalog:Etytmology
miktinig Tagalog:Noun has unexpected child Further Reading
milionari Catalan:Nom
millî Turkish:Alternative spelling
millət vəkili Azerbaijani:Note
min Fula:Etymology 2:Dialectal variants
min Fula:Etymology 1:Dialectal variants
minc Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Notes
minta Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
mishaps English:Pron
mitlite Chinook Jargon:Alternative Spellings
miš Serbo-Croatian:Notes
mkhuma Xhosa:Relative
mlaen Welsh:Adjective has unexpected child Mutation
mnandi Xhosa:Relative
mnandi Southern Ndebele:Relative
mnandi Zulu:Relative
mnandzi Swazi:Relative
mncinane Xhosa:Relative
mnene Swazi:Relative
mnene Zulu:Relative
mngcumevu Xhosa:Relative
mnyama Swazi:Relative
mnyama Northern Ndebele:Relative
mnyama Xhosa:Relative
mnyama Zulu:Relative
mní Dakota:Citations
moang Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
moangen Mokilese:Noun form
moccasin English:Notes
mon Dieu French:Paronyms
mon vieux French:Paronyms
mondo Franco-Provençal:Further information
montagne Franco-Provençal:Further information
mooneye English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
moonlit English:Adjective has unexpected child Alternate forms
moonmoon English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
moonquake English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
moonrise English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
moonset English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
moonshine English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
moony English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
morir Franco-Provençal:Further information
motard French:Paronyms
motiér Franco-Provençal:Further information
moulding of cockle bread English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
moutard French:Paronyms
mouth of a sailor English:Alternative
mouéno Franco-Provençal:Further information
movadulo Esperanto:Personal pronoun
moïsme French:Paronyms
moïsme Catalan:Paronyms
mpakumpaku Xhosa:Relative
mpatshampatsha Xhosa:Relative
mphisholo Zulu:Relative
mphofu Swazi:Relative
mphunga Swazi:Relative
mpofu Zulu:Relative
mpofu Xhosa:Relative
mpuluswa Xhosa:Relative
mpumpu Xhosa:Relative
mpunga Zulu:Relative
mqengqelezi Xhosa:Relative
mqhathu Xhosa:Relative
mqhumqhum Xhosa:Relative
msi Xhosa:Relative
msombo Xhosa:Relative
msulwa Xhosa:Relative
msulwa Zulu:Relative
msulwa Swazi:Relative
msweswana Zulu:Relative
mtfubi Swazi:Relative
mthubi Zulu:Relative
mthubi Xhosa:Relative
mthuzula Xhosa:Relative
mtoti Zulu:Relative
mtsetse Xhosa:Relative
mtyibilizi Xhosa:Relative
muflis Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
muharebe Turkish:Söyleniş
mula Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
mula Franco-Provençal:Further information
mulia Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
mulèt Franco-Provençal:Further information
mummy brown English:Notes
munadzi Phuthi:Relative
munafik Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
munara Tausug:Prnaunciation
muncu Xhosa:Relative
mundéu Portuguese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Related words
mundéu Portuguese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Related words
munn Ter Sami:Alternative versions
munshi English:Notes
munyu Swazi:Relative
muriqui Portuguese:Noun has unexpected child Derdiver terms
murrik Albanian:See more
musette English:Notes
museum Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
muslim Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (dated or derogatory)
mutu Indonesian:Etymology 1:Affixed terms
mutu Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
mutuniatus Latin:Notes
muzik Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
mvila Xhosa:Relative
mvungumvungu Xhosa:Relative
mwomw Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
mwĩrĩ Kikuyu:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
mxinwa Xhosa:Relative
myoli Xhosa:Relative
mâcllo Franco-Provençal:Further information
mâques Franco-Provençal:Further information
mâre Franco-Provençal:Further information
mârs Franco-Provençal:Further information
märkima Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
mène French:Paronyms
mèrlo Franco-Provençal:Further information
mèssâjo Franco-Provençal:Further information
mégot French:Paronyms
mémère French:Paronyms
Franco-Provençal:Further information
mêjo Franco-Provençal:Further information
mêson Franco-Provençal:Further information
mó̠ma Chickasaw:Subordinate modifier
môrdre Franco-Provençal:Further information
môrt Franco-Provençal:Further information
môvés Franco-Provençal:Further information
mú' Ghomala':Related forms
müntehip Turkish:Noun has unexpected child Declination
mũgambo Kikuyu:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
mŷr Welsh:Noun plural
mướp Vietnamese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
məcbur Azerbaijani:Predicative
məhrum Azerbaijani:Predicative
məlum Azerbaijani:Predicative
Yanomamö:Noun has unexpected child Notes
n Translingual:Gallery
na Cameroon Pidgin:Predicative
na- Mwotlap:Article has unexpected child Semantics
na- Mwotlap:Article has unexpected child Morphophonology
naabé Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naabąąs Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naaldloosh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naaldo Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naaldzil Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naalnish Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naalzheeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naataz Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naatsʼǫǫd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naatłíísh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naatʼaʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naatʼiʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naaʼnaʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
naaʼné Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
nabi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
nadrkati Serbo-Croatian:Source
nah English:See also
nah mean English:Interj
naheka Hawaiian:Associated term
nakhoda Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
nanidééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Stem set
naniseʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Stem set
nanite French:Paronyms
nariu Lithuanian:Word
narius Lithuanian:Word
narval French:Paronyms
nary Lithuanian:Word
nasi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
nasional Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
nasionalisasi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
natal Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
naʼałkǫ́ǫ́ʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
ncama Swazi:Relative
ncangathi Xhosa:Relative
ncini Xhosa:Relative
nco Xhosa:Relative
ncombo Zulu:Relative
ncono Swazi:Relative
ndaje Guaraní:Evidential particle
ndongela Xhosa:Relative
ndongondongo Xhosa:Relative
ndoshta Albanian:Notes
ndyengelele Xhosa:Relative
ndyubululu Xhosa:Relative
neaped English:Adjective has unexpected child Related
neidzį́į́s Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neiloʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neilé Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neilóóz Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neitin Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neiyeeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Stem set
neiziid Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neiłbąąs Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neiłmaas Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neiłtseed Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neiłtsʼǫǫd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neiłté Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neiłtʼaʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neiłtʼiʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
neke Phuthi:Relative
nervous English:Notes
neuropodium English:Noun has unexpected child Comeronyms
nevar Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
nevós Occitan:Adjective has unexpected child Dialectal variants
ngam Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
ngaro Maori:Modifier
ngaro Maori:Stative
ngayka Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
ngcaca Xhosa:Relative
ngcaka Xhosa:Relative
ngcathalala Xhosa:Relative
ngcathu Xhosa:Relative
ngcekengceke Xhosa:Relative
ngcitha Xhosa:Relative
ngcono Zulu:Relative
ngcono Lala (South Africa):Relative
ngcono Northern Ndebele:Relative
ngcono Xhosa:Relative
ngcono Southern Ndebele:Relative
ngcotshololo Xhosa:Relative
ngcunu Swazi:Relative
ngcwele Xhosa:Relative
ngcwele Swazi:Relative
ngcwele Zulu:Relative
ngeera Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
ngenndi Fula:Dialectal variants
ngjir Albanian:Name
ngoiq Pacoh:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ngombonca Xhosa:Relative
ngqakamba Xhosa:Relative
ngqaqasana Xhosa:Relative
ngqeshemba Xhosa:Relative
ngqindilili Xhosa:Relative
ngqingqwa Xhosa:Relative
ngqongqo Xhosa:Relative
ngqukuva Xhosa:Relative
nguufo Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
ngwabhungwabhu Xhosa:Relative
ngwevu Zulu:Relative
ngwevu Xhosa:Relative
nhanhar Portuguese:Phonology
niaga Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
nicked English:Derived terms=
nidding Danish:Noun has unexpected child Derived Terms
nide English:Notes
niederösterreichisch German:Notes
nigra Ido:Adjective has unexpected child Paronyms
niilníísh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
niné Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
niola Franco-Provençal:Further information
nipis Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
niscaya Indonesian:Adverb has unexpected child Affixed terms
nitsékees Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
nitʼááh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
njani Zulu:Relative
nje Zulu:Relative
nji Albanian:Notes
nkenenkene Xhosa:Relative
nkone Xhosa:Relative
nkongolo Xhosa:Relative
nkontyo Xhosa:Relative
nkozo Xhosa:Relative
nkqo Xhosa:Relative
nkwatyunkwatyu Xhosa:Relative
noktar Ido:Verb has unexpected child Paronyms
noli me tangere English:Notes
nomestê Macanese:Predicative
nomor Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
non-con English:Pronounciation
nopim Malecite-Passamaquoddy:Dependent noun
nosegay English:Notes
nostalgie French:Paronyms
nota Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
notopodium English:Noun has unexpected child Comeronyms
notéro Franco-Provençal:Further information
novembro Franco-Provençal:Further information
nqum Xhosa:Relative
nqunu Zulu:Relative
nsomi Zulu:Relative
nsundu Zulu:Relative
nsundvu Swazi:Relative
ntima Swazi:Relative
ntsafuntsafu Xhosa:Relative
ntshatha Xhosa:Relative
ntshingintshingi Xhosa:Relative
ntshu Phuthi:Relative
ntshunquntshunqu Xhosa:Relative
ntshwaxa Xhosa:Relative
ntsundu Xhosa:Relative
ntswempu Xhosa:Relative
ntubuntubu Xhosa:Relative
ntumntum Xhosa:Relative
nuet Franco-Provençal:Further information
nuga Estonian:Noun has unexpected child Associated nouns
nuga Estonian:Noun has unexpected child Associated verbs
nuga Estonian:Noun has unexpected child Related verbs
nuncassá Macanese:Predicative
nursery English:Notes
nxwemnxwem Xhosa:Relative
nyamfunyamfu Xhosa:Relative
nyata Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
nyawa Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
nyhibhilili Xhosa:Relative
nyhukunyhuku Xhosa:Relative
nyoshololo Xhosa:Relative
nyulu Xhosa:Relative
nzima Zulu:Relative
nzima Xhosa:Relative
nzima Southern Ndebele:Relative
nzinzilili Xhosa:Relative
nzotho Southern Ndebele:Relative
nzulu Xhosa:Relative
náháłchįįh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Stem set
náltsááh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
názi Portuguese:Citations
næste Danish:Etymology 3:See Also
négo French:Paronyms
néízǫ́ǫ́s Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
néíłtʼih Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
Franco-Provençal:Further information
nôra Franco-Provençal:Further information
Kiowa:User notes
o Translingual:Gallery
o Franco-Provençal:Further information
o Welsh:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Mutation
o Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
oaj Mokilese:External links
oawe Mokilese:Demonstrative
oawen Mokilese:Demonstrative
oawo Mokilese:Demonstrative
oawoan Mokilese:Noun form
obat Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
oberösterreichisch German:Notes
objek Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
octavius Latin:Notes
octobro Franco-Provençal:Further information
odcierać Polish:POS
offeiriad Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutations
ohana English:Notes
okrajeczny Polish:Adjecetive
okro Sranan Tongo:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
olmaz Azerbaijani:Predicative
ombrique French:Paronyms
omenatge Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
omo Fula:Pronoun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
on the breadline English:Prepositional phrase has unexpected child Alternate forms
ondeyér Franco-Provençal:Further information
onglle Franco-Provençal:Further information
oont English:Notes
ootama Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
oołbįįh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
open-wheel English:Adjective has unexpected child Alternate forms
oplah Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
oposisi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
orenji Xhosa:Relative
orentji Southern Ndebele:Relative
orphrey English:Notes
ortografi Albanian:External links
ostracize English:Notes
other times English:Adverb has unexpected child Alternate forms
otomatis Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
otro Spanish:Note
oubliar Franco-Provençal:Further information
oût Franco-Provençal:Further information
oɗon Fula:Pronoun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
p Translingual:Gallery
pacar Indonesian:Etymology 2:Affixed terms
pagar Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
pager English:Noun has unexpected child Relatedd terms
pagga Dutch:Noun has unexpected child External links
pagi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Compound words
paj Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
pajak Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
pakej Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
palang Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
palang Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
palmier French:Paronyms
palsu Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
pamer Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
pamflet Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
paminat Tausug:Pronounciation
pancung Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
pandect English:Notes
pandu Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
panggil Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
pangibayo Tagalog:Alternate Forms
panjohur Albanian:External links
pantalet English:Alternative spellings
papero Ido:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
papiro Ido:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
papiér Franco-Provençal:Further information
paprika Czech:Gallery
paprika Slovak:Gallery
paradis Old French:Alternate Forms
paramount English:Noun has unexpected child Derivved terms
parfym Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Related temrs
pariculus Latin:Adjective has unexpected child Notes
pariétaire French:Paronyms
parkir Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
paroccipital English:Alternative spellings
parpelyon Franco-Provençal:Further information
parrot weed English:Alternative spellings
parsk Polish:Alternative
partikel Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
parumbilical English:Alternative spellings
pasif Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
patri Indonesian:Affixed terms
peasoup English:Noun has unexpected child Deried terms
peci Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
pecut Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
peder Serbo-Croatian:Source
pedico Latin:Notes
pejal Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
pelha Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
pelican gwyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Notes
pelican gwyn America Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Notes
pencar Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
pencen Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
penchiér Franco-Provençal:Further information
pendre Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
pendulate English:Pronunition
pengaled Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
pensiun Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
people mountain people sea English:Idion
peppercorn English:Gallery
per-auenture Middle English:Adventure
peradangan Indonesian:Pronunciation=
perdom Indonesian:Interjection has unexpected child Affixed terms
pergi Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
periode Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
perisai Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
perlu Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
permenant Occitan:Paronyms
perum Indonesian:Etymology 1:Affixed terms
pesse French:Paronyms
pessière French:Paronyms
peti Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
petir Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
petit Franco-Provençal:Further information
petiôt Franco-Provençal:Further information
peuh French:Paronyms
peşman Azerbaijani:Predicative
phephuli Southern Ndebele:Relative
phuti Swazi:Relative
phyllode English:Gallery
phú Vietnamese:Etymology 2:Compound part
piagam Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
piailler French:Paronyms
picayune English:Notes
pickle fork English:Notes
pidato Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
pigtail English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
pihuin Khasi:Alternative spelling
pil Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
pilak Tausug:Prnuncatin
pilar Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
pilliwinks English:Notes
piléh Acehnese:Derivations
pinjon Franco-Provençal:Further information
pinki Xhosa:Relative
pinki Southern Ndebele:Relative
pinta Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
pintâ Franco-Provençal:Further information
pioly Franco-Provençal:Further information
piskan Ainu:Position noun
pissière French:Paronyms
pitsa Tausug:Pronounciation
place Franco-Provençal:Further information
placement French:Paronyms
plaire Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
plakti Lithuanian:Pronunciation 1:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
plastik Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
plastis Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
plateletpheresis English:Etyology
plen Franco-Provençal:Further information
ploja Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
plorar Franco-Provençal:Further information
pluèja Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
plâtro Franco-Provençal:Further information
plére Franco-Provençal:Further information
plôvre Franco-Provençal:Further information
poadok Mokilese:External links
poar Mokilese:External links
poblo Franco-Provençal:Further information
poistu Finnish:Interjection has unexpected child Related words
pokrol Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
pol. English:Related terms=
policier French:Paronyms
poligami Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
polis Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Colloquial or slang synonyms (police forces)
polis Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Colloquial or slang synonyms (police officer)
polo Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
poma Franco-Provençal:Further information
pomander English:Notes
pondok Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
ponem Umbrian:Noun has unexpected child Attested forms
poplo Franco-Provençal:Further information
population Swedish:Noun has unexpected child See also (more idiomatic for people in most contexts)
pornocracy English:Notes
portatif French:Paronyms
positif Indonesian:Affixed terms
postbag English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
potensi Indonesian:Affixed terms
poty Mbyá Guaraní:Possessed forms
pou Franco-Provençal:Further information
poupée French:Paronyms
pouvretât Franco-Provençal:Further information
povêr Franco-Provençal:Further information
praktis Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
pregar Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
pregària Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
presenteeism English:Paronyms
presion Albanian:External links
presisi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
preskripsi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
prestasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
preyére Franco-Provençal:Further information
priayi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
prigond Occitan:Adjective has unexpected child Dialectal variants
prigondor Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
prim Franco-Provençal:Further information
primum mobile English:Notes
prince regent English:Notes
printwheel English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
prisidinti Tausug:Pronounciation
pro-jabber English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
profesi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
profil Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
proses Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
protray English:Verb has unexpected child External links
prozionist English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
prumier Occitan:Paronyms
précédent French:Paronyms
président French:Paronyms
prêtre French:Paronyms
prêtrise French:Paronyms
psychophile French:Paronyms
psychrophile French:Paronyms
publican English:Notes
puck Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
pulcher Latin:Notes
puluh Indonesian:Numeral has unexpected child Affixed terms
punah Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
punched tape English:Notes
pupa Yoruba:Verb has unexpected child Usage
pusaka Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
pusat Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
pusing Indonesian:Affixed terms
putra Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
putri Indonesian:Affixed terms
pwalik Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
pwiai Mokilese:Demonstrative
pwian Mokilese:Demonstrative
pwij Mokilese:External links
pwiki Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
pwiok Mokilese:Demonstrative
pwo Mokilese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
pwudo Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
py'a Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
pyroballogy English:Notes
pyx English:Notes
pàisser Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
pâre Franco-Provençal:Further information
pègno Franco-Provençal:Further information
pūce Latvian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
q Translingual:Gallery
qatha Zulu:Relative
qayaġulik Inupiaq:Dialectal variants
qaydasında Azerbaijani:Predicative
qayuuy Yapese:External links
qotho Zulu:Relative
qualtagh Manx:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
queveres Spanish:Pronunciations
quint Franco-Provençal:Further information
quièt Franco-Provençal:Adjective has unexpected child Notes
quièt Franco-Provençal:Further information
quèsiér Franco-Provençal:Further information
r Translingual:Gallery
rabelema Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
racahis Pawnee:Dialectal variants
rack Swedish:Noun has unexpected child See also (racket)
rad Lower Sorbian:Predicative
rada Lower Sorbian:Predicative
rado Lower Sorbian:Predicative
radula English:Gallery
rady Lower Sorbian:Predicative
rage Franco-Provençal:Further information
raja Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
rake English:Notes
ramonde French:Paronyms
rasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
rasi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
raspachin Spanish:Noun has unexpected child External links
ratu Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
rawi Malay:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
rayon Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
ream job English:Pronunciaiton
rechèrchiér Franco-Provençal:Further information
regas Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
regat Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
registrasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
regn och rusk Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Compare
rei Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
reialme Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
reiaume Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
reindýr Faroese:Gallery
reka Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
reka Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
rekreasi Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
relative English:Notes
relatively English:Notes
remaining English:Derived terms=
ren Occitan:Etymology 1:Dialectal variants
ren Occitan:Etymology 2:Dialectal variants
renda Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
rendoj Albanian:External links
renolye Franco-Provençal:Further information
repose English:Notes
representasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
rescontrar Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
rescontre Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
residen Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
residen Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
reviére Franco-Provençal:Further information
rhabaxa Xhosa:Relative
rhafnwydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
rhafnwydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
rhafnwydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Non-derived hyponyms
rhaphilili Xhosa:Relative
rhaqalala Xhosa:Relative
rhasondo Southern Ndebele:Relative
rhedyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
rhedyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
rhedyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
rhedynach Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
rhedynach teneuwe Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
rhedynach teneuwe Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
rhedynach teneuwe Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
rhedynach teneuwe Tunbridge Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
rhedynach teneuwe Wilson Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
rhedynos Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
rhwyddlwyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
rhwyddlwyn Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Nonderived hyponyms
rich tea biscuit English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
ride shotgun English:Notes
riitho Kikuyu:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
riksuʼ Pawnee:Dialectal variants
ring English:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
ring time English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
rio Franco-Provençal:Further information
rioamw Mokilese:Possessive forms
riond Franco-Provençal:Further information
ripicole French:Paronyms
riva Franco-Provençal:Further information
river mouth English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
riverboat English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
riôrta Franco-Provençal:Further information
roaj Mokilese:External links
robar Franco-Provençal:Further information
robatar Old Irish:Verb has unexpected child Mutation
roda Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
roide French:Paronyms
roides French:Paronyms
romantic partner English:Parasynonyms
romec Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
rompak Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
rondo Southern Ndebele:Relative
rope Lithuanian:Noun form
ropes Lithuanian:Noun form
ropę Lithuanian:Noun form
ros Mokilese:External links
rota Franco-Provençal:Further information
roua Franco-Provençal:Further information
ruda Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
rugi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
rumah sakit Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
runka Swedish:Verb has unexpected child Synonyms (slang)
rupa Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
rupicole French:Paronyms
râna Franco-Provençal:Further information
râva Franco-Provençal:Further information
rêdor Franco-Provençal:Further information
ríus Fala:Past participle
rör Swedish:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
röövima Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
rũhiũ Kikuyu:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
s Translingual:Gallery
saba Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
sabla Franco-Provençal:Further information
sablon Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
sabun Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
sadar Indonesian:Affixed terms
sado Franco-Provençal:Further information
sado Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
sahib Azerbaijani:Predicative
saique Occitan:Adverb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
saksama Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
saksi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
salansan Tagalog:Noun has unexpected child See Also
salep Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
saling Malay:Adverb has unexpected child Affixations
sama Malay:Preposition has unexpected child Affixations
sampaikan Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Notes
samun Malay:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
sandiwara Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
sanggama Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
sanggul Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
sanitasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
sans intérêt French:Note
santât Franco-Provençal:Further information
sara Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
sarcophagus English:Notes
sari Indonesian:Etymology 3:Affixed terms
sari Indonesian:Etymology 1:Affixed terms
sarjana Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
sarmenteux French:Paronyms
sassywood English:Notes
sauce blanche French:Paronyms
sauge blanche French:Paronyms
saunejar Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
sauðreki Old Norse:Alternative Forms
savings and loan English:Noun has unexpected child Initialisms
sayembara Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
saññoowo Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
sbriws Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
scrimshaw English:Notes
se vos plét Franco-Provençal:Further information
sea-duty English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
secada Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
sedecuple English:Related
seedtime English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
seeing English:Etymology 1:Derived terms=
segera Indonesian:Adverb has unexpected child Affixed terms
segon Occitan:Preposition has unexpected child Dialectal variants
selamat Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
sele Sotho:Enumerative
sembahyang Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
semblar Franco-Provençal:Further information
semi-palindrome English:Related Terms
semicircadian English:Alternate Forms
semilong English:Adjective has unexpected child Alternate forms
semipermanence English:Alternative
sempadan Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
senapan Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
senar Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
sendvič Serbo-Croatian:Footnotes
sengketa Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
seni Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
seni Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
senja Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
sepatu Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
septarium English:Gallery
septembro Franco-Provençal:Further information
sepuluh Indonesian:Numeral has unexpected child Affixed terms
seraya Indonesian:Etymology 2:Affixed terms
serba Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
serfdom English:Pronunciation===
sermenteux French:Paronyms
sertifikasi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
sestoupit Czech:Verb has unexpected child Conjugation=
setan Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
seteru Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
setir Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
setop Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
setor Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
sfungjer Albanian:Notes
sh. Albanian:Verb form
sheh Albanian:Notes
shndërroj Albanian:External links
shushu Xhosa:Relative
sibhozo Xhosa:Relative
sidang Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
siesterons French:Paronyms
siesteront French:Paronyms
sightreadable English:Adjective has unexpected child Derived Terms
sigmo Tagalog:Further Reading
sihat Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
simahla Xhosa:Relative
sinioro Ido:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
sinupyla Thracian:Notes
sioro Ido:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
sirventès French:Paronyms
sisu Kilivila:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
siswazah Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
sit English:Etymology 2:Multiple parts of speech
sittdyna Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Declenison
sixhenxe Xhosa:Relative
skadeglädje Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (obsolete)
skew English:Notes
skratwa Polish:NOun
slimmeriken Dutch:Audio
smocking English:Notes
smokeasy English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
snell Old English:Alternate Forms
soa Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
soalan Malay:Pronunciatian
sobat Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
soca Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
sol Franco-Provençal:Further information
sol Franco-Provençal:Adjective has unexpected child Notes
solament Franco-Provençal:Further information
soleh Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
sollaare Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
solâr Franco-Provençal:Further information
solèt Franco-Provençal:Further information
somiar Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
somniar Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
sonalye Franco-Provençal:Further information
sono Franco-Provençal:Further information
soqquadro Italian:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Notes
souazic Franco-Provençal:Verb has unexpected child Notes
souiller French:Paronyms
sous-merde French:Noun has unexpected child External links
sovenença Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
sovenir Occitan:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
sowieso Dutch:Adverb has unexpected child Notes
spardègne French:Paronyms
spisplatta Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (usually of standalone hot plates)
spot color English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
springtime English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
steatopygous English:Notes
stentorian English:Example
sterrë Albanian:Etymology 1:Notes
stifle English:Notes
stiḍḍa Sicilian:Noun has unexpected child Derives terms
stolsdyna Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Declenison
stop Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
storge English:Notes
strata Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
struktur Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
stud muffin English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
stéila Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
sublar Franco-Provençal:Further information
sublèt Franco-Provençal:Further information
subsidi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
subspace English:Pronounciation
sudu Malay:Usage
sufusane Kwara'ae:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
sukseskan Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Notes
sulaar Fordata:External links
sum English:Etymology 3:Multiple parts of speech
sun star English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
sunah Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
sunat Indonesian:Etymology 1:Affixed terms
sunfruit English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
supernumerary English:Notes
supersum Latin:Verb has unexpected child Use
suureellinen Finnish:Etymology 2:Misspelling
suèr Franco-Provençal:Further information
suèr Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
swegen Old English:Noun has unexpected child Dervied terms
swinkle English:External links
swiþ Old English:Adjective has unexpected child Derived names
swoleg Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived
syaitan Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
syarikat Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
syirik Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
syndic English:Notes
syor Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
system on a chip English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
sèc Franco-Provençal:Further information
sèlye Franco-Provençal:Further information
sêf Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
sìdi Eastern Maninkakan:Noun has unexpected child Alternative scripts
sìlamaya Eastern Maninkakan:Noun has unexpected child Alternative scripts
sín Eastern Maninkakan:Noun has unexpected child Alternative scripts
síndi Eastern Maninkakan:Noun has unexpected child Alternative scripts
só o pó Portuguese:Adjectice
sûbhîye Phuthi:Relative
sündima Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
s᪳ Translingual:Design
t Translingual:Gallery
tabalde Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
taclus Welsh:References=
tafod y neidr Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
tafod y neidr Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other hyponyms
tagma English:Noun has unexpected child Derived terms and synonyms
tahaklaw Tagalog:Noun has unexpected child Further Reading
take the fifth English:Verb has unexpected child Related vocabulary
takko Fula:Preposition has unexpected child Dialectal variants
taklukan Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Notes
taklukkan Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Notes
tala Sotho:Relative
tala Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
talaria English:Notes
taliad Welsh:Further Reading
talisman English:Etymology 1:Gallery
talk time English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
tamada English:Notes
tamak Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
tambun Malay:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
tambun Malay:Etymology 1:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
tamu Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
tandu Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
tangan Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
tari Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
tarik Tausug:Pronounciation
tarlouse French:Paronyms
tarlouze French:Paronyms
tasson Franco-Provençal:Further information
tatou French:Paronyms
taukai Lithuanian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
tawid Cebuano:Etymology 2:Verb Root
tawo Cebuano:Verb Root
te Phuthi:Relative
teapoy English:Notes
teater Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
tebal Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
teddeengal Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
tegeirian Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Nonderived hyponyms
tegeirian Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
tegeirian Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
teguh Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
tekrár Palauan:External links
teleskop Polish:Gallery
tellurian English:Notes
tellurion English:Notes
teman Indonesian:Affixed terms
tempa Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
tempat Malay:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
tempat Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
temps Franco-Provençal:Further information
tenaga Indonesian:Etymology 1:Affixed terms
tenang Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
teneuwe Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
tenteram Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
terecht Dutch:Adjective has unexpected child Derived
terka Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
teror Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
terprovokatif Indonesian:Etymology 2:Adjective and verb
tes Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
tfombonkhala Swazi:Relative
thaam Yapese:External links
thamana Southern Ndebele:Relative
thata Sotho:Relative
the Hatfields and the McCoys English:Phrase has unexpected child Alternate forms
thirdhand English:Adverb has unexpected child Alternate forms
thoglaar Yapese:External links
three sheets to the wind English:Adjective has unexpected child Synonyms and related terms
thành thục Vietnamese:Adjective has unexpected child Additional notes
thĩ Kikuyu:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
thần nanh đỏ mỏ Vietnamese:Noun phrase
tidsear Scottish Gaelic:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
tiedo Franco-Provençal:Further information
tikar Malay:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
tikar Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
tilliisa Fula:Dialectal variants
time and motion expert English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time attack English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time bargain English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time change English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time detector English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time disc English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time lag English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time of pericenter passage English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time switch English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time value English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time's up English:Phrase has unexpected child Alternate forms
time, place or manner restriction English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time-gun English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
time-hopping English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
timeish English:Adjective has unexpected child Alternate forms
timepoint English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
timeworker English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
tinjau Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
tinsel English:Notes
titel Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
titha Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
tjhelelezi Southern Ndebele:Relative
tjheli Southern Ndebele:Relative
tjhili Southern Ndebele:Relative
toalett Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (bathroom)
toast rack English:Gallery
tolong Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
tonêrro Franco-Provençal:Further information
topspace English:Pronounciation
torba Maltese:Semitic etymology
tortoni English:Notes
toulougien French:Paronyms
toulousain French:Paronyms
tra Ido:Preposition has unexpected child Paronyms
traductor Romanian:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
tramadol Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (slang)
trans Ido:Preposition has unexpected child Paronyms
transpor Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
traveltime English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
traça Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
treebeard English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
treiglad caled Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Notes
tren Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
triangulation English:Notes
triffid English:External links
troed yr ŵydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Non-derived hyponyms
troed yr ŵydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Other derived terms
troed yr ŵydd Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Derived hyponyms
trong Vietnamese:Etymology 2:Preposition has unexpected child Graphical notes
truffe French:Gallery
trysni Albanian:External links
tshetlha Southern Ndebele:Relative
tshilele Phuthi:Relative
tshiphu Xhosa:Relative
tsho me nyuam White Hmong:Noun has unexpected child Cultural notes
tshwewû Phuthi:Relative
tsite Swazi:Relative
tsolo Xhosa:Relative
tsuba English:Gallery
tsuzi Franco-Provençal:Verb has unexpected child Notes
tuan Indonesian:Affixed terms
tukang Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
tukang Malay:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
tuléh Acehnese:Derivations
tun̄wuyegë Hiw:Gender classifier
tuu Tausug:Noun has unexpected child Adjective
tvora Lithuanian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
tyheli Xhosa:Relative
tyhjään Finnish:Adjective has unexpected child Idioms
télékie French:Paronyms
téléski French:Paronyms
téta Franco-Provençal:Further information
tîh'a Franco-Provençal:Noun has unexpected child Notes
tör̄ör̄ë Hiw:Gender classifier
Ghomala':See also terms
u Translingual:Gallery
u Welsh:Letter has unexpected child Mutation
u Welsh:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
udara Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
uguai Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
uisge-beatha Scottish Gaelic:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
uji Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
ulanag Tagalog:Further Reading
umbul Tausug:Pronounciation
umbupu Orokaiva:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
umpama Indonesian:Affixed terms
umw Mokilese:External links
umwwuj Mokilese:External links
undang Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
undang Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
unik Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
untai Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
upa Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
upi'a Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
usél Franco-Provençal:Further information
utama Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
utav Swedish:Preposition has unexpected child Derived terms (with only utav idiomatic)
utopographer English:Notes
uudinu Nhanda:Nominal
uvixa Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
uwchben Welsh:Notes
uwchlaw Welsh:Notes
v Translingual:Gallery
vaatama Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
vaatama Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound nouns
vache Franco-Provençal:Further information
vagitate English:Notes
vagrant English:Notes
vakansi Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
vakum Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
valör Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Dervied terms
var Azerbaijani:Predicative
varst Traveller Norwegian:Alternative spelling
veloutier French:Paronyms
vengt Franco-Provençal:Numeral has unexpected child Notes
vermöge German:Inflected form
vernal grass English:Noun has unexpected child Derivd terms
verovering Dutch:Noun has unexpected child Dervied terms
verwählen German:Conjugation=
veré Franco-Provençal:Further information
vesâjo Franco-Provençal:Further information
veva Franco-Provençal:Further information
vevo Franco-Provençal:Further information
vicesimus Latin:Numeral has unexpected child Notes
viely Franco-Provençal:Further information
vignette English:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
vitrum Latin:Notes
viâjo Franco-Provençal:Further information
viên Vietnamese:Etymology 3:Compound part
vjerovati Serbo-Croatian:Footnotes
vlchvec Czech:Noun has unexpected child Coordinate temrs
volere Italian:Verb has unexpected child Usage examples
volontat Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
volp Occitan:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
volêr Franco-Provençal:Further information
vong Vietnamese:Etymology 2:Compound part
vong Vietnamese:Etymology 1:Compound part
vorherig German:Adjective has unexpected child Related items
vouedo Franco-Provençal:Further information
vuga Serbo-Croatian:Notes
vàng Vietnamese:Adjective has unexpected child Derivd terms
vâr Khalaj:Predicative
vèrm Franco-Provençal:Further information
vél Franco-Provençal:Further information
vêre Franco-Provençal:Further information
vês Franco-Provençal:Further information
vërtetim Albanian:External links
vërtetoj Albanian:External links
Vietnamese:Preposition has unexpected child Interjection
võtma Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
vār Salar:Predicative
včil Czech:Adverb has unexpected child Phrases
včíl Czech:Adverb has unexpected child Phrases
všeč Slovene:Predicative
w Translingual:Gallery
w Welsh:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Mutation
w Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
waare Fula:Etymology 2:Dialectal variants
waañde Fula:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
waañoowo Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
wajib Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
wajib Malay:Verb has unexpected child Affixations
waktu Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
wakuwaku Xhosa:Relative
walk of shame English:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
walk the plank English:Notes
wall of shame English:Noun has unexpected child Paronyms
waluw Mokilese:External links
wampum English:Notes
wan Jamaican Creole:Pronunciation 2:Alternative spelling
wara Indonesian:Root has unexpected child Affixed terms
wayang Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
wačhípi Dakota:Usage
waɓɓugo Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
we'll 'it English:Verb phrase
webbased English:Adjective has unexpected child Alternate forms
whakataka Maori:Modifier
wheel well English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
whitetip English:Gallery
widow's mite English:Notes
wil Mokilese:External links
win Mokilese:Noun has unexpected child Possessive forms
window box English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
wintertime English:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
wirawan Indonesian:Noun has unexpected child Affixed terms
wisata Indonesian:Verb has unexpected child Affixed terms
woat English:Term
wobbegong English:Notes
wojere Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
wristlet English:Notes
write checks one can't cash English:Verb has unexpected child Alternate forms
wud Mokilese:External links
wudere Fula:Dialectal variants
wulf Old English:Noun has unexpected child Derived names
wur'ada Nhanda:Nominal
wus Mokilese:External links
wàsa Eastern Maninkakan:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Alternative scripts
wëlàkwshia Unami:Related Terms
w— English:Multiple parts of speech
x Translingual:Gallery
xenomorphic English:Paronyms
xeromorphic English:Paronyms
xy Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
y Welsh:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Mutation
y Translingual:Gallery
y Welsh:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Mutation
y tro yma Welsh:Alternative
y'a Mbyá Guaraní:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
yacuyacu Xhosa:Relative
yakga Phuthi:Relative
yakin Malay:Adjective has unexpected child Affixations
yaltugol Fula:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
yang Malay:Etymology 1:Article has unexpected child Derived titles of address
yang Malay:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Affixations
yellow card English:Gallery
yibizh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yibááh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yicha Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yichʼid Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yichʼiish Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidiitsʼį́į́h Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidiiłbąąs Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidiiłkǫǫh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidiiłmáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidileeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidiséí Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidiz Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidizǫ́ǫ́s Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidiłhį́į́h Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidiłid Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Stem set
yidiłmáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidiłtsʼǫǫd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidiłtʼééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidlą́ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yidziih Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yigeeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yighaas Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yighaał Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yighą́ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiikʼai Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiiltééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiitáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yikaah Navajo:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yikááh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yikʼaash Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yikʼeed Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yikʼíididis Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yikʼąąs Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yilchʼąął Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yildlóósh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yildééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yilnood Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiltłʼééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiltʼood Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yilyeed Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yilyé Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yilzhóóh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yilééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yilʼaah Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yimáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yinaalnish Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiniih Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yináldzid Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yinééh Navajo:Etymology 2:Verbal stems
yinééh Navajo:Etymology 1:Verbal stems
yisdábąąs Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yisdáldlóósh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yisdáʼnééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yisdéíłbąąs Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yisdéíłʼeeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yishood Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yishééh Navajo:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yishééh Navajo:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yishíísh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yishóóh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yitiih Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yitił Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yitiʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yitsʼǫǫs Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yitłeeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yitłíísh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yitłʼin Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yitłʼó Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yitʼood Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiyeeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiyiitsah Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Stem set
yiyiitsʼǫs Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiyiiłchįh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Stem set
yiyiiłtsééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiyiiłtáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiyizh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiyą́ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yizǫ́ǫ́s Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłbéézh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłbąąs Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłchin Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłchǫǫh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłdin Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłdzid Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłhaał Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłhod Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłhozh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłhį́į́h Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłmáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłnaad Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłteeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłtsééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Stem set
yiłtsóós Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłtłah Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłtłʼis Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłtʼees Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłtʼood Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłtʼá Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłtʼááh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiłtʼééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiʼaah Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiʼaash Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiʼaał Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yiʼéés Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yogia Indonesian:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed terms
yoke English:Notes
yoołbįįh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yoq Salar:Predicative
yox Azerbaijani:Predicative
yrittänyt Finnish:Participle has unexpected child Proverbs
yvy Mbyá Guaraní:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Possessed forms
yáłtiʼ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yíchʼííh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Stem set
yíjeeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yíjááh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yíldlóósh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yíltłʼééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yílyeed Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yíyeeh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yíłdóóh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yíłjiid Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yíłmáás Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yíłtʼááh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yíʼeeł Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yíʼnééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
yôq Khalaj:Predicative
yûoq Khalaj:Predicative
yą́ą́ʼdíłgééd Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
z Translingual:Gallery
zanatçi Albanian:Notes
ze Zulu:Etymology 1:Relative
ze Xhosa:Relative
zgavër Albanian:See more
zi Albanian:See more
zpwj snwj Egyptian:Iteration mark
zu Sicilian:Etymology 2:Interjection has unexpected child Translation notes
z᪳ Translingual:Design
« » Translingual:Design
África Mirandese:Homophone
Æffa Old English:External links
Österreich German:Notes
Österreicher German:Notes
Þegnwine Old English:External links
à French:Notes
às aonais Scottish Gaelic:Pronunciations
á coxa manquiña Galician:Adverbial phrase
ádin Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
áfrica Mirandese:Homophone
ánééh Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
átʼį́ Navajo:Verb has unexpected child Verbal stems
âpro Franco-Provençal:Further information
ârma Franco-Provençal:Further information
âu Vietnamese:Etymology 4:Compound part
çam Albanian:Sources
èchôdar Franco-Provençal:Further information
ècova Franco-Provençal:Further information
ècovar Franco-Provençal:Further information
ècrire Franco-Provençal:Further information
èfreyér Franco-Provençal:Further information
èga Franco-Provençal:Further information
èpena Franco-Provençal:Further information
èpâla Franco-Provençal:Further information
èpès Franco-Provençal:Further information
ètranjo Franco-Provençal:Further information
ètèrpar Franco-Provençal:Further information
ètêla Franco-Provençal:Further information
édiér Franco-Provençal:Further information
élagage French:Paronyms
émail French:Noun has unexpected child Notes
étre Franco-Provençal:Further information
éwé Sundanese:Verb has unexpected child Notes
éwé Old Sundanese:Noun has unexpected child Notes
île Seguin French:Paronyms
ð Translingual:Derivations
ð̞ Translingual:Design
ñaw Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
ñawu Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
ôlyo Franco-Provençal:Further information
ôs Franco-Provençal:Further information
ôton Franco-Provençal:Further information
ôtrament Franco-Provençal:Further information
ôtro Franco-Provençal:Further information
ôvra Franco-Provençal:Further information
ö-zik Hungarian:External links
öl Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Declension (neuter)
öl Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Declension (common)
öl Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (colloquial)
österreichisch German:Notes
ø Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child User notes
øl Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Declension (neuter)
øl Swedish:Noun has unexpected child Declension (common)
ütlema Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound verbs
ütlema Estonian:Verb has unexpected child Compound nouns
üzrə Azerbaijani:Predicative
ýolma Turkmen:Alternative spelling
þiestrian Old English:Alterantive forms
čelebija Serbo-Croatian:Noun has unexpected child Non-standard forms
đa Vietnamese:Etymology 2:Compound part
đai Vietnamese:Etymology 3:Compound part
đuối Vietnamese:Etymology 2:Compound part
đám Vietnamese:Graphical notes
đính Vietnamese:Etymology 2:Compound part
ń Translingual:Design
ŋari Fula:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
śmieć Polish:Etymology 1:Alternative
śłöf Vilamovian:External Links
şivan Northern Kurdish:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
šetří Czech:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
šešėlis Lithuanian:Noun has unexpected child Declensions
ŵyl Welsh:Etymology 2:Adjective has unexpected child Mutation
ƕ Translingual:Derivations
Ɵ Dan:Pronounced
ɓe Fula:Dialectal variants
ɥ Dan:Pronounced
ʁ Translingual:Derivations
ʁ̞ Translingual:Design
ʉ Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child User notes
ʊ Translingual:Derivations
ʒ᪳ Translingual:Design
ʔ Translingual:Gallery
ʔ Sechelt:User notes
ʔ Translingual:Derivations
ʕ Translingual:Gallery
ʕ Translingual:Derivations
ʕ̞ Translingual:Design
ʞ Translingual:Design
ʬ Translingual:Design
ʮ Translingual:Derivations
ʶ Translingual:Design
ʹ Greek:Diacritic
ʻ Armenian:Diacritic
ˀ Sechelt:User notes
ˀ Chiwere:Letter has unexpected child User notes
ˠ Translingual:Design
˥˧ Translingual:Composition
˥˩ Translingual:Composition
˦˨ Translingual:Composition
˧˥ Translingual:Composition
˧˩ Translingual:Composition
˨˦ Translingual:Composition
˩˥ Translingual:Composition
˩˧ Translingual:Composition
˵ Translingual:Design
˶ Translingual:Design
Αυνάν Greek:Proper noun has unexpected child Derived/Related terms
Κύπρος Ancient Greek:Notes
αποπροσανατολισμένος Greek:Participle has unexpected child Declination
β Translingual:Derivations
β̞ Translingual:Design
βρεγμένος Greek:Participle has unexpected child Proverbs
δάξ Ancient Greek:Dervied terms
δύο Greek:Numeral has unexpected child Examples
ζευγίτης Ancient Greek:Further Reading
ισαλαβρε Eteocretan:Bibliography
ισαλαβρε Eteocretan:Notes
καταφεύγω Ancient Greek:Verb has unexpected child Derived
κινούβοιλα Dacian:Notes
λυτέον Ancient Greek:Verbal Adjective
πρόβλεψη Greek:Noun has unexpected child Synoynms
σάτρα Ancient Greek:Alternative readings
σαράντα Greek:Numeral has unexpected child Coordinate
συντήρηση Greek:Refrences
σύκχος Ancient Greek:Noun has unexpected child Declensionion
χάριν Greek:Preposition has unexpected child Related expressions
϶ Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child User notes
Ё Translingual:Gallery
Ђ Translingual:Gallery
Ј Translingual:Gallery
Љ Translingual:Gallery
Њ Translingual:Gallery
Ћ Translingual:Gallery
Ѝ Translingual:Gallery
А Translingual:Gallery
Б Translingual:Gallery
В Translingual:Gallery
Вугледар Ukrainian:External links
Г Translingual:Gallery
Д Translingual:Gallery
Е Translingual:Gallery
Ж Translingual:Gallery
З Translingual:Gallery
И Translingual:Etymology 1:Gallery
Й Translingual:Gallery
К Translingual:Gallery
Каледин Russian:Accentological notes
Л Translingual:Gallery
М Translingual:Gallery
Н Translingual:Gallery
О Translingual:Gallery
П Translingual:Gallery
Полотьскъ Old East Slavic:Accentuation notes
Р Translingual:Gallery
С Translingual:Gallery
Т Translingual:Gallery
У Translingual:Gallery
Ф Translingual:Gallery
Х Translingual:Gallery
Ц Translingual:Gallery
Ч Translingual:Gallery
Честита Нова Година Bulgarian:Phrase has unexpected child Notes
Ш Translingual:Gallery
Щ Translingual:Gallery
Ъ Translingual:Gallery
Ы Translingual:Gallery
Ь Translingual:Letter has unexpected child User note
Ю Translingual:Etymology 1:Gallery
Я Translingual:Gallery
а Translingual:Gallery
аан бастаан Yakut:Adverbial phrase
абу Komi-Zyrian:Predicative
артыҡ Bashkir:Predicative
атас Russian:Predicative
аԓәӈ Northern Khanty:Alternative spelling
аԓәӈ Eastern Khanty:Alternative spelling
б Translingual:Gallery
баар Yakut:Predicative
бадьоритися Ukrainian:Verb has unexpected child Conclusion
байдуже Ukrainian:Predicative
байтаҡ Bashkir:Predicative
бар Bashkir:Predicative
бар Kumyk:Predicative
бар Southern Altai:Predicative
бар Kazakh:Predicative
бар Kyrgyz:Predicative
бар ине Bashkir:Predicative
барыбер Bashkir:Predicative
безглуздо Ukrainian:Predicative
безпечно Ukrainian:Predicative
безразлично Russian:Predicative
бессмысленно Russian:Predicative
бесстыдно Russian:Predicative
бозна Ukrainian:Predicative
больно Russian:Predicative
боязно Russian:Predicative
броя Bulgarian:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
буол Yakut:Predicative
быжар Southern Altai:Derived Term
бяспечна Belarusian:Predicative
бясьпечна Belarusian:Predicative
в Translingual:Gallery
в связи с Russian:Predicative
в смысле Russian:Predicative
важко Ukrainian:Predicative
важливо Ukrainian:Predicative
важна Belarusian:Predicative
варто Ukrainian:Etymology 1:Predicative
ваҕарэ Northern Yukaghir:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
ваҕирэ Northern Yukaghir:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
вдуть Russian:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
ведомо Russian:Predicative
вельможный Russian:Morphology
верно Russian:Predicative
весело Russian:Predicative
весело Ukrainian:Predicative
весь Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
взуванка Ukrainian:Noun has unexpected child Related words
видати Ukrainian:Etymology 2:Predicative
видать Russian:Predicative
видно Russian:Predicative
видно Ukrainian:Predicative
влом Russian:Predicative
вовкулака Ukrainian:Noun has unexpected child Related words
волок Ukrainian:Related words
вправе Russian:Predicative
впрок Russian:Predicative
вредно Russian:Predicative
все Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
все Russian:Etymology 2:Predicative
всей Russian:Predicative
всем Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
всеми Russian:Predicative
всею Russian:Predicative
вся Russian:Predicative
всё Russian:Predicative
възможно Bulgarian:Predicative
вы Russian:Pronoun has unexpected child External links
высоко Russian:Predicative
вэӄањԓ Itelmen:Alternative nouns
відомо Ukrainian:Predicative
вітряно Ukrainian:Predicative
г Translingual:Gallery
глибоко Ukrainian:Predicative
гноблення Ukrainian:Referencses
говно вопрос Russian:Predicative
годі Ukrainian:Predicative
горача Belarusian:Predicative
готово Ukrainian:Predicative
громко Russian:Predicative
гылк Akkala Sami:Predicative
д Translingual:Gallery
дарма Ukrainian:Predicative
дзіўна Belarusian:Predicative
дивно Ukrainian:Predicative
дико Russian:Predicative
довольно Russian:Predicative
должен Russian:Predicative
должно Russian:Predicative
досадно Russian:Predicative
досить Ukrainian:Predicative
доцільно Ukrainian:Predicative
дурно Russian:Predicative
е Translingual:Gallery
ж Translingual:Gallery
жаль Ukrainian:Predicative
жаль Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
жарко Russian:Predicative
жарко Ukrainian:Predicative
желательно Russian:Predicative
жутко Russian:Predicative
з Translingual:Gallery
завгодно Ukrainian:Predicative
завидно Russian:Predicative
замало Ukrainian:Predicative
замечательно Russian:Predicative
запотребно Russian:Predicative
звучать Russian:Predicative
здорово Ukrainian:Predicative
здорово Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
зле Ukrainian:Predicative
зрозуміло Ukrainian:Etymology 1:Predicative
зручно Ukrainian:Predicative
зя Russian:Predicative
зябко Russian:Predicative
и Translingual:Gallery
известно Bulgarian:Predicative
известно Russian:Predicative
имба Russian:Predicative
интересненько Russian:Predicative
интересно Russian:Predicative
й Translingual:Gallery
йасәӈ Northern Khanty:Alternative spelling
йок Nogai:Predicative
йәл Bashkir:Predicative
к Translingual:Gallery
кабелска телевизија Macedonian:Noun has unexpected child Notes
кавсик Northern Yukaghir:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
капець Ukrainian:Etymology 2:Predicative
капут Russian:Predicative
каюк Russian:Etymology 2:Predicative
квиты Russian:Predicative
ке̄р Northern Mansi:Noun has unexpected child Compound terms
керек Southern Altai:Predicative
керек Kazakh:Predicative
керек Kyrgyz:Predicative
комфортно Ukrainian:Predicative
корисно Ukrainian:Predicative
кранты Russian:Predicative
красиво Ukrainian:Predicative
крима Mariupol Greek:Predicative
кринжово Russian:Predicative
кур Yakut:Etymology 3:Onomatopoeia
кәрәк Bashkir:Predicative
л Translingual:Gallery
легко Russian:Predicative
легко Ukrainian:Predicative
лень Russian:Predicative
логично Russian:Predicative
логічно Ukrainian:Predicative
лыӈил Itelmen:Alternative nouns
льга Belarusian:Predicative
любопытно Russian:Predicative
лё̄мвой Northern Mansi:Alternative fomrs
лё̄ммуй Northern Mansi:Alternative fomrs
лӯима̄ Northern Mansi:Alternative spelling
м Translingual:Gallery
ма̄ньсак Northern Mansi:Noun has unexpected child Declenison
ма̄хар Northern Mansi:Noun has unexpected child (Possible) Descendants
мало Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
маловато Russian:Predicative
малоймовірно Ukrainian:Predicative
ме Eastern Mari:Pronoun has unexpected child Derivd terms
медленно Russian:Predicative
може Bulgarian:Predicative
можна Belarusian:Predicative
можна Ukrainian:Predicative
можно Russian:Predicative
мрак Russian:Predicative
мудацький Ukrainian:Adjective has unexpected child Related words
мунн Ter Sami:Alternative versions
мый Ter Sami:Alternative versions
мыных Central Mansi:Alternative fomrs
мыш Russian:Noun has unexpected child Phrases
мягко Russian:Predicative
мяных Central Mansi:Alternative fomrs
мятыр Central Mansi:Alternative spelling
мілко Ukrainian:Predicative
мөрәх Northern Khanty:Alternative spelling
мөһим Bashkir:Predicative
н Translingual:Gallery
на̄иӈ Northern Mansi:Adjective has unexpected child Compound terms
наада Yakut:Predicative
надо Southern Yukaghir:Predicative
надо Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
надобно Russian:Predicative
накладно Russian:Predicative
налицо Russian:Predicative
начеку Russian:Predicative
не можна Ukrainian:Predicative
небезпечно Ukrainian:Predicative
небосклон Russian:Noun has unexpected child Related words
небяспечна Belarusian:Predicative
небясьпечна Belarusian:Predicative
неважливо Ukrainian:Predicative
неважно Russian:Predicative
неверно Russian:Predicative
невмоготу Russian:Predicative
невозможно Russian:Predicative
невідомо Ukrainian:Predicative
негде Russian:Predicative
неглибоко Ukrainian:Predicative
недалеко Ukrainian:Predicative
недалечко Ukrainian:Predicative
недовго Ukrainian:Predicative
недосуг Russian:Predicative
незрозуміло Ukrainian:Predicative
неизбежно Russian:Predicative
неизвестно Russian:Predicative
неймовірно Ukrainian:Predicative
некогда Russian:Predicative
некого Russian:Predicative
нелегко Russian:Predicative
неловко Russian:Predicative
нельга Belarusian:Predicative
нельзя Russian:Predicative
нема Russian:Predicative
немислимо Ukrainian:Predicative
неможливо Ukrainian:Predicative
необходимо Russian:Predicative
необхідно Ukrainian:Predicative
неохота Russian:Predicative
непогано Ukrainian:Predicative
непомітно Ukrainian:Predicative
непривычно Russian:Predicative
неприємно Ukrainian:Predicative
непросто Russian:Predicative
несть Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
нет Russian:Predicative
нету Russian:Predicative
неуютно Russian:Predicative
нечего Russian:Predicative
ни при чём Russian:Predicative
нимсарэ̄ква Northern Mansi:Alteranive forms
ништяк Russian:Predicative
нормально Ukrainian:Predicative
нудно Ukrainian:Predicative
нужно Russian:Predicative
нэ̄мхо̄т Northern Mansi:Peonunciation
нєпэк Northern Khanty:Phonology
нєхуйат Northern Khanty:Alternative spelling
ніколи Ukrainian:Predicative
нільга Ukrainian:Predicative
нѣтъ Russian:Predicative
о Translingual:Gallery
о̄ньсюӈкве Northern Mansi:Alternative spelling
обидно Russian:Predicative
обласному Ukrainian:Adjective has unexpected child Adjective forms
объебос Russian:Noun has unexpected child Related words
однаково Ukrainian:Predicative
оружие Russian:Note
отвратительно Russian:Predicative
открыто Russian:Predicative
отпад Russian:Predicative
оу Translingual:Gallery
охота Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
очевидно Ukrainian:Predicative
очень Russian:Predicative
п Translingual:Gallery
павінен Belarusian:Predicative
пакъуы Ossetian:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
пар Northern Altai:Predicative
патрэбна Belarusian:Predicative
патта Northern Mansi:Noun has unexpected child Compound terms
пиздец Russian:Predicative
по барабану Russian:Predicative
по фиг Russian:Predicative
по-нашему Russian:Predicative
по-разному Russian:Predicative
повинен Ukrainian:Predicative
повинна Ukrainian:Predicative
повинне Ukrainian:Predicative
повинні Ukrainian:Predicative
под стать Russian:Predicative
подобно Bulgarian:Predicative
полезно Russian:Predicative
положено Russian:Predicative
понятненько Russian:Predicative
понятно Russian:Predicative
понятное дело Russian:Predicative
потребно Russian:Predicative
потрібно Ukrainian:Predicative
потішно Ukrainian:Predicative
поустъ Old Church Slavonic:Adjective has unexpected child Comparison
пофиг Russian:Predicative
правильно Ukrainian:Predicative
прекрасно Ukrainian:Predicative
прикро Ukrainian:Predicative
принято Russian:Predicative
приємно Ukrainian:Predicative
промышленность Russian:Noun has unexpected child External links
просвіта Ukrainian:Noun has unexpected child Related words
просто Russian:Predicative
прохладно Russian:Predicative
прыг Russian:Predicative
пур Chuvash:Etymology 1:Predicative
пустий Ukrainian:Adjective has unexpected child Related words
пустка Russian:Noun has unexpected child Related words
пустка Ukrainian:Noun has unexpected child Related words
пусто Russian:Predicative
підарас Ukrainian:Noun has unexpected child Related words
пӑԓ Northern Khanty:Alternative spelling
р Translingual:Gallery
равно Russian:Predicative
рознь Russian:Predicative
с Translingual:Gallery
са̄грапнал Northern Mansi:Alternative spelling
сакв Northern Mansi:Noun has unexpected child Declenison
самотньо Ukrainian:Predicative
светло Russian:Predicative
сеенер Southern Altai:Alternative
сиверко Russian:Predicative
сирен Bulgarian:Adjective has unexpected child Declined terms
скверно Russian:Predicative
складана Belarusian:Predicative
складно Ukrainian:Predicative
скок Russian:Predicative
скользко Russian:Predicative
скръжет Bulgarian:Noun has unexpected child Related forms
скучно Russian:Predicative
скучно Ukrainian:Predicative
слабо Russian:Etymology 2:Predicative
сложно Russian:Predicative
слышно Russian:Predicative
слід Ukrainian:Predicative
смішно Ukrainian:Predicative
собачатина Russian:Noun has unexpected child Related words
совершенно Russian:Predicative
совестно Russian:Predicative
солодко Ukrainian:Etymology 1:Predicative
соромно Ukrainian:Predicative
спекотно Ukrainian:Predicative
спокойно Russian:Predicative
спокійно Ukrainian:Predicative
спринцовка Bulgarian:Noun has unexpected child Related words
среди Russian:Preposition has unexpected child Related words
средне Russian:Predicative
средненько Russian:Predicative
старо Russian:Predicative
страшно Russian:Predicative
страшно Ukrainian:Predicative
страшновато Russian:Predicative
стыдно Russian:Predicative
суждено Russian:Predicative
сумно Ukrainian:Predicative
суох Yakut:Predicative
суттєво Ukrainian:Predicative
сый Ter Sami:Alternative versions
сыро Russian:Predicative
т Translingual:Gallery
так Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
так себе Russian:Predicative
тамам Kazakh:Predicative
тамам Bashkir:Predicative
тейеш Bashkir:Predicative
тепло Ukrainian:Etymology 2:Predicative
тесно Russian:Predicative
тетосќиве Macedonian:Adjective has unexpected child Related forms
тетосќине Macedonian:Adjective has unexpected child Related forms
тетосќите Macedonian:Adjective has unexpected child Related forms
типично Russian:Predicative
тихо Russian:Predicative
тихо Ukrainian:Predicative
тиіс Kazakh:Predicative
тиң Bashkir:Predicative
то ли дело Russian:Predicative
того Russian:Predicative
тонн Ter Sami:Alternative versions
тоскливо Russian:Predicative
тошно Russian:Predicative
треба Ukrainian:Predicative
трудно Russian:Predicative
трудновато Russian:Predicative
трэба Belarusian:Etymology 1:Predicative
туго Russian:Predicative
тый Ter Sami:Alternative versions
тэʼ Tundra Nenets:Etymology 1:Delcension=
тяжко Russian:Predicative
тяжко Ukrainian:Predicative
тісно Ukrainian:Predicative
түгел Bashkir:Predicative
түгіл Kazakh:Predicative
у Translingual:Gallery
угодно Russian:Predicative
ужасно Russian:Predicative
умно Russian:Predicative
уютно Russian:Predicative
ф Translingual:Gallery
физика Bulgarian:Noun has unexpected child Related
фиолетово Russian:Predicative
х Translingual:Gallery
хана Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
хапіць Belarusian:Predicative
хо̄псы Northern Mansi:Noun has unexpected child Declenison
холадна Belarusian:Predicative
холодно Ukrainian:Predicative
холодно Russian:Predicative
хорош Russian:Predicative
худо Russian:Predicative
хуи Old East Slavic:Accentological notes
хумыль Central Mansi:Alterantive spelling
хурамәӈ Northern Khanty:Alternative spelling
хўԓ Northern Khanty:Alternative spelling
ц Translingual:Gallery
цапать Russian:Verb has unexpected child Derived verbs
царски рез Macedonian:Noun has unexpected child Notes
цудоўна Belarusian:Predicative
цяжка Belarusian:Predicative
цікаво Ukrainian:Predicative
цӕрын Ossetian:Verb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
ч Translingual:Gallery
четверг Russian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
чисто Ukrainian:Predicative
чорт Belarusian:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
чудесно Russian:Predicative
чудно Russian:Etymology 1:Predicative
чудово Ukrainian:Predicative
чул Chuvash:Noun has unexpected child Derived Terms
чутно Ukrainian:Predicative
чӣӈӈлэсс Kildin Sami:Nominative
ш Translingual:Gallery
шарт Bashkir:Etymology 1:Predicative
шкада Belarusian:Predicative
шкода Belarusian:Predicative
шкода Ukrainian:Predicative
щ Translingual:Gallery
ъ Translingual:Gallery
ы Translingual:Gallery
ь Translingual:Gallery
э Translingual:Gallery
эвөл Udmurt:Predicative
эйә Bashkir:Predicative
эм Komi-Zyrian:Predicative
эсвэошник Russian:Phonetic
эффектно Russian:Predicative
ю Translingual:Gallery
юҡ Bashkir:Predicative
я Translingual:Gallery
ярай Bashkir:Predicative
ярамай Bashkir:Predicative
ясненько Russian:Predicative
ясно Russian:Predicative
ясное дело Russian:Predicative
ѐ Translingual:Gallery
ё Translingual:Gallery
ёкъ Kumyk:Predicative
ђ Translingual:Gallery
ѓ Translingual:Gallery
є Translingual:Gallery
єбати Ukrainian:Verb has unexpected child Related words
ѕ Translingual:Gallery
і Translingual:Gallery
ім. Ukrainian:Abbreviations
інтересно Ukrainian:Predicative
ї Translingual:Gallery
їдко Ukrainian:Predicative
ј Translingual:Gallery
љ Translingual:Gallery
њ Translingual:Gallery
ћ Translingual:Gallery
ќ Translingual:Gallery
ѝ Translingual:Gallery
ў Translingual:Gallery
ѡ Translingual:Gallery
ѣ Translingual:Gallery
ѥ Translingual:Gallery
ѧ Translingual:Gallery
ѩ Translingual:Gallery
ѫ Translingual:Gallery
ѯ Translingual:Gallery
ѱ Translingual:Gallery
ѵ Translingual:Gallery
ѽ Translingual:Gallery
ѿ Translingual:Gallery
ҁ Translingual:Gallery
҇ Translingual:Diacritic
ґ Translingual:Gallery
ғ Translingual:Gallery
ҙ Translingual:Gallery
қажет Kazakh:Predicative
ҝ Translingual:Gallery
ҡ Translingual:Gallery
ҫ Translingual:Gallery
ҫук Chuvash:Predicative
ү Translingual:Gallery
ұ Translingual:Gallery
ҹ Translingual:Gallery
һ Translingual:Gallery
ӂ Translingual:Gallery
ӄомлоӄом Itelmen:Alternative nouns
ӌ Translingual:Gallery
ӑ Translingual:Gallery
ӓ Translingual:Gallery
ӕ Translingual:Gallery
ӗ Translingual:Gallery
ӝ Translingual:Gallery
ӟ Translingual:Gallery
ӣ Translingual:Gallery
ӥ Translingual:Gallery
ӧ Translingual:Gallery
ӧвӧл Udmurt:Predicative
ӧдек Northern Altai:Alternative
ӫ Translingual:Gallery
ӯ Translingual:Gallery
ӯнлуӈкве Northern Mansi:Verb has unexpected child Declenison
ӯруӈкве Northern Mansi:Verb has unexpected child Declenison
ӱ Translingual:Gallery
ӳ Translingual:Gallery
ӳт Chuvash:Noun has unexpected child Derived Terms
ӵ Translingual:Gallery
ӹ Translingual:Gallery
ӻ Nivkh:Gallery
ԯыв Northern Khanty:Prooun
ԯын Northern Khanty:Prooun
փխրեմ Old Armenian:Further rading
־ן Mozarabic:Notes
א־ב־ד Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
א־ב־ח־ן Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
א־ב־ט־ח Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
א־ו־ר־ר Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
א־ז־כ־ר Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
א־ז־ר־ח Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
א־ח־ס־ן Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
א־כ־ז־ב Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
א־כ־ז־ר Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
א־כ־ל־ס Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
א־ל־ת־ר Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
אמורי Mozarabic:Notes
אנפרמירון Mozarabic:Notes
ב־ד־ל Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ב־ו־א Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ב־ו־ך Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ג־ב־ר Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ג־ד־ל Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
גלאַט Yiddish:Adjective has unexpected child External links
גן עדן Hebrew:Noun has unexpected child Notes
דרויסן Yiddish:Adverb has unexpected child Usage indication
ה־ר־ס Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ולויש Mozarabic:Notes
ותרי Mozarabic:Notes
ז־ה־ר Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ז־כ־ר Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ז־ע־ז־ע Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ז־ר־ח Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ח־ב־ר Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ח־נ־ה Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ח־ש־ב Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
חוץ לארץ Hebrew:Noun has unexpected child External links
ט־ל־פ־ן Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
טאָג־בוך Yiddish:Noun has unexpected child Alternative spellings
י־ב־ש Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
י־ח־ד Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
י־ל־ד Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
י־ר־ה Hebrew:Forms
י־ש־ב Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
כ־ס־ה Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ל־מ־ד Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
מ־שׁ־ך Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
משך Hebrew:Verb has unexpected child Proper Noun
משכון Mozarabic:Notes
נ־ד־ב Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
נ־ד־ד Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
נ־ו־ח Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
נ־ז־ק Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ס־ב־ך Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ס־נ־כ־ר־ן Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ס־פ־ק Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ע־ב־ר Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ע־ר־ב Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ע־ש־ה Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
פ־ו־ץ Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
פ־ח־ד Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
פ־ט־ר Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
פ־ס־ד Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
פ־צ־ע Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
פ־ש־ט Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
פ־ת־ח Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
פֿרוי Yiddish:Etymology 2:Honorific title
צָרוֹתָיו Hebrew:Noun form
צ־ד־ק Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
צ־ל־ם Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ציפֿער Yiddish:Noun has unexpected child Derived nouns
ק־נ־ה Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
קרגּון Mozarabic:Notes
קרעפּלעך Yiddish:Alternative
ר־א־ש Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ר־ט־ב Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ר־ש־ם Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ש־ב־ע Hebrew:Etymology 2:Forms
ש־ב־ע Hebrew:Etymology 1:Forms
ש־ב־ת Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ש־ו־ט Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ש־ט־ח Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ש־כ־נ־ע Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ש־ל־ח Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ש־ל־ם Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ש־מ־ר־ט־ף Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
ת־ר־ג־ם Hebrew:Root has unexpected child Forms
תמה Hebrew:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
װ Translingual:Design
ؠ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ء ر ض Arabic:Root has unexpected child Nouns
ءو Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
آ Kashmiri:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Forms
آ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
آ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
آبخست Persian:Noun has unexpected child Resources
آبخوست Persian:Noun has unexpected child Resources
آگرا Persian:Alternative spelling
أ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
أ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
أثير Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
أذرى Arabic:Etymology 1.1:Verb has unexpected child Verb
أرب Arabic:Etymology 1.1:Verb has unexpected child Verb
أسقى Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
أعال Arabic:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Verb
ألمن Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
أيضا Arabic:Adverb has unexpected child Derivatives
أين Arabic:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Pronunciation
أين Arabic:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
إ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ئ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ئا Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ئو Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ئى Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ئۆ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ئۇ Uyghur:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ئۈ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ئۊشیمن Southern Kurdish:Alternative
ئې Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ئە Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ا Kyrgyz:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ا Urdu:Etymology 1:Forms
ا Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ا Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ا Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ا Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ا Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ا Gujarati:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ا Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اتصفح Hijazi Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Conjuagtion
اسپتال Sindhi:Pronounciation
اؽ Azerbaijani:Letter has unexpected child Forms
الب Mozarabic:Notes
انڢرم Mozarabic:Notes
اه Ottoman Turkish:Abbreviation
او Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اوٗ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اَ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اُ Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اُ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اِ Persian:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اِ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اِ Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اٟ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اۄ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اۄا Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اۆ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ای Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ایتمك Ottoman Turkish:Etymology 3:Notes
اے Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
اےٚ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Gujarati:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Hijazi Arabic:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Kyrgyz:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ب Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
باز Urdu:Etymology 3:Suffix has unexpected child Examples
بالغ Arabic:Etymology 2:Adjective has unexpected child Pronunciation
بصري Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
بمن Arabic:Determiner has unexpected child Pronunciation
بمن Arabic:Determiner has unexpected child Etymology
به جا آوردن Persian:Alternative
ت Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ت Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ت Punjabi:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ت Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ت Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ت Urdu:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ت Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ت Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ت Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
تألمن Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
تاووشغان Khalaj:Notes
تترك Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
تخالف Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
ترکیه Persian:Proper noun has unexpected child Derived
تریل Punjabi:Alternate Forms
تشرفنا Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
تشيطن Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
تمني Arabic:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
تنصر Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
تهدد Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
تھ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ث Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ث Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ث Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ث Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ث Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ث Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ث Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ثش Tuareg:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ج Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ج Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ج Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ج Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ج Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ج Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ج Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ج Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ج Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ج Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ج Kyrgyz:Letter has unexpected child Forms
جنان Arabic:Noun has unexpected child Etymology
جھ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ح Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ح Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ح Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ح Hijazi Arabic:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ح Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ح Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ح Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ح Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ح ر ر Arabic:Root has unexpected child Verbs and verb derivatives
حامي Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
حبيس Arabic:Adjective has unexpected child Derivatives
حنون Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
خ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
خ Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
خ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
خ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
خ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
خ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
خ Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
خ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
د Kyrgyz:Letter has unexpected child Forms
د Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
د Pashto:Etymology 1:Forms
د Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
د Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
د Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
د Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
د Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
د Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
د Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
داخل Arabic:Etymology 2:Adjective has unexpected child Pronunciation
دار Urdu:Etymology 1:Suffix has unexpected child Examples
داغ Khalaj:Notes
دریا Persian:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
دلج Mozarabic:Notes
ذ Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ذ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ذ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ذ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ذ Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ذ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ذ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ذي Mozarabic:Notes
ر Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ر Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ر Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ر Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ر Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ر Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ر Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ر Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ر Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ر Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
راح من چيس اهله Gulf Arabic:Expression
ز Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ز Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ز Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ز Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ز Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ز Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ز Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ز Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
زفت South Levantine Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Noun
زیاد Persian:Etymology 1:Alternative spelling
س Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
س Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
س Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
س Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
س Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
س Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
س Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
س Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
س Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
س و ء Arabic:Root has unexpected child Adjectives
س و ء Arabic:Root has unexpected child Nouns
سدن Urdu:Dictionary
سماوة Arabic:Noun has unexpected child Bilbography
سماپت Urdu:Dictionaries
سير Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
ش Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ش Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ش Urdu:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ش Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ش Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ش Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ش Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ش Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ش Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
شأن Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
شارع Arabic:Noun has unexpected child Decelenion
شكر Gulf Arabic:Noun has unexpected child Usage
شكلي Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
ص Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ص Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ص Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ص Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ص Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ص Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ض Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ض Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ض Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ض Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ض Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ض Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ض Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ضبط Hijazi Arabic:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Notes
ضرط Hijazi Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Notes
ضرطة Hijazi Arabic:Noun has unexpected child Notes
ط Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ط Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ط Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ط Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ط Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ط Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
طير Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
ظ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ظ Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ظ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ظ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ظ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ظ Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ظ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ع Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ع Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ع Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ع Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ع Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ع Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
ع Kyrgyz:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ع Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ع Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ع ر ب Arabic:Root has unexpected child Etymology
عيني Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
عَِ Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
عِ Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
غ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
غ Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
غ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
غ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
غ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
غ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
غ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
غ Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
غزل Urdu:Noun has unexpected child Declination
غسل Arabic:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
غسل Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Pronunciation
ػ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ؼ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ؽ Tuareg:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ؽ Azerbaijani:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ؾ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ؿ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ف Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ف Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ف Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
ف Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ف Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ف Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ف Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ف Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ف Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ف ت ت Arabic:Root has unexpected child Etymology
فصح Arabic:=Etymology 1.2
فل South Levantine Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Noun
فولت Arabic:Alternative spelling
فيمن Arabic:Determiner has unexpected child Pronunciation
فيمن Arabic:Determiner has unexpected child Etymology
ق Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ق Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ق Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ق Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ق Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ق Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ق Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ق Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
قبله زرتشت Persian:Etymologies
قطر Arabic:Proper noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
ك Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ك Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ك Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ك Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
كارش Mozarabic:Notes
كرك Old Anatolian Turkish:Predicative
كزدورة South Levantine Arabic:External links
ل Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ل Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ل Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ل Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ل Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ل Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ل Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ل Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
م Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
م Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
م Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
م Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
م Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
م Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
م Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
م Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
متار Mozarabic:Notes
مل مچ Baluchi:Alternate forms
مند Urdu:Suffix has unexpected child Examples
مو Mozarabic:Notes
مھینس Punjabi:Alternate Forms
ن Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ن Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ن Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ن Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ن Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ن Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ن Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ن س ي Arabic:Root has unexpected child Adjectives
نبي Javanese:Arabicization
نخت Mozarabic:Notes
نصيح Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
نن Mozarabic:Notes
نوامن Mozarabic:Notes
نوخت Mozarabic:Notes
نگ Turkmen:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ه Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ه Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
هندسي Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
هيه Arabic:Pronoun has unexpected child Note
و Hijazi Arabic:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Forms
و Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
و Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
و Urdu:Etymology 1:Letter has unexpected child Forms
و Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
و Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
و ف ق Arabic:Root has unexpected child Adjectives
واجب Javanese:Arabicization
وار Khalaj:Predicative
وجه Arabic:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
ولوه Hijazi Arabic:Adverb=
وَْ Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
وْ Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
وھ Phalura:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ى Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ى Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ي Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ي Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ي Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ي Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ي Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
يعني Arabic:Verb has unexpected child Verb
يو Kyrgyz:Letter has unexpected child Forms
يوق Karakhanid:Predicative
يوم الاثنين Arabic:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
يوم الجمعة Arabic:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
ِ Persian:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ٲ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ٹ Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ٹ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ٹ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ٹ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ٹھ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ٺ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ٻ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ټ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ٽ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Persian:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Egyptian Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Gujarati:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پ Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
پھ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ٿ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڀ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ځ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ځ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڂ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڃ Wakhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڄ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
څ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
څ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
چ Egyptian Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
چ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
چ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
چ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
چ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
چ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
چ Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
چ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
چ Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
چترا Punjabi:Alternate Forms
چھ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڇ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڈ Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڈ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڈ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڈ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ډ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڊ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڊ Malayalam:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڋ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڌ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڍ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڏ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڐ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڑ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڑ Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڑ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڑ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڒ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ړ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڔ Malayalam:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڕ Central Kurdish:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ږ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڗ Malayalam:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ژ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ژ Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ژ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ژ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ژ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ژ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ژ Malayalam:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ژھ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڙ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڙھ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ښ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڛ Soqotri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڜ Wakhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڜ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڝ Avar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڞ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڞ Soqotri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڟ Hausa:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڠ Yoruba:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڠ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڡ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڢ Arabic:Symbol has unexpected child Forms
ڢاج Mozarabic:Notes
ڣ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڤ Hijazi Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڤ Persian:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڤ Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڤ Egyptian Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڤَيڮون Javanese:Arabicization
ڥ Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڦ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڧ Arabic:Symbol has unexpected child Forms
ڧرجون Mozarabic:Notes
ڨ Arabic:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڨ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڨ Zazaki:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ک Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ک Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ک Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ک Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
کتاب Persian:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Declination
کش Persian:Verb has unexpected child Pronunciation
کنور Urdu:Further
کھ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڪ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ګ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڬ Malay:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڭ Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڭ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڮ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
گ Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
گ Kyrgyz:Letter has unexpected child Forms
گ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
گ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
گ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
گ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
گ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
گلی Persian:Etymology 3:Pronuncitation
گٛ Northern Luri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
گھ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڰ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڱ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڲ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڳ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڴ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڵ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڵ Southeast Pashayi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڶ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڷ Brahui:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڸ Avar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڸ Soqotri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڹ Malayalam:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ں Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ں Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ں Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ںٛ Serbo-Croatian:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڻ Sindhi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڼ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڽ Malay:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ھ Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ھ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ھ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ڿ Malayalam:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۀ Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ہ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ہ Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۄ Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۅ Kyrgyz:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۅ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۆ Central Kurdish:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۆ Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۆ Azerbaijani:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۇ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۇ Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۉ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۊ Southern Kurdish:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۋ Kyrgyz:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۋ Uyghur:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۋ Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ی Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ی Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ی Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ی Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
یوق Khalaj:Predicative
یووق Khalaj:Predicative
ێ Central Kurdish:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ێ Southern Kurdish:Alternative
ێ Azerbaijani:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۏ Malay:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ې Pashto:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۑ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ے Urdu:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ے Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ے Kashmiri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ے Balti:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ے Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ە Kazakh:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۮ Parkari Koli:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۯ Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۺ Malayalam:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۻ Malayalam:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۼ Malayalam:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ۿ Parkari Koli:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ܒܪ Assyrian Neo-Aramaic:Noun form
ܓܠܘܠܬܐ Assyrian Neo-Aramaic:Noun has unexpected child Infelction
ܡܒܠܓ Assyrian Neo-Aramaic:Verb has unexpected child Conjugation=
ܡܗܕܩ Assyrian Neo-Aramaic:Verb has unexpected child Related temrs
ܥܢܒܐ Classical Syriac:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
ܨܝܪ Assyrian Neo-Aramaic:Etymology 1:Past participle
ܨܝܪ Assyrian Neo-Aramaic:Etymology 2:Noun form
ܫܠܝܨܐ Assyrian Neo-Aramaic:Adjective has unexpected child Past participle
ݐ Fula:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݑ Wolof:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݓ Hausa:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݔ Baluchi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݕ Wolof:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݖ Wolof:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݙ Saraiki:Forms
ݜ Shina:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݝ Serer:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݠ Fula:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݢ Malay:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݣ Karakalpak:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݧ Serer:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݨ Shina:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݨ Saraiki:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݨ Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݨ Balti:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݩ Balti:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݩگ Indus Kohistani:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݫ Gawar-Bati:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݬ Ormuri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݭ Ormuri:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݮ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݯ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݰ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݱ Khowar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݳ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݴ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݵ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݶ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݷ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݸ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݹ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݺ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݻ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݼ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ݽ Burushaski:Letter has unexpected child Forms
އިސްކޫލު Dhivehi:Notes
ߚ Translingual:Design
Wolof:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Fula:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Serer:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Serer:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Fula:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Rohingya:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Chechen:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Tatar:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Tamil:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Tamil:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Sundanese:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Kalasha:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Punjabi:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Balti:Letter has unexpected child Forms
अङ्ग Sanskrit:Etymology 1:Borrowed terms
अनुशासक Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
अभिज्ञा Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
अभिषेक Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
अमेरिकायाः संयुक्तराज्यानि Sanskrit:Proper noun has unexpected child Notes
अर्हत् Sanskrit:Alternative scripts=
अलस Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
अलस Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
आत Marathi:Alterntive forms
आत्मन् Sanskrit:Pronoun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
इन्दिरा Sanskrit:Proper noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
उपलब्ध Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
कंगूरा Hindi:Gallery
कच्छप Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
कटि Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
कपाल Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
काक Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
कार्य Sanskrit:Borrowed terms
कुहन Hindi:Related-terms
क्षत्रिय Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
खनि Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
खुस्‍ला Khaling:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
गर्जन Sanskrit:=Descendants
गर्भिणी Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
गात्र Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
चतुराई Hindi:Derived
चोमोलुङ् Yakkha:Proper noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
जरो Hindi:Noun form
जाति Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
जिह्वा Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
जीव Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
जुंबिश Hindi:Alternative terms
जॉप्पॉ Nihali:Bibliography
ज्यों Hindi:Conjunctive
तन्त्र Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
तमस् Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
तिसालेन Yakkha:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
तृण Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
दक्षिण Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
दन्त Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
दीर्घ Sanskrit:Proper noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
दूर Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
दूल्हा Hindi:Noun has unexpected child Borrowings
धारा Sanskrit:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
धीरे Pali:Adjective form
धूम Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
ध्वज Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
नामन् Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
पण्डित Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
पर्ण Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
पाप Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
पितृ Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
पुदीना Hindi:Alternative forms
पूछिवउं Middle Gujarati:Refrences
पूर्व Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
प्रथम Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
प्रिय Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
फुरमाण Old Gujarati:Noun has unexpected child Decendents
बिंदास Hindi:Alternative
बीज Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
बुद्ध Sanskrit:Borrowed terms
भक्ति Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
भगवद्गीता Sanskrit:Proper noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
भाग्य Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowings
भुस्‍क्‍वाम Khaling:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
मयूर Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
मांस Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
मिश्र Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
मेभेत्‌ति Khaling:Adverb has unexpected child Dialectal variants
रघु Sanskrit:Etymology 2:Proper noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
राष्ट्र Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Example
लाभ Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
वसन्त Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
वाट Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowings
वात Sanskrit:Etymology 1:Borrowed terms
विना Sanskrit:Postposition has unexpected child Borrowed terms
वीर Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
वृक्ष Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
वृद्ध Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
शर्करा Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
शिरस् Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
शुभ्र Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
सदा Sanskrit:Adverb has unexpected child Borrowed terms
सम Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
समुद्र Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
सर्व Sanskrit:Adjective has unexpected child Borrowed terms
सृगाल Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
सेतु Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
सोट्टा Kurukh:Nonu
सोहर Hindi:Alternative Froms
स्त्री Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
हंस Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed Terms
हत Sanskrit:Etymology 2:Verb form
हरिद्रा Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
हि Sanskrit:Etymology 1:Root has unexpected child Related roots
हिङ्गु Sanskrit:Noun has unexpected child Borrowed terms
অঁকোল Bengali:Gallery
আতা Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
উর্দু ভাষা Bengali:See more
ককা Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
ককাই Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
কিতাপ Assamese:Echo word
চামাটি Bengali:Alternative
জেঠা Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Relationship declension
জেঠাই Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Relationship declension
জেঠী Assamese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Relationship declension
দান্দান Bengali:Alternative spelling
দেউতা Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
পুত Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
পেহা Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Relationship declension
পেহী Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Relationship declension
বা Assamese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
বাই Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
বাপ Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
বোৱাৰী Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
বৰদেউতা Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Relationship declension
বৰমা Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Relationship declension
ভতাৰ Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
ভাই Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
মা Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
মামী Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Relationship declension
মাহী Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
মুখ Pali:Noun has unexpected child Description
মোজা Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Derived froms
মোমাই Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Relationship declension
যো Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Derived forms
শহুৰ Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
শাহু Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Kinship declension
সফুৰি আম Assamese:Noun has unexpected child Note
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Derived glyphs
ਚਿੱਤਰਾ Punjabi:Alternate Forms
ਤੁਹਾਡਾ Punjabi:Pronoun has unexpected child Etymology
ਤ੍ਰੇਲ਼ Punjabi:Alternate Forms
ਬਤਾਊਂ Punjabi:Alternate Forms
ਬੈਂਗਣ Punjabi:Alternate Forms
ਮ੍ਹੈਂਸ Punjabi:Alternate Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Derived glyphs
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Derived glyphs
Punjabi:Proper noun has unexpected child Origin
ચા પાણી Gujarati:Noun has unexpected child Usage examples
પૂછવું Gujarati:Refrences
મહેતા Gujarati:Proper Name
அ- Tamil:Also see
அக்குள் Tamil:Alternative
அண்ணன் Tamil:Noun has unexpected child Dialectal variants
அதான் Tamil:Etymology 1:Phrase has unexpected child Example
அறிவு Tamil:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
அறுக்கமாட்டாதவன் இடுப்பிலே ஐம்பத்தெட்டு அரிவாள் Tamil:Proverb has unexpected child Explanation
இந்தி Tamil:Dictionaries
எப்பொழுது Tamil:Alternative
ஔவை Tamil:Noun has unexpected child Derivatives
கிழமை Tamil:Noun has unexpected child Cognates
சார்பெழுத்து Tamil:Noun has unexpected child Note
செவிடு Tamil:Adjective has unexpected child Derivatives
தயை Tamil:Noun has unexpected child Derivatives
நா பிறழ் Tamil:Noun has unexpected child Examples
நிழல் Tamil:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
நூ Tamil:Noun has unexpected child Derivatives
ரோமாபுரி Tamil:Note
వెంపలి Telugu:Noun has unexpected child Species
ಮಲಗು Kannada:Related words
അ- Malayalam:Also see
അണ്ണാര Malayalam:Noun has unexpected child Derivative words
ഇ- Malayalam:Also see
എ- Malayalam:Also see
എങ്ങ് Malayalam:Etystub
എള്ള് Malayalam:Noun has unexpected child Derivatives
കാപ്പി Malayalam:Also see
കോഫി Malayalam:Also see
ചായ Malayalam:Also see
ടീ Malayalam:Etymology 1:Also see
നിലാവ് Malayalam:Alternative names
നേ- Malayalam:Also see
പെറ്റമ്മ Malayalam:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms (for mother)
റോസ Malayalam:Noun has unexpected child Derivative words
ശരി Malayalam:Alternative
ശെരി Malayalam:Alternative
ു് Malayalam:Diacritic
്യ Malayalam:Diacritical mark has unexpected child Example
്ര Malayalam:Diacritical mark has unexpected child Example
്ല Malayalam:Diacritical mark has unexpected child Example
്വ Malayalam:Diacritical mark has unexpected child Example
ൿ Malayalam:Letter has unexpected child Example
กลด Thai:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
กลด Thai:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
ขนมจีน Thai:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
ขื่อ Thai:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
คลอง Thai:Noun has unexpected child Derived temrs
ชม Thai:Etymology 3:Proper noun has unexpected child See aslo
นาวา Pali:Noun has unexpected child Declension without implicit vowels
บ๊วย Thai:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
ปิ่นโต Thai:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
ผอบ Thai:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
ยมทูต Thai:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
ล้มเลิก Thai:Verb has unexpected child Anangrams
ส่วนมาก Thai:Adj
อมโต Pali:Adjective form
เก๊กฮวย Thai:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
แก้ว Thai:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
แก้ว Thai:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Gallery
Thai:Iteration mark
Lao:Iteration mark
ကာလီဖိုးနီးယား Burmese:Proper noun has unexpected child Alternative spelling
ကုလားအုတ် Burmese:Alternative spelling
ကွာင် Mon:Gallery
စဉ်းစား Burmese:Alternative spelling
စပ် Burmese:Noun=
စၢၤ S'gaw Karen:Postverbal marker
တောဝ်း Pa'o Karen:Final particle
တၟံ Mon:Adjective has unexpected child Pronunciation
ပဲခူး Burmese:Alternative Spelling
မိန်းမ Burmese:Alternative spelling
ယို Pa'o Karen:Demonstrative
အဇူအဇာ Rakhine:Alternative spelling
ბიოლოგიური მეცნიერება Georgian:Noun has unexpected child Usage
დუფინამს Laz:Alternative
ვაიომინგი Georgian:Proper noun has unexpected child Spelling variations
ვიდეოთამაში Georgian:Noun has unexpected child Spelling variations
ვისკონსინი Georgian:Proper noun has unexpected child Spelling variations
სიცოცხლის შემსწავლელი მეცნიერება Georgian:Noun has unexpected child Usage
უაიომინგი Georgian:Proper noun has unexpected child Spelling variations
უისკონსინი Georgian:Proper noun has unexpected child Spelling variations
ფრთა Georgian:Rayfield
შვეიცარია Georgian:Proper noun has unexpected child Disambiguation
ᄃᆞᆺᄒᆞ다 Middle Korean:Adjective has unexpected child Alternate forms
ᄉᆞ Middle Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
ᄯᆡ문 Early Modern Korean:Dependent noun
Ge'ez:Adverb has unexpected child Notes
የካቲት Ge'ez:Alternative Spelling
ደብረ ሀገር Ge'ez:Alternate Forms
ᚠᚨᚺᛁ Proto-Norse:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Attested forms
ᚠᚨᚺᛁᛞᛖ Proto-Norse:Verb has unexpected child Attested forms
ᚠᚨᚺᛁᛞᛟ Proto-Norse:Verb has unexpected child Attested forms
ᚠᚨᛁᚺᛁᛞᛟ Proto-Norse:Verb has unexpected child Attested forms
ᚨᛉᛁᚾᚨᛉ Proto-Norse:Noun has unexpected child Attested forms
ᚹᚨᚱᛁᛏᚢ Proto-Norse:Verb has unexpected child Attested forms
ᚺᛡᚦᚢᚹᛟᛚᛡᚠᛦ Proto-Norse:Proper noun has unexpected child Attested forms
ᛊᚨᛏᛁᛞᛟ Proto-Norse:Verb has unexpected child Attested forms
ᛋᛡᛏᛖ Proto-Norse:Verb has unexpected child Attested forms
Khmer:Etymology 3:Affixed forms
កក Khmer:Affixed forms
កត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
កប Khmer:Affixed forms
កាច Khmer:Affixed forms
កាញ់ Khmer:Affixed forms
កាត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
កាន់ Khmer:Affixed forms
កាប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
កាយ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ការ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
កាវ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
កិន Khmer:Affixed forms
កឹះ Khmer:Affixed forms
កូរ Khmer:Affixed forms
កួច Khmer:Affixed forms
កួត Khmer:Affixed forms
កើត Khmer:Affixed forms
កើន Khmer:Affixed forms
កៀច Khmer:Affixed forms
កៀប Khmer:Affixed forms
កៀស Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed form
កេះ Khmer:Affixed forms
កែ Khmer:Affixed forms
កោង Khmer:Affixed forms
កោរ Khmer:Affixed forms
កោះ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ក្ដាប់ Khmer:Noun has unexpected child Affixed forms
ក្ដារ Khmer:Affixed forms
ក្ដៅ Khmer:Affixed forms
ក្បត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ក្រ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ក្រាប Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ក្រាល Khmer:Affixed forms
ក្រាស់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ក្រិត Khmer:Affixed forms
ក្រៀម Khmer:Affixed forms
ក្រេប Khmer:Affixed forms
ក្រៃ Khmer:Affixed forms
ក្សាន្ត Khmer:Affixed forms
ក្អួត Khmer:Affixed forms
ក្អែល Khmer:Affixed forms
ខន Khmer:Affixed forms
ខាក Khmer:Affixed forms
ខាត Khmer:Affixed forms
ខាត់ Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ខាន Khmer:Affixed forms
ខារ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ខាំ Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ខិត Khmer:Affixed forms
ខិតខំ Khmer:Affixed forms
ខឹង Khmer:Affixed forms
ខុស Khmer:Affixed forms
ខូច Khmer:Affixed forms
ខួប Khmer:Noun has unexpected child Affixed forms
ខែក Khmer:Affixed forms
ខែង Khmer:Affixed forms
ខំ Khmer:Affixed forms
ខះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ខ្ចប់ Khmer:Noun has unexpected child Affixed forms
ខ្ចាត់ Khmer:Affixed terms
ខ្ចី Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ខ្ជាក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ខ្ជិល Khmer:Affixed forms
ខ្ញម Khmer:Affixed forms
ខ្ពស់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ខ្លាច Khmer:Affixed forms
ខ្លាំង Khmer:Affixed forms
ខ្លៅ Khmer:Affixed forms
ខ្វល់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ខ្វាក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ខ្វិន Khmer:Affixed forms
ខ្សោយ Khmer:Affixed forms
គក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
គង Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
គង់ Khmer:Affixed forms
គន់ Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
គប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
គរ Khmer:Affixed forms
គាប Khmer:Affixed forms
គាប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
គាំង Khmer:Affixed forms
គិត Khmer:Affixed forms
គូ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
គូរ Khmer:Affixed forms
គូស Khmer:Affixed forms
គួរ Khmer:Affixed forms
គេច Khmer:Affixed forms
គោះ Khmer:Affixed forms
គ្រប Khmer:Affixed forms
គ្រប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
គ្រូ Khmer:Affixed forms
គ្រោង Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
គ្រោង Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ឃាត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឃើញ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឃ្លាន Khmer:Affixed forms
ងាក Khmer:Affixed forms
ងាប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ងីងើ Khmer:Affixed forms
ងូត Khmer:Affixed forms
ចង Khmer:Affixed forms
ចង់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចត Khmer:Affixed forms
ចត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចាក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចាញ់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចាត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចាត់ថ្នាក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចាប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចាយ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចារ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ចាស់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចាំ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចឹក Khmer:Affixed forms
ចុក Khmer:Affixed forms
ចុង Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ចុច Khmer:Affixed forms
ចុះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចុះចូល Khmer:Affixed forms
ចូល Khmer:Affixed forms
ចៀស Khmer:Affixed forms
ចេញ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចេះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចែក Khmer:Affixed forms
ចោទ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចោម Khmer:Affixed forms
ចោរ Khmer:Affixed forms
ចោល Khmer:Affixed forms
ចំ Khmer:Affixed forms
ច្បង Khmer:Affixed forms
ច្រត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ច្រាន Khmer:Affixed forms
ច្រុះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ច្រើន Khmer:Affixed forms
ច្រៀង Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ឆក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆាំង Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆេះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆោត Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆ្កឹះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆ្កួត Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆ្ងាញ់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆ្ងាយ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆ្លង Khmer:Etymology 1:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed forms
ឆ្លុះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆ្លើយ Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ឆ្អាប Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆ្អិន Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆ្អឹង Khmer:Affixed forms
ឆ្អែត Khmer:Affixed forms
ជក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជន់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជល់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជាក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជាញ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជាន់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជាប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជាំ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជិះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជីក Khmer:Affixed forms
ជុល Khmer:Affixed forms
ជុំ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជុះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជូត Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ជូន Khmer:Affixed forms
ជូរ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជួញ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជួប Khmer:Affixed forms
ជួយ Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ជួរ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជួល Khmer:Affixed forms
ជួស Khmer:Affixed forms
ជឿ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជែង Khmer:Affixed forms
ជោះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជ្រាប Khmer:Affixed forms
ជ្រុះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជ្រើស Khmer:Affixed forms
ជ្រៅ Khmer:Affixed forms
ជ្រំ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ជ្រំ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ជ្រះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឈប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឈម Khmer:Affixed forms
ឈាន Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ឈឹង Khmer:Affixed forms
ឈឺ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឈឺថ្កាត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឈោង Khmer:Affixed forms
ឈ្នះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ឈ្លើយ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ឈ្លោះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ញាប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ញី Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ញឹក Khmer:Adverb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ញេច Khmer:Affixed forms
ញ័រ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដក Khmer:Affixed forms
ដក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដង Khmer:Affixed forms
ដល់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដាក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដាច់ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ដាប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដាល Khmer:Affixed forms
ដាល់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដាស់ Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ដាំ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដឹក Khmer:Affixed forms
ដឹង Khmer:Affixed forms
ដុស Khmer:Affixed forms
ដុំ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដុះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដូង Khmer:Affixed forms
ដូច Khmer:Affixed forms
ដូរ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដួល Khmer:Affixed forms
ដើម Khmer:Affixed forms
ដើរ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដៀល Khmer:Affixed forms
ដេក Khmer:Affixed forms
ដេញ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដេរ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដែល Khmer:Affixed forms
ដោត Khmer:Affixed forms
ដោយ Khmer:Affixed forms
ដោះ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ដៅ Khmer:Affixed forms
ណែ Khmer:Affixed forms
Khmer:Affixed forms
តក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
តប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
តាង Khmer:Affixed forms
តិច Khmer:Affixed forms
តិចតួច Khmer:Affixed forms
តិះ Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
តឹង Khmer:Affixed forms
តូច Khmer:Affixed forms
តឿ Khmer:Affixed forms
តែង Khmer:Affixed forms
តះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ត្បាញ Khmer:Affixed forms
ត្បូង Khmer:Affixed forms
ត្បៀត Khmer:Affixed forms
ត្រង Khmer:Affixed forms
ត្រង់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ត្រា Khmer:Affixed forms
ត្រាប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ត្រឹម Khmer:Affixed forms
ត្រុយ Khmer:Affixed forms
ត្រូវ Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ត្រួត Khmer:Affixed forms
ត្រៀម Khmer:Affixed forms
ថយ Khmer:Affixed forms
ថែ Khmer:Affixed forms
ថែម Khmer:Affixed forms
ថោក Khmer:Affixed forms
ថ្ករ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ថ្កាត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ថ្កៀប Khmer:Affixed forms
ថ្ពែក Khmer:Affixed forms
ថ្លង់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ថ្លៃ Khmer:Affixed forms
ថ្វាយ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ទង់ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ទន់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទល់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទាក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទាក់ទង Khmer:Affixed forms
ទាញ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទាត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទាន់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទាប Khmer:Affixed forms
ទាយ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទាល់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទិញ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទុក Khmer:Affixed forms
ទុំ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទើប Khmer:Affixed forms
ទើរ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទោស Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ទំ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទ្រ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទ្រង់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ទ្រេត Khmer:Affixed forms
ធាត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ធំ Khmer:Noun has unexpected child Affixed forms
ធ្ងន់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ធ្លាក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ធ្លាប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ធ្វើ Khmer:Affixed forms
បក Khmer:Affixed forms
បក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
បង Khmer:Affixed forms
បន្ទុកអគ្គីសនី Khmer:Alternative spelling
បរ Khmer:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
បាក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
បាញ់ Khmer:Affixed forms
បាត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
បាំង Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
បុក Khmer:Affixed forms
បុល Khmer:Affixed forms
បូក Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
បួស Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
បើក Khmer:Affixed forms
បៀត Khmer:Affixed forms
បែក Khmer:Affixed forms
បែរ Khmer:Affixed forms
បោក Khmer:Affixed forms
បោស Khmer:Affixed forms
ប៉ង Khmer:Affixed forms
ប៉ោង Khmer:Affixed forms
ប៉ះ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ប្រាម Khmer:Affixed forms
ប្រុង Khmer:Affixed forms
ប្រើ Khmer:Affixed forms
ប្រែ Khmer:Affixed forms
ប្រៃ Khmer:Affixed forms
ផាត់ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ផាយ Khmer:Affixed forms
ផឹក Khmer:Affixed forms
ផុត Khmer:Affixed forms
ផើម Khmer:Affixed forms
ផេះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ផ្ញើ Khmer:Affixed forms
ផ្ដាំ Khmer:Affixed forms
ផ្ទុក Khmer:Affixed forms
ផ្ទុះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ផ្លាញ Khmer:Affixed forms
ផ្លាស់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ផ្លែ Khmer:Affixed forms
ផ្សារ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ពង Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ពត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ពាក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ពាន Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ពារ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ពាល់ Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ពាំង Khmer:Affixed forms
ពឹង Khmer:Affixed forms
ពុក Khmer:Etymology 4:Affixed forms
ពុក Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ពុល Khmer:Affixed forms
ពុះ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ពួក Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ពេញ Khmer:Affixed forms
ពោល Khmer:Affixed forms
ព្រោះ Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ភក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ភរ Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ភូត Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ភៀស Khmer:Affixed forms
ភ្ងា Khmer:Affixed forms
ភ្លឺ Khmer:Affixed forms
ភ្លើ Khmer:Affixed forms
ភ្លោះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ភ្លៅ Khmer:Affixed forms
មុជ Khmer:Affixed forms
មូល Khmer:Affixed forms
មួល Khmer:Affixed forms
យល់ Khmer:Affixed forms
យឹត Khmer:Affixed forms
រង់ Khmer:Affixed forms
រត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
រលាយ Khmer:Affixed forms
រលូត Khmer:Affixed forms
រលួយ Khmer:Affixed forms
រលំ Khmer:Affixed forms
រស់ Khmer:Affixed forms
រអា Khmer:Affixed forms
រា Khmer:Affixed forms
រាន Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
រាប Khmer:Affixed forms
រាប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
រាយ Khmer:Affixed forms
រាវ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
រាវ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
រាំ Khmer:Affixed forms
រាំង Khmer:Affixed forms
រិះ Khmer:Affixed forms
រីក Khmer:Affixed forms
រឹង Khmer:Affixed forms
រឹល Khmer:Affixed forms
រុក Khmer:Affixed forms
រុញ Khmer:Affixed forms
រូង Khmer:Affixed forms
រូត Khmer:Affixed forms
រូស Khmer:Affixed forms
រួម Khmer:Affixed forms
រើស Khmer:Affixed forms
រៀង Khmer:Affixed forms
រៀន Khmer:Affixed forms
រៀប Khmer:Affixed forms
រេញ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
រែក Khmer:Affixed forms
Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
លក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
លង Khmer:Affixed forms
លប Khmer:Affixed forms
លយ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
លស់ Khmer:Affixed forms
លា Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
លាក់ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
លាញ Khmer:Affixed forms
លាន Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
លាយ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
លុក Khmer:Affixed forms
លុត Khmer:Affixed forms
លុន Khmer:Affixed forms
លុប Khmer:Affixed forms
លូត Khmer:Affixed forms
លូន Khmer:Affixed forms
លើ Khmer:Affixed forms
លើស Khmer:Affixed forms
លឿន Khmer:Affixed forms
លេង Khmer:Affixed forms
លេប Khmer:Affixed forms
លែក Khmer:Affixed forms
លៃ Khmer:Affixed forms
លោត Khmer:Affixed forms
លោម Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
លះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ល្ហ Khmer:Affixed forms
ល្ហែ Khmer:Affixed forms
ល្អ Khmer:Affixed forms
ល្អង Khmer:Affixed forms
ល្អិត Khmer:Affixed forms
វង់ Khmer:Affixed forms
វាយ Khmer:Affixed forms
វាល Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
វាស់ Khmer:Affixed forms
វិល Khmer:Affixed forms
វៀន Khmer:Affixed forms
វែក Khmer:Affixed forms
វែង Khmer:Affixed forms
វះ Khmer:Affixed forms
Khmer:Etymology 2:Adjective has unexpected child Affixed forms
សក Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
សង Khmer:Affixed forms
សង់ Khmer:Affixed forms
សប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
សព្វសាយ Khmer:Affixed forms
សរសេរ Khmer:Affixed forms
សល់ Khmer:Affixed forms
សាក Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
សាង Khmer:Affixed forms
សាន្ត Khmer:Affixed forms
សាយ Khmer:Affixed forms
សិត Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
សិត Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
សូក Khmer:Affixed forms
សូម Khmer:Affixed forms
សួរ Khmer:Affixed forms
សើ Khmer:Affixed forms
សើច Khmer:Affixed forms
សើម Khmer:Affixed forms
សៀង Khmer:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Affixed forms
សៀត Khmer:Affixed forms
សែង Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
សោយ Khmer:Affixed forms
សោះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស៊ី Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្កាត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្គាល់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ងាត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ងាប Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ងួត Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ដើង Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ដេច Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ដែង Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ដោះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ទង់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ទុះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ទូច Khmer:Verb has unexpected child Affixed forms
ស្ទះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្នាក់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្នើ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ស្បថ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ពាយ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រន់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រប Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រស់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រាក Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រាប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រាល Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រុត Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រួច Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រួល Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រើប Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រេក Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រេច Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្រែក Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្ល Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្លឹង Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្លៀក Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្អប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ស្អាត Khmer:Affixed forms
ហាត់ Khmer:Affixed forms
ហូប Khmer:Affixed forms
ហូរ Khmer:Affixed forms
ហួត Khmer:Affixed forms
ហួស Khmer:Affixed forms
ហើប Khmer:Affixed forms
ហើរ Khmer:Etymology 1:Affixed forms
ហើរ Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ហៀរ Khmer:Affixed forms
ហែ Khmer:Affixed forms
ហែក Khmer:Affixed forms
ហែល Khmer:Affixed forms
ហោច Khmer:Affixed forms
ហោះ Khmer:Affixed forms
ហ្វឹក Khmer:Affixed forms
ហ្វឹកហ្វឺន Khmer:Affixed forms
ឡើង Khmer:Affixed forms
ឡែក Khmer:Affixed forms
អង់ Khmer:Affixed forms
អប់ Khmer:Affixed forms
អរ Khmer:Affixed forms
អស់ Khmer:Affixed forms
អាង Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
អាច Khmer:Affixed forms
អារ Khmer:Affixed forms
អូរ Khmer:Affixed forms
អូស Khmer:Affixed forms
អួត Khmer:Affixed forms
អៀង Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
អៀន Khmer:Affixed forms
អែម Khmer:Affixed forms
អែរអង់ Khmer:Affixed forms
អោប Khmer:Affixed forms
អោបរឹត Khmer:Affixed forms
Khmer:Etymology 2:Affixed forms
ឲ្យ Khmer:Affixed forms
Khmer:Iteration mark
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
ᠯᠤᠭ᠋ ᠠ Middle Mongol:Particle has unexpected child Vowel harmonic forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Mongolian:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Mongolian:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Xibe:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Buryat:Letter has unexpected child Forms
Translingual:Derived forms
Translingual:Derived forms
ᴢ́ Translingual:Design
ᴢ̌ Translingual:Design
ᴢ̌́ Translingual:Design
ᴢ̣ Translingual:Design
ᴢ̣̌ Translingual:Design
ẹmụẹ Yoruba:Noun has unexpected child Usage
ọkẹrẹgba Yoruba:Noun has unexpected child Related forms
ἐγερτέον Ancient Greek:Verbal Adjective
ἑπτακόσιοι Ancient Greek:Numeral has unexpected child Further Reading
‘ ’ Translingual:Derivations
Tlingit:Letter has unexpected child User notes
◌˞ Translingual:Diacritic
◌̡ Translingual:Related characters
◌̢ Translingual:Related characters
◌̰ Translingual:Derivations
◌߫ N'Ko:Diacritic
◌߬ N'Ko:Diacritic
◌߭ N'Ko:Diacritic
◌߮ N'Ko:Diacritic
◌߯ N'Ko:Diacritic
◌߰ N'Ko:Diacritic
◌߱ N'Ko:Diacritic
◌߲ N'Ko:Diacritic
◌߳ N'Ko:Diacritic
◌߽ N'Ko:Diacritic
◌᪰ Translingual:Design
◌᪳ Translingual:Derived forms
◌᪳ Translingual:Design
◌᷄ Translingual:Design
◌᷅ Translingual:Design
◌᷆ Translingual:Design
◌᷇ Translingual:Design
◌᷈ Translingual:Design
◌᷉ Translingual:Design
Translingual:Symbol origin
Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
Translingual:Related symbols
Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Related symbols
Translingual:Related symbols
Translingual:Related symbols
Translingual:Related symbols
Ɀ Shona:Design
Translingual:Iteration mark
Chinese:Iteration mark
Japanese:Iteration mark
Japanese:Iteration mark
Japanese:Iteration mark
Japanese:Iteration mark
Japanese:Iteration mark
Japanese:Iteration mark
Japanese:Iteration mark
Chinese:Iteration mark
あくび Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
あぶら Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
いけ Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
いずれ Japanese:Adverb has unexpected child Proverbs
いね Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
うい Japanese:Etymology 2:Adjective has unexpected child Proverbs
うたう Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
うたう Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
うれい Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
かばね Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
かま Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
きょう Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
けり Japanese:Etymology 1:Suffix has unexpected child Idioms
けり Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
こちら Japanese:Pronoun has unexpected child Proverbs
こと Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
さしすせそ Japanese:Notes
しかばね Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
すべき Japanese:Verb form
つきおくれ Japanese:Notes
つくえ Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Notes
ては Japanese:Conjunction has unexpected child Proverbs
でない Japanese:Etymology 1:Verb form
とと Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
どこ Japanese:Etymology 1:Pronoun has unexpected child Proverbs
どこ Japanese:Etymology 1:Pronoun has unexpected child Idioms
なりけり Japanese:Etymology 1:Phrase has unexpected child Proverbs
のみ Japanese:Etymology 1:Adverb has unexpected child Idioms
のみ Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
ばかり Japanese:Adverb has unexpected child Proverbs
ばかり Japanese:Adverb has unexpected child Idioms
ひげ Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
ひげ Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
ぺんぺん草 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
ほととぎす Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 4:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
まな板 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
まみれる Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
みそか Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
みな Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
みな Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
やなぎ Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
ゆき Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
ゆき Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Iteration mark
Japanese:Iteration mark
ピン Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
メス Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Iteration mark
Japanese:Iteration mark
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Etymology 1:Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Etymology 1:Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Etymology 1:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Etymology 1:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Etymology 1:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Etymology 1:Phoneme
Chinese:Etymology 1:Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Etymology 1:Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Northern Qiandong Miao:Phoneme
Chinese:Letter has unexpected child Phoneme
Korean:Letter has unexpected child Historical usage
Translingual:Derived characters
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
一人 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
一人 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
一人 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
一人 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
一寸 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
一月 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
一生 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
一言 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
一言 Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
一言 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
一雨 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
三人 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
三味線 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
三角 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
上下 Japanese:Etymology 5:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
上下 Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
上下 Japanese:Etymology 6:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
下班 Chinese:Verb has unexpected child Note
不思議 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
世界 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
世界中 Japanese:Phrase has unexpected child Idioms
世話 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
中心 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
丸太 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
丸薬 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Chinese:Glyph 1
Chinese:Glyph 2
Old Korean:Etymology 1:Phonogram
Old Korean:Etymology 1:Phonogram
乞食 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
二人 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
二人 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
五十 Japanese:Etymology 1:Numeral has unexpected child Proverbs
交喙 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
人目 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
仕置き場 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
他意 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
伝言 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
伽羅 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
傳車 Chinese:Notes
傾く Japanese:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
傾く Japanese:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
光る Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
光る Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
入る Japanese:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
八卦 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
再び Japanese:Adverb has unexpected child Idioms
再び Japanese:Adverb has unexpected child Proverbs
冥土 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
出づ Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
出づ Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
出る Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
出る Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
前門 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
劃鼠 Chinese:Notes
Chinese:Glyph 1
Chinese:Glyph 2
Japanese:Etymology 1:Pronunciation 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 5:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Numeral has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 2:Numeral has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Numeral has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Numeral has unexpected child Idioms
十二単 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Elements of Junihitoe
十二支 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Hyponym
Japanese:Etymology 1:Numeral has unexpected child Idioms
南風 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
受付 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
受害者 Chinese:Noun has unexpected child Near-Synonyms
叢雲 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
口裏 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
古今 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Old Korean:Etymology 1:Phonogram
台詞 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Old Korean:Etymology 1:Phonogram
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
同じ Japanese:Etymology 1:Adjective has unexpected child Proverbs
同じ Japanese:Etymology 1:Adjective has unexpected child Idioms
名実 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
名田 Japanese:-Pronunciation=
呉牛 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
味噌 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
味噌 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
和尚打傘——無法無天 Chinese:Notes
Old Japanese:Phonogram
哭哭啼啼 Chinese:Verb has unexpected child Synonymous
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
唐名 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
唐紅 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
問う Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
喘ぐ Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
団子 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 4:Readings
Japanese:Etymology 3:Readings
Japanese:Etymology 2:Readings
Japanese:Etymology 1:Readings
地蔵 Japanese:Proper noun has unexpected child Proverbs
地震 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Translingual:Derived characters
Vietnamese:Han tu
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Chinese:Glyph 2
Chinese:Glyph 1
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Chinese:Glyph 1
Chinese:Glyph 2
変態 Japanese:Notes
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
夜叉 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
大層 Japanese:Adjective has unexpected child Idioms
大轉彎 Chinese:Noun has unexpected child Use notes
大阪 Japanese:Etymology 1:Proper noun has unexpected child Idioms
大魚 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
天が下 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
天の下 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
太刀 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
夫婦 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
好奇心 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Nom glyph origin
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
嫌い Japanese:Adjective has unexpected child Proverbs
孔雀 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
安心 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
実地 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
家持ち Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
家鴨 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Old Japanese:Phonogram
富士 Japanese:Proper noun has unexpected child Proverbs
対人恐怖症 Japanese:Pron
対岸 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
寿 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Chinese:Glyph 1
Chinese:Glyph 3
Chinese:Glyph 2
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
小豆 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
小轉彎 Chinese:Noun has unexpected child Use notes
小鍋 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Old Korean:Etymology 1:Phonogram
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
屁をひる Japanese:Phrase has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
屏風 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
山葵 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
巨人 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Translingual:Derived characters
布袴 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Elements of Hōko
師走 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
帰る Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
帰る Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
干戈 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
年貢 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
弁当 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
弓弦 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
弘法 Japanese:Etymology 2:Proper noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Suffix
Chinese:Glyph 2
Chinese:Glyph 1
御宇 Chinese:Verb has unexpected child Notes
御手洗 Japanese:Etymology 1:Surname
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
心中 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
心地 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
心配 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
必ず Japanese:Adverb has unexpected child Proverbs
必要 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
念仏 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
悪い Japanese:Etymology 1:Adjective has unexpected child Idioms
悪貨 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
意気 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
意気地 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
意気地 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
愚人 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
憚る Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
憚る Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
戻る Japanese:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
扼する Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
抱く Old Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
抱く Japanese:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
抱く Japanese:Etymology 2:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
抱く Japanese:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
括る Japanese:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
持つ Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
据える Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
据える Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
掴む Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
掴む Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
撕屄 Chinese:Verb has unexpected child Usage
撫でる Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
放工 Chinese:Verb has unexpected child Note
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
故郷 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
断絶 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
新し Japanese:Etymology 1:Adjective has unexpected child Proverbs
新しい Japanese:Adjective has unexpected child Idioms
新しい Japanese:Adjective has unexpected child Proverbs
新た Japanese:Adjective has unexpected child Idioms
日の丸 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
日和 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
日日 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
日日 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
旦那 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
明後日 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
明後日 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
明日 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
明日 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Old Korean:Etymology 2:Phonogram
Old Korean:Etymology 1:Phonogram
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
月夜 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
月夜 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
朋友 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Old Japanese:Etymology 1:Phonogram
Old Japanese:Phonogram
束帯 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Elements of Sokutai
東挪西湊 Chinese:Idiom has unexpected child Synonymous
東風 Japanese:Etymology 6:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Glyph origin (Nom)
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 7:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 6:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
桂馬 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
梅雨 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
植える Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 5:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
極楽 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
横番を切る Japanese:Verv
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
武士 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
死す Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
死する Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
死んだ Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
死人 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
歿 Japanese:Readings
Old Japanese:Phonogram
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
毛糸 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
水母 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Pronoun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Pronoun has unexpected child Idioms
沈黙 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
沐猴 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
法輪 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Nom glyph origin
泳ぐ Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
津軽 Japanese:Proper noun has unexpected child Proverbs
浴びせる Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
海老 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
海老 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Vietnamese:Nom glyph origin
満つ Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
満つ Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
源氏 Japanese:Proper noun has unexpected child Proverbs
滷肉飯 Chinese:Gallery
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
灯台 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
為何 Chinese:Pronunciation 2:Phrasal verb
烏有 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Old Japanese:Phonogram
煩悩 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
煩悩 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
燃える Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
牡丹 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
猛士 Chinese:Noun has unexpected child Synonyms=
献上 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 4:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
玩具 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
瑠璃 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
生ふ Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
生地 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
用いる Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
申す Japanese:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
申す Japanese:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Old Japanese:Phonogram
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
痘痕 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
Japanese:Etymology 2:Adjective has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
百姓 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
百姓読み Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Examples
Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Proper noun has unexpected child Idioms
盛ん Japanese:Adjective has unexpected child Idioms
相撲 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
相撲 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Nom glyph origin
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
眼鏡 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
祈る Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
秋刀魚 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
秋風 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
立直 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
笑う Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Japanese:Etymology 5:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
紅葉 Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
紅葉 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
紅葉 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
納豆 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
繕う Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
美人 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
義憤填膺 Chinese:Idiom has unexpected child Synonymous
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
耳廓狐 Chinese:Glyph etymology
聖なる Japanese:Adjective form
聞こゆ Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
胡琴 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Hyponym
Old Japanese:Phonogram
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Chinese:Glyph 2
Chinese:Glyph 1
腹が減る Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
腹芸 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
膝の皿 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
膝頭 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
自ら Japanese:Etymology 1:Adverb has unexpected child Proverbs
自ら Japanese:Etymology 1:Adverb has unexpected child Idioms
船頭 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Old Korean:Etymology 1:Phonogram
良心 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
色眼鏡 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
芍薬 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
芝生 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
芥子 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
芥子 Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Nom glyph origin
苦心 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
苦杯 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
苦汁 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
英雄 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
茄子 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Old Japanese:Phonogram
菩提 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Chinese:Glyph 2
Chinese:Glyph 1
萱草 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Varieties
落ちる Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Old Japanese:Phonogram
Translingual:Derived characters
薬師 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
虚偽 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
虚空 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 4:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
蜉蝣 Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
蜉蝣 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
蜥蜴 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
蝙蝠 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
螺子 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
血路 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
行方 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
衣冠 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Elements of Ikan
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Types of Hō
西 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
西 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
見ゆ Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
見聞き Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
観音 Japanese:Proper noun has unexpected child Idioms
言う Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
言語 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Glyph origin (Nom)
Vietnamese:Glyph origin (Nom)
Japanese:Etymology 2:Pronoun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Pronoun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Pronoun has unexpected child Idioms
調子 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
負う Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Glyph origin (Nom)
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
足コキ Japanese:詞源
足下 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
足掻き Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
躓く Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
軍配 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
輪廻 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
近代化 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Pronunciation
述懐 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Translingual:Derived characters
逆鱗 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
邪魔 Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
酔う Japanese:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Proverbs
醤油 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
釈迦 Japanese:Proper noun has unexpected child Proverbs
重なる Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
重ねる Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
重箱 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Prefix has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Prefix has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Affix has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
釣鐘 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Chinese:Glyph 2
Chinese:Glyph 1
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
鍛冶 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Glyph origin (Nom)
閑古鳥 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
関心 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
陰陽師 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
陽炎 Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Old Korean:Etymology 1:Phonogram
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Note
難波 Japanese:Etymology 1:Proper noun has unexpected child Proverbs
雪崩 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
雲雀 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Usage notes=
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
霍乱 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
青い Japanese:Adjective has unexpected child Idioms
青山 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Old Korean:Phonogram
Japanese:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 10:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
頼り Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
顰蹙 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
飛鳥 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
食む Japanese:Verb has unexpected child Idioms
食指 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Vietnamese:Chữ Hán
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Vietnamese:Hán tự
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
高句麗 Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
高嶺 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
鯨鯢 Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
鶏冠 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Old Japanese:Etymology 2:Phonogram
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 3:Affix has unexpected child Idioms
鹿 Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
麻布 Japanese:Etymology 3:Adjective has unexpected child Idioms
黄泉 Japanese:Etymology 4:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Japanese:Etymology 1:Noun has unexpected child Idioms
Nuosu:Iteration mark
Old Church Slavonic:Punctuation
Old Norse:Design
Old Norse:Design
Old Norse:Design
Old Norse:Design
Latin:Letter has unexpected child Derivations
Latin:Letter has unexpected child Derivations
Old Norse:Letter has unexpected child Derivations
Old Norse:Design
Old Norse:Design
Old Norse:Design
Old Norse:Design
Old Norse:Design
Old Polish:Letter has unexpected child Notes
Middle English:Letter has unexpected child Notes
Middle English:Letter has unexpected child Notes
ꠀꠛꠣꠖꠤ Sylheti:Adective
Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child User notes
Translingual:Letter has unexpected child Derivations
가지 Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
거리 Korean:Etymology 2:Dependent noun
Korean:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 3:Dependent noun
깨끗한 Korean:Adjective form
Korean:Dependent noun
나름 Korean:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 6:Dependent noun
Korean:Dependent noun
대로 Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
Korean:Dependent noun
두꺼운 Korean:Adjective form
Korean:Dependent noun
듯이 Korean:Dependent noun
따문 Korean:Dependent noun
따문 Jeju:Dependent noun
따위 Korean:Dependent noun
때문 Korean:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 1:Pronunciation 1:Dependent noun
마당 Korean:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 3:Dependent noun
만큼 Korean:Dependent noun
많은 Korean:Adjective form
미국 Korean:Proper noun has unexpected child Notes
미치다 Korean:Etymology 1:Verb has unexpected child Usage examples
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
번데기 Korean:Gallery
번째 Korean:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 1:Dialectal synonyms
Korean:Dependent noun
산달 Korean:Gallery
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
수줍으니 Korean:Sequential
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
얇은 Korean:Adjective form
Korean:Etymology 4:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 2:Dependent noun
Middle Korean:Dependent noun
적은 Korean:Adjective form
전차 Korean:Etymology 3:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 3:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
Korean:Dependent noun
Korean:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 4:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 2:Noun has unexpected child Proverbs
Korean:Etymology 2:Dependent noun
Korean:Etymology 1:Dependent noun
𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌉𐌀 Umbrian:Noun has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌀𐌛𐌚𐌄𐌓𐌕𐌖𐌓 Umbrian:Notes
𐌁𐌄𐌍𐌖𐌔 Umbrian:Verb has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌅𐌄𐌓𐌄𐌔 Umbrian:Noun has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌇𐌀𐌐𐌉𐌍𐌀𐌚 Umbrian:Noun has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌉𐌖𐌅𐌄 Umbrian:Proper noun has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌊𐌓𐌀𐌐𐌖𐌅𐌉 Umbrian:Proper noun has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌕𐌓𐌄𐌐𐌋𐌀𐌍𐌄𐌔 Umbrian:Adjective has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉𐌐𐌄𐌓 Umbrian:Noun has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌖𐌔𐌕𐌄𐌍𐌕𐌖 Umbrian:Verb has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌖𐌕𐌖𐌓 Umbrian:Noun has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌙 Translingual:Origin
𐌚𐌄𐌓𐌉𐌍𐌄 Umbrian:Noun has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖 Umbrian:Verb has unexpected child Attested forms
𐌚𐌖𐌕𐌝𐌓 Oscan:Notes
𐔰 Aghwan:Article has unexpected child Notes
𐔴𐔾 Aghwan:Derived words
𐔺𐕒𐕚𐔴𐕢 Aghwan:Notes
𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 Hebrew:Proper noun has unexpected child Descendents
𐭇𐭅𐭎𐭓𐭅 Parthian:Alternate forms
𐭕𐭉𐭓𐭃𐭕𐭉 Parthian:Alternate forms
𐭪𐭫𐭲 Middle Persian:Suffix has unexpected child Borrowed terms
𐰉𐰺 Old Turkic:Etymology 1:Predicative
𐰖𐰆𐰸 Old Turkic:Predicative
𐽳𐽶𐽲𐽳𐽾 Old Uyghur:Proper noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
𐽺𐽳𐽹 Old Uyghur:Noun has unexpected child Derived Terms
𐽺𐽳𐽹 Old Uyghur:Noun has unexpected child Alternate forms
𐾀𐽰𐽿𐾅 Old Uyghur:Noun has unexpected child Alternate form
𑀓𑀼𑀢𑁆𑀢 Prakrit:Further readings
𑀝𑀼𑀝𑁆𑀝𑀇 Prakrit:Verb has unexpected child Related forms
𑜀𑜟𑜨 Ahom:See cardinal
𑜀𑜟𑜨 𑜏𑜢𑜆𑜫 Ahom:See cardinal
𑜂𑜣 Ahom:See Cardinal
𑜆𑜦𑜄𑜫 Ahom:See cardinal
𑜋𑜢𑜄𑜫 Ahom:Adjective has unexpected child See cardinal
𑜎𑜤𑜀𑜫 Ahom:See cardinal
𑜏𑜊𑜫 Ahom:See cardinal
𑜏𑜢𑜤𑜰𑜫 Ahom:Noun has unexpected child Etymology
𒀴 Translingual:Derived signs
𒁁 Translingual:Derived signs
𒁺𒌓𒋻𒊑𒅀𒋾𒅀𒀸 Hittite:Noun has unexpected child Notes
𒈿 Translingual:Derived signs
𒉈 Translingual:Derived signs
𒉏 Translingual:Derived signs
𒉒 Translingual:Derived signs
𒊓 Translingual:Derived signs
𒍪 Translingual:Derived signs
𖿠 Tangut:Iteration mark
𖿣 Chinese:Iteration mark
𖿰 Vietnamese:Derived characters
𖿱 Vietnamese:Derived characters
𘠀 Tangut:Component
𘠀 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠁 Tangut:Component
𘠁 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠂 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠂 Tangut:Component
𘠃 Tangut:Component
𘠃 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠄 Tangut:Component
𘠄 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠅 Tangut:Component
𘠅 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠆 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠆 Tangut:Component
𘠇 Tangut:Component
𘠇 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠈 Tangut:Component
𘠈 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠉 Tangut:Component
𘠉 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠊 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠊 Tangut:Component
𘠋 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠋 Tangut:Component
𘠌 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠌 Tangut:Component
𘠍 Tangut:Component
𘠎 Tangut:Component
𘠏 Tangut:Component
𘠏 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠐 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠐 Tangut:Component
𘠑 Tangut:Component
𘠒 Tangut:Component
𘠒 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠓 Tangut:Component
𘠓 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠔 Tangut:Component
𘠔 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠕 Tangut:Component
𘠕 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠖 Tangut:Component
𘠗 Tangut:Component
𘠗 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠘 Tangut:Component
𘠘 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠙 Tangut:Component
𘠙 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠚 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠚 Tangut:Component
𘠛 Tangut:Component
𘠛 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠜 Tangut:Component
𘠝 Tangut:Component
𘠞 Tangut:Component
𘠞 Tangut:Derived characters
𘠟 Tangut:Component
𘠟 Tangut:Derived characters
𝣆 Japanese Sign Language:Other usage
🅯 Translingual:Design
🅱 Translingual:Simulfix
🌈 Translingual:Design
🍋 Chinese:Design
🍔 Translingual:Origin
🍟 Translingual:Origin
🎄 Translingual:Symbol origin
🎤 Translingual:Design
🏁 Translingual:Design
💅 Translingual:Design
💓 Translingual:Design
💔 Translingual:Design
💝 Translingual:Origin
💞 Translingual:Origin
💠 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
💠 Translingual:Origin
💯 Translingual:Design
📅 Translingual:Depiction
📅 Translingual:Symbol origin
📎 Translingual:Design
🕎 Translingual:Design
🚩 Translingual:Design
🚮 Translingual:Symbol origin
🚰 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
🚹 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
🚹 Translingual:Symbol origin
🚺 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
🚺 Translingual:Symbol origin
🚻 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
🚻 Translingual:Symbol origin
🚼 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
🚿 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
🛂 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
🛂 Translingual:Symbol origin
🛃 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
🛃 Translingual:Symbol origin
🛄 Translingual:Symbol has unexpected child Gallery
🛄 Translingual:Symbol origin
🜁 Translingual:Design
🜂 Translingual:Design
🜃 Translingual:Design
🜄 Translingual:Design
🜏 Translingual:Gallery
🜚 Translingual:Gallery
🜨 Translingual:Gallery
🜬 Translingual:Gallery
🝻 Translingual:Gallery
🝼 Translingual:Gallery
🝽 Translingual:Gallery
🝾 Translingual:Gallery
🝿 Translingual:Gallery
🤡 Translingual:Design
🥜 English:Design
𠝓 Vietnamese:Readings
𠠚 Vietnamese:Readings
𠻗 Vietnamese:Readings
𡍘 Vietnamese:Readings
𢀳 Old Korean:Phonogram
𢯙 Vietnamese:Readings
𢹊 Vietnamese:Readings
𥆼 Vietnamese:Readings
𥘶 Vietnamese:Readings
𥙪 Vietnamese:Readings
𥛭 Vietnamese:Readings
𥻹 Vietnamese:Readings
𦷨 Vietnamese:Readings
𧗱 Vietnamese:Notes
𨤧 Vietnamese:Readings
𨦁 Vietnamese:Readings