User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-r

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т. {m anim} :: abbreviation of товарищ
т {letter} :: The twentieth letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet
т {f inan} :: ton
табак {noun} :: tobacco
табакерка {noun} :: snuffbox
табачный {adj} [relational] :: tobacco
табачный {adj} [dialectal] :: rotten
табачок {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of табак
табель {noun} :: table
табель {noun} :: timeboard
табель {noun} :: time sheet, time card
табель {noun} :: school progress record
табель {noun} :: table (in the expression табель о рангах (table of ranks))
табельщик {noun} :: timekeeper
таблетка {noun} :: pill, tablet (small object for swallowing)
таблица {noun} :: table (grid of data)
таблица Менделеева {noun} [physics] :: periodic table of the elements
табличка {noun} :: plate
табло {n inan} :: indicator board, panel, tableau
табло {n inan} :: scoreboard (on a stadium)
таблоид {noun} :: tabloid
табор {noun} :: Gypsy band
табор {noun} :: Gypsy encampment/campsite/camp
табор {noun} [colloquial, deprecative] :: camp
табор {noun} [colloquial, deprecative] :: crowd, throng, gang
табу {n inan} :: taboo
табуляция {noun} :: tabulation (the act or process of tabulating)
табун {noun} :: herd (of horses; also used pejoratively of people)
табурет {noun} :: stool (a seat)
табуретка {noun} :: stool (a seat)
таверна {noun} [dated or foreign context] :: tavern, bar, pub
тавро {noun} :: brand (burned mark)
тавро {noun} :: branding-iron
тавтология {noun} :: tautology
Тавуш {prop} :: Tavush (region of Armenia)
тагалог {noun} :: Tagalog
Тагил {prop} :: Тагил (river)
Тагил {prop} :: Тагил (city)
Тагил {prop} :: Тагил (town)
Тагил {prop} :: type of Russian main battle tank
таджик {noun} :: Tajik [male]
Таджикистан {prop} :: Таджикистан (country)
Таджикская ССР {prop} :: Таджикская ССР (former republic)
таджикский {adj} :: Tajik
таджикский {noun} :: Tajik (language)
таджичка {noun} :: Tajik girl or woman
таец {noun} :: Thai (person from Thailand or of Thai origin)
таёжный {adj} [relational] :: taiga
таз {noun} :: basin
таз {noun} [anatomy] :: pelvis
таз {noun} :: member of the Taz ethnicity
тазик {noun} :: diminutive of таз: (small) basin
Таиланд {prop} :: Таиланд (country)
таинственно {adv} :: mysteriously, enigmatically
таинственно {adv} :: secretively
таинственность {noun} :: mystery
таинственный {adj} :: mysterious (of unknown origin)
таинственный {adj} :: enigmatic
таинственный {adj} [of a person's expression or manner] :: secretive (having an enigmatic or mysterious quality)
таинство {noun} [religion] :: sacrament; ordinance
таинство {noun} [dated or literary] :: mystery; secret
Таисия {prop} :: given name
Таити {prop} {m inan} :: Таити (island)
таить {v impf} :: to hide, to conceal; to harbour (a feeling)
таить {v impf} :: to hold back; to keep secret
таиться {v impf} :: to hide
таиться {v impf} :: to keep a low profile
таиться {v impf} :: to conceal/hide one's feelings (from)
таиться {v impf} :: to be hidden/concealed
таитянин {noun} :: Tahitian
Тайбэй {prop} :: Тайбэй (capital city)
Тайвань {prop} :: Тайвань (island/and/country)
тайваньский {adj} :: Taiwanese
тайга {noun} :: taiga
тайка {noun} :: female Thai (person from Thailand or of Thai origin)
тайком {adv} :: on the sly, secretly
тайконавт {noun} :: taikonaut (Chinese astronaut)
тайм {noun} [sports] :: half time, half, round
таймер {noun} :: timer
Таймыр {prop} :: Taimyr (a large peninsula and a region in the Russian North)
тайна {noun} :: mystery (something secret or unexplainable)
тайна {noun} :: secret
тайна {noun} :: secrecy
тайна {noun} :: obscurity
тайник {noun} :: hiding place, cache, secret compartment
тайно {adv} :: secretly (in secret)
тайнопись {noun} :: cryptography, steganography
тайный {adj} :: secret
тайный {adj} :: stealthy; surreptitious
тайный {adj} :: vague
тайный {adj} :: privy
тайный агент {noun} :: secret agent
тайский {adj} :: Thai
тайский бокс {noun} :: Muay Thai
Тайто {prop} {m inan} :: Тайто (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
тайфун {noun} [weather] :: typhoon
тайцзи {m inan} :: taiji, tai chi
тайцзицюань {noun} :: taijiquan, tai chi chuan
Тайчжун {prop} :: Тайчжун (city)
так {adv} :: so, thus
так {adv} :: like that
так {adv} :: so much
так {adv} :: just so
так {adv} :: then
так {adv} :: well
так {adv} :: yes
така {noun} [numismatics] :: taka (currency of Bangladesh)
такелаж {noun} [nautical] :: rigging
так же {adv} :: likewise, just as; the same way as
также {adv} :: also, too, as well, likewise
также {adv} :: [in negative constructions] either, neither, nor
-таки {suffix} :: after all
таки {particle} :: still, after all, in spite of
так или иначе {adv} :: one way or another, somehow or other, somehow, anyhow (in any way, in any manner)
таким образом {adv} :: thus, therefore, in this way
так и не {adv} :: never (did)
так как {conj} :: as, since, inasmuch as
так называемый {adj} :: so-called [with or without any connotation]
таков {pron} :: such
таковой {adj} :: such
таковой {adj} :: alike, like
таковой {adj} :: same
такой {determiner} :: such, suchlike
такой-то {determiner} :: such-and-such, so-and-so (unstated, given)
такой-то {determiner} :: such person (in a document)
так-с {interj} [obsolete] :: yes, sir
так-с {interj} [obsolete] :: yes, ma'am
такса {noun} :: fixed rate, tariff
такса {noun} :: dachshund
так себе {adv} :: so-so, fairly
такси {n inan} :: taxi; cab
таксидермист {noun} :: taxidermist
таксидермия {noun} :: taxidermy
таксист {noun} :: taxi driver
так сказать {adv} :: so to speak (in a manner of speaking)
такт {noun} :: time
такт {noun} [music] :: measure, bar
такт {noun} :: tact
тактика {noun} :: tactics
тактический {adj} :: tactical
тактично {adv} :: tactfully
тактичный {adj} :: tactful
тактный {adj} [rare] :: alternative form of тактовый
так-то {adv} [colloquial] :: so
тактовый {adj} [relational, music] :: measure, bar
так точно {interj} [colloquial or military] :: yessir; positive
так что {conj} :: so
так что {conj} :: so that
талант {noun} :: talent, gift
талант {noun} [colloquial] :: man or woman of talent, gifted person, talent
талант {noun} [historical] :: talent (measure of weight and monetary unit)
талантище {noun} :: augmentative of талант
талантливо {adv} :: in a talented manner, with talent
талантливый {adj} :: gifted, talented
талантливый {adj} :: performed with talent
талиб {noun} :: Talib (member of the Taliban)
Талин {prop} :: Талин (town)
талисман {noun} :: talisman, amulet, mascot
талия {noun} :: waist
таллий {noun} :: thallium
Таллин {prop} :: Таллин (caplc)
Таллинн {prop} :: standard form of Таллин: Таллинн (capital city)
таллинский {adj} [relational] :: таллинский (capital)
талмуд {noun} :: Talmud
талмуд {noun} [colloquial] :: a bulky and thick book
талон {noun} :: coupon, ticket, card, voucher
талый {adj} :: thawed; melted; partly melted; slushy (e.g. of snow)
талыш {noun} :: Talysh
таль {noun} :: chain hoist, chain block, pulley block, hoisting tackle, block and tackle
таль {noun} :: hostage
тальянка {noun} :: talyanka (a variety of garmon, a Russian musical instrument, a small accordion)
тальяночка {noun} :: diminutive of тальянка: (little) talyanka (a variety of garmon, a Russian musical instrument, a small accordion)
тальяночка {noun} :: popular Russian song
там {adv} :: there
тамада {noun} :: tamada (toastmaster)
Тамара {prop} :: given name
Тамара {prop} [telephony] :: Tango (T in the ICAO spelling alphabet)
тамаринд {noun} :: tamarind
Тамбов {prop} :: Тамбов (city/administrative center)
тамбовский {adj} [relational] :: Tambov (city in Russia)
тамбур {noun} [architecture] :: tambour
тамбур {noun} :: (at the entrance) lobby
тамбур {noun} :: vestibule (of a train carriage)
тамбур {noun} :: chain stitch
тамбур {noun} [music] :: tambour
тамбур {noun} [music] :: tamboura
там же {adv} :: in the same place
там же {adv} :: ibid.
тамильский {adj} :: Tamil
тамильский {noun} :: Tamil (the language)
таможенник {noun} :: customs officer
таможенный {adj} [relational] :: customs (import duties)
таможня {noun} :: custom house
тамошний {adj} [colloquial] :: of that place, of those places, local
тамплиер {noun} :: Templar
тампон {noun} :: tampon, wad
там-то {adv} :: somewhere (in a specific but unnamed place)
там хорошо, где нас нет {proverb} :: the grass is always greener on the other side
танагра {noun} :: tanager (type of bird)
тангенс {noun} [mathematics] :: tangent (in trigonometry)
танго {n inan} :: tango (ballroom dance)
тандем {noun} :: tandem [bicycle, machine, engine, activity, etc.]
танец {noun} :: dance (movements to music)
танец живота {noun} :: belly dance (form of dance)
танзанийский {adj} :: Tanzanian
Танзания {prop} :: Танзания (country)
танин {noun} [chemistry] :: tannin
Танин {adj} [possessive] :: Tanya's
танк {noun} :: tank [vehicle]
танк {noun} [rare] :: tank [container]
танкер {noun} :: tanker
танкист {noun} :: tankman, tanker
танковые войска {noun} [military] :: armored troops, armoured troops
танковый {adj} [relational] :: tank
танковый {adj} :: armored
танкодром {noun} :: tank range, tank park
тантал {noun} :: tantalum
танцевальный {adj} :: dancing
танцевать {v impf} :: to dance (move rhythmically to music)
танцовщик {noun} :: dancer
танцовщица {noun} :: dancer
танцор {noun} :: dancer (person who dances)
танцплощадка {noun} :: dance floor
танцующий {adj} [colloquial] :: bouncing, springing, rocking [of a step or gait]
танцующий {adj} [colloquial] :: with a bouncing or springing step [of a person]
танцующий {adj} [colloquial] :: carelessly sweeping, uneven [of handwriting]
танцующий {noun} [colloquial] :: dancer
Таня {prop} :: given name
тапир {noun} :: tapir
тапка {noun} :: slipper
тапочка {noun} :: slipper
тапочки {noun} :: slippers, shoes worn indoors
тара {noun} :: packaging
тара {noun} [collective] :: container(s)
тара {noun} :: tare [weight]
тарабарщина {noun} :: gibberish (unintelligible speech or writing)
таракан {noun} :: cockroach
таран {noun} [historical, military] :: battering ram
таран {noun} [naval, technical] :: ram
таран {noun} [historical, military] :: battering ram attack
таранить {v both} :: to ram
таранная кость {noun} [anatomy] :: anklebone (the talus)
тарантас {noun} :: tarantass (a low horse-drawn carriage without springs used in Russia)
тарантас {noun} [colloquial] :: an old, broken car or other vehicle
тарантул {noun} :: tarantula
тараторить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to speak very fast, to jabber, to babble
тарахтеть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to rattle, to clatter
тарахтеть {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to chatter, to talk idly
таращить {v impf} :: in expressions only
таращиться {v impf} :: to stare, to goggle
тарбуш {m} :: tarboosh
тарелка {noun} :: plate (a serving dish)
тарелка {noun} :: (plural) cymbals
тарелка {noun} [technical] :: plate, disc
тарелочка {noun} :: diminutive of тарелка: little plate
тарирование {noun} :: calibration, graduating, graduation, taring
тарировать {v both} :: to calibrate, to gage, to tare
тариф {noun} :: tariff, rate, table of rates
тарифный {adj} [relational] :: tariff
тарный {adj} [relational] :: packaging, container
таро {n inan} :: tarot (card game)
тарт {noun} :: tart (pie, pastry)
тартрат диэтиламида лизергиновой кислоты {noun} :: tartrate of lysergic acid diethylamide, acid, LSD
Тарту {prop} {m inan} :: Тарту (city)
Тартус {prop} :: Tartus
таскать {v impf} :: to carry, to lug, to drag
таскать {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to pull along, to drag along
таскать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wear [clothes or shoes, long or carelessly]
таскать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pull [someone, causing pain; за + accusative, by some body part]
таскать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pinch, to swipe, to pilfer, to filch
таскаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drag oneself (to a place)
таскаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to carry about, to carry along
таскаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to gad about, to hang about
таскаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to follow, to trail along
таскаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to run (after), to dangle (after), to chase (after)
Тасмания {prop} :: Тасмания (state/and/island)
тасовать {v impf} :: to shuffle (cards)
ТАСС {n inan} :: acronym of Телеграфное агентство Советского Союза: TASS
тата {noun} [regional] :: dad, daddy
татами {m inan} {n inan} :: tatami (Japanese straw matting)
татами {m inan} {n inan} [by extension] :: sports mats used in training Japanese martial arts
татарин {noun} :: Tatar person [male]
Татария {prop} :: Татария (republic)
татарка {noun} :: Tatar woman, girl
татарский {adj} :: Tatar
татарский {noun} :: Tatar (language)
Татарстан {prop} :: Татарстан (republic)
тату {n inan} :: tattoo (an image made in the skin with ink and a needle)
татуировать {v both} :: to tattoo
татуировка {noun} :: tattoo
татуировщик {noun} :: tattoo artist, tattooist, tattooer
татуха {noun} [slang] :: tattoo
тать {noun} [archaic, poetic] :: thief
Татьяна {prop} :: given name
тафта {noun} :: taffeta
тахион {noun} :: tachyon
тахометр {noun} :: tachometer
тахта {noun} :: ottoman, couch (furniture)
тачанка {noun} :: a type of spring cart (some military types were fitted with machine guns facing backwards during the Civil War in Russia 1917-1922)
тачать {v impf} :: to stitch
тачка {noun} :: wheelbarrow
тачка {noun} :: shopping cart
тачка {noun} [slang] :: taxi
тачка {noun} [slang] :: car
тачпад {noun} [computing] :: touchpad (flat surface which is sensitive to touch)
Ташир {prop} :: Ташир (town)
Ташкент {prop} :: Ташкент (capital city)
ташкентский {adj} [relational] :: ташкентский (capital)
тащить {v impf} :: to pull, to drag, to haul
тащить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to carry (unwillingly or something heavy)
тащить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to steal, to pinch
тащить {v impf} [slang] :: to please, to cause to revel
тащиться {v impf} :: to trail along
тащиться {v impf} :: to drag oneself along
тащиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to trail along (behind), to follow
тащиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to go, to drag oneself (to a place)
тащиться {v impf} [slang] :: to get high (on drugs)
тащиться {v impf} [slang] :: to be in ecstasies (about), to be sent into ecstasies, to be wild (about)
тащя {pron} :: alternative form of таща,
Тая {prop} :: given name
таял {m anim} {f anim} :: Atayal (person or people)
таяние {noun} :: thawing, melting
таяние {noun} :: melting away, waning, dwindling
таяние {noun} :: languishing
таяние {noun} :: dissipation
таять {v impf} :: to melt, to thaw
таять {v impf} :: to melt away, to wane, to dwindle
таять {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to waste away, to pine (with), to languish (with)
таять {v impf} :: to melt (with)
Тбилиси {prop} {m inan} :: Тбилиси (capital)
тбилисский {adj} [relational] :: тбилисский (capital)
ТВ {n inan} :: TV, television
тварь {noun} :: creature, being, animal, beast, monster
тварь {noun} [pejorative] :: someone mean, vile, worthless
твердеть {vi impf} :: to harden
твердить {v impf} :: to keep repeating, to harp on; to talk on and on [о about]
твердить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to memorize through repetition
твердыня {noun} [literary, poetic] :: stronghold (also figuratively)
твердь {noun} [poetic, stilted] :: dry land, earth
твердь {noun} [poetic, stilted] :: firmament
тверёзый {adj} [regional or low colloquial] :: sober
тверитянин {noun} [archaic] :: citizen of Tver
тверской {adj} [relational] :: Tver
Тверь {prop} :: Тверь (city/administrative center)
твёрдо {adv} :: firmly, firm
твёрдо {adv} :: firmly, decidedly, definitely
твёрдо {adv} :: thoroughly
твёрдость {noun} :: solidity
твёрдость {noun} :: hardness
твёрдость {noun} :: firmness, steadfastness
твёрдый {adj} :: hard, solid
твёрдый {adj} :: firm
твёрдый {adj} :: steadfast, steady
твёрдый {adj} :: fixed (prices)
твёрдый {adj} :: sound, good
твёрдый {adj} :: sure
твёрдый {adj} [phonetics, phonology] :: unpalatalized
твёрдый знак {noun} :: Name of the letter Ъ, ъ, the hard sign
твёрже {adv} :: comparative of твёрдый
твёрже {adv} :: comparative of твёрдо
твид {noun} :: tweed
твист {noun} :: twist (type of dance)
твитнуть {v pf} [Internet] :: to tweet
Твиттер {prop} [Internet] :: Twitter (a social-networking website)
твой {pron} [possessive pronoun] :: your, yours, thy, thine (2nd-person familiar, singular only)
творение {noun} :: creation, act of creating
творение {noun} :: creation, work
творение {noun} [archaic] :: creature, being
творец {noun} :: creator, maker
творец {noun} :: author
творительный {adj} [grammar] :: instrumental
творительный падеж {noun} :: instrumental case
-творить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs, with the approximate meaning "to open"
творить {v impf} :: to create
творить {v impf} :: to do, to make
творить {v impf} [rare] :: to knead (dough or clay)
твориться {v impf} [colloquial, impersonal] :: to go on, to happen
творог {noun} :: cottage cheese, curd cheese, tvorog
творог {noun} :: curd
творчески {adv} :: creatively
творчески {adv} :: constructively
творческий {adj} :: creative
творчество {noun} :: creation (act of creation)
творчество {noun} :: creative work
творчество {noun} :: oeuvre
т/г {adv} :: initialism of текущего года: of the current year
т. г. {adv} :: initialism of текущего года: of the current year
т.г. {adv} :: initialism of текущего года: of the current year
т. е. {adv} :: initialism of то есть: i.e., that is
т.е. {adv} :: initialism of то есть: i.e., that is
театр {noun} :: theater/theatre
театрал {noun} :: theatergoer, theater buff
театральность {noun} :: theatricality (the totality of means and techniques specific to theater)
театральность {noun} [figurative] :: theatrics, histrionics, melodrama
театральный {adj} [relational] :: theater; theatrical
театральный {adj} :: theatrical (ostentatious, exaggerated)
тег {noun} :: tag
Тегеран {prop} :: Тегеран (caplc)
Тегусигальпа {prop} :: Тегусигальпа (capital city)
теза {noun} :: thesis
тезаурус {noun} :: thesaurus (book of synonyms)
тезис {noun} :: thesis (statement supported by arguments)
теизм {noun} [religion] :: theism
теист {noun} [philosophy] :: theist
теистический {adj} :: theistic
текила {noun} :: tequila
текст {noun} :: text, wording
текст {noun} :: lyrics (текст песни)
текст {noun} :: transcript (текст фильма)
текстиль {noun} [collective] :: textiles
текстиль {noun} [low colloquial] :: textile worker
текстильный {adj} [relational] :: textile
текстильный банан {noun} :: abaca, abaka (plant)
текстовый {adj} [relational] :: text; textual
текстовый редактор {noun} [computing] :: text editor (something used to edit text in computers)
текстура {noun} :: texture
тектит {noun} :: tektite
тектоника {noun} :: tectonics (study of crustal plates)
тектонический {adj} :: tectonic
текучесть {noun} :: fluidity (the state of being fluid rather than viscous)
текучий {adj} [physics] :: fluid
текучий {adj} [figuratively] :: flowing, smooth
текучий {adj} [figuratively] :: changeable, unstable
текущего года {adv} :: of the current year
текущий {adj} :: flowing
текущий {adj} :: current, present-day (existing or occurring at the moment)
текущий {adj} :: everyday, routine
теле- {prefix} :: tele- (over a distance; relating to television)
телеведущая {noun} :: anchorwoman
телеведущий {noun} :: anchorman
телевидение {noun} :: television (medium)
телевизионный {adj} [relational] :: TV, television; tele-
телевизионный канал {noun} :: television channel (a specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television)
телевизионщик {noun} [colloquial] :: TV worker, member of a TV crew, broadcaster
телевизор {noun} :: television set
телега {noun} :: cart, telega
телега {noun} [slang] :: complaint
телеграмма {noun} :: telegram, wire, cable
телеграф {noun} :: telegraph
телеграфист {noun} :: telegraphist, telegrapher
телеграфный {adj} [relational] :: telegraph
телеграфный {adj} :: telegraphic
тележка {noun} :: diminutive of телега; small telega
тележка {noun} :: hand truck, dolly
тележка {noun} [transport] :: bogey (an assembly of four or six wheels forming a pivoted support at either end of, for example, a railway coach)
телезритель {noun} :: TV viewer
телекамера {noun} :: TV camera, telecamera
телеканал {noun} :: television channel
телекинез {noun} :: telekinesis
телекоммуникационный {adj} [relational] :: telecommunications
телекоммуникация {noun} :: telecommunication
телекомпания {noun} :: TV company, broadcasting company
телекс {noun} :: telex
телемаркетинг {noun} :: telemarketing (selling products or services by making calls to potential customers)
телепатия {noun} :: telepathy
телепень {noun} [regional] :: long, two-handed bludgeon
телепень {noun} [regional] :: tongue of a bell
телепень {noun} [regional, figurative, animate] :: clumsy, ungainly person
телепень {noun} [regional, figurative, animate] :: stupid person, idiot
телепередача {noun} :: television program, television show
телепрограмма {noun} :: TV guide (something that tells what's on TV)
телерадиовещательный {adj} [relational] :: (TV and radio) broadcasting
телеса {noun} [colloquial, humorous, ironic] :: the body of a fat person
телесериал {noun} :: series, TV series (television program)
телескоп {noun} :: telescope
телесный {adj} [relational] :: body; bodily, corporeal, corporal
телесный {adj} :: pale pink
телесуфлёр {noun} :: teleprompter
телетайп {noun} :: teletype, teleprinter
телетекст {noun} :: teletext
телефильм {noun} :: television movie, made-for-TV film, telefilm
телефон {noun} :: telephone
телефон {noun} [colloquial] :: telephone number
телефон {noun} :: small speaker near ears, earphone, headphone
телефон-автомат {noun} :: pay telephone, payphone
телефонист {noun} :: telephone operator, telephonist
телефонистка {noun} :: female telephone operator, telephonist
телефония {noun} :: telephony
телефонный {adj} [relational] :: telephone, call; telephonic
телефончик {noun} :: diminutive of телефон
телец {noun} [dated, poetic] :: calf
Телец {prop} [constellation] :: Taurus (a constellation of the zodiac containing the star Aldebaran, in the shape of a bull calf)
Телец {prop} [astrology] :: Taurus (the zodiac sign for the bull, covering April 20–May 20)
телецунами {n inan} :: teletsunami
телешоу {n inan} :: teleshow (TV show)
телеэкран {noun} :: TV screen
телёнок {noun} :: calf, bull calf
телик {noun} [colloquial] :: television (device for receiving television signals)
теллур {noun} :: tellurium
теллурический {adj} :: tellurian, telluric, terrestrial
тело {noun} :: body (physical structure of a human or animal)
тело {noun} [physics] :: body
телогрейка {noun} [archaic] :: traditional Russian women's sweater that is usually sleeveless
телогрейка {noun} :: padded jacket, quilted jacket
телодвижение {noun} :: gesture, body movement
телок {noun} [colloquial] :: calf (young cow)
телок {noun} [low colloquial] :: inexperienced, awkward youth
телок {noun} [low colloquial] :: wimp, weakling, coward, pansy
телосложение {noun} :: build, frame, figure, constitution (physique)
телохранитель {noun} :: bodyguard
телугу {m inan} :: Telugu (Dravidian people of India)
телугу {m inan} :: Telugu (Dravidian language of India)
телугу {m inan} :: Telugu (Dravidian script of India)
-тель {suffix} :: -er (a suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a profession, performer of an action or a human relation)
Тель-Авив {prop} :: Тель-Авив (city)
-тельный {suffix} :: Suffix used to form adjectives from verbs
-тельный {suffix} [productive, takes verbs, produces adjectives] :: Performing an action or able to do so
-тельный {suffix} [productive, takes verbs, produces adjectives] :: subject
-тельный {suffix} [productive, takes verbs, produces adjectives] :: subject
-тельный {suffix} [productive, takes verbs, produces adjectives] :: subject
-тельный {suffix} [productive, takes verbs, produces adjectives] :: subject
-тельный {suffix} [produces adjectives] ::
-тельный {suffix} [takes nouns, produces adjectives] ::
-тельный {suffix} [takes nouns, produces adjectives] ::
-тельный {suffix} [unproductive, with без-, не-, takes verbs, produces adjectives] :: subject
-тельный {suffix} :: [productive, produces adjectives] intended for
тельняшка {noun} [nautical] :: sailor's shirt (usually striped); telnyashka
тельняшка {noun} :: wife-beater
-тельский {suffix} :: Suffix used to form adjectives from verbs
-тельство {suffix} :: -ence, -ance, -tion, -ity, -ment, etc. [suffix used to form abstract nouns from verbs]
тельце {noun} :: diminutive of тело: (small) body
телятина {noun} :: veal
телячий {adj} [relational] :: calf
телячий {adj} [relational] :: veal
телячий {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] :: simple-minded
тема {noun} :: theme, subject, topic
тематика {noun} :: subject matter, subject area
тематический {adj} :: to subject
тематический {adj} :: theme
тематический {adj} [music] :: thematic
тематический {adj} [linguistics] :: thematic, topical
тем более {adv} :: especially (particularly)
тем более {adv} :: all the more so
тембр {noun} :: timbre (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume)
тем временем {adv} :: in the meantime, meanwhile
темень {noun} [colloquial] :: darkness
темечко {noun} :: diminutive of темя: crown of the head
темечко {noun} [anatomy] :: fontanelle
Темза {noun} :: the Thames
тем не менее {adv} :: nevertheless
темнеть {v impf} :: to darken, to become dark
темнеть {v impf} [impersonal] :: to get dark
темнить {v impf} :: to darken, to make darker
темнить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pull the wool over someone's eyes
темница {noun} [dated, poetic] :: dungeon, gaol, prison
темно {adv} :: darkly
темно {adv} :: obscurely
темно {adv} :: gloomily
темно {adv} :: shadily, dubiously
темно {adv} :: evilly, maliciously
темно {adv} :: ignorantly, slowly, backwardly
темноватый {adj} :: darkish, rather dark
темноволосый {adj} :: dark-haired
темнота {noun} :: dark, darkness (a complete or (more often) partial absence of light)
темнота {noun} :: ignorance, backwardness
темнота {noun} :: obscurity
темп {noun} :: rate, speed, pace
темп {noun} [music] :: tempo
тем паче {adv} :: [stilted, slightly dated] all the more (even more)
темперамент {noun} [psychology] :: temperament, temper
темпераментный {adj} :: vibrant, spirited
темпераментный {adj} :: temperamental
температура {noun} :: temperature
температура {noun} :: fever (about disease)
температурный {adj} [relational] :: temperature
темпура {noun} :: tempura
темя {noun} :: crown of the head
тенакль {noun} :: copyholder (a device that holds copy in place for typesetting)
тенге {m inan} [numismatics] :: tenge (currency of Kazakhstan)
тенденциозный {adj} :: tendentious; biased, prejudiced
тенденция {noun} :: tendency (likelihood of behaving in a particular way)
тендер {noun} [law, business] :: tender (offer or proposal made for acceptance)
теневой {adj} [relational] :: shadow
теневой {adj} :: shady
теневой {adj} [figurative] :: shady (seamy, questionable)
тенето {noun} :: alternative form of тенёто
тенёто {noun} [rare] :: net used for trapping rabbits or other animals
тенистый {adj} :: shady (abounding in shades)
тенить {v impf} [painting] :: to shade
Теннесси {prop} {m inan} {f inan} :: Теннесси (state) {m}
Теннесси {prop} {m inan} {f inan} :: Теннесси (river) {f}
теннис {noun} [sports] :: tennis
теннисист {noun} :: tennis player
теннисистка {noun} :: female tennis player
тенниска {noun} :: T-shirt (type of shirt)
теннисный {adj} [relational] :: tennis
тенор {noun} [inanimate] :: tenor (voice)
тенор {noun} [animate] :: tenor (singer)
тент {noun} :: awning, canopy, tent, baldachin (a rooflike cover)
тень {noun} :: shade
тень {noun} :: shadow
тень {noun} :: vestige, particle, atom, hint
тень {noun} :: eye shadow
тень {noun} :: apparition, phantom, ghost
теократия {noun} :: theocracy (government under the control of a Church)
теолог {noun} :: theologian
теологический {adj} :: theological
теология {noun} :: theology
теорема {noun} [mathematics] :: theorem
теоретик {noun} :: theorist
теоретически {adv} :: theoretically (in theory)
теоретический {adj} :: theoretical
теория {noun} :: theory
теория великого объединения {noun} [physics] :: grand unification theory
теория вероятности {noun} [mathematics] :: probability theory
теория заговора {noun} :: conspiracy theory
теория множеств {noun} [mathematics] :: set theory (mathematical theory of sets)
теория относительности {noun} [physics] :: theory of relativity (generic term of special and general relativity)
теория хаоса {noun} [mathematics] :: chaos theory
теософия {noun} [religion] :: theosophy
теперешний {adj} :: present, contemporary, of now
теперь {adv} :: now, at present
теплить {v impf} [figurative] :: to soften, to warm, to make kinder [e.g. one's eyes or soul]
теплить {v impf} [dated] :: to burn (a candle or lamp)
теплиться {v impf} :: to glimmer, to gleam
теплица {noun} :: hothouse, greenhouse (building in which plants are grown faster than outside)
тепло {noun} :: heat (physics: thermal energy)
тепло {noun} :: warmth
тепло {noun} [weather] :: warm weather
тепло {adv} :: warm, warmly (adverb form of тёплый)
тепло {adv} :: cordially
тепловатый {adj} :: tepid, lukewarm
тепловоз {noun} :: diesel locomotive, diesel engine (self-propelled diesel-powered tractor that runs on rails)
тепловой {adj} [relational] :: heat; thermal
теплообменник {noun} :: heat exchanger (device for transferring heat)
теплоснабжение {noun} :: heat supply, heating
теплота {noun} :: warmth
теплота {noun} :: warmth, cordiality
теплотрасса {noun} :: heating pipeline, heating main
теплоход {noun} :: motor ship
теплушка {noun} [colloquial] :: heated boxcar [used to carry people]
теплушка {noun} [dated] :: warm room functioning as a temporary shelter
терабайт {noun} [computing] :: terabyte
теракт {noun} :: terror act, act of terrorism
терапевт {noun} :: therapeutist, physician, general practitioner, internist
терапевтический {adj} :: therapeutic
терапия {noun} :: therapy (treatment of disease)
тербий {noun} :: terbium
тервер {noun} [slang] :: acronym of теория вероятностей
теребить {v impf} :: to pull (at something), to finger, to play with, to pinch, to pluck (at)
теребить {v impf} [figuratively] :: to bother, to pester
Тереза {prop} :: given name
терем {noun} :: tower, tower-room; a living area in a building or upper part of a building in the shape of a tower, especially in ancient Rus
Терентий {prop} :: given name
тереть {v impf} :: to rub
тереть {v impf} :: to polish
тереть {v impf} :: to rub sore, to chafe, to abrade
тереть {v impf} :: to grate, to grind
тереться {v impf} :: to rub oneself
тереться {v impf} :: to rub against smth
тереться {v impf} [colloquial, deprecative] :: to hang around (somewhere)
терёзвый {adj} [obsolete, regional, rare] :: sober
Тержола {prop} :: Тержола (town)
терзание {noun} :: torment, agony, anguish (extreme pain)
терзание {noun} :: laceration, excruciation, stabbing
терзать {v impf} :: to torment, to rack
терзаться {v impf} :: to be tormented, to suffer [morally or physically]
терияки {n inan} :: teriyaki
терменвокс {noun} [musical instruments] :: theremin (electronic musical instrument)
термин {noun} :: term (word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge)
термин {noun} [Germany, Austria] :: appointment, fixed date
терминал {noun} [economy, aviation, informatics] :: terminal
терминатор {noun} [animate, inanimate] :: terminator
терминология {noun} :: terminology
термит {noun} :: termite, white ant
термит {noun} :: thermite, thermit
термический {adj} [physics, engineering] :: thermal, thermic
термодинамика {noun} :: thermodynamics
термодинамический {adj} :: thermodynamic
термометр {noun} :: thermometer (apparatus used to measure temperature)
термопауза {noun} :: thermopause
термос {noun} :: thermos (vacuum flask)
термосфера {noun} :: thermosphere (layer of the Earth's atmosphere)
термоядерный {adj} :: thermonuclear
терние {noun} :: thorn, prickly plant
терние {noun} :: thorn, prickle
терпеливее {adv} :: comparative of терпеливый
терпеливее {adv} :: comparative of терпеливо
терпеливо {adv} :: patiently (in a patient manner)
терпеливость {noun} :: patience, endurance (quality of being patient)
терпеливый {adj} :: patient (not losing one’s temper while waiting), enduring
терпение {noun} :: patience, endurance (quality of being patient)
терпеть {v impf} :: to endure, to suffer, to tolerate, to stand
терпеть {v impf} :: to undergo (a change, especially a negative one)
терпимость {noun} :: tolerance, indulgence
терпимость {noun} :: tolerability, tolerableness
терпимый {adj} :: tolerant, indulgent, forbearing
терпимый {adj} :: tolerable, bearable, endurable
терпкий {adj} :: astringent, tart, acerbic
терраса {noun} :: terrace
терраформирование {noun} :: terraforming
территориальный {adj} :: territorial
территория {noun} :: territory
террор {noun} :: terror (terrorist activities)
терроризировать {v both} :: to terrorize
терроризм {noun} [politics] :: terrorism
террорист {noun} :: terrorist
террористический {adj} :: terrorist
терьер {noun} :: terrier
терять {v impf} :: to lose, to waste
терять {v impf} :: to shed
теряться {v impf} :: to get lost, to disappear
теряться {v impf} :: to lose one's way
теряться {v impf} :: to lose one's presence of mind, to get flustered
теряться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to fail, to weaken [eyesight, hearing, memory, etc.]
тесать {v impf} :: to hew [with an axe], to make (something) by cutting with an axe
тесать {v impf} :: to shave the surface layer of [with an axe]
тесёмка {noun} [colloquial] :: diminutive of тесьма: (small) ribbon, band, tape
тесло {noun} :: adze
теснить {v impf} :: to press, to crowd
теснить {v impf} :: to squeeze, to be too tight
тесниться {v impf} :: to crowd, to be herded, to cluster, to jostle one another
тесниться {v impf} :: to be squeezed, to sit close
тесниться {v impf} :: (thoughts, emotions etc) to crowd
тесно {adv} :: narrowly, tightly, closely
тесно {pred} :: it is too tight, it is cramped
тесноватый {adj} :: rather small (e.g. of a room); rather narrow; rather tight (e.g. of clothes or shoes)
теснота {noun} :: narrowness; tightness; closeness
теснота {noun} :: cram, crush
тесный {adj} :: tight, close, narrow
тесный {adj} :: small
тесный {adj} [short form only] :: too tight, too narrow [of clothing and shoes]
тест {noun} :: test (challenge, trial, exam, etc.)
тестирование {noun} :: testing
тестировать {v impf} :: to test
тестировщик {noun} :: tester (a person administering a test)
тесто {noun} :: dough, paste, batter
тестовый {adj} [relational] :: test
тестостерон {noun} :: testosterone
тест-система {noun} :: test system
тесть {noun} :: a man’s father-in-law (wife’s father only)
тесьма {noun} :: band, lace, tape, ribbon
тесьма {noun} :: webbing
тет-а-тет {adv} :: tête-à-tête, face to face (in person)
тет-а-тет {noun} :: tête-à-tête (a face-to-face meeting, or private conversation between two people)
тетерев {noun} :: black grouse (game bird of genus Tetrao, of the family Tetraonidae)
тетерев {noun} :: fool, bonehead
тетеревятник {noun} :: northern goshawk
тетива {noun} :: bowstring
тетра- {prefix} :: tetra-
тетраграмматон {noun} :: Tetragrammaton
тетрадка {noun} :: diminutive of тетрадь
тетрадь {noun} :: exercise book, notebook
тетрарх {noun} :: tetrarch
тетрахлорметан {noun} [organic compound] :: carbon tetrachloride, tetrachloromethane
тетраэдр {noun} [geometry] :: tetrahedron (polyhedron)
Тетрис {noun} [video games] :: Tetris
тетум {noun} :: Tetum (language)
тетун {noun} :: Tetum (language)
тефтели {noun} :: meatballs, koftas
Техас {prop} :: Техас (state)
техасец {noun} :: Texan
техасский {adj} [relational] :: Texas; Texan
технарь {noun} [colloquial] :: technician (someone engaged in technical sciences)
технарь {noun} [colloquial] :: student in a technical institute
технарь {noun} :: athlete with technical virtuosity
технарь {noun} [inanimate, slang] :: technical defeat
технеций {noun} :: technetium
техник {noun} :: technician, technologist (occupation)
техник {noun} :: artificer
техника {noun} :: engineering, technics
техника {noun} :: technology, tech
техника {noun} :: machinery, equipment
техника {noun} :: material
техника {noun} :: technique
технико-экономический {adj} :: technical and economic
технико-экономический {adj} [relational] :: feasibility
техникум {noun} :: technical college, technical school, vocational school, technicum (institution of [further education] at an intermediate level)
технически {adv} [hedge] :: technically
технический {adj} :: technological
технический {adj} :: technical
технический {adj} [relational] :: engineering; mechanical
технический {adj} :: industrial
техно- {prefix} :: techno- (used to form words relating to technology)
техно {n inan} [music] :: techno
техногенный {adj} :: technogenic (caused by technology)
техногенный {adj} :: man-made, anthropogenic
технократ {noun} :: technocrat
технократия {noun} :: technocracy
технолог {noun} :: technologist, product engineer, process engineer
технологический {adj} :: technological
технология {noun} :: technology
технопарк {noun} :: science park, technology park
технорук {noun} :: technical leader
техобслуживание {noun} :: maintenance [of machinery]
техосмотр {noun} :: (technical) inspection [e.g. of a car]
течение {noun} :: current, flow, stream
течение {noun} :: current, tendency, trend
течка {noun} :: estrus; rut
течь {v impf} :: to flow, to run, to stream, to move
течь {v impf} :: to leak
течь {noun} :: leak
тешить {v impf} :: to amuse, to entertain
тешить {v impf} :: to comfort, to console
тешить {v impf} :: to please
тешиться {v impf} :: to amuse oneself, to have fun
тешиться {v impf} [obsolete] :: to jeer, to mock
тёзка {m anim} {f anim} :: namesake (person, place or thing having the same name as another)
тёлка {noun} :: heifer (cow)
тёлка {noun} [slang] :: chick
тёлочка {noun} :: heifer (young cow)
тёлочка {noun} [slang] :: chick (young woman)
тёмная энергия {noun} :: dark energy
тёмно-зелёный {adj} :: dark-green
тёмно-коричневый {adj} :: dark brown
тёмно-рыжий {adj} :: auburn (reddish-brown)
тёмно-серый {adj} :: dark gray
тёмно-синий {adj} :: dark blue, navy blue
тёмнофиолетовый {adj} :: aubergine, dark purple
тёмный {adj} :: dark
тёмный {adj} :: ignorant, uneducated (person)
тёмный {adj} :: obscure, vague
тёплый {adj} :: warm
тёрка {noun} :: grater
тёрка {noun} :: float (trowel for smoothing plaster)
тёрка {noun} [agriculture] :: huller (machine for extracting seeds from the heads of clover, flax, etc.)
тёрка {noun} [zoology] :: radula
тёрка {noun} [criminal slang] :: squabble
тёрн {noun} :: sloe, blackthorn [fruit and tree]
тёртый {adj} :: grated
тёртый {adj} :: pounded, kneaded, ground
тёртый {adj} [colloquial] :: experienced
тётенька {noun} :: endearing form of тётя: auntie
тётенька {noun} [colloquial] :: granny, auntie [referring to an older or elderly woman]; an adult woman [from a child's perspective or as a form of address like "madam" but much less formal]
тётка {noun} :: aunt
тётка {noun} [colloquial] :: woman
тётка {noun} [colloquial] :: chick, babe, doll, wench
тётка {noun} [slang] :: monthly visitor, period, the curse
тётушка {noun} :: auntie (diminutive of aunt)
тётя {noun} :: aunt
тётя {noun} [colloquial] :: woman, lady; auntie
тёща {noun} :: wife's mother, mother-in-law
тж. {adv} :: also, too, as well, likewise
тж. {adv} :: it is the very same of ...
-ти {suffix} :: The infinitive ending of a minority of Russian verbs; most verbs instead use -ть
ти {n inan} :: T, t (Latin letter)
Тиба {prop} :: Тиба (prefecture)
Тиба {prop} :: Тиба (capital city)
Тибет {noun} :: Тибет (autonomous region)
тибетец {noun} :: Tibetan man
тибетский {adj} :: Tibetan
тигель {noun} :: crucible (heat-resistant container in which metals are melted)
тигр {noun} :: tiger
Тигр {prop} :: Tigris River
Тигр {prop} :: the Tiger (one of the twelve years of the Chinese calendar)
Тигр {prop} :: Tiger (person born in the year of the Tiger)
Тигр {prop} :: Tiger tank (heavy German tank of World War II)
тигрёнок {noun} :: tiger cub
тигринья {noun} :: Tigrinya (language)
Тигрис {prop} :: the Tigris (Thor Heyerdahl’s 60-ft. reed boat)
тигрица {noun} :: tigress
тигровый {adj} [relational] :: tiger
-тие {suffix} :: -tion, -ence, -ance, -ity, etc. (suffix used to form abstract nouns from verbs)
Тиёда {prop} {f inan} :: Тиёда (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
тизер {noun} :: teaser (a short film or quote meant to draw an audience to a film or show)
тик {noun} :: tic (local and habitual convulsive motion)
тик {noun} :: tick, ticking (fabric)
тик {noun} :: teak (tree; timber)
тикать {v impf} :: to tick (of a clock)
тикать {v impf} [regional, Ukraine] :: to run away
тильда {noun} :: tilde (diacritical mark or separate character)
Тимофей {prop} :: given name
тимпан {noun} [music] :: timbrel
тимпан {noun} [architecture] :: tympanum
тимпан {noun} [anatomy] :: tympanum, middle ear
тимпан {noun} [anatomy] :: tympanic membrane
тимьян {noun} :: thyme
тина {noun} :: scum, slime
тинг {noun} :: Thing
тинейджер {noun} :: teenager (person aged from thirteen to nineteen, refers to both boys and girls)
тип {noun} :: type, model
тип {noun} :: character
тип {noun} :: [colloquial, sometimes, pejorative, animate] man, guy
тип {noun} [zoology, animate] :: phylum
типа {adv} [colloquial] :: seemingly, sort of, like (often used as filler, or can express hesitation, uncertainty, or bewilderment)
типаж {noun} :: model, prototype
типаж {noun} [computing] :: abstract data type
типично {adv} :: typically
типично {pred} :: it is typical
типичный {adj} :: typical
типовой {adj} [relational] :: type
типовой {adj} [relational] :: standard, model
типограф {noun} :: printer, graphic designer
типограф {noun} :: typograph
типография {noun} :: printing house, printshop
типографский {adj} [relational] :: typographical, printing
типологический {adj} :: typological
типология {noun} :: typology
тир {noun} :: shooting range, shooting gallery, rifle range
Тир {prop} :: Тир (port city/capital)
тирада {noun} :: tirade
тираж {noun} :: number of printed copies
тираж {noun} :: circulation (of a periodical)
тираж {noun} :: drawing (of a lottery)
тиражирование {noun} :: duplication, replication (e.g. of newspapers, books)
тирамису {m inan} :: tiramisu (dessert)
тиран {noun} :: tyrant (also figurative)
тиран {noun} :: bully
Тирана {prop} :: Тирана (capital city)
тиранить {v impf} :: to tyrannize
тиранить {v impf} :: to torment
тирания {noun} :: tyranny
тиранн {noun} :: alternative spelling of тиран
тиранозавр {noun} :: tyrannosaurus (dinosaur)
Тирасполь {prop} :: Тирасполь (the <<capital city>> of <<c/Transnistria>>, a de-facto independent state internationally recognized as part of <<c/Moldova>>)
-тирать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of тереть (to rub, to grate)
тире {n inan} [typography] :: dash
тире {n inan} :: dash, dah [in Morse code]
тис {noun} :: yew (tree or wood)
тискать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to squeeze, to press
тискать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to snuggle, to hug (pets, little kids)
тискать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to print, to publish
тиски {noun} :: vise (two-jawed instrument for holding work)
тиснение {noun} :: embossing
тиснение {noun} :: embossed relief image
тиснение {noun} [dated] :: printing, publishing
тиснуть {v pf} :: to squeeze once
тиснуть {v pf} :: to squeeze
тиснуть {v pf} :: to push, to shove once
тиснуть {v pf} :: to push, to shove
тиснуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to publish once, to print once
тиснуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to publish, to print
тиснуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to filch, to pilfer, to swipe, to walk off, to walk away (with), to steal
титан {noun} :: titanium
титан {noun} :: Titan
титан {noun} [colloquial, Soviet Union] :: boiler, wood-fired water heater
титанический {adj} [relational] :: titanium
титанический {adj} [relational] :: Titans; Titanic, gigantic, colossal, monstrous
титанический {adj} :: huge, grandiose, titanic
титановый {adj} [relational] :: titanium
титановый {adj} [relational] :: boiler, wood-fired water heater
титр {noun} [chemistry, bilolgy] :: titre
титр {noun} [cinematography] :: caption, title, subtitle, (plural) credits
титул {noun} :: title
титульный {adj} [relational, printing] :: title
титушка {noun} [neologism, pejorative] :: titushky, a violent pro-government vigilante involved in cracking down on popular protest; attacking picketers and demonstrators in anti-government rallies, a member of a pogrom mob
титька {noun} [anatomy] :: teat, tit
тиф {noun} :: typhus
Тифлис {prop} [historical] :: Тифлис (historical name of Tbilisi, the <<capital city>> of the country of <<c/Georgia>>)
тихарь {noun} [slang] :: person who does something secretly from others (having an unpleasant undertone and/or egoistically)
тихарь {noun} [slang] :: person who cannot rebuff
тихвинский {adj} [relational] :: Tikhvin (city in Russia)
тихий {adj} :: quiet, still
тихий {adj} :: calm, pacific
тихий {adj} :: soft, gentle
тихий {adj} :: slow
тихий {adj} :: dull, flat
Тихий океан {prop} :: Pacific Ocean
тихнуть {v impf} :: to quiet down, to become quieter
тихнуть {v impf} [figurative] :: to calm down
тихо {adv} :: quietly, softly, gently, faintly, silently
тихо {adv} :: quietly, calmly, peacefully
тихо {adv} :: slowly
тихо {pred} :: it is calm, it is quiet [about a situation or the weather or sea]
тихо {interj} :: be quiet!
Тихон {prop} :: given name
тихонечко {adv} [colloquial] :: diminutive of тихонько: very quietly
тихонько {adv} :: softly, quietly
тихонько {adv} :: slowly
тихонько {adv} :: gently, carefully
тихонько {adv} :: on the sly
тихоня {noun} :: quiet, gentle or shy person
тихоокеанские лососи {noun} :: Oncorhynchus (a genus under the Salmoninae subfamily; native to the Pacific Ocean region)
тихоокеанский {adj} [relational] :: Pacific (referring to the Pacific Ocean)
тихоходка {noun} [zoology] :: water bear, moss piglet (a member of the phylum Tardigrada)
тише {adv} :: comparative of тихий
тише {adv} :: comparative of тихо
тише {interj} :: silence!
тишина {noun} :: silence, quietness, hush (the lack of any sound)
тишь {noun} :: quiet, silence
тишь {noun} :: calm
т. к. {adv} :: initialism of так как: since, inasmuch as
т.к. {adv} :: initialism of так как: since, inasmuch as
ткань {noun} :: fabric, cloth
ткань {noun} [biology] :: tissue
ткать {v impf} :: to weave
ткацкий {adj} [relational] :: weaving, weaver
ткацкий станок {noun} :: loom (weaving frame)
ткач {noun} :: weaver
ткачество {noun} :: weaving
ткнуть {v pf} :: to poke, to jab, to stick, to prod
ткнуть {v pf} :: to hit
ткнуться {v pf} :: to knock (against, on) (the door)
ткнуться {v pf} :: to knock on someone's door
ткнуться {v pf} :: to nuzzle up
тлен {noun} [poetic] :: decay, rot
тлен {noun} :: dust
тлен {noun} :: dust, vanity, nothingness, sham
тлен {noun} [neologism or slang] :: despair
тление {noun} :: smouldering, smoldering
тление {noun} :: decay, putrefaction, decomposition
тленность {noun} [literary] :: perishability, transience
тленный {adj} [literary] :: perishable, prone to decay
тленный {adj} [literary] :: transient, not eternal
тлетворный {adj} :: pernicious, corruptive
тлеть {v impf} :: to rot, to decay, to putrefy, to moulder
тлеть {v impf} :: to smoulder
тлить {vt impf} [dated] :: to rot, to spoil
тло {noun} [obsolete] :: floor, ground
тло {noun} [obsolete] :: base, bottom
тля {noun} :: aphid
т/м {adv} :: initialism of текущего месяца: of the current month, inst.
т. м. {adv} :: initialism of текущего месяца: of the current month, inst.
т.м. {adv} :: initialism of текущего месяца: of the current month, inst.
тмезис {noun} :: tmesis
тмин {noun} :: caraway, cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
тмить {v impf} [dated] :: to darken, to make dark
тмутаракань {noun} :: alternative form of тьмутаракань
т.н. {adj} :: initialism of так называемый
т. наз. {adj} :: initialism of так называемый
-то {particle} [colloquial] :: (particle used to give intonational emphasis to a part of speech)
-то {particle} :: some- (an indefinite particle used in the various compound pronouns)
т. о. {adv} :: initialism of таким образом: thus, in this way
то {conj} :: then
т. обр. {adv} :: initialism of таким образом: thus, in this way
тов. {m anim} :: comrade
товар {noun} :: commodity, product, article
товар {noun} [plural] :: goods, wares
товарищ {noun} :: comrade, friend (male or female)
товарищ {noun} :: mate, companion, pal (male or female)
товарищ {noun} :: colleague, assistant (male or female)
товарищ {noun} :: classmate, fellow student (male or female)
товарищ {noun} :: A word used to address compatriots, fellow citizens (male or female) in the Soviet era
товарищеский {adj} :: friendly
товарищеский {adj} [sport] :: unofficial
товарищество {noun} :: comradeship, fellowship
товарищество {noun} :: association, company
товарка {noun} [colloquial] :: female comrade, friend
товарный {adj} [relational] :: commodity
товарный {adj} [relational] :: goods, freight
товарный {adj} [relational] :: trade
товарообмен {noun} :: barter, exchange of commodities
товарооборот {noun} :: goods turnover
товаропроизводитель {noun} :: commodity producer
тога {noun} :: toga
Тогане {prop} {m inan} :: # Тогане (city)
тогда {adv} :: then, at that time
тогда {adv} :: then, in that case
тогда как {conj} :: whereas (but in contrast; whilst on the contrary…)
тогда ладно {phrase} :: okay then
тогда-то {adv} :: just then
тогда-то {adv} :: that was the time when; that was just when
тогдашний {adj} [colloquial] :: of that time, of those times, then
Того {prop} {f inan} :: Того (country)
тоголезский {adj} :: Togolese
то есть {adv} :: that is, in other words, i.e.
то есть {adv} [colloquial] :: what do you mean
тождественный {adj} :: identical
тождество {noun} :: identity, equivalence
тоже {adv} :: also, too, as well, likewise
тоже {adv} [in negative constructions] :: either, neither, nor
тоже {particle} :: expresses disbelief, sarcasm, irony, often combined with мне
то же, что {pron} :: same as, same thing as
то и дело {adv} :: now and then, every now and then
то и дело {adv} :: continually, incessantly, constantly
тойтерьер {noun} :: toy terrier
ток {noun} [water, electricity] :: current
ток {noun} [agriculture] :: threshing floor
ток {noun} :: mating place (of birds)
ток {noun} :: toque
токамак {noun} :: tokamak (a toroidal chamber in which a plasma is magnetically confined)
токарный станок {noun} :: lathe (machine tool used to shape a piece of material)
токарня {noun} [dated] :: turnery
токарь {noun} :: turner, lathe operator (person working a lathe)
Токати {prop} {m inan} :: Токати (subprefecture)
токиец {noun} :: Tokyoite
токийка {noun} :: female Tokyoite
токийский {adj} [relational] :: Tokyo
Токио {prop} {m inan} :: Токио (prefecture/capital city)
токмо {adv} [archaic] :: only
токсикология {noun} :: toxicology
токсин {noun} :: toxin
токсичность {noun} :: toxicity
токсичный {adj} :: toxic
ток-шоу {n inan} :: talk show
толерантность {noun} :: tolerance
толерантный {adj} :: tolerant
то ли {conj} :: maybeor maybe; eitheror [of an uncertain or unclear choice between possibilities]
Толик {prop} :: given name
толика {noun} [dated, colloquial] :: a small amount, relish, shred
толк {noun} :: sense, use, judgment
толк {noun} :: talk, rumor
толк {noun} [obsolete] :: doctrine, trend, sort
толк {noun} :: push, shove, thrust
толкать {v impf} :: to push, to shove, to thrust
толкать {v impf} :: to incite, to instigate
толкать {v impf} [slang] :: to sell
толкаться {v impf} :: to push one another, to jostle
толкаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to knock at/on someone's door, to attempt to see someone
толкаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to loaf about/lounge about
толкач {noun} [rail transport] :: helper engine, pusher engine, bank engine (a railway locomotive that temporarily assists a train that requires additional power or traction to climb a gradient)
толкач {noun} :: pusher tugboat
толкач {noun} [colloquial] :: one who pushes
толкач {noun} [archaic] :: pestle
толкнуть {v pf} :: to push, to shove, to thrust
толкнуть {v pf} :: to incite, to instigate
толкнуть {v pf} [slang] :: to sell
толкнуться {v pf} :: to push one another, to jostle
толкнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to knock at/on someone's door, to attempt to see someone
толкование {noun} :: interpretation, explanation
толковать {v impf} :: to explain, to interpret
толковать {v impf} :: to talk (about something), to discuss
толково {adv} :: sensibly, intelligently
толково {adv} [colloquial] :: intelligibly, clearly
толковый {adj} :: sensible, intelligent [of a person]
толковый {adj} [colloquial] :: intelligible, clear
толковый {adj} :: explanatory, explicative, interpretative
толком {adv} :: plainly, clearly
толком {adv} :: seriously, earnestly
толкотня {noun} [colloquial] :: crush [of people]
толкучка {noun} [colloquial] :: crush, squash
толкучка {noun} [colloquial] :: flea market, second-hand market
толмач {noun} :: interpreter
толокно {noun} :: dry-roasted oatmeal or barleymeal
толокно {noun} :: a porridge made from this meal
толочь {v impf} :: to pound, to crush, to grind (to make smaller by breaking with a device)
толочь воду в ступе {v impf} :: to beat the air, to mill the wind
толочься {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hang about, to hang around
толпа {noun} :: crowd, throng
толпиться {v impf} :: to crowd, to throng, to cluster
толстая кишка {noun} [anatomy] :: large intestine, colon
толстенный {adj} [colloquial] :: very fat
толстенный {adj} [colloquial] :: very thick
толстенький {adj} :: diminutive of толстый
толстеть {v impf} :: to put on weight
толстовка {noun} :: Tolstoyan, Tolstoyist (female)
толстовка {noun} [historical] :: tolstovka (man's long belted blouse)
толстовка {noun} [colloquial] :: sweatshirt
толстовский {adj} [relational] :: Tolstoy; Tolstoy's, Tolstoyan (relating to Tolstoy)
толстокожий {adj} :: thick-skinned
толстосум {noun} :: moneybags (wealthy person)
толстый {adj} :: thick
толстый {adj} :: large, big
толстый {adj} :: stout, fat
толстяк {noun} :: stout/fat/corpulent man, fat boy, fatty, fatso
толстячок {noun} :: diminutive of толстяк
толчея {noun} :: crowd, crush, confusion, mess
толчея {noun} [engineering] :: pounder, pestle, gravity stamp
толчея {noun} :: broken water
толчок {noun} :: push, impulse
толчок {noun} [colloquial] :: toilet (fixture), toilet bowl
толчок {noun} [colloquial] :: flea market
толчок {noun} [phonology] :: stød
толща {noun} :: thickness
толща {noun} :: stratum, thick layer, depth
толща {noun} :: mass
толщина {noun} :: thickness
толщина {noun} :: fatness
толь {noun} :: roofing felt (roofing and waterproofing material made by impregnating roofing paper with coal tar or shale oil products)
толь {adv} [obsolete] :: only, whether, so, such
только {adv} :: only, but
только-только {adv} :: only just, barely
только-только {adv} :: just, just only
только что {adv} :: just, just now
Тольятти {prop} {m inan} :: Тольятти (city)
тольяттинский {adj} [relational] :: Tolyatti, Togliatti (city in Russia)
Толян {prop} {m anim} :: given name: pejorative of Анатолий
том {noun} :: volume (of a book, magazine or disk)
томагавк {noun} :: tomahawk (American Indian axe)
томат {noun} :: tomato
томат {noun} :: tomato sauce
томатный {adj} [relational] :: tomato
Томигусуку {prop} {m inan} :: Томигусуку (city)
томик {noun} :: diminutive of том: volume (of a book, magazine or disk)
томительный {adj} :: agonizing, painful, oppressive
томительный {adj} :: tiresome, tedious, trying
томительный {adj} :: stirring, titillating, tantalizing
томить {v impf} :: to weary [with a rather negative intention], to torment, to torture, to languish
томить {v impf} [cooking] :: to stew
томиться {v impf} :: to pine (for), to languish
томиться {v impf} [culinary] :: to stew
томкод атлантический {noun} :: Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod)
томление {noun} :: languor
томный {adj} :: languishing
томограф {noun} :: CAT scanner, CT scanner, tomograph
томография {noun} :: CAT scanning, CT scanning, tomography
томпак {noun} :: tombac, pinchbeck
Томск {prop} :: Томск (city/administrative center)
томский {adj} [relational] :: Tomsk (city in Russia)
томский {adj} [relational] :: Tom River [river in Russia]
тому назад {adv} :: ago
Томь {prop} :: the Tom River
тон {noun} [music] :: tone, plural: тоны
тон {noun} [linguistics] :: tone, plural: тоны
тон {noun} [of a color] :: tone, shade, plural: тона
тон {noun} :: intonation
тон {noun} [physiology] :: muscle tone
тональность {noun} [music] :: tonality, key (scale of musical notes)
тональный {adj} [relational] :: tone [musical, linguistic or color]
тональный {adj} :: tonal
Тонга {prop} :: Тонга (country/and/archipelago)
Тондэмунгу {prop} {m inan} :: Dongdaemun District (one of 25 districts of Seoul, located north of the Han River; home to many Russian expatriates)
тоненький {adj} [colloquial] :: diminutive of тонкий: very thin
тонзура {noun} :: tonsure
тоник {noun} :: tonic water
тоника {noun} [music] :: tonic
тонировать {v both} :: to reproduce the full sound of (a musical or spoken text)
тонировать {v both} :: to decorate, to tint, to tone (to touch up, giving a desired color or tint)
тонировать {v both} [dated] :: to set the tone, to prescribe the manner of behavior
тонкацу {f inan} {n inan} :: tonkatsu (a Japanese dish)
тонкая кишка {noun} [anatomy] :: small intestine
тонкий {adj} :: thin
тонкий {adj} :: slim, slender
тонкий {adj} :: small, fine, delicate
тонкий {adj} :: fine, high-quality [of food, wine, etc.]
тонкий {adj} :: subtle
тонкий {adj} :: keen
тонкий {adj} :: high (voice)
тонко {adv} :: thinly (not thickly)
тонко {adv} :: subtly
тонко {adv} :: delicately, finely (e.g. of produced workmanship)
тонкость {noun} :: thinness, fineness
тонкость {noun} :: slenderness, slimness
тонкость {noun} :: delicacy, finesse
тонкость {noun} :: subtlety, finesse, fineness
тонкость {noun} :: fine point, nicety, subtlety
тонна {noun} :: metric ton, tonne (1000 kilograms)
тонна {noun} :: large number, large amount, large weight
тонна {noun} :: ton
тонна {noun} [colloquial] :: a thousand units
тоннель {noun} :: tunnel
тоннель {noun} :: stretched ear piercing, flesh tunnel, gauge
тонус {noun} [physiology, medicine] :: tone
тонус {noun} :: energy, vigour
тонуть {v impf} :: to sink, to go down
тонуть {v impf} :: to drown
тонуть {v impf} :: to be lost
тоньше {adv} :: comparative of тонкий
тоньше {adv} :: comparative of тонко
тоня {noun} :: fishery, fishing ground
тоня {noun} :: haul of fish
Тоня {prop} :: given name
топ {noun} :: top [of the mast]
топ {noun} :: cheese, note (pressed mass of tobacco in tobacco cutting machine)
топ {interj} :: stamp (sound of stamping when walking)
топаз {noun} :: topaz (gemstone)
топать {v impf} :: to stomp, to stamp one's foot
топик {noun} [Internet] :: topic
топик {noun} :: diminutive of топ (female garment for the upper body)
топить {v impf} :: to stoke (an oven)
топить {v impf} :: to heat
топить {v impf} :: to melt, to render (fat)
топить {v impf} :: to sink
топить {v impf} :: to drown (transitive)
топить {v impf} [slang] :: to support (a club or political party)
топить {v impf} :: to topple (a person involved in politics, a student during exam)
топить {v impf} [slang] :: to drive (as qualifier "against the rules" or "much quicker than usually")
топиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drown oneself
топиться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to melt
топиться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to be lit [of a stove]
топка {noun} :: heating, stoking
топка {noun} :: fire chamber, furnace, firebox
топка {noun} :: melting (down)
топкий {adj} :: oozy, mucky, boggy, marshy, miry, quaggy (describing wet ground or muck into which one's feet may sink)
топкий {adj} [colloquial, rare] :: easily meltable, having a low melting point
топкий {adj} [colloquial, rare] :: hot-burning, highly suitable as fuel
топкий {adj} [colloquial, rare] :: easily stoked, providing plenty of heat
топлёный {adj} [of a food] :: melted, molten
топливно-энергетический {adj} [relational] :: fuel and energy
топливный {adj} [relational] :: fuel, petrol
топливный бак {noun} :: fuel tank
топливо {noun} :: fuel
топмачтовик {noun} :: skip bomber
топ-менеджер {noun} :: CEO, chief executive officer
топнуть {v pf} :: to stomp, to stamp one's foot
топографический {adj} :: topographic
топография {noun} :: topography
тополект {noun} :: topolect (set of similar dialects that pertain to a larger distinct dialect)
тополь {noun} :: poplar (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus)
тополь {noun} :: cottonwood
топоним {noun} :: toponym, place name
топонимика {noun} :: toponymy
топор {noun} :: axe, ax, hatchet
топорик {noun} :: diminutive of топор: small ax, hatchet
топорик {noun} :: tufted puffin
топорище {noun} :: axe handle, helve
топорище {noun} :: augmentative of топор
топорный {adj} [relational] :: axe
топорный {adj} :: clumsy, coarse, crude
топорный {adj} :: crude, vulgar, graceless
топорщить {v impf} :: to cause (hair, fur) to bristle
топорщиться {v impf} :: to stand on end [of hair or fur]
топорщиться {v impf} :: to wrinkle, to pucker [of material]
топорщиться {v impf} :: to stick out
топот {noun} :: footfall, tread, tramp, trample, stamp, stomp
топсель {noun} [nautical] :: (fore-and-aft) topsail
топтание {noun} :: trampling
топтать {v impf} :: to trample down
топтать {v impf} :: to tread dirt (into), to leave dirty footmarks (on), to track dirt (on)
топтать {v impf} :: to knead
топтать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wear (shoes) unsparingly
топтать {v impf} :: to trample (on)
топтать {v impf} [colloquial] :: (of fowl) to cover, to mount
топтаться {v impf} :: to shift one's feet
топтаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hang about, to hang around, to loiter, to wait
топтаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to dawdle, to dillydally
топтаться на месте {v impf} :: to mark time, to make no headway
топчан {noun} :: trestle bed, couch
топшур {noun} [musical instrument] :: topshur (a plucked two-string lute traditionally used by the Altai people)
топь {noun} :: swamp, bog, marsh
тор {noun} :: tore, torus
Тора {noun} :: Torah
торакс {noun} :: thorax (region of the mammalian body)
торакс {noun} :: thorax (middle of three distinct divisions in an insect, crustacean or arachnid body)
торба {noun} :: bag
торг {noun} :: haggling, bargaining
торг {noun} [in plural] :: auction, bidding
торг {noun} [archaic] :: market, bazaar
торгаш {noun} :: petty trader
торгаш {noun} [pejorative] :: haggler
торгаш {noun} [figurative, pejorative] :: moneygrubber
торговать {v impf} :: to trade, to deal in (governs instrumental case)
торговаться {v impf} :: to haggle, to bargain
торговаться {v impf} :: to argue, to wrangle
торговец {noun} :: merchant, salesman, retailer, trader, dealer (person who traffics in commodities)
торговка {noun} :: female trader, tradeswoman
торговля {noun} :: trade, commerce, sale, business
торгово-промышленный {adj} [relational] :: commerce and industry; commercial and industrial, commercial-industrial
торгово-экономический {adj} :: trade and economic
торговый {adj} [relational] :: commercial; trade
торговый автомат {noun} :: vending machine
торговый центр {noun} :: shopping centre, mall
торец {noun} :: butt end
торец {noun} :: wooden paving block
торжественно {adv} :: solemnly
торжественность {noun} :: grandeur, stateliness, solemnity
торжественный {adj} :: grand, stately
торжественный {adj} :: ceremonial, solemn
торжественный {adj} :: festive
торжество {noun} :: festival, celebration, festivity
торжество {noun} :: triumph, victory
торжествовать {v impf} [dated, imperfective only] :: to celebrate
торжествовать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to triumph over
торжествовать {v impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] :: to exult, to rejoice, to glory (in something)
торжествующе {adv} :: triumphantly
торжествующий {adj} :: triumphant, exultant
торий {noun} :: thorium
торить {v impf} [literary] :: to tread, to clear (a path or road) [by frequent walking or traveling]
торкать {v impf} [low colloquial or regional] :: to push, to shove
торкать {v impf} [slang] :: to inject (illegal drugs)
торкнуть {v pf} [low colloquial or regional] :: to push, to shove
торкнуть {v pf} [slang] :: to inject (illegal drugs)
торможение {noun} :: braking
тормоз {noun} :: brake, brakes
тормоз {noun} [figuratively] :: drag
тормоз {noun} [figuratively] :: slow-witted person, retard
тормозить {v impf} :: to brake
тормозить {v impf} :: to hinder, to impede, to slow down
тормозной {adj} [relational] :: brake, braking
тормознуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to brake once
тормошить {v impf} :: to pull (at, about)
тормошить {v impf} :: to tug/shake in order to awake, to wake up by tugging/shaking
тормошить {v impf} :: to bother, to pester, to worry, to give no peace
тормошить {v impf} :: to stir up, to spur/awake to activity
торнадо {m inan} :: tornado (column of air)
тороидальный {adj} :: toroidal
торока {noun} :: game straps (at the back of a seat for tying game)
Торонто {prop} {m inan} :: Торонто (capital city)
Торонто {prop} {m inan} :: Торонто (lakeside suburb)
Торонто {prop} {m inan} :: Торонто (unincorporated area/and/community)
Торонто {prop} {m inan} :: Торонто (village)
Торонто {prop} {m inan} :: Торонто (a <<former unincorporated community>> in <<twp/Woodside Township>>, now a <<suburb>> of <<city/Springfield>>, <<co/Sangamon County>>, <>)
Торонто {prop} {m inan} :: Торонто (ghost town)
Торонто {prop} {m inan} :: Торонто (small town)
Торонто {prop} {m inan} :: Торонто (tiny city)
Торонто {prop} {m inan} :: Торонто (unincorporated community)
Торонто {prop} {m inan} :: Торонто (city)
Торонто {prop} {m inan} :: Торонто (small town)
торопить {v impf} :: to hurry, to hasten, to precipitate, to rush
торопиться {v impf} :: to hurry, to be in a hurry, to hasten
торопливо {adv} :: hastily (in a hasty manner)
торопливость {noun} :: haste, hurry
торопливый {adj} :: hasty, hurried
торопчанин {noun} :: citizen of Toropets
торопыга {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: a person who is always in a hurry
торпеда {noun} :: torpedo
торпедирование {noun} :: torpedoing
торпедный {adj} [relational] :: torpedo
торпедный катер {noun} [military] :: motor torpedo boat, PT boat, MTB
торпедо {m inan} {m anim} [inanimate, automotive] :: dashboard, dash
торпедо {m inan} {m anim} [animate, fish] :: torpedo, electric ray, coffin ray, crampfish, numbfish
торпедо {m inan} {m anim} [inanimate, archaic, automotive] :: torpedo (early 20th century automobile body style)
торпедо {m inan} {m anim} [inanimate, archaic, military] :: archaic spelling of торпеда
торрент {noun} [Internet, file sharing] :: torrent
торс {noun} :: (human's) trunk
торс {noun} [art] :: torso
торсовый {adj} [relational] :: torso
торт {noun} :: a cake, a torte (a multi-layered sweet dessert, typically large enough to serve multiple people)
тортилья {noun} :: tortilla (a flat round bread)
торф {noun} :: peat
торфяной {adj} [relational] :: peat
торчать {v impf} :: to stick out, to protrude, to jut out
торчать {v impf} :: to stand on end, to bristle [of hair]
торчать {v impf} :: to loiter, to stick around, to hang around
торчать {v impf} [slang] :: to feel a euphoria, to get a kick, to get high
торшер {noun} :: standard lamp, floor lamp, torchiere
торшерный {adj} [relational] :: standard lamp, floor lamp, torchiere
Тосима {prop} :: Тосима (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
тоска {noun} :: melancholy, depression
тоска {noun} :: boredom, ennui, weariness
тоскливо {adv} :: drearily
тоскливо {adv} :: sadly, in a sad voice
тоскливо {adv} :: dully
тоскливо {pred} :: one feels miserable/depressed
тоскливо {pred} :: one is bored
тоскливый {adj} :: dreary
тоскливый {adj} :: sad, melancholy
тоскливый {adj} :: dull, boring
тосковать {v impf} :: to be sad/melancholic
тосковать {v impf} :: to be bored
тосковать {v impf} :: to long, to pine, to miss, to have a nostalgia, to grieve
тоскующий {adj} :: yearning, wistful
тоскующий {adj} :: grieving
тост {noun} :: toast (salutation while drinking alcohol)
тост {noun} :: toast (toasted bread)
тостер {noun} :: toaster (device)
тот {determiner} :: that, those
тот {determiner} :: the one
тот {determiner} :: the other
тоталитаризм {noun} :: totalitarianism
тоталитарный {adj} :: totalitarian
тотальный {adj} :: total, all-out, comprehensive, complete
тотем {noun} :: totem
тот же {determiner} :: same as тот же самый
тот же самый {determiner} :: the very same
тот же час {adv} :: immediately, at once, instantly; without delay
то-то {interj} [colloquial] :: Aha!, That's it!, There we go! What did I tell you?
то-то {particle} [colloquial] :: how (emphatic, limited usage)
тот самый {adj} :: just the one, the same, the very
тот самый {adj} :: the one (sole, only)
тот-то {pron} :: (emphasised) that (one)
тот-то {pron} :: so and so [often duplicated after и]
тотчас {adv} :: immediately, at once, instantly
тофу {n inan} :: tofu
точечный {adj} [relational] :: point
точечный {adj} [relational] :: dot, dotty
точёный {adj} :: sharpened
точёный {adj} :: lathed (formed with a lathe)
точёный {adj} [figurative] :: chiseled [features]
точилка {noun} [colloquial] :: sharpener (for knives or pencils)
точило {noun} :: whetstone, grindstone
точильня {noun} :: grindery (a mill where something is ground)
точить {v impf} :: to sharpen, to hone, to whet
точить {v impf} :: to produce, to make (using a lathe)
точить {v impf} :: to wear away, to wear down
точить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to nag
точить {v impf} [dated] :: to emit, to exude (smell, light, etc.)
точить {v impf} [dated] :: to shed (tears)
точка {noun} :: period, dot, full stop
точка {noun} :: point
точка {noun} :: dot, (for Morse code; colloquially dit)
точка {interj} :: enough!
точка зрения {noun} :: point of view (a position from which something is seen; outlook; standpoint)
точка с запятой {noun} :: semicolon (punctuation mark indicating a pause longer than the comma)
точнее {adv} :: comparative of точный
точнее {adv} :: comparative of точно
точно {adv} :: exactly, precisely, accurately
точно {adv} :: definitely
точно {interj} :: exactly!, yes!, bingo!
точно {conj} :: as though, as if
точность {noun} :: exactness, precision, accuracy, punctuality (the state of being exact)
точный {adj} :: exact, precise, accurate
точный {adj} :: correct
точь-в-точь {adv} :: exactly, spot on, right to a T
точь-в-точь {adv} :: word for word
тошнить {v impf} [impersonal] :: to cause nausea
тошно {adv} [colloquial] :: disgustingly, sickeningly
тошно {adv} [colloquial] :: miserably
тошно {pred} [colloquial] :: it is nauseating, it is sickening
тошно {pred} [colloquial] :: it is miserable, it is wretched
тошно {pred} [colloquial] :: it is anguishing
тошнота {noun} [medicine] :: sickness, nausea (qualmishness; as, sickness of stomach)
тошнота {noun} :: loathing
тошнотворный {adj} :: nauseating; nauseous; sickening
тошнотворный {adj} [figuratively] :: nauseating; sickening; disgusting
тошный {adj} [colloquial] :: nauseating, disgusting, sickening
тошный {adj} [colloquial] :: tedious
тощий {adj} :: gaunt, scrawny, thin
тпру {interj} :: whoa (when commanding a horse or imitative thereof)
трава {noun} :: grass
трава {noun} :: herb
трава {noun} :: weed
трава {noun} [slang] :: marijuana, weed (or any other vegetative drug; also травка)
траверз {noun} :: beam, traverse
травести {n inan} {f anim} {m anim} [theater, inanimate] :: travesti role (theatrical role of a boy or young man, played by an actress dressed as a man)
травести {n inan} {f anim} {m anim} [theater, inanimate] :: job of an actress (or actor in rare cases) playing a travesti role
травести {n inan} {f anim} {m anim} [theater, animate] :: travesti actress (an actress playing a travesti role)
травести {n inan} {f anim} {m anim} [inanimate] :: a type of humorous poetry, characterized by grotesque parody or satire
травинка {noun} :: diminutive of трава: a blade of grass
травить {v impf} :: to poison
травить {v impf} :: to etch
травить {v impf} :: (grass) to trample down, to spoil, to damage
травить {v impf} :: to hunt
травить {v impf} :: to persecute, to badger, to torment
травить {v impf} [nautical] :: to pay out, to slacken out, to slack away, to ease out, to veer
травить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to tell
травка {noun} :: diminutive of трава: grass
травка {noun} [slang] :: marijuana [or any other vegetative drug; also трава]
травка {noun} [colloquial] :: etching (the process)
травля {noun} :: hunting; baiting
травля {noun} :: persecution, bullying
травма {noun} :: trauma, injury (any serious injury to the body, often resulting from violence or an accident)
травматизм {noun} :: the aggregate of injuries occurring in a population group over a set period
травмировать {v both} :: to injure
травмировать {v both} :: to traumatize (physically or psychologically)
травник {noun} :: herbalist
травоядный {adj} :: herbivorous
травянистый {adj} :: grassy
травянистый {adj} [botany] :: herbaceous
травяной {adj} [relational] :: grass; grassy
травяной {adj} [botany] :: herbaceous
трагедия {noun} :: tragedy (drama or similar work)
трагизм {noun} :: tragedy (of a situation); tragic element
трагически {adv} :: tragically
трагический {adj} :: tragic
трагично {adv} :: tragically
трагичный {adj} :: tragic
традиционалист {noun} :: traditionalist
традиционно {adv} :: traditionally (in a traditional manner)
традиционный {adj} :: traditional
традиция {noun} :: tradition, heritage
траектория {noun} :: trajectory
тракт {noun} [historical] :: high road, highway
тракт {noun} :: route
тракт {noun} :: section (of an radioelectronical scheme)
тракт {noun} [anatomy] :: tract
трактат {noun} :: tract, treatise
трактат {noun} [dated] :: (international) treaty
трактир {noun} :: inn; hotel (somewhat dated)
трактир {noun} :: tavern; pub
трактовать {v impf} :: to interpret
трактовка {noun} :: interpretation, treatment, version
трактор {noun} [agriculture] :: tractor
тракторист {noun} :: tractor driver
трактористка {noun} :: female tractor driver
тракторный {adj} [relational] :: tractor
трал {noun} :: trawl
трал {noun} [military] :: sweep, minesweep
тральщик {noun} :: trawler
тральщик {noun} [military] :: minesweeper
трамвай {noun} :: tram, tramway (GB)
трамвай {noun} :: streetcar, trolley, trolley car, light rail (USA)
трамвайный {adj} [relational] :: tram, streetcar
трамплин {noun} :: springboard
транзистор {noun} :: transistor
транзистор {noun} :: transistor radio
транзит {noun} :: transit
транзитный {adj} [relational] :: transit
транзиторный {adj} [medical] :: transient
транс {noun} :: trance
транс {noun} [slang, offensive] :: a transgender person
трансатлантический {adj} :: transatlantic
трансвестит {noun} :: transvestite
трансгендер {noun} :: transgender (a transgender person)
трансгендерный {adj} :: transgender
транскрибировать {v both} :: to transcribe (to convert a representation of language into another)
транскрипция {noun} [linguistics] :: transcription
транслировать {v both} :: to transmit, to broadcast, to relay
транслировать {v both} [computing] :: to translate, to compile
транслит {noun} [colloquial] :: transliteration
транслитерация {noun} :: transliteration
транслитерировать {v both} :: to transliterate (to represent letters or words in the characters of another alphabet or script)
трансляция {noun} :: broadcast, transmission, translation (a radio or TV transmission on air)
трансмиссия {noun} :: transmission (assembly of gears)
транснациональный {adj} :: transnational
транспарант {noun} :: banner, billboard, placard, sign
трансплантировать {v both} [medicine] :: to transplant (medicine: transfer (tissue/organ))
транспорт {noun} :: transport, transportation
транспорт {noun} :: consignment
транспорт {noun} :: military transport, train
транспорт {noun} :: navy transport, supply ship, troop transport, troopship, troop-carrier
транспортировать {v both} :: to transport
транспортировка {noun} :: transport, transportation, carriage, conveyance, haulage, hauling
транспортировщик {noun} :: shipper (person or organization that ships (sends) something)
транспортировщик {noun} :: transporter (person or organization that transports something)
транспортное средство {noun} [often, in the plural] :: means of transportation (general term for the different kinds of transport facilities that are often used to transport people or cargo)
транспортное средство {noun} :: vehicle
транспортный {adj} [relational] :: transportation, transport, shipping
транссексуал {noun} :: transsexual
транссексуальность {noun} :: transsexuality (the state, condition, or properties of being transsexual)
транссексуальный {adj} :: transsexual (being a transsexual)
трансуха {noun} [slang, offensive] :: trans woman
трансфер {noun} :: transfer
трансферт {noun} [finance, law, politics, etc.] :: transfer
трансфобия {noun} :: transphobia (fear or hatred of transsexuality)
трансформатор {noun} :: transformer (a device that changes the characteristics of AC electricity)
трансформация {noun} :: transformation
трансформировать {v both} :: to transform, to convert
трансформироваться {v both} :: to be/become transformed/altered
трансцендентальный {adj} [philosophy] :: transcendental
трансцендентный {adj} :: transcendent (lying beyond the limits of experience)
трансцендентный {adj} [mathematics] :: transcendental
транш {noun} [finance] :: tranche
траншея {noun} :: trench, ditch, dyke, fosse
трап {noun} :: gangway, ramp
трапез {noun} [obsolete] :: now obsolete type of cheap cloth
трапеза {noun} [literary or ironic] :: meal
трапеция {noun} [geometry] :: trapezium (polygon with two parallel sides)
трапеция {noun} :: trapeze (a swinging horizontal bar, suspended at each end by a rope)
трасса {noun} :: route, line, track (course or way traveled)
трасянка {noun} :: low-quality mixture of hay with straw used as fodder
трасянка {noun} [linguistics] :: Trasyanka (an interlanguage with elements of Russian and Belarusian)
трата {noun} :: expenditure
тратить {v impf} :: to spend, to expend
тратить {v impf} :: to waste
тратить {v impf} :: to fritter away (time)
тратиться {v impf} :: to spend money, to spend up [on, на + dative]
траур {noun} :: mourning
траур {noun} :: mourning clothing
траурный {adj} :: mourning, funeral
траурный {adj} :: mournful, sorrowful
трафарет {noun} :: stencil (utensil consisting of a perforated sheet)
трафик {noun} [neologism, Internet, telephony, automotive] :: traffic
трах {interj} :: bang (verbal percussive sound)
трахать {vt impf} :: to strike, to hit
трахать {vt impf} :: to fuck, to bonk, to screw
трахаться {v impf} :: to strike (against)
трахаться {v impf} [mildly, vulgar] :: to have sex (with), to bang, to screw
трахаться {v impf} [idiomatic] :: to be unpleasantly busy with something for a long time
трахея {noun} [anatomy] :: trachea, windpipe (thin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi)
трахнуть {v pf} [vernacular] :: to bang, to boom
трахнуть {v pf} [vernacular] :: to crash, to bang
трахнуть {v pf} [vulgar] :: to lay, to bang, to screw
трахнуться {v pf} :: to strike (against)
трахнуться {v pf} [vulgar] :: to have sex (with), to bang, to screw
тре- {prefix} :: tri-, tre- (three)
треба {noun} :: rite, ceremony (an irregular church ceremony performed at the request of a parishioner)
требование {noun} :: demand, request, claim (act of requesting)
требовательно {adv} :: exactingly, particularly, fastidiously
требовательно {adv} :: commandingly
требовательность {noun} :: exactingness
требовательный {adj} :: exacting, particular, fastidious
требовательный {adj} :: commanding
требовать {v impf} :: to demand, to request
требовать {v impf} :: to need, to call for
требоваться {v impf} :: to need, to require
требоваться {v impf} :: to take (time, effort, money, etc. for something)
требуемый {adj} :: required, requisite, necessary
требуха {noun} :: chitterlings
требуха {noun} :: garbage
требуха {noun} :: offal
требушина {noun} :: entrails
тревога {noun} :: alarm, alert
тревога {noun} :: trouble, anxiety, uneasiness, fluster, discomposure, disquiet, disquietude
тревожить {v impf} :: to disturb
тревожить {v impf} :: to worry, to trouble, to harass
тревожиться {v impf} :: to be anxious/uneasy/worried (about), to become anxious (about)
тревожиться {v impf} :: to trouble oneself, to bother oneself
тревожнее {adv} :: comparative of тревожный
тревожнее {adv} :: comparative of тревожно
тревожно {adv} :: uneasily, alarmedly, with agitation, discomposedly
тревожность {noun} :: anxiety, uneasiness
тревожный {adj} :: alarming, disturbing
тревожный {adj} :: anxious
треволнение {noun} :: extreme anxiety, disquiet, agitation
тред {noun} [neologism, computing] :: thread (a unit of execution)
тред {noun} [neologism, Internet] :: thread (a series of messages)
трезвенник {noun} [colloquial] :: teetotaler, non-drinker, abstainer
трезвенность {noun} :: abstinence (specifically, abstinence from alcohol)
трезвенный {adj} :: sober [of mind]
трезвенный {adj} [figurative, pejorative] :: overly practical and moderate
трезветь {v impf} :: to sober (up), to become/grow sober
трезво {adv} :: soberly
трезвость {noun} :: soberness
трезвость {noun} :: temperance
трезвость {noun} :: sobriety
трезвый {adj} :: sober
трейдер {noun} [finance] :: stock trader
трейлер {noun} :: trailer (vehicle towed behind another, used for carrying equipment)
трейлер {noun} :: trailer (preview of a film)
трек {noun} [music, sports] :: track
треклист {noun} :: tracklist
трель {noun} [music, phonetics] :: trill
трембита {noun} [music] :: trembita (an alpine horn made of wood)
тремпель {noun} [regional, Southern Russia, Ukraine] :: coat hanger
тренажёр {noun} :: exercise machine, trainer (fitness device)
тренажёр {noun} :: simulator
тренажёрный {adj} [relational] :: exercise machine, trainer (fitness device)
тренажёрный {adj} [relational] :: simulator
тренд {noun} :: crown of an anchor
тренд {noun} :: trend
тренер {noun} :: coach, trainer
тренерский {adj} [relational] :: trainer, coach, coaching
трензель {noun} :: snaffle, bridoon (type of horse's bit)
трение {noun} :: friction, rubbing
трение {noun} :: (plural) friction, clashes, conflict
тренинг {noun} :: training
тренировать {vt impf} :: to train, to coach
тренироваться {vi impf} :: to train
тренировка {noun} :: training, coaching
тренировочный {adj} [relational] :: training, practice
тренога {noun} :: tripod (a three-legged stand or mount)
тренога {noun} :: hobble (a binding to keep beasts from running)
треножить {v impf} :: to hobble
треножник {noun} :: tripod (a three-legged stand or mount)
трепак {noun} :: trepak
трепать {v impf} :: (flax etc) to scutch, to swingle
трепать {v impf} :: to pull about, to blow about, to flutter, to tousle
трепать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wear out, to fray, to tear
трепать {v impf} :: to pat
трепать {v impf} :: to beat up, to maul, to pummel
трепать {v impf} :: to give a hard life/time
трепать {v impf} :: to mention too often, to make too many references (to), to hackney
трепаться {v impf} :: to flutter
трепаться {v impf} :: to get worn out
трепаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to twaddle, to prattle, to chew the fat, to chew the rag
трепаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to blab, to blabber
трепет {noun} :: thrill
трепет {noun} :: awe, trepidation (feeling of fear and reverence)
трепетать {v impf} :: to tremble, to quiver, to flicker
трепетать {v impf} :: to thrill, to tremble
трепетать {v impf} :: to fear, to tremble (at)
трепетный {adj} :: trembling, flickering, quivering
трепетный {adj} :: anxious
трепетный {adj} :: reverent
трепетный {adj} :: timid
трепетный {adj} :: tender, gentle
трепло {noun} [colloquial] :: garrulous, mendacious, boastful person, liar
трепло {noun} [dated] :: a tool for beating fibers in the form of three oak planks (the middle of which is an isosceles triangle, and the other two oblique parallelograms), glued together and attached to a lime wedge or handle
трепыхать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to thrash around
трепыхать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to quiver, to flutter
трепыхать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to beat, to flap [+ instrumental, e.g. one's wings]
трепыхаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to thrash around
трепыхаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to quiver, to flutter, to flap
треск {noun} :: crack, crash, snap (sharp sound made when solid material breaks)
треска {noun} :: cod (marine fish of the family Gadidae)
треска ледовая {noun} :: Arctic cod (Arctogadus glacialis)
трескаться {v impf} :: to crack, to chap
тресковые {noun} :: Gadidae (a biological family that includes cod, haddock, whiting, and pollock)
трескообразные {noun} :: Gadiformes (a biological order that includes cods)
трескотня {noun} [colloquial] :: crackle, crackling
трескотня {noun} [colloquial] :: chatter, prattle
треснуть {v pf} :: to crack, to burst, to pop
треснуть {v pf} :: to (begin to) collapse, to break down
треснуть {v pf} [colloquilal] :: to hit (on)
тресочка канадская {noun} :: Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod)
трест {noun} :: trust (a group of businessmen or traders)
третейский {adj} :: arbitral
третейский {adj} [relational] :: arbitration
третий {adj} :: third
треть {noun} :: third (one of three equal parts of a whole)
третье {noun} :: third course (meal), dessert
третье {noun} :: thirdly, used as во-вторых
третье {noun} :: the third (in dates)
третьего дня {adv} :: day before yesterday, two days previously
третье лицо {noun} [grammar] :: third person
третье лицо {noun} [legal] :: third party
третья {noun} :: third (fraction)
Третьяковка {prop} [colloquial] :: Tretyakov Gallery
третьяковский {adj} [relational] :: Tretyakov (referring to anyone with this last name, or to anything named after such a person, such as Tretyakovsky Proyezd, a street in Moscow)
треугольник {noun} [geometry] :: triangle
треугольник {noun} :: set square, triangle
треугольник {noun} [musical instruments] :: triangle
треугольный {adj} :: triangular (shaped like a triangle)
трефа {noun} [cards] :: clubs (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣)
трефный {adj} [Judaism] :: treyf, unkosher
трефовый {adj} [relational] :: clubs (suit in card games)
трефовый туз {noun} :: ace of clubs (playing card)
трефы {noun} [cards] :: clubs (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣)
треш {noun} [slang] :: trash (worthless things or stuff)
треш {noun} [slang] :: used to express strong or powerful emotions
треш {noun} [slang] :: used to express a negative attitude to a person or a current situation
треш {noun} [colloquial, music] :: thrash metal
трещать {v impf} :: to crackle (make a fizzing sound)
трещать {v impf} :: to chirr (make a trilled sound)
трещать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to chatter, to jabber
трещать {v impf} :: to crack, to be on the point of collapse
трещина {noun} :: crevice, crack (thin space opened in a previously solid material)
трещинка {noun} :: diminutive of трещина
трещотка {noun} [inanimate] :: rattle
трещотка {noun} [inanimate, sometimes, plural only] :: treshchotka (musical instrument)
трещотка {noun} [colloquial, animate] :: chatterbox, rattle
трёп {noun} [slang] :: babble, chatter (idle talk)
трёпка {noun} :: ruffling, disheveling
трёпка {noun} :: blowing around [intransitive, of the wind]
трёпка {noun} [low colloquial] :: beating, flaying, thrashing
трёпка {noun} [colloquial] :: fraying
трёпка {noun} :: pulling [of hair, ears, etc.]
трёпка {noun} :: racking [of fever]
трёпка {noun} [colloquial] :: patting, stroking
трёпка {noun} :: scutching
трёпка {noun} [colloquial] :: scolding, vilifying
трёх- {prefix} :: tri-, triple (three)
трёхдневный {adj} [relational] :: three-day
трёхколёсный {adj} :: three-wheeled
трёхкомнатный {adj} [relational] :: three-room
трёхлетие {noun} :: three-year period
трёхлетие {noun} :: third anniversary, third birthday
трёхлетний {adj} [relational] :: three-year
трёхлетний {adj} :: three-year-old
трёхлинейка {noun} :: Mosin-Nagant rifle
трёхлитровый {adj} [relational] :: three-liter
трёхмерный {adj} :: three-dimensional
трёхмесячный {adj} [relational] :: three-month (lasting three months)
трёхмесячный {adj} :: three-month-old
трёхнедельный {adj} [relational] :: three-week (lasting three weeks)
трёхнедельный {adj} :: three-week-old
трёхсторонний {adj} :: three-sided
трёхсторонний {adj} [relational] :: three-party; tripartite
трёхструнный {adj} [music] :: three-stringed
трёхэтажное слово {noun} [euphemistic] :: four-letter word (swearword)
трёхэтажный {adj} :: three-storeyed, having three storeys
трёхэтажный {adj} [colloquial, euphemism] :: with swearwords
трёшка {noun} [historical] :: three roubles, three-rouble note
три- {prefix} :: tri-, tre- (three)
три {num} :: three (3)
триада {noun} :: triad
триатлон {noun} :: triathlon
трибология {noun} :: tribology
трибун {noun} :: tribune (Ancient Roman official)
трибуна {noun} :: podium, platform, rostrum, tribune
трибуна {noun} :: stand (for spectators)
трибунал {noun} :: tribunal (especially military)
тривиальный {adj} :: trivial (common, ordinary)
тривиальный {adj} :: obvious
тривиальный {adj} :: hackneyed
тривиальный {adj} :: truistic
тривиальный {adj} :: cut and dried
тригонометрический {adj} :: trigonometric
тригонометрия {noun} [mathematics] :: trigonometry
тридцатилетие {noun} :: thirty-year period
тридцатилетие {noun} :: thirtieth anniversary, thirtieth birthday
тридцатилетний {adj} [relational] :: thirty-year
тридцатилетний {adj} :: thirty-year-old
тридцатиугольник {noun} :: triacontagon
тридцатка {noun} [colloquial] :: sum of 30 rubles
тридцатка {noun} [colloquial] :: anything with the number 30, e.g. a bus route, school, etc
тридцатый {adj} :: thirtieth
тридцать {num} :: thirty (30)
тридцать восемь {num} :: thirty-eight (38)
тридцать два {num} :: thirty-two (32)
тридцать девять {num} :: thirty-nine (39)
тридцать один {num} :: thirty-one (31)
тридцать пять {num} :: thirty-five (35)
тридцать семь {num} :: thirty-seven (37)
тридцать три {num} :: thirty-three (33)
тридцатьчетвёрка {noun} [colloquial] :: a Soviet tank T-34
тридцать четыре {num} :: thirty-four (34)
тридцать шесть {num} :: thirty-six (36)
тридцатью {adv} :: 30x, 30 times as much
триер {noun} [agriculture] :: grain cleaner, separator, sifter
Триест {noun} :: Триест (capital city)
трижды {adv} :: three times, thrice, on three occasions
трижды {adv} :: 3x, three times as much
тризна {noun} [archaic] :: funeral feast; wake
трико {n inan} :: tricot
трико {n inan} :: tights, leotard
трикотаж {noun} :: jersey (type of machine-knit fabric)
трикотаж {noun} [colloquial] :: knitwear made from this fabric
трикотажный {adj} [relational] :: jersey (type of machine-knit fabric)
триктрак {noun} :: trictrac, tricktrack [a variety of backgammon, short backgammon]
трилистник {noun} :: trefoil, shamrock
триллер {noun} :: thriller (a suspenseful, sensational genre of fiction)
триллион {num} :: trillion (1,000,000,000,000, 1012)
трилогия {noun} :: trilogy
тримаран {noun} :: trimaran
триметиламин {noun} [organic compound] :: trimethylamine
тринадцатилетие {noun} :: thirteen-year period
тринадцатилетие {noun} :: thirteenth anniversary, thirteenth birthday
тринадцатилетний {adj} [relational] :: thirteen-year
тринадцатилетний {adj} :: thirteen-year-old
тринадцатиугольник {noun} :: tridecagon
тринадцатый {adj} :: thirteenth
тринадцать {num} :: thirteen (13)
тринадцатью {adv} :: 13x, thirteen times as much
Тринидад и Тобаго {prop} {f inan} {n inan} :: Тринидад и Тобаго (a <<country>> consisting of two main <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>)
трио {n inan} :: trio
триплет {noun} :: triplet (group of three)
Триполи {prop} {m inan} :: Триполи (capital city)
триполийский {adj} :: Tripolitan
трипс {noun} [poker] :: three of a kind
трипс {noun} [entomology] :: thrips
триптих {noun} :: triptych
трисель {noun} [nautical] :: trysail
триста {num} :: three hundred (300)
тритон {noun} :: newt (type of salamander)
тритон {noun} [physics, chemistry] :: triton (nucleus of tritium)
тритон {noun} [music] :: tritone (musical interval of three tones)
триумвират {noun} :: triumvirate (a group of three)
триумф {noun} :: triumph (conclusive success; victory; conquest)
Триумфальная арка {prop} :: Arc de Triomphe (the Parisian monument)
триумфальный {adj} :: triumphal
триумфатор {noun} [historical, Ancient Rome] :: triumpher (military commander who has been honored for victory by a triumph)
триумфатор {noun} [literary, figurative] :: victor
трифтонг {noun} :: triphthong
ТРКИ {m inan} :: TORFL
трлн {num} :: abbreviation of триллион
трогательно {adv} :: touchingly, in a moving manner
трогательный {adj} :: touching, moving (emotionally)
трогать {v impf} :: to touch
трогать {v impf} :: to move [emotionally]
трогать {v impf} :: to bother, to annoy, to disturb
трогать {vi impf} :: to start moving
трогаться {v impf} :: to start (for), to get moving, to be off
трогаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to go nuts
трогаться {v impf} :: to be touched, to be moved (emotionally)
троглодит {noun} :: troglodyte
трое {num} :: three (in a group together), three of them
троеперстие {noun} [religion] :: a sign of the cross made with three fingers
троица {noun} [colloquial, ironic] :: trio, the three of them
Троица {prop} [Christianity] :: Trinity
Троица {prop} [Christianity, colloquial] :: Whitsunday
троицкий {adj} [relational] :: Trinity
троицкий {adj} [relational] :: Troitsky (referring to anyone with this last name, or to anything named after such a person)
троицкий {adj} [relational] :: Troitsky (referring to various locales)
троицкий {adj} [relational] :: Troitsk (referring to various locales)
троичный {adj} [relational] :: Trinity Sunday, Whit Sunday
троичный {adj} [Christianity] :: triune
троичный {adj} :: ternary
троичный {adj} :: threefold
тройка {noun} [colloquial] :: the number three
тройка {noun} :: grade of three [corresponds to American C grade]
тройка {noun} [card games] :: three, trey
тройка {noun} :: troika [Russian carriage drawn by a team of three horses abreast]
тройник {noun} [engineering] :: tee, T-joint, T-bend
тройник {noun} [engineering] :: junction box
тройник {noun} [engineering] :: three-way power strip
тройник {noun} [hunting] :: three-barreled hunting rifle
тройник {noun} [fishing] :: fishhook with three points
тройник {noun} [slang] :: Troynoy cologne (a Soviet brand of cologne often drunk illegally)
тройной {adj} :: triple, threefold, treble
тройня {noun} :: triplets (a group of three siblings born at the same time to the same mother)
троллейбус {noun} :: trolley bus
троллейбусный {adj} [relational] :: trolley bus
троллинг {noun} [neologism, fishing] :: trolling (luring fish with bait)
троллинг {noun} [neologism, internet] :: trolling (posting inflammatory material in an attempt to lure someone into a dispute)
тролль {noun} [mythology] :: troll (supernatural being)
тролль {noun} [internet slang] :: troll (provocative person)
тромб {noun} :: thrombus, blood clot (blood clot formed in blood vessels that leads to thrombosis)
тромбон {noun} :: trombone
тромбоцит {noun} [hematology, cytology] :: thrombocyte, platelet
трон {noun} :: throne
тронутый {adj} [short form only] :: touched, moved [emotionally]
тронутый {adj} [colloquial] :: touched, batty, cracked
тронуть {v pf} :: to touch
тронуть {v pf} :: to move [emotionally]
тронуть {v pf} :: to bother, to annoy, to disturb
тронуть {vi pf} :: to start moving
тронуть {v pf} [perfective only] :: to damage [e.g. of frost]
тронуться {v pf} :: to start (for), to get moving, to be off
тронуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go nuts
тронуться {v pf} :: to be touched, to be moved (emotionally)
тропа {noun} :: path, trail (a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians)
тропарь {noun} [church] :: troparion, hymn
тропик {noun} :: tropic
тропик Козерога {noun} :: Tropic of Capricorn
тропик Рака {noun} :: Tropic of Cancer
тропинка {noun} :: path, small path (a trail for the use of, or worn in by, pedestrians)
тропический {adj} :: tropical
тропка {noun} :: diminutive of тропа
тропопауза {noun} :: tropopause
тропосфера {noun} :: troposphere
трос {noun} :: hawser, line, rope [thick]
тростка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of трость
тростник {noun} :: reed, rush (grass-like plant)
тросточка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of трость
трость {noun} :: cane, stick, walking stick
тротуар {noun} :: [UK] pavement (footpath), [US] sidewalk
трофей {noun} :: trophy, prize
трофейный {adj} :: trophy, captured
троцкизм {noun} :: Trotskyism
троцкист {noun} :: Trotskyite, Trotskyist
троюродная племянница {noun} :: second cousin once removed (daughter of a second cousin)
троюродная сестра {noun} :: second cousin (great uncle's granddaughter)
троюродная тётка {noun} :: second cousin once removed (second cousin of one’s father or mother)
троюродная тётя {noun} :: second cousin once removed (second cousin of one’s father or mother)
троюродный {adj} :: denotes a relative in the same generation as the head noun but two degrees greater in separation
троюродный брат {noun} :: second cousin (great uncle's grandson)
троюродный внук {noun} :: first cousin twice removed (first cousin's grandson)
троюродный дядя {m anim} :: second cousin once removed (second cousin of one’s father or mother)
троюродный племянник {noun} :: second cousin once removed (son of a second cousin)
троюродный правнук {noun} :: first cousin three times removed downwards (first cousin's great-grandson)
Троя {prop} :: Troy
труба {noun} :: pipe
труба {noun} :: chimney, flue
труба {noun} [musical instrument] :: trumpet
труба {noun} [figurative] :: undesirable situation, seemingly hopeless (дело труба)
труба {noun} [colloquial] :: mobile phone
труба {noun} [colloquial, figurative] :: telephone
труба {noun} [hunters' lingo, dated, slang] :: fox tail
трубадур {noun} :: troubadour
трубач {noun} :: trumpet player, trumpeter
трубить {v impf} :: to blow (the trumpet)
трубить {v impf} :: to sound, to blare
трубить {v impf} :: to sound (a signal)
трубить {v impf} :: to trumpet, to proclaim from the housetops
трубка {noun} :: tube, small pipe
трубка {noun} :: roll, scroll
трубка {noun} :: telephone receiver
трубка {noun} :: tobacco pipe
трубка {noun} :: snorkel
трубкозуб {noun} :: aardvark
трубный {adj} [relational] :: trumpet
трубный {adj} [relational] :: pipe
трубный {adj} [figurative] :: loud, booming
трубопровод {noun} :: pipeline
трубопроводный {adj} [relational] :: pipeline
трубочист {noun} :: chimney sweep
трубочка {noun} :: diminutive of трубка
трубочка {noun} [culinary] :: puff
трубчатый {adj} :: pipe-shaped
труд {noun} :: work, labor/labour
труд {noun} :: effort, pains
труд {noun} :: handicrafts
трудить {v impf} :: to burden (with work)
трудить {v impf} :: to make tired
трудить {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to hamper, to hinder
трудиться {v impf} :: to work, to labor, to toil
труднее {adv} :: comparative of трудный
труднее {adv} :: comparative of трудно
труднейший {adj} :: superlative of трудный: hardest, most difficult
трудно {adv} :: with difficulty
трудно {pred} :: it is difficult, hard
трудно {pred} [colloquial] :: it/one is heavy
труднодоступный {adj} :: arduous (hard to climb)
труднодоступный {adj} :: difficult of approach
труднодоступный {adj} :: hard to reach
труднодоступный {adj} :: hard to get
трудность {noun} :: difficulty (state of being difficult)
трудность {noun} :: obstacle, problem, trouble
трудный {adj} :: hard, difficult (requiring a lot of effort to do or understand) [+ dative or для + genitive]
трудовой {adj} [relational] :: labor, work
трудовой {adj} :: working, worker's
трудовой {adj} :: earned
трудовой {adj} [relational] :: service
трудоголик {noun} :: workaholic (person)
трудодень {noun} :: work-day, man-day (unit of accounting of Soviet collective farms in the period from 1930 to 1966)
трудоёмкий {adj} :: labor-intensive, laborious
трудоёмкость {noun} :: labour-intensiveness, laboriousness
трудолюбивее {adv} :: comparative of трудолюбивый
трудолюбивее {adv} :: comparative of трудолюбиво
трудолюбиво {adv} :: industriously
трудолюбивый {adj} :: hard-working, industrious
трудолюбие {noun} :: diligence, industriousness
трудоспособность {noun} :: ability to work (a certain amount and quality)
трудоспособный {adj} :: able-bodied (able to work)
трудоустраивать {v impf} :: to arrange work (for someone), to provide work (for someone)
трудоустроить {v pf} :: to arrange work (for someone), to provide work (for someone)
трудоустройство {noun} :: (job) placement, employment, employment assistance
трудяга {noun} [colloquial] :: workaholic, hard worker
трудящийся {noun} :: worker, working man, laborer
труженик {noun} :: toiler, worker
труженица {noun} :: female hard worker, woman who works hard
трунить {v impf} :: to make a joke, to laugh [над + instrumental, about something; in good fun]
труп {noun} :: corpse, body
труппа {noun} :: troupe (company of actors, etc.)
трус {noun} :: coward
трусики {noun} :: diminutive of трусы: panties, knickers
трусить {v impf} :: to be cowardly
трусить {v impf} :: to shake out
трусить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to trot
трусиха {noun} [colloquial] :: a cowardly girl or woman
труск {noun} [obsolete, regional, South Russia, Ukraine] :: crunch, crackle
труск {noun} [obsolete, regional, South Russia, Ukraine] :: brushwood
трусливый {adj} :: cowardly
трусливый {adj} :: faint-hearted, timid
трусость {noun} :: cowardice
трусца {noun} :: jog (exercise)
трусца {noun} :: trot, trotting
трусы {noun} :: underwear, underpants, shorts
трусы {noun} :: swimming trunks
трут {noun} :: tinder, amadou
трутень {noun} :: drone, male bee
трутень {noun} [figurative] :: drone, idler, sluggard
труха {noun} :: rot; something dry, old and crumbling
трухлявый {adj} :: rotten, old and broken
трущоба {noun} :: (often in plural) slum (dilapidated neighborhood)
трэш {noun} :: alternative form of треш
трюк {noun} :: trick, stunt, feat
трюм {noun} [nautical] :: hold (cargo area)
трюмо {n inan} :: trumeau (the pillar or center post supporting the lintel in the middle of a doorway)
трюмо {n inan} :: pier glass, trumeau mirror
трюмсель {noun} [nautical] :: skysail
трюфель {noun} :: truffle (mushroom)
трюфель {noun} :: chocolate truffle
тряпица {noun} [colloquial] :: (small) rag
тряпичный {adj} [relational] :: rag
тряпичный {adj} [relational] :: cloth
тряпичный {adj} [pejorative] :: weak-willed, lily-livered
тряпка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} :: rag (piece of cloth)
тряпка {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [animate, masculine or feminine] :: milksop, softy
тряпочка {noun} :: diminutive of тряпка: (small) rag (piece of cloth), duster
тряпьё {noun} :: rags
трясина {noun} :: quag, quagmire
тряска {noun} :: shaking, jolting
тряский {adj} :: jolty [of a vehicle]
тряский {adj} :: bumpy [of a road]
трясогузка {noun} :: wagtail
трясти {vt impf} :: to shake
трясти {vi impf} :: to jolt, to shake (of a vehicle, etc.)
трясти {v impf} [impersonal, imperfective only] :: to be shaking
трясти {v impf} :: to shake out
трястись {v impf} :: to shake
трястись {v impf} :: to tremble, to shiver
трястись {v impf} :: to be jolted, to ride something jolty
трястись {v impf} :: to tremble (over)
тряхнуть {vti pf} :: to shake (once)
тсс {interj} :: psst! (listen to this!)
тсс {interj} :: shhh!, shh! (quiet!) hush
тс-с-с {interj} :: psst! (listen to this!)
тс-с-с {interj} :: shhh!, shh! (quiet!)
ту {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: the sound of a train horn
туалет {noun} [countable] :: toilet, WC, restroom, lavatory
туалет {noun} [countable] :: dress, attire
туалет {noun} [uncountable] :: toilet, grooming (care for one's personal appearance)
туалет {noun} [countable] :: dressing table
туалетная бумага {noun} :: toilet tissue, toilet paper, toilet roll (paper on a roll)
туалетная вода {noun} :: eau de toilette, toilet water (lightly scented perfume)
туалетный {adj} [relational] :: toilet
Туапсе {prop} {m inan} :: Туапсе (resort town)
туба {noun} [musical instruments] :: tuba
туба {noun} :: tube
туберкулёз {noun} [pathology] :: tuberculosis
туберкулёзный {adj} [relational] :: tuberculosis
туберкулёзный {adj} :: tubercular (having tuberculosis)
туберкулёзный {noun} :: tuberculosis patient
Тува {prop} :: Тува (republic)
Тувалу {prop} {f} {n inan} :: Тувалу (country/and/archipelago)
тувинский {adj} :: Tuvan
туго {adv} :: tightly
туго {adv} :: slowly
туго {pred} [colloquial] :: it is bad, hard, difficult
туго {pred} [impersonal] :: it is tight, short, lacking
тугой {adj} :: tight, taut (under high tension)
тугой на ухо {adj} :: hard of hearing (having difficulty hearing)
тугрик {noun} [numismatics] :: tugrik
тугрик {noun} [colloquial] :: any currency (jokingly)
туда {adv} :: (to) there, that way, thither
туда и обратно {adv} :: back and forth (from one place to another and back again)
туда-сюда {adv} :: back and forth (from one place to another and back again)
туды {adv} [dialectal, colloquial or jocular] :: there, thither, that way, alternative form of туда
туева хуча {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: helluva lot [Russian spoonerism for хуева туча]
туер {noun} [nautical] :: chain-tug, tug
туже {adv} :: comparative of тугой
туже {adv} :: comparative of туго
тужиться {v impf} :: to push; to strain
тужиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to exert oneself; to make an effort
тужурка {noun} :: pea jacket, mess jacket
туз {noun} [cards] :: ace (card with a single spot)
туз {noun} [colloquial] :: bigwig
туз {noun} :: two-oar dinghy
туз {noun} :: ass
туз бубен {noun} :: ace of diamonds (playing card)
туземец {noun} :: native, aborigine, indigene
туземный {adj} :: aboriginal (original; indigenous)
тузлук {noun} :: brine
туз пик {noun} :: ace of spades (playing card)
туз треф {noun} :: ace of clubs (playing card)
туз червей {noun} :: ace of hearts (playing card)
тук {noun} [obsolete] :: fat, lard
тук {noun} :: fertilizer
тукан {noun} :: toucan
тук-тук {interj} :: knock-knock (verbal knocking sound)
тук-тук {noun} :: [India, Thailand] a motorized rickshaw
Тула {prop} :: Тула (industrial city/administrative center)
тулий {noun} :: thulium
туловище {noun} [anatomy] :: torso, trunk, body
тулуп {noun} :: sheepskin coat, overcoat, tulup (Russian-style long warm sheepskin/hareskin coat with a collar)
тульский {adj} [relational] :: Tula
тульский {adj} :: from Tula
тумак {noun} :: punch
туман {noun} [meteorology] :: fog
туманить {v impf} :: to obscure, to dim, to cloud, to fog
туманно {adv} :: obscurely, nebulously, vaguely, unclearly
туманность {noun} [astronomy] :: nebula
туманный {adj} [relational] :: fog
туманный {adj} :: foggy, misty
туманный {adj} [figurative] :: obscure, nebulous, vague, unclear
Туманян {prop} :: Туманян (town)
тумба {noun} :: cupboard, cabinet, pedestal
тумба {noun} :: advertising pillar
тумба {noun} [historical] :: stone [to bind horses]
тумба {noun} [colloquial] :: fat/rotund person, tub
тумбочка {noun} :: nightstand, bedside table, bedside cabinet
тумбочка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of тумба: (low) cabinet
тумбочка {noun} [colloquial] :: short, fat woman
тун {noun} :: tun (large cask especially for wine, commonly containing 252 gallons)
тунгусский {adj} :: Tungusic
тундра {noun} :: tundra
тундровый {adj} [relational] :: tundra
тунец {noun} :: tuna
тунеядец {noun} :: idler, parasite, freeloader
туника {noun} :: tunic
Тунис {prop} :: Тунис (country)
Тунис {prop} :: Тунис (capital city)
тунисский {adj} :: Tunisian
туннель {noun} :: tunnel
туннель {noun} :: stretched ear piercing, flesh tunnel, gauge
тупарь {noun} [colloquial] :: a stupid, dumb man
тупизна {noun} [slang] :: (extreme) stupidity
тупик {noun} :: puffin
тупик {noun} :: dead end (a path that goes nowhere)
тупиковый {adj} [relational] :: puffin
тупиковый {adj} [relational] :: dead end; dead-end
тупиковый {adj} [figurative, colloquial] :: hopeless, prospectless [of a position or situation]
тупить {v impf} :: to dull, to blunt
тупить {v impf} [dated] :: to lower (one's eyes, gaze, etc.) (so as not to look at someone)
тупица {m anim} {f anim} :: blockhead, dimwit, dunce (stupid person)
тупо {pred} :: dully, stupidly, with a stupid air, unthinkingly, thoughtlessly, blindly, stubbornly, obstinately
тупоголовый {adj} :: blockheaded, pigheaded
тупой {adj} :: dull, blunt
тупой {adj} :: obtuse
тупой {adj} :: dull, stupid
тупой {adj} :: apathetic
тупой как валенок {adv} [simile] :: dumb as a doornail
тупорылый {adj} [zoologic] :: blunt snout, blunt-nosed
тупорылый {adj} [figuratively] :: dull
тупость {noun} :: bluntness
тупость {noun} :: dullness, stupidity
тупость {noun} :: senselessness, vacancy
тупость {noun} [medicine] :: dullness [of sound when auscultating]
тупоугольный {adj} :: obtuse-angled (of a triangle)
тупоугольный треугольник {noun} :: obtuse triangle (triangle with an obtuse angle)
тур {noun} :: round
тур {noun} :: tour
тур {noun} :: turn (dance)
тур {noun} :: aurochs
тур {noun} :: tur (a species of West Caucasian goat)
тура {noun} [chess, colloquial] :: rook, castle
тура {noun} [obsolete] :: tower
Тура {prop} :: Тура (urban village)
Тура {prop} :: Тура (urban village)
Тура {prop} :: Тура (river)
Тура {prop} :: Тура (river)
Тура {prop} :: Тура (river)
Тура {prop} :: Тура (river)
Туран {prop} :: Turan
турбаза {noun} :: tourist camp, tourist base, tourist center (type of campsite with accommodation, food, cultural and recreational facilities)
турбина {noun} :: turbine (rotary machines)
турбо- {prefix} :: turbo-
турбонаддув {noun} :: turbocharging
турбореактивный двигатель {noun} :: turbojet engine
тургеневский {adj} [relational] :: Turgenev (surname of several notable Russians and Soviets; especially Ivan Turgenev, Russian writer and poet)
турецкий {adj} :: Turkish
турецкий {noun} :: Turkish (language)
туризм {noun} :: tourism
Турин {prop} :: Турин (capital city)
Туринская плащаница {prop} :: Shroud of Turin
турист {noun} :: tourist (someone who travels for pleasure)
туристический {adj} :: tourist, touristic
туристка {noun} :: female tourist
туристский {adj} [relational] :: tourists, traveller's; touristic, travelling
турка {noun} :: coffee pot (with a long handle and without lid)
Туркестан {prop} [historical] :: Туркестан (historic region)
туркмен {noun} :: Turkmen
Туркменистан {prop} :: Туркменистан (country)
Туркмения {prop} :: Туркмения (country)
туркменка {noun} :: female Turkmen (person from Turkmenistan)
Туркменская ССР {prop} :: Туркменская ССР (former republic)
туркменский {adj} :: Turkmen
турне {n inan} :: tour (of politician, businessman, artist, etc.)
турнепс {noun} :: turnip
турник {noun} [sports, gymnastics] :: horizontal bar
турникет {noun} :: turnstile
турникет {noun} [medicine] :: tourniquet, garrot
турнир {noun} :: tournament, tourney (series of games)
турнирный {adj} [relational] :: tournament
турок {noun} :: Turk (a person from Turkey or of Turkish origin)
турфирма {noun} :: travel agency
Турция {prop} :: Турция (country)
турчанка {noun} :: female Turk
турчонок {noun} :: Turkish boy, young Turk
турша {noun} :: a type of bean pickle, known in Russia to be part of the Armenian cuisine
туса {noun} [youth slang] :: abbreviation of тусовка
туск {noun} [dated, rare] :: darkness, fog
тускло {adv} :: dimly
тусклый {adj} :: dim, dull, dingy
тусклый {adj} :: lackluster, lusterless [of eyes]
тусклый {adj} :: dark, poorly lit
тускнеть {v impf} :: to grow dim, to dull, to lose its lustre
тускнеть {v impf} :: to pale
тускнеть {v impf} :: to wane
тускнеть {v impf} :: to pale (before)
тусоваться {v impfr} [colloquial] :: to hang out, to gather in a group for passing time or for a conversation
тусовка {noun} :: informal party for young people, get-together, "tusovka"
тусовка {noun} [colloquial] :: a group of people with a common interest, such as musicians, artists
тусовщик {noun} [slang] :: a club kid, a person who often attends hangouts, especially teenager’s hangouts
тусовщик {noun} [slang, figuratively] :: a person who is a member of a coterie
тусовщица {noun} [slang] :: female who often attends hangouts (тусовка), especially teenager’s hangouts
тусовщица {noun} [slang, figuratively] :: female who is a member of a coterie
тут {adv} [location] :: here
тут {adv} [time] :: then, at this point
тут {noun} :: mulberry (fruit or tree)
тута {noun} :: alternative form of тут
тута {adv} [colloquial, non-standard] :: alternative form of тут
тут же {adv} :: right, ready at hand, at once, immediately, instantly, right then, just then, in no time at all, then and there
тут как тут {adv} [colloquial] :: already there; there he is, they they are, etc. (said about someone or something that appears very quickly, on time or too early)
тут-то {adv} [colloquial] :: (exactly) here, right here
туф {noun} :: tufa, tuff
туфелька {noun} :: diminutive of туфля: (small) shoe, especially for women or children
туфля {noun} :: shoe
туфта {noun} [slang] :: bullshit, nonsense, poppycock, rubbish
туфта {noun} [slang] :: fake, fraud
туфта {noun} [slang] :: Cheating on quota or bureaucratic requirements, as for example in labour camps, in state enterprises of planned economies, or in municipal affairs
тухлый {adj} :: rotten and foul-smelling
тухлый {adj} [colloquial] :: musty, stale, stagnant [of water and air]
туча {noun} [meteorology] :: rain cloud; dark, heavy cloud
туча {noun} :: moving multitude; cloud, host
тучевой {adj} [relational] :: (rain) cloud
тучка {noun} :: diminutive of туча: cloudlet, small (rain) cloud
тучнеть {v impf} :: to grow stout/fat, to put on flesh
тучнеть {v impf} :: (earth) to become fertile
тучность {noun} :: adiposity
тучность {noun} :: avoirdupois
тучность {noun} :: corpulence, fat, obesity, portliness, stoutness
тучный {adj} :: fat, obese, corpulent (extremely overweight)
туш {noun} [music] :: flourish
туша {noun} :: carcass
туша {noun} [colloquial, derogatory] :: hulk; fat man's body, bulk
тушевать {v impf} :: to shade, to make shadows on (a painting)
тушевать {v impf} :: to blur, to make unclear or dim (the outlines of an object)
тушевать {v impf} :: to muffle, to make less distinct or noticeable (a sound or one's character)
тушеваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be shy, to be embarrassed
тушение {noun} :: extinguishing, putting out (of fire)
тушение {noun} :: stewing, braising
тушёнка {noun} :: tinned stewed meat (usually of pork and corned beef)
тушёный {adj} :: stewed
тушить {v impf} :: to extinguish, to put out
тушить {v impf} :: to turn off (light)
тушить {v impf} :: to quench
тушить {v impf} :: to suppress
тушить {v impf} :: to stew, to braise (in cooking)
тушка {noun} :: diminutive of туша: trunk, body, carcass (the body of a recently killed animal, typically a small one)
тушка {noun} [photography slang] :: camera body without a lens
тушка {noun} [aviation slang, diminutive] :: Tupolev aircraft
тушканчик {noun} :: jerboa (small rodent)
тушь {noun} :: India ink
тушь {noun} :: mascara
Тхимпху {prop} {m inan} :: Тхимпху (capital city)
тхэквондо {n inan} :: taekwondo
тшува {noun} [Judaism] :: teshuva
тщание {noun} [archaic, literary] :: diligence, assiduity, zeal
тщательно {adv} :: carefully, thoroughly
тщательность {noun} :: carefulness, thoroughness, care
тщательный {adj} :: careful, thorough (meticulous)
тщедушный {adj} :: weak, feeble, frail
тщеславие {noun} :: vanity, vainglory (excessive vanity)
тщеславный {adj} :: vain, vainglorious, conceited, arrogant
тщета {noun} [literary] :: vanity
тщетно {adv} :: in vain (without success)
тщетность {noun} :: futility, vainness, uselessness
тщетный {adj} :: futile, fruitless, vain, unavailing
тщиться {v impf} [bookish] :: to endeavor, to strive, to try [usually in vain]
ты {pron} [familiar] :: second-person singular, nominative case: you, thou
Тыва {prop} [formal] :: Тыва (republic)
ты веришь в Бога {phrase} :: [familiar] do you believe in God?
ты в порядке {phrase} :: are you OK (informal)
ты говоришь по-английски {phrase} [informal or singular] :: do you speak English?
ты говоришь по-русски {phrase} [colloquial] :: do you speak Russian?
ты женат {phrase} :: are you married (informal, to a man)
ты замужем {phrase} :: are you married (informal, to a woman)
тыкать {v impf} :: to poke, to prod, to jab, to thrust
тыкать {v impf} [vulgar] :: to screw, to copulate with
тыкать {v impf} :: to thou, to thee and thou, to treat with familiarity
тыкаться {v impf} :: to knock (against, on) (the door)
тыкаться {v impf} :: to knock on someone's door
тыкаться {v impf} :: to nuzzle up
тыкаться {v impf} :: to bustle/fuss about
тыква {noun} :: pumpkin, cucurbit
тыква {noun} :: gourd
тыква {noun} [colloquial,disparaging] :: head
тыл {noun} :: back, rear
тыл {noun} [military] :: rear (the part of an army or fleet which comes last)
тыл {noun} [military] :: home front
тыловик {noun} [military] :: man serving in rear
тыловик {noun} [military] :: logistics officer
тыловой {adj} [relational] :: rear; in the rear
тыловой {adj} [relational] :: logistics
тыльный {adj} :: back, rear
ты мне нравишься {phrase} :: I like you [informal]
тын {noun} :: fence (especially one made of twigs)
тырить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pinch, to nick, to steal
тырить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to take for one's own, to misappropriate
тыртыр {noun} [dialectal, Crimea] :: vine bud moth
тысяча {num} :: thousand (1000)
тысяча {noun} [colloquial] :: one thousand ruble banknote
тысячелетие {noun} :: millennium
тысячелетний {adj} [relational] :: thousand-year
тысячелетний {adj} :: thousand-year-old
тысячелистник {noun} [botany] :: milfoil, yarrow (any of several pungent Eurasian herbs of the genus Achillea)
тысячная {noun} :: thousandth part
тысячный {adj} :: thousandth (ordinal form of 1000)
тычинка {noun} [botany] :: stamen (a flower part that produces pollen)
тычок {noun} [colloquial] :: poke, jab
тычок {noun} [low colloquial] :: thing sticking up in the air
тычок {noun} [specialist] :: short, vertical brick face in masonry
тыща {noun} [colloquial] :: alternative form of тысяча
-ть {suffix} :: The infinitive ending of the majority of Russian verbs (some use -ти or -чь)
тьма {noun} :: dark, darkness
тьма {noun} :: thousands, a multitude, a host, lots of
тьмутаракань {noun} :: obscure and remote place far away from civilization; similar to idiomatic use of Timbuktu
тьфу {interj} :: Mimics the sound of spitting
тьфу {interj} :: (strong disgust or disappointment) fie!; for shame!; nuts!; damn it!, dammit!
тьфу-тьфу-тьфу {interj} :: knock on wood (said to void a jinx)
тьфу-тьфу-тьфу {interj} [elliptical] :: Implies something positive, or a hope for something positive
тэ {n} [indeclinable] :: The Cyrillic letter Т, т
тэ {n} [indeclinable] :: The Roman letter T, t
Тэгу {prop} {m inan} :: Тэгу (city)
тэмакидзуси {n inan} :: temakizushi
тэмпура {noun} :: tempura
тэнгу {m anim} :: tengu
тэрияки {n inan} :: teriyaki
тюбетейка {noun} :: tyubeteika
тюбик {noun} :: (collapsible) tube (container)
Тюбу {prop} {m inan} :: Chūbu region (of Honshu, Japan)
тюк {noun} :: package, bale
тюленёнок {noun} :: seal calf, baby seal
тюлений {adj} :: seal
тюлень {noun} :: seal (pinniped)
тюлень {noun} [colloquial] :: A clumsy person, an oaf
тюль {noun} :: tulle (kind of silk lace)
тюльпан {noun} :: tulip
тюменский {adj} [relational] :: Tyumen (city in Russia)
Тюмень {prop} :: Тюмень (city/administrative center)
Тюо {prop} {m inan} :: Тюо (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
тюрбан {noun} :: turban
тюремный {adj} [relational] :: prison
тюремщик {noun} :: jailer (one who guards inmates)
тюринг {noun} :: Thuringian (member of an ancient Germanic tribe)
тюркский {adj} :: Turkic
тюрок {noun} :: Turk
тюрьма {noun} :: prison, jail
тюряга {noun} [colloquial] :: joint, jug (prison, jail)
тютя {noun} [colloquial] :: nincompoop, ninny?
тюфяк {noun} [inanimate] :: mattress; a sack filled with something soft (e.g. hay) to be used as a mattress
тюфяк {noun} [figurative, colloquial, pejorative, animate] :: wimp, weakling, wuss, coward
тюфяк {noun} [engineering] :: mattress (retaining wall of brushwood, concrete, etc. to protect the river bed and banks of bridges and dams from erosion)
тюфяк {noun} [dialectal, Siberia, animate] :: sandpiper
тюфяк {noun} [dated] :: early type of firearm
тя {pron} [colloquial] :: contraction of тебя
тявкать {v impf} :: to yap, to yelp (of a small dog, to bark in a non-growly manner)
тявкать {v impf} [disparagingly] :: to object, to protest aloud, to talk back, to complain
тявкнуть {v pf} :: to yap, to yelp (of a small dog, to bark in a non-growly manner)
тяв-тяв {interj} :: [imitative] bow-wow, yap, yip (sound a pup makes)
тяга {noun} :: draft/draught, pull, draw
тяга {noun} :: traction, pulling, hauling
тяга {noun} :: thrust
тяга {noun} :: pull rod, connecting rod
тяга {noun} :: stay, brace
тяга {noun} :: laboratory hood
тяга {noun} :: bent, desire
тяга {noun} [hunting] :: roding, flight of woodcock in mating season
тягать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to pull, to drag
тягать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to carry around (especially something heavy)
тяга управления {noun} :: control rod
тягач {noun} :: prime mover, tractor (tractor-trailer), semi
тягло {noun} [historical] :: system by which peasants paid taxes through work, in the Russian state between the 15th and early 18th centuries
тягло {noun} [figuratively, dated] :: burden
тягловый {adj} [historical, relational] :: serfish
тяговый {adj} [relational] :: traction; tractive
тягостный {adj} :: burdensome, onerous
тягостный {adj} :: painful, distressing
тягость {noun} :: burden
тягота {noun} [usually plural] :: burden, weight, tie
тяготение {noun} :: gravity, gravitation
тяготение {noun} :: pull, attraction
тяготеть {v impf} :: to be strongly attracted, to have a propensity/bent, to be drawn, to be strongly attached
тяготеть {v impf} :: to hang (over), to weigh (upon), to threaten
тяготить {v impf} :: to be a burden (on)
тяготить {v impf} :: to oppress
тяготиться {v impf} :: to feel burdened by
тягучий {adj} :: viscous, viscid, syrupy, malleable, ductile
тягучий {adj} :: (song etc) slow, leisured, leisurely
тяжба {noun} [law] :: suit, lawsuit
тяжелее {adv} :: comparative of тяжёлый
тяжелее {adv} :: comparative of тяжело
тяжеленный {adj} [colloquial] :: augmentative of тяжёлый
тяжелеть {v impf} :: to grow heavy, to increase in weight
тяжелеть {v impf} :: to put on weight, to grow sluggish
тяжелеть {v impf} :: (eyes, eyelids) to become heavy with sleep
тяжело {adv} :: heavily, heftily
тяжело {adv} :: difficultly, hard
тяжело {adv} :: grievously, laboriously
тяжелобомбардировочный {adj} :: heavy bomber
тяжеловес {noun} [animate] :: heavyweight (boxer)
тяжеловес {noun} [animate] :: draft horse
тяжеловес {noun} [intransitive] :: heavy-duty vehicle
тяжеловесный {adj} :: heavy, weighty
тяжеловесный {adj} :: massive, cumbersome
тяжеловесный {adj} :: graceless, unsubtle
тяжеловесный {adj} [technical] :: heavyweight
тяжесть {noun} :: heaviness
тяжесть {noun} :: weight
тяжесть {noun} :: load
тяжесть {noun} :: burden
тяжесть {noun} :: gravity
тяжесть {noun} :: seriousness
тяжесть {noun} :: painfulness
тяжёлая промышленность {noun} :: heavy industry (production of products which are either heavy in weight or in the processes leading to their production)
тяжёлый {adj} :: heavy
тяжёлый {adj} :: difficult, hard
тяжёлый {adj} :: laborious
тяжёлый {adj} :: serious
тяжёлый {adj} :: severe, grave
тяжёлый {adj} :: grievous, oppressive, painful, sad
тяжкий {adj} :: hard, grave
тяжкий {adj} :: terrible, painful
тяжко {adv} :: sorely, gravely, heavily
тяжко {adv} :: with difficulty
тяжко {pred} :: it is heavy
тяжко {pred} :: it is hard
-тязать {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed imperfective verbs with the approximate meaning "ask", "pull"
тян {f anim} [slang] :: girl, young woman
тян {f anim} [slang] :: girlfriend, female sexual partner
тянуть {v impf} :: to pull, to draw, to haul, to drag
тянуть {v impf} :: to lay (a cable)
тянуть {v impf} :: to draw (a wire)
тянуть {v impf} :: to drawl, to drag out (speak slowly)
тянуть {v impf} :: to drag out, to delay, to protract, to procrastinate
тянуть {v impf} :: to make someone go, to force to go
тянуть {v impf} :: to weigh
тянуть {v impf} :: to draw up
тянуть {v impf} :: to squeeze, to extort
тянуть {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be drawn to, to long for, to miss
тянуть {v impf} [impersonal] :: to feel an urge to
тянуть резину {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drag out (to do something slowly and inconclusively)
тянуться {v impf} :: to stretch
тянуться {v impf} :: to stretch out, to stretch oneself
тянуться {v impf} :: to stretch, to extend
тянуться {v impf} :: to drag on; to crawl, to hang heavy
тянуться {v impf} :: to last out, to hold out
тянуться {v impf} :: to reach (for), to reach out (for); to strive (after)
тянуться {v impf} :: to drift
Тяньцзинь {prop} :: Тяньцзинь (municipality/city)
тяпка {noun} :: hoe (agricultural tool)
тяп-ляп {adv} [colloquial] :: willy-nilly (hastily or haphazardly)
тяп-ляп {adv} [colloquial] :: incompetently, half-assed
тятя {noun} [familiar, childish] :: daddy