User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-s

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Saarland {prop} (state) :: Saarland
Sabbath {n} (witches' Sabbath) :: aquelarre, akelarre
sabbatical year {n} (leave with full or half pay) :: any sabàtic {m}
saber {v} (sabre) SEE: sabre ::
sabotage {n} (deliberate action of subversion, obstruction, disruption, destruction) :: sabotatge {m}
sabotage {n} (act with intent to injure) :: sabotatge {m}
sabotage {v} (deliberate destruction to prevent success) :: sabotejar
saboteur {n} (a person who intentionally causes the destruction of property) :: sabotejador {m}
sabre {n} (light sword, sharp along the front edge, part of the back edge, and at the point) :: sabre {m}
sabre {n} (modern fencing sword modeled after the sabre) :: sabre {m}
saccharide {n} (the unit structure of carbohydrates, of general formula CnH2nOn) :: sacàrid {m}
saccharin {n} (white crystalline powder) :: sacarina {f}
saccharine {adj} (relating to sugar) :: sacarí
saccharometer {n} (hydrometer) :: sacarímetre {m}
saccus {n} (structure found on conifer pollen) :: vesícula aerífera {f}
sack {v} (to put in a sack or sacks) :: ensacar
sack {v} (informal: to remove from a job or position) :: acomiadar, destituir, despedir
sackbut {n} (brass instrument) :: sacabutx {m}
sacral {adj} ((anatomy) of the sacrum) :: sacre
sacrament {n} (sacred act or ceremony) :: sagrament {m}
sacramental {adj} (used in, or relating to, a sacrament) :: sacramental
sacred {adj} (made holy) :: sagrat
sacred fig {n} (Ficus religiosa) :: figuera de les pagodes {f}
sacrifice {v} (to offer as a gift to a deity) :: sacrificar
sacrifice {v} (to give away something valuable in order to gain something else of value) :: sacrificar, oferir
sacrifice {v} (baseball: to advance another player by placing oneself out) :: sacrificar-se
sacrifice {n} (something offered to a god) :: sacrifici {m}, ofrena {f}
sacrifice {n} (something sacrificed) :: sacrifici {m}
sacrifice {n} (baseball: play in which batter is out to help runner(s) advance) :: sacrifici {m}
sacrificial {adj} (relating to sacrifice) :: sacrificial
sacrilege {n} (desecration, profanation, misuse or violation of something sacred) :: sacrilegi {m}
sacrilegious {adj} (committing sacrilege) :: sacríleg
sacrilegiously {adv} (in a sacrilegious manner) :: sacrílegament
sacristy {n} (room in a church) :: sagristia {f}
sacrosanct {adj} (beyond alteration, criticism, or interference, especially due to religious sanction; inviolable) :: sacrosant
sacrosanct {adj} (sacred, very holy) :: sacrosant
sacrum {n} (bone at the base of the spine) :: sacre {m}
sad {adj} (feeling sorrow) :: trist {m}, trista {f}
sad {adj} (appearing sorrowful) :: trist
sad {adj} (causing sorrow, lamentable) :: trist, lamentable
sad {adj} (poor in quality, deplorable) :: trist, deplorable
sad {adj} (slang: socially inadequate or undesirable) :: patètic, trist
Saïda {prop} (port city in Lebanon) SEE: Sidon ::
sadden {v} (make sad or unhappy) :: entristir
sadden {v} (become sad or unhappy) :: entristir-se
saddle {n} (seat on an animal) :: sella {f}
saddle {n} (harness saddle on an animal) :: sella {f}
saddlebag {n} (covered pouch) :: alforja {f}
sadistic {adj} (of a person) :: sàdic
sadistic {adj} (of behaviour) :: sàdic
sadly {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately ::
sadly {adv} (in a sad manner) :: tristament
sadness {n} (state/emotion) :: tristesa {f}
sadomasochism {n} (practices of sadism and masochism collectively) :: sadomasoquisme {m}
sadomasochistic {adj} (relating to sadomasochism or sadomasochists) :: sadomasoquista
sad to say {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately ::
safari {n} (a trip into any undeveloped area) :: safari {m}
safe {adj} (not in danger) :: segur, salv
safe {adj} (free from risk) :: segur
safe {adj} (providing protection from danger) :: segur
safe {n} (box in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping) :: caixa forta {f}
safe and sound {adj} (having come to no harm) :: sa i estalvi
safe-conduct {n} (document) :: salconduit {m}
safety {n} (condition or feeling of being safe) :: seguretat {f}
safety pin {n} (pin in the form of a clasp) :: imperdible {m} {f}
safety razor {n} (type of razor) :: maquineta d'afaitar {f}
saffron {n} (plant) :: safranera {f}, safrà {m}
saffron {n} (spice) :: safrà {m}
saffron {n} (dye) :: safrà {m}
saffron {n} (colour) :: safrà {m}
saffron {adj} (having an orange-yellow colour) :: safrà
saga {n} (Old Norse Icelandic prose) :: saga {f}
saga {n} (long epic story) :: saga {f}
sagacious {adj} (having or showing keen discernment) :: sagaç
sagaciously {adv} (in a sagacious manner) :: sagaçment
sagacity {n} (quality of being sage) :: sagacitat {f}
sage {adj} (wise) :: savi
sage {n} (Salvia officinalis) :: sàlvia {f}
Sagittarius {prop} (constellation) :: Sagitari
Sagittarius {prop} (astrological sign) :: Sagitari {m}
Sagittarius {n} (Someone with a Sagittarius star sign) :: sagitari {m} {f}
Sagrada Familia {prop} :: Sagrada Família
Sagunto {prop} (town in Spain) :: Sagunt
Sahara {prop} (desert) :: Sàhara {m}
Sahrawi {adj} (related to Western Sahara) :: sahrauí
Sahrawi {n} (a person from Western Sahara) :: sahrauí {m} {f}
saibling {n} (Salvelinus alpinus, a char of Europe) :: truita alpina {f}
sail {n} (a piece of fabric attached to a boat) :: vela {f}
sail {n} (the blade of a windmill) :: aspa {f}
sail {n} :: vela {f}
sail {v} (to ride in a boat, especially sailboat) :: navegar
sailing ship {n} (type of ship) :: veler {m}
sailmaker {n} (occupation) :: veler {m}
sailor {n} (worker on a ship, seaman, seawoman) :: marí {m}, mariner {m}
sailplane {n} (sailplane) SEE: glider ::
saint {n} (person proclaimed as saint) :: sant {m}, santa {f}
saint {n} ((figuratively) a person with positive qualities) :: sant {m}
Saint {n} (title given to a saint) :: Sant {m}, Santa {f}
Saint Andrew's cross {n} (cross that has a form of two intersecting oblique bars) :: creu de Sant Andreu {f}
Saint Barbara {prop} (saint) :: Santa Bàrbara {f}
Saint David's Day {prop} (the feast day of Saint David, patron saint of Wales) :: Dia de Sant David {m}
Saint George {prop} (Patron saint of England and several other places) :: Sant Jordi {m}
sainthood {n} (state of being a saint) :: santedat {f}
Saint John's bread {n} (carob) SEE: carob ::
Saint Mary {prop} (the mother of Jesus Christ) :: Santa Maria {f}
Saint Nicholas {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus ::
Saint Nicholas {prop} (4th-century Greek bishop, patron of children and marines) :: Sant Nicolau {m}
Saint Petersburg {prop} (city in Russia) :: Sant Petersburg {m}
Saint Valentine's Day {prop} (Saint Valentine's Day) :: dia de Sant Valentí {m}
Saiva {n} (worshiper of Siva or practicer of Shaivism) :: xivaïta
saker {n} (falcon) :: falcó sacre {m}
Sakha {n} (ethnic group) :: sakhà, iacut
Sakha {prop} (region) :: Sakhà
Sakhalin {prop} (island in Russia) :: Sakhalín
Sakmarian {prop} (subdivision of the Permian period) :: Sakmarià
sakura {n} (cherry) SEE: cherry ::
sakura {n} (cherry tree) SEE: cherry tree ::
salad {n} (food) :: amanida {f}
salad burnet {n} (Sanguisorba minor) :: pimpinella {f}
Saladin {prop} (first sultan of Egypt and Syria and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty) :: Saladí
salamander {n} (amphibian) :: salamandra {f}
salami {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
salami {n} (sausage) :: salami {m}
salami {n} (grand slam) SEE: grand slam ::
salary {n} (fixed amount of money paid on monthly or annual basis) :: salari {m}, sou {m}
sale {n} (exchange of goods or services for currency or credit) :: venda {f}
saleable {adj} (suitable for sale) :: vendible
Salerno {prop} (province) :: Salern
Salerno {prop} (city) :: Salern
salesman {n} (man whose job it is to sell things) :: venedor {m}
salimeter {n} (hydrometer used to measure the concentration of salt) :: salímetre {m}
saline {adj} (salty) :: salí
salineness {n} (salineness) SEE: salinity ::
salinity {n} (concentration of salt) :: salinitat {f}
saliva {n} (liquid secreted into the mouth) :: saliva {f}
salivary gland {n} (Any of exocrine glands producing saliva to break down carbohydrates in food enzymatically) :: glàndula salival {f}
salivate {v} (to produce saliva) :: salivar
salivation {n} (process of producint saliva) :: salivació {f}
sally {n} (willow) SEE: willow ::
salmon {n} (fish) :: salmó {m}
salmon {n} (colour) :: salmó {m}
salmon {adj} (colour) :: salmó, salmonat
salmon trout {n} (rainbow trout) SEE: rainbow trout ::
salpinx {n} (Fallopian tube) SEE: Fallopian tube ::
salt {adj} :: salat {m}, salada {f}
salt {v} (to add salt to) :: salar
salt {n} (sodium chloride) :: sal {f}
salt cellar {n} (container holding salt for use in the kitchen or on a dining table) :: saler {m}
salt cod {n} (Cod that has been dried and salted) :: bacallà {m}
salted {adj} (to which salt has been added) :: salat
saltire {n} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross ::
salt of the earth {n} (a decent, dependable person) :: sal de la terra
saltpetre {n} (sodium nitrate) SEE: sodium nitrate ::
salt water {n} (brine) SEE: brine ::
salty {adj} (tasting of salt) :: salat
salty {adj} (containing salt) :: salat
salty {adj} (pertaining to article usage in Catalan dialects) :: salat
salubrious {adj} (promoting health) :: salubre
Salvadoran {n} (a person from El Salvador) :: salvadorenc {m}, salvadorenca {f}, salvadoreny {m}, salvadorenya {f}
Salvadoran {adj} (of or pertaining to El Salvador) :: salvadorenc, salvadoreny
Salvadorian {n} (Salvadoran) SEE: Salvadoran ::
Salvadorian {adj} (Salvadoran) SEE: Salvadoran ::
salvation {n} (the process of being saved (religion)) :: salvació {f}
salve {n} (ointment, cream or balm) :: ungüent {m}, pomada {f}, bàlsam {m}
Samaria {prop} (Both city and part of ancient Palestine) :: Samaria {f}
Samaritan {n} (a native or inhabitant of Samaria) :: samarità {m}
Samaritan {adj} (of or relating to Samaria or the Samaritans) :: samarità
samarium {n} (chemical element) :: samari {m}
Samarkand {prop} (city in Uzbekistan) :: Samarcanda {f}
samba {n} (Brazilian ballroom dance) :: samba {f}
same {adj} (not different as regards self; identical) :: mateix
same {adj} (similar, alike) :: mateix
same {pron} (the identical thing) :: mateix
same {pron} (something similar, something of the identical type) :: mateix
samekh {n} (Semitic letter) :: sàmec {f}
same old story {n} (the repetition of an annoying occurrence) :: la història de sempre {f}
same-sex marriage {n} (gay marriage) SEE: gay marriage ::
Samnium {prop} (region of Italy) :: Samni {m}
Samoa {prop} (Independent State of Samoa) :: Samoa {f}
Samoan {n} (person) :: samoà {m}, samoana {f}
Samoan {n} (Samoan language) :: samoà {m}
Samoan {adj} (of or pertaining to Samoa) :: samoà {m}, samoana {f}
Samogitia {prop} (Samogitia) :: Samogítia {f}
Samogitian {prop} (Baltic language spoken in Samogitia) :: samogitià {m}
Samoyedic {adj} (of or pertaining to these languages) :: samoiede
sampi {n} (Ϡ ϡ) :: sampi {f}
sample {n} (part taken for inspection) :: mostra {f}
sample {n} (statistics) :: mostra {f}
sample {n} (cooking) :: tast {m}
sampling {n} (process or technique of obtaining a representative sample) :: mostratge {m}
Samson {prop} (Israelite judge) :: Samsó {m}
samurai {n} (feudal Japanese warrior) :: samurai {m}
san {n} (letter of the Archaic Greek alphabet) :: san {f}
-san {suffix} (Mrs) SEE: Mrs ::
Sana'a {prop} (capital of Yemen) :: Sanà
sanatorium {n} (institution that treats chronic diseases, and provides supervised recuperation and convalescence) :: sanatori {m}
sand {n} (finely ground rock) :: sorra {f}, arena {f}
sand {n} (beach) :: platja {f}
sandal {n} (type of footwear) :: sandàlia {f}
sandal {n} (sandalwood) SEE: sandalwood ::
sandalwood {n} (any of various tropical trees of the genus Santalum) :: sàndal {m}
sandalwood {n} (the aromatic heartwood of the trees of the genus Santalum) :: sàndal {m}
sandbank {n} (ridge of sand) :: banc de sorra {m}
sandbar {n} (ridge of sand) :: banc de sorra {m}
sandbox {n} (box with sand for children) :: sorrera {f}
sandcastle {n} (a sculpture made of sand and resembling a miniature castle) :: castell de sorra {m}
sandpaper {n} (paper coated with abrasive material) :: paper de vidre
sandpaper {v} (to polish or grind a surface) :: escatar
sandpiper {n} (bird of the family Scolopacidae) :: territ {m}
sandstone {n} (sand/clay sedimentary rock) :: gres {m}, pedra sorrenca {f}
sand wedge {n} (type of golf club) :: wedge d'arena {m}
sandwich {n} (snack consisting of two slices of bread) :: entrepà {m}, sandvitx {m}, badall {m}
sandwich bar {n} :: sandvitxeria {f}
sandwich bread {n} (bread that is prepared to make sandwich) :: pa de motlle {m}, pa de motle {m}
sandy {adj} (covered with sand) :: sorrenc
sandy {adj} (like sand) :: sorrenc
sandy {adj} (sand-coloured) :: vermellós
sangfroid {n} (composure, self-possession or imperturbability) :: sang freda {f}
sangria {n} (Spanish wine drink with fruit, sugar and soda) :: sangria {f}
sanitary napkin {n} (pad of cotton or other absorbent material) :: compresa higiènica
sanitary towel {n} (pad of cotton) SEE: sanitary napkin ::
sanitize {v} (to free from microorganisms) :: sanejar
San José {prop} (A city in California, USA) SEE: San Jose ::
San Jose {prop} (a city in California, USA) :: San José
San Marino {prop} (Republic of San Marino) :: San Marino {m}
sans {prep} (without) SEE: without ::
sans-culottide {n} (any of the five or six days added at the end of Fructidor) :: dia complementari {m}
San Sebastián {prop} (coastal city of Spain) :: Sant Sebastià
Sanskrit {n} (language) :: sànscrit {m}
sans serif {adj} (without serifs) :: pal sec
Santa {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus ::
Santa Claus {prop} (fictional figure) :: Pare Noel {m}
Santa Cruz de Tenerife {prop} (city) :: Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Santa Cruz de Tenerife {prop} (province) :: Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Santiago {prop} (city in Chile) :: Santiago {m}
Santiago de Chile {prop} (Santiago) SEE: Santiago ::
Santonian {prop} (subdivision of the Late Cretaceous epoch) :: Santonià
Santorini {prop} (Greek island) :: Santorí {f}
sap {n} (juice of plant) :: saba {f}
sapling {n} (young tree) :: plançó {m}
saponin {n} (steroid glycoside) :: saponina {f}
sapper {n} (one who saps; combat engineer) :: sapador
sapphire {n} (gem) :: safir {m}
sapphire {n} (type of hummingbird) :: colibrí gorjablau {m}
sapwood {n} (wood just under the bark) :: albeca {f}
Sara {prop} (female given name) SEE: Sarah ::
Sarah {prop} (the wife of Abraham) :: Sara
Sarah {prop} (given name from Hebrew) :: Sara
sarangi {n} (North Indian bowed string instrument) :: sarangui {m}
sarcasm {n} (derision, facetiousness) :: sarcasme
sarcastic {adj} (Containing sarcasm) :: sarcàstic
sarcastic {adj} (Having the personality trait of expressing sarcasm) :: sarcàstic
sarcastically {adv} (in a sarcastic manner) :: sarcàsticament
sarcoidosis {n} (multisystem disorder) :: sarcoïdosi {f}
sarcoma {n} (type of malignant tumor) :: sarcoma {m}
sarcophagus {n} (coffin) :: sarcòfag {m}
sardine {n} (fish) :: sardina {f}
Sardinia {prop} (island of Italy) :: Sardenya {f}
Sardinian {prop} (language) :: sard {m}
Sardinian {adj} (relating to Sardinia) :: sard
Sardinian {n} (person from Sardinia) :: sard {m}, sarda {f}
sardonic {adj} (scornfully mocking) :: sardònic
sardonically {adv} (in a sardonic manner) :: sardònicament
sargasso {n} (brown alga of the genus Sargassum) :: sargàs {m}
sarrusophone {n} (instruments) :: sarrussòfon {m}
sartorius {n} (anatomy: a muscle) :: sartori {m}
Saskatchewan {prop} (Province in western Canada) :: Saskatchewan
Sassari {prop} (city and province) :: Sàsser
Sat {n} (abbreviation of Saturday) :: ds.
Satan {prop} (the Devil) :: Satanàs {m}
satanic {adj} (relating to Satan) :: satànic
satanical {adj} (satanic) SEE: satanic ::
Satanism {n} (devil worship) :: satanisme {m}
Satanism {n} (a religion founded by Anton Szandor LaVey) :: satanisme {m}
satchel {n} (bag or case with one or two shoulder straps) :: cartera {f}, motxilla {f}
sate {v} (To satisfy; fill up) :: sadollar, saciar
sateen {n} (a type of shiny cotton cloth) :: setí {m}
satellite {n} (man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body) :: satèl·lit {m}
Saterland Frisian {prop} (language) :: frisó oriental {m}
satiate {v} (satisfy) :: saciar
satiation {n} (satiety) SEE: satiety ::
satiety {n} (state of being perfectly satiated) :: sacietat {f}
satin {n} (cloth with a glossy surface and a dull back) :: setí {m}, ras {m}
satire {n} (literary technique) :: sàtira {f}
satiric {adj} (satirical) SEE: satirical ::
satirical {adj} (of or pertaining to satire) :: satíric
satirically {adv} (in a satiric manner) :: satíricament
satirize {v} (make a satire) :: satiritzar
satisfaction {n} (fulfillment of a need or desire) :: satisfacció {f}
satisfaction {n} (pleasure obtained by such fulfillment) :: satisfacció {f}
satisfaction {n} (source of such gratification) :: satisfacció {f}
satisfaction {n} (reparation for an injury or loss) :: satisfacció {f}
satisfaction {n} (vindication for a wrong suffered) :: satisfacció {f}
satisfactorily {adv} (in satisfactory manner) :: satisfactòriament
satisfactory {adj} (adequate or sufficient) :: satisfactori
satisfied {adj} (in a state of satisfaction) :: satisfet
satisfy {v} (to meet needs, to fulfill) :: satisfer
satisfy {v} (to satisfy) SEE: respond ::
satrap {n} (governor of a Persian province) :: sàtrapa {f}
satrapy {n} (territory governed by a satrap) :: satrapia {f}
saturated {adj} (full; unable to hold or contain any more) :: saturat
saturated {adj} (of a solution: containing all the solute that can normally be dissolved) :: saturat
saturated {adj} (chemistry: having all available valence bonds filled) :: saturat
Saturday {n} (day of the week) :: dissabte {m}
Saturn {prop} (planet) :: Saturn {m}
Saturn {prop} (god) :: Saturn {m}
saturnine {adj} (of a person: having a tendency to be cold, bitter, gloomy, etc.) :: saturní {m}, saturnina {f}
saturnism {n} (lead poisoning) SEE: plumbism ::
satyr {n} (Greek mythology) :: sàtir {m}
saucepan {n} (deep cooking vessel) :: cassó {m}
saucer {n} (small dish) :: sotacopa
Saudi {prop} (Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi Arabia ::
Saudi {n} (person from Saudi Arabia) :: saudita {m} {f}
Saudi {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) :: saudita
Saudi Arabia {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Aràbia Saudita {f}
Saudi Arabian {n} (person from Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi ::
Saudi Arabian {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi ::
sauerkraut {n} (a dish made by fermenting finely chopped cabbage) :: xucrut {f}
Saul {prop} (first king of Israel) :: Saül {m}
sauna {n} (sauna room or house) :: sauna {f}
saurian {n} (reptile of the suborder Sauria) :: saure {m}
sausage {n} (a food made of minced meat packed into a tubular casing) :: salsitxa {f}
sausage {n} (small, uncooked) :: salsitxa {f}
sauté {v} (to cook food) :: saltar
savage {adj} (wild, not cultivated) :: salvatge
savage {adj} (barbaric, not civilized) :: salvatge
savage {adj} (brutal, vicious or merciless) :: salvatge
savage {n} (uncivilized or feral person) :: salvatge {m} {f}
savagely {adv} (in a savage manner) :: salvatgement
savanna {n} (tropical grassland with scattered trees) :: sabana {f}
save {n} (block that prevents an opponent from scoring) :: aturada {f}
save {v} (to help someone to survive, or rescue someone) :: salvar
save {v} (to store for future use) :: desar, guardar
save {v} (computing: to write a file to a storage medium) :: desar
save {v} (to economize) :: estalviar
saved by the bell {v} (rescued by a timely interruption) :: salvat per la campana
saving {n} (reduction in cost) :: estalvi {m}
saving {n} (something that is saved) :: estalvi {m}
savings bank {n} (financial institution) :: caixa d'estalvis {f}
savior {n} (a person who saves someone, rescues another from harm) :: salvador {m}
savour {v} (to appreciate, enjoy or relish something) :: assaborir
Savoy {prop} (a historical region of western Europe) :: Savoia {f}
saw {n} (tool) :: serra {f}
saw {v} (cut with a saw) :: serrar
saw {n} (musical saw) SEE: musical saw ::
sawdust {n} (dust created by sawing) :: serradures {f-p}
sawfish {n} (ray with saw-shaped snout) :: peix serra {m}, serra {f}
sawmill {n} (machine, building or company) :: serradora
saxifrage {n} (plant) :: saxífraga {f}
Saxon {n} (member of Saxon tribe) :: saxó {m}, saxona {f}
Saxon {n} (native or inhabitant of Saxony) :: saxó {m}, saxona {f}
Saxon {prop} (language of the Saxons) :: saxó {m}
Saxon {adj} (of Saxons, Saxony or Saxon language) :: saxó
Saxony {prop} (state) :: Saxònia {f}
Saxony-Anhalt {prop} (state) :: Saxònia-Anhalt
saxophone {n} (a musical instrument of the woodwind family) :: saxòfon {m}, saxofon {m}
saxophonist {n} (person who plays or practices with the saxophone) :: saxofonista {m} {f}
say {v} (to pronounce) :: dir
say {v} (to recite) :: recitar, declamar
say {v} (to communicate verbally or in writing) :: dir
say {v} (to indicate in a written form) :: dir
say {v} (to say) SEE: tell ::
say cheese {v} :: digueu Lluíiiis
saying {n} (proverb or maxim) :: dita {f}, proverbi {m}
sayonara {interj} (goodbye, adieu) SEE: farewell ::
scab {n} (mange) SEE: mange ::
scab {n} (incrustation over a wound) :: crosta {f}
scab {n} (scabies) SEE: scabies ::
scab {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker ::
scabbard {n} (the sheath of a sword) :: beina {f}
scabies {n} (an infestation of parasitic mites, Sarcoptes scabiei) :: sarna {f}
scaffold {n} (structure made of scaffolding for workers to stand on) :: bastida {f}
scaffolding {n} (system of tubes or poles used to support people and material) :: bastida {f}
scalability {n} (property of being scalable) :: escalabilitat {f}
scalable {adj} (able to be changed in scale; resizeable) :: escalable
scale {n} (sequence for measurement) :: escala {f}
scale {n} (ratio of distances) :: escala {f}
scale {n} (series of notes) :: escala {f}
scale {n} (keratin pieces covering the skin of certain animals) :: escata {f}
scale {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder ::
scale {n} (device) SEE: scales ::
scale model {n} (three-dimensional copy or representation of something) :: maqueta
scalene {adj} (sides of different lengths) :: escalè
scales {n} (device for weighing goods for sale) :: balança {f}, bàscula {f}
scallion {n} (Allium fistulosum) SEE: spring onion ::
scalp {n} (part of head where the hair grows) :: cuir cabellut {m}
scalpel {n} (small straight knife) :: bisturí {m}
scaly {adj} (covered or abounding with scales) :: escamós
scaly anteater {n} (pangolin) SEE: pangolin ::
scam {n} (fraudulent deal) :: estafa {f}, enredada {f}
scam {v} (to defraud or embezzle) :: estafar
scammer {n} (swindler, cheat) :: estafador {m}
scan {v} (create a digital copy of an image using a scanner) :: escanejar
scan {v} (look about for) :: escorcollar
scan {v} (form a poetic metre) :: escandir
scandal {n} (incident that brings disgrace) :: escàndol {m}
scandalous {adj} (wrong, immoral, causing a scandal) :: escandalós
Scandinavia {prop} (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) :: Escandinàvia {f}
Scandinavia {prop} (Scandinavian Peninsula) SEE: Scandinavian Peninsula ::
Scandinavian {n} (someone from Scandinavia) :: escandinau {m}
Scandinavian {adj} (of Scandinavia) :: escandinau
Scandinavian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Northern Europe, see also: Scandinavia) :: Escandinàvia {f}
scandium {n} (chemical element) :: escandi {m}
Scania {prop} (region of Sweden occupying the southernmost tip of the Scandinavian peninsula) :: Escània {f}
scapegoat {n} (a goat imbued with the sins of the people) :: boc expiatori {m}, boc emissari {m}
scapegoat {n} (someone punished for someone else's error(s)) :: boc expiatori {m}, víctima expiatòria {f}
scaphoid {adj} (boat-shaped) :: escafoide
scaphoid {n} (scaphoid bone) SEE: scaphoid bone ::
scaphoid bone {n} (carpal bone of the wrist) :: escafoide {m}
scapula {n} (large flat bone) SEE: shoulder blade ::
scapular {n} (a short cloak with an embroidered image of a saint) :: escapulari {m}
scapular {adj} (of or pertaining to the scapula) :: escapular
scar {n} (cliff) SEE: cliff ::
scar {n} (permanent mark on the skin) :: cicatriu {f}
scarab {n} (Scarabaeus sacer) :: escarabat piloter {m}
scarab {n} (symbol) :: escarabeu {m}
scarce {adj} :: escàs
scarcity {n} (the condition of something being scarce or deficient) :: escassetat {f}, escassedat {f}, escassesa {f}
scare {v} (to frighten) :: espantar, espaventar
scarecrow {n} (an effigy made to scare the birds away) :: espantall {m}, babarota {f}, espantaocells {m}, espantapardals {m}
scarf {n} (long garment worn around the neck) :: bufanda {f}
scarf {n} (headscarf) SEE: headscarf ::
scarlet {n} (colour) :: escarlata
scary {adj} (causing, or able to cause, fright) :: espantós
scathing {adj} (harshly or bitterly critical) :: mordaç {m}
scatter {v} (to scatter) SEE: disperse ::
scatterbrain {n} (flighty, disorganized or forgetful person) :: capsigrany {m}
scatterbrained {adj} (absent-minded) SEE: absent-minded ::
scenario {n} (outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work) :: argument {m},trama {f}
scenario {n} (screenplay or an outline or treatment thereof) :: guió {m}
scenario {n} (outline or model of an expected or supposed sequence of events) :: escenari {m}
scene {n} ((theater) the stage) SEE: stage ::
scene {n} (the location of an event that attracts attention) :: escena {f}
scenic {adj} (having beautiful scenery) :: escènic
scent {n} (distinctive odour or smell) :: esència {f}
scent {n} (sense of smell) :: olfacte {m}
sceptre {n} (ornamental staff) :: ceptre {m}
schedule {n} (a procedural plan, usually but not necessarily tabular in nature, indicating a sequence of operations and the planned times at which those operations are to occur) :: horari {m}, programa {m}
Scheherazade {prop} (female given name) :: Xahrazad {f}
Scheldt {prop} (river) :: Escalda {f}
schematic {adj} (represented simply) :: esquemàtic
schematic {adj} (sketchy, incomplete) :: esquemàtic
schematic {adj} (relating to a schema) :: esquemàtic
schematize {v} (organize according to a scheme) :: esquematitzar
scheming {adj} (tending to scheme) :: intrigant
schist {n} (crystalline foliated rock) :: esquist
schizoid personality disorder {n} (personality disorder) :: trastorn esquizoide de la personalitat
schizophrenia {n} (mental disorder) :: esquizofrènia {f}
schizophrenic {adj} (of or pertaining to schizophrenia) :: esquizofrènic
schizophrenic {adj} (of a person: afflicted with schizophrenia) :: esquizofrènic
Schlemm's canal {n} (channel in the eye) :: canal de Schlemm {m}
Schleswig-Holstein {prop} (state) :: Slesvig-Holstein
scholarship {n} (study allowance) :: beca {f}
scholar's mate {n} (checkmate which occurs after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Qxf7#) :: mat del pastor {m}, escac i mat del pastor {m}
school {n} (a group of fish) :: banc {m}, mola de peix {f}
school {n} (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning) :: escola {f}
school {n} (college or university) :: escola {f}
school {n} (a department/institute at a college or university) :: escola {f}
school {n} ((collectively) the followers of a particular doctrine) :: escola {f}
school bus {n} (transport for schoolchildren) :: autobús escolar {m}
schoolie {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher ::
schoolmistress {n} (woman in charge of a school) :: mestressa {f}, mestressa {f}
school sores {n} (impetigo) SEE: impetigo ::
schoolteacher {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher ::
schooner {n} (sailing ship) :: goleta {f}
Schrödinger's cat {prop} (thought experiment) :: gat de Schrödinger {m}
schwa {n} (indeterminate central vowel) :: vocal neutra {f}, schwa {f}
sciatic {adj} (of, or relating to the ischium) :: ciàtic
sciatica {n} (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve) :: ciàtica {f}
sciatic nerve {n} (large nerve) :: nervi ciàtic {m}
science {n} (collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method) :: ciència {f}
science {n} (particular discipline or branch of learning) :: ciència {f}
science fiction {n} (fiction) :: ciència-ficció {f}
scientific {adj} (of or having to do with science) :: científic
scientifically {adv} (using science or methods of science) :: científicament
scientifically {adv} (with regard to science) :: científicament
scientifically {adv} (from a scientific perspective) :: científicament
scientifically {adv} (in a scientific manner) :: científicament
scientifically {adv} (methodically) SEE: methodically ::
scientist {n} (one whose activities make use of the scientific method) :: científic {m}
scimitar {n} (sword with curved blade) :: simitarra {f}
scintillate {v} (to twinkle) :: centellejar, escintil·lar
scissor {n} (one blade on a pair of scissors) :: tisora {f}
scissors {n} (tool used for cutting) :: tisores {f-p}
sclerometer {n} (device used to measure hardness) :: escleròmetre {m}
sclerosis {n} (abnormal hardening of body tissues) :: esclerosi {f}
scold {n} (person who scolds, particularly a woman) :: renyir
scoliosis {n} (condition in which there is abnormal lateral curvature of the spine) :: escoliosi {f}
scoop {n} (news learned and reported before anyone else) :: primícia {f}
scooter {n} (foot-propelled vehicle) :: patinet {m}
scooter {n} (type of small two-wheeled vehicle, see also: motorscooter) :: escúter {m}
-scope {suffix} (suffix to name viewing instruments) :: -scopi {m}
scope {n} (device used in aiming a projectile) SEE: telescopic sight ::
scops owl {n} (Otus scops) :: xot {m}, xut {m}, mussol {m}
-scopy {suffix} (observation, viewing) :: -scòpia {f}
score {v} (to score) SEE: strike ::
score {n} (number of points earned) :: puntuació {f}, resultat {m}
score {n} (twenty, see also: twenty) :: vintena {f}
score {n} (sheet music showing all parts) :: partitura {f}, partitura general {f}
score {v} (to earn points in a game) :: marcar
scoreboard {n} (board that displays the score in a game of contest) :: marcador {m}
scorer {n} (one who scores) :: golejador {m}
scores {pron} (many) SEE: many ::
score string {n} (device used to keep the score in billiards) :: àbac {m}
scoria {n} (slag or dross) SEE: slag ::
scoria {n} (volcanic rock) SEE: slag ::
scorn {n} (contempt, disdain) :: menyspreu {m}, desdeny {m}
Scorpio {prop} (astrological sign) :: Escorpió {m}
Scorpio {n} (Someone with a Scorpio star sign) :: escorpió {m} {f}, escorpí {m} {f}
Scorpio {prop} (constellation) SEE: Scorpius ::
scorpion {n} (any of various arachnids of the order Scorpiones) :: escorpí {m}
Scorpius {prop} (astrological sign) SEE: Scorpio ::
Scorpius {prop} (constellation) :: Escorpió {m}
scorzonera {n} (black salsify) SEE: black salsify ::
Scot {n} (a person born in or native to Scotland) :: escocès {m}, escocesa {f}, [archaic] escot {m}, [archaic] escota {f}; [Valencian] escocés {m}, escocesa {f}
Scotch crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
Scotch tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
scotia {n} (type of architectural molding) :: escòcia {f}
Scotland {prop} (country in northwest Europe to the north of England) :: Escòcia {f}
Scots Gaelic {n} (Scottish Gaelic) SEE: Scottish Gaelic ::
Scottish {adj} (of a person) :: escocès, escocés
Scottish {adj} (of a thing or concept) :: escocès, escocés
Scottish {n} (the people of Scotland) :: escocès, escocés
Scottish English {n} (dialect of English spoken in Scotland) :: anglès escocès, escocès; [Valencian] anglés escocés, escocés
Scottish Gaelic {n} (The Gaelic language of Scotland) :: gaèlic escocès {m}, escocès {m}; [Valencian] gaèlic escocés {m}, escocés {m}
scour {v} (to clean, polish, or wash something by rubbing and scrubbing it vigorously) :: escurar
scout {n} (act of scouting) :: reconeixement
scout {n} (member of the scout movement) :: escolta {m} {f}
scramble {v} (to mix food ingredients in a mix to be cooked into a loose mass) :: remenar
scratch {v} (to rub a surface with a sharp object) :: rascar, esgarrapar, gratar
scratch {v} (To mark a surface with a sharp object) :: arpejar
scratchpad {n} (pad of paper) :: bloc de notes {m}
scream {n} (loud exclamation) :: crit {m}
scream {v} (to make the sound of a scream) :: xisclar, cridar
scree {n} (loose stony debris on a slope) :: tartera {f}
screech {n} (high-pitched strident or piercing sound) :: grinyol
screech owl {n} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl ::
screen {n} (viewing area of electronic output device) :: pantalla {f}
screen {n} (basketball: offensive tactic) :: pantalla {f}
screen {n} (baseball: protective netting) :: xarxa {f}
screen door {n} (A light door of mesh) :: porta mosquitera {f}
screening {n} (process of checking or filtering) :: cribratge {m}
screening {n} (examination and treatment of a material to detect and remove unwanted fractions) :: garbellament {m}
screening {n} (medicine: method to identify a disease in a non-symptomatic population) :: cribratge {m}
screenplay {n} (script for a movie or a television show) :: guió {m}
screen printing {n} (printing method) :: serigrafia {f}
screenwriter {n} (one who writes for the screen) :: guionista {m} {f}
screw {n} (fastener) :: bis {m}, cargol {m}
screw {n} (ship’s propeller) :: hèlice {f}
screw {v} (to connect or assemble pieces using a screw) :: collar
screw {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) :: fotre, follar
screw {v} (to apply pressure on) :: collar
screw {n} (backspin) SEE: backspin ::
screwdriver {n} (tool) :: tornavís {m}, desengramponador
screwed {adj} (beset with unfortunate circumstances) :: fotut, fastiguejat, putejat [slang informal]
screw thread {n} (helical ridge or groove) :: solc {m}
scribe {n} (one who writes; a draughtsman) :: escrivà
scribe {n} (writer and doctor of the law) :: escriba {m}
scrimmage {n} (practice game) SEE: exhibition game ::
script {n} (text of the dialogue and action for a drama) :: guió {m}
scriptorium {n} (room set aside for the copying, writing, or illuminating of manuscripts) :: escriptori {m}
scripture {n} (any sacred writing or book) :: escriptura {f}
Scripture {prop} (Bible) SEE: Bible ::
scriptwriter {n} (screenwriter) SEE: screenwriter ::
scrofulous {adj} (morally degenerate; corrupt) SEE: corrupt ::
scroll {n} (roll of paper or parchment) :: rotlle {m}
scrotal {adj} (scrotal) :: escrotal
scrotum {n} (the bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles) :: escrot {m}
scrub {n} (cancellation) SEE: cancellation ::
scruff {n} (scruff of the neck) :: clotell {m}
scruffy {adj} (untidy in appearance) :: malgirbat, malforjat
scrum {n} ((rugby) all the forwards joined together in an organised way) :: melé {f}
scrum-half {n} (rugby player) :: mig de melé {m} {f}
scrummage {n} (rugby formation of all forwards) SEE: scrum ::
scrupulously {adv} (in a careful manner) :: escrupolosament
scrutinise {v} (scrutinize) SEE: scrutinize ::
scrutinize {v} (to examine with great care) :: escrutar
scuffle {n} (rough, disorderly fight or struggle at close quarters) :: batussa {f}
scuffle {v} (to fight or struggle confusedly at close quarters) :: esbatussar-se
sculpt {v} (be a sculptor) :: esculpir
sculptor {n} (a person who sculpts) :: escultor {m}, escultora {f}
sculptural {adj} (of, pertaining to, or having characteristics of sculpture) :: escultural, escultòric
sculpture {n} (art of sculpting) :: escultura {f}
sculpture {n} (work of art created by sculpting) :: escultura {f}
scum {n} (layer of impurities) :: escòria {f}
scum {n} (greenish water vegetation) :: verdet {m}
scum {n} (person or persons considered to be reprehensible) :: escòria, púrria
scumbag {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
scurvy {n} (deficiency of vitamin C) :: escorbut {m}
scutch grass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass ::
scuttle {v} (To deliberately sink a ship (often by order of the captain)) :: barrinar
scythe {n} (farm tool) :: dalla {f}
scythe {v} (to cut with a scythe) :: dallar
Scythia {prop} (region of Central Eurasia) :: Escítia
Scythian {n} (an inhabitant of Scythia) :: escita {m} {f}
Scythian {adj} (relating to Scythia or Scythians) :: escita {m} {f}
Scythian {prop} (Eastern Iranian language of Scythians) :: escita {m}
sea {n} (body of water) :: mar {m} {f}
sea bass {n} (salt-water fish) :: llobarro {m}, llobina {f}, llop de mar {m}
seaborgium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 106) :: seaborgi {m}
seafarer {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor ::
seagull {n} (bird of the family Laridae) :: gavina
sea holly {n} (Eryngium maritimum) :: panical marí {m}
sea holly {n} (Eryngium) :: panical {m}
sea horse {n} (walrus) SEE: walrus ::
sea horse {n} (fish) :: cavall marí {m}, hipocamp {m}
seal {n} (pinniped) :: foca {f}
seal {n} (design or insignia associated with organization or official role) :: segell {m}
seal {v} (to place a seal on (a document)) :: segellar
seal {n} (chakra) SEE: chakra ::
sea lamprey {n} (animal) :: llampresa {f}
sea leopard {n} (Hydrurga leptonyx) SEE: leopard seal ::
sea level {n} (nominal height of the surface of the oceans above which heights of geographical features and aircraft flight levels are measured) :: nivell del mar {m}
sea lion {n} (member of the Otariidae family) :: lleó marí {m}
seaman {n} (mariner or sailor) SEE: sailor ::
seamless {adj} (Having no seams) :: inconsútil
sea monster {n} (large, aggressive creature in the sea) :: monstre marí {m}
Sea of Japan {prop} (the sea between Japan and the rest of Asia) :: mar del Japó {m}
sea onion {n} (Drimia maritima) :: ceba marina {f}
sea otter {n} (Enhydra lutris) :: llúdria marina {f}
sea-parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin ::
seaplane {n} (an aircraft) :: hidroavió {m}
search {v} (to search) SEE: look ::
search {n} (an attempt to find something) :: cerca {f}
search {v} (to look throughout (a place) for something) :: inspeccionar, cercar
search {v} ((followed by "for") to look thoroughly) :: buscar, cercar
search engine {n} (application that searches for data) :: cercador {m}, motor de cerca {m}
searcher {n} (One who searches) :: cercador {m}
seascape {n} (piece of art that depicts the sea or shoreline) :: marina
seashell {n} (shell) :: conquilla {f}
seashell {n} (colour) :: blanc perla {m}
seasick {adj} (ill due to the motion of a ship at sea.) :: marejat
season {n} (quarter of a year) :: estació {f}
season {n} (a group of episodes) :: temporada {f}
season {v} (to flavour food) :: condimentar, amanir
seasonal {adj} (of, related to or reliant on a season) :: estacional
seasonality {n} (variation with seasons) :: estacionalitat {f}
seat {n} (place in which to sit) :: seient {m}
seat {n} (membership in a representative body) :: escó {m}
seat {n} (location of a governing body) :: seu {f}
seat post {n} :: tija {f}
sea urchin {n} (any of many marine echinoderms of the class Echinoidea) :: garota {f}, eriçó de mar {m}
seaweed {n} (marine plants and algae) :: algues {f-p}
sebaceous {adj} (of or relating to fat, sebum) :: sebaci
sebaceous gland {n} (gland of skin secreting sebum) :: glàndula sebàcia {f}
Sebastian {prop} (given name) :: Sebastià {m}
seborrheic {adj} (of or pertaining to seborrhea) :: seborreic
sebum {n} (thick oily substance) :: sèu {m}
secant {n} (in trigonometry) :: secant {f}
secession {n} (The act of seceding) :: secessió {f}
secessionist {n} (one who supports secession) :: secessionista {m} {f}
secluded {adj} (in seclusion, isolated, remote) :: retirat
second {adj} (second (numeral), see also: 2nd) :: segon
second {adj} (that comes after the first) :: segon
second {n} (music: interval between two adjacent notes) :: segona {f}
second {n} (second gear) :: segon {m}
second {n} (one-sixtieth of a minute; SI unit of time) :: segon {m}
second {n} (unit of angular measure) :: segon {m}
second {n} (short, indeterminate amount of time) :: segon {m}, moment {m}, instant {m}
secondarily {adv} (of lesser importance) :: secundàriament
secondary {adj} (succeeding first) :: secundari {m}, secundària {f}
second base {n} (the base opposite home plate) :: segona base {f}
second gear {n} (second lowest gear) :: segona {f}
second half {n} (period of play after half time) :: segona part {f}
second-half {n} (second half) SEE: second half ::
second hand {adj} (secondhand) SEE: secondhand ::
secondhand {adj} (not new; previously owned and used by another) :: segona mà
secondhand embarrassment {n} (embarrassment felt for someone else: vicarious embarrassment) SEE: vicarious embarrassment ::
second last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate ::
second person {n} (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is the audience) :: segona persona {f}
second to last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate ::
second to none {n} (heroin) SEE: heroin ::
Second World War {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II ::
secrecy {n} (habit of keeping secrets) :: secretisme {m}
secret {n} (knowledge that is hidden) :: secret {m}
secret {adj} (being or kept hidden.) :: secret {m}
Secretary General {n} (chief administrator of an international body) :: secretari general {m}
secrete {v} ((transitive) produce by secretion) :: secretar
secretin {n} (hormone) :: secretina {f}
secretion {n} (secreted substance) :: secreció {f}
secretion {n} (act of secreting) :: secreció {f}
secretiveness {n} :: secretisme {m}
secretly {adv} (in a secret manner) :: secretament, cobertament, en secret
sect {n} (religious movement) :: secta {f}
section {n} (cutting, part cut out) :: secció {f}
section {n} (part, piece or subdivision of anything) :: secció {f}
section {n} (part of a document) :: secció {f}
sectional {n} ((music) rehearsal of part of an orchestra or band) :: parcial {m}, seccional {m}
sector {n} (a field of economic activity) :: sector {m}
secular {adj} (not specifically religious) :: secular, laic
secularity {n} (state of being secular) :: secularitat {f}
secularization {n} (transformation of values from religious to non-religious) :: secularització {f}
secularize {v} (to make secular) :: laïcitzar, secularitzar
secularly {adv} (in a secular fashion) :: secularment
securitization {n} (process of securitizing assets) :: titulització {f}
security {n} (condition of not being threatened) :: seguretat {f}
sedate {v} (to calm or put to sleep using a sedative drug) :: sedar
sedate {v} (to make tranquil) :: tranquil·litzar
sedative {n} (an agent or drug that sedates) :: sedant
sedative {adj} (calming, soothing, inducing sleep, tranquilizing) :: sedant
sedentary {adj} (not moving, not migratory) :: sedentari
sedentary {adj} (not moving much; sitting around) :: sedentari
sediment {n} (collection of small particles) :: sediment {m}
sedimentary rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: roca sedimentària
sedimentology {n} (study of natural sediments) :: sedimentologia {f}
sedition {n} (insurrection or rebellion) :: sedició {f}
seditious {adj} (of, related to, or involved in sedition) :: sediciós
seditiously {adv} (in a seditious manner) :: sediciosament
seduce {v} (to entice or induce someone to engage in a sexual relationship) :: seduir
seduction {n} (act of seducing) :: seducció {f}
seductive {adj} (attractive, alluring, tempting) :: seductor
see {v} (perceive with the eyes) :: veure
see {n} (diocese) :: seu {f}
seed {n} (fertilized grain) :: llavor {f}
seedpod {n} (pouch-like form on a plant) SEE: pod ::
seeing-eye dog {n} (seeing-eye dog) SEE: guide dog ::
seel {v} (To blind) SEE: blind ::
seem {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look ::
seem {v} (to appear) :: semblar, parèixer
seemingly {adv} (apparently) SEE: apparently ::
see off {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat ::
seethe {v} (to boil (transitive verb)) :: bullir
seethe {v} (to boil vigorously (intransitive verb)) :: bullir
seethe {v} ((figuratively) to be in an agitated state of turmoil) :: trinar
see-through {adj} (transparent) SEE: transparent ::
see-through {adj} (translucent) SEE: translucent ::
see you later {phrase} (goodbye) :: fins ara, fins després
Sega {prop} (Japanese videogame developer) :: Sega {f}
Segorbe {prop} (municipality in Castellón, Spain) :: Sogorb {m}
Segovia {prop} (city in Castile and León, Spain) :: Segòvia {f}
segregate {v} (to separate) :: segregar
segregation {n} (setting apart or separation) :: segregació {f}
Seine {prop} (river of northern France) :: Sena {m}
seismic {adj} (related to, or caused by an earthquake or other vibration of the Earth) :: sísmic
seismograph {n} (instrument that detects and records earthquakes) :: sismògraf {m}
seismologic {adj} (relating to the field of seismology) SEE: seismological ::
seismological {adj} (Relating to seismology) :: sismològic
seismologist {n} (person who practices seismology) :: sismòleg {m}
seismology {n} (the study of the vibration of the Earth's interior) :: sismologia {f}
seismometer {n} (device used by seismologists to measure seismic waves) :: sismòmetre {m}
sei whale {n} (whale of the rorqual family) :: rorqual del nord {m}
seize {v} (grab) :: apoderar-se
seize {v} (take possession of (by force, law etc)) :: confiscar
seizure {n} (act of taking possession, as by force or right of law) :: apropiació {f}
seizure {n} (sudden attack or convulsion) :: atac {m}
sejunct {adj} (separate) SEE: separate ::
sekere {n} (musical instrument) :: xequeré {m}
Selandian {prop} (subdivision of the Paleocene epoch) :: Selandià
seldom {adv} (infrequently, rarely) :: rarament
select {v} (to choose one or more elements from a set) :: seleccionar
selection {n} (process or act of selecting) :: selecció {f}
selective {adj} (of or pertaining to the process of selection) :: selectiu
selective {adj} (choosy, fussy or discriminating when selecting) :: selectiu
selective breeding {n} (artificial selection) SEE: artificial selection ::
Selene {prop} (Greek moon goddess) :: Selene {f}
Selene {prop} (female given name) :: Selene {f}, Selena {f}
selenite {n} (gypsum) :: selenita {f}
selenium {n} (chemical element) :: seleni {m}
Seleucus {prop} (Ancient Greek name) :: Seleuc
self- {prefix} (of, by, in or with oneself or itself) :: auto-
self-awareness {n} (state of being self-aware) :: autognòsia {f}
self-confidence {n} (state of being self-confident) :: autoconfiança {f}, confiança en si mateix {f}
self-control {n} (ability to control one's desires and impulses) :: autocontrol {m}
self-critical {adj} (capable of criticizing oneself) :: autocrític
self-criticism {n} (criticism of oneself) :: autocrítica {f}
self-defense {n} (means of defending oneself from attack) :: autodefensa {f}
self-destruct {v} (to destroy oneself) :: autodestruir-se
self-destruction {n} (voluntary destruction of something by itself) :: autodestrucció {f}
self-destructive {adj} (that causes injury to oneself or harm to one's interests) :: autodestructiu
self-determination {n} (political independence of a people) :: autodeterminació {f}
self-discipline {n} (control of oneself) :: autodisciplina {f}
self-employed {adj} (working for oneself) :: autònom
self-esteem {n} (confidence in one's own worth) :: autoestima {f}
self-hatred {n} (hatred of oneself) :: autoodi {m}
self-image {n} (way a person views themself) :: autoimatge {f}, autopercepció {m}
selfish {adj} (holding one's self-interest as the standard for decision making) :: egoista
selfish {adj} (regard for oneself above others' well-being) :: egoista
selfishly {adv} (in a selfish manner) :: egoistament
selfishness {n} (quality of being selfish) :: egoisme {m}
self-medication {n} (medication of oneself without professional advice) :: automedicació {f}
self pollination {n} (self pollination) SEE: self-pollination ::
self-pollination {n} (Pollination of a flower by its own pollen) :: autopol·linització {f}
self-portrait {n} (portrait of the painter who painted it) :: autoretrat {m}
self-reference {n} (act or process of referring to itself) :: autoreferència {f}
self-service {n} (the practice of serving oneself) :: autoservei {m}
self-sufficiency {n} (condition of being self-sufficient) :: autosuficiència {f}
self-sufficient {adj} (able to provide for oneself independently of others) :: autosuficient
self-worth {n} (value one assigns to oneself) :: autovaloració {f}
Seljuk {adj} (Of or pertaining to the Seljuk dynasty) :: seljúcida
Seljuk {n} (A member of the Seljuk dynasty) :: seljúcida {m} {f}
sell {v} (to agree to transfer goods or provide services) :: vendre
sellable {adj} (saleable) SEE: saleable ::
sell-by date {n} (final date on which a product can be sold) :: data de caducitat {f}
seller {n} (someone who sells) :: venedor {m}
sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
Sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
sell short {v} (to underestimate the value of something) SEE: underestimate ::
semantic {adj} (of or relating to semantics or the meanings of words) :: semàntic
semantically {adv} (in the manner of or referring to semantics) :: semànticament
semantic field {n} (group of words relating to same subject) :: camp semàntic {m}
semantics {n} (science of the meaning of words) :: semàntica {f}
semaphore {n} (visual system for transmitting information) :: semàfor {m}
semasiological {adj} (of or pertaining to semasiology) :: semasiològic
semen {n} (semen (fluid)) SEE: sperm ::
semen {n} (male reproductory fluid) :: esperma {f}
semester {n} (half of school year) :: semestre {m}
semi- {prefix} (half (prefix)) :: semi-
semi-automatic {adj} (partially automatic) :: semiautomàtic
semi-automatic {adj} (of a firearm, loading the next shell but requiring the trigger to be squeezed for each shot) :: semiautomàtic
semicircle {n} (half of a circle) :: semicercle {m}
semicircular {adj} (in the shape of a semicircle) :: semicircular
semicolon {n} (punctuation mark ';') :: punt i coma {m}
semiconductor {n} (substance with electrical properties between conductor and insulator) :: semiconductor {m}
seminal vesicle {n} (seminal vesicle) :: vesícula seminal {f}
seminary {n} (theological school) :: seminari {m}
semiology {n} (semiotics) :: semiologia {f}
semiotics {n} (study of signs) :: semiòtica {f}
Semitic {adj} (pertaining to the Semitic subdivision of Afroasiatic languages) :: semític
Semitic {adj} (pertaining to the Semites) :: semític
semitone {n} (interval between adjacent keys) :: semitò {m}
senary {adj} (of sixth rank or order) :: senari {m}, senària {f}
senate {n} (the upper house in some bicameral legislative systems) :: senat {m}
senator {n} (member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate) :: senador {m}, senadora {f}
send {v} (make something go somewhere) :: enviar, trametre
Seneca {n} (tribe) :: seneca
Senegal {prop} (Republic of Senegal) :: Senegal {m}
senile {adj} (of, or relating to old age) :: senil
senile {adj} (exhibiting the deterioration in mind) :: senil
senility {n} (the losing of memory and reason) :: senilitat {f}
sensational {adj} (exceptionally great) :: sensacional
sensationalism {n} (use of style and subject matter that is intentionally controversial, lurid, or attention-grabbing) :: sensacionalisme {m}
sensationalist {adj} (characterized by sensationalism) :: sensacionalista
sense {n} (manner by which living beings perceive the physical world) :: sentit {m}
sense {n} (conscious awareness) :: sensació {f}
sense {n} (sound judgement) :: sentit {m}
sense {n} (meaning or reason) :: sentit {m}
sense {n} (natural ability) :: sentit {m}
sense {n} (semantics term) :: significat {m}, accepció {f}
sense {v} (use biological senses) :: sentir
sensibility {n} :: sensibilitat {f}
sensible {adj} (acting with or showing good judgement) :: sensat, assenyat
sensibly {adv} (in a sensible manner; in a way that shows good sense) :: assenyadament
sensitive {adj} (responsive to stimuli) :: sensible
sensitive {adj} (easily offended) :: sensible
sensitively {adv} (in a sensitive manner) :: sensiblement
sensitivity {n} (the proportion of positive individuals in a population that will be correctly identified in a binary test) :: sensibilitat {f}
sensitivity {n} (the degree of response of a film etc. to light of a specified wavelength) :: sensibilitat {f}
sensory {adj} (of the senses or sensation) :: sensorial, sensori
sensual {adj} (inducing pleasurable or erotic sensations) :: sensual
sensuality {n} (state of being sensual, sensuous or sexy) :: sensualitat {f}
sentence {n} (decision of a jury) :: sentència {f}
sentence {n} (judicial order for punishment, conviction) :: sentència {f}
sentence {n} (punishment imposed on a person convicted of a crime) :: sentència {f}
sentence {n} (grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate) :: frase {f}, sentència {f}
sentence {v} (declare a sentence on a convicted person) :: sentenciar
sententiously {adv} (in a sententious manner) :: sentenciosament
sentimental {adj} (characterized by sentiment, sentimentality or excess emotion) :: sentimental
sentimentality {n} (act of being sentimental) :: sentimentalitat {f}
sentimentally {adv} (in a sentimental manner) :: sentimentalment
sentinel {n} (A sentry or guard) :: sentinella {m}
sentry {n} (guard) :: sentinella {m}
Senyera {prop} (flag of Catalonia) :: senyera {f}
Seoul {prop} (capital of South Korea) :: Seül
Seoulite {adj} (of or from Seoul) :: seulita
Seoulite {n} (someone from Seoul) :: seulita {m} {f}
Sep {prop} (September) :: set.
sepal {n} (part of calyx) :: sèpal {m}
separable {adj} (able to be separated) :: separable
separate {adj} (apart from; not connected to) :: separat
separate {adj} (followed by "from": not together with) :: separat
separate {v} (to disunite, disconnect) :: separar
separately {adv} (in a separate manner) :: separadament
separation {n} (act of disuniting two or more things) :: separació {f}
separatism {n} (separatism) :: separatisme {m}
separatist {n} (political separatist) :: separatista {m} {f}
separatist {adj} (Advocating or seeking the separation of a country or territory) :: separatista
sepia {n} (colour) :: sèpia {m}
sepia {adj} (of a dark reddish-brown colour) :: sèpia
sepia {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish ::
sepoy {n} (A native soldier of the East Indies) :: sipai {m}
sepsis {n} (serious medical condition in which the whole body is inflamed) :: sèpsia {f}
September {prop} (ninth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: setembre {m}
septenary {adj} (of seventh rank or order) :: septenari {m}, septenària {f}
septentrional {adj} (northern) :: septentrional
septic {adj} (of or pertaining to sepsis) :: sèptic
septic {adj} (causing sepsis) :: sèptic
septillion {num} (a trillion trillion, 1024, see also: quadrillion) :: quadrilió
Septimania {prop} (region of Gallia Narbonensis) :: Septimània {f}
Septuagint {prop} (an ancient translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek) :: Septuaginta
septum {n} ((anatomy) wall separating two cavities) :: septe {m}
septuplicate {v} (multiply by seven) :: septuplicar
sepulchral {adj} (suggestive of grave) :: sepulcral
sequel {n} (a narrative written after another narrative set in the same universe) :: seqüela {f}
sequence {n} (set of things in a set order) :: seqüència {f}
sequence {n} (in mathematics, an ordered list of objects) :: seqüència {f}
sequence {n} (series of shots that depict a single action or style) :: seqüència {f}
sequent {adj} (that comes after) SEE: subsequent ::
sequential {adj} (sequential) :: seqüencial
Sequoyah {prop} (Inventor of the syllabary for writing Cherokee) :: Sequoyah
serac {n} (sharp tower of ice) :: serac {m}
Serb {n} (person of Serb descent, see also: Serbian) :: serbi {m}, sèrbia {f}
Serb {adj} (of or pertaining to the Serbs or their culture) :: serbi
Serbia {prop} (a country in southeastern Europe) :: Sèrbia {f}
Serbia and Montenegro {prop} (former country on the Balkan Peninsula) :: Sèrbia i Montenegro
Serbian {n} (person from Serbia, see also: Serb) :: serbi {m}, sèrbia {f}
Serbian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: serbi {m}
Serbian {adj} (pertaining to Serbia and Serbians) :: serbi
Serbian {adj} (pertaining to the Serbian language) :: serbi
Serbian {n} (Serb) SEE: Serb ::
Serbo-Croatian {n} (South Slavic language) :: serbocroat {m}
Serbo-Croatian {adj} (pertaining to the Serbo-Croatian language) :: serbocroat {m}, serbocroata {f}
serenade {n} (love song) :: serenata {f}
serendipity {n} (unsought, unintended... and/or learning experience that happens by accident) :: serendipitat {f}
serene {adj} (peaceful, calm) :: serè
serf {n} (semifree peasant) :: serf {m}
sergeant {n} (non-commissioned officer rank) :: sergent {m}
Sergius {prop} (male given name) :: Sergi {m}
serial killer {n} (person who commits multiple murders) :: assassí en sèrie {m}
sericulture {n} (rearing of silkworms for the production of silk) :: sericicultura {f}
series {n} (a number of things that follow on one after the other) :: sèrie {f}
series {n} (television or radio program) :: sèrie {f}
series {n} (in analysis: sum of the terms of a sequence) :: sèrie {f}
serigraphy {n} (printing method) SEE: screen printing ::
serin {n} (bird) :: gafarró {m}
serious {adj} (without humor or expression of happiness) :: seriós
serious {adj} (important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play) :: seriós
serious {adj} (really intending what is said; being in earnest) :: seriós
seriously {adv} (in a serious or literal manner) :: seriosament
seriousness {n} (state of being serious) :: serietat {f}, gravetat {f}
sermon {n} (religious discourse) :: sermó {m}
sermon {n} (speech of reproval) :: sermó {m}
Sermon on the Mount {prop} (public discourse given by Jesus) :: Sermó de la Muntanya {m}
seroconcordant {adj} (of a couple with both partners HIV positive or HIV negative) :: seroconcordant
serodiscordant {adj} (of a couple with one partner HIV positive and the other HIV negative) :: serodiscordant
serologic {adj} (serological) SEE: serological ::
serological {adj} (of or pertaining to serology) :: serològic
serology {n} (science that studies the reaction between antigens and antibodies in serum) :: serologia {f}
serophobia {n} (fear, dislike, or hate of seropositives) :: serofòbia {f}
seropositive {adj} (testing positive for a given pathogen) :: seropositiu
serotonin {n} (the compound 5-hydroxytryptamine) :: serotonina {f}
serpent {n} (snake) :: serpent {f}, serp
serpent {n} (musical instrument) :: serpentó {m}
Serpentarius {prop} (Ophiuchus) SEE: Ophiuchus ::
Serpukhovian {prop} (subdivision of the Carboniferous period) :: Serpukhovià
Serravallian {prop} (subdivision of the Miocene epoch) :: Serraval-lià
serum {n} (yellowish fluid obtained from blood) :: sèrum
servant {n} (one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation) :: servent {m}, serventa {f}
servant {n} :: criat {m}, criada {f}
serve {n} (sports: act of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play) :: servei {m}
serve {v} (to work for) :: servir
serve {v} (sports: to lead off with first delivery (of the ball)) :: servir
Servian {adj} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian ::
Servian {n} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian ::
Servian {prop} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian ::
service {n} (act of being of assistance to someone) :: servei {m}
service {n} (practice of providing services as economic activity) :: servei {m}
service {n} (state of being subordinate or employed) :: servei {m}
service {n} (sports: act of initially serving the ball) :: servei {m}
service {v} (to serve) :: servir
service {n} (service tree) SEE: service tree ::
service lift {n} (a lift designed to carry goods) :: muntacàrregues {m}
service station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station ::
service tree {n} (Sorbus domestica) :: servera {f}
service tree {n} (Sorbus torminalis) SEE: wild service tree ::
serviette {n} (napkin) SEE: napkin ::
servitude {n} (the state of being a slave) :: servitud {f}
sesame {n} (plant) :: sèsam {m}
sesame {n} (seed) :: sèsam {m}
sessile {adj} (zoology) :: sèssil
sessile {adj} (botany) :: sèssil
session {n} (period devoted to a particular activity) :: sessió {f}
session {n} (meeting of a body to conduct business) :: sessió {f}
sesterce {n} (sestertius) SEE: sestertius ::
sestertius {n} (Roman coin) :: sesterci {m}
set {v} (to put something down) :: posar
set {v} (to determine) :: determinar, establir, fixar
set {v} (to adjust) :: ajustar
set {v} (to arrange with dishes and cutlery) :: parar
set {v} (to introduce) :: introduir
set {v} (to devise and assign work) :: assignar
set {v} (of a heavenly body: to disappear below the horizon) :: pondre's
set {n} (device for receiving broadcast radio waves; a radio or television) :: aparell {m}
set {adj} (ready, prepared) :: preparat, llest
set {adj} (prearranged) :: establert
set {n} (collection of various objects for a particular purpose, such as a set of tools) :: joc {m}
set {n} (set theory: collection of objects) :: conjunt
set {n} (group of people, usually meeting socially) :: grup {m}
set {n} (scenery for a film or play) :: plató {m}
set {n} (in tennis) :: set {m}
set {n} (volleyball) :: set {m}
set {v} (to sit) SEE: sit ::
set {n} (badger’s home) SEE: sett ::
set alight {v} (to cause to begin to burn) :: abrandar
setback {n} (adverse event, obstacle) :: contratemps {m}
set forth {v} (to start) SEE: start ::
set free {v} (release, free, give freedom to) :: alliberar, lliurar
set off {v} (To offset) SEE: offset ::
set-off {n} (extinction of debts of which two persons are reciprocally debtors) :: compensació {f}
set on fire {v} (cause to begin to burn) :: encendre
set phrase {n} (expression subject to little variation) :: frase feta {f}
set phrase {n} (idiomatic expression) :: frase feta {f}, dita {f}
set point {n} (tennis) :: pilota de set {f}, punt de set {m}
set sail {v} (to embark on a voyage by boat) :: salpar, partir, fer-se a la mar
set square {n} (flat triangular piece of plastic or other material used in technical drawing) :: escaire
set square {n} (right angle tool) :: escaire
sett {n} (paving stone) :: llambordí {m}
settlement {n} (newly established colony) :: assentament {m}
settlement {n} (community of people living together) :: assentament {m}
settler {n} (someone who settles in a new location) :: colon {m}
set up {v} (to ready something for use) :: preparar, muntar
seven {num} (cardinal number 7) :: set
seven {n} (the figure seven) :: set {m}
seven {n} (a card bearing seven pips) :: set {m}
seven deadly sins {n} (the cardinal sins) :: set pecats capitals {m-p}
seven hundred {num} (cardinal number 700) :: set-cents
seven-league boots {n} (boots enabling great stride) :: botes de set llegües {f-p}
sevennight {n} (period of seven consecutive days and nights) SEE: week ::
seven o'clock {n} (the start of the eighth hour) :: les set {f-p}
seventeen {num} (cardinal number) :: disset
seventeenth {adj} (ordinal number, see also: 17th) :: dissetè
seventeenth {n} (one of seventeen equal parts of a whole) :: dissetè {m}
seventh {adj} (ordinal form of the number seven, see also: 7th) :: setè, sèptim
seventh {n} (one of seven equal parts of a whole) :: setè {m}, sèptim {m}
seventh {n} (musical interval) :: sèptima {f}
seventieth {adj} (ordinal form of the number seventy (70)) :: setantè
seventy {num} (cardinal number) :: setanta
seventy-eight {num} (78) :: setanta-vuit; [Valencian] setanta-huit
seventy-five {num} (75) :: setanta-cinc
seventy-four {num} (74) :: setanta-quatre
seventy-nine {num} (79) :: setanta-nou
seventy-one {num} (71) :: setanta-un
seventy-seven {num} (77) :: setanta-set
seventy-six {num} (76) :: setanta-sis
seventy-three {num} (73) :: setanta-tres
seventy-two {num} (72) :: setanta-dos
severely {adv} (in a severe manner) :: severament
severity {n} (state of being severe) :: severitat {f}
Seville {prop} (city in Andalusia, Spain) :: Sevilla {f}
Sevillian {adj} (of or pertaining to Sevilla) :: sevillà
Sevillian {n} (someone from Sevilla) :: sevillà {m}, sevillana {f}
sevruga {n} (Acipenser stellatus) :: esturió sevruga {m}
sew {v} ((transitive) use a needle) :: cosir
sew {v} ((intransitive) use a needle) :: cosir
sewage {n} (suspension of water and waste) :: aigües negres {f-p}
sewer {n} (pipes used to remove human waste and to provide drainage) :: claveguera {f}, clavegueram {m}
sewerage {n} (sewage) SEE: sewage ::
sewing machine {n} (device) :: màquina de cosir
sex {n} (act of sexual intercourse) :: sexe {m}
sex {n} (gender (female or male)) :: sexe {m}
sex {v} (to determine the sex of) :: sexar
sexagenarian {adj} (in one's seventh decade) :: sexagenari
sexagenarian {n} (a person who is between the ages of 60 and 69) :: sexagenari {m}
sex gland {n} (gland in which sex cells are produced) SEE: gonad ::
sexism {n} (gender discrimination or dislike) :: sexisme {m}
sexist {n} (a person who discriminates on grounds of sex) :: sexista {m} {f}
sexist {adj} (unfairly against one sex in favour of the other) :: sexista
sex machine {n} (person) :: bèstia sexual
sexological {adj} (of or relating to sexology) :: sexològic
sexologist {n} (someone who studies, or is an expert in, sex and sexuality) :: sexòleg {m}, sexòloga {f}
sexology {n} (study of sex and sexuality) :: sexologia {f}
sex symbol {n} (person who embodies sexual ideals) :: sex symbol {m} {f}
sext {n} (noon) SEE: noon ::
sext {n} (midday Christian service) :: sexta {f}
sextant {n} (navigational instrument) :: sextant {m}
sextant {n} (one sixth of a circle) :: sextant {m}
sextet {n} (composition for six voices or instruments) :: sextet {m}
sextodecimo {n} (paper size) :: setzè {m}
sextodecimo {n} (book size) :: setzè {m}
sexton {n} (church official) :: sagristà {m}
sexual {adj} (of or relating to having sex) :: sexual
sexual {adj} (of or relating to the sex of an organism) :: sexual
sexual {adj} (of or relating to sexuality) :: sexual
sexual abuse {n} (forcing of undesired sexual activity by one person on another) :: abús sexual {m}
sexual dimorphism {n} (physical difference between male and female individuals) :: dimorfisme sexual {m}
sexual fraternization {n} (sexual relations) :: relació sexual {f}
sexual harassment {n} (sexual harassment) :: assetjament sexual {m}
sexual intercourse {n} (sexual interaction) :: relació sexual {f}
sexuality {n} (sexual orientation) SEE: sexual orientation ::
sexuality {n} :: sexualitat {f}
sexually {adv} (in a sexual manner) :: sexualment
sexually {adv} (with respect to intercourse) :: sexualment
sexually transmitted disease {n} (disease contracted through sexual contact) :: malaltia de transmissió sexual {f}
sexual orientation {n} (sexual orientation) :: orientació sexual {f}
sexual relation {n} (behaviour of a sexual nature) :: relació sexual {f}
sexual reproduction {n} (process whereby a new organism created by combining the genetic material of two organisms) :: reproducció sexual
sexual tension {n} (tension between individuals due to physical attraction) :: tensió sexual {f}
sex worker {n} (person who supplies sexual services for money) :: treballador sexual {m}, treballadora sexual {f}
Seychelles {prop} (country in East Africa) :: Seychelles {f-p}
sgraffito {n} (technique where the top layer is scratched through to reveal an underlying layer) :: esgrafiat {m}
sgraffito {v} (to produce a design using this technique) :: esgrafiar
shackle {n} (restraint fit over an appendage) :: grilló {m}, grillons {m-p}
shackle {n} (a U-shaped piece of metal) :: grilló {m}
shackle {v} (to restrain using shackles) :: engrillonar
shackle {n} (stubble) SEE: stubble ::
shad {n} (fishes of the herring family) :: alosa {f}
shade {n} (darkness where light is blocked) :: ombra {f}
shade {n} (something that blocks light, particularly in a window) :: persiana {f}
shade {n} (variety of color) :: tret {m}, to {m}, matís {m}
shade {n} (subtle variation in a concept) :: matís {m}
shade {n} (ghost, see also: ghost) :: ombra {f}, espectre {m}, esperit {m}
shade {v} (to shield from light) :: ombrar, ombrejar
shade {v} (to alter slightly) :: matisar
shade {v} (to darken or to lightly colour) :: enfosquir
shadow {n} (dark image projected onto a surface) :: ombra {f}
shadow {n} (spirit, ghost) SEE: ghost ::
shaft {n} (beam or ray of light) :: feix {m}
shaft {n} (long passage sunk into the earth) :: pou {m}
shaft {n} (vertical passage housing a lift) :: pou {m}
shaft {n} (ventilation or heating conduit) :: conducte {m}
shaft {v} (slang: to engage in a malicious act) :: fotre
shaft {v} (slang: to have sexual intercourse) :: follar-se, tirar-se, cardar
shah {n} (king of Persia) :: xa {m}
shaheed {n} (martyr) SEE: martyr ::
shake {n} (act of shaking) :: sacseig {m}
shake {n} (beverage made of ice cream and carbonated drink) SEE: float ::
shaker {n} (musical percussion instrument) :: sacsejador {m}
shake up {v} (to reorganize or reform) :: reformar
shaky {adj} (shaking) :: tremolós
shale {n} (sedimentary rock) :: esquist {m}
shallot {n} (vegetable in the onion family, A. ascalonium or A. oschaninii) :: escalunya {f}
shallow {adj} (having little depth and significantly less deep than wide) :: pla, poc profund, superficial
shallow {adj} (extending not far downward) :: superficial
shallow {adj} (concerned mainly with superficial matters) :: superficial
shallow {adj} (lacking interest or substance) :: superficial
shaman {n} (a medium between the concrete and spirit worlds) :: xaman {m}
shamanism {n} (range of traditional beliefs) :: xamanisme {m}
shame {n} (uncomfortable or painful feeling) :: vergonya {f}
shame {n} (something to regret) :: vergonya {f}, llàstima {f}
shameful {adj} (causing or meriting shame or disgrace) :: vergonyós, escadalós
shameless {adj} (having no shame) :: desvergonyit, pocavergonya
shamelessly {adv} (in a shameless manner) :: desvergonyidament
shampoo {n} (product for washing the hair or other fibres) :: xampú {m}
shamrock {n} (any of several small plants, forms of clover) SEE: clover ::
Shang-hai {prop} (Shanghai) SEE: Shanghai ::
Shanghai {prop} (Chinese city as provincial-level municipality) :: Xangai
shank {n} (lower part of the leg) :: garra {f}
shape {n} (appearance or outline) :: forma {f}
shape {n} :: forma {f}
shape {v} (to give something a shape) :: formar
shapeshifter {n} (creature capable of changing its appearance) SEE: shape-shifter ::
shape-shifter {n} (a person who can transform) :: canviaformes {m}
sharbat {n} (sherbet) SEE: sherbet ::
share {n} (portion of something) :: [share of the cost] escot {m}
share {n} (financial instrument) :: acció {f}
share {v} (to give) :: compartir
share {v} (to have in common) :: compartir
share {n} (sharebone) SEE: pubis ::
share {n} (plowshare) SEE: plowshare ::
sharecropper {n} (a farmer paying rent with crops to the landowner) :: masover {m}
shared {adj} (used multiply) :: compartit
shareholder {n} (one who owns shares of stock) :: accionista {m} {f}, accionari {m}
sharemarket {n} (stock market) SEE: stock market ::
shareowner {n} (shareholder) SEE: shareholder ::
shark {n} (fish) :: tauró {m}
sharp {adj} (able to cut easily) :: esmolat, agut
sharp {adj} :: llest , punxegut , sostingut
sharpen {v} (to make sharp) :: esmolar
sharpie {n} (felt-tipped marker pen) SEE: felt-tip pen ::
sharpness {n} (cutting ability of an edge) :: agudesa {f}
sharp-tailed sandpiper {n} (Calidris acuminata) :: territ acuminat
shatter {v} (to violently break something into pieces) :: esmicolar-se
shatter {v} (to smash, or break into tiny pieces) :: esmicolar
shave {v} (to remove hair from) :: afaitar, rapar
shave {v} (to remove hair from one's face) :: afaitar-se
shaver {n} (boy) SEE: boy ::
shaver {n} (barber) SEE: barber ::
shaving brush {n} (brush for applying shaving cream) :: brotxa d'afaitar {f}
shawarma {n} (Middle Eastern sandwich-like wrap) :: xauarma {m}
shawm {n} (wind instrument) :: bombarda {f}
she {pron} (person) :: ella
sheaf {n} (bundle of grain or straw) :: garba {f}
sheaf {n} (any collection of things bound together; a bundle) :: feix {m}
shear {v} (to cut) :: esquilar, tondosar
shear {v} (to remove the fleece from a sheep) :: tondre
shears {n} (tool consisting of two blades with bevel edges) :: tisores {f-p}, cisalla {f}
shearwater {n} (seabird) :: baldriga {f}, baldriga cendrosa mediterrània
she-ass {n} (female ass, female donkey, jenny) :: burra {f}, somera {f}
sheath {n} (scabbard) SEE: scabbard ::
sheath {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
sheath {n} (long case) :: embolcall {m}
sheath {n} (foreskin of certain animals) :: beina {f}
sheathe {v} (to put (something) into a sheath) :: embeinar
she-bear {n} (a female bear) :: óssa {f}
shebop {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate ::
she-cat {n} (female cat) :: gata {f}
shed {v} (to part or divide) :: separar
shed {v} (to pour; to make flow) :: vessar
shed {v} (to allow to flow or fall) :: vessar
shed {n} (temporary structure to shelter something) :: barraca {f}
shed {n} (poor quality automobile) :: carraca {f}
sheep {n} (animal) :: ovella {f}
sheepherder {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd ::
sheepskin {n} (skin of a sheep) :: badana {f}
sheer {adj} (pure) SEE: pure ::
sheet {n} (sheet of paper) :: full {m}
sheet {n} (rope to adjust a sail) :: escota {f}
sheet {n} (thin bed cloth) SEE: bedsheet ::
sheik {n} (leader of an Arab village, family or small tribe) :: xeic {m}
Sheinwoodian {prop} (subdivision of the Silurian period) :: Sheinwoodià
shekel {n} (ancient unit of weight) :: sicle {m}
shekel {n} (sheqel) SEE: sheqel ::
shelf {n} (structure) :: prestatge {m}, estant {m}, lleixa {f}
shell {n} (hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of many invertebrates) :: closca {f}, conquilla {f}, conxa {f}
shell {n} (hard covering of an egg) :: closca {f}, clovella {f}
shell {n} (entomology: exoskeleton of certain insects) :: closca {f}
shell {n} (covering of a nut) :: clovella {f}
shell {n} (husks of cacao seeds) :: clovella {f}
shell {n} (conjoined scutes that comprise the "shell" of a tortoise or turtle) :: closca {f}
shell {n} (any hollow structure; framework, or exterior structure) :: buc {m}
shell {n} (computing: general-purpose environment) :: consola {f}, terminal {m}
shellac {n} (processed secretion of the lac insect) :: goma laca {f}
shellfish {n} (aquatic food that has a shell) :: marisc {m}
shelter {n} (a refuge or other protection) :: aixopluc, recer
shelter {v} (transitive, to provide cover) :: aixoplugar
shelter {v} (intransitive, to take cover) :: aixoplugar-se
shenanigan {n} (singular of shenanigan) SEE: shenanigans ::
shenanigans {n} (deceitful tricks) :: martingala {f}, tripijoc {m}
shepherd {n} (a person who tends sheep) :: pastor {m}
shepherd {n} (someone who watches over or guides) :: pastor {m}
shepherd moon {n} (moon orbiting near the edge of a ring) :: satèl·lit pastor {m}
sheqel {n} (currency unit in Israel) :: xéquel {m}
sherbet {n} (frozen fruit juice) :: sorbet {m}
sheriff {n} (all meanings) :: xèrif
sherpa {n} (Sherpa employed as mountain guide) :: xerpa {m}
Sherpa {n} (member of an ethnic group) :: xerpa {m} {f}
Sherpa {prop} (language) :: xerpa {m}
sherry {n} (fortified wine) :: xerès {m}
she-tiger {n} (tigress) SEE: tigress ::
she-wolf {n} (female wolf) :: lloba {f}
shh {interj} (requesting silence) :: moixoni
shibboleth {n} (a word, especially seen as a test, to distinguish someone as belonging to a particular nation, class, profession etc) :: xibòlet {m}
shield {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
shield {n} (armor) :: escut {m}
shift {n} (type of women's undergarment) SEE: slip ::
shiitake {n} (Lentinula edodes, an edible mushroom) :: xiitake {m}
Shiite {adj} (of or pertaining to the Shi'a branch of Islam) :: xiïta
Shiite {adj} (of or pertaining to the Shiites) :: xiïta
shill {n} (a person paid to endorse a product favourably) :: testaferro {m}
shill {n} (an accomplice at a confidence trick) :: trafica {m} {f}
shill {v} (to promote or endorse in return for payment) :: traficar, fer tripijocs, fer trafiques, prevaricar, embrollar
shill {v} (to put under cover, to sheal) :: encobrir, cobrir, tapar, amagar, ocultar, celar
shilling {n} (former coin) :: xíling {m}
shilling {n} (currency) :: xíling {m}
Shimshon {prop} (given name) SEE: Samson ::
shin {n} (front part of the leg below the knee) :: canyella {f}
shin {n} (Semitic letter) :: xin {f}
shinbone {n} (inner bone of the hind limb below the knee) :: tíbia {f}
shine {v} (to emit light) :: brillar, lluir
shine {n} (brightness from a source of light) :: brillantor {f}, lluentor {f}, lluïssor {f}
shingles {n} (herpes zoster) :: foc de Sant Antoni {m}, herpes zòster, zòster
Shinto {prop} (religion) :: xintoisme
Shintoism {prop} (Shinto) SEE: Shinto ::
shiny {adj} :: brillant, lluent
ship {n} (large water vessel) :: vaixell {m}, nau
ship {n} (vessel which travels through any medium other than land) :: nau {f}
ship of the line {n} (large square-rigged warship) :: navili de línia {m}
shipwreck {n} (An event where a ship sinks or runs aground.) :: naufragi {m}
shipwreck {v} (to wreck a vessel) :: naufragar
shipwrecked {adj} (stranded as a result of a shipwreck) :: nàufrag
shipyard {n} (place to build and repair ships) :: drassana {f}
Shiraz {n} (variety of black grape) :: Sirà
shirker {n} (Someone who shirks) :: emboscat {m}
shirt {n} (article of clothing) :: camisa {f}
shish kebab {n} (roasted meat) :: xix kebab {m}
shit {n} :: merda {f}, tifa {f}, excrement {m}, caca {f}, femta {f}
shit {n} (rubbish) :: merda {f}
shit {n} (not anything, nothing) :: (una) merda
shit {adj} (of poor quality) :: de merda
shit {v} :: cagar
shit {v} (vulgar: to excrete (something) through the anus) :: cagar
shit {v} (vulgar: to be stricken with fear) :: cagar-se
shit {interj} (expression of worry, failure) :: merda!
shit happens {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life ::
shithole {n} (anus) SEE: asshole ::
shithole {n} (unpleasant person) SEE: asshole ::
shithouse {adj} (Of poor quality) SEE: shitty ::
shits {n} (vulgar slang for diarrhea) :: cagarro {m} (sòlid), diarrea {f} (líquid)
shitter {n} (coarse slang for the anus) SEE: anus ::
shitty {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
shitty {adj} (high) SEE: high ::
shitty {adj} (unpleasant as shit) :: merdós, de merda
Shiva {prop} (deity) :: Xiva {f}
shiver {n} (the act or result of shivering) :: calfred {m}
Shlomo {prop} (given name) SEE: Solomon ::
Shoah {prop} (the systematic mass murder of 6 million Jews) SEE: Holocaust ::
shoal {n} (group of fish) SEE: school ::
shock {n} (sudden, heavy impact) :: xoc {m}
shock {n} (something surprising) :: xoc {m}
shock {v} (to cause to be emotionally shocked) :: xocar
shock wave {n} (A powerful compression wave) :: ona de xoc {f}
shoe {n} (protective covering for the foot) :: sabata {f}, calçat {m}
shoe {v} (To put shoes on one's feet) :: calçar
shoe {v} (to put horseshoes on a horse) :: ferrar
shoe {n} (piece of metal designed to be attached to a horse’s foot) SEE: horseshoe ::
shoebill {n} (wading bird) :: bec d'esclop {m}
shoeblack {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner ::
shoehorn {n} (tool used to assist the foot) :: calçador {m}
shoemaker {n} (a person who makes shoes) :: sabater {m}
shoe polish {n} (product used to make shoes shine) :: crema de sabates {f}
shoeshine boy {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner ::
shoeshine girl {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner ::
shoeshiner {n} (person who shines shoes) :: enllustrador de sabates {m}
shoe shop {n} (a shop that sells footwear and related items) :: sabateria {f}
shoe store {n} (shoe shop) SEE: shoe shop ::
shofar {n} (ram’s-horn trumpet) :: xofar {m}
shoo {v} (usher) SEE: usher ::
shoot {v} (to fire a shot) :: disparar, tirar
shoot {v} (to fire multiple shots) :: disparar
shoot {v} (to sprout - of a plant) :: brotar
shooting {n} (instance of shooting) :: tiroteig {m}, afusellament {m}
shooting star {n} (meteor) :: estel fugaç
shootout {n} (decisive battle) :: tiroteig {m}
shop {n} (establishment that sells goods) :: botiga {f}, tenda {f}
shopkeeper {n} (trader who sells goods in a shop) :: botiguer
shopman {n} (proprietor, manager or operator of a small store) :: botiguer {m}
shoppe {n} (shop) SEE: shop ::
shopper {n} (a person who shops) :: comprador {m}
shop window {n} (large window at the front of a shop) :: aparador {m}
shore {n} (land adjoining a large body of water) :: riba {f}, vorera {f}, vora {f}
short {adj} (having a small distance between ends or edges) :: curt
short {adj} (of a person, of comparatively small height) :: baix
short {n} (baseball: shortstop) SEE: shortstop ::
short {n} (short circuit) SEE: short circuit ::
shortage {n} (lack or deficiency) :: manca {f}
short circuit {n} (unintentional connection) :: curtcircuit {m}
shortcoming {n} (deficiency) :: defecte, mancança
short corner {n} (field hockey: penalty corner) :: penal {m}
shortcut {n} (path) :: drecera {f}
shortcut {n} (method) :: drecera {f}
shortcut {n} (symlink) :: accés directe {m}, enllàç simbòlic {m}
shortcut {n} (keyboard shortcut) SEE: keyboard shortcut ::
shortcut key {n} (a key that allows quick access to a prgramme or task) :: tecla de drecera {f}
shorten {v} (to make shorter) :: escurçar
shorten {v} (to become shorter) :: escurçar-se
shorthaired {adj} (having short hair) :: pèl-curt
short-legged {adj} (having short legs) :: camacurt
shortly {adv} (in a short or brief time or manner) :: aviat, en breu
shortly {adv} (in few words; briefly) :: breument
shortly {adv} (in an irritable manner) :: bruscament
short of {phrase} (except) SEE: except ::
shorts {n} (plural of short) SEE: short ::
short scale {n} :: escala curta {f}
short-sighted {adj} (myopic) SEE: myopic ::
short-sighted {adj} (lacking foresight) :: curt de mires
short-sightedness {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness ::
shortstop {n} (baseball: defensive player between second and third baseman) :: interbase {m} {f}
short story {n} (work of fiction) :: conte {m}
short-tailed weasel {n} (Mustela erminea) SEE: ermine ::
shortwave {adj} (of radio waves) :: ona curta {f}
Shoshone {prop} (Amerind people) :: xoixon
shot {n} (result of launching a projectile) :: tret {m}
shot {n} (launching of a ball or similar object toward a goal) :: cop {m}, llançament {m}
Shota {prop} (male given name) :: Shota
shotgun {n} (gun) :: escopeta {f}
shot on goal {n} (shot towards the goal) :: rematada {f}
shot put {n} (athletics event) :: llançament de pes {m}
shoulder {n} (top of the torso, away from the neck) :: espatlla {f}, espatla {f}
shoulder {n} (joint between arm and torso) :: espatlla {f}, muscle {m}
shoulder {n} (a verge to the side of a road) :: voral {m}
shoulder blade {n} (bone) :: omòplat {m}, escàpula {f}
shoulder bone {n} (shoulder blade) SEE: shoulder blade ::
shout {v} (to utter a sudden and loud outcry) :: cridar
shove {v} (push roughly) :: empentar, empentejar, espitjar, empènyer
shove {n} (rough push) :: empenta {f}
shovel {n} (spade) SEE: spade ::
shovel {n} (tool for moving portions of material) :: pala {f}
shovelful {n} (amount that can be moved with a shovel) :: palada {f}
show {v} (to display) :: mostrar, ensenyar
show {v} (to indicate (a fact) to be true) :: demostrar
show {n} (entertainment) :: espectacle {m}
show {v} (to bestow; confer) SEE: bestow ::
shower {n} (device for bathing) :: dutxa {f}
shower {v} (to bathe using a shower) :: dutxar-se
shower gel {n} (gel shower soap) :: gel de dutxa {m}
show-off {n} (one who shows off) :: fatxenda {m} {f}, presumit {m}, presumida {f}
shred {v} (to cut or tear into narrow pieces or strips) :: trocejar, tallar, triturar, trinxar
shrew {n} (mouselike animal) :: musaranya {f}
shrewd {adj} (showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters) :: perspicaç
shrewd {adj} (artful, tricky or cunning) :: astut
shrike {n} (Any of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae) :: capsigrany {m}, capsot {m}, botxí {m}, escorxador {m}, trenca {f}
shrimp {n} (decapod crustacean) :: gamba {f}
shrimp {n} (flesh of the crustacean) :: gamba {f}
shrink {v} (intransitive: to contract, to become smaller) :: encongir-se
shrink {v} (transitive: to cause something to shrink) :: encongir
shrive {v} (confess) SEE: confess ::
shroom {n} (mushroom) SEE: mushroom ::
shroom {n} (hallucinogenic fungus) SEE: magic mushroom ::
shrub {n} (woody plant) :: arbust {m}
shrug {n} (gesture) :: encongiment d'espatlles {m}
shrug {v} (to raise the shoulders to express uncertainty, lack of concern, etc.) :: arronsar les espatlles
shrug off {v} (to disregard) :: ignorar
shuffle {v} (to put in a random order) :: mesclar, barrejar, barallar
shufti {n} (glance) SEE: glance ::
shut down {v} (to turn off or stop) :: apagar
shutter {n} (protective panels over windows) :: porticó {m}, finestró {m}
shuttlecock {n} (badminton ball) :: volant {m}
shvitz {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat ::
shy {adj} (embarrassed) :: vergonyós
shyly {adv} (in a shy manner) :: tímidament
shyness {n} (quality of being shy) :: timidesa {f}, timiditat {f}
si {n} (seventh note of a major scale) :: si {m}
Siamese {adj} (Thai) :: siamès
sib {n} (sibling) SEE: sibling ::
Siberia {prop} (region of Russia) :: Sibèria {f}
Siberian {adj} (from, of or pertaining to Siberia) :: siberià
Siberian {n} (person) :: siberià {m}, siberiana {f}
Siberian Husky {n} (Siberian Husky dog) :: husky siberià {m}
sibling {n} (person who shares same parents) :: germà {m}, germana {f}
sibyl {n} (a pagan female oracle) :: sibil·la {f}
siccity {n} (dryness) SEE: dryness ::
Sicilian {adj} (relating to Sicily or its inhabitants) :: sicilià
Sicilian {prop} (language) :: sicilià {m}
Sicilian {n} (person) :: sicilià {m}, siciliana {f}
Sicilian {n} (chess opening) SEE: Sicilian Defence ::
Sicilian Defence {prop} (chess opening) :: defensa siciliana {f}
Sicily {prop} (island) :: Sicília {f}
sick {adj} (ill) SEE: ill ::
sick and tired {adj} (frustrated and annoyed) SEE: fed up ::
sickle {n} (agricultural implement) :: falç {f}
sickly {adj} (frequently ill) :: malaltís, malaltós, malaltús
sickly {adj} (weak, faint) :: malaltís
sickness {n} (the quality or state of being sick or diseased; illness; disease or malady) :: malaltia {f}
side {n} (bounding straight edge of an object) :: costat {m}
side {n} (television channel) SEE: channel ::
sideboard {n} (furniture) :: bufet {m}
side cap {n} (military cap) :: casquet {m}
side effect {n} (medicine: an adverse effect) :: efecte secundari
sideline {n} ((sports) side boundary of a playing field) :: línia de banda {f}
sideproduct {n} (byproduct) SEE: byproduct ::
sideropenia {n} (iron deficiency) :: ferropènia {f}
sidespin {n} (rotation around a vertical axis) :: efecte lateral {m}
sidewalk {n} (paved footpath) :: vorera {f}
Sidon {prop} (city state of Phoenicia) :: Sidó
siege {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
siege {n} (military blockade of settlement) :: setge {m}
siege {v} (besiege) SEE: besiege ::
siesta {n} (an afternoon nap) :: sesta {f}, migdiada {f}, becada {f}
sieve {n} (device to separate larger objects from smaller ones or from liquids) :: [from solids] garbell {m}, sedàs {m}, [from liquids] colador {m}
sieve {v} (to strain, sift or sort using a sieve) :: filtrar, colar
sigh {v} (to inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it) :: sospirar
sigh {n} (act of sighing) :: sospir {m}
sight {n} (eyesight) SEE: eyesight ::
sigma {n} (letter of the Greek alphabet) :: sigma {f}
sigmoid {adj} (in anatomy: relating to the sigmoid flexure of the large intestine) :: sigmoïdal
sigmoid colon {n} (part of colon) :: còlon sigmoide {m}, sigma {m}
sign {n} (visible indication) :: senyal
signage {n} (signs taken collectively) :: senyalització {f}
signal {n} (sign made to give notice) :: senyal {m}
signal {n} (device to give indication) :: senyal {m}
signal {n} (telecommunication: electric or electromagnetic action that conveys information) :: senyal {m}
signature {n} (person’s autograph name) :: signatura {f}
signature {n} (printing: four or multiple of four pages folded to form a section of a book) :: quadern {m}
signer {n} (one who signs) :: signant {m} {f}, signatari {m}, firmant {m} {f}
significance {n} (meaning) :: significat {m}
significant {adj} (having noticeable effect) :: significatiu
significantly {adv} (in a significant manner: notably) :: significativament
significant other {n} (romantic partner, regardless of marital status) :: parella {f}
signify {v} (to give something a meaning) :: significar
sign language {n} (sign language) :: llengua de signes {f}
Sikh {n} (an adherent of Sikhism) :: sikh {m} {f}
Sikh {adj} (relating to Sikhism) :: sikh
Sikhism {prop} (religion) :: Sikhisme {m}
silane {n} (a silicon hydride that is analogous to alkanes) :: silà {m}
silence {n} (lack of any sound) :: silenci {m}
silencer {n} (attachment) :: silenciador {m}
silent {adj} (free from sound or noise; absolutely still; perfectly quiet) :: silenciós {m}, callar [verb "to be silent"]
silent fart {n} :: llufa {f}
silent film {n} (film without sound) :: pel·lícula muda
silently {adv} (in a silent manner; making no noise) :: silenciosament
Silesia {prop} (region) :: Silèsia {f}
silhouette {n} (representation of the outlines of an object filled in with a black color) :: silueta {f}
silica {n} (silicon dioxide) :: sílice {f}
silicate {n} (salt or mineral) :: silicat {m}
silicon {n} (non-metallic element) :: silici {m}
silicon dioxide {n} (SiO2) :: diòxid de silici {m}
silicone {n} (any of a class of inert compounds of silicon) :: silicona {f}
silicosis {n} (silica dust pneumoconiosis) :: silicosi {f}
silk {n} (fiber) :: seda {f}
silk {n} (fabric) :: seda {f}
silk-cotton tree {n} (tropical tree) :: arbre del cotó
silk-screen printing {n} (screen printing) SEE: screen printing ::
silkworm {n} (caterpillar) :: cuc de seda {m}
silky {adj} (similar in texture or appearance to silk) :: sedós
sill {n} (base of a window) :: ampit {m}
sill {n} (horizontal member bearing the upright portion of a frame) :: llindar
silliness {n} (that which is perceived as silly or frivolous) :: ximpleria {f}
silly {adj} (foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom) :: ximple, ximplet, fava
silo {n} (vertical building for storing grain) :: sitja {f}
silt {n} (fine earth deposited by water) :: llim {m}, llaquim {m}
silver {n} (metal) :: plata {f}, argent {m}
silver {n} (color/colour) :: argent {f}
silver {adj} (having a color/colour like silver) :: platejat, argentat
silver bullet {n} (solution perceived to have great effectiveness or bring miraculous results) :: solució miraculosa
silvern {adj} (made from silver) SEE: silver ::
silversmith {n} (person who makes articles out of silver) :: argenter
silver wedding {n} (anniversary celebration) :: noces d'argent {f}
silvery {adj} (resembling silver) :: argentat
silviculture {n} (forestry) :: silvicultura {f}
SIM card {n} (small, removable card which stores mobile phone data) :: SIM
similar {adj} (having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable) :: similar, semblant
similarity {n} (closeness of appearance) :: semblança {f}, similitud {f}
similarly {adv} (in a similar style or manner) :: semblantment
similarness {n} (similarity) SEE: similarity ::
simile {n} (figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another) :: símil {m}
Simon {prop} (biblical characters) :: Simó
Simon {prop} (male given name) :: Simó
simple {adj} (uncomplicated) :: simple, senzill
simple-mindedness {n} (being simple-minded) :: ·ximplesa {f}
simple pendulum {n} :: pèndol simple {m}
simplex {adj} (unidirectional) :: símplex
simplicity {n} (quality or state of being simple, unmixed, or uncompounded; as, the simplicity of metals or of earths) :: simplicitat {f}
simplicity {n} (quality or state of being not complex, or of consisting of few parts) :: simplicitat {f}
simplification {n} (act of simplifying) :: simplificació {f}
simplify {v} (to make simpler) :: simplificar
simply {adv} (in a simple manner) :: simplement, senzillament
simulacrum {n} (image or representation) :: simulacre {m}
simulate {v} (to model, replicate, duplicate the behavior) :: simular
simulation {n} (something which simulates) :: simulació {f}
simulation {n} (process of simulating) :: simulació {f}
simulation {n} (assuming an appearance which is feigned, or not true) :: simulació {f}, fingiment {m}, teatre {m} [metaphorical, colloquial], comèdia [metaphorical, colloquial]
simultaneity {n} (the quality or state of being simultaneous) :: simultaneïtat {f}
simultaneous {adj} (occurring at the same time) :: simultani
simultaneously {adv} (occurring at the same time) :: simultàniament
sin {n} (violation of religious law) :: pecat {m}
sin {n} (misdeed) :: pecat {m}
sin {v} (to commit a sin) :: pecar
Sinai {prop} (peninsula) :: Sinaí {m}
Sinai {prop} (mountain) :: Sinaí {m}
since {prep} (from (time)) :: des de
since {conj} (from the time that) :: des que, des de que
since {conj} (because) :: ja que, com que
sincere {adj} (earnest) :: sincer
sincerely {adv} (In a sincere or earnest manner; honestly) :: sincerament
sincereness {n} (sincerity) SEE: sincerity ::
sincerity {n} (quality of being sincere) :: sinceritat {f}
sine {n} (trigonometric function) :: sinus {m}
Sinemurian {n} (subdivision of the Jurassic period) :: Sinemurià
sine qua non {n} (prerequisite) :: condició indispensable {f}
sinew {n} (cord or tendon of the body) SEE: tendon ::
sinful {adj} (evil) SEE: evil ::
sinful {adj} (constituting sin) :: pecaminós
sing {v} (to produce harmonious sounds with one’s voice) :: cantar
singable {adj} (capable of being sung) :: cantable
Singapore {prop} (Republic of Singapore) :: Singapur
Singaporean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Singapore) :: singapurès
Singaporean {n} (a person from Singapore) :: singapurès {m}
singer {n} (person who sings) :: cantant {m}, cantor {m}, cantaire {m}
singer {n} (female person who sings) :: cantant {f}
singer-songwriter {n} (singer-songwriter) :: cantautor {m}
single {adj} (not divided in parts) :: simple
single {adj} (not married nor dating) :: [Algherese] escàpol
single {n} (45 RPM vinyl record) :: single {m}
single {n} (baseball: hit) :: batada d'una base {f}
single-celled {adj} (consisting of one cell) SEE: unicellular ::
single-platform {adj} :: monoplataforma
singles {n} (sports: game between two individuals) :: individuals {m-p}
singlet {n} (sleeveless shirt) :: samarreta {f}
single-tasking {adj} :: monotasta
single-use {adj} (designed to be used one time) :: d'un sol ús
single-user {adj} :: monousuari
singular {adj} (being only one of larger population) :: singular
singular {adj} (being the only one of a kind) :: singular
singular {adj} (distinguished by superiority) :: singular, únic
singular {adj} (being out of the ordinary) :: singular
singular {adj} (grammar: referring to only one thing) :: singular
singular {n} (grammar: form of a word that refers to only one thing) :: singular {m}
singularity {n} (peculiar state or occurrence) :: singularitat {f}
singularity {n} (physics: point of infinite density) :: singularitat {f}
Sinhala {n} (language) SEE: Sinhalese ::
Sinhalese {adj} (of or pertaining to Sri Lanka) :: singalès
Sinhalese {n} (Sinhalese person) :: singalès {m}
Sinhalese {n} (the language) :: singalès {m}
sinicization {n} (process of sinicising) :: sinització {f}
sinistromanual {adj} (left-handed) SEE: left-handed ::
sink {v} (descend into liquid, etc) :: enfonsar
sink {v} (submerge) :: submergir-se
sink {v} (cause (ship, etc) to sink) :: enfonsar
sink {n} (basin) :: pica {f}, lavabo {m}
sink {n} (wastewater drain) :: desaigua {m}
sink {n} (sinkhole) SEE: sinkhole ::
sinkhole {n} (geology: hole formed in soluble rock) :: dolina {f}, bòfia, esvoranc {m}
sinner {n} (person who has sinned) :: pecador {m}
sintering {n} (A process in which the particles of a powder are welded together by pressure and heating to a temperature below its melting point) :: sinterització {f}
sinuous {adj} (having curves in alternate directions; meandering) :: sinuós
sinus {n} (pouch or cavity in any organ or tissue) :: si {m}
sip {n} (A small mouthful of drink) :: glop {m}
sip {v} (to drink slowly, small mouthfuls at a time) :: xarrupar
sir {n} (address to any male, especially if his name or proper address is unknown) :: senyor {m}
sir {n} :: senyor {m}
siren {n} (nymph of Greek mythology) :: sirena {f}
siren {n} (device for making a sound alarm) :: sirena {f}
siren {n} (dangerously seductive woman) :: sirena {f}
Sirius {prop} :: Sírius {m}, estel del Ca {m}
sirocco {n} (wind) :: xaloc {m}
siskin {n} (small European finch) SEE: Eurasian siskin ::
sissyphobia {n} (negative attitude towards men who act in a feminine way) :: plomafòbia {f}, plomofòbia {f}
sister {n} (woman or girl having the same parents) :: germana {f}
sister {n} (a nun; a female member of a religious community) :: germana, sor [title]
sister {n} (senior nurse) :: infermera
sister {n} (any woman or girl with whom a bond is felt) :: germana
sister {n} (black woman) :: germana
sister-in-law {n} (wife's sister) :: cunyada {f}
sister-in-law {n} (husband's sister) :: cunyada {f}
sister-in-law {n} (brother's wife) :: cunyada {f}
sister-in-law {n} (wife's brother's wife) :: cunyada {f}
sister-in-law {n} (husband's brother's wife) :: cunyada {f}
sistrum {n} (instrument) :: sistre {m}
Sisyphus {prop} (figure) :: Sísif {m}
sit {v} (of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported) :: seure
sit {v} (move oneself into such a position) :: asseure's
sit down {v} (to assume a sitting position from a standing position) :: asseure's
sit-in {n} (type of protest) :: tancada {f}
sitting {n} (a period during which one is seated for a specific purpose) :: seguda {f}
situated {adj} (located in a specific place) :: situat
sit up {v} (to rise to a sitting position) :: incorporar-se
sit-up {n} (exercise in which the abdominal muscles are contracted) :: abdominals {m-p}
six {num} (cardinal number) :: sis
six {num} (describing set or group with six components) :: sisena {f}
six {n} (digit) :: sis {m}
six hundred {num} (cardinal number 600) :: sis-cents
six o'clock {n} (the start of the seventh hour) :: les sis {f-p}
six of one, half a dozen of the other {proverb} (two alternatives are equivalent or indifferent) :: el mateix gos amb diferent collar
sixteen {num} (cardinal number 16) :: setze
sixteenth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number sixteen, see also: 16th) :: setzè
sixteenth {n} (one of sixteen equal parts of a whole) :: setzè {m}
sixth {adj} (ordinal form of the number six, see also: 6th) :: sisè, sext
sixth {n} (one of six equal parts of a whole) :: sisè {m}, sext {m}
sixth {n} (interval) :: sexta {f}
sixth sense {n} (extrasensory perception) :: sisè sentit {m}
sixtieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number sixty) :: seixantè
sixty {num} (cardinal number) :: seixanta
sixty-eight {num} (cardinal number) :: seixanta-vuit; [Valencian] seixanta-huit
sixty-five {num} (cardinal number) :: seixanta-cinc
sixty-four {num} (cardinal number) :: seixanta-quatre
sixty-nine {n} (cardinal number) :: seixanta-nou
sixty-nine {n} (sex position) :: seixanta-nou {m}
sixty-one {num} (cardinal number) :: seixanta-un
sixty-seven {num} (cardinal number) :: seixanta-set
sixty-six {num} (cardinal number) :: seixanta-sis
sixtysomething {n} (sexagenarian) SEE: sexagenarian ::
sixty-three {num} (cardinal number) :: seixanta-tres
sixty-two {num} (cardinal number) :: seixanta-dos
sizable {adj} (fairly large) :: apreciable
size {n} (dimensions or magnitude of a thing) :: mida {f}
sizzle {v} (to make the sound of water hitting a hot surface) :: espurnejar
skate {n} (runner) :: patí {m}
skate {v} (to move along a surface (ice or ground) using skates) :: patinar
skateboard {n} (platform on wheels) :: monopatí {m}
skater {n} (insect) SEE: water strider ::
skating {n} (action or sport) :: patinatge {m}
skeeter {n} (mosquito) SEE: mosquito ::
skeg {n} (surfer) SEE: surfer ::
skein {n} (quantity of yarn) :: madeixa {f}, troca {f}
skeletal {adj} (of, or relating to the skeleton) :: esquelètic
skeletal {adj} (haggard) :: esquelètic
skeleton {n} (system that provides support to an organism) :: esquelet {m}
skeleton {n} (frame that provides support to a building) :: estructura {f}
skeptic {n} (someone who habitually doubts beliefs and claims) :: escèptic {m}
skeptical {adj} (having, or expressing doubt) :: escèptic
skeptical {adj} (related to skepticism) :: escèptic
skeptically {adv} (in a skeptical manner) :: escèpticament
skepticism {n} (general disposition to doubt) :: escepticisme
skerry {n} (small rocky island) :: illot rocós {m}
sketch {n} (quick freehand drawing) :: esbós {m}, esbossos {m-p}
sketch {n} (rough design or draft) :: esborrany {m}
sketch {n} (brief musical, dramatic or literary work etc.) :: esquetx {m}
skewer {n} (pin used to secure food during cooking) :: broqueta {f}
ski {n} (one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow) :: esquí
ski {v} (to move on skis) :: esquiar
skier {n} (someone who practices skiing) :: esquiador {m}, esquiadora {f}
skiff {n} (Any of various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person) :: esquif {m}
skiing {n} (sport or activity) :: esquí {m}
skilful {adj} (possessing skill, skilled) SEE: skillful ::
skill {n} (capacity to do something well) :: habilitat {f}
skilled {adj} (having or showing skill) :: hàbil, destre
skillful {adj} (possessing skill, skilled) :: hàbil, destre
skim {v} (to glide along near the surface as a seabird across the ocean) :: lliscar
skim {v} (throw an object so it bounces on water) :: rebotar
skim {v} (ricochet) :: rebotar
skim {v} (read quickly, skipping some detail) :: llegir per sobre, llegir en diagonal, fullejar
skim {v} (scrape off; remove (something) from a surface) :: decapar
skim {v} (remove cream) :: desnatar
skim {adj} (having lowered fat content) :: desnatat
skimble-skamble {n} (gibberish, mumbo-jumbo, nonsense) SEE: nonsense ::
skimble-skamble {adj} (confused, chaotic, disorderly) SEE: chaotic ::
skimmed milk {n} (skim milk) SEE: skim milk ::
skimmer {n} (spoon) :: escumadora {f}
skim milk {n} (milk with removed cream) :: llet desnatada {f}, llet descremada {f}
skin {n} (outer protective of the body of a person or animal) :: pell
skin {v} (to remove the skin of) :: escorxar
skin and bones {n} (emaciated; very skinny) :: en la pell i els óssos
skink {n} (lizard) :: escíncid {m}
skinner {n} (someone who skins animals) :: escorxador {m}
skinny {adj} (thin) :: magre
skipjack tuna {n} (Katsuwonus pelamis) :: bacoreta ratllada {f}
skirmish {n} (brief battle between small groups) :: escaramussa {f}
skirmish {n} (minor dispute) :: escaramussa {f}
skirmish {v} (to engage in a minor battle or dispute) :: escaramussar
skirt {n} (clothing) :: faldilla {f}
skirt {n} (part of dress) :: faldilla {f}
skirting board {n} (panel between floor and interior wall) :: entornpeu {m}, rodapeu {m}
ski school {n} (place where skiing lessons are taught) :: escola d'esquí {f}
skittish {adj} (easily scared) :: tímid
Skopje {prop} (North Macedonia) SEE: North Macedonia ::
skull {n} (bones of the head: cranium and mandible) :: crani {m}
skullcap {n} (cap that covers the area from the forehead to just above the back of the neck) :: quipà {f}
skunk {n} (animal) :: mofeta {f}
skunk {n} (skunkweed) SEE: marijuana ::
sky {n} (atmosphere above a point) :: cel {m}
sky {n} :: cel {m}
skyclad {adj} (nude) SEE: nude ::
skylark {n} (small brown passerine bird) :: alosa {f}
skylight {n} (opening in the roof) :: claraboia, lluerna
skyline {n} (horizon) SEE: horizon ::
skyrocket {n} (pocket) SEE: pocket ::
skyscraper {n} (tall building) :: gratacel {m}
slab {n} (flat piece of material) :: placa {f}, tauló {m}
slab {n} (paving stone) :: llosa {f}
slabstone {n} (flagstone) SEE: flagstone ::
slack {n} (small coal, coal dust) :: carbonet {m}
slag {n} (the scoria of a volcano) :: escòria {f}
slag heap {n} :: pila d'escòria {f}
slalom {n} (sports) :: eslàlom {m}
slam {v} (to shut with sudden force and noise) :: tancar de cop
slam {v} (basketball: to dunk forcefully) :: esmaixar
slam {n} (slam dunk) :: esmaixada {f}
slam dunk {n} (impressively forceful dunk) :: esmaixada {f}
slander {n} (false or unsupported spoken malicious statement) :: calúmnia {f}, injúria {f}
slander {v} (utter a slanderous statement about) :: calumniar, injuriar
slang {n} (jargon) SEE: jargon ::
slang {n} (unconventional language ) :: argot {m}
slang {n} (cant) SEE: cant ::
slap {n} (A blow dealt with the open hand) :: bufetada {f}
slapdash {adj} (done hastily) :: barroer {m}
slapdash {adv} (in a hasty or careless manner) :: barroerament
slap in the face {n} (slap in the face or on the cheek) :: cleca {f}
slap shot {n} (fastest shot in hockey) :: cop picat {m}
slapstick {n} (pair of sticks) :: fuet {m}
slate {n} (rock) :: pissarra {f}
slate {n} (sheet of slate for writing on) :: pissarra {f}
slattern {n} (slut) SEE: slut ::
slaughterhouse {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir ::
Slav {n} (a member of a group of peoples in Eastern Europe speaking a Slavic language) :: eslau {m}, eslava {f}
slave {n} (person owned by another) :: esclau {m}, esclava {f}
slave {n} (person forced to work for another) :: esclau {m}, esclava {f}
slave-girl {n} (female slave) :: esclava {f}
slavery {n} (institution or practice of owning human beings) :: esclavitud {f}, esclavatge {m}
slavery {n} (condition of servitude endured by a slave) :: esclavatge {m}
slavery {n} (condition in which one is captivated or subjugated) :: esclavitud {f}
Slavic {adj} (of the Slavs, their culture or languages) :: eslau
Slavonia {prop} (region of Croatia) :: Eslavònia
Slavonic {adj} (Slavic) SEE: Slavic ::
Slavyansk {prop} (Slovyansk) SEE: Slovyansk ::
sleaze {n} (low moral standards) :: vil
sleaze {n} (a person with low moral standards) :: aprofitat {m}
sleazebag {n} (morally reprehensible, disreputable, or sleazy person) :: poca-vergonya {m} {f}, canalla
sled {n} (sledge) SEE: sledge ::
sledge {n} (sleigh or sled) :: trineu {m}
sleep {v} (to rest in state of reduced consciousness) :: dormir
sleep {n} (state of reduced consciousness) :: son {m}
sleep {n} (substance found in the corner of the eyes (gound), sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep, see also: ) :: lleganya {f}, llaganya {f}
sleep apnea {n} (brief interruptions of breathing during sleep) :: apnea del son {f}
sleeper {n} (someone who sleeps) :: dormilega {m}
sleeper {n} (sedative) SEE: sedative ::
sleeper {n} (railroad tie) SEE: railroad tie ::
sleepiness {n} (property of being sleepy) :: son {f}
sleeping {n} (state or act of being asleep) :: dormint {m}
sleeping {adj} (asleep) SEE: asleep ::
sleeping bag {n} (padded or insulated bag) :: sac de dormir {m}
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (fairy tale) :: La Bella Dorment {f}
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (main character in this story) :: Bella Dorment {f}
sleepless {adj} (absence of sleep) :: insomne
sleep like a log {v} (to sleep well, without disturbance) :: dormir com un soc, dormir com un tronc
sleep on {v} (to postpone a decision at least overnight) :: consultar amb el coixí
sleep over {v} (to sleep over) :: pernitar
sleepwalker {n} (somnambulist) SEE: somnambulist ::
sleepwalking {n} (act of walking while not conscious or aware of it, during sleep) :: somnambulisme {m}
sleepy {adj} (feeling the need for sleep) :: somnolent
sleet {n} (mixture of rain and snow) :: aiguaneu {f}
sleeve {n} (part of a garment that covers the arm) :: màniga {f}, mànega {f}
sleeve {n} (mechanical covering or lining) :: funda {f}
sleeve {n} (record cover) :: coberta {f}
sleeve {v} (to fit a sleeve to) :: enfundar
sleeveless {adj} (of a garment, having no sleeves) :: sense mànigues
sleigh {adj} (sly) SEE: sly ::
sleigh {n} (vehicle on runners) SEE: sledge ::
sleight of hand {n} (skill) :: prestidigitació {f}
sleight of hand {n} (performance) :: joc de mans {m}
slender {adj} (thin) :: esvelt
sleuth {n} (bloodhound) :: rastrejador {m}
sleuth {n} (detective) :: detectiu {m}
slew {n} (a large amount) :: munt {m}, tou {m}
slice {n} (thin, broad piece cut off) :: llesca {f}
sliced bread {n} (bread that is sold sliced into pieces) :: pa de motlle {m}
slick {n} (A covering of liquid, particularly oil) :: marea negra {f}
slide {v} (baseball: to skid into a base) :: lliscar
slide {n} (item of play equipment) :: tobogan {m}
slide {n} (transparent image for projecting) :: diapositiva {f}
slide fastener {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener ::
slight {adj} (small in amount, insignificant) :: feble, dèbil
slightly {adv} (to a small extent or degree) :: lleugerament
slim {adj} (slender) :: prim
slingshot {n} (Y-shaped stick with an elastic sling between the arms used for shooting small projectiles, see also: sling) :: tirador {m}, profunda
slip {n} (nautical: space for a ship to moor) SEE: berth ::
slip {n} (ceramics: thin, slippery mix of clay and water) :: engalba {f}
slip {n} (small piece of paper) :: papereta {f}
slip {n} (act of slipping) :: relliscada {f}
slip {n} (women’s undergarment) :: combinació {f}
slipper {n} (low shoe slipped on and off easily) :: plantofa {f}, sabatilla {f}
slipper {n} (low shoe usually worn indoors) :: plantofa {f}, sabatilla {f}
slipper animalcule {n} (paramecium) SEE: paramecium ::
slippery {adj} (of a surface) :: lliscant
slippery jack {n} (mushroom in genus Suillus) :: pinetell de calceta
slivovitz {n} (rakija made from distilled, fermented plum juice) :: slivovitz
sloe {n} (fruit of Prunus spinosa) :: aranyó {m}
sloe {n} (tree Prunus spinosa) SEE: blackthorn ::
slogan {n} (phrase associated with a product, used in advertising) :: eslògan {m}
sloop {n} (single-masted sailboat) :: sloop {m}, balandra {f}
slot {n} (narrow depression, perforation, or aperture) :: escletxa {f}
slot {n} (A slot machine designed for gambling) :: màquina escurabutxaques {f}
sloth {n} (laziness) :: accídia {f}, peresa {f}, mandra {f}
sloth {n} (mammal) :: peresós {m}
slot machine {n} (vending machine) SEE: vending machine ::
slouch hat {n} (broad-brimmed felt hat) :: xamberg {m}
Slovak {adj} (of Slovakia or its language) :: eslovac
Slovak {n} (native of Slovakia) :: eslovac {m}, eslovaca {f}
Slovak {n} (language of Slovakia) :: eslovac {m}
Slovakia {prop} (Slovakia) :: Eslovàquia {f}
Slovakian {adj} (of or pertaining to Slovakia) SEE: Slovak ::
Slovakian {n} (a person from Slovakia or of Slovakian descent) SEE: Slovak ::
Slovak Republic {prop} (official name of Slovakia) :: República Eslovaca {f}
Slovene {adj} (adjective) :: eslovè
Slovene {prop} (the language) :: eslovè {m}
Slovenia {prop} (country in Europe) :: Eslovènia
Slovenian {adj} (Slovene) SEE: Slovene ::
Slovenian {n} (language) SEE: Slovene ::
Slovenian {n} (person) SEE: Slovene ::
Slovyansk {prop} (city) :: Sloviansk, Slaviansk
slow {adj} (not quick in motion) :: lent
slow down {v} (to reduce speed) :: alentir
slowly {adv} (at a slow pace) :: lentament
slowness {n} (quality of being slow) :: lentitud {f}
slowworm {n} (Anguis fragilis) :: vidriol {m}
slug {n} (gastropod) :: llimac {m}
sluice {n} (passage for water) :: àbac {m}
slump {n} (helpless collapse) :: depressió {m}
slut {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
slut {n} (sexually promiscuous woman) :: meuca {f}, porca {f}
sly {adj} (artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily) :: astut, murri
smack {n} ((slang) heroin) SEE: horse ::
small {adj} (not large) :: petit
small {adj} (young) :: petit
smallest room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
small intestine {n} (upper part of the intestine) :: intestí prim {m}
smallpox {n} (disease) :: verola {f}, pigota {f}
smaragdine {n} (emerald) SEE: emerald ::
smartphone {n} (electronic handheld device) :: telèfon intel·ligent, intel·lifon
smarty boots {n} (know-it-all) SEE: know-it-all ::
smash {n} (in tennis) :: esmaixada {f}
smattering {n} (superficial knowledge) :: nocions {f-p}
smear {v} (to spread (a substance)) :: escampar
smear {v} (to spread (a surface) with a substance) :: untar
smear {v} (to damage someone's reputation by slandering, making false accusations) :: empastifar
smegma {n} (sebaceous secretion) :: esmegma
smell {n} (sensation) :: olor {f}, flaire {f}
smell {n} (sense of smell) :: olfacte {m}
smell {v} (sense with nose) :: olorar, odorar, ensumar, flairar
smell {v} (to have a particular smell, whether good or bad; if descriptive, followed by "like" or "of") :: flairar, fer olor a
smelly {adj} (having a bad smell) :: pudent
smell you later {interj} (see you later; goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
smelt {n} (fish of the family Osmeridae) :: eperlà {m}
smile {n} (a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice) :: somrís {m}, somriure {m}
smile {v} (to have a smile on one's face) :: somriure
smiley {n} (emoticon) SEE: emoticon ::
smiling {adj} (that smiles or has a smile) :: somrient
smith {n} (craftsperson who works metal, see also: blacksmith) :: ferrer {m}, ferrera {f}
Smith {prop} (surnames derived from the equivalents of “smith”) :: Ferrer
Smith {prop} (most common surnames by language) :: Garcia
smithsonite {n} (mineral) :: smithsonita {f}
smithy {n} (forge) SEE: forge ::
smog {n} (urban air pollution) :: boirum {m}
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale smoke from a burning cigarette) :: fumar
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale tobacco smoke regularly or habitually) :: fumar
smoke {v} (to give off smoke) :: fumar, fumejar
smoke {v} (to preserve or prepare by treating with smoke) :: fumar
smoke {n} (visible particles and vapour given off by burning material) :: fum {m}
smoked {adj} (of food, preserved by treatment with smoke) :: fumat
smoker {n} (person who smokes tobacco habitually) :: fumador {m}
smokeshop {n} (tobacconist's) SEE: tobacconist's ::
smokestack {n} (a conduit or group of conduits atop a structure allowing smoke to flow out) SEE: chimney ::
smooth {adj} (lacking friction, not rough) :: llis
smooth {v} (make smooth) :: allisar
smoothly {adv} (in a smooth manner) :: suaument
smother {v} (to suffocate) :: asfixiar
smug {adj} (irritatingly pleased with oneself; self-satisfied) :: ufà, petulant
smuggle {v} (to import or export, illicitly or by stealth, without paying lawful customs charges or duties) :: fer el contraban
smuggler {n} (One who smuggles things) :: contrabandista
smurf {n} (fictional character) :: barrufet {m}
smut {n} (soot) SEE: soot ::
snack {n} (a light meal) :: refrigeri {m}
snack {n} (an item of food eaten between meals) :: piscolabis {m}
snail {n} (any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell) :: caragol {m}
snail {n} (sluggard) :: dropo {m}, mandrós {m}
snail mail {n} (postal mail) :: correu ordinari {m}
snail's pace {n} (a very slow pace) :: pas de tortuga {m} /tortoise pace/, pas de bou {m} /cow pace/
snake {n} (legless reptile) :: serp {f}, serpent {f}
snake charmer {n} (snake charmer) :: encantador de serps {m}
snap {n} (football: hike) :: esnap {m}
snare {n} (trap) :: llaç {m}
snare drum {n} (tubular drum) :: caixa clara {f}
snatch {v} (to grasp and remove) :: arrabassar
snatch {v} (to steal) :: arrabassar
sneaker {n} (leisure shoes, often worn for sports; trainers) :: vamba {f}, ked {f} [Lleida], sabatilla
sneer {n} (facial expression that indicates scorn) :: somriure de menyspreu {m}, somriure d'escarni {m}
sneeze {v} (expel air as a reflex) :: esternudar
sneeze {n} (act of sneezing) :: esternut {m}
snide {adj} (nasty, sarcastic) :: sorneguer
sniff {v} (to make a short audible inhalation) :: ensumar
sniff {n} (instance of sniffing) :: ensumada {f}
snipe {n} (bird of the family Scolopacidae) :: becadell {m}
sniper {n} (a person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position) :: franctirador {m}
sniper rifle {n} (long-range rifle) :: fusell de franctirador {m}
snippet {n} (a tiny piece or part) :: fragment
snitch {n} (informer, usually one who betrays his group) :: espieta {m} {f}
snood {n} (hairnet) SEE: hairnet ::
snood {n} (flap of skin on the beak of a turkey) :: moc {m}
snooker {n} (cue sport) :: billar {m}
snoop {v} (to secretly spy on or investigate, especially into the private personal life of others) :: tafanejar, espiar
snoop {n} (the act of snooping) :: dotoreig {m}
snoop {n} (one who snoops) :: dotor {m}
snooper {n} (one who snoops) :: dotor
Snoopy {prop} (pet beagle) :: Snoopy
snore {v} (breathe during sleep with harsh noises) :: roncar
snot {n} (mucus) :: moc {m}
snout {n} (long, projecting nose, mouth, and jaw of a beast) :: musell, morro {m}
snout {n} (nose of a man (in contempt)) :: nas {m}, nàpia {f}
snow {n} (precipitation) :: neu {f}
snow {n} (TV noise) :: neu {f}
snow {n} (cocaine) :: neu
snow {v} (have snow fall from the sky) :: nevar
snowball {n} (ball of snow) :: bola de neu {f}
snowbank {n} (a heap of snow) SEE: snowdrift ::
snowbird {n} (dark-eyed junco) :: jonc fosc {m}
snow bunting {n} (bird) :: sit blanc
snowdrift {n} (bank of snow) :: congesta {f}, pila de neu {f}
snowdrop {n} (plant) :: lliri de neu {m}
snowed under {adj} (having a lot of things to do) :: de bòlit
snowfall {n} (instance of falling of snow) :: nevada {f}
snowfall {n} (amount of snow that falls on one occasion) :: nevada {f}
snowflake {n} (crystal) :: floc de nou {m}
snowflake {n} (Plectrophenax nivalis) SEE: snow bunting ::
snow leopard {n} (a large feline mammal, Uncia uncia) :: lleopard de les neus {m}
snowman {n} (figure made of snow) :: ninot de neu
snow pea {n} (cultivar of pea) :: tirabec {m}
snow plow {n} (vehicle) :: llevaneu {f}
snow plow {n} (in skiing) :: angle, cunya
snow plow {v} (intransitive: perform a snowplow in skiing) :: fer angle
Snow Queen {prop} (fairy tale character with power over snow and ice) :: Reina de les Neus {f}
snowshoe {n} (flat footwear worn to facilitate walking in deep snow) :: raqueta {f}
snowstorm {n} (bad weather involving blowing winds and snow) :: nevada {f}
Snow White {prop} (character from Snow White (Schneewittchen)) :: Blancaneus {f}
Snow White {prop} (character from Snow-White and Rose-Red (Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot)) :: Blancaneus
snuffer {n} (candle snuffer) SEE: candle snuffer ::
so {n} (sol) SEE: sol ::
so {conj} (in order that) :: perquè [followed by the subjunctive]
so {conj} (with the result that) :: així que, així doncs
so {adv} (very) :: tan
so {adv} (to a particular extent) :: tan
so {adv} (in a particular manner) :: així
so {adv} (slang: very much) :: tan
so {adj} (true) :: això, açò
so {interj} (interjection used to introduce a new topic) :: així, doncs
soak {v} (to be saturated with liquid by being immersed in it) :: amarar
soak {v} (to penetrate or permeate by saturation) :: penetrar
soap {n} (soap opera) SEE: soap opera ::
soap {n} (substance) :: sabó {m}
soap opera {n} (television serial) :: culebrot {m}, telenovel·la {f}, fulletó {m}
soapwort {n} (herb) :: saponària {f}
soar {v} (to fly aloft with little effort) :: planar
soar {v} (to fly by means of a glider) :: planar
sob {v} (weep with convulsive gasps) :: sanglotar
sober {adj} (not drunk) :: sobri
sober {adj} (not given to excessive drinking of alcohol) :: sobri
sober {adj} (moderate) :: sobri
sober {adj} (dull) :: sobri
sober up {v} (to become sober) :: desembriagar-se
sobremesa {n} (time spent at the table after eating) :: sobretaula
so-called {adj} (so named, but wrongly so) :: anomenat, dit
soccer {n} (game) :: futbol {m}
soccer player {n} (one who plays soccer) :: futbolista {m} {f}
sociable {adj} (tending to socialize or be social; friendly; inviting; congenial) :: sociable
social {adj} (relating to society) :: social
social class {n} (class of people) :: classe social {m}
social contract {n} (agreement or contract) :: contracte social {m}
social democratic {adj} (of or pertaining to social democracy) :: socialdemòcrata
social distancing {n} (practice of maintaining physical distance between people to reduce the spread of communicable diseases) :: distanciament social {m}, distanciació social {f}
socialism {n} (political philosophy of social and economic equality) :: socialisme {m}
socialist {adj} (of, promoting, practicing, or characteristic of socialism) :: socialista
socialist {n} (one who practices or advocates socialism) :: socialista {m} {f}
Socialist Republic of Vietnam {prop} (official name of Vietnam) :: República Socialista del Vietnam {f}
socialization {n} (sociology: the process of learning one’s culture) :: socialització {f}
socially {adv} (in social contexts) :: socialment
social network {n} (a network of personal or business contacts on the Internet) :: xarxa social {f}
social science {n} (branch of science) :: ciències socials {f-p}
social worker {n} (person whose profession is social work) :: assistent social
society {n} (group of people sharing culture) :: societat {f}
Socinian {n} (a member of a certain nontrinitarian Christian denomination) :: un socinià {m}
sociocultural {adj} (of both society and culture) :: sociocultural
socioeconomic {adj} (of or pertaining to social and economic factors) SEE: socio-economic ::
socio-economic {adj} (pertaining to a combination of social and economic factors) :: socioeconòmic
sociolect {n} (variant of language used by a social group) :: sociolecte
sociolinguistic {adj} (pertaining to sociolinguistics) :: sociolingüístic
sociolinguistics {n} (the study of social and cultural effects on language) :: sociolingüística {f}
sociological {adj} (of or pertaining to sociology) :: sociològic
sociologically {adv} (sociologically) :: sociològicament
sociologist {n} (scientist studying the field of sociology) :: sociòleg {m}
sociology {n} (study of society, human social interactions, etc.) :: sociologia {f}
sock {n} (covering for the foot) :: mitjó {m}
socket {n} (mechanical opening) :: endoll {m}
Socrates {prop} (Greek philosopher) :: Sòcrates
Socratic method {prop} :: maièutica {f}, mètode socràtic {m}
soda {n} (sweet, carbonated drink) :: gasosa {f}
soda ash {n} (sodium carbonate) :: sosa {f}
sodium {n} (reactive metal) :: sodi {m}
sodium acetate {n} (sodium salt of acetic acid) :: acetat de sodi {m}
sodium benzoate {n} (the sodium salt of benzoic acid) :: benzoat de sodi {m}
sodium bisulfite {n} (the compound NaHSO3) :: bisulfit de sodi {m}
sodium carbonate {n} (Na2CO3) :: carbonat de sodi {m}
sodium hydroxide {n} (caustic alkali) :: hidròxid de sodi {m}, sosa càustica {f}
sodium nitrate {n} (sodium salt of nitric acid) :: nitrat de sodi {m}
sodium sulfate {n} (Na2SO4) :: sulfat de sodi {m}
Sodom {prop} (city in the Middle East) :: Sodoma {f}
sodomise {v} (to perform anal sex) :: sodomitzar
sodomite {n} (one who practices sodomy) :: sodomita {m}
sodomy {n} (sex held to be unnatural) :: sodomia {f}
sodomy {n} (anal sex, see also: anal sex) :: sodomia {f}
sofa {n} (upholstered seat) :: sofà {m}
Sofia {prop} (the capital city of Bulgaria) :: Sofia {f}
soft {adj} (foolish) SEE: foolish ::
soft {adj} (giving way under pressure) :: tou
soft {adj} (of a cloth) :: suau
soft {adj} (gentle) :: dolç, suau, lleuger
softball {n} (game) :: softbol {m}
soften {v} ((transitive) To make something soft or softer) :: estovar, ablanir
softening {n} (process of making something soft) :: ablaniment {m}
softening {n} (process of becoming soft) :: ablaniment {m}
softly {adv} (softly, gently) :: suaument
soft paraffin {n} (petroleum jelly) SEE: petroleum jelly ::
soft-shell turtle {n} (Any turtle of the family Trionychidae) :: tortuga de closca tova {f}
soft spot {n} (fontanelle) SEE: fontanelle ::
software {n} (encoded computer instructions) :: programari {m}
Sogdiana {prop} (an ancient Iranian-speaking civilization) :: Sogdiana {f}
soil {n} (mixture of sand and organic material) :: sòl {m}
soil {n} (mineral or organic material serving as a natural medium for the growth of land plants) :: sòl {m}
soil {n} (unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth) :: sòl {m}
soil {n} (country or territory) :: sòl {m}
sojourn {n} (A short stay somewhere) :: estada {f}
sol {n} (fifth note of a major scale) :: sol {m}
sol {n} (type of colloid) :: sol {m}
solace {n} (consolation) :: consol
solace {n} :: solaç
solar {adj} (of or pertaining to the sun) :: solar
solar eclipse {n} (when the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun) :: eclipsi solar {m}
solar system {n} (any collection of heavenly bodies orbiting a star) :: sistema solar {m}
solar system {prop} (Solar System) SEE: Solar System ::
Solar System {prop} (the Sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit around it) :: sistema solar {m}
solar thermal collector {n} :: panell solar tèrmic
solar wind {n} (outflow of charged particles from the solar corona into space) :: vent solar {m}
solastalgia {n} (form of homesickness) :: solastàlgia {f}
solder {v} (to join with solder) :: soldar
soldering iron {n} (tool) :: soldador
soldier {n} (member of an army) :: soldat
sole {adj} (only) :: sol
sole {adj} (unmarried; widowed) :: solter
sole {n} (bottom of the foot) :: planta del peu {f}
sole {n} (bottom of a shoe or boot) :: sola {f}
solecism {n} (error in the use of language) :: solecisme {m}
solemn {adj} (deeply serious and somber) :: solemne
solemn {adj} (performed with great ceremony) :: solemne
solemnity {n} (quality of being solemn) :: solemnitat {f}
solemnity {n} (instance of solemn behavior) :: solemnitat {f}
solemnly {adv} (in a solemn manner) :: solemnement
solemnness {n} (solemnity) SEE: solemnity ::
solenoid {n} (solenoid) :: solenoide {m}
solfatara {n} (area of volcanic activity giving off sulfurous steam) :: solfatara {f}
solid {adj} (in the solid state) :: sòlid
solid {n} (chemistry: fundamental state of matter) :: sòlid {m}
solidarity {n} (unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy) :: solidaritat {f}
solidarity {n} (psychological or material support) :: solidaritat {f}
solidify {v} (transitive: to make solid; convert into a solid body) :: solidificar
solidity {n} (the state or quality of being solid) :: solidesa {f}, soliditat {f}
solidly {adv} (in a solid manner) :: sòlidament
solidus {n} (Roman gold coin) :: sòlid {m}
solifugid {n} (camel spider) SEE: camel spider ::
soliloquy {n} (act of a character speaking to himself) :: soliloqui {m}
soliloquy {n} (speech or written discourse in this form) :: soliloqui {m}
solipsism {n} (theory) :: solipsisme {m}
solitaire {n} (person who lives alone) SEE: solitary ::
solitaire {n} (patience) SEE: patience ::
solitaire {n} (Peg solitaire) :: Solitari {m}
solitaire {adj} (living alone or being alone; solitary) :: solitari
solitary {n} (one who lives alone) :: solitari {m}
solitary {adj} (living alone or being by oneself) :: solitari
solitary {adj} (performed, passed, or endured alone) :: solitari
solitary {adj} (not much visited or frequented; remote from society) :: solitari
solitary {adj} (single; individual; sole) :: solitari
soliton {n} (self-reinforcing travelling wave) :: solitó {m}
solitude {n} (state of being alone) :: solitud {f}
solo {n} (piece of music for one) :: solo {m}
Solomon {prop} (king of Israel) :: Salomó {m}
Solomon {prop} (male given name) :: Salomó {m}
so long as {phrase} (as long as) SEE: as long as ::
solstice {n} (point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun) :: solstici {m}
solubility {n} (the condition of being soluble) :: solubilitat {f}
solubility {n} ((chemistry) the amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of a solvent) :: solubilitat {f}
soluble {adj} (able to be dissolved) :: soluble
soluble {adj} (able to be solved or explained) :: soluble
solute {n} (substance that is dissolved in a solvent) :: solut {m}
solution {n} (liquid mixture) :: solució {f}
solution {n} (an act, plan or other means, used or proposed, to solve a problem.) :: solució {f}
solution {n} (answer to a problem (mathematics)) :: solució {f}
solve {v} (to find an answer or solution) :: resoldre, solucionar
Somali {n} (a language) :: somali {m}
Somali {n} (a person from Somalia or of Somali descent) :: somali {m} {f}
Somali {adj} (pertaining to Somalia) :: somali
Somalia {prop} (country in the Horn of Africa) :: Somàlia {f}
Somalian {adj} (pertaining to Somalia) SEE: Somali ::
Somalian {n} (someone from Somalia) SEE: Somali ::
so many {adj} :: tant
somatic {adj} (relating to the body of an organism) :: somàtic
sombre {adj} (dark; gloomy, dimly lit) :: ombrívol
somebody {pron} (some unspecified person) :: algú
someone {pron} (some person) :: algú, qualcú
somersault {n} (the act of going head over heels) :: tombarella {f}
something {pron} (unspecified object) :: alguna cosa, quelcom, qualque cosa
sometime {adj} (occasional) SEE: occasional ::
sometime {adv} (obsolete: sometimes) SEE: sometimes ::
sometimes {adv} (on certain occasions, but not always) :: a vegades, de vegades
somewhat {pron} (something) SEE: something ::
somewhere else {adv} (in or at some other place) :: en un altre lloc, en una altra banda
sommelier {n} (wine steward / stewardess, wine waiter / waitress) :: sommelier {m} {f}
somnambulation {n} (sleepwalking) SEE: sleepwalking ::
somnambulism {n} (sleepwalking) :: somnambulisme {m}
somnambulist {n} (a sleepwalker) :: somnàmbul {m}
somnolent {adj} (drowsy) :: somnolent
so much {adv} (to a certain degree or extent) :: tant
so much {adj} (to such a quantity or degree) :: tant
son {n} (a male person in relation to his parents) :: fill {m}
son {n} :: fill {m}
sonar {n} (device) :: sonar {m}
sonatina {n} (piece resembling a sonata but shorter or simpler) :: sonatina {f}
song {n} (music with words) :: cançó {f}
songbook {n} (book) :: cançoner {m}
Song of Solomon {prop} (book of the Bible) SEE: Song of Songs ::
Song of Songs {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Càntic dels Càntics {m}
song sparrow {n} (Melospiza melodia) :: pardal melòdic {m}
song thrush {n} (song thrush) :: tord comú {m}, tord blanc {m}, tord blancel {m}
songwriter {n} (someone who writes the lyrics and usually the music of songs) :: compositor de cançons {m}, compositora de cançons {f}
sonic {adj} (of or relating to sound) :: sònic
sonic {adj} (having a speed approaching that of the speed of sound in air) :: sònic
son-in-law {n} (son-in-law) :: gendre {m}
sonnet {n} (verse form consisting of fourteen lines) :: sonet
son of a bitch {n} (objectionable person) :: fill de puta {m}, filla de puta {f}
son of a bitch {n} (objectionable thing) :: puto {m}, puta {f}
son of a whore {n} (objectionable person) :: fill de puta {m}, filla de puta {f}
sonogram {n} (a medical image produced by ultrasound echo) :: ecografia {f}
sonometer {n} (audiometer) SEE: audiometer ::
soon {adv} (within a short time) :: aviat
sooner or later {adv} (set phrase; eventually) :: tard o d'hora
soot {n} (fine black or dull brown particles) :: estalzí, sutge {m}, sutja {f}
sooth {n} (truth) :: veritat
soothe {v} (to calm or placate) :: calmar
soothsayer {n} (mantis or rearhorse) SEE: mantis ::
sop {n} (piece of food to be soaked) :: borratxo {m}
São Paulo {prop} (city and state) :: São Paulo
sophist {n} (ancient teacher of rhetoric, etc.) :: sofista {m} {f}
sophist {n} (one who is captious, fallacious, or deceptive in argument) :: sofista {m} {f}
sophisticated {adj} (having obtained worldly experience) :: sofisticat
Sophocles {prop} (Greek dramatic poet) :: Sòfocles {m}
sophrology {n} (technique to reduce stress and promote well-being) :: sofrologia {f}
soporific {n} (sleep inducing agent) :: somnífer {m}, hipnòtic {m}, soforífic {m}, narcòtic {m}
soporific {adj} (tending to induce sleep) :: soporífer, soporífic, narcòtic, somnífer, hipnòtic
soprano {n} (person or instrument) :: soprano {f}
sorb {n} (wild service tree) SEE: wild service tree ::
Sorbian {prop} (language) :: sòrab {m}
Sorbian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Sorbs or to the Sorbian language) :: sòrab
sorbic acid {n} (sorbic acid) :: àcid sòrbic {m}
sorbose {n} (ketohexose used in the production of ascorbic acid) :: sorbosa {f}
sorcerer {n} (magician/wizard drawing upon natural powers) :: mag {m}, màgic {m}, fetiller {m}
sordid {adj} (dirty or squalid) :: sòrdid
sordid {adj} (morally degrading) :: sòrdid
sore {adj} (causing pain) :: adolorit
sore loser {n} (one who is easily angered by losing) :: mal perdedor {m}
sorghum {n} (cereal) :: melca {f}, sorgo {m}
Soria {prop} (city) :: Sòria {f}
Soria {prop} (province) :: Sòria {f}
sorority {n} (social organization of female students at a college or university) :: sororitat {f}
sorrel {adj} (colour) :: alatzà
sorrow {n} (unhappiness) :: tristesa {f}, dolor {m}, pena {f}
sorrow {n} (instance or cause of unhappiness) :: dolor {m}, pena {f}, tristor {f}
sorrowfully {adv} (in a sorrowful manner; with sorrow and regret) :: apesaradament
sorry {adj} (regretful for an action or grieved) :: afligit, perdona
sorry {adj} (poor, regrettable) :: llastimós
sorry {interj} (expression of regret or sorrow) :: perdó, disculpes
sorry {interj} (request to repeat) :: perdó
sort {n} (type) :: tipus {m}, gènere {m}, classe {f}, varietat {f}, mena {f}, mena
sort {v} (separate according to certain criteria) :: classificar
sort {v} (arrange in order) :: ordenar
sort {v} (fix a problem) :: arreglar, reparar
so-so {adj} (neither good nor bad) :: així així
soteriological {adj} (pertaining to soteriology) :: soteriològic
soteriology {n} (the study of salvation) :: soteriologia {f}
so that {conj} (in order to) :: perquè [+ subjunctive], [colloquial Valencian] per a que [+ subjunctive]
soul {n} (the spirit or essence of a person that is often believed to live on after the person's death) :: ànima {f}
soul {n} (life, energy, vigour) :: ànima {f}
sound {adj} (healthy) :: sa
sound {adj} (complete, solid, or secure) :: sòlid
sound {n} (sensation perceived by the ear) :: so
sound {n} :: so {m}
sound {v} (to produce a sound) :: sonar
sound {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish ::
sound {n} (air bladder) SEE: swim bladder ::
sounding {n} (test made with a probe) :: sondar
soundness {n} (the property of logical theory) :: completesa
sound post {n} (wooden rod inside a musical instrument) :: ànima {f}
soundproof {adj} (describing something that does not allow sound through) :: insonoritzat
soundproof {v} (make resistant to sound) :: insonoritzar
soundtrack {n} (the sound (especially the music) component of a movie) :: banda sonora {f}
sound wave {n} (longitudinal wave of pressure transmitted through any plastic material) :: ona sonora {f}, ona acústica {f}
soup {n} (dish) :: sopa {f}
souped-up {adj} (drunk, intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
souped-up {adj} (excited) SEE: excited ::
soupçon {n} (suspicion, suggestion) SEE: suspicion ::
soupçon {n} (very small amount) SEE: modicum ::
sour {adj} (having an acidic, sharp or tangy taste) :: àcid
sour {adj} (made rancid by fermentation, etc.) :: agre
sour {adj} (tasting or smelling rancid) :: agre
source {n} (person, place or thing) :: font {f}
source {n} ((computing) source code) SEE: source code ::
source code {n} (human-readable instructions in a programming language) :: codi font {m}
sour cherry {n} (Prunus cerasus) :: guinder {m}
sour cherry {n} (fruit) :: guinda {f}
sourly {adv} (in a sour manner) :: agrament
sousaphone {n} (brass instrument) :: sousàfon {m}
south {n} (compass point) :: sud {m}, migdia {m}, migjorn {m}
South Africa {prop} (country) :: Sud-àfrica {f}, Àfrica del Sud {f}
South African {n} (person) :: sud-africà {m}
South African {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to South Africa) :: sud-africà
South America {prop} (continent that is the southern part of the Americas) :: Amèrica del Sud {f}
South American {adj} (relating to South America) :: sud-americà
South American {n} (South American person) :: sud-americà {m}
South American sea lion {n} (animal) :: lleó marí sud-americà {m}
South Australia {prop} (state of Australia) :: Austràlia Meridional {f}
South Carolina {prop} (US state) :: Carolina del Sud {f}
southeast {n} (compass point) :: sud-est {m}
Southeast Asia {prop} (a subregion of Asia) :: Àsia Sud-oriental {f}
southern {adj} (of the south) :: austral, meridional
southern bottlenose whale {n} (species of bottlenose whale) :: zífid cap d'olla austral {m}
Southern Cross {prop} (constellation) :: Creu del Sud {f}
southern elephant seal {n} (Mirounga leonina) :: elefant marí meridional {m}
Southern Ocean {prop} (the ocean surrounding Antarctica) :: Oceà Antàrtic {m}
southernwood {n} (Artemisia abrotanum) :: broida {f}, abròtan {m}
South Holland {prop} (province) :: Holanda Meridional {f}
South Island {prop} (one of the two major islands making up New Zealand) :: Illa del Sud {f}
South Korea {prop} (country in East Asia) :: Corea del Sud {f},
South Korean {n} (person from or descended from South Korea) :: sud-coreà {m}
South Korean {adj} (of South Korea) :: sud-coreà
South Ossetia {prop} (South Ossetia) :: Ossètia del Sud {f}
South Pole {prop} (the southernmost point on Earth) :: pol Sud {m}
South Sea {prop} (Southern Ocean) SEE: Southern Ocean ::
South Sea {prop} (region of Pacific Ocean) :: Mar del Sud {m}
South Sudan {prop} (country in Africa) :: Sudan del Sud {m}
southwest {n} (compass point) :: sud-oest {m}
souvenir {n} (item of sentimental value to remember an event or location) :: record {m}
sovereign {adj} (exercising power of rule) :: sobirà
sovereign {n} (monarch) :: sobirà {m}
sovereign {n} (coin) :: sobirà {m}
sovereign state {n} (completely independent state) :: estat sobirà
sovereigntist {n} (supporter of sovereignism) :: sobiranista {m} {f}
sovereignty {n} (of a nation: the state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations.) :: sobirania {f}
sovereignty {n} (of ruler or God: supreme authority over all things) :: sobirania {f}
sovereignty {n} (of self: the liberty to decide one's thoughts and actions) :: sobirania {f}
soviet {adj} (relating to the Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet ::
Soviet {n} (citizen) :: soviet {m}
Soviet {adj} (pertaining to the Soviet Union or its republics) :: soviètic
Soviet Russia {prop} (Russia) SEE: Russia ::
Soviet Russia {prop} (Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet Union ::
Soviet Union {prop} (USSR, see also: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR) :: Unió Soviètica {f}
sow {n} (female pig) :: truja {f}, porca {f}, verra {f}
sow {v} (disperse seeds) :: sembrar
soy {n} (soy beans) :: soia {f}, soja {f}
soy {n} (soy sauce) SEE: soy sauce ::
soy milk {n} (beverage made from soybeans) :: llet de soia {f}
soy sauce {n} (a condiment and ingredient made from fermented soybeans) :: salsa de soia {f}, soia {f}
space {n} (while) SEE: while ::
space {n} (physical extent in two or three dimensions) :: espai {m}
space {n} (area beyond atmosphere of planets) :: espai {m}
space {n} :: espai {m}
space heater {n} (heating appliance) :: calefactor {m}
spaceship {n} (vehicle that flies through space) :: nau espacial {f}, astronau {f}
space-time {n} (spacetime) SEE: spacetime ::
spacetime {n} (four dimensional continuum) :: espai-temps
spacious {adj} (having much space; roomy) :: espaiós
spaciously {adv} (in a spacious manner) :: espaiosament
spade {n} (a garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging) :: pala {f}
spades {n} (spade) SEE: spade ::
spades {n} (suit of playing cards) :: piques {f-p}
spadix {n} (fleshy spike) :: espàdix {m}
spaghetti {n} (informally: any type of pasta) SEE: pasta ::
spaghetti {n} (pasta) :: espagueti {m}
spaghetti {n} (strand of spaghetti) :: espagueti {m}
spaghetti {n} (dish containing spaghetti) :: espagueti {m}
spaghetti {n} (anything tangled or confusing) :: laberint {m}
Spain {prop} (country in Europe) :: Espanya {f}
spam {n} (unsolicited bulk electronic messages) :: correu brossa {m}
span {n} (space from thumb to little finger) :: pam {m}
span {n} (small space or a brief portion of time) :: període
spangle {n} (a small sparkling particle sewn on cloth as a decoration) :: lluentó {m}, lluentons {m-p}
Spanglish {prop} (blend of English and Spanish) :: spanglish, espanglish, espaninglish, el spanish broken, inglañol, espan'glés
Spaniard {n} (somebody from Spain) :: espanyol {m}, espanyola {f}
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to Spain) :: espanyol
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to the people or culture of Spain) :: espanyol
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Spanish language) :: espanyol, castellà
Spanish {prop} (Romance language of Spain and the Americas) :: castellà {m} espanyol {m}
Spanish omelette {n} (omelette with fried potatoes) :: truita {f}, truita de patates {f}, truita espanyola {f}
Spanish Water Dog {n} (Spanish Water Dog) :: gos d'aigües espanyol {m}
spanner {n} (hand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts) :: clau anglesa {f}
spar {n} (any crystal with readily discernible faces) :: espat {m}
spar {n} (rafter of a roof) SEE: rafter ::
spare time {n} (free time) SEE: free time ::
sparingly {adv} (in a sparing manner) :: parcament, parsimoniosament
spark {n} (particle of glowing matter) :: espurna {f}, guspira {f}
spark {n} (burst of electrical discharge) :: espurna {f}, guspira {f}, centella {f}
spark {n} (figurative: small amount of something, which has the potential to become something greater) :: espurna {f}, guspira {f}
spark {v} (to give off sparks) :: espurnejar, guspirejar
sparkling wine {n} (effervescent wine) :: cava {m}
spark plug {n} (part of an internal combustion engine) :: bugia d'encesa {f}, bugia {f}
sparrow {n} (bird of the family Passeridae) :: pardal {m}
sparrow {n} (generically, any small, nondescript bird) :: pardal {m}
sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus) SEE: house sparrow ::
sparrow hawk {n} (Falco sparverius) SEE: American kestrel ::
sparrow hawk {n} (Accipiter nisus) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk ::
sparrowhawk {n} (Eurasian sparrowhawk) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk ::
sparse {adj} (having widely spaced intervals) :: dispers, espars
sparse {adj} (not dense; meager) :: clar, escàs
sparsely {adv} (in a scattered or sparse manner) :: escassament, esparsament
Sparta {prop} (ancient city-state in southern Greece) :: Esparta
Spartacus {prop} (Thracian name) :: Espàrtac {m}
Spartan {n} (citizen of Sparta) :: espartà {m}, espartana {f}
Spartan {adj} (of Sparta) :: espartà
spasm {n} (contraction of a muscle) :: espasme {m}
spasmodic {adj} (of or relating to a spasm) :: espasmòdic
spasmodic {adj} (convulsive; consisting of spasms) :: espasmòdic
spasticity {n} (state, quality or property) :: espasticitat {f}
spat {n} (covering worn over a shoe) :: polaina {f}
spatial {adj} (pertaining to space) :: espacial
spatula {n} (kitchen utensil for turning and lifting) :: espàtula {f}, giradora {f}, girapeix {m}
spawn {n} (the numerous eggs of an aquatic organism) :: fresa {f}
speak {v} (to communicate with one's voice using words) :: parlar
speak {v} (to be able to communicate in a language) :: parlar
speaker {n} (one who speaks) :: parlant {m} {f}
speaker {n} (loudspeaker) :: altaveu {m}
speaker {n} (one who makes a speech to an audience) :: orador {m}
speaking {adj} (eloquent) SEE: eloquent ::
speak of the devil {phrase} (expression used when a person mentioned in the current conversation happens to arrive) :: parlant del rei de Roma, entra per la porta, no es pot dir mal que no aparegui el animal
spear {n} (long stick with a sharp tip) :: llança {f}
spear {n} :: llança {f}, (for throwing) javelina {f}, dard {m}
special {adj} (distinguished by a unique or unusual quality) :: especial
special {adj} (of particular interest or value; certain; dear; beloved; favored) :: especial
special education {n} (educational services designed for students with learning difficulties) :: educació especial {f}
special effect {n} (effect that cannot be reasonably achieved by normal means) :: efecte especial {m}
specialist {n} (expert) :: especialista {m} {f}
specialist {n} (physician) :: especialista {m} {f}
specialization {n} (act or process of specializing) :: especialització {f}
specialization {n} (area in which one specializes) :: especialització {f}
specially {adv} ((proscribed) extremely) SEE: extremely ::
specially {adv} (for a special purpose) :: especialment
specialty {n} (that in which one specializes) :: especialitat {f}
specie {n} (money) :: espècie {f}
species {n} (group of plants or animals having similar appearance) :: espècie {f}
species {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification) :: espècie {f}
species {n} (mineralogy: mineral with a unique chemical formula) :: espècie {f}
species {n} (the image of an object) :: espècie {f}
species {n} (the Eucharist after consecration in Catholicism) :: espècie {f}
speciesism {n} :: especisme {m}
specific {adj} (explicit or definite) :: específic {m}
specific {adj} :: específic
specifically {adv} (for a specific purpose or reason) :: específicament
specification {n} (explicit set of requirements) :: especificació {f}
specification {n} (act of specifying) :: especificació {f}
specificity {n} (the state of being specific rather than general) :: especificitat {f}
specificness {n} (specificity) SEE: specificity ::
specify {v} (to state explicitly, in detail, or as a condition) :: especificar
specimen {n} (example) :: espècimen {m}
spectacle {n} (optical instrument) SEE: spectacles ::
spectacle {n} (something exciting or extraordinary) :: espectacle {m}
spectacled bear {n} (Tremarctos ornatus) :: ós d'antifaç {m}
spectacles {n} (a pair of lenses set in a frame) :: ulleres {m-p}
spectacles {n} (plural of spectacle) SEE: spectacle ::
spectacular {adj} (amazing or worthy of special attention) :: espectacular
spectacularly {adv} (in a spectacular manner) :: espectacularment
spectator {n} (observer) :: espectador {m}
spectral {adj} (pertaining to a spectre) :: espectral
spectral {adj} (ghostly) :: espectral
spectrometer {n} (instrument for measuring the absorption of light by chemical substances) :: espectròmetre {m}
spectroscope {n} (optical instrument used for spectrographic analysis) :: espectroscopi {m}
spectroscopy {n} (scientific study of spectra) :: espectroscòpia {f}
spectrum {n} (range of colors) :: espectre {m}
speculation {n} (process of thinking or meditation) :: especulació {f}
speculation {n} (business, finance: investment involving higher-than-normal risk) :: especulació {f}
speculative {adj} (characterized by speculation; based on guessing or unfounded opinions) :: especulatiu
speculatively {adv} (in a speculative manner) :: especulativament
speculum {n} (medical instrument) :: espècul {m}
speech {n} (dialect or language) SEE: dialect ::
speech {n} (vocal communication) :: parla {f}
speech {n} (an oration, session of speaking) :: parla {f}, discurs {m}
speech balloon {n} (speech balloon) SEE: speech bubble ::
speech bubble {n} (rounded outline representing speech in a cartoon) :: bafarada {f}
speechless {adj} (not speaking; not knowing what to say) :: bocabadat, emmudit
speed {n} (luck, success, prosperity) SEE: luck ::
speed {n} (rapidity) :: rapidesa {f}, velocitat {f}
speed bump {n} (transverse ridge in the road) :: ressalt {m}, cavalló {m}
speed of light {n} (the speed of electromagnetic radiation in a perfect vacuum) :: velocitat de la llum {f}
speed of sound {n} (speed at which sound is propagated) :: velocitat del so {f}
speedometer {n} (a device that measures, and indicates the current speed of a vehicle) :: velocímetre {m}
speedy {adj} (characterized by rapid or swift motion) :: ràpid {m}, veloç {m}
speleological {adj} (pertaining to the exploration of caves) :: espeleològic
speleologist {n} (person who studies caves) :: espeleòleg {m}
speleology {n} (scientific study of caves) :: espeleologia {f}
speleology {n} (recreational activity of exploring caves) :: espeleologia {f}
spell {n} (magical incantation) :: encís {m}, conjur {m}, embruixament {m}, encantament {m}
spell {n} (magical effect of such incantation) :: encís {m}, conjur {m}, embruixament {m}, encantament {m}
spell {v} (to write or say the letters that form a word) :: lletrejar
spell {v} (to compose a word) :: lletrejar
spellbound {adj} (fascinated by something; entranced as if by a spell) :: embadalit
spelling {n} (the practice, ability, or subject of forming words with letters, or of reading the letters of words; orthography) :: ortografia {f}
spelt {n} (a type of wheat, Triticum aestivum spelta) :: espelta {f}
spelunk {n} (cave, cavern, grotto) SEE: cave ::
spend {v} (to pay out) :: gastar
spend {v} (to consume, to use up (time)) :: passar
sperm {n} (semen (fluid)) :: esperma {f}
sperm bank {n} (vulgar: vagina) SEE: cunt ::
spermiogenesis {n} (final stage of spermatogenesis) :: espermiogènesi {f}
sperm whale {n} (sperm whale) :: catxalot
spew {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
spew {n} (ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate ::
sphalerite {n} (mineral) :: esfalerita {f}
sphenoid {n} (sphenoid bone) SEE: sphenoid bone ::
sphenoid {adj} (wedge-shaped) :: esfenoide
sphenoid bone {n} (sphenoid bone) :: os esfenoide {m}
spheral {adj} (spherical) SEE: spherical ::
sphere {n} (mathematics: regular three-dimensional object) :: esfera {f}
sphere {n} (spherical physical object) :: esfera {f}
sphere {n} (region in which something or someone is active) :: esfera {f}
sphere {n} (astronomy: apparent outer limit of space) SEE: celestial sphere ::
-sphere {suffix} (designating some layer of the Earth) :: -sfera
spherical {adj} (shaped like a sphere) :: esfèric
spherical {adj} (of or relating to a sphere or spheres) :: esfèric
spherically {adv} (in the manner of a sphere) :: esfèricament
spherometer {n} (measuring device) :: esferòmetre {m}
sphincter {n} (band of muscle) :: esfínter {m}
sphinx {n} (mythology: creature with the head of a person and the body of an animal) :: esfinx {m}
sphinx {n} (person who keeps his/her thoughts and intentions secret) :: esfinx {m}
sphinx {n} (sphincter) SEE: sphincter ::
sphygmomanometer {n} (device to measure blood pressure) :: esfigmomanòmetre {m}
spice {n} (Yorkshire dialect: sweets, candy) SEE: sweet ::
spice {n} (plant matter used to season or flavour food) :: espècia {f}
spicy {adj} (tangy or pungent) :: picant
spider {n} (arthropod) :: aranya {f}
spiderweb {n} (net-like construct of a spider) :: teranyina {f}
Spidey-sense {n} (intuitive feeling, usually of something being dangerous or risky) :: sentit aràcnid {m}
spigot {n} (faucet) SEE: tap ::
spigot {n} (a pin or peg used to stop the vent in a cask) :: tap {m}
spigot {n} (the plug of a faucet or cock) :: aixeta {f}
spike {n} (very large nail) :: urpa {f}
spike {n} (ear of grain) :: espiga
spill {v} (transitive: to drop something so that it spreads out) :: vessar
spill one's guts {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
spin {n} (physics: quantum angular momentum) :: espín {m}
spin {n} (rotation of a ball in motion) :: efecte {m}
spinach {n} (a particular edible plant, Spinacia oleracea) :: espinac {m}
spinal column {n} (spinal column) SEE: vertebral column ::
spinal cord {n} (thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue) :: medul·la espinal {f}
spindle {n} (dragonfly) SEE: dragonfly ::
spindle {n} (rod in spinning and winding thread) :: fus
spindle tree {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle ::
spine {n} (backbone) :: espinada {f}, raquis {m}
spine {n} (bound edge of a book) :: llom {m}
spine {n} (rigid, pointed surface protuberance or needle-like structure on an animal, shell, or plant) :: espina {f}
spinel {n} (any of several hard minerals of cubic symmetry that are mixed oxides of magnesium and aluminium) :: espinel
spine pig {n} (porcupine) SEE: porcupine ::
spinet {n} (short, compact harpsichord) :: espineta {f}
spin-off {n} (by-product) SEE: by-product ::
spinster {n} (unmarried woman) :: conca {f}
spiny anteater {n} (common name for echidna) SEE: echidna ::
spiny dogfish {n} (Squalus acanthias) :: agullat {m}
spiny lobster {n} (crustacean of the family Palinuridae) :: llagosta {f}
spiral {n} (geometry) :: espiral {f}
spiral staircase {n} (type of staircase) :: escala de caragol {f}
spire {n} (tapering architectural structure) :: cuculla, agulla
spirit {n} (soul) :: esperit {m}
spirit {n} (supernatural being) :: esperit {m}
spiritism {n} (spiritualism) SEE: spiritualism ::
spiritism {n} (Spiritism) SEE: Spiritism ::
Spiritism {prop} (philosophical doctrine) :: espiritisme
spirit level {n} (spirit level) :: nivell de bombolla
spiritual {adj} (of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul) :: espiritual
spiritualism {n} (the philosophic doctrine, opposing materialism) :: espiritualisme {m}
spirituality {n} (concern for what is unseen and intangible) :: espiritualitat {f}
spiritually {adv} (in a manner affecting the spirit) :: espiritualment
spirometer {n} (medical device) :: espiròmetre {m}
spirometry {n} (medical measurement) :: espirometria {f}
spit {v} (to dig, to spade) SEE: dig ::
spit {n} (thin rod on which meat is skewered for cooking) :: ast {m}
spit {v} (to evacuate (saliva or another substance) from the mouth, etc.) :: escopir
spite {n} (ill-will or hatred toward another; a desire to vex or injure) :: despit
spiteful {adj} (filled with spite) :: maliciós, rancuniós
splay {n} (A slope or bevel) :: esplandit {m}
splay {v} (To dislocate, as a shoulder bone) SEE: dislocate ::
spleen {n} (organ) :: melsa {f}
splendid {adj} (possessing or displaying splendor) :: esplèndid
splendid {adj} (showy; magnificent; sumptuous; pompous) :: esplèndid
splendid {adj} (illustrious; heroic; brilliant; celebrated) :: esplèndid
splendidly {adv} (in a splendid manner) :: esplèndidament
splenomegaly {n} (enlargement of the spleen) :: esplenomegàlia {f}
splice {v} (to unite in marriage) SEE: marry ::
splice {n} (junction or joining of ropes) :: enllaç {m}
splice {n} (electrical and mechanical connection between wires) :: enllaç {m}
splice {v} (to unite ropes by interweaving the strands) :: empalmar
splice {v} (to unite by lapping two ends together) :: empalmar
splice {v} (genetics) :: empalmar
splinter {n} (fragment of material) :: estella
split {n} (bowling: pattern with missing intermediate pins) :: banyes {f-p}
split {v} (divide along a more or less straight line) :: partir, dividir, escindir
split {v} (share out) :: repartir, dividir
split {v} (separate) :: separar
split {v} (divulge a secret; to betray confidence; to peach) SEE: peach ::
split hairs {v} (to consider fine details) :: filar prim, primfilar
spoil {v} (strip) :: espoliar
spoil {v} (ruin) :: espatllar, fer malbé
spoil {v} (to coddle or pamper) :: consentir, mimar
spoil {v} (become sour or rancid, to decay) :: fer-se malbé
spoiler {n} (document, review or comment that discloses) :: filtració {f}
spoilsport {adj} (someone who puts an end to harmless fun) :: aixafaguitarres {c}
spoke {n} (part of a wheel) :: radi {m}, raig {m}
spokesperson {n} (person who acts as the voice of a group of people) :: portaveu {m}
spondyle {n} (joint of the backbone) SEE: vertebra ::
sponge {n} (marine invertebrate) :: esponja {f}
sponge {n} (piece of porous material used for washing) :: esponja {f}
sponge {n} (porous material) :: esponja {f}
sponge {v} (to clean with a sponge) :: esponjar
sponge {n} (sponge cake) SEE: sponge cake ::
sponge cake {n} (type of soft cake made from flour, sugar, baking powder and eggs, with a spongy structure) :: pa de pessic {m}, bescuit {m}
spongy {adj} (absorbent, squishy, porous) :: esponjós
spontaneity {n} (the quality of being spontaneous) :: espontaneïtat {f}
spontaneous {adj} (random) SEE: random ::
spontaneous {adj} (self generated; happening without any apparent external cause) :: espontani
spontaneous {adj} (proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint) :: espontani
spontaneous {adj} (arising from a momentary impulse) :: espontani
spontaneous generation {n} :: generació espontània {f}
spontaneously {adv} (in a spontaneous manner) :: espontàniament
spoon {n} (scooped utensil for eating (or serving)) :: cullera {f}
spoon {n} (metal lure for fishing) :: cullera {f}
spoon {v} (to flirt) SEE: flirt ::
spoon {n} (measure that will fit into a spoon) SEE: spoonful ::
spoonerism {n} (phrase where sounds are transposed) :: contrapet {m}
spoonful {n} (amount a spoon will hold) :: cullerada {f}
sporadic {adj} (rare and scattered in occurrence) :: esporàdic
sporadic {adj} (exhibiting random behaviour) :: esporàdic
sporadically {adv} (In an occasional, infrequent, or irregular manner) :: esporàdicament
sporange {n} (sporangium) SEE: sporangium ::
sporangium {n} (a case, capsule, or container in which spores are produced) :: esporangi {m}
spore {n} (reproductive particle) :: espora {f}
spore {n} (resistant particle produced by bacterium or protist) :: espora {f}
sport {n} (any athletic activity that uses physical skills) :: esport {m}, deport {m}
sporting {adj} (pertaining to sports) :: esportiu
sportive {adj} (playful, coltish) SEE: playful ::
spot {n} (a round or irregular patch of a different color) :: taca
spot {n} (stain) :: taca {f}
spotlight {n} (a bright lamp, especially one used to illuminate the center of attention on a stage) :: focus {m}
spotted dragonet {n} (Callionymus maculatus) :: aferrapedres {m}, aferra-roques {m}, pau {m}
spotted hyena {n} (Crocuta crocuta) :: hiena tacada {f}
spouse {n} (husband) SEE: husband ::
spouse {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
spouse {n} (person in a marriage or marital relationship) :: cònjuge, espòs {m}, esposa {f}
spout {n} (a tube through which liquid is poured or discharged) :: broc {m}
spout {n} (a stream of liquid) :: raig {m}
spout {n} (the mixture of air and water thrown up from the blowhole of a whale) :: brollador {m}
sprachbund {n} (group of languages sharing areal features primarily due to language contact) :: àrea lingüística {f}
sprain {n} (act or result of spraining) :: torçada {f}
sprawl {v} (to sit with limbs spread out) :: arrepapar-se
spread {v} (to stretch out, expand) :: estendre
spread {v} (to extend, stretch out (limbs etc)) :: estendre
spread {v} (to disperse, scatter) :: escampar
spread {v} ((intransitive) to proliferate, to become more widely present, to be disseminated) :: escampar-se
spring {n} (season between winter and summer in temperate climates) :: primavera {f}
spring {n} (water springing from the ground) :: font, deu {f}
spring {n} (device made of flexible material) :: molla {f}, ressort {m}
spring {v} (to jump) SEE: jump ::
spring {n} (jump) SEE: jump ::
spring {n} (people sharing the same origin) SEE: race ::
spring {n} (shoot) SEE: shoot ::
spring {n} (erection of the penis) SEE: erection ::
spring {n} (youth) SEE: youth ::
spring {n} (time of growth, early stages) SEE: beginning ::
spring {n} (spring tide) SEE: spring tide ::
spring {n} (elasticity) SEE: elasticity ::
springboard {n} (flexible diving board) :: trampolí {m}
spring equinox {n} (vernal equinox) SEE: vernal equinox ::
spring onion {n} (Allium fistulosum) :: ceba d'hivern {f} (winter onion), cebollí gal·lès {m}
spring tide {n} (tide which occurs when the moon is new or full) :: marea viva {f}, marea de sizígia {f}
springy {adj} (capable of returning to its original form) :: elàstic
sprinkle {v} (to cause to fall in fine drops) :: ruixar, arruixar
sprinkler {n} (irrigation device) :: ruixador {m}, arruixador {m}
sprite {n} (the green woodpecker, or yaffle) SEE: green woodpecker ::
sprite {n} (an elf; a fairy; a goblin) :: follet {m}
sprout {n} (new growth on a plant) :: brot {m}
sprout {v} (to grow, to germinate) :: germinar
sprout {v} (to cause to grow from a seed) :: brollar
sprout {n} (Brussels sprout) SEE: Brussels sprout ::
spruce {n} (tree from the genus Picea) :: avet roig
spumoni {n} (ice cream dessert) :: spumoni
spunk {n} (slang: semen) :: escorreguda {f}
spur {n} (implement for prodding a horse) :: esperó {m}
spur {n} (projection from a mountain or mountain range) :: contrafort {m}
spur {v} (to prod) :: esperonar
spur {v} (to urge or encourage to action) :: esperonar
spur cell {n} (spiny cell) :: acantòcit
spurdog {n} (spiny dogfish) SEE: spiny dogfish ::
spurious {adj} (false) :: espuri, fals
spurious {adj} (illegitimate) :: espuri, bastard
spur on {v} (spur) SEE: spur ::
spurt {v} :: rajar, xorrar
spurt {n} (brief gush) :: raig
sputum {n} (matter coughed up and expectorated from the mouth) :: esput {m}
spy {n} (person who secretly watches) :: espia {f}
spy {v} (to act as a spy) :: espiar
spyglass {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars ::
spying {n} (espionage) SEE: espionage ::
spyware {n} (program) :: programari espia
squab {n} (baby pigeon) :: colomí {m}
squacco {n} (Ardeola ralloides) :: martinet ros, martinet ros comú
squadron {n} (army: body of cavalry) :: esquadró {m}
squadron {n} (navy: detachment of vessels) :: esquadrilla {f}
squadron {n} (air force: tactical unit of at least two flights) :: esquadrilla {f}
squall {n} (sudden storm, as found in a squall line) :: tamborinada {f}
squander {v} (to waste) :: malgastar, balafiar
square {n} (type of polygon) :: quadrat {m}
square {n} (open space in a town) :: plaça {f}
square {n} (second power) :: quadrat {m}
square {n} :: quadrat {m}
square {adj} (shaped like a square) :: quadrat
square {adj} (used in the names of units) :: quadrat
square {v} (to adjust so as to align with or place at a right angle) :: arreglar, escairar
square {v} (math: to multiply by itself) :: elevar al quadrat
square {n} (act quarrelling) SEE: quarrel ::
square {v} (to take opposing sides) SEE: quarrel ::
square {adj} (fair) SEE: fair ::
square bracket {n} (symbol [ or ]) :: claudàtor, parèntesi quadrat
square metre {n} (standard unit of area) :: metre quadrat {m}
square root {n} (number) :: arrel quadrada {f}
squash {n} (the sport) :: esquaix {m}
squash player {n} (competitor in the sport of squash) :: jugador d'esquaix {m}
squat {v} (to bend at the knees) :: ajupir-se
squeegee {n} (tool used for cleaning glass) :: eixugavidres
squeeze {v} (to apply pressure to from two or more sides at once) :: esprémer, estrènyer, serrar, apretar
squid {n} (sea animal) :: calamars {m}, calamar {m}
squinch {n} (structure between walls to transition to circular) :: trompa {f}
squire {n} (armor-bearer who attended a knight) :: escuder {m}
squirm {v} (twist one’s body with snakelike motion) :: serpentejar
squirm {v} (twist in discomfort, especially from shame or embarrassment) :: recaragolar-se
squirrel {n} (rodent) :: esquirol {m}
squirting cucumber {n} (Ecballium elaterium) :: cogombre amarg {m}, cogombre salvatge {m}, cogombret {m}
Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte {prop} (the administrative capital of Sri Lanka) :: Sri Jayewardenepura
Sri Lanka {prop} (a country in South Asia) :: Sri Lanka {f}
Sri Lankan {n} (a person from Sri Lanka or of Sri Lankan descent) :: singalès {m}
Sri Lankan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Sri Lanka or to the Sri Lankan people) :: singalès
sss {interj} (the hiss of a snake or other reptile) :: sss
st {n} (street) :: c.
stab {n} (act of stabbing) :: punyalada {f} (general), ganivetada {f} (with knife)
stab {n} (wound made by stabbing) :: punyalada {f}, ganivetada {f}
stab {n} (pain inflicted on a person's feelings) :: punyalada {f}
stab {v} (To pierce or wound with pointed object) :: apunyalar, acoltellar
stability {n} (condition of being stable) :: estabilitat {f}
stabilize {v} (to make stable) :: estabilitzar
stabilize {v} (to become stable) :: estabilitzar-se
stable {n} (building for animals with hoofs) :: estable {m}
stable {n} (building for horses) :: estable {m}, cavallerissa {f}, quadra {f}
stable {adj} (relatively unchanging) :: estable
Stableford {n} (scoring system in golf) :: stableford {m}
stably {adv} (in a stable manner) :: establement
stadium {n} (venue where sporting events are held) :: estadi {m}
staff {n} (long, straight, thick rod or stick) :: bastó {m}
staff {n} (music: series of horizontal lines) :: pentagrama {m}
staff {n} (employees of a business) :: staff {m}, plantilla {f}
stag beetle {n} (large beetle in Lucanidae) :: escanyapolls {m}
stage {n} (phase) :: pas {m}, estadi {m}, fase {f}, etapa {f}
stage {n} (in theatre) :: escena {f}, escenari {m}
stage-coach {n} (horse-drawn coach to transport passengers and mail) :: carrossa {f}
stage whisper {n} ((theater) A line that is performed on stage as if it were whispered, but is spoken loud enough that the audience can hear) :: apart {m}
stagflation {n} (inflation accompanied by stagnant growth) :: estagflació {f}
stagger {n} (an unsteady movement of the body in walking or standing) :: tentines {f-p}, trontoll {m}
stagger {v} (to move to one side and the other, as if about to fall, in standing or walking) :: tentinejar
stagger {v} (to walk in an awkward, drunken fashion) :: tentinejar
stagger {v} (to begin to doubt and waver in purposes) :: vacil·lar
stagnant {adj} (lacking freshness, motion, flow, progress, or change; stale; motionless; still) :: estancat
stagnation {n} (inactivity) :: estancament {m}
stagnation {n} (being stagnant) :: estancament {m}
stain {n} (discoloured spot or area) :: taca
stained glass {n} (coloured glass) :: vitrall {m}
stainless {n} (stainless steel) SEE: stainless steel ::
stainless steel {n} (corrosion-free alloy) :: acer inoxidable {m}
staircase {n} (stairway) :: escala {f}
stairs {n} (contiguous set of steps) :: escala {f}
stake {n} (pointed long and slender piece of wood etc.) :: pal {m}, estaca {f}
stakeholder {n} (person or organisation with a legitimate interest) :: part interessada {f}
Stakhanovism {n} (institution) :: estakhanovisme {m}
stalactite {n} (mineral deposit hanging from the roof of a cave) :: estalactita {f}, caramell {m}
stalagmite {n} (mineral deposit) :: estalagmita {f}
stalemate {n} (chess term) :: taules {f-p}
Stalinism {n} (Communist philosophies espoused by Josef Stalin) :: estalinisme {m}
Stalinist {adj} (of, relating to, or resembling Stalin) :: estalinista {m} {f}
Stalinist {adj} (of or relating to Stalinism) :: estalinista {m} {f}
Stalinist {n} (a person who accepts the philosophy of Stalinism) :: estalinista {m} {f}
stalk {n} (stem or main axis of a plant) :: tija {f}
stalk {n} (petiole, pedicel, or peduncle of a plant) SEE: petiole ::
stall {n} (stable; place for cattle) :: estable {m}
stall {v} (To fatten) :: engreixar
stamen {n} (A flower part that produces pollen) :: estam {m}
stammer {v} (to stutter) :: quequejar, tartamudejar, titubar, titubejar
stammerer {n} (stutterer) SEE: stutterer ::
stamp {n} (indentation or imprint made by stamping) :: segell {m}
stamp {n} (device for stamping designs) :: segell {m}
stamp {n} (any small piece of paper bearing a design on one side and adhesive on the other, see also: postage stamp) :: segell {m}
stamp {v} (to mark by pressing quickly and heavily) :: estampar
stamp {v} (to give an official marking to) :: segellar
stamp {n} (postage stamp) SEE: postage stamp ::
stamp collecting {n} (stamp hobby) SEE: philately ::
stampede {n} (any sudden flight or dispersion) :: estampida {f}
stamp out {v} (to get rid of) :: erradicar
stand {v} (to support oneself on the feet in an erect position) :: estar dret
stand {v} (to rise to one’s feet) :: posar-se dret
stand {v} (to tolerate) :: suportar
standard {adj} (falling within an accepted range) :: estàndard
standard {n} (level of quality) :: estàndard
standard {n} (something used as a measure) :: estàndard
standard {n} (a flag or ensign) :: estendard
standard-bearer {n} (person who carries flag or banner) :: portaestendard {m} {f}
standard deviation {n} (statistical measure) :: desviació estàndard {f}, desviació tipus {f}
standardise {v} (to establish a standard) :: estandarditzar
standardise {v} (to make to conform to a standard) :: estandarditzar
standardize {v} (standardise) SEE: standardise ::
Standard Model {prop} (theory) :: model estàndard {m}
standings {n} (sports ranking) SEE: league table ::
stand on end {v} (of hair - to stand erect, bristle, especially from fear) :: esborronar
St. Andrew's Cross {prop} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross ::
stand up {v} (rise from a sitting position) :: posar-se dret
stand up {v} (to avoid a prearranged meeting) :: deixar plantat
stand-up bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
Stanislaus {prop} (male given name- the standard or most popular form) :: Estanislau
stanza {n} (a unit of a poem) :: estrofa {f}
stapes {n} (bone in the middle ear) :: estrep {m}
staphylococcus {n} (bacterium of the genus Staphylococcus) :: estafilococ {m}
staple {n} (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper) :: grapa {f}
staple {v} (secure with a staple) :: engrapar, grapar
stapler {n} (device which binds together paper) :: engrapadora {f}
star {n} (luminous celestial body) :: estrella {f}, estel {m}
star {n} (celebrity) :: estrella {f}, estel {m}
star {n} (talented or famous person) :: estrella {f}
star anise {n} (a plant, Illicium verum) :: anís estrellat {m}
starboard {n} (right hand side of a vessel) :: estribor
starch {n} (substance) :: midó {m}
starch {n} (laundry stiffener) :: midó
starch {v} (apply laundry starch) :: emmidonar
stare {v} (to look fixedly) :: mirar fixament
starfish {n} (various echinoderms) :: estrella de mar {f}
star fruit {n} (fruit) :: carambola {f}
stark {adj} (hard in appearance; barren, desolate) :: aspre
starling {n} (bird) :: estornell {m}
Star of Bethlehem {prop} (star mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew) :: Estrella de Betlem {f}
Star of David {prop} (symbol of Jewish Community and Judaism) :: estrella de David {f}
starring {v} (present participle of "to star") SEE: star ::
starry {adj} (having stars visible) :: estelat
starry {adj} (shaped like a star) :: estelat
starry sturgeon {n} (Acipenser stellatus) SEE: sevruga ::
start {v} (to begin) :: començar
start {v} (to initiate operation of a vehicle or machine) :: engegar
start {v} :: començar
starting point {n} (place where a journey starts) :: punt de partida {m}
start off on the wrong foot {v} (begin badly) :: començar amb mal peu
starvation {n} (condition) :: inanició {f}
starve {v} (to die because of lack of food) :: morir de gana
Star Wars {prop} (Saga) :: La Guerra de les Galàxies
stasis {n} (pathology: slackening of blood current) :: estasi {f}
state {n} (any sovereign polity) :: estat {m}
state {n} (a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy) :: estat {m}
state {n} (a condition) :: estat {m}
state {n} (computing: the stable condition of a processor during a particular clock cycle) :: estat {m}
state {n} (computing: the set of all parameters relevant to a computation) :: estat {m}
state {n} (computing: the values of all parameters at some point in a computation) :: estat {m}
state {v} (declare to be a fact) :: declarar
state {v} (make known) :: declarar
state capitalism {n} (form of capitalism) :: capitalisme d'estat {m}
statefunction {n} (wavefunction) SEE: wavefunction ::
stateless {adj} ((law) without a state or nationality) :: apàtrida
statement {n} :: declaració {f}
State of Israel {prop} (country (official name)) :: Estat d'Israel {m}
state of the art {adj} (at the highest level of development) :: capdavanter
static {adj} (unchanging) :: estàtic
static {adj} (having no motion) :: estàtic
static {adj} (programming: computed, created or allocated before the program starts running) :: estàtic
statics {n} (branch of mechanics) :: estàtica {f}
station {n} (place where a vehicle may stop) :: estació {f}
station {n} (place used for broadcasting) :: estació {f}
station {v} (put in place to perform a task) :: apostar
station {n} (Australia: very large livestock farm) SEE: ranch ::
stationary {adj} (not moving) :: estacionari
stationary {adj} (incapable of being moved) :: immòbil
stationary {adj} (unchanging) :: estacionari
stationary bicycle {n} (exercise bicycle) SEE: exercise bicycle ::
stationery {n} (writing materials) :: papereria {f}
statist {n} (archaic: a skilled politician) :: estadista {m} {f}
statist {n} (statistician) SEE: statistician ::
statistic {adj} (statistical) SEE: statistical ::
statistical {adj} (of or pertaining to statistics) :: estadístic
statistically {adv} (in a statistical way) :: estadísticament
statistician {n} (person who compiles, interprets, or studies statistics) :: estadístic {m}
statistics {n} (mathematical science) :: estadística {f}
statue {n} (three-dimensional work of art) :: estàtua {f}
statue {n} (portrait) SEE: portrait ::
statuesque {adj} (Like a statue) :: escultural
statuesque {adj} (Elegantly tall and graceful) :: escultural
stature {n} (a person or animal's natural height when standing upright) :: estatura {f}
stature {n} (respect coming from achievement or development) :: talla {f}
status symbol {n} (visible possession that is a sign of one's personal wealth or social status) :: símbol d'estatus {m}
statute {n} (written law as laid down by the legislature) :: estatut {m}
statute {n} (legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law) :: estatuts {m-p}
staunch {adj} (loyal, trustworthy, reliable) :: acèrrim
staunch {adj} (dependable, persistent) :: acèrrim
stay {v} (to remain in a particular place) :: quedar-se, restar
stay {n} (corset) SEE: corset ::
STD {n} (sexually transmitted disease, see also: sexually transmitted disease) :: MTS {f}
steal {v} (to illegally take possession of) :: robar
steal {n} (a stolen base) :: robatori {m}
stealth {n} (attribute or characteristic of acting in secrecy) :: furtivitat {f}
stealthily {adv} (in a stealthy manner) :: furtivament
steam {n} (water vapor) :: vapor {m}
steam {n} :: baf {m}, vapor {m}
steam {n} (steam-powered vehicle) SEE: steamer ::
steamer {n} (cooking appliance) :: vaporadora {f}
steamroller {n} (steam-powered road roller) :: corró {m}
stearate {n} (salt or ester of stearic acid) :: estearat {m}
stearin {n} (the triglyceride of stearic acid) :: estearina {f}
steatosis {n} (over-retention of lipids) :: adiposi {f}, esteatosi {f}
steel {n} (metal produced from iron) :: acer {m}
steel mill {n} (steel mill) SEE: steelworks ::
steelworks {n} (place where steel is manufactured and/or shaped) :: acereria {f}
steep {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive ::
steep {adj} (near-vertical) :: escarpat, rost
steeple {n} (spire) SEE: spire ::
steeple {n} (a tall tower, often on a church) :: campanar {m}
steer {v} (intransitive: to guide the course) :: guiar
steer {v} (transitive: to guide the course of) :: dirigir
steer {v} (to direct the conversation) :: manejar, dur (la conversa), dirigir
steer {v} (to castrate a male calf) :: castrar, capar
steering wheel {n} (wheel-shaped control) :: volant
steganography {n} (steganography) :: esteganografia {f}
stegosaur {n} (dinosaur) :: estegosaure {m}
stein {n} (a beer mug) :: boc {m}
stela {n} (archaeology: an obelisk or upright stone pillar) SEE: stele ::
stele {n} ((archaeology) tall, slender stone monument) :: estela {f}
stellar {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of stars) :: estel·lar
stellar wind {n} (equivalent of solar wind) :: vent estel·lar {m}
Steller sea lion {n} (Eumetopias jubatus) :: lleó marí de Steller {m}, lleó marí de Steller
stem {n} (botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant) :: tall {m}, tija {f}
stem {n} (linguistics: main part of a word) :: arrel {f}
stem {n} (nautical: forward vertical extension of the keel) :: roda {f}
stem cell {n} (primal undifferentiated cell) :: cèl·lula mare {f}
stench {n} (a strong foul smell, a stink) :: pudor {f}, tuf {m}, ferum {f}
stenosis {n} (abnormal narrowing or stricture in a blood vessel or other tubular organ) :: estenosi {f}
stentorian {adj} (of a voice suitable for giving speeches to large crowds) :: estentori
step- {prefix} (prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative) :: -astre {m}
step {n} (pace) :: pas {m}, passa {f}
step {n} (one of a set of rests in a stair or ladder) :: esglaó {m}
step {n} (running board) :: marxapeu {m}
step {n} (footstep) :: petjada {f}
stepaunt {n} (sister of a stepparent) :: tiastra {f}
stepbrother {n} (son of one's stepfather or stepmother) :: germanastre {m}
stepchild {n} (the child of one's spouse from his or her previous partner) :: fillastre {m}, fillastra {f}
stepdaughter {n} (daughter of one's spouse and not of oneself) :: fillastra {f}
stepfather {n} (husband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father) :: padrastre {m}
stepfather-in-law {n} :: sograstre {m}
stepgrandfather {n} (stepfather of one's parent and husband of one's grandmother, and not one's biological grandfather) :: aviastre {m}
stepgrandfather {n} (father of one's stepparent) :: aviastre {m}
stepgrandmother {n} (stepmother of one's parent and wife of one's grandfather) :: aviastra {f}
stepgrandmother {n} (mother of one's stepparent) :: aviastra {f}
stepgrandson {n} (son of one's stepchild or stepson of one's child) :: netastre {m}
Stephen {prop} (male given name) :: Esteve
step in {v} (To act) SEE: act ::
step in {v} (To act as a replacement or substitute.) :: reemplaçar, substituir
stepmother {n} (wife of one's biological father, not one's biological mother) :: madrastra {f}
stepnephew {n} (son of one's stepbrother or stepsister) :: nebodastre {m}
stepniece {n} (daughter of one's stepsibling) :: nebodastra {f}
steppe {n} (the grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia) :: estepa {f}
stepsister {n} (daughter from the previous marriage of a stepparent) :: germanastra {f}
stepson {n} (son of one's spouse and not of oneself) :: fillastre {m}
step-uncle {n} (brother of a stepparent) :: onclastre {m}
step up {v} (to increase speed or rate) :: apressar
stereotype {n} (conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image) :: estereotip {m}
stereotype {n} (printing plate) :: estereotip {m}
stereotypical {adj} (pertaining to a stereotype) :: estereotípic
steric {adj} (relating to the arrangement of atoms in space) :: estèric
sterile {adj} (unable to reproduce) :: estèril
sterile {adj} (germless) :: estèril
sterilization {n} (process of treating something to kill microorganisms) :: esterilització {f}
sterilization {n} (procedure to permanently prevent an organism from reproducing) :: esterilització {f}
sterilization {n} (instance of a sterilization procedure) :: esterilització {f}
sterilize {v} (disable ability to procreate) :: esterilitzar
sterilize {v} ((biology) to destroy all spores or germs) :: esterilitzar
sterling {n} (the currency of the United Kingdom; especially the pound) :: lliura {f}, lliura esterlina {f}
sterling {adj} (of, or relating to British currency, or the former British coinage) :: esterlí
sterling {adj} (of, relating to, or made from sterling silver) :: esterlí
stern {adj} (having a hardness and severity of nature or manner) :: sever
stern {n} (the rear part or after end of a ship or vessel) :: popa {f}
sternal {adj} (of or pertaining to the sternum) :: esternal
sternpost {n} (timber or bar at the stern of a vessel) :: codast {m}
sternum {n} (breastbone) SEE: breastbone ::
steroid {n} (class of organic compounds) :: esteroide {m}
steroidal {adj} (relating to steroids) :: esteroïdal
stethoscope {n} (medical instrument) :: estetoscopi {m}
steven {n} (command) SEE: command ::
steven {n} (a prayer) SEE: prayer ::
steven {n} (voice) SEE: voice ::
Steven {prop} (male given name) SEE: Stephen ::
stew {n} (dish) :: estofat
steward {n} (any administrator of the property or affairs of another) :: administrador {m}, representant {m}, apoderat {m}
steward {n} (flight attendant) SEE: flight attendant ::
stewardess {n} (female flight attendant) :: hostessa {f}
St. George's Day {prop} (saint's day of Saint George) :: Diada de Sant Jordi {f}
St. George's mushroom {n} (a species of mushroom) :: moixernó {m}, moixeró {m}
stick {n} (long piece of wood) :: garrot {m}, bastó {m}
stick {n} (cylindrical piece (of chalk, wax etc)) :: barra {f}
stick {n} (hockey stick) :: estic {m}
stick {v} (to glue; to adhere (transitive)) :: enganxar, apegar
sticker {n} (something that sticks) :: enganxina {f}
sticker {n} (adhesive label or decal) :: adhesiu {m}, enganxina {f}
sticking plaster {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid ::
stick one's tongue out {v} (to push one's tongue out) :: fer llengotes, llengotejar
stick plaster {n} (sticking plaster) SEE: band-aid ::
sticky {adj} (able or likely to stick) :: enganxós, apegalós
sticky rice {n} (glutinous rice) SEE: glutinous rice ::
sticky tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
stiff {adj} (of an object, rigid, hard to bend, inflexible) :: rígid
stiff {adj} (of a person, formal in behavior, unrelaxed) :: encarcarat
stiffness {n} (muscular tension) :: cruiximent {m}
stigma {n} (mark of infamy) :: estigma {m}
stigma {n} (part of the pistil) :: estigma {m}
stigmatize {v} (to characterize as disgraceful or ignominious) :: estigmatitzar
stiletto {n} (awl) SEE: awl ::
stiletto {n} (rapier) SEE: rapier ::
still {adj} (not moving, calm) :: quiet
still {adv} (up to a time, as in the preceding time) :: encara
still {adv} (to an even greater degree) :: encara
still {n} (a device for distilling liquids) :: alambí {m}
still {n} (building where liquor is distilled) SEE: distillery ::
stillborn {adj} (dead at birth) :: nascut mort {m}
still life {n} (work of art) :: natura morta
stillness {n} :: calma {f}
still water {n} (water without carbonation) :: aigua sense gas {f}
stilt {n} (walking pole) :: xanca {f}
stilt {n} (crutch) SEE: crutch ::
stilt sandpiper {n} (Calidris himantopus) :: corriol camallarg
stimulant {n} (substance acting to increase physiological or nervous activity in the body) :: estimulant {m}
stimulant {n} (something promoting activity, interest or enthusiasm) :: estimulant {m}, estimulador {m}
stimulate {v} (to encourage into action) :: estimular
stimulate {v} (to arouse an organism to functional activity) :: estimular
stimulating {adj} (that stimulates) :: estimulant
stimulation {n} (pushing or goading toward action) :: estimulació {f}
stimulation {n} (activity causing excitement or pleasure) :: estimulació {f}
stimulation {n} (biology: action or condition that creates a response) :: estimulació {f}
stimulator {n} (something that stimulates) :: estimulador {m}
sting {n} (bump on skin after having been stung) :: fiblada {f}, picada {f}
sting {v} (of an insect: to bite) :: picar, fiblar
sting {n} (pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack) SEE: stinger ::
stinger {n} (pointed portion of an insect) :: fibló {m}, agulló {m}
stingray {n} (venomous ray of the orders Rajiformes and Myliobatiformes) :: dasyatis
stingy {adj} (unwilling to spend or give) :: garrepa, aferrat
stink {v} :: fer pudor, pudir
stink {n} :: pudor
stinkbird {n} (hoatzin) SEE: hoatzin ::
stipule {n} (basal appendage) :: estípula {f}
stir {v} (to agitate the contents of) :: remoure
stir {n} (The act or result of stirring) :: avalot {m}, gatzara {f}, cridòria, esvalot {m}, aldarull {m}, rebombori {m}
stir {n} (Public disturbance or commotion) :: avalot {m}, cridòria, esvalot, rebombori {m}
stir-fry {v} (fry something quickly in hot oil) :: saltar
Stirling engine {n} (type of heat engine) :: motor Stirling {m}
stirrup {n} (stapes) SEE: stapes ::
stirrup {n} (footrest used by riders) :: estrep {m}
stirrup bone {n} (stapes) SEE: stapes ::
stir up {v} (arouse or excite passion or action) :: estimular, excitar, incitar
stitch {v} (form stitches in) SEE: sew ::
stitch {n} (single pass of the needle in sewing) :: punt {m}
stitch {v} (agriculture: to form land into ridges) SEE: plough ::
stitch {n} (furrow) SEE: furrow ::
stoat {n} (stoat) SEE: ermine ::
stochastic {adj} (random) :: estocàstic
stochastics {n} (branch of statistics) :: estocàstica {f}
stock {n} (lineage, ancestry) :: estirp {f}
stock dove {n} (stock dove, Columba oenas) :: xixella {f}, xixell {m}
stockfish {n} (cured fish) :: peix assecat {m}
stockholder {n} (one who owns stock) SEE: shareholder ::
Stockholm {prop} (capital of Sweden) :: Estocolm
Stockholmer {n} (someone from Stockholm) :: estocolmès, estocolmesa
Stockholmer {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Stockholm) :: estocolmès
Stockholm syndrome {n} (psychological condition) :: síndrome d'Estocolm {f}
stocking {n} (garment (for translations of "sock", see sock)) :: mitja {f}, calça {f}
stock market {n} (market for the trading of company stock) :: mercat de valors {m}
stock pigeon {n} (pigeon) :: xixella {f}, xixell {m}
stocky {adj} (solidly built) :: rabassut
stoic {n} (proponent of a school of thought) :: estoic {m}
stoic {n} (a person indifferent to pleasure or pain) :: estoic {m}, estoica {f}
stoic {adj} (of or relating to the Stoics) :: estoic
stoic {adj} (not affected by pain or distress) :: estoic
stoical {adj} (enduring pain) :: estoic
stoichiometric {adj} (of, or relating to stoichiometry) :: estequiomètric
stoichiometry {n} (the study of the relationships of reactants and products in chemical reactions) :: estequiometria {f}
stoicism {n} (school of philosophy) :: estoïcisme {m}
stoke {v} (to feed, stir up) :: atiar
stoker {n} (poker) SEE: poker ::
stole {n} (ecclesiastical garment) :: estola {f}
stoma {n} (botany: tiny pore in the epidermis of a leaf) :: estoma {m}
stomach {n} (digestive organ) :: estómac {m}
stomach {n} (belly) :: panxa {f}
stomach {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite ::
stomach {n} (figuratively: desire, appetite) SEE: appetite ::
stomach {n} (pride, haughtiness) SEE: haughtiness ::
stomach acid {n} (gastric acid) SEE: gastric acid ::
stomatitis {n} (inflammation of parts of the mucous membrane that lines the mouth) :: estomatitis {f}
stompie {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt ::
stone {n} (substance) :: pedra {f}, roca {f}
stone {n} (small piece of stone) :: pedra {f}
stone {v} (To pelt with stones) :: apedregar , lapidar
stone {adj} (constructed of stone) :: petri , pedrenc
stone {adj} (having the appearance of stone) :: petri , pedrenc
Stone Age {prop} (prehistoric period) :: Edat de pedra {f}
stoned {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
stoned {adj} (high on drugs) :: col·locat
stone deaf {adj} (utterly deaf) :: sord com una tàpia
stone fruit {n} (fruit with soft flesh and a hard pit) :: drupa {f}
stone loach {n} (Barbatula barbatula) :: llop de riu {m}
stone marten {n} (Martes foina) SEE: beech marten ::
stonemason {n} (one who works in stone) :: picapedrer {m}, trencador {m}
stonewall {v} (to obstruct) SEE: obstruct ::
stoneware {n} (type of pottery) :: gres {m}
stoning {n} (lapidation) SEE: lapidation ::
stony {adj} (broke) SEE: broke ::
stool {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
stool {n} (footstool) SEE: footstool ::
stool {n} (a seat) :: tamboret {m}
stool {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot ::
stop {v} (to cease moving) :: parar, aturar
stop {v} (to not continue) :: parar, deixar
stop {n} (place to get on and off mass transport) :: parada {f}
stop {n} (punctuation symbol) :: punt {m}
stop {v} (to punctuate) SEE: punctuate ::
stop {n} (consonant sound) SEE: plosive ::
stoplight {n} ((US) a traffic control signal) SEE: traffic light ::
stoppage {n} (pause or halt of some activity) :: aturada {f}
stoppage {n} (something that forms an obstacle to continued activity) :: bloqueig {m}
storage {n} (act or state) :: emmagatzematge
store {n} (in computing) SEE: memory ::
store {n} (shop) SEE: shop ::
store {v} (keep (something) while not in use) :: emmagatzemar
storehouse {n} (building for keeping goods of any kind) :: magatzem {m}
storey {n} (floor, level) :: pis {m}
stork {n} (large wading bird of the family Ciconiidae) :: cigonya
storm {n} (disturbed state of the atmosphere) :: tempesta {f}, temporal {m}, tempestat {f}
storm {n} :: tempesta {f}, temporal {m}
stormy {adj} (of or pertaining to storms; strong winds, rough seas, heavy rain etc.) :: tempestuós
stormy {adj} (violent; passionate; rough) :: tempestuós
story {n} (lie) SEE: lie ::
story {n} (account of events) :: història {f}, relat {m}
story {n} (storey) SEE: storey ::
stout {adj} (obstinate) SEE: obstinate ::
stove {n} (heater) :: estufa {f}
stove {n} (device for heating food) :: cuina {f}
stovepipe hat {n} (stovepipe hat) SEE: top hat ::
stow {v} (to put something away to store it in a space-saving manner and over long time) :: desar, emmagatzemar
stowaway {n} (person who hides on a ship, train, etc.) :: polissó {m}
strabismus {n} (defect of vision) :: estrabisme {m}
Strabo {prop} (historian and philosopher) :: Estrabó
stracciatella {n} (an Italian soup made from a mixture of cheese and egg in a broth) :: stracciatella {f}
stracciatella {n} (an Italian ice cream with chocolate shavings) :: stracciatella {f}
straight {n} (five cards in sequence) :: escala {f}
straight {n} (heterosexual) SEE: heterosexual ::
straight away {adv} (very soon; immediately) SEE: right away ::
straighten {v} (make straight) :: adreçar, redreçar
straight line {n} (line with no curvature) :: recta
strain {n} (breed or race) :: soca {f}
strain {v} (to separate) :: colar
strainer {n} (utensil) :: colador {m}
strait {n} (narrow channel of water) :: estret {m}
straitjacket {n} (a jacket-like garment) :: camisa de força {f}
Strait of Gibraltar {prop} (Strait of Gibraltar) :: Estret de Gibraltar {m}
Strait of Messina {prop} (narrow section of water between Sicily and mainland Italy) :: estret de Messina {m}
strand {n} (beach) :: platja {f}
strand {n} (strand of hair) :: floc {m}
strange {adj} (not normal) :: estrany
strangely {adv} (in a strange manner) :: estranyament
strangeness {n} ((uncountable) quality of being strange) :: estranyesa {f}
strange quark {n} (strange quark) :: quark estrany {m}
stranger {n} (person whom one does not know) :: desconegut {m}
stranger {n} (outsider or foreigner, see also: foreigner) :: foraster {m}, forastera {f}, estranger {m}, estrangera {f}
strangle {v} (to kill someone by strangulation) :: estrangular, escanyar
strangulation {n} (act of strangling) :: estrangulació {f}
strap {n} (a long, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth, or the like) :: corretja {f}
Strasbourg {prop} (city in France) :: Estrasburg
stratagem {n} (tactic) :: estratagema {f}
strategic {adj} (of or pertaining to strategy) :: estratègic
strategical {adj} (strategic) SEE: strategic ::
strategically {adv} (in a strategic manner) :: estratègicament
Strategic Defense Initiative {prop} (Star Wars) SEE: Star Wars ::
strategic management {n} (art and science) :: direcció estratègica {f}
strategist {n} (one who devises strategies) :: estrateg {m}
strategy {n} (science and art of military command) :: estratègia {f}
strategy game {n} (game in which players' decision-making skills have a high significance) :: joc d'estratègia {m}
stratigraphy {n} (study of rock layers) :: estratigrafia {f}
stratopause {n} (the boundary between the stratosphere and the mesosphere) :: estratopausa {f}
stratosphere {n} (region of the uppermost atmosphere) :: estratosfera {f}
stratotype {n} (reference stratigraphic section) :: estratotip {m}
stratum {n} (layer of sedimentary rock having approximately the same composition throughout) :: estrat {m}
stratum {n} (layer of tissue) :: estrat {m}
stratum {n} (class of society composed of people with similar social, cultural, or economic status) :: estrat {m}
stratum {n} (layer of vegetation) :: estrat {m}
stratus {n} (cloud) :: estratus {m}, estrat {m}
straw {n} (a dried stalk of a cereal plant) :: palla {f}
straw {n} (dried stalks considered collectively) :: palla {f}
straw {n} (drinking straw) SEE: drinking straw ::
strawberry {n} (fruit) :: maduixa {f}, fraula {f}
strawberry {n} (plant) :: maduixer {m}, maduixera {f}
strawberry tree {n} (the European plant Arbutus unedo) :: arboç {m}
straw man {n} (doll or scarecrow) :: espantaocells {m}
straw man {n} (person of lesser importance) :: home de palla {m}
stray {v} (to wander from company or from proper limits) :: esgarriar-se
strayed {adj} (having lost one's way) SEE: stray ::
stream {n} (small river) :: corrent, rierol
street {n} (paved part of road in a village or a town) :: carrer {m}
streetcar {n} (tram) SEE: tram ::
streetcleaner {n} (person) SEE: street sweeper ::
streetlight {n} (lamps set along a street) :: fanal {m}
street organ {n} (mechanically played street organ) :: orguenet {m}
street sweeper {n} (person employed to sweep streets, etc.) :: escombriaire {m} {f}
strength {n} (quality of being strong) :: força {f}
strength {n} (strongest part of something) :: fort {m}
strengthen {v} (to make strong or stronger) :: enfortir
streptococcus {n} (bacterium) :: estreptococ {m}
stress {n} (on a syllable) SEE: accent ::
stress {n} ((physics) internal force across a boundary per area ) :: tensió {f}
stress {n} (emotional pressure) :: estrès {m}
stress {n} (when speaking) :: accent {m}
stress {n} (on a point in an argument) :: èmfasi {m}
stress {v} (to apply emotional pressure to) :: estressar
stress {v} (to emphasise (a point)) :: emfasitzar
stressed {adj} (stressed-out) :: estressat
stressed {adj} (having a stress or accent) :: tònic
stressful {adj} (irritating; causing stress) :: estressant
stretch {v} (lengthen by pulling) :: estirar
stretcher {n} (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person) :: llitera {f}
stretcher-bearer {n} (person who carries people on a stretcher) :: portalliteres {m}
strict {adj} (governed or governing by exact rules) :: estricte
strict {adj} (rigidly interpreted) :: estricte
strict {adj} (severe in discipline) :: estricte
strigil {n} (grooming tool) :: estrígil {m}
strike {n} (in bowling) :: ple {m}
strike {n} (work stoppage) :: vaga {f}
strikebreaker {n} (worker hired to replace a striking worker) :: esquirol {m} {f}
striker {n} (baseball: batter) SEE: batter ::
striker {n} (individual who is on strike) :: vaguista {m} {f}
strike zone {n} (The area through which if a pitched ball passes, it will be called a strike) :: zona de strike {f}
string {n} (long, thin structure made from twisted threads) :: corda {f}, cordill, cordell {m}
string {n} (series of items or events) :: seguit {m}, reguitzell {m}
string {v} (put on a string) :: enfilar
string {n} (stringed instrument) SEE: stringed instrument ::
string bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
stringed instrument {n} (type of musical instrument) :: instrument cordòfon {m}, instrument de corda {m}
string instrument {n} (musical instrument that produces sound by strings) SEE: stringed instrument ::
string theory {n} (candidate unified theory of all physical forces and particles) :: teoria de cordes {f}
string trimmer {n} (garden implement) :: desbrossadora {f}
stripe-breasted tit {n} (Melaniparus fasciiventer) :: [[ mallerenga del Ruwenzori]] {f}
striped {adj} (having stripes, decorated or marked with bands differing in color) :: ratllat, llistat
striped hyena {n} (Hyaena hyaena) :: hiena ratllada {f}
stripy {adj} (striped) SEE: striped ::
strive {v} (to try to achieve) :: júnyer
strive {v} (to struggle in opposition) :: júnyer
stroboscope {n} (instrument for studying or observing periodic movement by rendering a moving body visible only at regular intervals) :: estroboscopi {m}
stroke {n} (act of stroking) :: carícia {f}
stroke {n} (blow) :: cop {m}
stroke {n} (- golf: single act of striking the ball) :: cop {m}
stroke {n} (- tennis: single act of striking the ball) :: cop {m}
stroke {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite ::
stroll {n} (wandering on foot) :: passeig {m}, passejada {f}
stroll {v} (wander on foot) :: passejar-se, passejar
stromatolite {n} (rock-like structure built by microorganisms) :: estromatòlit {m}
strong {adj} (capable of producing great physical force) :: fort
strong {adj} (capable of withstanding great physical force) :: fort
strong {adj} (determined, unyielding) :: fort
strong {adj} (highly stimulating to the senses) :: fort
strong {adj} (having an offensive or intense odor or flavor) :: fort
strong {adj} (having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient) :: fort
strong {adj} (having a high alcoholic content) :: fort
strong {adj} (military: not easily subdued or taken) :: fort
strong {adv} (in a strong manner) :: fort
strongbox {n} (sturdy box with a lock) SEE: safe ::
stronghold {n} (place built to withstand attack) :: fortalesa {f}
strongly {adv} (in a strong or powerful manner) :: fort
strong nuclear interaction {n} (strong nuclear interaction) :: interacció nuclear forta {f}
strontium {n} (chemical element) :: estronci {m}
structural {adj} (of, relating to, or having structure) :: estructural
structuralist {adj} (of or pertaining to structuralism) :: estructuralista
structuralist {n} (advocate or follower of structuralism) :: estructuralista {m} {f}
structurally {adv} (in terms of structure) :: estructuralment
structure {n} (cohesive whole built up of distinct parts) :: estructura {f}
structure {n} (underlying shape of a solid) :: estructura {f}
structure {n} (overall form or organization of something) :: estructura {f}
structure {v} ((transitive) to give structure to; to arrange) :: estructurar
struggle {n} (strife, effort) :: lluita {f}
St. Stephen's Day {prop} (Christian holiday commemorating Saint Stephen) :: Diada de Sant Esteve {f}
stub {n} ((wikis) page providing minimal information) :: esborrany
stubble {n} (short stalks left in a field after harvest) :: rostoll {m}
stubborn {adj} (refusing to move or change one's opinion) :: tossut
stubbornly {adv} (in a stubborn manner) :: tossudament
stucco {n} (a plaster that is used to coat interior or exterior wall) :: estuc {m}
stuck {adj} (trapped and unable to move) :: encallat
stuck {adj} (unable to progress) :: encallat
stud {n} (male animal kept for breeding) :: semental {m}
stud {n} (small round earring) :: arracada {f}
student {n} (person who studies a subject) :: estudiant {m} {f}
student {n} (person enrolled at a school, university or other education institution) :: alumne {m}, estudiant {m} {f}
student {n} (person enrolled at a university) :: alumne {m}, estudiant {m} {f}, universitari {m}
student body {n} (student body (body of students or pupils)) :: alumnat {m}, estudiantat {m}
studies {n} (academic field of study) :: carrera {f}
studio {n} (artist’s or photographer’s workshop) :: estudi {m}
studio {n} (place where radio or television programs, records or films are made) :: estudi {m}
study {v} (to revise/review materials) :: estudiar
study {v} (to take a course) :: estudiar
study {v} (to acquire knowledge) :: estudiar
study {v} (to look at minutely) :: estudiar
study {n} (mental effort to acquire knowledge) :: estudi {m}
study {n} (room) :: estudi {m}
study {n} (act of studying or examining) SEE: examination ::
study {n} (music: piece for special practice) SEE: etude ::
stuff {v} (to preserve a dead animal) :: dissecar
stumble {n} (a fall or trip) :: ensopegada {f}
stumble {v} (to trip or fall) :: ensopegar
stumble upon {v} (to come across by accident; to discover by accident) :: ensopegar amb
stump {n} (remains of something that has been cut off) :: soca {f}, monyó {m}
stumped {adj} (baffled) :: tret
stun {v} (to incapacitate) :: atordir, entebenar
stunned {adj} (unable to act or respond) :: atònit, estupefacte
stuntperson {n} (stuntman or stuntwoman) :: actor especialista {m}, actriu especialista {f}
stupa {n} (Buddhist monument) :: stupa {m}
stupid {adj} (lacking in intelligence) :: toix {m}, estúpid {m}, bèstia {m} {f}
stupidity {n} (property of being stupid) :: estupidesa {f}
stupidly {adv} (in a stupid manner) :: estúpidament
sturdy {adj} (of firm build) :: robust
sturgeon {n} (fish of family Acipenseridae) :: esturió {m}
stutter {v} (to speak with spasmodic repetition) SEE: stammer ::
stutter {n} (speech disorder) :: quequeig {m}
stutterer {n} (one who stutters) :: tartamut {m}
stuttering {n} (a speech disorder) :: quequesa {f}, disfèmia {f}
sty {n} (inflammation) SEE: stye ::
sty {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder ::
sty {v} (to rise up) SEE: ascend ::
stye {n} (bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid) :: urçol
style {n} (gnomon or pin of a sundial) SEE: gnomon ::
style {n} (stalk that connects the stigma(s) to the ovary in a pistil of a flower) :: estil {m}
style {n} (manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art) :: estil {m}; estil {m}
style {n} (tool used in engraving) SEE: burin ::
stylist {n} (hairdresser) SEE: hairdresser ::
stylist {n} (designer) SEE: designer ::
stylobate {n} (top step of the crepidoma) :: estilòbata {m}
stymie {v} (to thwart or stump) :: empallegar, destorbar, contrariar, travar, bloquejar
Styria {prop} (Austrian state) :: Estíria
styrofoam {n} (polymer) :: porexpan {m}
sub {n} (subordinate) SEE: subordinate ::
sub- {prefix} (under, beneath) :: sub-
subaltern {n} (subordinate) SEE: subordinate ::
subarachnoid space {n} (space between the arachnoid mater) :: espai subaracnoïdal {m}
subatomic {adj} (relating to particles that are smaller than an atom) :: subatòmic
subatomic particle {n} (unit of matter smaller than an atom) :: partícula subatòmica {f}
subconscious {adj} (partially conscious) :: subconscient
subconscious {adj} (below the level of consciousness) :: subconscient
subconscious {n} (that part of mind that is not consciously perceived) :: subconscient {m}, subconsciència {f}
subcontinent {n} (large landmass) :: subcontinent {m}
subcutaneous {adj} (pertaining to the fatty layer under the skin) :: subcutani
subcutaneously {adv} (under the cutaneous layer) :: subcutàniament
subdivide {v} (To divide into smaller sections) :: subdividir
subfamily {n} (taxonomic category) :: subfamília {f}
subgenre {n} (category within a particular genre) :: subgènere {m}
subgroup {n} (group within a larger group) :: subgrup {m}
subgroup {n} ((group theory): group within a larger group) :: subgrup {m}
subject {adj} (likely to be affected by something) :: subjecte
subject {n} (in grammar) :: subjecte {m}
subject {n} (main topic) :: matèria {f}
subject {n} (particular area of study) :: assignatura {f}
subject {n} (citizen in a monarchy) :: súbdit {m}
subject {n} (person ruled over by another, especially a monarch or state authority) :: súbdit {m}
subject {v} (to cause to undergo) :: sotmetre
subjection {n} (act of bringing under control) :: submissió {f}
subjective {adj} (based upon subjective feelings or intuition) :: subjectiu
subjectively {adv} (in a subjective manner) :: subjectivament
subjectivity {n} (state of being subjective) :: subjectivitat {f}
subjectivize {v} (to make subjective) :: subjectivar
subjugate {v} (to forcibly impose obedience or servitude) :: subjugar
subjunctive {adj} (possible, contingent, or hypothetical; not a fact) :: subjuntiu
subjunctive {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood ::
subjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood ::
subjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood) :: mode subjuntiu {m}, subjuntiu
sublease {n} (a lease on something made by someone who already leases it) :: sotsarrendament {m}
sublease {v} (to lease something that is already leased) :: sotsarrendar, rellogar
sublimate {v} (to change from solid to gas) :: sublimar
sublimate {v} (to raise to a place of honor) :: sublimar
sublimation {n} (phase transition) :: sublimació {f}
sublimation {n} (transformation of an impulse) :: sublimació {f}
sublime {adj} (noble and majestic) :: sublim
sublime {adj} (impressive and awe-inspiring) :: sublim
submarine {adj} (undersea) :: submarí {m}
submarine {n} (undersea boat) :: submarí {m}
submariner {n} (member of a submarine crew) :: submarinista {m} {f}
submerge {v} (to immerse (intransitive)) :: submergir
submission {n} (the act of yielding) :: submissió {f}
submit {v} (yield or give way to another) :: sotmetre's
submit {v} (enter or put forward something for approval, consideration, marking etc.) :: sotmetre, presentar
subnet {n} (portion of a network which shares a network address in which each component is identified by a subnet number) :: subxarxa {f}
suborder {n} (taxonomic category) :: subordre {m}
subordinate {adj} (grammar: dependent) :: subordinat
subordinate {n} (one who is subordinate) :: subordinat {m}
subordinate {v} (to make subservient) :: subordinar
subordinately {adv} (in a subordinate manner) :: subordinadament
subpoena {n} (writ requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony) :: citació {f}, citació a dia cert {f}
subproduct {n} (byproduct) SEE: byproduct ::
sub-Saharan {adj} (pertaining to that part of Africa south of the Sahara) :: subsaharià
subscribe {v} (to sign up to receive a publication) :: subscriure's
subscriber {n} (a person who subscribes to a publication or a service) :: subscriptor {m}, subscriptora {f}
Subscriber Identity Module {n} (component on a SIM card that stores information to identify a mobile phone user) :: SIM
subscription {n} (access to a resource for a period of time) :: abonament {m}
subsequent {adj} (following in time) :: subsegüent
subsequent {adj} (following in order of place) :: subsegüent
subsequently {adv} (subsequently) :: subseqüentment
subset {n} (set whose elements are within another given set) :: subconjunt {m}
subside {v} (to fall into a state of calm; to settle down; to become tranquil; to abate) :: calmar-se
subsidiary {n} (company owned by a parent company or a holding company) :: filial {f}
subsidize {v} (assist by granting a subsidy) :: subvencionar
subsidy {n} (financial support) :: subsidi {m}, subvenció {m}
subsist {v} (to survive) :: subsistir
subsistence {n} (means of support) :: subsistència {f}
subsistent {adj} (inherent) SEE: inherent ::
subsoil {n} (layer of earth below topsoil) :: subsòl {m}
subspecies {n} (rank in the classification of organisms) :: subespècie {f}
substance {n} (physical matter; material, see also: matter) :: substància {f}
substance {n} (essential part) :: substància {f}
substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun ::
substantivisation {n} (nominalization) SEE: nominalization ::
substantivise {v} (convert into or use as a noun) :: substantivar
substitute {v} (to use in place of something else) :: substituir
substitute {v} (sports: to remove from the field and bring on another player) :: canviar, substituir
substitute {n} (replacement or stand-in) :: substitut {m}
substitute {v} (to substitute) SEE: replace ::
substitute teacher {n} (supply teacher) SEE: supply teacher ::
substitution {n} (substitute) SEE: substitute ::
substitution {n} (the act of substituting or the state of being substituted) :: substitució {f}
substrate {n} (the material or substance on which an enzyme acts) :: substrat {m}
substrate {n} (a surface on which an organism grows or is attached) :: substrat {m}
substrate {n} (an underlying layer; a substratum) :: substrat {m}
substrate {n} (an indigenous language) :: substrat {m}
substrate {n} (a metal which is plated with another metal which has different physical properties) :: substrat {m}
substrate {n} (a surface to which a substance adheres) :: substrat {m}
substratum {n} (a layer that lies underneath another) :: substrat {m}
subsume {v} (to place under another as belonging to it) :: subsumir
subterranean {adj} (below ground, under the earth, underground) :: subterrani
subterraneous {adj} (subterranean) SEE: subterranean ::
subtitle {n} (textual versions of the dialog in films) :: subtítol {m}, subtítols {m-p}
subtitler {n} (person) :: subtitulador {m}
subtle {adj} (hard to grasp) :: subtil
subtle {adj} (cleverly contrived) :: subtil
subtle {adj} (cunning, skillful) :: subtil
subtlety {n} (quality or act of being subtle) :: subtilesa {f}
subtly {adv} (with subtleness, in a subtle manner) :: subtilment
subtract {v} (to remove or reduce) :: sostreure, restar
subtraction {n} (process) :: sostracció {f}
subtraction {n} (calculation) :: subtracció {f}
subtrahend {n} (A number or quantity to be subtracted from another) :: subtrahend {m}
subunit {n} (subdivision of a larger unit) :: subunitat {f}
suburb {n} (area on the periphery of a city or large town) :: suburbi {m}, rodalies {f}
suburban {adj} (relating to outskirts of a city) :: suburbà
suburbicarian {adj} (describing any of the six dioceses surrounding Rome) :: suburbicari
subvention {n} (subsidy) SEE: subsidy ::
subversive {adj} (intending to subvert) :: subversiu
subversively {adv} (in a subversive manner) :: subversivament
subvert {v} (to upturn convention by undermining it) :: subvertir
subvertisement {n} (piece of subvertising) SEE: subvert ::
subway {n} (underground railway) :: metro {m}
subway {n} (train of underground railway) :: metro {m}
succeed {v} (To follow in order; to come next after; hence, to take the place of) :: succeir
succeed {v} (To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended; to have a prosperous issue or termination; to be successful) :: reeixir
succeed {v} (To come after; to be subsequent or consequent to; to follow; to pursue) :: seguir
succeed {v} (To come in the place of another person, thing, or event; to come next in the usual, natural, or prescribed course of things) :: succeir
succeed {v} (Specifically: To ascend the throne after the removal the death of the occupant) :: succeir
success {n} (achievement of one's aim or goal) :: èxit {m}, succés {m}
successful {adj} (resulting in success) :: exitós
successive {adj} (in a series) :: successiu
successively {adv} (in a serial manner) :: successivament
succinct {adj} (brief and to the point) :: succint
succinctly {adv} (in a succinct manner) :: succintament
succinic acid {n} (colourless crystalline dicarboxylic acid, (CH2COOH)2) :: àcid succínic {m}
succour {n} (aid, assistance, or relief given to one in distress) :: socors
succuba {n} (a female demon or fiend) SEE: succubus ::
succubus {n} (female demon) :: súcub {m}, súcube {m}
succulent {adj} (juicy or lush) :: suculent
succulent {adj} (botany: having fleshy leaves or other tissues that store water) :: suculent
succulent {n} (a succulent plant) :: planta suculenta {f}
such {determiner} (used to make a comparison with something implied by context) :: tal {m}
such as {prep} (for example) SEE: for example ::
such as {prep} (like) :: com ara
such is life {phrase} (used to express the acceptance of misfortune) :: així és la vida
suck {v} (to use the mouth to pull in (liquid etc)) :: xuclar
suck {n} (sycophant) SEE: sycophant ::
sucker {n} (organ) :: ventosa {f}
sucker {n} (a stem growing up from the roots of a plant) :: tany {m}
sucker {n} (lollipop) SEE: lollipop ::
suckle {v} (to give suck to) :: alletar
suck off {v} (to give a blowjob) :: fer un francès
sucralose {n} (chlorinated sucrose) :: sucralosa {f}
sucrose {n} (a disaccharide) :: sacarosa {f}
suction {n} (the process of creating an imbalance in pressure to draw matter from one place to another) :: succió {f}
suction cup {n} (cup using suction as an adhesive) :: ventosa {f}
Sudan {prop} (Republic of Sudan) :: Sudan {m}
Sudanese {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to the country of Sudan, the Sudanese people or the Sudanese language) :: sudanès {m}
sudden {n} (surprise) SEE: surprise ::
sudden {adj} (happening quickly and with little or no warning) :: sobtat
sudden death {n} (instantaneous death) :: mort sobtada {f}
sudden death {n} (mode of play) :: joc decisiu {m}, mort sobtada {f}
suddenly {adv} (happening quickly and with little or no warning) :: de sobte, sobtadament, (colloquial) tot d'una
suede {n} (type of leather) :: serratge {m}
suet {n} (fat) :: sèu {m}
suffer {v} (undergo hardship) :: sofrir, patir
suffer {v} (feel pain) :: sofrir
suffer {v} (become worse) :: empitjorar
suffer from {v} (have a disease or condition) :: patir, sofrir
suffering {n} (condition) :: patiment {m}
suffice {v} (be enough, sufficient, adequate) :: bastar
sufficiency {n} (quality or condition of being sufficient) :: suficiència {f}
sufficient {adj} (adequate to wants) :: suficient
sufficiently {adv} (in a sufficient manner) :: suficientment
suffix {n} (morpheme added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning) :: sufix {m}
suffocate {v} ((intransitive) to suffer from severely reduced oxygen intake to the body) :: ofagar (there is sufocar but it applies only to fires)
suffocate {v} ((intransitive) to die due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body) :: ofegar-se
suffocate {v} ((transitive) to kill someone by depriving him of a sufficient oxygen intake) :: ofegar
suffrage {n} (the right to vote) :: sufragi {m}
Sufi {n} (a Sufi muslim) :: sufí {m}
Sufism {n} (Islamic mysticism) :: sufisme {m}
sugar {n} (sucrose from sugar cane or sugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink) :: sucre {m}
sugar {n} (any of a series of carbohydrates used by organisms to store energy) :: sucre {m}
sugar {n} (generic term for sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc) :: sucre {m}
sugar {n} (slang: effeminacy in a male, often implying homosexuality) :: ploma {f}
sugar apple {n} (sweetsop) :: ata
sugar cane {n} (species of grass whose sap is a source of sugar) :: canya de sucre {f}
sugar glider {n} (Petaurus breviceps) :: petaure del sucre {m}
Sugarloaf Mountain {prop} (rocky peak in Rio de Janeiro) :: Pa de Sucre {m}
suggest {v} (to make one suppose) :: suggerir
suggestion {n} (something suggested) :: suggeriment {m}
suggestion {n} (act of suggestion) :: suggestió {f}, suggeriment {m}
suggestion {n} ((psychology) something implied) :: suggestió {f}
suggillation {n} (livor mortis) SEE: livor mortis ::
suicide {n} (instance of killing oneself) :: suïcidi {m}
suicide {n} (person who has killed himself/herself, is killing (is attempting/has attempted to kill) himself/herself) :: suïcida {m} {f}
suicide {n} (figurative: action) :: suïcidi {m}
suicide {adj} (to kill oneself intentionally) SEE: commit suicide ::
suit {n} (set of clothes) :: vestit {m}
suit {v} (to be appropriate or apt for) :: escaure
suit {v} (to agree, accord, be fitted to) :: convenir
suit {n} (attempt to gain an end by legal process) SEE: lawsuit ::
suit {n} (pursuit, chase) SEE: pursuit ::
suit {n} (company of attendants or followers) SEE: retinue ::
suitable {adj} (appropriate to a certain occasion) :: apropiat
suitcase {n} (large piece of luggage) :: maleta {f}
sulfate {n} (organic chemistry: any ester of sulfuric acid) :: sulfat {m}
sulfate {n} (inorganic chemistry: any salt of sulfuric acid) :: sulfat {m}
sulfide {n} (any compound of sulfur and a metal or electropositive element or group) :: sulfur {m}
sulfite {n} (salt of sulfurous acid) :: sulfit {m}
sulfonamide {n} (any amide of a sulfonic acid) :: sulfonamida {f}
sulfur {n} (element) :: sofre {m}
sulfurate {v} (chemistry) :: sulfurar
sulfur dioxide {n} (the compound SO2) :: diòxid de sofre {m}
sulfuric {adj} (relating to sulfur) :: sulfúric, sulfuri
sulfuric acid {n} (H2SO4) :: àcid sulfúric {m}
sulfur mustard {n} (mustard gas) SEE: mustard gas ::
sulfurous {adj} (containing sulfur) :: sulfurós {m}
sulphite ammonia caramel {n} (sugar material) :: caramel de sulfit amònic {m}
sulphuric acid {n} (sulfuric acid) SEE: sulfuric acid ::
sultan {n} (ruler) :: sultà {m}, soldà [archaic]
sultanate {n} (state ruled by a sultan) :: soldanat {m}
sultry {adj} (hot and humid) :: xafogós {m}, xafogosa {f}
sultry {adj} (very hot and dry) :: tòrrid {m}
sultry {adj} (sexually enthralling) :: calent {m}
sum {n} (quantity obtained by addition or aggregation) :: suma {f}
sum {n} (quantity of money) :: suma {f}
sum {v} (give a summary of) SEE: summarize ::
sum {n} (summary) SEE: summary ::
sum {n} (summit) SEE: summit ::
sumac {n} (shrub or small tree of the genus Rhus, etc.) :: sumac {m}
sumac {n} (sour spice) :: sumac {m}
Sumatra {prop} (the largest island of Indonesia) :: Sumatra
Sumerian {adj} (pertaining to Sumer) :: sumeri
Sumerian {n} (person) :: sumeri {m}
Sumerian {prop} (language) :: sumeri {m}
summarily {adv} (in a summary manner) :: sumàriament
summarily {adv} (briefly) :: breument, sumàriament
summarize {v} (to prepare a summary) :: resumir
summarize {v} (to give a capitulation of salient facts; to recapitulate or review) :: recapitular
summary {adj} (concise) :: sumari
summary {adj} (performed speedily) :: sumari
summary {n} (condensed presentation) :: resum {m}, sumari {m}
summer {n} (hottest season) :: estiu {m}
summer {v} (spend the summer, as in a particular place on holiday) :: estiuejar
summer solstice {n} (the moment when the hemisphere is most inclined toward the sun) :: solstici d'estiu {m}
summer time {n} (daylight saving time) SEE: daylight saving time ::
summit {n} (peak, top of mountain) :: cim {m}
summit {n} (gathering of leaders) :: cimera {f}
summon {v} (to call people together) :: cridar
summon {v} (to ask someone to come) :: citar
summon {v} (law: to order someone to appear in court) :: citar
summons {n} (call to do something, especially to come) :: citació {f}
sumptuous {adj} (magnificent, luxurious, splendid) :: sumptuós
sum up {v} (sum up) SEE: summarize ::
sun {prop} (the star around which the Earth revolves, see also: Sun) :: sol
sun {n} (a star, especially when seen as the centre of any single solar system) :: sol
sun {n} (light and warmth received from the sun) :: sol
sun {n} (something like the sun in brightness or splendor) :: sol
Sun {prop} (star) :: Sol {m}
Sun {n} (Sunday) :: dg.
sunbird {n} (bird of family Nectariniidae) :: suimanga {f}
Sunday {n} (day of the week) :: diumenge {m}
sunderling {adv} (separately) SEE: separately ::
sundial {n} (device noting the time of day by the position of a shadow) :: rellotge de sol {m}
sundown {n} (sunset) SEE: sunset ::
sunfish {n} (fish of the family Centrarchidae) :: centràrquid {m}
sunfish {n} (fish of the family Molidae) :: bot, peix lluna, mola
sunflower {n} (flower) :: gira-sol {m}, mira-sol {m}
sunflower oil {n} (vegetable oil) :: oli de gira-sol {m}
sunglasses {n} (tinted glasses worn to protect the eyes from the sun) :: ulleres de sol {f-p}
Sunni {adj} (related to the Sunni branch of Islam) :: sunnita
Sunni {n} (follower of the Sunni branch of Islam) :: sunnita {?}
Sunnite {n} (Sunni) SEE: Sunni ::
sunny {adj} (weather, day) :: asolellat
sunny {adj} (place) :: asolellat
sunny {adj} (cheerful) :: radiant
sunrise {n} (time of day) :: sortida de sol {f}
sunscreen {n} (cream that protects the skin from the sun) :: crema solar {f}
sunset {n} (time of day) :: posta de sol {f}
sunshade {n} (something to keep the sun off) :: para-sol {m}
sun shower {n} (rain shower) :: les bruixes es pentinen
suntanned {adj} (having a suntan) SEE: tanned ::
sunup {n} (time of day) SEE: sunrise ::
sunup {n} (change in color of sky) SEE: sunrise ::
super- {prefix} (above, over, or upon) :: sobre-, super-
super- {prefix} (superior in size, quality, number, degree, status, title or position) :: super-
super- {prefix} ((fiction) relating to superheroes) :: super-
superadd {v} (to add on top of a previous addition) :: sobreafegir
superatom {n} (a cluster of atoms which seems to exhibit some of the properties of elemental atoms) :: superàtom {m}
superb {adj} (of the highest quality; exceptionally good) :: soberg
superbly {adv} (excellently) :: magníficament
supercilium {n} (arch of hair) SEE: eyebrow ::
supercomputer {n} (computer that has great processing power) :: supercomputador {m}
superconductor {n} (a substance) :: superconductor {m}
superego {n} (part of the mind) :: superjò {m}, superego {m}
superfamily {n} (taxonomic category) :: superfamília {f}
superficial {adj} (of or pertaining to the surface) :: superficial
superficial {adj} (shallow, lacking substance) :: superficial
superficiality {n} (property of being superficial) :: superficialitat {f}
superficially {adv} (in a superficial manner) :: superficialment
superfluous {adj} (excess of what is sufficient) :: superflu
superfluously {adv} (in a superfluous manner) :: supèrfluament
superfood {n} (food supposed to confer remarkable health benefits) :: superaliment {m}
superhabitable planet {n} (hypothetical type of exoplanet) :: planeta superhabitable {m}
superhero {n} (a fictional crime-fighting character with superpowers) :: superheroi {m}
superhighway {n} (US An expressway especially one designed for high speeds) :: super-autopista
superimpose {v} (to place an object over another object) :: superposar
superior {adj} (higher in rank or quality) :: superior
superior {adj} (located above) :: superior
superior {adj} (extraordinary) :: superior
superior auricular muscle {n} (muscle) :: múscul auricular superior {m}
superiority {n} (the state of being superior) :: superioritat {f}
superlative {adj} (exceptionally good) :: superlatiu
superlative {adj} (of or pertaining to a superlative) :: superlatiu
supermajority {n} (qualified majority) SEE: qualified majority ::
superman {n} (übermensch) :: superhome {m}
supermarket {n} (store) :: supermercat {m}
supermassive black hole {n} (Any black hole with a large mass) :: forat negre supermassiu {m}
supermoon {n} (a full moon or new moon, when the Earth–Moon distance is in the lowest tenth of its range) :: superlluna {f}
supernatural {adj} (above nature) :: sobrenatural
supernova {n} (exploding star) :: supernova {f}
superorder {n} (taxonomic category) :: superordre {m}
superorganism {n} (social colony) :: superorganisme {m}
supersede {v} (take the place of) :: substituir
supersede {v} (displace in favour of another) :: reemplaçar
supersonic {adj} (ultrasonic) SEE: ultrasonic ::
supersonic {adj} (greater than the speed of sound) :: supersònic
superspace {n} (coordinate space in supersymmetry) :: superespai {m}
superstition {n} (a belief that events may be influenced by one's behaviour in some magical or mystical way) :: superstició {f}
superstitious {adj} (susceptible to superstitions) :: supersticiós
superstitiously {adv} (in a superstitious manner) :: supersticiosament
superstructure {n} (the social sphere of ideology) :: superestructura {f}
supersymmetry {n} (theory that attempts to unify the fundamental physical forces) :: supersimetria {f}
supertanker {n} (extremely large tanker) :: superpetrolier {m}
supervise {v} (to oversee or direct) :: supervisar
supervisor {n} (a person with the official task of overseeing the work of a person or group etc.) :: supervisor {m}
supervisory board {n} (group) :: consell de vigilància {m}
supine {n} (verbal noun) :: supí {m}
supper {n} (food before going to bed) :: sopar {m}
supper {n} (dinner at night) :: sopar {m}
supper {v} (to eat dinner) :: sopar
supplement {v} (to provide or make a supplement to) :: suplementar, complementar
supplementary {adj} (additional) :: suplementari
supplier {n} (one who supplies, a provider) :: proveïdor {m}
supply {v} (to provide, make available for use) :: fornir, subministrar, proveir
supply {v} (to furnish or equip with) :: proveir, equipar
supply and demand {n} (economic model of pricing) :: oferta i demanda {f}
supply teacher {n} (teacher who fills a temporary position) :: substitut {m}
support {v} (to keep from falling) :: sostenir
support {v} (to help, particularly financially) :: recolzar
suppose {v} (conclude; believe) :: suposar
suppose {v} (theorize; hypothesize) :: suposar
supposed {adj} (presumed to be true, but without proof) :: suposat
supposedly {adv} (as a matter of supposition) :: suposadament
suppository {n} (medicine in the form of a small plug that is inserted into a bodily cavity) :: supositori {m}
supremacy {n} (quality of being supreme) :: supremacia {f}
supreme {adj} (dominant) :: suprem
sura {n} (chapter of the Qur'an) :: sura {f}
sure {adj} (certain, reliable) :: segur
surely {adv} (without fail) :: segurament
surely {adv} (certainly, undoubtedly) :: segurament
surety {n} (certainty) SEE: certainty ::
surf {v} (to browse the Internet) :: navegar
surface {n} (up-side of a flat object) :: superfície {f}
surfboard {n} (a shaped waterproof plank used to surf on waves) :: planxa de surf {f}
surfer {n} (person who rides a surfboard) :: surfista {m} {f}
surfing {n} (sport) :: surf {m}
surf riding {n} (surfing) SEE: surfing ::
surgeon {n} (doctor who performs surgery) :: cirurgià, cirurgiana {f}
surgeonfish {n} (any of many brightly coloured fishes, of the family Acanthuridae) :: acantúrid {m}
surgery {n} (procedure involving major incisions) :: cirurgia {f}, operació {f}
surgery {n} (medical specialty) :: cirurgia {f}
surgery {n} (room or department where surgery is performed) :: quiròfan {m}
surgical {adj} (of or relating to surgery) :: quirúrgic
surgically {adv} (relating surgery) :: quirúrgicament
surgical mask {n} (mask worn to catch bacteria) :: màscara quirúrgica, mascareta, tapaboca
Suriname {prop} (country) :: Surinam
Surinamese {n} (person from Suriname) :: surinamès {m}
Surinamese {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Suriname) :: surinamès
surly {adj} (irritated, bad-tempered, unfriendly) :: malcarat, sorrut
surname {n} (name that indicates family) :: cognom {m}
surplice {n} (liturgical vestment) :: sobrepellís
surplus {n} (funds in public treasury greater than ordinary needs) :: superàvit {m}
surprise {n} (something not expected) :: sorpresa {f}
surprise {n} (feeling that something unexpected has happened) :: sorpresa {f}
surprise {v} (cause (someone) to feel surprise) :: sorprendre
surprising {adj} (that is or are a surprise) :: sorprenent
surprisingly {adv} (in a way that causes surprise because it is unexpected, or unusual) :: sorprenentment
surreal {adj} (having the intense reality of a dream) :: surrealista
surrealism {n} (artistic movement and aesthetic philosophy) :: surrealisme {m}
surrealist {n} (surrealist artist) :: surrealista {m} {f}
surrender {n} (an act of surrendering) :: rendició {f}, capitulació {f}
surrogate {n} (substitute) :: suplent {m}, substitut {m}
surround {v} (to encircle something or simultaneously extend in all directions) :: circumdar, rodejar, envoltar, voltar
surround {v} (to enclose to prevent escape) :: circumdar, rodejar, envoltar, voltar
surrounding {adj} (which surrounds something) :: circumdant
surroundings {n} (area surrounding someone or something) :: entorn {m}, ambient {m}
surveillance {n} (observation of individuals or groups of individuals) :: vigilància {f}
survey {n} (an examination of the opinions of a group) :: enquesta {f}
survey {n} (act of surveying) :: enquestar
surveyor {n} (person occupied with the process of determining positions on the Earth's surface) :: agrimensor {m} {f}
survival {n} (continued existence or life) :: supervivència {f}
survive {v} (person: continue to live) :: sobreviure
survive {v} (object, concept: continue to exist) :: sobreviure
survive {v} (live longer than) :: sobreviure
survive {v} (live past a life-threatening event) :: sobreviure
survivor {n} (one who survives) :: supervivent {m} {f}
susceptibility {n} (the condition of being susceptible) :: susceptibilitat {f}
susceptible {adj} (likely to be affected by) :: susceptible
sushi {n} (Japanese dish) :: sushi
suspect {v} (imagine or suppose to be true, without proof) :: sospitar
suspect {v} (distrust, have doubts about) :: sospitar
suspect {v} (believe to be guilty) :: sospitar
suspect {adj} (viewed with suspicion) :: sospitós
suspended cymbal {n} (cymbal that is suspended horizontally) :: plat suspès {m}
suspenders {n} (stocking supporter) SEE: garter ::
suspicion {n} (act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong) :: sospita {f}
suspicious {adj} (arousing suspicion) :: sospitós
suspicious {adj} (distrustful) :: suspicaç
suspicious {adj} (expressing suspicion) :: suspicaç
suspiciously {adv} (In a manner suggesting suspicion) :: sospitosament
suspiciously {adv} (in a manner suggesting guilt) :: sospitosament
sustain {v} (to maintain something) :: sostenir
sustainability {n} (ability to sustain something) :: sostenibilitat {f}
sustainability {n} (ecological sense) :: sostenibilitat {f}
sustainable {adj} (able to be sustained) :: sostenible
sustainable {adj} (able to be sustained: environmental term) :: sostenible
sustainable development {n} (development seeking to economic growth while ensuring future generations' ability to do the same, by not exceeding natural regenerative capacity) :: desenvolupament sostenible
suture {n} (seam) :: sutura {f}
Swabia {prop} (historical region of Germany) :: Suàbia {f}
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to Swabia) SEE: Swabish ::
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to a Swabian, Swabians) SEE: Swabish ::
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swabian dialect) SEE: Swabish ::
Swabian {prop} (dialect) SEE: Swabish ::
Swabian {n} (person) SEE: Swabish ::
Swabish {adj} (of or pertaining to Swabia) :: sueu {m}
Swabish {adj} (of or pertaining to a Swabian, Swabians) :: sueu {m}
Swabish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swabian dialect) :: sueu {m}
Swabish {prop} (dialect) :: sueu {m}
Swabish {n} (person) :: sueu {m}, sueva {f}
Swadesh list {n} (lists of vocabulary) :: llista Swadesh {f}
Swahili {n} (language) :: suahili {m}
swallow {v} (to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach) :: engolir, enviar [Balearic Islands]
swallow {n} (amount swallowed) :: engoliment
swallow {n} (bird) :: oreneta {f}
swallow up {v} (completely enclose or envelop) :: abismar
swamp {n} (type of wetland) :: pantà {m}
swampy {adj} (wet like a swamp) :: pantanós
swan {n} (waterfowl of the genus Cygnus) :: cigne {m}
swanky {adj} (posh; elegant; ritzy) :: elegant
swarf {n} :: borumballa {f}, encenall
swarm {n} (large number of insects) :: eixam {m}
swarm {v} (to move as a swarm) :: eixamenar-se
swarm spore {n} (zoospore) SEE: zoospore ::
swarthy {adj} (dark) SEE: dark ::
swarthy {adj} (dark-skinned) SEE: dark-skinned ::
swastika {n} (a cross with arms of equal length all bent halfway along at a 90° angle) :: esvàstica {f}, creu gammada {f}
Swaziland {prop} (Kingdom of Swaziland, see also: eSwatini) :: Swazilàndia {f}
swear {v} (to take an oath) :: jurar
sweat {n} (fluid that exits the body through pores) :: suor {f}
sweat {v} (to emit sweat) :: suar
sweat {v} (informal: to work hard) :: suar
sweat {v} (to emit in the manner of sweat) :: suar
sweater {n} (knitted jacket worn by athletes before or after exercise) :: dessuadora {f}
sweater {n} (similar garment worn for warmth) :: suèter {m}
sweatshirt {n} (loose shirt) :: dessuadora {f}
swede {n} (turnip) SEE: turnip ::
Swede {n} (person from Sweden or of Swedish descent) :: suec {m}, sueca {f}
Sweden {prop} (Scandinavian country) :: Suècia {f}
Swedish {prop} (language) :: suec {m}
Swedish {adj} (of or pertaining to Sweden) :: suec
sweep {v} (to clean using a broom or brush) :: escombrar
sweep {n} (chimney sweep) SEE: chimney sweep ::
sweeper {n} (in soccer) :: defensa lliure {m} {f}
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant taste) :: dolç
sweet {adj} (having a taste of sugar) :: dolç
sweet {adj} (containing a sweetening ingredient) :: dolç {m}, ensucrat {m}
sweet {adj} (of a wine: retaining a portion of sugar) :: dolç
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant sound) :: dolç
sweet {adj} (having a pleasing disposition) :: dolç
sweet {adv} (in a sweet manner) :: dolçament
sweet {n} (sugary confection) :: dolç {m}, llaminadura {f}
sweet {n} (food eaten for dessert) SEE: dessert ::
sweet {n} (basic taste sensation induced by sugar) SEE: sweetness ::
sweet corn {n} (corn suitable for eating by humans) :: blat de moro dolç {m}
sweeten {v} (to make sweet to the taste) :: endolcir
sweetener {n} (food additive) :: edulcorant {m}
sweet flag {n} (Acorus calamus) :: càlam {m}
sweetheart {n} (darling) SEE: darling ::
sweetly {adv} (in a sweet or pleasant manner) :: dolçament
sweetness {n} (condition of being sweet or sugary) :: dolçor {f}
sweetness {n} (pleasant disposition) :: dolçor {f}
sweet pepper {n} (fruit) SEE: bell pepper ::
sweet potato {n} (yam) SEE: yam ::
sweet potato {n} (ocarina) SEE: ocarina ::
sweet potato {n} (vine) :: batata {f}, moniatera {f} moniato {m}
sweet potato {n} (tuber) :: batata {f}, moniato {m}
sweets {n} (confectionery, candy) :: caramels, llaminadures, dulces
sweetshop {n} (shop selling predominantly confectionery) :: confiteria {f}
sweetsop {n} (sugar apple) SEE: sugar apple ::
sweetwater {n} (fresh water) SEE: fresh water ::
sweet woodruff {n} (Asperula odorata) :: espunyidella d'olor {f}
swell {v} (intransitive: to become bigger, especially due to being engorged) :: inflar-se, rebotir, unflar-se
swell {adj} (excellent, see also: excellent) :: excel·lent {m} {f}
swelter {n} (intense heat) :: xafogor {f}
swidden {n} (area cleared and burnt for cultivation) :: artiga {f}
swift {adj} (fast; quick) :: ràpid
swift {n} (bird) :: falciot {m}
swim {v} (move through water) :: nedar
swim bladder {n} (fish organ) :: bufeta natatòria {f}, vesícula natatòria {f}
swimmer {n} (one who swims) :: nedador {m}, nedadora {f}
swimming {n} (human activity of moving oneself through water) :: natació {f}
swimming costume {n} (garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit ::
swimmingly {adv} (in a very favourable manner) :: com l'anell al dit (like the ring to the finger)
swimming pool {n} (pool for swimming) :: piscina {f}
swimming trunks {n} (a pair of shorts or briefs worn for swimming or bathing) :: banyador {m}
swimmist {n} (swimmer) SEE: swimmer ::
swimsuit {n} :: vestit de bany {m}, banyador {m}
swimwear {n} (clothing for swimming) SEE: swimsuit ::
swindle {v} (to obtain money or property by fraudulent or deceitful methods) :: estafar
swindle {n} (an instance of swindling) :: estafa {f}
swindler {n} (person who swindles, cheats or defrauds) :: estafador {m}
swine {n} (pig) SEE: pig ::
swineherd {n} (person who herds and tends swine, keeper of swine/pigs) :: porquerol {m}, porquer {m}
swing {v} (to rotate about an off-centre fixed point) :: engronsar, balancejar
swing {v} :: nedar
swing {n} (hanging seat) :: gronxador {m}
swirl {n} (whirling eddy) :: remolí
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to Switzerland) :: suís {m}, suïssa {f}
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swiss people) :: suís {m}, suïssa {f}
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to Swiss language(s) or Swiss dialect(s)) :: suís {m}, suïssa {f}
Swiss {n} (Swiss person) :: suís {m}
Swiss chard {n} (chard) SEE: chard ::
Swiss Confederation {prop} (Official name of Switzerland) :: Confederació Suïssa {f}
Swiss roll {n} (type of sponge cake roll) :: braç de gitano {m}
switch {n} (device to turn electric current on and off) :: interruptor {m}
switch {n} (movable section of railroad track) :: agulla {f}
switch {n} (command line notation) :: interruptor {m}, opció {f}
switch {v} :: canviar, desviar
switch off {v} (turn switch to off position) :: apagar
Switzerland {prop} (sovereign country) :: Suïssa {f}
swole {adj} (upset) SEE: upset ::
swole {adj} (of the penis: erect; of a person: with an erection of the penis) SEE: erect ::
swole {adj} (having large, well-developed muscles) SEE: muscular ::
swoon {n} (infatuation) SEE: infatuation ::
sword {n} (weapon) :: espasa {f}
sword {n} (one who handles a sword) :: espasa {m} {f}
swordfish {n} (Xiphias gladius) :: peix espasa {m}, emperador {m}
swordman {n} (swordsman) SEE: swordsman ::
sword of Damocles {n} (thing or situation which causes a prolonged state of impending doom or misfortune) :: espasa de Dàmocles {f}
swordsman {n} (a person skilled at using swords) :: espadatxí {m}
swot {v} (study hard) :: empollar
sybarite {n} (person devoted to pleasure and luxury) :: sibarita {m} {f}
sycamore {n} (Platanus) :: plàtan {m}
sycamore {n} (sycamore maple) SEE: sycamore maple ::
sycamore maple {n} (Acer pseudoplatanus) :: plàtan fals {m}
sycophant {n} (one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person.) :: sicofanta {m}
syenite {n} (obsolete: granite) SEE: granite ::
syenite {n} (igneous rock composed of feldspar and hornblende) :: sienita {f}
syllabic {adj} (of, relating to, or consisting of a syllable) :: sil·làbic
syllabic {adj} (in linguistics) :: sil·làbic
syllabify {v} (to parse into syllables) :: sil·labejar, lletrejar
syllabize {v} (syllabify) SEE: syllabify ::
syllable {n} (unit of speech) :: síl·laba {f}
syllogism {n} (inference from premises) :: sil·logisme {m}
Sylvester {prop} (male given name) :: Silvestre {m}
sylvite {n} (saline evaporite) :: silvina {f}
symbiont {n} (organism in a symbiotic relationship) :: simbiont {m}
symbiosis {n} (relationship of mutual benefit) :: simbiosi {f}
symbiote {n} (symbiont) SEE: symbiont ::
symbiotic {adj} (biology: living together) :: simbiòtic
symbiotic {adj} (having a mutually beneficial relationship) :: simbiòtic
symbiotically {adv} (in a symbiotic manner) :: simbiòticament
symbol {n} (character or glyph) :: símbol {m}
symbol {n} (object meant to represent another) :: símbol {m}
symbol {v} (symbolize) SEE: symbolize ::
symbolic {adj} (pertaining to a symbol) :: simbòlic
symbolic {adj} (implicitly referring to another thing) :: simbòlic
symbolically {adv} (in a symbolic manner) :: simbòlicament
symbolism {n} (representation of a concept) :: simbolisme {m}
symbolize {v} (To be symbolic of; to represent) :: simbolitzar
symbology {n} (study of symbols) :: simbologia {f}
symmetric {adj} (symmetrical) SEE: symmetrical ::
symmetrical {adj} (exhibiting symmetry) :: simètric
symmetrically {adv} (in a symmetrical manner) :: simètricament
symmetry {n} (correspondence on either side of a dividing line, plane, center or axis) :: simetria {f}
sympathectomy {n} (surgical cutting of a nerve in the sympathetic nervous system) :: simpatectomia {f}
sympathetic {adj} (of, related to, showing, or characterized by sympathy) :: simpàtic
sympathizer {n} (supporter) :: simpatitzant {m} {f}
sympathy {n} (feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another) :: compassió {f}
sympathy {n} (ability to share the feelings of another; empathy) :: empatia {f}
sympathy {n} (mutual relationship) :: simpatia {f}
sympatric {adj} (occurring in the same territory) :: simpàtric
symphonic {adj} (characteristic of a symphony) :: simfònico
symphonic poem {n} (piece of music based on something non-musical) :: poema simfònic {m}
symphony {n} (piece of orchestral music) :: simfonia {f}
symphony orchestra {n} (large orchestra that traditionally plays Western classical orchestral music) :: filharmònic, orquestra simfònica {f}
symposium {n} (conference) :: simpòsium {m}, simposi {m}
symptom {n} (figuratively: indicator of something) :: símptoma {m}
symptomatic {adj} (showing symptoms) :: simptomàtic
symptomatic {adj} (relating to a symptom) :: simptomàtic
synaesthesia {n} (neurological or psychological phenomenon) :: sinestèsia {f}
synaesthesia {n} (literary or artistic device) :: sinestèsia {f}
synagogue {n} (Jewish place of worship) :: sinagoga {f}
synagogue {n} (Jewish congregation) :: sinagoga {f}
synapse {n} (junction between neurons) :: sinapsi {f}
synaptic {adj} (junction between the terminal of a neuron and another cell) :: sinàptic
sync {v} (synchronize) SEE: synchronize ::
sync {n} (synchronization) SEE: synchronization ::
synchronisation {n} (synchronisation) SEE: synchronization ::
synchronised swimming {n} (swimming event) :: natació sincronitzada
synchronization {n} (the state or property of being synchronized) :: sincronització {f}
synchronize {v} (cause two events to have coordinated timing) :: sincronitzar
synclinal {n} (synclinal fold) :: sinclinal {m}
syncline {n} (concave upward fold) SEE: synclinal ::
syncope {n} (loss of consciousness) :: síncope {f}
syncretism {n} (fusion of different systems or beliefs) :: sincretisme {m}
syncretism {n} (fusion of different inflexional forms) :: sincretisme {m}
syndicalism {n} (the belief that capitalism should be replaced with labor unions) :: sindicalisme {m}
syndrome {n} (recognizable pattern of symptoms or behaviours) :: síndrome {f}
synecdoche {n} (figure of speech that uses the name of a part of something to represent the whole) :: sinècdoque {f}
synergy {n} :: sinergia {f}
synod {n} (ecclesiastic council or meeting) :: sínode {m}
synod {n} (administrative division of church) :: sínode {m}
synonym {n} (word with same meaning as another) :: sinònim {m}
synonymous {adj} (having a similar meaning) :: sinònim
synopsis {n} (brief summary) :: sinopsi {f}
synovitis {n} (inflammation of the synovium) :: sinovitis {f}
syntactic {adj} (of, related to or connected with syntax) :: sintàctic
syntactically {adv} (according to the rules of syntax) :: sintàcticament
syntax {n} (set of rules that govern how words are combined) :: sintaxi {f}
syntaxis {n} (syntax) SEE: syntax ::
synthesis {n} (formation of something complex or coherent) :: síntesi {f}
synthesis {n} (chemistry: reaction of elements or compounds) :: síntesi {f}
synthesis {n} (logic: deduction from the general to the particular) :: síntesi {f}
synthesize {v} (To combine things to produce a new, more complex product) :: sintetitzar
synthesize {v} (To produce a substance by chemical synthesis) :: sintetitzar
synthesizer {n} (music: an electronic keyboard instrument) :: sintetitzador {m}
synthetic {adj} :: sintètic
synthetically {adv} (using synthetic methods) :: sintèticament
syphilis {n} (sexual disease caused by Treponema pallidum) :: sífilis {m}
syphilitic {adj} (relating to syphilis) :: sifilític
Syracuse {prop} (city in New York state) :: Siracusa
Syria {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Síria {f}
Syriac {prop} (language) :: siríac {m}
Syrian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Syria, the Syrian people or the Syrian language) :: [Modern Syria] sirià; [Ancient Syria] siríac, sirí
Syrian {n} (a person from Syria or of Syrian descent) :: Modern Syria sirià {m}, siriana {f}; Ancient Syria sirí {m}, siria {f}
Syrian Arab Republic {prop} (official name of Syria) :: República Àrab Siriana {f}
syringe {n} (a device used for injecting or drawing fluids through a membrane) :: xeringa {f}
syringe {n} (hypodermic syringe) :: xeringa {f}
syrinx {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes ::
syrup {n} (thick liquid that has a high sugar content) :: xarop {m}
system {n} (collection of organized things; whole composed of relationships among its members) :: sistema {m}
systematic {adj} (of, relating to, or being a system) :: sistemàtic
systematic {adj} (carried out using a planned, ordered procedure) :: sistemàtic
systematic {adj} (methodical, regular and orderly) :: sistemàtic
systematic {adj} (of, or relating to taxonomic classification) :: sistemàtic
systematically {adv} (in an organized manner) :: sistemàticament
systematize {v} (to arrange into a systematic order) :: sistematitzar
systemic {adj} (relating to a system) :: sistèmic
systemic {adj} (pertaining to an entire organism) :: sistèmic
syzygy {n} (astronomical conjunction) :: sizígia {f}