User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-c

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c/ {f} :: abbreviation of calle (street)
c {letter} :: letter
C {letter} :: letter
C {m} [chess] :: abbreviation of caballo; K (knight)
ç {letter} [obsolete] :: c with cedilla
Ç {letter} [obsolete] :: C with cedilla
ca {interj} [Spain] :: Denotes incredulity or negation; oh no!
ca {conj} [obsolete] :: because
ca {f} [colloquial] :: house
C. A. {m} [Spain] :: initialism of comunidad autónoma
C.A. {m} :: alternative form of C. A.
CA {f} :: initialism of corriente alterna
CA {f} :: initialism of comunidad autónoma
CA {m} :: initialism of centro de alumnos
cabaiguanense {adj} :: Of or from the town of Cabaiguán in Cuba
cabaiguanense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the town of Cabaiguán in Cuba
cabal {adj} :: upright
cabal {adj} :: exact
cábala {f} [Judaism] :: Kabballah
cábala {f} :: speculation
cabales {mp} :: normal mental state; right mind
cabalgada {f} :: horseback ride
cabalgada {f} :: cavalcade (a company of riders)
cabalgador {m} :: horseman, horse rider (man who rides a horse)
cabalgadora {f} :: feminine noun of cabalgador
cabalgadura {f} :: mount (animal that is ridden on)
cabalgamiento {m} [geology] :: thrust fault
cabalgante {adj} [geology] :: overlying
cabalgar {vi} :: to mount an animal, especially a horse
cabalgar {vi} :: to ride an animal, especially a horse
cabalgata {f} :: ride (on a horse)
cabalgata {f} :: cavalcade
cabalidad {f} :: only used in a cabalidad
cabalista {mf} :: schemer (one who schemes)
cabalístico {adj} :: cabalistic
caballa {f} :: mackerel
caballada {f} :: herd of horses
caballar {adj} :: equine, horse
caballazo {m} :: an accident or collision involving a horse
caballejo {m} :: pejorative of caballo
caballera {f} :: feminine noun of caballero
caballerescamente {adv} :: chivalrously
caballeresco {adj} :: chivalrous, gentlemanly
caballeresco {adj} :: knightly
caballerete {m} [archaic] :: lad; chap; fellow
caballería {f} :: cavalry
caballería {f} :: any animal used for riding; mount
caballería {f} :: cavalierism, manners proper to a cavalier
caballerito {m} :: diminutive of caballero
caballeriza {f} :: stable
caballerizo {m} :: groom (for horses)
caballero {m} :: gentleman
caballero {m} [especially, South America] :: cowboy
caballero {m} :: horseman
caballero {m} :: knight
caballero {m} :: cavalier
Caballero {prop} :: surname
caballero andante {m} :: knight-errant
caballerosamente {adv} :: gentlemanly, chivalrously
caballerosidad {f} :: chivalry
caballerosidad {f} :: gentlemanliness
caballerosidad {f} :: mannerliness
caballeroso {adj} :: chivalrous
caballete {m} :: ridge (of roof)
caballete {m} :: trestle (of furniture)
caballete {m} :: stand; kickstand (support)
caballete {m} [anatomy] :: bridge (of the nose)
caballete {m} [zoology] :: keel (of a bird)
caballete {m} :: easel
caballista {mf} :: horseperson
caballista {mf} :: horse expert
caballito {m} :: diminutive of caballo: a little horse, horsy, pony
caballito {m} :: horsy (a game where a child rides on the back of another, who is on all fours)
caballito del diablo {m} :: damselfly
caballito de mar {m} :: sea horse
caballo {m} :: horse
caballo {m} [chess] :: knight
caballo {m} [slang] :: heroin
caballo con arcos {m} [gymnastics] :: pommel horse
caballo de batalla {m} [idiom] :: bone of contention
caballo de Przewalski {m} :: Przewalski's horse
caballo de Troya {m} [Greek mythology] :: Trojan horse
caballo de vapor {m} :: horsepower
caballote {m} :: big horse
caballuno {adj} :: equine
caballuno {adj} :: horsy; horselike
cabalmente {adv} :: thoroughly; entirely
cabaña {f} :: cabin, cottage, hut
cabañera {f} :: feminine noun of cabañero
cabañero {m} :: herdsman
cabañita {f} :: diminutive of cabaña
cabañuelas {fp} :: A traditional form of forecasting the weather
cabañuelas {fp} :: rainfall in January and February
cabaré {m} :: cabaret
cabaret {m} :: alternative form of cabaré
cabaretera {f} :: cabaret dancer
cabás {m} :: satchel
cabdillo {m} :: obsolete form of caudillo
cabe {prep} [archaic] :: alongside, beside, next to
cabeça {f} :: archaic spelling of cabeza
cabécar {adj} :: Cabécar
cabeceador {m} [football] :: header (someone who heads the ball)
cabeceadora {f} :: feminine noun of cabeceador
cabecear {v} :: to shake (one's head, especially in disagreement)
cabecear {vi} :: to nod (as one gradually falls to sleep while seated or standing)
cabecear {vi} :: to rock, to pitch
cabecear {vt} [soccer] :: to head a ball
cabeceo {m} :: nod (of the head while falling to sleep)
cabeceo {m} :: shake (of the head in the negative)
cabecera {f} :: headboard, bedhead
cabecera {f} :: head (of company)
cabecera {f} :: headline, heading, top
cabecera {f} [television, film] :: opening (of series)
cabecera {f} :: headwaters
cabecero {m} :: headboard, bedhead
cabeciblanco {adj} :: white-headed
cabecicafé {adj} [in names of birds] :: brown-headed
cabeciduro {adj} :: stubborn
cabecigrís {adj} :: grey-headed (said of various animals)
cabecilla {mf} :: leader, ringleader
cabecilla {mf} :: diminutive of cabeza
cabecinegro {adj} :: black-headed
cabecipardo {adj} :: brown-headed
cabecirrojo {adj} :: redheaded (said of various animal species)
cabecita {f} :: diminutive of cabeza
cabecita negra austral {f} :: black-chinned siskin
cabellera {f} :: hair, head of hair
cabellera {f} [astronomy] :: tail (the visible stream of dust and gases blown from a comet by the solar wind)
cabello {m} :: hair (the mass of hairs on the head)
cabello de ángel {m} :: a transparent threaded jam made from Siam pumpkin pulp and white sugar, originating in Mallorca
cabelludo {adj} :: hairy
cabelludo {adj} :: long-haired
cabelludo {adj} :: shaggy
caber {vt} :: to fit, enter (to be able to be contained (by something; regardless of whether space or volume remains))
caber {vt} :: to traverse, pass through or across (a way, path, door, hole, opening, mouth, orifice, etc.)
caber {vt} :: to be held or contained (to be held inside (something) or passed through (regardless of whether space or volume remains))
caber {vti} :: to have, hold, should be [in certain phrases]
caber {vt} [figuratively] :: to be acceptable, accepted, permitted, permissible, allowable, etc
caber {v} [archaic] :: to take
caber {v} [archaic] :: to understand
caber {v} :: to be possible
cabero {adj} [obsolete] :: final; last
cabestrante {m} :: capstan
cabestrar {vt} :: to halter
cabestrear {v} :: to be led by the halter
cabestrillo {m} [medicine] :: sling
cabestro {m} :: halter, headcollar (animal's headgear)
cabestro {m} [bullfighting] :: leading bull
cabeza {f} [anatomy] :: head
cabeza {f} :: mind [in certain phrases]
cabeza {m} [colloquial, Andalusia] :: guy, dude
cabeza cuadrada {f} [idiom] :: square (socially conventional person)
cabezada {f} :: nod (when falling asleep, acknowledging, consenting etc.)
cabezada {f} :: headbutt
cabezada {f} :: header
cabezada {f} :: nap, doze, forty winks
cabezada {f} :: headstall
cabeza de lista {f} :: headnote
cabeza del viejo {f} :: tayra (Eira barbara)
cabeza de mierda {mf} [idiom, rare, pejorative] :: shithead (stupid or contemptible person)
cabeza de turco {f} [idiom] :: scapegoat
cabezadita {f} [colloquial] :: nap
cabezadura {adj} :: hardheaded
cabezal {m} :: head (of a mechanism)
cabezal {m} :: headrest (in a car); small pillow
cabezal {m} :: headboard, bedhead
cabezal {m} :: wig block
cabezal de ducha {m} :: shower head
cabezazo {m} :: headbutt
cabezazo {m} [sports] :: header
cabezazo {m} :: augmentative of cabeza
cabezo {m} :: hill
cabezo {m} :: hilltop
cabezón {adj} :: big-headed
cabezón {adj} :: pigheaded, stubborn
cabezón {m} :: a big-headed or stubborn person
cabezón {m} :: augmentative of cabeza
cabezona {f} :: feminine noun of cabezón
cabezota {adj} :: stubborn
cabezota {f} :: augmentative of cabeza
cabezudamente {adv} :: big-headedly
cabezudo {adj} :: big-headed, headstrong
cabezudo {m} :: mullet (fish)
cabezudo {m} :: augmentative of cabeza
cabezuela {f} :: Globularia vulgaris
cabezuela {f} :: Mantisalca salmantica
cabida {f} :: space, room, capacity (to fit something inside)
cabila {mf} :: Kabyle
cábila {f} :: alternative spelling of cabila
cabildante {mf} :: member of a cabildo
cabildante {mf} [Mexico] :: town councillor
cabildear {v} :: to lobby
cabildeo {m} [politics] :: lobby
cabildera {f} :: feminine noun of cabildero
cabildero {m} :: lobbyist (profession)
cabildo {m} :: Body of churchmen that forms the chapter of a cathedral or collegiate church
cabildo {m} :: A town council or other governing body at a local level
cabildo {m} :: An assembly or meeting held by such a governing body
cabildo {m} :: The place where such an assembly is held; cabildo
Cabilia {prop} {f} :: Kabylia
cabilio {adj} :: Kabyle
cabilio {m} :: Kabyle
cabilio {m} :: Kabyle
cabilla {f} [nautical] :: rebar
cabillo {m} [botanics] :: little branch connecting to the leaves
cabina {f} :: cabin (the passenger area of an airplane)
cabina {f} :: cabin (a private room on a ship)
cabina {f} :: cockpit (the space for those in control of a vessel)
cabina {f} :: booth (an enclosure just big enough to accommodate one person)
cabina del piloto {f} :: cockpit
cabinado {adj} :: cabined, having cabins
cabina electoral {f} [politics] :: voting booth, polling booth
cabina telefónica {f} :: phone box
cabinera {f} :: feminine noun of cabinero
cabinero {m} :: flight attendant
cabirma {f} :: A number of different trees of the genus Guarea
cabizbajamente {adv} :: dejectedly, gloomily
cabizbajar {v} [archaic] :: to make gloomy
cabizbajo {adj} :: dejected, gloomy
cable {m} :: a cable or cord
cable {m} :: a wire
cable {m} [colloquial] :: hand, help
cableado {m} :: cabling
cableamiento {m} :: cabling
cablear {v} :: to wire up; cable up
cablecarril {m} :: cableway
cable coaxial {m} :: coaxial cable
cable de arranque {m} :: jump lead
cablegrafiar {v} :: to cable
cablegrama {m} :: cablegram
cableoperador {m} :: cable operator
cableoperadora {f} :: cable TV channel
cablera {f} :: cable TV company
cablería {f} :: cabling
cablero {m} :: cable ship
cabo {m} :: end, edge, extremity (furthest or terminal point of something)
cabo {m} :: end, finish, conclusion (terminal point of something in time)
cabo {m} :: stub, butt, stump (something blunted, stunted, burnt to a stub, or cut short)
cabo {m} [nautical] :: cable, rope (strong rope or chain, especially used to moor or anchor a ship)
cabo {m} [geography] :: cape, headland (piece or point of land, extending beyond the adjacent coast into a sea or lake)
cabo {m} [military ranks] :: corporal (non-commissioned officer army rank with NATO code OR-4)
cabo {m} [police] :: sergeant (highest rank of noncommissioned officer)
cabo {m} [in the plural] :: accessories, knick-knacks, odds and ends (small trinket of minor value)
Cabo Cañaveral {prop} {m} :: Cape Canaveral
Cabo Cod {prop} {m} :: Cape Cod
Caborca {prop} :: Caborca (municipality)
caborrojeña {f} :: feminine noun of caborrojeño
caborrojeño {adj} :: Of or from Cabo Rojo
caborrojeño {m} :: Someone from Cabo Rojo
cabotaje {m} :: trade or traffic along the coast
Cabo Verde {prop} {m} :: Cabo Verde (archipelago/and/country)
caboverdiano {adj} :: Cape Verdean, Cabo Verdean
caboverdiano {m} :: Cape Verdean, Cabo Verdean
cabra {f} :: female goat
cabra {f} :: goat (unknown gender)
cabra {f} [colloquial, Chile] :: girl
cabracho {m} :: red scorpionfish, bigscale scorpionfish (Scorpaena scrofa)
cabrahigar {v} :: to hang strings of figs in the branches of fig trees so that the fruit of these branches will be sweeter and tasty
cabrahigo {m} :: a kind of fig
cabrales {m} :: cabrales
cabreado {adj} :: tired, fed up, bored, sick
cabrear {vt} [colloquial] :: to annoy, bother, pester, to piss off, to make angry
cabrear {vr} [colloquial] :: to get angry
cabrear {vr} [colloquial, Chile, Panama] :: to get sick and tired, to get bored, to get annoyed
cabreirés {adj} :: Of or from Cabreira
cabreirés {m} :: Someone from Cabreira
cabreirés {m} :: A dialect of Asturleonese spoken in and around Cabreira
cabreiresa {f} :: feminine noun of cabreirés
cabreo {m} [colloquial] :: pest, frustration, annoyance
Cabrera {prop} :: surname
cabrerista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, Manuel Estrada Cabrera, Guatemalan politician
cabrerista {mf} :: A supporter of Manuel Estrada Cabrera
cabreriza {f} :: goat shed
cabrerizo {adj} :: pertaining to goats
cabrerizo {m} :: goat shed
cabrerizo {m} :: goatherd
cabrero {m} :: goatherd
cabrestante {m} :: capstan
cabrestear {v} :: alternative spelling of cabestrear
cabrillear {v} :: to glimmer
cabrillear {v} :: (relating to the sea) to produce small waves
cabrilleo {m} :: foaming, breaking into foam [said of sea waves]
cabrino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Las Cabras
cabrio {m} [architecture] :: rafter
cabrio {m} [heraldiccharge] :: chevron
cabrío {adj} :: goatish
cabriolar {vi} :: to prance, to caper
cabriolear {v} :: synonym of cabriolar
cabrita {f} :: diminutive of cabra
cabrita {f} [Chile] :: popcorn
cabritilla {f} :: diminutive of cabrita
cabritillo {m} :: diminutive of cabrito
cabrito {m} :: kid (young goat)
cabro {m} :: male goat
cabro {m} [Chile, Paraguay, colloquial, Puerto Rico] :: kid, boy (a child)
cabro {m} [Peru, vulgar] :: fag (homosexual man)
cabrón {m} :: billy goat
cabrón {m} [pejorative] :: coward
cabrón {m} [vulgar, pejorative, Central America, Spain, Puerto Rico] :: bastard, motherfucker (compare English jackass)
cabrón {m} [vulgar, pejorative, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba] :: cuckold
cabrón {m} [pejorative, Latin America] :: pimp (prostitution solicitor)
cabrón {m} [colloquial, Mexico, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico] :: mate, dude (term of endearment between friends)
cabrón {adj} [Puerto Rico slang] :: super cool
cabrona {f} :: feminine noun of cabrón
cabronamente {adv} :: bloody; damn (used as an intensifier)
cabronazo {m} :: augmentative of cabrón
cabroncito {m} :: diminutive of cabrón
cabruno {adj} :: goatlike; goaty
cabujón {m} [gemmology] :: cabochon
cábula {mf} [Mexico, colloquial] :: joking, mischievous person; bully (doing pranks)
çabullir {v} :: obsolete spelling of zabullir
caburé {m} :: pygmy owl
cabuya {f} :: sisal
cabuyo {m} [Ecuador] :: Century plant (Agave americana)
caca {f} [childish, colloquial] :: poo
Caca {prop} {f} :: Caca (goddess)
caca de luna {f} [slang, Mexico] :: star jelly, false puffball (slime mold, Enteridium lycoperdon)
caçador {adj} :: obsolete spelling of cazador
caçador {m} :: obsolete spelling of cazador
cacahuacentli {m} :: alternative form of cacahuacintle
cacahuacintle {m} [Mexico] :: A variety of maize with large, whitish grains, used in the making of pozole and other traditional dishes
cacahuate {m} [Honduras, Mexico] :: peanut
cacahuazintle {m} :: alternative spelling of cacahuacintle
cacahuete {m} [El Salvador, Spain] :: peanut (plant, seed)
cacalosúchil {m} [Mexico] :: frangipani (Plumeria spp.)
cacao {m} :: cacao tree
cacao {m} :: cacao bean
cacao {m} :: cocoa (bean, powder)
cacao {m} [colloquial] :: confusion
Cacao {prop} :: surname, the 655th most common surname in Guatemala
cacaotal {m} :: A grove of cacao trees
cacaotera {f} :: feminine noun of cacaotero
cacaotero {m} [Mexico] :: cacao tree
cacaotero {m} :: A cultivator or dealer of cacao
caçar {v} :: obsolete spelling of cazar
cacarear {vt} :: to boast about, to exaggerate the importance of
cacarear {vi} :: to cackle; to laugh loudly
cacareo {m} :: cackling
cacareo {m} :: cock-a-doodle-doo
cacatúa {f} :: cockatoo
cacereña {f} :: feminine noun of cacereño
cacereño {adj} :: From Cáceres
cacereño {m} :: someone from Cáceres
Cáceres {prop} :: Cáceres (province)
Cáceres {prop} :: Cáceres (city)
Cáceres {prop} :: surname
Cáceres {prop} :: The letter c in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
cacería {f} :: hunt, hunting
cacerista {adj} :: of or pertaining to Andrés Avelino Cáceres, president of Peru on three occasions during the 1880s and 1890s
cacerista {mf} :: A supporter of, or soldier in the army of, Andrés Avelino Cáceres
cacerola {f} :: pan, saucepan
cacerola {f} :: cauldron
cacerolada {f} :: a form of protest in which people create noise with pots and pans
cacerolazo {m} [Argentina] :: alternative form of cacerolada
cacerolazo {m} :: A hit or blow with a saucepan
cacerolita {f} :: diminutive of cacerola
cacha {f} [often, in the plural] :: piece of the handle of a knife
cacha {f} [firearms] :: stock, buttstock, butt (the part of a rifle or shotgun that rests against the shoulder)
cacha {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: buttock
cacha {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: cheek
cacha {f} [Peru, colloquial] :: mockery
cacha {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: leg
cacha {f} [Chile, colloquial] :: sexual intercourse
cachaca {f} [Peru, pejorative] :: feminine noun of cachaco; female police officer
cachaça {m} :: cachaça
cachaco {adj} [Colombia] :: elegant, educated
cachaco {m} [Peru, pejorative] :: soldier
cachaco {m} [Puerto Rico] :: Spaniard
cachaco {m} [Colombia] :: Bogotan; bookworm, intellectual
cachaco {m} [colloquial] :: fop
cachalote {m} :: cachalot, sperm whale
cachama {f} :: tabaqui; Colossoma macropomum (fish)
cachaña {f} :: austral parakeet
cachanilla {adj} :: Of or from the city of Mexicali, Mexico
cachanilla {f} :: arrowweed, Pluchea sericea
cachanilla {mf} :: inhabitant of the city of Mexicali, Mexico
cachapa {f} [Venezuela] :: corn-dough pancakes usually eaten with traditional Venezuelan cheese queso de mano
cachapera {f} [Venezuela] :: shop that sells cachapas
cachapera {f} [Puerto Rico, Venezuela, slang] :: lesbian
Cachapoal {prop} {m} :: Cachapoal (province)
cachapoalino {adj} :: from the Chilean province of Cachapoal
cachar {v} :: to catch (to intercept)
cachar {v} [Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, colloquial] :: to catch, to get (to grasp mentally: perceive and understand)
cachar {v} [Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, colloquial] :: to find out, spy out, peek
cachar {v} [Chile, Peru, vulgar] :: to have sex
cacharrear {v} :: tinker (fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it)
cacharrería {f} :: crockery shop
cacharrería {f} :: crockery
cacharrito {m} :: diminutive of cacharro
cacharro {m} :: pot, crock (piece of pottery)
cacharro {m} :: wreck (damaged or worn car or technical device)
cacharro {m} [derogatory] :: piece of junk
cacharro {m} :: hickey (object whose name is unknown)
cacharro {m} [in the plural] :: crock, shard (piece of broken pottery)
cachas {adj} [colloquial] :: hunky
cachascán {m} [Peru] :: freestyle wrestling
cachaza {f} :: slowness, patience
cachazudo {adj} :: easy-going
caché {m} [computing] :: cache (a fast temporary storage where recently or frequently used information is stored to avoid having to reload it from a slower storage medium)
caché {m} :: cachet, elegance, pompousness
cachear {v} :: to search; to frisk
cachemir {m} :: cashmere
cachemir {mf} :: Kashmiri (person)
cachemir {mf} [uncountable, masculine] :: Kashmiri (language)
cachemir {adj} :: Kashmiri
cachemira {f} :: alternative form of cachemir [fabric]
Cachemira {prop} {f} :: Kashmir (region)
cachemiro {m} :: alternative form of cachemir [person or language]
cachemiro {adj} :: alternative form of cachemir
cacheo {m} :: body search; frisk
cácher {m} [baseball] :: catcher
cachero {adj} [Chile, Peru] :: lascivious, lewd, wanton
cachero {adj} [Chile, Peru] :: fucking, copulating (having sexual intercourse)
cachero {m} [Chile, Peru] :: lascivious, lewd, wanton person
cachero {m} [Chile, Peru] :: fucker, copulator
cachetada {f} :: slap in the face
cachetadón {m} :: a large, hard slap to the face
cachetazo {m} :: slap
cachete {m} :: cheek
cachete {m} :: buttock, butt-cheek
cachete {m} :: smack
cachetear {v} :: to slap (in the face)
cachetero {m} [bullfighting] :: a short knife used to kill a bull
cachetero {m} [bullfighting] :: a bullfighter, especially a subordinate, who kills the bull which such a knife
cachetero {m} [some parts of South America] :: thong (underwear)
cachetón {adj} [colloquial] :: plump cheeked
cachetudo {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador, Honduras] :: with big cheeks (said of a person)
cachi- {prefix} [rare] :: Meaning almost
cachi {m} [Spain] :: cup (specifically, a 750 ml plastic cup)
cachicamo {m} :: armadillo (order Cingulata)
cachifa {f} [Venezuela] :: maidservant
cachila {f} [Argentina and Uruguay] :: a small bird (possibly the long-tailed reed finch, Donacospiza albifrons), of brown color with dark streaks and yellowish throat and belly, of terrestrial habits, and that performs acrobatic flights in time of mating
cachila {f} [Uruguay] :: an antique car, especially a veteran car from the early decades of the 1900s
cachila {f} [Uruguay] :: a car that is old and broken down from use
cachimba {f} :: (smoking) pipe
cachimbear {v} :: to hit someone
cachimbear {v} :: to annoy repeatedly
cachimbo {determiner} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: a lot of, a pile of
cachimbo {m} :: freshman
cachimbón {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: bigheaded, conceited
cachina {f} [Peru] :: A kind of liquor made from must
cachipolla {f} :: mayfly
cachiporra {adj} [Chile] :: boastful
cachiporra {f} :: bludgeon
cachiporra {f} [Chile] :: swaggerer
cachiporra {f} :: baton
cachiporrear {vr} [Chile] :: to boast; brag
cachiporrista {mf} [El Salvador] :: majorette
cachirulo {m} :: A traditional Aragonese handkerchief. It is colorful and is folded and tied around the head
cachirulo {m} :: A kite
cachis {interj} [euphemism] :: shoot, shank, sugar (euphemised form of "shit")
cachito {m} :: small horn
cachito {m} [familiar, Mexico] :: twentieth of a lottery ticket
cachivache {m} :: junk, piece of junk
cachiyuyo {m} :: cochayuyo
cacho {m} [colloquial] :: piece
cacho {m} [Latin America] :: horn
cacho {m} [Chile, Peru, colloquial] :: shit, lemon, bomb (defective or inadequate or useless item or person)
cacho {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: annoying duty or work
cachondear {vi} [colloquial] :: to pet, snuggle
cachondear {vi} [colloquial] :: to make out, snog
cachondear {vr} [colloquial] :: to make fun, take the mickey
cachondeo {m} [colloquial] :: joke; piss-take (act of mocking someone; a type of satire or sarcasm)
cachondeo {m} :: farce
cachondeo {m} :: confusion
cachondez {f} :: heat (condition where a mammal is aroused sexually or where it is especially fertile)
cachondez {f} :: horniness
cachondo {adj} [zoology] :: in heat, in rut
cachondo {adj} :: sexy, horny, randy
cachondo {adj} :: funny, amusing, comic
cachondo mental {m} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: person with a one-track mind
cachopo {m} :: An Asturian dish consisting of a deep-fried cutlet of veal, beef or chicken wrapped around a filling of Serrano ham and cheese, similar to cordon bleu
cachorra {f} :: puppy
cachorrillo {m} :: diminutive of cachorro; small cub
cachorrillo {m} :: small pistol
cachorrita {f} :: feminine noun of cachorrito
cachorrito {m} :: diminutive of cachorro
cachorro {m} :: puppy
cachorro {m} :: cub (the young of certain other animals, generally mammals)
cachorro {m} :: pup (young of foxes, seals or sea lions)
cachucha {f} :: cachucha
cachucha {f} [Latin America] :: hat, cap
cachucha {f} [vulgar, Argentina] :: vulva; vagina
cachudito {m} :: tit-tyrant
cachudo {adj} :: big-horned
cachumbambé {m} [Cuba] :: see-saw
cachurear {v} [Chile, colloquial] :: To rummage around in junk
cachureco {adj} [Mexico, colloquial] :: crooked, twisted
cachureco {adj} [Mexico, colloquial] :: deformed
cachureo {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: junk (collectively)
cachureo {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: piece of junk
cacica {f} :: feminine noun of cacique
cacicada {f} :: abuse of authority
cacical {adj} :: synonym of caciquil
cacicato {m} :: chieftainship (state of being a chieftain and resultant authority)
cacicato {m} :: chieftainship (area ruled by a chieftain)
cacicatura {f} :: chieftainship (state of being a chieftain and resultant authority)
cacicazgo {m} :: chieftainship (state of being a chieftain and resultant authority)
cacicazgo {m} :: chieftainship (area ruled by a chieftain)
cacillo {m} :: diminutive of cazo; small pan
cacique {m} [historical] :: chieftain (Indian chief in a tribe)
cacique {m} [by extension] :: powerful person, fat cat
cacique {m} [ornithology] :: cacique (bird)
caciquil {adj} :: Of or relating to a chieftain
caciquil {adj} :: tyrannical
caciquismo {m} :: The power or influence of a chieftain
caciquismo {m} :: Interference by a person in a position of authority in something already determined
cacle {m} :: A type of leather sandal traditionally worn in Mexico
cacle {m} [colloquial, Mexico] :: shoe (any kind of footwear)
caco {m} [colloquial] :: thief
cacó {m} :: lesser capybara
cacofonía {f} :: cacophony
cacofónico {adj} :: cacophonous
cacorro {m} [Colombia, pejorative, offensive] :: a homosexual
cactáceo {adj} :: cactaceous
cacto {m} :: cactus
cactus {m} :: alternative form of cacto
cacumen {m} [obsolete] :: peak; summit
cada {determiner} :: each; every
cada dos por tres {adv} [idiom] :: all the time
cadahalso {m} :: scaffold
cadalso {m} :: scaffold (elevated platform on which a criminal is executed)
cadalso {m} [by extension] :: a platform for bad news
cada maestrillo tiene su librillo {proverb} :: there are many ways to skin a cat
cada muerte de obispo {adv} [idiomatic] :: once in a blue moon (very rarely)
cada muerte de un judío {adv} [idiomatic] :: Literally, "each death of a Jew"; very rarely; almost never; once in a blue moon
cada palo que aguante su vela {phrase} :: every man for himself
cadáver {m} :: cadaver, corpse
cadavérico {adj} :: cadaverous; corpselike
cadavérico {adj} :: cadaveric
cadaverina {f} [organic compound] :: cadaverine
cadaveroso {adj} [dated] :: cadaveric, cadaverous
cada vez {adv} :: every time
cada vez {adv} [idiomatic] :: more and more, increasingly
cada vez más {adv} :: increasingly, more and more
caddie {mf} :: caddie (in golf)
cadejo {m} :: tangle (of hair)
cadena {f} :: chain (series of interconnected rings or links usually made of metal)
cadena {f} :: necklace (article of jewelry that is worn around the neck)
cadena {f} :: network (group of affiliated television stations)
cadena {f} [broadcasting, television and radio] :: channel (specific radio frequency or band of frequencies)
cadena {f} [computing] :: string (ordered sequence of text characters stored consecutively in memory and capable of being processed as a single entity)
cadena alimentaria {f} :: food chain
cadena de mando {f} :: chain of command
cadena de montaje {f} :: assembly line
cadena de nieve {f} :: snow chain
cadena perpetua {f} :: life sentence
cadena trófica {f} :: food chain
cadencia {f} :: cadence
cadenciado {adj} :: cadenced
cadenciosamente {adv} :: rhythmically
cadencioso {adj} :: melodious
cadencioso {adj} :: rhythmic
cadeneta {f} :: lockstitch
cadenilla {f} :: diminutive of cadena
cadenita {f} :: diminutive of cadena
cadenote {m} [nautical] :: chainplate
cadera {f} [anatomy] :: hip
caderazo {m} :: strike with the hip
cadereo {m} :: hip thrust
cadete {mf} :: cadet
cadete {mf} [Latin America] :: apprentice, trainee
cadherina {f} [protein] :: cadherin
cadí {m} [Islam, law] :: qadi (an Islamic judge)
cadista {mf} [soccer] :: A person connected with Cádiz CF, a Spanish football team from the city of Cádiz
cadivismo {m} [Venezuela] :: The use of the National Center for Foreign Commerce for profit
Cádiz {prop} {f} :: Cádiz (province)
Cádiz {prop} {f} :: Cádiz (city)
cadmio {m} :: cadmium
caducado {adj} :: invalid, out of date, expired, lapsed
caducado {adj} :: past the sell-by date
caducado {adj} :: old, deteriorated
caducar {v} :: to expire
caduceo {m} :: caduceus
caducidad {f} :: expiry date
caducidad {f} :: sell-by date
caducidad {f} :: caducity
caducifolio {adj} [botany] :: deciduous
caduco {adj} :: caducous; transient, fleeting
caduco {adj} [botany] :: caducous
caduco {adj} :: expired
caduco {adj} :: outdate, old-fashioned
CAE {m} [anatomy] :: initialism of conducto auditivo externo
caedizo {adj} :: that falls out easily
Caen {prop} :: Caen
caer {vir} :: to fall (to move to a lower position due to gravity)
caer {vi} :: to fall (to come down, to drop, to descend)
caer {vir} :: to fall down, to collapse (to fall to the ground)
caer {vir} :: to fall out (to come out of something by falling)
caer {vi} :: to fall into, to fall for; to be ensnared by
caer {vi} :: to fall into (to enter a negative state)
caer {vi} :: to fall, to collapse (to be overthrown or defeated)
caer {vi} :: to get (to understand)
caer {vi} :: to be granted or awarded
caer {vi} :: to fall under (to belong to for purposes of categorization)
caer {vi} :: to fall on (to occur on a particular day)
caer bien {vt} :: to please, be nice, make a good impression (a person)
caer bien {vt} :: to promote or make for good or proper digestion (food)
caer bien {vt} :: to make happy, make laugh, satisfy, please (news, advice, announcement)
caer chuzos de punta {v} [idiom, impersonal] :: to bucket down
caer como chinches {v} [idiomatic, simile] :: to drop like flies
caer como moscas {v} [idiomatic, simile] :: to drop like flies
caer cuatro gotas {v} [idiom, impersonal] :: to drizzle
caer en gracia {v} [idiomatic] :: to take an instant liking (to someone); to hit it off
caer en la cuenta {v} [idiomatic] :: to get it, to have the penny drop
caer en saco roto {v} [idiomatic] :: to fall on deaf ears, to go in one ear and out the other
caerle una buena {v} [idiom] :: to be in for it; to be in serious trouble
caer mal {vt} :: to be disagreeable, make a bad (or not so good) impression (a person)
caer mal {vt} :: to make for or cause a bad digestion (food)
caer mal {vt} :: to make unhappy or sad, to anger, to dissatisfy (news, advice, announcement)
caerse {v} :: reflexive of caer
caerse del guindo {v} :: alternative form of caerse de un guindo
caerse del nido {v} [idiomatic] :: to be born yesterday
caerse de un guindo {v} [idiomatic] :: to be born yesterday
caerse de un nido {v} :: alternative form of caerse del nido
caérsele el alma a los pies {v} [idiomatic] :: to be crestfallen
caérsele la casa encima {v} [idiomatic] :: to be overwhelmed or oppressed
caérsele los anillos {v} [idiomatic] :: to have qualms (about doing something)
caérsele los palos del sombrajo {v} [idiomatic] :: to be crestfallen
caetera {particle} :: only used in inter caetera
Cafarnaúm {prop} {f} :: Capernaum
café {adj} :: brown
café {m} :: coffee
café {m} :: cafe, coffee shop
cafecito {m} :: diminutive of café; small coffee
café con leche {m} :: white coffee; café au lait
café helado {m} :: iced coffee
cafeico {adj} :: caffeic
cafeína {f} :: caffeine
café irlandés {m} :: Irish coffee
cafelito {m} :: diminutive of café; small coffee
café para todos {phrase} [Spain] :: one-size-fits-all; particularly, the idea that all nationalities and regions of Spain will enjoy equal self-government
café solo {m} :: black coffee
cafetal {m} :: piece of land cultivating coffee
cafetalera {f} :: coffee pot
cafetalero {adj} :: coffee-growing
cafetalero {m} :: coffee grower
cafetalero {m} :: owner of a coffee plantation
cafetera {f} :: coffeemaker (kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee)
cafetera {f} :: coffeepot (vessel for preparing or serving coffee)
cafetera {f} [colloquial] :: bucket of bolts (a piece of machinery that's not worth more than its scrap value)
cafetería {f} :: cafeteria
cafetería {f} :: diner
cafetero {adj} [attributive] :: coffee (of or relating to coffee)
cafetín {m} :: coffee shop
cafetín {m} :: diminutive of café; coffee
cafetito {m} :: diminutive of café
cafeto {m} :: coffee plant, coffee tree
cafetucho {m} :: diminutive of café
cafichar {v} :: alternative form of cafichear
cafiche {m} [colloquial, Chile, Argentina, Peru] :: pimp
cafiche {m} [colloquial, Chile, Argentina, Peru] :: sponger, freeloader (especially of women)
cafichear {v} [Chile, colloquial] :: to sponge
caficultor {m} :: coffee grower
caficultura {f} :: coffee growing
cáfila {f} [collective] :: caravan (a group of humans, camels or other animals)
cafre {adj} :: uncouth, boorish
caftán {m} :: kaftan
cagada {f} [colloquial] :: shit, bowel movement, diarrhea
cagada {f} [colloquial] :: rag, mischief
cagada {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: gaffe, mistake, fuckup
cagadera {f} [vulgar] :: diarrhea
cagadero {m} :: shitter; bog; can (toilet)
cagado {adj} :: cowardly
cagado {adj} [Chile] :: cheap, worthless
cagado {adj} :: toilet-trained
cagado {adj} :: covered in feces
cagador {m} :: shitter (one who shits)
cagalera {f} [vulgar] :: diarrhea
cagando cerillas {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: fucking fast
cagando hostias {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: extremely fast
cagando leches {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: fucking fast
cagar {v} [vulgar] :: to shit
cagar {v} [vulgar] :: to tell someone off, exclamation of rejection
cagar {v} [colloquial] :: to bust
cagar {v} [colloquial] :: to get busted
cagar {v} [colloquial] :: to ruin something; to screw
cagar {vi} [Chile, colloquial] :: to fail
cagar {vt} [Chile] :: to cheat someone
cagar {vt} [Spain, colloquial] :: to make a mistake
cagar dinero {v} [vulgar, idiomatic] :: to have money to burn; to be rolling in it; to be filthy rich
cagarla {v} [idiom] :: to screw up; mess up (a plan)
cagarse {v} [vulgar] :: to shit oneself, crap oneself (defecate in one's clothes)
cagarse {v} [vulgar] :: to shit oneself (be extremely frightened)
cagarse {v} [vulgar] :: fuck (used to express extreme anger, surprise, joy, shock or to show a lot of disrespect)
cagatintas {m} [vulgar] :: One who does routine office work; a pencil pusher
cagazo {m} [Latin America, slang, vulgar] :: Something that is extremely scary
Cagliari {prop} :: Cagliari
cagliaritana {f} :: feminine noun of cagliaritano
cagliaritano {adj} :: Cagliaritan (of or pertaining to Cagliari, Sardinia)
cagliaritano {m} :: Cagliaritan (native or resident of Cagliari, Sardinia)
cagón {adj} [pejorative] :: coward, fearful
caguairán {m} [Cuba] :: quebracho (various trees with very hard wood)
caguairán {m} [Cuba, by extension] :: A tough or resilient person
caguama {f} :: loggerhead turtle
caguama {f} [slang] :: [Mexico] a 940 ml bottle of Corona Familiar (a Mexican beer)
cagüeña {f} :: feminine noun of cagüeño
cagüeño {adj} :: Of or from Caguas
cagüeño {m} :: Someone from Caguas
cagueta {f} [vulgar] :: chicken, wuss (coward)
cagüín {m} :: alternative form of cahuín
cahíz {f} :: An obsolete measurement for volume
Cáhuil {prop} {m} :: Cáhuil (village)
cahuilino {adj} :: from the Chilean town of Cáhuil
cahuín {m} [Chile] :: mess, disorder, confusion
cahuín {m} [Chile] :: intrigue, machination
cahuín {m} [Chile] :: gossip (usually evil-minded)
çahumerio {m} :: alternative spelling of sahumerio
caibarienense {adj} :: Of or from Caibarién
caibarienense {mf} :: Someone from Caibarién
caíd {m} :: caid
caída {f} :: fall (act of falling)
caída {f} :: crash (of a computer)
caído {adj} :: fallen
caído del cielo {adv} [idiomatic] :: out of thin air
caimán {m} :: alligator
caimán {m} :: caiman
caimanera {f} [Venezuela] :: An informal game of baseball
caimanera {f} [Venezuela] :: An informal game of soccer
caimanerense {adj} :: Of or from Caimanera
caimanerense {mf} :: Someone from Caimanera
caimanés {adj} :: Caymanian
caimanés {m} :: Caymanian
caimito {m} :: The abiu, a tropical tree and its fruit
caimito {m} :: The star fruit
Caín {prop} {m} :: Cain (Biblical character)
cainita {mf} :: Cainite
caipiriña {f} :: caipirinha
caiquén {m} :: upland goose
cairel {m} :: fringe (of clothes)
cairelar {vt} :: to fringe
cairota {adj} :: Cairene (of or pertaining to Cairo, Egypt)
cairota {mf} :: Cairene (native or resident of Cairo, Egypt)
caite {m} [Central America] :: leather sandal
caja {f} :: box, case
caja {f} :: bank
caja {f} :: cash desk
caja {f} :: cash register, register, cash box
caja {f} :: gearbox
caja {f} :: snare drum
caja {f} [typography] :: case
caja boba {f} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: idiot box (television)
caja china {f} :: a Chinese box
caja china {f} [Latin America, especially, Cuba] :: a caja china (outdoor oven: box for roasting pigs etc)
caja de ahorros {f} :: savings bank
caja de cambios {f} :: gearbox
caja de caudales {f} :: (small) safe (place to keep one's valuables)
caja de cerillas {f} :: matchbox
caja de fusibles {f} :: fusebox
caja de música {f} :: music box
caja de Pandora {f} :: Pandora's box
caja de pino {f} :: box; casket; coffin
caja de resonancia {f} [music] :: sound board
caja de seguridad {f} :: safebox
caja de sorpresa {f} :: jack-in-the-box
caja de sorpresa {f} [figurative] :: dark horse
caja fuerte {f} :: safe
Cajamarca {prop} :: Cajamarca (region)
cajamarquino {adj} :: Of or from Cajamarca
cajamarquino {m} :: Someone from Cajamarca
caja negra {f} :: black box
caja registradora {f} :: cash register
caja tonta {f} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: idiot box (television)
cajeado {adj} :: boxed
cajera {f} :: feminine noun of cajero
cajero {m} :: cashier
cajero {m} [banking] :: teller, ATM
cajero automático {m} :: automated teller machine, ATM
cajeta {f} :: A Mexican confection of thickened syrup usually made of sweetened caramelized goat’s milk
cajeta {f} [slang, Argentina] :: cunt, vagina
cajete {m} [Mexico] :: A bowl, basin or similar container
cajete {m} [El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico] :: An unglazed clay pot used in cooking
cajete {m} [Mexico] :: A hole made to plant a seed, plant, sapling, etc
cajete {m} [Sonora, Mexico] :: molcajete
cajetilla {f} :: diminutive of caja, a small box, especially a cigarette box
cajigo {m} :: alternative form of quejigo (Portuguese oak)
cajilla {f} :: diminutive of caja
cajista {mf} :: typesetter
cajita {f} :: diminutive of caja
cajita {f} :: small box
cajita {f} [endearing] :: box
cajón {m} :: drawer
cajón {m} [musical instrument] :: cajón (box-shaped percussion instrument)
cajón {m} [Latin America] :: coffin
cajoncillo {m} :: diminutive of cajón
cajoncito {m} :: diminutive of cajón
cajón de sastre {m} :: hodgepodge, junk drawer, rag bag
cajonear {v} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: to shelve (postpone)
cajonera {f} :: feminine noun of cajonero
cajonería {f} :: chest of drawers (especially in a church)
cajonero {m} :: A box-seller
cajonero {m} :: A cajón player
cajú {m} [Chile, Argentina, Uruguay] :: cashew
cajuela {f} [Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico] :: trunk, boot (of a car)
cajuil {m} [Dominican Republic] :: cashew
cajún {adj} :: cajun; Cajun
cajún {mf} :: Cajun
cakchiquel {adj} :: alternative spelling of kakchikel
cakchiquel {m} :: alternative spelling of kakchikel
cake {m} :: cake; fruitcake
cal {f} :: lime (calcium oxide)
cal {symbol} :: Symbol of caloría
cala {f} :: prove (originally, of a piece or slice of fruit)
cala {f} :: try, attempt
cala {f} :: testing
cala {f} :: suppository (small medicinal plug that is inserted into the rectum)
cala {f} :: cove
cala {f} :: calla lily, arum lily (plant, flower)
calabacín {m} :: zucchini
calabacín de invierno {m} :: winter squash
calabacita {f} [Mexico] :: courgette, zucchini
calabaza {f} :: pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo (a typical pumpkin used for Halloween and autumn seasonal decoration)
calabaza {f} [Spain, Mexico, Caribbean, Argentina] :: gourd, pumpkin
calabaza {f} :: cep, porcino (Boletus edulis)
calabaza {f} :: ellipsis of calabaza de nuez; butternut squash
calabaza bellota {f} :: acorn squash
calabaza butternut {f} :: butternut squash
calabazada {f} :: headbutt
calabazada {f} :: hit on the head
calabaza de invierno {f} :: winter squash
calabaza de nuez {f} :: butternut squash
calabazo {m} :: pumpkin
calabobos {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: rain that seems light enough for people to walk around in without getting wet, fooling those who do into getting drenched; drizzle
calaboceña {f} :: feminine noun of calaboceño
calaboceño {adj} :: Of or from Calabozo, Venezuela
calaboceño {m} :: An inhabitant of Calabozo, Venezuela
calabozo {m} :: dungeon
calabozo {m} :: prison, jail
calabozo {m} :: prison cell
calabrés {adj} :: Calabrian
Calabria {prop} {f} :: Calabria (region)
calabriar {v} [obsolete] :: to mix red and white wine
calaca {f} [Honduras, Mexico, colloquial] :: Death
calaca {f} [Mexico, colloquial] :: skull
calada {f} :: puff, hit [of a cigarette]
caladero {m} :: fishing ground
caladero {m} [figurative] :: hunting ground
calado {adj} :: soaked, drenched
calado {m} :: draught (of a ship or boat)
calado hasta los huesos {adj} [idiom] :: soaked to the bone; absolutely drenched
caladora {f} :: jigsaw (saw)
caladora {f} :: fretter
calafate {mf} :: caulker
calafate {mf} [Chile, Argentina] ::  barberry (the local Berberis species, as the Magellan barberry)
calafateador {m} :: caulker
calafateadora {f} :: feminine noun of calafateador
calafatear {v} :: to caulk (seal joints with caulk)
calafia {f} [Mexico, Tijuana] :: A small bus
calafiera {f} :: A calafia driver
calafiero {m} :: A calafia driver
calagurritano {adj} :: Of or from Calahorra
calagurritano {m} :: Someone from Calahorra
calahorra {f} :: castle
calala {f} [Nicaragua] :: passionfruit
calalú {m} :: callaloo
calamaco {m} :: calamanco
calamar {m} :: squid
calamar {m} :: calamari
calamarcito {m} :: diminutive of calamar
calamar gigante {m} :: giant squid
calambre {m} :: cramp
calambre {m} :: (electric) shock
calambur {m} :: pun
calamidad {f} :: calamity
calamina {f} :: calamine
calamita {f} :: lodestone
calamita {f} :: magnetic compass
calamitoso {adj} :: calamitous, disastrous
calamitoso {adj} :: sickly, unhealthy (frequently ill)
cálamo {m} :: A reed pen, used to write with ink in antiquity
cálamo {m} [botany] :: Sweet flag or calamus, a plant in the genus Acorus
calamón {m} :: the western swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio)
calaña {f} :: kind, sort, type, ilk
calaña {f} :: pattern
calaña {f} :: character, nature, quality
calaña {f} :: example, model
calandria {f} :: calender (machine)
calañés {adj} :: of or from Calañas
calañés {m} :: Someone from Calañas
calañés {m} :: A type of hat with an upturned brim
calañesa {f} :: feminine noun of calañés
cálao {m} :: hornbill
calar {adj} :: of or pertaining to limestone or lime
calar {m} :: limestone quarry
calar {v} [of a liquid] :: to soak
calar {v} :: to pierce with a sharp instrument
calar {v} [colloquial] :: to rumble, see through (to discover deceitful or underhanded behavior, hidden true motives or mindset)
calar {v} :: to catch on (become fashionable or popular)
calar {vr} [calarse] :: To put on (clothing)
calato {adj} [Peru] :: nude; naked
Calatrava {n} :: surname
calatravo {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Order of Calatrava
calatravo {m} :: A member of the Order of Calatrava
calavera {f} :: skull
calavera {f} :: libertine, playboy, party animal
calaverada {f} :: libertine act; playboy-like behaviour
calaverita {f} [mineral] :: calaverite
calbindina {f} [protein] :: calbindin
calcado {adj} :: in a fake manner, fakely
calcado {m} :: facsimile, imitation, copy
calcañal {m} :: calcaneus (posterior part of a foot)
calcañar {m} :: calcaneus (posterior part of a foot)
calcaneo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: calcaneo-
calcáneo {m} :: calcaneus, heel bone
calcaneocuboideo {adj} [anatomy] :: calcaneocuboid
calcaneoescafoideo {adj} [anatomy] :: calcaneoscaphoid; calcaneonavicular
calcaneonavicular {adj} [anatomy] :: calcaneonavicular
calcaneoperoneo {adj} [anatomy] :: calcaneofibular
calcaño {f} :: alternative form of calcañar
calcantita {f} [mineral] :: chalcanthite
calcar {v} :: to trace, copy (copy by means of carbon paper or tracing paper)
calcar {v} :: to trample
calcar {m} [anatomy, botany] :: calcar (a spur-like projection)
calcarenita {f} [geology] :: calcarenite
calcáreo {adj} :: calcareous
calcarino {adj} [anatomy] :: calcarine
Calcedón {prop} :: Calcedón (town)
calcedonia {f} :: chalcedony
Calcedonia {prop} :: Calcedonia (town)
calcedoniana {f} :: feminine noun of calcedoniano
calcedoniano {adj} :: Chalcedonian
calcedoniano {m} :: Chalcedonian
calcedonio {adj} :: Chalcedonian
calceta {f} :: stocking
calcetar {v} :: to knit
calcetín {m} :: sock
calcetín de Navidad {m} :: Christmas stocking, stocking
calchaquí {adj} :: Calchaquí
calchaquí {mf} :: Calchaquí
cálcico {adj} [chemistry] :: calcic
cálcico {adj} :: calcium [attributive]
calcícola {f} :: calcicole
calcificación {f} :: calcification
calcificar {v} :: to calcify
calcinación {f} [chemistry] :: calcination (the process of calcining)
calcinamiento {m} :: calcination (the process of calcining)
calcinante {adj} :: extremely hot; burning
calcinar {v} :: to calcine
calcinar {v} :: to scorch, to burn
calcineurina {f} [enzyme] :: calcineurin
calcio {m} :: calcium
calcita {f} [mineral] :: calcite
calcítico {adj} :: calcitic
calcitonina {f} [hormone] :: calcitonin
calcitriol {m} [biochemistry] :: calcitriol
calco {m} :: The action of copying or reproducing something
calco {m} :: copy
calco {m} :: imitation, reproduction
calco {m} [colloquial] :: shoe
calco {m} [linguistics] :: A calque
calcófilo {m} :: chalcophile
calcófilo {adj} [botany] :: calciphilous
calcográfico {adj} :: chalcographical
calcolítico {adj} :: Eneolithic
calcomanía {f} :: decalcomania
calcomanía {f} :: the image produced using decalcomania
calcomanía {f} :: decorative sticker, decal
calcona {f} :: alternative form of chalcona
calcopirita {f} [mineral] :: chalcopyrite
calcosina {f} [mineral] :: chalcocite
calculadamente {adv} :: calculatedly
calculador {m} :: calculator
calculadora {f} :: calculator
calculadoramente {adv} :: calculatedly
calcular {v} :: to calculate
calculista {mf} :: computer; human computer
cálculo {m} :: calculation, estimation
cálculo {m} [mathematics] :: arithmetic
cálculo {m} [mathematics] :: calculus
cálculo {m} [medicine] :: stone
cálculo diferencial {m} :: differential calculus
cálculo infinitesimal {m} :: infinitesimal calculus
cálculo integral {m} [calculus] :: integral calculus (calculus of areas and volumes)
cálculo renal {m} :: kidney stone
Calcuta {prop} :: Calcuta (capital city)
calda {f} :: heating
calda {f} :: bath; hot spring
Caldea {prop} {f} :: Chaldea
caldear {v} :: to warm
caldear {vr} :: to get worked up
caldén {m} :: Prosopis caldenia, a tree
caldense {adj} :: Of or from Caldas
caldense {mf} :: Someone from Caldas
caldeo {adj} :: Chaldean
caldeo {m} :: Chaldean
caldera {f} :: cauldron
caldera {f} :: boiler
caldera {f} [geology] :: caldera
calderería {f} :: metal fabrication
calderero {m} :: boilermaker (person who makes boilers)
calderero {m} :: coppersmith (person who forges things out of copper)
caldereta {f} :: A type of stew, normally made with fish but also with other ingredients
calderilla {f} :: small change (coins of little value)
caldero {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: said of someone who like soups
caldero {m} :: vat, small cauldron
calderón {m} [cetaceans] :: pilot whale
calderón {m} [music] :: fermata
calderón {m} [typography] :: symbol
calderón {m} :: large cauldron
Calderón {prop} :: surname
calderoniano {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or in the style of, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Spanish dramatist
calderonismo {m} :: The political beliefs or ideologies of Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia
calderonista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia, former President of Costa Rica
calderonista {mf} :: A supporter of Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia, former President of Costa Rica
Caldevilla {prop} :: surname
caldillo {m} :: diminutive of caldo
caldito {m} :: diminutive of caldo
caldo {m} :: a clear soup, broth, bouillon
caldo {m} :: (soup) stock
caldo {m} :: swill
caldo {m} :: sludge
caldo de cultivo {m} [biology] :: culture medium; growth medium
caldo de cultivo {m} [figurative] :: breeding ground; hotbed
caldoso {adj} :: liquidy (said of a broth)
caldoso {m} :: arroz caldoso
calé {adj} :: gypsy
calé {m} :: gypsy
calé {m} [historical] :: a Spanish copper coin, worth four maravedis
caledonia {f} :: feminine noun of caledonio
Caledonia {prop} :: Caledonia
caledonio {adj} :: Caledonian
caledonio {m} :: Caledonian
calefacción {f} :: heating
calefaccionar {vt} [Chile, Argentina, Uruguay] :: to heat
calefacer {v} [obsolete] :: to heat up
calefactar {v} :: to heat
calefactor {m} :: heater
calefón {m} :: water heater
caleidoscópico {adj} :: kaleidoscopic
caleidoscopio {m} :: kaleidoscope
calenda {f} :: calinda
calenda {f} [uncommon] :: synonym of calendas
calendárico {adj} [attributive] :: calendar
calendario {m} :: calendar
calendario de adviento {m} :: Advent calendar
calendario gregoriano {m} :: Gregorian calendar
calendario solar {m} :: solar calendar
calendarización {f} :: calendarization
calendarizar {v} [formal, Chile, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras] :: to schedule
calendas {fp} :: calends (the first day of the Roman month)
caléndula {f} :: marigold
caleño {adj} :: of, or relating to, Cali
caleño {m} :: someone from Cali
calentadero {m} :: warming-up
calentador {m} :: heater
calentador {m} :: boiler
calentador {adj} :: warming, heating
calentamiento {m} :: warming
calentamiento {m} [exercise] :: warm-up
calentamiento global {m} :: global warming (a sustained increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere sufficient to cause climate change.)
calentar {vt} :: to heat, to warm up (cause an increase in temperature)
calentar {vt} :: to turn on (arouse sexually)
calentar {vti} [exercise] :: to warm up (prepare for a physical activity)
calentar motores {v} [idiom] :: to get warmed up
calentísimo {adj} :: superlative of caliente
calentito {m} [Andalusia, Seville, Jaén] :: churro (fried pastry)
calentito {adj} :: diminutive of caliente
calentón {adj} [colloquial] :: horny
calentón {m} [colloquial] :: blast of heat
calentón {m} [colloquial] :: horny person
calentón {m} [colloquial] :: horniness
calentorro {m} [colloquial] :: horny/randy person
calentura {f} :: fever, calenture
calentura {f} :: horniness
calentura {f} :: cold sore
calenturiento {adj} :: feverish
calenturiento {adj} :: amorous
calera {f} :: limestone quarry
calera {f} :: limekiln
calerano {adj} :: of or from La Calera
calerano {m} :: Someone from La Calera
calero {adj} :: lime [attributive] (calcium-containing material)
calero {m} :: limekiln
calesa {f} :: stage-coach
calesera {f} :: feminine noun of calesero
calesero {m} :: stagecoach driver
calesita {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: carousel, merry-go-round
caleta {f} :: small bay, cove, inlet
caleta {f} [slang, Chile] :: a lot
caleta {adv} [slang, Chile] :: a lot
caletense {adj} :: of or from Caleta Olivia
caletense {mf} :: Someone from Caleta Olivia
caletre {m} [colloquial] :: brains; know-how; gumption
calgariana {f} :: feminine noun of calgariano
calgariano {adj} :: Calgarian (of or pertaining to Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
calgariano {m} :: Calgarian (native or resident of Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Calgary {prop} {f} :: Calgary (largest city)
Calgary {prop} {f} :: Calgary (village)
Cali {prop} {m} :: Cali (river)
Cali {prop} {f} :: Cali (city)
calibración {f} :: calibration
calibrador {m} :: calibrator
calibrador {m} :: caliper
calibrar {v} :: to calibrate
calibre {m} :: calibre
calibre {m} :: calipers
calibre {m} :: jig, gauge (tool)
calicanto {m} :: masonry (stone or brick constructed by a mason)
calicata {f} :: A kind of narrow pit
caliche {m} :: saltpeter
caliche {m} :: salitre
caliciforme {adj} :: caliciform
calicino {adj} :: calyx (attributive)
calicreína {f} :: kallikrein
calículo {m} [anatomy, zoology] :: calyculus, calicle
calículo {m} [botany] :: epicalyx
calidad {f} :: quality (level of excellence)
calidad {f} [Louisiana] :: kind, type
cálidamente {adv} :: warmly
calidez {f} :: warmth, warmness, heat
calidez {f} :: warmth (friendliness, kindness, or affection)
cálido {adj} :: warm
calientabancas {m} :: bench-warmer
calientabraguetas {f} [colloquial] :: cocktease, prickteaser
calientahuevos {m} [colloquial] :: cocktease, prickteaser
calientapiernas {m} :: cocktease
calientapiés {m} :: cocktease
calientapijas {f} [slang] :: cocktease
calientaplatos {m} :: hotplate
calientapollas {mf} [vulgar] :: cocktease
caliente {adj} :: hot, warm (emitting heat or warmth)
caliente {adj} :: hot (close to finding or guessing something)
caliente {adj} [slang] :: horny (sexually aroused)
calientito {adj} :: diminutive of caliente
califa {m} :: caliph
califal {adj} :: caliphal
califato {m} :: caliphate
calificación {f} :: rating, grade, mark, score
calificación {f} :: qualification
calificado {adj} :: qualified
calificador {adj} :: qualifying
calificar {v} :: to qualify
calificar {v} :: to grade, to mark
calificar {v} :: to rate, to score
calificar {v} :: to describe, to characterize, to label, to categorize
calificar {v} :: to designate (e.g. designate a plot of land for a specific use)
calificarse {v} :: (reflexive of calificar)
calificativo {adj} :: qualificative
California {prop} {f} :: California (state)
californiana {f} :: feminine noun of californiano
californiano {adj} :: Californian
californiano {m} :: Californian
califórnico {adj} :: Californian
californio {m} :: californium
californio {m} :: Californian
californio {adj} :: Californian
Californios {prop} :: plural of Californio
cáliga {f} :: Roman sandal
caliginoso {adj} [poetic] :: foggy; misty
calígrafa {f} :: feminine noun of calígrafo
caligrafía {f} :: calligraphy
caligrafía {f} :: penmanship; handwriting
caligrafiar {v} :: to write using calligraphy
caligráfico {adj} :: calligraphic
calígrafo {m} :: calligrapher, calligraphist
caligrama {m} :: calligram
Calígula {prop} {m} :: Caligula
calilla {f} [colloquial, Latin America] :: annoyance, bother
calilla {f} [colloquial, Chile] :: debt
calilla {f} [Guatemala, Honduras] :: annoying person
calilla {f} [Colombia] :: thin and long cigar
calima {f} :: alternative form of calina
calimete {m} :: drinking straw
calimocho {m} :: calimocho (drink)
calimoso {adj} :: misty, hazy
calina {f} :: haze
Calíope {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Calliope (the Muse of eloquence and epic)
calipso {m} :: calypso (dance)
Calipso {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Calypso
Calipso {prop} {f} [mythology] :: Calypso
caliptra {f} :: calyptra
calistenia {f} :: calisthenics (gymnastic exercises)
Calisto {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Callisto (satellite of Jupiter)
Calisto {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Callisto (nymph raped by Zeus)
Calixto {prop} {m} :: given name
cáliz {m} :: chalice, goblet
cáliz {m} [poetic] :: cup, glass
cáliz {m} [botany] :: calyx
caliza {f} :: limestone
caliza de Creta {f} [geology] :: chalk (rock)
calizo {adj} [geology] :: limestone (attributive)
calizo {adj} [geology] :: calcareous, chalky
calladamente {adv} :: Silently, secretly, privately, inconspicuously, in a reserved manner
calladito {adj} :: diminutive of callado
callado {adj} :: quiet, silent
callampa {f} [Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru] :: mushroom
callampa {f} [Bolivia, Chile, vulgar] :: penis
callandico {adv} :: silently
callandito {adv} :: silently
callao {adj} :: pronunciation spelling of callado
Callao {prop} {m} :: A town in the central west of Peru
Callao {prop} {m} :: Callao (province), whose capital is Callao
Callao {prop} {m} :: Callao (region), containing only the province of the same name
callar {v} :: to calm
callar {v} :: to be silent, to shut up
callar {v} :: to keep silent
callar {vi} :: to hush, to become silent
callar {vt} :: to hush, to make silent
callar {v} :: to not mention
callar {vr} :: to be quiet
callarse {v} :: to be quiet, to stay quiet, to zip it
cállate {interj} :: shut up!
calle {f} :: street
calle {f} :: lane (in a pool or racetrack, but not a highway)
callecita {f} :: diminutive of calle; small street
calle de boxes {m} [motor racing] :: pit lane
calle de garajes {m} [motor racing] :: pit lane
calle de rodaje :: taxiway
calleja {f} :: narrow street
Calleja {prop} :: surname
callejear {vi} :: to wander, to amble (through streets)
callejear {v} :: to gallivant, to gad
callejero {adj} :: related to the streets, street- (often with negative connotations)
callejero {m} :: street map, city map
callejero {m} :: wanderer (within the city or town, often for binge or partying and other unproductive activities)
callejero {m} [Mexico] :: a person who often goes out for unproductive activities
callejero {m} :: Ya no seas callejero y busca trabajo "Stop going out (for fun) and look for a job"
callejero {m} :: stray (animal living in the streets)
callejón {m} :: alley, side street
callejón {m} :: blind alley
callejón sin salida {m} [idiomatic] :: dead end, road to nowhere
callejuca {f} :: alley, alleyway
callejuela {f} :: alley
callejuela {f} :: (small) passage, passageway
calle sin salida {f} :: blind alley, dead-end street, cul-de-sac, impasse (road with no exit)
calle sin salida {f} :: impasse (deadlock or stalemate situation)
callista {mf} :: chiropodist
callo {m} [skin] :: callus
callo {m} [skin] :: corn (on the feet)
callo {m} [Spain] :: tripe
callo {m} [colloquial] :: an ugly person
callo malayo {m} [idiomatic] :: an uggo, an ugly person [literally "Malay callus"]
callos {mp} [Spain] :: tripes (used as food)
callos {mp} :: plural of callo
callosidad {f} :: callus
calloso {adj} :: callosal
callosomarginal {adj} [anatomy] :: callosomarginal
Calloviano {prop} {m} :: Callovian
Calloviense {prop} {m} :: Callovian
calma {f} :: calm, stillness, peacefulness
calma {f} :: tranquility, peace and quiet
calmadamente {adv} :: calmly
calmamente {adv} :: calmly
calmante {adj} :: relaxing, soothing
calmante {m} :: painkiller (anything that has a narcotic effect or calms)
calmante {m} :: tranquilizer
calmante {m} :: sedative
calmar {vt} :: to calm, to still (to limit and lessen in motion and disturbance)
calmar {vt} :: to calm, soothe, assuage, to ease, to appease, to quell, to allay, to settle, to relieve (to make lessen in intensity)
calmar {vt} [figurative] :: to defuse (e.g. a situation or problem, tension or conflict, a crisis)
calmar {vt} [figurative] :: to quench, to quell (one's thirst)
calmar {vt} [figurative] :: to cool
calmar {vt} :: to talk down, to talk off the ledge
calmar {vi} :: to subside, abate
calmar {vi} :: to steady [often used when talking to an animal one is riding like a horse]
calmar {vr} :: to calm down, to settle down, to quiet down, to calm oneself
calmar {vr} :: to cool off, to cool it, to chill, to chill out
calmar {vr} :: to subside
calmo {adj} :: calm (at rest)
calmodulina {f} [protein] :: calmodulin
calmoso {adj} :: calm, tranquil
calmoso {adj} :: slow
calmuco {adj} :: Kalmyk
calmuco {m} :: Kalmyk
calmuco {m} :: Kalmyk
caló {m} :: Caló; the Para-Romani language mainly spoken in the past by Spanish and Portuguese Roma, which is based on Romance grammar, with an adstratum of Romani lexical items
caló {m} :: An argot spoken by pachuchos in the United States; also called "pachucho" itself
calocha {f} [slang] :: Literally "Heat in the vulva" - uncomfortable heat
calofrío {m} :: shudder
calol {m} [Puerto Rico] :: pronunciation spelling of calor
caloña {f} :: obsolete spelling of calumnia
caloña {f} [obsolete] :: A type of fine or punishment
caloña {f} [obsolete] :: row; argument
caloportador {adj} :: heat-carrying
calor {m} [weather, energy] :: heat
calorcillo {m} :: diminutive of calor
calorcito {m} :: diminutive of calor
calor específico {m} [physics] :: specific heat
caloría {f} :: calorie
calórico {adj} :: caloric
calorífico {adj} :: calorific
calorimetría {f} :: calorimetry
calorimétrico {adj} :: calorimetric
calorímetro {m} :: calorimeter
calor latente {m} :: latent heat
caloroso {adj} :: alternative form of caluroso
calostro {m} :: colostrum
calota de hielo {f} :: ice sheet
calotipo {m} :: calotype
calpaína {f} [enzyme] :: calpain
calretinina {f} [protein] :: calretinin
caluga {f} [Chile] :: tidbit, uniform mass of edible substance cut into shape
caluga {f} [Chile] :: hard candy, lozenge
calumnia {f} :: slander, calumny, aspersion, libel, defamation
calumniador {m} :: slanderer
calumniar {v} :: to slander, to cast aspersions
calumniosamente {adv} :: slanderously; libelously
calumnioso {adj} :: slanderous, libelous
calurosamente {adv} :: warmly
caluroso {adj} :: very hot, to a greater extent than caliente
calva {f} :: bald patch (area of baldness)
calva {f} :: an area on a hide or fabric from which the hair or pill has worn out
calva {f} :: clearing (area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees)
calva {f} :: a traditional shepherds’ sport played in parts of Spain, the object of which is to knock down a partially supported horn or piece of wood (the calva) by throwing stones at it. In a modern version the stones have been substituted with metal cylinders (the marro) and horns are no more used as targets
calva {f} :: the wooden target used in the game of calva
calvados {m} :: calvados
Calvados {prop} {m} :: Calvados (department)
calvario {m} :: A calvary
calvario {m} :: An ordeal
calvario {m} :: An area outside of a settlement abundant in crosses
calvario {m} :: A debt chart, spreadsheet
calvario {m} :: An ossuary
calvario {m} :: A skullcap
calvicie {f} :: baldness (The state of being bald)
calvinismo {m} :: Calvinism
calvinista {adj} :: Calvinist
calvinista {mf} :: Calvinist
calvito {m} :: diminutive of calvo, baldie
calvo {adj} :: bald
calvo {m} :: a bald man
Calvo {prop} :: surname
calza {f} :: stocking, sock
calzada {f} :: sidewalk
calzada {f} :: driveway
calzada {f} :: road
calzada romana {f} [historical] :: Roman road
calzadito {adj} :: diminutive of calzada
calzadito {m} :: puffleg
calzado {adj} [of religions] :: calced
calzado {m} :: footgear
calzador {m} :: shoehorn
calzar {v} :: to wear or put on shoes
calzar {v} :: to be or have (a shoe size)
calzar {v} :: to wedge, to chock
calzarse {v} [reflextive] :: to wear, to slip into
calzarse {v} [slang] :: to have sex with
calzo {m} :: wedge, chock
calzón {m} :: underpants
calzón {m} :: female undergarment, panties, knickers
calzonazos {m} [colloquial] :: pussywhipped, under the thumb, henpecked, cowed (a man who lets himself be ruled by his partner)
calzonazos {m} [colloquial] :: sissy, pushover (timid, unassertive or cowardly male)
calzoncillo {m} :: underpants, briefs, pants (for males)
Cam {prop} {m} :: Ham (son of Noah)
cama {f} :: bed
cama abatible {f} :: Murphy bed
Camacho {prop} :: surname
camachuelo {m} :: The bullfinch
camada {f} :: litter, brood (of animals, mammals)
cama de agua {f} :: waterbed
cama de matrimonio {f} :: double bed
cama doble {f} :: double bed
cama elástica {f} :: trampoline
camafeo {m} :: cameo (relief work)
camagón {m} :: a kind of persimmon tree (Diospyros blancoi) from the Philippine Islands, now introduced into the East and West Indies
camagón {m} :: the reddish wood of this tree
camagüeyana {f} :: feminine noun of camagüeyano
camagüeyano {adj} :: Of or from the Cuban city of Camagüey
camagüeyano {m} :: Someone from the Cuban city of Camagüey
camaldulense {adj} :: Camaldolese
camaleón {m} :: chameleon (reptile of the family Chamaeleonidae)
camaleón {m} :: chameleon (a person with inconsistent behavior)
camaleónico {adj} :: chameleonic
camaleonismo {m} :: chameleonic behaviour
camalote {m} :: A tropical aquatic plant from South America, in the family Pontederiaceae, that appears to form floating islands
cama matrimonial {f} :: double bed
cama matrimonio {f} :: double bed
Camaná {prop} :: Camaná (province)
Camaná {prop} :: Camaná (city/provincial capital)
camanchaca {f} :: camanchaca
camándula {f} :: rosary
cama nido {f} :: trundle bed, truckle bed [UK]
camantigue {m} :: garden balsam (Impatiens balsamina)
cama plegable {f} :: fold-up bed
cámara {f} :: room
cámara {f} :: camera
cámara {f} :: chamber
cámara {f} :: legislature
cámara {f} :: inner tube
cámara {f} [nautical] :: cabin
cámara {f} :: bowel movement
cámara {mf} [cinematography] :: cameraman, camera operator (somebody who operates a movie camera or television camera)
cámara acorazada {f} :: vault, bank vault
camarada {mf} :: comrade (mate, companion)
camarada {mf} :: comrade (fellow socialist or communist)
cámara de comercio {f} :: chamber of commerce
cámara de gas {f} :: gas chamber
Cámara de los Comunes {prop} {f} :: the House of Commons
Cámara de los Lores {prop} {f} :: The House of Lords
camaradería {f} :: comradeship
cámara de video {f} [Latin America] :: video camera
cámara de vídeo {f} [Spain] :: video camera
cámara digital {f} :: digital camera
cámara lenta {f} :: slow motion
cámara magmática {f} :: magma chamber
cámara mortuoria {f} :: burial chamber
camaranchón {m} :: loft (used as storage space)
cámara oculta {f} :: hidden camera
cámara réflex {f} :: reflex camera
camarasaurus {m} :: camarasaurus
cámara web {f} [computing, photography] :: webcam
camarera {f} :: female equivalent of camarero
camarero {m} :: waiter
Camarga {prop} {f} :: Camargue (marshland area)
camarilla {f} :: a secret, usually sinister, group of conspiring advisors close to the leadership; a cabal
camarín {m} :: niche (position for which one is well suited)
camarín {m} :: alcove
camarista {mf} :: A member of the Cámara de Castilla
camarista {mf} :: A member of the Court of Appeal
camarita {f} :: diminutive of cámara
camarlengo {m} [religion] :: camerlengo
cámaro {m} [rare] :: shrimp
camarógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of camarógrafo
camarógrafo {m} [cinematography] :: cameraman, camera operator (somebody who operates a movie camera or television camera)
camarón {m} [crustacean] :: shrimp
camarón {m} [seafood] :: shrimp
camarón {m} [Central America] :: tip, gratuity
camarón {m} [Central America] :: casual, low-paid work
camarón {m} [Cuba, colloquial] :: sunburned person
camarón {m} [Dominican Republic] :: skilful and clever person
camarón {m} [Ecuador] :: inexperienced driver
camarón {m} [Peru] :: parasite, person living at the expense of others
camarón {m} [Mexico] :: prick, cock
camaronero {adj} [attributive] :: shrimp; prawn
camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente {proverb} :: you snooze, you lose [literally: the shrimp that falls asleep is taken away by the current]
camaróptera {f} :: camaroptera
camarote {m} :: bunk
camarote {m} :: cabin
camarote {m} :: quarters
camastro {m} :: pejorative of cama
cama turca {f} :: A type of bed without a headboard
camba {m} [vesre] :: pimp
cambalachar {v} :: alternative form of cambalachear
cambalache {m} :: swap, exchange
cambalachear {v} [colloquial] :: To swap; to do swapsies; to do a switcheroo
cambalachera {f} :: feminine noun of cambalachero
cambalachero {adj} :: swapping; exchanging
cambalachero {m} :: swapper; exchanger
cámbaro {m} :: a species of crab
Camberra {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Canberra
cambiable {adj} :: changeable
cambiado {adj} :: changed
cambiador {adj} :: changing, exchanging
cambiaforma {mf} :: shapeshifter
cambiante {adj} :: changing
cambiante {adj} :: changeable
cambiante {m} :: iridescent fabric
cambiar {vti} :: to change, to shift, to switch, to alter
cambiar {vt} :: to modify
cambiar {vti} :: to switch, to switch up, to change, to trade, to swap [usually + de] (when implying changing from one thing to another)
cambiar {vt} :: to replace, to change out, to swap out
cambiar {vt} [formal] :: to exchange, to trade in
cambiar {vt} [figuratively] :: to turn around
cambiar {vr} :: to swap, to trade, to switch
cambiar {vr} :: to move (i.e., change from one place to another)
cambiar de chip {v} [idiomatic] :: change tack, change one's mindset
cambiar de idea {vi} :: to change one's mind
cambiar de manos {v} [idiomatic] :: To change hands; to be bought or sold or to change ownership
cambiar de opinión {v} [idiomatic] :: to change one’s mind
cambiar de tercio {v} [idiomatic] :: to change topic
cambiar el agua a las aceitunas {v} [idiomatic] :: to take a leak, spend a penny (urinate)
cambiar el agua al canario {v} [idiomatic] :: to take a leak, spend a penny (urinate)
cambiar el chip {v} :: alternative form of cambiar de chip
cambiariamente {adv} :: in a way related to the stock exchange
cambiario {adj} [finance] :: exchange
cambiazo {m} :: switcheroo, changeup, major trade or change
cambiecito {m} :: diminutive of cambio, an insignificant (amount of) change, a tweak
cambio {m} :: change, shift
cambio {m} :: exchange rate
cambio {m} :: gear (of a motor vehicle)
cambio {interj} [telecommunication] :: over
cambio climático {m} :: climate change
cambio de marchas {m} :: gear stick, gear lever
cambio de sentido {m} :: U-turn
cambio fonético {m} [linguistics] :: sound change
cambio y corto {phrase} :: over and out
cambio y fuera {phrase} :: over and out
cambista {mf} :: money changer
cambista {mf} :: banker
cambium {m} :: cambium
cámbium {m} :: cambium
cambódromo {m} [Bolivia] :: promenade (especially the one in Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Camboya {prop} {f} :: Camboya (country)
camboyana {f} :: feminine noun of camboyano
camboyana {f} [Chile, slang] :: bitch, whore
camboyano {adj} :: Cambodian
camboyano {m} :: Cambodian (person)
camboyano {m} :: Khmer (the national language of Cambodia)
cambray {f} :: A small type of potato
cámbrico {adj} :: Cambrian
Cambridge {prop} :: Cambridge (city)
cambuche {m} [Colombia] :: shack
cambur {m} [Venezuela] :: banana (fruit)
cámel {adj} :: camel (colour)
camelar {v} [Spain] :: to cajole, to sweet-talk, to win over
camelar {v} [colloquial] :: to seduce
camelar {v} [colloquial] :: to love
camelia {f} :: camellia
camélido {m} :: camelid
camella {f} :: feminine noun of camello
camellera {f} :: feminine noun of camellero
camellero {m} :: camel merchant, owner or breeder
camello {m} :: camel
camello {m} [colloquial] :: pusher, drug dealer
camello bactriano {m} :: Bactrian camel
camellón {m} :: ridge
camellón {m} :: levee, dike
camellón {m} :: sawhorse
camellón {m} :: camlet (fabric)
camellón {m} [Guatemala, Mexico] :: median; a dividing strip between two lanes of a road
camellón {m} [Guatemala, Panama] :: curb (of a road)
camelo {m} :: bluff, hoax, con
camelo {m} :: baloney (fake news)
camelo {m} [colloquial] :: flattery, gallantry (especially towards women)
Camelopardalis {prop} [constellation] :: Camelopardalis (constellation)
Camelot {prop} {m} [Arthurian mythology] :: Camelot
camembert {m} :: camembert
cameo {m} :: cameo (short appearance)
cameral {adj} :: cameral
cameralismo {m} :: cameralism
camerín {m} :: synonym of camerino
camerino {m} [theatre] :: dressing room
camerino {m} [sports, Latin America] :: changing room
camerístico {adj} [attributive] :: chamber (music)
camero {adj} [attributive] :: bed
camero {adj} [of a bed] :: three-quarter size
camero {m} :: bedmaker
Camerún {prop} :: Cameroon
camerunés {adj} :: Cameroonian
camerunés {m} :: Cameroonian
camerunesa {f} :: feminine noun of camerunés
camila {f} :: feminine noun of camilo
Camila {prop} {f} :: given name
camilla {f} :: stretcher, gurney
camillero {m} :: An orderly; a hospital worker who performs non-medical patient care
camillero {m} :: stretcher-bearer
camilo {adj} [religion] :: Camillian
camilo {m} [religion] :: Camillian
Camilo {prop} {m} :: given name
caminabilidad {f} :: walkability
caminable {adj} :: walking, walkable
caminador {adj} :: walking
caminador {m} :: walker
caminadora {f} [exercise] :: treadmill [Mexico, Central America]
caminadora {f} :: walking machine; walker
caminadora {f} :: walker (a woman who walks)
caminante {adj} :: traveling
caminante {mf} :: hiker, walker
caminante {mf} :: traveler
caminar {v} :: to walk
caminar {v} :: to stroll
caminar {v} :: to travel, to trek
caminar {v} :: to go on
caminar {vi} :: to wade (in or through a body of water)
caminata {f} :: (long) walk, hike, trek
caminatour {m} [rare] :: walking tour
caminería {f} :: streets
caminería {f} :: expert on streets, footpaths and other public ways
caminero {adj} [attributive] :: road, street, path
caminito {m} :: diminutive of camino
camino {m} :: way, route
camino {m} :: road
camino {m} :: path
camino de hierro {m} [Louisiana] :: railroad
camino de rosas {m} [idiom] :: bed of roses
Camino de Santiago {prop} {m} :: Way of St. James, St. James' Way
camino de sirga {m} :: towpath
camión {m} :: lorry (UK); truck (US)
camión {m} [Mexico] :: bus
camioncillo {m} :: small truck
camión cisterna {m} :: tanker truck
camioncito {m} :: diminutive of camión
camión de volteo {m} :: dumper, dump truck
camionera {f} :: feminine noun of camionero
camionero {adj} :: related to trucks
camionero {m} :: trucker, truck driver
camioneta {f} :: pick-up truck
camionetaza {f} :: augmentative of camioneta
camión volcador {m} :: dump truck
camireña {f} :: feminine noun of camireño
camireño {adj} :: Of or from the municipality of Camiri, Bolivia
camireño {m} :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Camiri, Bolivia
camisa {f} :: shirt
camisa {f} :: gas mantle
camisa de fuerza {f} :: straitjacket
camisa negra {mf} [idiom] :: blackshirt
camisería {f} :: A shop / store which primarily sells shirts.
camiseta {f} :: T-shirt
camiseta de tirantes {f} :: vest, undershirt
camiseta de tirantes {f} :: strap top
camisola {f} :: camisole
camisón {m} :: nightdress
camita {f} :: diminutive of cama
camítico {adj} :: Hamitic
Camoens {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Camões
Camões {prop} {m} :: Camões
camomila {f} :: camomile
camorra {f} [countable] :: quarrel, fight, dispute
camorra {f} [singular only] :: Camorra (crime organization from Naples)
camorrear {v} [Andalusia, Argentina, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: to row; to tiff; to argue
camorrero {adj} :: rowdy; thuggish
camorrero {m} :: thug, rowdy
camorrerra {f} :: feminine noun of camorrero
camorrista {adj} :: rowdy, thuggish
camorrista {mf} :: thug, rowdy
camorrista {mf} :: Camorrista; Camorrist (member of the Camorra)
camorrístico {adj} :: Camorrist
camotal {m} [Mexico, Central America, Peru, Philippines] :: A field or plot of land where sweet potatos are grown
camote {m} [Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Peru, Philippines, parts of Argentina] :: sweet potato
camotear {v} [Mexico] :: to wander with no specific purpose in mind
campal {adj} :: pitched (battle)
campamental {adj} :: camplike
campamento {m} :: camping (recreational activity)
campamento {m} :: campsite, campground
campamento {m} :: camp
campamocha {f} [Mexico] :: green praying mantis
campana {f} :: bell
campana {f} :: a bell-shaped (or roughly) object or component (such as the canopy of a parachute)
campana {f} :: hood (device to suck away smokes and fumes)
campana {f} :: extractor hood
campana {f} :: cloche, tableware cover, usually metalic
campaña {f} :: campaign
campaña {f} :: countryside
campaña {f} [heraldiccharge] :: base
campanada {f} :: peal, stroke of a bell
campana extractora {f} :: extractor hood, kitchen hood, exhaust hood
campanario {m} :: belfry, bell tower
campanazo {m} :: chime
campanear {v} :: to chime [bells]
campanear {v} :: to spin; to bend [a flying object]
campanear {v} :: to spread the word; to reveal
campaneárselas {v} [idiom] :: to cope, get by, get along
campanero {m} :: bellman (one who rings bells)
campanero {m} :: campanero (bellbird)
Campania {prop} {f} :: Campania (region)
campaniense {adj} :: Campanian
campaniense {m} :: Campanian
campaniforme {adj} :: campaniform; bell-shaped
campanil {m} :: belltower
campanilla {f} :: small bell, handbell
campanilla {f} :: bubble
campanilla {f} [anatomy] :: uvula
campanilla {f} [plant] :: Rutland beauty (Calystegia sepium)
Campanilla {prop} {f} [Spain] :: Tinkerbell (fictional fairy)
campanilla morada {f} :: morning glory (flower)
campanillazo {m} :: chime of a small bell or handbell
campanita {f} :: diminutive of campana; small bell
Campanita {prop} {f} [South America] :: Tinkerbell (fictional fairy)
campanólogo {m} :: glockenspiel
campante {adj} :: outstanding
campante {adj} :: satisfied, pleased with oneself
campante {adj} [usually in the phrase "tan campante"] :: acting as if nothing happened
campante {adj} :: cheerful, buoyant
campanudamente {adv} :: pompously
campanudo {adj} :: bell-shaped
campanudo {adj} :: pompous; bombastic
campanulado {adj} :: campanulate
campar {v} :: to stand out
campar {vi} [obsolete] :: to camp
campar a sus anchas {v} [idiomatic] :: to roam free
campar a sus anchas {v} [idiomatic] :: to run rife
campar a sus anchas {v} [idiomatic] :: to have the run of
campari {m} :: Campari
campeador {m} [military] :: champion
campeante {adj} :: great; huge
campear {v} [agriculture] :: To graze
campear {v} [agriculture] :: To work the fields
campear {v} [agriculture] :: To guard the fields
campear {v} [military] :: To reconnoitre
campear {v} :: to park
campear {v} :: to stand out
campear {v} [video games] :: To camp [to stay in an advantageous location in a video game, such as next to a power-up's spawning point or in order to guard an area]
campechanería {f} :: good manners; kindliness
campechano {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Campeche
campechano {adj} :: kindly; well-mannered
Campeche {prop} {m} :: Campeche (state)
campeón {m} :: champion
campeón {m} :: champ (informal address)
campeona {f} :: feminine noun of campeón
campeonar {vi} :: to win a championship
campeonato {m} :: championship
campeonísimo {m} [football] :: A team that wins both the Liga MX and Copa MX in the same season
campera {f} [Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay] :: jacket
campero {adj} :: free-range, roaming
campero {adj} :: country (rural area)
campero {mf} [video games] :: camper (a person who stays in one spot during a first-person shooting game, to guard an item etc.)
campesina {f} :: feminine noun of campesino
campesinado {m} :: group of farmers
campesino {adj} :: rural
campesino {m} :: farmer
campesino {m} :: peasant
campestre {adj} :: country (attributive), cross-country, rural
campestre {adj} :: rustic
campillo {m} :: diminutive of campo
campiña {f} :: countryside
camping {m} :: campsite
camping {m} :: Make camping in a private campsite (activity)
cámping {m} :: campsite
cámping {m} :: camping
campirana {f} :: feminine noun of campirano
campirano {adj} [attributive] :: countryside; country
campirano {m} :: peasant; hick; yokel; redneck
campismo {m} [uncountable] :: camping (activity)
campista {mf} :: camper (person who camps)
campito {m} :: diminutive of campo
campo {m} :: countryside, country
campo {m} :: field (large open area)
campo {m} [sports] :: field, course
campo {m} :: field (domain of knowledge or practice)
campo {m} [New Mexico, anglicism] :: camp
campo {m} [physics] :: field
Campo {prop} :: surname
campo a través {m} [Spain, sport] :: cross-country
campocorto {m} [baseball] :: shortstop
campo de batalla {m} :: battlefield
campo de concentración {m} :: concentration camp
campo de escombros {m} :: debris field
campo de estudio {m} :: field of study
campo de fuerza {m} [science fiction] :: forcefield
campo de fuerzas {m} [physics] :: force field
campo de hielo {m} :: ice field
campo de hielo {m} :: ice cap
campo de minas {m} :: minefield
campo de minas {m} [idiom] :: minefield
campo de nabos {m} [slang, idiom, Spain] :: sausage fest
campo de tiro {m} :: shooting range
campo de trabajo {m} :: work camp
campo de visión {m} :: field of view, field of vision
campo eléctrico {m} :: electric field
campo gravitacional {m} :: gravitational field
campo gravitatorio {m} :: gravitational field
campo magnético {m} :: magnetic field
camporista {mf} [politics] :: A supporter of Héctor José Cámpora or La Cámpora
camporista {adj} [politics] :: Of or pertaining to Héctor José Cámpora or La Cámpora
Campos {prop} :: surname
campo santo {m} :: alternative spelling of camposanto
camposanto {m} :: cemetery
campo semántico {m} [linguistics] :: semantic field
campo traviesa {m} [Latin America, sport] :: cross-country
campo visual {m} :: field of vision; visual field
campurriana {f} :: feminine noun of campurriano
campurriano {adj} :: Of or from Campoo
campurriano {m} :: Someone from Campoo
campus {m} :: campus
Camucha {prop} {f} :: given name
camuflado {adj} :: camouflaged
camuflaje {m} :: camouflage
camuflajear {v} [Latin America] :: alternative form of camuflar
camuflar {v} :: to camouflage
camuflar {v} :: to disguise
can {m} [formal] :: dog, hound
CAN {prop} :: abbreviation of Comunidad Andina de Naciones
cana {f} :: white or gray hair
cana {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: police force, police department
cana {f} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] :: jail, prison
cana {mf} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: policeman, policewoman
caña {f} :: cane (plant with simple stems, like bamboo or sugar cane)
caña {f} :: reed (any of various types of tall stiff perennial grass-like plants growing together in groups near water)
caña {f} :: slim, cylindrical type of glass, used to serve beer
caña {f} :: glass of beer
caña {f} [Chile, colloquial] :: hangover (illness caused by a previous bout of alcohol drinking)
caña {f} [anatomy] :: shank (part of the leg between the knee and the ankle)
caña agria {f} :: canaigre (Rumex hymenosepalus)
cañabar {m} [Mexico] :: homemade rum
cañabrava {f} :: reed
canacos {mp} :: Kanaks
Canadá {prop} {m} :: Canadá (country)
cañada {f} :: glen, gully, ravine
caña de azúcar {f} :: sugar cane
canadiense {mf} :: a Canadian; an inhabitant of Canada
canadiense {adj} :: Canadian; pertaining to Canada or its people
cañadón {m} :: ravine
cañaheja {f} :: giant fennel
canaigre {m} [obsolete] :: canaigre
canal {m} :: canal, flume, waterway (artificial)
canal {m} :: channel (wide strait)
canal {m} [communication] :: channel
canal {m} [chemistry] :: channel
canal {m} :: cleavage
cañal {m} :: small channel (for fish to pass)
cañal {m} :: small gate made of reeds
cañal {m} :: reedbed
canal de Jamaica {prop} {m} :: Jamaica Channel
canal de la Mancha {prop} {m} :: English Channel
canal de Mozambique {prop} {m} :: Mozambique Channel
canal de Panamá {prop} {m} :: Panama Canal
canalero {adj} :: Panamanian
canalero {m} :: A Panamanian
Canales {prop} {m} :: surname
canaleta {f} :: gutter (duct or channel beneath the eaves)
canaleta {f} :: gutter (groove beside a bowling alley)
canaleta {f} :: canal (trough to carry water)
canalículo {m} :: canaliculus
canalillo {m} [colloquial] :: Central cleft between a woman breasts
canalillo {m} :: diminutive of canal
canalización {f} :: channeling
canalizador {m} :: channeler
canalizar {vt} :: to channel
canalizo {m} [nautical] :: fairway
canalla {f} :: rabble, riff-raff, canaille
canalla {f} [colloquial] :: swine, rascal
canallada {f} :: dirty trick
canallesco {adj} :: low, despicable
canalón {m} :: gutter (duct beneath the eaves of a building)
cañamazo {mf} :: bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum)
cañamazo {mf} :: hemp-agrimony; holy rope (Eupatorium cannabinum)
cáñamo {m} :: hemp (plant and fiber)
cáñamo {m} :: cannabis; marijuana
cañamón {m} :: hempseed
cañamón {m} :: birdseed
canana {f} :: bandolier
cananea {f} :: feminine noun of cananeo
cananeo {adj} :: Canaanite
cananeo {m} :: Canaanite
canapé {m} :: canapé (food)
canapé {m} :: canapé (furniture)
canapé {m} :: snack food
cañar {m} :: a group of reeds
cañar {m} :: a fish garth made of reeds
Cañar {prop} :: Cañar
canarés {adj} :: Kannada
canarés {m} :: Kannada
cañari {mf} :: A member of an indigenous group native to the Ecuadorian provinces of Azuay and Cañar
cañari {adj} :: Of or relating to the Cañari people
Cañari {mf} :: alternative case form of cañari
canaria {f} :: feminine noun of canario
Canarias {prop} {fp} :: Canarias (autonomous community/and/island)
canarinha {f} :: Brazil national football team
canario {adj} :: of, from or related to the Canary Islands
canario {m} :: person from the Canary Islands
canario {m} :: canary (bird)
Canas {prop} :: Canas (province)
canasta {f} :: basket
canasta {f} [card games] :: canasta
canasta {f} [basketball] :: basket, hoop
canasta {f} [Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela] :: laundry basket, hamper (made of plastic)
canastera {f} :: pratincole
canastero {m} :: canastero
canastilla {f} :: diminutive of canasta, a small basket
canastillo {m} :: diminutive of canasto; a small wicker basket
canastita {f} :: diminutive of canasta
canasto {m} :: basket
canasto {m} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] :: laundry basket, hamper (made of any kind of material)
canavanina {f} [amino acid] :: canavanine
cañaveral {m} :: reed field
cañaveral {m} :: canebrake
cañaveral {m} :: sugar-cane plantation
Canberra {prop} :: Canberra (capital city)
canberrana {f} :: feminine noun of canberrano
canberrano {adj} :: Canberran (of or pertaining to Canberra, Australia)
canberrano {m} :: Canberran (native or resident of Canberra, Australia)
cáncamo {m} :: eyebolt
cancamusa {f} [obsolete] :: trick; ruse
cancán {m} :: cancan (dance)
cancanear {v} :: to dance the cancan
cancanear {v} :: to loaf; to loaf about
cancanear {v} :: to sputter [said of an engine]
cancanear {v} [Central America] :: to stammer
cancel {m} :: partition; wall
cancela {f} :: lattice gate
cancelación {f} :: cancellation
cancelado {adj} :: canceled
cancelador {m} :: canceller
canceladora {f} :: canceller
canceladora {f} :: stamping machine; validation machine (for public transport)
cancelar {v} :: to cancel
cancelar {v} :: to liquidate a debt
cancelar {v} [Ecuador, Chile, Peru] :: to pay
cancelario {f} :: alternative spelling of canciller
cáncer {m} :: cancer
Cáncer {prop} [astronomy, astrology] :: Cancer (constellation)
Cáncer {prop} [astrology] :: Cancer (zodiac sign)
cancerar {vi} :: to become cancerous
cancerar {vt} :: to eat away
cancerbera {f} :: feminine noun of cancerbero
cancerbero {m} [sports] :: goalkeeper
cancerbero {m} :: someone who guards a door; doorkeeper
cancerbero {m} [mythology, folklore] :: hellhound
cancerígeno {adj} :: carcinogenic
cancerología {f} :: cancerology
cancerólogo {m} :: cancerologist
canceroso {adj} [oncology] :: cancerous
cancha {f} :: sports field, pitch, court
cancha {f} [Peru] :: popcorn
cancha de tenis {f} :: tennis court
canchal {m} :: rubble: scree
canchalagua {f} :: canchalagua
canchero {m} :: veteran, experienced person
canchero {adj} :: experienced
canchita {f} :: diminutive of cancha
canchón {m} :: large field
canchón {m} :: large shed
cancilla {f} :: gate
canciller {mf} :: chancellor
cancillera {f} [nonstandard] :: feminine noun of canciller
cancillería {f} :: chancery
Cancio {prop} :: surname
canción {f} :: song
cancioncilla {f} :: ditty, tune
cancioncita {f} :: diminutive of canción
canción de cuna {f} :: lullaby
canción de cuna {f} :: cradle song
canción de cuna {f} [music] :: berceuse
cancionera {f} :: traditional singer
cancioneril {adj} [attributive] :: chansonnier
cancionero {m} :: songbook
cancionista {mf} :: songster, songwriter
canción protesta {f} :: protest song
cancro {m} :: canker
Cancún {prop} :: Cancún (city)
candado {m} :: lock, padlock
candar {v} :: to lock
candeal {adj} :: Describing a particular type of wheat
candela {f} :: candle
candela {f} [physics] :: candela (physical unit)
candela {f} :: combustible
candela {f} :: fire, light
candelabro {m} :: candelabrum, branched candlestick
Candelaria {f} :: Candlemas (Christian feast)
Candelaria {prop} :: Candelaria (ranchería in Mexico)
Candelaria {prop} :: Candelaria (village)
candelería {f} :: candle shop
candelero {m} :: candlestick
candelero {m} [nautical] :: stanchion
candelero {m} :: maker or seller of candles; chandler
candelilla {f} :: wax plant
candelita {f} :: small candle
candente {adj} :: red-hot
candente {adj} :: burning
candente {adj} :: polemical, dangerous to talk about
candente {adj} :: hot, sexually attractive
Cándida {prop} {f} :: given name, female variant of Cándido
candidado {m} [archaic] :: candidate
cándidamente {adv} :: candidly
candidata {f} :: female equivalent of candidato
candidatable {adj} :: available, eligible or suitable for candidacy
candidatar {v} :: to enrol as a candidate
candidatar {vr} :: to run (as a candidate)
candidatear {v} :: offer up as candidate
candidatitis {f} [politics] :: The belief held by a candidate that they are going to win the election
candidatito {m} :: diminutive of candidato
candidatizar {v} :: to nominate (as a candidate)
candidato {m} :: candidate
candidatura {f} :: candidacy
candidez {adj} :: The quality of being candid; candidness
candidiasis {f} :: candidiasis
candidísimo {adj} :: superlative of candido
cándido {adj} :: straightforward
cándido {adj} :: naive
Cándido {prop} {m} :: given name, male variant of Cándida
candidote {m} :: pejorative of candidato
candil {m} :: lamp
candileja {f} :: A kind of torch
candombe {m} :: candombe
candomblé {m} :: Candomblé
candor {m} :: candor
candorosamente {adv} :: innocently
candorosamente {adv} :: gullibly
candoroso {adj} :: naive
cané {m} :: A type of card game, similar to monte
canear {v} [colloquial] :: to bash, hit
caneca {f} :: gin flask
caneca {f} :: Any of a number of types of containers
caneca {f} [Colombia] :: trash (container into which things are discarded; trash can)
caneca {f} [Colombia] :: can (cylindrical vessel for liquids, usually of steel or aluminium)
canechera {f} :: feminine noun of canechero
canechero {m} :: A player, coach, fan, or anyone otherwise associated with Juticalpa F.C., a soccer club from Honduras
canecillo {m} [architecture] :: bracket
caneco {adj} [Bolivia] :: drunk
Cañedo {prop} :: surname
canela {f} :: cinnamon
canelazo {m} [Ecuador, Colombia, Peru] :: An alcoholic drink prepared with sugar and cinnamon, and often a sour juice such as lemon or naranjilla
canelito {m} :: alternative form of canelazo
canelo {m} :: cinnamon (tree)
canelo {m} :: Winter's bark (Drimys winteri)
canelo {adj} :: having cinnamon color
canelón {m} :: alternative spelling of canalón; gutter
canelón {m} :: icicle
canelón {m} :: cannelloni
cañería {f} :: Length of tube, pipe or piping
cañería {f} :: drain
cañero {adj} [attributive] :: sugar cane
cañero {adj} :: hardcore
cañete {m} :: Phragmites australis, a species of grass
Cañete {prop} :: surname
Cañete {prop} :: Cañete (province)
caney {m} [Venezuela] :: stilted hut made with palm leves or straw
canfano {m} [organic chemistry] :: bornane
canfeno {m} [organic chemistry] :: camphene
Canfranc {prop} :: A village in the Pyrenees that is the site of an abandoned railway station
cangagua {f} [geology, Ecuador, Peru, Chile] :: synonym of tepetate
Cangallo {prop} :: Cangallo (province)
Cangallo {prop} :: Cangallo (town/provincial capital)
cangilón {m} :: bucket, scoop (machine part)
cangreja {f} [nautical] :: lugsail
cangrejal {m} :: crabbery, crab area; area where there is an abundance of crabs
cangrejera {f} :: crabber
cangrejero {m} :: crabber
cangrejito {m} :: diminutive of cangrejo
cangrejo {m} :: crab
cangrejo de los cocoteros {m} :: coconut crab
cangrejo de río {m} :: crayfish
cangrejo ermitaño {m} :: hermit crab
canguelo {m} [colloquial] :: heeby-jeebies
canguil {m} [Ecuador] :: popcorn
canguis {m} [colloquial] :: heeby-jeebies
cangurera {f} :: bumbag; shoulder bag; strap bag
canguro {m} :: kangaroo
canguro {mf} [colloquial, Spain] :: babysitter
cani {m} [colloquial, pejorative, Spain] :: chav, townie/towny (A working-class youth, especially one associated with aggression, poor education, and a perceived "common" taste in clothing and lifestyle.)
cañí {adj} [attributive] :: Gypsy
caníbal {adj} :: cannibalistic
caníbal {mf} :: cannibal
canibalismo {m} :: cannibalism
canibalizar {vt} :: to cannibalize
canica {f} :: glass marble (spherical ball)
caniche {mf} :: poodle
canícula {f} :: dog days (the days between early July and early September when Sirius rises and sets with the Sun)
canicular {adj} :: canicular
cánido {adj} :: canine
cánido {m} :: canine
Caniedo {prop} :: surname
canijo {adj} [colloquial] :: short; stumpy
canijo {adj} [colloquial] :: weedy; wussy
canijo {m} [colloquial] :: shorty
canijo {m} [colloquial] :: weed; wuss; pussy
canijo {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: badass
canil {m} :: doggy park
canilla {f} [anatomy] :: shin, tibia
canilla {f} [anatomy, less common] :: ulna, radius
canilla {f} [Argentina, Northern Central Spain, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: faucet
canilla {f} :: spigot
canilla {f} [Northern Mexico] :: leg
canilla {f} [Venezuela] :: baguette (bread)
canillita {f} :: diminutive of canilla
canino {adj} :: canine
canino {adj} [anatomy] :: canine
canino {m} :: canine tooth
canino {m} [muscle] :: caninus
canita {f} :: diminutive of cana
canita {f} :: drinking straw
cañita {f} :: diminutive of caña; small beer
cañizal {m} :: synonym of cañizar
cañizar {m} :: sugar cane farm
Cañizares {prop} :: surname
cañizo {m} :: wattle
canje {m} :: swap, exchange
canjeable {adj} :: exchangeable
canjear {vt} :: to exchange
canjear {vt} :: to redeem, cash
cannabidiol {m} :: cannabidiol
cannabinoide {m} :: cannabinoid
cannabis {m} :: cannabis
Cannas {prop} {fp} :: Cannae
cannoli {f} :: cannoli
cano {adj} :: hoary, white-haired, grey-haired
cano {adj} :: ancient, old (of a person)
cano {adj} [rare] :: white, snow-white, milky white
Cano {prop} :: surname
caño {m} :: tube or pipe
caño {m} :: spout
caño {m} :: gutter
caño {m} :: drain
caño {m} :: navigation channel
caño {m} [soccer] :: nutmeg, the playing of the ball between the legs of an opponent
caño {m} [Argentina, colloquial] :: joint
canoa {f} :: canoe
canódromo {m} :: dog track
canoera {f} :: feminine noun of canoero
canoero {adj} [attributive] :: canoeing, canoe
canoero {m} :: canoer
canófila {f} :: feminine noun of canófilo
canófilo {m} :: dog lover
canoísta {mf} :: canoer, canoeist
canola {f} :: canola
canoli {m} :: cannoli
canon {m} :: canon (principle, literary works, prayer, religious law, music piece)
canon {m} :: tax, fee
cañón {m} [geography] :: canyon
cañón {m} :: cannon
cañón {m} :: barrel (of a gun), pipe, tube
cañón {adj} [colloquial] :: great; smashing; helluva
cañonazo {m} :: cannon shot
cañonazo {m} [football] :: powerful shot
cañoncito {m} :: diminutive of cañón
cañón de agua {m} :: water cannon
cañón de avancarga {m} :: Type of weapon; muzzleloader
cañón de nieve {m} :: snow cannon
cañonear {v} :: to cannonade, to shell, to bombard
cañoneo {m} :: cannonading
cañonera {f} :: gunboat
cañonera {f} :: embrasure
cañonero {m} :: gunboat
cañonero {m} [football] :: striker, hitman
canonesa {f} [historical] :: A very pious woman, but not a nun
canónicamente {adv} :: canonically
canonicidad {f} :: canonicity
canónico {adj} :: canonical
canónigo {m} :: canon (ecclesiastic who has a canonry)
canónigo {m} :: corn salad (any of the small plants in genus Valerianella, used in salads)
canonista {mf} :: canonist
canonización {f} :: canonization
canonizar {v} :: to canonize
canonizar {v} :: to approve (of)
canonjía {f} :: canonry
canópico {adj} :: Canopic
Canopo {prop} {m} [star] :: Canopus (star)
canopy {m} [Caribbean] :: zipline (activity)
canoro {adj} :: sweet-singing; melodious
canoso {adj} :: gray/grey, hoary (of hair)
canotaje {m} :: boating
canotier {m} :: boater (type of straw hat)
canovista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, Spanish politician
canovista {mf} :: A supporter of Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
cansadamente {adv} :: wearily, tiredly
cansadísimo {adj} :: superlative of cansado, very tired
cansado {adj} :: tired, weary, wearied
cansado {adj} [Spain, Central America] :: tiring
cansado {adj} [colloquial] :: sleepy
cansado {adj} :: boring
cansador {adj} [Uruguay, Argentina] :: tiring
cansancio {m} :: tiredness
cansar {vt} :: to tire
cansar {vr} :: to get tired
cansarse {v} :: reflexive of cansar, to get tired
cansera {f} :: fatigue
cansinamente {adv} :: wearily
cansino {adj} :: tiring
cansón {adj} :: boring; dull
cansón {adj} :: tiresome
cansón {adj} :: lacking energy
Canta {prop} :: Canta (province)
Canta {prop} :: Canta (town/provincial capital)
cantable {adj} :: singable
cantable {m} [music] :: cantabile
Cantabria {prop} {f} :: Cantabria (autonomous community/and/province)
cantábrica {f} :: feminine noun of cantábrico
cantábrico {adj} :: Cantabrian
cantábrico {m} :: Cantabrian (people)
cantábrico {m} :: Cantabrian (language)
cántabro {adj} :: Cantabrian
cántabro {m} :: Cantabrian
cantada {f} [colloquial, sports, Spain] :: howler, blunder, mistake
cantador {adj} :: singing
cantadora {f} :: one who hands down myths and stories by word of mouth, storyteller
cantaleta {f} :: nagging (repetitive wigging)
cantaleta {f} :: tedious refrain
cantalupo {m} :: cantaloupe (melon)
cantamañanas {mf} [colloquial] :: bullshitter
cantante {adj} :: who sings, singing
cantante {mf} :: singer
cantaor {m} :: flamenco singer
cantaora {f} :: flamenco singer
cantar {vti} :: to sing
cantar {m} :: A type of shanty or popular song
cántara {f} :: synonym of cántaro
cántara {f} :: A unit of liquid measurement used in Spain, primarily for wine; equal to 16.133 liters or four cuartillas
Cantar de los Cantares {prop} {m} :: Song of Songs
Cantares {prop} {mf} [bible] :: Song of Songs or Song of Solomon (the book of the Bible)
cantárida {f} :: Spanish fly
cantarilla {f} :: diminutive of cántara
cantarillo {m} :: diminutive of cántaro
cantarín {adj} :: melodic, singsong
cantarín {adj} :: fond of singing, enjoying a singsong
cantarín {m} :: singer
cantar las cuarenta {v} [idiom] :: to read the riot act; tick off; scold; reprimand
cantar las cuarenta {v} [idiom] :: (to someone) to state an opinion firmly and even bluntly, without caring if the other person might get offended
cantar las cuarenta {v} [idiom, rare] :: to score a big achievement or victory in any field
cántaro {m} :: jug, jar
cántaro {m} :: amphora
cantarse el playball {v} [idiomatic, baseball] :: to start; get started; to play ball
cantata {f} [music] :: cantata
cantatriz {f} :: female singer
cantautor {m} :: singer-songwriter
cantautora {f} :: feminine noun of cantautor
cantaxantina {f} [organic compound] :: canthaxanthin
cantear {v} :: to chamfer
cantera {f} :: quarry
cantera {f} :: talent, ingeniosity
cantera {f} :: academy
canterana {f} :: feminine noun of canterano
canterano {m} :: (of an athlete) One who comes from an academy; an academian
Canterbury {prop} :: Canterbury (cathedral city)
cantería {f} :: stonecutting
cantero {m} :: quarry worker, quarryman
cantero {m} :: bread crust
cantero {m} :: small flower bed
cantero {m} :: stonemason
cántico {m} :: canticle
cantidad {f} :: amount
cantidad {f} :: quantity
cantidad {f} :: figure
cantidad {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: plenty
cantidad {adv} [colloquial] :: like hell; a hell of a lot; shedloads
cantidades {adv} :: a lot
cantil {m} :: cliff
cantil {m} :: shelf (underwater)
cantilena {f} :: cantilena
cantimplora {f} :: flask, canteen (water bottle)
cantina {f} [Latin America] :: saloon, speakeasy, bar (used in most countries except Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico and Venezuela)
cantina {f} :: cafeteria, canteen (staff restaurant)
cantinela {f} [colloquial] :: old story
cantinela {f} :: gist
cantinera {f} :: feminine noun of cantinero
cantinero {m} :: bartender
cantinflear {vi} [Latin America] :: to gibber (to speak unintelligibly or incoherently)
cantinflesco {adj} :: In the style of Cantinflas, a Mexican comedy actor
canto {m} :: singing
canto {m} :: song
canto {m} :: chant
canto {m} :: edge
canto {m} :: side
canto {m} [rare] :: thickness
canto {m} :: a piece of stone
canto {m} [anatomy] :: canthus
canto del cisne {m} [idiomatic] :: swan song
canto gregoriano {m} :: Gregorian chant
cantón {m} :: canton, district
cantón {m} [heraldry] :: division of a flag or a coat of arms
cantón {m} [heraldiccharge] :: canton
Cantón {prop} {m} :: Cantón (caplc)
cantonado {adj} [heraldry] :: cantoned
cantonal {adj} :: cantonal (of or pertaining to a canton)
cantonalista {mf} :: a believer in cantonalism
cantonalización {f} :: Dividing (of a territory) into cantons
cantonera {f} :: corner piece
cantonera {f} :: corner bracket
cantonera {f} :: corner table
cantonera {f} :: streetwalker
cantonés {adj} :: Cantonese
cantonés {m} :: Cantonese (person)
cantonés {m} :: Cantonese language
cantonesa {f} :: feminine noun of cantonés
cantonización {f} :: cantonization
cantopop {m} :: Cantopop
cantor {adj} :: singing
cantor {m} :: singer
cantora {f} :: feminine noun of cantor
cantoral {adj} :: cantoral
Cantórbery {prop} [now rare] :: Cantórbery (cathedral city)
Cantos {prop} :: surname
cantueso {m} :: lavender
canturrear {v} [colloquial] :: to croon
canturrear {v} [colloquial] :: to sing softly
canturreo {m} :: a crooning, a hum
canturriar {v} :: alternative spelling of canturrear
canudo {adj} [obsolete] :: grey-haired
cañuela {f} :: fescue
cánula {f} :: cannula (tube)
canutillo {m} :: A dessert consisting of confectioner's cream rolled in pastry
canuto {m} :: tube
canuto {m} [slang] :: joint, reefer
canuto {adj} [slang] :: awesome; brill
canuto {m} [slang, Chile, pejorative] :: evangelical
Canuto {prop} {m} :: given name
Canuto {prop} {m} [historical] :: Canute, Cnut (mediaeval king of Denmark)
cañuto {m} :: A kind of tube
canvas {m} :: canvas
canyengue {m} [Uruguay, Argentina] :: A dancing evening
canyengue {m} [Uruguay, Argentina] :: A provocative style of the tango
canyoning {m} :: canyoning
caoba {adj} :: mahogany (color)
caoba {f} :: mahogany (color, tree, wood)
caobanilla {f} :: An evergreen tree, taxonomic name Stahlia monosperma
caobo {m} :: mahogany, Honduran mahogany (tree of the species Swietenia macrophylla)
cao dai {m} :: Cao Dai
caolín {m} :: kaolin
caolinita {f} [mineral] :: kaolinite
caos {m} :: chaos
caos {m} :: mayhem, havoc, turmoil, pandemonium, bedlam
caos {m} :: mess, shambles, disarray
caóticamente {adv} :: chaotically
caótico {adj} :: chaotic, shambolic [AUS, UK]
caotizante {adj} :: chaos-causing
caotizar {vt} :: to disrupt, to cause chaos in
CAP {n} :: Comisión Administradora del Petróleo
capa {f} :: cloak, cape (a sleeveless garment hanging from the neck)
capa {f} :: coat, sheet (a covering of material, such as paint)
capa {f} :: layer (a single thickness of some material covering a surface)
capa {f} :: guise; pretext
capa anual {f} [botany] :: annual ring
capacho {adj} [bullfighting] :: Having horns pointing flat out to the sides
capacidad {f} :: capacity, capability, ability
capacidad {f} :: capacity (measure of the ability to hold)
capacidad {f} :: capacity (maximum that can be held)
capacidad {f} :: capacity (maximum that can be produced)
capacillo {m} :: mould for cupcakes
capacísimo {adj} :: superlative of capaz
capacitación {f} :: training
capacitador {m} :: trainer, teacher
capacitadora {f} :: feminine noun of capacitador
capacitancia {f} :: capacitance
capacitar {v} :: to train
capacitivo {adj} :: capacitive
capacitor {m} :: capacitor
capa de hielo {f} :: ice cap, ice sheet, layer of ice
capa de ozono {f} :: ozone layer
capadocia {f} :: feminine noun of capadocio
Capadocia {prop} {f} :: Cappadocia (ancient region)
capadocio {adj} :: Cappadocian
capadocio {m} :: Cappadocian
capador {m} [musical instrument] :: A type of pan pipe originating from the indigenous people of Colombia
capanga {m} [slang, Argentina] :: boss, foreman
capar {v} :: to castrate
capar {v} :: to cut off
caparazón {f} :: shell
caparazón {f} :: caparison
caparazón {f} :: carapace
caparrón {m} :: A kind of red kidney bean
caparrón {m} :: A stew made from caparrones and chorizo, a popular dish in La Rioja
capataz {m} [management] :: foreman
capataza {f} :: feminine noun of capataz
çapato {m} :: obsolete spelling of zapato
capaz {adj} :: able, capable
capaz {adv} [Argentina] :: maybe, perhaps
capazmente {adv} :: capably
capazo {m} :: Big basket
Capazo {prop} :: Capazo (district)
capcioso {adj} :: captious, fallacious
capea {f} [bullfighting] :: capea
capear {v} [bullfighting] :: To take part in a capea
capear {v} [by extension] :: to dodge
capear el temporal {v} [idiomatic] :: to weather the storm
capela {n} :: only used in a capela
capelán {m} :: capelin
capelina {f} :: alternative form of capellina; bandage over the head
capellán {m} :: chaplain
capellanía {f} :: chapellany
capellina {f} :: a type of wide-brimmed hat
capellina {f} :: a type of medieval helmet
capellina {f} :: a bandage wrapped around the head
capelo {m} :: red hat worn by cardinals
capense {adj} :: Capetonian
capense {mf} :: Capetonian
caperucita {f} :: diminutive of caperuza
Caperucita Roja {prop} {f} :: Little Red Riding Hood
caperuz {m} :: synonym of cucurucho (processional hood)
caperuza {f} :: hood
capeta {f} [Paraguay] :: boss
capeto {m} [Paraguay] :: boss
capi {mf} [colloquial] :: clipping of capitán
capiateña {f} :: feminine noun of capiateño
capiateño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Capiatá, Paraguay
capiateño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Capiatá, Paraguay
capibara {m} [rodents] :: capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
capicúa {f} :: palindromic number
capilar {adj} :: hair (attributive)
capilar {adj} :: capillary
capilar {m} :: capillary
capilaria {f} :: capillary
capilaridad {f} :: capillarity
capilaritis {f} [pathology] :: capillaritis
capilaroscopia {f} [medicine] :: capillaroscopy
capilla {f} :: chapel
capillita {f} :: diminutive of capilla
capillo {m} :: hood, especially a kind worn as a popular outfit in certain regions
capillo {m} :: linen cap worn by young boys, or one of white cloth worn by boys at baptism
capirotada {f} :: capirotada
capirotado {adj} :: wearing a capirote
capirote {m} :: hood (of certain garments)
capirote {m} :: A type of tall pointed hat worn for certain festivals
capirote {m} :: dunce cap
capirote {m} [ornithology] :: hood
capirote {m} :: Eurasian blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla)
capirotejo {m} :: A traditional game played in Ecuador, in which as many players as possible jump on the backs of other participants that have formed a head-to-hips line
capirucho {m} :: cup-and-ball
cápita {f} :: see per cápita
capitación {f} :: capitation
capitación {f} :: poll tax
capitado {adj} :: capitate
capital {adj} :: capital (important)
capital {m} :: capital (finance)
capital {f} :: capital (city)
capitaleño {adj} :: Of or from Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic
capitaleño {m} :: Someone from Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic
capitalidad {f} :: The state of being the capital
capitalino {adj} :: of or relating to a capital city
capitalino {adj} [Mexico] :: of or relating to Mexico City
capitalino {adj} [Panama] :: of or relating to Panama City
capitalino {m} :: someone from or related to a capital city
capitalino {m} [Mexico] :: someone from Mexico City
capitalino {m} [Panama] :: someone from Panama City
capitalismo {m} :: capitalism
capitalista {adj} :: capitalist
capitalista {mf} :: capitalist
capitalito {m} :: diminutive of capital
capitalización {f} :: capitalization
capitalizar {vt} [economics, etc.] :: to capitalise
capitan {m} :: obsolete spelling of capitán
capitán {m} :: captain
capitana {f} :: female equivalent of capitán
capitancito {m} :: diminutive of capitán
capitanear {v} :: to command
capitanejo {m} :: a subordinate of a cacique
capitán general {m} :: captain general
capitanía {f} [military] :: company (unit of soldiers)
Capitaniano {prop} {m} :: Capitanian
Capitaniense {prop} {m} :: Capitanian
capitel {m} [architecture] :: capital (uppermost part of a column)
capitolino {adj} :: Capitoline
capitolio {m} :: capitol (building where legislature meets)
Capitolio {prop} {m} :: Capitol
capitoste {m} :: chief, boss
capitulación {f} :: surrender
capitulación {f} [usually in plural] :: marriage contract
capitular {v} :: to capitulate
capítulo {m} :: chapter
capnógrafo {m} :: capnograph
capnolagnia {f} :: capnolagnia
capnomancia {f} :: capnomancy
capnomancía {f} :: alternative form of capnomancia
capo {m} :: gangster
capo {m} :: By extension, a very able person at doing something
capo {m} :: boss, chief
capó {m} :: hood of an automobile
capocómica {f} [theatre] :: leader of a theatre company
capocómico {m} [theatre] :: leader of a theatre company
capoeira {f} :: capoeira
capolar {v} :: to mince [meat]
capón {adj} :: castrated
capón {m} :: capon (castrated cockerel)
capón {m} :: pat or rap on the head
caponera {f} :: coop for chickens being fattened
caponera {f} :: slammer; clink (prison)
caporal {m} :: corporal
caporal {m} :: foreman
capota {f} [automotive] :: hood [UK], top [US] of a vehicle
capota {f} [nautical] :: sprayhood
capotazo {m} [bullfighting] :: A movement made with the cape to distract or stop the bull
capote {m} :: cloak
capote {m} [bullfighting] :: cape worn by bullfighters
capotear {v} [bullfighting] :: to make movements of the capote (a cape)
capotear {v} :: to take for a ride, to give someone the runaround
capotillo {m} [bullfighting] :: cape
cappa {f} :: kappa; the Greek letter Κ, κ
cappuccino {m} :: cappuccino
caprario {adj} :: caprine; hircine
caprichito {m} :: diminutive of capricho
capricho {m} :: caprice, vagary, whim, fancy
caprichosamente {adv} :: capriciously
caprichosidad {f} :: caprice; whimsicality
caprichoso {adj} :: whimsical, capricious
capricornio {adj} [astrology] :: Capricorn
Capricornio {prop} [astrology, astronomy] :: Capricorn, Capricornus
capricultura {f} :: goat farming
caprimulgo {m} :: nightjar; nighthawk
caprino {adj} :: caprine
caprolactama {f} [organic compound] :: caprolactam
capsaicina {f} [organic compound] :: capsaicin
cápsida {f} :: capsid
cápside {m} [virology] :: capsid
capsómero {m} :: capsomere
cápsula {f} [pharmacy] :: capsule (small container containing a dose of medicine)
cápsula {f} [astronautics] :: capsule
cápsula {f} :: cap, bottle cap
cápsula {f} [media] :: spot, bulletin (short program segment)
capsular {adj} :: capsular
capsular {v} :: to cap
capsulitis {f} :: capsulitis
captación {f} :: capture, capturing
captador {m} :: captor
captador {m} :: catcher
captadora {f} :: capturer
captahuellas {m} :: fingerprint reader
captar {v} :: to capture, perceive, register, understand
captopril {m} :: captopril
captor {m} :: captor
captora {f} :: feminine noun of captor
captura {f} :: capture
captura {f} :: catch (that which is captured or caught)
capturable {adj} :: capturable
captura de pantalla {f} [computing] :: screenshot
capturador {m} :: catcher; capturer
capturar {v} :: to catch, trap, capture
capucha {f} :: hood (headwear)
capucha {f} :: hoodie
capuchera {f} :: hoodie
capuchino {m} :: Capuchin (monk)
capuchino {m} :: cappuccino (coffee)
capucho {m} :: hood
capuchón {m} :: cap, hood
capulana {f} :: capulana
capulín {m} :: Jamaican nettletree
capulín {m} :: Prunus salicifolia
capulín {m} :: Eugenia capuli
capulín {m} :: bitter-berry, chokecherry (Prunus virginiana)
capullete {m} :: diminutive of capullo
capullo {m} :: cocoon
capullo {m} :: bud, blossom (especially used for rosebuds)
capullo {m} :: pod
capullo {m} :: foreskin
capullo {m} [Spain] :: asshole, dick, prick, dickhead, ass, douche, douchebag, dipshit, twat (contemptible person)
capuz {m} :: hood
capuzar {v} :: synonym of chapuzar
Caquetá {prop} {m} :: Caquetá (department)
Caquetá {prop} {m} :: Caquetá (river)
caquetío {adj} :: Caquetio
caquetío {mf} :: Caquetio
caquexia {f} :: cachexia
caqui {m} :: persimmon (fruit)
caqui {m} :: persimmon (tree)
caqui {m} :: khaki (color)
caquilla {f} :: diminutive of caca
caquistocracia {f} :: kakistocracy
caquita {f} :: diminutive of caca
car {adv} [archaic] :: because
cara {f} [anatomy] :: face (the front part of the head)
cara {f} :: face (one's facial expression)
cara {f} :: face (the frontal aspect of something)
cara {f} [colloquial] :: gall, nerve (impudence)
cara {f} [geometry] :: face (any of the flat bounding surfaces of a polyhedron)
cara {f} :: side (of paper, a card, a coin)
cara {f} :: heads (side of a coin)
cará {m} :: taro (Colocasia esculenta)
cará {m} :: smooth-cheek eartheater (Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys)
cará {m} :: chameleon cichlid (Australoheros facetus)
cara A {f} :: A-side
cara a cara {adv} :: vis-à-vis; face to face
cara a cara {m} :: head-to-head
cara B {f} :: B-side
carabao {m} :: water-buffalo
cárabe {m} :: amber (fossil resin)
carabela {f} :: caravel
carabela portuguesa {f} :: Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis)
carabelita {f} :: diminutive of carabela
carabina {f} :: carbine (short firearm)
carabina {f} :: rifle
carabina {f} :: chaperone
carabinera {f} :: feminine noun of carabinero
carabinero {m} [historically] :: A soldier armed with a carbine
carabinero {m} [Chile, Colombia, Bolivia] :: A member of the national police
carabinero {m} :: One of several species of crustacean
cárabo {m} :: tawny owl
carabobeña {f} :: feminine noun of carabobeño
carabobeño {adj} :: Of or from Carabobo
carabobeño {m} :: Someone from Carabobo
caracara {m} :: caracara
caracara carancho {m} :: southern crested caracara
caracara chimango {m} :: chimango caracara
caracara moñudo {m} :: southern crested caracara
Caracas {prop} :: Caracas (capital city)
caracense {adj} :: From Guadalajara, Spain
caracense {mf} :: Someone from Guadalajara, Spain
carachama {f} :: A species of catfish native to the Upper Amazon Basin of Brazil and Peru, Pseudorinelepis genibarbis
caracho {m} :: pejorative of cara, ugly face
caracho {interj} :: good grief (expression of shock, surprise or anger)
carachupa {f} [Bolivia] :: opossum
caracol {m} :: snail
caracol {m} [anatomy] :: cochlea
caracola {f} :: shell of a marine snail
caracola {f} :: a bun in the shape of a snail shell
caracolear {v} :: to caracole
caracoles {interj} :: wow, euphemism for caramba and therefore of carajo
caracoles {interj} :: frick! euphemim of carajo
carácter {m} :: character (traits marking a person or group)
carácter {m} :: character (moral strength)
carácter {m} :: character (symbol for a sound or word)
carácter de escape {m} :: escape character
característica {f} :: characteristic, feature
característicamente {adv} :: characteristically
característico {adj} :: characteristic, typical
caracterización {f} :: characterization
caracterizado {adj} :: characterized
caracterizador {m} :: make-up artist
caracterizador {adj} :: characterizing
caracterizadora {f} :: feminine noun of caracterizador
caracterizar {vt} :: to characterize
caracú {m} [Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] :: bone marrow, especially from the feet of bovines, and especially as used for food
caraculo {m} [vulgar, Spain] :: butthead, assface
cara de póquer {f} [idiom] :: poker face
caradura {adj} [colloquial] :: cheeky, shameless
caradura {mf} [colloquial] :: cheeky person, cheek
caradurismo {m} :: cheekiness, shamelessness
caraíta {adj} :: Karaite
caraíta {mf} :: Karaite
carajillo {m} :: Irish coffee (coffee with a shot of liquor)
carajita {f} :: feminine noun of carajito
carajito {m} [Venezuela] :: child
carajo {m} [vulgar] :: penis
carajo {m} :: [un carajo] shit [US], jackshit [US], sod all [UK], bugger all [UK]
carajo {m} :: [al carajo] hell
carajo {interj} [South America, Northwestern Spain, vulgar] :: shit!
carajo {interj} [slang, vulgar] :: used as an intensifier, similar to the fuck
carajote {m} [colloquial, Andalusia] :: dimwit, slow
carajote {adj} [colloquial, Andalusia] :: baffled, confused
cara larga {f} [idiomatic] :: long face
caramba {interj} [euphemistic, non-vulgar] :: gee, boy, shucks, gosh, golly, geez, jeez, gee whiz, crikey, blimey, heck, whoa, dang, darn, freaking gosh (an expression of shock, surprise or anger)
carámbano {m} :: icicle
carambola {f} :: star fruit (fruit)
carambola {f} :: fluke
carambola {f} :: double whammy; act of killing two birds with one stone
carambola {f} [snooker, pool, billiards] :: cannon
carambola {f} [snooker, pool, billiards] :: three-cushion shot
carambolo {m} :: The tree that bears the carambola
caramelería {f} :: candy store
caramelito {m} :: diminutive of caramelo
caramelización {f} :: caramelization
caramelizar {vt} :: to caramelize
caramelo {m} :: candy
caramelo {m} :: (more specifically) caramel
caramillo {m} [musical instruments] :: shawm
carancho {m} :: caracara (bird of prey)
carancho {m} :: southern crested caracara
carantoña {f} :: caress
carantoña {f} :: sweet talk
carao {m} :: pink shower tree; Cassia grandis
cara o ceca {phrase} [Argentina, idiomatic] :: heads or tails
cara o cruz {phrase} [idiomatic] :: heads or tails
caraota {f} [Venezuela] :: bean seed
caraota {f} [Venezuela] :: bean plant
caraota {f} [Venezuela] :: black turtle bean
carapacho {m} :: carapace, shell
carapacho {m} :: Stew served in the shell of seafood
carapintada {mf} :: Carapintada
carapucho {m} [Asturias, Galicia] :: A kind of historical coat made from straw
carapulca {f} [Peru] :: A traditional Peruvian stew of pork and dehydrated potatoes
carapulcra {f} [Peru] :: alternative form of carapulca
caraqueñidad {f} :: The identity of Caracas
caraqueño {adj} :: of, from or pertaining to Caracas
caraqueño {m} :: A person from Caracas
caraquista {adj} [baseball] :: Of or relating to Leones del Caracas, a baseball team from Caracas, Venezuela
caraquista {adj} [football] :: Of or relating to Caracas Fútbol Club, a soccer team from Caracas, Venezuela
caraquista {mf} [baseball] :: Someone associated to Leones del Caracas, as a player, coach, fan etc
caraquista {mf} [football] :: Someone associated to Caracas Fútbol Club, as a player, coach, fan etc
carátula {f} :: mask; disguise
carátula {f} :: case; sleeve
caratular {v} [Argentina] :: to call; name; pronounce
carau {m} :: alternative form of carrao
caráu {m} :: alternative form of carrao
caravana {f} :: caravan (a convoy or procession of travelers, their vehicles and cargo, and any pack animals)
caravana {f} :: camper (a motor vehicle with a rear compartment for living and sleeping in)
caravana {f} [Uruguay] :: earring
caravanista {mf} :: caravaner (one who travels by caravan)
caravasar {m} :: caravanserai
Caravelí {prop} :: Caravelí (province)
caravista {adj} :: only used in ladrillo caravista
caray {interj} [euphemism] :: crikey, wow, good heavens, golly, gosh, woah, man, boy, blimey, freaking gosh (expresses surprise, astonishment)
caray {interj} :: heck, darn, gee, shucks, hell, geez, jeez, dang (expresses disturbance, anger, frustration, annoyance)
carayá {m} [Central America] :: howler monkey
Carazo {prop} :: Carazo (department)
carballo {m} :: alternative spelling of carvallo
Carballo {prop} {m} :: surname
carbamato {m} :: carbamate
carbaminohemoglobina {f} :: carbaminohemoglobin
carbanión {m} [chemistry] :: carbanion
carbapenemasa {f} :: carbapenem
carbaril {m} :: carbaryl
carbarilo {m} :: carbaryl
carbenio {m} [organic chemistry] :: carbenium
carbeno {m} :: carbene
carbetocin {m} :: carbetocin
carbetocina {f} :: carbetocin
carbocatión {m} [chemistry] :: carbocation
carbohidrato {m} [carbohydrate] :: carbohydrate
carbometalación {f} [organic chemistry] :: carbometalation
carbón {m} :: coal
carbón {m} :: charcoal
carbonáceo {adj} :: carbonaceous
carbón activado {m} [chemistry] :: activated charcoal
carbonar {v} :: to carbonize
carbonara {f} :: carbonara (sauce)
carbonaria {f} :: feminine noun of carbonario
carbonario {m} :: Carbonari member
carbonatación {f} :: carbonatation
carbonatado {adj} :: carbonated
carbonático {adj} :: carbonatic
carbonatita {f} :: carbonatite
carbonato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: carbonate
carbonato de calcio {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: calcium carbonate
carboncillo {m} :: charcoal (drawing implement)
carbonear {v} :: to make into charcoal
carbonear {v} :: to load (a boat) with charcoal
Carbonell {prop} {m} :: surname
carboneo {m} :: making into charcoal
carbonera {f} :: coal mine
carbonera {f} :: coal bunker or basket
carbonería {f} :: coalyard
carbonero {m} :: collier
carbonero {m} :: tit (bird)
carbonero {m} :: pollock
carbonero garrapinos {m} :: The coal tit, a small bird
carbón grafitizado {m} [chemistry] :: activated charcoal, activated carbon
carbónico {adj} [chemistry] :: carbonic
carbonífero {adj} :: Carboniferous
carbonífero {m} :: Carboniferous
carbonificación {f} [geology] :: carbonification
carbonilación {f} :: carbonylation
carbonílico {adj} :: carbonyl (attributive)
carbonilla {f} :: charcoal (for art)
carbonilla {f} :: coal dust
carbonilo {m} :: carbonyl
carbonización {f} :: carbonization
carbonizar {v} :: to carbonize
carbono {m} :: carbon
carbonoso {adj} :: carbonaceous
carboplatino {m} :: carboplatin
carboxicinasa {f} :: alternative form of carboxiquinasa
carboxihemoglobina {f} :: carboxyhemoglobin
carboxikinasa {f} :: alternative form of carboxiquinasa
carboxilación {f} :: carboxylation
carboxilasa {f} [enzyme] :: carboxylase
carboxilato {m} :: carboxylate
carboxílico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: carboxylic
carboxilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: carboxyl
carboxiquinasa {f} [enzyme] :: carboxykinase
carbunclo {m} :: carbuncle (gem)
carbunclo {m} :: carbuncle (sore)
carbunco {m} [pathology] :: anthrax
carbunco {m} [Costa Rica] :: fire beetle
carbuncosis {m} [pathology] :: anthrax
carburación {f} :: carburization
carburador {m} :: carburetor (a device in an internal combustion engine)
carburante {adj} [attributive] :: fuel
carburante {m} :: fuel
carburar {v} :: to carburize
carburar {v} [colloquial, of a person or thing] :: to function, to work
carburizar {v} :: to carburize
carburo {m} :: carbide
carca {adj} :: narrow-minded
carca {adj} :: reactionary
carca {mf} :: narrow-minded person
çarça {n} :: obsolete spelling of zarza
carcacha {f} [colloquial] :: jalopy, banger (car)
carcaj {m} :: quiver
carcaj {m} :: rifle case
carcajada {f} :: a guffaw or cackle, belly laugh, bray (a loud and hearty laugh)
carcajeante {adj} :: ridiculous
carcajearse {vr} :: to laugh heartily or heavily; to cackle; to bust up or be in stitches
carcamal {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: old fogey
cárcamo {m} :: alternative spelling of cárcavo
carcaña {f} :: southern crested caracara
carcasa {f} :: carcass (corpse of an animal)
carcasa {f} [mechanics, technology] :: housing, casing (protective cover designed to contain or support a mechanical component)
carcasa {f} :: case (e.g. a phone case)
carcasa {f} [engineering] :: carcass, framework, body, chassis (usually an unfinished framework of a house, building or vehicle in particular)
carcasa {f} :: a type of incendiary bomb
carcasa {f} :: carcass (inner body of pneumatic tire)
Carcasona {prop} {f} :: Carcassonne
cárcava {f} :: gully, ravine
carcax {m} :: alternative form of carcaj
carcax {m} :: metal anklet, metal bracelet, metal armlet
carcaza {f} :: alternative form of carcaj
cárcel {f} :: prison
carcelario {adj} [attributive] :: jail
carcelazo {m} [Colombia, Venezuela] :: imprisonment
carcelera {f} :: feminine noun of carcelero
carcelero {adj} :: relating or pertaining to jail or prison
carcelero {m} :: jailer, warden, prison guard
carceleta {f} :: holding cell
carchense {adj} :: Of or from the province of Carchi Province, Ecuador
carchense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the province of Carchi Province, Ecuador
carcinogénesis {f} :: carcinogenesis
carcinogenicidad {f} :: carcinogenicity
carcinogénico {adj} :: carcinogenic
carcinógeno {m} [biology] :: carcinogen
carcinoide {m} :: carcinoid
carcinología {f} :: carcinology (study of crustaceans)
carcinoma {m} [oncology] :: carcinoma (type of malignant tumour)
carcinomatosis {f} [medicine] :: carcinomatosis
carcinomatoso {adj} [oncology] :: carcinomatous
carcoma {f} :: woodworm
carcomer {v} :: to fret, to eat away
carcomer {v} :: to consume
carcomido {adj} :: decayed
carcomido {adj} :: affected by dry rot
carcomido {adj} [figuratively] :: consumed
carcundia {f} [pejorative] :: Carlist politics
carcundia {f} :: backwardness, retrograde ideas (specially in politics)
cardamomo {m} :: cardamom
cardán {m} :: Cardan joint
cardar {v} :: to card or comb
cardelina {f} :: goldfinch
cardelino {m} :: European goldfinch
cardenal {m} [religion] :: cardinal
cardenal {m} :: cardinal (bird)
cardenal {m} :: bruise
cardenalato {m} :: cardinalship
Cardenal Caro {prop} {?} :: Cardenal Caro
cardenalicio {adj} [attributive] :: cardinal
cardenalino {adj} :: from the province of Cardenal Caro, Chile
Cárdenas {prop} {f} :: surname
cardenense {adj} :: Of or from the city of Cárdenas, Cuba
cardenense {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Cárdenas, Cuba
cardenillo {m} :: verdigris
cardenismo {m} :: The policies or rule of Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, President of Mexico from 1934 to 1940
cardenista {adj} :: Of or relating to Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, Mexican politician
cardenista {adj} :: Of or relating to Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano, Mexican politician
cardenista {mf} :: A supporter of Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, Mexican politician
cardenista {mf} :: A supporter of Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano, Mexican politician
cárdeno {adj} :: purplish, purply, violet, livid, lurid
cárdeno {adj} [bullfighting] :: grayish (of a bull), having small, dense black and white spots that appear gray or leaden
cárdeno {adj} :: opalescent (water)
cardiaco {adj} :: alternative form of cardíaco
cardíaco {adj} :: cardiac
cárdigan {m} :: cardigan
cardina {f} :: small thistle
cardina {f} [architecture] :: A thistle-like decoration, found in Gothic architecture
cardinal {adj} :: cardinal (crucial, pivotal)
cardinal {adj} :: cardinal (describing a number used to indicate quantity)
cardinalidad {f} :: cardinality
-cardio {suffix} :: -cardium (relating to the heart)
cardio- {prefix} :: cardio- (forming words pertaining to the heart)
cardio {m} :: cardio
cardiocirculatorio {adj} :: cardiocirculatory
cardiocirujana {f} :: feminine noun of cardiocirujano
cardiocirujano {m} :: heart surgeon
cardioembólico {adj} :: cardioembolic
cardiogénico {adj} :: cardiogenic
cardiograma {m} [cardiology] :: cardiogram
cardioide {m} [geometry] :: cardioid
cardiolipina {m} :: cardiolipin
cardióloga {f} :: feminine noun of cardiólogo
cardiología {f} :: cardiology
cardiológico {adj} :: cardiological
cardiólogo {m} :: cardiologist
cardiomiocito {m} :: cardiomyocyte
cardiomiopatía {f} :: cardiomyopathy
cardiópata {mf} :: cardiopathologist
cardiopatía {f} :: heart disease, cardiomyopathy
cardiopediátrico {adj} :: cardiopediatric
cardioplejia {f} :: cardioplegia
cardioprotector {m} :: cardioprotector
cardiopulmonar {adj} :: cardiopulmonary
cardiorespiratorio {adj} :: cardiorespiratory
cardiorrespiratorio {adj} :: cardiorespiratory
cardiosaludable {adj} :: heart-healthy
cardiotónico {adj} :: cardiotonic
cardiotoxicidad {f} :: cardiotoxicity
cardiovascular {adj} :: cardiovascular
cardioventricular {adj} :: cardioventricular
cardioversión {f} [medicine] :: cardioversion
carditis {f} :: carditis
cardo {m} :: thistle
cardo {m} :: cardoon (plant)
cardo {m} [Spain] :: prickly customer
cardo {m} [Spain] :: butt ugly person
cardón {m} :: Any of a number of plants. See Wikipedia
cardume {m} :: school, shoal (group of fish)
cardumen {m} :: school, shoal (a group of fish)
cardumen {m} [Uruguay] :: any large group
carear {v} :: to bring face-to-face
carear {v} [legal] :: to confront (witnesses regarding contradictory testimony)
carecer {v} :: to lack, to be lacking (in)
Carelia {prop} {f} :: Carelia (region/and/republic)
carelio {adj} :: Karelian
carelio {m} :: Karelian
carelio {m} :: Karelian
carenar {v} [nautical] :: to careen, to list (to turn a ship on its side)
carencia {f} :: lack, shortage
carenciado {adj} :: poverty-stricken
carencial {adj} [attributive] :: deficiency
carente {adj} :: lacking, devoid
careo {m} :: face-to-face meeting
carero {adj} :: expensive, pricey (store or busieness)
carestía {f} :: scarcity, shortage
carestía {f} :: expensiveness; priciness; high price
careta {f} :: mask (disguise, fencing, etc.)
careta {f} [figurative] :: any means of occlusion
careta {f} [culinary] :: pork cheek (careta de cerdo)
careto {adj} :: white-headed and black-bodied
careto {m} [colloquial] :: face
carey {m} :: hawksbill turtle
carey {m} [uncountable] :: tortoiseshell
carfentanil {m} :: carfentanil
carfentanilo {m} :: carfentanil
carga {f} :: load
carga {f} :: burden
carga {f} :: cargo
carga {f} :: charge
carga {f} [American football] :: blitz
cargable {adj} :: chargeable
cargadero {m} :: loading platform, loading bay
cargadito {adj} :: diminutive of cargado
cargado {adj} :: loaded
cargado {adj} :: charged
cargador {adj} :: agent noun of cargar, that carga (load, charge); loader, charger
cargador {m} :: charger [battery charger]
cargador {m} [weapons] :: magazine (of a gun), clip
cargador {m} :: loader
cargador {m} :: charger
cargador {m} :: docker, dockworker, stevedore, longshoreman
cargador {m} :: porter
cargadora {f} :: nursemaid
carga eléctrica {f} [physics] :: electric charge
cargamento {m} :: load, freight
cargamontón {m} [Peru] :: lynching
cargante {adj} :: annoying
cargar {vt} :: to charge
cargar {vtr} :: to load
cargar {vt} :: to annoy, pester
cargar {v} [American football] :: to blitz
cargar {vr} :: to kill
cargarse {v} :: reflexive of cargar
cargársela {v} [idiom] :: To get into trouble; to be up shit creek
cargazón {m} :: heavy load
cargazón {m} :: heaviness
cargazón {m} :: heavy cloud cover
cargo {m} :: charge, burden
cargo {m} :: position, post
cargo {m} [finance] :: debit
cargo {m} [heraldry] :: charge
cargo {m} :: higher-up
cargoso {adj} :: exhausting; tiring
cargoso {adj} :: annoying
carguera {f} :: cargo airline
carguero {m} :: freighter, cargo ship, carrier, supply ship
carguío {m} :: load (of a cargo)
Carhuaz {prop} :: Carhuaz (province)
cari {mf} [colloquial] :: darling, dear, lover
caria {f} :: feminine noun of cario
Cariacoa {prop} {f} :: Carriacou
cariacontecido {adj} :: crestfallen, disappointed, down in the mouth
cariar {v} :: to cause cavities, decay
cariátide {f} :: caryatid
cariavacado {m} :: Bull with a long cowlike nose
cariazul {adj} :: blue-faced (said of various species of bird)
caríbal {mf} :: obsolete spelling of caníbal
caríbal {adj} :: obsolete spelling of caníbal
Caribdis {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Charybdis (Greek mythological monster)
caribe {adj} :: Caribbean
caribe {adj} :: hot, "sol caribe" ("hot sun")
caribe {adj} :: piranha fish
Caribe {prop} {m} :: Caribbean (islands)
caribeño {adj} :: Caribbean
caribeño {m} :: Caribbean
cariblanco {adj} :: white-faced
caribú {m} :: caribou, reindeer
caricari {m} :: southern crested caracara
caricatura {f} [art] :: caricature (pictorial representation of someone for comic effect)
caricatura {f} [colloquial, Mexico] :: animated cartoon (specially in plural)
caricatura política {f} :: political cartoon
caricaturar {v} :: to caricature
caricaturesco {adj} :: caricaturesque
caricaturesco {adj} :: absurd, ridiculous
caricaturista {mf} :: caricaturist
caricaturización {f} :: caricature
caricaturizar {v} :: to caricature
caricia {f} :: caress
cariciar {v} [rare or archaic] :: alternative form of acariciar
caridad {f} :: charity
Caridad {prop} {f} :: given name
caries {f} [dentistry] :: caries, cavity
carigualdo {adj} :: yellow-faced (said of various species of birds)
carilla {f} :: side/sheet of paper
carilla {f} [dentistry] :: veneer
Carillo {prop} :: surname
carillón {m} :: carillon (set of bells)
Carina {prop} {f} :: given name
Carina {prop} {f} [constellation] :: Carina (constellation)
carinado {adj} :: carinate
carinegro {adj} :: black-faced
cariñito {mf} :: diminutive of cariño, babycakes, peanut, little darling, little boo, sweetheart
cariño {m} :: affection
cariño {m} :: caress
cariño {m} :: fondness
cariño {m} [used in the second person] :: dear, darling, honey, baby, darling, sweetheart, sweetie, babe, sweetie pie, hon, sugar, honey bunny
cariño {m} :: gift
cariño {m} :: wistfulness
Cariño {prop} {m} :: Cariño (municipality)
Cariño {prop} {m} :: surname deriving from the municipality
cariñosamente {adv} :: affectionately
cariñosísimo {adj} :: superlative of cariñoso
cariñosito {m} :: Care Bear
cariñoso {adj} :: loving, kind, caring, warm-hearted
cariñoso {adj} :: tender, fond, affectionate, warm, cuddly
cariñoso {adj} :: doting
Carintia {prop} {f} :: Carintia (state)
carintio {adj} :: Carinthian (of or pertaining to Carinthia, Austria)
carintio {m} :: Carinthian (native or resident of Carinthia, Austria)
cario {m} :: Carian
cario {m} :: Carian
carioca {adj} :: of, from or relating to the city of Rio de Janeiro
carioca {mf} :: Carioca (an inhabitant of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
cariogamia {f} [biology] :: karyogamy
cariogénico {adj} :: cariogenic
cariograma {f} :: karyogram
cariológico {adj} :: cariological
cariotipo {m} [genetics] :: karyotype
carirrojo {adj} :: red-faced; red-headed (said of a number of species of bird)
carísimo {adj} :: superlative of caro; very expensive
carisma {m} :: charisma
carismático {adj} :: charismatic
caristia {f} :: feminine noun of caristio
caristio {adj} :: Of or related to the Caristii
caristio {m} :: Caristii
carita {f} :: diminutive of cara; little face
caritativamente {adv} :: charitably
caritativo {adj} :: charitable
Carito {prop} {f} :: given name
cariz {m} :: aspect, condition
cariz {m} :: appearance
carjacking {m} :: carjacking
Carla {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Carlos
carlanca {f} :: spiky dog collar
carlinga {f} :: cabin; cockpit (of an aircraft)
carlinga {f} [nautival] :: carling
carlismo {m} :: Carlism
carlista {adj} :: Carlist
carlista {mf} :: Carlist
Carlito {prop} {m} :: given name
Carlomagno {prop} {m} :: Charlemagne (king of the Franks)
Carlos {prop} {m} :: given name
Carlota {prop} :: given name
carlotismo {m} [historical] :: A movement in the early 19th century that wanted to establish a monarchy on the River Plate, with Carlota Joaquina of Spain as head of state
carlotista {mf} [historical] :: A supporter of carlotismo
cármata {adj} :: Qarmatian
cármata {mf} :: Qarmatian
Carmela {prop} {f} :: given name
carmelita {adj} :: Carmelite
carmelita {mf} :: Carmelite
carmelitana {f} :: feminine noun of carmelitano
carmelitano {adj} :: Carmelite
carmelitano {m} :: Carmelite
carmelo {adj} :: of or relating to A.D. Carmelita, a soccer team from Costa Rica
carmelo {m} :: A player, fan or coach of A.D. Carmelita
carmen {m} :: A type of house in Granada
Carmen {prop} {f} :: given name, traditionally popular in Spain
Carmen {prop} {f} :: The letter C in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
Carmencho {prop} {f} :: given name
Carmenchu {prop} {f} :: given name
Carmencita {prop} {f} :: given name
Carmenza {prop} {f} :: given name
carmesí {adj} :: crimson
carmesí {m} :: crimson
carmesín {adj} :: alternative form of carmesí
carmesín {m} :: alternative form of carmesí
carmín {m} :: carmine, crimson (color)
carmín {m} :: lipstick, lippy
Carmina {prop} {f} :: given name
Carmiña {prop} {f} :: given name
carminar {vt} [obsolete] :: to expel
carmínico {adj} :: carminic
Carmucha {prop} {f} :: given name
carnación {f} [heraldry] :: carnation
carnada {f} :: bait
carnal {adj} :: carnal (relating to the physical, especially sexual, appetites)
carnal {adj} :: consanguineous, by blood (related through birth)
carnal {m} [Mexico] :: ellipsis of hermano carnal; brother (in opposition to adopted or in-law)
carnala {f} :: feminine noun of carnal
carnalidad {f} :: carnality
carnalmente {adv} :: carnally
carnático {adj} :: Carnatic
carnaúba {f} :: carnauba (Copernicia prunifera, a palm tree of South America)
carnaval {m} :: carnival (festival held just before Lent)
carnavalear {v} :: to have a carnival, party at a carnival
carnavalero {adj} [attributive] :: carnival
carnavalesco {adj} [attributive] :: carnival
carnavalizar {v} :: to put or make into a carnival, or carnival-style
carnaza {f} :: scrap of food
carne {f} :: flesh, the soft part of a body which covers the bones
carne {f} :: an animal’s meat, or by extension the edible “fleshy” or soft part of a fruit or vegetable
carné {m} :: identity card
carné {m} [colloquial, shorthand] :: driver's licence
carnear {v} [Chile] :: take in; pull the wool over someone's eyes
carne asada {f} :: carne asada; grilled, sliced beef
carne de cañón {f} :: cannon fodder (military forces considered to be expendable)
carné de conducir {m} [Spain] :: driver's licence
carné de identidad {m} :: ID card
carne molida {f} :: ground beef
carne pinchada {f} :: A Nicaraguan dish where the meat (chicken, beef, etc.) is marinated in a wine or beer sauce, arranged on a stick and then grilled
carnero {m} [specifically] :: sheep , a ram (woolly ruminant of the genus Ovis, especially a male)
carnero {m} :: sheepskin (skin of a sheep)
carnero {m} :: mutton (flesh of sheep used as food)
carnero {m} :: strikebreaker, scab (non-unionized worker hired to replace striking workers)
carnestolendas {fp} :: Shrovetide
carnet {m} :: identification card, identification badge
carnet de identidad {m} :: ID card
carnetización {f} :: supplying with an ID card
carnetizar {v} :: To provide with an ID
carnicera {f} :: feminine noun of carnicero
carnicería {f} :: butchershop
carnicería {f} :: carnage
carnicero {m} :: butcher
cárnico {adj} :: meat (related to meat as food)
carnita {f} :: diminutive of carne
carnitas {fp} :: carnitas
carnitina {f} [organic compound] :: carnitine
carnívoro {adj} :: carnivorous
carnívoro {m} :: carnivore (meat-eating animal)
carniza {f} [colloquial] :: meat
carnosaurio {m} :: carnosaur
carnosidad {f} :: proud flesh
carnosidad {f} :: meatiness
carnosina {f} :: carnosine
carnoso {adj} :: fleshy
carnotita {f} [mineral] :: carnotite
carnudo {adj} :: beefy; fleshy
caro {adj} :: dear (loved)
caro {adj} :: expensive
caro {adv} :: costly
Caro {prop} :: given name
Caro {prop} :: Carus
carolina {f} :: feminine noun of carolino
Carolina {prop} {f} :: given name
Carolina del Norte {prop} {f} :: North Carolina
Carolina del Sur {prop} {f} :: South Carolina
carolingio {adj} :: Carolingian
carolino {adj} :: Of or from San Carlos
carolino {adj} :: Of, from, or related to Real Convictorio de San Carlos, a school in Lima
carolino {adj} :: Of, from, or related to Glorioso Colegio Nacional de San Carlos, a school in Puno, Peru
carolino {m} :: Soemone from San Carlos
carolino {m} :: A pupil of Real Convictorio de San Carlos, a school in Lima
carolino {m} :: A pupil of Glorioso Colegio Nacional de San Carlos, a school in Puno, Peru
carón {m} :: caron, háček
Caronte {prop} {m} :: Charon (moon of Pluto)
Caronte {prop} {m} :: Charon (mythical ferryman of the dead)
carota {f} [colloquial] :: Facial expression reflecting rejection, dissatisfaction, anger, disapprobation, annoyance, etc.; face
carota {m} :: cool customer
caroteno {m} [chemistry] :: carotene
carotenoide {m} [organic chemistry] :: carotenoid
carótida {f} [medical] :: carotid artery
carótida {adj} [medical] :: carotid
carotídeo {adj} :: carotid
carótido {adj} :: carotid
carozo {m} :: corncob
carozo {m} :: stone; kernel (of fruit)
carpa {f} :: carp (fish)
carpa {f} [South America] :: tent (mainly that of a circus)
carpa {f} [theater] :: a kind of comedic and musical theatre, under a tent
carpaccio {m} :: carpaccio
carpa dorada {f} :: goldfish
Cárpatos {prop} {mp} :: Carpathians (mountainous system in Central Europe)
carpe {m} :: hornbeam
carpelar {adj} [botany] :: carpellate
carpelo {m} [botany] :: carpel
carpesano {m} :: binder; paper binder
carpeta {f} :: folder (an organizer that papers are kept in)
carpeta {f} [computing] :: folder, directory (virtual container in a computer's file system, in which files and other folders may be stored)
carpeta {f} :: lace dollies
carpeta {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: tablecloth
carpeta {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: billiard cloth, gambling table cloth
carpeta {f} [Cuba] :: hotel reception, reception desk at a hotel
carpeta {f} [Louisiana] :: carpet
carpetana {f} :: feminine noun of carpetano
carpetano {adj} :: Carpetanian
carpetano {m} :: Carpetanian
carpetazo {m} :: only used in dar carpetazo
carpetilla {f} :: diminutive of carpeta
carpetovetónico {adj} [derogatory] :: extremely Spanish
carpiano {adj} [anatomy] :: carpal
carpín {m} :: goldfish (any of several taxa)
carpincho {m} [Cono Sur] :: capybara
carpín dorado {m} :: goldfish (any of several taxa)
carpintera {f} :: feminine noun of carpintero
carpintería {f} :: carpentry
carpinteril {adj} :: Relating or pertaining to carpentry
carpinterito {m} :: woodpecker
carpintero {m} :: carpenter
carpintero {m} :: woodpecker
Carpintero {prop} :: surname
carpintero escapulario {m} :: northern flicker
carpintero gigante {m} :: Magellanic woodpecker
carpintero magallánico {m} :: Magellanic woodpecker
carpintero negro {m} :: Magellanic woodpecker
Carpio {prop} :: Carpio (municipality)
Carpio {prop} :: surname, the 187th most common in Peru
carpir {v} :: to weed; to hoe
carpo {m} :: carpus
carpo {m} [anatomy] :: wrist
carpóforo {m} [botany, mycology] :: carpophore
carpool {m} :: carpool
carquines {mp} :: Karkin
carraca {f} [musical instrument] :: football rattle
carraca {f} :: carrack
carraca {f} :: wrench
carraca {f} :: roller (any of the birds in the family Coraciidae)
carraca {f} :: banger (old vehicle)
Carracuca {prop} {m} :: An imaginary person of unknown origin
carragenano {m} [organic compound] :: carrageenan
carragenina {f} :: carrageenan, a food additive made from seaweed
carrancista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting Venustiano Carranza, President of Mexico 1917-1920
carrancista {mf} :: A supporter of Venustiano Carranza
carrao {m} :: limpkin, Aramus guarauna
carrasca {f} :: Any of various plants. See Spanish Wikipedia
carrascal {m} :: chaparral (region of shrubs)
carrasco {m} :: Aleppo pine
Carrasco {prop} {m} :: surname
carraspear {v} :: to clear one’s throat
carraspeo {m} :: clearing of one's throat
carraspera {f} [colloquial] :: hoarseness, frog in one's throat
carrasquilla {f} :: kermes oak
carrasquilla {f} :: other boring plants, see Spanish Wikipedia
carrazo {m} :: fancy car
carrejo {m} [obsolete] :: corridor
Carreón {prop} :: surname
carrera {f} :: race
carrera {f} :: run (act of running)
carrera {f} [baseball] :: run
carrera {f} [academics] :: course of study
carrera {f} :: career
carrera {f} :: run (line of knit stitches which have unravelled)
Carrera {prop} :: a Spanish surname
carrera armamentista {f} :: arms race
carrerilla {f} :: run-up
carrerilla {f} [music] :: octave scale
carrerilla {f} [pejorative] :: little career
carrerita {f} :: diminutive of carrera
carrero {m} :: carter; cartman
carreta {f} :: cart, dray
carretada {f} :: cartload
carrete {m} :: bobbin
carrete {m} :: fishing reel
carrete {m} [photography] :: film
carrete {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: party (social gathering)
carreteable {adj} :: drivable (street)
carretear {v} :: to cart, to haul
carretear {v} :: to taxi
carretear {v} [Chile, colloquial] :: to party
carretela {f} :: carretela
carretera {f} :: highway
carretera {f} :: carter
carretera {f} :: cartwright
carreterita {f} :: diminutive of carretera
carretero {adj} [attributive] :: street, road
carretero {m} :: cartwright
carretero {m} :: carter
carretilla {f} :: wheelbarrow (small vehicle used to carry a load and pulled or pushed by hand)
carretilla {f} :: forklift (a small industrial vehicle with a power-operated fork-like pronged platform that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a load, often on pallets, to be lifted and moved)
carretilla eléctrica {f} :: forklift
carretilla elevadora {f} :: forklift (a small industrial vehicle with a power-operated fork-like pronged platform that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a load, often on pallets, to be lifted and moved)
carretillera {f} :: feminine noun of carretillero
carretillero {m} :: forklift operator
carretillita {f} :: diminutive of carretilla
carreto {m} :: Tree of the Aspidosperma genus
carretón {m} :: cart
carretón {m} :: trailer
carretoncillo {m} :: diminutive of carretón
Carriaga {prop} :: surname
carricerín {m} :: sedge warbler
carricerín cejudo {m} :: aquatic warbler
carricero {m} :: warbler
carricoche {m} :: wagon
carricoche {m} :: rustbucket; old banger
carricoche {m} :: pushcart
carricoche {m} :: pram; stroller (for babies)
carril {m} :: lane (a lengthwise division of roadway intended for a single line of vehicles)
carril {m} :: track
carril {m} :: rail
carril {m} :: lane (in sports such as horse racing, swimming, track, etc.)
carril bici {m} :: bike lane
carrilear {v} [gaming] :: to carry
carrilero {m} [soccer] :: wingback
carrilla {f} [Mexico] :: joke, fun
carrillera {f} :: jaw (of certain animals)
carrillera {f} :: chinstrap
carrillera {f} :: the meat of the jaw of certain animals
carrillo {m} [anatomy] :: cheek, jowl
Carrillo {prop} :: surname
carrillón {m} :: carillon
carrilludo {adj} :: fleshy, meaty
carriola {f} :: trundle bed
carriola {f} [Mexico] :: stroller; pram; baby carriage
carrito {m} :: diminutive of carro, small cart
carrizal {m} :: area of reeds, reed field
carrizo {m} :: reed
carrizo {m} [Colombia, Venezuela, Panama] :: drinking straw
carrizo {m} [euphemistic] :: penis
carro {m} :: cart
carro {m} [Latin America] :: car, automobile [used especially in Central America, the Caribbean, Colombia, Venezuela and all of Mexico except Central Mexico]
carro {m} [Latin America] :: train car
Carro {prop} [uncountable] :: The Big Dipper (constellation)
carrocera {f} :: feminine noun of carrocero
carrocería {f} :: body (of a vehicle)
carrocero {m} :: coachbuilder
carro hidrante {m} :: A truck used in Chile to shoot water laced with teargas to disperse crowds
carromatera {f} :: wagon or coach driver
carromatero {m} :: wagon or coach driver
carromato {m} :: wagon
Carro Mayor {prop} {m} :: Ursa Major; the Plough
carroña {f} :: carrion
carronada {f} :: carronade
carroñero {adj} :: disgusting
carroñero {m} :: scavenger (of an animal)
carrotanque {m} :: tanker, oil tanker
carroza {adj} :: old-fashioned
carroza {f} :: carriage
carroza {f} :: state carriage
carroza {f} :: hearse (vehicle for taking dead body to grave)
carrozable {adj} :: driveable (capable of being driven on)
carrozar {vt} :: to install the chassis of a vehicle
carruaje {m} :: carriage
carrucha {f} :: wheelbarrow and hand truck and the like
carrucha {f} :: soapbox car
carrucha {f} [slang] :: car, hooptie
carruco {m} :: joint (marijuana cigarette)
carrujo {m} [slang, Latin America] :: joint (marijuana cigarette)
carrulim {m} :: A drink made of cane sugar and rue, originating in the Guaraní culture
carrusel {m} :: carousel, merry-go-round
cársico {adj} [geology] :: karstic
carsonita {adj} :: Carsonite (of or pertaining to Carson City, Nevada)
carsonita {mf} :: Carsonite (native or resident of Carson City, Nevada)
carst {m} :: alternative form of karst
cárstico {adj} :: alternative spelling of kárstico
carta {f} :: letter (document)
carta {f} :: map
carta {f} :: menu (list of dishes in a restaurant)
carta {f} :: playing card
carta al director {f} :: letter to the editor
carta blanca {f} :: carte blanche, free rein
carta bomba {f} :: letter bomb
cartabón {m} :: triangle, set square (draughtsman's square)
cartáceo {adj} :: chartaceous; papery
carta de presentación {f} :: cover letter
carta de vinos {f} :: wine list
Cartagena {prop} :: Cartagena (city)
Cartagena {prop} :: Cartagena (city)
Cartagena {prop} :: Cartagena (city)
cartagenero {adj} :: Cartagenan
cartagenero {m} :: Cartagenan
cartaginense {adj} :: Carthaginian
cartaginense {mf} :: Carthaginian
cartaginés {adj} :: Cartagenan
cartaginés {adj} :: Carthaginian
cartaginés {m} :: Cartagenan
cartaginés {m} :: Carthaginian
Cartago {prop} {m} :: Cartago (ancient city)
Cartago {prop} {m} :: Cartago (ancient civilisation)
Cartago {prop} {m} :: Cartago (city)
Carta Magna {prop} {f} :: Magna Carta
cártamo {m} :: safflower
cartapacio {m} [Central and South America] :: binder, folder, notebook
cartapacio {m} [Central and South America] :: ring binder, three-ring binder
cartapacio {m} [Central and South America] :: satchel, briefcase
carta reversal {f} :: A kind of diplomatic agreement between two or more parties
carta segura {f} [idiom] :: dead cert; shoo-in
carteador {m} [bridge] :: declarer
carteadora {f} :: feminine noun of carteador
cartear {vi} [card games] :: To play fake cards
cartear {vr} :: To write letters to (one another)
cartearse {vr} :: to correspond (with); to exchange letters (with)
cartel {m} :: poster, placard, bill, banner
cartel {m} :: lineup, billing
cartel {m} [Colombia] :: alternative form of cártel
cártel {m} :: cartel (group of businesses that collude to limit competition)
cártel {m} :: criminal organization, mafia, mob
cartela {f} :: cartouche
cartelera {f} :: billboard
cartelera {f} :: notice
cartelera {f} :: list of plays, programme
cartelería {f} :: line-up (of acts at an event)
cartelismo {m} :: poster making
cartelista {mf} :: poster artist
cartelito {m} :: diminutive of cartel
cartelizar {v} :: to cartelize
cartelón {m} :: large notice; poster
cartera {f} :: wallet, billfold
cartera {f} :: handbag
cartera {f} :: post of responsibility; portfolio
cartera {f} :: feminine noun of cartero, female letter carrier
cartera de inversiones {f} :: An investment portfolio
carterear {v} [El Salvador, Costa Rica] :: to pickpocket
carterista {mf} :: a pickpocket
cartero {m} :: postman
cartesianismo {m} [philosophy] :: Cartesianism (the philosophy of René Descartes)
cartesiano {adj} :: Cartesian
cartilaginoso {adj} :: cartilaginous
cartílago {m} [anatomy] :: cartilage (dense connective tissue)
cartilla {f} :: diminutive of carta; small card or small letter
cartilla {f} :: primer, first reader
cartilla {f} :: leaflet, pamphlet
cartilla {f} :: card, book
cartismo {m} :: Chartism
cartista {mf} :: Chartist
cartita {f} :: diminutive of carta
cartógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of cartógrafo
cartografía {f} :: cartography
cartografiar {v} :: to map
cartográficamente {adv} :: cartographically
cartográfico {adj} :: cartographic
cartógrafo {m} :: cartographer
cartola {f} :: dropside
cartomancia {f} :: cartomancy (fortune-telling using cards)
cartón {m} :: cardboard, paperboard
cartón {m} :: cardboard box
cartonaje {m} :: cartons or cardboard
cartonaje {m} :: the making of cartons or cardboard
cartoncito {m} :: diminutive of cartón
cartoné {m} :: hardback; hardcover
cartonera {f} :: feminine noun of cartonero
cartonería {f} :: The art of making papier mâché sculptures, especially in Mexico
cartonero {m} :: cartonero
cartón piedra {m} :: carton-pierre (papier-mâché made to resemble wood, stone, or metal)
cartuchazo {m} :: A shot from a cartridge of a firearm
cartuchera {f} :: pencil case
cartuchera {f} [firearms] :: cartridge
cartuchera {f} [firearms] :: holster
cartuchera {f} [colloquial] :: love handle
cartuchería {f} :: cartridges
cartucho {m} [firearms] :: cartridge
cartucho {m} [computing] :: cartridge
cartucho {m} :: ink cartridge
cartucho {m} [Egyptian hieroglyphs] :: cartouche
cartuja {f} :: charterhouse (Carthusian monastery)
cartujano {adj} :: Carthusian
cartujo {m} :: Carthusian
cartujo {m} :: Chartreux (cat breed)
cartujo {adj} :: Carthusian
cartulario {m} :: cartulary
cartulina {f} :: thin cardboard or paperboard
carucha {f} :: a miserable or ugly face
carúncula {f} :: wattle (of bird)
carunculado {adj} :: caruncular
carupanera {f} :: feminine noun of carupanero
carupanero {adj} :: Of or from the city of Carúpano in Venezuela
carupanero {m} :: Someone from the city of Carúpano in Venezuela
Carvajal {prop} :: Carvajal (barrio)
Carvajal {prop} :: surname
carvallo {m} [Spain] :: oak
carvallo {m} [Spain] :: Portuguese oak (Quercus faginea)
carvi {m} :: caraway (seed/fruit)
carvona {f} [organic compound] :: carvone
cas {m} :: The fruit of a very tart species of guava
cas {m} :: The tree that bears those fruits, Psidium friedrichsthalianum
casa {f} :: house
casabe {m} :: alternative form of cazabe
Casablanca {prop} {f} :: Casablanca (city)
Casa Blanca {prop} {f} :: White House (The official residence of the President of the United States of America)
casablanqués {adj} :: Casablancais, of or from Casablanca
casablanqués {m} :: Casablancais, someone from Casablanca
casaca {f} [Spain, Peru] :: jacket
casaca {f} [colloquial, Guatemala, El Salvador] :: lies, bullshit
casación {f} [legal] :: cassation, annulment
casacional {adj} [legal, attributive] :: cassation, annulment
casada {f} :: a married woman
casa de cambio {f} :: bureau de change
casa de citas {f} :: hostess bar
casa de empeño {f} :: pawnshop
casa de empeños {f} :: pawn shop
casa de fieras {f} :: menagerie; zoo
casa de huéspedes {f} :: guest house
casa de locos {f} [colloquial] :: nuthouse, madhouse
casa de putas {f} :: brothel, whorehouse
casadero {adj} :: marriageable; marriable
casa de vecindad {f} :: tenement house
casadista {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or supporting Segismundo Casado, Spanish soldier
casadista {mf} :: A supporter of, or soldier in the army of, Segismundo Casado
casado {adj} :: married
casado {m} :: a married man
casado {m} [Costa Rica] :: A meal of rice, black beans, meat, salad, plantain banana and other ingredients
Casado {prop} {mf} :: surname
casa embrujada {f} :: haunted house
casa encantada {f} :: haunted house
casal {m} :: country house
casal {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: mating pair [of animals]
casal {m} [poetic] :: hearth
Casal {prop} :: surname
casamata {f} :: casemate
casamentera {f} :: matchmaker
casamentero {m} :: matchmaker
casa mía, casa mía, por pequeña que tú seas, me pareces una abadía {phrase} [dated] :: there's no place like home
casamiento {m} :: marriage (event)
casamiento {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: wedding
casamiento {m} [El Salvador, culinary] :: rice and beans fried together
Casandra {prop} {f} :: given name
Casanova {prop} :: surname
casaquilla {m} :: short jacket
casaquilla {m} [sport] :: shirt; jersey
casar {v} :: to marry, wed someone to (unite two others in wedlock)
casar {v} :: to marry off
casar {v} :: to match (up), to fit (together)
casar {v} [reciprocal] :: to get married, to marry (each other, one another)
casar {vr} :: to wed, marry, get married (+ con)
casa rodante {f} [Chile, Argentina] :: caravan; trailer
casarse {vr} :: to marry, get married
casarse de penalti {v} [idiom] :: have a shotgun wedding
casa rural {f} :: house in the country
Casas {prop} {f} :: surname
casata {f} :: alternative spelling of cassata
casatienda {f} :: A store or shop adjoined to its owner's residence
casatorio {adj} [legal, attributive] :: cassation
Casaverde {prop} :: surname
cascabel {m} :: jingle bell, sleigh bell
cascabel {m} [Chile] :: rattle (baby's toy)
cascabel {m} :: knob of a cannon
cascabel {m} :: cascabel (chili)
cascabel {f} :: rattlesnake
cascabelear {vi} :: to rattle, jingle
cascabelear {vi} :: to whine; to whinge
cascabeleo {m} :: rattling
cascada {f} :: waterfall, cascade
cascado {adj} :: worn, damaged, old or in ill state
cascado {adj} [voice] :: weak, feeble, hoarse or flat
cascador {m} [historical] :: a "barker": a person who strips needed or valuable bark from trees, as on a cinchona plantation
cascajo {m} :: gravel (piece)
cascajo {m} :: nuts (various shelled fruit)
cascajo {m} :: (piece of) junk
cascajo {m} :: coin made of copper and silver
cascajoso {adj} :: grungy, gravelly
cascanueces {m} :: nutcracker
cascanueces {m} :: nutcracker (bird)
cascanueces {m} [colloquial] :: madcap, harebrained young man
Cascanueces {prop} :: The Nutcracker (ballet)
cascar {v} :: to crack, to split
cascar {v} [colloquial] :: to hit
cascar {v} [colloquial] :: to wank
cascar {v} [Southern Spain, Andalusia] :: [colloquial] to chatter
cascar {v} [colloquial] :: to snuff it (die)
cascar {v} [colloquial] :: to slap (a fine on someone)
cáscara {f} :: bark from a bush or tree
cáscara {f} :: any similar outer layer, as the peel of a fruit, the rind of a melon, or the shell of an egg or nut, husk of a coconut
cascarillero {m} [historical] :: a "barker": a person who strips needed or valuable bark from trees, as on a cinchona plantation
cascarla {v} [colloquial] :: to snuff it (die)
cascarón {m} :: augmentative of cáscara
cascarón {m} :: shell (of an egg, especially after a chick has been hatched)
cascarrabias {mf} [colloquial] :: a curmudgeon, crank, grump, grouch
cascarrabias {adj} [colloquial] :: cantankerous, crotchety, curmudgeonly, grumpy, grouchy, cranky, crabby
cascársela {v} [idiom, vulgar] :: to jerk off; wank
casco {m} :: helmet
casco {m} :: crown (top part of a hat)
casco {m} [nautical] :: hulk (unused ship)
casco {m} [nautical] :: hull (frame or body of a boat or ship)
casco {m} :: the foot of a horse; a hoof
casco {m} :: the city center
casco {m} :: shard
casco {m} :: potsherd
casco {m} :: head (of an alcoholic beverage)
casco {m} :: hull of a vegetable
casco {m} :: vat, barrel
casco {m} :: saddle tree
casco {m} :: empty container, e.g. bottle or barrel
casco {m} [used in plural] :: headphones
casco antiguo {m} :: old town
Cascorro {prop} :: Cascorro (town)
cascote {m} :: rubble (broken remains of an object)
casco trincado {m} [nautical] :: clinker, lapstrake
caseificante {adj} :: caseating
caseína {f} [protein] :: casein
caseinato {m} [organic compound] :: caseinate
caseoso {adj} :: cheesy; cheeslike
casera {f} :: feminine noun of casero; landlady
casera {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: soda (sweet, carbonated drink)
casería {f} :: synonym of caserío
casería {f} :: clientele
caserío {m} :: country house
caserío {m} :: hamlet
casero {adj} :: domestic, household
casero {adj} :: homely
casero {adj} :: homemade
casero {m} :: landlord
casero {m} :: caretaker
casero {m} :: regular customer, regular guest
caserón {m} :: augmentative of casa; huge house
Cases {prop} :: surname
caseta {f} :: hut
caseta de cobro {f} :: toll booth
casete {m} :: cassette
casetera {f} [Latin America] :: cassette deck
casetilla {f} :: diminutive of caseta
caseto {m} :: synonym of caseta
casetón {m} [architecture] :: coffer
casi {adv} :: almost
casi casi {adv} [colloquial, emphatic, idiom] :: very close, almost
casida {f} :: qasida
casildense {adj} :: of or from Casilda
casildense {mf} :: Someone from Casilda
casilla {f} :: box (small area on a document for a tick mark)
casilla {f} :: pigeonhole
casilla {f} :: text box
casilla {f} :: cabin
casilla {f} :: square (of e.g. a board game)
casillero {m} :: pigeon hole
casillero {m} :: locker
casimir {m} :: alternative form of cachemir [fabric]
Casimiro {prop} {m} :: given name: Casimir
casinero {m} :: Someone who dances either Casino (also known as "Cuban Salsa" outside Cuba) or Rueda de Casino, a Cuban salsa dance style also found outside of Cuba
casino {m} [Chile] :: cafeteria, canteen (staff restaurant)
casino {m} :: casino
Casiopea {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Cassiopeia
Casiopea {prop} {f} [constellation] :: Cassiopeia
casita {f} :: diminutive of casa
casita {f} :: small house
casita {f} [endearing] :: house
casita {f} :: mother-in-law apartment
casiterita {f} [mineral] :: cassiterite
caso {m} :: case (situation or fact)
caso {m} [medicine] :: case (instance of a medical condition)
caso {m} [legal] :: case
caso {m} [grammar] :: case
caso {m} :: occasion
caso ablativo {m} [grammar] :: ablative case
caso acusativo {m} :: accusative case
caso dativo {m} [grammar] :: dative case
caso esivo {m} :: essive case
caso genitivo {m} [grammar] :: genitive case
caso instrumental {m} :: instrumental case (grammatical case)
caso locativo {m} :: locative case (grammatical case)
casona {f} :: augmentative of casa
caso nominativo {m} [grammar] :: nominative case
caso oblicuo {m} :: oblique case
casoplón {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: huge house, mansion
casorio {m} :: A cheap wedding
caso vocativo {m} :: vocative case
caspa {f} :: dandruff
caspasa {f} [enzyme] :: caspase
caspicias {fp} :: scraps; leftovers; remaining bits
caspio {adj} :: Caspian
Caspio {prop} {m} :: Caspian Sea
caspita {f} :: diminutive of caspa
cáspita {interj} :: golly; gosh; crikey; wowzers
casposo {adj} :: covered in dandruff, dandruffy
casquera {f} :: offal seller
casquería {f} :: offal
casquería {f} :: the offal industry
casquería {f} :: A shop selling offal
casquería {f} :: blood and guts; gore
casquero {m} :: offal seller
casquete {m} :: hood
casquete {m} :: bowl
casquete {m} :: hairpiece, rug
casquete {m} :: helmet
casquete {m} :: polar ice, polar icecap
casquete {m} [Mexico] :: poultice, plaster, cataplas
casquete {m} [vulgar, Spain] :: sexual intercourse
casquete {m} [Louisiana] :: axe
casquete polar {m} :: polar ice, polar icecap
casquillo {m} :: ferrule, tip
casquillo {m} :: shell (of bullet)
casquito {m} :: diminutive of casco
casquivana {f} :: birdbrain
casquivana {f} :: harlot
casquivano {adj} :: birdbrained
casquivano {m} :: birdbrain
cassata {f} :: cassata siciliana
Cassiopeia {prop} [constellation] :: Cassiopeia (constellation)
cast {m} :: cast (group of actors)
casta {f} :: lineage
casta {f} :: breed
casta {f} :: caste
Castala {prop} :: Castala (small village)
castamente {adv} :: chastely
castaña {f} :: chestnut
castaña {f} [colloquial] :: strike, wallop (hard hit)
castaña {f} :: bun, chignon (haircut)
castaña {f} [colloquial] :: drunkenness
castaña {f} [colloquial] :: yawn (boring thing)
castaña {f} [colloquial] :: piece of junk
castaña {f} [colloquial] :: year (used in talking about ages)
castaña de cajú {f} [Chile, Argentina, Uruguay] :: cashew nut
castañar {m} :: chestnut grove/plantation
castañear {v} :: to rattle; clack; rattling; clacking
castañear {v} :: to chatter; chattering (of teeth)
castañear {v} :: to play the castañas
castañeda {f} :: alternative form of castañar
Castañeda {prop} :: Castañeda (town/and/municipality)
Castañeda {prop} :: surname
castañedo {m} :: synonym of castañar
castañeo {m} :: rattle; clack; rattling; clacking
castañeo {m} :: chatter; chattering (of teeth)
castañeo {m} :: playing of the castañas
castañera {f} :: feminine noun of castañero
castañero {m} :: chestnut-seller
castañeta {f} :: castanet
castañeta {f} :: click; clicking; snap; snapping (of the finger)
castañetear {v} :: to rattle; clack; rattling; clacking
castañetear {v} :: to chatter; chattering (of teeth)
castañetear {v} :: to play the castañas
castañeteo {m} :: rattle; clack; rattling; clacking
castañeteo {m} :: chatter; chattering (of teeth)
castañeteo {m} :: playing of the castañas
castaño {adj} :: brown (chestnut colored)
castaño {m} :: chestnut (tree)
Castaño {prop} :: surname
castañuela {f} :: castanet
castell {m} :: castell (human tower)
castellana {f} :: feminine noun of castellano
castellanamente {adv} :: Spanishly
castellanía {f} [historical] :: During feudalism in the Crown of Aragon or Kingdom of Castile, an independent region
castellanismo {m} :: Hispanicism, Spanishism
castellanismo {m} :: Castilian movement
castellanista {mf} :: Castilian nationalist
castellanización {f} :: Hispanicization
castellanizar {v} :: to Hispanicize, to render into Spanish
castellano {adj} :: Castilian
castellano {adj} :: Spanish (referring to the language)
castellano {m} :: Castilian
castellano {m} :: Castilian Spanish as opposed to other varieties of Spanish
castellano {m} :: the Spanish language generally
castellano {m} :: lord of a castle; castellan
castellanohablante {adj} :: Spanish-speaking (in regions of Spain where other regional languages are prominently spoken)
castellanohablante {mf} :: Spanish speaker (in regions of Spain where other regional languages are prominently spoken)
castellano-leonés {adj} :: Of or from Castile and León
castellano-leonés {m} :: Someone or something from Castile and León
castellanoleonés {adj} :: Of or from Castile and León
castellanoleonés {m} :: Someone or something from Castile and León
castellanoleonesa {f} :: feminine noun of castellanoleonés
castellanomanchega {f} :: feminine noun of castellanomanchego
castellanomanchego {adj} :: Of or from Castilla-La Mancha
castellanomanchego {m} :: Someone from Castilla-La Mancha
castellanoparlante {mf} :: Spanish-speaker
castellano y leonés {adj} :: Of or from Castile and León
castellano y leonés {m} :: Someone or something from Castile and León
casteller {m} :: casteller
castellero {adj} :: of or pertaining to castells
castelloleonense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Castile and León
Castellón {prop} {m} :: Castellón (province)
Castellón de la Plana {prop} :: Castellón de la Plana (city)
castellonense {adj} :: from Castellón de la Plana
castellonense {mf} :: Someone from Castellón de la Plana
casticismo {m} :: casteism
castidad {f} :: chastity
castídish {m} :: An informal language blending elements of Spanish and Yiddish
castigable {adj} :: punishable
castigadísimo {adj} :: superlative of castigado
castigado {adj} :: punished
castigado {adj} :: grounded (confined to one's room for some misdemeanor)
castigador {m} :: punisher
castigadora {f} :: feminine noun of castigador
castigar {v} :: to punish, to castigate (to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct)
castigarse {v} :: reflexive of castigar
castigo {m} :: punishment
Castilla {prop} :: Castile
Castilla {prop} :: Castilla (province)
Castilla-La Mancha {prop} {f} :: Castilla-La Mancha (autonomous community)
Castilla y León {prop} :: Castilla y León (autonomous community)
castillejo {m} :: A type of scaffolding
castillete {m} :: headframe
castillista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, Ramón Castilla, Peruvian soldier and politician
castillista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, José León Castillo, Guatemalan politician
castillista {mf} :: A supporter of Ramón Castilla
castillista {mf} :: A supporter of José León Castillo
castillo {m} :: castle (a large building that is fortified and contains many defences)
Castillo {prop} :: surname
castin {m} :: audition (for a dramatic work)
casting {m} :: alternative form of cásting
cásting {m} :: casting
castísimo {adj} :: superlative of casto; very chaste
castizo {adj} :: pure-bred
castizo {adj} :: pure, original, fully-fledged
castizo {adj} [linguistics] :: pure
castizo {adj} [historical] :: having 3/4 white and 1/4 American Indian ancestry
casto {adj} :: chaste (abstaining from sexual intercourse)
casto {adj} [obsolete] :: pure
castor {m} :: beaver
castración {f} :: castration
castrado {adj} :: castrated, neutered, gelded
castrado {m} :: castrated male
castrador {m} :: castrator
castrapo {m} [pejorative] :: Spanish language heavily influenced or mixed with Galician
castrar {v} :: to castrate, to geld
castreño {adj} :: of or from Castro Urdiales
castrense {adj} :: military
Castries {prop} {f} :: Castries (capital city)
castrismo {m} :: Castrism
castrista {adj} :: pro-Castro
castrista {mf} :: Castroist
castro {m} :: fort, fortified settlement
Castro {prop} {m} :: surname
castrochavismo {m} :: Castrochavism
castrochavista {adj} :: Relating to Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro
castrocomunismo {m} [politics] :: The communism of Fidel Castro
castrocomunista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Fidel Castro's Communism
castrocomunista {mf} :: A supporter of Fidel Castro's Communism
castúo {m} :: The dialect of Spanish spoken in Extremadura and influenced by Extremaduran
casual {adj} :: casual
casual {adj} :: accidental
casualidad {f} :: chance, coincidence
casualmente {adv} :: by chance, accidentally
casuar {m} :: alternative form of casuario
casuario {m} :: cassowary
casubio {adj} :: Kashubian
casubio {m} :: Kashubian
casubio {m} :: Kashubian
casuca {f} :: synonym of casucha
casucha {f} [pejorative] :: hovel
casuista {mf} :: casuist (person)
casuista {adj} :: casuistic, casuistical
casuística {f} :: casuistry (process of answering practical questions by cases)
casuístico {adj} :: casuistic, casuistical
casulla {f} :: chasuble
cata {f} [Bolivia, Chile] :: budgerigar
cata {f} :: tasting
cata {f} :: bite, sample
catábasis {f} :: katabasis
catabático {adj} :: katabatic
catabólico {adj} :: catabolic
catabolismo {m} :: catabolism
catabolito {m} :: catabolite
catabolizar {v} :: to catabolize
cataclísmico {adj} :: cataclysmic
cataclismo {m} :: cataclysm
catacresis {f} :: catachresis (misuse of a word)
catacresis {f} [rhetoric] :: catachresis
catacumba {f} :: catacomb
catador {m} :: taster (one who tastes something)
catadora {f} :: feminine noun of catador
catadura {f} :: tasting
catafalco {m} :: catafalque, catafalco
catáfora {f} :: cataphora
catafracto {m} :: cataphract
catalán {adj} :: Catalan, Catalonian
catalán {m} :: Catalan; the language of Catalonia
catalán {m} :: Catalan (person)
catalana {f} :: female equivalent of catalán
catalanamente {adv} :: in a Catalan way
catalanidad {f} :: Catalanness (identification with Catalan values and customs)
catalanismo {m} :: Catalanism
catalanista {adj} :: pro-Catalan
catalanista {mf} :: pro-Catalan
catalanizar {v} :: to make Catalan
catalanofobia {f} :: Catalanophobia
catalanófona {f} :: feminine noun of catalanófono
catalanófono {adj} :: synonym of catalanohablante
catalanófono {m} :: synonym of catalanohablante
catalanohablante {adj} :: Catalan-speaking
catalanohablante {mf} :: Catalan speaker
catalanoparlante {adj} :: Catalan-speaking
catalanoparlante {mf} :: Catalanophone
catalasa {f} [enzyme] :: catalase
catalejo {m} :: spyglass (pair of binoculars)
catalepsia {f} :: catalepsy
cataléptico {adj} :: cataleptic
Cataleya {prop} {f} :: given name
catalina {f} [colloquial] :: turd
catalina {f} :: crankset; chainset
Catalina {prop} {f} :: given name
catálisis {f} [chemistry] :: catalysis
catalíticamente {adv} :: catalytically
catalítico {adj} :: catalytic
catalizador {adj} :: acting as a catalyst
catalizador {m} :: catalyst
catalizar {v} :: to catalyze
catalogación {f} :: cataloguing
catalogador {m} :: cataloger
catalogadora {f} :: feminine noun of catalogador
catalogar {vt} :: to catalogue
catálogo {m} :: catalog
catalufo {mf} [Spain, offensive, derogatory, vulgar, slang] :: Derogatory term to designate a Catalan secessionist
Cataluña {prop} {f} :: Cataluña (autonomous community)
catamarán {m} :: catamaran
Catamarca {prop} :: Catamarca (province)
catamarqueño {adj} :: of or from Catamarca
catamarqueño {m} :: Someone from Catamarca
catán {m} :: alternative form of catana
catana {f} :: katana
catañol {m} :: A language blend of Catalan and Spanish
Catanzaro {prop} :: Catanzaro (town and capital)
catapán {m} :: katepano
cataplasma {f} :: poultice, cataplasm
cataplines {mp} [colloquial, humorous, Spain] :: goolies, testicles
catapulta {f} :: catapult
catapultar {v} :: to catapult
catar {v} :: to taste (wine)
catar {v} :: to sample (an appetizer)
catar {v} :: to examine, look at
Catar {prop} {m} :: Qatar
cátara {f} :: feminine noun of cátaro
catarata {f} :: cataract, waterfall
catarata {f} [pathology] :: cataract (opacity of the lens in the eye)
catarí {adj} :: Qatari
catarí {mf} :: Qatari
catarina {f} [Mexico] :: ladybug, ladybird (insect of the family Coccinellidae)
catarinense {adj} :: Of or from Santa Catarina
catarinense {mf} :: Someone from Santa Catarina
catarismo {m} :: Catharism
cátaro {adj} :: Cathar
cátaro {m} :: Cathar
catarral {adj} :: catarrhal
catarrino {m} :: catarrhine
catarro {m} [illness] :: cold
catarro {m} :: mucus
catarro {m} [pathology] :: catarrh
catarroso {adj} :: catarrhal
catarsis {f} :: catharsis
catártico {adj} :: cathartic (inducing catharsis)
catastrado {adj} :: registered as a property
catastral {adj} :: cadastral
catastro {m} :: cadastre
catástrofe {f} :: catastrophe, disaster
catastróficamente {adv} :: catastrophically
catastrófico {adj} :: catastrophic (being a catastrophe)
catastrofismo {m} :: catastrophism, alarmism
catastrofista {adj} :: alarmist
catatonia {f} :: catatonia
catatónico {adj} :: catatonic
catavino {m} :: glass for tasting wine
catcher {m} [baseball] :: catcher
cátcher {m} [baseball] :: catcher
catear {v} :: to search (for minerals or petroleum)
catear {v} :: to frisk
catear {v} :: to fail, flunk
catear {v} [Mexico] :: to raid
catecismo {m} :: catechism
catecol {m} [organic compound] :: catechol
catecolamina {f} [organic chemistry] :: catecholamine
catecúmena {f} :: feminine noun of catecúmeno
catecumenado {m} :: catechumenate
catecúmeno {m} :: catechumen
cátedra {f} :: professorship
cátedra {f} :: seminar room
catedral {f} :: cathedral
catedralicio {adj} :: cathedral (attributive)
catedrática {f} :: professor (higher education)
catedrático {m} [higher education] :: professor
categoría {f} :: category
categoría {f} :: standing, regard
categóricamente {adv} :: categorically
categórico {adj} :: categorical
categorización {f} :: categorization
categorizar {vt} :: to categorize
catenaria {f} [mathematics] :: A catenary
catenaria {f} [railway transit] :: A catenary or system of overhead lines
catenario {adj} :: catenarian
catenina {f} [protein] :: catenin
catenoide {m} [mathematics] :: catenoid
cateo {m} [Mexico] :: raid (of a building)
catepsina {f} [protein] :: cathepsin
catequesis {f} :: catechesis
catequético {adj} :: catechetical
catequina {f} :: catechin
catequismo {m} :: alternative form of catecismo
catequista {mf} [religion] :: catechist
catequístico {adj} :: catechetical
catequización {f} :: catechesis
catequizar {v} :: to catechize
cáterin {m} :: catering
catering {m} :: catering
cátering {m} :: catering
caterva {f} :: crowd, multitude
cateta {f} :: feminine noun of cateto
catete {adj} [Chile] :: annoying, importunate, pushy
catéter {m} :: catheter
cateterismo {m} :: catheterization
cateterización {f} :: catheterization
catetismo {m} :: dimwittedness
cateto {m} [geometry] :: cathetus (leg of a triangle)
cateto {m} [pejorative] :: peasant, country bumpkin; hick
catiense {adj} :: Of or from Catia La Mar
catiense {mf} :: Someone from Catia La Mar
catión {m} :: cation
catiónico {adj} :: cationic
catire {adj} :: fair-haired, blond
catire {adj} :: fair-skinned
catire {mf} :: A fair-haired person, blond person
catire {mf} :: A fair-skinned person
catita {f} :: austral parakeet
catiusca {f} :: welly, wellington boot
cativar {v} :: obsolete spelling of cautivar
catizumba {f} [Central America] :: shedload; bucketful (large amount)
catizumbada {f} [El Salvador] :: shedload; bucketful (large amount)
catnip {m} :: catnip
catódico {adj} :: cathodic
cátodo {m} :: cathode
Catoira {prop} :: Catoira (small village)
católicamente {adv} :: In a Catholic way; conforming to Catholic doctrine
catolicidad {f} :: catholicness
catolicismo {m} :: Catholicism
católico {adj} :: Catholic
católico {adj} [literary] :: catholic; all-embracing
católico {adj} [literary] :: universal, common
católico {adj} [usually in negative] :: well (feeling well)
católico {m} :: Catholic
católico antiguo {m} :: Old Catholic
católico romano {adj} :: Roman Catholic
católico romano {m} :: Roman Catholic
catolicós {m} :: catholicos
catolizar {v} :: to Catholicize
catón {m} [obsolete] :: primer (textbook)
catorce {num} :: fourteen
catorceavo {adj} [fractional] :: fourteenth
catorceavo {m} [fractional] :: fourteenth
catorcena {f} :: fortnight
catorcena {f} :: Set of fourteen items
catorcenal {adj} :: biweekly (occurring once every two weeks)
catorze {num} :: obsolete spelling of catorce
catracha {f} :: feminine noun of catracho
catracha {f} :: A fried tortilla, covered in fried beans and grated cheese, originating from Honduras
catracho {adj} [colloquial] :: Honduran
catracho {m} [colloquial] :: Honduran person
catracho {m} [Honduras] :: A dish consisting of fried corn with beans and cheese
catre {m} :: cot (bed frame)
catre {m} [colloquial] :: sack (bed)
catrecito {m} :: diminutive of catre
catrín {adj} [Mexico, Central America, of a person] :: Wealthy, rich
catrín {adj} [Mexico, Central America, of a person] :: Elegantly dressed, stylish, posh
catrín {m} [Mexico, Central America] :: A fop or dandy, a gentleman who is a stylish dresser
Catrina {prop} {f} :: given name
cattleya {f} :: cattleya
catuaba {f} :: An infusion made with the bark of various trees
Catulo {prop} {m} :: Catullus (Roman poet)
caturro {adj} [Chile, football] :: Of or relating to Santiago Wanderers, a football club based in Valparaíso
caturro {m} [Chile, football] :: Someone connected to Santiago Wanderers, as a fan, player, coach etc
cauallero {m} :: obsolete spelling of caballero
caucano {adj} :: of or from Cauca (Colombia)
caucano {m} :: Someone from Cauca (Colombia)
caucáseo {adj} [obsolete] :: Caucasian (of, or relating to the Caucasus region or its people, languages and culture)
caucasiano {adj} :: Caucasian (of, or relating to the Caucasus region or its people, languages and culture)
caucásica {f} :: feminine noun of caucásico
caucásico {adj} :: Caucasian (of, or relating to the Caucasus region or its people, languages and culture)
caucásico {adj} [anthropology] :: Caucasian (Of a racial classification; pertaining to people originating from Europe, parts of Northern Africa and Western, Central and South Asia)
caucásico {m} :: Caucasian (a native or inhabitant of the Caucasus)
Cáucaso {prop} {m} :: Caucasus
cauce {m} :: riverbed
cauce {m} :: course (of river)
cauce {m} :: current
caucel {m} [Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua] :: margay (Leopardus wiedii)
cauchera {f} :: rubber tree plantation
cauchera {f} :: rubber tree
cauchera {f} [Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela] :: catapult, slingshot
cauchero {m} :: rubber worker
caucho {m} :: rubber
caución {f} [legal] :: bail, security deposit
caución {f} :: caution
caucionar {v} [law] :: to pay bail
cauda {f} :: tail (of a garment)
caudado {adj} :: caudate
caudado {m} :: salamander
caudal {m} :: flow
caudal {m} :: volume
caudal {m} :: funds
caudal {adj} :: caudal
caudalosamente {adv} :: largely, freely, abundantly
caudaloso {adj} :: large, fast-flowing [river]
caudectomía {f} :: docking (of tail)
caudillaje {m} :: The authority or power held by a caudillo
caudillazgo {m} :: caudilloship
caudillesco {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a caudillo
caudillismo {m} :: caudillismo
caudillista {adj} [attributive] :: caudillo
caudillo {m} :: caudillo
caudino {adj} :: Caudine (of or pertaining to the ancient Italian city of Caudium)
caulerpa {f} :: A type of seaweed
caulinar {adj} [botany] :: cauline
caulinario {adj} :: cauline
caulino {adj} :: cauline
caulote {m} :: West Indian elm; Guazuma ulmifolia
cauquén {m} :: sheldgoose
cauquén común {m} :: upland goose
Cauquenes {prop} {m} :: Cauquenes (city)
Cauquenes {prop} {m} :: Cauquenes (province)
cauquenino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Cauquenes
cauquenino {adj} :: from the Chilean province of Cauquenes
cauquenista {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Cauquenes
cauquén magallánico {m} :: upland goose
causa {f} :: cause
causa {f} [law] :: lawsuit
causa {f} :: A dish in Peruvian cuisine made with potatoes and layered or topped with meat or vegetables
causación {f} :: causation
causa-efecto {adj} :: cause and effect
causahabiente {mf} :: successor
causal {adj} :: causal
causalidad {f} :: causality
causalmente {adv} :: causally
causante {adj} :: that causes
causante {mf} :: cause
causar {v} :: to cause, to make
causar {v} :: to wreak, to bring, to provoke
causar {v} :: to inflict
causativo {adj} :: causative
cáusticamente {adv} :: caustically
causticidad {f} :: causticity
cáustico {adj} :: acrimonious; caustic
cautamente {adv} :: cautiously
cautela {f} :: caution, care, caginess, chariness
cautela {f} :: precaution
cautelar {adj} :: precautionary, preventative
cautelar {v} :: to guard against, prevent against
cautelar {vr} [Latin America] :: to be on guard
cautelarmente {adv} :: precautionarily
cautelosamente {adv} :: cautiously, gingerly
cauteloso {adj} :: cautious, chary, cagey, gingerly
cauterio {m} :: cautery
cauterio {m} :: cauterization
cauterio {m} [figuratively] :: something that effectively rightens or tackles an evil or wrong
cauterización {f} :: cauterization
cauterizar {v} :: to cauterize
cauterizar {v} :: to brand
cautiva {f} :: (female) captive
cautivado {adj} :: captivated, enthralled, charmed, wowed
cautivador {adj} :: captivating
cautivante {adj} :: seductive
cautivar {vt} :: to captivate, to enthral, to enthrall, to charm, to enchant, to mesmerize, to rapture, to entice
cautivar {vt} :: to take prisoner
cautivar {vt} :: to capture, to win over
cautiverio {m} :: captivity
cautividad {f} :: captivity
cautivo {adj} :: captive
cautivo {m} :: captive
cauto {adj} :: cautious
cava {f} :: dig
cava {f} :: cave or cellar where certain kinds of wines are processed
cava {f} :: in a palace, a dependency where the water and wine drunk by royalty is looked after
cava {m} :: sparkling wine
cavador {adj} :: digging
cavador {m} :: digger
cavadora {f} :: feminine noun of cavador
cavallería {f} :: obsolete spelling of caballería
cavallero {m} :: obsolete spelling of caballero
cavallo {m} :: obsolete spelling of caballo
caván {m} [Philippines, historical, mainly, Manila] :: a cavan; a unit of dry capacity approximately equivalent to 2.3 US bushels
caván {m} :: a unit of dry capacity equivalent to one and a half times or twice the Manila cavan
cavar {vt} :: to excavate, dig
cavar {vi} :: to penetrate into
cávea {f} :: cavea
caveat {m} :: caveat
caveola {f} :: caveola
caveolina {f} [protein] :: caveolin
caverna {f} :: cavern
cavernario {adj} :: cave, cave-dwelling
cavernario {adj} :: booming
cavernícola {adj} :: cavemanlike, caveman (attributive)
cavernícola {mf} :: caveman, cavewoman
cavernícola {mf} [colloquial, figuratively, pejorative] :: caveman; an old-fashioned person
cavernoso {adj} :: cavernous
caviar {m} :: caviar
cavidad {f} :: cavity
cavidad pleural {f} [anatomy] :: pleural cavity
cavidad torácica {f} :: thoracic cavity
cavilación {f} :: worrying
cavilar {vt} :: to think (something) through; to reflect
caviloso {adj} :: suspicious
cavitación {f} :: cavitation
caviteño {adj} :: Caviteño
caviteño {m} :: Caviteño
caviteño {m} :: Chavacano dialect spoken in Cavite
cavitocusiri {m} :: A traditional dance of Bolivia
cavo {adj} :: concave
cavo {m} :: burrow, den
caxcán {adj} :: Caxcan
caxcán {mf} :: Caxcan
cayac {m} :: alternative spelling of kayak
cayada {f} :: stick; crook; staff
cayado {m} :: staff, crook
cayena {f} :: cayenne pepper
Cayena {prop} {f} :: Cayena (capital city)
cayente {adj} :: falling
cayería {f} :: a group or chain of cays (small islands)
Cayetano {prop} {m} :: given name
cayo {m} [geography] :: key (island)
Cayo Hueso {prop} {m} :: Key West
Cayo Largo {prop} {m} :: Cayo Largo (island)
Cayo Largo {prop} {m} :: Cayo Largo (a cay in the Cuban archipelago, south of Cuba)
Cayo Largo {prop} {m} :: Key Largo (a cay in the Florida Keys archipelago)
cayuco {m} :: cayuco
cayuco {m} [Louisiana] :: pirogue
cayuga {adj} :: Cayuga
cayuga {mf} :: Cayuga
caza {f} [countable or uncountable] :: hunting, hunt (act of finding and killing a wild animal; art of hunting)
caza {f} :: persecution, hunting (act of pursuing in a manner to injure, grieve, or afflict)
caza {f} [uncountable] :: game (wild animals hunted for food; meat of these animals)
caza {f} [uncountable] :: prey (animal hunted by another animal)
caza {f} :: hunting ground (area used for hunting)
caza {f} :: hunting party (group of people gathered to hunt together)
caza {m} :: fighter plane (military aircraft primarily designed to attack enemy aircraft)
cazaautógrafos {m} :: autograph hunter
cazabe {m} [Latin America] :: Flat bread made from the roots of the manioc plant
cazabobos {m} :: booby trap
cazabombardero {m} :: fighter-bomber
cazacabezas {mf} :: headhunter
cazacarros {m} :: tank hunter; tank destroyer
cazadero {m} :: hunting ground
cazador {adj} :: hunting
cazador {m} :: hunter
cazadora {f} :: feminine noun of cazador
cazadora {f} :: flight jacket, bomber jacket
cazadora {f} :: non-poisonous South American snake Chironius monticola
cazador furtivo {m} :: poacher (of game)
cazafantasmas {m} :: ghosthunter
cazafortunas {mf} :: fortune hunter, gold digger
cazagoles {m} :: goalscorer
cazahuracanes {adj} :: Of an airplane, chasing or investigating hurricanes
cazamariposas {m} :: butterfly net
cazaminas {m} :: minesweeper
cazapartner {mf} [figuratively, pejorative, computing] :: In YouTube, a person (usually female) who cultivates a personal relationship in order to attain fame or subscribers; a gold digger
cazaprimas {m} :: premium hunter
cazar {v} :: to hunt
cazar {v} [football] :: to catch [a ball, said especially of the goalkeeper]
cazar al vuelo {v} [idiom] :: to snap up (take quickly)
cazarecolección {f} :: hunting-and-gathering
cazarecompensas {mf} :: bounty hunter
cazarlas al vuelo {v} [idiom] :: to be quick on the uptake
cazarrecompensas {m} :: alternative spelling of cazarecompensas
cazasubmarinos {m} :: submarine chaser
cazatalentos {mf} [business] :: headhunter, recruiter
cazatalentos {mf} [sport] :: talent scout
cazatalentos {mf} :: talent-spotter
cazatanques {m} :: tank destroyer
cazatesoros {mf} :: treasure hunter
cazatorpederos {m} :: antitorpedo boat
cazavampiros {mf} :: vampire slayer
cazo {m} :: a kind of large saucepan or saucepot, wider at top than at bottom
cazo {m} :: ladle
cazo {m} [colloquial] :: clumsy person
cazo {m} [colloquial] :: pimp
cazoleta {f} :: St. Anthony's turnip; bulbous buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus)
cazoleta {f} :: cup
cazoleta {f} :: bowl
cazoleta {f} :: pan; pot
cazoleta {f} :: handguard (of sword)
cazón {m} :: dogfish, tope
cazuela {f} :: stewpot, casserole
cazuela {f} [theatre] :: the gods
cazuela {f} [Chile] :: stew, (soup with meat and vegetables)
cazuelita {f} :: diminutive of cazuela
cazurro {adj} [pejorative, Spain] :: slow, slow-witted
CCD {prop} :: initialism of Comisión Cristiana de Desarrollo
CC. OO. {prop} {fp} :: acronym of Comisiones Obreras A Spanish trade union with a Communist history
CD {m} :: CD, compact disc
Cdad. {f} :: abbreviation of ciudad (city)
cdla {f} :: abbreviation of ciudadela
CDMX {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of Ciudad de México
cdo. {m} :: abbreviation of considerando
ce {f} :: letter: c
CE {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of Comisión Europea
cearense {adj} :: Of or from Ceará
cearense {mf} :: Someone from Ceará
cebada {f} :: barley
cebadera {f} :: nosebag for feeding barley
cebadero {m} :: Someone who trades in barley
cebadero {m} :: feeding place
cebadilla {f} :: sabadilla
cebador {m} [Argentina] :: starter
cebador {m} :: A person who prepares mate for a group
cebador {m} [genetics] :: primer
cebar {v} :: to bait
cebar {v} :: to fatten, feed
cebar {v} :: to charge, load
cebar {vp} :: to turn on, vent, attack
cebar {v} :: to add hot water to the yerba mate
cebar {v} :: to prime (fill with priming liquid)
cebiche {m} [Latin America, cooking] :: Raw seafood cured by marination in an acidic medium such as citrus, vinegar, or other souring agent, found primarily in Latin America
cebichería {f} :: ceviche and seafood restaurant
cebichero {adj} :: Of or related to cebiche/ceviche
cebichero {m} :: A cebiche/ceviche cook
cebil {m} :: vilca (Anadenanthera colubrina)
cebo {m} :: bait
cebo {m} :: fodder
cebo {m} :: tallow
cebolla {f} :: onion
cebolla albarrana {f} :: squill; sea onion
cebolla en polvo {f} :: onion powder
cebolla escalonia {f} :: shallot
cebollana {f} :: chive
cebollazo {m} :: big onion
cebollazo {m} :: strike with an onion
cebollazo {m} :: booze-up
cebolleta {f} :: spring onion
cebolleta {f} :: chive
cebolleta {f} [colloquial] :: noggin; head
cebolleta {f} [colloquial] :: prick; cock; penis
cebollín {m} :: spring onion
cebollino {m} :: chive
cebollino {m} :: spring onion
cebollita {f} :: pickled onion
cebra {f} :: zebra (african animal)
cebrado {adj} :: striped
cebrita {f} :: diminutive of cebra
cebú {m} :: zebu
Cebú {prop} {m} :: Cebú (island/and/province)
Cebú {prop} {m} :: Cebú (city/provincial capital)
cebuana {f} :: feminine noun of cebuano
cebuano {m} :: Cebuano (person)
cebuano {m} :: Cebuano (language)
cebuano {adj} :: Cebuano
cebuino {adj} :: zebuine
ceca {f} [historical] :: mint (where coins or money are made)
ceca {f} [Argentina] :: tails (side of a coin)
cecal {adj} [anatomy] :: caecal (of or pertaining to caecum)
ceceante {adj} :: lisping
cecear {v} :: to lisp
ceceo {m} :: lisp, lisping
ceceoso {adj} :: lisping
cecilia {f} :: caecilian
Cecilia {prop} {f} :: given name
cecina {f} :: sausage
cecina {f} :: cecina
Cecina {prop} {f} :: Cecina (town)
ceda {f} :: alternative form of cerda
cedazo {m} :: sieve
cedencia {f} :: yield point
Cedeño {prop} :: surname
cedente {mf} [law] :: assignor (person or party which makes an assignment)
cedente {adj} [law] :: assignable (capable of being specified or shown)
ceder {v} :: to cede, to hand over, to convey
ceder {v} :: to transfer, to yield
ceder {v} :: to relinquish, to abandon, to leave, to give in, to cave in
ceder {v} :: to decrease, to lessen, to diminish
cederista {mf} [Cuba] :: A member of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution
cedilla {f} :: Name of the letter ç
cedilla {f} [orthography] :: cedilla
cedista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, CEDA, A Spanish political party
cedista {mf} :: A supporter of CEDA
cedo {adv} :: Quickly, swiftly, instantly, immediately after
cedoaria {f} :: zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria)
cedro {m} :: cedar (tree, wood)
cedrón {f} :: lemon verbena (shrub, Aloysia triphylla)
cedula {f} :: archaic spelling of cédula
cédula {f} :: license
cédula {f} [finance] :: warrant, option
cédula {f} :: document, documentation, certificate
cedulación {f} :: identification; granting of an identity card
cédula personal {f} [historical] :: identity card
cedular {v} :: To give an ID to
cedular {v} :: to flypost
cedulilla {f} :: diminutive of cédula
cefalea {f} [pathology] :: cephalalgia, headache, migraine
cefálico {adj} :: cephalic
cefalización {f} :: cephalization
cefalocordado {m} [zoology] :: cephalochordate
cefalón {m} [anatomy] :: cephalon
céfalon {m} :: alternative form of cefalón
cefalonia {f} :: feminine noun of cefalonio
Cefalonia {prop} {f} :: Cephalonia
cefalonio {adj} :: Cephalonian (of or pertaining to Cephalonia in Greece)
cefalonio {m} :: Cephalonian (native or resident of Cephalonia in Greece)
cefalópodo {adj} :: cephalopod
cefalópodo {m} :: cephalopod
cefalorraquídeo {adj} :: cerebrospinal
cefalosporina {f} :: cephalosporin
cefalotórax {m} [anatomy] :: cephalothorax
cefeida {adj} :: Cepheid
Cefeo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Cepheus (mythical husband of Cassiopeia)
Cefeo {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Cepheus (constellation)
Cefeus {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Cefeo
céfiro {m} :: zephyr
Céfiro {prop} {m} :: Zephyrus
cegador {adj} :: blinding
cegamiento {m} :: blinding
cegar {v} :: to blind, to go blind
cegarse {v} :: reflexive of cegar
cegatón {m} [pejorative] :: blind
cegetista {mf} :: a member of supporter of the Confederación General del Trabajo
ceguedad {f} :: blindness
ceguera {f} :: blindness
CEI {prop} {f} :: initialism of Comunidad de Estados Independientes
ceiba {f} :: The silk-cotton tree
ceibalita {f} [Uruguay] :: A small laptop computer provided to public schools by the Uruguayan government's Plan Ceibal program
ceibeña {f} :: feminine noun of ceibeño
ceibeño {adj} :: Of or from the city of La Ceiba, Honduras
ceibeño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of La Ceiba, Honduras
ceibo {m} :: One of several species of trees, principally Erythrina crista-galli
Ceilán {prop} {m} :: Ceylon (old name for Sri Lanka)
ceilandés {adj} :: Sri Lankan (literally "Ceylonese")
ceilandés {m} :: Sri Lankan (literally "Ceylonese")
ceilanés {adj} :: Sri Lankan (literally "Ceylonese")
ceilanés {m} :: Sri Lankan (literally "Ceylonese")
ceja {f} :: eyebrow
ceja {f} :: rim, edge
ceja {f} [music] :: fret
ceja {f} [music] :: capotasto
ceja {f} :: clearing (in the woods, in clouds, etc.)
cejar {v} :: to give in; to forfeit
cejiblanco {adj} :: white-browed
cejijunto {adj} :: nearly monobrowed; having eyebrows nearly together
cejilla {f} [music] :: capotasto, capo
cejilla {f} [music] :: bridge
cejón {adj} :: big-eyebrowed
cejón {m} :: big eyebrow
cejón {m} :: a person with big eyebrows
cejudo {adj} :: Having thick, bushy or otherwise abundant eyebrows
celacanto {m} :: coelacanth
celada {f} [historical] :: sallet, salade
celadón {m} :: celadon
celador {adj} :: watching
celador {m} :: watchman
celaje {m} [painting] :: cloud effect
celaje {m} :: skylight
celaje {m} :: harbinger, herald
celaje {m} [nautical] :: group of clouds
celar {v} :: to watch over
celar {v} :: to conceal
celar {v} :: to be jealous
celda {f} :: cell
celda {f} :: prison cell
celda unidad {f} :: unit cell
celdilla {f} :: cell; cavity in a structure such as a honeycomb
celebérrimo {adj} :: superlative of célebre; extremely celebrated or famous
Célebes {prop} {f} :: Célebes (island)
celebración {f} :: celebration
celebradísimo {adj} :: superlative of celebrado
celebrado {adj} :: celebrated
celebrante {mf} :: celebrant
celebrar {v} :: to celebrate
celebrar {v} :: to hold, to organize (a formal event, conference, meeting etc.)
celebrar {v} :: to welcome, to accept
celebrarse {v} :: reflexive of celebrar
celebratorio {adj} :: celebratory
célebre {adj} :: celebrated, famous
célebremente {adv} :: famously; notoriously
celebridad {f} :: celebrity
celebrity {m} :: celebrity
celemín {m} :: An old unit of volume for measuring grain, around 4.625 litres
celenterado {m} [zoology, dated] :: coelenterate
celentéreo {m} [zoology, dated] :: coelenterate
celeridad {f} :: rapidity, velocity
celeste {adj} :: pale blue, sky blue
celeste {adj} :: heavenly
celeste {m} :: pale blue, sky blue
celeste {n} [football] :: A fan, player, or other person associated with Celta de Vigo, a football team from the Spanish town of Vigo
celestial {adj} :: celestial
celestialmente {adv} :: celestially
celestina {f} [mineral] :: celestine (a mineral)
celestina {f} :: matchmaker, cupid
celestita {f} :: alternative form of celestina
Celia {prop} {f} :: given name
celiaco {adj} :: alternative form of celíaco
celíaco {adj} :: celiac
celiaquía {f} [pathology] :: coeliac disease
celiaquismo {f} :: synonym of celiaquía
celibato {adj} :: celibate
célibe {adj} :: unmarried; unwed; single
célico {adj} :: heavenly
celidonia {f} :: celandine
cellisquear {v} :: to sleet
cellista {mf} :: cellist
celo {m} :: zeal
celo {m} :: heat (a condition where a mammal is aroused sexually or where it is especially fertile and therefore eager to mate)
celo {m} :: sellotape
celobiosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: cellobiose
celofán {m} :: cellophane
celoma {m} [anatomy] :: celoma
celomado {adj} [anatomy] :: coelomate
celomado {m} [anatomy] :: coelomate
celomático {adj} :: celomatic
celómico {adj} :: coelomic
celosamente {adv} :: zealously
celosamente {adv} :: jealously
celosía {f} :: lattice, latticework
celosía {f} :: jalousie
celosísimo {adj} :: superlative of celoso
celoso {adj} :: jealous
celoso {adj} :: zealous
celsius {m} :: alternative form of Celsius
Celsius {m} :: Celsius
celta {adj} :: Celtic
celta {m} :: A Celt
celtíbera {f} :: feminine noun of celtíbero
celtibérico {adj} :: Celtiberian
celtíbero {adj} :: Celtiberian
celtíbero {m} :: Celtiberian
céltico {adj} :: Celtic (of the Celts; of the style of the Celts)
celtismo {m} :: Celticism
celtista {adj} :: Celtist
celtista {adj} [football] :: A fan, player, or other person associated with RC Celta, a football team from the Spanish town of Vigo
celu {m} [Latin America, slang] :: cell phone
célula {f} :: cell (the basic unit of a living organism)
célula {f} :: cell (a small group of people forming part of a larger organization)
célula dendrítica {f} :: dendritic cell
célula dendrítica folicular {f} [anatomy] :: follicular dendritic cell
célula glial {f} [cytology] :: glial cell
célula madre {f} [medicine, cytology] :: stem cell (primal undifferentiated cell)
celular {adj} :: cellular
celular {m} [Latin America] :: cell phone [US], mobile phone [UK, Australia]
celularidad {f} :: cellularity
celularización {f} :: cellularization
celulasa {f} [enzyme] :: cellulase
celulitis {f} :: cellulite
celulitis {f} :: cellulitis
celuloide {m} :: celluloid
celulosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: cellulose
celurosaurio {m} :: alternative form of coelurosaurio
cementación {f} [metallurgy] :: case hardening
cementar {v} :: to cement
cementera {f} :: feminine noun of cementero
cementera {f} :: cement factory
cementerio {m} :: cemetery
cementerio {m} :: junkyard, scrapyard
cementero {adj} [attributive] :: cement
cementero {m} :: cement maker, cement-making company
cemento {m} :: cement (a powdered substance)
cemí {m} :: zemi
cempasúchil {m} :: Mexican marigold
cena {f} :: supper, dinner
cenáculo {m} :: cenacle
cenador {m} :: arbor
cenaduría {f} [Mexico] :: restaurant
cenagal {m} :: quagmire, bog
cenagoso {adj} :: marshy
cenaguera {f} :: feminine noun of cenaguero
cenaguero {adj} :: Of or from a swamp; swamp-dwelling
cenaguero {m} :: Someone from a swamp; swamp dweller
cenar {v} :: to dine; to have supper; to have a lavish meal
cencellada {f} :: hoarfrost
cencerrada {f} :: the sound of a cowbell
cencerrada {f} :: hullabaloo; hubbub; din
cencerrear {v} :: To play or ring a cowbell
cencerrear {v} :: To screech (make an unpleasant sound)
cencerro {m} :: cowbell
cencha {f} :: beam to which the feet of a bed or seat are tied
cendal {m} :: sendal
céndea {f} [Navarre, historical] :: A district of conglomeration of various villages
cendrar {v} :: alternative form of acendrar
cenefa {f} :: decorative border
cenetista {adj} :: Of or relating to the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
cenetista {mf} :: A member of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
cenhegí {adj} :: Sanhaja
cenhegí {mf} :: Sanhaja
cenicero {m} :: ashtray
Cenicienta {prop} {f} :: Cinderella
ceniciento {adj} [literary] :: ashen; having the color or appearance of ash
ceniciento {adj} [pejorative] :: gay, effeminate
ceñido {adj} :: moderate
ceñido {adj} :: tight, constricted
ceñido {adj} [entomology] :: Having a petiole
ceñidor {m} :: belt
ceñidor {m} :: girdle, sash
ceñidor {m} [heraldiccharge] :: bar
ceñir {vt} :: to adjust (clothing)
ceñir {vt} :: to encircle, gird
ceñir {vt} :: to surround, be around
ceñir {vt} :: to hug, to be tight (said of clothing)
ceñir {vt} :: to restrict
cenit {m} :: zenith
cénit {m} :: alternative form of cenit
cenital {adj} :: zenithal
ceniza {f} :: ash (solid remains of a fire)
cenizo {m} :: ash
cenizo {m} :: nettle-leaved goosefoot, Chenopodiastrum murale
cenizo {m} :: a jinxed person
cenizo {adj} :: ashen
ceño {m} :: frown, scowl
ceño {m} :: brow
cenobio {m} [formal] :: monastery, cenoby
cenobio {m} [biology] :: coenobium
cenobita {mf} :: cenobite (monk who lives in a religious community)
cenobítico {adj} :: cenobitic
cenocito {m} [cytology] :: coenocyte
Cenomaniano {prop} {m} :: Cenomanian
Cenomaniense {prop} {m} :: Cenomanian
cenotafio {m} :: cenotaph
cenote {m} :: cenote
cenozoico {adj} :: Cenozoic
censable {adj} :: for use by inpatients
censal {adj} :: censual
censar {v} :: to take a census
censista {mf} :: census taker
censitario {adj} :: census
censo {m} :: census
censor {adj} :: censoring
censor {m} [historical] :: censor (Roman magistrate)
censor {m} :: censor, censurer (one who censures or condemns)
censor {m} :: censor (a census administrator)
censora {f} :: feminine noun of censor
censual {adj} :: censual
censura {f} :: censure
censura {f} :: censorship
censurable {adj} :: reprehensible
censurable {adj} :: censurable, blameworthy
censurador {adj} :: censoring
censurador {m} :: censor, censurer (one who censures or condemns)
censuradora {f} :: feminine noun of censurador
censurar {v} :: to censure
centalla {f} :: alternative form of centella
centauro {m} [mythology, fantasy] :: centaur
centavo {m} :: cent (subunit of currency in US and other countries)
centella {f} :: spark (burst of electric discharge)
centellante {adj} :: sparkling
centellar {v} :: obsolete form of centellear to twinkle
centelleante {adj} :: sparkling, scintillating
centellear {v} :: to shimmer, twinkle
centelleo {m} :: shimmering; scintillation
centena {f} :: a unit of one hundred objects
centenar {m} :: a unit of one hundred objects
centenario {adj} :: centenary, centennial
centenario {adj} :: hundred-year-old
centenario {m} :: centenary, centennial
centeno {m} :: rye
centeno {adj} :: hundredth
Centeno {prop} {m} :: surname
center {m} [baseball] :: center
centerfielder {m} :: centerfielder
centésimo {adj} :: hundredth
centésimo {m} :: hundredth
centésimo {m} :: cent (one hundredth of a currency unit) for the Panamanian balboa and Uruguayan peso
centiárea {f} :: centiare; one-hundredth of an are; 1 square meter
centigramo {m} :: centigram
centimétrico {adj} :: centimetric
centímetro {m} :: centimetre
centímetro cúbico {m} :: cubic centimetre; cubic centimeter [US]
centimillo {m} :: diminutive of céntimo
céntimo {m} :: A monetary subdivision, equivalent to 1/100 of a Costa Rican colón
céntimo {m} :: A monetary subdivision, equivalent to 1/100 of a Peruvian nuevo sol
céntimo {m} :: A monetary subdivision, equivalent to 1/100 of a Venezuelan bolívar
céntimo {m} :: A monetary subdivision, equivalent to 1/100 of a Philippine peso
céntimo {m} :: A former monetary subdivision, equivalent to 1/100 of a Spanish peseta
centinela {m} :: sentinel, sentry, guard
centisegundo {m} :: centisecond (one hundredth of a second)
centolla {f} :: An alternative form of centollo
centolla {f} :: One of several species of king crab
centolla {f} :: southern king crab
centollo {m} :: European spider crab
central {adj} :: central
central {f} :: headquarter
central {f} :: center
central {f} :: power station
central eléctrica {f} :: power plant
centralidad {f} :: centrality
centralismo {m} :: centralism
centralista {mf} :: centralist
centralita {f} :: switchboard
centralización {f} :: centralization
centralizado {adj} :: centralized
centralizador {adj} :: centralizing
centralizar {v} :: to centralize
centralmente {adv} :: centrally
central nuclear {m} :: nuclear power plant
centrar {v} :: to center
centrarse {v} :: reflexive of centrar
-céntrico {suffix} :: -centric
céntrico {adj} :: central
céntrico {adj} :: located in the center, centrally
centrífuga {f} :: centrifuge (machine)
centrifugación {f} :: centrifugation
centrifugador {m} :: centrifuge
centrifugador {m} :: salad spinner
centrifugadora {f} :: centrifuge
centrifugadora para ensalada {f} :: salad spinner
centrifugar {vt} :: to centrifuge
centrífugo {adj} :: centrifugal
centriolo {m} [cytology] :: centriole
centríolo {m} [cytology] :: centriole
centrípeto {adj} :: centripetal
centrismo {m} :: centrism
centrista {adj} :: centrist
centrista {mf} :: centrist
centro {m} :: center
centro {m} [geometry] :: center
centro {m} [politics] :: center, moderate tendencies or ideas
centro {m} :: middle
centro {m} :: core, heart
centro {m} [urbanism] :: city center, downtown
centroafricana {f} :: feminine noun of centroafricano
centroafricano {adj} :: Central African
centroafricano {m} :: Central African
Centroamérica {prop} {f} :: Central America
centroamericana {f} :: feminine noun of centroamericano
centroamericano {adj} :: Central American
centroamericano {m} :: Central American
centroasiático {adj} :: Central Asian
centrobarico {adj} :: centrobaric
centrocampista {mf} [soccer] :: midfielder
centroccidental {adj} :: central west; west-central
centro comercial {m} :: mall, shopping centre
centro de alumnos {m} :: students' union
centro de autoacceso {m} [Mexico] :: self-study centre
centro de estudiantes {m} :: students' union
centro de estudios {m} :: study centre
centro de la nada {m} [uncommon or dated] :: synonym of medio de la nada: middle of nowhere
centrodelantero {m} [football] :: centre forward
centro derecha {mf} :: alternative spelling of centroderecha
centro-derecha {mf} :: alternative spelling of centroderecha
centroderecha {mf} :: center-right
centroderechista {mf} :: centre-right politician
centro de salud {m} :: health centre; doctor's surgery
centroeste {adj} :: east-central
centroeuropeo {adj} :: Central European
centroeuropeo {m} :: Central European
centroforward {mf} [soccer] :: centre forward
centroide {m} :: centroid
centro izquierda {mf} :: alternative spelling of centroizquierda
centro-izquierda {mf} :: alternative spelling of centroizquierda
centroizquierda {mf} :: center-left
centroizquierdista {adj} :: centre-left
centroizquierdista {mf} :: centre-left person
centromérico {adj} :: centromeric
centromeridional {adj} :: south-central; centre-south
centrómero {m} :: centromere
centrooccidental {adj} :: centre-west; west-central
centrooriental {adj} :: east-centre
centro penitenciario {m} :: prison; penitentiary
centroriental {adj} :: east central
centrosaurino {m} :: centrosaurine
centrosoma {m} [cytology] :: centrosome
centrosur {adj} :: south-central
centuplicar {v} :: to centuplicate
centuria {f} :: century (Roman army unit)
centuria {f} [poetic] :: century (period)
centuriación {f} :: centuriation
centurión {m} :: centurion
ceñudo {adj} :: frowny
cenutrio {m} :: twerp, brat
cenzonte {m} [Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico] :: alternative form of cenzontle
cenzontle {m} :: mockingbird
ceolita {f} :: zeolite
cepa {f} :: variety (of wine)
cepa {f} :: strain (of virus)
cepa {f} :: rootstalk (underground stem base)
cepa {f} :: grapevine stock, grapevine
cepa {f} :: stump (of a tree), stub
cepa {f} :: root (of an animal’s tail or horns, etc.)
cepa {f} :: nucleus (of cloud formation)
cepa {f} :: ancestry, stock, origin (of family lineage)
cepa {f} :: pier (of an arch or bridge)
CEPAL {prop} :: initialism of Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe
cepillar {v} :: to brush
cepillar {v} [colloquial] :: to please, to praise
cepillar {v} [vulgar] :: to fuck
cepillar {v} [colloquial] :: to despoil, to plunder
cepillar {v} :: to plane
cepillarse {v} :: to brush (oneself)
cepillo {m} :: brush
cepillo {m} :: plane (tool for smoothing wood; for carpentry)
cepillo {m} :: poor box
cepillo de dientes {m} :: toothbrush (brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue)
cepillo del pelo {m} :: hairbrush
cepo {m} :: animal trap
cepo {m} :: clamp (for vehicles etc.)
cepo {m} :: branch (of tree)
cepo {m} :: alms box
ceporro {m} [Spain] :: nincompoop, buffoon, dimwit (silly or foolish person)
cepstral {adj} :: cepstral
cepstrum {m} :: cepstrum
cequí {m} :: sequin (coin)
cera {f} :: wax
cera {f} [Spain] :: crayon
cerámica {f} :: ceramic (material)
cerámica {f} :: ceramics (art of making ceramic objects)
cerámica {f} :: ceramics (ceramic objects)
cerámico {adj} :: ceramic
ceramida {f} [organic compound] :: ceramide
ceramio {m} :: ceramic, piece of ceramic art
ceramista {mf} :: potter
ceratopsiano {m} :: ceratopsian
ceratópsido {m} :: ceratopsid
ceratopsio {m} :: ceratopsian
cerbatana {f} :: blowgun; blowpipe
cerbatana {f} :: peashooter
cerbatanera {f} :: feminine noun of cerbatanero
cerbatanero {m} :: one who uses a blowgun or blowpipe
Cerbero {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Cerberus
cerca {adv} :: close, near, around, about, nearly, nigh (referring to quantity or time-related)
cerca {adv} :: close, near, around, nigh, at hand, close at hand, in sight (spatially)
cerca {adv} :: nearby, close by
cerca {f} :: fence (a thin artificial barrier that separates two pieces of land or a house perimeter)
cerca {f} :: stone wall
cerca de {adv} :: close to, about, nearly, approximately, around
cerca de {prep} :: close to, near, near to, around, close by
cercamiento {m} :: enclosure
cercanamente {adv} :: closely, nearly
cercanía {f} :: proximity, vicinity, closeness, nearness
cercanías {m} [Spain] :: commuter train
cercanías {m} [Spain] :: A commuter rail network
cercano {adj} :: near, nearby, close
cercar {v} :: to corral, fence, to fence off
cercenamiento {m} :: severing
cercenar {v} :: to curtail, cut, sever
cerceta {f} :: teal (bird)
cerchar {v} :: to bend the vine
cerciorar {vr} :: to make sure
cerciorar {vt} [uncommon] :: to assure
cerciorarse {vr} :: to make sure, to assure oneself
cerco {m} :: ring (made by dirt)
cerco {m} :: fence
cerco {m} :: siege
cerco {m} [entomology] :: cercus
cercópido {m} :: cercopid
cercopiteco {m} :: guenon
cerda {f} :: sow (female pig)
cerda {f} :: bristle (stiff or coarse hair)
cerda {f} [colloquial, figurative] :: pig, slob (woman)
cerda {f} [derogatory] :: bitch, slut
cerdear {v} :: (of an animal) to limp (because of an injury to the hind legs)
cerdear {v} :: to screech (said of the strings of an instrument)
cerdear {v} :: to resist (doing something)
Cerdeña {prop} {f} :: Cerdeña (region)
cerdita {f} :: diminutive of cerda, a little pig
cerdito {m} :: diminutive of cerdo, little pig
cerdo {adj} :: dirty
cerdo {m} :: pig, hog
cerdo {m} :: pork
cerdo {m} [colloquial, figurative] :: slob, pig, hog
cerdo hormiguero {m} :: aardvark
cerdoso {adj} :: piglike
cerdoso {adj} :: owning pigs
cereal {m} :: cereal (type of grass cultivated for edible grains)
cereal {m} [uncountable] :: cereal (the grains of such plants)
cereal {m} [in the plural] :: breakfast cereal (food processed from grains and eaten with milk)
cerealero {adj} :: cereal (attributive)
cerealista {adj} [attributive] :: cereal; grain
cerealista {mf} :: cereal or grain producer
cerealístico {adj} :: cereal (attributive)
cerebelar {adj} :: cerebellar
cerebelo {m} :: cerebellum (part of the hindbrain in vertebrates)
cerebeloso {adj} :: cerebellar
cerebral {adj} :: cerebral
cerebrito {m} :: brainiac, smart cookie, egghead, boffin
cerebro {m} [anatomy] :: brain
cerebro {m} :: nerd
cerebroespinal {adj} :: cerebrospinal
cerebro periférico {m} :: peripheral brain
cerebrósido {m} :: cerebroside
cerebrovascular {adj} :: cerebrovascular
cerefolio {m} :: chervil
ceremonia {f} :: ceremony
ceremonial {adj} :: ceremonial
ceremonialmente {adv} :: ceremonially
ceremoniosamente {adv} :: ceremoniously
ceremonioso {adj} :: ceremonious
céreo {adj} :: waxen; waxlike
cerera {f} :: feminine noun of cerero
cerería {f} :: chandlery; candle shop
cerero {m} :: wax seller
cerero {m} :: wax maker
Ceres {prop} {f} [Roman god] :: The Roman goddess of agriculture; equivalent to the Greek goddess Demeter
Ceres {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Ceres (dwarf planet)
cereza {f} :: cherry
cerezo {m} :: cherry tree
cerilla {f} :: match (stick)
cerilla {f} :: long, narrow candle; taper
cerilla {f} :: earwax
cerillero {m} :: matchbox
cerillita {f} :: diminutive of cerilla; small match
cerillo {m} [Mexico] :: match (stick)
cerio {m} :: cerium
cerneja {f} :: fetlock
cerneja {f} :: fringe
cerner {v} :: to sift
cerner {v} :: to blossom
cerner {v} :: to circle; to hover
cernícalo {m} :: kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
cernícalo {m} [colloquial] :: lout
cernícalo común {m} :: The common kestrel
cernidor {m} :: sieve
cernir {v} :: to sift
cero {num} :: zero
cero {m} :: zero
cero absoluto {m} :: absolute zero
cero a la izquierda {mf} [idiomatic] :: A person of little or no consequence; a nobody; a nonentity
ceroidolipofuscinosis {f} :: ceroid lipofuscinosis
cero patatero {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: nought, nothing, zero
ceroso {adj} :: waxen
cerote {m} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, vulgar] :: a turd, excrement
cerote {m} [El Salvador, Nicaragua, vulgar] :: asshole, a reprehensible person
cerquero {m} :: finch or sparrow (of the Arremon family)
cerquillo {m} :: fringe
cerquísima {adv} :: superlative of cerca
cerradamente {adv} :: in a closed way
cerradísimo {adj} :: superlative of cerrado
cerrado {adj} :: shut, closed
cerrado {adj} :: closed off [personality trait]
cerrador {m} [baseball] :: closer
cerradura {f} :: lock
cerraja {f} :: lock
cerraja {f} :: field milk thistle; field sowthistle; perennial sow-thistle; corn sow thistle; dindle (Sonchus arvensis)
cerrajería {f} :: A locksmith’s shop / store
cerrajero {m} :: locksmith
cerramiento {m} :: closing
cerrar {vt} :: to close, to shut
cerrar {vt} :: to shut down, to close down
cerrar {vt} :: to turn off, to shut off (to rotate a tap or valve so as to interrupt the outflow of liquid or gas)
cerrar {vt} :: to enclose
cerrar {v} :: to lock, to lock up
cerrar {v} :: to seal, to close (e.g. a deal, a breach, a rift)
cerrar {v} :: to close up, to close off (e.g. a wound)
cerrar {v} :: to close, to conclude, to end
cerrar {vr} :: to close (itself) [e.g., a store, a door]
cerrar {vr} :: to close off (oneself)
cerrar el pico {phrase} [idiom] :: to shut up; shut one's trap
cerrar la marcha {v} [idiomatic] :: to bring up the rear (be last in a line)
cerrazón {f} :: stubbornness, obstinateness
cerrazón {f} [figuratively] :: overcast sky
cerril {adj} :: rough (of terrain)
cerril {adj} :: rough, rude (of a person)
cerril {adj} :: unbroken, wild (of an animal)
cerrillo {m} :: diminutive of cerro
cerrista {adj} [football] :: connected to Cerro Porteño, a Paraguayan football club from Asunción
cerrista {mf} [football] :: Someone connected to Cerro Porteño, as a player, coach, fan etc
cerrito {m} :: diminutive of cerro
cerro {m} :: hill
cerrojazo {m} :: abrupt bolting of a door
cerrojo {m} [in a lock or weapon] :: bolt, latch
cerrojo {m} [in sports] :: very aggressive or defensive tactics
certamen {m} :: competition, contest
certamen {m} :: poetry function (usually with a theme)
certeramente {adv} :: accurately
certero {adj} :: accurate, spot on
certero {adj} :: proper
certero {adj} :: well-informed
certeza {f} :: certainty
certidumbre {f} :: certainty
certificable {adj} :: certifiable
certificación {f} :: certification
certificado {adj} :: certified
certificado {m} :: document of certification
certificador {adj} :: certifying
certificador {m} :: certifier
certificar {vt} :: to certify
certísimo {adj} :: superlative of cierto
certitud {f} :: certainty
cerúleo {adj} :: Having the color cerulean
cerúleo {m} :: The color cerulean
ceruloplasmina {f} [protein] :: ceruloplasmin
cerumen {m} :: earwax
cerusita {f} [mineral] :: cerussite
cerval {adj} :: deerlike; deer; cervine
cerval {adj} :: tremendous (fear)
cervalmente {adv} :: tremendously (said of fearing)
Cervantes {prop} :: surname
Cervantes {prop} :: Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), an influential Spanish author
cervantesco {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Miguel de Cervantes, a Spanish authour
cervántico {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Miguel de Cervantes, a Spanish authour
cervantino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Miguel de Cervantes, a Spanish authour
cervantismo {m} :: Work in the style of Cervantes
cervantista {adj} :: Of, relating to, or supporting, Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish author
cervantista {mf} :: A scholar of Miguel de Cervantes
cervata {f} :: feminine noun of cervato
cervatillo {m} :: fawn (young deer)
cervato {m} :: a fawn younger than six months
cerve {f} [colloquial] :: beer
cervecera {f} :: feminine noun of cervecero
cervecería {f} :: brewery (place where beer is brewed)
cervecería {f} :: beer bar, beer parlour, alehouse (pub or bar where beer is sold)
cervecero {adj} [attributive] :: beer (of or relating to beer)
cervecero {m} :: beer brewer
cervecita {f} :: diminutive of cerveza
cerveza {f} :: beer
cerveza de raíz {f} :: root beer
cervezería {f} :: obsolete spelling of cervecería
cervical {adj} :: cervical
cervicitis {f} [pathology] :: cervicitis
cervico- {prefix} [anatomy] :: cervico- (of or relating to the cervix)
cervico- {prefix} [anatomy] :: cervico- (of or relating to the neck)
cervicometría {f} :: cervical ultrasound
cervicométrico {adj} :: cervicometric
cervicotorácico {adj} [anatomy] :: cervicothoracic
cervicouterino {adj} :: cervicouterine
cervicovaginal {adj} :: cervicovaginal
cérvido {m} :: Cervid
cérvix {m} :: cervix (lower portion of the uterus)
cerviz {f} [anatomy] :: cervix (neck)
cervunal {m} :: An area where many deer live
cesación {f} :: cessation, stopping, giving up
cesante {adj} :: dismissed, laid off, sacked (pertaining to a job or working)
cesante {adj} :: unemployed
cesante {mf} :: dismissed worker (worker who was laid off)
cesantear {vt} [Argentina, colloquial] :: to fire, to dismiss, to sack
cesantía {f} [Chile] :: unemployment
cesar {vi} :: to cease (to stop)
cesar {vi} :: to quit, to step down
cesar {vt} :: to dismiss
césar {m} :: caesar (roman emperor)
César {prop} {m} :: Caesar
César {prop} {m} :: given name
cesaraugustana {f} :: feminine noun of cesaraugustano
cesaraugustano {adj} :: Saragossan
cesaraugustano {m} :: Saragossan
cesárea {f} :: Caesarean section
cesáreo {adj} :: Caesarean
cesariano {m} :: Caesarian
cesarismo {m} :: Caesarism
cese {m} :: cessation
cesible {adj} :: that which may be ceded
cesina {f} :: obsolete spelling of cecina
cesio {m} :: caesium
cesión {f} :: transfer
cesión {f} [sports] :: short pass of a ball
cesionaria {f} :: feminine noun of cesionario
cesionario {m} :: assignee (one who has been assigned)
cesionario {adj} :: assigned
césped {m} :: lawn
césped {m} :: grass
césped {m} :: turf
céspede {m} :: obsolete form of césped
cespitar {v} [obsolete] :: to hesitate
cespitoso {adj} :: cespitose
cesta {f} :: basket
cesta {f} [Spain, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela] :: laundry basket, hamper (made of plastic)
cesta {f} [Mexico] :: laundry basket, hamper (made of soft material such as polyester and/or cotton)
cestera {f} :: feminine noun of cestero
cestería {f} :: basketry, basket making
cestería {f} :: basket shop
cestero {m} :: basketmaker
cestilla {f} :: diminutive of cesta
cestillo {m} :: diminutive of cesto
cestita {f} :: diminutive of cesta
cestito {m} :: diminutive of cesto
cesto {m} :: basket
cesto {m} [Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, Paraguay, Peru] :: laundry basket, hamper (made of any material including plastic)
cesto {m} [Argentina, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Uruguay] :: laundry basket, hamper, mesh pop-up hamper (not made of plastic but rather consists of soft material such as polyester and/or cotton)
cesto {m} [Spain] :: hamper (made of wicker)
cesto de basura {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: trash can
cesto de basura {m} [Mexico] :: wastebasket
cestodo {m} :: tapeworm
céstodo {m} :: alternative form of cestodo
cestriana {f} :: feminine noun of cestriano
cestriano {adj} :: Cestrian (of or pertaining to Chester, Cheshire, North West England)
cestriano {m} :: Cestrian (native or resident of Chester, Cheshire, North West England)
-ceta {suffix} :: feminine noun of -cete
cetáceo {adj} :: cetaceous
cetáceo {m} :: cetacean
cetal {m} [organic chemistry] :: ketal
cetano {m} [organic compound] :: cetane
-cete {suffix} :: Form of -ete
cetemista {adj} [Mexico] :: Of the Confederation of Mexican Workers (Confederación de Trabajadores de México)
cetemista {mf} [Mexico] :: A member of the Confederation of Mexican Workers
cetena {f} [organic chemistry] :: ketene
cetevista {adj} :: of or relating to the Confederación de Trabajadores de Venezuela
cetevista {mf} :: A member of the Confederación de Trabajadores de Venezuela
cetilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: ketyl
cetilpiridinio {m} :: cetylpyridinium
cetoácido {m} [organic compound] :: keto acid
cetoacidosis {f} :: ketoacidosis
cetogénesis {f} [physiology, biochemistry] :: ketogenesis
cetogénico {adj} :: ketogenic
cetoglutarato {m} :: ketoglutarate
cetona {f} [chemistry] :: ketone
cetónico {adj} :: ketone (attributive)
cetopentosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: ketopentose
cetosa {f} :: ketose
cetosis {f} :: ketosis
cetótico {adj} :: ketotic
cetrera {f} :: falconer
cetrería {f} :: falconry
cetrero {m} :: falconer, hawker
cetrino {adj} :: yellow-green; sallow
cetro {m} :: scepter
Cetus {prop} [constellation] :: Cetus (winter constellation of the northern sky)
ceugma {m} [rare] :: alternative spelling of zeugma
Ceuta {prop} {f} :: Ceuta (autonomous city)
ceutí {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Ceuta
ceutí {mf} :: Someone from Ceuta
ceviche {m} :: alternative spelling of cebiche
cevichería {f} :: alternative spelling of cebichería
cevichero {adj} :: Of or related to cebiche/ceviche
cevichero {m} :: A cebiche/ceviche cook
CF {n} :: FC (Football Club)
CFC {m} [organic chemistry] :: initialism of clorofluorocarbono
ch {letter} :: che, the fourth letter of the Spanish alphabet, after c and before d
Ch {letter} :: che, the fourth letter of the Spanish alphabet, after C and before D
CH {prop} :: abbreviation of Chihuahua (Mexican state)
CH {letter} :: che, the fourth letter of the Spanish alphabet
chabacanamente {adv} :: vulgarly, coarsely, rudely
chabacanería {f} :: vulgarness, coarseness
chabacano {adj} :: tacky, tawdry, gaudy, vulgar, coarse
chabacano {m} [Mexico] :: apricot
chabacano {m} [uncountable] :: Chavacano (Philippine Creole Spanish)
chabalongo {m} [Chile, obsolete or historical] :: A kind of intense fever, perhaps typhus, that afflicted the native peoples of southern Chile
Chabela {prop} {f} :: given name
chabola {f} :: shanty; an old run-down house or shack
chabolismo {m} :: slumdom
chabolista {adj} [attributive] :: slum
chabolista {mf} :: slum-dweller
chabolización {f} :: turning into slums
chabón {m} [colloquial, Argentina] :: dude, guy
chabona {f} [colloquial, Argentina] :: feminine noun of chabón; a girl, a female teenager, a young woman
chacahuala {m} :: chuckwalla
chacal {m} :: jackal
chacalaca {f} :: Any bird of the genus Ortalis
chacal común {m} :: black-backed jackal, Canis mesomelas
chacal dorado {m} :: golden jackal, Canis aureus
chacal rayado {m} :: side-striped jackal, Canis adustus
chacarera {f} :: chacarera
chacarero {m} [Latin America] :: chacarero (farmer)
chacarero {m} [Chile] :: chacarero (sandwich)
chacasina {f} :: feminine noun of chacasino
chacasino {adj} :: Of or from Chacas
chacasino {m} :: Someone from Chacas
chacha {f} [pejorative] :: maid; cleaning lady (female servant or cleaner)
chacha {f} [Honduras] :: handcuffs [plural]
chachachá {m} :: cha-cha
chachalaca {f} :: chachalaca
chachalaca {f} [colloquial, Mexico, Central America] :: babbler, yapper
chachalaca {f} [colloquial, Guatemala] :: chatter
chachalaca {f} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: chatty (said of a person)
chachapoya {adj} :: Chachapoya
chachapoya {mf} :: Chachapoya
Chachapoyas {prop} :: Chachapoyas (province)
Chachapoyas {prop} :: Chachapoyas (city/provincial capital)
chachar {v} [Latin America] :: to chew (cocoa)
cháchara {f} :: chatter, babble
cháchara {f} :: small talk, chit-chat, chit-chatting
chacharear {vi} [colloquial] :: to babble (talk much)
chacharear {vi} [colloquial] :: to piffle (speak in a futile, ineffective, or nonsensical manner)
chacharear {vt} [colloquial] :: to buy trinket
chácharo {m} :: collared peccary
chachi {adj} [colloquial, Spain] :: cool, terrific
chachito {adj} :: diminutive of chachi
chacho {m} [colloquial] :: son, boy
chacinería {f} :: dry meat shop
chacmol {m} :: alternative spelling of chac mool
chac mool {m} [archaeology] :: a chacmool
Chac Mool {m} :: alternative form of chac mool
chaco {m} [Paraguay] :: farm
chaco {m} :: nunchaku
Chaco {prop} {m} :: Chaco (province)
chacó {m} :: shako
chacolí {m} :: A white wine from the Basque Country
chacón {m} :: Philippine sailfin lizard
chacona {f} :: chaconne
chacota {f} :: joke (something said or done for amusement)
chacotear {v} :: to have fun
chacotear {vr} :: to mock; take the mickey (out of)
chacotera {f} :: feminine noun of chacotero
chacotero {adj} :: spoofing; jocular
chacotero {m} :: spoofer; joker
chacra {f} [Latin America] :: small farm
chacra {f} [Latin America] :: field to be used for cultivation
chacra {m} :: alternative spelling of chakra
Chad {prop} :: Chad
chadiana {f} :: feminine noun of chadiano
chadiano {adj} :: Chadian
chadiano {m} :: Chadian
chádico {adj} :: Chadic
chador {m} :: chador (robe)
chaebol {m} :: chaebol
chafa {adj} [Mexico, colloquial] :: cheap, low quality; lame
chafar {vt} :: to crush, squash
chafar {vt} :: to ruin
chafardear {n} :: to gossip
chafardero {adj} :: gossipy
chafardero {m} :: gossipmonger, gossip
chafarote {f} [Argentina, pejorative] :: soldier
chafarote {f} :: thug; bully
chafarrinada {f} :: smudge, stain
chafarrinón {m} :: smudge, stain
chaflán {m} :: chamfer
chaflán {m} [architecture, urbanism] :: city block with chamfered corners
chagas {f} :: Chagas disease
chagatai {m} :: Chagatai (extinct Turkic language formerly spoken in Central Asia)
chagosiano {adj} :: Chagossian
chagosiano {m} :: Chagossian
chagra {mf} :: a type of rodeo cowboy in Ecuador
chahuistle {f} [Mexico, botany] :: wheat leaf rust, brown rust (Puccinia triticina)
chahuistle {f} [Mexico, botany] :: bunt, pepperbrand (Tilletia laevis)
Chaikovski {prop} {mf} :: Tchaikovsky (surname)
chaineada {f} [Mexico] :: clean (act of cleaning)
chaineadita {f} :: diminutive of chaineada
chaira {f} :: knife used by shoemakers
chaira {f} :: sharpening steel
chaira {f} [colloquial] :: knife; blade (in general)
chairo {m} :: A stew made from meat and vegetables and chuño
chairo {m} [slang, derogatory, Mexico] :: A person with left-wing views, a lefty
chairo {m} [slang, derogatory, Mexico] :: A hippie
chajá {m} :: A crested screamer
chajá {m} :: A Uruguayan cake that includes merengue, fruit, and cream
chajorra de monte {f} :: Sideritis canariensis
chakra {m} [Hinduism, Ayurveda] :: chakra
chal {m} :: shawl (square or rectangular piece of cloth worn as a covering for the head, neck, and shoulders)
chala {f} [Argentina] :: marijuana
chala {f} [Chile] :: sandal
chalaca {f} :: Someone from Callao
chalaca {f} :: a type of straw hat
chalación {f} [ophthalmology] :: chalazion
chalaco {adj} :: Of or from Callao
chalaco {m} :: Someone from Callao
chalada {f} :: feminine noun of chalado
chalado {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy
chalado {m} [colloquial] :: nut (insane person)
chaladura {f} :: folly, madness
chalái {adj} [Paraguay] :: crappy, rubbish
chalán {m} :: a traditional cowboy (vaquero) from Northern Peru
chalán {m} :: the distinctive costume worn by a chalan, including a linen poncho, a straw sombrero, etc
chalán {m} :: by extension, a gallant
chalana {f} [nautical] :: wherry (type of ship)
chalar {vt} :: to drive crazy
chalar {vr} :: to go crazy
chalaza {f} [zoology, botany] :: chalaza
chalca {mf} :: Chalca
chalcona {f} [organic chemistry] :: chalcone
chale {interj} [US Spanish, slang] :: "No" intensified. Similar to "hell no" or "yeah right"
chalé {m} :: cottage, chalet
chalecito {m} :: diminutive of chalé
chaleco {m} :: vest, waistcoat, gilet
chaleco {m} :: sweater, jumper
chaleco antibalas {m} :: bulletproof vest
chaleco salvavidas {m} :: life jacket; life vest
chalequera {f} :: feminine noun of chalequero
chalequero {m} :: A waistcoat, vest or jacket maker
chalet {m} :: cottage, chalet
chalina {f} :: a scarf (clothing)
chalota {f} :: shallot
chalote {m} :: shallot
chalukya {adj} :: Chalukya
chalukya {mf} :: Chalukya
chalupa {f} [nautical] :: shallop, sloop, launch (a kind of longboat)
chalupa {f} [Chile] :: flip-flop, slipper, sandal
chalupa {f} [Mexico] :: two-man canoe
chalupa {f} [Mexico] :: a chalupa (bowl-shaped fried tortilla stuffed with chopped meat, lettuce, cheese, etc.)
chalupa {f} [Mexico, slang] :: fat girl
Châm {prop} {m} :: Ham (son of Noah)
chama {m} :: chama
chamaca {f} :: feminine noun of chamaco
chamaco {m} [colloquial, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico] :: A boy or teenager; a male youth
chamaco {m} [colloquial, Mexico] :: a kid (in general)
Chamaeleon {prop} [constellation] :: Chamaeleon (small circumpolar constellation of the southern sky)
chamagoso {adj} [Mexico] :: filthy; grubby
chamamé {m} [music] :: chamamé (folk music style from NE Argentina)
chamamecero {m} :: chamamé dancer
chamán {m} [religion] :: shaman
chamánico {adj} :: shamanic
chamanismo {m} :: shamanism
chamaquito {m} [colloquial, Mexico] :: kid, guy, kiddo
chamarilear {v} :: to deal in second-hand goods
chamarilera {f} :: feminine noun of chamarilero
chamarilería {f} :: second-hand shop
chamarilero {m} :: second-hand dealer
chamarra {f} :: jacket, coat
Chamartín {prop} {m} :: Chamartín (district)
chamba {f} [Spain] :: fluke
chamba {f} [Spain] :: ditch, trench
chamba {f} [Spain] :: deep scar (by comparison with a ditch)
chamba {f} [familiar, Mexico, Central America, Peru, Colombia] :: job, work, employment; task
chambao {m} :: (Andalusian) An improvised beach tent
chambarete {m} [Mexico] :: shank (cut of meat)
chambear {vi} [Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico] :: to work
chambelán {m} :: chamberlain
chambergo {m} :: (broad-rimmed) hat, slouch hat
chambón {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: poorly done, badly done, of bad quality
chambonada {f} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: a bad work, something very poorly done
chambrana {f} :: chambranle
chamcua {f} :: [Peru] Minthostachys spp
chamizo {m} :: shack, hut
chamo {m} [Venezuela, colloquial] :: kid, child
chamorro {m} [Mexico] :: shank (of pork, beef, etc.), e.g. 'chamorro de puerco', pork shank
chamorro {m} :: Chamorro (Austronesian language)
chamoy {m} :: A type of sauce from Mexico made from pickled fruit, chili and other ingredients
chamoyada {f} :: A type of spicy shaved ice made with chamoy
champa {f} :: clod, tuft (small cluster of plants with adhering earth, piece of turf)
champa {f} [pejorative, Chile] :: pubic hair, armpit hair
champagne {m} :: champagne
champán {m} :: champagne
champaña {m} :: alternative form of champán
Champaña {prop} {f} :: Champaña (region)
champañero {m} :: champagne bucket
champi {m} :: mushroom, shroom
champigñón {m} :: alternative form of champiñón
champiñón {m} :: button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus)
champiñón {m} [colloquial] :: mushroom
champiñón {m} [colloquial, humorous] :: fungus, mold
champiñón ostra {m} :: oyster mushroom (common edible mushroom of the species Pleurotus ostreatus)
champión {m} :: trainer, sports shoe
Champions {prop} [soccer] :: Champions League (the highest-level European club football tournament)
champú {m} :: shampoo
champurrado {m} [Mexico] :: A traditional chocolate-based atole, containing panela, vanilla, anise and cinnamon
champurrado {m} [Cuba] :: A water-based drink, containing several spices, mixed with rum or brandy
champurrar {v} :: to mix (spirits)
chamullar {v} [Chile, Argentina, colloquial] :: to lie, to seduce or convince someone making use of lies
chamullar {v} [Spain, colloquial] :: to talk, chat
chamullo {m} [Chile] :: an story of little truth
chamullo {m} [Chile] :: the art of telling lies
chamuscar {v} :: to scorch, to singe
chamuyar {v} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] :: to chat up, sweet-talk
chamuyero {m} [Argentina, colloquial] :: charmer, someone who frequently uses fake tactics and adulation to pick up women. Chamuyar and the spin-off words can have bad connotations, and are often interchanged with “to lie” and “liar.”
chan {m} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras] :: alternative form of chía
chana {f} [Chile, slang] :: Term applied to a lower‐class woman not desired for a longer relationship
chaná {m} :: A Chaná; a member of an indigenous ethnic group of Argentina and Uruguay
chaná {m} [uncountable] :: The critically endangered Chaná language
chanante {mf} :: A person appearing on the show La hora chanante, a surrealist Spanish comedy show
chanante {adj} [Spain] :: absurd or surreal
chanante {adj} [Spain] :: of or pertaining to the show La hora chanante
chañar {m} :: Geoffroea decorticans, a small deciduous tree
chanate {m} [Mexico] :: great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus)
chanate {m} [Mexico, US Spanish] :: red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)
chanate {m} [US Spanish, prison slang, derogatory] :: black person
chanate {m} [US Spanish, prison slang] :: coffee
chanca {f} [Cono Sur] :: grinding; crushing
chancaca {f} :: panela (solid piece of unrefined sugar)
chancadito {adj} [Latin America] :: hunky
chancay {m} :: Chancay
chancay {m} [Peru] :: Something of poor quality
chance {mf} :: chance
chance {conj} [Mexico] :: maybe, perchance, perhaps or possibly
chancear {v} :: to poke fun (at); to make fun of
chancera {f} :: feminine noun of chancero
chancero {adj} :: jokey
chancero {m} :: joker
chancha {f} [Latin America] :: female pig, sow
chanchi {adj} [colloquial] :: fab, awesome
chanchito {m} [Latin America] :: piglet
chanchito {m} :: piggy bank
chanchito de tierra {m} :: woodlouse
chancho {m} [Latin America] :: pig
chancho {adj} [Latin America, figuratively] :: dirty
chanchullo {m} [colloquial] :: sleaze, scum
chanchullo {m} [colloquial] :: sham, fishy business, funny stuff
chanchullo {m} :: backgammon
chanciller {m} :: Variant form of canciller
chancillería {f} :: chancellery
chancla {f} :: slipper
chancla {f} :: flip-flop
chancla {f} :: old shoe
chancleta {f} :: slipper (house shoe)
chancleta {f} :: weapon (blunt object)
chancleta {f} [Latin America, colloquial] :: girl
chancleta {f} [Colombia] :: accelerator (accelerator pedal)
chancleta {mf} [colloquial] :: inept person
chancletazo {m} :: strike with a sandal
chancletear {v} :: To walk in sandals or slippers
chanclo {m} :: clog
chanclo {m} [usually, in the plural, Mexico] :: galosh
chanco {n} :: Chanco cheese
Chanco {prop} {m} :: Chanco (city)
chancón {adj} [Peru] :: swotty
chancón {m} [Peru] :: swot
chancóna {f} :: feminine noun of chancón
chancro {m} :: chancre
chancroide {m} :: chancroid
chandal {m} :: alternative form of chándal
chándal {m} [Spain] :: tracksuit
chandela {mf} :: Chandela
chandelier {m} :: chandelier
chané {adj} :: Chané
chané {mf} :: Chané
chanelar {v} :: To get; understand; twig
chanfaina {f} :: A meat stew made with lamb and various other ingredients
changa {f} :: small job; odd job
changa {f} :: job of a porter
changa {f} :: part-time job
changana {m} :: Changana (language)
changarrito {m} :: diminutive of changarro
changarro {m} [colloquial, Mexico, pejorative] :: shop
Changchun {prop} :: Changchun (prefecture-level city/and/sub-provincial city/provincial capital)
Changhsingiano {prop} {m} :: Changhsingian
Changhsingiense {prop} {m} :: Changhsingian
chango {m} [Mexico] :: monkey
chango {m} [Argentina] :: shopping trolley, shopping cart
chango {m} [Bolivia, Argentina] :: kid [specifically NW Argentina]
Changó {prop} {m} :: Shango (orisha in Yoruba religion)
changuear {v} [Latin America] :: to joke; to kid
changüí {m} :: changüí
chanque {f} :: Chilean abalone
chanquete {m} :: transparent goby (Aphia minuta)
chanquino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Chanco
chanson {m} :: chanson
chanta {m} [colloquial, Argentina, Chile] :: liar
chanta {f} :: fake, nonsense
chantage {m} :: obsolete form of chantaje
chantaje {m} :: blackmail
chantaje {m} :: extortion, blackmailing
chantajear {v} :: to blackmail
chantajista {mf} :: blackmailer
chantar {v} [Chile, slang] :: to stop
chantar {v} [Chile, vulgar, ] :: to fuck
chantarela {f} :: chanterelle
chante {m} [Costa Rica] :: house
chantear {v} :: to hunt rabbits
chantillí {m} :: whipped cream, Chantilly cream
chantre {mf} :: chanter, precentor
chanza {f} :: joke
chao {interj} :: alternative form of chau
chapa {f} :: veneer
chapa {f} :: plating
chapa {f} :: lock
chapa {f} :: badge
chapa {f} :: license plate
chapa {f} [colloquial] :: crown cap
chapa {f} [Bolivia, Peru] :: nickname
chapa {f} [Ecuador] :: police officer
chapa {f} [Nicaragua] :: earring
chapa {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: roofing sheet
chapa {f} [Philippines, historical] :: a safe-conduct
chapado {adj} :: plated (with metal)
chapado {adj} :: beautiful, nice
chapalear {v} :: to wade (in shallow water)
chapalear {v} :: to splash
chapalear {v} :: to clatter
chapapote {m} :: alternative form of chapopote
chapar {vt} :: to veneer
chapar {vt} :: to plate (as with metal)
chapar {vt} :: to say a hard truth
chapar {vi} [colloquial] :: to swot (study hard)
chaparra {f} :: kermes oak (Quercus coccifera)
chaparra {f} :: chaparral (scrubland)
chaparra {f} [Latin America] :: a female of short stature
chaparral {m} :: chaparral
chaparreras {fp} :: chaps (leather trousers)
chaparrito {m} :: diminutive of chaparro
chaparro {m} :: kermes oak (Quercus coccifera)
chaparro {m} :: chaparral (scrubland)
chaparro {m} [Mexico] :: netleaf oak (Quercus rugosa)
chaparro {m} [Mexico] :: person of short stature
chaparrón {m} :: downpour, cloudburst
chaparrón {m} [Andalucia, Cuba, Honduras, Puerto Rico] :: barrage, burst (e.g., barrage of criticism)
chapata {f} :: ciabatta
chape {m} :: tress, braid
chapear {v} :: synonym of chapar
chapear {v} :: to weed (remove weeds)
chapear {v} [Latin America] :: to thrive
chapela {f} :: Basque-style beret
chapeo {m} :: hat
chaperno {m} :: The lancepod Lonchocarpus yoroensis
chapero {m} :: hustler, rent boy (male prostitute)
chaperona {f} [microbiology] :: chaperone
chapilla {f} :: diminutive of chapa
chapín {adj} :: bow-legged
chapín {m} :: clog
chapín {m} :: Guatemalan
chapistería {f} :: metal workshop, especially for cars
chapita {f} :: cap; bottlecap
chapitel {m} :: spire
chapo {m} :: (Mexico) person of short stature
chapo {m} :: (Ecuador) an Ecuadorian dish based on chocolate and barley flour (máchica)
chapó {interj} :: Used to express appreciation; hat tip
chapón {m} [Spain, derogatory] :: wonk, swot, nerd
chapona {f} :: feminine noun of chapón
chapopote {m} [Mexico] :: tar
chapopote {m} [Mexico] :: asphalt
chapote {m} [Mexico] :: Texas persimmon, Mexican persimmon; Diospyros texana
chapoteadero {m} :: paddling pool
chapotear {v} :: dabble
chapotear {v} :: splatter
chapucear {v} [colloquial] :: to botch; mess up
chapuceramente {adv} :: shoddily, sloppily
chapucería {f} :: shoddiness
chapucero {adj} :: shoddy
chapucero {adj} [Mexico, familiar] :: dishonest
chapucero {adj} [pejorative] :: amateur
chapucero {m} :: sloppy worker
chapucero {m} [Mexico, familiar] :: swindler
chapulín {m} [Central America, Colombia, Mexico] :: grasshopper, locust, especially when toasted as food
chapulín {m} [Central America] :: small child, tot
Chapultepec {m} :: A large, wooded park in central Mexico City; site of Los Pinos, the official residence of the president of Mexico
chapurrar {v} :: alternative form of chapurrear
chapurrar {v} :: to mix (spirits)
chapurrear {v} :: to smatter (speak a language superficially)
chapuz {m} :: alternative spelling of chapuza
chapuza {f} [colloquial] :: work, especially maintenance and involving manual labor, of little importance; odd job; jury-rigged
chapuza {f} [colloquial] :: something poorly done; botched job, shoddy work, botch
chapuza {f} [colloquial, Mexico] :: cheat, trick, cheating, deceit (specially in sports, games, gambling, elections, seldom in commerce, almost never in sentimental relationships)
chapuzar {v} :: to dive in head first
chapuzón {m} :: dip; brief swim
chaque {m} :: A dish from Arequipa, Peru, consisting of beef or lamb served with various vegetables
chaqué {m} :: morning dress
chaqueño {adj} :: of or from Chaco
chaqueño {m} :: Someone from Chaco
chaqueo {m} :: land clearing; slashing
chaqueta {f} :: jacket, piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse, often waist length to thigh length
chaquete {m} :: backgammon
chaquetear {vi} :: to be afraid, draw back
chaquetear {v} :: to run away, flee
chaquetear {v} :: to change sides, become a turncoat
chaquetear {v} :: to change one’s opinion
chaquetear {v} :: to renege
chaquetear {vr} [slang] :: to masturbate, jerk off
chaquetera {f} :: feminine noun of chaquetero
chaquetero {m} :: turncoat
chaquetilla {f} :: diminutive of cazo; small or short jacket
chaquetilla {f} [bullfighting] :: A short jacket with shoulder reinforcements, worn by bullfighters
chaquetita {f} :: diminutive of chaqueta; small jacket
chaquetón {m} :: a short coat or jacket
chaquira {f} :: bead
chaquiste {m} [Mexico] :: no-see-um, biting midge (Forcipomyia nodosa, from the midge family Ceratopogonidae)
characato {adj} [Peru] :: Of or from Arequipa
charada {f} :: charade
charal {m} [Mexico] :: Any of numerous species of small freshwater fish, especially when dried and used as food
charaleña {f} :: feminine noun of charaleño
charaleño {adj} :: Of or from the municipality of Charalá, Colombia
charaleño {m} :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Charalá, Colombia
charanga {f} :: charanga
charango {m} :: charango
charanguista {mf} :: charanguista
charapa {mf} [Peru] :: Someone from eastern Peru
charapita {f} :: diminutive of charapa
charca {f} :: pond, pool [smaller than laguna]
charca {f} :: (big) puddle, marshy area
charcha {adj} [Chile, slang] :: trashy (of very poor quality, worthless)
charcha {f} [Chile, colloquial] :: fat
charco {m} :: puddle
charco {m} :: pool
charco {m} [colloquial] :: the pond (i.e., the Atlantic Ocean)
charcutería {f} :: charcuterie
charcutero {m} :: meat seller
chardonnay {m} :: Chardonnay
charla {f} :: talk, chat
charlar {v} :: to chat
charlatán {adj} :: chatterbox
charlatán {m} :: chatterbox, blabbermouth
charlatán {m} :: charlatan, quack
charlatanear {v} :: to chatter
charlatanería {f} :: charlatanry
charleston {m} :: Charleston (dance)
charlestón {m} :: Charleston
charlestoniana {f} :: feminine noun of charlestoniano
charlestoniano {adj} :: Charlestonian (of or pertaining to Charleston, South Carolina)
charlestoniano {adj} :: Charlestonian (of or pertaining to Charleston, West Virginia)
charlestoniano {adj} :: Charlestonian (of or pertaining to any other location bearing the name "Charleston")
charlestoniano {m} :: Charlestonian (native or resident of Charleston, South Carolina)
charlestoniano {m} :: Charlestonian (native or resident of Charleston, West Virginia)
charlestoniano {m} :: Charlestonian (native or resident of any other location bearing the name "Charleston")
charleta {f} :: babbler, chatterbox
charlista {mf} :: talk-giver
charlotear {v} :: to chat, talk
charlotear {vt} :: to blabber, tattle (reveal something one should not say)
charlotear {v} [colloquial] :: to chatter
charnega {f} :: feminine noun of charnego
charnego {m} [often derogatory, Catalonia] :: A person who is half Catalan and half from another ethnolinguistic group
charnego {m} [often derogatory, Catalonia] :: A Spanish person who lives in Catalonia but immigrated from another part of Spain and cannot speak Catalan
charnela {m} :: hinge
charnela {m} :: hinge teeth
charnela {m} [geology] :: hinge point
Charo {prop} {f} :: given name
charol {m} :: patent leather
charol {m} [Colombia, Ecuador] :: tray
charola {f} [Bolivia, Honduras, Mexico, Peru] :: tray
charolar {v} :: to cover with patent leather
charón {m} [Louisiana] :: alternative form of chodrón, cauldron
charpa {m} :: belt or sheath for a sword
charpa {m} [medicine] :: sling
charque {m} :: alternative form of charqui
charquear {v} [Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay] :: to jerk (to cure meat by cutting it into strips and drying it)
charqui {m} :: jerky (air-dried meat)
charquicán {m} :: A kind of stew from South America, made with jerky and other ingredients
charquito {m} :: diminutive of charco
charra {f} :: feminine noun of charro
charrán {m} :: tern (bird of family Sternidae)
charranada {f} :: shenanigan; trick
charrancito {m} :: Any of a number of small terns in the Sternula genus
charrasca {f} [musical instrument, Latin America] :: a jawbone used as a percussion instrument
charrasca {f} [Latin America] :: knife
charrasqueo {m} :: strumming
charreada {f} :: charreada
charrería {f} :: charreada
charretera {f} :: epaulette
charrito {m} :: diminutive of charro
charro {adj} :: coarse, vulgar
charro {adj} :: rustic
charro {adj} [slang, Texas] :: A short form of frijoles a la charra, that is, pinto or pink beans boiled with condiments but otherwise plain and simple
charro {adj} :: from Salamanca
charro {m} :: one who is rustic or coarse
charro {m} :: someone from Salamanca
charro {m} [Mexico] :: a traditional postindependence Mexican horseman
charrúa {adj} [Latin America] :: Uruguayan
charrúa {mf} [Latin America] :: Uruguayan
chart {m} :: chart
charter {m} :: A shuttlebus
chárter {adj} [of a flight] :: charter (independent of regular lines and schedules)
chascar {v} :: to click, snap
chascarrillo {m} :: short funny anecdote
chascarro {m} :: blooper
chasco {m} :: disappointment
chascón {adj} [Chile, Bolivia] :: shaggy, dishevelled (with disorderly, uncombed hair)
chashu {m} :: char siu
chasis {m} :: chassis
chasís {m} [chiefly Latin America] :: alternative form of chasis
chasista {mf} :: chassis maker
chasquear {v} :: to crack a whip
chasquear {v} :: to click, snap (one's fingers)
chasquear {v} :: to click (with the tongue)
chasquero {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the chasqui
chasqui {m} :: One of the Inca's personal running messengers
chasquido {m} :: A whipping, crackling, clicking or similar sound
chasquido {m} :: The sound a dolphin makes
chat {m} :: chat (exchange of text or voice messages in real time through a computer network)
chatamente {adv} :: flatly, plainly
chatarra {f} :: scrap (metal)
chatarra {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: small change
chatarra {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: junk
chatarrera {f} :: scrap dealer
chatarrería {f} :: junkyard, scrapyard
chatarrero {m} :: scrap merchant
chatarrización {f} :: scrapping (disposal of cars, etc)
chatbot {m} :: chatbot
chatear {v} :: to chat on the Internet
chatear {v} [Honduras] :: to chat
chateo {m} :: the act of chatting online
chati {f} [colloquial] :: chick; broad; gal
chatino {adj} :: Chatino
chatino {m} :: Chatino
chatni {m} :: chutney
chato {adj} :: flat
chato {adj} :: pug-nosed
chato {adj} [Chile] :: annoyed, fed up, sick and tired
chato {adj} [Antilles, colloquial] :: kiddo, little one, youngster
Chattiense {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] :: Chattian (a subdivision of the Oligocene epoch)
chatura {f} :: flatness, drabness
chatura {f} :: dim-wittedness
chaturanga {f} :: chaturanga
chaty {m} :: tjaty (a vizier in Ancient Egypt)
chau {interj} [Hispanic America, some parts of Spain] :: bye, goodbye
chaucha {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: green bean
chauchero {m} :: errand boy; messenger
chaufa {m} [Latin America] :: fried rice
chauffeur {mf} :: alternative form of chofer
chaulafán {m} [Latin America] :: fried rice
chauvinismo {m} :: chauvinism
chauvinista {adj} :: chauvinistic (excessively patriotic)
chauz {m} [historical] :: A chiaus
chava {f} [Mexico] :: kid, gal
chavacano de Zamboanga {m} :: Zamboanga Chavacano
chaval {m} [chiefly Spain] :: kid, boy
chaval {m} :: young man, lad, youngster
chaval {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: buddy, guy
chavala {f} :: feminine noun of chaval
chavalada {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: young people, teens, adolescents
chavalería {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: young people, teens, adolescents
chavalilla {f} :: diminutive of chavala; small girl
chavalín {m} :: kid
chavalito {m} :: diminutive of chaval
chavalo {m} :: boy
chavalo {m} :: young man
chavalo {m} :: lad
chavalote {m} [colloquial] :: dude, fella
chavecista {adj} :: alternative spelling of chavista
Chavena {prop} {f} :: given name
Chaves {prop} :: surname
Chaves {prop} :: surname
Chaves {prop} :: surname
chaveta {f} :: forelock, cotter pin, split pin
chaveta {f} :: peg
chavetazo {m} [Peru] :: knife; stabbing
chavetear {v} [Peru] :: to knife; stab
Chávez {prop} :: surname
chavín {adj} :: Chavín
chavín {m} :: Chavín
chavina {f} :: feminine noun of chavín
chavismo {m} :: Chavism
chavista {adj} :: Chavista
chavista {mf} :: Chavista
chavita {f} :: feminine noun of chavito
chavito {m} :: (little) Mexican boy
chaviza {f} [Mexico] :: youngsters; yoofs; youth
chavo {m} [colloquial] :: ochavo (former currency of Spain made of copper)
chavo {m} [colloquial, Cuba] :: centavo (subunit of the Cuban peso)
chavo {m} [colloquial, Puerto Rico] :: centavo (subunit of the Puerto Rican dollar)
chavo {m} [colloquial, Puerto Rico] :: cent (subunit of the US dollar)
chavo {m} [colloquial, Puerto Rico] :: penny, cash, dough
chavo {m} [Mexico] :: boy, kid
chavo {m} [Mexico, slang] :: guy [usually in his 20's]
chavomadurista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, both Nicolás Maduro and Hugo Chávez
chavorruca {f} [Mexico, colloquial] :: A middle-aged person engaging in behavior typical of younger people; an adultescent
chavorruco {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: A middle-aged person engaging in behavior typical of younger people; an adultescent
Chaxiraxi {prop} {f} :: A Guanche goddess from the island of Tenerife
Chaxiraxi {prop} {f} :: given name from the Canary Islands
chaya {f} :: chaya (tree)
Chayo {prop} {f} :: given name
chayota {f} [Venezuela] :: alternative form of chayote
chayote {m} :: chayote
chayotera {f} :: chayote (plant)
Chayuco {prop} :: Chayuco (town)
Chayuco {prop} :: Chayuco (municipality)
che {f} :: Name of the digraph Ch/ch, previously was considered a letter
che {interj} [Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, regional Spain] :: hey
che {mf} [colloquial, Chile] :: Argentinian person
Che {prop} :: surname
CHE {prop} {m} :: initialism of Colegio Hondureño de Economistas
Chebo {prop} {m} :: given name
chebrón {m} [heraldry] :: chevron
checa {f} :: feminine noun of checo
checa {prop} {f} :: The former Russian secret police (1917–1922)
checar {v} [Mexico] :: to check, check out, check up
chechena {f} :: feminine noun of checheno
Chechenia {prop} {f} :: Chechenia (republic)
checheno {adj} :: Chechen
checheno {m} :: Chechen (person)
checheno {m} :: Chechen (language)
Chechnia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Chechenia
Chechnya {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Chechenia
check {m} :: check (mark)
check-in {m} :: check-in
checkin {m} :: check-in
checkout {m} :: checkout (in a hotel)
checo {adj} :: Czech (from, native to, or pertaining to, the Czech Republic)
checo {adj} [dated] :: Czechoslovakian
checo {m} :: a Czech
checo {m} :: the Czech language
checo {m} [slang, vesre, backslang] :: car (see checonato)
Checo {prop} :: given name
checonato {m} [vesre] :: car
checoslovaca {f} :: feminine noun of checoslovaco
checoslovaco {adj} [historical] :: Czechoslovakian (of, from or pertaining to Czechoslovakia)
checoslovaco {m} [historical] :: Czechoslovakian (person from Czechoslovakia)
Checoslovaquia {prop} {f} :: Czechoslovakia
cheddar {m} :: cheddar
cheerleader {mf} :: cheerleader
cheescake {m} :: synonym of tarta de queso
cheesecake {m} :: cheesecake
chef {mf} :: A chef, head cook
cheff {mf} :: alternative spelling of chef
cheje {m} :: link (of a chain)
cheje {m} :: golden-fronted woodpecker (Melanerpes aurifrons)
chekeré {m} :: sekere (musical instrument)
chela {f} [Central America, slang] :: feminine noun of chelo; blonde, fair-skinned, blue-eyed
chela {f} [Mexico, Peru, Chile, slang] :: beer
chele {m} [El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras] :: sleep [in the corner of the eye]
chele {m} [Dominican Republic] :: cent [currency]
chele {mf} [Honduras, Nicaragua, vesre] :: blond-haired
chele {mf} [vesre] :: milk
chele {mf} [vulgar, slang, Uruguay, Argentina, vesre] :: semen
chele {adj} [El Salvador, colloquial] :: fair-skinned
chelia {f} :: holly barberry
Cheliábinsk {prop} :: Cheliábinsk (oblast)
Cheliábinsk {prop} :: Cheliábinsk (city/administrative center)
chelín {m} :: shilling
chelista {mf} :: cellist
chelito {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: sleep (in the corner of the eye)
chelito {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: correction fluid
chelito {adj} :: white (white-skinned)
chelo {adj} [Central America, slang] :: blonde, fair-skinned, blue-eyed
chelo {m} [Central America, slang] :: a blonde, fair-skinned, blue-eyed man
chelo {m} :: cello (musical instrument)
Chelo {prop} :: given name
Chema {prop} {m} :: given name
Chema {prop} {m} :: nickname of José María
Chemnitz {prop} :: Chemnitz (city)
chenchén {m} :: A type of savoury cake from Dominican Republic, made of corn
chenchena {f} [Llanos] :: hoatzin
chengyu {m} [linguistics] :: chengyu
chepa {f} [colloquial] :: hump (of a camel)
chepa {f} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: luck
Chepa {prop} {f} :: given name
chepano {adj} :: Of or from Chepo
chepano {m} :: Someone from Chepo
Chepe {prop} {m} [colloquial, Costa Rica] :: Nickname for San José in Costa Rica
Chepén {prop} :: Chepén (province)
Chepén {prop} :: Chepén (city/provincial capital)
chepeño {m} [colloquial, Costa Rica] :: Nickname for resident of San José ("Chepe") in Costa Rica
chepeño {adj} [colloquial, Costa Rica] :: Belonging or relating to San José ("Chepe") in Costa Rica
Chépica {prop} {m} :: Chépica (city)
chepicano {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Chépica
chepiche {m} :: synonym of tepiche
cheque {m} :: cheque [US], blank cheque [Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, UK]
chequear {vt} :: to check
chequear {vt} :: to examine
cheque en blanco {m} :: blank check [US], blank cheque [Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK] (a signed cheque with the value left blank)
chequeo {m} :: check
chequeo {m} :: examination; check-up
chequeo {m} :: checkpoint
chequera {f} :: chequebook, checkbook
chequeré {m} :: alternative spelling of chekeré
Chequia {prop} {f} :: Czech Republic
chera {f} :: feminine noun of chero
Cherkessk {prop} :: Cherkessk (city)
Chernóbil {prop} :: Chernóbil (city)
Chernóbyl {prop} :: alternative spelling of Chernóbil
chero {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: close friend, pal
cheroqui {m} :: Cherokee (language)
cheroqui {mf} :: Cherokee (person)
cheroqui {adj} :: Cherokee
chéroqui {adj} :: alternative form of cheroqui
chéroqui {mf} :: alternative form of cheroqui
chéroqui {prop} {m} :: alternative form of cheroqui
cherry {m} :: cherry tomato
chesco {m} [slang, Mexico] :: soft drink
chéster {m} :: Cheshire cheese
cheto {adj} [Uruguay] :: great, sweet, brill
cheto {adj} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: posh, snobbish
cheurón {m} :: chevron
che vaqueira {f} [linguistics] :: The allophone of the phoneme /ʎ/ as pronounced in certain dialects of Asturleonese, corresponding to the phonemes [ɖ], [dʐ], [tʂ] or [t͡s]
cheve {f} [slang, Mexico] :: beer
chévere {adj} [slang, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, El Salvador, ] :: terrific, cool, awesome, nifty
chévere {m} [Guatemala] :: hot dog
cheverísimo {adj} :: superlative of chévere
chevrón {m} :: alternative form of chebrón
Chéxpir {prop} :: alternative spelling of Shakespeare
cheyenés {adj} :: Cheyenne (of or pertaining to the indigenous Cheyenne people)
cheyenés {adj} :: Cheyenneite (of or pertaining to Cheyenne, Wyoming)
cheyenés {m} :: Cheyenne (a member or descendant of the indigenous Cheyenne people)
cheyenés {m} :: Cheyenneite (native or resident of Cheyenne, Wyoming)
cheyenesa {f} :: feminine noun of cheyenés
chía {f} :: chia (seed of Salvia plants)
chiamana {f} :: feminine noun of chimán
chiapaneco {adj} :: From or related to the Mexican state of Chiapas
chiapaneco {m} :: Someone from Chiapas
Chiapas {prop} {m} :: Chiapas (state)
Chiba {prop} :: Chiba (prefecture)
Chiba {prop} :: Chiba (capital city)
chibcha {adj} :: Muisca
chibcha {mf} :: Muisca
chibchense {adj} :: Chibchan
chic {adj} :: elegant
chic {m} :: elegance
chica {f} :: feminine noun of chico, girl
chica {f} [colloquial] :: gal, chick
Chicago {prop} :: Chicago (large city)
chicana {f} :: chicanery, deception
chicana {f} :: trick, prank
chicana {f} :: feminine noun of chicano; Chicana
chicanear {v} :: to hoodwink; deceive
chicano {adj} [of a person] :: of Mexican descent and living in the United States
chicano {m} :: Chicano
chicatana {f} :: leafcutter
chicazo {m} :: tomboy
chicha {f} :: chicha (fermented beverage, most commonly made from maize, grapes or apples)
chicha {f} [Panama, Peru] :: juice, soft drink
chicha {f} [vulgar] :: boob (female breast)
chicha {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: meat; flesh (culinary term)
Chicha {prop} {f} :: given name
chichar {v} [vulgar, Latin America] :: to have sex with, to fuck
chícharo {m} [Mexico] :: pea
chicharrar {v} :: alternative form of achicharrar
chicharrero {adj} :: From Santa Cruz de Tenerife
chicharrero {m} :: Someone from Santa Cruz de Tenerife
chicharro {m} :: Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus)
chicharro {m} [colloquial, soccer] :: goal
chicharrón {m} :: fried pork rind, greaves
chicharronera {f} :: A chicharrones restaurant
chichera {f} :: feminine noun of chichero
chichería {f} :: A chicha bar or brewery
chichero {m} :: chicha seller
chichero {m} :: chicha manufacturer
chicheta {f} :: A thumbtack (US), or drawing pin (UK)
chichi {m} [vulgar] :: pussy; cunt (vulva)
chichi {m} [Panama] :: baby
chichi {m} [Honduras, colloquial] :: kid
chichi {m} [colloquial, Mexico, often, in the plural] :: boob (breast)
chichi {m} [Latin America, childish] :: pee
chichí {m} [colloquial, often childish] :: pee
chichí {m} :: alternative form of chichi
chichicuilote {m} [Mexico] :: plover
chichicuilote {m} [Mexico] :: Wilson's plover (Charadrius wilsonia)
chichifo {m} [Mexico, gay slang] :: male prostitute, he-whore (he who has only or chiefly male clients)
chichigua {f} [Dominican Republic] :: kite
chichimeca {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Chichimeca peoples
chichimeco {adj} :: alternative form of chichimeca
chichiquelite {m} [Mexico, botany] :: black nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
chicho {m} [regional, Caribbean, ] :: a roll of stomach fat, a love handle
chichón {adj} :: joking
chichón {adj} [Latin America] :: having large breasts
chichón {m} :: bump on the head
chickenwing {m} :: chickenwing
chiclán {adj} :: having only one visible testicle
chiclayana {f} :: feminine noun of chiclayano
chiclayano {adj} :: Of or from Chiclayo
chiclayano {m} :: Someone from Chiclayo
Chiclayo {prop} :: Chiclayo (city)
chicle {m} :: chewing gum
chicle {m} :: chicle
chiclero {m} [Mexico] :: A person who extracts gum from wild or cultivated trees
chicloso {adj} :: sticky, chewy
chicloso {adj} [Mexico] :: clingy
chicloso {m} [Costa Rica, Mexico] :: taffy
chico {adj} :: small
chico {m} :: boy; kid
chico {m} [Mexico] :: white-nosed coati (Nasua Narica)
chico {m} [Mexico] :: raccoon (Procyon lotor)
CHICO {prop} :: Cámara Hondureña de la Industria de la Construcción
chicoleo {m} :: flirtatious comment; compliment
chicoria {f} :: alternative form of achicoria
chicota {f} :: feminine noun of chicote
chicotazo {m} :: lash with a whip
chicote {m} [colloquial] :: robust young person
chicote {m} :: cigarette butt
chicote {m} [Latin America] :: whip
chicozapote {m} :: sapodilla
chicuate {m} :: burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia)
chicuela {m} :: pejorative of chica
chicuelina {f} [bulfighting] :: a move where the bullfighter faces the bull head-on, and as the bull approaches the bullfighter moves the cape to the side and wraps himself in it
chicuelo {m} :: kid; child
chicungunya {f} :: alternative spelling of chikungunya
chido {adj} [Mexico, slang] :: cool, acceptable, easy
chifa {mf} [South America] :: A Chinese restaurant
chifa {mf} :: Peruvian Chinese cuisine
chifera {f} :: feminine noun of chifero
chifero {m} [Latin America] :: A chifa worker
chifita {m} :: diminutive of chifa
chiflado {adj} :: nuts, nutty, crazy, wacky, loony, screwy, batty, daft, cuckoo, barmy, dotty
chiflado {m} :: crackpot, kook, nutcase, nut, nutter, wacko, whack job
chifladura {f} :: craziness, madness
chifladura {f} :: crazy or foolish act
chiflar {vi} :: to whistle
chiflar {vt} :: to whistle at
chiflarse {v} :: reflexive of chiflar
chiflato {m} :: whistle
chifle {m} :: whistle
chiflido {m} :: whistle (sound made by whistling)
chifón {m} :: chiffon
chigüire {m} [Venezuela] :: capybara
chihuahua {f} :: chihuahua (breed of dog)
Chihuahua {prop} {m} :: Chihuahua (city/state capital)
Chihuahua {prop} {m} :: Chihuahua (municipality)
Chihuahua {prop} {m} :: Chihuahua (state)
chihuahueña {f} :: feminine noun of chihuahueño
chihuahueño {m} :: Chihuahua (the breed of dog or an individual Chihuahua of this breed)
chihuahuense {adj} :: Of or related to the Mexican state of Chihuahua
chihuahuense {mf} :: Someone from Chihuahua
chií {mf} :: Shi'ite
chií {m} :: Shia
chií {adj} :: Shi'ite
chiic {m} :: white-nosed coati (Nasua narica)
chiismo {m} :: Shi'ism
chiísmo {m} :: alternative spelling of chiismo
chiita {adj} :: Shi'ite
chiita {mf} :: Shi'ite
chiita {mf} :: Shia
chiíta {mf} :: Shiite
chijaukay {m} :: A Peruvian Chinese (chifa) dish consisting of stir-fried chicken in Chu Hou sauce
chikunguña {m} :: chikungunya
chikungunya {f} :: chikungunya
chilaba {f} :: djellaba
chilacayote {m} :: a species of squash, Cucurbita ficifolia
chilacayote {m} :: any of several other species of wild gourd-like plants, such as Marah macrocarpus or Cucurbita foetidissima
chilamate {m} :: Name for various fig species:
chilamate {m} [Costa Rica] :: snakelike fig (Ficus colubrinae)
chilamate {m} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua] :: gouti fig (Ficus insipida)
chilamate {m} [Nicaragua] :: obtuseleaf fig (Ficus obtusifolia)
chilamate {m} :: petiolate fig (Fius petiolaris)
chilamate {m} [Costa Rica] :: Tonduz fig (Ficus tonduzii)
chilamate {m} [Costa Rica] :: Wercklé fig (Ficus werckleana)
chilango {adj} [slang] :: from Mexico City
chilango {m} [slang] :: someone from Mexico City
chilanguismo {m} :: The culture, philosophy, or linguistic elements characteristic of natives of Mexico City
chilaquiles {mp} :: chilaquiles
chilate {m} [El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua] :: A traditional beverage, the contents thereof consist of ground toasted corn and allspice
chilcano {m} [Peru] :: A soup made with fish heads
chilcano {m} [Peru] :: A traditional Peruvian cocktail
chilchi {m} [Bolivia] :: drizzle
chilchote {m} [Mexico] :: A spicy, green variety of chili pepper used in cooking
chile {m} [Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Philippines] :: chili, chilli, chile
chile {m} [vulgar, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico] :: penis
Chile {prop} {m} :: Chile (country)
chile ancho {m} :: poblano pepper
chile con carne {m} :: alternative form of chili con carne
chile dulce {m} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras] :: bell pepper, sweet pepper
chile en polvo {m} :: chili powder
chile morrón {m} [El Salvador, Honduras] :: bell pepper, sweet pepper
chilena {f} :: feminine noun of chileno
chilena {f} :: bicycle kick
chilenidad {f} :: The state or quality of being Chilean
chilenismo {m} :: Chileanism
chilenización {f} :: Rendering of something (more) Chilean
chileno {adj} :: Chilean
chileno {m} :: Chilean
chile panameño {m} :: bonnet pepper (Capsicum chinense)
chilera {f} :: chili chef
chilera {f} :: great kiskadee
chilguete {m} [vulgar, El Salvador] :: cum, semen
chili {m} :: chili, chili con carne (dish)
chili con carne {m} :: chili con carne
chilindrón {m} :: A sauce made of tomato, red pepper and garlic
chilla {f} :: The South American gray fox
chillaneja {f} :: feminine noun of chillanejo
chillanejo {adj} :: Of or from Chillán
chillanejo {m} :: Someone from Chillán
chillar {v} :: to shriek, to screech
chillar {v} :: to creak
chillar {v} :: to sizzle, to hiss
chillar {v} [colloquial] :: to speak; say a word
chillido {m} :: shriek, screech, squawk, hoot
chillo {m} :: cry, troat, squeal, hoot
chillón {adj} :: flashy, bright
chillón {adj} :: squeaky
chillón {adj} :: loud; rambunctious
chillón {adj} [Mexico] :: crybabyish; weepy
chillón {adj} [Mexico] :: cowardly
chillón {m} :: loud person; loudmouth
chillonamente {adv} :: brightly
chilocuil {m} :: alternative form of chinicuil
chilota {adj} :: Of or from the Chiloé Archipelago
chilota {mf} :: Someone from the Chiloé Archipelago
chilote {adj} :: native to Chiloé island, in southern Chile
chilote {m} :: a person from Chiloé island, in southern Chile
chilote {m} [Argentina, slang, sometimes, pejorative] :: a Chilean
chilpachole {m} :: A thick soup prepared with chili and shellfish, usually crab or prawns
Chilpancingo {prop} :: Chilpancingo (city/state capital)
Chilpancingo {prop} :: Chilpancingo (municipality)
chilpancingueño {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican city of Chilpancingo
chilpayata {f} :: feminine noun of chilpayate
chilpayate {m} [Mexico] :: kid (young child)
chiltoma {f} [Nicaragua] :: sweet pepper, bell pepper
chimalteco {adj} :: Of or from the department of Chimaltenango, Guatemala
chimalteco {m} :: Someone from the department of Chimaltenango, Guatemala
Chimaltenango {prop} :: Chimaltenango (department)
chimán {adj} :: Tsimané
chimán {m} :: Tsimané
chimango {m} :: chimango caracara
chimba {adv} [Colombia, colloquial] :: properly, pleasantly. Equivallent to English adverbial cool as in:
Chimbarongo {prop} {m} :: Chimbarongo (city)
chimbaronguino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Chimbarongo
chimbera {f} [Spain, Navarre, Basque Country] :: carbine
chimbita {adv} :: diminutive of chimba
chimbita {adj} :: diminutive of chimba
chimbo {adj} [Venezuela] :: worn out, old, crappy
chimbo {adj} [Colombia] :: cool, great
chimbo {adj} [Paraguay, Venezuela] :: fake
chimbo {m} [Honduras] :: gas cylinder
chimbo {m} [Colombia] :: penis
chimbo {m} [Basque Country] :: any of several passerine birds, including shrikes, redstarts and warblers
chimbolo {m} [El Salvador] :: molly
chimbomba {f} [El Salvador] :: Christmas tree ball-shaped ornament, Christmas bauble [UK]
chimbomba {f} [Nicaragua] :: balloon
chimenea {f} :: chimney
chimenea {f} :: smokestack (of a train or factory)
chimenea {f} :: funnel (of a ship)
chimenea {f} :: fireplace, fireside, hearth
chimento {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: gossip; talk about celebrities
chimichanga {f} :: chimichanga
chimichurri {m} :: chimichurri
chimol {m} :: A type of sauce from Honduras made with culantro, chilis, tomatoes and onion
chimpancé {m} :: chimpanzee
chimpanchole {m} :: alternative spelling of chilpachole
chimpún {m} [Peru] :: football/soccer boot
chimú {adj} :: Chimú
chimú {mf} :: Chimú
chimuelo {adj} [Mexico] :: toothless
chin {m} [regional, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic] :: small amount
china {f} :: pebble, small stone (usually rounded)
china {f} [Venezuela] :: slingshot
china {f} :: A Chinese woman
china {f} [pejorative, South America] :: female servant in a hacienda
china {f} [Puerto Rico] :: orange (fruit)
China {prop} {f} :: China (country)
China continental {prop} {f} :: mainland China
chinado {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy
chinamo {m} [Honduras, Nicaragua] :: stall (in a fair)
chinamo {m} [Honduras, Nicaragua] :: a ride in an amusement park
chinampa {f} [Mexico] :: Each of the artificial islands employed in the chinampa method of agriculture. Such islands were often built on wooden rafts during the pre-Columbian era
chinampero {adj} [of a crop or plant, Mexico] :: Cultivated in a chinampa
chinampero {m} [Mexico] :: A person who cultivates using chinampas
Chinandega {prop} :: Chinandega (department)
chinandegana {f} :: feminine noun of chinandegano
chinandegano {adj} :: Of or from Chinandega
chinandegano {m} :: Someone from Chinandega
chinanteca {f} :: feminine noun of chinanteco
chinanteco {adj} :: Chinantecan
chinanteco {m} :: Chinantecan
Chincha {prop} :: Chincha (province)
chinchar {v} [colloquial] :: to pester, bother
chinchar {v} [obsolete] :: to kill
chinche {f} :: bedbug
chinche {f} :: thumbtack
Chinchero {prop} :: Chinchero (district)
chincheta {f} :: drawing pin, thumbtack
chinchilla {f} :: chinchilla
Chinchilla {prop} :: A surname
chinchilla chilena {f} :: long-tailed chinchilla
chinchilla cordillerana {f} :: short-tailed chinchilla
chinchilla costera {f} :: long-tailed chinchilla
chinchilla de cola corta {f} :: short-tailed chinchilla
chinchilla de cola larga {f} :: long-tailed chinchilla
chinchilla del altiplano {f} :: short-tailed chinchilla
chinchilla menor {f} :: long-tailed chinchilla
chinchilla peruana {f} :: short-tailed chinchilla
chinchilla real {f} :: short-tailed chinchilla
chinchín {interj} :: chin chin
chinchín {m} :: drizzle
Chinchón {prop} {m} :: A town in Madrid, Spain
chinchorrito {m} :: diminutive of chinchorro
chinchorro {m} :: dragnet
chinchorro {m} :: (small) rowboat
chinchorro {m} :: hammock
chinchorro {m} [Panama] :: whip; lash
chinchoso {adj} :: annoying, bothersome
chinchoso {adj} [Latin America] :: grouchy, irritable, picky
chincol {m} [Chile] :: rufous-collared sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis)
chindondo {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: lump, sore on the skin from a blow
chinear {v} :: to carry in one's arms
chinear {v} :: to spoil (someone)
chinear {vr} :: to worry
chinela {f} :: slipper
chinela {f} :: flip-flop
chinelo {m} :: A kind of traditional costumed dancer for the Mexican state of Morelos
chinesco {adj} [archaic] :: Chinese
chinesco {adj} :: Chinese-like
chingada {f} [Mexico, vulgar, slang] :: hooker, whore
chingada {f} [Mexico, vulgar, slang] :: toss, shit, flying fuck (used in the phrase "[no] importar una chingada")
chingadazo {m} [Mexico] :: thwack; whack; bash
chingadera {f} [dated] :: A small pile, such as of firewood
chingadera {f} [Mexico, vulgar] :: an immoral or illegal act, often with the idea of treason or deceit
chingadera {f} [Mexico, vulgar] :: shit, crap (a thing of little value or quality, or an unspecified object)
chingadera {f} [Mexico, vulgar] :: bullshit (nonsense, stupidity, false statements)
chingado {adj} [Mexico, vulgar] :: fucking
chingado {interj} [Mexico, colloquial, vulgar, also in plural] :: fuck, hell
chingados {interj} [vulgar, Mexico] :: fuck, hell
chingana {f} :: tavern; bar
chingar {v} [Mexico, vulgar] :: to bother, to fuck with
chingar {v} :: to engage in sexual intercourse, to fuck
chingar {v} [Mexico, vulgar] :: to be wrong; to screw up, to fuck up
chingar {v} [Mexico, vulgar] :: to steal, to swipe
chingar {v} [Mexico, vulgar] :: to break
chingar {v} [Mexico, vulgar] :: to work hard; to bust one's ass
chingar a su madre {v} [Mexico, usually in imperative] :: to fuck oneself
chingarle {v} [idiom] :: to work hard
chinglés {m} :: Chinglish
chingo {adj} [Venezuela] :: snub-nosed
chingo {m} [Mexico, vulgar] :: a large amount of something; a whopper
chingo {m} :: Está lloviendo un chingo, "It's raining a whopper"
chingo {m} :: Me gusta un chingo, "I like it a hell of a lot."
chingolo {m} :: Any of a number of different species of sparrow
chingón {adj} [Mexico, colloquial, of a person] :: intelligent, skilled, capable
chingón {adj} [Mexico, colloquial] :: cool, very good
chingón {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: an intelligent, skilled, capable person
chingón {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: someone or something cool, awesome, very good
chingón {m} [Mexico, colloquial, vulgar] :: a tough, uncompromising, or intimidating person
chingona {f} :: feminine noun of chingón
chingoncísimo {adj} :: superlative of chingón
chingonería {f} [Mexico, slang] :: badass, awesome, kickass, wonder, belter, ripper, something great
chingue {m} [Chile] :: skunk (animal, Conepatus chinga or any of the family Mephitidae)
chingue {m} [Chile] :: skunk (bad smelling person)
chinguear {v} [especially, Colombia] :: synonym of chingar
chinicuil {m} [Mexico] :: The edible larva of the moth Hypopta agavis, used in traditional Mexican cuisine
chiñisiri {m} :: A traditional dance of Bolivia
chinita {f} :: feminine noun of chinito
chinito {m} :: diminutive of chino
chino {adj} :: Chinese
chino {m} :: Chinese person
chino {m} [Latin America] :: (pejorative) Any Oriental person in general: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Mongolian, etc
chino {m} :: Chinese (language)
chino {m} [colloquial] :: An incomprehensible language
chino {m} [colloquial, Cuba, uncountable] :: chickenpox
chino {m} [colloquial] :: A Chinese-run establishment
chino {m} :: a Chinese restaurant
chino {m} [Spain] :: variety store (pound shop, dollar store) owned by a Chinese immigrant
chino {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: heroin taken by chasing the dragon
chino {adj} :: curly
chino {m} :: someone with curly hair
chino {m} [Colombia] :: kid
chinocuil {m} :: alternative form of chinicuil
chino mandarín {m} :: Mandarin (language)
chino tuerto {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: penis
Chío {prop} {f} :: given name
chip {m} :: chip (circuit)
chipa {f} [Colombia] :: basket
chipa {f} [Colombia] :: roll (something with a cylindrical shape)
chipá {f} [Argentina, Paraguay] :: corn cake
chipear {v} [Chile] :: to pay (for) in cash
chipilín {m} :: A perennial legume whose greens are eaten in Mexico and Central America, but which is restricted as an invasive weed by many countries, Crotalaria longirostrata
chipionera {f} :: feminine noun of chipionero
chipionero {adj} :: Of or from Chipiona
chipionero {m} :: Someone from Chipiona
chipirón {m} :: small squid, especially the European squid (Loligo vulgaris)
chipo {m} [Venezuela] :: kissing bug, barber bug (Triatoma infestans)
chipo {m} [electronics] :: chip
chipote {m} [Mexico] :: bump on the head
chipote {m} [by extension, colloquial, Mexico] :: bulge, lump
chipote {m} [Central America] :: slap (blow with the open hand)
chipotle {m} :: chipotle
Chipre {prop} {m} :: Cyprus
chipriota {adj} :: Cypriot
chipriota {mf} :: Cypriot
chipset {m} :: chipset
chiquear {v} [Cuba, Mexico] :: to pamper; spoil rotten
chiquero {m} :: pigsty (shelter for pigs)
chiquero {m} [figuratively] :: pigsty (very untidy place)
chiqui {mf} :: kid; young'un
chiquigüite {m} :: alternative form of chiquihuite
chiquihuite {m} [Guatemala, Mexico] :: A small, handleless woven wicker or reed basket
chiquilín {m} [Latin America, Central America, South America] :: a young boy
chiquilina {f} :: little girl
chiquilla {f} :: feminine noun of chiquillo
chiquillada {f} :: childishness
chiquillería {f} :: kids; children
chiquillería {f} :: childish act
chiquillo {m} :: diminutive of chico
chiquillo {m} [colloquial] :: kid (young person)
chiquillo {m} [colloquial] :: kid (child)
Chiquimula {prop} :: Chiquimula (department)
chiquita {f} :: feminine noun of chiquito
chiquita {f} [colloquial] :: A girl, young woman
chiquitano {adj} :: Chiquitano
chiquitano {m} :: Chiquitano (language)
chiquitano {m} :: Chiquitano
chiquitico {adj} [Latin America, Nothern Spain] :: tiny, teeny
chiquitillo {adj} :: diminutive of chico, teeny-weeny
chiquitín {adj} :: diminutive of chiquito
chiquitín {m} :: diminutive of chiquito
chiquitina {f} :: feminine noun of chiquitín
chiquitito {adj} :: diminutive of chiquito
chiquitito {m} :: diminutive of chiquito
chiquito {adj} :: diminutive of chico
chiquito {m} :: diminutive of chico
chiribita {f} :: daisy
chiricano {adj} :: of or from Chiriquí, a Panamanian province
chiricano {m} :: Someone from Chiriquí
chirigota {f} :: joke, shtick
chirigota {f} :: Satirical and costumed musical comedy group during the carnival period
chiriguana {f} :: feminine noun of chiriguano
chiriguano {adj} :: Chiriguano
chiriguano {m} :: Chiriguano
chirigüe {m} :: yellow finch
chirimbolo {m} [colloquial] :: thingy, whatsit
chirimbolo {m} :: circular adornment
chirimía {f} :: chirimia (type of shawm)
chirimiri {m} [Spain, Burgos, Navarre] :: drizzle
chirimiya {f} :: a type of clarinet
chirimol {m} [El Salvador] :: salty and sour salad consisting most importantly of tomato, onion and cilantro
chirimoya {m} :: The fruit of the chirimoyo, the cherimoya
chirimoyo {m} :: A South American fruit tree, Annona cherimola, whose fruit is the chirimoya
chiringo {m} :: bar (drinking establishment)
chiringuito {m} :: diminutive of chiringo; temporary open air bar, and snack bar, commonly on the beach in summer
chiringuito {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: shade company, association
chiripa {f} :: fluke (lucky or improbable occurrence)
chiripa {f} [Venezuela] :: Blattella germanica (German roach)
chiripá {m} [Argentina] :: A triangular shawl worn on the waist in gaucho culture
Chiriquí {prop} :: Chiriquí (province)
chirivía {f} :: parsnip
chirlar {v} [colloquial] :: to waffle loudly
chirlo {m} :: cut; slash
chirlo {m} :: scar
chirmol {m} [Guatemala] :: sour sauce consisting mainly of roasted tomatoes, onions and lime juice. It also contains roasted garlic, cilantro, salt, and pepper. Some type of chili pepper might be added to make it spicy, like serrano pepper or jalapeño pepper. The sauce is used to accompany steak. grilled chicken, nachos, etc
chirmol {m} [El Salvador, Honduras] :: salty and sour sauce consisting most importantly of tomato, onion and cilantro
chiroca {f} :: white-edged oriole (Icterus graceannae)
chiroco {m} :: A kind of one-man band playing the panflute and the drum simultaneously
chirona {f} :: nick; can (jail)
chiroquera {f} :: feminine noun of chiroquero
chiroquero {m} [US Spanish] :: drywaller
chirri {m} [slang] :: joint
chirriado {m} :: chirp, squeak, wheek, creak, chirrup, screak
chirriante {adj} :: creaky, squeaky
chirriar {v} :: to hiss
chirriar {v} :: to sizzle
chirriar {v} :: to chirp
chirriar {v} :: to shriek
chirrido {m} :: chirp, squeak, wheek, creak, chirrup, screak, eek, chirr
chirrionera {f} :: whip snake
chisgarabís {mf} :: whippersnapper; young'un
chisguete {m} [colloquial] :: shot; sip (of a drink, especially wine)
chisguete {m} [colloquial] :: spurt
Chisinau {prop} {m} :: Chisinau (capital city/and/municipality)
chisme {m} :: gossip
chisme {m} :: trinket, gadget
chisme {m} [colloquial] :: thingy (something whose name one cannot recall)
chismear {v} :: to chat, gossip
chismografía {f} :: gossip
chismol {m} [El Salvador, Honduras] :: salty and sour salad consisting most importantly of tomato, onion, sweet pepper and culantro
chismorrear {v} :: to gossip
chismorreo {m} :: gossip
chismosear {v} [Latin America] :: to gossip; to chat
chismoso {adj} :: nosy
chismoso {adj} :: curious
chismoso {m} :: a gossip, informer, tattler
chispa {f} :: spark (small particle of glowing matter)
chispa {f} :: spark (small burst of electrical discharge)
chispa {f} :: chip
chispa {f} :: sprinkle
chispa {f} [colloquial] :: drunkenness, intoxication (state of being intoxicated with alcohol)
chispa {adj} [Mexico, colloquial] :: lively, vivacious, frisky (full of life and energy)
chispa {adj} [Spain, colloquial] :: tipsy (slightly drunk)
chispa {adj} :: feminine singular of chispo
chispa de chocolate {f} :: chocolate chip
chispa de chocolate {f} :: chocolate sprinkle
chispar {v} :: See chisparse
chisparse {vr} [Mexico] :: to escape
chispazo {m} :: spark
chispeante {adj} :: sparkling, sparkly, glimmering
chispear {v} :: to spark
chispear {v} :: to sprinkle; to spit (rain in fine droplets)
chispita {f} :: diminutive of chispa
chispo {adj} [colloquial] :: tipsy (slightly drunk)
chisporroteante {adj} :: sparkling, sizzling, crackling
chisporroteante {adj} :: cracking, zipping
chisporrotear {v} :: to sizzle
chisporroteo {m} :: spark (of a fire or electrical wire)
chisquero {m} :: lighter
chistar {v} :: to speak, normally in negation
chistar {v} :: to call attention
chiste {m} :: joke (told joke)
chiste {m} :: essence, importance, matter or purpose of something
chistera {f} :: top hat
chistero {m} :: funnyman; joketeller; comic
chistorra {f} :: chistorra
chistorrada {f} :: chistorra party; chistorra feast
chistosa {f} :: feminine noun of chistoso
chistosamente {adv} :: funnily, comically, amusingly
chistosísimo {adj} :: superlative of chistoso
chistoso {adj} :: jocular, funny
chistoso {m} :: joker
chita {m} [felid] :: cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
Chitá {prop} {f} :: Chitá (city)
chito {interj} :: shh, hush, silence
chitón {interj} :: shh, mum's the word
chitosán {m} [organic compound] :: chitosan
chitreano {adj} :: of or from Chitré, the capital of the Panamanian province of Herrera
chitreano {m} :: Someone from Chtiré
chiuque {m} :: chimango caracara
chiva {f} :: blanket, coverlet
chiva {f} :: goatee, beard
chiva {f} :: young female goat, kid
chiva {f} :: shutout in a game of dominoes
chiva {f} [Chile, colloquial] :: (false) pretence, lame excuse
chiva {f} [slang] :: heroin
chiva {f} :: feminine noun of chivo
chivar {v} :: to annoy
chivar {vr} [colloquial] :: to snitch, tattle, rat, egg, squeal
chivata {f} :: feminine noun of chivato
chivatazo {m} [colloquial] :: tip-off
chivatear {vt} [Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic] :: to snitch
chivatear {vi} [Argentina, Chile] :: to shout; to howl; to holler
chivatear {vi} [Argentina, Chile] :: to frolic
chivatear {vtp} [colloquial, Cuba] :: synonym of chispear
chivato {m} :: A snitch; telltale; informer; stool pigeon
chivato {m} :: A young goat that is between the ages of 6 months and one year old
chivato {m} :: A device that warns of an abnormality or draws attention to something
chivera {f} :: goatee
chiverre {m} [Costa Rica] :: chilacayote
chiví {m} :: Any warbler of the Myiothlypis genus
chiviado {adj} [Colombia, Bogota] :: Counterfeit, rip-off
chivirín {m} :: Any of a number of species of wren
chivísimo {adj} :: superlative of chivo
chivitería {f} [Uruguay] :: A restaurant that serves chivitos
chivito {m} :: diminutive of chivo
chivito {m} [Uruguay] :: chivito, a Uruguayan sandwich
chivo {m} :: goat (animal), kid (young male goat, most often)
chivo {m} [Nicaragua] :: A male who lives with a prostitute and benefits from her earnings, a pimp
chivo {m} [Cuba] :: informer, traitor
chivo {m} [Louisiana] :: someone from the city
chivo {m} [Peru, vulgar, derogatory] :: a homosexual
chivo {adj} [El Salvador, Costa Rica, slang] :: cool, awesome (said of a thing)
chivo expiatorio {m} :: scapegoat
chlorella {f} :: chlorella
Choachí {prop} :: Choachí (municipality)
choapino {m} [Chile] :: a small carpet
chobena {f} :: a type of dance from Bolivia
choborra {adj} [vesre] :: drunk; tipsy
chocante {adj} :: shocking
chocar {vit} :: to crash
chocar {vi} :: to bump into, to collide with (+ con)
chocar {vi} :: to shock, scandalize
chocar {vi} :: to crash into, to hit, to slam into, to collide with (+ contra)
chocar {vi} :: to annoy, to bother, to upset
chocarla {v} [idiom] :: to high five
chocar los cinco {v} :: to high five
chocarrería {f} :: bad taste joke
chocarrero {adj} :: filthy, dirty, bad taste
chocarse {v} :: reflexive of chocar
chocha {f} [ornithology] :: woodcock
chocha {f} [Caribbean, Central America, Puerto Rico, slang] :: pussy
chochear {v} :: to be senile, to be in one's dotage
Chocheño {prop} :: Chochenyo
chochera {f} :: senility
chochete {m} [vulgar, slang] :: pussy
chochez {f} :: senility
chochín {m} :: wren (bird)
chochita {f} :: sweetie pie; cutie; honey bunny
chocho {m} :: lupin beans, lupin fruit
chocho {m} :: cinnamon sweet
chocho {m} [vulgar, slang] :: cunt
chocho {adj} :: senile, doddery
chocho {adj} :: sentimental, soft
chocho {adj} [Central America, colloquial] :: Nicaraguan
chocho {m} [colloquial] :: drug addict
chocho {m} [Central America, colloquial] :: Nicaraguan
choclito {m} :: diminutive of choclo
choclo {m} [Latin America] :: corncob
choclo {m} [Latin America] :: corn (cereal plant)
choco {adj} [Chile] :: with unclothed arms
choco {m} :: cuttlefish
choco {m} [Chile] :: mullet (hairstyle)
Choco {prop} {f} [Mexico] :: A diminutive of the female given name María del Socorro
Choco {prop} :: surname
chocoano {adj} :: Of or from Chocó, a department of Colombia
chocoano {m} :: Someone from Chocó
chocochip {m} [colloquial] :: chocolate chip
chocolatada {f} :: chocolate milk
chocolate {m} :: chocolate (food made from cocoa beans)
chocolate {m} :: hot chocolate (drink made by dissolving chocolate in milk or water)
chocolate {m} [slang] :: hashish (the leaves of the Indian hemp plant)
chocolateado {adj} :: chocolaty
chocolate blanco {m} :: white chocolate
chocolatería {f} :: chocolate shop
chocolatería {f} :: chocolate factory
chocolatero {adj} [attributive] :: chocolate (of or relating to chocolate)
chocolatero {m} :: chocolatier (producer of chocolate)
chocolatillo {m} :: diminutive of chocolate
chocolatín {m} :: diminutive of chocolate
chocolatina {f} :: chocolate bar
chocomilk {m} :: chocolate milk
chocopanda {f} [Chile] :: mullet (hairstyle)
choctaw {m} :: Choctaw
chodrón {m} [Louisiana] :: cauldron
chofán {m} :: alternative form of chaulafán
chofer {m} :: chauffeur, driver
chófer {m} :: alternative form of chofer
choferil {adj} :: chauffeur
chogosiana {f} :: feminine noun of chagosiano
choique pampeano {m} :: greater rhea
chol {adj} :: Ch'ol
chol {mf} :: Ch'ol
chola {f} :: feminine noun of cholo
cholet {m} [architecture] :: A penthouse chalet
cholga {m} :: Magellan mussel
cholgua {m} :: Magellan mussel
cholismo {m} [uncountable] :: The culture of the cholos
cholismo {m} :: A word or expression from cholo culture used in Spanish
cholita {f} :: diminutive of chola
cholla {f} :: cholla (cactus)
cholla {f} [figurative] :: reason, understanding
cholla {f} [colloquial] :: head
chollar {v} [Central America] :: to strip; strip off; pluck
chollo {m} [colloquial] :: bargain
Chollywood {prop} {m} [colloquial] :: The film industry of Peru
cholo {m} [South America, pejorative] :: mestizo, person of mixed European and various degrees of Amerindian descent, especially if the person is of low economic resources
cholo {m} [Mexico, historical] :: a poor Mexican, often living in California during 19th century
cholo {m} [Mexico, US Spanish, colloquial, ] :: a person belonging to a street gang
cholo {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: ripped, with defined muscles
cholo {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: skillful (especially in a sport, but also figuratively in a dancing style, chess or a science)
cholotón {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: big, fat
cholotón {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: muscular, brawny, ripped
chomba {f} :: sweater, pullover
chombo {m} [Panama] :: A black man
chombo {adj} [Panama] :: Dark-skinned
chompa {f} [Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: jumper, sweater
chompipe {m} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua] :: turkey (bird)
chompita {f} :: diminutive of chompa
chon {m} [colloquial, Mexico, euphemistic] :: underpants, panties (of men or women)
chona {f} :: feminine noun of chono
choncholi {m} [Peru] :: chitterlings
chonera {f} :: feminine noun of chonero
chonero {adj} :: Of or from Chone Canton, Ecuador
chonero {m} :: An inhabitant of Chone Canton, Ecuador
chonga {f} :: feminine noun of chongo
chongo {m} :: bun (hairstyle)
chongo {m} :: brothel; whorehouse
chongo {m} [in plural] :: A Mexican dessert made with milk, sugar and cinnamon. The milk is scalded and rennet is added to start the formation of curds, like when making cheese
chongo {m} [Chile] :: blunt knife
chongo {m} [Uruguay] :: a nasty, mean, or unpleasant person
chongo {m} [Philippines] :: monkey
choni {f} [colloquial, pejorative, Spain] :: chavette, townie/towny woman
chonismo {m} :: chavism, trashiness
chono {adj} :: Chono
chono {m} :: Chono
chono {m} :: Chono (language)
chontaduro {m} :: peach palm (Bactris gasipaes)
chontal {adj} :: wild; savage
chontal {adj} :: Chontal
chontaleña {f} :: feminine noun of chontaleño
chontaleño {adj} :: Of or from Chontales Department
chontaleño {m} :: Someone from Chontales Department
Chontales {prop} :: Chontales (department)
chopear {v} [Mexico] :: to dunk (e.g. bread in a drink)
chóped {m} :: luncheon meat
chopera {f} :: poplar grove or plantation
chopito {m} :: A portion of small fried squid
chopo {m} :: black poplar (Populus nigra)
chopped {m} :: synonym of chóped
choque {m} :: collision, accident
chor {m} :: hot pants (pantalón corto)
chora {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: rude person
chora {adj} [vulgar, Chile] :: vagina
chorear {v} [Argentina, Chile, Peru] :: to steal
chorear {v} [Chile] :: to bug, to piss off
choreto {adj} [Venezuela] :: skew, crooked, unaligned
choreto {adj} [Venezuela] :: disfigured person
choreto {adj} [Venezuela] :: poorly made
choricera {f} :: feminine noun of choricero
choricero {m} :: chorizo maker or seller
choricero {m} :: thief
choricito {m} :: diminutive of chorizo
choripán {m} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] :: a sausage baked inside a pastry roll
choriqueso {m} :: choriqueso
chorito {m} :: Chilean mussel
chorizar {v} [colloquial] :: to nick; nab
chorizo {m} :: a type of sausage
chorizo {m} [Uruguay] :: a foolish person
chorizo {m} [vulgar, slang, Latin America] :: a penis
chorizo {m} [slang, Costa Rica] :: corruption
chorizo {m} [Spain] :: a crook
chorizo {m} [Spain, Mexico, Chile, colloquial] :: a thief
chorizo {adj} [vulgar, Chile] :: thefty, stuck-up, haughty
chorlitejo {m} :: plover (member of the family)
chorlitejo chico {m} :: little ringed plover
chorlitejo grande {m} :: ringed plover
chorlito {m} :: plover (bird)
chorlito {m} :: scatterbrain, airhead
chorlo {m} :: killdeer
chorlo {m} :: schorl
choro {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: cool
choro {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: brave and/or aggressive person
choro {m} [South America] :: mussel
choro {m} [Chile, vulgar] :: vulva
choro {m} [Chile] :: Chilean mussel
choro {m} [South America, Spain, vulgar] :: thief
choro {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: lip service, empty talk
choro {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: charlatan, quack
chorote {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Chorotes, a tribe living by the Pilcomayo River
chorote {m} :: A member of the Chorotes
chorotega {mf} :: Chorotega
chorotega {adj} :: Chorotega
chorra {mf} [Spain, colloquial] :: idiot
chorra {f} [colloquial] :: luck, chance
chorra {f} [Spain, vulgar] :: penis
chorra {adj} :: stupid, idiotic
chorrada {f} [colloquial] :: bullshit, guff
chorradita {f} :: diminutive of chorrada
chorras {mf} :: alternative form of chorra; idiot
chorras {mf} :: plural of chorra
chorreado {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: angry, sick and tired
chorreador {m} [Costa Rica] :: A coffee-brewing device consisting of a stand from which a cotton bag called a bolsita, holding coffee grounds, is suspended over a cup or coffee pot. Hot water poured into the grounds drips into the container below
chorreante {adj} :: sopping, dripping
chorrear {v} :: to spout, to gush
chorrear {v} :: to drip
chorrear {v} :: to trickle
chorrear {vp} [Chile, colloquial] :: to tire, to get sick and tired
chorreón {m} :: splash (small quantity of a liquid)
chorrero {adj} [colloquial] :: jammy
chorrero {adj} :: Chorrera
chorretón {m} :: splash (small quantity of a liquid)
chorrillana {f} [Mexico] :: A Mexican seafood dish with tomatoes, fish, vegetables
chorrillana {f} [Chile] :: A Chilean dish consisting of a bed of french fries topped with sauteed beef strips and onions with two fried eggs
chorrillana {f} :: feminine noun of chorrillano
chorrillano {adj} :: Of or from Chorrillos District, Peru
chorrillano {m} :: Someone from Chorrillos District, Peru
chorrillo {m} :: diminutive of chorro
chorrito {m} :: diminutive of chorro
chorro {m} :: flow; jet
chorro {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: ton, tons; bunch; pile
chorro {m} [Chile, slang] :: a poor person, ghetto, a criminal
chorro {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: coin purse
chorro {m} [Argentina, colloquial, lunfardo] :: thief
chorro {m} :: tap; faucet
chorromil {num} :: bazillion; gazillion
chortí {adj} :: Ch'orti'
chortí {m} :: Ch'orti'
chosco {m} :: A cured sausage from Asturias, made from pig intestines, solomillo and spices
chota {f} [vulgar, Uruguay] :: semen, cum
chota {f} [dated, slang, pejorative, El Salvador] :: the police institution, especially the military police before the 1992 Peace Accords
chota {f} [slang, Puerto Rico] :: snitch
chota {f} [vulgar, Río de la Plata] :: penis, cock
Chota {prop} :: Chota (province)
chotacabras {mf} :: nightjar
chotar {v} [obsolete, said of a kid goat] :: to suckle
Chotaxtiox {prop} :: alternative form of Xutixtiox
chotear {v} :: to mock
chotear {vr} :: to make fun of
chotear {v} [slang, Puerto Rico] :: to snitch (on)
chotis {m} [dance] :: A schottische
choto {m} :: suckling goat
chova {f} :: chough
chova piquigualda {f} :: alpine chough
chovinismo {m} :: chauvinism (excessive patriotism)
chovinista {mf} :: chauvinist
choza {f} :: hut
chozna {f} :: great-great-great-granddaughter
chozno {m} :: great-great-great-grandson, great-great-great-grandchild
chozo {m} :: small hut
christianidad {f} :: obsolete spelling of cristianidad
christianismo {m} :: obsolete spelling of cristianismo
christiano {adj} :: obsolete spelling of cristiano
christiano {m} :: obsolete spelling of cristiano
Christo {prop} {m} :: archaic spelling of Cristo
Chronos {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Chronos, Chronus (personification)
chubasco {m} :: downpour, squall
chubasquero {m} :: a waterproof raincoat
Chubut {prop} :: Chubut (province)
chubutense {adj} :: of or from Chubut
chubutense {mf} :: Someone from Chubut
chúcaro {adj} [Latin America, of a domesticated animal] :: untamed
chúcaro {adj} [Latin America, of a person] :: unfriendly, unsociable
chucha {f} [vulgar, slang, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Panama] :: cunt, vagina
chucha {f} [vulgar, slang, Colombia] :: body odor
chucha {f} [colloquial, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras] :: female dog
chucha {f} [slang, Colombia] :: opossum
chucha {interj} [vulgar, slang, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Panama] :: fuck!
chuchada {f} [vulgar slang, Chile] :: absurdities, nonsense
chuchango {m} [Canarian] :: land snail
chuche {m} :: sweet (sugary confection)
chucheca {f} [Panama, Costa Rica] :: A type of clam, Anadara tuberculosa
chuchequero {adj} :: Of or from Puntarenas, Costa Rica
chuchequero {m} :: Someone from Puntarenas, Costa Rica
chuchequero {m} :: clammer (someone who catches clams of the type Anadara tuberculosa))
chuchería {f} :: trifle (something of little importance)
chuchería {f} :: sweets, candy
chuchi {adj} [Paraguay] :: fancy, posh
chuchito {m} :: A kind of small tamal
chucho {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: mutt, mongrel
chucho {m} [colloquial, Guatemala, El Salvador] :: male dog (in general)
chucho {m} [colloquial, Chile] :: jail
chucho {m} [Chile] :: owl (Glaucidium nanum)
chucho {m} [El Salvador] :: miser (stingy person)
chucho {m} :: opossum
chucho {m} [Nueva Esparta] :: stingray
Chucho {prop} {m} :: A nickname for the given name Jesús
chuchoca {f} :: A dish similar to grits, common in the Andes
chuchonal {m} [Peru] :: buttload; shedload
chuchupate {m} :: [US Southwest and Northern Mexico] A wild plant related to lovage, Ligusticum porteri, which is used in traditional medicine
chuchupate {m} :: [Mexico] Balsam of Peru, Myroxylon balsamum
chuchupate {m} :: [California] A wild plant used in traditional medicine, Lomatium californica
chuclete {m} :: plunger
chuco {adj} [El Salvador, Guatemala] :: filthy; scummy; dirty
chucrut {m} :: sauerkraut
chucureña {f} :: feminine noun of chucureño
chucureño {adj} :: Of or from San Vicente de Chucurí
chucureño {m} :: Someone from San Vicente de Chucurí
chueca {f} :: stump (of tree)
chueco {adj} [Latin America] :: crooked, bent, curved (not straight, having one or more bends or angles)
chueco {adj} [Latin America] :: crooked, oblique, (not at right angles, horizontal or vertical)
chueco {adj} [Mexico, slang] :: hot, stolen
chueco {adj} [Latin America] :: devious
chueta {mf} :: Xueta
chufa {f} :: chufa
chufa {f} :: tiger nut (edible tuber of that plant)
chufa {f} [colloquial] :: slap in the face
chufa {f} [archaic, colloquial] :: lie
chufar {v} :: to make fun of
chufar {v} :: to scoff
chufla {f} [colloquial] :: joke, piss-take
chuita {f} :: red-legged cormorant
chuj {mf} :: Chuj
chuj {adj} :: Chuj
Chukotka {prop} {f} :: Chukotka
chulada {f} [colloquial] :: beauty, comeliness, pulchritude, fantasticalness
chulapa {f} :: feminine noun of chulapo
chulapo {m} [Spain] :: Someone from certain Madrid neighbourhoods, known for their traditional dress
chulaputas {f} [Spain] :: brothel-keeper
chulco {m} [Latin America] :: usury
chulear {v} :: to compliment, to show off
chulear {v} [colloquial] :: to pimp
chulear {v} [colloquial] :: to exploit, sponge
chulear {v} :: to make fun of, ridicule
chulengo {m} :: chulengo
chulería {f} :: cockiness, boast
chulesco {adj} :: cocky, coarse, rough (attributive, having the qualities of a cocky person, with a cocky attitude)
chuleta {f} [of meat] :: chop
chuleta {f} [golf] :: divot
chuletería {f} :: steakhouse
chuletilla {f} :: diminutive of chuleta
chuletón {m} :: large steak
chuli {adj} [colloquial] :: cool; sweet
chuli {f} [colloquial] :: slut; slag; hooker (prostitute)
chulísimo {adj} :: superlative of chulo; extremely cool
chulito {adj} [Spain, colloquial, of people] :: diminutive of chulo; cocky (overly confident, arrogant and boastful)
chulla {adj} :: unpaired (sock, glove)
chulla {adj} [Ecuador] :: middle-class
chullo {m} :: chullo
chullpa {f} :: chullpa
chulo {adj} [of actions] :: cute, pretty, lovely, cool, nifty
chulo {adj} [Spain, colloquial, of people] :: cocky (overly confident, arrogant and boastful)
chulo {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: ordinary, common, vulgar, rascal
chulo {m} [Spain] :: pimp
chulón {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: naked
chulón {adj} [colloquial, figurative, El Salvador] :: scantily clothed
chulopiscinas {mf} :: lout, thug
chuloplaya {m} [colloquial] :: beachboy; poser at the beach
chuloputas {m} [Spain] :: pimp
chumacera {f} :: ball bearing
chumash {adj} :: Chumash
chumash {mf} :: Chumash
chumba {f} :: prick (penis)
chumbera {f} :: prickly pear
chumbo {m} :: The prickly pear
chumico {m} [Costa Rica] :: soapberry
chuminada {f} :: baloney; tosh
chumino {m} [Spain, vulgar] :: fanny; box (female sexual organ)
chumo {adj} [Guatemala, pejorative, colloquial] :: indigenous [said of a person]
chumpa {f} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: jacket
chumpe {m} [colloquial, El Salvador, Guatemala] :: turkey
chumpipe {m} :: wild turkey
chuña {f} :: seriema
chunche {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: thingy; thingamajig
chunchucuyo {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: parson's nose
chunchul {m} :: synonym of chunchullo
chunchullo {m} [Colombia] :: the grilled or fried chitterlings of a pig, cow or lamb, consumed in Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay and Chile
chunchurria {f} [Colombia, especially in Medellín and Manizales] :: the grilled or fried small intestine of a pig, cow or lamb
chungo {adj} [colloquial] :: in bad condition
chungo {adj} [colloquial] :: of bad quality
chungo {adj} [colloquial] :: complicated, difficult
chuño {m} [South America] :: freeze-dried potato; potato starch
chúntaro {m} [Mexico] :: hermit
chupa {f} [colloquial] :: leather jacket
chupa {f} [Philippines, historical] :: a chupa
chupaca {f} :: feminine noun of chupaco
chupacabras {m} [cryptozoology] :: chupacabras
chupachups {m} [Spain] :: lollipop
chupachús {m} :: alternative spelling of chupachups
chupacirios {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: Bible basher
chupaco {adj} [Peru] :: hooked on drugs
chupaco {m} :: druggy; drug addict
chupada {f} [slang] :: blowjob
chupado {adj} [colloquial] :: very skinny
chupado {adj} [colloquial] :: very easy, a piece of cake
chupador {adj} :: sucking
chupador {m} :: pacifier, sucker
chupaflor {m} [Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, Honduras, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] :: hummingbird
chupamangas {m} [vulgar, slang] :: brown-noser, creep, toady
chupamedias {mf} [colloquial, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru] :: bootlicker, ass-licker [US], arse-licker [UK], toady, sycophant, brown noser, asskisser
chupamiel {m} [Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua] :: hummingbird
chupapiedras {m} :: clingfish
chupapijas {mf} :: cocksucker
chupar {v} :: to suck
chupar {v} :: to absorb
chupar {v} [colloquial] :: to hog [to greedily take more than one's share, to take precedence at the expense of another or others.]
chupar {v} [colloquial] :: to hog [in team sports, abuse the individual game with the ball]
chupar {v} [Mexico, Chile, slang] :: to drink an alcoholic beverage
chupar {v} [Mexico, slang] :: to consume too fast or waste money, gasoline or another resource
chupar {v} [Mexico, slang] :: to lose muscular mass or strength
chupar {v} [Mexico, slang] :: to lose somebody the youthful or not-too-mature appearance
chupar {vr} [slang] :: to suck off
chupar {vr} [slang] :: to put up with
chuparrosa {f} [Mexico] :: hummingbird
chupársela {v} [idiom, vulgar] :: to suck off; suck; blow
chupasangre {mf} :: bloodsucker
chupasangres {m} [figuratively] :: bloodsucker
chupasavia {m} :: sapsucker
chúpate esa {phrase} :: put that in your pipe and smoke it; so there; in your face
chupatintas {m} [often, derogatory] :: a pencil pusher, a pen pusher (one who does routine office work)
chupe {m} [Chile, Peru, Panama] :: soup, made generally of potatoes, meat or fish and different vegetables
chupe mantequilla de mi culo {interj} [rare, vulgar] :: bugger off, eat a dick, fuck off, go to hell, piss off, sod off
chupenco {m} [Canary Islands] :: old, poor house
chupeta {f} [Peru] :: drunkenness
chupeta {f} [Venezuela] :: lollipop
chupete {m} :: pacifier
chupetear {v} :: to suck at
chupetín {m} :: lolly; lollipop
chupetón {m} [Spain] :: hickey (bruise-like mark)
chupi {adj} [Spain, colloquial] :: fab, awesome
chupinazo {m} :: a rocket used to mark the start of a party or other event, especially the San Fermín party in Pamplona
chupinera {f} :: feminine noun of chupinero
chupinero {m} :: Someone who releases the chupinazo
chupito {m} :: shot (small serving of drink)
chupón {adj} [Spain] :: hoarding, profiteering, sponging (said of a person who abuses a situation to get the best of it; in broad sense, not only referred to money or goods; it can be used as a noun)
chupón {m} [Latin America] :: hickey (bruise-like mark)
chupón {m} [botany] :: sucker (branch or trunk that devoids of nutrients the main part of the tree)
chupón {m} [Latin America] :: baby bottle
chupón {m} [Peru, Venezuela] :: pacifier, dummy
chupón {m} [Spain] :: ball hog [a player who keeps the ball to themselves, rather than passing it]
chupóptero {m} [Spain] :: bloodsucker, freeloader
chuquiragua {f} :: chuquiragua
Chuquisaca {prop} :: Chuquisaca (department)
chuquisaqueña {f} :: feminine noun of chuquisaqueño
chuquisaqueño {adj} :: Of or from Chuquisaca
chuquisaqueño {m} :: Someone from Chuquisaca
chura {f} [Paraguay] :: viscera; guts
churrasca {f} :: churrasco
churrascar {v} :: to fry, toast, grill
churrasco {m} :: churrasco; barbecued meat
churrasco {m} :: barbecue (meal or event highlighted by food cooked on a barbecue)
churrasquear {v} :: to barbecue
churrasquería {f} :: A churrasco restaurant
churre {f} :: thick grease
churre {mf} [Peru] :: kid; lad; lass
churrera {f} :: churrera (device for making churros)
churrera {f} :: churro maker or seller
churrería {f} :: churro shop, a place that sells churros
churrero {m} :: churro maker or seller
churretera {f} [colloquial, Chile] :: diarrhea
churretoso {adj} :: dirty; grimy; sullied
churri {mf} [colloquial] :: darling, dear, lover
churria {f} [vulgar, El Salvador] :: diarrhea
churrigueresco {adj} :: Churrigueresque
churrigueresco {m} :: Churrigueresque
churrín {m} :: tapaculo
churrito {m} :: diminutive of churro; small churro
churro {m} :: churro (type of fried pastry)
churro {m} [drugs, colloquial] :: joint (marijuana cigarette)
churro {m} [colloquial] :: botched up artwork
churro {adj} [colloquial, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, of a, person] :: attractive
churro {m} [colloquial, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia] :: spunk, Adonis, beefcake (physically desirable man)
churruscar {v} :: to crisp, burn, frazzle
Churubusco {prop} :: Churubusco (community in the Federal District, Mexico)
Churubusco {prop} :: Churubusco (town)
Churubusco {prop} :: Churubusco (hamlet)
churumbel {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: child, boy
Chus {prop} {m} :: Pet form of the male given name Jesús
Chus {prop} {f} :: Pet form of the female given name María Jesús (Jesusa)
chusca {f} [Louisiana] :: buzzard
chusco {adj} :: funny, amusing, charming
chusco {adj} :: malicious, cunning
chusco {m} :: piece of bread roll
chusco {m} [Peru] :: mongrel
chusma {f} [collective] :: mob (rude or vulgar group of people)
chusmear {v} :: to gossip
chusmear {v} :: to snoop
chusmear {v} :: to rat
chusquero {m} [military] :: ranker
chustilla {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: joint, roach (cannabis cigarette)
chut {m} [sports] :: shot
chutar {v} [football] :: to shoot a goal
chutar {v} [slang] :: to inject a drug intravenously, to shoot up
chuteador {m} :: football boot
Chutix Tiox {prop} :: alternative form of Xutixtiox
chutney {m} :: chutney
chuto {m} [colloquial] :: needle
chuvasia {f} :: feminine noun of chuvasio
Chuvasia {prop} {f} :: Chuvasia (republic)
chuvasio {adj} :: Chuvash
chuvasio {m} :: Chuvash
chuvasio {m} :: Chuvash
Chuy {prop} {m} :: given name
chuzada {f} [Colombia] :: phone hacking
chuzar {v} [Colombia] :: to prick
chuzo {m} :: spiked stick
chuzo {m} :: icicle
chuzo {m} [Chile] :: old horse
chuzo {m} [Chile] :: idiot; dummy
chuzo {m} [Chile] :: whip
CI {prop} :: abbreviation of Coahuila (Mexican state)
CI {m} :: initialism of cociente intelectual
ciaboga {f} [nautical] :: putting about, turning
ciaboga {f} [by extension] :: any change of direction
cian {adj} :: cyan
cian {m} :: cyan
cianato {m} :: cyanate
cianhídrico {adj} :: hydrocyanic
cianina {f} [protein] :: cyanin
cianita {f} :: kyanite (blue neosilicate mineral)
ciano- {prefix} [chemistry] :: cyano-
cianoacrilato {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyanoacrylate
cianobacteria {f} :: cyanobacterium
cianocobalamina {f} [vitamin] :: cyanocobalamin
cianogénico {adj} :: cyanogenic
cianógeno {m} [chemistry] :: cyanogen
cianómetro {m} :: cyanometer
cianosis {f} :: cyanosis
cianótico {adj} :: cyanotic
cianotipo {m} :: cyanotype
cianuro {m} :: cyanide (chemistry)
ciao {interj} :: alternative spelling of chau
ciar {v} :: to back water
ciática {f} [neurology, pathology] :: sciatica (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve)
ciático {adj} :: sciatic
cibaeña {f} :: feminine noun of cibaeño
cibaeño {adj} :: of or from Cibao region of the Dominican Republic
cibaeño {m} :: an inhabitant of the Cibao region of the Dominican Republic
Cibeles {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Cybele
ciber- {prefix} :: cyber-
ciber {m} :: alternative spelling of cíber
cíber {m} :: cybercafe; Internet cafe
ciberacosador {m} :: cyberstalker
ciberacosar {v} :: to cyberbully
ciberacoso {m} :: cyberbullying
ciberactividad {f} :: cyberactivity
ciberactivismo {m} :: cyberactivism
ciberactivista {mf} :: cyberactivist
ciberamiga {f} :: feminine noun of ciberamigo
ciberamigo {m} :: cyberfriend, Internet friend
ciberarma {m} :: cyber weapon
ciberataque {m} :: cyberattack
ciberayudante {mf} :: online helper
ciberbullying {m} :: cyberbullying
cibercafé {m} :: cybercafe, Internet cafe
ciberconflicto {m} :: cyberconflict
cibercrimen {m} :: cybercrime
cibercriminal {mf} :: cybercriminal
cibercultura {f} :: cyberculture
ciberdefensa {f} :: online defense
ciberdelincuencia {f} :: cybercrime
ciberdelincuente {mf} :: cybercriminal
ciberdelito {m} :: cybercrime
ciberespacial {adj} :: cyberspatial
ciberespacio {m} :: cyberspace
ciberespionaje {m} :: cyberespionage
ciberfeminismo {m} :: cyberfeminism
ciberfeminista {mf} :: cyberfeminist
ciberguerra {f} :: cyberwarfare, cyberwar
ciberincidente {m} :: online incident
ciberinteligencia {f} :: cyberintelligence
ciberintrusión {f} :: cyber-intrusion; hacking
ciberlector {m} :: cyberreader
ciberlunes {m} :: Cuber Monday
cibermundo {m} :: cyberworld
cibernauta {mf} :: internaut
cibernética {f} :: cybernetics
cibernéticamente {adv} :: cybernetically
cibernético {adj} :: cybernetic
ciberpesimista {mf} :: cyberpessimist
ciberpiratería {f} :: cyberpiracy
ciberpolicía {mf} :: cybercop
ciberporno {m} :: cyberporn
ciberpunk {m} :: cyberpunk
ciberrelajación {f} :: cyber-relaxation
ciberriesgo {m} :: cyber-risk
ciberseguridad {f} :: cybersecurity
ciberseguro {adj} :: cybersafe
ciberseguro {m} :: online insurance company
ciberserie {f} :: cyberseries
cibersexo {m} :: cybersex
cibersitio {m} :: website
cibersociedad {f} :: cybersociety
ciberterapia {f} :: cybertherapy
ciberterrorismo {m} :: cyberterrorism
ciberterrorista {mf} :: cyberterrorist
ciberusuaria {f} :: feminine noun of ciberusuario
ciberusuario {m} :: cybernaut
ciberutópico {adj} :: cyberutopian
ciberyihadismo {m} :: cyber-jihadism
cibolero {m} :: cibolero
ciborg {m} :: cyborg
cíborg {m} :: alternative form of ciborg
ciboulette {f} :: chive
cícada {f} :: cycad
cicatero {adj} :: miserly, mean, stingy
cicatero {m} :: miser
cicatriz {f} [skin] :: scar
cicatrización {f} :: scarring; cicatrization
cicatrizal {adj} :: belonging to a cicatrice or scar
cicatrizante {adj} :: healing
cicatrizante {m} :: healer
cicatrizar {vt} :: to cicatrize, to heal
cicatrizar {vr} :: to scar
cicatrizativo {adj} :: cicatrisitive
Cicerón {m} :: Cicero
cicerone {mf} :: guide, cicerone (person)
ciceroniano {adj} :: Ciceronian
cicla {f} [Colombia] :: bike; pushbike
ciclación {f} [organic chemistry] :: cyclization
Cícladas {prop} {fp} :: Cyclades (island chain)
cicládico {adj} :: Cycladic
ciclado {m} :: cycle
cicladora {f} :: cycler (machine)
ciclamato {m} :: cyclamate
ciclasa {f} [enzyme] :: cyclase
cíclicamente {adv} :: cyclically
cíclico {adj} :: cyclic
cíclido {m} :: cichlid
ciclina {f} [protein] :: cyclin
ciclióforo {m} [zoology] :: cycliophoran
ciclismo {m} :: cycling, cycle racing
ciclismo de montaña {m} :: mountain biking
ciclismo en pista {m} :: track cycling
ciclista {mf} :: cyclist, biker
ciclista {adj} :: cycling
ciclístico {adj} [attributive] :: cycling
ciclización {f} :: cyclization
ciclizina {f} :: cyclizine
ciclo {m} :: cycle
ciclo {m} :: series
ciclo {m} :: period
cicloadición {f} [organic chemistry] :: cycloaddition
cicloalcano {m} [organic compound] :: cycloalkane
cicloalqueno {m} [organic compound] :: cycloalkene
ciclobenzaprina {f} [organic compound] :: cyclobenzaprine
ciclobutano {m} [organic compound] :: cyclobutane
ciclobuteno {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyclobutene
ciclocrós {m} :: cyclocross
ciclo de Calvin {m} [biochemistry] :: Calvin cycle
ciclo de Krebs {m} [biochemistry] :: Krebs cycle
ciclo del agua {m} :: water cycle
ciclo del carbono {m} :: carbon cycle
ciclo de vida {m} :: life cycle
ciclodextrina {f} [carbohydrate] :: cyclodextrin
ciclodieno {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyclodiene
ciclofilina {f} [proteins] :: cyclophilin
ciclofosfamida {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: cyclophosphamide
ciclogénesis {f} :: cyclogenesis
cicloheptano {m} [organic compound] :: cycloheptane
ciclohexano {m} [organic compound] :: cyclohexane
ciclohexanona {f} [organic compound] :: cyclohexanone
ciclohexeno {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyclohexene
ciclohexilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyclohexyl
cicloheximida {f} [organic compound] :: cycloheximide
ciclo hidrológico {m} [technical] :: water cycle
cicloide {f} [geometry] :: cycloid
ciclol {m} :: cyclol
ciclomotor {m} :: moped
ciclón {m} :: cyclone
ciclónico {adj} :: cyclonic
ciclooxigenasa {f} [enzyme] :: cyclooxygenase
cíclope {m} :: cyclops
ciclopentadienilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyclopentadienyl
ciclopentadieno {m} [organic compound] :: cyclopentadiene
ciclopentano {m} [organic compound] :: cyclopentane
ciclopentanona {f} [organic compound] :: cyclopentanone
ciclopentanoperhidrofenantreno {m} [chemistry] :: cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene
ciclópeo {adj} :: mammoth, gargantuan, immense
ciclópeo {adj} :: cyclopean
ciclopéptido {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyclopeptide
ciclopía {f} :: cyclopia (birth defect)
ciclopropano {m} [organic compound] :: cyclopropane
ciclopropeno {m} [organic compound] :: cyclopropene
ciclopropilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyclopropyl
cicloptero {m} :: lumpfish
ciclorama {f} :: cyclorama
ciclorruta {f} :: bicycle path
cicloruta {f} :: bicycle path
ciclosilicato {m} :: cyclosilicate
ciclosporina {f} :: cyclosporine
ciclostilo {m} :: mimeograph
ciclóstilo {m} :: mimeograph
ciclotimia {f} :: cyclothymia
ciclotímico {adj} :: cyclothymic
ciclotómico {adj} :: cyclotomic
ciclotrón {f} :: cyclotron
cicloturismo {m} :: bicycle touring, bicycle tourism
cicloturista {mf} :: bicycle tourist
ciclovía {f} [Latin America] :: bicycle path, cycle path
cicuta {f} :: hemlock
Cid {prop} {m} :: Lord, Master
Cid {prop} {m} :: Knight
Cid {prop} {m} :: Rodrigo Díaz, better known as El Cid ("the Lord" or "the Master"). Also called just Cid or Campeador, a famous Castilian knight born in Vivar, Spain
-cida {suffix} :: -cide (denoting a person or substance that kills)
-cida {suffix} :: -cidal
cidiano {adj} :: of or pertaning to El Cid
-cidio {suffix} :: -cide (denoting an act of killing)
cidro {m} :: citron (tree)
ciega {f} :: feminine noun of ciego, blind person
ciega {f} [poker] :: blind
ciegamente {adv} :: blindly
ciego {m} :: blind person
ciego {m} [anatomy] :: caecum
ciego {adj} :: blind
Ciego de Ávila {prop} :: Ciego de Ávila (city)
Ciego de Ávila {prop} :: Ciego de Ávila (province)
cieguecica {f} :: diminutive of ciega
cieguecico {m} :: diminutive of ciego
cieguita {f} :: diminutive of ciega
cielito {m} :: A Uruguayan dance
cielo {m} :: sky
cielo {m} :: heaven
cielorraso {m} :: a smooth ceiling
ciemo {m} :: dung, manure
ciempiés {m} :: centipede
cien {num} :: apocopic form of ciento (one-hundred (100))
ciénaga {f} :: marsh, swamp
ciencia {f} :: science
ciencia {f} :: erudition, knowledge
ciencia ficción {f} :: science fiction
ciencia natural {f} :: natural science
ciencias naturales {fp} :: natural sciences
ciencia social {f} :: social science
ciencióloga {f} :: feminine noun of cienciólogo
cienciología {f} :: Scientology
cienciólogo {adj} :: Scientologist
cienciólogo {m} :: Scientologist
ciencista {mf} [Latin America] :: scientist
ciénega {f} :: marsh, swamp
cienfueguera {f} :: feminine noun of cienfueguero
cienfueguero {adj} :: Of or from Cienfuegos, a city in Cuba
cienfueguero {m} :: Someone from Cienfuegos, a city in Cuba
cienmil {num} :: one hundred thousand
cien millones {num} :: one hundred million
cieno {m} :: silt
cien por ciento {adv} :: To a complete extent; one hundred percent; completely; utterly; fully
científica {f} :: feminine noun of científico
científicamente {adv} :: scientifically
cientificidad {f} :: scientificity
cientificismo {m} :: scientism
científico {adj} :: scientific
científico {m} :: scientist
cientista {mf} :: scientist (of certain types of science)
cientista política {f} :: feminine noun of cientista político
cientista político {m} :: political scientist
ciento {num} [cardinal number] :: one-hundred (100)
ciento y la madre {n} [idiom] :: A lot of people; everyone and their mother
cierra la puerta al salir {interj} [idiomatic] :: don't let the door hit you on the way out, good riddance
cierre {m} :: shutting, closing
cierre {m} :: shutting device, fastener; buckle, clasp
cierre {m} :: shutter, blind
cierre {m} :: zipper
cierro {m} :: close, closing
cierro {m} [Chile] :: fence
ciertamente {adv} :: certainly
ciertísimo {adj} :: superlative of cierto
cierto {adj} [of a person] :: true
cierto {adj} [of a claim] :: true
cierto {determiner} :: a certain, a specific
çierto {adj} :: obsolete spelling of cierto
cierua {f} :: obsolete spelling of cierva
cieruo {n} :: obsolete spelling of ciervo
cierva {f} :: doe, hind (female deer)
ciervo {m} :: deer, stag
ciervo mulo {m} :: mule deer
ciervo rojo {m} :: red deer
ciervo volante {m} :: stag beetle
cierzo {m} [Spain] :: north-west wind in the Ebro valley
ciezana {f} :: feminine noun of ciezano
ciezano {adj} :: of or from Cieza
ciezano {m} :: Someone from Cieza
cifoescoliosis {f} [pathology] :: kyphoscoliosis
cifosis {f} [pathology] :: kyphosis
cifra {f} :: digit
cifra {f} :: number
cifra {f} :: amount
cifra {f} :: cipher; code
cifrador {m} [cryptography] :: cipher
cifrar {vtr} :: to value, quantify, aggregate
cifrar {vt} :: to write in code, cypher
cigala {f} :: Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)
cigalita {f} :: diminutive of cigala
cigarillo {m} :: nonstandard form of cigarrillo
cigarra {f} :: cicada
cigarral {m} :: country house
cigarrera {f} :: cigar vendor
cigarrera {f} :: cigar box
cigarrillo {m} :: cigarette
cigarrito {m} :: diminutive of cigarro
cigarro {m} :: cigar
cigarro {m} :: cigarette
cigoma {f} :: zygoma; the cheekbone
cigomático {adj} [anatomy] :: zygomatic
cigomático {m} [skeleton] :: zygomatic bone
cigomaticofacial {adj} [anatomy] :: zygomaticofacial
cigomático mayor {m} :: zygomatic major
cigomático menor {m} :: zygomatic minor
cigomaticoorbitario {adj} [anatomy] :: zygomatico-orbital
-cigótico {suffix} :: -zygous
cigoto {m} [biology] :: zygote
cigua {f} :: spindalis
cigüeña {f} :: stork (large wading bird)
cigüeña {f} :: redstem filaree, Erodium cicutarium
cigüeña {f} :: the scavenger's daughter; a torture device
cigüeñal {m} :: crankshaft
cigüeñal {m} :: shadoof (device used to gather water)
cigüeña negra {f} :: black stork
cigüeñuela {f} :: stilt (bird)
cilampa {f} :: drizzle
cilandro {m} :: alternative spelling of cilantro
cilantro {m} :: coriander, cilantro
ciliado {adj} [biology] :: Having cilia
ciliado {m} [zoology] :: ciliate
ciliar {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a cilium; ciliary
Cilicia {prop} :: Cilicia (ancient region)
cilicio {m} [clothing] :: cilice, hairshirt
cilindrada {f} :: cylinder capacity
cilindraje {m} [motorcycling] :: cylinder size
cilindrar {v} :: to roll, roll up (into a cylinder shape)
cilíndrico {adj} :: cylindrical
cilindro {m} [geometry] :: cylinder
cilio {m} [cytology] :: cilium
-cilla {suffix} :: feminine noun of -cillo
-cillo {suffix} :: Form of -illo attached to some nouns
cima {f} :: top
cima {f} :: peak, summit, mountaintop (top of a mountain or hill)
cimacio {m} :: cymatium
cimar {v} :: to crop; to cut shorter (removing the top)
cimarrón {adj} [Latin America, of animals] :: feral (having returned to the wild)
cimarrón {adj} [Latin America, of people] :: rural; campestral
cimarrón {adj} [Latin America, of plants] :: of a wild cultivar
cimarrón {adj} [Latin America, of mate] ::  unsweetened
cimarronaje {m} [Latin America] :: An attitude of enslaved Africans to resist the slave system
címbalo {m} :: cymbal (musical instrument)
cimbel {m} [hunting] :: decoy
cimblar {vt} [Asturias, Salamana] :: alternative spelling of cimbrar
cimborrio {m} [architecture] :: lantern tower
cimbra {f} :: centering (wooden structure built around an arch)
cimbrar {v} :: to rock; to sway
cimbrear {v} :: to rock; to sway
cimbreo {m} :: rocking, swaying
cimbria {f} :: feminine noun of cimbrio
cimbrio {adj} :: Cimbrian
cimbrio {m} :: Cimbrian
cimbronazo {m} :: hit on the back (with a belt or lash)
cimbronazo {m} :: (emotional) blow
cimbros {mp} :: Cimbri
cimentación {f} :: foundation
cimentar {v} :: to lay the foundations of [a building, a movement, etc.]
cimentar {v} :: to found [a building, a city]
cimera {f} :: decorated crest of a medieval helm
cimera {f} [heraldry] :: crest
cimeria {f} :: feminine noun of cimerio
cimerio {adj} [historical] :: Cimmerian
cimerio {m} [historical] :: Cimmerian
cimero {adj} :: highest, finest, crowning
cimetidina {f} :: cimetidine
cimiento {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: foundation (the lowest and supporting layer of a superstructure)
cimiento {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: foundation, groundwork (the result of the work to begin something)
cimitarra {f} :: scimitar
cimoso {adj} :: cymose
cinabrio {m} [mineral] :: cinnabar
cinamomo {m} :: cinnamon
cinarizina {f} :: cinnarizine
cinasa {f} [enzyme] :: kinase
cinc {m} :: zinc
cincado {adj} :: zinced
cincado {m} :: zinc or zinc-compound coating
cincel {m} :: chisel
cincelador {m} :: chiseller
cinceladora {f} :: feminine noun of cincelador
cincelar {vt} :: to chisel
cincha {f} :: girth (for horses or similar animals)
cinchar {v} [equestrian] :: To girth
cinchar {v} :: To girdle
cincho {m} :: belt
cincho {m} :: girdle
cinco {num} :: five
cinco {m} :: a five
çinco {num} :: obsolete spelling of cinco
Cinco de Mayo {prop} {m} [Mexico] :: Cinco de Mayo
cincomil {m} :: a mountain 5000-5999 metres high
cincuenta {num} :: fifty
cincuentas {mp} :: fifties (1950s)
cincuentavo {m} :: fiftieth
cincuenta y cinco {num} :: fifty-five
cincuenta y cuatro {num} :: fifty-four
cincuenta y dos {num} :: fifty-two
cincuenta y nueve {num} :: fifty-nine
cincuenta y ocho {num} :: fifty-eight
cincuenta y seis {num} :: fifty-six
cincuenta y siete {num} :: fifty-seven
cincuenta y tres {num} :: fifty-three
cincuenta y uno {num} :: fifty-one
cincuentena {f} :: set of fifty
cincuentena {f} :: around fifty, fiftyish
cincuentena {f} :: (ripe) age of fifty
cincuentenario {m} :: semicentennial (50 year anniversary)
cincuentón {m} :: fiftysomething
cincuentona {f} :: feminine noun of cincuentón
cine {m} :: cinema, moviehouse
cine {m} :: film (when specifying types of films)
cineasta {mf} :: filmmaker, moviemaker (a producer or director of films/movies)
cine de terror {m} :: horror film, horror (as a film genre)
cinéfila {f} :: feminine noun of cinéfilo
cinefilia {f} :: cinephilia
cinéfilo {m} :: cinephile, filmaholic, filmgoer, moviegoer, movieholic, film buff (having a love of films or the cinema)
cineforum {m} :: debate or discussion accompanying the release of a film
cinefórum {m} :: film forum
cinegético {adj} [attributive] :: hunting
cine independiente {m} [film] :: independent film, indie
cinemascope {m} :: cinemascope
cinemateca {f} :: film library
cinemática {f} [physics] :: kinematics
cinemático {adj} [physics] :: kinematic
cinematografía {f} :: cinematography
cinematografiar {v} :: to film
cinematográficamente {adv} :: cinematographically
cinematográfico {adj} :: cinematographic
cinematógrafico {adj} :: cinematographic
cinematógrafo {m} [historical, rare] :: cinematograph
cine mudo {m} [cinematography] :: silent film
cine negro {m} :: film noir
cinéreo {adj} :: cinerous; ashy
cinesiólogo {m} :: alternative spelling of kinesiólogo
cinesioterapia {f} :: alternative form of kinesioterapia
cine sonoro {m} [cinematography] :: sound film
cinestesia {f} [physiology] :: kinesthesia
cineteca {f} :: film library
cinética {f} [physics] :: kinematics
cinética {f} [physics] :: kinetics
cinética {f} [chemistry, biochemistry] :: kinetics
cinéticamente {adv} :: kinetically
cinético {adj} :: kinetic
cinetocoro {m} :: kinetochore
cinetoplasto {m} [cytology] :: kinetoplast
cinetosis {f} :: motion sickness
cingalés {m} :: Sinhalese (language)
cingalés {m} :: Sinhalese (ethnicity)
cingalés {mf} :: Sri Lankan (person)
cingalés {mf} :: Sinhalese (person)
cingalés {adj} :: Sinhalese (of the language, ethnicity, person)
cingalés {adj} :: Sri Lankan (describing a person, of the country)
cíngaro {m} :: Rom, Gypsy
cíngaro {adj} :: Romani, Gypsy
cinglar {v} [nautical] :: To scull
cingulado {adj} :: cingulate
cíngulo {m} :: girth for priests
cínica {f} :: feminine noun of cínico
cínicamente {adv} :: cynically
cínico {adj} :: cynical, cynic
cínico {m} :: cynic
cinismo {m} :: cynicism
cinocéfalo {m} [Egyptian mythology] :: cynocephalus
cinodonto {m} :: cynodont
cinológico {adj} :: cynological; canine
cinquenta {num} :: obsolete spelling of cincuenta
cinquentas {mp} :: fifties; 1950s
cinquillo {m} [music] :: A type of Latin American musical rhythm consisting of five-beat units
cinta {f} :: ribbon, worn by girls in the hair
cinta {f} :: tape
cinta {f} :: ellipsis of cinta de correr; treadmill
cinta {f} [cinema] :: ellipsis of cinta cinematográfica; film
cinta adhesiva {f} :: adhesive tape (sticky tape)
cinta adhesiva protectora {f} :: masking tape
cinta aisladora {f} :: electrical tape
cinta aislante {f} :: electrical tape
cinta americana {f} :: duck tape, duct tape
cinta de aislar {f} :: electrical tape
cinta de carrocero {f} :: masking tape
cinta de correr {m} :: treadmill
cinta de embalaje {f} :: packing tape
cinta de embalar {f} :: packing tape
cinta de enmascarar {f} :: masking tape
cinta de goma {f} :: elastic band; rubber band
cinta de Möbius {f} :: Möbius strip
cinta de pintor {f} :: painter's tape
cinta de pintor {f} :: masking tape
cinta de vídeo {f} [Spain, dated] :: VHS, videocassette
cinta eléctrica {f} :: electrical tape
cinta escocesa {f} [Dominican Republic] :: Scotch tape
cintajo {m} :: pejorative of cinta
cinta magnética {f} :: magnetic tape
cinta métrica {f} :: tape measure
cinta para correr {f} [exercise] :: treadmill
cinta plateada {f} :: duck tape
cinta protectora {f} :: masking tape
cintarazo {m} :: belt (hit with a belt)
cintarazo {m} :: slap (with the hand)
cinta Scotch {f} [Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay] :: Scotch tape
cinta transportadora {f} :: conveyor belt
Cintia {prop} {f} :: Cynthia
cintilar {v} :: to scintillate
cintilar {v} :: to shine (to reflect light)
cintilla {f} [anatomy] :: band
cintilla óptica {f} [anatomy] :: optic tract
cintillo {m} :: diminutive of cinta small child
cintillo {m} :: headband
cintita {f} :: diminutive of cinta
cinto {m} :: belt
cintura {f} :: waist
cintura de avispa {f} [idiomatic] :: hourglass figure
cinturilla {f} :: waistband
cinturita {f} :: diminutive of cintura
cinturón {m} :: belt
cinturón {m} [geography] :: belt
cinturón {m} [religion] :: cincture
cinturón {m} :: seat belt
cinturón cohete {m} :: jet pack
cinturón de castidad {m} :: chastity belt
cinturón de Kuiper {prop} {m} :: Kuiper belt
cinturón de seguridad {m} :: safety belt
-ción {suffix} :: Used in forming a noun to represent the property corresponding to a verb; -tion
cipayo {m} :: sepoy
ciperácea {f} :: sedge (plant)
cipermetrina {f} :: cypermethrin
cipo {m} :: milestone
Cipolletti {prop} :: Cipolletti (city)
cipota {f} [Central America] :: kid, gal
cipote {adj} :: silly, foolish
cipote {adj} [Guatemala] :: fat, plump, pudgy
cipote {mf} [slang, vulgar, Spain] :: penis, cock
cipote {mf} [El Salvador, Honduras] :: youngster, kid, child, boy
cipote {mf} [El Salvador, Honduras] :: imp, rascal
ciprés {m} :: cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)
ciprés de la Patagonia {m} :: Patagonian cypress
ciprínido {m} :: cyprinid
ciprofloxacina {f} :: ciprofloxacin
ciprofloxacino {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: ciprofloxacin
cipsela {f} :: achene
circadiano {adj} :: circadian
circalunar {adj} :: circalunar
circasiano {adj} :: Circassian
circasiano {m} :: Circassian
Circe {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Circe
circense {adj} :: circus [attributive]
Circinus {prop} [constellation] :: Circinus (a small constellation of the southern winter sky)
circo {m} :: circus (a travelling company of performers)
circo {m} [historical] :: circus (a building for chariot-racing in Ancient Rome)
circón {m} :: zircon
circonato {m} [chemistry] :: zirconate
circonio {m} :: zirconium
circonita {f} [mineral] :: zirconite
circuir {v} :: to surround, to circle
circuital {adj} :: circuital
circuitería {f} :: circuitry
circuito {m} :: circuit
circuito integrado {m} [electronics] :: integrated circuit
circulación {f} :: traffic
circulación {f} :: circulation
circulante {adj} :: circulating
circulante {adj} :: mobile
circular {adj} :: circular
circular {f} :: circular (advertisement)
circular {v} :: to circulate
circular {v} :: to go round, move around
circular {v} :: to scram, clear off
circularidad {f} :: circularity
circularmente {adv} :: circularly, in a circle
circulatorio {adj} :: circulatory
circulito {m} :: diminutive of círculo
círculo {m} :: circle
círculo vicioso {m} :: vicious circle
circumpolar {adj} :: circumpolar
circuncentro {m} :: circumcenter
circuncidar {v} :: to circumcise
circuncisión {f} :: circumcision (excising foreskin from penis)
circunciso {adj} :: circumcised
circunciso {m} :: circumcised man
circundante {adj} :: surrounding
circundar {v} :: to surround
circundar {v} :: to ring around
circunducción {f} :: circumduction
circunestelar {adj} :: circumstellar
circunferencia {f} :: circumference
circunferencial {adj} :: circumferential
circunferencialmente {adv} :: circumferentially
circunferir {vt} :: to limit, circumscribe
circunfijo {m} :: circumfix
circunflejo {adj} :: circumflex
circunflejo {m} :: circumflex
circunhorizontal {adj} :: circumhorizontal
circunlocución {f} :: circumlocution
circunloquio {m} :: circumlocution
circunnavegación {f} :: circumnavigation
circunnavegar {v} :: to circumnavigate
circunradio {m} :: circumradius
circunscribir {v} :: to circumscribe
circunscripción {f} :: constituency
circunscripcional {adj} :: circumscriptional
circunspección {f} :: circumspection
circunspecto {adj} :: circumspect
circunstancia {f} :: circumstance
circunstanciadamente {adv} :: circumstantially
circunstancial {adj} :: circumstantial
circunstancialmente {adv} :: circumstantially
circunstanciar {v} :: to circumstantiate
circunstante {adj} :: present; in the vicinity
circunstante {mf} :: onlooker, bystander
circunvalación {f} :: vía, avenida (etc.) de circunvalación: ring road
circunvalación {f} :: circumambulation
circunvalar {v} :: to ring; to circle (around a town)
circunvecino {adj} :: neighbouring, adjacent
circunvenir {vt} :: to circumvent
circunvolar {v} :: to fly around
circunvolución {f} :: convolution (the shape of something rotating)
circunvolución {f} [anatomy] :: convolution (any of the folds on the surface of the brain)
cirenaico {adj} :: Cyrenian
cirenaico {adj} [historical] :: Cyrenaic
cirenaico {m} :: Cyrenian
cirenaico {m} [historical] :: Cyrenaic (a disciple of the sensual hedonistic school of philosophy known as Cyrenaicism)
Cirene {prop} {f} :: Cirene (ancient city)
cirial {m} :: A type of tall candlestick
cirílico {adj} :: Cyrillic
cirio {m} :: A long, thick wax candle, often used in religious ceremonies
cirio pascual {m} :: paschal candle
Ciro {prop} :: Cyrus (ancient king of Persia)
cirquero {adj} :: circus (attributive)
cirquero {m} :: circus performer
cirriforme {adj} :: cirriform
cirro {m} :: tendril; cirrus
cirro {m} :: cirrus (cloud)
cirro {m} :: cirrus (tendril-like appendage)
cirrosis {f} :: cirrhosis
cirrótico {adj} :: cirrhotic (pertaining to or suffering from cirrhosis)
ciruela {f} :: plum
ciruela albaricoque {f} :: pluot
ciruela chabacana {f} :: pluot
ciruela Damasco {f} :: damson plum (Prunus domestica subsp. insititia)
ciruela interespecífica {f} :: interspecific plum
ciruela pasa {f} :: prune (dried plum)
ciruelillo {m} :: Chilean firetree
ciruelo {m} :: Plum tree
cirugía {f} :: surgery
cirugía plástica {f} :: plastic surgery (surgery involving the transfer of tissue to repair body parts)
cirugía plástica {f} :: cosmetic surgery
cirujana {f} :: feminine noun of cirujano
cirujano {m} :: surgeon
cisaña {f} :: discord
ciscar {v} :: to dirty; muck up
ciscar {vr} :: to shit one's pants; shit oneself; soil oneself
ciscar {vr} :: to shit oneself (lose bravery)
cisco {m} :: coaldust
cisco {m} :: culm
cisio {m} :: cisium
Cisjordania {prop} {f} :: West Bank
cisma {m} :: schism
cismáticamente {adv} :: schismatically
cismático {adj} :: schismatic
cismático {adj} :: troublesome
cisne {m} :: swan
cisne mudo {m} :: mute swan
cisne negro {m} :: black swan
Cisneros {prop} :: surname
cisne silbador {m} :: The Bewick's swan
cisplatino {m} [inorganic compound] :: cisplatin
cistationina {f} :: cystathionine
cisteína {f} [amino acid] :: cysteine
cisterciense {adj} :: Cistercian
cisterciense {mf} :: Cistercian
cisterna {f} :: cistern
cisticerco {m} :: cysticercus
cisticercosis {f} [diseases] :: cysticercosis
cístico {adj} [anatomy] :: cystic (of or pertaining to the gallbladder or the urinary bladder)
cistícola {f} :: cisticola
cistidio {m} :: cystidium
cistina {f} [amino acid] :: cystine
cistitis {f} :: cystitis
cistolito {m} :: cystolith
cisura {f} :: incision, small cut
cisura {f} [anatomy] :: fissure, sulcus
-cita {suffix} :: feminine noun of -cito Substituted for “a” at the end of feminine words and names ending in a vowel to denote a diminutive form
cita {f} :: date (romantic outing)
cita {f} :: appointment
cita {f} :: quote, quotation
cita a ciegas {f} :: blind date
citable {adj} :: quotable, citable
citación {f} :: quotation, citation
citación {f} [legal] :: summons
citación {f} [legal] :: subpoena
citadino {adj} :: urban; urban-dwelling
citadino {m} :: citizen; city dweller
citado {adj} :: cited, mentioned, aforementioned
citalopram {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: citalopram
citante {mf} :: citer
citar {v} :: to cite
citar {v} :: to summon
citar {v} :: to schedule, to make an appointment
citara {f} :: partition wall, party wall
cítara {f} :: zither (musical instrument)
citarse {v} :: (reflexive of citar)
citatorio {m} [legal] :: citation; notice; summons
citatorio {m} [legal] :: subpoena
citidina {f} [organic compound] :: cytidine
Citlali {prop} {f} :: given name
-cito {suffix} :: Form of -ito. Added to masculine words and names (especially ones ending in a consonant) to denote a diminutive form
-cito {suffix} [biology] :: -cyte (used to form cell names)
cito- {prefix} [biology] :: cyto-
citocina {f} [protein, immunology] :: cytokine
citocinesis {f} [cytology] :: cytokinesis
citocinina {f} [hormone] :: cytokinin
citocromo {m} [enzyme] :: cytochrome
citoesqueleto {m} [cytology] :: cytoskeleton
citófono {m} [Colombia] :: intercom
citogenética {f} [biology, genetics] :: cytogenetics
citogenético {adj} :: cytogenetic
citóloga {f} :: feminine noun of citólogo
citología {f} :: cytology
citológico {adj} :: cytologic, cytological
citólogo {m} :: cytologist
citomegalovirus {m} :: cytomegalovirus
citometría {f} :: cytometry
citómetro {m} :: cytometer (device for measuring cells)
citoplasma {m} [cytology] :: cytoplasm
citoplasmático {adj} :: cytoplasmic (of or relating to cytoplasm)
citoplásmico {adj} :: cytoplasmic
citoquina {f} :: alternative form of citocina
citoquinina {f} :: alternative form of citocinina
citorreducción {f} :: cytoreduction
citosina {f} [biochemistry] :: cytosine
citosol {m} [cytology] :: cytosol
citosólico {adj} :: cytosolic
citostático {adj} :: cytostatic
citotaxonómico {adj} :: cytotaxonomic
citotoxicidad {f} :: cytotoxicity
citotóxico {adj} :: cytotoxic
citotrofoblasto {m} :: cytotrophoblast
citrato {m} [organic compound] :: citrate
cítrico {adj} :: citric
citrícola {adj} :: citrus
citricultor {adj} :: citrus-farming
citricultor {m} :: citrus farmer
citricultora {f} :: feminine noun of citricultor
citricultura {f} :: citrus cultivation
citrino {m} :: citrine (variety of quartz)
citrón {m} :: lemon
citrón {m} :: citron
citronela {f} :: lemon balm
citronella {f} :: citronella
citrulina {f} :: citrulline
ciudad {f} :: city
çiudad {f} :: obsolete spelling of ciudad
ciudadana {f} :: feminine noun of ciudadano
ciudadanía {f} :: citizenship
ciudadanía {f} :: citizenry
ciudadanista {adj} [politics] :: of or pertaining to Ciudadanos
ciudadanista {mf} [politics] :: A member or supporter of Ciudadanos
ciudadanizar {v} :: to grant citizenship to
ciudadano {adj} :: living in a city
ciudadano {adj} :: of or relating to a city or its inhabitants
ciudadano {adj} :: of or relating to a citizen or citizens
ciudadano {adj} :: civilian
ciudadano {m} :: citizen
ciudadano {m} :: city-dweller
ciudadano de a pie {m} [idiom] :: man on the street; member of the general public
Ciudadanos {prop} {mp} :: a Spanish political party
Ciudad Condal {prop} {f} :: Barcelona
Ciudad de Belice {prop} {f} :: Belize City
Ciudad de Guatemala {prop} {f} :: Ciudad de Guatemala (capital city)
Ciudad de la Luz {prop} {f} :: City of Light (nickname for Paris)
Ciudad del Cabo {prop} {f} :: Ciudad del Cabo (legislative capital)
Ciudad del Vaticano {prop} {f} :: Ciudad del Vaticano (city-state)
Ciudad de México {prop} {f} :: Ciudad de México (caplc)
ciudadela {f} :: citadel
ciudad estado {f} :: city state
ciudad-estado {f} :: city state
ciudad fantasma {f} :: ghost town
ciudad federal {f} :: federal city
Ciudad Ho Chi Minh {prop} {f} :: Ho Chi Minh City
Ciudad Real {prop} {f} :: Ciudad Real (province)
Ciudad Real {prop} {f} :: Ciudad Real (city)
ciudadrealeño {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Ciudad Real
ciudadrealeño {m} :: Someone from Ciudad Real
ciudarrealeño {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Ciudad Real
ciudarrealeño {m} :: Someone from Ciudad Real
civeta {f} :: civet (cat-like animal)
civeta nutria {m} :: otter civet
cívicamente {adv} :: civically
cívico {adj} :: civil
cívico {adj} :: patriotic
cívico {adj} :: domestic (of or relating to the home)
civil {adj} :: civil (all senses)
civilidad {f} :: civility
civilísimo {adj} :: superlative of civil
civilismo {m} :: civilianism; rule by civilians rather than the military
civilista {adj} [attributive] :: civil law
civilista {mf} :: civil lawyer
civilización {f} :: civilization
civilizacional {adj} :: civilizational
civilizadamente {adv} :: in a civilized way, civilly
civilizado {adj} :: civilized
civilizador {adj} :: civilizing
civilizar {v} :: to civilize
civilizatorio {adj} :: civilizing
civilmente {adv} :: civilly
civismo {m} :: civility
cizalla {f} [also in plural] :: shears, pair of shears, cutter
cizalladura {f} [meteorology] :: wind shear
cizallamiento {m} [physics] :: shear
cizallar {v} :: to shear; cut with shears or wire cutters
cizaña {f} :: darnel, tare (grass weed)
cizaña {f} [figuratively] :: an injurious thing or action
cizaña {f} [figuratively] :: dissension, enmity
cizañar {v} :: to sow discord
cizañear {v} :: alternative spelling of cizañar
cizañoso {adj} :: troublemaking
CJNG {prop} {m} :: initialism of Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación
CL {prop} :: abbreviation of Colima (Mexican state)
clac {m} :: crush hat, opera hat
clac {m} :: claque
cladinosa {f} [organic compound, carbohydrate] :: cladinose
cladista {mf} :: cladist
cladística {f} :: cladistics
cladístico {adj} :: cladistic
clado- {prefix} [botany] :: clado-
clado {m} :: clade
cladodio {m} :: cladode
cladograma {m} :: cladogram
clamar {v} :: to call out for
clamar {v} :: to ask vehemently (for something)
clamar {v} [archaic] :: to shout
clamar a Dios {v} [impersonal, idiomatic] :: to be an outrage
clamar al cielo {v} [impersonal, idiomatic] :: to be an outrage
clámide {f} :: chlamys
clamidia {f} :: chlamydia
clamor {m} :: A clamor, shout
clamor {m} :: A protest, outcry
clamor {m} :: A loud noise
clamorear {v} :: to toll (of a bell)
clamorear {v} :: synonym of clamar
clamoreo {m} :: clamour; hubbub
clamorosamente {adv} :: clamorously
clamoroso {adj} :: resounding
clan {m} :: clan
clandestina {f} :: feminine noun of clandestino
clandestinaje {m} :: underground (movement)
clandestinamente {adv} :: clandestinely
clandestinidad {f} :: secrecy
clandestino {adj} :: clandestine
clandestino {m} :: one who is clandestine
clandestino {m} :: an illegal immigrant
claque {f} :: claque
claqué {m} :: tap dance, tap
claqueta {f} :: clapperboard
clara {f} :: The white (of an egg)
clara {f} [Spain] :: shandy
Clara {prop} {f} :: given name
claraboya {f} :: skylight
claramente {adv} :: clearly
clarear {v} :: to clear
clarear {v} [meteorology] :: to clear up
clarear {v} :: to become thin; thin out (become scarce)
claretiano {adj} :: Claretian
claridad {f} :: brightness
claridad {f} :: clarity
claridad {f} :: clearness
clarificación {f} :: clarification
clarificador {adj} :: clarifying, illuminating
clarificar {v} :: to clarify
clarín {m} :: bugle
clarín {m} :: diminutive of claro; small beer
clarinada {f} :: blunder
clarinera {f} :: feminine noun of clarinero
clarinero {m} :: clarion player
clarinero {m} :: great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus)
clarinero {m} :: melodious blackbird (Dives dives)
clarinete {m} :: clarinet
clarinete {m} :: clarinetist
clarinetista {mf} :: clarinetist
clarión {m} :: chalk
clarisa {f} :: Poor Clares nun
Clarisa {prop} {f} :: given name
clarísimamente {adv} :: superlative of claramente
clarísimo {adj} :: superlative of claro
clariso {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Poor Clares
claristorio {m} :: clerestory
clarita {f} :: diminutive of clara; small shandy
clarito {adj} :: diminutive of claro
claritromicina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: clarithromycin
clarividencia {f} :: clairvoyance
clarividente {mf} :: fortuneteller, clairvoyant, seer
clarividentemente {adv} :: clairvoyantly
claro {adj} :: light, bright
claro {adj} :: clear
claro {adv} :: certainly, naturally, of course
claro {m} :: sunny spell
claro {m} :: clearing
claro {m} :: bald patch
claro {interj} :: of course; for sure; sure (indicates enthusiastic agreement)
Claro {prop} :: given name
claro como el agua {adj} [simile] :: crystal clear
claroscuro {m} [painting, photography] :: chiaroscuro
clás. {adj} :: abbreviation of clásico
-clasa {suffix} [mineralogy] :: -clase
clase {f} :: lecture
clase {f} :: class (lesson)
clase {f} :: class (level of society)
clase {f} :: kind, sort, type
clase {f} [taxonomy] :: class
clase alta {f} :: upper class
clase baja {f} :: lower class
clase ejecutiva {f} :: business class
clase media {f} :: middle class
clasemediero {adj} :: middle-class
clasemediero {m} :: A member of the middle class, a middle-classer
clase obrera {f} :: working class
clásicamente {adv} :: classically (according to classical norms)
clasicazo {m} :: classic, all-time classice
clasicismo {m} :: classicism
clasicista {adj} :: classical
clasicista {mf} :: classicist
clásico {adj} :: classic
clásico {m} :: A sports rivalry match, especially in association football
Clásico {prop} {m} [soccer] :: El Clásico (any match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid)
clasificable {adj} :: classifiable (that one can classify)
clasificación {f} :: classification
clasificación {f} :: standing, ranking [the position of a team in a league or of a player in a list]
clasificación periódica {f} :: periodic table (chart of the chemical elements by atomic number)
clasificado {adj} :: classified
clasificador {adj} :: classifying
clasificador {m} :: sorter, classifier
clasificador {m} :: filing cabinet
clasificadora {f} :: feminine noun of clasificador
clasificar {v} :: to classify, sort
clasificar {v} :: to rank
clasificarse {v} :: to place; to earn a certain rank or award in a competition
clasificatorio {adj} :: classificatory
clasismo {m} :: classism
clasista {adj} :: classist
clasista {mf} :: classist
clástico {adj} :: clastic
clasto {m} :: clast
clatrina {f} :: clathrin
claudia {f} :: greengage
Claudia {prop} {f} :: given name
claudicación {f} :: surrender, giving in
claudicante {adj} :: who gives up easily
claudicar {v} :: to give up, give in
claudicar {vi} :: to renounce
claudina {f} :: claudin
Claudio {prop} {m} :: given name
claun {mf} :: clown
claustral {adj} :: claustral
claustro {m} [religion] :: claustration
claustrofobia {f} :: claustrophobia (fear of closed, tight places)
claustrofóbico {adj} :: claustrophobic (inducing or suffering from claustrophobia)
claustrofóbico {m} :: claustrophobe
claustrófobo {adj} :: claustrophobic (suffering from claustrophobia)
claustrófobo {m} :: claustrophobe (one who suffers from claustrophobia)
claúsula {f} :: clause (part of a contract)
claúsula {f} [grammar] :: clause
cláusula {f} :: clause
clausura {f} :: closing, closure (the end or conclusion of something)
clausura {f} :: closed monastery or convent
clausura {f} :: closing ceremony
clausurar {v} :: to close
clausurar {v} :: to condemn
clava {f} :: club [weapon]
clavada {f} [Spain] :: rip-off
clavada {f} [chess] :: pin
clavada absoluta {f} [chess] :: absolute pin
clavada relativa {f} [chess] :: relative pin
clavadista {mf} :: diver
clavadito {adj} :: identical
clavado {adj} :: nailed
clavado {adj} :: identical, spitting
clavado {adj} :: speechless
clavado {adj} [Mexico] :: attached, glued
clavado {interj} :: precisely!, exactly!
clavado {m} :: dive
clavadora {f} :: nail gun
clavar {v} :: to nail
clavaria {f} :: feminine noun of clavario
clavario {m} :: keyholder; turnkey
clavársela {v} [idiom, vulgar] :: to fuck; get one's end away
clave {f} [figurative] :: key (to a problem or puzzle)
clave {f} :: password
clave {f} :: code
clave {f} [music] :: clef
clave {f} [musical instruments] :: clave
clave {adj} :: key (important)
clavecín {m} :: harpsichord
clavecinista {mf} :: harpsichordist
clave de sol {f} [music] :: treble clef
clavel {m} :: carnation (plant)
clavel {m} :: carnation (flower)
clavelito {m} :: diminutive of clavel
claveque {m} [jewelry] :: paste, strass
clavero {m} :: clove (tree)
clavete {m} :: tack (small nail)
clavete {m} :: guitar pick, plectrum
clavetear {v} :: to nail
clavetear {v} :: to stud (to add a stud to)
clavicémbalo {m} :: harpsichord
clavicordio {m} :: clavichord (musical instrument)
clavicordio {m} :: harpsichord (musical instrument)
clavícula {f} :: collarbone, clavicle
clavicular {adj} [anatomy] :: clavicular (of or relating to the clavicle)
clavija {f} :: dowel
clavija {f} [music] :: peg
clavijero {m} [music] :: pegbox
clavo {m} :: nail, spike
clavo {m} :: clove
clavo {m} :: corn (callus)
clavo {m} :: headache
clavo {m} :: scab
clavo {m} :: spike [of shoes, cleats]
clavo {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: stash
clavo de olor {m} :: clove (spice)
clavulánico {adj} :: clavulanic
claxon {m} :: horn (loud alarm, especially on a motor vehicle)
claxón {m} :: horn (loud alarm, especially on a motor vehicle)
claymore {m} :: claymore
clearing {m} [finance] :: clearing
clefa {f} [Bolivia] :: An inhaled recreational drug derived from gasoline
clefera {f} :: feminine noun of clefero
clefero {m} [Bolivia] :: glue sniffer
cleidocraneal {adj} :: cleidocranial
clembuterol {m} :: clenbuterol
clemencia {f} :: mercy, clemency
clemente {adj} :: lenient
clementísimo {adj} :: superlative of clemente
clemole {m} [Mexico] :: A traditional soup where meat, vegetables and strong flavor elements are combined
clenbuterol {m} :: clenbuterol
Cleopatra {prop} {f} :: Cleopatra (a given name of women in the Ptolemy dynasty)
Cleotilde {prop} {f} :: given name
clepe {m} [Louisiana] :: crepe
clepsidra {f} :: clepsydra, water clock
cleptocracia {f} :: kleptocracy
cleptócrata {mf} :: kleptocrat
cleptocrático {adj} :: kleptocratic
cleptomanía {f} :: kleptomania
cleptómano {m} :: kleptomaniac
cleptón {m} :: klepton
clerecía {f} :: clerics
clerical {adj} :: clerical (of or relating to the clergy)
clericalismo {m} :: clericalism
clérigo {m} :: clergyman
clérigo {m} :: clerk
cleriguito {m} :: diminutive of clérigo
clero {m} :: clergy
clerodendro {m} :: Any of the plants in the genus Clerodendrum
Cleveland {prop} :: Cleveland (city)
clic {m} [computing] :: sound of a mouse
clica {f} :: (Chicano, slang) clique, group, gang
clicar {v} :: to click a computer mouse
cliché {m} [printing] :: cliché
cliché {m} [talking] :: cliché
click {m} :: click
clictivismo {m} :: clicktivism
clienta {f} :: feminine noun of cliente
cliente {mf} {m} :: client
cliente {mf} {m} :: customer
cliente {mf} {m} [computing] :: client
clientela {f} :: clientele
clientelar {adj} [attributive] :: clientele, customers
clientelismo {m} :: nepotism
clientelista {adj} :: clientelist
clientelístico {adj} [attributive] :: client; clientele; customer
clientelización {f} :: turning people into clientele
clima {m} [weather] :: climate, weather
climatérico {adj} :: climateric
climaterio {m} [medical] :: climacterium
climáticamente {adv} :: climatically
climático {adj} :: climactic
climatización {f} :: air conditioning
climatizado {adj} :: air-conditioned
climatizado {adj} :: heated
climatizador {m} :: air conditioner
climatizador {m} :: air conditioner, air conditioning, (a machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space)
climatizar {vt} :: to air-condition
climatizar {vt} :: to heat (swimming pool)
climatóloga {f} :: feminine noun of climatólogo
climatología {f} :: climatology (science that studies the climate)
climatológicamente {adv} :: climatologically
climatológico {adj} :: climatological
climatólogo {m} :: climatologist
climax {m} :: climax
clímax {m} :: climax
Clímena {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Clymene (nymph of Greek mythology)
Clímene {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Clímena
climograma {m} :: climograph
clindamicina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: clindamycin
clínex {m} :: tissue; Kleenex
clínica {f} :: medical clinic
clínicamente {adv} :: clinically
clínico {adj} :: clinical
clínker {m} :: clinker
clinodactilia {f} :: clinodactyly
clinopiroxeno {m} [mineral] :: clinopyroxene
clintonismo {m} :: Clintonism (political philosophy of Bill Clinton)
cliometrista {mf} :: cliometrician
clip {m} :: paper clip
clip {m} :: clip (something which clips or grasps; a device for attaching one object to another.)
clip {m} :: clip (a frame containing a number of bullets which is intended to be inserted into the magazine of a firearm to allow for rapid reloading.)
clíper {m} :: clipper (boat)
cliquear {v} :: to click a computer mouse
clisé {m} :: cliché
clítico {adj} :: clitic
clítico {m} [linguistics] :: clitic
clitoriano {adj} :: clitoral
clitoridectomía {f} :: clitoridectomy
clítoris {m} [anatomy] :: clitoris, clit, button
clivaje {m} :: splitting
cloaca {f} :: sewer, storm drain
cloaca {f} [zoology] :: cloaca
cloacal {adj} :: cloacal
cloacal {adj} :: sewage, waste
clocar {v} :: to cluck
cloch {m} :: alternative form of cloche
cloche {m} :: clutch
clomipramina {f} :: clomipramine
clon {m} :: clone
clon {m} :: clown
clonación {f} [biology] :: cloning
clonador {adj} :: cloning
clonador {m} :: cloner (one who clones)
clonadora {f} :: feminine noun of clonador
clonal {adj} :: clonal
clonar {v} :: to clone
clonarse {v} :: reflexive of clonar
clonazepán {m} :: clonazepam
clónico {adj} :: clonic
clonidina {f} :: clonidine
cloqueante {adj} :: clucking, clucky
cloquear {v} :: to cluck
cloquear {v} :: to harpoon
cloqueo {m} :: cluck
cloración {f} :: chlorination
cloral {m} [organic compound] :: chloral
cloralosa {f} [organic compound, carbohydrate] :: chloralose
cloramina {f} :: chloramine
cloranfenicol {m} :: chloramphenicol
clorar {v} :: to chlorinate
clorargirita {f} [mineral] :: chlorargyrite
cloratita {f} :: chloratite
clorato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chlorate
clorénquima {f} :: chlorenchyma
clorfeniramina {f} :: chlorphenamine
clorhexidina {f} :: chlorhexidine
clorhidrato {m} :: hydrochloride
clorhídrico {adj} [chemistry] :: hydrochloric
clórico {adj} :: chloric
clorinar {v} :: to chlorinate
clorita {f} [mineral] :: chlorite
clorito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chlorite
cloro {m} :: chlorine
cloro {m} :: bleach
cloroacetato {m} [organic compound] :: chloroacetate
cloroacético {adj} :: chloroacetic
cloroalquino {m} :: chloroalkene
clorofila {f} :: chlorophyll
clorofílico {adj} :: chlorophyllic (of, pertaining to, resembling or derived from chlorophyll)
clorofilo {adj} :: chlorophyllous
clorofluocarbono {m} [rare] :: alternative form of clorofluorocarbono
clorofluorocarbono {m} [organic chemistry] :: chlorofluorocarbon
cloroformizar {v} :: to treat or make unconscious with chloroform
cloroformo {m} [chemistry] :: chloroform
clorometano {m} [organic compound] :: chloromethane, methyl chloride
clorometilación {f} [organic chemistry] :: chloromethylation
cloroplasto {m} [cytology] :: chloroplast
cloropreno {m} [organic compound] :: chloroprene
cloroquina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: chloroquine
clorosis {f} :: chlorosis
clorotoxina {f} :: chlorotoxin
cloroxilenol {m} [organic compound] :: dettol, chloroxylenol
clorpirifos {m} :: chlorpyrifos
cloruro {m} [chemistry] :: chloride
cloruro de sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium chloride (NaCl)
closet {m} :: alternative spelling of clóset
clóset {m} [Latin America] :: closet
clóset {m} :: closet (the state of being secretly gay)
closteroviral {adj} :: closteroviral
clostridial {adj} :: clostridial
clostridio {m} [bacteria] :: clostridium
Clotilde {prop} {f} :: given name
Cloto {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Clotho (one of the Fates)
cloud {m} [computing] :: cloud
clown {m} :: clown (circus performance artist)
club {m} :: club (association)
clubbing {m} :: clubbing
clubhouse {m} :: clubhouse
club nocturno {m} :: nightclub
clueco {adj} :: broody
clúneo {adj} [anatomy] :: clunial
cluniacense {adj} :: Cluniac
cluster {m} :: alternative spelling of clúster
clúster {m} :: cluster
clutch {m} :: alternative form of cloche
CM {prop} {?} :: abbreviation of Campeche
cnidario {adj} :: cnidarian
cnidario {m} :: cnidarian
cnidoblasto {m} [zoology] :: cnidoblast
cnidocisto {m} [zoology] :: cnidocyst
cnidocito {m} [cytology] :: cnidocyte
CNT {prop} {f} [politics] :: initialism of Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (An anarcho-syndicalist trades union founded in Barcelona in 1911.)
co- {prefix} :: co-
co {m} [Aragon, colloquial] :: dude, friend
{pron} [colloquial, Caribbean] :: alternative form of cómo
coa {f} :: primitive hoe, a sharp wooden rod formerly used by Native Americans to till the soil
coa {f} [Chile, prison slang] :: low-class or criminal jargon
COAC {m} :: Concurso oficial de agrupaciones del carnaval de Cádiz (carnival of Cádiz)
Coacalco {prop} {m} :: Coacalco, a city and municipality in the Mexican state of Mexico
coacción {f} :: coercion
coaccionar {vt} :: to coerce
coach {m} [sport] :: coach
coaching {m} :: coaching
coactivador {m} :: coactivator
coactivamente {adv} :: coercively
coactividad {f} :: coercibility
coactivo {adj} :: coercive
coactuación {f} :: Acting as a supporting actor
coactuar {v} :: to act together
coacusada {f} :: feminine noun of coacusado
coacusado {m} :: coaccused
coadaptación {f} :: coadaptation
coa de jima {f} :: A long, machete-like knife used by a jimador to cut the leaves from the piñas of an agave
coadjutor {m} :: coadjutor
coadyuvancia {f} [legal] :: collaboration
coadyuvante {mf} :: contributor; collaborator
coadyuvar {v} :: to help achieve something
coadyuvar {v} :: to collaborate
coagente {mf} :: contributor; participant
coagulación {f} :: coagulation
coagulante {adj} :: coagulative
coagulante {m} :: coagulant
coagular {v} :: to clot; to coagulate
coagulasa {f} :: coagulase
coágulo {m} :: clot
coágulo {m} :: blood clot
coagulopatía {f} :: coagulopathy
Coahuila {prop} {f} :: Coahuila (state)
coahuilense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Coahuila
coala {m} :: koala
coalescencia {f} :: coalescence
coálgebra {f} :: coalgebra
coalición {f} :: coalition
coalicional {adj} [attributive] :: coalition
coaligar {v} :: to join, unite, bring together
coaligar {vr} :: to unite, join, get together
coanfitrión {m} :: cohost
coanfitriona {f} :: cohost
coanimación {f} :: cohosting
coanimador {m} :: cohost
coanimadora {f} :: cohost
coanimar {v} :: To cohost
coanocito {m} [cytology] :: choanocyte
coanoflagelado {m} [biology] :: choanoflagellate
coaptación {f} :: coaptation
coartación {f} :: coarctation
coartada {f} :: alibi
coartado {adj} [slavery] :: freed under certain circumstances
coartar {v} :: to limit, restrict
coartar {v} :: to inhibit, to cramp someone's style
coarticulación {f} :: coarticulation
coasegurador {m} :: coinsurer
coaseguradora {f} :: feminine noun of coasegurador
coaseguro {m} :: coinsurance
coaster {m} :: A kind of minibus
coatí {m} :: coati
coaticito {m} :: young coati
Coatzacoalcos {prop} {m} :: Coatzacoalcos (city)
Coatzacoalcos {prop} {m} :: Coatzacoalcos (river)
Coatzacualcos {n} :: Coatzacualcos (city)
coauspiciador {m} :: cosponsor
coauspiciar {vt} :: to cosponsor
coautor {m} :: coauthor
coautora {f} :: feminine noun of coautor
coautoría {f} :: coauthorship
coaxial {adj} :: coaxial
coaxialmente {adv} :: coaxially
coba {f} :: smarminess; cajolery
coba {f} :: fib; trick
cobalamina {f} :: cobalamin
cobalto {m} :: cobalt
cobaltoceno {m} [organic chemistry] :: cobaltocene
cobani {m} [vesre] :: policeman
cobarde {adj} :: cowardly, craven, gutless, spineless, dastardly
cobarde {adj} :: yellow (easily frightened)
cobarde {mf} :: coward, chicken, wimp, poltroon
cobarde {mf} :: weakling, wuss
cobardemente {adv} :: cowardly
cobardía {f} :: cowardice
cobardón {adj} :: wimpy; cowardly
cobardón {m} :: coward; wimp; wuss
cobardona {f} :: feminine noun of cobardón
cobaya {f} [zoology] :: guinea pig (animal)
cobaya {f} [culinary] :: guinea pig meat, eaten in may parts of Latin America
cobaya {f} [figuratively] :: guinea pig (person used for experimentation)
cobdiçia {f} :: obsolete spelling of codicia
cobertera {f} :: lid (for pan)
cobertera {f} :: white water lily
cobertero {m} :: obsolete spelling of cubierta
cobertizo {m} :: shed, shack
cobertor {adj} :: covering
cobertor {m} :: blanket, coverlet
cobertura {f} :: coverage
cobertura {f} :: cover
cobertura {f} :: reception
cobija {f} [Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela] :: blanket
cobijar {vt} :: to cover
cobijar {vt} :: to shelter
cobijar {vt} :: to protect
cobijar {vr} :: to take refuge
cobijeña {f} :: feminine noun of cobijeño
cobijeño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Cobija, Bolivia
cobijeño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Cobija, Bolivia
cobijita {f} :: diminutive of cobija
cobijo {m} :: bedroom
cobijo {m} :: shelter, covering
cobijo {m} [figuratively] :: protection, refuge
cobista {adj} :: smarmy
cobista {adj} :: Of or relative to the Central Obrera Boliviana, a Bolivian trade union
cobista {mf} :: smarmy person; asskisser
cobista {mf} :: A member of the Central Obrera Boliviana
cobra {f} :: cobra
cobra {f} :: the act of hacer la cobra
cobrado {adj} :: charged
cobrador {m} [transport] :: conductor
cobranza {f} :: charging (money)
cobrar {v} :: to charge [money, etc.]
cobrar {v} :: to collect
cobrar {v} :: to gather up [strength, bravery etc.]
cobrar {v} :: to pay for something (get one's dues)
cobrar {vr} :: to claim (lives)
cobra real {f} :: king cobra
cobrar forma {v} :: to take shape
cobrarse {v} :: reflexive of cobrar
cobre {m} :: copper (reddish-brown, malleable, ductile metallic element with high electrical and thermal conductivity, symbol Cu, and atomic number 29)
cobrizo {adj} :: copper-colored
cobrizo {adj} :: coppery
cobro {m} :: payment, paying
cobro {m} :: cashing
cobro {m} :: charge
cobro {m} :: recovery (of debt)
Cobura {prop} {f} :: given name from the Canary Islands
coca {f} :: coca (any of the four cultivated plants which belong to the family Erythroxylaceae, native to western South America)
coca {f} :: coca (the dried leaf of one of these plants)
coca {f} [colloquial] :: cocaine
coca {f} :: Coke (Coca-Cola, a trademarked soft drink)
cocacho {m} [Latin America] :: whack with the knuckles
cocacho {m} :: A type of bean
coca-cola {f} :: Coke, Coca-Cola
cocada {f} [Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay] :: coconut ball (confectionery)
cocada {f} [Venezuela] :: coconut milkshake, cold drink made from coconut milk
cocaína {f} :: cocaine
cocainómana {f} :: feminine noun of cocainómano
cocainomanía {f} :: addiction to cocaine
cocainómano {m} :: cocaine addict
cocal {m} :: A coca plantation
cocaleca {f} [Dominican Republic] :: popcorn
cocalera {f} :: feminine noun of cocalero
cocalero {adj} :: coca (plant)
cocalero {m} :: cocalero
cocapital {f} :: joint capital city
cocatriz {f} [folklore, mythology, fantasy, heraldry] :: cockatrice
coccigectomía {f} :: coccygectomy
cocción {f} :: cooking
cocción {f} :: boiling
cocción {f} :: doneness
cocción {f} [ceramics] :: firing
cóccix {m} :: alternative form of coxis
cocear {v} :: to kick
cocedero {adj} :: easily cookable
cocedero {m} :: cooker, cooking pot
cocedura {f} :: cooking (actiion and effect of boiling)
cocedura {f} :: sore (injured, infected, inflamed patch of skin)
cocedura {f} :: chafe (injury or wear caused by friction)
cocer {v} :: to boil
cocer {v} :: to cook (only used in situations where the food being prepared is submitted to fire; such as through the processes of boiling, simmering or steaming anything; or baking bread slowly in an oven)
cocer {vr} [cocerse] :: to brew
cocer {vp} :: to chafe (get sore)
Cochabamba {prop} {f} :: Cochabamba (city/and/department)
cochabambino {adj} :: Of or from Cochabamba
cochabambino {m} :: Someone from Cochabamba
cochaguasca {f} :: cochayuyo
cochambre {f} :: filth, muck, dirt
cochambroso {adj} :: squalid, filthy
cochayuyo {m} [Latin America] :: cochayuyo
cochazo {m} :: A large or expensive car; a hot rod
coche {m} [chiefly Spain] :: car (a wheeled vehicle that moves independently)
coche {m} :: carriage, coach (a wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power)
coche {m} [rail transport] :: car (a passenger-carrying unit in a subway or elevated train)
cochebomba {m} :: car bomb
cochecillo {m} :: diminutive of coche
cochecito {m} :: diminutive of coche
cochecito {m} :: pram
coche eléctrico {m} :: electric car
coche patrulla {f} :: patrol car
cochera {f} :: carport (parking structure with roof)
cochera {f} :: bus depot
cochera {f} :: train depot
cochera {f} :: garage
cochera {f} :: car park
cochero {m} :: coachman
cochero {m} :: charioteer
cochillo {m} :: obsolete spelling of cuchillo
cochimí {adj} :: Cochimí
cochimí {mf} :: Cochimí
cochín {m} [northern Spain] :: pig
cochinada {f} :: Filth, a disgusting or obscene act, situation, quality, or state
Cochinchina {prop} {f} :: Cochinchina (historical region)
cochinera {f} :: feminine noun of cochinero
cochinero {adj} :: for the pigs; suitable for feeding pigs
cochinero {m} :: pig farmer
cochinilla {f} :: pill bug (especially Armadillidium vulgare)
cochinilla {f} :: cochineal (animal and dye)
cochinilla de humedad {f} :: woodlouse
cochinillo {m} :: suckling pig
cochinita {f} :: diminutive of cochina
cochinita pibil {f} :: cochinita pibil
cochinito {m} :: diminutive of cochino, little pig
cochino {m} :: pig, hog
cochino {m} :: pervert
cochino {adj} :: dirty (as in an action done by a child like eating with dirty hands)
cochiquera {f} :: pigsty (shelter for pigs)
cocho {m} [Mexico] :: pig; swine
cocho {m} [Louisiana Spanish] :: culture
cochón {m} [Nicaragua, Honduras] :: homosexual
cochón {m} [Nicaragua] :: coward
cochura {f} :: cooking; baking
cochura {f} :: batch (of things to cook or heat)
cocido {adj} :: cooked, boiled
cocido {adj} :: sore (having an injured skin)
cocido {m} [Spain] :: stew (dish)
cociente {m} :: quotient
cociente de inteligencia {m} :: intelligence quotient
cociente intelectual {m} :: intelligence quotient
cocimiento {m} :: cooking
cocimiento {m} :: baking
cocimiento {m} :: boiling
cocimiento {m} :: fermenting
cocimiento {m} :: infusion, brew
cocimiento {m} :: soaking, steeping [treatment of woolen materials prior to dyeing]
cocimiento {m} :: firing [of ceramics, bricks, etc.]
cocina {f} :: kitchen
cocina {f} :: stove, oven, kiln
cocina {f} :: cuisine
cocina {f} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: back seats of a bus
cocinado {adj} :: cooked
cocinar {v} :: to cook
cocinera {f} :: feminine noun of cocinero
cocinerazo {m} :: augmentative of cocinero; cordon bleu chef
cocinería {f} :: a small restaurant
cocinero {m} :: cook
cocineta {f} :: kitchenette
cocinilla {f} :: diminutive of cocina; small kitchen
cocinilla {f} :: camping or portable kitchen
cocinilla {m} :: amateur chef
cocinillas {mf} [Spain, coloquial] :: amateur chef
cocinillas {mf} [Spain, obsolete] :: man who does the housework
cocinita {f} :: diminutive of cocina
Cocito {prop} {m} :: Cocytus
cocktail {m} :: alternative spelling of cóctel
cocktelería {f} :: cocktail bar
Coclé {prop} :: Coclé (province)
cóclea {f} [anatomy] :: cochlea (the complex, spirally coiled, tapered cavity of the inner ear)
coclear {adj} [anatomy] :: cochlear
coclesana {f} :: feminine noun of coclesano
coclesano {adj} :: Of or from Coclé
coclesano {m} :: Someone from Coclé
coco {m} :: coconut
coco {m} [colloquial, Chile] :: testicle
coco {m} :: [folklore] bogeyman
coco {m} [colloquial] :: brain; head
coco {m} [entomology] :: weevil
coco {m} [bacteriology] :: coccus
Coco {prop} {f} [Mexico] :: A diminutive of the female given name María del Socorro
cocoa {f} :: cocoa
cocobolo {m} :: cocobolo
cococha {f} :: The fleshy underpart of a fish's jaw, a delicacy in Basque cuisine
cocodrilo {m} :: crocodile (predatory amphibious reptile of the family Crocodylidae)
cocodrilo {m} [proscribed, colloquial] :: crocodile, alligator (crocodilian, any species of the order Crocodilia, which also includes the alligators, caimans and gavials)
cocodrilo de las marismas {m} :: mugger crocodile
cocolitofórido {m} :: coccolithophore, coccolithophorid
cocolitóforo {m} :: coccolithophore, coccolithophorid
cocolon {m} [colloquial, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela] :: Toasted rice that has stuck to the bottom of the pot
cocolon {m} [colloquial, Ecuador] :: The youngest son of a family
cocolón {m} [Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela] :: toasted rice that is stuck to the bottom of the pan
cocombustión {f} :: cofiring
cocomes {mp} :: Cocom, Cocomes
cocona {f} :: cocona
cócona {f} :: feminine noun of cócono
coconductor {m} :: cohost
coconductora {f} :: co-host
cócono {m} [Mexico] :: turkey
cócono {m} [Mexico] :: poult or chick of a turkey
cocoroco {m} :: Cocoroco, a very strong alcoholic drink from Bolivia, made from sugar cane
cocorota {f} [colloquial] :: noggin; nog (head)
cocorota {f} [colloquial] :: top of the head
cocota {f} :: human head
cocotal {m} :: A grove of coconut palms
cocotazo {m} [Puerto Rican, Cuban or Dominican, slang] :: hit on the head with the knuckles
cocotero {m} :: coconut palm
cocreación {f} :: cocreation
cocreador {m} :: co-creator
cocreadora {f} :: co-creator
cocreta {f} :: nonstandard form of croqueta
coctel {m} :: alternative form of cóctel
cóctel {m} :: cocktail
cóctel de mariscos {m} :: seafood cocktail
coctelera {f} :: cocktail mixer (person)
coctelería {f} :: cocktail bar
coctelero {m} :: cocktail mixer (person)
cóctel mólotov {m} :: Molotov cocktail
cocuy {m} :: cocuy (liquor)
cocuy {m} :: Agave cocui (species of agave)
cocuyo {m} :: A bioluminescent click beetle of the genus Pyrophorus
coda {f} [music] :: coda
coda {f} [phonology] :: coda
codaste {m} :: sternpost
codazo {m} :: elbow (a hit with the elbow)
codear {v} :: to elbow
codear {vr} [codearse con] :: to rub shoulders with
códec {m} :: codec
codefensora {f} :: co-defender
Codegua {prop} {f} :: Codegua
codeguano {adj} :: of or pertaining to Codegua, Chile
codeguano {m} :: someone from Codegua, Chile
codeína {f} :: codeine
codependencia {f} :: codependency
codependiente {adj} :: codependent
codera {f} :: elbow patch
codera {f} :: elbow pad
codesarrolladoa {f} :: feminine noun of codesarrollador
codesarrollador {m} :: codeveloper
codesarrollar {v} :: To codevelop
codescubridor {m} :: codiscoverer
codescubridora {f} :: feminine noun of codescubridor
codescubrir {v} :: to codiscover
codeso {m} [botany] :: laburnum
códice {m} :: codex
codicia {f} :: greed, avarice
codicia {f} [archaic] :: lust
codiciable {adj} :: appealing, desirable
codiciar {v} :: to covet
codicilo {m} [legal] :: codicil (an addendum to, retraction from, or explanation of a will)
codiciosamente {adv} :: greedily
codicioso {adj} :: greedy
codificación {f} :: codification, encoding
codificador {m} :: coder
codificador {m} :: codifier
codificante {adj} [attributive] :: coding
codificar {v} :: to encode
codificar {v} :: to codify
código {m} :: code
código binario {m} [computing] :: binary code
código de barras {m} :: barcode
código de vestimenta {m} :: dress code
código fuente {m} [computing] :: source code
código genético {m} :: genetic code
código Morse {m} :: Morse code
código postal {m} :: postal code, postcode
codillo {m} :: ham hock
codirección {f} :: codirection
codirector {m} :: codirector
codirectora {f} :: codirector
codirigir {v} :: to codirect
codito {m} [El Salvador, Panama] :: elbow macaroni
codo {m} [anatomy] :: elbow
codo {m} :: cubit (measure)
codo {adj} [colloquial, Mexico] :: selfish, avaricious, stingy
codo con codo {adv} [idiomatic] :: side by side
codominio {m} :: codomain
codón {m} [biology] :: codon
codorniz {f} :: quail
codueña {f} :: feminine noun of codueño
codueño {m} :: co-owner
coedición {f} :: coproduction (a production where two or more companies work together and share any profits)
coeditar {v} :: to coedit
coeditor {m} :: coeditor
coeditora {f} :: coeditor
coeducación {f} :: mixed-sex education
coeducacional {adj} :: coeducational
coeducadora {f} :: feminine noun of coeducador
coeficiente {adj} :: coefficient
coeficiente {m} [mathematics] :: coefficient
coelurosaurio {m} :: coelurosaur
coemperador {m} :: co-emperor
coenzima {f} [biochemistry] :: coenzyme
coequipera {f} :: teammate
coequipero {m} :: teammate
coercible {adj} :: coercible
coerción {f} :: coercion
coercitivamente {adv} :: coercively
coercitividad {f} :: coercivity
coercitivo {adj} :: coercive
coescribir {v} :: to cowrite
coescritor {m} :: cowriter
coescritora {f} :: cowriter
coesita {f} [mineral] :: coesite
coesposa {f} :: co-wife
coesposa {f} :: feminine noun of coesposo
coesposo {m} :: co-husband: the relationship of two men who are married to the same woman
coesposo {m} [religion] :: The Holy Spirit and Joseph as co-spouses of the Virgin Mary
coestelar {adj} :: co-starring
coestrella {mf} :: costar
coestructurar {v} :: to co-structure
coetáneamente {adv} :: contemporaneously
coetáneo {adj} :: coeval (of the same age)
coetáneo {adj} :: contemporaneous
coevo {adj} :: coeval (of the same age)
coevolución {f} :: coevolution
coevolucionar {v} :: to coevolve
coexistencia {f} :: coexistence
coexistente {adj} :: coexistent
coexistir {v} :: to coexist
cofa {f} [nautical] :: top
cofabricación {f} :: co-making
cofabricar {v} :: to cobuild; to comanufacture
cofactor {m} [biochemistry] :: cofactor
cofia {f} :: cap (head covering of a nurse or waitress)
cofia {f} [rockets] :: payload fairing
coficina {f} :: coffice
cofín {m} [rare] :: basket
cofinalidad {f} :: cofinality
cofinanciación {f} :: joint financing
cofinanciador {adj} :: co-financing
cofinanciar {v} :: to cofinance
cofosis {f} [pathology] :: cophosis
cofrade {mf} :: brother (member of a guild or brotherhood)
cofrade {mf} :: sister (member of a guild or sisterhood)
cofradía {f} :: brotherhood
cofre {m} :: chest, coffer, trunk
cofre {m} :: safe
cofre {m} :: bonnet, hood (engine compartment of a car)
cofrecillo {m} :: diminutive of cofre
cofrecito {m} :: diminutive of cofre, little trunk
cofundador {m} :: a cofounder, a male cofounder
cofundadora {f} :: feminine noun of cofundador
cofundar {v} :: to cofound
coganador {m} :: joint winner
cogecha {f} :: obsolete spelling of cosecha
cogecho {m} :: fallow land
cogeneración {f} :: cogeneration
cogenerador {m} :: cogenerator
cogeneradora {f} :: cogenerator
coger {v} [Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Spain] :: to take, catch, hold, to get, to seize
coger {v} :: to pick, harvest
coger {v} :: to fish
coger {v} :: to seize, arrest; to overtake
coger {v} :: to get (a joke)
coger {v} [Spain] :: to imitate, learn
coger {v} [vulgar, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Central America] :: to have sex, to fuck, to bang
coger {v} [Spain] :: to choose (a direction, route, when driving or walking)
coger {v} [Spain] :: to turn to (when driving or walking)
coger {v} [Spain] :: to board (means of transportation)
coger con pinzas {v} [idiomatic] :: to take with a grain of salt
coger el toro por los cuernos {v} [idiomatic] :: to take the bull by the horns
coger por los huevos {v} [idiomatic, slang] :: to have someone by the balls
cogerse {v} :: reflexive of coger
cogérsela con papel de fumar {phrase} [idiom, vulgar] :: to nitpick, to be overscrupulous
cogestión {f} :: co-management; co-leading
cogida {f} :: the tossing of a bull-fighter by a bull
cogida {f} :: harvest
cogida {f} :: taking
cogido {adj} :: taken [by the hand, etc.]
cogido {m} :: fold
cógido {m} :: kogiid
cogitar {vt} [obsolete] :: to cogitate, ponder
cognado {adj} :: cognate (derived from the same roots)
cognado {m} :: cognate
cognición {f} [philosophy, psychology] :: cognition
cognitariado {m} :: cognitariat
cognitivamente {adv} :: cognitively
cognitivismo {m} [psychology] :: cognitivism
cognitivo {adj} :: cognitive
cognomento {m} [formal] :: honorific name
cognoscente {adj} :: cognitive
cognoscibilidad {f} :: comprehensibility
cognoscible {adj} :: cognisable; knowable
cognoscitivo {adj} :: cognitional
cogobernante {mf} :: coruler
cogobernar {v} :: to corule; cogovern
cogobierno {m} :: shared governing, especially between university staff and students
cogollito {m} :: diminutive of cogollo
cogollo {m} :: lettuce or other vegetable heart
cogollo {m} [botany] :: shoot
cogollo {m} [botany] :: top portion of a tree
cogollo {m} :: nub; crux
cogollo {m} :: clique; select group
cogombro {m} :: alternative form of cohombro
cogón {m} :: cogon grass; kunai grass, Imperata cylindrica
cogorza {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: drunkenness
cogote {m} :: nape (of the neck)
coguionista {mf} :: co-scriptwriter
cogujada {f} :: crested lark (Galerida cristata)
cogulla {f} :: cowl
cohabitación {f} :: cohabitation
cohabitación {f} :: coexistence
cohabitar {v} :: to coinhabit, roomshare
cohabitar {v} :: to get it on, do it (have sex)
coheadliner {m} :: coheadliner
cohechar {vt} :: to bribe (a government official)
cohecho {m} :: bribing, bribery (especially of a judge)
cohecho {m} :: bribe
cohenita {f} [mineral] :: cohenite
coheredera {f} :: feminine noun of coheredero
coheredero {m} :: coheir
coherencia {f} :: coherence (internal consistency)
coherencia {f} :: coherence (logical arrangement of parts)
coherente {adj} :: cogent
coherente {adj} :: coherent
coherente {adj} :: consistent, conclusive
coherentemente {adv} :: coherently
coherentemente {adv} :: consistently
coherentismo {m} :: coherentism
coherentista {adj} [attributive] :: coherence
cohesina {f} [protein] :: cohesin
cohesión {f} :: cohesion
cohesionador {adj} :: unifying
cohesionar {v} [formal] :: To unite
cohesivo {adj} :: cohesive
cohesor {m} :: coherer
cohete {m} :: firecracker
cohete {m} :: rocket
cohete {m} [Mexico, Uruguay] :: drunkenness
cohete {m} [San Antonio] :: pistol
cohetería {f} :: fireworks factory
cohetería {f} :: fireworks shop
cohetería {f} :: rocketry
cohetillo {m} :: diminutive of cohete
cohetón {m} :: A type of firework
cohibir {v} :: to restrain
cohipónimo {m} :: cohyponym
cohombro {m} :: cucumber
cohomología {f} :: cohomology
cohonder {vt} [obsolete] :: synonym of confundir
cohonestar {v} :: to palliate
cohonestar {v} :: to embellish
cohorte {m} :: cohort
coideario {m} :: cofounder
coigue {m} :: Dombey's beech
coigüe {m} :: Dombey's beech (Nothofagus dombeyi)
coigüe de Magallanes {m} :: Magellan's beech
coihue {m} :: Dombey's beech; coigue
coihue blanco {m} :: Magellan's beech
coilocito {m} [medicine] :: koilocyte
coilocitosis {f} [medicine] :: koilocytosis
coima {f} :: bribe
Coímbra {prop} {f} :: Coímbra (district)
Coímbra {prop} {f} :: Coímbra (city)
coimear {v} :: to bribe
coimera {f} :: feminine noun of coimero
coimero {adj} :: easily bribed
coimero {m} :: one who takes bribes
coincano {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Coinco
coincidencia {f} :: coincidence
coincidencia {f} :: agreement
coincidencia {f} :: match
coincidencialmente {adv} :: coincidentally
coincidente {adj} :: coincident
coincidentemente {adv} :: coincidentally
coincidir {v} :: to coincide
coincidir {v} :: to agree
Coinco {prop} {m} :: Coinco (city)
coinversión {f} :: joint investment
coinvestigador {m} :: co-researcher
coipo {m} :: coypu
coipú {m} :: coypu
coirón {m} :: fescue
coital {adj} :: coital
coito {m} :: coitus, sexual intercourse
coito interrupto {m} :: alternative form of coitus interruptus
coitus interruptus {m} :: coitus interruptus
cojear {vi} :: to limp (walk lamely)
cojear {vi} [of furniture] :: to wobble (move with a rocking motion)
cojera {f} :: limp
cojín {m} :: cushion
cojinete {m} :: diminutive of cojín
cojinete {m} :: pincushion
cojinete {m} [mechanics] :: bearing
cojinillo {m} :: diminutive of cojín
cojinova {f} :: medusafish
cojinúa {f} [Caribbean] :: yellow jack (Carangoides bartholomaei)
cojito {adj} :: diminutive of cojo
cojitranco {adj} :: lame
cojitranco {m} :: lame person
cojo {adj} :: lame, crippled
cojo {adj} [figuratively] :: lame, defective, shaky
cojo {m} :: lame person, lame man
cojolite {m} [Mexico] :: crested guan (Penelope purpurascens)
cojón {m} [vulgar slang] :: testicle, ball
cojonudamente {adv} [colloquial] :: awesomely, spectacularly
cojonudo {adj} [vulgar] :: great, brilliant, ballsy
cojonudo {interj} [vulgar] :: great! brilliant! ballsy!
cojudo {adj} :: not castrated
cojudo {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Spain, Peru] :: one who acts stupid
cojudo {m} :: stallion
cojudo {m} :: Any animal that has not been castrated
cojutepecana {f} :: feminine noun of cojutepecano
cojutepecano {adj} :: Of or from the city of Cojutepeque in El Salvador
cojutepecano {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Cojutepeque in El Salvador
col {f} :: cabbage
-cola {suffix} :: cultivator, breeder (forming nouns and adjectives)
-cola {suffix} :: inhabitant (forming nouns and adjectives)
cola {f} [anatomy] :: tail
cola {f} :: line [US]; queue [UK]
cola {f} [aviation] :: empennage, aircraft tail
cola {f} [clothing] :: train (long back section of a gown)
cola {f} [astronomy] :: coma (a comet's tail)
cola {f} [computing, informatics] :: queue
cola {f} [slightly, obscene] :: ass, the buttocks
cola {f} [Chile, LGBT, sometimes pejorative] :: gayboy, homo
cola {f} [adhesive] :: glue (natural)
cola {f} [drink] :: short for bebida de cola
cola {f} [nut] :: kola
cola {f} [tree] :: kola tree
colaboración {f} :: collaboration
colaboracionismo {m} :: collaborationism
colaboracionista {mf} :: collaborator
colaborador {m} :: collaborator
colaboradora {f} :: (female) collaborator
colaborar {v} :: to collaborate
colaborativamente {adv} :: collaboratively
colaborativo {adj} :: collaborative
colación {f} :: light meal, collation, snack
colación {f} :: collation (comparison)
colación {f} :: conferment of a title or position
colación {f} [Latin America] :: a type of sweet pastry
colación {f} :: collation (conference or discussion in a monastery)
colación {f} :: territory pertaining to a parish
colada {f} :: laundry, washing (washed clothes)
colada {f} :: laundry, washing (dirty clothes)
cola de caballo {f} [hair] :: ponytail
cola de caballo {f} [botanics] :: horsetail (a plant of the genus Equisetum)
cola de caballo {f} [literal] :: horse tail
cola de milano {f} :: dovetail
cola de pato {f} :: dovetail
coladera {f} :: strainer
cola de rata {f} :: A rattail hairstyle
coladero {m} :: narrow pass or road
coladero {m} :: colander
coladero {m} :: loophole
coladero {m} [figurative, sports] :: leaky defence
coladito {adj} [slang] :: diminutive of colado
colado {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy (about someone); having the hots (for); crush, smitten
colador {m} :: sieve [only the strainer kind of sifter, not the cup-shaped sifter]
colador {m} :: colander
coladuria {f} :: laundry (room)
colagenasa {f} [enzyme] :: collagenase
colágeno {adj} :: collagenic
colágeno {m} [protein] :: collagen
colagenosis {f} [pathology] :: collagenosis
colaless {m} :: thong, G-string
colangiocarcinoma {m} [pathology] :: cholangiocarcinoma
colangiografía {f} :: cholangiography
colangiopancreatografía {f} [medicine] :: cholangiopancreatography
colangitis {f} :: cholangitis
colapez {f} :: isinglass
colapsable {adj} :: collapsable
colapsado {adj} :: collapsed
colapsar {vt} :: to cause to collapse
colapsarse {v} :: reflexive of colapsar
colapso {m} :: collapse
colapsología {f} :: collapsology
colar {v} :: to sift, to strain
colar {v} [Dominican Republic] :: to prepare coffee
colar {v} [colloquial] :: to dupe, hoodwink
colar {v} [colloquial] :: to missay, say wrongly
colar {vr} [colloquial] :: to fall for, fall in love
colar {vr} [colloquial] :: to sneak in, to crash
colarse {v} :: reflexive of colar
colársela {v} [idiom] :: to trick
colateral {adj} :: collateral
colateralmente {adv} :: collaterally
colauista {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or supporting, Ada Colau, Spanish politician and mayor of Barcelona since 2015
colauista {mf} :: Supporter or Ada Colau
colayo gordo {m} :: fat catshark
colcha {f} :: bedspread, quilt
colcha {f} :: blanket
Colchagua {prop} {?} :: Colchagua
colchagüino {adj} :: from the province of Colchagua, Chile
colchar {v} :: alternative form of acolchar
colchicina {f} [organic compound] :: colchicine
col china {f} :: Chinese cabbage
colchón {m} :: mattress (pad on which a person can recline and sleep)
colchón {m} :: buffer, cushion, padding (something acting as a cushion, especially to absorb a shock or impact)
colchón {m} [figurative] :: nest egg
colchoncito {m} :: diminutive of colchón
colchón de agua {m} :: waterbed mattress
colchonera {f} :: feminine noun of colchonero
colchonería {f} :: mattress shop; bed shop
colchonero {adj} :: Of or pertaining to mattresses
colchonero {adj} :: Of or related to Atlético de Madrid
colchonero {m} :: mattress maker
colchonero {m} [soccer] :: A supporter, player or coach of Atlético Madrid
colchoneta {f} :: mat
colchoneta {f} :: airbed
colchonetica {f} :: diminutive of colchoneta
col de Bruselas {m} :: Brussels sprout
cole {m} [colloquial] :: school
coleador {m} :: someone who takes part in a coleo
coleadora {f} :: feminine noun of coleador
colear {vi} :: to wag one's tail
colear {vt} :: to have repercussions
colección {f} :: collection
coleccionable {adj} :: collectable
coleccionable {m} :: collectable
coleccionable {m} :: pull-out
coleccionar {v} :: to collect
coleccionismo {m} :: collecting
coleccionista {mf} :: collector
colecho {m} :: cosleeping
colecistectomía {f} [surgery] :: cholecystectomy
colecistitis {f} [pathology] :: cholecystitis
colecistocinina {f} [hormone] :: cholecystokinin
colecistoquinina {f} [hormone] :: cholecystokinin
colecta {f} :: collection, alms (collection of money for a certain purpose especially during a church service)
colectar {v} :: to collect
colectivamente {adv} :: collectively
colectivera {f} :: feminine noun of colectivero
colectivero {m} [Latin America] :: bus driver
colectividad {f} :: collectivity
colectivismo {m} :: collectivism
colectivista {adj} :: collectivist
colectivista {mf} :: collectivist
colectivización {f} :: collectivization
colectivizar {v} :: to collectivize
colectivo {adj} :: collective
colectivo {m} :: collective, group, association, union, guild
colectivo {m} [Argentina, Peru] :: public bus
colectomía {f} [surgery] :: colectomy
colector {m} :: collector
colectora {f} :: collector
colector solar {m} :: solar thermal collector
colecturía {f} :: tithe barn, tax collector's office
colédoco {adj} [anatomy] :: choledochal
colega {mf} :: colleague
colega {mf} [colloquial, Spain] :: buddy
colegiación {f} :: Inscription at a college
colegiadamente {adv} :: professionally
colegiado {adj} :: qualified
colegiado {adj} :: professional, having gone on a professional course
colegiado {m} [sports] :: ref, man in black (referee)
colegial {adj} :: collegiate
colegial {m} :: schoolboy
colegial {m} [Chile] :: austral negrito, Patagonian negrito
colegial {m} [Chile] :: bread pudding
colegiala {f} :: schoolgirl
colegialidad {f} :: collegiality
colegiar {v} :: to matriculate in a college
colegiata {f} :: collegiate church
colegiatura {f} [Mexico, usually plural] :: fee (for school or university)
colegio {m} :: school
colegio electoral {m} [politics] :: polling station
colegio electoral {m} [politics] :: electoral college
colegio técnico {m} :: technical college
colegir {v} :: to infer or conclude, gather, work out
coleguear {v} [rare] :: to treat as a buddy
colegueo {m} :: A buddy relationship, informal relationship
coleguita {mf} :: diminutive of colega
colemanita {f} [mineral] :: colemanite
colémbolo {m} :: springtail
coleóptero {m} :: coleopteran
coleóptilo {m} [botany] :: coleoptile
cólera {f} :: anger
cólera {m} :: cholera
coléricamente {adv} :: cholerically
colérico {adj} :: choleric (easily becoming angry)
colerina {f} :: cholerine
colero {m} [Latin America, sports] :: bottom-ranked team
colerón {m} :: augmentative of cólera; great anger; the act of blowing one's top
colestásico {adj} :: cholestatic
colestasis {f} [medicine] :: cholestasis
colesteatoma {m} [pathology] :: cholesteatoma
colesterol {m} [biochemistry] :: cholesterol
coleta {f} :: ponytail
coleta {f} [bullfighting] :: coleta
coleta {f} :: exhaust pipe
coleta {f} :: afterthought
coletazo {m} :: A hit/blow with a tail
coletazo {m} :: [usually in plural] final day, ending, last breath
coletazo {m} :: A hit/blow with a ponytail
coleteo {m} :: wag of the tail
coléter {m} :: colletor
coletilla {f} :: stock phrase
coleto {m} [Venezuela, colloquial] :: mop
coleto {m} :: A type of doublet
coleto {m} :: (one's) insides, (one's) interior
colgado {adj} :: hanging
colgado {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy
colgado {adj} [colloquial] :: stoned (on drugs)
colgador {m} :: A clothes hook, hanger
colgadura {f} :: wall hanging, decorative hanging
colgajo {m} :: strip
colgajo {m} [medical] :: flap (surgical tissue)
colgante {adj} :: hanging
colgante {m} :: pendant (hanging piece of jewllery)
colgante {m} :: pendant (hanging earring)
colgar {v} :: to hang
colgar {v} :: to hang up
colgar {v} [computing] :: to upload
colgar {v} [colloquial] :: to hang out, relax with someone
colgar clase {v} [idiom] :: to play truant, to skip school, to play hooky, to skive (to be absent from school without permission)
colgarse {v} :: (reflexive of colgar) [computing] to freeze (To come a sudden halt, stop working)
coliblanco {adj} :: white-tailed
colibrí {m} :: hummingbird
cólico {adj} [anatomy] :: colic (relating to the colon)
cólico {m} [pathology] :: colic (severe pains in the abdomen)
colicorto {adj} :: short-tailed
colicorto {m} :: short-tailed opposum
colicuación {f} :: melting
colículo {m} :: colliculus
colíder {m} :: joint leader
colidir {v} [archaic] :: to collide
coliflor {f} :: cauliflower
coliforme {m} :: coliform bacteria
coligallero {m} [Central America] :: A small-time gold prospector, miner or panner
coligar {v} :: to join up
coligrueso {adj} :: thick-tailed; fat-tailed
colihue {m} [Argentina, Chile] :: a type of bamboo (Chusquea coleou)
colihue {m} [slang, Chile] :: gay (homosexual man)
colilargo {adj} :: longtailed
colilla {f} :: butt, stub (remnant of a smoked cigarette)
colilla {f} :: roach (butt of a marijuana cigarette)
Colima {prop} {f} :: Colima (state)
colimador {m} :: collimator
colimar {v} [physics] :: to collimate
colimba {m} [vesre] :: military conscript
colimbo {m} :: loon (bird)
colimbo ártico {m} :: The black-throated diver (a seabird)
colimeño {adj} :: (of a person) Of or from the Mexican state of Colima
colimense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Colima
colín {m} :: New World quail
colín {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: machete
colina {f} [geography] :: hill
colina {f} [organic compound] :: choline
colinabo {m} :: rutabaga
colindancia {f} :: The state of being on the border or frontier
colindante {adj} :: contiguous
colindar {v} :: to adjoin
colineación {f} :: collineation
colineal {adj} :: collinear
colinealidad {f} :: colinearity
colinegro {adj} :: black-tailed
colinérgico {adj} :: cholinergic
colinesterasa {f} [enzyme] :: cholinesterase
colipasa {f} [enzyme] :: colipase
colirio {m} :: eyedrops; artificial tears
colirrábano {m} :: kohlrabi
colirrojo {adj} :: red-necked (said of various species of bird)
colirrojo {m} :: redstart
colirrojo tizón {m} :: The black redstart. A bird
colirrufo {adj} :: rufous-tailed (said of various species)
coliseo {m} :: coliseum
Coliseo {prop} {m} :: Colosseum
colisión {f} :: collision, clash
colisionador {m} :: collider
colisionar {v} :: to crash into, collide with
colisionar {v} :: to clash (argue violently with)
colista {m} [sports] :: team bottom of a league
colista {mf} :: queuer
colistina {f} :: colistin
colita {m} :: diminutive of cola: little tail
colita {m} [Chile] :: ponytail
colita {m} [derogatory, Chile] :: fagboy, gayboy
colita {m} :: rear end, caboose, booty (buttocks)
colita {m} [slang] :: end tip of a cannabis flower bud
colitis {f} :: diarrhea
colitis {f} :: colitis
colitosa {f} [organic compound, carbohydrate] :: colitose
coliza {f} :: alternative spelling of colisa
colla {adj} :: Colla
colla {mf} :: Colla
collación {f} [historical] :: parish
collada {f} :: synonym of collado
collado {m} :: hill; hillock
collado {m} :: mountain pass
Collado {prop} :: surname
collage {m} :: collage
collalba {f} :: wheatear
Collantes {prop} {m} :: surname
collar {m} :: necklace
collar {m} :: an animal's collar, band or chain around its neck
collarín {m} :: surgical collar
collarín {m} :: ruff (circular frill or ruffle on a garment)
colleja {f} :: campion
colleja {f} [colloquial] :: slap on the nape
collera {f} :: horse collar
collie {m} :: collie
colmadamente {adv} :: copiously; dearly; excessively
colmado {adj} :: full; copious
colmado {m} [Spain] :: limited corner store
colmado {m} [Dominican Republic] :: local general store that is often also a social gather point
colmadón {m} [Dominican Republic] :: bar; club; pub
colmador {m} :: A type of plough
colmar {vt} :: to fulfill, satisfy
colmar {vt} :: to fill, fill to the brim
colmar {vt} :: to shower, heap
colmar {vt} :: to overwhelm
colmatación {f} :: siltation
colmatar {v} :: to fill in (land, with mud from the river or sea)
colmena {f} :: beehive
colmenar {m} :: apiary (a place where beehives are kept)
colmenera {f} :: feminine noun of colmenero
colmenero {m} :: beekeeper
colmenilla {f} :: morel (edible mushroom of the genus Morchella)
colmillo {m} [teeth] :: canine tooth
colmillo {m} :: tusk, fang
colmo {adj} :: summit, top
colmo {adj} :: height
colmo {m} :: the extreme of a situation
coloblasto {m} :: colloblast
colobo {m} :: colobus
coloboma {m} [medicine] :: coloboma
colocación {f} [linguistics] :: collocation
colocado {adj} [colloquial, slang] :: high (stoned)
colocado {adj} [colloquial] :: drunk
colocador {m} :: underwriter
colocar {v} :: to place
colocar {v} :: to put
colocar {v} :: to get in
colocar {vr} [slang] :: to take drugs
colocar {vt} [slang] :: to intoxicate (stupefy by doping with chemical substances such as alcohol)
colocarse {v} :: reflexive of colocar
colocho {adj} [Central American] :: curly
colocho {m} [Central America] :: curly-haired person
colocho {m} [Central America, usually plural] :: curl; lock
colocolino {adj} [football] :: Of or relating to Colo-Colo, a football club from Santiago, Chile
colocolino {m} [football] :: Someone connected to Colo-Colo, as a player, fan, coach etc
colocón {m} :: buzz, high (feeling of exhilaration due to drink or drugs)
colocutor {m} :: co-announcer
colocutora {f} :: feminine noun of colocutor
colodión {m} :: collodion
colodrillo {m} :: occiput
colofón {m} [printing] :: colophon
colofón {m} :: climax, culmination
coloidal {adj} :: colloidal
coloide {m} [chemistry] :: colloid
Coloma {prop} {f} :: surname
Colombia {prop} {f} :: Colombia (country)
colombiana {f} :: feminine noun of colombiano
colombianidad {f} :: Colombianness
colombianismo {m} :: Colombianism
colombiano {adj} :: Colombian
colombiano {m} :: Colombian
colombino {adj} :: Columbian (of or pertaining to Christopher Columbus)
Colombo {prop} {m} :: Colombo (the commercial <<capital>> and largest <<city>> of <<c/Sri Lanka>>)
colombovenezolano {adj} :: Colombian-Venezuelan
colombroño {m} [rare] :: namesake
colomeño {adj} :: Of or from Colomé
colomeño {m} :: Someone from Colomé
colomense {adj} :: Of or from Santa Coloma de Gramanet
colomense {mf} :: Someone from Santa Coloma de Gramanet
colon {m} [anatomy] :: colon (part of the large intestine)
colón {m} :: colón (currency)
Colón {prop} {m} :: Columbus
Colón {prop} {m} :: surname
Colón {prop} {m} :: Any of several cities in Latin America, especially the second city of Panama
colona {f} :: feminine noun of colono
colonense {adj} :: Of or from any of a number of places called Colón
colonense {mf} :: Someone from any of a number of places called Colón
colonés {adj} :: Colognian, Kölsch (of or pertaining to Cologne, Germany)
colonés {m} :: Colognian (native or resident of Cologne, Germany)
colonesa {f} :: feminine noun of colonés
colongitud {f} :: colongitude
colonia {f} :: colony
colonia {f} [Mexico] :: neighbourhood
colonia {f} :: eau de Cologne
Colonia {prop} {f} :: Colonia (largest city)
coloniaje {m} :: colonial period
coloniaje {m} :: colonial government
coloniaje {m} [Latin America, pejorative] :: slavery
colonial {adj} :: colonial
colonialidad {f} :: coloniality
colonialismo {m} :: colonialism (colonial domination policy)
colonialista {adj} :: colonialist
colonialista {mf} :: colonialist
colonialmente {adv} :: colonially
colonia penal {f} :: penal colony
colónico {adj} :: colonic
coloniense {adj} :: Of or from Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
coloniense {mf} :: Someone from Colonia del Sacramento
colonista {mf} :: colonist, settler
colonista {mf} :: pilgrim
colonización {f} :: colonization
colonizado {m} :: colonizee
colonizador {adj} :: colonizing
colonizador {m} :: colonist
colonizadora {f} :: feminine noun of colonizador
colonizar {v} :: to colonize
colono {m} :: colonist, settler
colono {m} :: farmer that normally lives and works on the same land
colonoscopia {f} :: colonoscopy
colonoscopía {f} :: alternative form of colonoscopia
colonoscopio {m} :: colonoscope
coloproctología {f} :: coloproctology
coloq. {adj} :: abbreviation of coloquial
coloquial {adj} :: colloquial
coloquialismo {m} :: colloquialism
coloquialmente {adv} :: colloquially
coloquio {m} :: colloquy, discussion
color {mf} :: color, colour, hue
color {mf} :: rouge (cosmetics)
color {mf} :: pretext, motive, reason
color {mf} :: character; special quality
color {mf} :: side, party, faction
color {mf} :: race, ethnicity
color {mf} [feminine, archaic or dialectal] :: complexion
color {mf} [poker] :: flush
coloración {f} :: coloration, coloring
coloradeña {f} :: feminine noun of coloradeño
coloradeño {adj} :: Coloradan
coloradeño {m} :: Coloradan
coloradismo {m} :: Political beliefs of the Colorado Party of Paraguay
colorado {adj} :: colored
colorado {adj} :: red
Colorado {prop} {m} :: Colorado (state)
colorante {adj} :: coloring
colorante {m} :: colorant
colorar {v} :: to dye, tint
colorar {v} [dated] :: to color
coloratura {f} [music] :: coloratura
color de perro que huye {m} [rare] :: an nonspecific or nameless color, sometimes especially an unattractive one
colorear {v} :: to color
colorear {v} :: to ripen
colorete {m} :: rouge, blush (makeup)
colorete {m} [Colombia, El Salvador, Peru] :: lipstick
colorido {m} :: coloring, coloration, color
colorimetría {f} :: colorimetry
colorimétrico {adj} :: colorimetric
colorín {adj} :: red haired
colorín {m} :: redhead, red haired person
colorir {v} [rare] :: to colour
colorismo {m} :: colourism
colorista {mf} :: colourist
colorrectal {adj} [anatomy] :: colorectal
colosal {adj} :: colossal
colosalista {adj} :: blockbuster
Colosenses {prop} {mp} [bible] :: Colossians (the book of the Bible)
colosista {adj} :: Related to, or supporting Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta, president of Mexico 1992-1993
colosista {mf} :: A supporter of Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta
coloso {m} :: colossus
colostomía {f} :: colostomy
colpa {f} :: colcothar used as a flux for silver
colpo {m} :: colpus
Cólquida {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Cólquide
Cólquide {prop} {f} :: Colchis (ancient region and kingdom)
col rizada {f} :: kale
coltan {m} :: coltan
coltán {m} :: coltan
Coltauco {prop} {m} :: Coltauco (city)
coltauquino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Coltauco
coludir {v} :: to conspire; to be in cahoots
coludo {adj} :: having a long tail
Columba {prop} [constellation] :: Columba (constellation)
columbario {m} :: columbarium
Columbia Británica {prop} {f} :: Columbia Británica (province)
columbiano {adj} :: Columbian (of or pertaining to Columbia, South Carolina)
columbiano {adj} :: Columbian (of or pertaining to any other location bearing the name "Columbia")
columbiano {m} :: Columbian (native or resident of Columbia, South Carolina)
columbiano {m} :: Columbian (native or resident of any other location bearing the name "Columbia")
columbino {adj} :: columbine (related to doves)
columbino {adj} :: dovelike; dovish
columbino {adj} :: peaceful; calm
columbrar {vt} :: to make out, glimpse (see in the distance)
columbuseña {f} :: feminine noun of columbuseño
columbuseño {adj} :: Columbusite (of or pertaining to Columbus, Ohio)
columbuseño {adj} :: Columbusite (of or pertaining to any other location bearing the name "Columbus")
columbuseño {m} :: Columbusite (native or resident of Columbus, Ohio)
columbuseño {m} :: Columbusite (native or resident of any other location bearing the name "Columbus")
columela {f} [mycology, biology, anatomy] :: columella
columense {adj} :: Of or from Santa Coloma de Gramanet
columense {mf} :: Someone from Santa Coloma de Gramanet
columna {f} [architecture] :: A column; a circular support
columna {f} [chess] :: file
columnado {adj} :: columned
columnar {adj} :: columnar
columnario {adj} [attributive, of a coin] :: of Columnarios
columnario {m} :: columnario
Columnas de Hércules {prop} {fp} :: Pillars of Hercules
columnata {f} :: colonnade
columna vertebral {f} :: spine, vertebral column
columnela {f} :: columnella
columnilla {f} :: columnella
columnismo {m} [journalism] :: column writing
columnista {mf} :: columnist
columnita {f} :: diminutive of columna
columpiar {v} :: to swing
columpiar {vp} [colloquial] :: blunder, mess up, screw up (make an embarassing mistake)
columpio {m} :: swing
coluna {f} :: rare form of columna
coluria {f} [medicine] :: choluria
colúrico {adj} :: choluric
coluro {m} [astronomy] :: colure
colusión {f} :: collusion
colusivo {adj} :: collusive
colusorio {adj} :: collusive
colutorio {m} :: mouthwash
coluvial {adj} :: colluvial
col verde {f} :: collard greens
colza {f} :: canola
coma {f} :: comma
coma {f} :: [church] misericord
coma {f} [music] :: section
coma {m} :: coma
coma {f} [rare] :: mane
coma decimal {f} :: decimal point
comadre {f} :: midwife
comadre {f} :: The godmother of one's child
comadre {f} :: The mother of one's godchild
comadre {f} :: A very dear and honoured female friend
comadre {f} :: gossip
comadre {f} [colloquial] :: go-between
comadrear {v} [colloquial] :: to gossip
comadreja {f} :: weasel (Mustela nivalis)
comadreja {f} :: weasel, marten (a mammal of the genus Mustela)
comadreja {f} :: weasel (mammal unrelated to the genus Mustela)
comadreo {m} :: gossip
Comadres {prop} {fp} :: A holiday held on the Thursday before carnival, originally in Pola de Siero in Asturias, on which traditionally women go out to parties together, with no male interaction (except perhaps that of a male stripper)
comadrita {f} :: diminutive of comadre
comadrona {f} :: midwife
coma flotante {f} [computing] :: synonym of punto flotante
comal {m} [Central America, Mexico] :: comal
comanche {adj} :: Comanche (of or pertaining to the people, their culture, or language)
comanche {mf} :: A Comanche
comanche {m} :: Comanche (language)
comandamiento {m} :: command; commandment
comandancia {f} :: commandery
comandanta {f} :: (female) commander
comandanta {f} :: flagship
comandante {mf} :: commander
comandar {v} :: to lead
comandita {f} :: group
comando {m} :: commando
comanejo {m} :: comanagement; coleadership
comarapeña {f} :: feminine noun of comarapeño
comarapeño {adj} :: Of or from Comarapa
comarapeño {m} :: Someone from Comarapa
comarca {f} :: district
comarcal {adj} [attributive] :: district
comarcalización {f} :: The division of a land into subdivisions (counties, comarcas, departments etc.)
comarcano {adj} :: bordering
comarqueño {adj} :: from or related to the district
comarqueño {adj} :: from or related to a places called comarca
comatoso {adj} :: comatose
comba {f} :: rope
comba {f} [Spain, exercise] :: jump rope
combar {v} :: to curve
combate {m} :: combat
combatiente {adj} :: fighting, fight-
combatiente {mf} :: fighter
combatiente {m} :: ruff (wading bird of the species Philomachus pugnax)
combatir {v} :: to combat or fight
combativamente {adv} :: combatively
combatividad {f} :: combativeness
combativo {adj} :: combative
combayana {f} [slang, Chile] :: slut
combi {m} [Latin America] :: minivan
combinable {adj} :: combinable
combinación {f} :: combination
combinacional {adj} :: combinational
combinación lineal {f} [linear algebra] :: linear combination
combinada nórdica {f} :: Nordic combined
combinado {adj} :: combined
combinado {m} :: cocktail, long drink
combinador {adj} :: combining
combinador {m} :: combiner
combinadora {f} :: feminine noun of combinador
combinar {v} :: to combine
combinar {v} :: to go with (correspond or fit well with, to match)
combinativo {adj} :: combined
combinatoria {f} :: combinatorics
combinatorio {adj} :: combinatorial
comble {m} [heraldiccharge] :: comble
combo {m} [Latin America] :: gavel, wooden hammer
combo {m} [Bolivia, Chile, Peru] :: punch
comboy {m} :: convoy
comburente {m} [chemistry] :: oxidizing agent
combustibilidad {f} :: combustibility
combustible {adj} :: combustible
combustible {m} :: fuel
combustible fósil {m} :: fossil fuel
combustión {f} :: combustion
combustóleo {m} [Spain] :: fuel oil
comechingón {m} :: Comechingón
comecocos {m} :: brainteaser (puzzle)
comecocos {m} :: brainwasher
comecocos {m} :: cootie catcher
comedero {adj} :: eatable
comedero {adj} [archaic] :: gluttonous
comedero {m} :: diner, dining room
comedero {m} :: trough
comedia {f} [drama] :: comedy
comedia {f} :: comedy (entertainment)
comedia {f} :: soap opera
comedia de costumbres {f} :: comedy of manners
comedia de situación {f} :: sitcom, situation comedy (episodic comedy television program)
comedia dramática {f} :: dramedy (comedy-drama)
comedia negra {f} :: black comedy
comediante {mf} :: comedian
comedido {adj} :: moderate
comedimiento {m} :: gallant behaviour; good manners
comedio {m} :: middle; midpoint
comediógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of comediógrafo
comediógrafo {m} :: comedy writer
comedir {v} :: to moderate, restrain
comedón {m} :: comedo
comedor {m} :: eater (someone who eats)
comedor {m} :: dining room
comedor {m} :: eatery
comedor {m} :: cafeteria, canteen (staff restaurant)
comedora {f} :: (female) eater
comedorcito {m} :: diminutive of comedor
comeflor {mf} [derogatory] :: a hippie or New Ager
comeflor {mf} [derogatory, Venezuela] :: a naive person
comejamo {adj} [football] :: Of or relating to Club Deportivo Social Sol, a football team from Honduras
comejamo {m} [football] :: Someone connected to Club Deportivo Social Sol, as a fan, player, coach etc
comején {m} :: white ant; termite
comejibias {mf} [Chile, Chiloé] :: Someone from Castro, Chile
comejonera {f} :: nest of white ants; nest of termites
comelón {adj} [Latin America] :: greedy, gluttonous
comelón {m} [Latin America, slang] :: pig, glutton
comelona {f} :: feminine noun of comelón
comelotodo {m} :: greedyguts; human dustbin (someone who eats everything)
cómeme el coño {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: suck it, suck my cock, suck my balls, bite me, kiss my ass
cómeme el rabo {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar, offensive] :: suck my dick, suck my cock, bite me, suck my balls, suck it, bite me, kiss my ass
cómeme la polla {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar, offensive] :: suck my dick, suck my cock, bite me, suck my balls, suck it, bite me, kiss my ass
cómeme los huevos {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar, offensive] :: suck my balls, suck it, suck my cock, bite me, kiss my ass
comemierda {mf} [vulgar, pejorative] :: asshole
comendador {m} :: commander
comendadora {f} :: commander
comensal {mf} :: messmate, commensal, fellow diner, dining companion
comensalismo {m} :: commensalism
comentador {m} :: commentator
comentadora {f} :: feminine noun of comentador
comentar {v} :: to comment (make a comment)
comentario {m} :: comment
comentario {m} :: commentary
comentarista {mf} :: commentator (person who comments professionally)
comentocracia {f} :: The supposed ruling class of writers and commenters
comenzar {v} :: to begin
comenzar {v} :: to commence
comer {v} :: to eat
comer {v} [colloquial] :: to eat away, corrode
comer {vt} [chess, board games] :: to capture a piece
comer {v} [double entendre, Mexico] :: to have sexual intercourse (because of similarity to coger)
comer {m} :: eating, food
comer a besos {v} [idiomatic] :: to kiss to death; to smother with kisses
comer a dos carrillos {v} [idiomatic] :: to stuff one's face
comerciabilidad {f} :: marketability
comerciable {adj} :: merchantable, marketable
comerciable {adj} :: sociable
comercial {adj} :: commercial
comercial {m} :: commercial
comercialidad {f} :: commerciality
comercialismo {m} :: commercialism
comercializable {adj} :: sellable, marketable
comercialización {f} :: marketing
comercializador {m} :: marketer
comercializadora {f} :: feminine noun of comercializador
comercializar {vt} :: to sell, commercialize, market
comercialmente {adv} :: commercially
comerciante {mf} :: shopkeeper
comerciante {mf} :: trader
comerciar {vi} :: to deal, to trade; to do business
comercio {m} :: trade
comercio {m} :: shop
comercio justo {m} :: fair trade
comercio libre {m} :: free trade
comer con los ojos {v} [idiom] :: to have eyes bigger than one's stomach
comer la sopa boba {v} [idiomatic] :: to scrounge for one's meals
comerse {v} :: reflexive of comer
comerse el marrón {v} [idiom] :: to own up, bite the bullet
comerse el mundo {v} [idiomatic] :: to reach the top, to be the champion
comerse el tarro {v} [idiomatic] :: to scratch one's head
comerse la cabeza {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to fret, worry
comerse los codos de hambre {v} [idiomatic, archaic] :: to be starving
comerse los mocos {v} [idiom, colloquial, Spain] :: to fail, especially in flirting
comesebo {m} :: Any of a number of species of birds
comestibilidad {f} :: edibility
comestible {adj} :: edible, eatable, comestible
comestible {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: food, comestible
comestible {m} :: grocery
cometa {m} [astronomy] :: comet
cometa {f} :: kite
cometa Halley {prop} {m} :: Halley's comet
cometario {adj} :: cometary
cometer {vt} :: to commit
cometer {vt} :: to make (an error, etc)
cometido {m} :: mission, task
cometimiento {m} :: commission (the act of committing)
comezón {f} :: itch, itching
comible {adj} :: edible
comic {m} :: misspelling of cómic
cómic {m} :: comic (cartoon story)
cómicamente {adv} :: comically
comicial {adj} [attributive] :: voting
comicidad {f} :: comicalness
comicio {m} :: comitia; political assembly
comicio {m} [usually plural] :: election
cómico {adj} :: funny
cómico {adj} :: comedic
cómico {m} :: comedian
cómico {m} :: comic actor
comida {f} :: food
comida {f} :: lunch
comida {f} :: dinner
comida {f} [slang] :: cunnilingus
comida basura {f} :: junk food (food with little or no nutritional value)
comida corrida {f} [Mexico] :: table d’hote, a small meal of several courses at a fixed price eaten between about 1 and 4 p.m
comida rápida {f} :: fast food
comidilla {f} :: diminutive of comida, an unappealing food, soylent
comidilla {f} :: talk of the town
comidita {f} :: diminutive of comida
comienço {m} :: obsolete spelling of comienzo
comienzo {m} :: beginning
comigo {adv} :: obsolete spelling of conmigo
comilla {f} :: quotation mark
comilla baja {f} :: guillemet
comillas altas {fp} :: quotation marks (of the kind like “ ”)
comillas angulares {fp} :: guillemets
comillas españolas {fp} :: guillemets
comillas inglesas {fp} :: quotation marks (of the kind like “ ”)
comillas latinas {fp} :: guillemets
comillas simples {fp} :: single quotation marks (of the kind like ‘ ’)
comilón {adj} :: gluttonous
comilón {m} :: glutton (person who eats excessively)
comilona {f} :: feast
comilona {f} :: binge (period of excessive eating)
comilona {f} :: feminine noun of comilón
comino {m} :: cumin (plant, spice)
comiquera {f} :: comics fan
comiquero {m} :: comics fan
comiquero {adj} [attributive] :: comics
comiquísimo {adj} :: superlative of cómico
comiquita {f} [Venezuela] :: comic strip
comiquita {f} [Venezuela] :: cartoon animation
comisar {v} :: to put in forfeiture
comisaria {f} :: feminine noun of comisario
comisaría {f} :: police station
comisarial {adj} :: police
comisariar {v} :: to commission
comisariato {m} :: The office of a commissioner of police
comisariato {m} :: a police station headed by a commissioner
comisario {m} :: (police) inspector
comisario {m} :: commissioner
comiscar {v} :: to nibble (eat with small bites)
comisión {f} :: committee
comisión {f} :: commission (fee charged for carrying out a transaction)
comisión {f} :: commission (act of committing)
comisión {f} :: commission, task
comisionado {m} :: commissioner
comisionamiento {m} :: commissioning
comisionar {v} :: to commission
Comisión Europea {prop} {f} :: European Commission
comisionista {mf} :: commissioner
comisionista {mf} :: commission agent
comiso {m} [law] :: forfeiture
comisquear {v} :: to nibble (eat with small bites)
comistrajo {m} [pejorative] :: slop; pigswill
comisura {f} :: edge (of the mouth)
comisural {adj} :: commissural
comité {m} :: committee
comiteca {f} :: comic book library
comiteco {adj} :: Of or from Comitán de Domínguez, Mexico
comiteco {m} :: Someone from Comitán de Domínguez
comitente {adj} :: commissioning
comitiva {f} :: company, covey, retinue
comitiva {f} :: cortege
comitiva {f} :: train (group of wagons)
comitología {f} :: comitology
cómitre {m} [historical] :: person in charge of galley slaves
commoditie {f} :: commodity
commodity {m} :: commodity
commover {v} :: obsolete spelling of conmover
como {adv} :: as (to such an extent or degree)
como {adv} :: like, about (approximately)
como {conj} :: as (introducing a basis of comparison or equality)
como {conj} :: as, since (being that)
como {conj} :: how (in which way)
como {conj} [followed by the subjunctive] :: if, unless (under the condition that)
como {prep} :: as (in the manner or role specified)
como {prep} :: such as (for example)
como {prep} :: like (similar to, reminiscent of)
Como {prop} :: Como (city and capital of Como)
cómo {adv} [interrogative] :: how?
cómo {interj} [interrogative] :: sorry? what? (expressing surprise or asking to repeat)
cómo {m} :: how
como agua de mayo {adv} [simile, idiom] :: in the nick of time
como anillo al dedo {adv} [idiomatic, simile] :: like a glove; perfectly
como caído del cielo {adv} [idiomatic] :: out of the blue
cómoda {f} :: chest of drawers
cómodamente {adv} :: comfortably
cómodamente {adv} :: conveniently
comodato {m} :: commodate
como de costumbre {adv} [idiom] :: as usual
cómo dices {phrase} :: sorry?, pardon?
comodidad {f} :: convenience
comodidad {f} :: comfort
comodín {adj} :: general purpose; generic; wild card
comodín {m} :: joker
comodín {m} [card games] :: joker
comodín {m} [card games] :: wild card, wildcard
comodín {m} :: dummy, placeholder
comodín {m} :: lifeline
como Dios lo trajo al mundo {adj} [idiom] :: naked as the day one was born
cómodo {adj} :: comfortable
cómodo {adj} :: convenient
cómodo {adj} :: lazy
comodora {f} :: feminine noun of comodoro
comodorense {adj} :: Of or from Comodoro Rivadavia
comodorense {mf} :: Someone from Comodoro Rivadavia
comodoro {m} :: commodore
como dos gotas de agua {adj} [simile] :: like two peas in a pod
como dos y dos son cuatro {adv} [idiom] :: sure as eggs is eggs
como el aceite y el agua {adj} [idiomatic] :: different as chalk and cheese
como el coño de la Bernarda {adj} [simile, idiom, vulgar] :: like a shithole; fucking messy
como el culo {adv} [idiomatic, simile, vulgar, Spain] :: poorly, badly, half-assed
como es debido {adv} [idiom] :: properly; aptly; the right way; how it should be done
cómo está {phrase} [formal] :: how are you?
como está mandado {adv} [idiomatic] :: as it should be
cómo estás {phrase} [colloquial] :: how are you?
como guste {adv} [idiomatic] :: as much as one likes, as one feels fit
como la seda {adv} :: like clockwork; smoothly; swimmingly
cómo le va {phrase} :: how's it going?
como llovido del cielo {adv} [idiomatic] :: out of the blue
como los chorros {adj} [idiom] :: alternative form of como los chorros del oro
como los chorros del oro {adj} [simile] :: squeaky clean
como máximo {adv} [idiomatic] :: at most, at the most, maximum, up to, tops, at best, max (i.e., no more than)
como máximo {adv} [idiomatic] :: at the latest, not later than, no later than, at the longest [when talking about a date in the past or future]
como mínimo {adv} [idiomatic] :: at least
como mucho {adv} [idiomatic] :: at best, tops, at most
como mucho {adv} [idiomatic] :: at the latest, at the longest [when talking about a date in the past or future]
como mucho {adv} :: as much [could mean the non-idiomatic depending on the context]
cómo no {phrase} [in response to a question] :: sure thing; sure; of course; you bet
como no hay dos {adj} [idiomatic] :: like no other
como oro en paño {adv} [idiom, usually with guardar] :: treating something precious with extreme care
como para {prep} :: to
como Pedro por su casa {adv} [idiom, simile] :: at home (at ease, comfortable)
como pez en el agua {adv} [idiom] :: like a duck takes to water
como por arte de magia {adv} :: alternative form of por arte de magia
como por ensalmo {adv} :: alternative form of por ensalmo
como quien no quiere la cosa {adv} [idiomatic] :: just like that; as if it were nothing
como quien no quiere la cosa {adv} [idiomatic] :: on the Q.T.
comoquier {adv} :: obsolete spelling of comoquiera
como quiera {phrase} [formal] :: as you wish
comoquiera {adv} :: anyhow; however; any which way
como quiera que {conj} :: however
como quiera que {conj} :: as; given that; seeing as
como quieras {phrase} :: as you like
Comoras {prop} {f} :: Comoros
comorbilidad {f} [medicine] :: comorbidity
comorense {adj} :: Comorian
comorense {mf} :: Comorian
Comores {prop} {f} :: Comoros
como resultado {adv} :: thus; as a result of
comoriana {f} :: feminine noun of comoriano
comoriano {adj} :: Comorian
comoriano {m} :: Comorian
como sea {adv} :: anyway, either way, anyhow, as it is, somehow
como sea {adv} :: at all costs
como sea {interj} :: whatever
cómo se dice...en inglés {phrase} :: how do you English?
como si {conj} [with imperfect subjunctive] :: as if; as though
como si no hubiera un mañana {adv} [idiom] :: like one's life depended on it
como si su vida dependiera de ello {adv} [idiom] :: like one's life depended on it
como si tal cosa {adv} [idiomatic] :: as if it were nothing
como si te la pica un pollo {phrase} [colloquial] :: I don't give a rat's ass
como tas {interj} :: informal form of cómo estás
cómo te llamas {phrase} :: what is your name?
cómo te va {phrase} :: how's it going?
como tres y dos son cinco {adv} [idiom] :: sure as eggs is eggs
como una cabra {adj} [colloquial, simile, idiom] :: mad, out of one's mind, nuts
como una catedral {adj} [idiom] :: huge; massive
como una catedral {adv} [idiom] :: hugely; big time
como una cuba {adj} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: drunk as a skunk
como una foca {adj} [colloquial, simile] :: fat; tubby; lardy
como una regadera {adj} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: nuts, bonkers, mad as a hatter
como una seda {adv} [simile] :: like clockwork; smoothly
como una tapia {adj} [idiomatic, simile] :: deaf as a post
como una vaca {adj} [colloquial, simile] :: fat; bloated; tubby
como un clavo {adv} [idiomatic] :: on the dot
como un jabato {adv} [colloquial, simile] :: bravely
cómo va todo {phrase} :: how's tricks?
comóvil {adj} :: comoving
compa {m} [slang, US Spanish, Mexico] :: buddy
compacidad {f} :: compactness
compactación {f} :: compacting
compactador {m} :: compactor
compactamente {adv} :: compactly
compactar {vt} :: to compact (make more dense)
compacto {adj} :: compact
compadecer {v} :: to feel sorry (for); to pity
compadecer {v} :: to sympathise with
compadecer {vp} :: to feel sorry (for); to pity
compadecer {vp} :: to sympathise with
compadrar {v} :: to become godparents or godchildren
compadrar {v} :: To become good friends with; to buddy up
compadrazgo {m} :: A form of fictive kinship found in a Latin American culture, meaning literally co-parents but referring to co-godparenthood or joint sponsorship of a godchild or ritual object
compadre {m} :: Godfather of one's child
compadre {m} :: Parent of one's godchild
compadre {m} :: Friend, especially a very close and honoured male friend
compadre {m} [colloquial] :: father of one's child's spouse
compadre {m} [Mexico] :: binge or partying habitual companion
compadre {m} [Argentina] :: person of the generation whose parents fought in Argentina's war of independence from Spain.
compadre {m} [Nicaragua, colloquial] :: The relation between a man and his wife's lover, or in the case of divorce, the relation between the previous and current husband. In general, the relation between two men who have been involved with the same woman
compadrear {v} :: To buddy up
compadrear {vr} :: to strut; show off
compadrito {m} :: diminutive of compadre
compadrito {m} [Argentina] :: person of the generation whose grandfathers fought in Argentina's war of independence from Spain.
compaginación {f} :: collation
compaginación {f} :: matching
compaginar {vt} :: to collate
compaginar {vtp} [figurative, also] :: to agree with; to match
compaña {f} :: alternative form of compañía
compaña {mf} [dated] :: synonym of compañero
companaje {m} :: cold cuts in a sandwich
compañera {f} :: feminine noun of compañero (female) fellow, companion; (female) comrade; (female) colleague
compañerismo {m} :: companionship, comradeship
compañerito {m} :: diminutive of compañero
compañero {m} :: comrade
compañero {m} :: friend, buddy
compañero {m} :: fellow, companion
compañero {m} :: colleague
compañero de fórmula {m} [politics] :: running mate
compango {m} :: Selection of meats used as ingredients in certain Northern Spanish stews
compañía {f} :: company
compañía {f} :: companion
compañía {f} :: companionship
compañía aérea {f} :: airline
compañía de seguros {f} :: insurance company
compañón {m} :: ball; testicle
compañón {m} :: comrade
comparabilidad {f} :: comparability
comparable {adj} :: comparable
comparablemente {adv} :: comparably
comparación {f} :: comparison
comparador {m} :: comparator
comparar {v} :: to compare
compararse {v} :: reflexive of comparar
comparatismo {m} :: comparatism
comparatista {mf} :: comparatist
comparativamente {adv} :: comparatively
comparativo {adj} :: comparative
comparativo {m} :: comparative
comparecencia {f} [legal] :: appearance (in court)
comparecer {v} [legal with preposition ante] :: to appear, show up (at a court or authority)
compareciente {m} [legal] :: appearing party
comparencia {f} :: appearance
comparendo {m} [law] :: summons
comparon {adj} :: boastful
comparsa {f} :: troupe
comparsa {f} :: A group of people all dressed up in the same clothing, especially for a carnival
comparsa {f} [film, theatre] :: Collectively, the extras
comparsa {f} [film, theatre] :: extra
comparsera {f} :: feminine noun of comparsero
comparsero {m} :: Someone who takes part in a comparsa
comparsista {mf} :: A member of a troupe
comparsista {mf} :: A carnival performer
compartible {adj} :: shared, sharable
compartición {f} :: sharing
compartido {adj} :: shared
compartido {adj} :: divided between
compartimentación {f} :: compartmentalization
compartimental {adj} [attributive] :: compartment syndrome
compartimentalización {f} :: compartmentalization
compartimentalizar {v} :: to compartmentalise
compartimentar {v} :: to compartmentalise
compartimento {m} :: compartment
compartimiento {m} :: compartment
compartimiento {m} :: chamber
compartir {v} :: to share
compartir {v} :: to split, to divide [in order to share]
compartir {v} :: to pool (e.g. resources)
compás {m} :: pair of compasses (tool used to draw circles)
compás {m} :: rhythm
compás {m} [music] :: beat
compás {m} [music] :: bar
compás {m} [fencing] :: beat
compasar {v} :: to measure with a compass
compasar {v} :: to adjust
compasar {v} [music] :: to divide into bars
compás de espera {m} [music] :: bar of silence
compás de espera {m} [idiom] :: dead time; timeout; period of waiting or of no action
compasión {f} :: compassion, sympathy
compasivamente {adv} :: compassionately
compasivo {adj} :: compassionate
compatibilidad {f} :: compatibility
compatibilización {f} :: compatibilization
compatibilizar {v} :: to coordinate; to balance responsibilities
compatibilizar {v} :: to be compatible with
compatible {adj} :: compatible
compatriota {mf} :: compatriot
compatrono {m} :: One of several patron saints of the same church
compeler {vt} :: to compel
compendiar {v} :: to abridge, shorten
compendio {m} :: compendium
compendiosamente {adv} :: concisely
compendioso {adj} :: abridged; brief
compenetración {f} :: getting along, mutual sympathy
compenetrar {v} :: to get along with
compenetrarse {v} :: to understand or get along with (one another)
compensación {f} :: compensation
compensador {adj} :: compensatory
compensador {m} :: compensator
compensar {v} :: to compensate
compensatorio {adj} :: compensatory
competencia {f} :: competition
competencia {f} :: competence, expertise
competencia {f} [legal] :: jurisdiction
competencial {adj} [attributive, politics] :: skill, competency
competente {adj} :: competent
competente {adj} :: expert, qualified
competentemente {adv} :: competently
competer {vi} :: to correspond (to), fall (to)
competición {f} :: competition
competidor {adj} :: competing
competidor {m} :: competitor
competidora {f} :: (female) competitor
competir {vi} :: to compete
competitivamente {adv} :: competitively
competitividad {f} :: competitiveness
competitivo {adj} :: competitive
compi {m} [colloquial] :: mate, buddy (friend)
compilación {f} :: compilation
compilador {adj} :: compiling
compilador {m} [computing] :: compiler (computer program that transforms source code into object code)
compilar {v} :: to compile (to put together)
compilar {v} [computing] :: to compile (a program)
compilatorio {adj} :: compilation
compincharse {v} :: to gang up
compinche {m} :: sidekick, wingman, partner
compinche {m} :: crony
compinche {m} [colloquial] :: buddy, homie, shill, chum, homeboy, homegirl
complacencia {f} :: satisfaction
complacer {m} :: concession
complacer {v} :: please
complacer {v} :: satisfy
complacer {vr} :: take pleasure
complacidísimo {adj} :: superlative of complacido
complacido {adj} :: content, satisfied, happy
complaciente {adj} :: complaisant (willing to do what pleases others)
complejamente {adv} :: complexly
complejidad {f} :: complexity
complejísimo {adj} :: superlative of complejo
complejización {f} :: complication
complejizar {v} :: to make complex
complejizar {vr} :: to get complex
complejo {adj} :: complex, sophisticated, intricate (made of multiple parts)
complejo {adj} :: complex, complicated (complicated; not straightforward)
complejo {m} [psychology] :: complex
complejo {m} :: complex, compound (collection of buildings or facilities)
complejo {m} :: resort, complex (where one can vacation to)
complejo {m} [psychology, colloquial] :: hang-up
complejo de Edipo {m} [psychology] :: Oedipus complex
complejo militar industrial {m} :: military-industrial complex
complementación {f} :: complementation
complementador {adj} :: complementizing
complementador {m} [linguistics] :: complementizer
complementante {m} :: complementizer
complementar {vt} :: to complement (to provide what the partner lacks)
complementar {v} :: to eke out
complementariamente {adv} :: complementarily
complementariedad {f} :: complementarity
complementario {adj} :: complementary
complemento {m} [grammar, mathematics, music, immunology] :: complement
complemento {m} [grammar] :: object
complemento {m} :: perfection
complemento {m} :: accessory
complemento {m} :: side-dish
complemento agente {m} [grammar] :: agent
complemento directo {m} [grammar] :: direct object
complemento indirecto {m} [grammar] :: indirect object
completación {f} [computing] :: completion
completada [Chile] :: party or meeting where they eat completos (hot-dogs)
completado {adj} :: completed
completado {adj} :: finished
completamente {adv} :: completely
completamiento {m} :: completion
completar {v} :: to complete
completarse {v} :: reflexive of completar
completísimo {adj} :: superlative of completo
completista {adj} :: completist
completista {mf} :: completist
completitud {f} :: completion
completo {adj} :: full, complete
completo {adj} :: completed
completo {m} [Chile] :: hot dog
complexión {f} :: physical constitution
complicación {f} :: complication
complicadamente {adv} :: complicatedly, elaborately
complicadísimo {adj} :: Very complicated; hard as hell
complicadito {adj} :: diminutive of complicado
complicado {adj} :: complicated, complex, convoluted, involved, tricky, difficult, elaborate, cumbersome
complicado {adj} :: messy, sticky, awkward (e.g. a messy breakup or divorce, a messy political dispute, an awkward or sticky situation)
complicar {v} :: to complicate
complicar {vr} :: to get complicated, to get messy
complicar {vr} :: to make it harder or more difficult for oneself
complicarse {v} :: reflexive of complicar
cómplice {m} :: accomplice
complicidad {f} :: complicity, connivance
complidamente {adv} :: obsolete spelling of cumplidamente
complido {adj} :: obsolete spelling of cumplido
compló {m} :: alternative spelling of complot
complot {m} [colloquial] :: plot, conspiracy
complotado {adj} :: in on it
complotador {adj} :: plotting, scheming
complotar {v} :: to plot; conspire
complotismo {m} :: plotting
complutense {adj} :: From Alcalá de Henares
complutense {mf} :: Someone from Alcalá de Henares
componado {adj} [heraldry] :: compony
componedor {m} :: mender
componedor {m} :: typesetter
componedora {f} :: feminine noun of componedor
componenda {f} :: quick fix
componenda {f} :: dodgy deal
componente {m} :: component
componente {mf} :: member
componente {adj} :: component
componer {v} :: to compose (write music)
componer {v} :: to compose, make up
componer {v} :: to repair, fix
componérselas {v} [idiom] :: to cope, get by, get along
comportamental {adj} :: behavioural
comportamiento {m} :: behavior
comportar {v} :: to tolerate
comportar {v} [Latin America] :: to entail
comporte {m} :: comport, behavior
composición {f} :: composition
composicional {adj} :: compositional
compositivamente {adv} :: compositionally
compositivo {adj} :: compositional
compositor {m} :: composer
compositora {f} :: feminine noun of compositor
compost {m} :: compost
composta {f} :: synonym of compost
compostable {adj} :: compostable
compostaje {m} :: composting
compostar {v} :: to compost (to produce compost)
Compostela {prop} :: Santiago de Compostela
compostelano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Santiago de Compostela
compostelano {m} :: Someone from Santiago de Compostela
compostera {f} :: composter (device for producing compost)
compostero {m} :: composter
compostura {f} :: composure
compota {f} :: compote
compra {f} :: purchase
compra {f} :: buying
comprable {adj} :: buyable
comprador {adj} :: buying
comprador {m} :: buyer
compradora {f} :: feminine noun of comprador
comprar {v} :: to buy (to obtain in exchange of money or goods)
comprar {v} :: to buy out
comprarse {v} :: reflexive of comprar
compraventa {f} :: trade
comprehender {v} :: obsolete spelling of comprender
comprehensión {f} :: rare form of comprensión
comprehensivo {adj} :: alternative form of comprensivo
comprender {v} :: to understand, to comprehend
comprender {v} :: to comprise
comprensibilidad {f} :: comprehensibility
comprensible {adj} :: understandable, comprehensible
comprensiblemente {adv} :: understandably
comprensión {f} :: comprehension, understanding
comprensivo {adj} :: understanding, sympathetic, supportive
comprensivo {adj} :: comprehensive
compresa {f} :: compress (cloth used to dress or apply pressure to wounds)
compresa {f} :: sanitary towel
compresibilidad {f} :: compressibility
compresible {adj} :: compressible
compresión {f} :: compression
compresivo {adj} :: compressive
compresor {adj} :: compressor [attributive]
compresor {m} :: compressor
comprimaria {f} :: female equivalent of comprimario
comprimario {m} :: costar
comprimido {m} :: a small pill
comprimir {v} :: to compress
comprobable {adj} :: provable, verifiable
comprobación {f} :: check, checking, verification, ascertainment, crosscheck (act of inspecting or verifying)
comprobación {f} :: a test, testing, proof (acting of proving)
comprobación {f} :: audit (ellipsis of comprobación de cuentas)
comprobado {adj} :: verified
comprobante {m} :: receipt, voucher, proof
comprobar {v} :: to check, to check on, to check out, to see, to check to see (examine)
comprobar {v} :: to verify, to ascertain, to determine, to confirm
comprobar {v} :: to test (the accuracy or effectiveness of something)
comprobar {v} :: to prove, to establish (i.e. demonstrate the veracity of something)
comprobar {v} :: to note (as in realizing)
comprobar {vr} :: to be checked, tested, to check out
comprobar {vr} :: to be found, determined
comprobatoria {adj} :: proof-giving
comprometedor {adj} :: compromising (vulnerable to suspicion)
comprometer {v} :: to compromise, to promise, to engage to be married
comprometida {f} :: fiancée
comprometido {adj} :: engaged
comprometido {m} :: fiancé
comprometimiento {m} :: compromise
compromisario {m} :: delegate of a convention
compromiso {m} :: commitment
compromiso {m} [legal] :: compromise
compromiso {m} :: predicament (an unfortunate or trying position)
compu {f} [colloquial] :: alternative form of computadora
compueblana {f} :: feminine noun of compueblano
compueblano {m} :: One who is born in the same village or town as another
compuerta {f} :: hatch
compuerta {f} :: sluice
compuerta {f} :: weir
compuesta {f} [botany] :: a composite; a flower or plant in the sunflower family, Compositae
compuesto {adj} :: compound, composite
compuesto {adj} [mathematics] :: composite (non-prime)
compuesto orgánico {m} :: organic compound
compuesto y sin novia {adj} :: all dressed up and nowhere to go
compulsa {f} [law] :: a certified or notarized document
compulsar {v} :: to collate or compare
compulsión {f} :: obsession
compulsión {f} :: compulsion
compulsivamente {adv} :: compulsively
compulsividad {f} :: compulsiveness
compulsivo {adj} :: compulsive
compulsorio {adj} [Latin America] :: compulsory
compunción {f} :: compunction
compungidamente {adv} :: sorrowfully
compungido {adj} :: sorrowful, dismayed
compungir {v} :: to make remorseful, to arouse feelings of remorse
compurgar {v} [legal] :: to purge
computabilidad {f} :: computability
computable {adj} :: computable
computación {f} :: computation
computación {f} :: computer science
computación {f} :: computing (use of a computer or computers)
computacional {adj} :: computational
computacionalmente {adv} :: computationally
computación en la nube {f} :: cloud computing
computador {m} [computing, chiefly Chile, Colombia] :: computer
computadora {f} :: computer
computadora de mesa {f} :: desktop computer
computadora de sobremesa {f} :: desktop computer
computadora portátil {f} :: notebook (computer), laptop
computador de mesa {m} :: desktop computer
computador de sobremesa {m} :: desktop computer
computador portátil {m} :: notebook (computer), laptop
computar {v} :: to compute
computarizar {v} :: to computerize
computerizar {v} :: to computerize
computín {m} :: geek, computer nerd
cómputo {m} :: calculation
comulgar {v} :: to receive communion
comulgar {v} :: to communicate
comulgar {v} :: to agree with
comulgatorio {m} :: communion rail
comun {adj} :: obsolete spelling of común
común {adj} :: common, ordinary
común {adj} :: common, joint
común {adj} :: usual
común {m} :: all of the people or inhabitants of a city, town
común {m} :: community
común {m} :: toilet
comuna {f} :: commune
comuña {f} :: a mixture of wheat and rye
comuña {f} :: any seed, grain or oat, except barley, rye, or wheat
comunal {adj} :: communal
comunalmente {adv} :: communally
comuñanga {mf} [Cuba, slang, pejorative] :: A communist
comunaria {f} :: feminine noun of comunario
comunario {m} :: community member
comunera {f} :: someone who partakes of goods and rights within a community
comunero {m} :: someone who partakes of goods and rights within a community
comunicable {adj} :: communicable
comunicación {f} :: communication
comunicacional {adj} :: communicational
comunicacionalmente {adv} :: communicationally (in terms of communication)
comunicado {m} :: communiqué, statement
comunicado {m} :: press release, press statement (ellipsis of comunicado de prensa)
comunicador {m} :: communicator, one who communicates
comunicadora {f} :: feminine noun of comunicador
comunicante {mf} :: talker, speaker
comunicante {mf} :: informant
comunicar {v} :: communicate
comunicativo {adj} :: communicative
comunicóloga {f} :: feminine noun of comunicólogo
comunicólogo {m} :: communication scientist
comunidad {f} :: community
comunidad autónoma {f} :: autonomous community
Comunidad de Estados Independientes {prop} {f} :: Commonwealth of Independent States (successor to the Soviet Union)
Comunidad de Madrid {prop} {f} :: Comunidad de Madrid (autonomous community)
Comunidad Valenciana {prop} {f} :: Comunidad Valenciana (autonomous community)
comunión {f} :: communion
comunión {f} :: Communion
Comunión anglicana {prop} {f} :: Anglican Communion (a worldwide network of churches that are in communion with the Church of England)
comunísimamente {adv} :: superlative of comúnmente
comunísimo {adj} :: superlative of común
comunismo {m} :: communism (philosophy)
comunista {adj} :: communist, Communist
comunista {adj} :: communistic
comunista {mf} :: communist, Communist
comunistoide {mf} :: commie, red, pinko
comunitariamente {adv} :: in a community-based way
comunitario {adj} [attributive] :: community
comunitarizar {v} :: to make communal
comúnmente {adv} :: commonly
comúnmente {adv} :: usually, frequently
común y corriente {adj} [idiom] :: typical, common
con- {prefix} :: with
con {prep} :: with
con {prep} :: on
coña {f} :: mockery, ridicule
coña {f} :: feminine noun of coño
coñac {m} :: cognac
conado {adj} :: connate
CONAE {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (English: National Space Activities Commission) of Argentina
Conakri {prop} :: Conakri (capital city)
coñamentazón {m} [Venezuela, vulgar] :: beating
coñamentazón {m} [Venezuela, vulgar] :: street brawl
conato {m} :: attempt
conato {m} :: conatus
conavegación {f} :: cobrowsing
coñazo {m} [Spain, vulgar] :: pain in the arse [UK], pain in the ass [US], pain in the neck, pain in the butt (an extreme annoyance)
coñazo {m} [Venezuela, Spain, vulgar] :: Hit, blow. Also, meaning “all of a sudden”
concadenar {v} :: to concatenate; to chain or link together
concatedral {m} :: co-cathedral
concatenación {f} :: series, linking, concatenation
concatenar {v} :: to concatenate
concavidad {f} :: concavity
cóncavo {adj} :: concave
cóncavo {mf} :: cavity, concavity
concebible {adj} :: conceivable, cogitable
concebir {vt} :: to conceive, imagine
concebir {vt} :: to understand
concebir {vi} :: to conceive, become pregnant
concebollista {mf} :: someone who asserts that onion should be an ingredient in Spanish omelettes
conceder {v} :: to grant, to concede, to admit, to bestow
conceder {v} :: to agree about
concejal {mf} :: member of a council, councilman
concejala {f} :: councilwoman
concejalía {f} :: council department
concejero {adj} :: public
concejil {adj} :: council
concejo {m} :: council
concejo {m} :: A small administrative subdivision in various parts of Spain
concelebrar {v} :: to concelebrate
concello {m} :: Small administrative division in Galicia
concento {m} :: harmony
concentración {f} :: concentration [all senses]
concentración {f} :: demonstration, protest
concentracionario {adj} [attributive] :: concentration camp
concentrado {adj} :: concentrated
concentrado {m} :: concentrate
concentrador {adj} :: concentrating
concentrador {m} :: concentrator
concentrar {v} :: to concentrate
concéntricamente {adv} :: concentrically
concéntrico {adj} :: concentric
concepción {f} :: conception
Concepción {prop} {f} :: given name
Concepción {prop} {f} :: Any of a number of places in Latin America
concepcionista {mf} :: Conceptionist
conceptismo {m} :: conceptismo
conceptista {mf} :: Conceptist
concepto {m} :: concept
concepto {m} [literature] :: conceit
conceptor {m} :: conceptor
conceptual {adj} :: conceptual
conceptualidad {f} :: conceptuality
conceptualismo {m} :: conceptualism
conceptualización {f} :: conceptualization
conceptualizar {vt} :: to conceptualize
conceptualmente {adv} :: conceptually
conceptuar {v} :: to deem, judge
conceptuoso {adj} :: witty, clever
concerniente {adj} :: concerning, related to
concernir {v} :: to concern
concertación {f} :: agreement, compromise
concertacionista {mf} :: Member of Concertación
concertadamente {adv} :: methodically, systematically
concertadamente {adv} :: harmoniously
concertador {adj} [attributive] :: concert
concertador {m} :: concert player
concertadora {f} :: feminine noun of concertador
concertante {adj} :: agreed on
concertante {adj} :: harmonizing
concertar {v} :: to agree
concertar {v} :: to arrange
concertina {f} [musical instruments] :: concertina
concertino {m} [music] :: the leader of an orchestra
concertino {m} [music] :: concertmaster
concertista {mf} :: solo performer in a concert
concertístico {adj} [attributive] :: concert
concesión {f} :: concession
concesión {f} :: dealership, vendor
concesional {adj} :: concessional
concesionalidad {f} :: concessionality
concesionar {vt} :: to concede
concesionario {adj} :: dealing
concesionario {m} :: dealer
concesionario {m} :: dealership
concha {f} :: seashell
concha {f} :: shell (mollusk)
concha {f} [Mexico] :: a type of sweetbread (one that resembles a shell in design and decoration)
concha {f} [vulgar, Latin America] :: pussy, cunt
Concha {prop} {f} :: given name (a kiddish short form)
conchabanza {f} :: agreement; alignment
conchabar {vt} :: to hire, to employ
conchabar {vt} :: to put in cahoots; to plot with
concha de peregrino {f} :: A shell of a scallop
concha de tu madre {interj} [vulgar] :: alternative form of conchatumadre
conchal {adj} :: conchal
conchatumadre {interj} [vulgar, offensive] :: A strong insult
conchatumare {interj} [vulgar] :: alternative form of conchatumadre
conchero {m} :: A pre-colonial Mexican dance
conchero {m} :: A metalic or plastic piece vedettes cover their vulvas with. From concha (cunt). (Argentinean usage)
concheta {f} :: feminine noun of concheto
concheto {m} [pejorative, Argentina] :: moneybags (rich person)
conchetumadre {interj} [vulgar] :: alternative form of conchatumadre
conchetumare {interj} [vulgar] :: alternative form of conchatumadre
Conchi {prop} {f} :: A diminutive of the female given name Concepción
conchilla {f} :: diminutive of concha
conchín {f} [protein] :: conchiolin
Conchinchina {prop} {f} :: Timbuktu (placeholder for a remote, distant, or boring place)
conchista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, Carlos Concha Torres, Ecuadorian soldier and politician
conchista {mf} :: A supporter of, or soldier in the army of, Carlos Concha Torres
conchita {f} :: diminutive of concha
Conchita {prop} {f} :: A diminutive of the female given name Concepción
concho {m} [Latin America] :: dregs (rest of a drink in a glass)
concho {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: car or motorcycle used for public transportation
concho {m} [Dominican Republic] :: taxi
conchudo {adj} [colloquial, Latin America] :: like jerk, idiotic
conchudo {adj} [colloquial, Peru] :: cheeky, shameless
conchudo {adj} [colloquial, Bolivia, Chile] :: lucky
conchupancia {f} [Venezuela] :: synonym of contubernio
conciencia {f} :: conscience
conciencia {f} :: consciousness
concienciación {f} :: act of raising awareness
concienciado {adj} [Spain, slang] :: woke
concienciar {v} :: to make someone aware; to raise awareness
concienciar {v} :: to make oneself aware. To learn
concientización {f} :: awareness raising
concientizado {adj} [Latin America, slang] :: woke
concientizar {v} :: to raise awareness
concienzudamente {adv} :: conscientiously
concienzudo {adj} :: conscientious (all senses)
concierto {m} :: concert
concierto {m} :: concerto
conciliábulo {m} :: secret meeting
conciliación {f} :: conciliation, reconciliation, settlement
conciliador {m} :: conciliator
conciliadora {f} :: feminine noun of conciliador
conciliar {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a council
conciliar {m} :: councilor, member of a council
conciliar {v} :: to conciliate, to make calm
conciliatorio {adj} :: conciliatory
concilio {m} :: an assembly or coterie that deals in something and its bylaws, especially a religious body
concisamente {adv} :: concisely, briefly
concisión {f} :: concision, conciseness
conciso {adj} :: concise
concitación {f} :: concitation
concitador {m} :: One that instigates or stirs up
concitadora {f} :: feminine noun of concitador
concitar {v} :: to instigate, excite, stir up
concitar {v} :: to join; to bring together
conciudadana {f} :: feminine noun of conciudadano
conciudadano {m} :: fellow citizen
conclave {m} :: conclave
cónclave {m} :: conclave
concluir {v} :: to conclude
concluir {v} :: to overwhelm
concluir {v} :: to silence
conclusión {f} :: conclusion, end
conclusión {f} :: completion
conclusión {f} :: finding
conclusión {f} :: bottom line
conclusivamente {adv} :: conclusively
conclusivo {adj} :: conclusive
concluyente {adj} :: conclusive, convincing, decisive
concluyente {adj} :: concluding, finishing, closing
concluyentemente {adv} :: conclusively
concomitancia {m} :: concomitance
concomitante {adj} :: concomitant
concomitantemente {adv} :: concomitantly (at the same time as)
concón {m} :: What is stuck to the bottom of a pot after cooking. Most commonly used with rice
concordancia {f} [grammar] :: agreement, concord (agreement of words with one another in gender, number, person, or case)
concordancia {f} [music] :: harmony, consonance (relation between two pitches played simultaneously)
concordancia {f} [in the plural] :: concordance (alphabetical verbal index showing the places in the text of a book where each principal word may be found)
concordante {adj} :: agreeing; in agreement; harmonious
concordar {v} :: to agree
concordatario {adj} :: concordat
concordato {m} :: concordat
concorde {adj} :: In agreement; concordant; agreeing; harmonious
concordia {f} :: concord
concordia {f} :: ring consisting of two interlaced parts
concordiana {f} :: feminine noun of concordiano
concordiano {adj} :: Concordian (of or pertaining to Concord, New Hampshire)
concordiano {adj} :: Concordian (of or pertaining to any other location bearing the name "Concord")
concordiano {m} :: Concordian (native or resident of Concord, New Hampshire)
concordiano {m} :: Concordian (native or reisdent of any other location bearing the name "Concord")
concordiense {adj} :: of or from Concordia, Entre Ríos
concordiense {mf} :: Someone from Concordia, Entre Ríos
con creces {adv} [idiomatic, finance] :: with interest
con creces {adv} [idiomatic] :: dearly, amply
con creces {adv} [idiomatic] :: in spades, by far, by a long way
concreción {f} :: concretion
concretamente {adv} :: concretely, specifically
concretar {vt} :: to concrete (to change from being abstract to being concrete)
concretar {vt} :: to specify (to state explicitly)
concretar {vi} :: to be specific
concretar {vt} :: to settle on, to agree on
concretar {vt} :: to summarize
concretar {vr} :: to come true
concretarse {v} :: reflexive of concretar
concretera {f} :: concrete mixer
concretismo {m} :: concretism
concretización {f} :: concretion
concretizar {vt} :: to concretize, to make real
concreto {adj} :: concrete
concreto {adj} :: specific
concreto {m} [Latin America, Philppines] :: concrete (building material)
concubina {f} :: concubine
concubinato {m} :: concubinage, cohabitation
concubino {m} :: cohabitee
concúbito {m} :: copulation
conculcación {f} :: violation, infringement
conculcador {m} :: infringer
conculcar {v} :: to violate, infringe
concuña {f} :: feminine noun of concuño
concuñada {f} :: feminine noun of concuñado; co-sister-in-law
concuñado {m} :: co-brother-in-law
concuño {m} :: alternative spelling of concuñado
concupiscencia {f} :: concupiscence, ardent desire
concupiscente {adj} :: concupiscent
concurrencia {f} :: concurrence
concurrente {adj} :: concurrent
concurrentemente {adv} :: concurrently
concurrir {vi} :: to converge, co-occur
concurrir {vi} :: to take part (in)
concursable {adj} :: competitive; contestable
concursal {adj} [attributive] :: insolvency
concursante {adj} :: competing
concursante {mf} :: contestant
concursante {mf} :: competitor
concursar {v} :: to compete
concurso {m} :: concourse
concurso {m} :: competition
concurso {m} :: game show
concurso {m} :: bankruptcy
concurso {m} :: cooperation; aid
concurso completo {m} [equestrian] :: eventing
concurso de acreedores {m} [legal] :: A legal process carried out when a person is unable to pay off his or her debts
concusión {f} [medical] :: concussion
concusión {f} :: stun
concusión {f} :: extortion, bribery, misappropriation
condado {m} :: county (land ruled by a count or countess)
condado {m} [political subdivision] :: county (administrative subdivision used in some countries)
condal {adj} [attributive] :: county
conde {m} :: count, earl (nobility); countess in the feminine sense
Conde {prop} {mf} :: surname
condecir {v} :: to accord
condecoración {f} :: decoration, medal, award
condecorar {vt} [military] :: to decorate, to award
condena {f} :: sentence, punishment
condenable {adj} :: punishable
condenación {f} :: condemnation
condenadamente {adv} :: in a condemned manner
condenado {adj} :: convicted
condenado {adj} :: doomed
condenar {v} :: to condemn
condenatorio {adj} :: condemnatory
condenatorio {adj} :: guilty
condensación {f} :: condensation
condensador {m} :: condenser
condensador {m} :: capacitor
condensar {vt} :: to condense
condensina {f} [protein] :: condensin
condesa {f} :: countess
condesar {v} :: To save (money)
condescendencia {f} :: complaisance
condescender {v} :: to comply; acquiesce
condescendiente {adj} :: complaisant
condesito {m} :: diminutive of condés
condestable {mf} :: constable (rank)
condición {f} :: condition
condicionador {adj} :: synonym of condicionante
condicional {adj} :: conditional
condicional {f} :: conditional tense
condicional anterior {m} [grammar] :: conditional perfect tense
condicionalidad {f} :: conditionality
condicionalmente {adv} :: conditionally
condicionamiento {m} :: conditioning
condicionamiento clásico {m} [psychology] :: classical conditioning
condicionante {adj} :: determining, decisive
condicionar {v} :: to condition
condigno {adj} :: decent, adequate
condíleo {adj} :: condylar
cóndilo {m} [anatomy] :: condyle
condiloma {m} [pathology] :: condyloma
condimentación {f} :: condimenting
condimentar {v} :: to condiment, to spice, to spice up
condimento {m} :: condiment
condir {v} [archaic] :: to build, construct
condiscípula {f} :: feminine noun of condiscípulo
condiscípulo {m} :: classmate, schoolmate
condolencia {f} :: condolence
condolerse {v} :: to feel sorry for the pain of others; to sympathise
condominio {m} :: apartment building, condominium, condo
condominio {m} :: co-ownership
condómino {m} :: synonym of condueño
condón {m} :: condom
condonación {f} :: forgiveness
condonar {v} :: to remit
condonar {v} :: to condone
cóndor {m} :: condor
cóndor {m} :: Andean condor
cóndor andino {m} :: Andean condor
Condorcanqui {prop} :: Condorcanqui (province)
cóndor de los Andes {m} :: Andean condor
condoro {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: a shameful accident, mistake, slip, faux pas
con dos cojones {interj} :: hell yeah!
condotiero {m} :: mercenary
condrita {f} :: chondrite
condrítico {adj} :: chondritic
condrito {m} :: alternative form of condrita
condro- {prefix} :: chondro-
condrocalcinosis {f} [pathology] :: chondrocalcinosis
condrocito {m} :: chondrocyte
condrogloso {m} :: chondroglossus
condroitín {m} [organic compound] :: chondroitin
condroitina {f} [organic compound] :: chondroitin
condroma {m} [pathology] :: chondroma
condromatosis {f} [pathology] :: chondromatosis
condrosarcoma {m} [oncology] :: chondrosarcoma
cóndrulo {m} :: chondrule
conducción {f} [physics] :: conduction (conveying of heat or electric current through a material)
conducción {f} :: driving
conducente {adj} :: conducive
conducho {m} :: A type of tribute or tax paid to the court of the King of Spain in the Middle Ages
conducir {v} :: to drive; to conduct
conducta {f} :: behaviour, conduct
conductancia {f} :: conductance
conductismo {m} [psychology] :: behaviorism
conductista {adj} :: behavioristic; of or relating to behaviorism
conductiva {f} :: feminine noun of conductivo
conductividad {f} :: conductivity
conductividad térmica {f} :: thermal conductivity
conductivo {adj} :: conductive
conducto {m} :: duct
conducto {m} :: pipeline
conducto auditivo externo {m} :: ear canal
conductor {m} :: driver, motorist
conductor {m} :: conductor (transmitter of electricity, heat, light or sound)
conductor {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: presenter; host (of television show)
conductora {f} :: feminine noun of conductor
conductual {adj} :: behavioral
conductualmente {adv} :: behaviourally
condumio {m} [colloquial] :: nosh, grub (food)
conduplicado {adj} :: conduplicate
Conduriri {prop} :: Conduriri (district)
conectable {adj} :: connectable
conectado {adj} :: connected
conectar {vt} :: to connect, to connect up, to link
conectar {vt} [electronics] :: to plug in, to connect
conectar {vt} [electronics] :: to wire
conectar {vt} :: to hook up [colloquial]
conectar {vi} :: to click (i.e. get along well)
conectar {vr} :: to connect, to get connected
conectiqués {adj} :: Connecticuter
conectiqués {m} :: Connecticuter
conectiquesa {f} :: feminine noun of conectiqués
conectividad {f} :: connectivity
conectivismo {m} :: connectivism
conectivo {adj} :: connecting
conectivo {m} :: connective
conectivopatía {f} :: connective tissue disease
conectoma {m} :: connectome
conector {adj} :: connecting
conector {m} :: connecting
coneja {f} :: feminine noun of conejo, female rabbit, doe
conejera {f} :: warren; den (of rabbits)
conejera {f} :: rabbit hutch
conejera {f} :: hive; den (for criminals)
conejero {adj} :: rabbit-hunting
conejero {m} :: rabbit breeder
conejillo {m} :: diminutive of conejo
conejillo {m} :: guinea pig
conejillo de Indias {m} :: guinea pig (animal)
conejillo de Indias {m} :: guinea pig (volunteer for an experiment)
conejita {f} :: diminutive of coneja
conejito {m} :: diminutive of conejo: bunny; small rabbit
conejo {m} :: rabbit, cony, coney (male or unspecified sex)
conejo {m} [Central America] :: detective
conejo {m} [muscle] :: a contracted biceps (having athletic ‎or semi-athletic ‎features, specially when exhibiting, intentionally or not)
conejo {m} [vulgar, slang] :: cunt (female genitalia)
conejo de Angora {m} :: an Angora rabbit
conejo de los volcanes {m} :: volcano rabbit
con el agua al cuello {adv} [idiomatic] :: up to one's neck
con el alma en vilo {adj} [idiomatic] :: on tenterhooks
con el debido respeto {adv} :: with all due respect
con el fin de {prep} :: in order to, for the purpose of, with the purpose of, with the goal of, with a view to, with the aim of
con el tiempo {adv} :: over time, in time, eventually, with time
conespecífico {adj} :: conspecific
conestoga {adj} :: Conestoga
conestoga {mf} :: Conestoga
con esto y un bizcocho, hasta las ocho {phrase} :: see you later, alligator
conexidad {f} [legal] :: connection
conexina {f} [protein] :: connexin
conexión {f} :: connection (the point at which two or more things are connected)
conexión {f} :: connection (a feeling of understanding between people)
conexionar {v} :: to connect
conexionista {adj} :: connectionist
conexionista {mf} :: connectionist
conexo {adj} :: connected
confabulación {f} :: collusion, confabulation
confabular {vp} :: to connive, conspire, scheme
confabularse {vr} :: to plot, plot together
confalón {m} :: gonfalon
confección {f} :: confection
confección {f} :: tailoring
confeccionar {vt} :: to make, to prepare
confeccionista {m} :: clothing manufacturer, clothing worker
confederación {f} :: confederation, confederacy
confederado {adj} :: confederate
confederado {m} :: confederate
confederal {adj} :: confederal
confederalización {f} :: confederalization
confederar {v} :: to confederate
confederativo {adj} :: federal; confederal
conferencia {f} :: lecture
conferencia {f} :: meeting, conference
conferenciante {mf} [business] :: lecturer, someone who delivers a lecture
conferenciar {v} :: to confer
conferencista {mf} [Latin America] :: lecturer
conferible {adj} :: conferrable
conferir {v} :: bestow (to present a thing as a gift or honour)
conferir {v} :: confer
confesable {adj} :: confessable
confesante {adj} :: confessing
confesar {vt} :: to confess, to come clean about
confesar {vi} :: to confess, to come clean
confesarse {v} :: reflexive of confesar
confesión {f} :: confession
confesional {adj} :: confessional
confesionalidad {f} :: confessionality
confesionalismo {m} :: confessionalism
confesionario {m} :: confessional
confeso {adj} :: self-confessed
confeso {m} [religion] :: lay brother
confesonario {m} :: confessional
confesor {m} [Christianity] :: confessor (one who confesses faith in Christianity)
confesor {m} [Christianity] :: confessor (a priest who hears confession)
confesora {f} :: feminine noun of confesor
confessor {m} :: obsolete spelling of confesor
confeti {m} :: confetti
confiabilidad {f} :: reliability; trustworthiness
confiable {adj} [Latin America] :: reliable, trustworthy, dependable
confiable {adj} :: trusty [humorous]
confiablemente {adv} :: reliably
confiadamente {adv} :: confidently
confiadísimo {adj} :: superlative of confiado
confiado {adj} :: gullible
confiado {adj} :: guileless
confiado {adj} :: credulous
confiado {adj} :: confident
confiado {adj} :: trustful
confianza {f} :: confidence
confianza {f} :: trust
confianzudamente {adv} :: cheekily; forwardly
confianzudo {adj} :: overfamiliar, forward, cheeky
confiar {v} :: to reassure
confiar {v} :: to be certain
confiar {v} :: to have nothing
confiar {v} :: to trust
confiar {v} :: to confide
confiarse {v} :: reflexive of confiar
confidencia {f} :: confidence, trust
confidencial {adj} :: confidential (kept, or meant to be kept, in secret)
confidencialidad {f} :: confidentiality
confidencialmente {adv} :: confidentially
confidente {mf} :: confidant
confidentemente {adv} :: confidently
configurable {adj} :: configurable
configuración {f} :: configuration, setting
configuración {f} :: form or shape
configurador {adj} :: configuring
configurador {m} :: configurer
configuradora {f} :: feminine noun of configurador
configurar {v} :: to form
configurar {vt} :: to configure (to set up or arrange something)
confín {m} :: limit, boundary
confinación {f} :: confinement; imprisonment
confinamiento {m} :: confinement, detention
confinante {adj} :: bordering; neighbouring
confinar {vt} :: to confine, to imprison (to restrict; to keep within bounds)
confirmación {f} :: confirmation
confirmante {adj} :: confirming
confirmante {mf} :: confirmer
confirmar {v} :: to confirm (accept something)
confirmarse {v} :: reflexive of confirmar
confirmatorio {adj} :: confirmatory
confiscación {f} :: confiscation
confiscar {v} :: to confiscate
confiscatoriedad {f} [legal] :: Ability to confiscate goods
confiscatorio {adj} :: confiscatory
confitar {v} :: to candy; cook in sugar
confite {m} :: confection, sweetmeat
confitera {f} :: feminine noun of confitero
confitería {f} :: candy store [US], confectioner's [UK]
confitero {m} :: confectioner
confitura {f} :: jam, jelly
conflagración {f} :: A conflagration
conflagración {f} :: A sudden violent outburst between peoples or countries
conflictividad {f} :: conflict, unrest
conflictivo {adj} :: conflictive
conflicto {m} :: conflict
conflictuar {v} [Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: to cause a conflict
confligir {vi} [rare] :: to conflict with
confluencia {f} :: confluence
Confluencia {prop} :: Confluencia (department), with the capital located at the confluence of the rivers Limay and Neuquén
confluente {adj} :: confluent
confluir {v} :: to flow together
confluir {v} :: to converge
confluyente {adj} :: confluent
conformación {f} :: conformation
conformación {f} :: shape, state, structure
conformacional {adj} :: conformational
conformador {adj} :: conforming
conformador {m} :: conformer
conformar {vt} :: to form, constitute
conformar {vr} [conformarse con] :: to conform to
conformar {vr} [conformarse con] :: to be satisfied with, to make do with
conformarse {v} :: to make do (with), to content oneself (to)
conforme {adj} :: in agreement
conforme {adj} :: similar
conforme {adj} :: in accordance, deserved
conforme {adj} :: content, satisfied
conforme {conj} :: as, while (varying through time to the same proportion that)
conforme {m} :: agreement
conforme {interj} :: roger that
conformidad {f} :: conformity, compliance
conformidad {f} :: shape
conformismo {m} :: conformism, conformity
conformista {adj} :: conformist, conventional
conformista {mf} :: conformist
confort {m} :: comfort, ease
confort {m} [colloquial, Chile] :: toilet paper
confortabilidad {f} :: comfort
confortable {adj} :: comfortable
confortablemente {adv} :: comfortably
confortante {adj} :: comforting
confortar {vt} :: to comfort, console
confraternidad {f} :: fraternity
confraternidad {f} :: fellowship
confraternización {f} :: confraternization
confraternizar {v} :: to fraternise
confraternizar {v} :: to consort
confrontación {f} :: confrontation
confrontacional {adj} :: confrontational
confrontacionista {adj} :: confrontationist
confrontador {adj} :: confrontational
confrontador {m} :: confronter
confrontadora {f} :: feminine noun of confrontador
confrontamiento {m} :: confrontation
confrontar {v} :: to confront
confrontativo {adj} :: confrontational
confuciana {f} :: feminine noun of confuciano
confucianismo {m} :: Confucianism
confucianista {adj} :: Confucian
confucianista {mf} :: Confucian
confuciano {adj} :: Confucian
confuciano {m} :: Confucian
confucionismo {m} :: alternative form of confucianismo
confucionista {adj} :: alternative form of confucianista
confucionista {mf} :: alternative form of confucianista
confundible {adj} :: confusable, mistakable
confundido {adj} :: confused, addled
confundir {vt} :: to confuse, to throw off, to baffle, to perplex
confundir {vt} :: to mistake, to confuse, to mix up (misidentify)
confundir {vt} :: to confound
confusamente {adv} :: confusedly
confusión {f} :: confusion
confusionismo {m} :: confusion, uncertainty
confuso {adj} :: confused
confuso {adj} :: confusing
confussion {f} :: archaic spelling of confusión
conga {f} :: conga (dance)
congelable {adj} :: freezable
congelación {f} :: freezing
congelado {adj} :: frozen
congelador {m} :: freezer
congeladora {f} :: freezer
congeladora {f} :: frozen food company
congelamiento {m} [economics] :: freezing (of prices, wages)
congelamiento {m} :: frostbite
congelamiento {m} :: freezing
congelante {adj} :: freezing (capable of freezing others)
congelar {vt} :: to freeze (to lower something's temperature to the point that it freezes)
congelar {vt} :: to freeze, to suspend (an activity, a program)
congelarse {v} :: reflexive of congelar
congénere {adj} :: like
congénere {m} :: peer
congénere {m} [biology] :: member of the same genus; congener
congeniar {v} :: to get along with, to hit it off, to click
congénito {adj} :: congenital
congestión {f} :: congestion
congestionado {adj} :: gridlocked
congestionamento {m} :: congestion
congestionamiento {m} :: traffic jam, snarl-up
congestionar {vt} :: to congest, to produce congestion in
congestivo {adj} :: congestive
conglobación {f} :: conglobation
conglomeración {f} :: conglomeration
conglomerado {m} [geology] :: conglomerate
conglomerar {v} :: to conglomerate
congo {m} :: congo (dance)
Congo {prop} {m} :: Congo (country with Brazzaville as capital)
Congo {prop} {m} :: Congo (country with Kinshasa as capital)
Congo {prop} {m} :: Congo (river)
congoja {f} :: anguish, worry, anxiety
congojar {v} :: alternative form of acongojar
congojosamente {adv} :: anguishedly
congojoso {adj} :: grief-stricken
congoleña {f} :: feminine noun of congoleño
congoleño {m} :: Congolese (either those from the DRC and the RoC)
congoleño {adj} :: Congolese (relating to either the Democratic Republic of the Congo or the Republic of the Congo)
congolés {adj} :: Congolese
congolés {m} :: Congolese
congorocho {m} [Venezuela] :: Any of a number of bugs, especially a millipede
congraciar {vr} :: to curry favor, win over, get (somebody) on someone's side; to ingratiate
congraciarse {v} :: reflexive of congraciar
congratulación {f} :: congratulation
congratular {v} :: to congratulate
congregación {f} :: congregation
congregacional {adj} :: congregational
congregacionalista {mf} :: congregationalist
congregante {mf} :: congregant (member of a congregation)
congregar {v} :: to bring together
congregar {v} :: to congregate
congregarse {v} :: reflexive of congregar
congresal {adj} [attributive] :: congress
congresal {mf} :: member of congress
congresillo {m} :: diminutive of congreso
congresional {adj} :: congressional
congresista {mf} :: congressperson
congreso {m} :: assembly, conference, meeting
congreso {m} :: congress
congresual {adj} :: congressional, parliamentary
congrí {m} :: A dish made of black beans and rice
congrio {m} :: conger eel
congruencia {f} [maths] :: congruence
congruente {adj} :: congruent
conguito {m} [pejorative] :: golliwog (black person)
conhortar {vt} [obsolete] :: to console
conhortar {vt} [archaic] :: to cheer up; to cheer
Coni {prop} {f} :: A diminutive of the female given name Concepción
Coniaciano {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] :: Coniacian (a subdivision of the Late (Upper) Cretaceous epoch)
Coniaciense {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] :: Coniacian (a subdivision of the Late (Upper) Cretaceous epoch)
conicidad {f} :: conicity
cónico {adj} :: conic
conidio {m} [mycology] :: conidium
conífera {f} :: conifer
conífero {adj} :: coniferous
conirrostro {adj} [of a bird] :: having a short, conical beak
conirrostro {m} :: conebill (bird of the genus Conirostrum)
coñito {m} :: diminutive of coño
conjetura {f} :: guess
conjetura {f} :: conjecture, surmise, speculation
conjetura {f} :: guesswork [plural]
conjetural {adj} :: conjectural
conjeturar {v} :: to guess; conjecture
conjuez {mf} :: magistrate, judge
conjugación {f} :: conjugation (in some languages, one of several classifications of verbs)
conjugador {m} [computing] :: conjugator
conjugalmente {adv} :: conjugally
conjugar {v} :: to combine; join
conjugar {v} [grammar] :: to conjugate
conjunción {f} [grammar, astronomy] :: conjunction
conjunción {f} :: combination
conjunción coordinante {f} [grammar] :: coordinating conjunction
conjunción subordinante {f} [grammar] :: subordinating conjunction
conjuntamente {adv} :: conjointly, jointly
conjuntar {vt} :: to join, bring together
conjuntista {adj} :: set-theoretic
conjuntiva {f} [ophthalmology] :: conjunctiva (membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelid)
conjuntival {adj} :: conjunctival
conjuntivamente {adv} :: conjunctively
conjuntividad {f} :: conjunctivity
conjuntivitis {f} :: conjunctivitis
conjuntivo {adj} :: connective
conjuntivo {adj} [grammar] :: conjunctive
conjunto {adj} :: joint
conjunto {m} :: group
conjunto {m} :: squad
conjunto {m} [mathematics] :: set
conjunto {m} :: outfit
conjunto de partes {m} :: power set
conjunto vacío {m} :: empty set
conjuración {f} :: conspiration
conjuración {f} :: conjuring
conjuración {f} :: exorcism
conjurar {v} :: to conspire
conjurar {v} :: to conjure, invoke (ghosts)
conjurar {v} :: to exorcise
conjurar {v} :: to avert
conjurar {vr} :: to get together, to join up
conjuro {m} :: spell
conjuro {m} :: conjuration
con la boca chica {adv} [idiomatic] :: half-heartedly
con la boca pequeña {adv} [idiomatic] :: half-heartedly
con la escopeta cargada {adv} [idiomatic] :: guns blazing
con la gorra {adv} [idiomatic] :: effortlessly
con las manos en la masa {adv} [idiom] :: red-handed
con la soga al cuello {adj} [idiomatic] :: up a creek without a paddle, in a tight spot
con leche {m} [idiom] :: short for café con leche
conllevancia {f} :: tolerance
conllevar {vt} :: to entail, involve, present, go with
conllevar {v} :: to assist someone who is in trouble
conllevar {v} :: to suffer
con lo puesto {adv} [idiom] :: with nothing but the clothes on one's back; without a penny
con los cinco sentidos {adv} [idiomatic] :: with all one's heart
con mal pie {adv} [idiomatic] :: unsuccessfully, badly, on the wrong foot
conmemorable {adj} :: commemorable
conmemoración {f} :: commemoration
conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos {prop} {f} :: All Souls' Day (Christian feast day)
conmemorar {v} :: to commemorate
conmemorativo {adj} :: commemorative
conmensurable {adj} :: commensurable, equivalent
conmensurar {vt} :: to make commensurate or equal
conmigo {adv} :: with me
conminar {v} :: to threaten
conminatorio {adj} :: threatening
conmiseración {f} :: commiseration
conmiserativo {adj} :: feeling sorry for oneself
conmisto {adj} :: mixed; mishmashed
conmixto {adj} [obsolete] :: mixed; mishmashed
conmoción {f} :: commotion, agitation
conmoción {f} :: concussion
conmocionar {v} :: to shock (to cause to be emotionally shocked)
conmovedor {adj} :: moving, touching
conmovedoramente {adv} :: movingly
conmover {vt} :: to affect, move, touch
conmutable {adj} :: commutable
conmutación {f} [legal] :: commutation (change to a lesser punishment)
conmutación {f} :: switch, switching
conmutación {f} :: pun (play on words)
conmutador {m} [electronics] :: switch, network switch
conmutador {m} :: commutator
conmutador {m} [math] :: commutator
conmutar {v} [mathematics] :: to commute
conmutatividad {f} :: commutativity
conmutativo {adj} [mathematics] :: commutative
conmutatriz {f} :: rotary converter
connacional {mf} :: compatriot
connado {adj} :: connate
connato {adj} :: connate
connatural {adj} :: connatural
connaturalizar {vr} :: to grow used to
Connecticut {prop} :: Connecticut
connivencia {f} :: connivance
connivente {adj} :: conniving
connosco {pron} [archaic] :: With us
connotación {f} :: connotation (suggested or implied meaning)
connotar {vt} :: to imply
connotativo {adj} :: connotative
connubial {adj} :: connubial
cono {m} :: cone
cono {m} [botany] :: cone (fruit of a conifer tree)
cono {m} [anatomy] :: cone cell
cono {m} :: ice cream cone
coño {m} [slang, Spain] :: pussy, cunt
coño {m} [Cuba, Cuban-American, slang] :: Damn; Wow!
coño {m} [Cuba, slang, vulgar] :: shit, cunt, wow.
coño {m} [Chile, slang, pejorative] :: Spaniard
coño {m} [Philippines, slang] :: a person who belongs to wealthy Spanish- or English-speaking families [also spelled konyo]
coño {m} [Venezuela, Maracaibo, vulgar] :: Guy, dude, bastard
coño {adj} [Chilean, Ecuador, slang] :: Stingy, tight-fisted
coño {interj} [Cuba, Spain, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic] :: Damn!, fuck!, shit! wtf!!
conocedor {adj} :: expert, specialist
conocedor {m} :: expert
conocer {v} :: to know (a person or a place), to be familiar with, to be acquainted with
conocer {v} [in the preterite tense] :: to meet
conocer {v} [in the future tense] :: to get to know, become acquainted (with)
conocer {v} :: to see, to visit, to explore (i.e., to get to know a place for the first time)
conocer {v} :: to hear, to know (implies hearing for the first time)
conocer {v} :: to discover, to get to or come to know, to learn about, to find out
conocer {vr} [reciprocal] :: to know, to have known
conocer {vr} :: to know oneself
conocer la tierra que pisa {v} [idiom] :: To be on familiar ground
conocerse {v} :: reflexive of conocer
conocible {adj} :: knowable
conocida {f} :: female acquaintance, friend, known person
conocidamente {adv} :: knowingly
conocidísimo {adj} :: superlative of conocido
conocido {adj} :: known
conocido {adj} :: well-known, famous, renowned
conocido {adj} :: familiar
conocido {m} :: acquaintance, friend, known person
conocimiento {m} :: knowledge, as in acquaintance or familiarity with a person, place, or subject
cono de ceniza {m} :: cinder cone
cono de escoria {m} :: cinder cone
conoide {m} [geometry] :: conoid
conoideo {adj} :: conoidal
coñón {m} [Spain, vulgar] :: dipshit
conopial {adj} [attributive] :: ogee
conoscimiento {m} :: obsolete spelling of conocimiento
Cono Sur {prop} {m} :: Southern Cone
coñota {f} :: feminine noun of coñoto
coñoto {m} [vulgar] :: cuntbucket, motherfucker
con pelos y señales {adv} [idiomatic] :: in fine detail
con permiso {phrase} :: excuse me, I beg your pardon
con pies de plomo {adv} [idiomatic] :: walking on eggshells
conque {conj} :: consequently, thus, hence, so
conque {conj} :: so (used to express surprise)
conquense {adj} :: From Cuenca
conquense {mf} :: Someone from Cuenca
conquiolina {f} [protein] :: conchiolin
conquista {f} :: conquest
conquistador {adj} :: conquering; winning
conquistador {m} :: conqueror, conquistador
conquistador {m} [figuratively] :: womanizer
conquistadora {f} :: feminine noun of conquistador
conquistar {v} :: to conquer
conquistar {v} [figuratively] :: to enamor, romantically convince
conquistar {v} [figuratively] :: to charm (an object to a person)
Conrado {prop} {m} :: given name
con razón {adv} :: justly; rightly; rightly so
con recelo {adv} :: askance
conrotatorio {adj} [organic chemistry] :: conrotatory
consabido {adj} :: well-known
consabido {adj} :: oft-repeated
consagración {f} :: consecration
consagrador {adj} :: devotional
consagrador {m} :: devoter
consagradora {f} :: feminine noun of consagrador
consagrante {adj} :: consecrating; consecratory
consagrar {v} :: to consecrate
consagrar {v} :: to devote; to dedicate
consagrar {v} :: to confirm, to establish
consagrar {vp} :: to establish oneself
consagratorio {adj} :: consecratory
consanguineidad {f} :: alternative form of consanguinidad
consanguíneo {adj} :: consanguineous
consanguíneo {mf} :: blood relative
consanguinidad {f} :: consanguinity
consciencia {f} :: conscience
consciencia {f} :: consciousness
consciente {adj} :: aware, cognizant
consciente {adj} :: conscious
consciente {adj} :: mindful
conscientemente {adv} :: consciously
conscripción {f} :: conscription, draft (mandatory military service)
conscripto {m} :: conscript
consectario {m} :: consectary
consecución {f} :: obtaining, procurement (act or result)
consecuencia {f} :: consequence
consecuencial {adj} :: consequential
consecuencialismo {m} :: consequentialism
consecuencialista {adj} :: consequentialistic
consecuencialista {mf} :: consequentialist
consecuente {adj} :: consequent
consecuente {adj} [of persons] :: principled, consistent
consecuente {m} :: consequent
consecuentemente {adv} :: consequently
consecutivamente {adv} :: consecutively, in a row, back-to-back
consecutivamente {adv} :: sequentially
consecutivo {adj} :: consecutive, running, in a row, back-to-back
conseguido {adj} :: achieved
conseguido {adj} :: acquired, received
conseguidor {m} :: obtainer
conseguidora {f} :: obtainer
conseguir {v} :: to achieve, to succeed in, to reach, to accomplish, to attain
conseguir {v} :: to get, to obtain, to acquire, to find, to gain, to procure, to extract, to get to
conseguir {v} :: to ensure, to secure
conseguir {v} :: to bring about
conseguir {v} :: to raise (e.g. funds or money)
conseguir {v} :: to enlist (e.g. support, help or participation)
conseguir {v} [slang, crime] :: to score
conseguirse {v} :: reflexive of conseguir
con segundas {adv} [idiomatic] :: with a double entendre; with a double meaning
conseja {f} :: an old wives' tale, a short tale or fable
consejar {v} :: obsolete form of aconsejar
consejera {f} :: female adviser
consejera {f} :: female counsellor
consejería {f} [Spain] :: regional government's ministry
consejería {f} :: council
consejero {m} :: adviser
consejero {m} :: counsellor
consejero delegado {m} :: CEO, chief executive
consejillo {m} :: diminutive of consejo
consejito {m} :: diminutive of consejo
consejo {m} :: advice, counsel, piece of advice
consejo {m} :: council
Consejo de Seguridad {prop} {m} :: Security Council (international organ)
Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas {prop} {m} :: UN Security Council (international organ)
conselleir {m} :: councillor (in Galicia)
conselleira {f} :: councillor (in Galicia)
conseller {m} :: councillor in a Catalan-speaking community
consellera {f} :: feminine noun of conseller
conselleria {f} :: The Catalan government's ministry
consenso {m} :: consensus
consensuable {adj} :: acceptable
consensual {adj} :: consensual
consensualmente {adv} :: consensually (by mutual consent)
consensuar {vt} :: to reach a consensus on
consentido {adj} :: pampered, indulged, spoiled
consentidor {adj} :: indulgent, accommodating
consentimiento {m} :: consent (voluntary agreement or permission)
consentir {v} :: to consent
consentir {v} :: to endure
consentir {v} :: to pamper, indulge, spoil
conserje {m} :: concierge
conserje {m} :: janitor
conserje {m} :: doorman
conserjería {f} :: janitorial
conserjería {f} :: porter's office, porter's lodge
conserjería {f} :: the business of a janitor, caretaker or porter
conserva {f} :: conserve
conservación {f} :: conservation
conservacionismo {m} :: conservationism
conservacionista {mf} :: conservationist
conservador {adj} :: conservative
conservador {m} :: conserver
conservadora {f} :: feminine noun of conservador
conservadoramente {adv} :: conservatively
conservadurismo {m} [politics] :: conservatism
conservante {adj} :: preservative
conservante {m} :: preservative
conservar {v} :: to conserve
conservarse {v} :: reflexive of conservar
conservatismo {m} :: conservatism
conservativo {adj} :: conservative
conservatorio {m} :: music academy
conservero {adj} :: canning (process of preserving food in a sealed vessel)
considerable {adj} :: considerable (significant)
considerable {adj} :: considerable (large in amount)
considerablemente {adv} :: considerably
consideración {f} :: consideration
considerando {m} [legal] :: recital
considerar {v} :: to consider, to regard, to see, to look, to view
considerar {v} :: to deem, to hold
considerarse {vr} :: to judge, to estimate
consigna {f} :: slogan, chant
consigna {f} :: left-luggage office, baggage room, cloakroom
consigna {f} :: luggage locker
consigna {f} :: order, instruction
consignación {f} :: consignment
consignación {f} :: assignment
consignador {m} :: consignor
consignar {v} :: to consign (to transfer to the custody of)
consignar {v} :: to consign (to send to a final destination)
consignar {v} :: to state, set down (record in speech or in writing)
consignar {v} :: to assign, set aside
consignataria {f} :: feminine noun of consignatario
consignatario {m} :: consignee
consignatario {m} :: trustee
consigo {adv} :: with himself, herself, itself
consiguiente {adj} :: consequent
consiguiente {adj} :: consequential
consiguientemente {adv} :: consequently
consistencia {f} :: consistency
consistente {adj} :: consisting (of); made up (of)
consistentemente {adv} :: consistently
consistir {vi} [with en] :: to consist of
consistorial {adj} :: consistorial
consistorio {m} :: consistory
consistorio {m} :: town hall
consocia {f} :: feminine noun of consocio
consocio {m} :: fellow member
consola {f} :: console
consolablemente {adv} :: consolably
consolación {f} :: consolation
Consolación {prop} {f} :: given name
consolador {m} :: consoler, comforter
consolador {m} :: dildo
consoladora {f} :: feminine noun of consolador
consolar {vt} :: to console
consolarse {v} :: reflexive of consolar
consolidable {adj} :: consolidable
consolidación {f} :: consolidation
consolidador {adj} :: consolidating
consolidar {v} :: to consolidate
consomé {m} :: consommé
consonancia {f} :: conformity
consonancia {f} [music] :: harmony
consonancia {f} [literature] :: consonance
consonante {adj} :: consonant
consonante {f} :: consonant
consonántico {adj} :: consonantal
consonántico {adj} :: relating to consonants; consonant (attributive)
consonar {v} :: to harmonize, to be in harmony
consonar {v} :: to rhyme with
cónsono {adj} :: consonant, accordant
consorciarse {vr} :: to form a consortium
consorcio {m} :: consortium, partnership
consorte {mf} :: consort, spouse
consorte {mf} :: consort, companion
consorte {mf} [law] :: accomplice
consorte {mf} [Cuba, slang] :: friend
conspicuamente {adv} :: conspicuously
conspicuo {adj} :: eminent
conspicuo {adj} :: conspicuous
conspiración {f} :: conspiracy
conspirador {m} :: conspirator
conspiradora {f} :: feminine noun of conspirador
conspiranoico {m} :: conspiracy theorist, conspiratard
conspirar {v} :: to conspire
conspirativo {adj} :: conspiratorial, conspirative
conspiratorio {adj} :: conspiratory
conspirólogo {m} :: conspiracy theorist
constancia {f} :: constancy
constancia {f} :: certainty
constancia {f} :: proof, evidence
constancia {f} :: report (notification to relevant authorities)
constante {adj} :: constant
constante {f} :: constant
constantemente {adv} :: constantly
constantes vitales {fp} :: vital signs
Constantinescu {prop} {mf} :: surname
constantiniano {adj} :: Constantinian
Constantino {prop} {m} :: given name
Constantinopla {prop} {f} :: Constantinople (present day Istanbul)
constantinopolitano {adj} :: Constantinopolitan
Constanza {prop} {f} :: Constance (given name)
Constanza {prop} {f} :: Constanza (city)
Constanza {prop} {f} :: Constanza (city)
constar {v} :: to be or seem evident, clear, obvious
constar {v} :: to be written, to be on record
constar {v} [de] :: to consist
constatable {adj} :: evident, obvious
constatación {f} :: checking, verification
constatar {vt} :: to verify, confirm
constatitivo {adj} :: constative
constelación {f} :: constellation
constelado {adj} :: starry
constelar {v} :: to constellate
consternación {f} :: consternation
consternado {adj} :: dismayed
consternar {vt} :: to consternatem to dismay (to cause consternation)
constipación {f} :: a cold (sickness)
constipado {adj} [medicine] :: blocked up (nasally congested)
constipado {m} [medicine] :: cold
constipar {v} :: to catch a cold; congest
constipar {v} :: to close one's pores, preventing transpiration
constiparse {v} :: to catch a cold; become congested
constitución {f} :: constitution (all senses)
constitucional {adj} :: constitutional
constitucionalidad {f} :: constitutionality
constitucionalismo {m} :: constitutionalism
constitucionalista {adj} :: constitutionalist
constitucionalista {mf} :: constitutionalist
constitucionalización {f} :: constitutionalization
constitucionalizar {v} :: to constitutionalize
constitucionalmente {adv} :: constitutionally
constituir {vt} :: to constitute
constitutivamente {adv} :: constitutively
constitutivo {adj} :: constitutive (that forms a constituent part of something)
constituyente {adj} :: constituent
constituyente {m} :: constituent
constituyentista {mf} [politics] :: constitutionalist
constreñidamente {adv} :: constrainedly
constreñimiento {m} :: oppression; constraint
constreñir {v} :: to constrain
constreñir {v} :: to oppress
constricción {f} :: constriction
constrictor {adj} :: constricting
constringir {v} :: obsolete spelling of constreñir
construcción {f} :: construction
construccionismo {m} :: constructionism
constructivamente {adv} :: constructively
constructivismo {m} :: constructivism
constructivista {adj} :: constructivist
constructivista {mf} :: constructivist
constructivo {adj} :: constructive
constructo {m} :: construct
constructor {adj} :: constructing
constructor {m} :: constructor
constructora {f} :: feminine noun of constructor
construible {adj} :: suitable for building
construido {adj} :: constructed
construir {v} :: to build
construir {v} :: to construct
construirse {v} :: reflexive of construir
consubstancial {adj} :: consubstantial
consuegra {f} :: feminine noun of consuegro: the mother-in-law of one's child
consuegro {m} :: co-father-in-law: the father-in-law of one's son or daughter; that is, the father of one's son- or daughter-in-law, or, the father of one spouse in relation to the parents of the other spouse
consuegro {m} [in the plural] :: The relationship between people whose children marry each other; the parents of the bride vis-à-vis the parents of the groom
consuelda {f} :: comfrey
consuelo {m} :: solace
consuelo {m} :: consolation
Consuelo {prop} {f} :: given name
consuetud {f} [obsolete] :: custom
consuetudinariamente {adv} :: consuetudinarily, traditionally
consuetudinario {adj} :: consuetudinary
consuetudinario {adj} :: common; customary
cónsul {mf} :: consul
consulado {m} :: consulate
consulado general {m} :: consulate general
consular {adj} :: consular
consulta {f} :: query, question
consulta {f} :: consultation
consulta {f} :: surgery (doctor's consulting room)
consultable {adj} :: consultable
consultante {adj} :: consulting
consultar {v} :: to consult
consultar con la almohada {v} [idiom] :: to sleep on (make a decision after sleeping)
consultativo {adj} :: consultative
consultivo {adj} :: consultative
consultor {adj} :: consulting
consultor {m} :: consultant
consultora {f} :: consultant
consultoría {f} :: consulting
consultoría {f} :: consultancy
consultorio {m} :: office, clinic
consultorio {m} :: consulting room
consumación {f} [law] :: commission, perpetration
consumación {f} :: consummation, fulfillment
consumado {adj} :: consummate; perfect
consumador {m} :: perpetrator
consumadora {f} :: feminine noun of consumador
consumar {vt} :: to carry out, to commit, to perpetrate
consumar {vt} :: to consummate
consumarse {v} :: reflexive of consumar
consumible {adj} :: consumable
consumible {m} :: consumable
consumición {f} :: consumption, eating
consumido {adj} :: consumed
consumido {adj} :: exhausted
consumido {adj} :: used up
consumido {adj} :: haggard
consumidor {m} :: consumer
consumidora {f} :: female equivalent of consumidor
consumir {v} :: to consume
consumismo {m} :: consumerism
consumista {adj} :: consumer, consumerist
consumista {mf} :: consumer
consumo {m} :: consumption (the act of eating, drinking or using)
consunción {f} :: consumption
consunción {f} :: starvation
consuno {particle} :: only used in de consuno
consustancial {adj} :: consubstantial (of the same substance)
contabilidad {f} :: accountancy
contabilización {f} :: entering into accounts
contabilizar {v} [accounting] :: to enter (into a book)
contabilizar {v} [sport] :: to score
contable {adj} :: countable
contable {mf} [Spain] :: accountant
contablemente {adv} :: in accounting terms
contactar {v} :: to contact
contactarse {v} :: reflexive of contactar
contacto {m} :: contact
contactor {m} :: contactor
contacto social {m} :: social contact
contadísimo {adj} :: superlative of contado
contado {adj} :: counted
contado {adj} :: few
contador {m} :: measurer
contador {m} :: meter (device that measures e.g. electricity meter, odometer)
contador {m} [programming] :: counter
contador {m} [Internet] :: counter
contador {m} [accounting] :: accountant
contadora {f} [accounting] :: female accountant
contaduría {f} :: bookkeeping
contagiante {adj} :: contagious (of a disease, able to be transmitted to others)
contagiante {adj} :: contagious (of a fashion, laughter, etc, easily passed on to others)
contagiar {vt} :: to infect
contagiarse {v} :: reflexive of contagiar
contagio {m} :: infection, contagion
contagión {f} [rare] :: contagion
contagiosidad {f} :: contagiousness
contagioso {adj} :: contagious
container {m} :: container
contaje {m} :: count; counting
con tal de {conj} :: so; so that; so as to
con tal que {conj} :: as long as, so long as
contaminación {f} :: pollution; contamination
contaminación lumínica {f} :: light pollution
contaminado {adj} :: polluted, contaminated
contaminado {adj} :: tainted
contaminador {adj} :: contaminating
contaminador {m} :: contaminant
contaminante {adj} :: contaminating
contaminante {m} :: contaminant
contaminar {vt} :: to contaminate
contaminar {vt} :: to corrupt
contaminar {vt} :: to profane
con tantas narices {adj} [idiomatic, archaic] :: let down, disappointed
contante {adj} :: in cash
contante y sonante {adj} [idiom] :: cold hard (said of money)
contar {v} :: to count; to tally
contar {v} :: to tell (a story); narrate
contar {v} :: to be (a certain number of years of age)
contar {v} :: to rely on
contar {v} :: to have available
contario {m} :: synonym of contero
contarse {v} :: reflexive of contar
contecer {v} :: obsolete form of acontecer
contemplación {f} :: contemplation
contemplador {m} :: contemplator
contempladora {f} :: feminine noun of contemplador
contemplar {v} :: to contemplate
contemplar {v} :: to behold
contemplar {v} :: to regard
contemplar {v} [neologism] :: to envisage
contemplar {v} [neologism, anglicism] :: to foresee, anticipate, prevent
contemplativo {adj} :: contemplative
contemporáneamente {adv} :: contemporaneously
contemporaneidad {f} :: contemporaneity
contemporáneo {adj} :: contemporaneous
contemporario {adj} :: contemporary
contemporario {m} :: contemporary
contemporización {f} :: temporizing, appeasement
contemporizador {adj} :: contemporizing
contemporizador {m} :: contemporizer
contemporizar {vi} :: to be compliant
contén {m} :: curb
contención {f} :: holding back
contención {f} :: self-control
contención {f} :: contention, argument, debate, dispute
contencioso {adj} :: contentious
contender {v} :: to contend
contender {v} :: to contest
contendiente {adj} :: contending, contesting
contendiente {mf} :: opponent, contender
contendor {adj} :: contending, contesting
contendor {m} :: opponent, contender
contenedor {adj} :: containing
contenedor {m} :: container
contener {v} :: to contain
contener {v} :: to hold
contener {v} :: to restrain, check
contener {v} :: to control
contenerse {v} :: reflexive of contener
contenido {m} :: content, as of a text, artwork or media production
contenido {m} :: that which is inside a container; contents
contenimiento {m} :: containment
contentamiento {m} :: contentment; gladness
contentar {v} :: to please
contentarse {vr} :: to make do, settle
contentísimo {adj} :: superlative of contento
contentivo {adj} :: containing; contained; attached
contento {adj} :: content, happy
contento {adj} :: satisfied, glad, pleased, chuffed [British]
conteo {m} [Latin America] :: bill
conteo {m} :: calculus, computation
conteo {m} :: counting
conteo {m} :: count
contera {f} :: (metal) tip
contera {f} :: icing on the cake
contera {f} :: knob of a cannon
contera {f} :: A plant, Anagyris foetida
contertulia {f} :: person appearing on a talk show
contertulio {m} :: person appearing on a talk show
contestación {f} :: An answer, reply
contestación {f} :: A dispute
contestación {f} :: A legal plea
contestador {adj} :: cheeky
contestador {m} :: answering machine
contestadora {f} :: answering machine
contestador automático {m} :: answering machine
contestar {v} :: to rejoin or reply
contestar {v} :: to answer, reply
contestar {v} :: to answer back
contestario {adj} :: alternative spelling of contestatario
contestataria {f} :: feminine noun of contestatario
contestatario {adj} :: protesting
contestatario {m} :: protester
contexto {m} :: context
contextual {adj} :: contextual
contextualización {f} :: contextualization
contextualizar {v} :: to contextualize
contextualmente {adv} :: contextually
contextuar {v} :: to validate using text
contextura {f} :: build, physique
contextura {f} :: texture
contienda {f} :: fight, dispute
contigo {adv} :: with you (singular)
contigüidad {f} :: contiguity
contiguo {adj} :: contiguous
continencia {f} :: continence, self-control
continental {adj} :: continental
continentalidad {f} :: continentality
continentalización {f} :: continentalization
continentalizado {adj} :: continental
continente {m} :: continent
contingencia {f} :: contingency
contingente {adj} :: contingent
contingente {m} :: contingent
contingentemente {adv} :: contingently
contino {adj} :: obsolete spelling of continuo
continuación {f} :: continuation
continuadamente {adv} :: continuously
continuador {adj} :: continuing; succeeding
continuador {m} :: successor, continuer
continuadora {f} :: female equivalent of continuador
continuamente {adv} :: continuously, nonstop
continuamente {adv} :: continually
continuante {adj} :: continuing
continuar {v} :: to continue, to carry on
continuar {v} :: to go off on, to go off of [idiomatic]
continuar {vp} [impersonal] :: to continue, to be continued
continuidad {f} :: continuity
continuismo {m} :: continuism (the propensity of heads of state and government at various levels to indefinitely extend their rule by way of reducing or abolishing term limits)
continuista {mf} [politics] :: someone who advocates for the status quo (politically, socially, etc)
continuista {mf} [cinematography] :: script supervisor
continuista {adj} :: maintaining the status quo
continuo {adj} :: continuous, continual, continuing, constant, steady, sustained
continuo {adj} :: ongoing
contlapache {mf} [Mexico] :: accomplice
con todas las de la ley {adj} [idiomatic] :: fully-fledged
con todas las de la ley {adv} [idiomatic] :: rightly so; being in one's on right (to do so)
con todas las de la ley {adv} [idiomatic] :: to the full; in style; epically
con todo {adv} [idiomatic] :: nevertheless, however, yet, nonetheless
contonear {v} :: to contour
contonear {v} :: to wiggle
contonear {vr} :: to wiggle, swagger
contonearse {v} :: reflexive of contonear
contoneo {m} :: swaying
contornar {v} :: alternative form of contornear
contornear {v} :: to contour; outline
contornear {v} :: to go round
contorno {m} :: contour, outline, boundary
contorno {m} :: girth
contorsión {f} :: contortion
contorsionar {v} :: to contort, twist
contorsionar {vr} :: to contort oneself
contorsionismo {m} :: art of contortion
contorsionista {mf} :: contortionist
contour {m} :: contour
contra- {prefix} :: contra-
contra {prep} :: against, versus
contra {m} :: con (disadvantage)
contra {f} :: antidote
contra {f} :: counterpunch
contra {adv} :: opposite, facing
contraacusación {f} :: counteraccusation
contraalmirante {mf} :: rear admiral
contraanálisis {f} :: counter-analysis
contraargumentar {v} :: to counterargue
contraatacar {v} :: to counter-attack
contraataque {m} :: counterattack, counterstrike
contrabajista {mf} :: bass guitar player
contrabajista {mf} :: double bassist
contrabajo {m} [musical instruments] :: double bass
contrabalancear {v} :: to counterbalance
contrabanda {f} :: archaic spelling of contrabando
contrabandear {vi} :: to smuggle
contrabandista {mf} :: smuggler, contrabandist, bootlegger
contrabando {m} :: contraband, smuggled goods (goods)
contrabando {m} :: smuggling (activity)
contrabando {m} :: bootleg, bootlegging
contrabando hormiga {m} [idiom] :: small-scale bit-by-bit smuggling
contracara {f} :: other side, flip side
contracarro {adj} :: antitank
contracción {f} :: contraction
contracepción {f} :: contraception
contraceptivo {adj} :: contraceptive
contraceptivo {m} :: contraceptive
contrachapado {adj} [of wood] :: laminated (formed with many thin layers)
contrachapado {m} :: plywood
contracíclico {adj} [economics] :: contracyclical (tending to stabilise an unbalanced economy)
contracoloración {f} :: countershading
contraconceptivo {adj} :: contraceptive
contraconceptivo {m} :: contraceptive
contracorriente {f} :: countercurrent
contractibilidad {f} :: contractibility
contráctil {adj} :: contractile
contractilidad {f} :: contractility
contractivo {adj} :: contractive (involving or relating to contraction)
contractual {adj} :: contractual
contractualismo {m} :: contractualism
contractualmente {adv} :: contractually
contractura {f} :: muscle contraction
contracultura {f} :: counterculture (any culture whose values and lifestyles are opposed to those of the mainstream culture)
contracultural {adj} :: contracultural
contrada {f} :: Division in the city of Siena
contradecir {vt} :: to contradict
contradeclaración {f} :: counter-declaration
contrademanda {f} [law] :: counterclaim
contrademandar {v} :: to countersue
contradicción {f} :: contradiction
contradicción en los términos {f} :: contradiction in terms
contradictor {adj} :: contradictory
contradictor {m} :: contradicter
contradictora {f} :: feminine noun of contradictor
contradictoriamente {adv} :: contradictorily
contradictorio {adj} :: contradictory
contradictorio {adj} :: counterintuitive
contradique {m} :: secondary harbour wall
contraeconomía {f} :: countereconomics
contraejemplo {m} :: counterexample
contra el reloj {adv} [idiomatic] :: against the clock, race against time, with a deadline, in a hurry
contraer {v} :: to contract
contraer {v} :: to get, to catch, to develop (e.g. a disease, illness or infection)
contraer {v} :: to incur, to get in, to get into (debt)
contraer {v} :: to enter into, to undertake (e.g. an agreement, a commitment, a marriage, an engagement, obligations)
contraer matrimonio {vi} [reciprocal] :: to get married, to marry
contraescarpa {f} :: counterscarp
contraespionaje {m} :: counterespionage
contrafachada {f} :: counterfacade
contrafagot {m} :: contrabassoon
contrafigura {f} [theatre, TV, film] :: double
contraflujo {m} :: counterflow
contrafrente {m} [real estate] :: balcony to the back of the property
contrafuerte {m} :: buttress
contragolpe {m} :: counterstroke, counterattack
contragolpe {m} [sports] :: counterattack
contragolpear {v} :: to hit back, strike back
contraguerrilla {adj} :: counterguerrilla
contraguerrilla {mf} :: counterguerrilla fighter or soldier
contrahacer {vt} :: to counterfeit, to fake or imitate
contrahacer {vr} :: to pretend to be
contrahechura {f} :: counterfeiting
contrahierba {f} :: contrayerva
contrahuracán {adj} :: antihurricane
contraincendio {m} :: firefighting
contraincendio {adj} :: firefighting
contraincendios {adj} :: alternative form of contraincendio
contraindicación {f} :: contraindication
contraindicar {v} [medicine] :: to contraindicate
contrainformación {f} :: counterinformation
contrainsurgencia {f} :: counter-insurgency
contrainsurgente {mf} :: counterinsurgent
contrainteligencia {f} :: counterespionage
contraintuitivo {adj} :: counterintuitive
contraión {m} :: counterion
contra las cuerdas {adv} [boxing, professional wrestling] :: on the ropes (leaning against the ropes of the boxing ring, as when exhausted and nearing defeat or collapse)
contra las cuerdas {adv} [idiomatic, figuratively, by extension] :: on the ropes (showing signs of imminent failure or collapse)
contralmirante {m} :: rear admiral
contralor {m} :: comptroller
contralora {f} :: feminine noun of contralor
contraloría {f} :: accounting, accounting department
contraluz {mf} :: A view from the opposite side of the direction toward which a light source shines
contraluz {mf} :: A photograph taken from such a view
contramaestre {m} [nautical] :: boatswain
contramandar {v} :: to countermand
contramanifestación {f} :: counterprotest
contramanifestante {mf} :: counter-demonstrator
contramano {n} :: only used in a contramano
contramarca {f} :: countermark
contramarcha {f} :: turnaround, turnabout
contramarchar {vi} [military] :: to countermarch
contramedida {f} :: countermeasure
contramemoria {f} :: counter-report
contramina {f} :: countermine
contranatural {adj} :: contranatural; unnatural
contraofensiva {f} :: counteroffensive
contraoferta {f} :: counteroffer
contraorden {m} :: countermand
contraparte {f} :: counterpart
contraparte {f} :: counterparty
contraparte {f} [politics] :: opposing party
contrapartida {f} [accounting, law] :: counterpart
contrapartida {f} :: counterparty
contrapartida {f} :: contribution [financial]
contrapartida {f} :: compensation
contrapartida {f} :: compensatory measure
contrapaso {m} :: contrapasso
contrapelo {particle} :: only used in a contrapelo
contrapericia {f} :: second or further assessment; second opinion
contrapesar {vt} :: to counterbalance
contrapeso {m} :: counterweight
contrapicado {m} [photography, cinematography] :: A low-angle shot; frog's-eye view
contrapié {m} :: only used in a contrapié
contrapierna {f} [football] :: An act of wrongfooting someone
contrapiso {m} :: screed
contrapoder {m} :: an anti-establishment movement; a rebellion
contraponer {v} :: to compare
contraportada {f} [journalism] :: back page
contraposición {f} :: contraposition
contrapresión {f} :: counterpressure
contraprestación {f} [finance] :: remuneration
contraproducente {adj} :: counterproductive
contraproductivo {adj} :: counterproductive
contraprogramar {v} [broadcasting] :: to counterprogram
contrapropaganda {f} :: counterpropaganda
contrapropuesta {f} :: counterproposal
contraprotesta {f} :: counterprotest
contrapulsación {f} :: counterpulsation
contrapuntear {v} :: to go up against; compete
contrapunteo {m} :: debate; quarrel; argument
contrapuntístico {adj} [attributive] :: counterpoint
contrapunto {m} [music] :: counterpoint
contrapunto {m} :: flipside
contra reloj {adv} [idiomatic] :: against the clock, with a deadline, in a hurry
contra reloj {adj} :: time trial
contrarevolucionario {adj} :: counterrevolutionary
contrarevolucionario {m} :: counterrevolutionary
contrargumentar {v} :: rare form of contraargumentar
contrariamente {adv} :: contrary (to)
contrariar {v} :: to oppose
contrariar {v} :: to thwart
contrariar {v} :: to annoy
contrariedad {f} :: opposition
contrario {adj} :: contrary, opposite
contrario {adj} :: opposed, against
contrarreforma {f} :: counterreform
contrarreformista {mf} :: Counter-Reformer
contrarreloj {adj} :: time trial
contrarreloj {adv} [idiomatic] :: against the clock, race against time, with a deadline, in a hurry
contrarrelojista {m} [cycling] :: time trial cyclist
contrarrestar {vt} :: to counteract, counter
contrarrevolución {f} :: counterrevolution
contrarrevolucionario {adj} :: counterrevolutionary
contrarrotativo {adj} :: contrarotating
contraruta {m} :: only used in en contraruta
contraseña {f} [chiefly computing] :: password
contraseña {f} [military] :: countersign, shibboleth (response to a sign or signal)
contrasentido {m} :: contradiction in terms
contrasentido {m} :: nonsense
contrasombreado {m} :: countershading
contrastabilidad {f} :: contrastability
contrastable {adj} :: contrastable
contrastación {f} :: contrasting, contrast
contrastante {adj} :: contrasting
contrastar {v} :: to contrast
contrastar {v} :: to resist
contraste {m} :: contrast
contraste {m} :: assay
contraste {m} :: hallmark (from an assay office)
contraste {m} :: assayer
contrasubversivo {adj} :: countersubversive
contrasujeto {m} :: countersubject
contratacar {v} :: alternative spelling of contraatacar
contratación {f} :: contracting, hiring
contratante {adj} :: contracting; that which contracts or makes an agreement
contratante {mf} :: he, she, or it which contracts or makes an agreement
contratapa {f} :: back cover
contrataque {m} :: counter-attack
contratar {v} :: to contract, to take on
contratar {v} :: to hire
contraterrorismo {m} :: antiterrorism; counter-terrorism
contraterrorista {adj} [law enforcement, military] :: antiterrorist (counteracting terrorism)
contratiempo {m} :: setback
contratiempo {m} [music] :: contretemps
contratista {mf} :: contractor
contrato {m} :: contract, agreement
contrato de futuros {m} :: futures contract
contratransferencia {f} [psychology] :: countertransference
contravalor {m} :: value (after exchanging to another currency)
contravariante {adj} :: contravariant
contravención {f} :: contravention
contravencional {adj} :: contraventional
contravenir {v} :: to contravene
contraventana {f} :: shutter (of windows)
contraventor {m} :: offender
contravía {m} :: counter, difference
contravía {m} :: The opposite lane of traffic
contra viento y marea {adv} [idiomatic] :: against all odds, come hell or high water, through thick and thin
contrayente {mf} :: bride or groom; part of the happy couple
contrayerba {f} :: alternative spelling of contrahierba
Contreras {prop} :: surname
con tres palmos de narices {adj} [idiomatic] :: let down, disappointed
contribución {f} :: contribution
contribución {f} :: tax, impost
contribuidor {adj} :: contributing
contribuidor {m} :: contributor
contribuir {v} :: to contribute
contributivo {adj} :: contributory
contributivo {adj} :: relating to taxes
contribuyente {mf} :: contributor
contribuyente {mf} :: taxpayer
contricante {mf} :: opponent; contestant
contrición {f} :: contrition
contrincante {mf} :: opponent
contrincante {mf} :: competitor
contrincante {mf} :: adversary
contristar {v} :: to sadden
contrito {adj} :: contrite (sincerely penitent)
control {m} :: control, or running of a business
control {m} :: control of a machine
control {m} :: control or emotional restraint, self-control
control {m} :: remote control
control {m} [medicine] :: checkup
controlabilidad {f} :: controllability
controlable {adj} :: controllable
controladamente {adv} :: in a controlled way; with restraint
controlador {adj} :: controlling
controlador {m} [management] :: controller
controladora {f} :: feminine noun of controlador
controladora de tráfico aéreo {f} :: feminine noun of controlador de tráfico aéreo
controladora de tránsito aéreo {f} :: feminine noun of controlador de tránsito aéreo
controlador de tráfico aéreo {m} :: air traffic controller
controlador de tránsito aéreo {m} :: air traffic controller
controlante {adj} :: controlling
controlar {v} :: to control, to rein in
controlar {v} :: to manage, to handle (e.g. managing symptoms, pain, stress or emotions)
controlar {v} :: to monitor, to check, to supervise, to oversee, to verify, to regulate, to check on
controlar {vr} :: to be controlled, to be managed
controlar {vr} :: to be monitored, to be checked
controlar {vr} :: to get a grip (i.e. to control oneself)
controlarse {v} :: reflexive of controlar
control remoto {m} :: remote control
controversia {f} :: controversy
controversial {adj} [Latin America] :: controversial
controversialmente {adv} [Latin America] :: controversially
controvertidamente {adv} :: controversially
controvertido {adj} :: controversial
controvertir {v} :: to controvert
contubernio {m} :: collusion, conspiracy
contubernio {m} :: cohabitation
contumacia {f} :: contumacy, obstinacy
contumacia {f} :: contempt of court
contumaz {adj} :: obstinate, stubborn
contumaz {adj} [medicine] :: diseased
contumaz {adj} [law] :: in contempt of court
contumazmente {adv} :: obstinately
contundencia {f} :: forcefulness, conviction
contundente {adj} [of a punishment] :: heavy, severe
contundente {adj} [legal, of a weapon] :: blunt
contundente {adj} :: overwhelming, resounding
contundente {adj} :: hearty (promoting strength; nourishing)
contundentemente {adv} :: decisively, conclusively
contundir {v} :: to bruise, contuse
conturbador {adj} :: perturbing, disturbing
conturbar {v} :: to dismay, perturb
contusión {f} :: contusion
contusionar {v} :: to bruise
contuso {adj} :: contused, bruised
conuco {m} :: A plot of cultivated land, generally small
con uñas y dientes {adv} [idiom] :: tooth and nail [passionately; intensely; at any cost]
con un hilo de voz {adv} [idiomatic] :: barely audibly
conuquismo {m} :: The practice of burning of forests in order to make coal
conurbación {f} :: conurbation
conurbado {adj} :: in a conurbation
conurbano {m} :: city area, metro area, conurbation
convalecencia {f} :: convalescence; R&R
convalecer {v} :: to convalesce, recover, get better
convaleciente {adj} :: convalescent
convaleciente {mf} :: convalescent
convalidación {f} :: validation
convalidar {v} :: to validate
convección {f} :: convection
convecino {m} :: neighbour
convectivo {adj} :: convective
convencer {v} :: to convince
convencerse {v} :: reflexive of convencer
convencidísimo {adj} :: superlative of convencido
convencido {adj} :: convinced
convencimiento {m} :: persuasion, convincing
convención {f} :: convention
convencional {adj} :: conventional
convencionalidad {f} :: conventionality
convencionalismo {m} :: conventionalism
convencionalmente {adv} :: conventionally
Convenciones de Ginebra {prop} {fp} :: Geneva Convention (international treaty)
convencionista {mf} :: conventionist
convenible {adj} :: suitable, right
conveniencia {f} :: convenience
conveniencia {f} :: suitability
conveniencia {f} :: benefit
conveniente {adj} :: convenient
conveniente {adj} :: suitable
conveniente {adj} :: opportune
convenientemente {adv} :: conveniently
convenientísimo {adj} :: superlative of conveniente
convenimiento {m} [legal] :: agreement; approval
convenio {m} :: agreement
convenio {m} :: covenant
convenio {m} [diplomacy] :: convention (an international agreement)
Convenios de Ginebra {prop} {mp} :: Geneva Convention (international treaty)
convenir {vt} :: to agree, agree on, agree upon
convenir {vti} :: to be convenient, suit
convenir {v} :: to admit
convenir {v} :: to arrange (bring together various parts to build or form something)
convenir {vt} :: to convene
conventillo {m} :: A type of collective housing
convento {m} :: convent, monastery
conventual {adj} :: conventual (pertaining to a convent)
convergencia {f} :: convergence
convergente {adj} [geometry] :: convergent
convergente {adj} :: same-lined, having a common goal
convergente {adj} [politics] :: Of or related to any of the political parties called Convergencia
convergente {mf} [politics] :: An adherent or party member any of the political parties called Convergencia
converger {v} :: to converge
convergir {v} :: alternative form of converger
conversación {f} :: conversation
conversacional {adj} :: conversational
conversación de sobremesa {f} :: table talk
conversador {m} :: conversationalist
conversador {adj} :: talkative
conversar {v} :: to talk, converse
conversatorio {m} :: talk
conversión {f} :: conversion
converso {m} :: converso
conversor {adj} :: converting
conversor {m} :: convertor
convertasa {f} :: convertase
convertibilidad {f} :: convertibility
convertible {adj} :: convertible
convertible {m} [Latin America] :: convertible (car)
convertido {adj} :: converted
convertidor {adj} :: converting
convertidor {m} :: converter
convertidora {f} :: feminine noun of convertidor
convertir {vt} :: to convert
convertir {vt} :: to turn
convertir {vt} :: to transform
convertirse {vr} :: to become, get, turn, transform
convexidad {f} :: convexity
convexo {adj} :: convex
convicción {f} :: conviction (belief)
convicta {f} :: feminine noun of convicto
convicto {adj} :: convicted, guilty
convicto {m} :: convict
convidación {f} :: invitation
convidada {f} :: feminine noun of convidado
convidado {m} :: guest
convidar {v} :: to invite
con viento fresco {adv} [idiomatic] :: with disgust or anger
convincente {adj} :: convincing, persuasive
convincentemente {adv} :: convincingly
convite {m} :: banquet, feast
convite {m} :: wedding reception
convivencia {f} :: coexistence, cohabitation
convivencial {adj} :: relating to living together
convivialidad {f} :: conviviality
conviviente {mf} :: housemate, flatmate, roommate
convivio {m} :: feast, banquet
convivir {vi} :: to cohabit, to live together
convocación {f} :: calling
convocación {f} :: meeting; reunion
convocación {f} :: convocation
convocante {adj} :: convening
convocar {v} :: to call, convene
convocar {v} :: to call up, enlist
convocatoria {f} :: call (beckoning or summoning)
convocatoria {f} :: announcement
convocatoria {f} :: round (of exams or voting)
convolución {f} :: convolution
convolucional {adj} :: convolutional
convoluto {adj} :: convoluted
convoy {m} :: convoy
convulsión {f} :: convulsion
convulsionar {v} :: to convulse
convulsionar {v} :: to have a seizure
convulsivamente {adv} :: convulsively
convulsivo {adj} :: convulsive
convulso {adj} :: convulsive
convusco {pron} [archaic] :: with you (plural)
conyugal {adj} :: conjugal, relating to marriage
conyugalidad {f} :: conjugality, the state of being married,
cónyuge {mf} :: spouse, consort
conyugicida {mf} :: One who murders their spouse; a mariticide or uxoricide
conyugicidio {m} :: The murder of one by one's spouse; a mariticide or uxoricide
conyuntura {f} :: environment
conzederar {v} :: obsolete spelling of considerar
cooficial {adj} :: co-official
cooficialidad {f} :: co-official status
cooficialmente {adv} :: co-officially
cookie {m} [Internet] :: cookie, HTTP cookie
cooking show {m} :: an event consisting of a chef preparing food in public
cool {adj} :: cool (in its informal sense)
coop {f} :: abbreviation of cooperativa
cooperación {f} :: cooperation
cooperador {adj} :: cooperative
cooperador {adj} :: collaborating
cooperante {mf} :: volunteer worker, aid worker
cooperante {adj} :: cooperating
cooperar {v} :: to cooperate
cooperativa {f} :: cooperative
cooperativamente {adv} :: coöperatively, co-operatively
cooperatividad {f} :: cooperativity
cooperativismo {m} :: The cooperative movement
cooperativista {mf} :: cooperativist
cooperativizar {v} :: to cooperativize
cooperativo {adj} :: cooperative
cooptación {f} :: cooptation
cooptar {v} :: to co-opt
coordenada {f} :: coordinate
coordenada cartesiana {f} [geometry] :: Cartesian coordinate
coordenado {adj} [math] :: coordinated
coordinación {f} :: coordination
coordinadamente {adv} :: coordinately
coordinado {adj} :: coordinated
coordinador {adj} :: coordinating
coordinador {m} :: coordinator
coordinadora {f} :: feminine noun of coordinador
coordinante {adj} :: coordinating
coordinar {vt} :: to coordinate
coorganizador {m} :: co-organiser
coorganizadora {f} :: co-organiser
coorganizar {v} :: to co-organize
copa {f} :: cup, goblet, stemmed glass, glass
copa {f} [figuratively] :: cocktail, drink
copa {f} :: cup (sports competition/trophy)
copa {f} :: crown, treetop
copa {f} [card games] :: heart (a card of the hearts suit; on Spanish cards, the symbol is of a goblet)
copa {f} :: flake
Copacabana {prop} :: A town on Lake Titicaca in Bolivia
copago {m} :: copay, copayment
copagorja {f} :: a small dagger or sword
copal {m} :: copal
copal {m} :: Any of several trees from which copal is extracted
copamiento {m} :: cutting off the supplies
Copa Mundial {prop} {f} :: the World Cup (football/soccer)
copaneco {adj} :: From Copán Department, Honduras
copaneco {m} :: Someone from Copán
copar {v} [politics] :: to make a clean sweep
copar {v} :: to get; take
coparentalidad {f} :: shared parenting
coparticipable {adj} [finance] :: joint participation
coparticipación {f} :: mutual participation
copartícipe {adj} :: co-participating
copartícipe {mf} :: co-participant; fellow participant
copartidaria {f} :: Someone of the same political party
copartidario {m} :: Someone of the same political party
copatrocinador {m} :: cosponsor
copatrocinar {v} :: to cosponsor
copatrocinio {m} :: joint sponsorship
copatrón {m} :: joint patron saint; one of the (multiple) patron saints
copatrona {f} :: coowner
copazo {m} :: Big cup or glass
copear {v} :: to booze; to tipple
cópec {f} :: kopek
copeca {f} :: kopek (hundredth of a ruble)
copela {f} :: cupel
Copenhague {prop} {f} :: Copenhague (capital city)
copenhagués {adj} :: Copenhagener (of or pertaining to Copenhagen, Denmark)
copenhagués {m} :: Copenhagener (native or resident of Copenhagen, Denmark)
copenhaguesa {f} :: feminine noun of copenhagués
copépodo {m} :: copepod
copera {f} :: waitress
copera {f} :: cupbearer
copernicano {adj} :: Copernican
copernicio {m} :: copernicium
Copérnico {prop} {m} :: Copernicus
copero {adj} [sports, attributive] :: cup
copero {m} :: cabinet for glasses
copero {m} :: barman
copero {m} :: cupbearer
copete {m} :: pompadour (hairstyle)
copete {m} :: tuft, forelock
copete {m} :: crest
copete {m} :: topping
copete {m} [journalism, Latin America] :: lead; lead-in (of an article)
copetear {v} [Chile, colloquial] :: to go out for drinks
copetón {adj} :: crested; tufted
copetón {m} :: flycatcher
copeyano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Copei
copeyano {m} :: A member of Copei
copia {f} :: abundance
copia {f} :: copy (a duplicate of an original)
copia de plano {f} [architecture] :: blueprint
copia de seguridad {f} [computing] :: backup
copiador {adj} :: copying
copiador {m} :: copier
copiador {m} [business] :: letter book
copiadora {f} :: photocopier (machine which reproduces documents)
copiar {v} :: to copy
copiar {v} :: to imitate
copiarse {v} :: reflexive of copiar
copihue {m} :: Chilean bellflower
copilotar {v} :: to copilot
copilotar {v} :: to codrive
copiloto {m} :: copilot
copión {m} :: copycat
copiona {f} :: feminine noun of copión
copiosamente {adv} :: copiously
copiosísimo {adj} :: superlative of copioso
copioso {adj} :: copious
copista {mf} :: copyist
copita {f} :: diminutive of copa, little glass
copla {f} :: couplet; stanza
copla {f} :: popular song
coplanar {adj} :: coplanar
coplanario {adj} [geometry] :: coplanar (within the same plane)
coplera {f} :: feminine noun of coplero
coplero {m} :: A writer of couplets
coplilla {f} :: diminutive of copla
copo {m} :: flake
copo de nieve {m} :: snowflake
copolímero {m} :: copolymer
copón {m} :: ciborium (vessel to hold hosts for the Eucharist)
coportavocía {f} :: co-spokesmanship
coportavoz {mf} :: co-spokesperson
coposo {adj} [of a tree] :: crowned
copresentador {m} :: co-host
copresentadora {f} :: co-host
copresentar {vt} :: to cohost
copresidencia {f} :: co-presidency
copresidenta {f} :: joint president
copresidente {adj} :: co-presiding
copresidente {mf} :: co-president; co-chairman
copresidir {v} :: to co-preside
copretérito {m} [grammar] :: past imperfect tense
coprimo {adj} :: coprime
coprincipal {mf} :: coprincipal
copríncipe {m} :: coprince
coprocesado {m} :: co-accused
coprocesador {m} :: co-processor
coproducción {f} :: coproduction
coproducir {v} :: to coproduce
coproducto {m} :: coproduct
coproductor {m} :: coproducer
coproductora {f} :: feminine noun of coproductor
coprófago {adj} :: coprophagous
coprofilia {f} :: coprophilia
coprolalia {f} :: coprolalia
coprolito {m} [paleontology] :: coprolite
copropiedad {f} :: joint ownership
copropietaria {f} :: co-owner
copropietario {m} :: co-owner
coprosperidad {f} :: coprosperity
coprotagónico {adj} :: costarring
coprotagonista {mf} :: co-star
coprotagonizar {v} :: to co-star in, to be the coprotagonist in
copta {f} :: feminine noun of copto
copto {m} :: Copt
copto {m} :: Coptic (language)
copto {adj} :: Coptic
copucha {f} [colloquial, Chile] :: gossip
copudo {adj} [of a tree canopy] :: leafy; thick
cópula {f} [grammar] :: copula
cópula {f} [grammar] :: conjunction
cópula {f} :: copulation
copulación {f} :: copulation
copulador {m} :: shagger, sex machine
copular {v} :: to copulate
copulativamente {adv} :: copulatively
copulativo {adj} :: copulative
copyright {m} :: copyright
coque {m} :: coke (solid fuel from coal)
Coque {prop} {m} :: given name
coquera {f} :: feminine noun of coquero
coquero {adj} [Colombia, Peru] :: Pertaining to the cultivation of coca
coquero {m} [Colombia, Peru] :: A cultivator of coca
coquero {m} [Mexico, Puerto Rico] :: A cultivator of coconut palms
coquero {m} [Mexico, Puerto Rico] :: A seller of coconuts
coquero {m} [colloquial, pejorative, Colombia, Honduras] :: A cocaine addict
coquero {m} [by extension, colloquial, pejorative] :: A drug addict
coqueta {f} :: feminine noun of coqueto
coquetamente {adv} :: charmingly; coquettishly
coquetear {v} :: to flirt
coquetear {v} :: to tease
coqueteo {m} :: coquetry, flirtation
coquetería {f} :: coquetry, flirtation
coquetil {adj} :: playful, flirtatious
coqueto {adj} :: flirtatious
coqueto {adj} :: natty, neat
coqueto {m} :: flirt (person who flirts)
coquetonamente {adv} :: flirtily
coquí {m} :: coqui frog
coquificar {vt} :: To use heat to decompose high molecular weight hydrocarbons, in order to obtain petroleum coke
coquilla {f} :: groin guard; cup (protection for the male genitals)
coquillo {m} :: diminutive of coco
coquito {m} :: coquito (Puerto Rican eggnog)
cora {f} [historical] :: A territorial subdivision in Al-Andalus
cora {f} [El Salvador] :: A US currency coin worth 25 cents, a quarter
coracera {f} :: feminine noun of coracero
coracero {m} :: cuirassier
coracha {f} :: leather satchel
coraco- {prefix} [anatomy] :: coraco-
coracoacromial {adj} [anatomy] :: coracoacromial
coracobraquial {m} :: coracobrachialis
coracoclavicular {adj} [anatomy] :: coracoclavicular
coracohumeral {adj} [anatomy] :: coracohumeral
coracoide {adj} :: coracoid
coraçón {m} :: obsolete spelling of corazón
coraje {m} :: courage, bravery, spunk
coraje {m} [colloquial] :: anger, rage
corajina {f} :: tantrum; fit; fuss
corajudamente {adv} :: gutsily; boldly
corajudo {adj} :: gutsy, courageous
corajudo {adj} :: quick-tempered
coral {m} [zoology] :: coral
coral {m} [plant] :: coral vine (Kennedia coccinea)
coral {adj} :: coral (color)
coral {adj} :: choral
coral {m} :: chorale
coralillo {m} :: coral snake
coralino {adj} :: coral
coralito {m} :: corallite
coralmente {adv} :: chorally
coral pétreo {m} :: stony coral
Corán {prop} {m} :: Qur'an (the Islamic holy book)
coránico {adj} :: qur'anic
coranista {mf} :: Koranist
coraza {f} :: cuirass
coraza {f} :: poitrel
corazón {m} [anatomy] :: heart (organ of the body)
corazón {m} :: emotions, kindness, spirit
corazón {m} :: the center of an object
corazón {m} :: core (of a fruit)
corazón {m} :: artichoke heart
corazón {m} [card games] :: heart (a playing card of the suit hearts, corazones)
corazonada {f} :: hunch (idea)
corazonada {f} :: impulse
corazoncito {m} :: sweetheart, sweetie
corazoncito {m} :: little heart, poor heart, diminutive of corazón
corbata {f} :: necktie, tie (piece of clothing)
corbata de bolo {f} :: bolo tie
corbata de cordón {f} :: shoelace tie
corbata de moño {m} [Argentina, Colombia, Mexico] :: bowtie
corbatín {m} [Central America, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador] :: bowtie
corbeta {f} [nautical] :: corvette
corbynista {mf} :: Corbynista
Córcega {prop} {f} :: Córcega (region/and/island)
corcel {m} :: steed
corcha {f} :: cork (material)
corcha {f} :: cork cup
corche {m} :: shoe with a cork sole
corchea {f} [music] :: quaver
corchete {m} :: square bracket
corchete {m} [colloquial, historical] :: cop; copper (police)
corchetera {f} [Chile] :: stapler
corcho {m} :: cork (bark of the cork oak)
corcho {m} :: cork (bottle stopper)
córcholis {interj} :: expresses surprise, astonishment
corchoso {adj} :: corklike
corcova {f} :: hump
corcova {f} :: curvature
corcovado {m} :: wood quail
corcovear {vi} :: to buck
corcovo {m} :: buck (of a horse)
Corcuera {prop} :: surname
corda {f} :: rope
cordada {f} [climbing] :: rope team (people sharing a rope)
cordado {adj} :: chordate
cordado {m} :: chordate
cordaje {m} :: cordage, ropes
cordaje {m} :: strings of an instrument, racket, etc
cordaje {m} [nautical] :: rigging
cordal {m} [music] :: tailpiece (of a violin, etc.)
cordal {m} [dentistry] :: wisdom tooth
cordectomía {f} :: cordectomy
cordel {m} :: string
cordel {m} :: twine
cordel {m} :: A traditional unit of distance used in Spain and in South America. The exact length varies by region, being between 20 and 45 meters
cordelera {f} :: feminine noun of cordelero
cordelería {f} :: ropemaking (the occupation of a ropemaker)
cordelería {f} :: ropemaking (the manufacture of rope)
cordelería {f} :: Place where rope is made or sold
cordelería {f} :: ropework
cordelero {adj} [attributive] :: string, rope, cord
cordelero {m} :: ropemaker, cordmaker
cordelero {m} :: A Franciscan, Cordelier
cordera {f} :: feminine noun of cordero
corderillo {m} :: diminutive of cordero
corderito {m} :: diminutive of cordero: small lamb
cordero {m} :: lamb
Cordero {prop} {f} [Christianity] :: Lamb of God; Jesus
Cordero {prop} {f} :: surname
Cordero de Dios {prop} {m} :: Lamb of God (a title for Jesus that appears in the Gospel of John)
cordial {adj} :: cordial
cordialidad {f} :: cordiality
cordialísimo {adj} :: superlative of cordial
cordialmente {adv} :: cordially
cordialmente {adv} :: best regards (polite closing of a letter)
cordiforme {adj} :: heart-shaped, cordiform
cordillera {f} [geography] :: mountain range, cordillera
Cordillera {prop} {f} :: Cordillera (province), see Cordillera Province (Bolivia)
Cordillera {prop} {f} :: Cordillera (province), see Cordillera Province, Chile
Cordillera {prop} {f} :: Cordillera (department), see Cordillera Department
cordillera de Los Andes {prop} {f} :: Andes Mountains
cordillerano {adj} :: From a mountain range
cordina {f} :: chordin
cordino {m} :: climbing A cord or line
cordita {f} :: cordite (explosive powder)
córdoba {m} :: córdoba
Córdoba {prop} :: Córdoba (province)
Córdoba {prop} :: Córdoba (city)
Córdoba {prop} :: Córdoba (province)
cordobés {adj} :: Cordoban
cordobés {m} :: Cordoban
cordobesista {mf} [soccer] :: A person connected with Córdoba CF, a Spanish football team from the city of Córdoba
cordófono {m} :: chordophone
cordón {m} :: cord
cordón {m} :: lace, string
cordón {m} :: shoelace, bootlace, lacing
cordón {m} :: drawstring, drawcord
cordón {m} :: lanyard
cordón {m} [military] :: aiguillette
Cordón {prop} :: surname
cordoncillo {m} :: diminutive of cordón
cordonera {f} :: shoelace
cordón sanitario {m} :: cordon sanitaire
cordón umbilical {m} :: umbilical cord
cordotomía {f} [surgery] :: cordotomy
cordura {f} :: prudence
cordura {f} :: sanity
cordura {f} :: reason
corea {f} [pathology] :: chorea
Corea {prop} {f} :: Korea
coreable {adj} :: Suitable for a choir or group singing
Corea del Norte {prop} {f} :: North Korea
Corea del Sur {prop} {f} :: South Korea
coreana {f} :: feminine noun of coreano
coreano {adj} :: Korean (relating to the Korean Peninsula)
coreano {m} :: Korean (person from Korea)
coreano {m} :: Korean (language)
corear {v} :: to chant
coreógrafa {f} :: choreographer
coreografía {f} :: choreography
coreografiar {v} :: to choreograph
coreográficamente {adv} :: choreographically
coreográfico {adj} :: choreographic
coreógrafo {m} :: choreographer (person who choreographs)
Corfú {prop} {m} :: Corfú (island)
Corfú {prop} {m} :: Corfú (city)
corgi {m} :: corgi
coriáceo {adj} :: leathery
coriana {f} :: feminine noun of coriano
coriandro {m} [rare] :: coriander
coriano {adj} :: of or from Coro, Venezuela
coriano {adj} :: Of or from Coria del Río
coriano {m} :: Someone from Coria del Río
coriano {m} :: someone from Coro, Venezuela
corifea {f} :: feminine noun of corifeo
corifeo {m} :: follower
corifeo {m} :: lead, guide
corifeo {m} :: coryphaeus
corimbo {m} :: corymb
corimbos {m} :: corymb
corindón {m} [mineral] :: corundum
corinebacteria {f} :: corynebacterium
corintio {adj} :: Corinthian
Corintios {prop} {m} :: Corinthians (Bible book)
corinto {adj} :: maroon (color)
corinto {m} :: maroon (color)
Corinto {prop} {f} :: Corinto (city)
coriocarcinoma {m} :: choriocarcinoma
corion {m} :: chorion
coriónico {adj} :: chorionic
corisqueña {f} :: feminine noun of corisqueño
corisqueño {adj} :: Of or from the island of Corisco in Equatorial Guinea
corisqueño {m} :: An inhabitant of island of Corisco in Equatorial Guinea
corista {mf} :: chorister
corista {f} :: girl in a chorus line
corlar {v} :: to varnish
corlear {v} :: alternative form of corlar
corleonese {adj} :: Of or from Corleone
corleonese {mf} :: Someone from Corleone
cormo {m} [botany] :: corm
cormorán {m} :: cormorant
cormorán guanay {m} :: Guanay cormorant
cormorán imperial {m} :: imperial shag (Leucocarbo atriceps)
cornaca {m} :: elephant guide, elephant trainer, mahout
cornada {f} :: goring (a wound inflicted by a horn, usually the horn of a bull in the context of bullfighting)
cornado {f} :: cornado, a coin from the 13th to 16th century in Castilla
cornalina {f} [mineral] :: carnelian
cornalón {adj} [bullfighting] :: Having extremely large horns
cornamenta {f} :: antlers, horns
cornamusa {f} [musical instruments] :: bagpipes
cornamusa {f} [nautical] :: cleat
córnea {f} [anatomy] :: cornea
corneal {adj} :: corneal
cornear {v} :: to gore (pierce with the horns)
corneja {f} :: crow
cornejo {m} :: The cornel, dogwood
Cornejo {prop} {m} :: surname
Cornelio {prop} {m} :: Cornelius [biblical character]
Cornelio {prop} {m} :: given name
córneo {adj} :: horny (hard or bony)
corner {m} :: corner kick
córner {m} [soccer] :: corner, corner kick
corneta {f} :: horn (musical instrument)
cornete {m} [anatomy] :: nasal concha
cornetín {m} :: clarion
cornetista {mf} :: cornetist
cornezuelo {m} :: Ergot, especially that which affects rye
corniabierto {adj} [bullfighting] :: Having horns pointing outwards
córnico {adj} :: Cornish
córnico {m} :: Cornish
córnico medio {m} :: Middle Cornish
cornicorto {adj} [bullfighting] :: short-horned
cornidelantero {adj} [bullfighting] :: Having forward-facing horns
cornillano {adj} [bullfighting] :: flat-horned
cornipaso {adj} [bullfighting] :: Having horns pointing to the side and upwards
cornisa {f} :: cornice
cornisa {f} :: crown molding
cornisa {f} :: Top of a pedestal cornice on a building or room
cornisamento {m} :: entablature
cornisamiento {m} :: alternative spelling of cornisamento
corniveleto {adj} :: Of a bull, having horns that bend at roughly a right angle
cornivuelto {adj} [bullfighting] :: curly-horned
corno {m} :: cornel
corno {m} :: The horn (musical instrument)
Cornualles {prop} {m} :: Cornwall
cornucopia {f} :: cornucopia
cornuda {f} :: feminine noun of cornudo
cornudilla {f} :: hammerhead shark
cornudo {adj} :: horned (having horns)
cornudo {adj} :: horned, deceived (husband, wife or partner)
cornudo {m} :: cuckold (deceived husband, wife or partner)
coro {m} :: choir
coro {m} :: chorus
corocoro {m} :: corocoro
corográficamente {adv} :: chorographically
corográfico {adj} :: chorographic
coroide {f} :: choroid
coroideo {adj} :: choroid
corola {m} [botany] :: corolla
corolario {m} :: corollary, corollarum
corolino {adj} :: corolline
corología {f} :: chorology
corológico {adj} :: chorological
corona {f} :: crown
corona {f} [heraldiccharge] :: crown
corona {f} :: crown (various units of currency)
corona {f} [of a star] :: corona
corona {f} :: wreath; ring, circle
corona {f} :: sprocket; (bicycle sprockets) cassette
corona {f} [mechanics] :: larger part of a pair of gear wheels
corona {f} :: washer
corona {m} [colloquial] :: coronavirus
Corona {prop} {f} :: surname
coronación {f} :: coronation
coronador {adj} :: crowning
coronal {adj} [anatomy] :: coronal
coronal {adj} [phonetics] :: coronal (relating to a sound produced with the tip or blade of the tongue)
coronal {f} [phonetics] :: coronal (a consonant produced with the tip or blade of the tongue)
coronamiento {m} :: coronation
coronar {v} :: to crown
coronar {v} :: to scale, climb
coronaria {f} :: coronary
coronario {adj} :: coronary
coronariografía {f} :: coronarography
coronariopatía {f} :: coronaropathy
coronavírico {adj} [attributive] :: coronavirus
coronavirus {m} [virology] :: coronavirus
coronel {m} :: colonel
Coronel {prop} :: surname
coronela {f} :: female equivalent of coronel
coronela {f} :: colonel's wife
coroniazul {adj} :: blue-crowned (said of a number of bird species that have a blue crown)
coroniblanco {adj} [of an animal] :: white-crowned
corónica {f} :: obsolete spelling of crónica
coronilla {f} :: crown (of the head)
coronillo {m} :: a kind of tree
coronirrufo {adj} :: rufous-crowned; rusty-headed (said of various species of birds)
coronista {mf} :: obsolete spelling of cronista
coronita {f} :: diminutive of corona
coronógrafo {m} [astronomy] :: coronagraph (telescope that blocks direct light from a star)
coronoide {adj} :: coronoid
coronoide {m} :: coronoid
coronta {f} :: corncob
coroto {m} [Venezuela, Colombia, also used in the plural] :: junk (items of little value)
corozaleña {f} :: feminine noun of corozaleño
corozaleño {adj} :: Of or from Corozal
corozaleño {m} :: Someone from Corozal
corpachón {m} :: big body
corpectomía {f} :: corpectomy
corpiño {m} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: bra; bodice
corpiño {m} [Mexico] :: training bra
corporación {f} :: council
corporación {f} :: guild
corporado {m} :: corporate
corporal {adj} :: corporal, of or relating to the corpus or body, bodywide or systemic
corporal {m} :: corporal (linen cloth)
corporalidad {f} :: corporeality
corporalmente {adv} :: bodily
corporatista {mf} :: corporatist
corporativamente {adv} :: corporately
corporativismo {m} :: corporatism
corporativista {mf} :: corporatist
corporativo {adj} :: corporate
corporeidad {f} :: the state of being corporeal
corpóreo {adj} :: corporeal
corporizar {v} :: to flesh out
corporomental {adj} :: mental and physical; physico-mental, psychosomatic
corpulencia {f} :: corpulence, stoutness
corpulentísimo {adj} :: superlative of corpulento
corpulento {adj} :: corpulent, stout
corpus {m} :: corpus (a collection of writings)
corpuscular {adj} :: corpuscular
corpúsculo {m} :: corpuscle (a minute particle)
corral {m} [cattle] :: corral, enclosure
corrala {f} :: type of house popular in Madrid
corralada {f} :: corral; enclosure
corraleja {f} :: A bullfighting event where bulls are not usually killed, and members of the public may enter the bullring
Corrales {prop} {m} :: surname
corralito {m} :: playpen
corralito {m} :: corralito
corraliza {f} :: synonym of corral
corralón {m} [Mexico] :: augmentative of corral; a municipal impounding lot
correa {f} :: belt, band, leash
Correa {prop} :: surname
correaje {m} :: straps
correato {m} :: synonym of correísmo
correazo {m} :: lash with a belt
correbou {m} [Spain, usually in plural] :: Any of numerous bullfighting-connected parties held around Spain
correcalles {m} :: leapfrog (game)
correcalles {m} :: streetwalker (prostitute)
correcaminos {m} :: roadrunner
corrección {f} :: correction
corrección {f} :: correctness
correccional {adj} :: correctional, reformatory
correccional {m} :: reform school
correceptor {m} :: coreceptor
correctamente {adv} :: correctly
correctísimo {adj} :: superlative of correcto
correctitud {f} [computer science] :: correctness
correctivo {adj} :: corrective
correctivo {m} :: corrective, punishment
correcto {adj} :: correct, right
correcto {adj} :: well-behaved
corrector {adj} :: corrective, correcting
corrector {m} :: corrector
corrector {m} :: proofreader
corrector {m} :: spell checker
correctora {f} :: feminine noun of corrector
corrector ortográfico {m} :: spell checker
corredactor {m} :: coeditor
corredactora {f} :: feminine noun of corredactor
Corredera {prop} :: surname
corredero {adj} :: sliding
corredizo {adj} :: sliding, slide, slipping
corredor {m} :: corridor, hall
corredor {m} :: pass, passageway
corredor {adj} :: running
corredor {adj} [attributive] :: ratite
corredor {m} :: runner
corredor {m} :: broker
corredora {f} :: feminine noun of corredor
corredor de bolsa {m} :: stockbroker
corredor de fondo {f} :: long-distance runner
corredor de seguro {m} :: insurance broker
correduría {f} :: brokerage
corregencia {f} :: coregency
corregente {adj} :: ruling together with another
corregible {adj} :: correctable
corregible {adj} :: corrigible
corregido {adj} :: corrected
corregidor {adj} :: correcting, correctional
corregidor {m} :: magistrate, reeve (judicial officer with limited authority to administer and enforce the law)
corregiduría {f} :: magistrate's office
corregimental {adj} :: correctional
corregimiento {m} :: corregimiento
corregir {v} :: to correct
corregüela {f} :: common knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)
corregüela {f} :: mallow bindweed (Convolvulus althaeoides)
corregüela {f} :: field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)
correhuela {f} :: Any of a number of different plants (see Spanish Wikipedia)
correísmo {m} :: The beliefs and policies of Rafael Correa, Ecuadorian politician and economist
correísta {adj} :: Pertaining to, or supporting Rafael Correa, Ecuadorian politician and economist
correísta {mf} :: A supporter of Rafael Correa
correíto {m} :: diminutive of correo
correlación {f} :: correlation
correlacionar {v} :: to correlate
correlativamente {adv} :: correlatively
correlativo {adj} :: correlative
correlato {m} :: correlate
correlegionaria {f} :: feminine noun of correlegionario
correlegionario {m} :: alternative form of correligionario
correligionaria {f} :: feminine noun of correligionario
correligionario {m} :: co-religionist
correlimos {m} :: sandpiper
correlimos {m} :: any of a number of other birds
correntada {f} :: strong current
correntino {adj} :: of or from Corrientes
correntino {m} :: Someone from Corrientes
correntío {adj} :: flowing
correo {m} :: mail
correo {m} [also, in plural] :: post office
correo aéreo {m} :: airmail
correo basura {m} :: junk mail
correo electrónico {m} [computing] :: e-mail
correo postal {m} [retronym] :: snail mail, postal mail
Correos {prop} :: Sociedad Estatal Correos y Telégrafos, the national postal service of Spain
correoso {adj} :: flexible
correoso {adj} :: tough, difficult
correr {v} :: to run, to jog
correr {v} :: to flow
correr {v} :: to shoo, chase away, drive away
correr {v} :: to throw out; to fire; to expel
correr {vr} :: to walk away
correr {vr} [Chile] :: to cop out, to shirk
correr {v} :: to elapse (time)
correr {v} :: to go around, spread (rumors)
correr {v} :: to rush
correr {v} :: to draw (curtains)
correr {vp} [Spain] :: to have an orgasm
correr {m} [uncountable] :: course, passing (of time)
correr {m} :: con el correr de los años (tiempo, reloj)... = (lit.) "with the passing of years... (time, clock)" = "as time goes by..."
correr {m} :: al correr de los años (tiempo, reloj)...
correr como un gamo {v} [simile] :: To run like the wind
correría {f} :: travel, round-trip
correría {f} [military] :: raid
correría {f} :: exploit
correr la bola {v} [idiom] :: to spread the word; pass on gossip
correr malos vientos {v} [idiomatic] :: to be a bad time (for); be an inopportune moment
correrse {v} :: to move
correrse {v} [vulgar] :: to ejaculate, to cum, to have an orgasm
corrérsela {v} [idiom] :: to have fun; go wild; live it up
correrse una juerga {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to live it up, go wild
correspondencia {f} :: correspondence
correspondencia {f} [rail transport] :: connection
corresponder {vi} [with a] :: To correspond to (be similar in character, quantity, quality, origin, structure, function etc.)
corresponder {vt} :: To respond to
corresponder {vt} :: To love to one's back, return someone's love
corresponder {vi} :: To reciprocate (to love somebody in response)
corresponder {v} :: to behoove, to be suitable
corresponder {v} :: to reward
correspondiente {adj} :: respective
correspondiente {adj} :: corresponding
correspondientemente {adv} :: correspondingly
corresponsabilidad {f} :: co-responsibility, joint responsibility
corresponsabilizar {vr} :: to become jointly responsible
corresponsable {mf} :: co-responsible, someone jointly with somebody else
corresponsal {mf} :: correspondent (a journalist who sends reports from a distant location)
corresponsalía {f} :: correspondentship
corresponsalía {f} :: office of correspondents
corretaje {m} :: brokerage
corretear {v} :: to run around, to run about, to scamper, to scurry
corretear {v} :: to ramble
corretear {v} [Latin America] :: to persecute, chase
correteo {m} :: rushing, hurrying
correveidile {mf} :: tattler, telltale
correy {m} :: joint king
corrida {f} :: sprint, run, dash
corrida {f} [bullfighting] :: a bullfight
corrida {f} [geology] :: outcrop
corrida {f} [vulgar slang] :: orgasm
corrida {f} [vulgar slang, Spain] :: cumshot, cum
corrida de toros {f} :: bullfight (bullfighting event), literally "running of bulls"
corrido {adj} :: world-wise, well-travelled
corrido {adj} :: decent, good, generous
corrido {adj} :: late
corrido {m} [Mexico, music] :: a ballad or folk song; a corrido
corrientazo {m} :: charge of electricity
corrientazo {m} [Colombia] :: slap-up meal
corriente {adj} :: flowing, running
corriente {adj} :: current (existing or occurring at the moment)
corriente {adj} :: common, usual
corriente {adj} :: ordinary, normal
corriente {f} :: current (the generally unidirectional movement of a gas or fluid)
corriente {f} :: short for corriente eléctrica
corriente {f} :: current, trend, tendency
corriente alterna {f} :: alternating current
corriente eléctrica {f} :: electric current
corrientemente {adv} :: commonly, usually
Corrientes {prop} :: Corrientes (province)
corriente y moliente {adj} [Spain, idiom] :: run-of-the-mill, standard
corrillo {m} :: small group, subgroup
corrillo {m} :: clique
corrimiento {m} :: slide (of land, snow etc.)
corrimiento de tierra {m} :: landslide
corro {m} :: ring, circle (of people, held hand to hand)
Corro {prop} {m} :: surname
corroborable {adj} :: corroborable, verifiable
corroboración {f} :: corroboration
corroborador {adj} :: corroborating (that corroborates)
corroborador {m} :: corroborator
corroboradora {f} :: feminine noun of corroborador
corroborar {v} :: to corroborate
corroer {vt} :: to corrode
corrompedor {adj} :: corrupting; misleading
corrompedor {m} :: corrupter, misleader
corromper {v} :: to corrupt
corromper {v} :: to bribe, to pervert
corromper {v} :: to rot
corrompidamente {adv} :: corruptly
corrosión {f} :: corrosion
corrosivo {adj} :: corrosive
corrugar {vt} :: to corrugate
corrupción {f} :: corruption (the act of impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle)
corrupción {f} :: corruption, decay, rot
corrupción {f} :: corruption (the act of changing for the worse)
corruptamente {adv} :: corruptly, viciously
corruptela {f} :: corruption
corruptibilidad {f} :: corruptibility
corruptible {adj} :: corruptible
corruptivo {adj} :: corruptive; corrupt
corrupto {adj} :: corrupt
corrupto {adj} :: corrupted
corruptor {adj} :: corrupting; misleading
corruptor {m} :: corrupter, misleader
corsa {f} :: feminine noun of corso
corsaria {f} :: corsair
corsario {adj} :: corsair
corsario {m} :: corsair
corsé {m} :: corset (woman's garment)
corselete {m} [history] :: A Spanish royal bodyguard in full armour
corso {adj} :: Corsican
corso {m} :: Corsican (person)
corso {m} :: privateering
cortabolsas {mf} [colloquial] :: pickpocket
cortacésped {m} [Spain, Chile] :: lawnmower
cortada {f} [Latin America] :: cut (a wound resulting from cutting)
cortada {f} [Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay] :: shortcut
cortadera {f} :: pampas grass
cortadito {adj} :: diminutive of cortado
cortadito {m} :: diminutive of cortado
cortado {adj} [said of a writing style] :: choppy, disconnected
cortado {adj} :: chopped
cortado {adj} :: adjusted, proportioned
cortado {adj} :: thickened, coagulated
cortado {adj} :: shy
cortado {adj} [heraldry] :: divided into two equal parts horizontally, per fess
cortado {m} :: a coffee or espresso with a small amount of warm milk added
cortador {adj} :: cutting
cortador {m} :: cutter
cortador {m} :: butcher
cortador {m} [anatomy] :: incisor (tooth)
cortador {m} :: chopping board
cortadora {f} :: cutter (someone or something that cuts)
cortadora de césped {f} [Spain] :: lawnmower
cortadora de pasto {f} [Argentina, Chile] :: lawnmower
cortador de césped {m} [Ecuador] :: lawnmower
cortador de hierba {m} :: lawnmower
cortador de pasto {m} :: lawnmower
cortadura {f} :: cut (injury, wound)
cortafuego {m} :: alternative spelling of cortafuegos
cortafuegos {m} [computing, also, figurative] :: firewall
cortahierba {m} :: lawnmower
cortamente {adv} :: briefly
cortamente {adv} :: thinly
cortante {adj} :: cutting
cortante {m} :: butcher
cortapasto {m} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: lawnmower
cortapasto {m} [Chile] :: lawn tractor
cortapisa {f} :: obstacle
cortapisa {f} :: shackle
cortapisa {f} :: charm (used when speaking)
cortaplumas {m} :: penknife
cortapuros {m} :: cigar cutter
cortar {v} :: to cut
cortar {v} :: to cut off, cut out, cut through, cut down, cut up, to nip
cortar {v} :: to chop, chop up, chop off
cortar {v} :: to slice, to slit
cortar {v} :: to mow
cortar {v} :: to slash, to hack
cortar {v} :: to carve, to engrave
cortar {v} :: to hang up, to terminate a telephone call
cortar {v} [Chile, colloquial] :: to stop an action
cortar {v} [Chile] :: to shut off
cortar {v} :: to finish a relationship
cortar {vr} :: to haircut
cortar {v} :: to cut, to cut off, to slit (oneself or a part of the body)
cortar de raíz {v} [idiom] :: to nip in the bud
cortar el bacalao {v} [idiom] :: to run the show; call the shots
cortar el rollo {v} [idiomatic] :: to poop the party
cortar por lo sano {v} [idiom] :: to cut the Gordian knot
cortar por lo sano {v} [idiom] :: to make a clean break, to cut one's losses
cortar por lo sano {v} [idiom] :: to cut to the chase
cortarramas {m} :: plantcutter
cortarrollos {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: killjoy, party pooper
cortarse {v} :: reflexive of cortar
cortar un pelo en el aire {v} [idiom] :: to be smart; to be shrewd; to be a sly fox
cortaúñas {m} :: nail clipper
cortavientos {m} :: windbreak
corte {m} :: cut (the act of cutting)
corte {m} :: cut (the result of cutting)
corte {m} :: cut (an opening resulting from cutting; an incision or wound)
corte {m} :: haircut
corte {m} :: embarrassment
corte {m} :: style or type
corte {f} :: court (the hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered)
cortedad {f} :: shortness
corte de manga {m} :: bras d'honneur, giving the finger
corte de manga {m} :: the finger
corte de mangas {m} :: bras d'honneur
corte de pelo {m} :: hair cut
cortejar {v} :: to court
cortejo {m} :: courtship
corte militar {m} :: A buzzcut, military hair cut, or crewcut
Cortes {prop} {fp} :: any of several legislative assemblies of Spain and Portugal; parliamentary chambers which exercise the power to craft legislation and control the actions of government as elected representatives of the public or, historically, in an advisory role to a reigning monarch
cortés {adj} :: polite, with courtesy
Cortés {prop} :: surname
cortesana {f} :: courtesan
cortesanía {f} :: politeness
cortesano {m} :: courtier
cortesía {f} :: politeness
cortesía {f} :: courtesy
cortesía {f} [business, diplomacy, politics] :: comity
cortésmente {adv} :: politely, courteously
corte superior {f} [US Spanish] :: superior court
córtex {m} :: cortex
corteza {f} :: bark (of a tree)
corteza {f} :: rind, peel (of a fruit)
corteza {f} :: crust (of food or geologically)
corteza cerebral {f} :: cerebral cortex
corteza prefrontal {f} [neuroanatomy] :: prefrontal cortex
cortical {adj} :: cortical
cortico {adj} :: diminutive of corto
corticoespinal {adj} :: corticospinal
corticoesteroide {m} :: corticosteroid
corticoide {m} :: corticoid, corticosteroid
corticosteroide {m} :: corticosteroid
corticotomía {f} [surgery] :: corticotomy
corticotropina {f} :: corticotropin
cortijada {f} :: hamlet of farmhouses
cortijo {m} :: A type of traditional rural habitat found in the south of Spain
cortina {f} :: curtain
Cortina {prop} :: surname
Cortina de Hierro {prop} {f} [Latin America, historical] :: Iron Curtain
cortina de humo {f} :: smokescreen (smoke used as a disguise, mask or cover, as of troops in battle)
cortina de humo {f} [idiomatic] :: smokescreen (anything used metaphorically to conceal or distract)
cortinado {m} :: (set of) curtains
cortinaje {m} :: curtains, curtain set
cortinilla {f} :: diminutive of cortina
cortísimo {adj} :: superlative of corto
cortisol {m} [steroid hormone] :: cortisol
cortisona {f} [hormone] :: cortisone
cortito {adj} :: diminutive of corto
cortito {adj} [colloquial] :: dim-witted, slow
corto {adj} :: short (having a small distance from one end to another)
corto {adj} :: short (having little duration)
corto {adj} [colloquial] :: dim-witted, slow
corto {m} :: short (short film)
corto {m} :: short (short circuit)
corto {m} [Chile] :: A glass of pure liquor
cortocircuitar {vt} :: to short circuit (cause a short circuit in)
cortocircuitar {vr} :: to experience a short circuit
cortocircuitar {vt} [figurative] :: to hamper; to impede; to block
cortocircuito {m} [electricity] :: short circuit
corto de luces {adj} [idiom] :: a few sandwiches short of a picnic
cortometraje {m} :: short film
cortometrajista {mf} :: short film maker
cortoplacismo {m} :: short-termism
cortoplacista {adj} :: short-sighted
cortopunzante {adj} :: sharp, pointed
corto siglo veinte {m} [history] :: short twentieth century
coruñés {adj} :: Of or pertaining to A Coruña, Galicia
coruñés {m} :: Someone from A Coruña
coruñesa {f} :: feminine noun of coruñés
coruscante {adj} :: shiny, bright
corva {f} :: ham (back of the knee)
corvar {v} :: rare form of encorvar
corveta {f} :: corvette
córvido {m} :: corvid
corvina {f} :: brown meagre, Sciaena umbra
corvino {adj} :: corvine
corvo {adj} :: curved, arched, hooked
corvo {m} :: hook
Corvus {prop} [constellation] :: Corvus (constellation of the southern sky)
corza {f} :: doe (female deer)
corzo {m} :: roe deer
corzuela {f} :: red brocket
cosa {f} :: thing (object, concept)
cosa {f} [colloquial] :: thing (living being or creature)
cosaco {adj} :: Cossack
cosaco {m} :: Cossack
cosa juzgada {f} [legal] :: res judicata
cosaria {f} :: feminine noun of cosario
cosario {adj} :: hunting
cosario {adj} :: well-trodden
cosario {m} :: hunter
cosas veredes {phrase} :: you'll see that it's a crazy world out there
coscarse {vr} :: to notice
coscoja {f} :: kermes oak, Quercus coccifera
coscoja {f} :: holm oak, Quercus ilex
coscojo {m} :: kermes oak; Quercus coccifera
coscojo {m} :: common beech, European beech; Fagus sylvatica
coscorrón {m} :: noogie [US]
coscorrón {m} [Mexico] :: alcoholic beverage, usually tequila, served in a little thin glass with a little soda beverage whose content is drunk very quickly after hitting the glass against the table (glass is covered with a napkin and hands during this action to avoid liquid spill)
cosecante {m} [trigonometry] :: cosecant
cosecha {f} :: harvest, crop
cosecha {f} :: vintage (of wine)
cosechador {m} :: harvester
cosechadora {f} :: combine harvester
cosechar {v} :: to harvest
cosechera {f} :: feminine noun of cosechero
cosechero {m} :: harvest worker
cosecretario {m} :: cosecretary
cosedora {f} [Colombia] :: stapler
cosedora {f} :: stitcher
coselete {m} [military, historical] :: A kind of leather cuirass
coselete {m} :: a soldier wearing this cuirass
coselete {m} :: corselet (of insect)
coseno {m} [trigonometry] :: cosine
coseno verso {m} [trigonometry] :: coversed sine
Cosenza {prop} :: Cosenza (town)
coser {v} :: to sew
coser a balazos {v} [idiomatic] :: to riddle with bullets
coser a puñaladas {v} [idiomatic] :: to stab repeatedly
coser y cantar {phrase} [idiomatic] :: A piece of cake
cosido a sus faldas {adj} [idiom] :: dependent on someone, to be tied to their skirts
cosifa {m} :: robin-chat
cosificación {f} :: reification
cosificación {f} :: objectification
cosificar {v} :: to reify
cosificar {v} :: to objectify
cosilla {f} :: diminutive of cosa; small thing, little thing
cosita {f} :: diminutive of cosa
cosita {f} :: small thing
cosmágrafa {f} :: feminine noun of cosmógrafo
cosmético {adj} :: cosmetic
cosmetiquera {f} :: makeup case or bag
cosmetizar {v} :: To cosmeticize
cosmetóloga {f} :: cosmetologist (person who advises others on cosmetics and beauty treatments)
cosmetología {f} :: cosmetology
cosmetólogo {m} :: cosmetologist (person who advises others on cosmetics and beauty treatments)
cósmico {adj} :: cosmic
cosmo- {prefix} :: cosmo-
cosmódromo {m} :: cosmodrome
cosmogénico {adj} :: cosmogenic
cosmógeno {adj} :: cosmogenous, cosmogenic
cosmogonía {f} :: cosmogony
cosmogónico {adj} :: cosmogonic
cosmografía {f} :: cosmography
cosmógrafo {m} :: cosmographer
cosmóloga {f} :: cosmologist
cosmología {f} :: cosmology
cosmológico {adj} :: cosmological
cosmólogo {m} :: cosmologist
cosmonauta {mf} :: cosmonaut
cosmonave {f} :: spaceship
cosmopolita {adj} :: cosmopolitan
cosmopolita {mf} :: cosmopolite (cosmopolitan person)
cosmopolitismo {m} :: cosmopolitanism
cosmoquímica {f} :: cosmochemistry
cosmos {m} :: universe
cosmos {m} :: space (area beyond the atmosphere of planets)
cosmos {m} :: cosmos (herbs of the genus Cosmos)
cosmovisión {f} :: world view
coso {m} [colloquial] :: thingy, thingo, thingamabob (term used to refer to something or someone whose name one cannot recall)
coso {m} [colloquial] :: thing
coso {m} [Argentina, El Salvador, Bolivia, Mexico, Colombia] :: alternative form of cosa; thing
coso {m} [Spain, dated, bullfighting] :: bullring
coso {m} [obsolete] :: road, way
cosoberanía {f} :: co-sovereignty
Cosoleacaque {prop} {m} :: Cosoleacaque (municipality)
cospel {m} :: coin blank
cospera {f} :: feminine noun of cospero
cospero {m} :: A supporter of María Dolores de Cospedal, Spanish lawyer and politician
cosplay {m} :: cosplay
cosplayer {mf} :: cosplayer
cosquilla {f} :: tickle (the act of tickling)
cosquilla {f} [in the plural] :: tickling
cosquillear {v} :: to tickle
cosquilleo {m} :: tickling
cosquillita {f} :: diminutive of cosquilla
cosquilloso {adj} :: ticklish
costa {f} :: coast, shore, coastline, shoreline
costa {f} [in certain expressions] :: expense, costs
Costa {prop} :: Costa; surname, equivalent to the Spanish Cuesta
Costa {prop} :: surname
Costa {prop} :: surname
Costa {prop} :: surname
Costa del Oro {prop} {f} :: Gold Coast in sense of a city in southeast Queensland, Australia
Costa de Marfil {prop} {f} :: Costa de Marfil (country)
costadito {m} :: diminutive of costado
costado {m} :: side
costado {m} :: wing [of an army]
costado {m} [in plural] :: genealogical lineage traced back from a grandparent
costado {m} [obsolete] :: back
costadoriense {adj} :: Gold Coaster (of or pertaining to Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia)
costadoriense {mf} :: Gold Coaster (native or resident of Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia)
costal {adj} [anatomy] :: costal
costal {m} :: sack made of cheap materials, used to transport grain
costalera {f} :: feminine noun of costalero
costalero {m} :: bearer of a paso
costanera {f} :: slope
costanero {adj} :: on a slope
costanero {adj} :: coastal
costanilla {f} [Spain] :: short steep road
costar {v} :: to cost
costar {v} :: to find (something) very difficult, to have a hard time with something
Costa Rica {prop} {f} :: Costa Rica (country)
costarricense {adj} :: Costa Rican
costarricense {mf} :: Costa Rican
costarriqueñismo {m} :: a word or phrase spoken specifically in Costa Rica
costarriqueño {adj} :: Costa Rican
costarriqueño {m} :: Costa Rican
costar un huevo {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to cost a bomb; cost an arm and a leg
costar un huevo y parte del otro {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to cost a bomb; cost an arm and a leg
costar un ojo de la cara {v} [idiomatic] :: to cost a pretty penny, cost an arm and a leg
coste {m} :: cost
costeable {adj} :: affordable
costear {vt} :: to pay for; to finance
costeña {f} :: feminine noun of costeño
costeño {m} [Latin America] :: An inhabitant of the coastal regions of a country
costera {f} :: coast
costera {f} :: slope
costero {adj} :: coastal
costilla {f} :: rib
costilla {f} [Costa Rica] :: a type of biscuit or cookie filled with jam
costillar {m} :: rib (cut of meat enclosing rib bones)
costillita {f} :: diminutive of costilla
costo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: costo-
costo {m} :: cost
costo {m} [slang, Spain] :: hashish
costobocios {mp} :: Costoboci
costocervical {adj} [anatomy] :: costocervical
costosamente {adv} :: costly, expensively, extravagantly
costosísimo {adj} :: superlative of costoso
costoso {adj} :: costly, expensive
costra {f} :: crust
costra {f} :: scab
costra {f} :: snot
costumbre {f} :: habit
costumbre {f} :: custom, tradition
costumbrismo {m} :: costumbrismo, costumbrism (the literary or pictorial interpretation of local everyday life, mannerisms, and customs, primarily in the Hispanic scene, and particularly in the 19th century)
costumbrista {adj} :: of or relating to costumbrismo
costumbrista {mf} :: Someone associated with costumbrismo
costura {f} :: needlework, sewing
costura {f} [in clothing or machinery] :: seam, stitches
costura {f} :: splice
costurera {f} :: seamstress
costurería {f} :: seamstress's shop
costurerita {f} :: diminutive of costurera
costurero {m} :: sewing box
costurero {m} :: sewer, seamster (person who sews)
cota {f} :: coat of arms
cota {f} :: mail (armor)
cota {f} :: elevation
cota de malla {f} :: chainmail
cotanes {mp} :: An extinct indigenous people of Costa Rica
cotangente {f} [trigonometry] :: cotangent
cotarrera {f} [colloquial] :: A woman who spends a lot of time out of the house
cotarro {m} [colloquial] :: A gathering (pejorative or festive)
cotarro {m} [colloquial] :: A disordered gathering
cotarro {m} [colloquial] :: A business, a particular situation or activity
cotarro {m} [colloquial, dated] :: A shelter
cotejar {v} :: to collate
cotejo {m} :: matching, match-up
coterráneo {adj} :: From the same country
coterráneo {m} :: compatriot
cotidianamente {adv} :: daily, on a daily basis, quotidianly
cotidianeidad {f} :: day-to-day
cotidianidad {f} :: day to day, daily life
cotidiano {adj} :: quotidian, daily
cotiledón {m} [botany] :: cotyledon
cotiledóneo {adj} :: cotyledonous
cotilla {adj} [colloquial] :: gossipy, busybodyish, nosy
cotilla {mf} [colloquial] :: gossip, busybody, nosy
cotillear {v} :: to gossip
cotilleo {m} :: gossip
cotillón {m} :: party, especially a New Year's Eve party
cotillón {m} :: cotillion
cotitular {mf} :: one of a couple of people who share a headline
cotiza {f} [heraldiccharge] :: bendlet
cotizable {adj} :: contributable
cotización {f} :: price quote, appraisal
cotización {f} :: contribution
cotizante {mf} :: contributor
cotizar {v} :: to quote or set a price
cotizar {v} :: to esteem, regard highly
cotizar {v} :: to pay or set a quota
coto {m} :: preserve, wildlife preserve, land preserve
coto {m} :: enclosed area of land
coto {m} :: landmark
coto {m} :: limit, boundary
coto {m} :: howler monkey
coto {m} [obsolete] :: mandate
coto {m} :: sculpin (fish)
coto {m} [Latin America] :: goitre
cotón {m} :: Printed cotton fabric
cotón {m} [Mexico] :: Shirt, blouse
Cotonú {prop} :: Cotonú (the de-facto <<capital>> of <<c/Benin>>)
cotorra {f} :: small parrot
cotorra {f} :: magpie
cotorra {f} :: chatterbox
cotorra {f} [Mexico] :: An unmarried woman past the normal marrying age according to social traditions
cotorra austral {f} :: austral parakeet
cotorra cachaña {f} :: austral parakeet
cotorrear {v} :: to chatter
cotorrera {f} :: female parrot
cotorrera {f} :: chatterbox
cotorrita {f} :: diminutive of cotorra
cotorro {adj} [Mexico] :: pretty, attractive
cotorro {adj} [Mexico] :: An unmarried man past the normal marrying age according to social traditions
cotorrón {m} :: big kid (grownup who acts like a child)
cotorrona {f} :: feminine noun of cotorrón
cototo {m} [Chile] :: bump (swelling on the skin)
cotransportador {m} [biochemistry] :: cotransporter
cotransportadora {f} :: feminine noun of cotransportador
cotrimoxazol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: cotrimoxazole
cotufa {f} [Western Canary Islands, Venezuela] :: popcorn
coturno {m} :: buskin
coturno {m} :: cothornus
coulant {m} :: fondant
coulant {m} [cooking] :: clipping of coulant de chocolate
coulomb {m} :: coulomb
coulrofobia {f} :: coulrophobia
country {m} :: country music
coupé {m} :: coupé
courier {mf} :: courier
Cova {prop} {f} :: A nickname of Covadonga
covacha {f} :: small cave
covacha {f} :: small or poor dwelling; hovel
covacha {f} :: junk room
covacha {f} :: doghouse
covachuela {f} :: hovel
Covadonga {prop} {f} :: given name
Covadonga {prop} {f} :: Covadonga (village)
covalente {adj} [chemistry] :: covalent
covalentemente {adv} :: covalently
covariancia {f} :: covariance
covariante {adj} :: covariant
covarianza {f} :: covariance
coventículo {m} :: covenstead
cover {m} :: cover, cover version
cóver {m} :: cover version
cóver {m} :: cover story
Covi {prop} {f} :: given name
covidiota {mf} :: covidiot
cowboy {m} :: cowboy
coworking {m} [uncountable] :: coworking
coworking {m} [countable] :: an establishment where members pay to use a shared workspace
coxal {m} :: hip bone, innominate bone
coxalgia {f} [pathology] :: coxalgia
coxis {m} :: coccyx, tailbone
coy {m} [nautical] :: a type of hammock made of sailcloth used as a makeshift bunk
coya {f} [history] :: The wife of the Sapa Inca in the Inca Empire
coyofe {m} :: cochayuyo
coyol {m} :: grugru palm; coyol palm
coyol quebrado, coyol comido {phrase} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua] :: A phrase implying living hand-to-mouth
coyoma {f} [vulgar, Chile] :: penis
coyopacle {m} :: A kind of medicinal plant
coyotaje {m} :: fixing
coyote {m} :: coyote (canine)
coyote {m} [Mexico] :: coyote (smuggler of illegal immigrants)
coyote {m} [Mexico] :: fixer, middleman
coyote {m} [obsolete] :: a person of mixed Native American and mestizo descent
coyunda {mf} :: a type of strap or lash
coyunda {mf} :: the yoke of marriage; conjugality
coyunda {mf} [Nicaragua] :: whip
coyuntura {f} :: juncture, conjuncture
coyuntura {f} :: situation, circumstances
coyuntura {f} :: joint
coyuntural {adj} :: occasional, infrequent
coyuntural {adj} :: circumstantial
coyunturalmente {adv} :: circumstantially
coz {f} :: kick (of an animal)
craba {f} [Louisiana] :: crab
crac {interj} :: crack, snap
crac {m} :: crash
crac {m} :: crack (noise)
crac {m} :: ace, wizard, dude (outstanding person)
-cracia {suffix} :: -cracy
crack {m} :: crack (variety of cocaine)
crack {m} :: champion, ace, pro
crackear {v} [computing] :: to crack
Cracovia {prop} {f} :: Cracovia (city)
cracoviana {f} :: feminine noun of cracoviano
cracoviano {adj} :: Cracovian (of or pertaining to Krakow, Poland)
cracoviano {m} :: Cracovian (native or resident of Krakow, Poland)
crak {m} :: alternative spelling of crac
crampón {m} :: crampon
craneal {adj} :: cranial (pertaining to the cranium)
craneano {adj} :: cranial
cranear {v} :: to dream up, think up
cráneo {m} :: skull, cranium
craneoencefálico {adj} :: craneoencephalic
craneofacial {adj} :: craniofacial
craneología {f} :: craniology
craneosinostosis {f} :: craniosynostosis
craneotomía {f} [surgery] :: craniotomy
craniectomía {f} :: craniectomy
crápula {f} [rare] :: drunkenness
crápula {f} :: crapula
crapuloso {adj} :: drunken
craqueo {m} :: cracking
cras {adv} [obsolete] :: tomorrow
crasamente {adv} :: crassly
crash {m} [economics] :: crash
crash {m} [computing] :: crash
craso {adj} :: unpardonable
craso {adj} :: crass
craso {adj} :: thick
-crata {suffix} :: -crat
Crater {prop} :: Crater (a constellation)
cráter {m} :: crater
cratera {f} :: alternative spelling of crátera
crátera {f} :: krater
cratercillo {m} :: diminutive of cráter
cratérico {adj} :: crater
cratón {m} :: craton
craxismo {m} :: Craxism
crayola {f} [Cuba, Mexico, Peru] :: crayon
crayón {m} [Argentina, Guatemala, Honduras, Uruguay] :: crayon
creación {f} :: creation
creación {f} :: invention
creacionismo {m} :: creationism
creacionista {mf} :: creationist
creacionista {adj} :: creationist, creationistic
creador {m} :: creator
creadora {f} :: feminine noun of creador
crear {vt} :: to create
crearse {v} :: (reflexive of crear)
creatina {f} [organic compound] :: creatine
creatinina {f} [organic compound] :: creatinine
creativamente {adv} :: creatively
creatividad {f} :: creativity
creativo {adj} :: creative
crecedero {adj} :: That can grow or expand
crecedero {adj} :: Of a piece of clothing, that can accommodate the growth of a child
crecepelo {m} :: hair-restorer
crecer {v} :: to grow
crecer como la espuma {v} [idiomatic, simile] :: to shoot up
creces {fp} :: growth, increases, gains
crecidamente {adv} [rare] :: largely, hugely
crecidísimo {adj} :: superlative of crecido
crecidito {adj} :: diminutive of crecido
crecido {adj} :: grown
crecido {adj} :: grown-up
creciente {adj} :: crescent, of a waxing moon
creciente {adj} :: increasing
creciente {m} [heraldiccharge] :: crescent
Creciente fértil {prop} {m} :: Fertile Crescent (crescent-shaped arc of fertile land)
crecientemente {adv} :: increasingly
crecimiento {m} :: growth
credencia {f} :: credence table
credencial {adj} :: credential
credencial {f} :: documentary evidence of one's entitlement to credit or authority; credentials or documents
credibilidad {f} :: credibility
crediticio {adj} :: relating to credit
crédito {m} [finance] :: credit
credo {m} [religion] :: creed
credo {m} [pray] :: Creed
crédulamente {adv} :: gullibly
credulidad {f} :: gullibility
crédulo {adj} :: gullible
creedor {m} :: obsolete spelling of acreedor
creencia {f} :: belief
creencial {adj} [attributive] :: belief
creepypasta {f} :: creepypasta
creer {vt} :: to believe
creer {vt} :: to think, to believe, to reckon, to be of the opinion
creerse {v} :: reflexive of creer
creérselo {v} :: to buy into
creíble {adj} :: credible, believable
creído {adj} :: big-headed, conceited, stuck up, arrogant, smug
crema {f} :: cream (cosmetic product)
crema {f} [Latin America] :: cream (dairy product)
crema {f} :: soup with cream
crema {f} :: custard
crema {f} [Latin America, colloquial] :: mess (disorder)
crema {f} [rare] :: dieresis
crema agria {f} :: sour cream
crema batida {f} [Latin America] :: whipped cream
crema catalana {f} :: A dessert very similar to crème brûlée
cremación {f} :: cremation
crema hidratante {f} :: moisturising cream
cremallera {interj} :: zip it, shush
cremallera {f} :: zip fastener; zipper
cremallera {f} [mechanical] :: rack
crema pastelera {f} :: confectioner's cream
cremar {v} :: to cremate
cremáster {m} :: cremaster
cremastérico {adj} [anatomy] :: cremasteric
crematístico {adj} :: financial, economic
crematorio {adj} :: crematory
crematorio {m} :: crematorium
cremería {f} :: dairy
cremería {f} :: milk and dairy shop
cremita {f} :: diminutive of crema
cremosidad {f} :: creaminess
cremoso {adj} :: creamy
crenado {adj} :: creante
crencha {f} :: parting (line in hair)
crencha {f} :: parting either side of the hair
creolina {f} :: creolin
creolística {f} [linguistics] :: creolistics
creosota {f} :: creosote
creosotar {vt} :: to creosote
crep {m} :: crepe
crepa {f} :: crêpe
crepé {m} :: crêpe (textile)
crepitación {f} :: crackling (sound)
crepitante {m} :: rales, crackles
crepitar {v} :: to crackle
crepuscular {adj} :: crepuscular
crepúsculo {m} :: dusk
crepúsculo {m} :: twilight
cresa {f} :: larva
crescendo {m} :: crescendo
cresol {m} [organic compound] :: cresol
crespar {v} [obsolete] :: to curl
crespo {adj} :: frizzy (especially of hair)
crespo {m} :: curl
crespón {m} :: crepe, crape (fabric)
cresta {f} :: comb (of a chicken or other bird)
cresta {f} :: crest (of an animal)
cresta {f} :: sharp peaks (of a mountain)
cresta {f} :: ridge (of a wave)
cresta {f} :: Mohawk hairstyle
cresta {interj} [Chile] :: shit (failure)
cresta de gallo {f} :: yellow rattle
crestado rodesiano {m} :: Rhodesian Ridgeback
crestería {f} [architecture] :: battlement
crestomatía {f} :: chrestomathy
crestón {m} :: crest of a helmet
crestudo {adj} :: crested
creta {f} [geology] :: chalk (rock)
creta {f} [Dominican Republic] :: The labia minora; the vaginal lips
Creta {prop} {f} :: Crete (island)
cretáceo {adj} :: Cretaceous
Cretáceo {prop} {m} :: the Cretaceous
cretácico {adj} :: Cretaceous
Cretácico {prop} {m} :: the Cretaceous
cretense {adj} :: Cretan
cretense {mf} :: Cretan
cretina {f} :: feminine noun of cretino
cretinez {f} :: stupidity
cretinismo {m} :: cretinism (the disease)
cretinización {f} :: cretinization
cretino {adj} :: Affected by cretinism; cretinous
cretino {adj} :: Stupid
cretino {m} :: A person affected by cretinism
cretino {m} :: An idiot
cretona {f} :: cretonne
crevar {vt} [Louisiana] :: alternative form of quebrar to break
crew {m} :: crew
creyente {adj} :: believing
creyente {adj} :: religious, pious, devout
creyón {m} [Colombia, Venezuela, Canary Islands] :: crayon
cría {f} [colloquial] :: kid
cría {f} :: kid, pup, cria
cría {f} :: litter
cría {f} :: childrearing
cría {f} :: breeding, rearing of an animal
criada {f} :: servant, maidservant
criada de casa {f} :: housemaid
criadero {m} [agriculture] :: a nursery or a place for breeding animals, especially livestock and seedlings
criadilla {f} :: diminutive of criada
criadilla {f} [cuisine] :: testicle
criadita {f} :: soubrette
criado {m} :: servant
criador {m} :: breeder
criadora {f} :: feminine noun of criador
críalo {m} :: cuckoo (a number of different species)
crianza {f} :: upbringing
crianza {f} :: education
criar {vt} :: to rear or raise (e.g., a child)
criar {vp} :: to grow up
criar malvas {v} [idiomatic] :: to push up daisies
criarse {v} :: reflexive of criar
criatura {f} :: creature (living being), critter
criatura {f} :: small child, infant
criaturita {f} :: diminutive of criatura; little creature
criazón {f} [archaic] :: house, household
criazón {f} [rare] :: domestic staff, servants
criazón {f} [rare] :: rearing or breeding of animals
criba {f} :: sieve
criba {f} :: sifting; sifting out process
cribador {m} :: sieve; sift
cribar {vt} :: to sieve, sift
criboso {adj} :: cribrose
cricket {m} :: alternative spelling of críquet
cricotiroideo {m} :: cricothyroid
Crimea {prop} {f} :: Crimea
crimen {m} :: violent crime (for non-violent crimes use delito)
crimen de lesa humanidad {m} :: crime against humanity
crimen organizado {m} :: organized crime
crimeo {adj} :: Crimean
crimeo {m} :: Crimean
criminal {adj} :: criminal
criminal {mf} :: criminal
criminalidad {f} :: criminality, crime
criminalista {mf} :: criminal lawyer
criminalista {adj} :: criminal lawyer
criminalística {f} :: forensic science
criminalístico {adj} :: criminalistic
criminalización {f} :: criminalization
criminalizar {vt} [figurative] :: to criminalize (to treat as a criminal)
criminalmente {adv} :: criminally
criminar {v} :: to incriminate
criminar {v} :: to censure
criminóloga {f} :: feminine noun of criminólogo
criminología {f} :: criminology
criminológico {adj} :: criminological
criminólogo {m} :: criminologist
criminoso {adj} :: criminal
crin {f} :: mane
crinar {v} :: to comb
crinoideo {m} :: crinoid
crio- {prefix} :: cryo-
crío {m} [colloquial] :: kid [used in Spain]
crioconservación {f} :: cryopreservation
crioelectrónico {adj} :: cryoelectronic
crioesfinge {f} [Egyptian mythology] :: criosphinx
criogenia {f} :: cryogenics
criogénicamente {adv} :: cryogenically
criogénico {adj} :: cryogenic
criogenización {f} :: cryogenization
criogenizar {v} :: to cryogenically freeze
criollada {f} :: Set of all things creole
criollada {f} :: Set of all things Latin American
criollazo {m} :: Creole music group
criollísimo {adj} :: superlative of criollo
criollismo {m} :: Creole word
criollista {mf} :: creolist
criollito {m} :: diminutive of criollo
criollización {f} :: creolization
criollo {adj} :: creole
criollo {adj} [Latin America] :: unmixed European-descended Latin American
criollo {adj} :: Latin American
criollo {m} :: creole
criollo {m} [Latin America] :: Latin American of unmixed European descent
criollo {m} :: Latin American
criollo haitiano {m} :: Haitian Creole
criomagnético {adj} :: cryomagnetic
crión {m} [Louisiana] :: pencil
criónica {f} :: cryonics
crionicista {mf} :: cryonicist
criopreservación {f} :: cryopreservation
criopreservar {v} :: to cryopreserve
crioscópico {adj} :: cryoscopic
criovolcán {m} :: cryovolcano
cripta {f} :: crypt
crípticamente {adv} :: cryptically
críptico {adj} :: cryptic
críptido {m} [cryptozoology] :: cryptid
cripto- {prefix} :: crypto-
criptoactivo {m} :: cryptocurrency
criptoanálisis {f} :: cryptanalysis
criptoanalista {mf} :: cryptoanalyst
criptobiosis {f} :: cryptobiosis
criptocromo {m} :: cryptochrome
criptodivisa {f} :: cryptocurrency
criptógama {f} :: cryptogam
criptogámico {adj} :: cryptogamic
criptógamo {adj} :: cryptogamic
criptógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of criptógrafo
criptografía {f} :: cryptography
criptográficamente {adv} :: cryptographically
criptográfico {adj} :: cryptographic
criptógrafo {m} :: cryptographer
criptograma {m} :: cryptogram
criptojudío {adj} :: Crypto-Jewish
criptología {f} :: cryptology
criptomoneda {f} :: cryptocurrency
criptón {m} :: krypton
criptopórtico {m} [architecture] :: cryptoporticus
criptorquidia {f} [medicine] :: cryptorchidism
criptosistema {m} :: cryptosystem
criptozoología {f} :: cryptozoology
criptozoólogo {m} :: cryptozoologist
críquet {m} :: cricket (sport)
criquetista {mf} :: cricketer
crisálida {f} :: chrysalis
Crisanta {prop} {m} :: given name
crisantemo {m} :: chrysanthemum
Crisanto {prop} :: given name
Crisanto {prop} :: surname
crisis {f} :: crisis
crisis {f} :: attack; fit
crisis de comportamiento {f} :: behavioral crisis
crisis de migraña {f} :: migraine attack
crisis de migraña {f} :: A recurrent series of migraines which may be diagnosed by a doctor as a medical issue
crisma {mf} :: chrism
crisma {mf} [colloquial] :: noggin, block, nut (head)
crismal {adj} :: chrismal
crismar {v} :: to apply or rub chrism
crismar {v} [religion, by extension] :: to confirm
crismón {m} :: Chi Rho
crisoberilo {m} :: chrysoberyl
crisol {m} :: crucible
crisol {m} [figurative] :: melting pot
crisoprasa {f} :: chrysoprase
Crisóstomo {prop} {m} :: given name
Crisóstomo {prop} {m} :: surname
crisotilo {m} [mineral] :: chrysotile
crispación {f} :: tensing
crispación {f} :: annoyance, pestering
crispador {adj} :: irritating
crispar {v} :: to irritate
crispar {v} :: to twitch
crispeta {f} [Colombia] :: popcorn
Crispín {prop} {m} :: given name
Crispulo {m} :: given name
crista {f} :: crest (of a helmet)
cristadelfiano {adj} :: Christadelphian
cristadelfiano {m} :: Christadelphian
cristal {m} :: crystal
cristal {m} :: glass, glassware
cristal {m} :: window pane
cristalazo {m} :: smashing of windows
cristalera {f} :: display case
cristalera {f} :: French window
cristalera {f} :: feminine noun of cristalero
cristalería {f} :: glassware
cristalería {f} :: glasswork
cristalería {f} :: glassware shop
cristalero {m} :: glass maker
cristalinamente {adv} :: in a crystal clear way
cristalinidad {f} :: crystallinity
cristalino {adj} :: crystalline
cristalino {m} [anatomy] :: lens
cristalito {m} :: diminutive of cristal
cristalización {f} :: crystallization
cristalizadero {m} :: a laboratory where cocaine is produced
cristalizar {v} :: to crystallize
cristalógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of cristalógrafo
cristalografía {f} :: crystallography
cristalográfico {adj} :: crystallographic
cristalógrafo {m} :: crystallographer
cristaloide {f} :: crystalloid
cristera {f} :: feminine noun of cristero
cristero {adj} :: relating or belonging to the anti-secularist side during the Cristero War
cristero {m} :: Cristero (member of the anti-secularist side during the Cristero War)
Cristiada {prop} {f} :: The Cristero War
Cristián {prop} {m} :: given name
cristiana {f} :: feminine noun of cristiano
cristianamente {adv} :: in a Christian manner
cristianar {v} [Christianity] :: to baptise
cristiandad {f} :: Christianity, Christendom
cristianidad {f} [uncommon or obsolete] :: alternative form of cristiandad
cristianísimo {adj} :: most Christian, often in reference to the French monarchs, who are styled "His Most Christian Majesty" (= el rey cristianísimo)
cristianismo {m} :: Christianity
cristianismo {m} [rare] :: baptism
cristianización {f} :: Christianization
cristianizar {v} :: to Christianize
cristiano {adj} :: Christian (of the Christian religion)
cristiano {m} :: Christian (member of the Christian religion)
cristiano {m} [colloquial] :: guy (person)
cristianodemócrata {adj} :: Christian Democratic
cristianodemócrata {mf} :: Christian Democrat
cristicamporismo {m} :: the political beliefs or philosophy of Cristina Kirchner; the bloc within La Cámpora adhering to or supporting such beliefs
cristífero {adj} [attributive] :: Christ
cristina {f} :: feminine noun of cristino
cristina {f} :: A kind of military hat
Cristina {prop} {f} :: given name
Cristina {prop} {f} [slang, Puerto Rico] :: marijuana, weed
cristinear {v} [slang, Puerto Rico] :: to smoke marijuana
cristinismo {m} :: The politics of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, former president of Argentina
cristinista {adj} :: Of or relating to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (president of Argentina 2007-2015) or her political beliefs
cristinista {mf} :: A supporter of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
cristino {adj} :: Supporting Isabella II of Spain during the Carlist Wars
cristino {m} :: A supporter of Isabella II of Spain during the Carlist Wars
cristo {m} :: Jesus (representation of Jesus Christ)
Cristo {prop} {m} :: Christ
Cristóbal {prop} {m} :: given name
cristología {f} [theology] :: Christology
cristológico {adj} :: Christological
Cristopher {prop} {m} :: given name of modern usage
crísum {m} :: crissum
criteriada {f} :: feminine noun of criteriado
criteriado {m} [legal] :: witness
criterio {m} :: criterion
criterio {m} :: capacity to judge or take a decision
crítica {f} :: criticism
crítica {f} :: feminine noun of crítico
criticable {adj} :: reprehensible, criticizable
criticadera {f} [derogatory] :: A tendency to frequently make critical or negative comments
críticamente {adv} :: critically
criticar {vt} :: to criticize
criticidad {f} :: criticality
criticismo {m} :: criticism
crítico {adj} :: critical (inclined to criticize), judgmental
crítico {adj} :: critical (pertaining to a crisis)
crítico {m} :: critic (a person who appraises the works of others)
criticóloga {f} :: critic
criticólogo {m} :: critic
criticón {adj} :: captious, cavilling, nitpicky
criticón {m} :: fussbudget
critpozoóloga {f} :: feminine noun of criptozoólogo
croac {m} :: ribbit
Croacia {prop} {f} :: Croatia
croar {v} :: to ribbit, to croak
croasán {m} :: croissant
croata {adj} :: Croatian (relating to Croatia)
croata {mf} :: Croatian (person)
croata {m} :: Croatian (language)
crocante {adj} :: brittle
croché {m} [sewing] :: crochet
crochet {m} :: alternative form of croché
crocodiliano {m} :: crocodilian
crocodiliforme {m} :: crocodilian
crocodilio {m} :: crocodilian
crocodilo {m} :: rare form of cocodrilo
crocodilomorfo {m} :: crocodylomorph
crocoíta {f} [mineral] :: crocoite
croissant {m} :: alternative form of cruasán
crol {m} :: crawl (swimming style)
cromado {m} [metallurgy] :: chromium plating
cromar {v} [metallurgy] :: to chrome
cromar {v} [metallurgy] :: to electroplate
cromáticamente {adv} :: chromatically
cromaticidad {f} :: chromaticity
cromático {adj} :: chromatic
cromático {adj} [music] :: chromatic
cromátida {f} [genetics] :: chromatid
cromatina {f} :: chromatin
cromatismo {m} :: chromatism
cromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chromate
cromatóforo {m} :: chromatophore
cromatografía {f} :: chromatography
cromatográficamente {adv} :: chromatographically
cromatográfico {adj} :: chromatographic
cromatógrafo {m} :: chromatograph (machine)
cromatológico {adj} :: chromatological
crómico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chromic
crominancia {f} :: chrominance
cromista {adj} :: chromist
cromista {m} :: chromist
cromita {f} [mineral] :: chromite
crómlech {m} :: stone circle
cromo {m} :: chromium
cromo {m} :: trading card
cromodinámica {f} :: chromodynamics
cromóforo {m} [chemistry] :: chromophore
cromóforo {adj} [chemistry] :: chromophoric
cromogranina {f} [protein] :: chromogranin
cromómero {m} [genetics] :: chromomere
cromoplasto {m} [cytology] :: chromoplast
cromoproteína {f} [protein] :: chromoprotein
cromosfera {f} :: chromosphere
cromosoma {m} :: chromosome
cromosomático {adj} :: chromosomal
cromosómicamente {adv} :: chromosomically
cromosómico {adj} :: chromosomal
crónica {f} :: chronicle
crónicamente {adv} :: chronically
cronicidad {f} :: chronicity
crónico {adj} :: chronic
cronicón {m} :: short chronicle
cronificación {f} :: The state of becoming chronic
cronificar {vt} :: to make chronic or permanent
cronificar {vi} :: to become chronic
cronista {mf} :: chronicler
cronista {mf} [journalism] :: reporter
cronístico {adj} :: chronical (attributive)
crono- {prefix} :: chrono- (relating to time)
crono {m} :: time trial
Crono {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Cronos
Crono {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Chronos
cronobiológico {adj} :: chronobiological (pertaining to chronobiology)
cronoescalada {f} [cycling] :: uphill time trial
cronoestratigrafía {f} :: chronostratigraphy
cronoestratigráfico {adj} :: chronostratigraphic (pertaining to or derived using chronostratigraphy)
cronógrafo {m} :: chronograph
cronograma {m} :: timeline
cronolecto {m} :: chronolect
cronología {f} :: chronology
cronología {f} :: timeline
cronológicamente {adv} :: chronologically
cronológico {adj} :: chronological
cronomarcador {m} :: timestamp (date and time of an event)
cronometrador {adj} :: timekeeping
cronometrador {m} :: timekeeper
cronometraje {m} :: timing
cronometrar {v} :: to time (using a timer)
cronometría {f} :: chronometry
cronométrico {adj} :: chronometric (of or relating to chronometers or to chronometry)
cronómetro {m} :: chronometer
cronómetro {m} :: stopwatch
Cronos {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Cronus (titan)
cronostratigráfico {adj} :: alternative form of cronoestratigráfico
cronotipo {m} :: chronotype (factors that determine if an individual is most alert in the morning or evening)
cronotoxicidad {f} :: chronotoxicity
cronut {m} :: cronut
crooner {m} :: crooner
croqueta {f} :: croquette
croquis {m} :: A sketch
crossover {m} :: crossover (car)
crótalo {m} :: rattlesnake
crotaloteo {m} :: rattle; rattling (sound)
crotamitón {m} :: crotamiton
croto {m} :: castor (plant)
crotonato {adj} :: crotonate
crotorar {v} :: to make the sound of a stork, a clattering of the bills
crotorear {v} :: to make the sound of a stork, a clattering of the bills
crotoxina {f} [protein] :: crotoxin
croupier {m} :: alternative form of crupier
crowdfunding {m} :: crowdfunding
Crta. {f} :: abbreviation of carretera (highway)
cruasán {m} :: croissant (a flaky roll or pastry in a form of a crescent)
cruce {m} :: crossroads
cruce {m} :: action of crossing or traversing (a room, street, sea, etc.), or time elapsed for it
cruce {m} :: action, effect or product of crossbreeding
cruce {m} :: crosswalk
cruce {m} :: crossing (action of causing to cross)
crucecita {f} :: diminutive of cruz
cruceñidad {f} :: The state of being from Santa Cruz de la Sierra
cruceño {adj} :: Of or from Santa Cruz de la Sierra
cruceño {m} :: Someone from Santa Cruz de la Sierra
cruce peatonal {f} :: pedestrian overpass
crucera {f} :: cruiser (motorbike)
crucería {f} [architecture] :: ribs; ribbing
crucerista {mf} :: cruise passenger
crucerito {m} :: diminutive of crucero
crucero {m} :: cruise
crucero {m} :: cruiser
crucero {m} :: crossing
crucero {m} [architecture] :: crossing
cruceta {f} :: crosspiece
cruceta {f} :: crosshead
cruceta {f} :: turnstile
cruceta {f} [video games] :: cross-shaped video game controller; d-pad
cruceta {f} :: The plant Cruciata laevipes
cruceta {f} [Mexico] :: The cactus Acanthocereus tetragonus used as vegetable
crucial {adj} :: crucial
crucialmente {adv} :: crucially
crucífera {f} :: crucifer
crucificar {v} :: to crucify, nail to a cross
crucificar {v} :: to torment
crucifijo {m} :: crucifix
crucifixión {f} :: crucifixion; execution on a cross
cruciforme {adj} :: cruciform
crucigrama {m} :: crossword
crucis {adj} :: only used in via crucis: of the Cross
crucita {f} :: diminutive of cruz
cruda {f} [Mexico] :: hangover (illness caused by a previous bout of heavy drinking)
crudamente {adv} :: crudely, roughly, harshly
crudelísimo {adj} :: superlative of cruel
crudeza {f} :: cruelness
crudeza {f} :: crudeness
crudísimo {adj} :: superlative of crudo
crudito {adj} :: diminutive of crudo
crudivegana {f} :: feminine noun of crudivegano
crudivegano {m} :: a raw vegan or crude vegan (someone who eats raw vegan food)
crudívoro {adj} :: crudivorous
crudívoro {m} :: crudivore
crudo {adj} :: raw (uncooked)
crudo {adj} :: undercooked, rare, underdone
crudo {adj} :: crude (being in a natural state)
crudo {adj} :: harsh, brutal, blunt
crudo {m} :: crude oil
crudo {m} :: dish made of raw meat or fish
cruel {adj} :: cruel
crueldad {f} :: cruelty
cruelísimo {adj} :: superlative of cruel
cruelmente {adv} :: cruelly
cruentamente {adv} :: bloodily
cruentísimo {adj} :: superlative of cruente
cruento {adj} :: bloody
crujiente {adj} :: crispy, crisp, crunchy, crusty
crujir {v} :: to creak, to crack [high-pitched, sharp sound]
crujir {v} :: to rustle, to crackle, to snap
crumble {m} :: crumble
crunch {m} :: crunch (exercise)
crúor {m} [formal] :: blood
crupier {mf} :: croupier
crural {adj} [anatomy] :: crural
crustáceo {m} :: crustacean
crustoso {adj} [lichenology] :: crustose
Crux {prop} {f} [constellation] :: Southern Cross (constellation)
cruz {f} :: cross
cruz {f} [heraldiccharge] :: cross
cruz {f} [figuratively] :: torture; misery
cruz {f} :: tails (side of a coin)
Cruz {prop} {f} {m} :: surname
Cruz {prop} {f} {m} :: given name
Cruz {prop} {f} {m} [rare] :: given name
cruzada {f} :: crusade
cruzado {adj} :: crossed
cruzado {m} :: crusader
cruzamiento {m} :: crossing; cross (point at which two or more things overlap)
cruzar {v} :: to cross [including of legs]
cruzar {v} :: to exchange [words]
cruzar {v} :: to fold [arms]
cruzar {v} :: to crossbreed
cruzar la cara {v} [idiomatic] :: to slap (someone in the face)
cruzarse {v} :: reflexive of cruzar
cruzársele los cables {v} [idiom] :: to get one's wires crossed
Cruzat {prop} :: surname
Cruz del Sur {prop} {f} [constellation] :: Southern Cross (constellation)
cruzeiro {m} :: cruzeiro (currency)
cruz gamada {f} :: swastika
Cruz Roja {prop} {f} :: Red Cross
cruzrojista {mf} :: A Red Cross worker
cryptomeria {f} :: cryptomeria
C's {prop} {mp} :: abbreviation of Ciudadanos
Cs {prop} {mp} :: abbreviation of Ciudadanos
CS {prop} :: abbreviation of Chiapas (Mexican state)
CSIC {prop} :: acronym of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas the Spanish state research facility
ctenóforo {m} [zoology] :: ctenophore
Ctesifonte {prop} [historical] :: Ctesifonte (ancient capital)
CTIM {n} [acronym of] :: ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas; STEM
ctónico {adj} :: chthonic
ctvo. {m} :: abbreviation of centavo
cu {f} :: Name of the letter q
cuac {m} :: quack
cuaco {m} :: (Chile) black-crowned night heron
cuacuacuá {m} :: claptrap; blah
cuada {f} :: feminine noun of cuado
cuaderna {f} [nautical] :: timber
cuaderna {f} [nautical] :: rib (piece of timber)
cuadernillo {m} :: diminutive of cuaderno
cuadernito {m} :: diminutive of cuaderno
cuaderno {m} :: notebook
cuado {adj} :: Of or relating to the Quadi tribe
cuado {m} :: Member of the Quadi tribe
cuadra {f} [Latin America] :: city block
cuadra {f} [Latin America] :: A unit of length and area. Roughly equivalent to 100 meters or 1 hectare, respectively, although the exact size differs from country to country
cuadrable {adj} :: Possible to put together
cuadraciclo {m} :: ATV; quad bike
cuadradito {m} :: diminutive of cuadrado
cuadrado {adj} :: square
cuadrado {m} [geometry] :: square (shape)
cuadrado {m} [mathematics] :: square (product)
cuadrado {m} [typography, printing] :: quad, quadrat
cuadrado {m} [coining] :: die
cuadrado {m} [astrology] :: quadrate
cuadrado crural {m} :: quadratus femoris
cuadrado lumbar {m} :: quadratus lumborum
cuadrado mágico {m} :: magic square
cuadrafónico {adj} :: quadraphonic
cuadragésima {f} :: feminine noun of cuadragésimo
cuadragésimo {adj} :: fortieth
cuadragésimo {m} :: fortieth
cuadrangular {adj} :: quadrangular
cuadrángulo {m} :: quadrangle
cuadrante {m} :: quadrant
cuadrante {m} :: timetable
cuadrar {v} :: to conform
cuadrar {v} :: to square
cuadrar {v} :: to please
cuadrar {v} :: to fit
cuadrar {v} :: to add up, make sense
cuadrático {adj} :: quadratic
cuadratrac {m} :: quad bike
cuadratriz {f} :: quadratix
cuadratura {f} :: quadrature, squaring
cuádriceps {m} :: quadriceps
cuadriciclo {f} :: ATV
cuadricipital {adj} :: quadricipital
cuadrícula {f} :: grid (rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size)
cuadriculado {adj} :: squared, grid [marked out with a grid]
cuadriculado {adj} :: narrow-minded, rigid, inflexible [having restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas.]
cuadricular {adj} :: squared, checkered
cuadricular {v} :: to draw a grid on
cuadridimensional {adj} [algebraic geometry, physics] :: four-dimensional
cuadrienio {m} :: quadrennium, four-year period
cuadriga {f} :: quadriga
cuadrigémino {adj} :: quadrigeminal
cuadril {m} :: haunch
cuadril {m} :: hock (meat)
cuadrilátero {adj} :: quadrilateral
cuadrilátero {m} [geometry] :: quadrilateral
cuadrilátero {m} [sport] :: boxing ring
cuadrilingüe {adj} :: quadrilingual
cuadrilla {f} :: crew, team
cuadrilla {f} :: gang (number of friends or persons associated for a particular purpose)
cuadrilla {f} [derogatory] :: gang (group of criminals or alleged criminals)
cuadrilla {f} [bullfighting] :: cuadrilla
cuadrillera {f} :: feminine noun of cuadrillero
cuadrillero {m} :: worker in a team
cuadrillero {m} :: gangleader
cuadrillo {m} :: number sign; hash
cuadrilongo {adj} :: quadrangular
cuadrilongo {m} :: quadrangle
cuadrimomento {m} :: four-momentum
cuadringentésimo {adj} :: four hundredth
cuadripléjica {f} :: feminine noun of cuadripléjico
cuadripléjico {adj} :: quadriplegic
cuadripléjico {m} :: quadriplegic
cuadriplicar {v} :: to quadruple
cuadripolo {m} :: quadripole
cuadrito {m} :: diminutive of cuadro; small painting
cuadrivector {m} :: four-vector
cuadrivelocidad {f} :: four-velocity
cuadro {m} :: square
cuadro {m} :: painting
cuadro {m} :: picture
cuadro {m} :: infield
cuadro {m} :: squad
cuadro de diálogo {m} [computing, graphical user interface] :: dialog box
cuadroide {adj} :: squaroid
cuadro vivo {m} :: An arrangement of figures or actors as if in a painting; a tableau
cuadrúpedo {m} :: A quadruped
cuadrúpedo {adj} :: quadrupedal
cuádruple {m} :: quadruple
cuádruple {adj} :: quadruple, four-time
cuádruple {adj} :: four-part
cuadruplicación {f} :: quadruplication
cuadruplicar {vt} :: to quadruple
cuadrupolar {adj} :: quadrupolar
cuadrupolo {m} :: quadrupole
cuaima {f} [Venezuela] :: Lachesis muta, bushmaster
cuaima {f} [Venezuela, slang] :: jealous woman
cuajada {f} :: milk curd
cuajada {f} :: A dessert from northern Spain. It consists of a thick-set yogurt made from sheep's milk, and is commonly flavored with honey
cuajadita {f} :: diminutive of cuajada
cuajar {v} :: to curdle
cuajar {v} :: to gel
cuajar {v} [colloquial] :: to please
cuajarón {m} :: coagulate
cuajinicuil {m} :: a tropical shade tree with edible fruit, Inga spuria, Inga jinicuil, or w:Inga edulis, of the family Fabaceae
cuajinicuil {m} :: the fruit of this tree
cuajo {m} :: rennet
cuajo {m} :: curd
cuajo {m} :: calmness, patience
cual {adv} [formal, literary] :: like, as, in the manner of
cual {pron} [formal, literary] :: suchlike, like (which), such as
cuál {pron} [interrogative pronoun, as part of a question] :: what (in terms of a very specific item); which, which one
cuales {pron} :: plural of cual
cuáles {pron} :: plural of cuál
cuál es tu nombre {phrase} :: what is your name?
cualidad {f} :: quality (property or attribute)
cualificación {f} :: qualification
cualificar {v} :: to qualify
cualitativamente {adv} :: qualitatively
cualitativo {adj} :: qualitative
cualque {adj} [obsolete] :: any; some
cualquiera {pron} :: anyone, whoever, whomever
cualquiera {adj} :: any, whatever, whichever
cualquiera {m} :: a person of no importance; a nobody, zero
cualquiera {f} [slang] :: a female prostitute
cuan {adv} [rare] :: how, to what extent
cuán {adv} :: Accented form of cuan (used when interrogative or exclamatory)
cuando {adv} :: when
cuando {conj} :: when
cuándo {adv} [interrogative] :: when
cuando el gato no está, los ratones bailan {proverb} :: when the cat's away the mice will play
cuando el gato no está los ratones están de fiesta {proverb} :: when the cat's away the mice will play
cuando las ranas críen pelo {phrase} [idiomatic] :: that'll be the day; never; when pigs fly
cuando llueve, diluvia {proverb} :: when it rains, it pours
cuando menos {adv} [idiomatic] :: at least
cuando no {prep} :: if not
cuando quiera {adv} :: whenever
cuando seas padre comerás huevos {phrase} :: Age gives you privileges; when you get older you can do more things
cuaño {m} [Oaxaca] :: squirrel
cuántas {pron} [in interrogative forms] :: how many
cuantía {f} :: quantity
cuantía {f} :: importance
cuantía {f} :: extent
cuantía {f} [legal] :: damages
cuántico {adj} :: quantum
cuantificable {adj} :: quantifiable
cuantificación {f} :: quantification
cuantificador {adj} :: quantifying
cuantificador {m} :: quantifier
cuantificadora {f} :: feminine noun of cuantificador
cuantificar {v} :: to count, number, quantify
cuantil {m} :: quantile
cuantioso {adj} :: abundant; copious
cuantísimo {adj} :: superlative of cuanto
cuantitativamente {adv} :: quantitatively
cuantitativo {adj} :: quantitative
cuantito {adj} :: diminutive of cuanto
cuantización {f} :: quantization
cuantizar {vt} [physics] :: to quantize
cuanto {pron} :: whatever quantity, as much, however much
cuanto {adj} :: as much [of]; as many; however much; however many
cuanto {adj} [after “unos”] :: few; quite a few; a handful
cuanto {adj} [with comparatives] :: however much; however many; (constructing parallel comparatives) “the..., the...”
cuanto {adv} :: as much; however much; in whatever quantity
cuanto {m} [physics] :: quantum
cuánto {adv} :: how much; how many
cuánto {adj} :: how much; how many
cuanto a {prep} :: alternative form of en cuanto a
cuanto antes {adv} :: as soon as possible
cuánto cuesta {phrase} :: How much does it cost?
cuánto es {phrase} :: How much does it cost?
cuanto quiera que {conj} :: however
cuanto quiera que {conj} :: as; given that; seeing as
cuántos años tienes {phrase} :: how old are you
cuánto tiempo {phrase} :: how long
cuánto tiempo {phrase} :: long time
cuánto tiempo {phrase} :: long time no see
cuáquera {f} :: feminine noun of cuáquero
cuaquerismo {m} :: Quakerism
cuáquero {adj} :: Quaker
cuáquero {m} :: Quaker
cuara {m} [Panama] :: quarter (25 cent coin)
cuarango {m} [botany, Peru] :: quinine tree, a species of the cinchona tree (Cinchona condaminea)
cuarcita {f} :: quartzite
cuarcítico {adj} [attributive] :: quartz
cuarenta {num} :: forty
cuarentañera {f} :: feminine noun of cuarentañero
cuarentañero {adj} :: around forty years old
cuarentañero {m} :: someone in their forties
cuarentas {fp} :: forties (19402)
cuarentavo {m} :: fortieth
cuarenta y cinco {num} :: forty-five
cuarenta y cuatro {num} :: forty-four
cuarenta y dos {num} :: forty-two
cuarenta y nueve {num} :: forty-nine
cuarenta y ocho {num} :: forty-eight
cuarenta y seis {num} :: forty-six
cuarenta y siete {num} :: forty-seven
cuarenta y tres {num} :: forty-three
cuarenta y uno {num} :: forty-one
cuarentena {f} [medicine] :: quarantine
cuarentena {f} :: forty days
cuarentena {f} :: forties (decade of one's life from age 40 through age 49)
cuarentón {m} :: fortysomething
cuarentona {f} :: feminine noun of cuarentón
cuaresma {f} :: Lent
Cuaresma {prop} {f} :: Lent
cuaresmal {adj} :: Lenten (of or pertaining to Lent)
cuaresmeño {adj} [attributive] :: Lent
cuarraco {adj} [Mexico] :: hobbling; limping
cuarta {f} [Mexico] :: whip, notably riding whip
cuarta {f} :: handspan
cuarteado {adj} :: quartered
cuarteado {adj} :: cut up
cuarteador {m} :: A ploughman
cuarteadura {f} :: crack (damage)
cuartear {v} :: to quarter
cuartear {v} :: to crack, crack up
cuartear {v} [bullfighting] :: to dodge, swerve
cuartear {v} :: to zigzag up/down a street
cuartel {m} :: quarters (military lodging)
cuartel {m} :: barracks
cuartel {m} :: military headquarters
cuartel {m} :: quarter; mercy (as in, "to give quarter")
cuartelar {v} [heraldry] :: to quarter
cuartelario {adj} [attributive] :: barracks
cuartelazo {m} :: uprising, revolt
cuartelero {adj} [attributive] :: barracks
cuartelillo {m} :: diminutive of cuartel
cuartelito {m} :: diminutive of cuartel
cuartería {f} :: working-class neighbourhood
Cuartero {prop} {m} :: surname
cuarterón {m} :: quadroon (person of one-quarter African descent)
cuarterona {f} :: feminine noun of cuarterón
cuarteta {f} :: A four-line strophe with consonant rhyming
cuartetero {adj} [attributive] :: quartet
cuartetero {m} :: A singer in a quartet
cuarteto {m} [music] :: quartet
cuarteto {m} :: foursome
cuartico {m} :: pejorative of cuarto
cuártico {adj} :: quartic
cuartil {m} :: quartile
cuartilla {f} :: (A5-size) sheet of paper
cuartilla {f} :: cuartilla (money)
cuartilla {f} :: pastern of a horse
cuartillo {m} :: diminutive of cuarto
cuartito {m} :: diminutive of cuarto, a small room
cuarto {adj} :: fourth
cuarto {m} :: fourth in a series
cuarto {m} :: quarter
cuarto {m} :: the fourth equal part
cuarto {m} :: part of an animal, as forequarter or hindquarter
cuarto {m} [astronomy] :: some phases of an heavenly body (Moon, Venus, etc.):
cuarto {m} :: room, chamber, enclosed section of a structure
cuarto {m} :: bedroom
cuarto {m} [Andalusian, Dominican Republic, slang, plural] :: money
cuarto {m} [historical] :: An old coin equivalent to four maravedís
cuarto de baño {m} :: bathroom
cuartofinalista {mf} :: quarterfinalist
cuarto oscuro {m} :: darkroom
cuartucho {m} [colloquial] :: small or poor quality bedroom
cuartucho {m} [colloquial] :: hovel
cuarzita {f} [dated] :: alternative form of cuarcita
cuarzo {m} :: quartz (mineral)
cuarzo ahumado {m} :: smoky quartz
cuarzo lechoso {m} [mineral] :: milky quartz
cuásar {m} [astronomy] :: quasar
cuasi {adv} :: quasi, almost
cuasicriminal {adj} :: bordering on criminal; quasicriminal
cuasicristal {m} :: quasicrystal
cuasigrupo {m} :: quasigroup
cuasijudicial {adj} :: quasi-judicial
cuasipartícula {f} :: quasiparticle
cuasitotalitario {adj} :: quasi-totalitarian
cuata {f} :: feminine noun of cuate
cuate {mf} [Mexico] :: twin (fraternal)
cuate {mf} [Mexico] :: buddy, friend
cuaterna {f} [maths] :: quadruple
cuaternario {adj} :: quaternary
cuaternario {m} [geology] :: Quaternary
Cuaternario {prop} {m} :: Quaternary
cuaternión {m} :: quaternion
cuática {f} [Chile, colloquial] :: scandal
cuático {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: exaggerated, scandalous
cuático {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: curious, rare
cuático {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: A pretentious, annoying, and contemptuous, snob
cuatitud {f} [Mexico] :: cronyism
cuatreña {f} :: feminine noun of cuatreño
cuatreño {m} :: A young bull between four and five years old
cuatrera {f} :: feminine noun of cuatrero
cuatrero {m} :: rustler, stock thief
cuatri {m} :: quad; quad bike
cuatribanda {adj} :: [[four-band
cuatricentenario {m} :: four hundred year anniversary
cuatriciclo {f} :: ATV
cuatridimensional {adj} [algebraic geometry, physics] :: four-dimensional
cuatrienal {adj} :: four-year, quadrennial
cuatrienal {adj} :: every four years, quadrennial
cuatrienio {m} :: quadrennium, period of four years
cuatrilingüe {adj} :: quadrilingual
cuatrilliza {f} :: feminine noun of cuatrillizo
cuatrillizo {m} :: quadruplet
cuatrillo {m} :: An obsolete letter shaped like a 4 with a hook from colonial Mayan orthographies to indicate a velar ejective
cuatrillón {m} :: a quadrillion
cuatrimestral {adj} :: occurring every four months
cuatrimestralmente {adv} :: quarterly
cuatrimestre {m} :: period of four months
cuatrimestre {adj} :: that is four months long
cuatrimotista {mf} :: quad bike driver
cuatrimoto {f} :: ATV
cuatrimotor {m} :: A four-engined plane
cuatripala {adj} :: four-bladed
cuatripartidismo {m} :: four-party system
cuatripartito {adj} :: four-party
cuatriplaza {adj} :: four-seat
cuatriplicar {vtp} :: to quadruple
cuatrisoleado {m} [military] :: Someone with a four-star rank
cuatro {num} :: four
cuatro {m} :: A four-stringed guitar with the first string a fifth below, instead of a fourth above, the second
cuatrocentista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the 15th century
Cuatro Ciénegas {prop} :: Cuatro Ciénegas (city)
cuatrocientos {num} :: four hundred
cuatro gatos {m} [idiomatic] :: very few people, almost nobody; just one man and his dog
cuatro gatos {m} :: See: es cuatro gatos
cuatromil {m} :: a mountain 4000-4999 metres high
cuatro ojos {m} [idiom, pejorative] :: four eyes
cuatro ojos ven más que dos {proverb} [idiomatic] :: two heads are better than one
cuatro reglas {fp} :: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Cuauhtémoc {prop} {m} :: Cuauhtémoc (Aztec ruler)
Cuauhtémoc {prop} {m} :: Cuauhtémoc (borough)
Cuauhtémoc {prop} {m} [Mexico] :: given name
cuautuza {f} :: agouti (Dasyprocta sp.)
cuautuza {f} :: lowland paca (Cuniculus paca)
cuba {f} :: barrel
Cuba {prop} {f} :: Cuba (island/and/country)
cubalibre {m} :: rum and cola
cubalibre {m} :: cocktail
cubana {f} :: Cuban (someone from Cuba)
cubana {f} :: titfuck, titwank (mammary intercourse)
cubanía {f} :: Cuban-ness
cubanísimo {adj} :: superlative of cubano
cubanismo {m} :: Cubanism
cubanita {f} :: feminine noun of cubanito
cubanito {m} :: diminutive of cubano
cubanito {m} [Cuba] :: A cocktail of rum and tomato juice
cubanito {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: An ice cream cone filled with dulce de leche
cubanito {m} [Uruguay] :: A sweet biscuit filled with dulce de leche or cream and covered in chocolate
cubanización {f} :: Cubanization
cubanizar {v} :: to Cubanize
cubano {adj} :: Cuban
cubano {m} :: Cuban (a person from Cuba)
cubanoamericana {f} :: feminine noun of cubanoamericano
cubanoamericano {adj} :: Cuban-American
cubanoamericano {m} :: Cuban-American
cubanoestadounidense {mf} :: Cuban-American
cubanoide {mf} [pejorative] :: Cuban who dislikes or speaks badly of Cuba
cubanólogo {m} :: Cubanologist
cubata {f} :: dark rum and coke
cubeo {adj} :: Cubeo
cubeo {mf} :: Cubeo
cubeo {m} :: Cubeo (language)
cubera {f} :: feminine noun of cubero
cubero {m} :: barrelmaker
cubero {m} :: cuber (someone who can (easily) solve a Rubik's Cube)
cubertería {f} :: cutlery
cubertería {f} :: cutlery set
cubeta {f} [Honduras, Mexico] :: bucket, pail (container)
cubeta {f} :: cuvette
cubetera {f} [Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela] :: ice cube tray
cubeto {adj} [bullfighting] :: Having downward-facing horns
cubicación {f} :: cubing
cubicación {f} :: cubic measurement, measurement of volume
cubicaje {m} :: cubic capacity
cubicar {vt} [arithmetic] :: to cube (to raise to the third power)
cubicar {vt} :: to measure the volume of
cúbico {adj} :: cubic
cubículo {m} :: cubicle
cubierta {f} :: cover, covering, casing, lid, shroud
cubierta {f} :: cover, jacket (of a book)
cubierta {f} :: envelope (i.e. any natural covering), sheath (a structure covering an animal or plant organ)
cubierta {f} :: sheath (for cables)
cubierta {f} :: roof (exterior part)
cubierta {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Spain, Uruguay] :: tire
cubierta {f} :: hood (e.g. hood for a pipe or a fish tank)
cubierta {f} :: shell (e.g. for capsules)
cubierta {f} :: cover (pretext, false background)
cubierta {f} [nautical] :: deck
cubierto {adj} :: covered
cubierto {adj} [accounting] :: hedged (e.g. hedged item)
cubierto {m} :: cutlery
cubierto {m} :: silverware, flatware [used in the plural]
cubierto {m} :: place setting
cubijar {v} :: alternative spelling of cobijar
cubil {m} :: lair, den
cubilete {m} :: small cube (e.g. a stock cube)
cubilete {m} :: (small) cake mould
cubilete {m} :: A dish consisting of ground meat and stock
cubilete {m} :: A cup, especially one used for a dice game
cubismo {m} :: cubism
cubista {adj} [arts] :: cubist, cubistic
cubista {mf} [arts] :: cubist
cúbit {m} [computing] :: qubit
cubital {adj} :: cubital
cubital anterior {m} :: flexor carpi ulnaris
cubiteña {f} :: feminine noun of cubiteño
cubiteño {adj} :: Of or from Sierra de Cubitas
cubiteño {m} :: Someone from Sierra de Cubitas
cubito {m} :: ice cube (clipping of cubito de hielo)
cúbito {m} :: ulna
cubo {m} :: cube
cubo {m} :: bucket
cubo de hielo {m} :: ice cube
cubo de Rubik {m} :: Rubik's cube
cuboide {m} [geometry] :: cuboid
cuboideo {adj} [anatomy] :: cuboid
cuboideonavicular {adj} [anatomy] :: cuboideonavicular
cuboides {m} :: cuboid bone
cubomedusa {f} :: box jellyfish
cubozoo {m} [zoology] :: cubozoan
cubreasientos {m} :: seat cover
cubrebocas {m} [medical] :: mask
cubrecama {m} :: bedspread
cubrefuego {m} :: curfew
cubreobjetos {m} :: coverslip
cubreplatos {m} :: cloche, dome-shaped tableware cover, usually metallic
cubreradiadores {m} :: radiator cover
cubrición {f} [zoology] :: covering
cubriente {adj} :: covering
cubrimiento {m} :: covering
cubrir {vt} :: to cover
cubrir {v} [zoology] :: to cover, to mount
cubrir {vr} :: to cover oneself
cubrirse {v} :: reflexive of cubrir
cuca {f} :: chufa, earth almond, Cyperus esculentus
cuca {f} [entomology] :: caterpillar
cuca {f} [colloquial] :: woman who likes to gamble
cuca {f} [colloquial] :: hag, bogeywoman
cuca {f} [colloquial] :: penis
cuca {f} [Colombia] :: cookie made of wheat flour and panela
cuca {f} [vulgar, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Venezuela] :: pussy (vagina)
cucaburra {f} :: kookaburra
cucada {f} [colloquial] :: cutie; something cute as hell
cucal {m} :: coucal
cucal {m} :: common walnut
cucaña {f} :: greasy pole (party game of climbing or walking on a slippery pole)
cucaña {f} :: piece of cake (easy task)
cucaña {f} :: bargain
cucapá {adj} :: Cocopah
cucapá {mf} :: Cocopah
cucaracha {f} :: cockroach
cucarachero {m} :: wren (bird)
cucarachero {m} :: Any of various wrens or wren-like birds
cucarachero {m} [Cuba, Colombia, Panamá] :: a cockroach-infested location
cucarachón {m} :: augmentative of cucaracha
cucarda {f} :: cockade
cuchar {vt} [Asturias] :: to dress with manure
cuchara {f} :: spoon
cuchara {f} [Guatemala, Venezuela, colloquial] :: cunt
cucharada {f} :: A spoonful, tablespoon: the quantity held in a tablespoon
cucharada de té {f} :: teaspoon (unit of measure)
cuchara de sopa {f} :: soupspoon
cucharadita {f} :: diminutive of cucharada
cucharadita {f} :: A teaspoon, spoonful, teaspoonful: the quantity held in a teaspoon
cucharear {vt} :: to spoon (use a spoon)
cucharear {vi} :: to spoon (cuddle)
cucharilla {f} :: diminutive of cuchara
cucharilla {f} :: teaspoon
cucharita {f} :: diminutive of cuchara
cucharita {f} :: teaspoon
cucharón {m} :: augmentative of cuchara
cucharón {m} :: ladle, scoop, large spoon
cuchi {m} :: pig
cuchi {interj} :: used to call a pig or other animal
cuchi {adj} [Venezuela] :: cute, adorable, lovely
cuchí {m} :: pig
cuchí {interj} :: used to call a pig or other animal
cuchichear {v} :: to whisper
cuchicheo {m} :: whisper, whispering
cuchichí {interj} :: The cry of a partridge
cuchi cuchi {m} [colloquial, humorous, Latin America] :: hanky panky (sexual activity)
cuchilla {f} :: knife
cuchilla {f} :: cleaver
cuchilla {f} :: blade of a sword
cuchilla {f} :: hogback
cuchilla {f} :: gore (of a road)
cuchilla {f} :: razor blade
cuchillada {f} :: stab
cuchillada {f} :: stabwound, stab wound
cuchillera {f} :: feminine noun of cuchillero
cuchillería {f} :: the manufacture of cutlery
cuchillería {f} :: a cutlery shop
cuchillero {m} :: knife salesman; cutler
cuchillero {m} :: one who kills with a knife, especially an assassin or ruffian
cuchillita {f} :: diminutive of cuchilla
cuchillito {m} :: diminutive of cuchillo: little knife; small knife
cuchillo {m} :: knife
cuchillo {m} :: blade of knife
cuchillón {m} :: augmentative of cuchillo
cuchitril {m} :: hovel, shack
cuchuchear {v} :: to whisper
cuchufleta {f} :: jibe
cuclilla {f} [weighlifting] :: squat
cuclillo {m} :: cuckoo (bird)
cuclillo {m} :: cuckold
cuco {m} :: cuckoo
cuco {m} [folklore] :: bogeyman (ghost or monster to scare children)
cucú {adj} [colloquial] :: demented, crazy
cucú {m} :: cuckoo
cucumisina {f} [protein] :: cucumisin
cucurbitácea {f} :: cucurbit
cucurbitacina {f} :: cucurbitacin
cucuruca {f} [Honduras, colloquial] :: drunkenness
cucurucho {m} :: A cone made of paper or other material and used to contain candy or other small items
cucurucho {m} :: An elongated, pointed hood draped in cloth, traditionally worn by some participants of Holy Week processions in several Hispanic countries
cucurucho {m} [colloquial, Caribbean, Central America] :: The highest part of a tree, house, building, etc
cucurucho {m} [colloquial, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Venezuela] :: a cone-shaped hill
cucurucho {m} [colloquial, Costa Rica, Honduras] :: summit (of a hill or mountain)
Cúcuta {prop} :: Cúcuta (city)
cucuteña {f} :: feminine noun of cucuteño
cucuteño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Cúcuta, Colombia
cucuteño {m} :: Someone from the city of Cúcuta
cudicia {f} :: obsolete form of codicia
cueca {f} :: cueca
cuellecito {m} :: diminutive of cuello
cuelliblanco {adj} :: said of a number of species of bird with a white neck
cuellilargo {adj} :: longnecked
cuellinegro {adj} :: black-throated or black-necked
cuellirrojo {adj} :: red-necked
cuello {m} :: neck (part of body connecting the head and the torso)
cuello {m} :: collar (part of a shirt fitting around the neck)
cuello de botella {m} :: bottleneck
cuelpo {m} [Puerto Rico] :: pronunciation spelling of cuerpo
cuenca {f} [anatomy] :: eye socket
cuenca {f} :: watershed, catchment basin
cuenca {f} :: valley
Cuenca {prop} {f} :: Cuenca (province)
Cuenca {prop} {f} :: Cuenca (city)
Cuenca {prop} {f} :: Cuenca (city)
cuencana {f} :: feminine noun of cuencano
cuencano {adj} :: of or relating to Cuenca or something from Cuenca
cuencano {m} :: a person from Cuenca
cuenco {m} :: bowl
cuenquito {m} :: diminutive of cuenco
cuenta {f} :: count, tally
cuenta {f} [mathematics] :: operation
cuenta {f} :: bill
cuenta {f} :: tab (e.g. at a bar or pub)
cuenta {f} [computing] :: account
cuenta {f} [sports] :: count (in boxing)
cuenta {f} :: report
cuenta {f} :: score (rivalry)
cuenta {f} :: bead (small spherical object)
cuenta {f} :: required or desired amount/number
cuenta atrás {f} :: countdown
cuenta bancaria {f} :: bank account
cuentachistes {m} :: comedian
cuenta corriente {f} [banking] :: current account
cuentacuentos {mf} :: storyteller
cuenta de resultados {f} [financial] :: income statement
cuentagotas {m} :: dropper
cuentahabiente {mf} :: account holder
cuentakilómetros {m} :: milometer, odometer
cuentapropia {f} :: only used in por cuentapropia
cuentapropismo {m} :: self-employment
cuentapropista {mf} [Argentina, Cuba, Uruguay] :: self-employed person (in most other Spanish-speaking countries, this would be referred to as a "trabajador por cuenta propia" and/or "trabajador autónomo")
cuenta regresiva {f} :: countdown
cuentario {m} :: storytelling
cuentarrevoluciones {m} :: tachometer
cuentas anales {fp} :: anal beads
cuentas de la lechera {fp} [idiomatic] :: wishful thinking
cuéntaselo a Rita {interj} [idiom, colloquial] :: yeah right, sure, pull the other one (an expression of disbelief)
cuentecillo {m} :: diminutive of cuento
cuentera {f} :: feminine noun of cuentero
cuentero {m} :: informer, tattler
cuentista {mf} :: storyteller
cuentista {mf} :: liar, deceiver
cuentístico {adj} [attributive] :: short storytelling
cuentístico {f} :: short story telling
cuentito {m} :: diminutive of cuento
cuento {m} :: story
cuento {m} [obsolete] :: one million
cuento chino {m} :: tall tale
cuento chino {m} [idiom] :: baloney, bull, nonsense, hogwash
cuento de fantasmas {m} :: ghost story
cuento de hadas {m} :: fairy tale
cuentoterapia {f} :: story therapy
cuera {f} :: w:en:buff coat
cuerazo {m} [Latin America] :: whipping, whip
cuerazo {m} [Latin America] :: fall
cuerazo {m} [Latin America] :: a man's or woman's attractive body
cuerazo {m} [Latin America] :: babe, hotty (attractive woman)
cuerda {f} :: rope, cord, string
cuerda {f} [geometry, architecture, aeronautics] :: chord
cuerda {f} [music] :: string (of a musical stringed instrument)
cuerda {f} :: clockwork
cuerda {f} [Caribbean, historical] :: 3929 square meters
cuerdamente {adv} :: wisely; prudently
cuerdas vocales {fp} :: vocal chords
cuerdo {adj} :: sane
cuerdo {adj} :: prudent
cuerear {vt} [Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela] :: to prepare leather [all of, or part of, the whole process including the killing, the skinning, the drying, or the transporting]
cuerear {vt} [Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua] :: to flay; to whip [with a leather belt]
cuerito {m} :: diminutive of cuero
cueriza {f} [Latin America] :: beating
cuerna {f} :: antlers
cuerna {f} :: horn (for drinking out of)
cuerna {f} :: horn (for hunting)
Cuernavaca {prop} :: Cuernavaca (city)
Cuernavaca {prop} :: Cuernavaca (municipality)
cuerno {m} :: horn
cuerno {m} [breads] :: croissant
cuerno {m} [usually, in the plural, colloquial] :: sexual or marital infidelity
cuerno {m} [weapons, Mexico, Central America] :: AK-47
Cuerno de África {prop} {m} :: Cuerno de África (peninsula)
cuerno de chivo {m} :: caltrop
cuerno de chivo {m} [slang] :: AK-47, Kalashnikov
cuernos {adv} :: the hell, on earth (for emphasis after a question word)
cuero {m} :: leather
cuero {m} :: animal skin, hide
cuero {m} [soccer] :: football (ball)
cuero {m} [Latin America, slang] :: a man's or woman's attractive body
cuero {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: prostitute
cuero cabelludo {m} :: scalp
cuerona {f} [colloquial, Latin America] :: babe, totty, hottie
cuerpazo {m} :: great, sexy body
cuerpear {v} :: to dodge, avoid
cuerpecillo {m} :: diminutive of cuerpo
cuerpecito {m} :: diminutive of cuerpo
cuerpito {m} :: diminutive of cuerpo; small body
cuerpo {m} :: body (the physical structure of a human or animal)
cuerpo {m} :: body, torso
cuerpo {m} :: body, corpse
cuerpo {m} :: body (unified collection of information)
cuerpo {m} :: body (comparative viscosity of a liquid)
cuerpo {m} :: corps, body, organization (group of people with a common purpose)
cuerpo {m} [military, police] :: corps, force (e.g. army corps, police force)
cuerpo {m} [geometry] :: body (three-dimensional object)
cuerpo {m} [printing] :: body (shank of a type)
cuerpo {m} [algebra] :: field
cuerpo basal {m} [cytology] :: basal body
cuerpo calloso {m} :: corpus callosum
cuerpo celeste {m} :: celestial body
cuerpo de agua {m} :: body of water
cuerpo del delito {m} [legal] :: corpus delicti
Cuerpo de Paz {prop} {m} :: Peace Corps (US volunteerism agency)
cuerpo estriado {m} [anatomy] :: corpus striatum
cuerpo extraño {m} :: foreign body
cuerpo fructífero {m} [mycology] :: fruiting body
cuerpo muerto {m} [nautical] :: mooring block
cuerpo negro {m} :: blackbody
cuerporruín {m} :: whippoorwill
cuerpo serrano {f} [Spain, of a person, idiom, colloquial] :: an attractive body
cuervillo {m} :: crow (Corvus)
cuervillo {m} :: glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)
cuervillo {m} :: white-faced ibis (Plegadis chihi; see cuervillo de cañada, cuervo del pantano)
cuervo {m} :: crow (the bird)
cuervo {m} :: raven
cuervo de cabeza negra {m} [Uruguay] :: black vulture
cuesco {m} :: stone (of fruit)
cuesco {m} [vulgar, slang] :: raspberry tart; toot (flatulence)
cuesta {f} [geology] :: slope (acclivity or declivity)
cuesta {f} [geography] :: cuesta
Cuesta {prop} :: Cuesta (surname)
cuesta abajo {adv} :: downhill
cuesta abajo {f} :: downhill
cuesta arriba {adv} :: uphill
cuesta arriba {f} :: uphill
cuestación {f} :: sponsoring; fundraising
cuestión {f} :: matter, question, issue
cuestión {f} [nonstandard, anglicism, From English question] :: question
cuestión {f} [Chile, colloquial] :: thing
cuestionable {adj} :: questionable
cuestionador {adj} :: questioning
cuestionador {m} :: questioner
cuestionadora {f} :: feminine noun of cuestionador
cuestionamiento {m} :: action or effect of questioning
cuestionar {v} :: to question (have doubts about)
cuestionario {m} :: questionnaire
cuestión de tiempo {f} [idiomatic] :: a matter of time
cuestor {m} :: quaestor
cuete {m} :: firecracker
cuete {m} [Mexico, Honduras] :: pistol
cuete {m} [Mexico] :: stick of dynamite
cuete {m} [Chile] :: joint (marijuana cigarette)
cuete {m} [Mexico] :: drunkenness
cuete {m} [Latin America] :: fart
cuetear {v} [colloquial, Latin America] :: to crack, bang, pop (making sudden percussive noise)
cuetear {v} [colloquial, Latin America] :: to fart
cuetear {v} [colloquial, Latin America] :: to explode
cuetillo {m} [Bolivia] :: firework
cueto {m} :: hilltop
Cueto {prop} :: given name
Cueto {prop} :: surname
cueva {f} :: cave
cueva {f} :: basement, cellar
Cueva {prop} :: surname
cuévano {m} :: hamper
Cuevas {prop} {f} :: surname
cuico {m} [Chile, colloquial, pejorative] :: A rich person, a snob, a social climber
cuico {adj} [Chile, colloquial, pejorative] :: pertaining to the similarities in quality of a rich person, or one who pretends to be one, or of a snob
cuidacoches {mf} :: synonym of franelero
cuidadito {m} :: diminutive of cuidado
cuidado {interj} :: watch out!
cuidado {interj} :: beware!
cuidado {interj} :: be careful!
cuidado {m} :: care (close attention; concern)
cuidado {m} :: care (maintenance, upkeep)
cuidado {m} :: care (the treatment of those in need)
cuidador {m} :: keeper, caretaker
cuidadora {f} :: feminine noun of cuidador
cuidadosamente {adv} :: carefully
cuidadoso {adj} :: careful
cuidao {m} :: pronunciation spelling of cuidado
cuidao {interj} :: pronunciation spelling of cuidado
cuidapalos {m} [Latin America] :: goalkeeper
cuidar {vti} :: to take care of, to care for
cuidar {vt} :: to look after, to look out for, to keep an eye on, to guard, to protect, to watch over, to watch out for [implies doing so with care]
cuidar {vt} :: to mind, to watch, to pay attention
cuidar {v} :: to babysit
cuidar {v} :: to keep, to sit on (e.g. one's house, keeping the place in order)
cuidar {vt} :: to nurse, to nurture, to tend, to tend to, to attend to (e.g. nurse back to health, to tend a garden or yard, tend to a herd or flock)
cuidar {vr} :: to take care, to take care of, to look after, to care for (oneself)
cuidar {vr} :: to be careful of/with, to beware, to watch out for, to be wary of (+ de)
cuidarse {v} :: to take care of oneself
cuidarse {v} :: reflexive of cuidar
cuilta {f} [Louisiana] :: quilt
cuina {f} [usually, colloquial, Costa Rica, Mexico] :: queen (playing card)
cuita {m} :: worry, trouble, grief
cuitar {v} :: obsolete form of acuitar
cuitar {vr} [obsolete] :: to hurry (do things quickly)
cuitlacoche {m} [Mexico] :: corn smut
culandrón {m} [vulgar, pejorative] :: faggot, fag (male homosexual)
culantrillo {m} :: Any of a number of plants
culantrillo {m} :: Adiantum amplum, of Mexico and Ecuador
culantrillo {m} :: Adiantum capillus-veneris (black maidenhair fern)
culantrillo {m} :: Asplenium ceterach (rustyback)
culantrillo {m} :: Lemna gibba (fat duckweed)
culantrillo {m} :: Torilis japonica (upright hedge-parsley)
culantro {m} :: alternative form of cilantro
culantro {m} [euphemistic, colloquial, Costa Rica, Mexico] :: Butt, buttocks
culata {f} :: butt (of a gun)
culata {f} :: breechblock (of a cannon)
culata {f} :: cylinder head
culatazo {m} :: hit with the back part of a gun
culatín {m} [archery] :: nock
culazo {m} :: augmentative of culo
culé {adj} [football, attributive] :: A person connected with FC Barcelona, as a player, fan, coach etc
culeable {adj} :: fuckable, shaggable
culeada {f} :: assfucking
culeado {adj} [Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Nicaragua, colloquial] :: fucked person
culear {v} [vulgar, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Nicaragua and Venezuela] :: to fuck (sexually), especially in the anus
culear {v} [vulgar, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Nicaragua and Venezuela] :: to fuck (to abuse). [Compare the English use of fuck to express great displeasure with someone or something.]
culebra {f} :: snake, serpent (legless reptile of the sub-order Serpentes)
culebra {f} [specifically] :: (colubrid) snake (snake in the family Colubridae, completely covered in scales and mostly nonvenomous)
culebra {f} [specifically] :: a small snake
culebreante {adj} :: winding, windy
culebrear {v} :: to wiggle, slither
culebrear {v} :: to meander
culebrear {v} :: to zigzag
culebrera {f} :: Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arum maculatum)
culebrera {f} :: serpent eagle
culebrilla {f} :: diminutive of culebra
culebrina {f} :: culverin
culebro {m} [obsolete] :: snake, serpent
culebrón {m} :: soap; soap opera
culebrón {m} :: large snake
culebrón {m} :: crafty person
culeca {f} :: alternative spelling of clueca
culeco {m} [Panama] :: A festival in which those attending get a soaking
culeramente {adv} :: lazily
culero {adj} [Mexico] :: ugly, lackluster (unpleasant or possessing bad quality)
culero {m} :: asshole, arsehole (lit.)
culero {m} :: drug mule
culero {m} :: sluggard
culero {m} :: diaper, nappy
culero {m} [Mexico] :: coward
culero {m} [Mexico, vulgar] :: a mean or bad person, a person whom the speaker dislikes: an "asshole"/"arsehole"
culero {m} [El Salvador, Honduras, vulgar, offensive] :: a homosexual person
culiado {m} [vulgar, Chile] :: asshole
culiao {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: pronunciation spelling of culeado
culiar {v} [Chile, vulgar, slang] :: to fuck (have sex with)
culiblanco {adj} :: white-bottomed; white-rumped
culicagada {f} :: feminine noun of culicagado
culicagado {m} [especially, Colombia] :: shit for brains; dumb-ass; twat
culicagado {m} [pejorative, especially, Colombia] :: A young child
culichi {adj} :: Of or from Culiacán
culichi {mf} :: Someone from Culiacán
culillo {m} :: diminutive of culo
culín {m} [Spain] :: jigger
culín {m} [Spain] :: small serving of cider
culinariamente {adv} :: culinarily
culinario {adj} :: culinary
culipardo {adj} [vulgar] :: Of or pertaining to Ciudad Real
culipardo {m} [vulgar] :: Someone from Ciudad Real
culito {m} :: diminutive of culo
culmen {m} :: height, epitome, high point
culminación {f} :: climax
culminante {adj} :: culminating
culminar {v} :: to culminate
culminar {v} :: to reach the highest point
cúlmine {adj} :: culminating, high
culmo {m} :: culm
culo {m} [vulgar, in Latin America, slang, anatomy] :: ass, arse, booty, rear, behind, butt, buttocks
culo {m} [vulgar, slang, anatomy] :: anus
culo del mundo {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: bumfuck nowhere, in the sticks, in the middle of nowhere, arse end of nowhere
culo inquieto {m} [idiom, colloquial] :: someone with itchy feet; a fidgeter
culombio {m} :: coulomb (unit of electrical current)
culón {m} :: augmentative of culo: A person that is ass-heavy, a bubble butt, a rotund individual
culona {f} :: fat-ass (woman with a large bottom)
culoncito {adj} :: diminutive of culón
culote {m} :: culottes
culote {m} [cycling] :: cycling shorts
culote {m} [vulgar] :: (big) ass, big butt
culo veo, culo quiero {phrase} :: Used when someone wants something that another person has
culpa {f} :: fault
culpa {f} :: guilt
culpabilidad {f} :: guilt
culpabilidad {f} :: culpability
culpabilización {f} :: blaming
culpabilizar {v} :: to blame
culpable {adj} :: guilty
culpable {adj} :: culpable
culpable {mf} :: culpable person
culpar {v} :: to blame
culpeo {m} :: culpeo (canid)
culposo {adj} [legal] :: wrongful
culteranismo {m} :: culteranismo
culterano {adj} :: in the culteranismo style
cultísimo {adj} :: superlative of culto
cultismo {m} :: inkhorn word (obscure or affected word)
cultismo {m} [linguistics] :: learned borrowing
cultista {adj} :: cultist
cultista {mf} :: cultist
cultivable {adj} :: arable, cultivable
cultivación {f} :: cultivation
cultivador {m} :: farmer, grower
cultivador {adj} :: farming, agricultural
cultivadora {f} :: feminine noun of cultivador
cultivar {v} [agriculture] :: to cultivate; to grow (plants, etc.)
cultivar {m} [botany, agriculture] :: cultivar
cultivarse {v} :: reflexive of cultivar
cultivo {m} :: crop
cultivo {m} :: growing, cultivation
cultivo {m} :: culture (of bacteria)
culto {adj} :: educated; cultured
culto {adj} [linguistics] :: learned
culto {adj} [rare, of a plant] :: cultivated
culto {m} :: worship (the devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object)
culto {m} :: worship; ritual, rite (the religious ceremonies that express devotion)
culto {m} :: cult (a group or sect of people with a deviant religious, philosophical or cultural identity)
cultor {m} :: grower, harvester
cultora {f} :: grower, harvester
cultual {adj} :: of or relating to a cult or religion
-cultura {suffix} :: -culture
cultura {f} :: culture
cultural {adj} :: cultural (of or relating to culture)
culturalismo {m} :: display of culture
culturalista {adj} :: culturalist
culturalista {mf} :: culturalist
culturalización {f} :: culturalization
culturalizar {v} :: to culturalize
culturalmente {adv} :: culturally
culturar {v} :: to cultivate
cultureta {adj} [Spain] :: snobby, snobbish
cultureta {mf} [Spain] :: snob
culturismo {m} :: bodybuilding
culturista {mf} :: bodybuilder
culturización {f} :: acculturation, enculturation
culturizar {vt} :: to culturalize
culturosa {f} :: feminine noun of culturoso
culturoso {m} :: A highly cultured or refined person
culú {m} [Yucatán] :: raccoon (Procyon lotor)
cuma {m} [slang, Chile] :: rascal, common, vulgar person
cumana {f} :: feminine noun of cumano
cumanagota {f} :: feminine noun of cumanagoto
cumanagoto {adj} :: Cumanagoto
cumanagoto {m} :: Cumanagoto
cumano {adj} :: Cuman
cumano {m} :: Cuman
cumano {m} :: Cuman (language)
cumarina {f} :: coumarin
cumbancha {f} :: merrymaking, fiesta
cumbé {m} :: A type of dance originating in Equatorial Guinea
cumbé {m} :: The music that accompanies this dance
cumbia {f} :: A style of dance and music which originated in Colombia's Caribbean coastal region and Panama and is popular throughout Latin America, or a piece in this style
cumbiera {f} :: feminine noun of cumbiero
cumbiero {m} :: cumbia musician
cumbión {m} :: cumbia song
cumbo {m} [Central America] :: A pumpkin used to carry water
cumbre {f} :: summit, peak, top, hilltop (topmost point or surface, especially of a mountain)
cumbre {f} :: summit (gathering or assembly of leaders)
cumbre {f} [figuratively] :: apex, acme
cumbre {adj} :: main; primary; culminating; peak
cumbrera {f} [architecture] :: ridge
cumbrera {f} [geography] :: peak; summit
cumbrero {adj} :: Inhabiting, or located at, or near, the peak
cumbrero {m} :: Someone inhabiting at, or near, a peak
cumeno {m} [organic compound] :: cumene
cummingtonita {f} [mineral] :: Cummingtonite
cumpa {mf} [Peru, Chile, Argentina] :: mate, buddy
cumple {m} [colloquial] :: clipping of cumpleaños (birthday)
cumpleañera {f} :: feminine noun of cumpleañero
cumpleañero {m} :: birthday boy or -girl (person whose birthday it is)
cumpleaños {m} :: birthday
cumplidamente {adv} :: amply; thoroughly
cumplidísimo {adj} :: superlative of cumplido
cumplido {adj} :: polite, thoughtful
cumplido {m} :: compliment
cumplidor {adj} :: reliable
cumplimentación {f} :: filling out (of a form)
cumplimentar {v} :: to congratulate
cumplimentar {v} :: to fill out/fill in (as a form)
cumplimiento {m} :: compliance
cumplimiento {m} :: fulfillment, completion
cumplimiento {m} :: formality
cumplir {v} :: to comply
cumplir {v} :: to fulfil, to fulfill, to meet (e.g., requirements, prerequisites)
cumplir {v} :: to achieve, to accomplish, to carry out, to perform, to complete, to discharge, to fulfil (e.g., one's duties, responsibilities)
cumplir {v} :: to turn a certain age (usually succeeded by los)
cumplir {v} :: to serve (e.g., a prison sentence, an allotted time of punishment)
cumplir {vr} :: to comply with; to be fulfilled, met, honored, implemented, satisfied, performed, observed, respected, followed
cumplir {vr} :: to be served (e.g. a prison sentence or punishment)
cumplir {vp} :: to come true, to be fulfilled
cumplirse {v} :: to reach, celebrate (a birthday)
cumplirse {v} :: reflexive of cumplir; to fulfill, complete
cumular {vt} :: rare form of acumular
cumulativo {adj} :: alternative form of acumulativo
cúmulo {m} :: pile
cúmulo {m} :: cluster
cúmulo {m} :: cumulus (cloud)
cúmulo estelar {m} [astronomy] :: star cluster
cumulonimbo {m} :: cumulonimbus
cumulonimbus {m} :: cumulonimbus
cuna {f} :: cradle, crib
cuña {f} :: wedge
cuña {f} :: chock (for wheel)
cuña {f} [typography] :: quoin
cuña {f} [colloquial] :: influence, weight, pull
cuña {f} [television, radio] :: slot, spot
cuña {f} [anatomy] :: cuneus (portion of the occipital lobe)
cuña {f} [colloquial, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Rep., El Salvador] :: connections
cuñada {f} :: feminine noun of cuñado, sister-in-law
cuñadismo {m} :: nepotism
cuñadismo {m} :: The tendency to talk about any subject implying to be smarter than anyone else, with total confidence, and without truly knowing anything about it; arrogance
cuñado {m} :: brother-in-law
cuñado {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: know-all
cunaguaro {m} :: Any small spotted jungle cat, usually referring to the ocelot or the oncilla
cunaguaro {m} [Venezuela] :: Leopardus pardalis, ocelot
cuñapé {m} [Bolivia] :: A Bolivian pastry made with cheese and cassava flour
cuña publicitaria {f} :: advert; commercial
cuñar {vt} :: synonym of acuñar
cuncuna {f} [Chile] :: caterpillar (insect)
cuncuna {f} [Chils] :: accordion
cunda {f} [argot, Spain] :: Vehicle that charges money to ride drug addicts to places where they can buy and consume illegal drugs
cundiboyacense {adj} :: Of or from Cundinamarca and Boyacá
Cundinamarca {prop} :: Cundinamarca (department)
cundinamarqués {adj} :: of or from Cundinamarca
cundinamarqués {m} :: Someone from Cundinamarca
cundinamarquesa {f} :: feminine noun of cundinamarqués
cundir {v} [obsolete] :: to fill (of a liquid)
cundir {vr} [colloquial, Spain] :: to do something quickly
cundir {v} :: to spill
cundir {v} :: to propagate
cundir {v} :: to produce something of good quality, yield positive work
cundir {v} :: to spread
cundir {v} :: to expand, extend
cuneado {adj} :: cuneate
cunear {v} :: to rock; cradle
cunear {vr} :: to rock; sway
cuneiforme {adj} :: cuneiform
cuneiforme {m} :: cuneiform
cuneo- {prefix} :: cuneo-
cuneocuboideo {adj} [anatomy] :: cuneocuboid
cuneoescafoideo {adj} [anatomy] :: cuneonavicular
cuneonavicular {adj} [anatomy] :: cuneonavicular
cunero {adj} [bullfighting] :: of unknown or unstated origin
cunero {adj} [politics] :: non-native; from a different district or area
cuneta {f} :: roadside ditch
cuneta {f} :: ditch
cuneta {f} :: gutter
cunilinguo {m} :: alternative form of cunnilinguo
cunita {f} :: diminutive of cuna
cunnilinguo {m} :: cunnilingus
cunnilingus {m} :: cunnilingus
cuño {m} [technical] :: stamp, die-stamp
cuño {m} [figuratively] :: stamp, mark
cunumi {mf} [Bolivia] :: country bumpkin
cunumisada {f} [Bolivia] :: bumpkinish behaviour
cuón {m} :: dhole
cuórum {m} :: alternative spelling of quórum
cuota {f} :: quota
cuota {f} :: installment (portion of debt)
cuotear {vt} [Chile] :: to share out with a quota
cupcake {m} :: cupcake
cupé {m} :: coupé (car)
cupera {f} :: feminine noun of cupero
cupero {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Popular Unity Candidacy, a Spanish political party
cupero {m} :: A member of the Popular Unity Candidacy
cupido {m} :: cupid
Cupido {prop} {m} :: Cupid (god of love, son of Venus)
cuplé {m} :: A type of risqué, bawdy song style popular in Spain around the turn of the 20th century
cupletera {f} :: cuplé singer
cupletista {mf} :: cuplé singer
cupo {m} :: quota
cupo {m} :: capacity
cupo {m} :: available room, space
cupón {m} :: coupon, voucher
cupón catalina {f} :: Catalina coupon
cuponera {f} :: coupon booklet
cúprico {adj} :: cupric
cuprífero {adj} :: cupriferous
cuproníquel {m} :: cupronickel
cúpula {f} [architecture] :: cupola, dome (dome-shaped ornamental structure located on top of a larger roof or dome)
cúpula {f} [figurative] :: leadership
cúpula acebollada {f} :: onion dome
Cúpula de la Roca {prop} {f} :: Dome of the Rock (shrine in Jerusalem)
cúpula gallonada {f} [architecture] :: umbrella dome
cupular {adj} :: cupular
cupularrotonda {f} [geometry] :: cupolarotunda
cupulín {m} :: diminutive of cúpula
cuqui {adj} [colloquial] :: cute, purdy
cuqui {mf} [colloquial] :: cutey
cuquillo {m} :: synonym of cuclillo
cura {f} :: cure (something that restores good health)
cura {f} [Bolivia, Chile, colloquial] :: drunkenness
cura {m} :: priest
cura {f} [Colombia, dated] :: avocado
curable {adj} :: curable
curaca {m} :: kuraka
curacazgo {m} :: An area governed by a kuraka
curación {f} :: cure; treatment
curación {f} :: recovery; recuperation
curadera {f} [Chile] :: drunkenness
curado {adj} :: cured
curado {adj} :: mature [of cheese, bacon, etc.]
curado {adj} :: drunk, intoxicated
curador {m} :: curator
curador {m} :: executor
curador {m} :: trustee
curadora {f} :: feminine noun of curador
curaduría {f} :: curatorship
curaduría {f} :: curation
cural {adj} :: parochial (pertaining to a parish)
curalotodo {m} :: cure-all
curandera {f} :: feminine noun of curandero, female shaman
curandería {f} :: Folk medicine
curanderismo {m} :: Folk medicine
curandero {m} :: shaman, witch doctor
curandero {m} :: quack: one who practices medicine without authority
curandero {m} :: healer
Curanipe {prop} {m} :: Curanipe (city)
curanipeño {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Curanipe
curanipense {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Curanipe
curanipino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Curanipe
curanto {m} :: A seafood, meat and vegetable stew from Chile
curar {v} :: to cure
curar {v} :: to heal
curar {v} :: to restore, heal [the soul]
curar {v} :: to nurse, treat
curar {v} :: to dress [a wound]
curar {v} :: to remedy [an evil]
curar {v} :: to prepare
curar {v} :: to cure, salt, smoke
curar {v} :: to ripen
curar {v} :: to dress, tan [animal hides]
curar {v} :: to season, dry [wood]
curar {v} :: to bleach [linen]
curar {v} :: to intoxicate, make drunk
curar {vr} [curarse] :: to get drunk
curare {m} :: curare
curarse en salud {v} [idiom] :: to play it safe; to be on the safe side
Curasao {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Curazao
curatela {f} :: guardianship; tutorship
curativo {adj} :: curative
curato {m} [religion] :: curate (ministry, also territory)
curatorial {adj} :: curatorial
curatorio {adj} [attributive] :: curation
curazaleña {f} :: feminine noun of curazaleño
curazaleño {adj} :: Curaçaoan
curazaleño {m} :: Curaçaoan
Curazao {prop} {m} :: Curaçao (island)
curazoleña {f} :: feminine noun of curazoleño
curazoleño {adj} :: Curaçaoan
curazoleño {m} :: Curaçaoan (native or inhabitant)
curbinata {f} :: Pacific four-eyed fish (Anableps dowei)
curbinata {f} :: black curbinata (Paglioscion auratus)
cúrcuma {f} :: turmeric (plant)
cúrcuma {f} :: turmeric (spice)
curcumina {f} [organic compound] :: curcumin
curcusilla {f} :: coccyx
curda {f} :: drunkenness; drinking session
curda {f} :: feminine noun of curdo
curdela {adj} [colloquial] :: drunk
curdela {f} [colloquial] :: drunkenness
curdo {adj} :: alternative spelling of kurdo
curdo {m} :: alternative spelling of kurdo
curdo {m} :: alternative spelling of kurdo
cureña {f} :: carriage (of gun)
curepa {f} [Paraguay] :: Argie (Argentinian)
curepí {m} [Paraguay] :: Argie (Argentinian)
curetaje {m} :: curettage
curia {f} :: curia
curial {adj} :: curial
curicana {f} :: feminine noun of curicano
curicano {adj} :: Of or from Curicó
curicano {m} :: Someone from Curicó
curiche {adj} [pejorative, Chile] :: dark colored (of a person)
Curicó {prop} {m} :: Curicó (city)
Curicó {prop} {m} :: Curicó (province)
Curicó {prop} {m} :: Curicó (region)
curil {m} [El Salvador, Honduras] :: pustulose ark Anadara tuberculosa
curio {m} :: curium
curio {m} :: curie
curiosamente {adv} :: curiously, oddly
curiosear {v} :: to snoop
curiosidad {f} :: curiosity
curiosísimo {adj} :: superlative of curioso
curioso {adj} :: curious, inquisitive (person)
curioso {adj} :: interesting
curioso {adj} :: funny, strange, odd
curioso {adj} :: quaint
curioso {m} :: gawker, onlooker
curita {f} [Argentina] :: band-aid (adhesive bandage), sticking plaster, Elastoplast
Curitiba {prop} {f} :: Curitiba (municipality/state capital)
Curlandia {prop} {f} :: Curlandia (region)
curonia {f} :: feminine noun of curonio
curonio {adj} :: Curonian
curonio {m} :: Curonian
currante {adj} :: hard-working
currante {mf} :: worker
currar {v} [colloquial] :: to work
currelar {v} [Spain, colloquial] :: to work
currícula {f} :: curriculum, CV
curricular {adj} :: curricular
currículo {m} :: curriculum
currículo {m} :: curriculum vitae, résumé
currículum {m} :: curriculum vitae
curro {adj} [colloquial] :: handsome, good looking
curro {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: work
curro {m} [Cuba, Mexico] :: Andalusian immigrant living in America
curro {m} [vulgar, Argentina, Uruguay] :: fraud, rip-off, scam
curruca {f} :: warbler (bird of the genus Sylvia)
curruca capirotada {f} :: The blackcap (small bird)
currutaca {f} [vulgar, Nicaragua] :: diarrhea
currutaca {f} [vulgar, dated, El Salvador] :: diarrhea
curry {m} :: curry
currywurst {m} :: currywurst
cursante {mf} [Latin America] :: student (on a course)
cursar {v} :: to attend
cursi {adj} :: corny, cheesy, kitschy, chintzy
cursilada {f} :: synonym of cursilería
cursilería {f} :: corniness, mawkishness
cursilería {f} :: something that is mawkish or corny
cursilísimo {adj} :: superlative of cursi
cursillo {m} :: diminutive of curso: brief course; tutorial
cursito {m} :: diminutive of curso
cursiva {f} :: italics (letters in an italic typeface)
cursivo {adj} [typography] :: italic
curso {m} :: course, trajectory, route, direction
curso {m} :: course (learning program, as in a school)
curso {m} :: course (path, sequence, development, or evolution)
cursor {m} [computing] :: cursor
curtido {adj} :: tanned
curtido {adj} :: weather-beaten, leathery [of skin]
curtido {m} [El Salvador] :: a cabbage salad
curtidor {m} :: tanner
curtidora {f} :: feminine noun of curtidor
curtiduría {f} :: tannery
curtiembre {f} :: tannery
curtir {v} :: to tan, cure (a hide)
curtir {vr} :: to catch a tan
curtir {vr} :: to gain experience
curtosis {f} :: kurtosis
curuba {f} :: banana passionfruit
curueña {f} :: obsolete spelling of cureña
curuja {f} :: burrowing owl
curujey {m} [Cuba] :: Guzmania monostachia, the West Indian tufted airplant
curul {f} [Latin America] :: seat (membership in a governing body)
cururo {m} :: A coruro
curutié {m} :: spinetail
curva {f} :: curve
curva de la felicidad {f} [idiom, humorous] :: beer belly; pot belly; spare tire
curvar {vt} :: to bend
curvatura {f} :: curvature (the shape of something curved)
curveado {adj} :: curvy; windy
curvear {v} :: to curve; to bend; to wind
curvi {adj} :: curvy
curvilíneo {adj} :: curved, curvilinear
curvina {f} :: Any of a number of fish in the Cynoscion genus
curvo {adj} :: curved; bent
curvón {m} :: augmentative of curva; large curve
curvy {adj} :: curvy
cuscatleco {adj} [El Salvador, Honduras] :: pertaining to El Salvador (said of a thing)
Cusco {prop} {m} [official in Peru] :: alternative spelling of Cuzco
Cusco {prop} {m} :: Places in Peru
Cusco {prop} {m} :: Cusco (region)
Cusco {prop} {m} :: Cusco (province)
Cusco {prop} {m} :: Cusco (city/provincial capital)
cuscurro {m} :: crouton
cuscús {m} :: couscous
cush {m} [Guatemala] :: a kind of tree (Ficus sp.)
cusha {f} [Guatemala] :: booze, especially moonshine
cushita {adj} :: Cushitic
cusita {adj} :: Cushitic
cusita {mf} :: Cushite
cúspide {f} :: peak; zenith
cusqueña {f} :: feminine noun of cusqueño
cusqueño {m} [official in Peru] :: alternative spelling of cuzqueño
cusqueño {adj} [official in Peru] :: alternative spelling of cuzqueño
custodia {f} :: custody
custodia {f} :: safekeeping
custodia {f} :: monstrance (an ornamental, often precious receptacle, especially in the Roman Catholic Church, either open or with a transparent cover, in which the Eucharistic Host is placed for veneration)
custodiar {v} :: to guard; watch over
custodio {m} :: guardian
custodio {m} :: keeper
custodio {m} :: custodian
custodio {m} [US Spanish] :: guard
Custodio {prop} :: given name
Custodio {prop} :: surname
customizable {adj} :: customizable
customización {f} :: customization
customizar {vt} :: to customize
cusuco {m} [Central America] :: armadillo
cususa {f} [Central America] :: booze, especially moonshine
cutáneo {adj} :: cutaneous
cúter {m} [nautical] :: cutter (a type of small, single-masted ship)
cúter {m} :: cutter, box cutter (tool used to cut)
Cutervo {prop} :: Cutervo (province)
Cutervo {prop} :: Cutervo (city/provincial capital)
cutí {m} :: ticking
cutícula {f} :: cuticle (hardened skin around the nail)
cuticular {adj} :: cuticular
cutis {m} :: skin (especially that of the face)
cuto {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: missing an arm or forearm from birth, or from disease or an accident
cuto {adj} [dated, colloquial, El Salvador] :: short (said of clothes, especially pants)
cutre {adj} [colloquial, of a thing] :: of bad quality, poor
cutre {adj} [colloquial, of a place] :: shabby, seedy, cheesy
cutre {adj} [colloquial, person] :: stingy, small-minded, scrounger, mean
cutrez {f} :: tackiness, cheesiness
cutrón {adj} :: cheesy; corny
cuuc {m} :: squirrel (Sciurus spp.)
cuy {m} :: guinea pig
cuy {m} :: guinea pig meat (eaten especially in the Andes; see the Wikipedia article)
cuya {pron} :: feminine singular of cuyo
cuyano {adj} :: From or relating to the region of Cuyo Province, Argentina
cuyas {pron} :: feminine plural of cuyo, whose
cuydado {m} :: obsolete spelling of cuidado
cuyo {pron} :: whose
cuyos {pron} :: plural of cuyo, whose
Cuzco {prop} {m} :: Cuzco
cuzqueño {m} :: an inhabitant of Cuzco
cuzqueño {adj} :: From or located at Cuzco
cyberataque {m} :: cyberattack
cyberbullying {m} :: cyberbullying
cyberpunk {m} :: cyberpunk
cyberthriller {m} :: cyberthriller
cyborg {m} :: cyborg
Cygnus {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Cygnus (constellation)
Czartoryski {prop} {mf} :: surname